Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria Destroyed By US Navy

September 3, 2013
Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria Destroyed By US Navy
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new urgent action report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) for President Putin today states that specialized forces operating the highly advanced Vityaz air defense system in the Southern Military District detected the launching of two Popeye Turbo SLCM ballistic cruise missiles from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine patrolling in the Eastern Mediterranean whereupon they were “nearly immediately” destroyed by a US Navy Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer operating in the same region.
The Vityaz air defense system guarantees the detection of enemy ballistic and long-range cruise missiles at blastoff and is currently being deployed along the entire Russian border; while the Popeye ballistic cruise missile is the type used by Israel during its Dolphin submarine 5 July attack on an arms depot in the Syrian port city of Latakia that targeted a contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles; and the Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers are the United States Navy's first class of destroyer built around the Aegis Combat System and the SPY-1D multi-function phased array radar making them some of the most feared warships in the world.
According to this MoD report, these ballistic cruise missile launches took place at 10:16 am Moscow time (0616 GMT) with the Israelis first denying any knowledge, but subsequently stating that they were conducting missile tests in Mediterranean.
As to the exact method the US Navy utilized in destroying these two ballistic cruise missiles this MoD report does not speculate upon, but a review of an Australian Air Force technical report [Technical Report APA-TR-2007-0402] clearly shows it can be done, but only at great expense and using First-World technical skills and 21st Century technology.
With Syrian President Bashar Assad warning that any military strike against his country would spark an uncontrollable regional war and spread “chaos and extremism,” this MoD report says, the Israeli motivation for launching these ballistic cruise missiles earlier today remains “highly suspect,” a situation made even more dangerous as all International treaties require advanced notification prior to conducting any tests of this type.
This MoD report further states that the launching of these ballistic cruise missiles could have been a test of Russian military capability to detect these types of launches and Kremlin resolve to notify the entire world immediately upon their detection.
In the former the Russian military proved its ability to immediately detect these types of launches, and in the latter the Kremlin, indeed, showed it would not hide from the world any knowledge the West was attacking Syria.
Though not explicitly stated in this MoD report, but speculated upon, Russian defense intelligence experts contributing to it note that Israel may have been attempting to start this war by an unprovoked attack upon Syria that would be blamed on the Americans and whose effect would be the starting of at least a wide-ranging regional war, or at its worst, World War III.
As to why Israel would want to start a major war lies in its demographic time bomb of a population that is pitting the Jewish states main factions (Zionist-Haredi-Arab) against each other with mounting fears of civil war growing by the day.
With the Haredi religious movement in Israel bound by three oaths, (1) not to settle in Israel by using force or violence, (2) not to make war with other nations and (3) not to act as if the other nations of the world would persecute Israel; and their booming population numbers, these strictest of Jewish sects have aligned themselves with Israeli Arabs and who both now control over 30% of the population. 
To the reason(s) as to why Syria is now the main target of this war lies mainly in the machinations of Saudi Arabia, especially their current intelligence chief Prince Bandar who last month the Libyan Defense Ministry warned delivered Israeli chemical weapons to Syrian terrorists.
Confirmation of chemical weapons being delivered to Syrian rebels by the Saudis were confirmed by Turkey this past May when seven terrorists from the al-Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front were captured in antiterrorist operations in Adana, Turkey, and two kilos (4,5 pounds) of sarin gas were found in their apartments.
Further confirmation of Syrian rebels using chemical weapons were detailed by the United Nations whose investigators proved their use against the Syrian army at least 5 times by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists this past year.
Even the latest chemical weapons attack against Syrian civilians has been put squarely at the door of Saudi Arabia, and as we had previously reported on, Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for the 21 August chemical weapons incident which Western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.
Even though all of the major US mainstream propaganda media organs are still refusing to tell the American people the truth about what happened in Ghouta, the same cannot be said of the respected Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) organization who when analyzing the Obama regimes evidence for war against Syria against the Associated Press report written by Gavlak, found the latter to be more credible. 
September 3, 2013 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

De Jure Constitutional Republic!

United States of America

De Jure Constitutional Republic!

We THE People who are the Lawfull Civilian Authority over the U.S. Military as the interim Republican form of government operating under the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment that prohibits persons who have accepted entitlements from foreign governments from holding public office are standing as the true form of Government.Frequency Asked Questions:

1. How do we join?  
There is no paperwork to sign.  We require you to assemble and reseat your state De Jure governance with public notice verification.  We have an outline of the basic steps available to complete this task.  

2. Do we have to follow your procedure or steps?
These common law protocols have been tested for over three years with no successful rebuttals from the any faction of the De Facto Corporations.  This includes at STATE, NATIONAL and WORLD levels.  Just like if you do not follow the protocols for takeoff, flying and landing a plane you will crash and burn.  The same holds true for following this outline. 

