Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Fact The World Will Embrace Soon Enough---- The Empire Died On The Road To Damascus

A Fact The World Will Embrace Soon Enough---- The Empire Died On The Road To Damascus
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 3-Sep-2013 09:26:53
The empire Has Lost The Confidence Of all The People of the planet. They Have Lost the stealth enjoyed by the spy agencies. They have lost the power of the controlled media. They have lost the military. They have roused the ogre of satanic zionism which can no longer coast in stealth under the cover of false flags.
What had previously passed for money lies exposed as a giant ponzi scheme.

And, as is an overdue debt, with everyone watching, it has finally happened...
The Empire has died on the road to Damascus.
My activism began as a child before the election of Kennedy. I knew who was going to assassinate him and why. When he was killed, hardly anyone was willing to listen to the truth because that would require them to get out of their comfort mode and actually risk their lives to do something. But now even the most ignorant have swung around and have learned to say No. Only 9% of Americans said they would support Obama if he attacked Syria. In Great Britain Obama only had 8% support. And that is with the corporate media not bothering to publish the Associated Press reporter who said the rebels did the gas attack.
One reason for the wild swing in public opinion is the rise of the Internet which allows us to undo the lies we are told rather quickly. Does anyone still actually believe that 19 Arabs with box cutters did 911?
Another reason for the sudden rise in resistance is that the lies are covering policies that have led us into demonstrable failures. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have led us all to bankruptcy. Americans are literally dying because they cannot afford to fix their infrastructure. Their money had to go to fight wars for Israel. In 2001 General Wesley Clark saw a list of 7 nations the NeoCons wanted us to invade in 5 years. We wasted trillions of dollars for Israel that could have been better spent to prevent disasters like the Katrina flood and collapsing bridges. America has a deficit of 4 trillion dollars in urgent infrastructure repairs that must be done to prevent the nation from devolving into Third World status.
But the real reason why everyone is changing their opinion is I believe because they can now see Wall Street’s vision of their future. And that future does not include us common folk being alive. Pensions for public and private workers are being stolen. Bank accounts will soon be looted in Europe and the US just as they were in Cyprus. Larry Summers (Samuelson) is being pushed forward to succeed Bernanke at the Federal Reserve. Why? Because in my opinion he is the man the bankers chose to take all of your bank accounts and your pensions and to cut your wages in half.
What will these policies mean? It means that more than half of all Americans will soon not be able to afford to eat. Consider this analogy: Suppose you were in charge of a million prisoners. You only have enough food to feed your staff but nothing to feed a million people on the other side of the fence. How long would it take you to figure out that you had to either abandon your post or to devise a plan to kill a million people?
The Banker Occupied Government in Washington will have to do a lot more than just send a few million elderly into the Death Panel process. We are talking at a minimum of killing half of the people in the US. And why should they content themselves with only killing half of us? Why not 90%?
In the United Kingdom the Liverpool protocol is used to kill 130,000 hospital patients a year by cutting off their food and water. The Death panels are not just for the old folks. This has been used against both 22 years old and infants. But even if we killed a million people a year, America’s population would grow through legal and illegal immigration. No. Wall Street needs to kill a lot more of us.
I believe they have been working on that plan since the 1920s. Stalin used fluoride in the water to control his people in the concentration camps. Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, got Americans taking fluoride. Fluoride has been known to be a poison that killed enzymes since 1893. The human body has at least 5,000 enzymes which are required for its operation. Fluoride is linked to several cancers. It also according to Harvard and EPA scientists will reduce the IQ of children.
