Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Kiss of Death- going viral.

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  Thanks Fred for sharing……you know, it’s BEYOND Incredible and this side of Amazing what these sons of bitches are doing.

Ø First, the ‘AmeriKan’ Congress goes off to vacation. (I remember the endless hours I put in on the job and NOBODY went home till the WORK was completed)

Ø Then this ‘Piece of Excrement’ we have for a president says he will ask the same ‘AmeriKan’ Congress for ‘approval’ to ‘bomb’ Syria BUT, if the Muslim Extremist doesn’t get it…..he’ll Bomb them anyway.

Ø Then this ‘Hope  & Change’, Community Organizer and ACORN specialist and former ‘Senator’ who is DOING EVERYTHING he said, as a Senator, Bush could not or should not do,  is NOW DOING THE SAME THING, MORE & WORSE!

Ø Then he goes off to play a Round of Golf just like he has done so often while the rest of us ‘ROMAN’S’ are told the ‘FIRE’ we are witnessing is NOT as bad as it appears but being ‘reminded’ that it may NOT be a bad idea, just in case, to have a bucket of water nearby . There’s that ‘Fiddle’ music again!

Ø Meanwhile, back at the ‘TENT’, the Caliph’s Sheriff- Kerry- the same piece of garbage who, in Nam, was Screaming Moral Indignation about us fighting guys in the jungles, is NOW banging his Master Caliph’s War Drums to bomb a Country that would be better off left to fend for themselves as either side in that Country is NO, NO, NO friend of ours.
Who would ‘draw’ for an ‘inside straight’ when the other guy is showing 4-Spades on board with 3 cards down……AND RAISING THE STAKES TO BOOT?
Who, OTHER THAN THIS Muslim Usurper Kiss ‘Ass’ or ‘FACE’- What’s the difference- as Hillary would say?

Ø Meanwhile, when this BUNCH were all in the ‘AmeriKan’ Congress THEY ALL VOTED AGAINST GOINT TO WAR IN IRAQ but jumped on the bandwagon when it became a LIMITED SUCCESS whose current Caliph, who some call a president, pulled the troops out despite Warnings that we might AGAIN HAVE TO PAY FOR THE SAME REAL ESTATE TWICE ( now an ‘AmeriKan Tradition’)  who THE NOW ‘CLOSE TO HAVING A NUCLEAR WEAPON’ IRANIANS, are running that Country despite our Dead & Wounded Troops.


Are Y’all paying any attention to this Madness?

This is EVERY BIT what the Confederacy saw coming in a Central State Government and WANTED NO PART OF.
We understood the words, meaning and purpose in the Documents and Declarations written and issued for a REPUBLIC and NOT this so-called Damn Democracy that we were Never to have been!
Y’all are seeing the results of it Today under this bought & paid for ‘AmeriKan’ Government who doesn’t know what in hell they are doing!



‘A Country that knows NOT of its Origin is like a Ship without a Rudder- Sooner or Later It WILL Destroy Itself on the Reef of Stupidity’,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Can You forgive our Foolishness Lord?

Subject: The Kiss That's Going Viral

                             It has been reposted!

                  I believe the Obama quote was, 
        "It's just the MUSLIM in me"
         Keep this might wake up a few!!

KTFA's Frank26 CC Notes & Eagle1 Comments

KTFA's Frank26 CC Notes & Eagle1 Comments

Post By BulldogFord65 » September 3rd, 2013, 9:43 pm  •  [Post 43]   Hello Family: here are the notes from tonight's CC.  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13 KJV

Frank26 IQD Conference Call after Investment Night  Tuesday, September 3, 2013

IQD update

• Review from past 2 weeks: O has been claiming that Syria is not at war, and now has gone before congress to ask authorization for air strikes claiming it’s a war to cover his tracks; O rattled the sabre saying he would strike, and now he’s deferring the decision to congress so that they will take the fall; O does not need approval for an air strike, but he’s now asking permission as a delay tactic, and to pass the buck to congress

• Frank emphatically stated that what is going on in Syria will not delay/impact the RV timing

Read More Link On Right

 • No other countries want to help depose Assad, and no other countries want to go back into Iraq; in Frank’s opinion, this is good; also in Frank’s opinion, we have approx. 40,000 troops in Baghdad

