Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Clearing Up the Confusion Around the One People’s Public Trust

2012thebigpicture posted: "I had an epiphany this morning when I read Lightworker 29501's post below. Thank you 29501 for doing what you do best---shine a light on Truth. I believe the whole controversy around the OPPT lies in a MISUNDERSTANDING. The packaging was wrong. You "

New post on 2012thebigpicture

Clearing Up the Confusion Around the One People’s Public Trust

I had an epiphany this morning when I read Lightworker 29501's post below. Thank you 29501 for doing what you do best---shine a light on Truth.
I believe the whole controversy around the OPPT lies in a MISUNDERSTANDING. The packaging was wrong.
You know how we go to the store and look for our favourite food and sometimes can't find it? We scan the shelves, certain it must be there where it's always been but we just can't see it? We give up and ask a clerk and they take us back to exactly the spot we were looking, reach out and hand it to us---but it looks completely different because they changed the package design? The colours are different and design elements are moved around, they've removed some text and made new text bigger in yellow starbursts so it will stand out?
There's actually nothing 'wrong' with the way the OPPT was packaged, but we didn't see what was right in front of our eyes because we were looking for something different, and our brain knows how to zero in on details and filter what it considers extraneous. It's well trained. Our eyes can deceive us, but it's actually our mind at the root.
It seems that many people jumped to conclusions about the OPPT because they thought it was a whole whack of money being promised to be delivered to The People because they didn't do their homework and closed their mind to the possibilities---OR, in doing their research may have been looking in the WRONG PLACE for verification, (vetting) OR, they took someone else's word for it and didn't explore it themselves.
We are so afraid of being lied to, cheated, taken advantage of and manipulated (and rightly so) that we may not be open to the truth and facts as they are presented. We are also too inclined to follow people whom we consider experts without performing our own due diligence.
We're all human and we can ALL make mistakes---no matter who we are, the degree of our expertise, or the level of discernment we exercize.
Check this out:

Public Trust versus Trust Fund

There seems to be some confusion over what a public trust and a trust fund really are. The One People’s Public Trust is not a trust fund.  The trustees are not promising free money or handouts, contrary to what some people may have told you.

Public Trust

Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p. 1508:
Trust.  A legal entity created by a grantor for the benefit of designated beneficiaries under the laws of the state and the valid trust instrument.  The trustee holds a fiduciary responsibility to manage the trusts corpus assets and income for the economic benefit of all of the beneficiaries.  A confidence reposed in one person, who is termed trustee, for the benefit of another, who is called the cestui que trust, respecting property which is held by the trustee for the benefit of the cestui que trust.  State ex rel. Wirt v. Superior Court for Spokane County, 10 Waxh.2d 362, 116 P.2d 752, 755.  Any arrangement whereby property is transferred with intention that it be administered by trustee for anothers benefit.  A fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to an equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another.”
Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p. 1512:
Public trust.  One constituted for the benefit of the public at large or some considerable portion of it answering a particular description; public trusts and charitable trusts may be considered in general as synonymous expressions.”

Trust Fund

The Merriam-Webster Concise Dictionary defines a trust fund as follows:
“Property e.g, money or securities held in a trust; that is, property held legally by one party the legal owner for the benefit of another party the equitable owner. The legal owner, or trustee, has the right of possession and the right of use of the property, but must exercise those rights to the benefit of the equitable owner, or beneficiary. In Anglo-American law, trust funds are set up principally for family settlements and for charitable giving. In the commercial sector, trust funds are often set up to provide for employee pensions and profit-sharing programs.”

In Simple Terms

A public trust is an organization that manages something for the benefit of the public at large, where a trust fund is actual money.  Public trusts may or may not have trust funds.
Trusts can be created for almost anything you can imagine.  Often, they are created for large projects that require a set of rules or guidelines be followed, or an objective is reached.


