TNT Tony Mon.CC Recorded Link with Notes by FlPatriot59
at I4U
(Note: Recaps will also post the TNT
Notes Per Request as soon as they are available)
REPLAY 805-399-1500 409029#
Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U:
T = TONY | C = Caller Please stand by for call....
TONY - Good morning, TNTDinar! We're going to use every second of this 2 1/2 hours for today! You had an intereesting weekend and I have to be perfectly honest: I answered part of what you were concerend with and I watched football!
Read More Link on Right
REPLAY 805-399-1500 409029#
Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U:
T = TONY | C = Caller Please stand by for call....
TONY - Good morning, TNTDinar! We're going to use every second of this 2 1/2 hours for today! You had an intereesting weekend and I have to be perfectly honest: I answered part of what you were concerend with and I watched football!
Read More Link on Right
T - the good thing is that we do
have news about the RV, where we are in the process and I want to give that to
you. This morning we had over 16K people on the site, plus other sites
connected to our site. Out of all those people everybody is not going to agree.
But we can agree the purpose of the site is RV-related information.
T - you want to know when you're going to get paid! But it's an inter-twining thing and people are bringing in other info and other subject, which is not what we're about.
T - I don't rely on one source for info. There are other sites. Go to them and see what they put out. Do your own research and make your own decisions.
T - I see a bunch of peeps who've been on our site and then they try to get you to sign up for their interests. They put up a site and a "donate button". But they seem to just cut/paste our info.
T - the biggest thing over the weekend is that you got diverted away from RV news because Mtn Goat put up a post and many of you complained about. I saw it, my daughter called me, my wife told me about it, Pam called me. It became so controversial you stopped talking about the RV.
T - It disrupted the entire board. We are here for the RV - not PP, trust funds, conspiracy theories, opinions about changing our gov't, etc. I personally like Mtn Goat's post, when she started it was info about the RV that I couldn't say. This phone call is being broadcast to USA. This site is owned by an American. What she's talking about isn't new to me. I fully understand what our gov't has done for the last 20-30 years. You're not telling me anything new.
T - But when the call goes from RV to Gov't situations, to what you should be doing against your gov't , that's crossing the line with me. Whatever our Gov't has done has been to make us the best country in the world. They have done some bad things, but they were to protect you and me. Who's going to do the things to protect you and your children?
T - here's the good thing: she has her own site and you can go there and read all she posts. And you can come here for RV-related things: the best of both worlds. I want to be aware of the conversation but I don't want it changed here from RV-related to anti-gov't stuff. I like the info and Mtn Goat definitely has connections.
T - what we're doing has never happened in dinarland before: 16K people in 2 months. And now there are other groups popping up and they're coming here trying to sign up our people. They can get their own members elsewhere. I got info that a new group started but their telling me I have to negotiate my own deal. What's the point of that?
T - the rates are on the screens and are double-digits. Call center people are there. Cash-out people are not, but they can be called in within 30 minutes. There were there Friday and all on stand-by yesterday. The reality is that the system itself is ready. The problem is what you're seeing on TV: part of the Syria debate, then not part of it. This weekend, again, it became part of it. As we go on you'll realize I don't know how it cannot be part of it. If the RV happens before anything in Syria then we have a timeframe. If Syria happens and escalates before the RV, then the whole region becomes involved. That would affect prices for oil/exports.
T - If it doesn't happen it's being used to get other stuff. How far can we go with this? If could change on a dime. Over the entire weekend it was being used. As of late yesterday evening, the pressure was on NOT to let it be used as a political football. What we've waited on for 10 years is the system and it's now in place.
T - In Iraq, over the weekend the national media had meetings and they're saying it must be done immediately. We weren't hearing about HCL/Amnesty, etc. Yesterday they started having more meetings, Turki resigned from the CBI. The question is what is the new guy going to do?
T - Barzani agreed to pay his people $1,000 USD per month as part of the HCL starting now. So there's a whole of stuff happening out there.
T - I was in the military and I am a USA citizen. This is my country. What I'm not going to do is get involved in the middle of a political situation. With that said, we're told that the RV is being held up. Syria is one of Russia's biggest partners. If Russia is having import/export issues with Syria, it hurts their economy. China wants to do this now, but not if it's going to hurt Russia or their partner. So they say "let's make agreements so that we're not hurt afterwards."