• Assad made a deal with the Russians for protection; North Korea chimed in they will strike in retaliation if the USA strikes Syria, but they only have capability to reach South Korea;

China then backed up North Korea’s gambit, and any move by the USA against Syria could touch off world war; in Frank’s opinion O will do nothing, and this motivated him to go to congress and pass the buck to them; congress will not authorize a strike so O will blame them for not taking action

• I Team reported on the Syria situation, that the decision of how to handle was already made, O’s posturing was not needed, I Team already went to Israel and did what they needed to do

• Frank asked JJonesMX to post the articles from O with his statement it’s not a war and then about-face claiming it’s a war

Unread postby Alan » September 2nd, 2013, 12:47 pm  •  [Post 198] I found it.. The article/video of President Obama stating there would be no boots on the ground...

In Frank’s opinion, Israel will not pre-emptively attack and USA will not air strike; Assad is claiming he’s battling Al Q, and those who have been retrained will take care of the situation; M is doing the same thing

• Iraq is a sovereign nation only in their eyes, they are not international as they are not in CH6, and they lost the ability to control the date when they did not RV already, so it’s back in the hands of the IMF

• The Syrian refugees coming into Iraq can develop quickly into productive citizens, the question is if they will stay or not; the RV would be a good reason to stay

• Frank said that no more needs to be said about Syria or O

• There are a lot of rumors swirling about the RV – don’t buy into it

• Frank played a voice message from a lady who was hired by WF, and then she updated when she was trained, and she asked about OT and was told that she can have all she wants, then she called again with an update about 12 exchanges centers set up just within her district in the southeast area;

the call: internal email from WF to all employees from bank manager, sent Aug 29, subject “foreign currency,” they will exchange in-house on Oct 2, they will receive extensive training and information in the next 2 weeks;

what is odd, they already exchange foreign currency, so why the need for this new extensive training??

Also, the foreign currency they exchange is currently sent to the UST in an 8 ½” x 11” envelop, however, she just saw the new bags – they are large, clear bags, about the size of a grocery sack, printed with “foreign currency”

Eagle1 came on the call at this point

• De La Rue machines being delivered to locations around the country where they will be exchanging currency, the number of locations are increasing; the machines were shipped on Friday Aug 30

• WF is still denying they will deal with the IQD

Eagle1’s update: his team tried to purchase VND on the forex yesterday and again today (they are active traders and can trade even on holidays);

they were blocked both yesterday and today – they tried to purchase the Indonesian Rupiah and the IQN (new symbol for the IQD) and had the same result – blocked from purchase;

they are also seeing a lot of strange things on their screens, and believe it’s due to the global currency reset being imminent

• Eagle1 and Frank agree that the GOI and CBI are not in control, the IMF is

• Eagle1 said his sources are still stating that the release is imminent, and Sept 5 is the date in their opinion that if the rate is not released, they will pull the trigger

• Eagle1’s opinion is that he would be astonished not to see the rate this month

• Frank asked the family to check with WF locations if they have a De Le Rue machine, but don’t say anything about the dinar

Bluestar came on the call at this point

• Bluestar noted that there is no WF exchange center in Washington DC; Bluestar asked Eagle1’s opinion; Eagle1’s opinion is that WF may open up exchange locations there; Frank reminded that there are other banks in DC which will also exchange

• Bluestar raised concerns about WF capability – Frank reminded how secretive WF is still being (saying the IQD is a scam) so they are not going to disclose their exchange facility plan

• Bluestar reported that a high elected US official was visited by a high ranking China official; this was a confirmed meeting but Bluestar does not want to go into specifics; Frank replied that China has a voice in this, but the IMF is in control; Frank reminded that China has no ability or authority to release the global currency reset

• Eagle1 said China is one of 8 leading central banks in the IMF, so they have a real voice, but they are not the only voice

• Frank stated all his teams are on full red alert, and are taking the month of September as red alert

• Eagle1 said all systems are tested, forex and bank screens are already loaded with the new rates, but no information on exactly when they will release it

• Bluestar asked if the family will look into forex; they normally do 47.9 trillion per day in exchanges – look at what forex is doing to see if there is loss

• Frank’s opinion is that the 2014 budget will be in front of parliament on Thursday, and Frank and his teams are hopeful that the rate is in the 2014 budget

 Bluestar has heard a rumor that there are a very select few that have received loaded and active Qi cards, they are very specific individuals who have performed important things for Iraq;

Eagle1 said he has heard the same rumor, and he said that there are those who have new cars, appliances, new clothing, cell phones…. Something is happening

• Frank said he has always stated there are those who are being rewarded, including some foreign investors that are allowed in now; Frank said also that all Qi cards are not the same – they are different depending on what department the individuals work in, pensioners, gov’t employees, etc.

