Monday, September 9, 2013

US Covered-Up for Decades the Largest Use of Biological & Chemical Weapons in History

US Covered-Up for Decades the Largest Use of Biological & Chemical Weapons in History
Posted By: esu333
Date: Monday, 9-Sep-2013 00:36:38
By: Jeff Kaye Sunday September 8, 2013 7:00 pm

There are many reasons why one should oppose the military action against Syria being planned by the Obama administration. But given that the action is being trumpeted as a righteous response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, there is one reason to oppose the U.S. action that carries with it more than the usual amount of painful irony.
It is difficult to know how to introduce this subject, as it is so dark and evil, and the U.S. population has been lied to for so long about it, that I fear the initial reaction very likely can only be shock and denial. And yet, the crimes to which I am about to refer are quite well documented, and were themselves the focus of a Congressional bill in 2000 directing the National Archives to specially search for and release the relevant documentation. The deaths involved are said to approach half-a-million souls, and the injuries of many are still ongoing.
Kept “Top Secret” in “Intelligence Channels”
Here, in summary, are the primary facts. As you read this, remember that the U.S. government not only amnestied those involved in the following war crimes, but paid them for the information they could provide, and in some cases hired them. The decision was made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the State Department, and possibly the new CIA and the new president, Truman. The idea for the deal was prompted by General Douglas MacArthur, military doctors at Ft. Detrick, and officials in the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service. It was famously decided that all that you are about to read now would be kept as “top secret,” not to be released outside “intelligence channels.” And it wasn’t… for about 35 years.
From the time the Japanese Imperial Army occupied Manchuria (in the early 1930s) until the end of World War II, its special Unit 731, and dozens of associated units, engaged in wide-scale lethal experiments on biological and chemical warfare, including the use of poisons for assassination purposes and the wide-scale use of herbicides. These experiments were conducted on thousands of prisoners, estimates ranging from 3000 to 20,000 POWs and civilian prisoners. The exact number may never be known.
Many of these prisoners were experimented upon without anaesthesia and by way of vivisection. The prisoners at the central Unit 731 facility at Pingfan in Manchuria were incinerated in crematoria after the military doctors were done with them. As I recently was able to derive by research into Soviet documents, some of the prisoners — called “marutas” or “logs” by Japanese researchers and military officials – sent for lethal experimentation by Unit 731, Unit 100, and like facilities were military or intelligence agency prisoners who could not be trusted to remain silent about the torture they had received from Japanese interrogators.
As did the Nazis, Japanese researchers conducted experiments on malaria, syphilis, and on freezing. (Japanese and German collaboration on these programs was likely closer than previously thought.) Male prisoners were forced to rape female prisoners in order to inoculate them with venereal disease. Other prisoners were forced to stay outside in sub-zero temperatures, as part of Japanese military frostbite experiments. Some prisoners were tied to stakes and had munitions loaded with bacteria exploded nearby them, the shrapnel embedding itself in their exposed skin. Other prisoners were tricked into taking food or medications that had cyanide, hallucinogenic substances, and opiates.
Though the US government specifically denies it, some of the prisoners were also US POWs held at Japan’s Mukden POW camp, and possibly other camps as well. (An academic book on the subject was published by Naval Institute Press a few years ago.)
Large-scale Use of Biological Weapons in War Was Covered-Up
But the experiments were only part of the crimes, as the Imperial Army implemented the use of the bacteriological weapons against the Chinese and Soviets during World War II, killing, according to recent estimates, somewhere between a quarter and half-a-million people with plague, typhoid, and other diseases, and leaving others injured for life. Japan bombed cities with specially constructed bacterial bombs, as part of a plan that included well-poisonings, the release of infected rats and fleas (bred specially for the purpose), and other forms of mass inoculations.
After World War II and the blanket amnesty for all the BW researchers, who were led by Kwantung Army Lt. General Shiro Ishii, British and Canadian researchers have alleged that some of the Japanese personnel were utilized in a campaign of biological warfare by the United States during the Korean War. The issue is still hotly debated today, and the U.S. still keeps secret today many documents related to that war.
