Thursday, May 2, 2013

Jersey City Police Dept. Disciplines Officers for “Oath Keepers” Affiliation

Jersey City Police Dept. Disciplines Officers for “Oath Keepers” Affiliation

The Jersey City Police Dept. has made a public announcement saying that they have disciplined various officers for their affiliation with an “Oath Keepers” group called the “Three-Percenters”.
April 30, 2013
The police department has labeled these groups as “anti-government extremists”, because they claim a moral motivation that supersedes the demands of authority.  This group is affiliated with the Oath Keepers and are known as the “Three-Percenters”.
ThreePercenter.ORG is a Three Percenter community website promoting the ideals of liberty, freedom and a constitutional government restrained by law.
This site is run by freedom-loving Americans, however we can enjoy the company of those from other nations who share our cause.
What is a Three Percenter?
The Three Percent concept and idea was created by Mike Vanderboegh.
Roughly three percent of the population fought for liberty at any given time during the American war for Independence. With a colonial population of 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 only about 250,000 men served during the war with never more than 90,000 men serving at any given time.
Historians have estimated that approximately 40-45% of the colonists supported the rebellion while 15-20% of the population of the thirteen colonies remained loyal to the British Crown. The remaining 35-45% attempted to remain neutral.
A note: does not directly represent Three Percenters everywhere, we do however share in the Three Percenter spirit and ideology (and identify ourselves as Three Percenters). We cherish and work to defend our 2nd Amendment rights along with all our rights and liberties.
There are many members within various police departments and other government offices, and as expected their superiors are not happy about their involvement with such organizations.
A local newspaper reported that:
A clique of officers who calls themselves “Three-Percenters” in the Jersey City Police Department’s Emergency Services Unit sprouted about two years ago, officials have told The Jersey Journal.
They were separating themselves from the others in the unit and we put a stop to it immediately,” Jersey City Police Deputy Chief Peter Nalbach said.
In a brief telephone interview from Tennessee, Michael Graham said that he believes the officers have a right to have their own political beliefs — and in fact that there are many police, firefighters and veterans among the “three percenters.”
“We don’t collect any money, or ask anyone for anything, but maybe we should because we could help out the police officers who were unnecessarily disciplined,” Graham said.

Constitution Project finds violations of International Human Rights by Obama Administration

According to a report by the Constitutional Project both the Obama and Bush Administrations have violated the United States Constitution and international human rights laws by allowing torture of terror suspects.

(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
by Derrick Broze

April 30, 2013
The non partisan, independent review by the Constitution Project studied interrogation and detention programs since September 11, 2001. The report concluded that “it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture”.
“The sweeping, 600-page report says that while brutality has occurred in every American war, there never before had been “the kind of considered and detailed discussions that occurred after 9/11 directly involving a president and his top advisers on the wisdom, propriety and legality of inflicting pain and torment on some detainees in our custody.” The study, by an 11-member panel convened by the Constitution Project, a legal research and advocacy group, is to be released on Tuesday morning. “
Although the Constitution Project did not have access to classified records, a separate 6,000 page report was prepared by the Senate Intelligence Committee. This report focuses on the Central Intelligence Agency’s record and remains classified.
The report should come as no surprise to those paying attention but it does offer further evidence that the use of torture does not provide valid information. The report found “no firm or persuasive evidence” that enhanced interrogation methods produced valuable information. “A person subjected to torture might well divulge useful information,” however the information may not be reliable, according to the report.
The report goes on to state, the use of torture “damaged the standing of our nation, reduced our capacity to convey moral censure when necessary and potentially increased the danger to U.S. military personnel taken captive.”
The Constitution Project also studied what are known as CIA black sites, off the map interrogation and detention centers. The report found not only does the C.I.A. engage in waterboarding prisoners, but it has also slammed prisoners into walls, stripped them naked and kept them awake for long periods of times.
The report makes it clear that United States officials in the highest offices violated the Constitution of the United States as well as the International Convention Against Torture.
The Study was first initiated by President Obama in 2009. The President said he wanted to support a national effort to investigate Bush era counterterrorism programs. Shortly after, President Obama famously sold his supporters out by claiming it was time to “look forward, not backward”.
Although the report focuses on the now obvious abuses of the Bush Administration it does make note of the Obama Administration’s “excessive secrecy”.  It concludes keeping torture secret “cannot continue to be justified on the basis of national security”. They urge the Obama Administration to stop citing state secrets to block lawsuits related to torture.
The Constitution Projects report is just the latest piece of evidence that the United States leadership has forsaken even the most basic principles of this nation, and it’s Constitution. The Ruling Class has become a despotic army of fascists, speaking in forked tongues to pacify the masses.
As long as we ignore the crimes of our own nation we will contintion/

Sheriff’s Department Takes Family’s Home and It’s Contents Using a Fake Eviction

Sheriff’s Department Takes Family’s Home and It’s Contents Using a Fake Eviction

Please help my family get some press on this! Local media is in bed with our county and has only lied about the situation by claiming we had been evicted when we had NOT.

