Tuesday January 15, 2013
Emergency Update 3 of 3
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
In closing, as our Constitution hangs in the balance, it is important to remember the NRA (National Rifle Association) has no credibility when it comes to the Constitution.
The NRA defends the 2nd Amendment but does not defend the 1st Amendment in regards to the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act and the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act).
Note: A hack organization of the Republican Party, the NRA actually endorsed nation wrecker, election stealer, Constitution shredder and homosexual in-the-closet and crooked bank stooge, George W. BushFRAUD in his race against then Vice President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
As Lafayette remains at Brandywine, Albert Gore Jr. remains the non-inaugurated, duly electednatural born President of the United States of America.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Soil And Health Library
Soil And Health Library
begins in the soil; Healing begins with hygiene; Liberty begins with freedom.
This website provides free e-books, mainly
about holistic agriculture, holistic health and self-sufficient homestead
living. There are secondary collections about social criticism and transformational
psychology. No fees are collected for this service. The library's subject seemingly-diverse topic areas actually connect agricultural methods to the consequent health or illness of animals and humans, shows how to prevent and heal disease and increase longevity, suggests how to live a more fulfilling life and reveals social forces working against that possibility. The Free Digitalized Library: There are four major subject areas: Radical Agriculture. The nutritional qualites of food and consequently the health of the animals and humans eating that food are determined by soil fertility. This section's interest is far wider than organic gardening and farming; other health-determined approaches to food-raising are also included. Go to the Agriculture Library The Restoration and Maintenance of Health. Nutritional medicine heals disease, builds and maintains health with diet—and sometimes heals with fasting or other forms of dietary restriction. There are many approaches represented in this collection. There is also a collection concerning longevity and nutritional anthropology. A new medical reference library has been added to this collection. Go to the Health Library Achieving Personal Sovereignty. Physical, mental, and spiritual health are linked to one's lifestyle. This collection focuses on liberating activities, especially homesteading and the skills it takes to do that—small-scale entrepreneuring, financial independence, frugality, and voluntary simplicity. There is also a collection of social criticism, especially from a back-to-the-land point of view. Go to the Personal Sovereignty Library Achieving Spiritual Freedom. There are many seemingly-different self-betterment roads. The books in this collection seek to empower a person to effect their own development in an independent manner. Go to the Spiritual Freedom Library. Additionally Clippings and Miscellaneous. Since this library's beginning patrons have sent information and URLs where interesting bits of information and viewpoints could be found. Here you will find articles and essays and etc. that support and enhance the information found in our book collections. Go to the Clipping File. Latest E-Books Added. Digitalized titles added to the online Soil and Health Library in the last few months, click here: Soil And Health Discussion Group Here, a wide ranging discussion goes on about how different agricultural and gardening methods change nutritional qualities of the foods being grown, about the resulting health of the animals and humans that eat those foods, about the best ways to homestead, to grow food, about how the current New World Order is suppressing homestead success. This Yahoo group is gently moderated by Steve Solomon. All points of view and opinions are welcome so long as they exhibit a respect for sustainability and human health and respect the viewpoints of others. You are welcome to post your own essays, refer to other's writings, engage in dialogues. To join the group, click here. The Purpose of Soil And Health Library
The wisest student learns
from the originators of a body of knowledge because those who later follow in
the founders' footsteps are not trailblazers of equivalent depth. This is
especially true of the writings from many post WWII academics and professors
who mainly write because they must publish . . . or perish. Even when
the earliest works in a field contain errors because their authors lacked
some bit of data or had a fact wrong, their books still contain enormous
wisdom. If nothing else, study of older books lets us discover that the
conditions that prevail today aren't the way things always were—whilst on
some levels, some things hardly ever change at all.
