Monday, January 14, 2013

Where is the Iraqi Dinar Now plus Protocol Update, 4 of 4

Sunday January 13, 2013
Where is the Iraqi Dinar Now
plus Protocol Update, 4 of 4
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg

In closing, we have a question.
Did New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg short Pepsi Cola stock before he banned Pepsi Cola from New York City hospitals?

Bloomberg, a direct enemy of the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, is a control freak and has liaison to both U.S. FBI Division 5 cointelpro and the treasonous Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Finally stay tuned for future intelligence briefings when we will bring you everything you wanted to know about Mayor Bloomberg and the pending financial collapse.

The senseless violence drug

Subject: The senseless violence drug


They take drugs pushed
by Big Pharma.

And then they commit acts
of savage violence under
their influence.

We're not talking about
school shooters this time.

The steroid abuse epidemic
among US law enforcement...


- Brasscheck

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Major Michael Bloomberg - Take Notice

Signs of cabal defeat are proliferating

Signs of cabal defeat are proliferating
Posted by benjamin
January 14, 2013
Signs that the Satanic cabal is headed for a decisive defeat are proliferating. One clear indication is that even corporate media has begun to report on Satanic pedophiliac ceremonies presided over by the likes of UK media star Jimmy Savile.

Furthermore, 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist attack accomplice Senator J. Rockefeller announced he was not running for re-election. This is a sign the Rockefellers are joining the Bush clan in being ousted from secret power. In France, meanwhile, another cabal leader, former President Nicholas Sarkozy is facing criminal prosecution on charges of accepting bribes from foreign leaders. Then we have a mysterious visit by Obama to the Pentagon for a “personal fitness boot camp,” on January 12th.
Secret negotiations, meanwhile, continue to remove the US dollar from Federal Reserve Board control and into the hands of the 180 nation BRICS coalition. Despite attempts by cabalists to derail these talks, they are proceeding smoothly.
Also, the situation in the Middle East has taken a dramatic turn as control of Iraqi oilfields is being handed over to prominent Kurdish families as a part of the process of creating a Sunni super-state encompassing Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya.
Three prominent Kurdish activists were killed last week to help facilitate this process, according to MI5 sources. The Turkish government is being offered Kurdish oil money in exchange for allowing limited autonomy for Kurds. The killed activists were taking a more hardline stance than Mr. Ocalan, the jailed Kurdish leader who is negotiating with the Turks on this issue. If you ever saw the movie Midnight Express, about a Western male prisoner repeatedly raped in a Turkish jail, you might wonder if a Kurdish leader in a Turkish jail is the best person to be put in charge of the negotiations. One of the killed activists was Ocalan’s girlfriend.
In any case, it is the Talabani and Bazani families that now control the Kurdish oil in Northern Iraq, according to MI5. Turkey is expected to de facto donate a slice of its territory to the emerging Kurdish state in the Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Turkish border region in exchange for oil. This state would then become a part of the emerging Sunni alliance.
In Japan, meanwhile, the new government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has begun to force the Bank of Japan to issue more money. However, Abe still needs a credible backer in the underworld and among right-wingers to make sure his government does not succumb to secret bullying and personal threats as was the case with previous post-war governments. He has already been warned to avoid jingoism and concentrate on fixing the economy. In particular, he was told to call off his planned invasion of the island of Takeshima, controlled by South Korea but claimed by Japan. In a similar vein, efforts by cabalists to provoke a fight with China over the disputed Senkaku or Daiyu Islands will get nowhere.
Abe’s government is also aware that relying on the United States for Japanese protection is not a viable long-term strategy. That is why he is visiting Vietnam, Korea and Indonesia this week in the hopes of finding Asian partners who are also wary of Chinese hegemony. His government will further make approaches to Russia and India over the coming months in the hopes of building an alliance of nations that border China.
What he will find out, though, is that the 180 nation BRICS alliance, including China’s neighbors, does not function according to the Western created mentality of thinking of other countries as enemies.
World peace and harmony is the new approach and he had better figure that out.
Under the radar, meanwhile, efforts to get historical Asian gold deposits incorporated into the global financial system continue to blocked by cabalist forces. The people trying to prevent this make claims the gold is “communist Chinese,” in order to try to prevent it from being sold in exchange for a basket of currencies.
For that reason, the Chinese have been taking all the dollars they have and spending them on as many physical commodities as they can buy. The huge Chinese stockpiles of gold, food, iron ore, metals etc. that have resulted may be used to back a final push to remove the US dollar from cabal control. One plan being considered is for the BRICS to offer to exchange all US dollars for a new commodity backed currency (or various national currencies) during a fixed time period after which dollars would no longer be accepted.
This would force the United States to start issuing a government currency like greenbacks or else face complete economic collapse and chaos.
It is in the interests of the West to come to a compromise over that gold before the situation in Europe and North America deteriorates to the point of revolution.
On that note, the question of how long Obama will remain in power also remains unanswered. The gnostic illuminati say the staged Sandy Hook shooting incident may prove to be fatal for the Obama regime. The evidence that this was a staged mass shooting or else kidnapping of kids for Satanic ceremonies is becoming overwhelming. Here, for example, is Obama posing for a photo with one of the victims two days after she was supposed to have been shot.
Here is another link:
It may be that the entire Sandy Hook psychological warfare operation was deliberately sabotaged so that it would rebound back on the regime. The “personal fitness boot camp,” that Obama was forced to attend is Pentagon talk for a disciplinary session, according to a Pentagon source. The military are, in fact, very upset about this incident and are trying to locate the children and round up the pedophilic Satanists who were entrapped by this flawed psy-ops.
That is also what is happening with the case of Jimmy Savile of the BBC. Savile used his job as a famous TV personality to recruit children for pedophilic politicians, according to MI5 sources. One of the most notorious was former Prime Minister Edward Heath who was “getting kids and killing them,” the MI5 sources say. The other Prime Minister was Gordon Brown who had “a prolific taste for young boys.”
Heath had his affairs at the Kensington Gardens hotel which, unbeknownst to him, was a KGB run hotel. Brown was subsequently photographed having sex with young boys and blackmailed by the KGB.
The third Prime Minister linked to pedophiles is Tony Blair. However, the only hard evidence against Blair was the he once approached a man in a public toilet and asked for sex. The man happened to be an undercover police officer and Blair was arrested, the MI5 sources say.
We must ask ourselves “are these the sort of people we want to rule over us?”

