Thursday, September 5, 2013

Meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…

Meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…
The Interview You Won’t
Find in the Mainstream Media....

FOR ALL…A very recent interview with Pres. Assad of Syria…What he says certainly flies in the face of what the mainstream Media, almost all Jewish owned and controlled, is reporting and shows that the false claims of this current White House occupant are spurious…He is the puppet of the Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller, Brezinski, Kissinger and the rest of the Neocons demanding that the US Military be sent against Syria…Finally, Americans are waking up to who it is that is behind these Arab wars that the U.S. Military has been performing…and losing…JRN


Posted on
> August 29, 2013 by Tim
Brown <>

> Bashar al-Assad portraits in a window,
Damascus, Syria

photo: james_gordon_losangeles <>

“the majority of those we are fighting are Takfiris, who adopt the al-
doctrine, in addition to a small number of outlaws.”

On the alleged use of  <>
chemical weapons, “there isn’t a body in the world, let alone a
that makes an accusation and then goes about collecting evidence to prove its

Q1 Interviewer: Mr President, the most pressing question today is the current
situation in Syria. What parts of the country remain under the rebels’

President Bashar al-Assad: From our perspective, it’s not a matter of
labelling areas as controlled by terrorists or by the government
<> ; we are not dealing with a
conventional occupation to allow us to contextualize it in this manner. We are
fighting terrorists infiltrating particular regions, towns or peripheral city
areas. They wreak havoc, vandalize, destroy infrastructure and kill innocent
civilians simply because they denounce them. The army mobilizes into these
areas with the security forces and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the
terrorists, those who survive relocate to other areas. Therefore, the essence
of our action is striking terrorism.

Our challenge, which has protracted the situation, is the influx of large
amounts of terrorists from other countries - estimated in the tens of
thousands at the very least. As long as they continue to receive financial and
military aid, we will continue to strike them. I can confirm that there has
not been any instance where the Syrian Army has planned to enter a particular
location and has not succeeded in eliminating the terrorists within it.

The majority of those we are fighting are Takfiris, who adopt the al-Qaeda
doctrine, in addition to a small number of outlaws, so as I said this not
about who controls more areas of land. Wherever terrorism strikes, we shall
strike back.

Q2 Interviewer: Yet, Western mainstream media
<>  claim that the terrorists
control 40% to 70% of Syrian territory; what is the reality?

President Bashar al-Assad: There isn’t an army in the world that can be
present with its armament in every corner of any given country. The terrorists
exploit this, and violate areas where the army is not present. They escape
from one area to another, and we continue to eradicate them from these areas
with great success. Therefore, I reiterate, the issue is not the size of the
territories they infiltrate but the large influx of terrorists coming from

The more significant criterion to evaluate success is - has the Syrian Army
been able to enter any area infiltrated by terrorists and defeat them? Most
certainly the answer is yes; the army has always succeeded in this and
continues to do so. However, this takes time because these types of wars do
not end suddenly, they protract for prolonged periods and as such carry a
heavy price. Even when we have eradicated all the terrorists, we will have
paid a hefty price.

Q3 Interviewer: Mr President, you have spoken of Islamist Takfiri
fighters who have entered Syria. Are they fragmented groups who fight
sporadically? Or do they belong to a coherent major force that seeks to
destroy the security and stability in Syria and the whole Middle East?

President Bashar al-Assad: They have both traits. They are similar in that
they all share the same extremist Takfiri doctrine of certain individuals such
as Zawahiri; they also have similar or identical financial backing and
military support. They differ on the ground in that they are incoherent and
scattered with each group adhering to a separate leader and pursuing different
agendas. Of course it is well known that countries, such as Saudi Arabia, who
hold the purse strings can shape and manipulate them to suit their own

Ideologically, these countries mobilize them through direct or indirect means
as extremist tools. If they declare that Muslims
<>  must pursue Jihad
<>  in Syria, thousands of fighters will
respond. Financially, those who finance and arm such groups can instruct them
to carry out acts of terrorism and spread anarchy. The influence over them is
synergized when a country such as Saudi Arabia directs them through both the
Wahhabi ideology and their financial means.

Q4 Interviewer: The Syrian government claims a strong link between Israel
<>  and the terrorists. How can you
explain this? It is commonly perceived that the extremist Islamists
<>  loathe Israel and become hysterical
upon hearing its name.