Photo: Cop Block
by Theodore Visner
Cop Block
April 30, 2013

My wife and I (Theodore Visner and Kathy Smith) bought a home from Shelly Sweet on land contract, a sheriff department employee, that changed her mind after we had been in the home for seven months making all payments as agreed. Although we were paying Sweet every month on the purchase of the property, she had not been paying the underlying mortgage and the home fell into foreclosure.
On a weekend Sweet knew that we would be out of town, she offered the contents of our home to her friends and coworkers at the Isabella County Sheriff’s Department claiming we had abandoned the home and many took her up on her free offer deal and took over $55,000 dollars worth of our personal property.
When we discovered this on Monday September 27, 2010 we called the same police and they kept us out of our home and assisted in it’s continued looting. We had NOT been evicted nor had we abandoned the property and the woman had convinced friends and coworkers that we had never paid her, were trashing the house and had forced her into foreclosure none of which were true.
My wife and I were able to get the house back after a full day of effort to discover that 95% of it’s contents had been stolen. The sheriff deputy (Steinert) came to our home three times that day and only assisted his coworker while the under-sheriff, sheriff and PA refused to help us after they recognized the totality of the situation…(that being, 6+ coworkers of Sweet coming into our home and receiving stolen property-theft).
On deputy Steinert’s third visit to our home, he arrested Visner for misuse of 911. The county then investigated my crime for almost four months and while I moved my family out of Isabella County for their safety, I could not move with them because my indefinitely delayed arraignment still loomed over my head.
We lost our home and 95% of it’s contents to the Sheriff Department and the sheriff department and the prosecutors office ignores our complaints and refuses to investigate their own and their friends. Over two and a half years have now passed with law enforcement officials doing nothing except covering for one another.
The theft of all of our property sucks but the underlying crime was the conspiracy to deprive my family’s constitutional rights, a federal crime during the commission of which, I was kidnapped (arrested) by deputy Steinert on the bullshit charge of misusing 911. Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. §§ 241 and 242 is a federal felony crime where the offenders could be sentenced to death if killing or kidnapping occur.
The following people participated in the crimes against my family.
Isabella County Sheriff Deputy Clinton Steinert
Isabella County Sheriff Department Clerk Shelly Sweet
Isabella County under-sheriff John Tellis
Isabella County Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski
Isabella County Board of Commissioners (7 or 8)
Isabella County Prosecuting Attorney Larry Burdick (out-going)
Isabella County Prosecuting Attorney Risa Scully (incoming)

Full story at
Call me at 989-954-2814

Please help my family get some press on this! Local media is in bed with our county and has only lied about the situation by claiming we had been evicted when we had NOT.

Bloomberg News Admits Fukushima Radiation Reportage Overblown

Bloomberg News Admits Fukushima Radiation Reportage Overblown, Underscoring Accuracy of ZS Livingstone's Articles at Following Japan Attack on 3/11

[Editor;s Note: Almost 2 years exactly to the date of the 3/11 attack on Japan, Bloomberg News publishes an article by Robert Peter Gale & Eric Lax that vindicates the insights first brought forth by ZS Livingstone in a position held by this web site exclusively in the immediate aftermath of the orchestrated sabotage operations launched against Japan on March 11, 2011, that stated emphatically that the wildly exaggerated radiation scare stories being promoted by mainstream media outlets worldwide, Leftist anti-nuclear energy advocates (including Amy Goodman of Democracy Now), Energy News, and the most sensationalist of them all, Jeff Rense of and the entire Radiation Fear Mongering Psyops Team featured there including Leuren Moret, Arnie Gundersen, and Yoichi Shimatsu, among many others, were unsubstantiated, unproven, and largely fabricated out of whole cloth by anti-nuclear energy zealots with a propaganda agenda and zero respect for facts or truth telling in reporting the "news."
Before the Bloomberg article reprinted further below, I'm posting an e-mail exchange between Al G. and ZS Livingstone in which other elements of the Japan 3/11 attack - not reported in Bloomberg - are reviewed: such as the undersea nuclear explosions that caused the sea surge (reported by lamestream as a "tsunami") and the pre-planted mini nuke bombs that caused the explosions at the Daiichi nuclear power station in Fukushima prefecture, falsely reported as "hydrogen gas explosions.". ...Ken Adachi]
March 10, 2013

