Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Historical disgrace: the U.S. military mutiny forced Obama to retreat (German article, translated)


Historical disgrace: the U.S. military mutiny forced Obama to retreat

U.S. President Barack Obama apparently had to call off the planned military strike against Syria because of a
formidable mutiny in the U.S. military leadership. The soldiers could not recognize the President’s strategy –
and expressed grave concerns against the action. Never before have America’s soldiers so openly refused to
follow a president.

The U.S. military refused to follow U.S. President Barack Obama (shown here with the Chief of General Staff,
Admiral Michael Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates in memory of September 11): Obama has gone
too far in the fight against terror. His soldiers did not want to go to war which they do not understand.
(Photo: White House)
U.S. President Barack Obama’s surprising withdrawal from his Syria plans is apparently due to a
massive mutiny in the U.S. Army.

The Washington Post reports that from four-star generals to the ordinary soldiers hardly anyone saw the benefit
the military action promoted by Obama.

The Post reports that the soldiers are especially missing a clear strategy of what would happen after the planned
military strikes. Many U.S. soldiers have had bad experiences with the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. At first t
hey were promised heroic goals. But no sooner were the interventions in process, the troops were sent into always
new adventures. In both cases there was no exit strategy. The announcements to withdraw from the battle zones
were contradictory and drawn out in length.

In the case of Syria, Obama did not succeed in convincing the military of the sense of a military operation.

So far, the U.S. military has always been publicly silent and obeyed the orders of the military-political
leadership. The bases for most operations were that the president succeeded in convincing the soldiers to believe t
hat the particular mission served the "national security."

Obama also tried to use this concept in Syria’s case.

But his own soldiers did not believe him.

Even more embarrassing for Obama: Most of the officers and soldiers have a much clearer concept of reality than their
president and commander in chief.

So said the retired Lieutenant General Gregory S. Newbold in the Post,
"The politicians are naive about the obligations that exist in foreign policy. Many are woefully ignorant about what
a military operation can achieve." Newbold was in the leading cadres of the Iraq war. He said that many of his active
colleagues share his serious concerns.

An officer who would only comment anonymously, said,
"I cannot believe that the president even takes this step into consideration. In the past 10 years we have been fighting
against insurgents. Syria has advanced weapons systems. We would have to fight in a conventional war."

Already in the past week had Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pointed to the
headlessness of the Obama administration. He told the ABC,
"The simple use of weapons, without a detailed strategy on how the mission will be completed, probably never leads
to the conclusion that we imagine."

General James Mattis said,
"If the Americans actually perform such an operation, then it will be a brutal, very, very serious war."

Another active officer said,
"What political end state do we want to achieve? I do not know what it is. We say it should not be a regime change.
If there is to be punishment - there are other ways to punish someone. "

Many military leaders are also uncertain because of the rapid decay of the anti-Syria coalition leads to new tactical planning:
Without the British the operation presents itself differently. Nato’s lukewarm support has also caused the military to wonder.
Simply relying on France seems to many to be too little. And Turkey is already viewed with suspicion by the U.S. military.
President Erdogan is not at all trusted, because by many U.S. elites the AKP is considered an Islamist movement that pursues
its own agenda.

The fickleness of Cyprus, which made difficulties at the last minute due to Russia’s pressure, has also required logistical
replanning - not even considering the legal ramifications.

Pictures like this are circulating on the Internet. Although it cannot be said whether this is a true soldier: the willingness of
U.S. forces to fight is low. (via @ NewsNinja2012))

Other officers criticized the half-heartedness of the operation. The military operation, as planned by Obama, gives the U.S.
allies in the Middle East the impression that the Americans do not want to seriously defend their interests in the region.
The action would appear as if rockets are fired, just so that something would be done.

In the Post article, experienced officers point to the fact that the risk of a military strike is enormous. Especially when in Syria,
as John Kerry unveiled on Sunday, the poison gas sarin is in use, a military strike could have unforeseeable consequences.
A cruise missile attack could create be more problems than solve them.

Most active soldiers and military officials said explicitly that nothing is further from them than to back-stab the political l

That much more remarkable is the fact that they speak out at all, and do not simply fall again into the always successfully
retrieved reflex of simple patriotism as happened since September 11, 2001.