3. Who are we?
​We are an assemble of living and breathing men and women who actually believe in this ideal that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —” Declaration of Independence Circa 1776 and Oct 21, 2012. And we are the assembly who reseated Congress from “Sine Die” Oct 21st, 2012.
To contact us use the form below: (works best with IE)
You can also email us at: Inquiry@DejureNation.org

"A Break in the Clouds" from Mnt.Goat at TNT Forum TuesdayAM 9/3

Hi Everyone,

Today there is a break from the storm as there is some clearing in the skies and this will give us some hope that all may be well, at least for now. There are however many new storms brewing in the horizon and if you pay attention you too can hear the rumbling of the thunder and see the distant flashes of the lightening.

A bit of house cleaning

In many of my posts I use the term “they” to describe some entity that is holding back the revaluation of the Iraq dinar.  I have had many requests during and after my last three posts to explain  the “they”. 

So at requests of the members I wrote  UU5422 in part to clarify this term. So I hope everyone now has a clear understanding of who is holding up the RV and their disposition? 

It is a group of political leaders of the USA (the bad guys)  the second layer of government (the bad guys) using the RV as leverage to negotiate with groups (the good guys) who have exposed their plans for world dominance and the means to which they propose to do it.
From the hundreds of replies I received from the UU5422 post I can see that about 95% of the members understand what was told them. That leaves about 5% who do not. Not a bad percentage and I will leave the 5% in their own Disney fantasy.

Since TNTDINAR is not a conspiracy site but rather a site dedicated to the revaluation of the IQD I will not attempt to go any further on this topic or elaborate on anything else I said in this post.

Go back and re-read it. I believe my point has been made. I can back up everything I say on my posts. I leave everyone with the seeds of truth. It is now up to you to plant them and make they grow. In other words get off you ____ and do your own research. I am not going to spoon feed you! We are all adults. This applies mostly to the 5%.

I have spent years and years of  investigating these facts so you too can see clearly now if you chose to. You can believe what I say or you can spend years of digging and researching as I have. I do not owe anyone anything. You do not pay me for my time spent, my telephone calls or time away from my family. I am blessed to have this 95 % of you members who do understand and I will always try to assist where I can to bring you news of this RV, if I am allowed to.

But remember one thing – if you ask for the truth be careful…..you just may get it and it may shock you. Be prepared of it. I will always to try to answer all constructive questions when I can through the TNT mailbox.

Please stop sending me your personal emails and/or telephone numbers. This is not smart no matter how much you trust me. You are all about to be millionaires. Someone can put together a nice mass marketing scheme and use your personal information.

So what it the news today

There are still many articles coming out of Iraq on the conversations between the CBI, the GOI and Parliament. These articles are interesting since they tell us they do need the remove the zeros and delete the zeros projects completed and they need them done now.

I do want you to step back and remember these statements have been ongoing since before April of this year. That is already 5 months.

So where is the RV? 

Why have then not completed these projects already? We know for a fact the CBI planned to RV last July 2012 over a year ago.

I know for a fact there were plans to RV again in April 2013 but the CBI was told to hold off again until further notice.

These projects are not completed because they await the international rollout announcement. This can not be done until the UST gives the final go ahead. This will not happen until some higher political figures authorize it.

Iraq can not do anything until they are given the green light from sources that are telling them to stall. They are stalling by telling the people what they must to satisfy them and let them know its coming and they are still in control of it.

But we all know who “they” are who are really in control of it. In July we saw that out of desperation they began to pay various rates on the Qi Cards depending on the program you could receive differing sums of money.

Mores Notes about the Qi Cards

Just want to interject a bit in my thoughts today and tell you a little more about these cards. I had a long conversation with my contact in Iraq yesterday on this topic and I wanted to pass it along to you.

The citizen does not automatically get the card. They must apply for the card, go through the identity process and they return to the office to pick them up. Then depending on their program, funding can or can not be allocated on the cards.

The rates vary since the laws dictate which programs are paying out what rates.

So why do we hear some have no cards? Cause they never applied for them. Why do we hear some are getting paid  98 cents (ration fund), while others are getting $1.17 (pension fund) and others are getting $3.44 (money owed to contractors) and others are getting nothing $0.00. It depends on the program. You see now?

So to make a long story short if you were to ask one person in a providence if they have money on their card you can see how the answers could be no. While in the same providence or another providence you could ask the same question and get an entirely different answer. 

This does not mean the cards are not loaded for some and they are paying out at RV rates. The maximum rate on the cards I am told in $3.44 and this makes perfect sense to me.

I can remember in mid 2012 I was told that the rate would come out at $3.44. This is showing exactly what I was told over a year ago. I did not believe it then since I admit I was stuck in a process that it had to come out lower, and then have the final RV later to bring it up to the $3.44. I was wrong. But this is a dynamic situation over in Iraq and the process has now varied.   

Is the USA going to attack Syria

On Sunday I have heard that your president Obama made an executive decision not to bomb Syria for now. Behind closed doors it was said there are other ways of dealing with the crisis. This decision was made due to lack of  being able to put together a coalition and receiving the approval needed from the UN Security Council.