There are powerful forces on
Earth obscuring the foundations of knowledge. That would be okay if there
were better knowledge and wiser wisdoms coming on line to replace them. But
usually the opposite is the case. As the sort of person Sir Albert Howard
called "the laboratory hermit . . . someone who knows more and more
about less and less" . . . increasingly dominates ever-wider areas of
scholarship, the focus of scholarship gets ever narrower, and less wise.
Manipulative social-political-economic interests attempt to create Orwellian
realities that suit them; their domination of academia and media makes people
forget the fundamentals. Ferdanand Lundberg's book The Rich and the Super
Rich explains exactly how this works. You may find Lundberg's book in the
Criticism collection.
Here's an example of the
result of foundation- and industry-influenced "science." Despite
all the apparent advances in broadacre industrial agriculture, the
nutritional qualities of our basic foodstuffs have been declining during this
century. That's largely because most agronomists focus on bulk yield and
profitability of the crop, whilst knowing next to nothing about animal/human
nutrition. However, there's a little-appreciated "law" about this
area: nutritional value usually drops in direct relationship to the increase
in bulk production. Or, in agriculture at any rate, "quality" seems
the opposite of "quantity."
Industrial agriculture
has devastated self-sufficient, independent lifestyles. Take the U.S. as an
example. In 1870, something like 90 percent of all Americans lived on
free-and-clear farms or in tiny villages. And in consequence, enjoyed
enormously greater personal liberty than today. The current decline in
personal rights in America, Canada and in Australia is NOT the result of
there being more people dividing up a fixed and limited amount of total
possible liberty into smaller and smaller slices. It is a consequence of
financial insecurity, financial dependency and wage slavery. Persons lacking
financial independence rarely possess the strength to forthrightly demand
social liberties.
This is what happened:
since 1870 as the industrial food system became ever more
"efficient" it lowered the price of basic agricultural
commodities. Consequently most country folk rejected their
self-sufficient-farm birthright for a better-paying job in town, abandoned
their technologically primitive free-and-clear homestead in favour of a city
apartment (with electric power and running water) and soon became
wage-enslaved. The ones who remained on the farm borrowed to invest in
capital-intensive production methods and so became debt slaves. Wage- and
debt-slaves, like all other kinds of slaves, feel insecure and think that in
order to survive they must not reveal their true feelings, must suppress
themselves whilst pleasing those in authority.
The global industrial
system's imperative is balance-sheet efficiency in all areas,
including farming, but the apparent cheapness of economically-rational
agriculture does not reflect a true accounting of costs. Despite the
statistical increase in average lifespan, our average health and feelings of
wellness have been declining. Consider as an example the large proportion of
your neighbours whose mental awareness seems wrapped in fat. Americans
especially are disdained world wide for being hugely obese. Australians and
Canadians are going the same way, spending ever-larger portions of their
productivity on the treatment and cure of disease. This whole activity of
"health" care is not a productive use of human attention, but in
reality constitutes enormous waste, pain, and suffering, suffering whose main
source, poor nutrition, is almost entirely unappreciated.
Dr. Isabelle Moser, who
spent 25 years conducting a clinical practice using holistic approaches,
suggested in private conversations that what she termed the
"constitution" of her older patients was typically much stronger
than the constitution of her younger ones. Each generation got a poorer start
than the one before it as each generation built the foundation of their
health from foods produced on ever-more degraded soils grown ever-more
"scientifically," and more and more consisting of processed,
denatured fodder. (The full text of Dr. Moser's book How
And When To Be Your Own Doctor, is in the Health Library.) (For a
good discussion of the concept of "start," read Wrench's Wheel
of Health in the Longevity Library. See also: Shelton's Orthotrophy,
It was a sage who quipped:
"if they can stop you from asking the right questions, you'll never come
up with the right answers." In this library you will encounter
individuals who DID ask the right questions and even came up with some of the
answers. Modern higher education points people's attention away from the
Truth and toward an ever-increasing confusion created by too much data. This
library restores the availability of key books written by amazing
individuals, books that offer major illumination to those who can already
see, books that speak the truth to those who can still hear.