If a loved one gave you $10 million in their will (a private trust), at a rate of $4,000 a month, with a provision to pay for your first house whenever you got married, it is likely that a trust fund would be created for that purpose.
I hope that helps.
I think it probably helped a lot!  Thank you again!
If your mind is now open, or always was, you may also wish to take in these additional interviews via Clayton Douglas with two of the Trustees for the OPPT. Thanks again to Lightworker 29501.
Maybe now the in-fighting amongst the Lightworkers can end and we can work together as One with a single purpose toward a common goal.
"Charles Miller and Heather Tucci-Jarraf have done a tremendous amount of research and prepared and served the Governor and the Attorney General of the States of California and Washington about the illegal activities of the Banksters and their fraudulent money system. Their research goes all the way back to to Confederation and may provide the legal framework to restore our Constitution and free us from virtual Slavery! It is our labor that they are stealing."
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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Bugger the bankers - official video

Good Morning,

Here's a cheery protest video to start your day off right.

Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise

January 9, 2013
Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Federal Security Forces (FSB) report updating their 4 January “urgent action” memorandum to President Putin circulating in the Kremlin, today, states that the“death squads” unleashed upon America by President Obama have claimed their first two victims and warns that “another massacre” in the United States is “much nearer than first believed.”
As we had previously detailed in our 5 January report “Obama Death Squads Fan Out Across America As Rebellion Looms,” Obama, emboldened by recent US Federal Court rulings giving him absolute authority to kill anyone he chooses in secret, and for whatever reason he deems necessary, dispatched at least 800  VIPER Teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Teams) throughout America in a bid to assassinate and neutralize any and all opposition to his planned seizure of his citizens guns.
According to this chilling FSB report, the first two Obama “death squad” victims indentified by Russian intelligence sources were gun rights activists John Noveske [photo 2nd left] and Keith Ratliff [photo 3rd left], both of whom were hailed as supporters of the US Constitutions Second Amendment which grants Americans the right to bear arms.  
Western news sources confirming these assassinations report that Noveske was killed after a mysterious single car accident and that Ratliff was killed by a mysterious single gunshot to his head.
Noveske, this report continues, was the owner of Noveske Rifleworks, one the premier makers of what are called assault-style weapons and equipment in the US and which have been specifically targeted by the Obama regime for confiscation.
Ratliff, this report says, was a business partner at FPSRussia (FPS-First Person Shooter), YouTube's ninth most popular channel with more than three million active subscribers and a combined half billion views, and sole owner of FPS Industries, which works in customized weaponry and world leader in military technology.
The Obama regimes reason(s) for assassinating two such high profile weapons manufacturers and gun rights activists, this report notes, is based upon the United States successful reign of terror against top scientists, which between the dates of 2004-2012 have seen 119 of some of the worlds leading researchers mysteriously murdered over US government fears of their reporting the truths of what they’ve discovered.  
By assassinating Noveske and Ratliff, FSB intelligence analysts in this report say, the Obama regime is sending a “chilling message” to all who oppose their plan to totally disarm the American people that they “will stop at nothing” to see their master plan implemented.
Even worse, this report warns, is “new evidence” coming from the United States that the Obama regime is planning another “mass carnage” type event to occur within the next few weeks to bolster their spurious claim that Americans need to be disarmed.
Following in the wake of the 14 December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, top FSB intelligence social psychologists state in this report, the Obama regime will undoubtedly be able to achieve a critical mass of public opinion advocating for new draconian gun laws that will, in essence, make criminals out of millions of otherwise law abiding American citizens.
Unfortunately for the Obama regime, this report says, and the reason for another “tragic event” needing to happen, is that the “official story” about the Sandy Hook Massacre, like nearly all such events before it, is beginning to break down in the light of critical scrutiny and analysis.  
One such analysis that has spread widely among American dissident factions was done by Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy, who in two reports, The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information and Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambiguity and Augmented Realities clearly shows this tragic event more resembling an intelligence agency/military psychological operation than a lone gunman massacre it is be purported to be.
To the American people being allowed to know the truth of these events it appears unlikely as the Obama regime has secured for itself the lapdog services of the powerful American mainstream propaganda media establishment which, to date, continues to spread its venomous lies to an unsuspecting public not really knowing, or even caring, about the abyss they are being led to.
One such example of this was last month when the CIA-backed social media site FACEBOOK suspended an account because they dared to post a quote by the father of Indian independence Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) that said: “Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”
To if the American people will awaken and realize that the true objective of the Obama regime is to disarm all of their Jewish citizens (and as we had reported on in our 23 December report All Jews Living In US Ordered To Be Disarmed) like their corporate-banking counterparts did in Nazi Germany it does not seem likely.  But, and as history always show…those who fail to remember the past are doomed to live it once again.
January 9, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 9-Jan-2013 05:50:37