T - the $600T went out last week. It's not sitting in WF right now. It has been distributed to multiple countries in gold/bonds/certificates.
T - any drop-dead dates? Not really, but I know they have some goal-dates setup for this week, next week, this month. I know we don't want to hear it but it depends on what they decide on what happens with Syria. It has nothing to do with Iraq. They're still removing USD there. They're making announcements, re: banks stop accepting USD this week. They have heard something, i.e, the plan. I've heard 3 dates: 1st date is tomorrow (9/10). 2nd date not to far off from that.
T - the US will NOT bomb Syria on 9/11. I guarantee you it won't happen.
C - what are your recommendations on how many banks we should use at CE? T - I am probably going to have my $ in all 4 banks. I want to be well-diversified so it will grow. I'm not concerned with any of them crashing, like some think.
C - should we open an account at CE or before? A - if you're CE at the bank you can do that when you're there. Even if you open one, make sure it's zeroed down before you put any IQD in it. You must keep the IQD currency separate from ALL currency in case it's taxed differently at the end of the year.
C - do you recommend going with a group? T - We'll be putting out the rates right after RV so you'll be able to get the best rates. Your best advantage is to go in with your own group so you're under control.
C - can you comment on the "1st Class" people cashing out over the weekend? T - we've heard that all week and so many times before. We're still waiting for them to get paid. But when the first one gets paid we will get paid, IMO. They are no groups going ahead of us - we're all waiting on the RV. They are no different from us.
C - Would we be able to go to Iraq and CE at 3.44? T - absolutely not.
C - could we go to the Cayman Islands and CE? T - you could after it RVs. Once it becomes international (RV) you should be able to go to any country to cash out. But if you're not a citizen of that country I don't know. You need to look at the laws of that country.
C - what % of when the RV will happen? By the end of this month? T - there is a lot of pressure for it to happen tomorrow so I'm not looking at those other 2 dates, even tho they are in this month.
C - It could still end up today or tomorrow, but you need to know that what you're seeing in the news isn't the whole story. Lots going on in the background that I can't explain to you.
T - investment question: what do you recommend for newbies like me who've never had anything to invest? T - if you're new to investing, you'll lose some money. So make it the least amount you can. That's part of the learning process. This is nothing against manager, investors, etc. They're doing a job to support their families. They need as many transactions as possible and they play the percentage game. 70% good but 30% loss means they still get paid.
[Discussion about investing, IPOs, etc. not pertinent to the actual RV - not transcribing.
C - you mentioned tomorrow, so can you mention the other 2 dates? T - no, you heard me also say that I would not give you those other dates.
C - did you hear about the Indonesian Rupiah revalueing? T - I saw an article that stated they did raise the value but it was not a global reset.
C - are we on the high rates or low rates? T - the longer this goes out the higher the rates they need. If the IMF wants it now, but the UST wants the higher rate, why not now? It's the impact on the other countries that matters as well.
C - Question about international CE, i.e., Australia. Can't get thru Customs with IQD. T - don't know what the rate there is showing. Look at the rate for the KWD and compare. The USA will have a ridiculously high opening rate but it will come down to normal rate.
C -Question about PP and bond payments. T - The bond payments are real because I did get a copy of the check. Payments to farmers was paid years ago. One family got more than another, so a law suit was filed. They're still talking about black famers lawsuits over 50 years old. No their waying the PPs won't be paid until 30 days after the RV, when they used to say they had to be paid before the RV.
C - is the administration holding out the RV to raise the debt ceiling? T - yes.
C - Do we need the RV before going to war? T - no. 3 ME countries said they would pay for it and double the payment if we go to war.
Q - is was stated that we came within minutes of the RV. A - yes, we came within minutes of codes being input. I can't go into anymore detail.
Q - if using WF to CE and they require retention amount, who has control of the money? A - read the documents. If there was nothing to be concerned about those guys putting those deals together would have those docs so you could have your attorney review them beforehand. I don't know what the exact docs say, but look into it.