The war on terror seems to no longer serve as motivation to those who are sent to it into the fire. Most U.S.
soldiers cannot make sense out of their political leaders’ geopolitical fights. They obviously have no desire to be
sent as world police into increasingly remote regions of the world.

The dissent agrees with the assessment of the American population:
Only a small minority favors a military strike.

For Obama, it will now be difficult to convince the Congress. Even the representatives face the action more than skeptical.
200 members have signed a petition against the military use.

On top of that, for Congress the same problem arises that also the soldiers have for their rejection: The defense budget has
been dramatically reduced because the U.S. budget has gone through decades of an uncontrolled debt policy, which got out
of hand.

The mutiny of the U.S. Army is a first in American history.

However, the pressure on Obama seems to have grown so large in recent days that he finally pulled the ripcord, and he had
to call off the imminent military action.

And so we experience a phenomenon that until recently, many could not imagine: The mighty U.S. President declared war on
a country. And his own soldiers say, "Imagine: The president says it is war, and nobody goes."

Fulford - Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA

Subject: Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA!!!

Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA

by benjamin
September 3, 2013
The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government.
Fortunately for us all, the plot is unraveling and the Sabbatean Nazis behind it are now very, very scared. That is why US corporate government slave Barak Obama is now the laughing stock of the world for his attempt to get the US military to support Al Qaeda based on obvious lies.
The regional headquarters for the ongoing Syria operation is a terrorist training school in Turkey run by a Nazi CIA front called the Jamestown Foundation, according to MI5 sources. A key player in this plot is Nazi Skull and Bones Nazi so-called Secretary of State and suspected wife murderer John Kerry (Kerry married the heir to the Heinz family fortune who then died in a plane crash, leaving the fortune to lucky Kerry), the sources say.
Just when the arrests of these mass murdering criminals will begin is not known but their next moves are becoming increasingly easy to predict and thus easy to prevent. The next events the Nazi will try to orchestrate will likely include
major oil crisis triggered by a closure of the Suez Canal, a financial crisis caused by an implosion in the derivatives market and nuclear terrorism, according to various agency sources.
Stepping back to look at the big picture for a minute by piecing together testimony from a variety of insiders over the years, the plot to create a Sabbatean Nazi world government has become transparent.
We know for example, from the testimony of pilots and others, that George Bush Sr. and John Kerry were aboard a special flight to Paris, France to meet with Iranian representatives in order to ask them to take over the US embassy in Iran, and keep the staff hostage until after the US Presidential election of 1980 as part of a plot to ensure that US President Jimmy Carter was not re-elected in 1980.
Once he became Ronald Reagan’s Vice-President, we also know from former Soviet top brass and others that George Bush Sr. told Mikhail Gorbachev that if he agreed to allow the USSR to fail the EU would become the new USSR.
We then saw George Bush Jr. and the fascists carry out the 911 attacks to impose a Nazi constitution known as the Patriot Act on the US and begin a massive invasion of the Middle-East.
The plot involved creating a Weimar Republic type of economic crisis in the US and Europe in order to create the conditions needed for further Nazification of Europe.
Part of this plot involves creating a massive oil crisis in the Middle East. To prepare the ground, the invasion of Iraq and the so-called Arab Spring were all part of an effort to impose Nazi-allied Muslim Brotherhood governments in the region.