The crimes of Unit 731 and assorted entities, the U.S. amnesty of those involved, and collaboration with Ishii and others in collecting the “scientific” information taken from the murder of thousands, would have remained secret forever, had it not been for the conscience of a few of those Japanese scientists and technicians involved who came forward to talk to Japanese researchers in the mid-1970s. In America, the revelations were due to the tireless work of journalist John W. Powell, who used FOIA extensively to document the case of the U.S. cover-up, publishing in 1981. Even so, the subject has never entirely entered the mainstream of U.S. consciousness.
Japan’s Use of Chemical Weapons in China
The crimes of the Japanese Imperial Army were not limited to bacteriological weapons. They also used chemical weapons extensively in China from 1937 until 1945, according to declassified US records. But you won’t read much about that in any secondary sources, as the records on this were scooped up by the Americans and Soviets, and the event practically written out of history. None of the Japanese military hierarchy tried after the war for war crimes were charged with use of chemical or bacteriological weapons. Those involved were protected by the U.S. military and amnestied for any crimes. The knowledge of the weaponry involved, including that derived through lethal experiments, was sent to Ft. Detrick, the CIA, and other “intelligence channels.”
If anything, the size of the chemical war and the damages and fatalities wrought thereby are even more secret today than Japan’s biological weapons program.
The scope of the chemical war unleashed in China can be ascertained by the damage left afterward. According to Nationalist Chinese sources in Taipei, approximately 700,000 chemical munitions were left abandoned in China after World War II. The Chinese government says that approximately 2,000 people still die each year from encounters with such ordinance. An ongoing clean-up of the chemical mess, in part paid for by Japan, is still ongoing in 2013.
When recently, for a longer article I am writing relating to this subject, I asked DoD for official response to these issues, the DoD spokesperson referred me to Ft. Detrick’s public affairs office. The official at Ft. Detrick said they had no knowledge of these events and could not comment, all relevant material having been sent to the National Archives years ago. Meanwhile, a former official at Ft. Detrick confirmed to me a statement that he made to historian Sheldon Harris in 1999 concerning the destruction of records on Unit 731 at Ft. Detrick occurring as late as 1998. I’ll have more to say about that in the future, but meanwhile those interested can pursue the matter at this link from the Congressional Record.
U.S. Record Makes It Impossible to Trust Their Statements on Chemical or Biological Warfare Dangers
The final point concerns the relevancy of the material above with the aims of the U.S. government to bomb Syria for the purported use of chemical weapons. The argument is simple. The actions of the U.S. government for decades on the matter of biological and chemical weapons demonstrate that it cannot be trusted on this matter. The government was intimately involved with cover-ups on the use of these weapons. Their cover-up is likely still ongoing.
Recently, the Washington Post published an article by Joby Warrick on possible dangers from Syrian use of biological weaponry. The story is specious on its own account, but it is also telling that Warrick never refers to any of the facts I’ve related above about the U.S. history with Unit 731.
Furthermore, as awful as the material involved here is, it must be assessed in the context of other U.S. criminal activities associated with biological and chemical warfare, from the lies told about WMD, leading to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, to experiments done on U.S. citizens, to the facilitation of chemical weapon attacks by other countries, e.g., Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
Certainly, the videos released on the Internet, most lately with the imprimatur of Congressional Intelligence committees, contain scenes of ghastly deaths that are frightening to watch. The constant bombardment of propaganda from media and government sources, not least supposed “liberal” or “progressive” politicians, is meant to achieve a sense of urgency and fear in the population that will allow at the least acquiescence towards the military’s new war actions in the Middle East.
I hope that bringing up the history of the United States in relation to the largest operational use of biological and chemical weapons in history will give pause to those who are otherwise credulous of U.S. intentions. The record is clear: the U.S. has lied and covered-up when it comes to biological and chemical weapons, and government sources cannot be trusted, certainly not when the bulk of their information is kept secret from the public.

Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding – Why?

New post on 2012 The Big Picture

Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding – Why?

This is an interesting story. It sounds like it's an obligation to tell us what's going on in case there is a danger to Americans, but I put this forward for consideration.
Is it not possible that these people are going into hiding where they feel they can attempt a standoff when civil authorities come to arrest them at the time of The Event?
These minions have no "head" now. The beings who controlled them and gave them their orders have been removed and the remaining Illuminati recruits are running around like insects hoarding food, water and weapons out of instinct, waiting for the moment of truth. They have a momentum and can't surrender, so they do the only thing they CAN do---run!
It's no good hiding, because the Galactics can see everything that everyone on the planet is doing, thinking and saying. They can't hide.
We know many of the DUMBS (deep underground military bunkers) have been destroyed. All the negative timelines have been eliminated and only the positive one---for Humanity---remains, and the cabal is well aware of this.
The only cataclysmic events coming are for the Illuminati. Their reign of terror is over.
Yes, the game is up and they're going to pay for what they did, the cowards!
Still, it's intriguing to watch the antics of the bugs before they're crushed. Adios, amigos!  ~ BP

Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding – Why?

In my role as a talk show host, I have been approached by individuals who claim to have “insider information” about what is coming, and according to these individuals, what is coming is very bad. Most credible sources demand complete anonymity. As a result, I have found myself in a position to try and evaluate whether to write about and broadcast some very controversial information.
Sometimes, my insider information turns out to be stunningly accurate as evidenced by the Chris Stevens murder story which was spot on. My information on the Aurora Batman shootings has also proven to be very accurate.
There is a risk in using unnamed sources. Simply, they could be wrong, they could be disinformation agents or they might just be crazy as they are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. It takes a degree of courage to air information derived from confidential sources. Therefore, I want to thank Doug Hagmann for daring to publish his dire warnings which come from an inside source at DHS. I have subsequently decided to reveal what I know as well.
The decision to air these warnings will undoubtedly encourage others to come forward. Hopefully, so many “insiders” will come forward that it will become impossible to hide what it is coming from those who are actively seeking answers. To the general public, it does not matter what they’re told for they will still believe that the government will take care of them, CNN truthfully reports the news and Santa Claus exists. As a result, these fools will never know what hit them.
Although the Hagmann warnings differ somewhat from my sources, there are some common threads. One area that Hagmann’s source did not focus on is the dropping out of sight by ex-federal officials and prominent figures on Wall Street. and that is the remaining focus of this article.
The Marrs Observation
In a December 9, 2012 interview on The Common Sense Show, Jim Marrs discussed how approximately 400-500 top level bankers have left their positions and have gone into seclusion. Marrs reminded my listening audience of how the elite have developed seed vaults for which they only have access to. Marrs was clearly alluding to the fact that some very bad events are coming and the global elite are aware of it and are moving to meet the threat. My insider sources inform me that the same thing is happening in various federal organizations who have recently retired from the CIA, DHS, NSA and FEMA. This fact is indisputable. I have firsthand knowledge of three ex-fed officials and their families who have relocated to safety enclaves when doing so was very disruptive to their respective family’s lives. Increasingly, it is looking like some major event(s) is/are coming and persons with insider information are attempting to remove themselves from harm’s way.
Massive Retirements From The Alphabet Soup Agencies
When government officials, from the various alphabet soup agencies, retire en masse, it is not necessarily a noteworthy event. However, when the same officials retire en masse and then relocate to form their own survivalist enclaves, then this is something that we should all sit up and take notice of especially when we are seeing the same behavior on the part of Wall Street executives.
In my dealings with purported alphabet soup agency informants, I have been receiving some very dire warnings in terms of what lies ahead for America. Given the above facts, it should be understandable why I found the recent Hagmann interview with Rosebud to be a little bit more than interesting. I have had conversations with two insiders and a relative of another insider who tell similar stories of a coming series of apocalyptic events. Much of the Hagmann information, to a large extent, corresponds to the information I’ve received except for the fact that many ex-feds are forming self-sustaining communities.
