Monday, September 2, 2013

Again Obama is looking for wiggle room for his unscripted big mouth

Again Obama is looking for wiggle room for his unscripted big mouth.  The red line in the sand has turned out to be a trip wire for an IED planted in the oval office, and Obama is stuck in the corner.  He is asking Congress to debate and vote, thereby sharing the blame if the situation really turns sour.  Why should Congress bail him out?
I fail to understand what our national security issue that is at stake.  The opposition to Assad is strongly supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah.  All of these groups consider the United States the Great Satan and danced in the streets on 9-11.  What do we owe them? NOTHING! If they win Syria, all native Christians will be killed.  Terrorism will be exported to the United States.
McCain and Graham are pandering for Democratic votes to keep their seats.  Fine—do it as a Democrat.  They do not speak for the average Republican or American.  It is time to take a stand.
Here is a list of Senators and Representatives.   Please call and state your opposition to United States involvement in the Syrian civil war.
US Senator Harry Reid           D-NV  202-224-3542    
US Senator Jeff Sessions        R-AL              202-224-4124             
US Senator Richard Shelby    R-AL   202-224-5744
US Senator John Boozman     R-AR   202-224-4843
US Senator Mark Pryor          D-AR   202-224-2353
US Senator Jeff Flake            R-AZ   202-224-4521             
US Senator John McCain       R-AZ   202-224-2235             
US Senator Diane Feinstein   D-CA  202-224-3841                                     
US Senator Barbara Boxer     D-CA  202-224-3553
US Senator Mark Udall          D-CO  202-224-5941             
US Senator Michael Bennet   D-CO  202-224-5852             
US Senator Blumenthal          D-CT   202-224-2823             
US Senator Thomas Carper    D-DE   202-224-6324             
US Senator Chris Coons         D-DE   202-224-5042             
US Senator Bill Nelson          D-FL   202-224-5274             
US Senator Marco Rubio       R-FL    202-224-3041
US Senator Saxby Chambliss R-GA  202-224-3521    
US Senator Johnny Isakson    R-GA  202-224-3643             
US Senator Mazie Hirono      D-HI    202-224-6361             
US Senator Mitch McConnell            R-KY  202-224-2541    Minority Leader
US Senator Rand Paul            R-KY 202-224-4343
US Senator Pat Roberts          R-KS   202-224-4774             
US Senator Mary Landrieu    D-LA   202-224-5824
US Senator David Vitter        R-LA   202-224-4623             
US Senator Chuck Grassley   R-IA    202-224-3744             
US Senator Dick Durbin        D-IL    202-224-2152             
US Senator Daniel Coats        R-IN    202-224-5623
US Senator John Donnelly    D-IN    202-224-4814             
US Senator Mike Crapo        R-ID    202-224-6142             
US Senator James Risch        R-ID    202-224-2752
US Senator Angus King         I-ME   202-224-5344             
US Senator Benjamin Cardin D-MD 202-224-4524             
US Senator Carl Levin           D-MI   202-224-6221             
US Senator Debbie Stabenow            D-MI   202-224-4822             
US Senator Amy Klobuchar   D-MN 202-224-3244             
US Senator Al Franken          D-MN 202-224-5641             
US Senator Claire McCaskill D-MO 202-224-6154             
US Senator Roy Blunt                        R-MO  202-224-5721             
US Senator Roger Wicker      R-MS  202-224-6253             
US Senator Max Baucus        D-MT  202-224-2651             
US Senator Deb Fischer         R-NE   202-224-4814             
US Senator Robert MenendezD-NJ   202-224-4744             
US Senator Jeanne Shaheen   D-NH  202-224-2841             
US Senator Kelly Ayotte        R-NH  202-224-3324             
US Senator Richard Burr        R-NC   202-224-3154             
US Senator Kay Hagan           D-NC  202-224-6342             
US Senator Kristen GillibrandD-NY 202-224-4451             
US Senator Charles Schumer D-NY  202-224-6542             
US Senator Sherrod Brown    D-OH 202-224-2315             
US Senator Rob Portman       R-OH  202-224-3353 
US Senator Tom Coburn        R-OK  202-224-5754    
US Senator James Inhoff        R-OK  202-224-4721             
US Senator Ron Wyden         D-OR  202-224-5244             
US Senator Robert Casey       D-PA   202-224-6324             
US Senator Patrick Toomey   R-PA   202-224-4254             
US Senator Jack Reed                        D-RI    202-224-4642             
US Senator S. Whitehouse     D-RI    202-224-2921             
US Senator Tim Scott            R-SC   202-224-6121
US Senator Lindsay Graham  R-SC   202-224-5972             
US Senator John Thune          R-SD  202-224-2321             
US Senator Lamar Alexander R-TN  202-224-4944
US Senator Bob Corker          R-TN   202-224-3344
US Senator Ted Cruz              R-TX   202-224-5922 214-361-3500 
US Senator Orrin Hatch         R-UT   202-224-5251             
US Senator Mike Lee             R-UT  202-224-5444             
US Senator Tim Kane            D-VA  202-224-4024            
US Senator Patrick Leahy      D-VT   202-224-4242             