Hello, Truth, Health, Wealth and Freedom Seekers...

Lots of information circulating on the subject of the People's Trust, the Saint Germaine Trust, Prosperity Package, the Wanta Money, World Global Settlement, etc and the return of the stolen wealth to the people.
Here's more info. The first recording will get you up to speed on what this is all about....
Make your own decision...

We live in most interesting times!!
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 12:30 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:

Hello, Truth, Health, Wealth and Freedom Seekers...

G'day to You!

This could be the official announcement that most are looking for...
I did some research and included some links for you to become informed about this.

Please listen to this interview and while you listen look at the documents located in the links.
I have listened to the audio presentation and read many of the official documents.
All I can say about what I understand so far, it is quite amazing!   <~~ Get this audio running, (a conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf, Trustee) and then click the next link and download the .pdf to read.    <~~ CLICK and read the indicated documents    <~~ CLICK for more background   <~~ CLICK to listen to the same audio as above on YouTube  <~~   View documents  <~~ Docs

Do more research and gain understanding as this unfolds....  



5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot - Received Sat. Jan. 12 at 7:31 PM . Forwarded By Erasmus Of America

5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot

Daisy Luther, Contributor
Activist Post

If you’re looking for a deeply scientific treatise on the flu shot, this isn’t it.

I’m not a chemist, a physician or someone with an advanced degree in biology. I’m just a mom with an Internet connection. I’m a person who has researched and compiled an assortment of worrisome facts that point in one direction: the flu shot is NOT beneficial.