Therefore, this installment will strictly deal with the fact that officials from the NSA, CIA, DHS and FEMA are retiring/early retiring and going into seclusion with their former comrades in arms.
DHS and CIA Relocations
It is a matter of official agency policy that some current DHS and CIA officials and their families will be provided safe sanctuary in various strategic locations in Colorado in times of trouble. Most people in the know are aware of the underground facilities which lies below the Denver International Airport which has an underground connected railway to the Cheyenne Mountain NORAD/Fort Carson/Peterson Air Force Base underground facilities. The structures are part of the Continuity of Government program developed by the United States government in the early days of the Cold War.
However, these facilities are increasingly becoming the planned refuge for many of the global elite residing within the United States when all hell breaks loose. In September 2011, the evacuation of the elite to this safe hideaway was rehearsed in the DHS exercise known as Operation Mountain Guardian in which the Denver airport was shut down to commercial air travel except for specific, undesignated planes which were allowed to land in preparation for some staged catastrophe. This aforementioned event is not newsworthy because it has been reported in the mainstream. However, where this even becomes noteworthy to the public is because it is not coincidental that the CIA has relocated its major data collection facilities to underground structures in the Denver International Airport.
The implications for residents living in or near the Washington DC Metropolitan area should be clear. The planned obsolescence for the nation’s capital is becoming increasingly apparent. If I were you and I lived in this area, I would be looking for a new place to live in the very near future. The previous information is what is publicly available. The following information has not been disseminated but is highly relevant to what lies ahead.
Ex-CIA and DHS Relocations
Parallel to the Colorado being prepared to become the new capital, it is highly relevant to note that retired officials from the DHS and the CIA, who are not part of the privileged elite but who know what is coming, have developed their own enclaves in the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver and Colorado Springs. As it has been described to me that these facilities are a poor man’s imitation of the Denver International Airport facilities. The structures are largely natural, but are very well equipped and the resources include a self-contained air supply. My source for this information is a former DHS insider. This is the same insider who revealed to me in mid-2008 of a rift between the old guard of the New World Order and the up and coming new wealth of the same group. His information at that time proved to highly credible then and I believe that this is credible as well.
prgrsvimg Relocations
Recently, retired officials from the NSA have relocated to an area in the Ozarks where they have access to underground safety zone which have/are being transformed into mini-villages of self-sustainable protection. Their properties consist typically of 5 to 10 acres for each family, contains a portable water supply, residents are armed to the teeth, have alternative communications that are not reliant on the grid and have years of stored food. My source is an individual who retired from the NSA almost two years ago. His decision to participate in the relocation was triggered by the impending re-election of President Obama which he said will hasten the onslaught of what is to come because Obama’s administration fully embraces the destruction of America.
Ex-FEMA Relocations
Recently retired officials from FEMA are relocating to mountainous areas in North Carolina. Their enclave contains the same resources involving air, water, food and guns. These enclaves also include underground structures which are sensibly self-contained and can serve to isolate the inhabitants from the outside. I have two sources on this information which includes a family member and a retired FEMA official who has chosen not to participate in this relocation. The nonparticipant ex-official from FEMA did not seek sanctuary with these groups because he feels that several of these enclaves will be targeted for destruction by the powers that be because of the knowledge contained by the inhabitants in this case of “dead men tell no tales.” This makes sense because it would allow the elite, following the coming cataclysms, to rewrite history in their own version without any contradiction from knowledgeable individuals that know what really has gone on. This insider knowledge is a threat would serve as an obstacle to the new truth. Personally, I think this view has a great deal of merit.
I fully realize that unnamed sources don’t carry as much credibility as documented sources. However, as similar stories make their way into the national discussion, it might be wise to take a closer look. I don’t ask that the facts presented here be taken at face value; I encourage everyone to do their own research and if you find credibility to the claims made in the following parts in this series, it would be prudent to take the proper precautions.
What is coming, you ask? That will be the topic of part two.
Watch Jesse Ventura’s documentary on The Ozarks.