There is also talk of not wanting to take a gamble that Iran would blockage the Straight of Hormuz in the Pursian Gulf / Gulf of Oman. Personally I believe it was a guaranteed move since Iran already came out with a warning to the USA that this would happen. The US Navy could take care of any blockage but at what cost?

If this did happen it would severely impede the oil exports to the USA, China and Europe causing gas rationing and much higher cost in USA. Not a politically smart thing to do.

However most importantly  this could also cause an escalation of a new war in the Middle East some say WW3. So I hope you can learn from this episode why it is important that the long term strategy of the USA is to gain complete control of all the Middle East. That is their long term plan.

My gut feeling has always been that this RV would have to happen prior to any bombings or invasions of Syria. That is only my personal opinion however and I have no evidence to back this up. This may in fact be also one of the reasons why Obama made his decision.
How does this effect the RV rates?

First let me say there was an outside window of Sept 1st  planned for this RV to be activated.

This date is now passed and still no RV. 

As I mentioned in my last post UU5422 about the impeding storm but that now it is underway. The decision not to bomb Syria is a break from the storm, a temporary clearing in the skies, the sun may even poke through and give us some warmth. 

So who won this battle?

I believe the good guys won and we will see the lower of the rates be activated in the banks very shortly.

I am hearing nothing but really good prospects that this is the week and I also heard that there are many reasons for wanting this to go international not just for us but for issues, events and pressure once again building in Iraq. They need this RV desperately.

Hope this helps.

Ps- this is the real goat no one has hacked into TNTDINAR….lol…

Peace and Luv to ya all,
mnt goat    

Obama a Member of Muslim Brotherhood -- Egyptian Media

Obama a Member of Muslim Brotherhood -- Egyptian Media

Al Gore may regret selling his Current TV to al-Jazeera after this.

Al-Jazeera, the Left's new favorite news outlet, has reported that an Egyptian newspaper ran a front page headline naming President Obama as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Previously, the vice president of Egypt's high court had said publicly that Obama's brother Malik is an international finance officer for the Brotherhood.

According to al-Jazeera, Brookings Institute  Doha Center Director of Research Shadi Hamid tweeted about the story printed in an Egyptian newspaper.

Hamid in his Twitter feed seemed to express skepticism about the story, saying the Egyptian media were being "creative."

But News Agency Anatolia in Turkey recently reported an interview with Saad Al-Shater, the son of imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat Al-Shater, that said he had incriminating evidence against Obama.

The elder Shater is the subject of U.S. State Department efforts, that included Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham, to get Muslim Brotherhood prisoners released.

According to the news agency, the younger Shater said the reason the U.S. had sent a delegation to Egypt to negotiate a prisoner release is because his father has "in his hand" evidence that could put Obama in prison.

Saad al-Shater said the evidence had been distributed to trusted people both inside and outside Egypt and that the only way to keep the information from being revealed was to get his father released.

He said the U.S. was warned through intermediaries about the release of the information and that this may have caused a change in the U.S. position on Egypt.

The interview was first printed in early August, so the reference to a U.S. delegation seems to have been to a mission by McCain, Graham and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, during which McCain and Graham called the jailed Muslim Brotherhood members "political prisoners" and said not releasing them would be "a huge mistake."

The delegation was rebuffed by Egypt's interim president.

In an Aug. 6 CNN interview, McCain mentioned Khairat Al-Shater as someone who could be key in negotiating a future Egyptian government.

Whether the story about Obama being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood is true or not, the Obama Administration is believed by many people to be infiltrated by numerous Brotherhood agents, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top aide.

The Administration is clearly sympathetic toward the Brotherhood, having welcomed the presidency of Mohammed Morsi in Egypt, and having backed al-Qaeda-connected "rebels" in Syria. Much of the reticence of allies and U.S. politicians to support intervention in Syria has to do with the known terrorist connections of the people Obama wants us to support.

If Obama's not an actual Muslim Brotherhood member, he's the next worst thing, a supporter and enabler.

Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12398/obama-member-muslim-brotherhood-egyptian-media/#rUr5IuVLi7Akl8ok.99



 [hannys] so, not trying to get anyone rauled up or anything but do we all really think some people are already cashing out?

[CAJUNGIRL] hannys yes

[august] hannys, I KNOW for a FACT they are!

[funkitty] hannys sure skr is definitely possible

[donhutto] They get theirs..we get ours

[hannys] august oh really?

[august] hannys, yes High officials.

[august] hannys, I have a friend that is in Washington, DC High Official. I was invited, but declined because of the particulars.

[suny] August u were invited to washing DC to cash in?

[august] hannys, I know we are misfed info, but I have no reason to lie to you. I opted to wait along with my group.

 [august] suny, no not in DC

[kegler] august Any idea when us common folks get to go the bank?

[john316] hannys remember the train ride we were on with loechin? well the first class and business class got their SKR and my understanding is they can borrow against them..... So cashing out as opposed to SKR ? possible.