Q - Do you think the Nesara and Republic talk on the boards is holding up the RV? A - I don't think it has anything to do with it. If we're 40,000 out of 250M people, I doubt it's going to affect anything. These things don't happen overnight anyway. Americans don't let 1 group who we don't even know about
NOTE: The above were Q&A from the chat room.
NOW RESUMING LIVE Q& A.....decide for the rest of the country.
T - Tony & TNT Dinar is about respect for everyone regardless of race/creed/religion/color/etc....
T - I think you should know everything and go read mtn goats's post and how it affects you...which parts are dinar related and which parts politics and conspiracy theory.
C - if they vote either to attack or not, the debt ceiling question is still on the table. T - I don't think the debt ceiling will be an issue either way. This is a global event. The pressure has been on because they knew how bad it would be if it got to this point with Syria. They new this 30 days ago and was being discussed.
C - if they vote either to attack or not, the debt ceiling question is still on the table. T - I don't think the debt ceiling will be an issue either way. This is a global event. The pressure has been on because they knew how bad it would be if it got to this point with Syria. They new this 30 days ago and was being discussed.
C - if this is a GCR issues, why didn't the G-20 nations get more behind this sooner? T - It began as an issue that didn't involve the sarin gas issue. That just moved it to the forefront.
C - will we know by tomorrow whether or not we're going to war? T - you'll definitely know by Friday. Watch the news. Russia just put a proposal on the table and Syria accepted, but not sure it's enough.
C - will Turki's resignation affect the RV? T - no, as far as Iraq is concerned, the RV is out of their hands. They are quiet right now, paying their people to keep them calm, loading money on their cards (3 different rates), still want to be the most powerful nation in the ME, etc. Their main concern right now is that as soon as bombs start flying they'll start getting the refugees and can't afford to pay for them if this doesn't happen first.
T - that's what they're talking about now, trying to figure this whole thing out. I'm not telling you what you can't figure out on your own. The problem with relaying the info we know is that we have 16K people here. Some have been with me over 3 years, and many are newbies. When we share info sometimes is scares more people than it helps. We have to be careful in how we deliver the info and how it coordinates with what we see on TV.
C - Was the Syria problem connected with the RV from the beginning? T - Syria was an issue unto itself but it spilled over into the RV.
C - who is paying for this (IQD)? T - Iraq doesn't pay for anything. Each country that exchanges dinar pays for it with their currency. Our country is paying for dinar to use for oil credits with Iraq. It's long-term for our country - 30-year agreement and countries can't cash out anything for the first 6 months post-RV so Iraq can build up their country first.
T - every country exchanges foreign currency for their own currency, except for the exchangers who have agreements with the CBI.
C - 2 years ago we were told by WF that, due to the Patriot Act, if you open an account on the same day as you exchange, you can't access the money for 24 hours. True? T - yes, we've heard that but there could be an exception to that rule because of the type of account and transaction you're doing. The way around it is they can give you cash (up to $10K), cashier's checks, etc. The alternative is to open an account and zero it out before your appointment.
C - Don't the countries and economies, and banks spending money to call in peeps, have a large vested interest in this happening sooner rather later? T - yes, I was told yesterday and this morning that there is an inordinate amount of pressure being applied, even pleading for them to please, please do this. They are all feeling the pressure right now. The only thing to benefit to all of us is peace and a way to work it all out. If something does happen it will take a little bit longer. Until there is a peaceful resolution, the pressure is on countries and economies world-wide.
C - are you feeling tomorrow or sometime this week? Or will it be last minute? T - there is no longer discussion about the system, payout process, etc. That part is all done.
T - I hope new folks are appreciating going thru the process. Our goal is to be respectful to each other and help each other and get to the end of the RV. There others sites for other things. I am not mad about any of it. It's just that this site is for RV stuff. I want you to get it, you need to learn when you are being used.
C - QUESTION ABOUT 501C3 - Caller needs to contact CPA.
C - a couple of weeks ago we heard that 190 had revalued. Whatever happened with that? T - they're still waiting. The VND did go down slightly and others changed a bit. But it wasn't the GCR.