You Can Help
If you admire what is being done here and wish to assist this effort:
Who Is Creating This Site?
library began in 1997 by Steve Solomon. In 2010 the effort was taken over by
Justin Crawford who now owns the library. Click here to communicate via e-mail.
via ordinary mail to:
Justin Crawford Soil and Health Library PO Box 464 Launceston Tasmania 7250 Australia
library maintains a personal
web page for Steve Solomon that also contains an e-mail form should you
wish to write to Steve.
Agriculture Library INDEX
Subject: GEORGE W. BUSH--------
Srcoll to the bottom of the page. Several videos.First on GEORGE W. BUSH 9:44 minutes
Second video George Carlin 3:15 there are other videos to watch as well.
Bill Ayers, Declassified
Bill Ayers, Declassified
March 20, 2012 By George Spelvin
A declassified FBI top secret 50 page report on
the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) reveals that Obama kingmaker Bill
Ayers became Educational Secretary of the WUO when it morphed into an
international movement to replace “America’s imperialistic state” with a New
Democracy, which is their euphemism for a combination of Socialism and Marxism.
Ayers’ wife Bernardine Dohrn was elected to their National Interim Committee
from June, 1969 to early 1970 when the group went underground.
If you have any doubt about their visceral
disdain for America’s white males, especially its cops, consider what the
Provisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam (PRG) told the WUO. “Look for
the person who fights hardest against the cops. . .don’t look for the one who
says the best thing. Look for the one who fights.” So when President Obama
disparaged the police who arrested a fellow black academic, Harvard Professor
Henry Louis Gates, Jr., in 2009, he was responding in kind by saying the
officer “acted stupidly.”
When Bill Ayers wrote his book “A Kind And Just
Parent” which delves into his radical views about juvenile crime, Barack Obama wrote a positive review, and
Michelle Obama (who was a University of Illinois dean) organized a discussion
panel on the topic with Ayers and his wife, both WUO leaders.
A Wikipedia synopsis of the career of Dohrn says
her hiring boss, a Chicago’s Sidley Austin law firm, remarked “She wouldn’t say
she’s sorry” in explaining why Dohrn does not carry an Illinois law license,
even though she is the immediate past director of the Northwestern University’s
Children and Family Justice Center, which she founded as one of their associate
law professors!
The Sidley Austin connection is intrinsic to the
political advancement of Dohrn, Michelle Robinson Obama, Barack Obama, and
Valerie Jarrett. Dohrn and other WUO leaders traveled to Cuba in 1969 to meet
with members of the Cuban and North Vietnamese governments. Two years earlier,
Radio Hanoi announced the formation of the Viet Cong’s political arm (National
Liberation Front) with American and South Vietnamese People’s Solidarity
Committees aimed at enjoining progressives in the U.S. with interests of the
Democratic Republic of North Vietnam (DRV).
Their guiding philosophies contain ideologies
from their New Left Notes, beginning in 1969, that stressed the need to “seize
state power and defeat U.S. imperialism.” A duty to “let the international
communist movement guide it” (that is, their struggles against America) and the
world’s main challenge “between U.S. imperialism and the oppressed peoples of
the world, especially Third World people” are other guiding principles. This
FBI analysis appears to come from these New Left Notes publications.
Part of their plan involved setting up a Black
Colony and other Third World multi- cultural enclaves within the American
experience so that American traditional democracy becomes no longer a melting
pot that embraces America’s founding principles, but rather a salad bowl of
multi culti ideologies all struggling against their definition of Americanism.
So the division of our country into the racial
and class tensions so prevalent since Obama took office is all part of their
game plan. “However, the black liberation struggle in this country will have
only one state; the struggle for self-determination will embody with it the
struggle for socialism.”