[hannys] john316 nice

[august] john316, some of them did a monetary exchange.

[suny] thats good news august can u tell us what state?

[august] suny, RENO

[funkitty] august wow, that's nice to know. I am curious what particular stopped u from participating

[august] funkitty, my gut.

The REAL reason for the Syrian War!! Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS - pics

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The REAL reason for the Syrian War!! Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS - pics
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 3-Sep-2013 10:52:35

Why do most people overlook the monetary objective for the Chess players???
I want you all to head over to GOOGLE, look up the IMF countries (International Monetary Fund - ie Bankers.) Notice that Every single country that the war mongers are headed to war with, are NOT members of the IMF. .. or are looking to quit, pay less ect.
I've said this for years. All of the countries we are at war with (or soon to be at war with) have denied the IMF (International monetary fund) and being indebted to them. Remember Poland's air crash? All of their cabinet members were on board and the plane went down. Right after they voted, "No Thank you," to the IMF. They said 'NO' many times. After the crash, the NEW ruling body of Poland all voted yes.
Conditionality of loans
IMF conditionality is a set of policies or conditions that the IMF requires in exchange for financial resources.[6] The IMF does not require collateral from countries for loans but rather requires the government seeking assistance to correct its macroeconomic imbalances in the form of policy reform. If the conditions are not met, the funds are withheld
Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS - Minister
MOSCOW, April 27 (RIA Novosti) – Syria is seeking to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the grouping of the emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in the future, Syria’s information minister said on Saturday.
“We would like to become one day the member of such organizations as the SCO and BRICS,” Omran Ahed al-Zouabi said at the meeting with Ilyas Umakhanov, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council.
The minister said Syria would also like Russia to participate in the country’s reconstruction after the settlement of the Syrian crisis, which has claimed at least 70,000 lives and displaced millions in just over two years.
In the March declaration at the end of the BRICS summit in Durban, South Africa, the leaders expressed “deep concern” over the ongoing conflict in Syria and warned against any further militarization of the conflict.
Founded in 2001, the SCO comprises Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The organization consolidates efforts to counter terrorism and radicalization among member countries, and also works on other policy areas such as politics and trade.
Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan have observer status, while Belarus, Sri Lanka and Turkey are classed as dialogue partners.




From Luis Ewing at <rcwcodebuster@gmail.com> or <rcwcodebuster@yahoo.com> or <rcwcodebuster@aol.com> or <rcwcodebuster@live.com> or <rcwcodebuster@mail.com> or <selfhelplegalnetwork@yahoogroups.com> or telephones: (253) 226-3741 or (360) 335-1322 or call me on SKYPE at: <luisewing>

To hear Kurt Riggin, lloyd smith, Matt from Michigan, Michael James Anthony and Luis Ewing speak, call in at . . . 1 - (347) 215-9477 . . . or just go to Google & type in . . . BLOG TALK RADIO . . . and Search for . . . “Pro-se Winners” . . . or just click on this LINK to Pro-se Winners here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pro-se-winners

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“If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land: .”  2 Chronicles 7:14.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast refused knowledge, I will also refuse thee that thou shall be no Priest to me: and seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God,  I will also forget thy children.”  Hosea 4:6
“And I heard another voice from heaven say: Go out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: . . .”  Revelations 18:4
“Then Peter and the Apostles answered, and said, We ought rather to obey God than men.”  Acts,  5:29

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purge your hearts, ye double minded.”  James 5:8

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served (that were beyond the flood) or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but I and mine house will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15

“No servant can serve two masters: for either he shall hate the one, and love the other: or else he shall lean to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and riches.”  Luke 16:13

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers: for there is no power but of God: and the powers that be, are ordained of God.”  Romans 13:1

“Whoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist, shall receive to themselves condemnation.”  Romans 13:2

“Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world, why, as though ye lived in the world, are ye burdened with traditions?”  Colossians 2:20

“As, Touch not, Taste not, Handle not.”  Colossians 2:21

“Which all perish with the using, and are after the commandments and doctrines of men.”  Colossians 2:22

“And putting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, he even took it out of the way, and fastened it upon the cross, . . .”  Colossians 2: 14.
“That we henceforth be no more children, wavering and carried about with every wind of doctrine,  by the deceit of men, and with crafttiness, whereby they lay in wait to deceive.”  Ephesians, 4:14

“And we know, that the Law is good, if a man use it lawfully.”  Timothy, 1:8

“Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets.  I am not come to destroy them, but to fulfill them.”  Mathews 5:17.

“If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land: .”  2 Chronicles 7:14.


Note: God’s law at Luke 22:36 and Luke 22:38 Requires Everyone to  buy guns and ammunition, and to teach your children to shoot guns at II Samuel 1:18, and Gods’s law also further requires everyone to buy heirloom seeds, organic seeds and start Johnny Apple Seeding all around your houses, in the empty lots or alleys or woods behind your houses,  buy a chicken coop, buy some chickens and just let them loose in your back yards, throw some extra chickens in the alleys or woods behind your house and let them multiply at Genesis 1:26 through Genesis 1:30 and Genesis 9:3.