Some of these reasons are backed up by science, and others are an acceptance of that little voice of reason whispering “Something just isn’t right about this.” As a reader, you are welcome to take my personal instinct with a grain of salt. I strongly encourage you to do your own independent research and come to your own conclusions. Look for sources that are not linked to the dollars being earned from these flu shots – no Big Pharma funded studies, no CDC, no FDA. Check out the funding for the studies that you cite and then judge the findings accordingly.

First of all, it just doesn’t work.

The propaganda machine will tell you that the flu shot is “60% effective”, but this is a blatant manipulation of the statistics. This article published last year at Natural News explains how the numbers are “massaged” to present the picture that Big Pharma (who funds the research) wants presented. In actuality, the flu shot prevents the flu in only 1.5 out of 100 adults. You can wade through the abstract at The Lancet here.

1.5%. Let that sink in. That means that you have a 98.5% chance it WON’T work. Why would anyone possibly have something foreign injected into his or her body with those odds?

Part of the reason it is ineffective it because it’s guesswork. Scientists must attempt to predict which 3 viruses (of the over-300 influenza viruses that have been identified) will be the most prevalent during a given year. If you get the flu shot and are then exposed to virus #4-300, you will have no additional immunity to those.

Natural News just published an article yesterday that tells us many of the people being struck down in the current epidemic have received vaccinations, which clearly did not have the desired effect.

Secondly, there are horrible things in the flu shot.

