Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hard-Wired Keystroke Loggers Installed in ALL NEW LAPTOPS -since 2005

Laptops Hard-Wired
Government and Computer Manufacturers Have Installed Hard-Wired Keystroke Loggers In All New Laptop Computers!

Turner Radio Network Visit Author's Website <http://fearthegovernment.com/keystroke_logger.html> - October 06, 2007

Turner Radio Network | October 4, 2005

Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your Ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet!

Freedom Of Information Act Requests For Explanation From DHS, 

I figured "No Big Deal", and continued with the disassembly. But when I got the metal panels off, I saw a small white heat shrink-wrapped package. Being ever-curious, I sliced the heat shrink open. I found a little circuit board inside.

Being an EE by trade, this piqued my curiosity considerably. On one side of the board, one Atmel AT45D041A four megabit Flash memory chip.

On the other side, one Microchip Technology PIC16F876 Programmable Interrupt Controller, along with
a little Fairchild Semiconductor CD4066BCM quad bilateral switch.

Looking further, I saw that the other end of the cable was connected to the integrated Ethernet board.

What could this mean? I called the manufacturer's tech support about it, and they said, and I quote, "The integrated service tag identifier is there for assisting customers in the event of lost or misplaced personal information." He then hung up.

A little more research, and I found that that board spliced in between the keyboard and the Ethernet chip is little more than a Key ghost hardware key logger .

The reasons a computer manufacturer would put this in their laptops can only be left up to your imagination. It would be very impractical to hand-analyze the logs, and very CPU-intensive to do so on a computer for every person that purchased a laptop. Why are these key loggers here? I recently almost found out.

I called the police, as having a key logger unknown to me in my laptop is a serious offense. They told me to call the Department of Homeland Security. At this point, I am in disbelief. Why would the DHS have a key logger in my laptop? It was surreal.

So I called them, and they told me to submit a Freedom of Information Act request. This is what I got back:

Under the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) the only items exempt from public disclosure are items relating to "law enforcement tools and techniques" and "items relating to national security."

The real life implications of this are plain: Computer manufacturers appear to be cooperating with the Department of Homeland Security to make every person who buys a new computer subject to immediate, unrestricted government recording of everything they do on those computers! EVERYTHING !

This information can be sent to DHS, online, without your knowledge or consent, without a search warrant or even probable cause! That's why this device is hard-wired directly into the Ethernet card, which communicates over the internet!

I am not certain how long this information will be permitted to remain online for all the world to see before the government takes some type of action to attempt to have it removed from public view. I URGE you to take copy of this page immediately and spread this information to everyone you know immediately! The more people who find out about this, the more can protect themselves and raise a HUGE outcry to force government and computer manufacturers to immediately CEASE installing these devices in new computers!

Since common sense is so rare, I think it should be classified as a Super Power! 
-- Nina Gutierrez

"A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the reign of ignorance that tyranny begins." 
-Benjamin Franklin

Visit LawlessAmerica.com. Watch for LawlessAmerica - the Movie coming late spring 2013/

I am not an Attorney (Lawyer) medical professional or financial adviser or Judge or Tax Expert or expert in anything, I do not offer Legal Advice or any other form of Law. I research and share Information for Fun and Entertainment and for comparison. All the exchanges contained in this email are for personal use only. This private email message, including any attachment[s] is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient[s] and may contain Privileged and/or Confidential Information. Since I Know that I am a Freeborn man with a living Spirit, put here by God, I have accepted The Messiah and the Salvation that he offered through the Redemption process of his Blood,I have Accepted for Value that Blood offer through his Life, Death and Resurrection, I have made him Fiduciary over my Soul.
I am a Living Spirit "One of the People" sent here to live in a Fleshly Body "Dust of the Earth", Living on the Dry Soil, Domiciled in a place called Washington and Living under the Laws and Commandments of YHWH.....Not being the Subject to Slavery or the Unconscionable Contracts of Undisclosed "Assumptions" "Presumptions" "Adhesive" "Invisible" and/or Color of Law and/or wordsmith. 
 MAXIMS OF OF LAW  is the foundation....
       A. The practice of Law CAN NOT be licensed by any state/State Schware v. Board  of Examiners, 353 U.S. 238, 239
       B. The practice of Law is AN OCCUPATION OF COMMON RIGHT!
       Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925) **** 


WARM MILK - - A GOOD ONE ------ Humor

In a convent in Ireland , the 98-year-old Mother Superior lay dying. The nuns had gathered around her bed trying to make her comfortable prior to her departure.