“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”  Revelation 1:3

“If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land: .”  2 Chronicles 7:14.

"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty —never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."  - Sir Winston Churchill


I have perfected a style of legal writing that completely replaces an attorney and a para-legal!

I am NOT a scumbag WSBA ATTORNEY!

I NEVER attended any . . . JESUIT OWNED . . . LAW SCHOOL!!!!

I am NOT a member in good standing of the criminally corrupt Washington State Bar Association “or” any other criminally corrupt State Bar Association!

Nor would I ever stoop so low as to join such a criminally corrupt, incompetent and morally debase  organization such as the Washington State Bar Association.

Nor do I guarantee any results of any kind in any court!

Anyone who would falsely claim that I allegedly misrepresented myself as an attorney who is a member of the local State Bar Association is obviously a liar and should be prosecuted for providing false and misleading statements to a public official,  false swearing,  barratry,  malicious prosecution and perjury!

Most State Bar Association Attorneys are Feckless Petty Foggers who are lazy worthless pieces of shit who in fact are the scum of the earth and should get a Nuremburg Trial and sentenced accordingly!

I only work for “pro-se” litigants who are acting as their own attorney and defending themselves in person pursuant to the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 22 of the Washington State Constitution.

It is undisputed that Everyone has a Constitutional Right to Defend themselves!

It is undisputed that when you are Defending your self in person that you are acting as your own attorney.

When you are defending yourself in person, you have all the same rights as any Attorney to Hire the Para-Legal of your choice!

A Para-legal, legal researcher, legal consultant and Tribal Court Lawyer does NOT have to be a member of the local State Bar Association to research and write and sell legal pleadings or legal forms!

Someone like me who is working as a Tribal Court Lawyer or Agent who specializes in helping “pro-se” litigants by providing advanced  . . . PARA-LEGAL SERVICES . . . and legal consulting is obviously is NOT engaging in the unauthorized practice of law!

I specialize in “serious criminal matters” and I do my best to provide . . . “effective assistance of counsel” . . . as contemplated by the Sixth Amendment and the first Judiciary Act of 1789 as was passed on September 24, 1789,  which is an Act of Congress,  see 1 Stat 73 at section 35 and 28 U.S.C. 1654, and I help people who want to appear and defend in person to fight their own cases [Pro-se] “without” an attorney by working as your . . .  “PARA-LEGAL” . . .  and can help you beat all of the following charges:

1.)  Manufacturing Marijuana with Intent to Deliver.  

2.)  Marijuana Possession.

3.)  Possession with Intent to Deliver Controlled Substances.  (Cocaine, Meth Amphetamines, Crack, Marijuana, etc.)

4.)  Drug trafficking.  (Cocaine, Meth Amphetamines, Crack, Marijuana, etc.)

5.)  Are you a landlord whose renter got busted for growing marijuana and need help to stop the cops from trying to steal your house with DRUG FORFEITURE LAWS????

6.)  IRS – Willful Failure to File Income Tax Return.

7.)  IRS – Income Tax Evasion.

8.)  IRS – Removing NOFTL’s.

9.)  Stop 26 U.S.C. 6331 Notice of Levy of your . . . MILITARY RETIREMENT PENSION!

10.)  Stop State Divorce Court’s from splitting your . . . MILITARY RETIREMENT PENSION . . .  and . . . FORGET 38 U.S.C. 5301 . . .  I MAY HAVE SOMETHING BETTER IF YOU ARE PARTIALLY OR FULLY DISABLED!


12.)  Did you lose your INHERITANCE MONEY to the STATE and all their ATTORNEYS????

13.)  Do you want your INHERITANCE MONEY back????

14.)  Driving While License Suspended.

15.)  Driving Without a License.

16.)  Driving Under the Influence.

17.)  Driving While Intoxicated.

18.)  Reckless Driving.

19.)  Negligent Driving.

20.)  Resisting Arrest.

21.)  Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer.

22.) Refusal to Cooperate and Give Information.

23.)  3rd & 4th Degree Assault of a Police Officer.

24.)  1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Degree Assault.

25.)  Domestic Violence.  – Are you being harassed with ANTI-HARASSMENT ORDERS or TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS????

26.)  Did the State put a NO CONTACT ORDER on you and your wife or girlfriend against both your wishes and does the State refuse to let you drop the NO CONTACT ORDER????


28.)  Malicious Mischief

28.)  Criminal Contempt of Court. – Did you know that “contempt of court” has been defined to be the “intentional” violation of a lawful court order?  A court order in order to be lawful has to be based upon a specific statute.  — In other words I can show you how to “purge the contempt.”

29.)  Civil Contempt of Court.  – Do you want to learn how to . . . “purge the contempt”?