Mao Tse Tung’s famous statement that “it only
takes a spark to start a Prairie Fire,” became a pillar of the WUO’s
philosophy. Another founding document is the Osawatomie Magazine; Obama’s speech
given at Osawatomie, Kansas on Dec. 6, 2011, can be seen as a subliminal
message that he remembers his mentors. “Our people will always be, the
American invaders defeated. . . ” by Ho Chi Minh; Osawatomie Magazine, Summer
1975, no. 2, WUO.
The Ayers Dohrn New Left Notes writers said,
“The very first question people in this country must ask in considering the
question of revolution is where they stand in relation to the U.S. as an
oppressor nation. . .” Remember when Obama told us just before he was elected
we were just days away from fundamentally transforming this nation? “The
struggle of the people of the whole world against U.S. imperialism and its
lackeys,” is a theme song still being sung today.
OPPT Press Release: Current State 1111.1
OPPT Press Release: Current State 1111.1
It is time to BE and to DO.
Please go to http://peoplestrust1776.org/ click on "Press Release" then click third one down "Current State 1111.1" to down load or view the original PDF.
I am copying the entire written portion here. Please excuse any glaring formatting errors- they are mine, not OPPT's.
THE DISCLOSURE 1111.1 Caleb Paul Skinner
AO U CC Do c. No . 2 01 30 0 49 1 0 Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
R E C E I P T N O . 1 2 8 5 6 2 6 Hollis Randall Hillner
TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO...by free will conscious choice...that IS the question and choice consciously before you NOW, and IN plain english as legalese (CODE), is no longer lawful and legal... we DO clarify:
THE LAW OF ONE: Creator's value EMBODIED, equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation, re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation
WE DO REPEAT: Creator's value (Absolute One, prime, zero point) EMBODIED (Absolute BE'ing in body), equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation (Be'ing), re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation (BE'ing) thereafter.
The people are creator, with the creator's value (Absolute BE'ing in body) domicil (not domiciled) with in Self (body of BE'ing)...the people BE'ing IS The Value... Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will NOW.
FACTS/DATA: The Law of One was duly REGISTERED (“nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea” meaning “then as now and hereafter”), October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and Incorporation of WA DC UCC File
No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. All the people of this planet, equally BE'ing states of body of and by creator, were duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal,
**International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The one people's Absolute Value was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079322, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The earth, a BE'ing state of body of and by creator, with Absolute Value of creator domicil thereon, therein, and thereof, was duly
REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), August 3, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. **All these REGISTRATIONS, are lawfully and legally binding on any and all former principals, agents,
and beneficiaries of the slavery systems, inclusive of any and all Universal, International, National and State equivalents, by PRINCIPAL AGENT DOCTRINE preserved and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103.COMMON LAW: The Law of One, EMBODIED in the principles and rules of action consciously creating the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments and decrees of the court.
WE DO REPEAT: The Law of One (Creator, Absolute), EMBODIED (BE'ing) in the principles and rules of action (DO'ing what one BE's) creating (consciously) the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments (UCC 3-501 DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION/3-505 CERTIFICAT OF DISHONOR process) and decrees (DECLARATION OF FACTS, COMMERCIAL BILLS, and TRUE BILLS of BE'ing) of the court (creator, absolute/Self, co-creator).
The people DO'ing what they BE, IS The Law ... Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will. TO SEE or NOT TO SEE the data of the conscious choice DONE by the free will of the former “powers that were” to COnsciously DEceive by CODE and any and all systems, implemented by constitution, and enacted and managed by statutes, acts, treaties, and other agreements in order to control or direct societal customs, judgments, and decrees.
FACTS/DATA: Common Law was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), many times, but specifically in absolute context of the Law of One, October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and
Incorporation of WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration.
