Subject: The Generals - Speak up and get fired
Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),
I have the pleasure of forwarding y’all this communique from my BRO who got his
hand shot off in Nam.
Like many of OUR Boys who did the Grunt Work, they ALL know what’s going down
in this Country.
Too MANY have fought Political Wars
since the 1950’s and they haven’t meant didily squat…..other than to make the
War Machine Titans in this Country Bigger & Stronger who in turn have used
their Blood Money to control the Bureaucrats in Washington who have the
temerity of lying to us Daily while conspiring to create another Meaningless
War that will only take another Loved One from Us so their Lofty Perches of
Power can continue.
They talk about ‘National Security’ and ‘why’
they’re doing what they’re doing but- who is dying and who is Losing
their Freedoms & Liberties in the process while an American ‘president’
and a variety of RepublicCons and Demoncrats play Tidily Winks at our expense?
Hell, they won’t even Protect OUR borders and defer to their UN
for direction.
Constitution, Sovereignty- Y’all better start smell’en the coffee!
think’en WE Confederates Fought that War for a Single Reason?
don’t y’all think that 325,000 of Our Boys, of which 92% had NO involvement
with Slavery, Didn’t fight It for the Same Reasons confronting them THEN that
are confronting us TODAY?
NO more wanted what Washington was selling THEN any more than any of YOU want
was just EASIER TO SEE IT ALL BACK THEN because y’all couldn’t ‘piss up
their backs and tell them it was only raining out’ because they were more adept
and hadn’t been dumbed down!
Common Sense & Logic was Alive and well and excuses for bullcrap were NOT
tolerated! They knew the Difference between Good and Evil and God was still
‘Connect the Dots’- just ‘Connect the Dots’…..
The Confederate Society of America
like a Fiddle and Government is the Riddle’
From a Grad whose courage and common sense I respect.
Subj: The Generals - Speak up and get fired
The signs have all been there …
How to ruin the mightiest Military in the World ...
Having been a pot-head at Punahou and probably in College (thus
the sealed college records), having had someone in the Ivy League convince
him that he was intelligent, albeit inexperienced, having never had to hold
down a real job, having skated into one appointed position after another, the
following article, although discouraging, is not surprising. This is not
hateful and disrespectful.
just is what it is !
The Generals -
Speak up and get Fired!
I think this just scratches the surface.
Very interesting article regarding the destruction of the Military
high Command and a Commander-in-Chief who is clueless. It includes the
The author's characterization of General Dempsey is harsh,
biting and right on! He indirectly damns the rest of the Senior Officers and
for good reason. The President or at least the people around him seem
determined to destroy the character of our Military and best I can tell they
are doing a very effective job of it.
The Generals
The threat of tyranny is no less today than it was
in 1775........ Brenda B. Bowen
When you read this and see the type of individuals who have become
and are becoming flag officers, you may have thoughts similar to these:
Has the apparent absence of personal integrity, ethics and
ignorance of their oath all members of the DoD Military and Civilian are
required to take in our Military leadership contributed to the current problems
of soldier suicides, sexual harassment, and other growing misdeeds of our
Military ?
General Dempsey, as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is
without a doubt the most disgraceful person to ever fill that position.
Are we in trouble? Think about it!
During the Bush administration, there were only two American
Commanders of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. Under
Obama, there have, so far, been five. There has been a new ISAF commander
nearly every single year that Obama has been in office. The only exception is
2012, when Obama was too busy trying to win an election to bother further
sabotaging a losing war.
The parade of musical chair Generals began when Obama demanded the
resignation of General McKiernan. The Washington Post called the firing of a
wartime Commander a "rare decision." It was the first time since the
days of General Douglas MacArthur that a four-star Commanding General had been
purged during a war.
The decision may have been rare, but it was not unexpected.
General McKiernan was fired for the same offense that General McArthur had been
targeted during the Korean War: He had demanded competency from an incompetent
McKiernan had embarrassed Obama by demanding more troops to fight
the war. The situation came to a head as General McKiernan pressed an
indecisive Obama to make a decision. It was a devastating scene for an
administration which had covered its pivot away from Iraq with concern trolling
about winning in Afghanistan. The troops would be delivered, but McKiernan
would pay the price.