T - they're still waiting. People in DC popped champagne before it went and got disappointed. Last week 3 shifts were called in, including security, part-timers, etc. But we've been close to a decision being made and at the last minute someone calls someone else and tells them to hold it until another issue is resolved. Now, there must be an agreement and/or resolution with Syria - bottom line this is the issue.
C - is the IQD international? T - no, if it was we'd be at the banks cashing in.
C - why is Barzani paying his people in USD if the IQD has revalued in-country? T - we can say technically (on the back boards) that Iraq is international and it's been pushed to the teller screens but an authorization code has not been released. In Iraq they already know the rate (3.44 or 3.68) and are paying a rate equal to $500-$1K USD
T - the POTUS is making a speech tomorrow evening (9PM EDT), Kerry is at the EU trying to get the details worked out. Everything you see on TV is not what's necessarily going on.
C - Who's going to be in charge of the CBI now that Turki is out of the picture and someone has to call it? T - the issue is still with the IMF and UST. China and Russia have influence at the UN and they wanted it done then because they say this was coming (Syria). But we (the USA) was pushing for higher rates, but that is no longer the issue anymore. The question is "is it worth doing now and still pushing for it?
T - Turki submitted his resignation didn't say it was accepted it. No country will put Maliki in power of CBI after all this time of keeping him out of it. They haven't named his successor and until they do he's still in charge of the CBI.
C - all i have are 10K and 25K notes. Are these still solid for CE? T - yes, absolutely.
C - how much of a decline in the USD do you think we can expect? T - I don't see 20-30% as some are saying.
T - you want to know when you're going to get paid! But it's an inter-twining thing and people are bringing in other info and other subject, which is not what we're about.
T - I don't rely on one source for info. There are other sites. Go to them and see what they put out. Do your own research and make your own decisions.
T - I see a bunch of peeps who've been on our site and then they try to get you to sign up for their interests. They put up a site and a "donate button". But they seem to just cut/paste our info.
T - the biggest thing over the weekend is that you got diverted away from RV news because Mtn Goat put up a post and many of you complained about. I saw it, my daughter called me, my wife told me about it, Pam called me. It became so controversial you stopped talking about the RV.
T - It disrupted the entire board. We are here for the RV - not PP, trust funds, conspiracy theories, opinions about changing our gov't, etc. I personally like Mtn Goat's post, when she started it was info about the RV that I couldn't say. This phone call is being broadcast to USA. This site is owned by an American. What she's talking about isn't new to me. I fully understand what our gov't has done for the last 20-30 years. You're not telling me anything new.
T - But when the call goes from RV to Gov't situations, to what you should be doing against your gov't , that's crossing the line with me. Whatever our Gov't has done has been to make us the best country in the world. They have done some bad things, but they were to protect you and me. Who's going to do the things to protect you and your children?
T - here's the good thing: she has her own site and you can go there and read all she posts. And you can come here for RV-related things: the best of both worlds. I want to be aware of the conversation but I don't want it changed here from RV-related to anti-gov't stuff. I like the info and Mtn Goat definitely has connections.
T - what we're doing has never happened in dinarland before: 16K people in 2 months. And now there are other groups popping up and they're coming here trying to sign up our people. They can get their own members elsewhere. I got info that a new group started but their telling me I have to negotiate my own deal. What's the point of that?
T - the rates are on the screens and are double-digits. Call center people are there. Cash-out people are not, but they can be called in within 30 minutes. There were there Friday and all on stand-by yesterday. The reality is that the system itself is ready. The problem is what you're seeing on TV: part of the Syria debate, then not part of it. This weekend, again, it became part of it. As we go on you'll realize I don't know how it cannot be part of it. If the RV happens before anything in Syria then we have a timeframe. If Syria happens and escalates before the RV, then the whole region becomes involved. That would affect prices for oil/exports.
T - If it doesn't happen it's being used to get other stuff. How far can we go with this? If could change on a dime. Over the entire weekend it was being used. As of late yesterday evening, the pressure was on NOT to let it be used as a political football. What we've waited on for 10 years is the system and it's now in place.
T - In Iraq, over the weekend the national media had meetings and they're saying it must be done immediately. We weren't hearing about HCL/Amnesty, etc. Yesterday they started having more meetings, Turki resigned from the CBI. The question is what is the new guy going to do?