30.)  Child Support – NEVER PAY IT AGAIN!

31.)  Child Custody

32.)  Is the State trying to stop you from . . . HOME-SCHOOLING YOUR CHILDREN????

33.)  Want to sue the CPS Division of DSHS????

34.)  STOP ALL COLLECTION AGENCIES and ALL CREDITORS dead in their tracks.


36.)  Federal Security Violations.  (SEC).

37.)  Washington State Department of Financial Institutions Violations.  (State version of SEC).

38.)  Washington State Employment Security Violations.

39.)  Washington State Department of Labor Violations.

40.)  Are you an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR who is being harassed by STATE & FEDERAL AGENCIES regarding whether your own children or the people who are working for you are in fact and law “employees” or “independent contractors”????  – If so, you need my help!!!!


42.)  Beat all NO INSURANCE TICKETS for FREE, ask me how????

43.)  Beat all NO SEAT BELT TICKETS for FREE, ask me how????


45.)  I can help set you up with ASSET PROTECTION such as Trust’s, LLC’s and Non-Profit Religious Corporation Soles.




50.)  Is the government or the thieving cops trying to use DRUG FORFEITURE LAWS TO SEIZE YOUR PROPERTY or CARS????

51.)  Illegal Guns or illegal weapons charges.

52.)  Land, Water and Mineral Rights: Can’t mine or log your land, call me and let’s force them to recognize the federal mining laws!

53.)  Do you need to file a Withdrawal of Pleas of Guilty?????

54.)  Do you need to file a Motion to Vacate a Void Judgment????

55.)  Do you have . . . PROBATION VIOLATIONS????


I have beat all these charges either for myself or for many clients and many other charges as well,  and you can too with my help!!!!


Whether you . . .  WIN . . . or . . . LOSE, . . .  you contribute to 1 really . . . GOOD CAUSE . . .  and that is . . . PUTTING A WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY . . .  OUT OF WORK!!!!


THE 1599 GENEVA BIBLE at <http://www.americanvision.com> at TIMOTHY Chapter 5, verse 18 says:

“For the Scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn:  and, the laborer is worthy of his wages.”  Timothy, 5:18.

“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, and that they trust no in uncertain riches, but in the living God, (which giveth us abundantly all things to enjoy.)  1 Timothy 6:17
“That they do good, and be rich in good works, and be ready to distribute, and communicate.  1 Timothy 6:18

The 1 and ONLY . . . SALES PITCH . . .  that I ever give anyone is that dollar for dollar and page for page, you will get far better legal research and brief writing out of me than you could ever hope to get out of any private attorney or law firm.

If you are sick and tired of attorneys charging a lot of money to do absolutely nothing other than ask you to PLEA BARGAIN which means PLEAD GUILTY and PAY THE FINES then send me an E-MAIL asking me to send you my FREE FLYERS and my CONSULTING FEES schedule.



“Then he said to them, But now he that hath a bag, let him take it, and likewise a scrip: and he that hath none, let him sell his coat, and buy a sword.”  Luke 22:36

“For I say unto you, That yet the same which is written, must be performed in me, lEven with the wicked was he numbered: for doubtless those things which are written of me, have an end.” Luke 22:37

“And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.”  Luke 22:38

“(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah to shoot, as it is written in the book of Jasher.).”  II Samuel 1:18


OREGON TILTHE: <http://tilth.org/>






Baker’s Green Acres, Inc.
Mark & Jill Baker
1579 Brinks Rd.       
Marion, MI   49665
the blog page at www.bakersgreenacres.com



“If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land: .”  2 Chronicles 7:14.

If you want to get my FREE SELF HELP LEGAL FLYERS, go to this link here:


For serious inquiries only!!!!


Luis Ewing at (253) 226-3741 or (360) 335-1322 or call me on SKYPE at <luisewing>

PS - “If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land: .”  2 Chronicles 7:14.

Cash Only Donations are appreciated:

Luis Ewing
c/o 34218 S.E. 22nd Way,
(City of) Washougal,
The State of Washington [98671-8793]

Note: Be sure to send me an e-mail with “the tracking number” to let me know when you sent the package by “signature receipt required mail” only.  Be sure the check the box “signature receipt required” so that I can be sure to get your mail.  I do not and absolutely will not take responsibility for stolen mail because you didn’t want to pay for the extra postage cost for sending a package by certified and/or registered receipt mail.


DO YOU WANT TO CONTACT . . . lloyd smith . . . or . . . KURT RIGGIN?