President Bashar al-Assad: If this was the case, why is it then that when we
strike the terrorists at the frontier, Israel strikes at our forces to
alleviate the pressure off of them? Why, when we blockade them into an area
does Israel let them through their barricades so they can come round and
re-attack from another direction? Why has Israel carried out direct strikes
against the Syrian Army on more than one occasion in recent months? So clearly
this perception is inaccurate. It is Israel who has publically declared its
cooperation with these terrorists and treated them in Israeli hospitals. If
these terrorist groups were indeed hostile to Israel and hysterical even on
the mention of the word as you mention, why have they fought the Soviet Union,
Syria and Egypt <> , whilst never carrying
out a single strike against Israel? Who originally created these terrorist
groups? These groups were initially created in the early 80′s by the
States <>  and the West, with Saudi
funding, to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan
<> . So logically speaking, how could
such groups manufactured by the US and the West ever strike Israel!

Q5 Interviewer: Mr. President, this interview will be translated into several
international languages, and shall be read by world leaders, some who may
currently be working against you. What would you like to say to them?

President Bashar al-Assad: Today there are many Western politicians, but very
few statesmen. Some of these politicians do not read history or even learn
from it, whilst others do not even remember recent events. Have these
politicians learned any lessons from the past 50 years at least? Have they not
realized that since the Vietnam War, all the wars their predecessors have
waged have failed? Have they not learned that they have gained nothing from
these wars but the destruction of the countries they fought, which has had a
destabilizing effect on the Middle East and other parts of the world? Have
they not comprehended that all of these wars have not made people in the
region appreciate them or believe in their policies?

>From another perspective, these politicians should know that terrorism is not
a winning card you play when it suits you and keep it in your pocket when it
doesn’t. Terrorism is like a scorpion; it can unexpectedly sting you
at any
time. Therefore, you cannot support terrorism in Syria whilst fighting it in
Mali; you cannot support terrorism in Chechnya and fight it in Afghanistan.

To be very precise, I am referring to the West and not all world leaders, if
these western leaders are looking to achieve their interests, they need to
listen to their own constituents and to the people in this region rather than
seeking to install ‘puppet’ leaders, in the hope that they
would be able to
deliver their objectives. In doing so, western policy may become more
realistic in the region.

Our message to the world is straightforward: Syria will never become a Western
‘puppet’ state. We are an independent country; we will fight
terrorism and
we will freely build relationships with countries in a way that best serves
the interests of the Syrian people.

Q6 Interviewer: On Wednesday, the rebels accused the Syrian government of
using chemical weapons; some Western leaders adopted these accusations. What
is your response to this? Will you allow the UN inspectors access to the site
to investigate the incident?

President Basha al-Assad: The statements by the American administration, the
West and other countries were made with disdain and blatant disrespect of
their own public opinion; there isn’t a body in the world, let alone a
superpower, that makes an accusation and then goes about collecting evidence
to prove its point. The American administration made the accusation on
Wednesday and two days later announced that they would start to collect the
evidence - what evidence is it going to gather from afar?!

They claim that the area in question is under the control of the rebels and
that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons. In fact, the area is in contiguity
with the Syrian Army positions, so how is it possible that any country would
use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its
own forces are located; this is preposterous! These accusations are completely
politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army
against the terrorists.

As for the UN Commission, we were the first to request a UN investigation when
terrorists launched rockets that carried toxic gas in the outskirts of Aleppo.
Several months before the attack, American and Western statements were already
preparing public opinion of the potential use of chemical weapons by the
Syrian government. This raised our suspicion that they were aware of the
terrorists’ intentions to use these weapons in order to blame the
government. After liaising with Russia <>

We decided to request a commission to investigate the incident. Whereas we
requested an investigation based on the facts on the ground, not on rumors or
allegations; the US, France and the UK have tried to exploit the incident to
investigate allegations rather than happenings.

During the last few weeks, we have worked with the Commission and set the
guidelines for cooperation. First of these, is that our national sovereignty
is a red line and as such the Commission will directly liaise with us during
the process. Second, the issue is not only how the investigation will be
conducted but also how the results will be interpreted. We are all aware that
instead of being interpreted in an objective manner, these results could
easily be interpreted according to the requirements and agendas of certain
major countries. Certainly, we expect Russia to block any interpretation that
aims to serve American and western policies. What is most important is that we
differentiate between western accusations that are based on allegations and
hearsay and our request for an investigation based on concrete evidence and

Q7 Interviewer: Recent statements by the American administration and other
Western governments have stated that the US has not ruled out military
intervention in Syria. In light of this, is it looking more likely that the US
would behave in the same way it did in Iraq
<> , in other words look for a pretext for
military intervention?

President Bashar al-Assad: This is not the first time that the possibility of
military intervention has been raised. From the outset, the US, along with
France and Britain, has strived for military intervention in Syria.
Unfortunately for them, events took a different course with the balance
shifting against their interests in the Security Council despite their
numerous attempts to haggle with Russia and China
<> , but to no avail. The negative outcomes
that emerged in Libya <>  and Egypt were
also not in their favor.