They tried giving her warm milk to drink but she refused it.

One of the nuns took the glass back to the kitchen, whereupon she suddenly remembered a bottle of Irish Whiskey that had been received as a gift the previous Christmas.  Upon locating it, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk. 

Back at Mother Superior 's bed, they held the glass to her lips. The frail nun was persuaded to sip a little, then a little more, and before they knew it, she had finished the whole glass down to the last drop and requested another which she consumed more rapidly.

As her eyes brightened, the nuns thought this would be a good opportunity to have one final talk with their spiritual leader..

"Mother Superior," the nuns asked earnestly, "PLEASE give us some of your wisdom before you leave us." Taking the request quite seriously, she raised herself up in bed on one elbow, looked sternly at them and said,


ISA_New Law Too Classified to Read or Vote on_circa 2012


Mysterious Bacteria “Superbug” Spreading Like Wildfire Across The Country And It Can’t Be Stopped!

Mysterious Bacteria “Superbug” Spreading Like Wildfire Across The Country And It Can’t Be Stopped!

Monday, December 3, 2012 11:06
Is it any wonder that a superbug is now going rampant across the Country.With the overuse of antibiotics being prescribed at every turn for the slightest things such as the common cold, which it does nothing for.This is coming home to roost and this is the result of that.I have learned that doctors are very good at 2 things: surgery and pushing pills as this is what they are taught to do.
Drugs can’t stop this deadly bacteria stalking 42 states
Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae kills 40 percent of its victims.
There is little chance that an effective drug to kill CRE bacteria will be produced in the coming years.
CRE infections already are endemic in several major U.S. population centers, including NY, Los Angeles and Chicago. Smaller pockets of cases have been reported across much of the country, including Oregon, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina.
Mysterious bacteria ‘superbug’ spreads across country
CRE kills 40 percent of its victims – and it can’t be stopped
In a matter of days after the middle-age patient arrived at the University of Virginia Medical Center, the bacteria in his blood had fought off even what doctors consider “drugs of last resort.”
“It was very alarming; it was the first time we’d seen that kind of resistance,” said Amy Mathers, one of the hospital’s infectious disease specialists.
Deadly ‘superbugs’ invade U.S. health care facilities
Healthy people usually do not get CRE infections.
one report cites they can contribute to death in 40% of patients who become infected.

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/mysterious-bacteria-superbug-spreads-across-country-and-it-cant-be-stopped/#v54www50CKMARbG3.99

Strange “vibrations” detected throughout the United States

Strange “vibrations” detected throughout the United States

Seen on multiple nodes managed by different institutions, feeding back to the CERI / Midwest USGS official charts across the region… what can only be described as low end vibrations, over a VERY large area.
NOT to be confused with earthquakes elsewhere around the planet, this is something I have not seen before over such a wide area.
Did the sensor network undergo some kind of damage?  Is there some kind of interference happening?  Is this a REAL detection of low frequency vibrations occurring?
Time will tell on this…
Here is the main link .. .click on CERI, SLU, or any of the other ‘nodes’.. then select 11/30/2012 (most current charts).. and then compare to a few days or weeks, or months ago by clicking back through the charts (listed by date):
use these links here to monitor earthquake activity nationally, and internationally:

The Live Internet Seismic Server also shows this activity. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_anss.php
I went ahead and put together a few charts into one shareable pic … you can clearly see a baseline (on the right) from a few days ago.. and compare to today (left).. the vibrations are noticeable.   Its across the board.. pretty much the whole country from South Carolina, to Wisconsin.. and beyond.. still trying to check all the charts :
Click the picture for full size:
strange vibrations throughout the midwest USA