The Law of One and the principle and action aligned with the principle of Common Law of BE'ing and DO'ing what you BE, is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “...and the law relative to capacity to contract...”, The Law of One. The BE'ing, inclusive of the value, Law and principle of Law of BE'ing is duly preserved,
protected and guaranteed against damage caused by DO'ing of any other without their knowing, willing and intentional consent, by public policy UCC 1-308, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words “without prejudice”, damages caused by another's DO'ing. The remedy of Common law is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(a), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “...or by other rule of law.”, Remedy provided by Common Law of the Law of One. The equal right of every BE'ing to individually enforce remedy of Common Law of The Law of One is duly preserved, protected and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(b), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words, “unless the provision (BE'ing)
declaring (DECLARATION OF FACTS) it specifies a different and limited effect (Common Law principle of The Law of One)”, (brackets) added by the Public Trust, under full responsibility and liability of its bonded Trustees of record, for clarification of Absolute Context.
The UCC, inclusive of any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, are duly REGISTERED with sole and indefeasible title, ownership, and rights duly secured to the people of this planet, equally, the One, UCC File No.'s 2000043135 (original filing, the “perpetuity”), 2011055259, 2011051841, 2011055260, 2011125781, (gift by REGISTERED assignment), 2012012675 and 2012025545 (REGISTERED acceptance of gift).
With Absolute Context provided herein, as fully disclosed by DECLARATION OF FACTS, REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.'s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, and 2012127914, noticed by public notice,
we consciously DO request that you make a conscious choice of what you BE and DO. By your free will TO BE or NOT TO BE, TO DO or NOT TO DO, do you now “see” the Absolute Truth of your capacity and power to COnsciously CREATE, CO-CREATE? Do you now “see” the importance of you BE'ing and DO'ing consciously?
The Current Sate of Now:
The current state of NOW, is that any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, have been lawfully and legally foreclosed, indebted and estopped by their free will choice. Any and all unlawful positions and claims to what is not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void. Any and all unlawful commandeering of value that was not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, otherwise made null and void, and returned by ledger to the lawful and legal owners and
holders-in-due-course. Any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, to retain any unlawful and illegal power, control, and claims over what is not lawfully and legally theirs, specifically under the guise of “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS” has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void, by the Public Trust guarding, preserving and protecting The One, specifically the one people, by duly REGISTERING the absolute and
indefeasible title, ownership, and rights to any systems of assistance (formerly “governments”) created or purported to serve the one people without prejudice, under The Law of One and principle of Common Law, November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.'s 2012128324 (Securing any and all systems purported to be the people's systems), 2012128325 (Authorizing 194 Branches),
2012134306 (Branch-the united states of America”), 2012132885 (duly bonded and insured), with notice by public registration and additional official courtesy notice made on December 1, 2012. The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to the BE'ings known as “Poof”, “American Kabuki”, “Kauilapele” and Brian for serving the highest good of The One in unconsciously revealing the point of origin of “the boots on the ground” attempting to implement these purported “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS”, slavery systems reorganized under
CODE of canceled ENTITY and its CONSTITUTION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA unlawfully and illegally purporting to be NESARA, NESARA LAW, with authority to release prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine's Trust. Hence, the failure of official announcement of Boehner as the “INTERIM PRESIDENT”...The BE'ings known as Barrack Obama, St. Germaine and others, have known from the beginning what the Public Trust was
and is DO'ing, and they had knowledge of the methods and means used by the Public Trust to secure, guard, preserve and protect The One....and on December 24, 2012, the Public Trust did officially notify them that the Public Trust was ready to initiate the public announcement process to “unlock” the hidden value and law...by assisting The One to consciously know that they BE and to consciously choose by their free will how they want to DO.