Bloomberg News Admits Fukushima Radiation Overblown, Underscoring Accuracy of ZS Livingstone's Articles at Following Japan Attack on 3/11/11 (March 10, 2013)

Portal to a New Life

Portal to a New Life

[Editor's Note: If you had noticed a strange, slightly dizzy, vertigo-like spaciness in the past 3 days while going about your ordinary routines, you aren't alone. ZSL hinted at the possibility of the earth moving through a dimensional portal transition in his March 22 article commenting on the absense of natural earthquakes in the past couple of weeks. I just received an encouraging message from Tim Hicks that reflects a similar understanding, as expressed here, that the Dark Side agenda is going South and we can expect to see more instances of the Light breaking through in the coming months, despite the superficial appearance of impending war and Doom & Gloom "prophecy" promoters (most often heard on Coast to Coast radio).
ZSL had mentioned in a few essays in the past couple of years, that the lower astral dimension, formerly "owned" by untold legions of demonic beings, is now under "new management" and the demonic power base, upon which the Illuminated Ones had so depended upon for installing their NWO nightmare, is no longer there to serve them. I'm confident that the very uppermost tier of the Illuminated Ones is already aware of this disturbing change, but the lower level gofers will not be told anything is amiss until they experience some unexpected "changes" themselves. It will be interesting to see just how many of them begin to jump ship and otherwise quickly decide to "retire" or not run for another term, etc. A new and brighter day is coming; take heart. ..Ken Adachi]
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
March 24, 2013 (print friendly)

Portal to a New Life by ZS Livingstone (March 24, 2013)

There was a significant drop in the number of earthquakes worldwide on March 21 and 22 2013. The sense of vertigo many have been feeling over the past three months was intense on the two days. This is the list of number of earthquakes over 4.0 Richter so far this month:
March 1 2013.......12
March 2 2013.......21
March 3 2013.......19
March 4 2013.......22
March 5 2013.......19
March 6 2013.......22
March 7 2013.......10
March 8 2013.......7
March 9 2013.......15
March 10 2013......19
March 11 2013......27
March 12 2013......13
March 13 2013......13
March 14 2013......10
March 15 2013......21
March 16 2013......17
March 17 2013......11
March 18 2013......10
March 19 2013......24
March 20 2013......19
March 21 2013......4
March 22 2013......5
March 23 2013......10

For twenty-four hours there were no earthquakes 08:31:56 March 21 to 08:31:52 March 22 2013 UTC. The later quake was 13 kilometers under the Caspian Sea and most likely was not natural as it part of Azerbaijan a nation where there is much oil exploration. The average number of quakes over 4.0 per day is about 15. There were a number of people predicting deadly quakes on March 23, 2013 and it appears Mother Earth did not adhere to their predictions. She did the total opposite.
We did pass through an energy portal of a nature which we have not experienced before. Many felt surging spiritual energies. Few if any were harmed. The plan for planet Earth appears to be to minimize disasters. We have been carried safely through a portal into a new life.
Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

Commentary About the Matrix

This is very interesting and I get the feeling that if everyone can wrap their brains around this, we can all have the UTOPIA that we want.. As for the bad guys they need your permission to do any harm. That's why they kept the people numbed and dumbed up. The people that have awakened are making a difference in that the permission is Not there. This is a little bit about what I have been telling you. That is why I keep saying the people need to stop calling Obama the president because he is NOT. They are feeding this when they do. Check this out:

Hello Mr. Adachi,

I just finished reading the recent article by Franz Erdl regarding the matrix. It was interesting because the method of the matrix that he described and the data keeping activities has been something I've come across throughout my entire spiritual journey, but I haven’t spoken to anyone about it before now since no one else brought it up. I will disclose what I know from my perceptions and what I have experienced; many of which will corroborate with the current information. And I will try to give what ideas I have come up with over the past few years regarding this system.