(the call dropped at this point, and a few seconds were lost in reconnecting)

• Frank ended the call with prayer, and Andy lifted the prayer with the shofar horn blast      

Tuesday Night Dinar Chatter 09/03/2013


[mort] be happy...happy...happy...from the calls i got today this will be our week so just hang in there and be happy & let it i have said many times- "gods timing is always perfect"!!

[yodadog] just imho, I think Tony's update was that both sides have reached a truce, and the trouble in Iraq over the weekend, has again sparked an urgency to move forward with the RV.

okrocks] The news IS... Right now there is a truce between the egos! A definite "lets get this part done now", because there are too many other things going on in the WORLD....

[TRISHA] I was pretty bummed out after Tonys call but I have taken some time to put the pieces together. Here's what I got: The egomaniacs have come to an agreement(huge), there are people in the call centers as of 7 am (also huge) Tony had stuff he wanted to say but couldn't unless we asked him and his dang line didn't work so sure, he was frustrated. He also said that a call tomorrow may not be necessary (really huge), I think he was trying in everyway possible to give us the big hint that this is going down in the next 24 hours. That combined with Mtn Goat saying this week, which to my recollection she has never said and all of the other signs, I have come to the conclusion that we are in a very good place
Read More Link on Right

[gmancometh] Summary of key points from TNT call. TONY: “on Iraq TV there were saying the IQD would revalue against the USD in the coming days (TV scroller). That was a good thing. I like what Mtn Goat said this morning, i.e., the explanation about the different rates on the Qi-Cards. I clearly explained that several weeks ago……… of this morning, the UST is "go" from the people I talk to. From the IMF, it's "go". We've been hearing that all obstacles have been removed. But while you were on the boards freaking out on Mtn Goat, Okie, etc., I'm all over the world getting info that it's happening now. I'm getting that the bank people went in at 7AM this morning, as told them last night to expect a busy day today. Everybody is saying "go" and it will be sooner rather than later………everybody is on high alert. It could happen at any point. If something else happens I will send out a blast.”

 [wantingfreedom] We are so very blessed to be on this journey . . grateful for the opportunity to be part of history . . we are chosen to not only upgrade our lives, but bless others, help change our community, and our world!! This RV WILL happen . . we must be patient and just know it's coming! (money) (money) (money) (hotdog)

[wantingfreedom] *¨`*•
•*¨`*• ♫♪♫♪ singing ... ♫♪♫♪•*¨`*• •*¨`*• Does Anyone really know what time it is ??? I DO!! It's RV TIME!!!! ♫♪♫♪•*¨`*• •*¨`*•

 [..buddydog] 10:42 PM lxxxxxx: Hello Guys Thanks for your prayers and all the calls and text. I have not talked to most of the people I talk unto until this evening. I can tell you this thing was supposed to go several times in the last two weeks. Well guess what we are still here waiting, however there are things (and please don't ask) going on behind what you can see. I can and will tell you we are Back on trac and the next few days may just bring us what we all are looking for. Remember changes are or in our case were made at the last minute to enable some of the First and Business class folks to revisit the Depot and make a second order. God Bless and see you at the Bank



Posted by EXOGEN on September 3, 2013 at 10:09pm



[icfqueen] So what is the good word. Seems awfully quiet. Hope nothing happened to Okie.


[icfqueen] Maybe he can try additional ones with his feet. Must be exhausted with all that is going on.Thank you Sambo



Topic: “All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” -- Walt Disney

FLPatriot59] Eagle1 said his sources are still stating that the release is imminent, and Sept 5 is the date in their opinion that if the rate is not released, they will pull the trigger.

[bailey2..] Bank Story from Frank26…..The lady had to spoken to Frank in the past about the WF currency exchange training. She called last Thursday or Friday and read a WF email from the regional manager.

 [bailey2..] The email stated that 10 WF in the Raleigh area will be exchanging currency as of October 2nd. Also stated that each branch will have teller on Saturdays that has international exchange rights within their systems.