The Muslim Brotherhood was then supposed to revive a pan-Muslim Caliphate and provoke a Christian/Muslim holy war to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon, according to fascist P2 Lodge whistleblowers. The end result of course was supposed to be a fascist world government run by the estimated 1 million members of the Sabbatean Nazi Cult. Barak Obama was supposed to put a brown face on this world government in order to make it acceptable to non-Europeans.
Now let us look at how this plot is both unfolding and unraveling at the present time. The fall of the Mulsim Brotherhood government in Egypt has been a key element in the unraveling because it makes closing the Suez Canal, and thus causing a major oil crisis, much harder to carry out. At the same time, members of the P2 fascist Lodge and their Nazi operations center in Turkey were supposed to have removed the government of Syria by now but have failed.
The attempt to blame the Syrian government for a sarin gas attack on its own citizens, in order to provoke a Western invasion of Syria, has seriously exposed and crippled the Nazi movement.
UK puppet Prime Minister David Cameron had the dubious honour of being the first British Prime Minister to be voted down by Parliament since 1782. Cameron is now expected to be out of office by December and the British political system will then be freed from cabal control, according to MI5 sources. The British parliament is also expected to go from a two party system to a much harder to control four party system, the sources predict.
The Syrian crisis has revealed the Nazis now only control Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a pseudo-government in Washington that does not control its own armed forces. Barak Obama will be a laughing stock if he is shameless enough to still consider going to the G20 summit meeting this week in Russia.
The key Nazi ally Saudi Arabia is also in serious trouble now. When Saudi Arabian intelligence chief and Bush bum buddy Prince Bandar bin Sultan threatened Russia with a terrorist attack on its upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics he made a fatal error. By convention, even if some governments sponsor terrorism, there is supposed to be plausible deniability. By directly linking the Saudi Government to terrorist threats, he allowed Russia the opportunity, under international law, to legitimately attack Saudi Arabia.
Given this situation, the Jews definitely need to remove that Nazi scumbag traitor Benjamin Netanyahu and free Israel before events spin further out of control.
Netanyahu has been recorded threatening to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear reactors in a phone call to then Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the immediate aftermath of the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. The motivation was to force Japan to sign away ownership of its US Treasury holdings to the Nazis (which Kan duly did), according to Japanese military intelligence. The use of nuclear terror to shut down Japan’s nuclear reactors was also aimed at forcing Japan to import more oil from the Middle East as a part of the Nazi planned oil crisis.
The recent spike in radioactivity being reported in Fukushima is being caused by the dumping of nuclear industrial waste (mostly medical), according to Japanese gangsters sub-contracting to the Nazi Mossad faction. The aim is to blackmail the Japanese government in order to prevent it from restarting its nuclear reactors. Message to Netanyahu: they are coming after you and there is nowhere in this universe where you will be able to hide.

In any case, it is not over until it is over but even if you read the fascist controlled corporate media, it is increasingly obvious the Sabbatean Nazi’s days are numbered.







MALE OR FEMALE....----- Humor

Male or Female?    You might not have known this, but a lot of non-living objects are actually either male or female.  Here are some examples:   

They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them. 

These are female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again. They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong Buttons.

Tires are male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated

Also a male object, because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under their butt.

These are female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.  



Female, because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.


Definitely male, because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.



Egg timers are female because, over time, all the weight shifts to the bottom.


Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at all, and are occasionally    handy to have                              around.


Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but                              consider this: It easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps                              trying. 

New Law:

With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded parking lots, especially during evening hours, the Minneapolis City Council has established a 'Women Only' parking lot at the Mall of America. Even the parking lot attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable and safe environment is created for patrons.

Below is the first picture available of this world-first women-only parking lot in Minnesota .

TWO STATES.........STATE.... !!!!!

LOS ANGELES - September 2, 2013. VIDEOS. Syria Hit By 3 Nuclear Bombs + 11 CIA Improvised VX Chemical Weapons

Subject: Re: The US Congress is not authorised to green-light American military strikes against Syria as any such action would be in violation of ...

Don't have time to read details ( below )? Watch this:


- - - -

Syria Hit By 3 Nuclear Bombs + 11 CIA Improvised VX Chemical Weapons
by, Paul Collin

September 2, 2013 15:59:42 ( PST ) Update

LOS ANGELES - September 2, 2013 - The following information contains a
compilation of research notes that are 'not finally evaluated
intelligence' for public release on global affair surrounding Syria.

It does not comport to be fully accurate nor anywhere near complete.