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EFF Victory Results In Release Of Secret Court Opinion Finding NSA Surveillance Unconstitutional

EFF Victory Results In Release Of Secret Court Opinion Finding NSA Surveillance Unconstitutional

August 22, 2013
For over a year, EFF has been fighting the government in federal court to force the public release of an 86-page opinion of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). Issued in October 2011, the secret court’s opinion found that surveillance conducted by the NSA under the FISA Amendments Act was unconstitutional and violated “the spirit of” federal law.
Today, EFF can declare victory: a federal court ordered the government to release records in our litigation, the government has indicated it intends to release the opinion today, and ODNI has called a 3:00 ET press conference to discuss “issues” with FISA Amendments Act surveillance, which we assume will include a discussion of the opinion.
It remains to be seen how much of the opinion the government will actually make available to the public. President Obama has repeatedly said he welcomes a debate on the NSA’s surveillance: disclosing this opinion—and releasing enough of it so that citizens and advocates can intelligently debate the constitutional violation that occurred—is a critical step in ensuring that an informed debate takes place.
Here are examples of documents previously released by the administration in response to our Freedom of Information Act request. Anything even resembling those “releases” would be utterly unacceptable today. But we’ve come a long way since then—it took filing a lawsuit;litigating (and winning) in the FISC itself; the unprecedented public release of information about NSA surveillance activities; and our continuing efforts to push the government in the district court for release of the opinion.
Release of the opinion today is just one step in advancing a public debate on the scope and legality of the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs. EFF will keep fighting until the NSA’s domestic surveillance program is reined in, federal surveillance laws are amended to prevent these kinds of abuse from happening in the future, and government officials are held accountable for their actions.
Compueter Surveillance image via

Is The New $100 Bill Cursed?

Is The New $100 Bill Cursed?

Posted: 1:49 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2013

The American $100 bill is arguably the most important and most used bill on the planet. Hundreds make up about 75% of the value of all cash that’s currently in circulation, and they’re incredibly popular overseas as a hedge against fluctuating local currencies. This popularity has led to widespread efforts to counterfeit what has become the gold standard of American currency. That’s why about 10 years ago, the process to redesign the bill began, with the goal of making it much harder to counterfeit.

100 dollars
And the new Benjamin does have some state-of-the-art anti-counterfeiting technology, including tiny 3-D images that move when you move the bill, a hidden message on Ben Franklin’s collar and a Liberty Bell that changes color from copper to green when you tilt the bill. Security experts agree that the new note will be much harder to counterfeit… so difficult that the government itself is having trouble printing it.
Back in 2010, when the new bill was due to roll out, inspectors at the Federal Reserve found that a number of the new notes had creasing that created a blank sliver of space on the front and back of the note. The entire shipment was sent back to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), along with a scathing report that blamed the BEP for not performing “necessary and required testing to resolve technical problems before starting production of the NexGen $100 note.” It was back to the drawing board for the BEP.
Fast-forward to 2013. The new $100 notes are due to come out in October, but there’s been another problem. This time, the issue is “mashing,” which means that too much ink has been applied to the paper, causing the lines to blur. Just how this happened is a question that hasn’t been resolved, but the fact is that the Federal Reserve just sent another thirty million $100 notes back to the BEP, this time with a directive that no bills from the BEP’s Washington, D.C., facility will be accepted until further notice.
That leaves the Fort Worth plant to produce the entire run of $100 bills before the October 8th deadline, which is quite a tall order indeed. The BEP says that the shipment of new notes will be delivered before the deadline, but with all the miscues so far, there are probably a few people over at the Fed wondering whether their new $100 bill might just be cursed.
Want to learn more about American currency or foreign currency, including rare coins, gold coins and silver coins? Visit the experts at West Seattle Coins and Bellevue Rare Coins in West Seattle, Bellevue and Lynnwood.