4 Immune Boosters For The 4 Levels Of Immune Function

4 Immune Boosters For The 4 Levels Of Immune Function

Aren't tightrope walkers fascinating to watch?
The level of strength, skill and precision they possess is breathtaking. And if they get ever-so-slightly out of balance...well, the consequences could be disastrous.
You may not realize it, but you have an internal tightrope walker inside of you right now, trying its best to carry out its act of precision and balance...
It's called your immune system.
And its level of balance will largely determine whether you successfully carry out your day feeling good, whether you are sickly or even whether you woke up this morning.
Read on to learn what you probably don't know about this incredible "circus performer" inside of you:

4 basic levels of immunity
Your immune system has 4 basic parts or "levels" that are designed to protect you from external threats--both from the environment (in your food, air or water) or even within you (damaged cells).
Level 1: The "innate" immune system
Your innate immune system is your first line of defense against things that your body quickly recognizes are bad such as mold, bacteria, mildew, yeasts, viruses and even cancer cells (cells inside of you that have become damaged and could grow into a tumor).
Once they sense the danger, your immune cells quickly spring into action and operate like a "Pac Man," chowing and engulfing the enemy and protecting you from its wrath until it is eliminated from your body.
The thick mucus you get in your sinuses when you have a cold is an example of this. The mucus is actually your immune cells surrounding and trapping the virus and escorting it out every time you blow your nose.

Level 2: The "adaptive" immune system
The adaptive immune system is your second line of defense. This level works a little slower and is very specific.
With the adaptive immune system, your body ponders something you've contacted (such as a bee sting) to decide whether it's friend or foe, then develops a specific response.
It may not react too much the first time, but it remembers what happened.
Then the next time you're stung, it could remember the first "violation" and this time produce a huge allergic reaction.
The adaptive immune system is where food and environmental sensitivities are born.

Level 3: Immune-inflammatory response
This is what I call "your immune system gone bonkers."
When this occurs, your immune system goes WAAAY overboard and instead of just looking for true "bad guys," it starts to attack your OWN healthy tissues and organs too!
This is how autoimmune diseases originate.
And since any part of your body is fair game for an "attack" by your immune system, that's why there's such a wide variety of autoimmune disease possibilities including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, MS, psoriasis and Graves' disease.
It's the same process occurring in different areas of the body.

Level 4: Regulatory system
You have immune cells (called T cells) that effectively "flip your immune switch off" and suppresses your immune system action when all is well again.
Then your immune system calms down, sits back and waits for the next invader.
So clearly, when you have either Level 2 responses that are not appropriate (like an allergic reaction to shellfish or bees) or Level 3 responses (with a full-blown autoimmune condition) it's essential that your Level 4 Regulatory system stays as healthy as possible to calm things down again!

It's all a balancing act
Like a tightrope walker, the health of your immune system is all a balancing act.
On one hand, it needs to be strong so your Level 1 responses can quickly and effectively fight colds, flu, infections and even cancer!
On the other hand, it has to be smart too and know when to back off, so it doesn't go overboard with its reactions, making you unable to go outside during pollen season or suffering from an autoimmune condition.
The good news is, you can play a BIG part in the health and intelligence of your immune system.
Here are 4 super-effective immune health boosters that can quickly help whip your immune system into shape and smarten it up:

1- Adequate rest
Your immune system "recharges" when you sleep, so make sure you get adequate rest.
The average person needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night, so if you're getting less than that, better start turning in a little earlier.

2- Real foods
Your body is nourished by the naturally occurring nutrients in real foods, and that includes your immune system.
However, when you rely heavily on processed "fake" foods and refined carbs (especially soda and snack foods), not only does your body lack the nutrients it needs, but your immune system can see the junk as a toxin and get stressed.
Just one spoonful of sugar can depress your immune function for an hour or more! Think about that next time you gulp a soft drink or inhale a Little Debbie snack.
Plus, foods like these feed the harmful bacteria in your gut, which can then crowd out your friendly flora and greatly hamper your immune function.
Stick to real foods -- fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and whole grains. If you do, your whole body (especially your immune system) will thank you.