 [bailey2..] Then she said she went into the vault with the manager and there were bags labeled currency exchange. She said this is unusual because they always use 8x10 envelopes labeled foreign currency to send the the FED. The safe had these large bags now for currency to be sent to the FE

 [sandytob] bailey2.. Thank you....but I am not impressed by the date of Oct. 2nd.

[FLPatriot59] [xxx from TNT Chat] "Remember all that Frank's post was from a lady who does currency exchange in her branch........Oct 2nd to me means that her branch might not start exchanging until the date......remember all bank branches will not be doing the exchange initially."


Jester’s Place:

Robertprofessor: Grunt0311 Has it been a normal kind of intel day in terms of activity? Or slow? Or a lot happening?


VenusVisitor: ummm grunt0311.... That was kinda contradicting


hopeinwyo: Grunt0311 Hahah! Not expecting you to do that! But what you just said to Robertprofessor makes me think we are not looking at a long drawn out process!! 


hopeinwyo: Grunt0311 I'm thinking months of trying to get people to move or accomplish things...perhaps we are looking at some fairly simple to accomplish things...maybe not making sense. Sorry!

Grunt0311: hopeinwyo I THINK YOU'RE LOOKING TOO FAR OUT.

The Generals - Speak up and get fired

Subject: The Generals - Speak up and get fired

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  I have the pleasure of forwarding y’all this communique from my BRO who got his hand shot off in Nam.
  Like many of OUR Boys who did the Grunt Work, they ALL know what’s going down in this Country.

  Too MANY have fought Political Wars since the 1950’s and they haven’t meant didily squat…..other than to make the War Machine Titans in this Country Bigger & Stronger who in turn have used their Blood Money to control the Bureaucrats in Washington who have the temerity of lying to us Daily while conspiring to create another Meaningless War that will only take another Loved One from Us so their Lofty Perches of Power can continue.

  They talk about ‘National Security’ and ‘why’ they’re doing what they’re doing but-  who is dying and who is Losing their Freedoms & Liberties in the process while an American ‘president’ and a variety of RepublicCons and Demoncrats play Tidily Winks at our expense?
  Hell, they won’t even Protect OUR borders and defer to their UN for direction.
  Constitution, Sovereignty- Y’all better start smell’en the coffee!

Still think’en WE Confederates Fought that War for a Single Reason?
Hell, don’t y’all think that 325,000 of Our Boys, of which 92% had NO involvement with Slavery, Didn’t fight It for the Same Reasons confronting them THEN that are confronting us TODAY?
They NO more wanted what Washington was selling THEN any more than any of YOU want it TODAY! NO DIFFERENCE!
It was just EASIER TO SEE IT ALL BACK THEN because y’all couldn’t ‘piss up their backs and tell them it was only raining out’ because they were more adept and hadn’t been dumbed down!
….and Common Sense & Logic was Alive and well and excuses for bullcrap were NOT tolerated! They knew the Difference between Good and Evil and God was still King!

Just ‘Connect the Dots’- just ‘Connect the Dots’…..
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘Played like a Fiddle and Government is the Riddle’

From a Grad whose courage and common sense I respect.
Subj: The Generals - Speak up and get fired
The signs have all been there …

How to ruin the mightiest Military in the World ...
Having been a pot-head at Punahou and probably in College (thus the sealed college records), having had someone in the Ivy League convince him that he was intelligent, albeit inexperienced, having never had to hold down a real job, having skated into one appointed position after another, the following article, although discouraging, is not surprising. This is not hateful and disrespectful. 
         It just is what it is !


The Generals -
Speak up and get Fired!
I think this just scratches the surface.
Very interesting article regarding the destruction of the Military high Command and a Commander-in-Chief who is clueless. It includes the Commandant...
The author's characterization of General Dempsey is harsh, biting and right on! He indirectly damns the rest of the Senior Officers and for good reason. The President or at least the people around him seem determined to destroy the character of our Military and best I can tell they are doing a very effective job of it.
The Generals