When I began unconsciously traveling to the astral realms, I was attacked a lot because I was small and I didn't know what I was doing. However, with much assistance and training from my guides, I became master of my intent on the Other Side. I fought a lot and won a lot and even stopped a few rituals from taking place in the lower realms, and in so doing, saved souls that were held against their will. There were times that I would show up in an astral construct that is something like a simulation of our current reality.
In one simulation, the NWO had finally achieved martial law and they were launching an attack on the masses in a city. I was in this place and my guide was with me. I got the information that what I was seeing WAS NOT REAL, but that it is a copying of the energy that is radiated by human emotions during sleep and in their thoughts and dreams (but mostly sleep) and that this is harvested. This thought energy is processed through some sort of technology and then regurgitated back out into the ether, but in the structure of the desires of whoever is behind the harvesting (i.e. the black magicians, the negative ET's, etc.).
As I stood in the city, I was disgusted by what I saw. At the center of this energetic simulation there was a large white telescopic machine and it was spinning around and recording NOT the simulations reactions, but the VIBRATIONS of their reactions. In essence, this machine stores the vibrations of such an event which is then probably used to assault the natural energetic patterns of various realms. It’s like trying to FORCE manifestation of their goals.

I knew that to be caught in the line of such technology would be dangerous for me, but because I was not there by accident and because I had been given a guide, I was told how to shield myself. AWARENESS is key in this ENERGY HARVESTING-MANIPULATION SPY MACHINE. It works off of a lack of awareness. That’s why it uses a COPY of the emotional signatures of many humans.
Another thing to mention is that you can tell it is a simulation by the way that people within that construct react to you. I came across a line of cops that were shooting everyone in sight. However, when they looked at me, it was as if they were staring at a wall or a ghost. I was REAL and not a simple copy of vibrations, therefore I could not be seen by them. I believe this is only one machine of many; this one, however, is used for emotion harvesting.
The next one I'll describe uses the vibrations of your voice and I have come across this only twice in a span of many years. The first time was when I was being shown a sacred geometry that would be the archetype for the galactic alignment and new energies. After this, a speaker-like device flew into my space and just hovered around. Again, the key here is AWARENESS. I had a disgusted feeling again and so instead of brushing it away, I looked into the thing and yelled “YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY INFORMATION FROM ME.” And I said this with full awareness and intent and it left.
This machine harvests the vibration of sound in the astral so that it can identify you anywhere in the astral, maybe even in the physical, and keep tabs on you and tries to interfere with your spiritual development. However, once more, if you have FULL awareness at the time, the harvest is null and void because you have not given your permission.
I have been to various stages of these simulations and I can tell you they are not pretty. The vibration is completely restrictive. You might also find ET's flying around, but in recent years I have seen no people there, and only a poor attempt at building taking place. The fact is they can’t get their simulation strong enough to stand up and imprint on the REAL vibrations of Earth reality. They don’t have enough pawns anymore, but they still spy on people who happen to show up on whatever kind of astral scanner they have and try to take samples.
Another thing that this sound harvester does is use the words you say to look for other meanings. For example, years ago I was looking at the planet through my mind’s eye and waiting in excitement for the ascension and a man in all white came to ask me some questions. They had a weird machine that looked like a decoder and asked me what would happen in 2012. Though I did’t know what was going on at the time, something told me not to speak about it, so I began talking about how much I loved Mother Earth. Needless to say, they packed up their machine and left very angry ;)

This type of technology can even get an energetic symbol of your DNA. I once astral traveled to a hospital and once again, I discovered it was a simulation. The patients were just copied emotions in an astral vehicle. A doctor came in and I could tell instantly that his body was an astral shell and inside of it was some kind of reptile. It then so casually said “I will now take a sample of your DNA” and brought over another spy machine, but this was for physical vibration harvesting. I was aware of this, so I hopped up and looked it directly in the eyes and said “YOU WILL NOT GET SAMPLE OF MY GENETIC STRANDS” and then the reptile angrily departed.
There have been many times through my travels, conscious or otherwise, where this energy harvesting technology has tried to get a sample of my energetic signature: a voice, a speck of info or anything to put a tab on me or to use my energy. But these attempts have always failed because my AWARENESS and INTENT is 100%. I know where I am in the astral, that I am in the astral, and that what is trying to make contact with me is foreign and dangerous.
I think for those who worry if maybe they are spied upon, they should make the mental affirmation that they are fully aware and they have not given permission to anyone or anything to violate their free will. Another thing to discuss is those ships that Franz mentioned. I see them sometimes in these simulations when the spy technology is being used. Once , I even went into a Gray’s work station and there was a white computer panel and a set of electric wires with a mold in the middle that had no shape. I touched the mold and the wires connected to me and I received a shock. The pain was real and It felt like my astral body was being solidified. I actually felt my light body taking a dense form, but there was a problem. Because I have a physical body and therefore do not need another one, I cannot have two matter bodies. Needless to say, I pulled away after short circuiting the machine and the Gray came back to where I was. It was so scared that I found its technology and so angry that I had broken it, it leaped into the air and attempted to jump me. Luckily, by that time, I had been taught by my mentor, a shaman elder, how to protect myself. The Gray didn't get through my shielding and I high tailed it back to reality
The astral realm is the astral realm; the world of matter is the world of matter. What this technology did was essentially try to make the two reverse positions. And I think that is messing with the laws of creation and that’s why the Gray was afraid. Given the few years I’ve had these experiences, I think these various astral harvesting devices are technologies created by the super computer and like spy bots, crawl all over the astral and try to harvest vibrations from humans; without consent so that they can interfere with the natural plane of the Earth.
However, this is a monumental task and therefore, they will need to scrape as much energy as they can collect. The data that may be in those computers is probably harvested from the energetic plane through this special technology and once it is copied successfully and brought to the super computer, it anchors or imprints into the person once the identity is found.
In this way, there is a constant source of energy to bring about the astral kingdom of the NWO and solidify it into the world of matter as well as power the super computer. it’s like Google, but for energy and world domination.
The scientists have one foot in, and one foot out, of the simulations and the astrals. Before I became fully aware, I had an experience where I was somehow taken to a place where only consciousness could exist. I was out of both my physical and astral body, and basically I was an energetic blob with self awareness and memories. When in this state, in only a few minutes, I attained enlightenment and everything that ever existed came to my knowledge; even things from other universes…everything…and I was so happy.
I finally knew who I was. I was all of creation. However, just as I was about to release a wave of new energies into the planet, I was literally jolted from my connection and snatched into the room of a tower. I was sitting in front of a computer panel and two men dressed in all white were sitting there slumped over a screen - which I had thought at the time was a window. They were smoking herbs which allowed them to be in one world and the next. They could not perceive me at that moment and I watched as their astral bodies sat there like shells. I tried to reconnect to that awareness, but I guess they had special technology that perceives individualized consciousness and they shot right back into their astral bodies. Needless to say they were scared stiff when they saw me since what could they do against a spiritually aware human? And they were surprised by the results. I was stunned from being jolted from such a connection, so I just sat there in shock and I thought about attacking, but I would actually hurt them since these were REAL humans and that kind of goes against my code. I was told how good a job I did in a mocking tone and dragged down a long corridor and tossed back into the astral where I went back to my body…humiliated. This, however, was a long time ago. And I was too young minded to take it seriously (thank goodness).
It seems the scientists are studying the point of ascension for humans and the point of descension, They're studying what it takes; the conditions that need to be met; and the level of awareness needed, so that they can probably cause the exact opposite. In recent years, when I have popped up in these simulations, I see decay and they are almost barren. There are buildings and construction and even the restrictive vibrations, but it’s not holding up. Its falling apart because the vibrations are not strong enough, I see other beings struggling to keep it together, but they're weary and frustrated, like pulling stones around.

A thing I’d like to add is that the feeling I get from the root of this technology or the super computer, is that it is negative and restrictive by nature, not by choice.
A lot of times, the presence from the tech is desperately trying to attain something, like a blind man trying to understand colors. It’s also painful to see the simulations because you can feel that, even though it may look like reality, it will never be the one they truly want since it is always lacking something vital: freedom, authenticity, and heart.
Maybe this will add a little insight to your discovery or it might just confuse things more. I hope something might be gleaned from it
Thank you for letting me share.


How did Barack Obama become Monsanto’s man in Washington?

GMObama: How did Barack Obama become Monsanto’s man in Washington?
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-Apr-2013 04:47:23
Tyrants... in order to survive and flourish, NEED you to consider their words seriously. The truth is, their words deserve NO respect... Not one Iota!!
We've got to stop playing the game by their rules....


And when are anti-GMO activist groups going to stop saying they’re “shocked and disappointed” by the president?
Shocked and disappointed is polite-speak and politically correct reaction. It’s baloney.
Don’t you get it? Obama has never been on your side. He never deserved your trust.
Disappointment implies he was your buddy and then unaccountably walked away.
The man is a politician. He’s a liar. Different pols have different styles of lying. Some pretend they’re your friend before they screw you over and leave you in the dust.
I’ve previously published Obama’s track record as Monsanto’s number-one political supporter in America.
Meet Monsanto’s prime lobbyist, Barack Obama:
After his victory in the 2008 election, Obama filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:
At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.
As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.
As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.
As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.
As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.
As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had previously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.
We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.
Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.
The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.
And now let us look at what key Obama appointees have wrought for their true bosses. Let’s see what GMO crops have walked through the open door of the Obama presidency.
Monsanto GMO alfalfa.
Monsanto GMO sugar beets.
Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.
Coming soon: Monsanto’s GMO sweet corn.
Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.
Syngenta GMO stacked corn.
Pioneer GMO soybean.
Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.
Bayer GMO cotton.
ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.
A GMO papaya strain.
And soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.
This is an extraordinary parade.
Obama was, all along, a stealth operative on behalf of Monsanto, biotech, GMOs, and corporate control of the future of agriculture.
He didn’t make that many key political appointments and allow that many new GMO crops to enter the food chain through a lack of oversight.
Nor is it coincidental that two of the Obama’s biggest supporters, Bill Gates and George Soros, purchased 900,000 and 500,000 shares of Monsanto, respectively, in 2010.
Records don’t show Monsanto or other biotech giants pouring a landslide of (visible) campaign cash down on Obama, relative to other large donors.
Goldman Sachs was Obama’s number-one $ donor, and Goldman touts GM-crop commodity contracts, for both buys and sells; but Goldman has its fingers in every significant money pot from Nome to Tierra Del Fuego.
The “Obama riddle” is as plain as the nose on the face of Globalism. Monsanto’s agenda, to monopolize the world’s food supply, is essential to the Globalist blueprint. That blueprint ultimately aims for redistribution of food to the world from a point of Central Planning
As president, Obama has a sworn obligation to Globalism. His oath isn’t to protect the Constitution. Are you kidding?
Every recent president has had an overriding loyalty to Globalism.
Obama’s signing of the Monsanto Protection Act, making that corporation senior in power to the US court system, wasn’t an accident. It was taken in keen awareness of his duty to his Globalist betters.
You won’t, of course, see this disclosed on the evening news.
Here is a president who, like Bush, has no plans for a better world. Obama’s notion of “better” is tied up in the Globalist agenda:
An elite-run bureaucracy, promoting equality and justice, reduces all populations to a lowest common denominator, squashing freedom and prosperity.
Obama’s supporters will never learn the truth, because they’re blinded by the light, which they project on to the persona of the president.
This is only about 1/3 of the article. More on this link:

Defecting Syrian Officer: I Was Ordered to Use Chemical Weapons

CGI's ftownballa: Defecting Syrian Officer: I Was Ordered to Use Chemical Weapons
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-Apr-2013 04:12:12

FEMA Louisiana orders 200,000 Death Certificates

CGI's Lulu: FEMA Louisiana orders 200,000 Death Certificates
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-Apr-2013 04:04:09

Panel seeks to fine tech companies for noncompliance with wiretap orders

Panel seeks to fine tech companies for noncompliance with wiretap orders

Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:23AM

A government task force is preparing legislation that would pressure companies such as Facebook and Google to enable law enforcement officials to intercept online communications as they occur, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with the effort.

Driven by FBI concerns that it is unable to tap the Internet communications of terrorists and other criminals, the task force’s proposal would penalize companies that failed to heed wiretap orders - court authorizations for the government to intercept suspects’ communications.

Rather than antagonizing companies whose cooperation they need, federal officials typically back off when a company is resistant, industry and former officials said. But law enforcement officials say the cloak drawn on suspects’ online activities - what the FBI calls the “going dark” problem - means that critical evidence can be missed.

“The importance to us is pretty clear,” Andrew Weissmann, the FBI’s general counsel, said last month at an American Bar Association discussion on legal challenges posed by new technologies. “We don’t have the ability to go to court and say, ‘We need a court order to effectuate the intercept.’ Other countries have that. Most people assume that’s what you’re getting when you go to a court.”

There is currently no way to wiretap some of these communications methods easily, and companies effectively have been able to avoid complying with court orders. While the companies argue that they have no means to facilitate the wiretap, the government, in turn, has no desire to enter into what could be a drawn-out contempt proceeding.

Under the draft proposal, a court could levy a series of escalating fines, starting at tens of thousands of dollars, on firms that fail to comply with wiretap orders, according to persons who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. A company that does not comply with an order within a certain period would face an automatic judicial inquiry, which could lead to fines. After 90 days, fines that remain unpaid would double daily.

Instead of setting rules that dictate how the wiretap capability must be built, the proposal would let companies develop the solutions as long as those solutions yielded the needed data. That flexibility was seen as inevitable by those crafting the proposal, given the range of technology companies that might receive wiretap orders. Smaller companies would be exempt from the fines. The Washington Post

As a senator, Barack Obama vowed he would end warrantless wiretaps and initially opposed the FISA law based on the addition of telecom immunity, but ultimately voted for it with immunity intact just six months before winning the 2008 presidential election. Incidentally, the plan was opposed then by six in 10 Americans, according to a poll by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Critics say Americans may be unaware a friend or family member with whom they have communicated has been targeted in a terrorism probe. They also say such action threatens privacy rights because intelligence officials can eavesdrop on them without a warrant. Washington Times

The documents show that real-time monitoring of electronic communications jumped 60 percent from 2009 to 2011. The Hill

Today, Americans can be subject to search and seizure without a warrant, detained or imprisoned indefinitely, without charge, without evidence, without a lawyer, without a trial, or even tortured or assassinated merely for being accused of being associated with terrorism. Examiner


Surprising Vitamin-Cancer Study Results

Surprising Vitamin-Cancer Study Results 

Many hopeful and often desperate people get caught up in a
phenomenon that I call "vitamin hype."

Simply put, vitamin hype is when people hear of a study or read a magazine feature that touts the health benefits of a certain nutrient, and then rush right out to the pharmacy, grocery store or health food store to get some.
While it's great that people are being health-conscious, blindly going out to load up on supplements isn't always the best answer.
And even worse, many times it's the absolute WRONG answer.
Here's why:
Desire versus deficiency
Just because a nutrient has been shown to help produce a certain health benefit (such as prevention of cancer or heart disease), it does NOT necessarily mean you need to fly out, buy supplements and start gulping.
Because if your body is not deficient in that particular nutrient to begin with, then you are wasting time and money.
Now, some people may argue, "Well, at least this way I'm making sure I'm covered."
That's a good point, but sometimes that can lead to excesses which can be dangerous, too.
You see, while excess nutrients from many supplements typically are just excreted in your urine, that is not the case with others. Many nutrients can accumulate in your body and wreak havoc with your health.
Vitamin D is a perfect example.
While Vitamin D is essential for bone health and osteoporosis prevention, too MUCH vitamin D can lead to calcifications--painful accumulations of calcium in the soft tissues around your joints--as well as increasing your risk of atherosclerosis.
Talk about a good intention blowing up in your face, huh?

All vitamins are not created equal
While vitamins are technically defined as "food substances found only in living things," they can also be created synthetically.
You probably don't want to know this, but most of the vitamins you buy at stores style="font-family: "Arial","sans-serif"; font-size: 11.0pt;">But they're missing one very important point...

Sorry if I just made you gag.
But that's not even the biggest issue about natural versus synthetic vitamins.
You see, most chemists will say the molecular structure of a vitamin is the same whether it's natural (from food) or synthetic.
Plus, the synthetic form is attractive because it can be concentrated into larger doses and has a longer shelf life. Food rots--most pills do not.
Sounds good.
But they're missing one very important point...
Your body knows the difference between the two, my friend.
Here's an example:
The beta-carotene study
A famous study was done on vitamin A (beta-carotene) to examine its role in the prevention of cancer.
Why would that be?
Because your body knows the difference between natural and synthetic.
1- A carrot has many other ingredients, and after the study, the researchers would not be sure which ingredient was responsible for which results.

2- Large doses of beta-carotene could be concentrated into a convenient pill, instead of having the participants eat a pound of carrots or more every day!
The study was conducted with thousands of participants, including many doctors, taking MASSIVE amounts of beta-carotene every day for several years.
The results?
Not only did concentrated doses of beta-carotene NOT prevent cancer, but in many subjects it INCREASED the occurrence of cancer by up to 17%!
Why would that be?
Because your body knows the difference between natural and synthetic.
It processes them both differently.
Through your body's eyes
Any time you extract something out of a plant, concentrate it, and take it into your body, you create deficiencies of the other things you left behind in the plant.
Your body is designed to assimilate nutrients in their NATURAL states. So those other ingredients found in carrots (and other plants) are JUST as important as the ones that were extracted out and put into the pill.
We can't selectively pull things out and expect them to work better on their own.
In the study quoted above, the other parts of the carrots were missing from the beta-carotene pills.
Because the study's participants were missing the carrots' OTHER ingredients (like enzymes, fiber, carbohydrates, etc.), when taking these supplements, their bodies needed to tear down their own tissues to compensate for what they didn't get.
And that's not good.
And it gets worse...
Their bodies saw the unnatural, HUGE doses of beta-carotene as a poison and had to process and detoxify it (thereby stressing their livers, kidneys and digestive tracts).
But the osult.

So what does this mean to you?
Should you never take vitamins?
Well, not necessarily.
Considering the reduced nutrient content in our food supply today (as compared to even 50 years ago), the fact is many people can benefit from a daily multi-vitamin.
And if your doctor has flat out told you you're seriously deficient in a nutrient and has recommended supplementation, then by all means do what he says.
But the one very important thing to learn from this is that supplements CANNOT be your main or only source of nutrients.
That means that you can't exist on chips, soda, candy, burgers, fries, donuts and other junk and think that you're OK because you pop your vitamins every day.
Your body doesn't work that way, as you saw in the study above.
Plus fast food, junk and other hard to digest foods create a tremendous amount of acid wastes in your body. When your body is in an acidic state, it can't effectively absorb vitamins and nutrients, whether from foods or supplements.

You can achieve both of these important goals by following my suggestions in the REAL is best

The more nutrients you can get from real foods in their natural state, the better nourished your body will be, which will encourage better health and a longer life.
Not only does this do wonders in the prevention of countless sicknesses and diseases (especially digestive disorders), but it's also essential if you want to maintain a normal body weight.
And just as important, it's vital to keep acid wastes to a minimum in your body. This will allow you to better utilize nutrients AND help prevent disease.
You can achieve both of these important goals by following my suggestions in the Great Taste No Pain health system.  
The Great Taste No Pain manuals show you the importance of a proper acid/alkaline balance, which will help maximize your absorption of nutrients.
They will also teach you how to pair foods and structure meals that are delicious, nutritious and minimize acid waste formation.
And for you cooks out there, the recipe book is loaded with scrumptious real food creations that will make your body say thank you and your taste buds dance. There is not one recipe in that book that is just "average." All of them are gourmet delicious.
Probiotics can help too
If you've had a poor diet for decades or even days, chances are excellent that you've got some seriously imbalanced intestinal flora in your gut.
This is also especially true of anyone who has taken antibiotics or acid reducing medications.
Your friendly flora serve several important functions--assisting in the digestion of your foods, keeping your immune system strong, encouraging regular bowel movements and...
...Enhancing nutrient absorption!
So to help make sure you're not only taking in essential nutrients (in their natural form) but are absorbing all you can, it's wise to supplement with a medical grade, multi-strain probiotic formula like Super Shield.
One of Super Shield's powerhouse strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, is considered the "gold star" of acidophilus--it even produces vitamins!
That's right--L. Acidophilus DDS-1 helps digest proteins and carbs, it "eats" excess cholesterol and produces B vitamins (including folic acid) as well as lactase (which helps reduce lactose intolerance).
Ask for the tests
Note that you can also ask your doctor to do a vitamin analysis on you to see if you are obviously lacking in any nutrients.
If you ARE lacking, the best initial approach is to increase your dietary intake of natural sources of those nutrients.
After that, if you're still deficient, supplementation may be necessary as suggested by your doctor.
Now know this: If your doctor tells you that vitamin analysis either cannot be done or is not necessary, find another doctor (who WILL do it) right away --there are plenty who are happy to order this test for you.  The proper blood tests give you insights into your health that no other tests can ever show.

Truth is, NOTHING is more important than proper nutrition.  Put the power of good nutrition and strong nutrient absorption to work for you and see how great YOU can feel.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Joyce doesn't need Nexium anymore!
Hi Sherry:
I have been following your plan now for three years in a fairly disciplined way.
I had to. My bowel was working sooo poorly that I could only work part time, I needed a cleaner to help with the housework, I napped every afternoon exhausted and could garden very little.
I do the eating plan, take the Super Shield probiotics every day and voila' LIFE IS GOOD.
But I have to stay disciplined! It regresses if I don't.
I take the Digestizol Max enzymes also but don't need them as much anymore.
Thanks seems too little to give to you...but THANKS!
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is!  Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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PO Box 359 Syracuse, NY 13209
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The Monarchs Of Money

The world's central banks have printed unimaginable amounts of money in recent years. Neil Macdonald explores what this means for the global economy and for your financial well-being.

No eye witnesses? B.S.

No eye witnesses? B.S.
Posted By: Basil [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-May-2013 06:08:19
It's not that easy.
One should never underestimate the problems
that local law enforcement people face when
they go up against federal crimes committed
under the umbrella of "national security."

Here's one example.
No eye witnesses? B.S.
There were dozens of eye witnesses to the Kennedy assassination including trained ones like police officers.
They were ordered to keep their mouths shut about what they saw - and most did.
Those who did not were warned, harassed, and if they were persistent enough eliminated.
One too-seldom discussed example.