January 5th, 2013
Dr. Pat Holliday
Entities Raping Humans
Audio Interview
As you may have noticed I did not publish the Ott's sumary of her interview.
This is why:
Q: Well Pat, now it does seem to me there is within tens of thousands of diferent variations of the Christian groups, churches and that, and then the others and chatolics and the mormons and whatever other names there are aliniated of the christian names or sex, but they all seem to be able to mowe the needle in this country one more way or another when it comes to morality or abortion or any kind like that. Is taht because
they all have been hipnotised to be actually like obama suporter, or NWO supporters?
A: Actually, you know when bush was in office, bush told about the thing called faith base, and what happened was they gave the churches money to build their buildings and their programs, and, at that, they got control of many of the Pastors too. So I think that the pastors just do not know very much about politics in the first place, and I just think a lot about my goverment, I really do.
And so, whatever they were telling them to do is what they are doing.
Q: Now Rick Warren, did he have a meeting with the Presidents? Sounds like he is trying to play the mediator, making himself more of a note, so he could sell more books and paper, what ever they are selling over there, but now as, which side you thing Rick Warren is falling on?
A: Well, I think he is a heretic for sure, and I think he is an infiltrator, and I think that Rick Warren, well he wants to be a next Billy Graham on America, and you know he did the inauguration, first of all on obama, and he prayed to the Islam god, he did not pray to Jesus, and so the point is that he is one of this we call "all pathways leed back to god". In another words, you do't have to go thru Jesus to get to God. You know "I am the way to truth and the lie, and no one comes to the Father except by me, is what scriptures says.
But Rick Warren is the one that went thru, what I call, the denominational churches, the evangelical churches with his plan.
But then we have another group that come thru churches with magic, and opening portals.
Q: Now, a few years ago there vere spiritual happenings of gold dust, angelic singing, people's mouth filled with gold teaths. Was his church involved of any of that?
A: Now, that is another movement. And that come in to the country thru a woman named Hethler. As she went down at to the Brasil and she met a woman downt there that suposedly got healed from 5 different cancers, and that women got healed in the wodoo chatolic church, in other words, the chatolic church that was mixed wit wodoo. She was the first one that had this gold dudt coming out of her hands and from her hair.
In the very beginning of that I exposed that, and I told them it it was not coming from God...
...Q: Do You think thtat the US is now under a spirit like the spirit that took over the nazi germany?
A: Apsolutely, and I can tell you this spirit's name, and I can tell you, I can give you instances where its open that that spirit. There is called "The Angel in the Worldwind". And the angel in the worldwind was in George Bushes inanguration adress, and a hundred years ago some other fellow mentioned that America's course was in the hands of the angel in the worldwind. And George Bush said in his inangural adress "The angel in the worldwind drives our course".
And so, the angel in the worldwind is an angel that is called metathron, and metathron is an angel taht you will find in the book of Enoch and in the book of Jubilees which I do not beleive are the part of The Scriptures.,
But, that is angel, that is spirit that they claim in a book of Enoch nad in teh book of Jubilees, that is enoch one in the Bible that God took to the Heaven, that he did no die, and so they claim that the angel in the worldwind is actually enoch. And they claim that when enoch was taken in the heaven the god loved enochs so much that he cloacked him in light.
And this is a god, or the christ, that they are waiting for to return. They are not looking for Jesus Christ...
In only 10 years after the terror stage in NY everybody forgot few simple facts:

This is a Scull & Bones fraternity amblem.