3- Adequate B12
In addition to helping your body generate energy and keeping your thinking sharp and clear, vitamin B12 is also essential for a strong immune system.
B12 is crucial for the formation of red and white blood cells, which help boost your immune function.
Unfortunately, many people are deficient in B12, especially people over age 50, people who take acid reducers, vegetarians and people who have Crohn's, colitis or IBS.
And even if you eat foods that are rich in B12 or take oral supplements, B12 is not easily absorbed through the GI tract...so chances are good you're getting far less than what you think and what you need.
The easiest way to make sure you have enough is to supplement with a highly absorbable form of B12.
And Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 nano spray is your ticket here.
Hydroxaden 2.5 is a convenient way to get the B12 your body needs. Just 5 sprays under your tongue gives you a full 2.5 mg of B12, and since it's being absorbed directly into the bloodstream, there are no concerns with lack of absorbency through the GI tract.

And the Granddaddy of them all...

4- Probiotic supplementation
Since 70-80% of your immune system resides in your gut, it's essential to make sure that you have a healthy population of beneficial bacteria lining your gut wall.
Having a healthy diet like I mentioned above is a good start, but for most people it's not enough. This is especially true for people under stress, who smoke, use antacids or other medications, are exposed to environmental toxins or who don't always get adequate sleep.
That's why supplementation is so helpful for just about everyone.
First and foremost, probiotics will help keep your immune system strong and able to fight off invaders.
Plus, probiotics in your gut help to encourage more T cell formation, which helps encourage a stronger, smarter Regulatory system to shut down inappropriate immune responses.
For a probiotic supplement that's up to the challenge, Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets.
One of Super Shield's 13 superior friendly bacteria strains, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, has been shown to stimulate antibody production.
In addition, Super Shield also contains Bifidobacteria Lactis, which has high adhesion to human mucus. That means it will stick to your colon wall to keep it strong and protective, which helps keep dangerous toxins and bacteria from leaking out into your bloodstream and making you SICK.

Be good to it and it will be good to YOU

Your immune system is not something to take lightly.
It is your key to helping to fight off colds, flu, infections and even deadly diseases 365 days a year.
Do as much as you can to keep your immune balance strong AND smart at ALL levels, and you can reap the rewards of fewer or less severe illnesses and quite possibly, avoidance of more dangerous diseases.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/GreatTasteNoPain.HolisticBlendsInc

PPS: Lisa bounced back from all kinds of intestinal issues and surgery!
After my appendix ruptured 10 years ago, (slow leak) the doctors actually had to remove over 2 feet of my intestine to get rid of the infection.
Because of that I had all kinds of intestinal/bowel issues for years.
Two years ago I started using Super Shield, and it took about a year, but I have had amazing results with this and your Great Taste No Pain eating plan which I ordered about a year ago.
I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found these products! They're wonderful!
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
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Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here   

18,000 Men

Take a GOOD look at this!

This was just to cool not to pass on.

 It is amazing that this photo, taken so many years ago, actually still exists! 
And now, someone has put it online for all of us to see.  This INCREDIBLE
picture was taken in 1918.
It is 18,000 men preparing for war in a training camp at Camp Dodge , in    Iowa .
What a priceless gift from our grandfathers!


Why politicians love prisons

Subject: Why politicians love prisons

The prison biz.

It's bigger than you think
and the product is slave
labor - in the US.

Profits and payoffs for



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Photographic Odyssey that Documented Native Americans

From: Forbidden Knowledge TV <newsletter@forbiddenknowledgetv.com>
Subject: Photographic Odyssey that Documented Native Americans
Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Early 1900s a photographer, Edward Curtis
had a big idea: to capture on film the last
remaining American-Indian tribes before their
way of life disappeared.

Ultimately Curtis took more than 40,000
photographs, preserved 10,000 audio recordings
and is credited with making the world's first
documentary film.
Video (about 4 mins):

2012 Scenario Update

The Shape of Governance in the New Age and more...

In This Update...