The flu shot contains some incredibly nasty stuff. Obviously it contains the virus itself, either “dead” or “attenuated” (weakened). But it also contains a host of other harmful toxins. The inclusion of these toxins is not speculation – you can read the CDC’s ingredients lists of the common vaccines in the United States HERE. Following is a little primer giving some information on the toxic ingredients that you can find in the CDC’s ingredients lists. Take the time to cross-match these toxins to the vaccine that is given in your area. You have the right to request the ingredients insert before you take the vaccine or subject your child to it.
  • 2-Phenoxyethanol is an anti-bacterial agent being used as a replacement for the preservative Thimerosal (mercury). It’s considered a very toxic material that could cause a boatload of side effects, including behavioral disorders … vomiting … diarrhea … visual disturbances … convulsions … rapid heart rate … central nervous system disorders … depression … kidney, liver and blood disorders … and reproductive defects.
  • Aluminum shows up in vaccines in many forms – like aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxy phosphate sulfate and aluminum hydroxide, to name a few. It works as an “adjuvant” to stimulate your immune system’s response to the virus in the vaccine. The problem is … aluminum is a particularly dangerous neurotoxin. It has the ability to slip past your body’s natural defenses and enter your brain – potentially causing brain damage … Alzheimer’s disease … dementia … convulsions … and coma. Human and animal studies have shown that aluminum can even cause nerve death.
  • Ammonium Sulfate is a substance commonly added to pesticides. It’s not known at this time if it’s cancer-causing, but it has been suspected of gastrointestinal, liver, nervous system and respiratory system toxicity.
  • Beta-Propiolactone ranks high as a hazardous chemical on at least five federal regulatory lists. It caused lymphomas and hepatomas after being injected into lab mice, but its true effect on humans is not known. Due to animal study results, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified beta-propiolactone as a possible human carcinogen.
  • Formaldehyde is used as a preservative to stabilize the vaccine. It’s a colorless, flammable, strong-smelling chemical that’s mostly used in industry to manufacture building materials and produce many household products. Plus, it’s also used to embalm – and preserve – dead bodies. (Remember the frog in your high school biology lab?) Formaldehyde is suspected of weakening the immune system and causing neurological system damage … genetic damage … metabolic acidosis (excessive blood acidity) … circulatory shock … respiratory insufficiency … and acute renal (kidney) failure. It’s been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by IARC and is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds on at least eight federal regulatory lists.
  • Formalin helps preserve the vaccine. It’s a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol and water. It’s mostly used to preserve tissue samples in health care laboratories and presents the same danger to your health as formaldehyde does.
  • Gentamicin Sulfate is an antibiotic that ‘s been known to cause deafness or loss of equilibrioception (sense of balance). It can also be highly nephrotoxic (damage your kidneys) if multiple doses accumulate over time.
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) excites and poisons your cells and tissues. It’s used as a stabilizer in vaccines and is also found in many processed foods. MSG has been shown to cause retinal degeneration … behavior disorders … learning disabilities … reproductive disorders … obesity … and even lesions on the brains of lab animals. Allergic reactions to MSG can be severe.
  • MRC-5 Cellular Protein is human diploid cells taken from aborted human fetuses. They’re used as a culture to grow the virus.
  • Neomycin is an antibiotic that has been shown to have multiple effects on your body. It can be a neurotoxin and an ototoxin (affect hearing and balance). It also can cause respiratory paralysis, kidney damage and kidney failure. Plus, it retards your vitamin B6 absorption, sometimes leading to mental retardation and epilepsy. Some allergic reactions to neomycin can be life threatening.
  • Octoxinol-9 is a vaginal spermicide.
  • Phenol is included in vaccines to help stimulate immune response. Instead, it does the opposite – by inhibiting phagocytic activity. Phagocytes are your body’s first line of defense. They engulf and digest antigens and activate the other elements of your immune system. Phenol’s phagocytic-inhibiting effect actually hinders your immune system from properly dealing with the pathogens that are entering your body through the vaccine.
  • Phenol is used in the production of drugs, weed killers and synthetic resins, so you can imagine the effect it has on the human body. It’s considered to be toxic to your cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems … your liver … your kidneys … and your skin. Phenol is so deadly that is was used by the Nazis as a means of extermination during the World War II. Phenol injections were given to thousands of people in concentration camps – especially at Auschwitz-Birkenau – to kill those who were mentally ill, had incurable tuberculosis and were permanently incapable of work.
  • Polymyxin B is an antibiotic with some nasty side effects – neurotoxicity and acute renal tubular necrosis (the most common cause of kidney failure).
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) works as a stabilizer in the vaccine. It’s used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications. But it’s not as safe as it sounds. According to the December 2005 issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock, which can kill. It also causes cancer in animals.
  • Streptomycin is an antibiotic. Its main side effect is ototoxicity – the loss of hearing.
  • Thimerosal is used as a preservative in the vaccine. It contains 49.6% mercury by weight and has been implicated in many health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease … autism … seizures … mental retardation … hyperactivity … dyslexia … and many more nervous system conditions. The mercury used in vaccines is second in toxicity only to the radioactive substance, Uranium. It’s a powerful neurotoxin that can damage the entire nervous system of an infant in no time.
  • Plus, the inclusion of aluminum and even formaldehyde with the mercury in the vaccine magnifies the problem. Aluminum can make the mercury 100 times more toxic. Toss in formaldehyde as well, and one independent study found that mercury toxicity was increased by 1,000 times. Source
There is a risk of terrible side effects.

I’d honestly rather take my chances with the flu than to have myself injected with something that carries the risk of such side effects on the off-chance (the 1.5% off-chance) that I might avoid catching the 1% of viruses that the shot “protects” me from.

The CDC itself warns:

Mild Problems
  • soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
  • hoarseness; sore, red or itchy eyes; cough
  • fever
  • aches
  • headache
  • itching
  • fatigue
If these problems occur, they usually begin soon after the shot and last 1-2 days.