This is a hat of a regular SS officier.
Next US foreign minister is Kerry, a member of both. As George W Bush is from the time of his grandad started all this.
When there was necessary to take down Christianity Chatolics, came Vatican II Council with Italian Pope (home of mafia) and germa theologician.
When was time to take down SSSR come Polish Pope. Poles were the ones that long ago stopped Russian invasion of Europe.
When come time to take down the human civilistaion come the German Pope, the same one that was a technical consultatn at the time of vatican II.
When come time to take down the America, come along obama without the clear ancestry, black & white, more muslim then Christian, groomed in fourth reich's project pegasus, loving that the drone killings are not regulated by the international law, and that americans are willing to pay for their demise without a single protest effort.
Quite amazing.


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Just possessing a Bible still can be cause for a death penalty in North Korea, so it’s no surprise that the hermit kingdom remains No. 1 on this year’s World Watch List of the world’s most notorious persecutors of Christians, a project assembled by Open Doors USA.
Persecution of believers also increased sharply across Africa, eight out of 10 worst offenders are ruled by Muslim theocracy and Egypt, under the Muslim Brotherhood, actually saw its ranking lowered, but not because of any improvement there. It was because of worsening conditions elsewhere, the report said.
In North Korea, a possible lesser penalty for someone having a Bible would be for the offender, and three generations of his or her family, to be sent to prison camps, where at estimated 50,000 to 70,000 people are held.
“North Korea doesn’t allow Christians any freedom in any of the five spheres used in the process,” Estabrook said.
“We use five spheres, the private, family, community, congregational, and public. … North Korea doesn’t allow Christians any freedom,” Estabrook said.
In addition, the dictatorship maintains a gulag, he noted.
“North Korea is known to have somewhere between 50,000 to 70,000 Christians in forced labor camps. And they’re there for doing nothing except trying to worship the Lord,” Estabrook said.
Sources confirmed North Korea has eased or lifted a number of restrictions for citizens since Kim Jong-un succeeded his father, Kim Jong-il. Bans have been lifted on Western foods such as pizza and french fries, and restrictions on the number of cell phones have been loosened, for example, according to Ryan Morgan, an analyst with International Christian Concern Asia.
However, whatever secular benefits may have trickled down to residents of the isolated nation, there is no evidence of any improvement in the condition of the persecuted church there, he said.
“We have not heard any reports of improvement for Christians in the country and have no reason to believe anything has changed,” Morgan said. “The regime still has up to 70,000 Christians locked away in virtual concentration camps.”
The rest of the top 12 nations on the Open Doors World Watch list, in order, are Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Maldives, Mali, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea, Syria, and Sudan.
Estabrook said Saudi Arabia moved up one to No. 2, but not because they did anything differently.
“Saudi Arabia is at No. 2 this year because, based on the rating spheres, conditions improved slightly in Afghanistan,” Estabrook said.
One surprise on the list is Egypt. Even with a Muslim Brotherhood regime and Christians emigrating away, Egypt dropped from 15 to 25.
“Egypt is still a notorious persecutor of Christians. The government’s policies, the new Shariah constitution, and church burnings make it bad for Christians,” Estabrook said.
“The only reason they dropped is because of the other countries that saw huge increases in persecution in the rating spheres,” Estabrook said.
In an article in, Morsi said, “Persecution does not exist on Egyptian soil. We are all people of the homeland.”
An Egyptian citizen who lives in Cairo who asked not to be named for security purposes says the denial is because of how Morsi defines persecution.
“Morsi denies outright the Copts are persecuted in Egypt,” the Cairo resident said. “Morsi is not lying because he sincerely believes what he is saying.
“The Western definition of persecution differs to Morsi’s understanding of persecution because Morsi is following the Islamic meaning,” he explained.
Open Doors said said a number of African countries moved into the upper half of the list this year.
“The number of countries on the African continent sharply increased on the annual list due to the increasing influence of Islam,” its report said.
“Mali is a newcomer on the list and holds the No. 7 position. Tanzania is 24, Kenya is 40, Uganda at 47, and Niger at 50 also moved onto the World Watch List and Ethiopia is one of the strongest risers, from number 38 to number 15 on the list,” the report said.
“In addition, the small African country of Eritrea made the Top Ten for the first time at No. 10. Libya climbed from No. 26 to No. 17,” Open Doors said.
Sudan moved up the list from 16 to 12.
“Sudan went up because of what they did. They’ve had actual attacks against Christians,” Estabrook said.
“Their dictator, Omar al-Bashir, says he wants the country to have one language, Arabic, one culture, and one religion, Islam,” Estabrook said.
“The south is mostly Christian and many Christians have fled to the south, but there are those Christians in Sudan who speak Arabic and feel pressure. They don’t want to move because they believe God has called them to stay,” Estabrook said.
Estabrook agrees and says persecution is a “paradox.”
“It seems to grow the church in those lands where it is the heaviest. We can protest against it, but we can celebrate it at the same time,” Estabrook said.
“However, the church grows and I think it’s because of what Jesus said. Jesus said that we are blessed when people persecute us for His name’s sake. If this is true, then Jesus puts His blessing on people who are persecuted,” Estabrook said.
Finishing the top 25 on the World Watch List: Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Libya, Laos, Turkmenistan, Qatar, Vietnam, Oman, Mauritania, Tanzania, and Egypt.