THE DISCLOSURE...1111, dated 1-11, did officially notice all BE'ings involved with the Absolute Plan (some consciously choose to define it as the Divine Plan) to initiate disclosure of their part of the Absolute Data to the one people. The Absolute Data (no piece of data missing) as it is brought forth by many, many BE'ings, in all their dimensions of creation's universe, does reveal and make known that this Absolute Reset to prime, zero point, and the guarding, preserving, and protecting of that Absolute was hardly a “3-man job”, but the Absolute Plan that is consciously DONE and implemented by many in the highest good of the one people, and creation's universe, The One...DONE in plain sight using the cover of the very slavery systems, CODE, especially the “gregorian calendar”, expectations, and other tools of deception and allusion of the “Powers That Were”, while we all did absolutely rely on their free will choice of ego and greed to not “see” the Absolute Plan being implemented until it was past the point of their former
ability to usurp, violate, invade, abrogate, subjugate, or subordinate...SO IT IS DONE.
On January 21, 2013, if and when an OATH AND BOND is consciously made, it is known by the “Powers That Were” and those consciously involved in the Absolute Plan that this OATH AND BOND shall be duly secured and REGISTERED, and effectively lawfully and legally replace any and all that were executed for the sole purpose of guarding the one people. Others shall be duly executed and REGISTERED in kind. Furthermore, they consciously know that the REGISTRATION does lawfully and legally bind the BE'ing to DO the absolute public service in the
highest good of the one people, and all of creation's universe, The One, with specific responsibility and liability to establish systems of assistance, inclusive of the System of Treasury and the councils thereto, of the one people on a specific area of earth. The “Powers That Were” absolutely know the significance and meaning of the “gregorian date” of “January 21” and the lawful and legal effect it has on any purported oath being made privately the day before...by this “gregorian date” of January 21, 2013, they also know the significance and meaning of who is now in charge, the one
people, creator, The One.
It is by your free will choice of each BE'ing to consciously choose TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO with your full responsibility and liability...each of you are responsible for “when” the prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine's Trust, are released...and your application of DO'ing what you BE, knowing your capacity of BE'ing and preserving and protecting that BE'ing by your DO'ing, with examples provided, is the sign we are all “waiting” for. By your free will conscious choice to BE, and DO what you BE...consciously and responsibly...then SO IT IS DONE.
The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to all BE'ings for their absolute service to the highest good of the One.
DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 15, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, by the absolute responsibility and liability of embodied eternal presence transparent in absolute truth, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593, WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body BE'ing; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Co-Creator; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Trustee; /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body BE'ing; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Co-Creator; /s/Heather Ann TucciJarraf, as Trustee; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body BE'ing; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Co-Creator.
Please go to http://peoplestrust1776.org/ click on "Press Release" then click third one down "Current State 1111.1" to down load or view the original PDF.
I am copying the entire written portion here. Please excuse any glaring formatting errors- they are mine, not OPPT's.
THE DISCLOSURE 1111.1 Caleb Paul Skinner
AO U CC Do c. No . 2 01 30 0 49 1 0 Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
R E C E I P T N O . 1 2 8 5 6 2 6 Hollis Randall Hillner
The one people, creation's universe, The One, The Law of One, the principle of Common Law
and the Current State of Now
TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO...by free will conscious choice...that IS the question and choice consciously before you NOW, and IN plain english as legalese (CODE), is no longer lawful and legal... we DO clarify:
THE LAW OF ONE: Creator's value EMBODIED, equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation, re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation
WE DO REPEAT: Creator's value (Absolute One, prime, zero point) EMBODIED (Absolute BE'ing in body), equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation (Be'ing), re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation (BE'ing) thereafter.
The people are creator, with the creator's value (Absolute BE'ing in body) domicil (not domiciled) with in Self (body of BE'ing)...the people BE'ing IS The Value... Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will NOW.
FACTS/DATA: The Law of One was duly REGISTERED (“nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea” meaning “then as now and hereafter”), October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and Incorporation of WA DC UCC File
No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. All the people of this planet, equally BE'ing states of body of and by creator, were duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal,
**International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The one people's Absolute Value was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079322, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The earth, a BE'ing state of body of and by creator, with Absolute Value of creator domicil thereon, therein, and thereof, was duly
REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), August 3, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. **All these REGISTRATIONS, are lawfully and legally binding on any and all former principals, agents,
and beneficiaries of the slavery systems, inclusive of any and all Universal, International, National and State equivalents, by PRINCIPAL AGENT DOCTRINE preserved and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103.COMMON LAW: The Law of One, EMBODIED in the principles and rules of action consciously creating the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments and decrees of the court.