All of this made it impossible for them to convince their constituents and the
world that they were following sound or successful policies.

The situation in Libya also differs to that of Egypt and Tunisia, and Syria as
I have said is very different from all these. Each country has a unique
situation and applying the same scenario across the board is no longer a
plausible option. No doubt they can wage wars, but they cannot predict where
they will spread or how they will end. This has led them to realize that all
their crafted scenarios have now spiraled out of their control.

It is now crystal clear to everybody that what is happening in Syria is not a
popular revolution pushing for political reform, but targeted terrorism aimed
at destroying the Syrian state. What will they say to their people when
pushing for military intervention: we are intervening in Syria to support
terrorism against the state?!

Interviewer: What will America <>
face should it decide on military intervention or on waging a war on Syria?

President Bashar al-Assad: What it has been confronted with in every war since
Vietnam… failure. America has waged many wars, but has never been able
achieve its political objectives from any of them. It will also not be able to
convince the American people of the benefits of this war, nor will it be able
to convince the people in this region of their policies and plans. Global
powers can wage wars, but can they win them?

Q8: Interviewer: Mr. President, how is your relationship with President
Vladimir Putin? Do you speak on the phone? If so, what do you discuss?

President Bashar al-Assad: I have a strong relationship with President Putin,
which spans back many years even before the crisis. We contact each other from
time to time, although the complexity of events in Syria cannot be discussed
on the phone. Our relationship is facilitated through Russian and Syrian
officials who exchange visits, the majority of which are conducted away from
the glare of the media.

Q9 Interviewer: Mr. President, are you planning to visit Russia or invite
President Putin to visit Syria?

President Bashar al-Assad: It is possible of course; however the current
priorities are to work towards easing the violence in Syria, there are
casualties on a daily basis. When circumstances improve, a visit will be
necessary; for now, our officials are managing this relationship well.

Q10: Interviewer: Mr. President, Russia is opposing the US and EU policies,
especially with regards to Syria, what would happen were Russia to make a
compromise now? Is such a scenario possible?

President Bashar al-Assad: Russian-American relations should not be viewed
through the context of the Syrian crisis alone; it should be viewed in a
broader and more comprehensive manner. The US presumed that with the collapse
of the Soviet Union, Russia was perpetually destroyed. After President Putin
took office in the late 90s, Russia began to gradually recover and regain its
international position; hence the Cold War began again, but in a different and
subtler manner.

The US persisted on many fronts: striving to contain Russian interests in the
world, attempting to influence the mentality of Russians closer to the West
both in terms of culture and aspiration. It worked diligently to eliminate
Russia’s vital and powerful role on many fronts, one of which is
Syria. You
may be wondering, like many Russians, why Russia continues to stand by Syria.
It is important to explain this reason to the general public: Russia is not
defending President Bashar al-Assad or the Syrian government, since the Syrian
people should decide their president and the most suitable political system -
this is not the issue. Russia is defending the fundamental principles it has
embraced for more than a hundred years, the first of which is independence and
the policy of non-interference in internal affairs. Russia itself has suffered
and continues to suffer from such interference.

Additionally, Russia is defending its legitimate interests in the region. Some
superficial analysts narrow these interests to the Port of Tartous, but in
reality Russia’s interests are far more significant. Politically
when terrorism strikes Syria, a key country in the region, it would have a
direct impact on stability in the Middle East, which would subsequently affect
Russia. Unlike many western governments, the Russian leadership fully
understands this reality. From a social and cultural perspective, we must not
forget the tens of thousands of Syrian-Russian families, which create a
social, cultural and humanitarian bridge between our two countries.

If Russia were to seek a compromise, as you stipulated, this would have
happened one or two years ago when the picture was blurred, even for some
Russian officials. Today, the picture is crystal clear. A Russia that didn



affected their implementation. Russia continues to supply Syria with what it
requires to defend itself and its people.

Q12 Interviewer: Mr. President, what form of aid does Syria require from
Russia today? Is it financial or perhaps military equipment? For example would
Syria request a loan from Russia?

President Bashar al-Assad: In the absence of security on the ground, it is
impossible to have a functioning and stable economy. So firstly, the support
that Russia is providing through agreed military contracts to help Syrians
defend themselves will lead to better security, which will in turn help
facilitate an economic recovery. Secondly, Russia’s political support
for our
right of independence and sovereignty has also played a significant role. Many
other countries have turned against us politically and translated this policy
by cutting economic ties and closing their markets. Russia has done the
complete opposite and continues to maintain good trading relations with us,
which has helped keep our economy functioning. Therefore in response to your
question, Russia’s supportive political stance and its commitment to
the agreed military contracts without surrendering to American pressure have
substantially aided our economy, despite the negative bearings the economic
embargo - imposed by others, has had on the lives of the Syrian people.

>From a purely economic perspective, there are several agreements between
and Russia for various goods and materials. As for a loan from Russia, this
should be viewed as beneficial to both parties: for Russia it is an
opportunity for its national industries and companies to expand into new
markets, for Syria it provides some of the funding necessary to rebuild our
infrastructure and stimulate our economy. I reiterate that Russia’s
stance and support have been instrumental in restoring security and providing
the basic needs for the Syrian people.

Q13 Interviewer: Mr. President, do these contracts relate to fuel or basic
food requirements?

President Bashar al-Assad: Syrian citizens are being targeted through their
basic food, medical and fuel requirements. The Syrian government is working to
ensure these basic needs are available to all Syrians through trade agreements
with Russia and other friendly countries.

Q14 Interviewer: Returning to the situation in Syria and the current crisis.
We are aware that you successively issue amnesties. Do these amnesties include
rebels? And do some of them subsequently change sides to fight with the Armed

President Bashar al-Assad: Yes, this is in fact the case. Recently, there has
been a marked shift, especially since the picture has become clearer to many
that what is happening in Syria is sheer terrorism. Many have come back into
the mainstream of civil life, surrendering their weapons and benefitting from
the amnesties to help them return to their normal lives. Most remarkably,
there are certain groups who have switched from fighting against the army to
fighting beside it; these people were either misled by what was propagated in
the media or were initially militarized under threats from the terrorists. It
is for this very reason that from the start of the crisis, the Syrian
government has adopted an open door policy to all those who wanted to U-turn
on the initial route they took against their country. Despite the fact that
many people in Syria were opposed to this policy, it has proven to be
effective and has helped alleviate some of the tension from the crisis.

Q15 Interviewer: Mr. President, Syria’s relations with several states
collapsing consecutively, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Who are your
true allies, and who are your enemies?

President Bashar al-Assad: The countries that support us are well known to
everyone: internationally - Russia and China, regionally - Iran. However, we
are starting to see a positive shift on the international arena. Certain
countries that were strongly against Syria have begun to change their
positions; others have started to reinitiate relations with us. Of course, the
changes in these countries’ positions do not constitute direct support.

In contrast, there are particular countries that have directly mobilized and
buttressed terrorism in Syria. Predominantly Qatar and Turkey in the first two
years; Qatar financed while Turkey provided logistical support by training
terrorists and streaming them into Syria. Recently, Saudi Arabia has replaced
Qatar in the funding role. To be completely clear and transparent, Saudi
Arabia has nothing but funding; those who only have money cannot build a
civilization or nurture it. Saudi Arabia implements its agenda depending on
how much money it commands.

Turkey is a different case. It is pitiful that a great country such as Turkey,
which bears a strategic location and a liberal society, is being manipulated
by a meagre amount of dollars through a Gulf state harboring a regressive
mentality. It is of course the Turkish Prime Minister who shoulders
responsibility for this situation and not the Turkish people with whom we
share a great deal of heritage and traditions.

Q16 Interviewer: Mr. President, what makes Russian-Syrian relations so strong?
Is it geopolitical interests? Or that they jointly share a struggle against

President Bashar al-Assad: There is more than one factor that forges
Syrian-Russian relations so strongly. First of which is that Russia has
suffered from occupation during World War II and Syria has been occupied more
than once. Secondly, since the Soviet era, Russia has been subjected to
continuous and repeated attempts of foreign intervention in its internal
affairs; this is also the case with Syria.

Thirdly but no less significantly is terrorism. In Syria, we understand well
what it means when extremists from Chechnya kill innocent civilians, what it
means to hold under siege children and teachers in Beslan or hold innocent
people hostage in Moscow’s theatre. Equally, the Russian people
when we in Syria refer to the identical acts of terrorism they have suffered.
It is for this reason that the Russian people reject the Western narrative of
“good terrorists and bad terrorists.”

In addition to these areas, there are also the Syrian-Russian family ties I
mentioned earlier, which would not have developed without common cultural,
social and intellectual characteristics, as well as the geopolitical interests
we also spoke of. Russia, unlike the Europeans and the West, is well aware of
the consequences of destabilizing Syria and the region and the affect this
will have on the inexorable spread of terrorism.

All of these factors collectively shape the political stance of a great
country like Russia. Its position is not founded on one or two elements, but
rather by a comprehensive historical, cultural and intellectual perspective.

Q17 Interviewer: Mr. President, what will occur in Geneva 2, what are your
expectations from this conference?

President Bashar al-Assad: The objective of the Geneva conference is to
support the political process and facilitate a political solution to the
crisis. However, this cannot be accomplished before halting the foreign
support to terrorism. We expect that the Geneva conference would start
applying pressure on the countries supporting terrorism in Syria, to stop the
smuggling of weapons and the streaming of foreign terrorists into the country.
When this is achieved, political steps can be easily pursued, most imperative
of which is initiating a dialogue between Syrians to discuss the future
political system, the constitution
<> , various legislations and

Interviewer: Thank you for your sincerity and for such a transparent
discussion during this interview.

Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost <>
and a regular contributor to The D.C. Clothesline.
------- End of Forwarded Message -------


This blog is about the coming crisis of MARTIAL LAW and the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for AMERICA!It   Also offers HOPE and the CHRISTIAN SOLUTION for their NEW WORLD ORDER's "FINAL SOLUTION."
Friday, August 30, 2013

"Eat, Drink and be Merry...""...FOR TOMORROW WE DIE...Isaiah 22:12-13


By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

I am writing this article with a sense of urgency, after being bombarded with several hours of intense research regarding world events and the threat of US war with Syria...and Russia's response in return. The implications are quite clear regarding what could happen should America attack Syria at this time. WWIII could be right around the corner...and with it nuclear strikes on American soil.

Throughout the Old Testament it is clear that God has allowed times of war and suffering a famine to be used to judge Israel/Judah for their sins and faithlessness towards Him. Reading the words of the Jewish prophets of antiquity, one can clearly see the consequences of sin by God allowing the invasion of enemy nations to be used as a rod of judgment against the disobedient and rebellious.

Through the prophets of old, God warned Israel/Judah many times to repent of their sins which included the "shedding of innocent blood in the land," idolatry, adultery, murder and thefts, etc.

His prophets warned them that if no repentance was found, that God would judge the nation by permitting war and famine and pestilence and captivity to strike their nation as manifest judgment by a just and holy God.

The Bible declares of the Almighty that "...I AM the Lord, I change NOT." God's holy character and nature has not changed, including from the times of judgment that He was compelled to send against Israel and Judah thousands of years ago.

Is America ripe for JUDGMENT???
Let's carefully examine this question and the Biblically based answers.

Abortion-legalized murder on demand, plus legalized human sacrifice as well

Over 50 MILLION innocent children
have died agonizing deaths in the abortion clinics of this nation, and are still being killed 4,400 or so a day. This IS "the shedding of innocent blood in the land." Has America repented of this national sin? No. To this very hour, the killing of the unborn continues unabated.

Up to ONE MILLION innocent victims die on satanic altars of the satanist covens of North America, according to law enforcement/FBI and former satanist statistics. Satan worship IS IDOLATRY and unfaithfulness unto Almighty God and AN ABOMINATION. This too is the shedding of innocent blood in the land.

And yet many of America's most prominent leaders and "power people" have fully participated in satanic rituals in BOHEMIAN GROVE and SKULL AND BONES and other Illuminati rituals. God will judge a nation not only for the sins of her people, but for the sins of THE LEADERS as well. As the leadership, so goes the nation.

SATAN WORSHIP has been present in America, practiced by various individuals from the WHITE HOUSE on down throughout every sector of our society. What will God do to a nation who has known Him from it's inception...only to fall into the horror and degradation of vile satan worship and human sacrifice in which even America's leaders have been involved??? TRIBULATION, WRATH AND JUDGMENT!

What did God do to Israel and Judah for their worship of Moloch and Baal and child sacrifice? He declared through His prophets that He would drive them out of the land He once gave Abraham, because of their abominations. The land would literally spew out it's inhabitants. God declared they would be carried captive into enemy nations. He also declared that they would die of famine and pestilence and war as well.
Israelis worshiping Moloch with child sacrifice

And now LOOK at what is about to happen right here in North America! Martial law is coming. Foreign troops are coming. FAMINE is coming. Engineered diseases are coming. Suffering and death is coming. COULD a Holy God be allowing all of this to take place for North AMERICA'S SINS and unfaithfulness to Him, just like He once judged ancient Israel???

Think about it carefully. I say this is a time for AMERICANS TO REPENT in "sackcloth and ashes," with weeping and mourning and godly repentance and sorrow for our sins, individually and collectively.

God's word declares that He hates violence and the shedding of blood. Yet America's Hollywood churns out millions of movies filled with sin and perversion, horror and violence and bloodshed and inciting rebellion against God and His commandments. Television media also promotes this as well on a daily basis. (I got rid of my television 12 years ago and I AM THANKFUL!)

SATANIC HEAVY METAL ROCK seeks to recruit America's youth into satanism, and such music often fills America's airwaves.
Furthermore, the CHURCH IN AMERICA is by no means exempt from the rod of chastisement of Almighty God. The Bible declares that JUDGMENT MUST BEGIN IN THE HOUSE OF GOD.
After being in ministry for 42 years now, I can tell you from personal experience what kinds of sins are often found in the churches of America.
ADULTERY. HOMOSEXUALITY. FORNICATION. CYBERPORN. INCEST. Hidden sin of every kind can be found, from the pulpits on down.
The abomination of false satanist-front churches also fills America today. These are churches on the outside, but within are "pastors" who preach the Gospel by DAY, and by NIGHT are human-sacrificing satanists. Such "churches" are only a front to cover for the satanists of America today. And they can be found everywhere.

Jews in America are certainly not exempt either. SABBATEAN SATANISM is widely practiced by Jews in North America. The porn industry in America is largely run by the Jews. Hollywood, with it's sin and violence, is by far owned and operated by the Jews of America. Jewish communities nationwide are plagued with pedophilia because of the twisted teachings in the BABYLONIAN TALMUD condoning sex between adults and little children.
NWO Marxist/Zionist "progressive" Jews advocate the persecution and elimination of Christianity in North America today altogether, and are behind the coming manifestation of the modern guillotines and Noahide Laws designed to execute Christians for their faith in Jesus Christ.
Such Jewish advocates of the Zionist/Marxist version of "the NEW WORLD ORDER" have worked behind the scenes to overthrow America's Christian heritage and foundations, to destroy America from within through corruption introduced through Hollywood and other forms of media influence. Most are secret Sabbatean satanists as well.
German Fascist infiltrators and their recruits, using the CIA heavily initially through OPERATION PAPERCLIP, have also worked feverishly since it's beginning to lay the foundations of their version of the NWO takeover of America, from a Bavarian Illuminati fascist perspective. As Illuminati, they too are into the abomination of satan worship and human sacrifice, just like their apostate Jewish NWO advocates of Rothschild Illuminati/Karl Marx influence.
If some readers are offended by the above references for any reason, I cannot apologize for exposing and rebuking sin from all sources, both Jew and Gentile alike.
When the Bible states,
it means exactly that.

Jews and Gentiles, black and white and Hispanic
and all other peoples in this nation have SINNED in the sight of Almighty God in North America.

And if SIN is the PROBLEM, only
can be the ANSWER!!!

"Behold the Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world."
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."
~John 3:16~
must become the "day of salvation"
in North America!

Because we do not know what tomorrow may bring.
When God warned the people of Israel and Judah by His prophets that judgment was right at the door, He was looking for signs of REPENTANCE, so that He could turn away His justifiable wrath.
Fasting. Mourning over sin. Repentance. Humbling before Almighty God. Fear of the Lord. Restitution.

All these are worthy indication of REPENTANCE FROM SIN.


The Bible declares to us how God was angered by the response of many Jews of ancient Israel, when warned by the prophets to repent, or war and famine and judgments would follow.
Instead of humbling themselves before Almighty God in weeping and repentance and godly sorrow for their sins, the response of many Jews was:

"Let us eat, drink and be merry, for TOMORROW WE DIE!"

God found FEASTING instead of FASTING. Making merry instead of MOURNING. NO repentance as a whole from the people. And as a result, JUDGMENT CAME!

God even declared, that because of this wicked response of "eat, drink and be merry," this sin would not be forgiven them to the day they died.
Christian reader, IS THIS YOU? Have you decided to go ahead and feast and live it up while you can, before judgment falls throughout America? your response a worthy one in the sight of Almighty God? One of brokenness and repentance and godly sorrow because of the sins of America???

Christians, always remember: Even the righteous suffer together with the unrighteous, when God brings forth national judgment upon a nation. Christians will also suffer if nuclear strikes come, if famine comes, if tribulations and pestilences come.
Let us therefore manifest a worthy response before Almighty God in this critical hour of America's unfolding destiny...and judgment.

Let us put on humility and godly sorrow.

Let us fast and weep and mourn and cry out to God. Let us repent over all sin in our own individual lives. Let us acknowledge that our hands are covered with the blood of the innocents who died in America's abortion clinics, if we KNEW about it BUT DID NOTHING to save them.

Let us confess our tax dollars have funded abortion and unjust wars and deaths in other countries. Maybe all of us did not have an abortion nor commit war atrocities, but our tax dollars enabled it.

The sin of this nation is very great. Should it surprise any true Christian that we now see the warning signs of impending disasters, famine, pestilences, wars and turmoil in North America today???

May God have mercy upon us all throughout the times we face. And especially may He show mercy to those who took His warnings to REPENT seriously, and humbled themselves before Him to GET RIGHT WITH GOD NOW...before it is too late.

Death will come suddenly and unexpectedly to many people, young and old alike in North America. Remember: in HELL it will be TOO LATE to repent...
Isaiah 22:12-13

Therefore in that day the Lord GOD of hosts called you to weeping, to wailing, To shaving the head and to wearing sackcloth.13Instead, there is gaiety and gladness, Killing of cattle and slaughtering of sheep, Eating of meat and drinking of wine: "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we may die." 14But the LORD of hosts revealed Himself to me, "Surely this iniquity shall not be forgiven you Until you die," says the Lord GOD of hosts.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert-

Men Behind ‘Open Carry’ Demonstration in Texas Charged with Crimes Even Though What They Did Wasn’t Illegal – Here’s How Police Are Justifying It



Men Behind ‘Open Carry’ Demonstration in Texas Charged with Crimes Even Though What They Did Wasn’t Illegal – Here’s How Police Are Justifying It

Aug. 30, 2013 11:53pm  Jason Howerton

The three men behind an “open carry” demonstration conducted outside of a San Antonio Starbucks are each facing charges of “disorderly conduct” because some observers reportedly complained about the stunt.

The group posted video of the entire demonstration, which included a disagreement with police officers, on YouTube. The men were seemingly well within their rights.
Men Behind Open Carry Demonstration in San Antonion, Texas Charged with Disorderly Conduct
Men Behind Open Carry Demonstration in San Antonion, Texas Charged with Disorderly Conduct
Under Texas law, open carrying a rifle is not illegal as long as the gun is not loaded.
But San Antonio police Chief William McManus told KENS-TV that gun owners can still be charged with disorderly conduct if anyone feels threatened at any point during a demonstration. In other words, if anyone around you is uncomfortable with firearms, you could technically be charged with a crime.
“It’s a disorderly offense that officers will address accordingly,” the police chief said.

Thu Aug 29 16:24:41 PDT 2013

Men with rifles charged in ’open carry’ demonstration at Starbucks

A controversial YouTube video captures an alleged disorderly conduct case. The video shows three men, who were carrying assault rifles, sitting outside a San Antonio Starbucks. view full article
KENS-TV has more details on the demonstration:
The 23-minute video was posted the YouTube on Aug. 24. It shows three men sitting outside a San Antonio Starbucks displaying rifles. Several passersby stop and talk to the men. At least one woman stops to take video on her cell phone.
Police eventually showed up after they received a call from a woman who claimed she was “freaked out” by the display of weapons. Officers approached the men, questioned them about the situation and told the gun holders they needed to leave.
The suspects were placed under what’s called a non-custodial arrest, which means they were charged with a crime but were not taken into custody.
The men do not appear to be belligerent or aggressive in the video.
“Gotta love open carry,” one of the men says.
Another man says they are merely choosing to “enjoy” their “freedoms.” However, it didn’t take long for police to intervene and break up the gathering.
Watch the entire video via YouTube below:

Other must read stories:

U.S. Government Killing of Civilians by Gas

Gassing Innocent Civilians ?...USA Proudly Does It TO ITS OWN CITIZENS - REMEMBER WACO?

U.S. Government Killing of Civilians by Gas

By Mike Holmes August 31, 2013
One point that needs to be made, but rarely if ever mentioned, is that in the supposed rationale for US attack on Syria to avenge/prevent claimed civilian deaths by government gas attacks, the US government itself has used similar weapons openly as recently as the FBI/ATF attack on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco Texas in the spring of 1993.
76 men, women and children died in this senseless military style assault which used highly lethal military CS gas as a primary weapon. CS is not a nerve agent and it doesn’t in normal concentrations cause immediate death. But it is highly flammable, persistent and designed to incapacitate targets by causing massive biological reactions including inability to breathe, massive tearing in the eyes, nose bleeds, etc.
The Davidians were totally surrounded, posed no threat to others, and responded with weapons fire only after the ATF/FBI attacked with military style firearms. After the initial government assault was repelled, and after a long standoff, an impatient President Clinton and his Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an all-out military assault on the compound, despite the fact that the only legal justification was a single warrant for David Koresh on unproven charges. The presence of innocent group members was ignored, nor was there any planning for medical aid or fire suppression.
The rest is history. Special military tanks were used to puncture compound walls and insert large quantities of CS gas. CS gas grenades were used from military stores along with 2 metal CS pyrotechnic M651E1 shells. Other pyrotechnic devices and flammable rounds were also fired into the buildings despite known dangers of CS gas ignition and chemical changes to the CS in fires making it even more deadly.
Wikipedia has more details. The video “Rules of Engagement” makes it clear that this was a deliberate effort to kill those inside.
In the run up to the Iraq invasion and now with Syria, United States officials loudly wailed about these regimes “killing civilians” with poison gas. Despite lack of hard evidence for such use in these countries, there is no doubt that President Clinton and Reno approved this exact same tactic.
Unlike the Middle Eastern scenarios, no civil war or mass terrorist action was occurring in Waco. There were no enemy forces attacking regime outposts and military targets. Just religious dissenters who followed an unstable cult leader, who lived privately on a remote farm bothering no one.
While domestic and world reaction to the Davidian massacre ranged from shock to horror, in 1993 there were no bellicose calls for military attack on the US by other nations for this blatant violation of the rules of war, the Geneva Conventions, and legal due process. France, Britain, China and Russia did not propose UN authorization for military retaliation. Nor did the US government ever apologize but instead gave medals and honors to the government killers responsible for these horrific deaths.
While some victims were shot, most died from burns or asphyxiation as a result of the CS gas and the subsequent firestorm created when it was ignited deliberately.
So precedent is clear: the US Empire can use poison gas against peaceful religious dissenters when they do not immediately surrender to heavily armed police forces using military weapons. This is lied about, rationalized and ultimately forgotten, with the dead victims being blamed for their “suicidal actions.”
Other nations engaged in civil wars are regarded by the US Empire as guilty of “genocide” with the flimsiest of “secret evidence” of poison gas use cited as justification for military attack.  Thus far American citizens have not been made privy to this supposed evidence or its source.
Does anyone doubt that faced with an active armed rebellion in the US by opponents of the Obama regime, the US government would not hesitate one millisecond to deploy CS gas or worse against rebels? The precedent is clear. Gassing civilians is approved for the Empire, but others face our wrath should they be accused by secret sources of emulating the Clinton-Reno example. US government moral outrage is reserved only for the acts of others.