You can contact lloyd smith at (360) 289-3429 or E-Mail to <godspastor@gmail.com> or <godspastor (at) gmail (dot) com>

You can contact Kurt Riggin at :  <kurtriggin@comcast.net> or <kurtriggin (at) comcast (dot) net>


You may contact MICHAEL JAMES ANTHONY at: <michaeljamesanthony@msn.com> or [michaeljamesanthony (at) msn (dot) com] or <michaeljamesanthony@yahoo.com> or [michaeljamesanthony (at) yahoo (dot) com] or  <Michael@2auditmortgages.com> or [Michael (at) 2auditmortgages (dot) com]

You may contact MATT FROM MICHIGAN at: <matt.from.michigan@gmail.com> or [matt (dot) from (dot) michigan (at) gmail (dot) com]

AUTHORITY TO PRACTICE LAW . . . “WITHOUT ADMISSION” . . . by the WASHINGTON STATE SUPREME COURT:  RCW  2.48.190;  RCW 38.38.256;  5 U.S.C. 500 (b);  RCW 34.05.428 (1)(2);  RCW 4.92.100 (1)(b)(ii); RCW 4.96.020; RCW 7.04A.160; RCW 7.68.270; RCW 7.69.030 (14); RCW 7.69.040; RCW 10.14.09; RCW 10.21.060;  RCW 11.94.010; RCW 11.94.050 (1);   RCW 64.36.035; RCW 26.16.090;  RCW 26.25.010;  RCW 26.21.005 (19)(a);  RCW 26.21A.005 (21)(a);  RCW 26.26.011 (19);  RCW 26.27.021 (16);  RCW 26.27.041; RCW 70.48.050; WAC 289-22-200 (4); WAC 242-02-110;  25 U.S.C. 1321; 25 U.S.C. 1322;  18 U.S.C. § 1154;  18 U.S.C. § 1161;  18 U.S.C. § 2265;  25 U.S.C. § 1301;  25 U.S.C. § 1903 (4);  25 U.S.C. § 1903 (8);  25 U.S.C. § 1911 (a)(b)(c);  25 U.S.C. § 1901 -1963 (“ICWA”);  25 U.S.C. § 3631;  43 U.S.C. 1602;  44 Fed. Reg. 67584 to 67595 (1979);  26 CFR § 305.7871-1 (a);  26 U.S.C. § 7701 (a)(40)(A);  31 CFR Subtitle A,  § 10.3;  8 CFR Ch. 1,  § 292.1;  8 U.S.C. § 1401 (b);  25 U.S.C. § 465;  RCW 2.48.170;  RCW 2.48.180 (7);  APR 1.1 (a);  GR 24 (b)(8);  Sections 3275 & 3276 of the Territorial Code of 1881;  28 U.S.C. § 1333;  28 U.S.C. § 1652;  FRCP Rule 64;  RCW 4.04.010;  RCW 1.12.030; RCW 9A.04.060;  RCW 9.81.120;  RCW 10.14.020 (1);  RCW 10.14.020 (2);  RCW 9A.50.060;  31 CFR Subtitle A;  31 CFR Subtitle A,  § 10.3;  8 CFR Ch. 1,  § 292.1;  8 CFR 292.1-3;  25 CFR 20; 14 CFR 300.1-6, 302.11;  12 CFR 19.3;  16 CFR 1024.61;  7CFR 273;  7 CFR 50.27;  35 U.S.C. §§ 31-33;  57 CFR 1.34;  5 CFR part 1201;  32 CFR 12.40, 12.45;  45 CFR 205;  21 CFR 1316.50;  20 CFR 802.201 (b), 802.202;  20 CFR 501.11;  45 U.S.C. 3153;  45 U.S.C. § 151;  20 CFR 725.362 (a), 725.365, 725.366 (b);  46 CFR 201.21;  38 CFR 14;  12 CFR 308.04;  18 CFR 385.2101;  29 CFR 2700.3 (b);  31 U.S.C. 731-32;  4 CFR 11, 28,  GAO Orders 2713.2, 2752.1 and 2777.1;  13 CFR Part 10; 31 U.S.C. 330;  49 CFR 1103;  49 CFR 1103.3;  12 CFR 747;  29 CFR 1200;  49 CFR 821, 831, 845;  29 CFR 2200.22);  13 CFR 121.11, 134.16;  42 U.S.C 406 (a);  20 CFR 416, subpart O;  29 CFR 1614.605;  40 CFR 124, 164.30, 22.10;  Schoonover v. State, 116 Wn.App. 171, 64 P.3d 677 (March 11, 2003);  Lowell Bar Ass’n v. Loeb, 52 N.E.2d 27 (Mass., 1943);  U.S. v. Tarlowksi, 69-2 U.S.T.C., DC. E. DIST. N.Y.) 305 F.Supp. 112 (1969);  In re Petition of Burson,  909 S.W.2d 768 (Tenn. 1995);  Oregon State Bar. v. Ortiz, 713 P.2d 1068, 1069 (Or.App. 1986);  People By Lefkowitz v. Lawrence Peska Assoc., 393 N.Y.S.2d 650, 652 (1977);  Pulse v. North American Land Title Co., 707 P.2d 1105 (Mont. 1985);  Cain v. National Bank and Trust Co.,  268 N.W. 719, 723 (N.D. 1936);  Louisiana Bar Ass’n v. Edwin,  519 So.2d 93 (La. 1988);  Oregon State Bar v. Smith, 942 P.2d 793 (Or. Ct. App. 1997);  Mickel v. Murphy,  147 Cal.App.2d 718 (1957); People v. Sipper,  61 Cal.App.2d Supp. 844 (1943);  In re Joseph Children, 470 S.E.2d 539 (N.C. Ct. App. 1996);  Sequa Corp. v. Lititech, Inc., 780 F.Supp. 1349, 1352 (D. Colo. 1992);  Taylor v. Chubb Group of Ins. Cos., 874 P.2d 806,  809 (Okla. 1994);  State Bar of Arizona v. Arizona Land Title & Trust Co., 371 P.2d 1020, 1022 (Ariz. 1962); State ex rel Indiana State Bar Ass’n v. Indiana Real Estate Ass’n Inc., 191 N.E.2d 711 (Ind., 1963); Ingham County Bar Ass’n v. Walter Neller & Co., 69 N.W.2d 713 (Mich., 1955); Hulse v. Criger, 247 S.W.E2d 855 (Mo., 1952); Cowern v. Nelson, 290 N.W. 795 (Minn., 1940); Oregon State Bar v. Security Escrows Inc., et al., 377 P.2d 334, 340 (Ore., 1962); LaBrum v. Commonwealth Title Co., 368 Pa. 239, 56 A.2d 246 (1948); Conway-Boque Realty Inv. Co. v. Denver Bar Ass’n, 312 P.2d 998 (Colo. 1957); Lawyers and The Realtors:  Arizona’s Experience, 49 ABAJ 139 (Feb. 1963); 32 N.J. 430, 161 A.2d 257, AT 264 (N.J. - 1970);  Board of Immigration Appeals; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce;  Department of Health and Human Services;  Public Health and Human Services; Department of Justice;  Department of Transportation;  Department of Veteran Affairs; Internal Revenue Service; U.S. Customs Service;  The Judiciary Act of 1789,  September 24, 1789, 1 Stat. 73, CHAP. XX Sec. 35,  28 U.S.C. 1654, the Sixth Amendment and First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and article 1, section’s 1, 2, 22, 29 and 30 of the Washington State Constitution, CrR 1.1,  CrRLJ 1.1, CrR 1.3 (a) and ARLJ No. 7.  See also CR 82.5 (a) & RCW 13.34.240.  