Latest NSA Revelations Could Help Pending Lawsuits

Latest NSA Revelations Could Help Pending Lawsuits

Declassified secret U.S. court documents showing the National Security Agency (NSA) violated the Constitution in collecting the Internet communications of Americans could help lawsuits challenging the government surveillance

By Antone Gonsalves
Thu, August 22, 2013

CSO — Declassified secret U.S. court documents showing the National Security Agency (NSA) violated the Constitution in collecting the Internet communications of Americans could help lawsuits challenging the government surveillance.
On Wednesday, the Obama administration released three opinions issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. One of the opinions, an October 2011 ruling written by federal judge John Bates, found that parts of the NSA surveillance program were unconstitutional and had to be changed.
In addition, Bates wrote that the NSA had misrepresented its surveillance efforts to the court at least three times from 2008 to 2011. During that time, the agency had been collecting domestic data amounting to 58,000 communications a year. The information included emails and other Internet activity.
The remaining opinions dealt with steps the NSA took to purge information it shouldn't have collected and to narrow data gathering from what it called "upstream" communications, which involved tapping into the Internet from sources outside service providers and telecommunication companies. The court later ruled the modifications made the surveillance program legal and said it could continue.
At least three major lawsuits have been filed against the NSA by civil rights advocates challenging the constitutionality of the agency's massive Internet surveillance program, which is meant to catch communications between terrorists in and outside the U.S. The NSA is barred from intercepting domestic communications.
Kurt Opsahl, senior staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a plaintiff in one of the suits, said the newly released FISC documents should help. EFF sued the NSA in 2008.
In such cases, the government often refuses to release information about classified programs, arguing that they are protected under laws allowing for the withholding of data on the grounds of national security.
In the EFF case, the federal courts had ruled against the government's arguments for withholding information, but an appeal was always possible, Opsahl said. "If they did appeal, however, they would be dealing with a new situation on the ground, which is that so much has been declassified," he said.
The latest documents also show that oversight of the NSA program has failed, Opsahl said. The FISC acknowledged that NSA misled it for three years. "These oversight mechanisms are not able to provide the proper oversight," he said.
Opsahl's opinion was echoed by the American Civil Liberties Union, which said the documents provided "further evidence that current oversight mechanisms are far too feeble."
"This kind of surveillance is unconstitutional, and Americans should make it very clear to their representatives that they will not tolerate it," Jameel Jaffer, the ACLU's deputy legal director, said in a statement. The ACLU is also suing the NSA.
The new disclosures are expected to add to Americans' growing concern that their civil liberties are being trampled. In July, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found 70 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of Republicans believed NSA surveillance programs intruded on their privacy rights.
Numerous reform bills have been introduced in Congress, and at least one expert believes the latest revelations will add to Americans' concerns, which over time could grow enough to pressure congressional action.
Peter Ludlow, a professor at Northwestern University who has written extensively about U.S. intelligence work, said, "As the revelations come out, you see people's thinking about this shifting, and people are coming to understand slowly but surely that something deeply wrong is happening with the NSA."


Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Sep-2013 15:52:51
Dead Man Blinking – The Syria Fake-Out
Vatic Note: This is reminiscient of the Boston Bombing, the Sandy Hook fiasco, etc. I believe now, that all terrorist attacks done world wide are done by Israel. Why do I say that? Because every single one so far, has ended up being something other than what they said it was. And they all look the same, end the same and have the same players in it, DHS doing drills during every single one of them in the same place, at the same time the attack is happening, so for me, if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and flies like a duck, THEN ITS A DAMN DUCK.
I say Israel because of the involvement of Homeland Security and Israel controls homeland security through ADL and the SPLC. Further, the neocons and neolibs gave themselves away when they started talking like people from a oligarchy instead of a democratic republic like we are. Everything they do looks exactly like their other blatant indicators of insanity, put together with all this, then for me, its no doubt its Israel. Rothschild runs Israel and he also controls Britain, Canada, Australia, and now the USA. Well, that little run of tyranny is almost over.
I have placed other VN: below in the body of the article. I have also put this video up to provide the big picture when it comes to the prolific number of false flags, lies, and no conscience for the elite when it comes to stressing out the general public, or maybe I should say "the cattle" since us Goyim are the cattle assets. WHEN we get out from under this, we must make sure NO ELITE CAN EVER ACCUMULATE THIS KIND OF POWER EVER AGAIN. They are the most useless feeders on the planet, and they only thing they know how to create is crime, thieving, raping, pillaging and mass murdering. I wonder how they would respond if the tables were turned? Hmmm, just a thought.



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Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Sep-2013 15:45:45
Sardar : Death Squads, The Salvador Option And The Indian Intelligence Agencies
Vatic Note: Sometimes, when we are totally absorbed in what is going on around us, we lose perspective. That is when its time to look around us and see what is happening elsewhere and that act can deeply change our perspective. This is just such a case. Pay close attention to the description of the Salvador Option since its an intentional mechanism being used by the insane ones to manipulate whole populations, and you know as I do, that when something works one place, we eventually see it being used here in the US.... so lets pay very close attention.
This massive satanic undertaking by the evil ones is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a serious global genocidal effort. They are serious about wiping anyone with an ounce of humanity, compassion, love, caring, off the face of the earth. And I believe they are behind in their timeline and that will make them even more crazy. We better understand that and soon.
I received this from a very good friend in England who has been a faithful reader of our blog for a long time now and he wanted us to know what is going on in India because the British are very heavily overlaid in that country. It also has a long history of the upper caste and the intel agencies, with the Zionists in Israel. So, I realized we are not the only ones in this battle and in some cases we are the lucky ones since we do not suffer near as bad as others have suffered, as this article will most definitely prove.
There is a long history in India of all of this below, and in part India lost Pakistan because they did much of the same horrors to the muslims that the Hindus are now doing to the Sikhs. Pakistan broke away and India has brokered a deal with the west, to bring Pakistan back under India in exchange for Indias' cooperation in this globalizing effort. I come from Wisconsin, and there is a vibrant community of Sikh's living there and I can attest to the gentile nature of these people as a community and as a religion.
This is a fascinating read and I will be putting more up on their plight in India so the rest of the world can take a look, and see just how very big this effort to bring down the globe really is. By the same token, we have grown in numbers of awakenings, that can not only match the insane ones actions, but also counter it by shear numbers with no geographic restrictions. We can do it everywhere on the planet that the Rothschild international bankers are present.. That is one good thing that has come out of bad.
All its going to take is for billions of us to say "OK, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Fear and Hate Palpable as Final Cabal Take-Down Continues

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Fear and Hate Palpable as Final Cabal Take-Down Continues
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 9-Sep-2013 09:27:50

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

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Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the Washington politicians enough rope to hang themselves with since it is helping prepare public opinion for mass cabal arrests.
As always though, the cabalists do not plan to vanish quietly into the night and are still hoping to use nuclear terror to star World War 3. In Asia, for example, cabal stooge UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon, together with envoys from cabal puppet Barack Obama, have been busy trying to convince North Korea to stage some sort of provocation but, the North Koreans are having no part of it, according to Chinese government sources.
Ban Ki Moon is the person who tried to bribe the dragon family with $100 million during the 2009 Chiasso incident in order to prevent them from cashing $134.5 billion worth of gold backed bonds they owned. Moon and fellow cabalists also put out lies that the bonds were fake and have been doing everything in their power since that time to keep their control of the money creation process out of the hands of the legitimate owners of historical global assets. Now that the dragons are making a new move,
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Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

 I'm aware that vaccines are developed with the target disease agent to fight
the target disease, but this deed is purely diabolical.

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys