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Heneghan States Snowden Granted Immunity - Treasonous NSA Now Cornered - 6-30-13
Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Jul-2013 03:30:04
Date: Monday, 1-Jul-2013 03:30:04
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This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
__ Meaning . . . . that there were more British troops sent 'there', More than 100 years ago, when transport was by ship only! and, Than there are, collectively in, the continuing Gulf War in 2012! Just compare this number of troops, To the number used by the United States and Britain in the Gulf War . . . . In October 2012, there were an estimated 250,000 U.S. troops and 45,000 British troops in The Gulf. Where and what were the Brits (British Empire) so mightily interested in and trying so desperately, to PROTECT? _______________________________________________________________________________ Guess? :) WHERE? Southern Africa! (fighting The Boer War) . . . . . This was quite a spectacular achievement on its own: To get that many troops, when transport was by ship only, as well as, Horses, canons, wagons, weapons, and more, to the southern tip of Africa, to fight against a band of farmers*, on horseback! * = (Boers - Dutch word for farmer). And for WHAT? MONEY. Or more specifically . . . . . GOLD! And the mystery in all this 'pursuit' gets even stranger, when it becomes clear that, of all the gold ever mined in Southern Africa, at least since those days from the mid 1800s to now, is that More than 50% has never ever been accounted for -- and probably a lot more, when the truth be known. . . . . . . And now we have "Pyramids" in southern Africa as well? Just think, Sam (Semir) Osmanagich, with his 'solo' and equally very recent, (2005) Bosnian Pyramids' discovery. -- Sam, 'eat your heart out' - lol. Those Bosnian 'pyramids' back in 2005, don't appear that much different from what Michael Tellinger is presenting to the world right now? See piccie below. (But let's wait and see what else Michael T can throw light on, regarding these mountain tops, which he has already 'named' as Adam's pyramids.) My wife tells me I am also constantly seeing 'pyramids' in many mounds and hills in around our area, of late. :) What on earth is going on, folks? "Adam's Pyramids" as viewed from the cliff-face at Adam's Calendar -- A Screen Capture from Michael Tellinger's latest book: "African Temples of the Anunnaki" ![]() Here's a audio clip link, below, (1.5 hrs), that talks more about this fascinating subject concerning very recent finds (only since 2007) made by a couple of South African 'heroes' in the vast regions of Southern Africa as told by Michael Tellinger in this interview on UFO Paranormal Radio, in October 2012. And NO archaeologist of 'renown' today and to date, wants 'a bar of it' (i.e. wants to be seen to be associated with these monumental recent 'finds'! Sound all too familiar, doesn't it? What are they all afraid of? Money!! Haha, what else!! Losing it, of course, i.e. 'in fear of' their losing their current and cosy guaranteed incomes from government and corporation sponsorships, that is! Which is all very understandable. As we are all still currently enslaved to this monetary system, alas. And, as I have suggested, nothing will change ages-old predicament in the short-term, unless and until, some "catastrophic" event takes place, that will effect all of mankind. Anyone have any other solution? . Bob ==> |
Report of 19 Firefighters Dead Fighting Arizona Yarnell Hill Fire - Hundreds Evacuate This story is developing, but the article at the link does say "confirmed dead", so this is one hell of a tragedy going on in Arizona due to this heat wave accompanied by fire. This is all too soon after the Colorado Springs, Co. area wildfires of last week. Wildfire in central Arizona area near Prescott. Peeples Valley area residents near Yarnell evacuate. 19 firefighters confirmed dead fighting Arizona blaze 19 firefighters missing in Ariz. blaze |
(NaturalNews) Yet another "experimental" vaccine for HIV has proven to be even more dangerous than the virus itself. At least 40 men participating in a taxpayer-funded government study entitled "HVTN 505 clinical trial," which began in 2009, were recently found to have contracted HIV from the vaccine itself, prompting an immediate end to the deadly trial... |
SA police to use unmanned drones to spy on