Read more at 

Global Brainstorm: What should Avaaz do in 2013?

Dear Avaazers,

Happy New Year!! It's going to be a big one.

Democracy is on the march across the world, and our community is at the heart of the struggle, but to win we're going to need to choose our course wisely. Click below to join a live, global, multilingual (with instant translation!) discussion and brainstorm of our entire community, and take our annual all-member poll to guide our choices in 2013:

It's an amazing thing to be able to share ideas with people all across the planet, and even across all language barriers. Some of us will monitor the brainstorm and use it to adjust the polling questions. You don't need to participate in the discussion, and can skip straight to the poll if you like.

Last year we ran hundreds of campaigns and played a key role in dozens of victories, including:
  • Pushing UN member states to vote overwhelmingly for Palestine to become the world's 194th state!
  • Lobbying Europe to stop ACTA, the global treaty that would have let corporations censor our internet worldwide
  • Putting a wrench in Media-Mogul Rupert Murdoch's march to world domination by lobbying the UK to block the biggest deal of his career
  • Mounting a major citizen journalism effort to keep the world engaged in Syria and prevent the brutal crackdown from succeeding
  • Helping change the tragic Taliban shooting of Pakistan’s young education activist, Malala, into a stipend programme putting millions of poor children in school
  • Campaigning with partners in Brazil to silence the Amazon chainsaws
  • Fighting back against the Gay Death Penalty Bill in Uganda
  • Getting the major media to report on deadly Russian arms shipments to the Syrian regime
  • Getting a major construction company in Bahrain to free almost 100 trapped workers from India
  • Working with over 20,000 Avaaz members all around the world who launched their own campaigns on the new Community Petition tool, and piloting our new people powered media site -- the Avaaz Daily Briefing!
..and much, much more.

With the world undergoing profound change, and our community at almost twice the size it was last January -- 17.4 million and growing, imagine what this year's list could look like. The challenges may be coming fast and strong, but when we stick together, we can transform them into opportunities to build the world we all dream of. Here's to building dreams in 2013.

With hope,

Ricken, Joseph, Caroline, Christoph, Emma and the rest of the Avaaz team

Support the Avaaz Community!
We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way.
Donate to Avaaz is a 17-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 19 countries on 6 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

“The One People’s Public Trust” NOW PARADIGM PROTOCOL Documents… in One Zip Folder…