General McKiernan's firing was put down to the need for fresh
ideas. McKiernan was deemed too "old school" because he wanted to
fight an old-fashioned war against the Taliban, while Obama Inc. believed that
the war couldn't be won by beating the Taliban, but by winning the hearts and
minds of Afghans. It was a fashionable and doomed strategy that required
sacrificing the lives and limbs of thousands of American soldiers to political
The old-school General who had once said, "I don't understand
ever putting your Men and Women in harm's way, without their having the full
ability to protect themselves. That also means operating on actionable
intelligence to defeat insurgents, and protect your forces. That's how you keep
your soldiers alive," was clearly not the man for that job.
Replacing him as ISAF commander was General McChrystal. McChrystal
was everything that McKiernan wasn't. He was hip fresh blood. He voted for
Obama, listened to the right music and was a big fan of counterinsurgency. He
hooked up with Greg Mortenson and handed out copies of Three Cups of Tea to his
staff. The book proved to be a fraud and so did the COIN strategy for winning
over the Afghans.
American soldiers were prevented from defending themselves to
avoid offending the Afghans and the war was not moving forward. McChrystal
claimed that he had presented a plan to Washington for defeating the Taliban,
but Washington only wanted their capabilities degraded. The relationship
between McChrystal and Obama also degraded, and McChrystal was fired over a
negative Rolling Stone article that revealed that the ISAF commander held Obama
and his cronies in contempt.
Urgently, Obama swapped out General McChrystal for General
Petraeus, a former enemy now turned wartime ally. In only two years, Obama had
gone through three generals and fired two wartime four-star Generals, setting a
new record for mismanaging a War.
Petraeus's move from Central Command to Commanding the ISAF was
unprecedented and did not last long. With the Taliban undefeated and the
conflict shifting from a military war to a campaign of drone strikes and
targeted assassinations, General Petraeus shifted over to the CIA to command
the new fallback position of the War effort as Director Petraeus.
But a year later, Petraeus met the same fate as McKiernan and
McChrystal after alienating the CIA top brass, which enmeshed him in a scandal.
It did not help matters any that Republicans were salivating over the idea of a
Petraeus candidacy in 2016.
Petraeus had been replaced by General Allen who became enmeshed in
the same scandal, and the confirmation hearings of his replacement, General
Dunford, were sped up. This month, Dunford has taken command of an ISAF in
retreat as Afghanistan has become the new Iraq. And Dunford has become the
fifth ISAF commander under Obama. Of his four predecessors, all have ended
their careers under a cloud.
The War in Afghanistan has been lost and so have the careers of
most of its commanders. Obama has constantly swapped out generals, and unlike
the rotating allied ISAF commanders during the Bush era, many of them were
fired because they threatened Obama politically in some way.
The record is an ugly one, but it is not limited to the war
theater in Afghanistan. After the Benghazi disaster, General Carter Ham of
AFRICOM was reportedly edged out after telling a Republican Congressman that he
had not received any requests for support. His replacement, General Rodriguez,
had earlier taken over part of McKiernan's job after Obama had forced him out.
More recently General Mattis, the Commander of United States
Central Command, Petraeus's old job, was booted out without even a personal
phone call for being too hawkish about Iran. The insult was unprecedented and
the reason was the same. Like McKiernan and McChrystal, Mattis had
offended important people in the Obama administration. And for that he paid the
General Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, exemplifies the
costs of career survival in the age of Obama. Dempsey echoes everything that
the civilians tell him. He never disagrees with them in public and likely not
in private. Whatever new gimmick comes out of the White House, whether it's
Green Energy or homosexuality, he's right there behind it and out in front of
Dempsey has no ideas of his own and he doesn't need any. He has
nothing to bring to the table except a willingness to act as Obama's pet parrot
in a uniform. When McChrystal first met Obama, he recalled thinking that Obama
was "uncomfortable and intimidated" by the room full of military
brass. That observation helped get McChrystal fired and these days it's the
military brass that feels uncomfortable and intimidated by Obama Inc.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center,
is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the
international challenges America faces in the 21st century.