After all, the US Empire can do no wrong. War is the Health of the State.


Singing Plants at Damanhur - Every garden should have this.


Don't HAPPY.  There was a little delay in the planned event.  I was given a time, there was a timer placed on it and it timed out. There is currently no timer, rates are live and the little delay between the two three letter guys has been resolved.

The rates are the ones you have been looking for and the PTB has now authorized the agencies in D.C. to talk openly about the rates and the event.

Enjoy your night, it may be the last chance you have for peace and quiet for some time to come.

Tony TNT


The Oct 2 date from Wells Fargo has nothing to do with the R.V..  It is the date that they will start following the new procedures that were setup for banks, with the new rules that were effective 1 Jul, that let them do the same thing that the exchangers are doing now.

Last edited by TNTdinar (Today 6:10 pm)

Important Email from Anonymous to the U.S. Military

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Important Email from Anonymous to the U.S. Military
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Sep-2013 17:25:33

Important Email from Anonymous to the U.S. Military
Yesterday we reported that civilians working for the armed forces received a global email from Anonymous, which now appears to have melded with the Earth allies in the armed forces opposing the cabal.
Today we report that actual members of the armed services have been contacted globally by Anonymous.
Cheeky at least. Probably pretty effective at best. Thanks to Deborah.
E-Mail from Anonymous to US Military
I received this email in my Army email account on Friday afternoon. I Thought some people here might find it interesting. I’m guessing it was sent global…can any other of our service members confirm or deny?
Email title: SYRIA WARNING
Dear Member of the United States Armed Forces,
Certain elements are calling for an attack on Syria on the grounds of suspected chemical weapons use. The reality is that the state-sponsored terror campaign against Assad’s government has not yielded the results that these elements have hoped for and they now seek direct military intervention to reach these goals. The supposed chemical weapon attack is merely a pretext to justify this intervention. There is a possibility that you are going to be involved in a military campaign against Syria and possibly Iran.
The overwhelming majority of American people strongly disagree with the idea of going to war with Syria and/or Iran. Unfortunately, this issue is not being put to a popular vote. In fact, it appears that the President is seeking to launch this campaign without the approval of Congress. It is clear that this administration is willing to act contrary to the wishes of the American People.
In this campaign, you would be working together with and supporting Al-Qaeda affiliated groups, because these are the groups that represent the opposition to Assad in Syria. Whether or not you will be personally involved in this campaign, now is the time to voice your concerns about going to war with Syria and/or Iran, if you see anything at all wrong with this situation. You are in a position where you are likely going to have to choose between going against the wishes of the government or going against the wishes of the People.
Expect Us,
Second Email from Anonymous to the U.S. Military « Golden Age of Gaia

Comments per IMF & WF



09/05/2013 2:37pm
What is a prosperity package???
09/05/2013 2:39pm
K R B states that IMF is about to pull this from WF, which will cost them much; one must assume than, that WF is th problem. From what I've read, this makes no sense.
09/05/2013 2:50pm
Sailsman how can IMF be PIS_ed when the intel today was the reason it didn't go last night was their was a glitch with the IMF? Which one is it? Does not compute!
09/05/2013 3:17pm
Wells Fargo is not going to hold things up if it means losing billions. This is much too big for WF to be the problem