In the 1950s the US began cultivating cancer viruses to put into polio vaccines. They have also put deadly toxins into the vaccines we are now forced to take. Children are expected to have 61 vaccinations by age 6. Toxic substances are put in our food and toxic drugs are allowed by the FDA. Americans are being forced to eat Genetically Modified Food which kills and sterilizes all lab animals in three generations. I believe we are being prepped for a mass die off by the people Who Think They Own The Government. They will release a series of plagues when the dollar collapses after they have taken all of our money.
I have some articles in the references below which you can use to convince people that the bankers want to kill you. This is important. We really have to drive home the point to the average person that the Banker Occupied Government absolutely despises them and wants them dead. They stole all of your pensions and your savings. They will soon cut your wages in half if you do not learn to say No. The Uber Rich will kill you rather than let you demand the return of what they stole from you.
The final and most important point is to start organizing a new future. The Empire died on the road to Damascus. We need to be the first ones to organize for a world without Empires. You might point out that empires do not have citizens as do Republics. Empires have emperors and slaves.
This is an Either Or Moment in history. The Empire and the dollar will soon collapse. If we do not make radical changes, we will die.
Depressions cancel debt either through hyperinflation or through debt default and deflation. To avoid the need for a few billion of us common people dying we will have to systematically and scientifically cancel debts just as the Babylonians did thousands of years ago. This is not a negotiable point.
We also need to forever end the cycle of Booms and Bust. This cycle is created by fractional reserve banking. Under a fractional reserve system a bank can take 10 dollars in deposits and loan out 100, 200 or even 300 dollars. Please note this can be done on a gold standard as the people of Venice did in 1348 and the people of America and Europe did in the 1920s. Fractional reserve banking causes Booms or Bubbles because taking out a loan creates money which adds to demand. All those loans distort the markets and lead people into bad investment like the recent Housing Bubble.
Inevitably there is a crash. If Mrs Jones deposits $10,000, her banker will pay about $100 a year in interest. Yet this same banker can loan out $100,000 and collect 10% or more interest on that money. This imbalance is a Debt Burden and slows down demand because everyone is trying to make payments on the interest that is growing at a compound rate. The result is a mountain of Unpayable Debt. At that point the only choices are Debt Cancellation or Slavery.
To fund all the pensions the bankers looted I would recommend that we seize all of their assets no matter where they are. That means every share of stock, every bond and every piece of property must be examined to prove it did not belong to the bankers and their co-conspirators. We must include the Corporate Media and the Foundations on the list of things to be seized.
Seized funds will restore our pensions and savings.
As for Debt Cancellation, I would propose we follow Professor Steve Keen’s advice and give every free adult citizen $20,000 in debt reduction. I would fund it differently than he would but his research is funded by a well known billionaire. If someone does not have that many debts, we can credit the $20,000 to his or her pension.
We need to seize the Federal Reserve and to issue a non-interest bearing currency just like President Lincoln’s Greenback.
To get the economy back into high growth I would recommend that we release all of that advanced technology that the secret government is sitting on and had planned to use after we all died in the coming plagues.
The world is indebted to the people of Syria and Iran and their allies in Russia, China and throughout the world for stopping this Empire of Evil. It is now our turn to completely undo the Tyranny that unjustly rules over us in America and Europe as well as people in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Mideast.
I will conclude with this quote from previous essays:
The Fundamental Fact of Your Existence as a modern man or woman is that the bankers of New York and London want to reduce you to Debt Slavery.
Accept that fact and move on to the solution.
That is their plan for you.
What is your plan for them?