TV Plasmas Create Antimicrobial Water

TV Plasmas Create Antimicrobial Water
Wed, 11/16/2011 - 3:49am


November 16, 2011
A brief spark in air produces a low-temperature plasma of partially ionized and dissociated oxygen and nitrogen that will diffuse into nearby liquids or skin, where they can kill microbes similar to the way some drugs and immune cells kill microbes by generating similar or identical reactive chemicals. Image: Steve Graves
Univ. of California, Berkeley, scientists have shown that ionized plasmas like those in neon lights and plasma TVs not only can sterilize water, but make it antimicrobial–able to kill bacteria–for as long as a week after treatment.
Devices able to produce such plasmas are cheap, which means they could be life-savers in developing countries, disaster areas or on the battlefield where sterile water for medical use–whether delivering babies or major surgery–is in short supply and expensive to produce.
“We know plasmas will kill bacteria in water, but there are so many other possible applications, such as sterilizing medical instruments or enhancing wound healing,” says chemical engineer David Graves, a professor in Semiconductor Processing at UC Berkeley. “We could come up with a device to use in the home or in remote areas to replace bleach or surgical antibiotics.”
Low-temperature plasmas as disinfectants are “an extraordinary innovation with tremendous potential to improve health treatments in developing and disaster-stricken regions,” says Phillip Denny, chief administrative officer of UC Berkeley’s Blum Center for Developing Economies, which helped fund Graves’ research and has a mission of addressing the needs of the poor worldwide.
“One of the most difficult problems associated with medical facilities in low-resource countries is infection control,” added Graves. “It is estimated that infections in these countries are a factor of three-to-five times more widespread than in the developed world.”
Graves and his UC Berkeley colleagues published a paper in the November issue of the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, reporting that water treated with plasma killed essentially all the E. coli bacteria dumped in within a few hours of treatment and still killed 99.9 percent of bacteria added after it sat for seven days. Mutant strains of E. coli have caused outbreaks of intestinal upset and even death when they have contaminated meat, cheese and vegetables.
Based on other experiments, Graves and colleagues at the Univ. of Maryland in College Park reported Oct. 31 at the annual meeting of the American Vacuum Society that plasma can also “kill” dangerous proteins and lipids – including prions, the infectious agents that cause mad cow disease – that standard sterilization processes leave behind.
In 2009, one of Graves’ collaborators from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics built a device capable of safely disinfecting human skin within seconds, killing even drug-resistant bacteria.
“The field of low-temperature plasmas is booming, and this is not just hype. It’s real!” Graves says.
In the study published this month, Graves and his UC Berkeley colleagues showed that plasmas generated by brief sparks in air next to a container of water turned the water about as acidic as vinegar and created a cocktail of highly reactive, ionized molecules – molecules that have lost one or more electrons and thus are eager to react with other molecules. They identified the reactive molecules as hydrogen peroxide and various nitrates and nitrites, all well-known antimicrobials. Nitrates and nitrites have been used for millennia to cure meat, for example.
Graves was puzzled to see, however, that the water was still antimicrobial a week later, even though the peroxide and nitrite concentrations had dropped to nil. This indicated that some other reactive chemical – perhaps a nitrate – remained in the water to kill microbes, he says.
Plasma discharges have been used since the late 1800s to generate ozone for water purification, and some hospitals use low-pressure plasmas to generate hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate surgical instruments. Plasma devices also are used as surgical instruments to remove tissue or coagulate blood. Only recently, however, have low-temperature plasmas been used as disinfectants and for direct medical therapy, says Graves, who recently focused on medical applications of plasmas after working for more than 20 years on low-temperature plasmas of the kind used to etch semiconductors.
“I’m a chemical engineer who applies physics and chemistry to understanding plasmas,” Graves says. “It’s exciting to now look for ways to apply plasmas in medicine.”
The research is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Science Plasma Science Center, the UC Berkeley Blum Center for Developing Economies, and the UC Berkeley Sustainable Products and Solution Program.
Source: UC Berkeley

Letter to All Earth-Beings

Letter to All Earth-Beings
As the days grow closer to your Ascension, the light that also pours onto Mother Earth
increases.  This light is pure love from our Creator to assist your bodies with this final
process.  You will be ascending in your physical bodies and it is important at this time to "be love" or rather become more loving in every way and to everything!

