Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Implementation Is Now A Done Deal, Part 1 of 3

EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS:1of3Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Implementation Is Now a Done Deal

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Wednesday October 31, 2012

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
Implementation Is Now A Done DealPart 1 of 3 

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Exper
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. State Department (absent the current U.S. Secretary of State) have come to an agreement on the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols aka a bilateral agreement on taxation that was directly ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court today, 10-31-12.

Note: The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that Ambassador Leo Wanta was a covert agent and a resident of Austria working on behalf of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and President Ronald Wilson Reagan.
American Patriot
Ambassador Leo Wanta
French President Francois Mitterrand and 
American President Ronald Reagan

Wanta, accordingly, was the proper party to receive all Protocol funds on behalf of the AmeriTrust account in Switzerland, and President Ronald Wilson Reagan, along with French President Francois Mitterrand.