CAVEAT WITH REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS HERE: This E-Mail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510 to 18 U.S.C. 2521;  RCW 9.73.030 (1)(a)(b);  RCW 9A.52.110; RCW 9A.52.120; RCW 9A.52.130 and RCW 9.73.020 and is legally privileged and you do NOT have my “consent” for forward this e-mail to anyone. The information contained in this E-Mail is intended only for use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or attorney or agent responsible to deliver it to the Sendee, please destroy the E-Mail after advising by reply that you erroneously received this E-Mail. The receipt by anyone other than the designated recipient does NOT waive the lawyer or “of-counsel client privilege,”  nor will it constitute a waiver of the “work-product doctrine.”  Any information obtained in violation of RCW 9.73.030;  RCW 9A.52.110; RCW 9A.52.120; RCW 9A.52.130 and RCW 9.73.020 is inadmissible in court pursuant to RCW 9.73.050 and further, anyone who forwards this e-mail to anyone else without my express prior “written consent” is liable for civil monetary damages under Washington law pursuant to RCW 9.73.060 and criminal penalties under RCW 9.73.080.  The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential and may be hazardous to your preconceptions. FREE DISTRIBUTION: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed free “only” to those specific recipients listed above who have previously expressed an interest in receiving the information for research and educational purposes and have made a prior request for said information.  If the reader of this message is not the intended addressee, the reader is hereby notified that any consideration, dissemination or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited.  RCW 9.73.030 (1)(a)(b)(c);  RCW 9.73.050; RCW 9.73.060 and RCW 9.73.080   This message is being sent to you in compliance with the current Federal legislation for commercial e-mail (H.R.417 SECTION101Paragraph (e)(1)(A)) AND Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS: This message cannot be considered SPAM as long as it includes: 1) contact information, and 2) a way to be removed from future e-mailings. If this e-mail communication has reached you in error, or should you wish to be permanently removed from the mailing list,  PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL REQUESTING THAT I REMOVE YOU FROM MY E-MAIL LIST AND I WILL REMOVE YOU WITHIN 72 HOURS FROM MY RECEIPT OF YOUR E-MAIL although it may take me 4 to 5 days to catch up to your e-mail because I get so many e-mail request’s for my FREE FLYERS from all over the U.S. or please return to the below listed address asking me to remove you to Luis Ewing,  c/o 34218 S.E. 22nd Way,  (City of) Washougal,  The State of Washington  [98671-8793] or call and leave a message with your E-Mail address and request to be removed at (253) 226-3741. Thank you!

Luis Ewing at (253) 226-3741
SKYPE: <luisewing?