This information ( below ) was compiled from several sources,
researched, and underwent preliminary analyses:

- - - -

1ST Tactical Nuclear Bomb Strike ( below ):

DATE: March 4, 2013
TIME: ( Night time )
LOCATION: Qasioun mountain area military complexes with Syria Brigade
104 and 105 guards, Brigade 501 guarded complex at Research &
Development ( R&D ) Laboratory Center in Jamraya District of Damascus
( Syria ), and Damascus Airport military guarded warehouse of Russia
SA-17 missiles, and Syria military warehouse  transport supply
contract shipments of Fateh-110 missiles for Lebannon.

Color Video Clip:





2ND Tactical Nuclear Bomb Strike ( below ):

DATE: May 4, 2013
TIME: ( Night Time )
LOCATION: Mount Qasioun, Jamraya District, Damascus ( Syria ), and
Asal Al-Ward, Syria
FACILITIES: Research Center and Warehouse.

Color Video Clip:





3RD Tactical Nuclear Bomb Strike ( below ):

DATE: August 1, 2013
TIME: ( Day Time )
LOCATION: Homs, Syria

Color Video Clip:


- -


Could this be the miracle we have been praying for?

This technology might take out Iran and N. Korea's nuclear program in a heartbeat.
Most interesting 2 minutes on new technology that Boeing has developed.

If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will...
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 3-Sep-2013 00:47:37

If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will.....

You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree...and think 25 to life would be
--Jay LenoAmerica needs Obama-care like Nancy
Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
--Jay Leno
Q: Have you heard about McDonald's'
new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you
has to pay for it.
--Conan O'Brien
Q: What does Barack Obama call
lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser.
--Jay Leno
Q: What's the difference between
Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers,
and threats to society. The other is for housing
--David Letterman
Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were
on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it
started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America !
--Jimmy Fallon
Q: What's the difference between
Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers.
--Jimmy Kimmel
Q: What was the most positive result
of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper
stickers off the road.
--David Letterman

Solution to the problem in Egypt :
They want a new Muslim leader, Give them ours.

Federal Reserve Holdings and Oil Exports are the biggest factor for IQD exchange rate

Federal Reserve Holdings and Oil Exports are the biggest factor for IQD exchange rate

Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 9.22.52 AM30 Aug 2013
Iraqi financial expert stated that the value of Iraq’s Federal Reserve currently amounts to about $80 billion, following the recent increase in the country’s oil exports. Nevertheless, no information was made available by the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) to this effect.
Speaking to media, financial expert Hussein al-Asadi remarked, “According to my information, the value of Iraq’s federal reserve currently amounts to about $80 billion. This includes funds, precious metals and other items.”
Regarding the financial issues concerned with Federal Reserve, CBI or Central Bank or Iraq’s governor Abdul Basit Turki has chosen to stay mum. The bank has issued only a statement for indicating the developments that it has been carried out of late.
The last comment made by the CBI regarding the country’s federal reserve dates back to Jan. 31, 2012, when the bank denied the ‘decline of gold reserves’. CBI further stated, “They have been stable throughout the past months and amount to 29,730 tons.”
Asadi added, “The US dollar is the main currency in the Iraqi reserves. There are also some reserves in other currencies, in addition to gold. Due to the troubled military and political conditions of the country, Iraq’s reserves cannot be invested to a large extent, as is the case in China or the United Arab Emirates, for instance.”
He further stated, “Iraq is distributing its reserves to a number of banks just to protect [these funds, although it does generate some interest on the deposits.”
Economic expert also remarked the crisis between the government and CBI by remarking, “Article 26 of the CBI law explicitly states that it is inadmissible to lend to the government.”
On how the reserves are formed, Asadi said, “Iraq’s annual budget is in Iraqi dinars, which the CBI owns. The state’s revenues are from oil exports, and they are mostly in US dollars. The government buys dinars from the bank, which results in profits for the bank. The total CBI profits from selling dinars to the state constitute the country’s Federal Reserve, whose growth is associated with state spending. State spending increases in proportion with its oil exports.”
Member of parliamentary economic committee, Mr. Abdul Hussein Abtan, the Iraqi MP, stated, “The total value of funds and precious metals that make up Iraq’s Federal Reserve amounts to about $76 billion.” He added, “This reserve was only invested in projects to support the stability of the Iraqi dinar’s exchange rate.”
On the other hand, Ahmed Hassan Faizullah, a member of the parliamentary finance committee, denied the fact that “the government is able to use Iraq’s Federal Reserve, despite its need for funds on more than one occasion.
Visit stage2omega at: http://www.stage2omega.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network


Ø Global security force lines up to close down the corrupt elite
Ø A new International Court takes shape, backed by 90% of United Nations member countries
Ø Not just a PR show court, but licensed, legitimate, and enforceable
Ø The final pieces fall into place: control of the assets; 173 nation alliance; a powerful global security force…and the rule of law
by Michael Henry Dunn
September 1st, 2013 – From the outset of Neil Keenan’s trillion-dollar lawsuit against the corrupt Western banking elite and bloodline families, the scoffers asked, “Who could ever enforce a judgment? And what duly authorized international policing entity could provide the global muscle needed to actually shut down this all-pervasive web of influence, which is woven into every power structure, be it financial, political, military, educational, agricultural, or pharmaceutical? And where will the funds come from to back this massive effort?”
Welcome to the end game.
The latest word from The Keenan Group is that the legal basis, the financial leverage, the enforcement/security apparatus, and the cooperation of the global community needed to bring the fight for freedom to a close are now coming into alignment.
Those spearheading this fight have known for decades that only a slow and careful undermining of the cabal’s foundations would ultimately remove this global cancer, that violent revolutions are a tragic mistake – that such bloody convulsions have been, in fact, the elite’s favorite tool of control for centuries, creating the chaos that has allowed them to seize ever tighter control of humanity in the name of “order.” As David Wilcock recently pointed out, the fall of the Soviet Union seemed to happen overnight – but it had been carefully planned for decades by Russian patriots, who painstakingly removed the props of power beneath Bolshevik hegemony over years of quiet planning. Violent revolutions almost always result in chaos and greater tyranny. Storming the Bastille was no doubt a glorious experience for the oppressed people of France, but it led directly to the Reign of Terror and the ultimate rise of Napoleon, while the Rothschilds played both sides against the middle to amass mind-boggling wealth – and the foundation of their long-term plans to control the global banking system.
It would appear that the Keenan Group’s meticulous undermining of the corrupt oligarchy – the penetration of their operations, the hacking of their accounts, the careful crafting of alliances, the establishment of authentic legal mechanisms for their arrest, the assembling of a legitimate security force – and most importantly, the restoration of the stolen wealth of the nations to a globally sanctioned guardianship – are now almost all in place. It all comes back to the Accounts. The elite’s fraudulent mirroring of the Global Collateral Accounts might be compared to the Ring of Power in Middle Earth. When it was destroyed, the founding malice of the Dark Tower simply disintegrated, and the seemingly impregnable fortress slid to the earth, a pile of rubble. When The Keenan Group’s final moves to control the assets are made, we can expect the fraudulent foundation of the fiat currency empire to vanish with startling speed. The allied ancient clans of Asia have joined forces with Mr. Keenan in the wake of his recent meetings with the influential Count Albert Chiang in Hong Kong, and The Keenan Group’s plans for controlling the assets are well underway.
The exact nature of the global security forces that will hunt down and arrest cabal leaders and operatives may not now be revealed, for obvious reasons. Mr. Keenan is deliberately vague on this point in the video message taped yesterday. He will leave it to the cabalists to wonder which faction has turned against them, which intelligence operatives are actually moles, which elements of Interpol, or MI6, or CIA, or the NSA, or the Russian FSB, or NATO, or the Pentagon are actually freedom fighters, which well-bribed judge has had a crisis of conscience, which Mossad tough guy finally had his fill of Zionist slaughter in the name of Bilderberg profit…or which puppet head-of-state may be waiting for the moment to take a chance on the victory of humanity. To these courageous ones may be added the thousands of timid and terrified cabalist mid-level operatives who will turn state’s evidence with a vengeance…once they see a prominent global elitist hobbling through a “perp walk” in ankle bracelets. They may already be collecting evidence to offer in exchange for their lives or their freedom, as they see their escape routes disappear.
Meanwhile, the shape of the new International Court of Human Rights is becoming clear. Neil Keenan arranged for this writer to have an extended interview yesterday with an international lawyer/jurist who is helping to establish the nature and standing of this new court – a global human rights court which is already licensed in a free country belonging to the non-aligned movement. This distinguished judge has been working closely with Mr. Keenan for the last two years. The aftermath of the cabal’s fall will entail a crying need for an untainted, globally recognized international court, possessing a solid legal foundation, effective jurisdiction world-wide, and most importantly, swift enforcement mechanisms to see that justice is done.
The so-called international courts of justice now in existence are (as may be expected) globalist frauds. The International Court of Justice, The International Criminal Court, The European Union Human Rights Court, the Inter-American Court of Central and South America, the African Union Court all share the same fundamental legal flaws. Unlike an authentic court, they are not “courts of record” – in other words, the cases are not published, their database is not searchable, and the cases refused a hearing are not revealed. These courts were all established by treaties which require the consent of the accused party – in other words, a nation which may have committed human rights violations may simply refuse to participate in the treaty, thereby removing itself (as the U.S. has done) from the court’s jurisdiction.
In addition, these courts require that all legal remedies against the accused government should first have been exhausted before the court will hear the case. So if you have a million or so dollars to waste on processing a case through half a dozen layers of a corrupt and hostile judicial system, you may then have a chance – perhaps – to have a hearing in the international court.
Like so many cabal-designed institutions, these courts exist to thwart and prevent the very purpose which they were supposedly founded to accomplish. The World Bank was created to eliminate poverty – it has dedicated itself to expanding impoverishment amid crushing global debt. The United Nations was supposedly created to protect the sovereignty of all nations through global peacekeeping – little need be said on that score. And the international courts exist largely to create officially sanctioned sink-holes where human rights abuse cases go to die.
The new court now taking shape is markedly different. Firstly, it is not established by treaty (as with the fraudulent present courts whose jurisdiction may be escaped by gross offenders simply by withdrawal from the treaty), but by letters of agreement from the ministers of justice (or equivalent office) of the 173 countries (fully 90% of the membership of the U.N.) in the non-aligned movement who have joined forces to defeat the cabal, in which they commit their nations to honor the jurisdiction of the court. Secondly, it will be a fully established court of record, with all cases published, constituting the searchable database necessary for a living body of law to have legitimacy. Thirdly, it will proceed with its mission as a global human rights court on the basis of Common Law, and the body of international convention established in constructive contract law. Not the mysterious, phony NESARA or OPPT super-secret, backroom-deal, non-laws promulgated by internet fraudsters, but the accumulated precedents of centuries, open to the scrutiny of all, and duly published.
And for those global elitists who are smugly scoffing as they read these lines, thinking “yeah, come and get me, do-gooders – see if you can touch my money or my freedom!” – we have some startling news. As the court’s rules will be established on the foundation of contract law, they will function in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce, which by current U.N.-sanctioned treaty signed by nearly every country in the world (including the U.S.) allows for immediate collection through local mechanisms of any and all judgments, by means of wage garnishment, asset seizure, and all other appropriate means.
The Indonesian judges and other officials who are alleged to have illegally conspired to keep Martha Wibawa (called Nelu) in prison should take note. A complaint against them is being prepared, and their names are known. A window of time may remain for this situation to be resolved, but the complaint is proceeding.
Or again, the global elitist may simply cry, “I refuse to recognize the jurisdiction of your court!” Well, good luck with that one. The “shrink-wrap” precedent whereby software companies bind you to their terms of agreement when you tear the wrapping also applies here. What’s good for the cabal goose is good for the alliance gander – the elite put people in jail and seize their assets everyday on the basis of the precedents of consent by failure to appear, or recognition of jurisdiction through the act of response itself. The new court will apply the same precedent. There is really no way out of this one, boys and girls.
We are the world. And you are not.
And there is that little matter of the new global police force, soon to make its debut. As Mr. Keenan states in the accompanying video, this force will operate independently of the corrupt governments, will be funded from the Global Accounts, and guided by new international peace-keeping agreements aimed at establishing a safe arena for healthy competition for markets in a multi-polar world – one in which the absence of a deliberately created scarcity will make war a thing of the past. Once there is a million times more than is needed to sustain the planet – a rough estimate of the true wealth of planet earth – then the endless warring for resources may finally cease.
We’re not there yet. And the end game will have rough spots. There is much that cannot now be told. Keenan has aces up his sleeve. And always a song on his lips. This one’s straight and edgy and tells it like it is. “Matt G.” with the Best Anti-Illuminati/NWO Song of 2012 – “Broken Monitors.”
Pass it along to wake up a friend.
Michael Henry Dunn