The threat of tyranny is no less today than it was in 1775........ Brenda B. Bowen
When you read this and see the type of individuals who have become and are becoming flag officers, you may have thoughts similar to these:
Has the apparent absence of personal integrity, ethics and ignorance of their oath all members of the DoD Military and Civilian are required to take in our Military leadership contributed to the current problems of soldier suicides, sexual harassment, and other growing misdeeds of our Military ? 
General Dempsey, as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is without a doubt the most disgraceful person to ever fill that position.
Are we in trouble? Think about it!
During the Bush administration, there were only two American Commanders of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. Under Obama, there have, so far, been five. There has been a new ISAF commander nearly every single year that Obama has been in office. The only exception is 2012, when Obama was too busy trying to win an election to bother further sabotaging a losing war.
The parade of musical chair Generals began when Obama demanded the resignation of General McKiernan. The Washington Post called the firing of a wartime Commander a "rare decision." It was the first time since the days of General Douglas MacArthur that a four-star Commanding General had been purged during a war.
The decision may have been rare, but it was not unexpected. General McKiernan was fired for the same offense that General McArthur had been targeted during the Korean War: He had demanded competency from an incompetent Democrat.
McKiernan had embarrassed Obama by demanding more troops to fight the war. The situation came to a head as General McKiernan pressed an indecisive Obama to make a decision. It was a devastating scene for an administration which had covered its pivot away from Iraq with concern trolling about winning in Afghanistan. The troops would be delivered, but McKiernan would pay the price.
General McKiernan's firing was put down to the need for fresh ideas. McKiernan was deemed too "old school" because he wanted to fight an old-fashioned war against the Taliban, while Obama Inc. believed that the war couldn't be won by beating the Taliban, but by winning the hearts and minds of Afghans. It was a fashionable and doomed strategy that required sacrificing the lives and limbs of thousands of American soldiers to political correctness.
The old-school General who had once said, "I don't understand ever putting your Men and Women in harm's way, without their having the full ability to protect themselves. That also means operating on actionable intelligence to defeat insurgents, and protect your forces. That's how you keep your soldiers alive," was clearly not the man for that job.
Replacing him as ISAF commander was General McChrystal. McChrystal was everything that McKiernan wasn't. He was hip fresh blood. He voted for Obama, listened to the right music and was a big fan of counterinsurgency. He hooked up with Greg Mortenson and handed out copies of Three Cups of Tea to his staff. The book proved to be a fraud and so did the COIN strategy for winning over the Afghans.
American soldiers were prevented from defending themselves to avoid offending the Afghans and the war was not moving forward. McChrystal claimed that he had presented a plan to Washington for defeating the Taliban, but Washington only wanted their capabilities degraded. The relationship between McChrystal and Obama also degraded, and McChrystal was fired over a negative Rolling Stone article that revealed that the ISAF commander held Obama and his cronies in contempt.
Urgently, Obama swapped out General McChrystal for General Petraeus, a former enemy now turned wartime ally. In only two years, Obama had gone through three generals and fired two wartime four-star Generals, setting a new record for mismanaging a War.
Petraeus's move from Central Command to Commanding the ISAF was unprecedented and did not last long. With the Taliban undefeated and the conflict shifting from a military war to a campaign of drone strikes and targeted assassinations, General Petraeus shifted over to the CIA to command the new fallback position of the War effort as Director Petraeus.
But a year later, Petraeus met the same fate as McKiernan and McChrystal after alienating the CIA top brass, which enmeshed him in a scandal. It did not help matters any that Republicans were salivating over the idea of a Petraeus candidacy in 2016.
Petraeus had been replaced by General Allen who became enmeshed in the same scandal, and the confirmation hearings of his replacement, General Dunford, were sped up. This month, Dunford has taken command of an ISAF in retreat as Afghanistan has become the new Iraq. And Dunford has become the fifth ISAF commander under Obama. Of his four predecessors, all have ended their careers under a cloud.
The War in Afghanistan has been lost and so have the careers of most of its commanders. Obama has constantly swapped out generals, and unlike the rotating allied ISAF commanders during the Bush era, many of them were fired because they threatened Obama politically in some way.
The record is an ugly one, but it is not limited to the war theater in Afghanistan. After the Benghazi disaster, General Carter Ham of AFRICOM was reportedly edged out after telling a Republican Congressman that he had not received any requests for support. His replacement, General Rodriguez, had earlier taken over part of McKiernan's job after Obama had forced him out.
More recently General Mattis, the Commander of United States Central Command, Petraeus's old job, was booted out without even a personal phone call for being too hawkish about Iran. The insult was unprecedented and the reason was the same. Like McKiernan and McChrystal, Mattis had offended important people in the Obama administration. And for that he paid the price.
General Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, exemplifies the costs of career survival in the age of Obama. Dempsey echoes everything that the civilians tell him. He never disagrees with them in public and likely not in private. Whatever new gimmick comes out of the White House, whether it's Green Energy or homosexuality, he's right there behind it and out in front of it.
Dempsey has no ideas of his own and he doesn't need any. He has nothing to bring to the table except a willingness to act as Obama's pet parrot in a uniform. When McChrystal first met Obama, he recalled thinking that Obama was "uncomfortable and intimidated" by the room full of military brass. That observation helped get McChrystal fired and these days it's the military brass that feels uncomfortable and intimidated by Obama Inc.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