criminals ![]() "SOUTH Australian police will use sophisticated remote-controlled drones to spy on suspects as it takes the war on crime to new heights. The stealthy miniature unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be equipped with still, video, and infra-red cameras. SAPOL will open a tender process to purchase four "off the shelf" commercial quadcopters that could be used to spy on bikie fortresses, find drug crops, and to gather intelligence without putting officers at risk. Civil libertarians have protested the use of such devices saying they effectively mount to 'Big Brother in the sky' and could be used to monitor law abiding citizens in situations such as political protests. However, Police Minister Michael O'Brien said UAVs have become a recognised policing tool throughout the world. "UAVs represent a cost effective solution for a range of policing operations, especially in situations when using conventional aircraft is too dangerous or costly,'' he said. "They can be fitted with a variety of cameras, can be deployed in minutes, and can fly at heights that effectively make them inaudible from the ground. "Images from the on-board cameras can be transmitted in real time, giving police a significant advantage during incidents and operations, often in situations when manned, conventional aircraft can't be used. "The quadcopters are also ideal for quick inspections of towers, buildings, or premises when police are searching for explosive devices, or after a fire or an explosion. "And, the UAVs have excellent capability for use in areas of rugged terrain, especially during searches for missing people or for illicit drug crops.'' In the UK, where drones are already in use, officers control the aircraft with a remote control. The officer wears goggles that displays exactly what the drone is filming. The cost of the UAVs, along with pilot training and CASA licensing, is expected to be about $200,000. Australian Council for Civil Liberties president Terry O'Gorman has warned the "eye in the sky" could make people afraid of attending protests and could be used to track people without their knowledge. Mr O'Brien said privacy concerns will be addressed in a "similar manner to other police aerial operations". About 34 organisations across Australia are certified to use drones for activities including aerial photography, surveying and power line inspection." Read more: Dave404. |
How many does it
take to make a Black mob in Milwaukee?
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 29, 2013 10:27 pm
Three black women assault a
white woman for playing Minnie the Moocher on the saxophone in Milwaukee.
Several watched and did not help. So how many are involved in the assault?
More than three. No matter what the police in Milwaukee say. Follow
@ColinFlaherty These are just some of the hundreds of examples of [...]
Trayvon, Jeantel
and Critical Race Theory: Not just for whack jobs anymore.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 29, 2013 11:11 am
Preview of a Commentary at
WND. Trayon, Jeantel and Critical Race Theory. It’s not just for whack jobs
anymore. by Colin Flaherty You might not know why Trayvon Martin’s friend
seemed hostile and dim and ill mannered when she was testifying about their last
conversation. But your child does. Especially if he or she attends [...]
Black Mob
Violence: Even by Detroit standards, this is crazy.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 28, 2013 10:53 am
Even by the standards of
Detroit, this is nuts: Guy drives car. Guy gets shot by passenger. Car
crashes. Shooter escapes. Driver gets robbed, while dying of gun shots and
car crash. Nice: Fox 2 News Headlines Follow @ColinFlaherty These are just
some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more
This week in
Black mob violence: Muskegon to Niagra Falls.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 27, 2013 10:59 pm
A preview of an article at From Niagara Falls to Chicago to Seattle to Pittsburgh to Milwaukee
to Philadelphia and back to Muskegon, this has been an eventful few DAYS for
black mob violence. by Colin Flaherty As pundits pondered whether calling George
Zimmerman a “white ass cracker” was a racial epithet, black mob [...]
Black Mob on
white violence in Pittsburgh.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 27, 2013 10:41 am
Say anything you want. Except
you are surprised. Remember the video of the
black mob attacking the teacher? In Pittsburgh? The famous one? This is the
other one: The one of the black mob that pursued and beat the Other teacher.
Here is the famous one. The one that went viral: [...]
More black mob
violence in Philly, Seattle, Chicago. Some on video
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 27, 2013 07:28 am
All in the last few days:
Let’s start in downtown Seattle: A group of three black women beat a woman in
the middle of the day in a crowded section of downtown. No one helps.
Pittsburgh:Caught On Camera: Police Say Teen Beaten For Shoes, And Web
Notoriety « CBS Pittsburgh Then mover over [...]
Black Mob
Violence in Muskegon: An Annual Affair
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 26, 2013 06:44 pm
Police beefing up law
enforcement presence for Muskegon Summer Evening Recreation Program due to
fighting | So you read the article. All about the latest
developments in using tear gas and pepper spray to disburse violent mobs. And
you wonder: Do they have black mobs in Muskegon? Then before you call and use
other [...]
Chicago black Mob
comes to aid of violent criminals.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 26, 2013 06:36 pm
Chicago. Sent to me by a
Chicago cop. Who grow more incredulous by the day. Crowd Watches as
Man Beaten Unconscious Outside Belmont CTA Station – Lakeview –
Chicago Lot more people involved. Follow
@ColinFlaherty These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial
violence and lawlessness [...]
Welcome to
school. Student and teacher fight.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 26, 2013 11:48 am
I have no idea what this is
about. Other than there are lots of videos like this:
Black mob
violence: This video has it all.
By Colin Flaherty on
Jun 26, 2013 11:22 am
I count at least three
generations. Maybe four. Lots of cussing and using words that will never be
heard about Paula What’s her name. They even had an ice cream truck selling
refreshments. So if someone can explain to me what this is, I would be most
grateful. Follow @ColinFlaherty These are just some of [...]
Home front opens in a foreign war "It was not so much a death threat as a declaration of war. "You wanna go to war, you f---in' Shia dogs?" the phone message says. "We're taking all of you to war, in Sydney and overseas!" It was 8pm and Jamal Daoud, an aspiring politician from Auburn was having dinner with his wife and children. An outspoken critic of the Free Syrian Army, Daoud is accustomed to abuse but this call was more frightening than most. "You wanna kill our brothers and sisters overseas, we're gonna kill you motherf---ers here," the caller says. Advertisement "We know where [you] live. We're coming past [your] house and shoot at [it], if there are people inside we don't give a f---. You wanna spill blood, we're gonna spill blood, you f---in' dogs!" After two years and an estimated 100,000 deaths, the civil war in Syria has spilled on to the streets of Sydney. Auburn, Lakemba and Bankstown are the new battle lines. The Syrian conflict, which pits the Sunni-dominated rebellion against the Alawite regime of President Bashar al-Assad, has split the Middle East in two; the Sunni regimes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and large Sunni population in Lebanon on one side, Iran, the Lebanese militia Hezbollah and the broader Shiite Muslim population, of which the Alawites are an offshoot, on the other. In Sydney, it is splitting suburbs along the same sectarian lines. "It's very frightening, what is happening," says Daoud, who was targeted after posting a disparaging message about the death of Mustapha al-Majzoub, a Sydney sheikh killed in Syria last year, while conducting humanitarian work his supporters say. Daoud and others described him as a "terrorist" fighting on the frontline but local Sunnis insist he was a "shaheed", or martyr. Majzoub was one of about 200 Australians to travel to the war zone in the past two years. The Australian Federal Police believe a significant proportion of these mostly Lebanese dual citizens are fighting with the Syrian resistance, about half of whom are in al-Qaeda aligned Al-Nusra Front, which was put on a Federal Police terrorist blacklist in March and censured again yesterday by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus." Read more: Dave404. |
Paedophile Priest 'Exposes Satanic Vatican Rent-Boy Sex Ring' "A convicted paedophile priest has claimed a gay prostitution ring has been operating within the Holy Roman Church, with clergymen hiring underage rent-boys for sex. Don Patrizio Poggi, who served a five-year prison sentence for abusing teenage boys at his Rome parish, also told Italian authorities a former Carabinieri police officer recruited boys for nine clergymen, IBTimes reports. Poggi told the police: “I decided to file this complaint and cooperate with the law after long reflection and after a painful history of abuse and misuse of power that I have overcome thanks to the faith that guides me.” The 46-year-old, who has complained that the Vatican refused to reinstate him after he completed his prison sentence, added: “I feel obliged to protect the Holy Church and the Christian community since I am aware of grave facts that undermine their integrity and break canon and penal law.” Poggi has reportedly handed the names of 20 alleged child abusers in the Roman clergy – including four serving priests and a Monsignor - to the authorities. So far, four people have formally been placed under investigation by Rome magistrates, The Times reports. The newspaper adds: "His allegations gained some credibility from the fact he was accompanied by Monsignor Luca Lorusso, an adviser to the Papal Nuncio to Italy, who is himself a confidante of Pope Francis"." The former police officer is alleged to have procured mostly eastern European immigrant boys from gay discos, saunas and outside a bar near Rome's central rail station known as “Twink”, where he used a vehicle marked “Emergency Blood” to avoid parking fines. Poggi accuses the same man of “selling consecrated hosts for satanic rites.” The allegations are rejected by the Vatican, CathNewsUSA reports. Cardinal Agostino Vallini, head of the Catholic Vicariate of Rome said Poggi’s claims were made from a desire for vengeance. He said: “The cardinal expresses his full confidence in the magistracy and declares himself fully convinced that this slander will be demolished, demonstrating Poggi’s claims to be untrue. “God will hold everyone accountable for their deeds.” Dave404. |