"Putin to Send Delegation to Congress over Syria Crisis"

Reader, fwd: "Putin to Send Delegation to Congress over Syria Crisis"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 2-Sep-2013 20:28:44
(Thanks, R. :)
Reader Roadrunner sends us this article from IsraelNationalNews.com:
Putin to Send Delegation to Congress over Syria Crisis
Vladimir Putin backs idea proposed by Russian parliament to send a delegation to lobby U.S. Congress against a strike on Syria.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that a parliamentary delegation will be sent to the United States to lobby the U.S. Congress to vote against a military strike on Syria. The idea was tabled by Russian lawmakers.
"The initiative is very timely and correct," Putin said as he met with the speakers of Russia's upper and lower houses of parliament.
He added: "Our American colleagues could better understand and feel what the Russian Federation's position is based on and listen to our arguments."
[snip to end]

Israel National News article


Frank Furter September 2, 2013 at 10:18pm
Lots of Iraqi shopping going on today per Sharqiya News online right now.  Showing open air market selling produce, clothing, smart phones and electronics.  Lots of spending of Dinar small denoms.  Boy gets cell phone.  Boy gets boom box. Lots of people carrying retail shopping bags loaded with purchases.  Looks like footage from earilier today
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[mort] Guys if you read my info from this am-did my lawyer make it to Reno-?? He really sounded he like he would be in Reno as we were speaking-just have your dong & dinar ready because i think we will be having an awesome week-so be very encouraged for sure!! Keep your phones off vibrate tonight-lol-Goodnight All & sweet dreams!!

[Sailaway] mort thank you mort

[betty66] Stage2omega- Jester is stating we are not close and intel has been giving false info. Do you feel we are still close and do you feel your intel is correct?

[stage2omega] remember its about "central banks, natural resources, market control, dark pools, darkl liquidity, market hedges, & gold

[menmyrv] stage2omega Do you think we will go to war with syria?

[stage2omega] Syria war is a 100% misdirection

[dd2001] Stage2omega so when do you see the rv happening

[ChildOfGod] stage2omega What does this release mean for us?

[stage2omega] Ill will put it like this the insiders game is almost up

[stage2omega] 1. They have exchanged 
stage2omega] 2. They have monetized skr's

[stage2omega] We are on to their every move

[stage2omega] There are large bank shareholders who have exchanged

[stage2omega] 100% FACT

[stage2omega] They did not expect us to catch the way they halted the stock exchanges, first it was a glitch, then terrorism, then unknown force, then unseen force, then arca, flash freeze, etc

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said **

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said **
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 2-Sep-2013 23:59:00

Hi, Folks -
Found at dinarguru.com:
9-2-2013 Intel Guru Bluwolf Now and for the last time I will say this...the rates are in double digits, not one missile will be fired until the rv clears, we are scheduled for exchange in the following days.
9-2-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony I continue to get updates on the status of the RV, things have once again changed in Iraq that point to it being made public sooner rather than later. Everyone on this side is still excited about tomorrow and the rest of this week. Yes there are still some saying any minute this could happen.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Reader Gunny, link: Tennessee - "No Refusal blood-draw checkpoints"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader Gunny, link: Tennessee - "No Refusal blood-draw checkpoints"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 2-Sep-2013 17:41:41

(Thanks, G. :)
Reader Gunny writes and sends us:
Hi Hobie,
Hope you have had a great weekend.
I also hope you do not live in Tennessee, as I just about choked on my toast when I saw this:
Tennessee to roll out “No Refusal” blood-draw DUI checkpoints for Labor Day
What has happened to our country?
Best Wishes,