So much is not being shared at this time but that does not mean that you can not find the
answers you are seeking.  Just close your eyes and ask those questions which are weighing
heavy on your heart.  There is nothing that you can not ask.

There are many on Mother Earth which have caused great harm to her as well as to many
innocent human-beings.  These human beings, as you call them, the cabal, need you to forgive them at this time.  This does not mean that you forget what they have done nor does it mean that they will not have to repent for everything.

But to forgive, is to love.  It is a high frequency and vibration that can, does, and will change Mother Earth.  By the act of forgiving all those who have caused so much wrong, you will be helping every aspect of what is happening on your Mother Earth at this time.

Sit with yourself and focus on your heart which is the focal point of all healing.  For those leaders who have facilitated wars and implemented policies that caused heart-ache, ask them why they did this? Then think about where that person came from and what type of influences impacted as well as formed core beliefs of that individual.  As the saying goes, it takes a village and this is also true in the negative. This is not to say that atrocities committed will not  go without retribution.  Yet, the human beings now
who are needing us to send love to them the most,are those who have done the worse to all of humanity.

As the light grows on Mother Earth, it will become imperative that love permeates every dark soul.  At this time, we can further increase this process by forgiving all those who have trespassed against us especially the leaders who have caused war crimes against humanity as well as crimes against their own.

have caused war crimes against humanity. How ironic you may think to yourself, that we who have suffered the most must forgive those who did the most horrific harm?  Yes it is necessary to do this now because by forgiving them, you also release yourself energetically from all of this dark energy they have dispelled onto Mother Earth as well
as into the mass consciousness.  By doing this most noble act of forgiving, is the last act of love that  these dark souls would ever imagine would be done unto them.  This sheer energetic shift by humanity will set Mother Earth aglow.  She will sparkle with a billion lights of love to be seen by the entire universe.

By sending love to all at this 11th hour, you will be moving enormous energy into the light.  By forgiving all of them, you will be loving our Creator for that is the ultimate form of love.

Be love, share love, speak love....for that is who you are and no one can ever take that from you!

You each are divine beings who are pure love.  Send love to those who have not remembered this yet and by so doing, your light will grow even brighter.  You
will sparkle with the pure love of who you are.