Sovereign Man --- and the IRS regarding IRAs

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Sovereign Man
September 4, 2013
Several weeks ago, I received some disturbing news from some of my closest advisers (all professional tax attorneys) regarding IRAs.
They told me that suddenly, practically overnight, many IRS employees at the agency's call center who assign tax ID numbers were refusing to issue a federal tax ID for US LLCs that are owned by an IRA.
This was a critical piece of news given that millions of US taxpayers hold their retirement savings in an IRA.
Most IRA accounts are rather poorly managed by some big financial institution that rakes in huge fees regardless of the performance of their clients' funds.
By setting up a self-directed IRA structure, an individual can take back control of his/her own retirement savings, opening up a whole world of investment possibilities.
This even includes shipping retirement funds overseas, which is something that makes a lot of sense these days.
We've been writing about this for years: history shows that governments deeply entrenched in unsustainable debt positions almost routinely resort to plundering their citizens' wealth.
Given the trillions of dollars in retirement savings in the Land of the Free, IRAs are an awfully tempting target.
And it's one of those things that makes sense... no matter what. How is someone worse off for taking control of their own retirement savings rather than letting some disinterested bank skim off the top?
So when my advisers told me this information, I was concerned. Because in order to set up one of these structures, it's necessary to first obtain a tax ID number for an LLC owned by your IRA.
And this is exactly what some IRS agents started prohibiting.
We followed up on multiple fronts, including with some contacts inside the agency itself. And I was told unequivocally from sources within the IRS that this is a real issue.
They explained to me that the IRS is anything but a well-oiled machine that speaks with a unified voice.
On the contrary, it's an unwieldly, bureaucratic organization. And a number of 'fiefdoms' exist in which mid-level managers pass edicts down to their underlings that are not official policy.
Needless to say, not everyone is on the same page. But my advisers' reports were definitely confirmed from within.
There does not seem to be any sinister intent. The main issue underpinning the move is that a number of taxpayers have misused these structures.
Self-directed IRAs do give people a tremendous amount of latitude over their own retirement savings. But there are some 'prohibited transactions' that the IRS defines very clearly.
You cannot, for example, loan money from your IRA to your children. Nor can you purchase real estate for your personal use with your IRA's funds.
Because there have been so many violations of prohibited transaction rules, somewhere in the agency, someone seems to have directed his/her 'fiefdom' to disallow the issuance of tax ID numbers for these structures.
We'll never know because it's not official policy. Not yet. And there are agents who have never heard of any such directive and are still issuing tax ID numbers.
But my sources tell me that these self-directed structures may end up on the list of 'recognized abusive and listed transactions'.
This would be a terrible outcome as it would effectively terminate one of the only real options to move your retirement funds away from the control of an insolvent government.
Needless to say, the original article I wrote warning about this news triggered a wave of indignant letters, mostly from vitriolic attorneys who charge thousands of dollars to set up these types of structures for their clients. Some even called this a "lie".
(Right, that makes so much sense...)
I recognize that their experiences may be different. And given that they stand to lose a lot of business if this move becomes official policy, I understand the hostility, however misguided it may be. I'm sure even more will follow now.
The good thing to come from this is that the article also triggered a flood of calls to the agency itself.
And the last thing the IRS wants right now is additional scrutiny and negative headlines. So they seem to have backed off for the time being.
However, I still plan on forcing the issue with the IRS, and I've asked my advisers to seek formal clarification from the agency.
My hope is that they deny the whole thing and go on the record condoning self-directed IRA structures. This would be a major victory.
But if they push back, then we'll know that yet another destructive policy is afoot, something that is tantamount to capital controls.
Given what's at stake, this is a critical issue that's worth exploring, not dismissing. I'll have more to follow, hopefully soon.

Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,
Where is the best place to bank in the world?

This is the most common question that Sovereign Man: Confidential members have. Followed by "Where should I establish residency and move to?" The answers of course depend on each specific situation, but in this month's issue we set ourselves a monumental task of analyzing and identifying the best set of options that would suit just about anybody.

This month's seminal issue of SMC includes:
  • A detailed analysis of respective banking systems of selected jurisdictions. We look at things like central bank capitalization, central government debt levels, commercial bank capitalization, and commercial bank liquidity.
  • All this is broken down to identify which is the safest bank and the safest currency in the world, which jurisdictions are best for corporate banking, where the risk and reward ratios are favorable etc. Everything summarized for you in a user-friendly cheat sheet.
  • The best residency and immigration options in the world. Find out which are the two best places to establish residency with a view of obtaining a second passport-- without the need of actually moving there.
  • What are the best and easiest passports to acquire if you actually want to uproot your life and move to a new place. All in a systematic overview, designed to give you a direction immediately.
  • A boots on the ground account from Iceland. The country was the first victim of the financial collapse of 2008. It's still in a very poor state, with a default and a significant restructuring inevitable.
  • But it also has a lot going for it. That's why I'm so excited about its potential once it's forced to pull out all the stops and attract foreign capital. The opportunities for those prepared will be immense. It should definitely be on your radar.
  • An extended set of questions, ranging from what to look for when setting up an offshore corporate bank account to the best deals for farmland in the world right now.
To get immediate access to the knowledge contained within this month's issue, and all the back issues, click here to get the full details on your invitation to join Sovereign Man: Confidential today.

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Date: Wednesday, 4-Sep-2013 11:29:09

Putin warns against 'illegal' military action in Syria, bypassing UNSC
Published time: September 04, 2013 05:51
Edited time: September 04, 2013 14:52
Russia needs convincing proof, not rumors, from UN experts that chemical weapons were used in Syria, said the Russian president in an interview with First Channel and AP. It is up to the UN Security Council to decide on the next course of action, he said.
Speaking to journalists from Russia’s state Channel 1 television and Associated Press, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a number of decisive statements regarding the supposed use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict, which evoked a threat of a US-led strike on Syria.
“We believe that at the very least we should wait for the results of the UN inspection commission in Syria,” Putin said, adding that so far there is no information about what chemical agent exactly was used in the attack in Damascus’ suburbs and who did it.
“I’ve already said I find it absolutely ridiculous that [Syrian] government’s armed forces, which today are actually on an offense mission and in some regions have already encircled the so-called rebels and are finishing them off, that the Syrian army has used prohibited chemical weapons,” Putin said.
“They know all too well that this could become a cause for sanctions and even for a military operation against them. That’s stupid and illogical.”
“We proceed from the assumption that if anyone has information that chemical weapons were used by the Syrian regular army, then such proof must be presented to the UN Security Council and the UN inspectors,” Putin said, stressing that the proof must be “convincing” and not based on “rumors” or any sort of “eavesdropped intelligence data,” conversations etc.
“Even in the US there are experts who question the reliability of the facts presented by the administration. These experts do not exclude the possibility that the Syrian opposition has conducted a pre-planned provocation in order to give their sponsors a reason for military intervention,” he acknowledged.
Putin later leveled criticism at US Secretary of State John Kerry as he spoke to human rights activists on Wednesday, saying Kerry “lied” by claiming there was no Al-Qaeda militants fighting in Syria and that the military strike against President Assad will not boost the terrorist network’s presence in the region.
“They lie, plainly. I watched the Congressional debate. A congressman asked Mr. Kerry: “Is there any Al-Qaeda [in Syria]? There are reports they have been growing stronger.” He [Kerry] replied: “No. I say with all responsibility: there is no [Al-Qaeda] there,” Putin explained.
The Russian President then said the Al-Nusra Front terrorist organization, which pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda, has been at the forefront of the rebel groups fighting Assad’s forces, and that the US is well aware of that.
“Well, he [Kerry] lies. And he knows that he lies. This is sad,” Putin remarked.
Speaking of Kerry’s confidence in that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons, Putin recalled former US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s rhetoric on the eve of American invasion in Iraq.
Powell even brandished some test tube with a white powder as he attempted to persuade the international community that Iraq has chemical weapons, Putin said, stressing that it later turned out that “all these arguments did not hold water.”
Putin says he “does not exclude” that Russia may agree with a military operation if it is proved that the Syrian government is behind the attack, however he emphasized that in accordance with international law a decision of the UN Security Council is needed for that.
“All other reasons and means that excuse using military force against an independent sovereign state are unacceptable and cannot be classified otherwise but as an aggression,” Putin noted.
“We would be convinced by a detailed investigation and direct evidence of who exactly used chemical weapons and what substances were used. Then we’ll be ready to take decisive and serious action,” said the president.
Answering a question about video records of dead children that allegedly died in the chemical attack in Damascus, Vladimir Putin called the material with dead children “horrible”.
“The questions are what exactly was done and who is to blame. This video does not answer these questions,” Putin said, sharing an opinion that this video is a compilation made by the militants who – even the US acknowledges – have links with Al-Qaeda and are notorious for extreme atrocities.
Putin recommended to pay attention to the fact that in the video with dead children there are no parents, children’s relatives or even medical personnel, while people who do appear in the video remain unidentified. However terrible the picture could be, it cannot be proof of anybody’s guilt, Putin said, and called for investigation of the incident.
Russia is fulfilling arms contracts with Syria “because we believe that we are working with the legitimate government and we are violating neither international law, nor our obligations,” assured Putin, stressing that the UN had imposed no sanctions on the export of weapons to Syria.
He confirmed that Moscow has a signed contract with Damascus to deliver S-300 air defense missile complexes to Syria. The S-300 system is kind of outdated, said Putin, “though they might be a little better than Patriot missiles.”
Russia already has deployed S-400 and forthcoming S-500 systems, “[and] these are all certainly very efficient weapons,” Putin noted.
“We have a contract to supply S300 missiles, and we’ve already supplied some parts, but not all of it, because we decided to suspend the supplies for a while. But if we see international law being violated, we will reconsider our future actions, including supplies of such sensitive weapons to certain regions of the world,” he promised.