Moderate Problems
  • Young children who get inactivated flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13) at the same time appear to be at increased risk for seizures caused by fever. Ask your doctor for more information.
  • Tell your doctor if a child who is getting flu vaccine has ever had a seizure.
Severe Problems
  • Life-threatening allergic reactions from vaccines are very rare. If they do occur, it is usually within a few minutes to a few hours after the shot.
  • In 1976, a type of inactivated influenza (swine flu) vaccine was associated with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). Since then, flu vaccines have not been clearly linked to GBS. However, if there is a risk of GBS from current flu vaccines, it would be no more than 1 or 2 cases per million people vaccinated. This is much lower than the risk of severe influenza, which can be prevented by vaccination.
But what they don’t tell you is that not all adverse reactions are reported and that when they are, the statistics are doctored to keep the do-good reputation of the shot untarnished.
In searching the year 2011 on the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website - ( – it was found that 51 deaths were caused by the flu vaccines, along with 232 life threatening events, 116 permanent disabilities, 739 hospitalizations, 109 prolonged hospitalizations, 4,039 ER visits, and 6,221 “not serious” reports. According to the National Vaccine Information Center, fewer than one percent of all adverse vaccine reactions are ever reported. Source
Also, consider cases like that of Desiree Jennings, the Washington Redskins cheerleader who suffered a paralyzing nerve disorder after receiving her seasonal flu shot. Not only did the industry refuse to compensate her for her trauma and enormous medical bills, vicious attempts were made to publically discredit her.
Jennings was a fit and healthy cheerleader up until August when she got a seasonal flu shot. Ten days after the shot she began experiencing flu like symptoms, followed by severe convulsions and black outs. After seeing around 60 doctors, Jennings was eventually diagnosed with dystonia, a paralyzing neurological disorder that causes the muscles to relentlessly contract and spasm, causing extreme difficulties with walking, talking and general body movements. 
Despite the fact that doctors who vigorously examined her condition at both Fairfax Inova and Johns Hopkins confirmed that she was suffering from dystonia, and that the cause of the illness was her reaction to the flu shot, numerous apologists for big pharma have ludicrously claimed that her story is a hoax and that her disease is imaginary, citing no evidence whatsoever and having had no contact with Jennings at all.
Next, I do not trust the FDA.

FDA approval means less than nothing to me. If the FDA approves it, it just means that the company behind it has enough money and clout to get it approved. I do not trust the FDA to look out for the best interests of me, my children, or anyone else’s children, for that matter. I wrote an article last year regarding the FDA and here are some of the observations that really show the agenda of the agency:
  • The FDA wants to be in control of ALL things ingested by the American people. The FDA is simply an enforcing tentacle of the big business organized crime syndicate that actually runs the United States, and is thus complicit in the plans of the New World Order. 
  • The FDA can overlook the horrible side effects and suicides caused by anti-depressant pharmaceuticals while attempting to ban the sale of St. John’s Wort, a remedy that has been used successfully for hundreds of years.
  • The FDA can bypass the deadly e-coli outbreaks occurring in massive factory farms where the animals are squeezed in so compactly that they can’t turn around, but they want to prosecute an organic farmer for using manure as compost.
  • The FDA can cheerfully tell the American people, “Don’t worry, there’s nothing to see here” with regard to the ever-rising radiation levels in milk but they want to raid the dairies of an Amish man who sells milk right from the cow, as it has been consumed for centuries.
  • The FDA wholeheartedly supports genetic modification of our crops and livestock. The FDA endorses additives and preservatives. The FDA promotes chemical pharmaceuticals over gentle natural remedies.
MSM’s Constant Endorsement

And finally, when the media pushes it, I automatically decline. Seriously – anytime there is a big hype or something is made to be mandatory, my gut tells me “This isn’t good.” Look at all of the commercials for anti-depressants. Look at all the soothing newscasters telling us how “we don’t have to suffer.” Look at how GMOs are being promoted as the answer to world hunger. Real journalism is all but dead and can only be found in alternative media sources.

The mainstream media is Public Enemy #1, a group of corporate whores who put on make-up and a pretty outfit in order to seduce the public into believing what the puppet masters want them to believe. The media is owned by the same tie-wearing serial killers who own Big Pharma, government agencies and the financial industry.

It may sound illogical but I firmly believe the MSM is complicit in the overthrow of personal sovereignty. Therefore, if something is heartily endorsed by them I am immediately suspicious. I refuse to be submissively led along by the folks on the tube. When they repeat something over and over, at the very least it requires close and careful investigation, if not all-out rejection of what they are saying. There is nearly ALWAYS an agenda and that agenda is nearly always one that crushes liberty or health in the name of power or money.