WE DO REPEAT: The Law of One (Creator, Absolute), EMBODIED (BE'ing) in the principles and rules of action (DO'ing what one BE's) creating (consciously) the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments (UCC 3-501 DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION/3-505 CERTIFICAT OF DISHONOR process) and decrees (DECLARATION OF FACTS, COMMERCIAL BILLS, and TRUE BILLS of BE'ing) of the court (creator, absolute/Self, co-creator).
The people DO'ing what they BE, IS The Law ... Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will. TO SEE or NOT TO SEE the data of the conscious choice DONE by the free will of the former “powers that were” to COnsciously DEceive by CODE and any and all systems, implemented by constitution, and enacted and managed by statutes, acts, treaties, and other agreements in order to control or direct societal customs, judgments, and decrees.
FACTS/DATA: Common Law was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), many times, but specifically in absolute context of the Law of One, October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and
Incorporation of WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration.
The Law of One and the principle and action aligned with the principle of Common Law of BE'ing and DO'ing what you BE, is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “...and the law relative to capacity to contract...”, The Law of One. The BE'ing, inclusive of the value, Law and principle of Law of BE'ing is duly preserved,
protected and guaranteed against damage caused by DO'ing of any other without their knowing, willing and intentional consent, by public policy UCC 1-308, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words “without prejudice”, damages caused by another's DO'ing. The remedy of Common law is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(a), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “...or by other rule of law.”, Remedy provided by Common Law of the Law of One. The equal right of every BE'ing to individually enforce remedy of Common Law of The Law of One is duly preserved, protected and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(b), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words, “unless the provision (BE'ing)
declaring (DECLARATION OF FACTS) it specifies a different and limited effect (Common Law principle of The Law of One)”, (brackets) added by the Public Trust, under full responsibility and liability of its bonded Trustees of record, for clarification of Absolute Context.
The UCC, inclusive of any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, are duly REGISTERED with sole and indefeasible title, ownership, and rights duly secured to the people of this planet, equally, the One, UCC File No.'s 2000043135 (original filing, the “perpetuity”), 2011055259, 2011051841, 2011055260, 2011125781, (gift by REGISTERED assignment), 2012012675 and 2012025545 (REGISTERED acceptance of gift).
With Absolute Context provided herein, as fully disclosed by DECLARATION OF FACTS, REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.'s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, and 2012127914, noticed by public notice,
we consciously DO request that you make a conscious choice of what you BE and DO. By your free will TO BE or NOT TO BE, TO DO or NOT TO DO, do you now “see” the Absolute Truth of your capacity and power to COnsciously CREATE, CO-CREATE? Do you now “see” the importance of you BE'ing and DO'ing consciously?