World Bank: Money Laundering Criminals Interview with Whistleblower Karen Hudes

Subject: World Bank: Money Laundering Criminals Interview with Whistleblower Karen Hudes

RT's BreakingtheSet host, Abby Martin 
talks to attorney Karen Hudes, a former 
Senior Executive at the World Bank, 
who worked there for 12 years. 

Hudes talks about her experience, 
blowing the whistle on the high-level 
corruption within the international 
financial system and how her story 
was censored.
Video (about 8 and a half mins):

- Alexandra

P.S. There's hair-raising corruption in high places - and, as   
we see here, by law enforcement in a city park, against a 
banjo-toting female veteran, no less - who was doing nothing 
changed. You won't think it's OK to just sit there, anymore!

P.P.S. To all viewers in the UK, British Commonweath 
countries, some Caribbean & European nations, I just 
received word from Greece that an alternate code for the 
recently-broadcast Octopus Volcano did not block the film 
there, so hopefully, those of you previously denied will get 
a chance to view this fun doc, after all - by clicking here

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Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 3-Sep-2013 07:59:44
Israel has claimed responsibility for the rocket fires in the Mediterranean Sea, saying it was a test fire after Russian Defense Ministry announced the incident.
The launch took place at 06:16 GMT Tuesday, according to Russia's Ministry of Defense.
The trajectory of the missiles is reported to have been from the central part of the Mediterranean Sea towards the eastern landmass. Both rockets have allegedly fallen into the sea, RIA Novosti news agency reported.
The incident comes amid US threats to bomb Syria based on conflicting reports of an alleged chemical attack near Syrian capital.
There were no rocket attack signals or blasts in Damascus, the Russian embassy in Syria noted.
Syria’s missile warning system has not detected any rockets landing on their territory, a Syrian security source told Lebanese channel al-Manar TV.
Initially, the Israeli military apparently had no data on the launch either. However, later Israel claimed a joint missile launch with the US in the Mediterranean Sea.
Israeli authorities pointed out that they tested an “anchor” target missile used to check how well the anti-missile system known as "Arrow-2" functions.
US Navy Forces haven’t fired any missiles from vessels deployed in the Mediterranean, according to a spokesman.
The UK has stressed that they “have nothing to do" with the launch.
A NATO spokesman said the alliance was trying to verify the reports. Until then, the bloc will not comment on the incident.
Armavir, an early warning system against missile attack, is situated in southern Russia. It is run by the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces. They provide radar coverage of the Middle East. There are two radars there, with one of them facing southwest and the other southeast.
Dolphin, nuclear capable, and shot down is my concept.



Frank Furter September 3, 2013 at 10:02am
That was from what appeared to be live footage taken earlier in the day September 2 in Baghdad.  A month ago you would not have seen a young city boy with a cell phone, bicycle or stereo.  The cell phone vendors looked like the happiest of all.  Since August 9, many adverts on Iraqi TV for cell phones, smart phones and laptops including Apple.  The highlight of yesterday's TV coverage was the scene at the bank with people packed like sardines from wall to wall waiting for their turn at the window. The part of one transaction that was shown contained the customer handing a 4" square piece of white paper before cutting away.  There were foot tall stacks of Dinar bills next to the openings in the tellers' glass -- on the tellers' side of the divider!  My take is the customers were showing their account information and what they would like to withdraw in physical currency.  The banks were distributing newly acquired physical currency.  This would be a logical follow up to the 10 day 'turn in your 000's' phase that ran from approximately August 9-19th. it would also be reasonable to believe the banks ran out of Dinar small denoms during that period which would produce the reaction of Iraqi's lining up around banks to get some of the currency they have so long been denied. 

Female zombie attacks McDonald's drive-thru window, unleashes living dead rampage for Chicken McNugget

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's SarkaJonea: Female zombie attacks McDonald's drive-thru window, unleashes living dead rampage for Chicken McNugget
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 3-Sep-2013 10:04:49

I've long warned Natural News readers about the coming wave of real-life zombies who will maraud through the cities, smashing windows, stealing fast food and threatening to eat the faces of whatever unlucky human victims are still around.
I never thought this exact scenario would be caught on video at an actual McDonald's restaurant.
Last week, a McDonald's in Toledo was attacked by an actual female zombie who leaped out of her car, clawed through the drive-thru window and began tearing at any living person in sight. She was screaming about needing "Chicken McNuggets" even though it was 6:30 am and McDonald's doesn't serve McNuggets until their lunch menu opens up...............



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Global Harmony Series

Global Harmony Series
I want to thank you for all that you have done for yourself and the planet. 
Together we design our universe.

Please join me for this complimentary series. 
Let us create PEACE.  Let us
resolve disharmony and rise above ALL possible conflicts.  Add your energy to
work on humanity, the planet and all life on earth to create global harmony and
help people and communities to rise above their differences.  Let us create a very
strong morphic field of multidimensional energy and Source light for love, joy,
harmony, truth, healing, collaboration and abundance.

Please visit the Global Harmony Series page and listen to the replay

Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

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Snakes in our House

Snakes in our House

“You Are Under Arrest!”

“Me? For what?”