Any mainstream article on the flu that you read states some form of the following: ”The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot.” It is a not-so-subtle brainwashing. It hearkens back to the theories of Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.
  • “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
  • “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
  • “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
This programming has allowed many organizations to make the flu shot a term of participation, with little outcry from the public. Workplaces, schools and other activities across the US and Canada have instituted policies that force all participants to receive a flu shot. Longterm hospital employees have been fired for refusing to have the toxin injected into themselves. Children have been banned from pre-schools and daycares in 6 states. In brighter news, widespread refusal of healthcare workers in British Columbia has resulted in the province dropping the policy for the remainder of the year.

I don’t believe that all health care professionals and flu-shot advocates have ill-intent. I think that many of them have just sipped the mainstream media Kool-aid – the tale-spinners of Big Pharma have slipped in just enough truth to make their theories believable. Many people are deep-down decent and have difficulty believing that such a perverse money/power agenda could exist.

Mandatory policies of this nature always trigger a suspicious response from me. They whisper the ominous words “soft-kill eugenics” to me. No, I don’t have proof of this, but I’d rather err on the side of longevity. I’ll take the risk of illness that my healthy immune system can fight off over the risk of being forcibly inoculated with whatever toxins the creators of these vaccines choose to include. I’ll use my little arsenal of home remedies and come through it without the risk of long-term side effects that have yet to be discovered (or at least, have yet to be made public).

What do you think about the flu shot?

Did you take the vaccine? Why or why not? Please feel free to share links to any interesting sources or studies on this topic.

Flu (Scare) Season Goes Into Overdrive
Reuters Spins Flu Story

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, where this article first appeared, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  1 Thessalonians 5:21

Dan Fink
In regard to this Great Book [the Bible], I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to men. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it. (Abraham Lincoln)

Brief Comment. Glad to help publicize those who stand for the truth in America in health and other important matters. If you have interesting angles on health either good or bad but the public needs to know about, will welcome if you forward it to me Erasmus of America at If you want to be added to our national email list for those who might be interested in health answers others forward to us or else we are starting to test out at the beginning of our national healt testing center for health products we think the public should know about, send to email address above and say "Add To List." By the way for those who have followed my developing reports on national health, a husband saying me publicize the super vitamin and mineral tablets I have been testing with great results since Dec. 20 tried one tablet a day starting about 15 days ago. She had according to him been taking blood pressure medicine now for about 35 years. Two days ago the startled doctor took her off of her blood pressure medicine. Her blood pressure was now normal and the doctor asked her how she did this. This is what happens when we listen to God-given answers in the Bible and in God's nature on earth! - Erasmus of America (pen name for outspoken source in national health issues! -

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Signs of Cabal Defeat Are Proliferating

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Signs of Cabal Defeat Are Proliferating
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 14-Jan-2013 10:11:07

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

Signs that the Satanic cabal is headed for a decisive defeat are proliferating. One clear indication is that even corporate media has begun to report on Satanic paedophiliac ceremonies presided over by the likes of UK media star Jimmy Savile.
Furthermore, 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist attack accomplice Senator J. Rockefeller announced he was not running for re-election. This is a sign the Rockefellers are joining the Bush clan in being ousted from secret power. In France, meanwhile, another cabal leader, former President Nicholas Sarkozy is facing criminal prosecution on charges of accepting bribes from foreign leaders. Then we have a mysterious visit by Obama to the Pentagon for a “personal fitness boot camp,” on January 12th.
Secret negotiations, meanwhile, continue to remove the US dollar from Federal Reserve Board control and into the hands of the 180 nation BRICS coalition. Despite attempts by cabalists to derail these talks, they are proceeding smoothly.
Also, the situation in the Middle East has taken a dramatic turn as control of Iraqi oilfields is being handed over to prominent Kurdish families as a part of the process of creating a Sunni super-state encompassing Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya. Three prominent Kurdish activists were killed last week to help facilitate