Dwell in possibility.  ~ Emily Dickinson


     I prepared these notes on Dec. 1, 2012 showing the historical documents that show that Jesus Christ would apparently be born Dec. 25 according to the first Church Fathers of Christianity after Christ and the Apostles. By the way, they did not call themselves Church Fathers, but later historians gave them this label to denote that they were the recognized prestigious leaders of first Christianity and judged by the Christians then to be the successors to the Apostles of Jesus Christ. For example, St. Polycarp who left us writings was personally ordained by the Apostle of Jesus Christ St. John the Divine who wrote the Book of Revelation around 90 A.D. Also, Bishop Polycarp had met several of the Apostles of Jesus Christ while they were still alive and a number of the 500 witnesses who saw Jesus after His crucifixation and then resurrection from the grave and then ascension into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. Bishop Polycarp was probably the most prestigious bishop in the Roman Empire because he was the last person alive who had talked to some of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and to some of the 500 witnesses who saw Jesus alive after being crucified. The legal ward that Bishop Polycarp raised was the youth Irenaeus later Bishop and then Irenaeus      trained Bishop Hippolytus who wrote the Threatise on Christ And Antichrist a little after 200 A.D. This was an unbroken chain of Apostolic teachers from St. John the Divine to Bishop Hippolytus who then explained that part of Matthew 24 is a  deliberate play upon words so the heretics and enemies of Christianity will not understand what Matthew 24 is really predicting there. The eagle Christians go to where the "fall" occurred which is where Adam fell in the Garden of Eden. Some Bible scholars seem confused today and do not know that first Christianity explained that Paradise was the word given in the Bible for the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve were expelled from. Bishop Hippolytus is teaching what the Apostle St. John the Divine  taught about Matthew 24, Revelation, etc. in Bible prophecy in the New Testament. I certainly trust what Bishop Hippolytus would say about Bible prophecy more  than critics of his in our century who despise the Christian writings left to us by the first successors to the Apostles of Jesus Christ.
     I was going to fix this report on last Sunday on Dec.  25 as the apparent historical date for the birth of Jesus Christ according to the first writings of Christianity left us by the trained successors to the Apostles of Jesus Christ. My computer which works fine refused to run on Sunday. I had a friend with me. His computer would not work on Sunday. We were shut down so I could not start this report on Sunday and he could not do his planned research work on Sunday. We come to Monday. I start the report on Dec. 25 and another friend of mine is running their computer at the same time doing some separate research work on the internet. An accident occurs and some of my notes for this Dec. 25 report are scrambled. Time is running out and determined to get this report out on Monday, a minor accident occurs. I pick up the wrong note and where early Christianity dates the Feast of the Annunciation as being 9 months before the birth of Christ, with mixed notes and time running out, I accidentially post 6 months here instead of the 9 months listed in my note on this. Would-be critics in great joy leap at this typo error and do their best to point out that the math does not match the months implied by the Feast of the Annunciation. I also corrected a couple of other typo errors with this report and with corrections am sending it out all over America. Also, rushed I forgot to mention to check the search box at Nesara News for over 100 other plus national reports I have posted previously to Nesara News. And tell the people to use my pen name of Erasmus of America to read the reports listed in the search box.
     My would-be critics came out with the same math as the early Christian writers! Thanks for agreeing with the math conclusions of the early Christian writers! Nothing like would-be critics proving my math position is correct as the typo error that shook them most was not the same figure of months as on my research note.
     Now for the punch line. They will savagely attack on one point they think I am very vulnerable on and yet do not admit the many other points I nail down such as Christians practiced Sunday as their main worship day long before Constantine the Great. I use the historical records of first Christianity. And first Christianity used Bible references far more in detail than my critics so they ignore the historical documents left us by first Christianity and ignore the Bible positions of the first "Church Fathers" recognized by all of Christianity then as the lawful successors of the Apostles who lived just shortly before them.   
      My position on Dec. 25 appears correct according to the first historical records of Christianity and also according to a number of items in the New Testament and also the Old Testament. But that would take a book to use all the references I could to show why I judge my position correct according to the Bible. So like Martin Luther I now state, "Here I stand! I cannot! I will not recant!" When truth is involved folks, I will stand my ground as emotions do not change my position, only sound facts and sound logic which I have not seen from the other side over this Dec. 25 issue!
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Think Holy Ghost wanted accident of Monday in order to show some will never be won over by historical documents or passages in the Bible they don't like which undermine their position they assume they are infallible on. "Pride comes before a fall!" can apply to them if they are wrong in this issue!)

The Massive Power of the Alternative Media

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Massive Power of the Alternative Media
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Dec-2012 06:37:12

Author: Stuart Wilde
The big media networks NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN are dying, and the BBC in London has been ridiculed into submission because of their biased reporting of the Middle East and their protection of pedophiles in their midst.
Every few days another person at the BBC, or one of their performers gets himself arrested. BBC producer, Wilfred De’Ath was arrested along with comedian Freddie Star, and TV host Dave Lee Travis got nicked and Rolf Harris was questioned under caution on pedo’ charges. Mind you it’s not all the BBC, the cops yesterday charged Coronation Street star Andrew Lancel with five counts of sexually abusing a child, he played Frank Foster in the ITV soap.
CNN has lost 60% of its audience in recent years. 60% of Americans no longer watch the major networks’ nightly news. In fact, RT (Russia Today) is ten times the size of CNN in viewers. People have had enough of the boring ideological rants and bias. The alternative media has gradually taken over.
I said recently, that if you searched Google for ‘Israel bombs Gaza’, there are 12 million pages in English and then there would be 12 million in other languages, making 25 million pages. If every page is read by 100 people on average, that’s 2.5 billion viewers to the topic.
More... http://zen-haven.com/the-massive-power-of-the-alternative-media/