New Dog Food Recall: Purina ONE

New Dog Food Recall: Purina ONE

Compare the ‘Best By’ date, production code and UPC for the recalled dog food to bags you have at home.
Posted by Bea Karnes (Editor) ,  September 03, 2013 at 12:31 PM
Recalled Dog Food - Purina ONE beyOnd Our White Meat Chicken & Whole Barley Recipe Adult Dry Dog Food (Photo: US FDA)
Recalled Dog Food - Purina ONE beyOnd Our White Meat Chicken & Whole Barley Recipe Adult Dry Dog Food (Photo: US FDA)
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Written by Bea Karnes
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Monday that Nestlé Purina has voluntarily recalled bags of Purina ONE beyOnd Our White Meat Chicken & Whole Barley Recipe Adult Dry Dog Food because of possible contamination with Salmonella.
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The 3.5-pound bags are from a single production run and were distributed nationwide.
Included in the recall:
  • 3.5 lb. Bags
  • ‘Best By’ Date and Production Code: OCT 2014 31071083
  • UPC Code: 17800 12679
The Salmonella was found during routine testing. No illnesses have been reported.
People who handle Salmonella-contaminated products can also become sick. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever.
Pets with Salmonella infections may exhibit decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain.
Nestlé has apologized “any inconvenience due to this voluntary recall.”

To get a refund, call the company toll-free at 1-800-473-8546, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Front Page of Egyptian Newspaper: Obama Is A Muslim Brotherhood Member

Subject: WUA - Front Page of Egyptian Newspaper: Obama Is A Muslim Brotherhood Member
To: <>

WUA – How can we believe Obama to lead our country……..

Front Page of Egyptian Newspaper: Obama Is A Muslim Brotherhood Member

 by sundance @ conservative treehouse
Via Shadi Hamid, is the Director of Research at the Brookings Institute’s Doha Center:
In related news – the Eyptian interim government is reconsidering going back to the ban on the Muslim Brotherhood due to their entrenched terrorism.    It should not be forgotten the Brotherhood killed former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat which was the final straw the last time they were an allowed political entity.

Make your comments HERE:

Here is the proof!   Not only is Barack Obama a Muslim, he's a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Make sure you send this to your friends and family.
Thanks Evelyn

Thanks Gary
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