New post on Kauilapele's Blog

“The One People’s Public Trust” NOW PARADIGM PROTOCOL Documents… in One Zip Folder…

toppt_logo_border4Heather and company with TOPPT have assembled a set of documents that give examples of what and how to carry out what they are talking about.
I have taken all of the Word docs and converted them to both OpenOffice docs and pdfs, for those who do not have MS Office, them created a zip folder of these. There are 13 documents in total (27 files) (6 MB) in the zip folder.
Here is the link:
Now, I cannot say that I know anything about where to go from here, after reading these. Nor do I know or understand what my role is with all of this (except in processing mp3s and making zippy files). But I do believe that Heather and company are going to present another conversation about this that will presumably clarify things for everybody.
Below are portions of an email we received from Heather about these documents.
I AM INSPIRED release of NOW PARADIGM PROTOCOL (evolved from "NEW PARADIGM") for the people, by the people... if Truth IS... "by the people for the people"... then let's test that out, and have some fun DO'ing while we're at it, yes? We ask those who choose to, to co-manifest an opportunity to work/review/discuss/dissect DATA in order to close the OLD PARADIGM and choose what the NOW PARADIGM IS per what resonates within each of us...what resonates as Truth by the knowledge within...(yes, that damn broken record keeps playing on, and on, and on..infinity!)
By DO'ing by free will choice, the energy manifests, creates/co-creates, at the speed of thought, the opportunity to reflect the law of one that resonates with many by the knowledge from within...shall we?
Attached are documents of examples designed based on NOW DATA that the Trustees, Advisors and other we the people collected, willingly and sometimes under duress, through investigations and other matters that have come before us...these are just examples..., whoever would like to take their shoes off and jump in the water with some DO'in so that we can finalize the people's systems as they choose...We would be so grateful for the experience to BE and DO with all of you.
How do we the people use the REGISTERED tools done by the Public Trust, specifically the FORECLOSURE, COMMERCIAL BILL, TRUE BILL in a personal matter? How do we notice a potential predator that they will be held responsible and liable in such a manner that it IS enforced and collectible? How do we secure our property that is being held by someone purporting to be a custodian? How do we establish standing and authority while respectfully, yet firmly, simultaneously requiring those who come before us to identify and verify their standing and authority? How do we cancel the fraud already done?
Well, see the examples we have formulated thus far through moments of PRESENT that have transpired and let's refine them together as one, as we choose, if we so choose! Please don't ask for authorization to post or was granted upon our creation!!!!
We are excited about what we the people can and choose to DO...I wanted all of this to be more organized and definitely more professional in presentation, but I need to get back to the current... I will check back in :)
with gratitude
in love
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

Wild Dolphins give humans gifts

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Jan-2013 18:48:40
This is so cute. It reminds me of the gifts I've been given by cats..

On 23 occasions over the past several years, wild dolphins were observed giving gifts to humans at the Tangalooma Island Resort in Australia. The gifts included eels, tuna, squid, an octopus and an assortment of many other types of different fin fish. While these gifts might not be your choice for a gift to find underneath your Christmas tree, some of the items that were offered to humans are highly valued food sources for cetaceans such as dolphins.
here has been one observation of inter-species food sharing in false killer whales, a member of the dolphin family (Delphinidae). During an encounter that National Geographic photographer Flip Nicklin had in Hawaii, a false killer whale swam up to the photographer, released a large mahi mahi from its mouth and backed away. The photographer accepted the gift then, returned the fish to the whale. I suppose that is proper etiquette if a large cetacean offers you food while you’re in the water with it.
The wild dolphins that were observed giving gifts to human in Australia were regular visitors to a provisioning program at the Tangalooma Island Resort. The provisioning program was started in 1992, and each evening staff members from the resort wade into the ocean to feed the wild dolphins fish. The program is regulated by a permit issued by the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management.
In 1998, an adult male dolphin named Fred was observed giving a dead moray eel to one of the staff members. Since that first occurrence of gift giving behavior among the Tangalooma dolphins, staff members have documented an additional 22 other events.
Dolphins of diverse ages and both sexes engaged in the gift-giving behavior, and scientists are not entirely sure of what is motivating their behavior. Food sharing in animals is often motivated by an urge to play, a desire to reciprocate food sharing or the belief that the recipient of the food is an incompetent hunter.