“That’s classified information for national security reasons.”

by J. Speer-Williams

The above interchange, or something similar, will likely be taking place – perhaps millions of times – in the United States of America. This is because so many death-dealing snakes are in our garden.
us intelligence agentsThese stimulus/response serpents are creatures without souls, all hiding under the  rocks provided by the mainstream media, and known to us as “our” US Intelligence Agents.
These vile creatures have infested and infected our physical plane, and are trying to ruin us spiritually with their street drugs, the torture of human beings, false flag operations, and behavioral modification programs with their control of the corporate media.
These poisonous vipers ship in street drugs from Mexico, Afghanistan, and Central and South America. They manage the heroin trade, while they have US Marines guarding their poppy fields of Afghanistan. They oversee the chemtrails that rain toxins from the skies on us and our environment. They spread DU (depleting uranium) from the Middle East to the rest of the world, especially to our ground  troops who have “served” and are “serving” in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and soon Syria.
On the subject of US torture of detainees, former President Jimmy Carter told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “I don’t think it, I know it.”
And by some reliable accounts, the US torture of human life has gone from wildly horrible to sickeningly horrendous –- all orchestrated by American and Israeli intelligence agents.
CIAUndercover agents take us to endless wars, with their false flag events, such as Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and most assuredly the 9/11 disaster.
With little doubt, the latest US Intelligence provocation is the absurd acquisition that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad authorized a chemical attack on his own people.
These provocateurs steer the corporate media with lies, deception, and needless fears. Intelligence agencies are used by the Banking Cartel to enforce their various agendas on the American government with fixed elections, bribes, blackmail, and assassinations. These secret tools ensure compliance from “our” national leaders.
A mere sampling of these iniquitous dens of depravity (called US Intelligence Services) are the CIA, AIA, DIA, NGA, NBO, FBI, NSA, NCIS, ONI, DEA, and CID.
In collusion with these festering serpents are Israel’s Mossad and the British MI5 and MI6; all are controlled by a hierarchical pyramid that is kept secret from the world.
Take control of a nation’s intelligence network and you are one short step from subverting a nation’s entire government, something finally accomplished in America with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It was President Kennedy who had sworn he would bring the US intelligence network under governmental control by first tearing the CIA into a thousands pieces. It was, however, the soulless, limbless reptiles, with no eyelids, but with a venomous bite, who struck first, under orders from above.
snakes_lie_when_they_move_their_lipsThe hundreds of thousands of undemocratic pages of government orders, directives, laws, and judicial interpretations forced on the US government by intelligence agencies have made America no better than any other out- of-control Banana Republic in history.
For some time, we have been ruled by a self-appointed, corrupt, and exceedingly small cabal of private, foreign, and sub-human clique of banking oligarchs.
As long as Americans continue to believe the lies promoted by intelligence agents, we will be held in the bondage of poverty and abject ignorance. We must begin to see that our unprovoked wars on sovereign nations in the Middle East serve only the darkest elements on Earth.
Can enough of our fellow Americans ever begin to have any self-generated thoughts, or will they continue to be simple machines that merely pass on media propaganda and then feel authoritatively informed when doing so?
We all have an obligation to try to inform our fellow citizens how intelligence agencies have turned our nation into the foremost terrorist operation in the world. And unless we can enlighten enough of our fellows, we could soon be hearing those four dreaded words:

You are under arrest!