The Current Sate of Now:
The current state of NOW, is that any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, have been lawfully and legally foreclosed, indebted and estopped by their free will choice. Any and all unlawful positions and claims to what is not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void. Any and all unlawful commandeering of value that was not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, otherwise made null and void, and returned by ledger to the lawful and legal owners and
holders-in-due-course. Any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, to retain any unlawful and illegal power, control, and claims over what is not lawfully and legally theirs, specifically under the guise of “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS” has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void, by the Public Trust guarding, preserving and protecting The One, specifically the one people, by duly REGISTERING the absolute and
indefeasible title, ownership, and rights to any systems of assistance (formerly “governments”) created or purported to serve the one people without prejudice, under The Law of One and principle of Common Law, November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.'s 2012128324 (Securing any and all systems purported to be the people's systems), 2012128325 (Authorizing 194 Branches),
2012134306 (Branch-the united states of America”), 2012132885 (duly bonded and insured), with notice by public registration and additional official courtesy notice made on December 1, 2012. The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to the BE'ings known as “Poof”, “American Kabuki”, “Kauilapele” and Brian for serving the highest good of The One in unconsciously revealing the point of origin of “the boots on the ground” attempting to implement these purported “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS”, slavery systems reorganized under
CODE of canceled ENTITY and its CONSTITUTION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA unlawfully and illegally purporting to be NESARA, NESARA LAW, with authority to release prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine's Trust. Hence, the failure of official announcement of Boehner as the “INTERIM PRESIDENT”...The BE'ings known as Barrack Obama, St. Germaine and others, have known from the beginning what the Public Trust was
and is DO'ing, and they had knowledge of the methods and means used by the Public Trust to secure, guard, preserve and protect The One....and on December 24, 2012, the Public Trust did officially notify them that the Public Trust was ready to initiate the public announcement process to “unlock” the hidden value and law...by assisting The One to consciously know that they BE and to consciously choose by their free will how they want to DO.
THE DISCLOSURE...1111, dated 1-11, did officially notice all BE'ings involved with the Absolute Plan (some consciously choose to define it as the Divine Plan) to initiate disclosure of their part of the Absolute Data to the one people. The Absolute Data (no piece of data missing) as it is brought forth by many, many BE'ings, in all their dimensions of creation's universe, does reveal and make known that this Absolute Reset to prime, zero point, and the guarding, preserving, and protecting of that Absolute was hardly a “3-man job”, but the Absolute Plan that is consciously DONE and implemented by many in the highest good of the one people, and creation's universe, The One...DONE in plain sight using the cover of the very slavery systems, CODE, especially the “gregorian calendar”, expectations, and other tools of deception and allusion of the “Powers That Were”, while we all did absolutely rely on their free will choice of ego and greed to not “see” the Absolute Plan being implemented until it was past the point of their former
ability to usurp, violate, invade, abrogate, subjugate, or subordinate...SO IT IS DONE.
On January 21, 2013, if and when an OATH AND BOND is consciously made, it is known by the “Powers That Were” and those consciously involved in the Absolute Plan that this OATH AND BOND shall be duly secured and REGISTERED, and effectively lawfully and legally replace any and all that were executed for the sole purpose of guarding the one people. Others shall be duly executed and REGISTERED in kind. Furthermore, they consciously know that the REGISTRATION does lawfully and legally bind the BE'ing to DO the absolute public service in the
highest good of the one people, and all of creation's universe, The One, with specific responsibility and liability to establish systems of assistance, inclusive of the System of Treasury and the councils thereto, of the one people on a specific area of earth. The “Powers That Were” absolutely know the significance and meaning of the “gregorian date” of “January 21” and the lawful and legal effect it has on any purported oath being made privately the day before...by this “gregorian date” of January 21, 2013, they also know the significance and meaning of who is now in charge, the one
people, creator, The One.
It is by your free will choice of each BE'ing to consciously choose TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO with your full responsibility and liability...each of you are responsible for “when” the prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine's Trust, are released...and your application of DO'ing what you BE, knowing your capacity of BE'ing and preserving and protecting that BE'ing by your DO'ing, with examples provided, is the sign we are all “waiting” for. By your free will conscious choice to BE, and DO what you BE...consciously and responsibly...then SO IT IS DONE.
The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to all BE'ings for their absolute service to the highest good of the One.
DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 15, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, by the absolute responsibility and liability of embodied eternal presence transparent in absolute truth, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593, WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body BE'ing; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Co-Creator; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Trustee; /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body BE'ing; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Co-Creator; /s/Heather Ann TucciJarraf, as Trustee; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body BE'ing; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Co-Creator.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Secret Papers Show Extent of British Royals’ Veto Over Government Bills and more...
Secret Papers Show Extent of British Royals’ Veto Over
Government Bills and more...
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