US Senator Maria Cantwell   D-WA 202-224-3441             
US Senator Joe Manchin III   D-WV 202-224-3954             
US Senator Rockefeller IV     D-WV 202-224-6472             
US Senator Michael Enzi       R-WY 202-224-3424             
US Representative Louie Gohmert    R-TX1             202-225-3035
US Representative Ted Poe                R-TX2             202-225-6565
US Representative Samuel Johnson  R-TX3            202-225-4201
US Representative Ralph Hall           R-TX4             202-225-6673
US Representative Jeb Hensarling     R-TX5             202-225-3484
US Representative Joe L. Barton       R-TX6             202-225-2002
US Representative John Culberson    R-TX7             202-225-2571
US Representative Kevin Brady        R-TX8             202-225-4901
US Representative Michael McCaul R-TX10           202-225-2401
US Representative Mike Conaway    R-TX11           202-225-3605
US Representative Kay Granger        R-TX12           202-225-5071
US Representative Mac Thornberry  R-TX13           202-225-3706
US Representative Randy Weber       R-TX14           202-225-2831
US Representative Ruben Hinojosa  D-TX15           202-225-2531 956-682-0141
US Representative Bill Flores                       R-TX17           202-225-6105
US Rep Randy Neugebauer                R-TX19           202-225-4005
US Representative Lamar Smith       R-TX21           202-225-4236
US Representative Pete Olson           R-TX22           202-225-5951
US Representative Kenny Marchant  R-TX24           202-225-6605
US Representative Roger Williams   R-TX25           202-225-9896 
US Representative Michael Burgess R-TX26           202-225-7772
US Representative Blake Farenthold R-TX27           202-225-7742 
US Representative Henry Cuellar      D-TX28           202-225-1640             956-424-3942
US Representative Gene Green          R-TX29           202-225-1688
US Representative John Carter          R-TX31           202-225-3864
US Representative Pete Sessions       R-TX32           202-225-2231
US Representative Filemon Vela       D-TX34           202-225-9901 956-544-8352
US Representative Lloyd Doggett     D-TX35           202-225-4865
US Representative Steve Stockman   R-TX36           202-225-1555
US House Speaker John Boehner       R-OH08          202-225-6205 202-225-0704
US Representative Paul Ryan                        R-WI01           202-225-3031 Budget Chairman
US Representative Eric Cantor          R-VA07          202-225-4000 Majority Leader
US Representative Darrell Issa          R-CA49           202-225-3906 Chairman House Oversight 
US Representative Paul Gosar           R-AZ4             202-225-2315
US Representative Kevin McCarthy  R-CA23           202-225-2915
US Representative  Steve King          R-IA4              202-225-4426
US Representative  Michele Backman  R-MN6        202-225-2331

Jim Barnes, President
Hidalgo County Tea Party Association

Syrian Rebel Confession vs. US Intelligence: Who Do You Believe?

Syrian Rebel Confession vs. US Intelligence: Who Do You Believe?
At the moment this is being written, the whole world is poised to see what President Obama will do concerning the situation in Syria and the use of chemical weapons.  Most of the world has warned Obama not to use any military force against the Syrian government and that doing so could result in harsh retaliation.  The British parliament voted not to take any action against the Syrian government because there was no smoking gun evidence against them.

Yet, Obama has continued to strut around and crowed like the only rooster in a hen house.  On Friday, it was revealed that the US claimed to have irrefutable proof that the Syrian government launched the chemical weapons that killed some 1400 civilians.  Our government claims that US spy agencies were monitoring the Syrian government.  The spy agencies supposedly documented the preparation of the chemical weapons, the loading of the chemical weapons into the rockets and then the launching of the rockets onto the civilian citizenry.

This documentation is considered to be part of the key evidence that Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry will use to defend their decision to take military action against the Syrian government for the use of chemical weapons.  They are willing to take ill-advised actions that could lead to World War III and the possible destruction of America.

But how reliable is the US intelligence information that Obama and Kerry are relying on?

On Saturday, a number of sources ran a story that the US supported rebels have taken responsibility for the chemical weapon attack.  According to at least one report, Syrian rebels obtained the chemical weapons with the help of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Arabian Intelligence Chief.  The rebels mishandled the chemical weapons, resulting it their dispersal and the mass deaths.

So who is telling the truth?  If the rebels are not accepting the blame for the chemical attack, then what does that say for the accuracy of the intelligence supposedly gathered by our spy agencies.  Either the information is blatantly wrong or it is as made up and phony as Barack Obama’s personal background.  This also begs one to ask why he would go to such lengths to fabricate evidence just to go to war against his half-brother’s employer, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Never before has a president so openly been refused by soldiers in America.

Translation to English by Google

U.S. President Barack Obama had a huge blow for mutiny in the U.S. military leadership planned military strike against Syria apparently . The soldiers could not see any strategy of the President - and expressed grave concerns against the action.   Never before has a president so openly been refused by soldiers in America.

The U.S. military refused to U.S. President Barack Obama (here with the Chief of General Staff , Admiral Michael Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates in memory of September 11 ) the following : Obama has gone too far in the fight against terror. His soldiers did not want to go to war , they do not understand. ( Photo: White House )

The surprising over from U.S. President Barack Obama of his plans Syria is apparently due to a massive mutiny in the U.S. Army.

The Washington Post reports that up to the ordinary soldiers could hardly see the benefit of one promoted by Obama military action of the four -star generals.

The Post reports that the soldiers especially lacking a clear strategy , because what would happen after the planned military strikes . Many U.S. soldiers have had bad experiences with the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. First of them heroic goals were promised. But no sooner were the interventions in transition , the troops were sent into always new adventures. In both cases there was no exit strategy. The announcements to withdraw from the battle zones were contradictory and retreated to the length.

In the case of Syria, it is not Obama managed to convince the military sense of a military operation .

So far, the U.S. military has always publicly silent and obey the orders of the military- political leadership. The basis for most applications , it was the president managed to convince the soldiers believe that the particular use of "national security " serve .

Even in the case of Syria, Obama tried this term.

But his own soldiers did not believe him.

Even more embarrassing for Obama : Most of the officers and soldiers have a much clearer view of reality as its president and commander in chief.

So said the retired Lieutenant General Gregory S. Newbold post : " The politicians are naive about the obligations that exist in foreign policy . Many are woefully ignorant about what can achieve a military operation . " Newbold was the leading cadres in the Iraq war . He said that many of his colleagues share his active serious concerns.

An officer who declined to comment anonymously , said: "I can not believe that the president ever takes this step into consideration. In the past 10 years we have been fighting against insurgents . Syria has advanced weapons systems. We would have to fight in a conventional war. "

Already in the past week had Gen. Martin Dempsey, the head of the commander in chief, pointed to the heedlessness of the Obama administration . He told the ABC : " The simple use of weapons , without a detailed strategy on how the insert is completed, probably never leads to the conclusion that we imagine. "

General James Mattis said: " If the Americans actually perform such an operation , then that is a brutal , very, very serious war. "

Another active officer said: " What political end state we want to achieve? I do not know what it is. We say it should not be a regime change . If there is to be punishment - there are other ways to punish someone . "
Pictures like this are circulating on the Internet. There is , however, not to soldiers, but to someone who wears a uniform of the Coast Guard . And it has probably not ran against Syria . (via @ NewsNinja2012 ) )

Many military leaders are also uncertain because of the rapid decay of the anti - Syria coalition leads to new tactical planning : Without the British ( here ) raises a different operation represents the lukewarm support of NATO has also given thought to the military. To rely on France (here) , many seem to be enough. And Turkey is already eyeing at the U.S. military with suspicion. You trust the Minister Erdogan not the way because the ACP is considered by many U.S. elites as Islamist movement that pursues its own agenda (here).

The fickleness of Cyprus , the pressure on Russian made at the last minute difficulties , has also made logistical replanning required - apart from the concerns once (here).

Other officers criticized the half-heartedness of the insert. As planned by Obama , become a military strike on the U.S. allies in the Middle East to give the impression that Americans do not want to seriously defend its interests in the region . The action would appear that rockets are fired , just so that something would be done .

Experienced officers refer in the post that the risk of a military strike is enormous . Just when really in Syria , such as the John Kerry unveiled on Sunday, the poison gas sarin in use, then could have unforeseeable consequences of a military strike. With a cruise missile attack could be more problems created than solved .

Most active soldiers and military officials said explicitly that nothing further submits them , when the political leadership to fall in the back.

More remarkable is the fact that they speak at all , not in the 11th after the September 2001 fall again successfully retrieved a simple reflex patriotism.

The war on terror seems to those who are sent to it into the fire , not to get caught as motivation. Most U.S. soldiers can not understand what sense have the geopolitical Voltes their political leaders . You obviously have no desire to be sent as world police in increasingly remote regions of the world .

The dissent agrees with the assessment of the American population : Only a small minority favored a military strike .

For Obama, it would now be difficult to convince the Congress. Even the deputies face the action more than skeptical . 200 members had signed a petition against the military use .

For the Congress also arises a problem that as the reason for their rejection also called the soldiers : The defense budget has been dramatically reduced because the U.S. budget has gone through decades of uncontrolled debt policy out of hand.

The mutiny of the U.S. Army is a first in American history.

However, the pressure on Obama seems to have grown so large in recent days that he finally pull the ripcord and had to call off the imminent use again .

And so we experience a phenomenon that until recently , many could not imagine : The mighty U.S. President declared war on a country . And his own soldiers say : "Imagine : The president says it is war, and nobody goes to . "
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Fox News Video: IRS Requires American Legion (and others) To Provide Detailed Membership Info Or Face Fines

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fox News Video: IRS Requires American Legion (and others) To Provide Detailed Membership Info Or Face Fines
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 2-Sep-2013 14:00:39