We are quickly running out of time to influence popular opinion, so do not waste time arguing with anyone who supports our unilateral wars of aggression in the Middle East.
If someone believes that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has gassed his own loyal citizens, move on, as that person is mired far too deeply in television ignorance to salvage.
If someone tells you that Saddam Hussein got what he deserved for harboring weapons of mass destruction, again move on, as you have come across yet another bitter clinger to government/media propaganda, another hopeless case.
A quick way to “cut to the chase” is to ask someone if they believe (the outrageous US Intelligence Agency lie) that Hussein’s soldiers threw sick babies out of their incubators to die on cold stone floors in the neighboring country of Kuwait, prior to our slaughter in what is being called the Gulf War.
For your own immediate safety there is, perhaps, a more important question:
Do you believe we are justified in torturing our detainees?
Any slightly equivocal answer to the above question qualifies the respondent as a Dark Being – one who at the very least will bring you bad luck from too close an association with them.
Be careful, but be polite with such a person, as they will likely be among the first to want you to hear the dreaded words:
You are under arrest!
intelligence agencies liberty
Under the cover of “national security” US intelligence agencies have increasingly become more powerful.They have turned America into a rogue state that is intent on destroying all of our liberties domestically, while expanding their terrorist attacks and torture of innocent people both abroad and at home.
Ironically, all of the so-called security measures that the US government has made, our country is more insecure than ever in our history. From a plummeting economy, to wide-open borders, to dangerous full-body scanners, to poisonous vaccines, to chemtrails, to GMO foods, to the loss of habeas corpus, to the depleting uranium poisoning of our own troops, Americans have never been more insecure.
Robber barons, with the help of their lackeys in intelligence agencies, are throwing us back into the deep snake pits of the Middle Ages, all superimposed with poisons, radiation, a fascistic government, endless wars, and possibly our own imprisonment.
But if we could defang the intelligence agencies, we will have crippled the alien oligarchs of the International Monetary and Banking Cartel. Intelligence agencies are their Achilles Heel – a huge and potentially mortal weakness.
J. Speer-Williams can be reached at Jsw4@mac.com

Nina Sidorova

Open Message To The US Congress

Open Message To The US Congress
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 3-Sep-2013 09:29:46

Loss of confidence in a governing body equates to loss of power and influence over the voting public - the psy-opp is over.
The picnic is done. The honeymoon has ended.
What you, as a representative body, have done to the people of the sovereign states, and foisted upon the entire planet of humanity - is reprehensible at least, and criminal in definition.
As a governing body, all of you should be arrested for treason.
The criminal acts you have perpetrated against the people and the states are far to numerous to list them all here.
Listing your crimes against the people would require a complete review of every act written and implemented since 1812, and before.
Noting that you have fallen from grace in the eyes of the American people is as understated as saying the Titanic was a big boat.
In addition, the American people are aware that you could care less about the opinions of the people.
You shield your criminal activities behind layer upon layer of bureaucratic protocol, and hide behind the institution as your justification for evil.
The American people are well aware that rule of law means nothing to you, and you will continue to act as the lawless thugs you are.
One cannot expect a zebra to change its stripes.
We are well aware that your only allegiance is to a corrupt corporate entity known as the Corporation of the United States.
We are well aware that your only real concern is profit at any cost - how much lobbyist cash can you stuff in your Vatican accounts before your reign of terror is complete, and another despotic parasite takes your place.
We are well aware that your body as a hole, consists of spineless yes men parasites, who cater only to the criminal agenda of the Corporation of the United States - the Pariah of humanity.
Understand that you too, as a governing body, are now perceived as a disease, a blight - a pariah of civilization.
We the People, are well aware of the fact that you, as a so called 'governing body', are nothing more than a parliament of whores servicing the corporate/military/banking/industrial complex.
DESPOTS EARN THEIR TITLE, and no one, or nothing is more despised across the globe than the Corporation of the United States and it's minions - of which you are part and parcel of.
As of this writing, however, you are receiving a mandate from the people of the usa, and the people of the world.
A mandate is not a wish. A mandate is not negotiable.
A mandate means you have no choice in the matter, and you have been overruled by the people - no matter what your despotic agenda may be.
You will absolutely quash any attempts to instigate war in Syria, or anywhere else on the planet.
You will cut off funding to the military war machine.
You will absolutely forbid any orders from your Corporate Chief Executive to expedite more wars of genocide, murder, or aggression on this planet.
Do we expect you, as a governing body to listen to, and accept this mandate?
No, We the People know better than that.
A pit viper cannot be anything more than a pit viper.
Just the same - this is your mandate. These are your orders.
These orders are not negotiable.
We The People, expect you to ignore sanity, and continue on your path of total destruction.
We the people understand that you believe yourselves to be above international law.
We the people, understand you believe yourselves to be elite, and your judgement is better than that of We the people.
You may be the elite of - the tops dogs of the psychotic, self serving criminal element that infects planet Earth, but that only makes you - in reality - the lowest of the low-life forms in existence.
Every choice has a result.
When you make the choice to ignore this mandate - you will realize the results of that choice.