T - Barzani agreed to pay his people $1,000 USD per month as part of the HCL starting now. So there's a whole of stuff happening out there.
T - I was in the military and I am a USA citizen. This is my country. What I'm not going to do is get involved in the middle of a political situation. With that said, we're told that the RV is being held up. Syria is one of Russia's biggest partners. If Russia is having import/export issues with Syria, it hurts their economy. China wants to do this now, but not if it's going to hurt Russia or their partner. So they say "let's make agreements so that we're not hurt afterwards."
T - the $600T went out last week. It's not sitting in WF right now. It has been distributed to multiple countries in gold/bonds/certificates.
T - any drop-dead dates? Not really, but I know they have some goal-dates setup for this week, next week, this month. I know we don't want to hear it but it depends on what they decide on what happens with Syria. It has nothing to do with Iraq. They're still removing USD there. They're making announcements, re: banks stop accepting USD this week. They have heard something, i.e, the plan. I've heard 3 dates: 1st date is tomorrow (9/10). 2nd date not to far off from that.
T - the US will NOT bomb Syria on 9/11. I guarantee you it won't happen.
C - what are your recommendations on how many banks we should use at CE? T - I am probably going to have my $ in all 4 banks. I want to be well-diversified so it will grow. I'm not concerned with any of them crashing, like some think.
C - should we open an account at CE or before? A - if you're CE at the bank you can do that when you're there. Even if you open one, make sure it's zeroed down before you put any IQD in it. You must keep the IQD currency separate from ALL currency in case it's taxed differently at the end of the year.
C - do you recommend going with a group? T - We'll be putting out the rates right after RV so you'll be able to get the best rates. Your best advantage is to go in with your own group so you're under control.
C - can you comment on the "1st Class" people cashing out over the weekend? T - we've heard that all week and so many times before. We're still waiting for them to get paid. But when the first one gets paid we will get paid, IMO. They are no groups going ahead of us - we're all waiting on the RV. They are no different from us.
C - Would we be able to go to Iraq and CE at 3.44? T - absolutely not.
C - could we go to the Cayman Islands and CE? T - you could after it RVs. Once it becomes international (RV) you should be able to go to any country to cash out. But if you're not a citizen of that country I don't know. You need to look at the laws of that country.
C - what % of when the RV will happen? By the end of this month? T - there is a lot of pressure for it to happen tomorrow so I'm not looking at those other 2 dates, even tho they are in this month.
C - It could still end up today or tomorrow, but you need to know that what you're seeing in the news isn't the whole story. Lots going on in the background that I can't explain to you.
T - investment question: what do you recommend for newbies like me who've never had anything to invest? T - if you're new to investing, you'll lose some money. So make it the least amount you can. That's part of the learning process. This is nothing against manager, investors, etc. They're doing a job to support their families. They need as many transactions as possible and they play the percentage game. 70% good but 30% loss means they still get paid.
[Discussion about investing, IPOs, etc. not pertinent to the actual RV - not transcribing.
C - you mentioned tomorrow, so can you mention the other 2 dates? T - no, you heard me also say that I would not give you those other dates.
C - did you hear about the Indonesian Rupiah revalueing? T - I saw an article that stated they did raise the value but it was not a global reset.
C - are we on the high rates or low rates? T - the longer this goes out the higher the rates they need. If the IMF wants it now, but the UST wants the higher rate, why not now? It's the impact on the other countries that matters as well.
C - Question about international CE, i.e., Australia. Can't get thru Customs with IQD. T - don't know what the rate there is showing. Look at the rate for the KWD and compare. The USA will have a ridiculously high opening rate but it will come down to normal rate.
C -Question about PP and bond payments. T - The bond payments are real because I did get a copy of the check. Payments to farmers was paid years ago. One family got more than another, so a law suit was filed. They're still talking about black famers lawsuits over 50 years old. No their waying the PPs won't be paid until 30 days after the RV, when they used to say they had to be paid before the RV.
C - is the administration holding out the RV to raise the debt ceiling? T - yes.
C - Do we need the RV before going to war? T - no. 3 ME countries said they would pay for it and double the payment if we go to war.
Q - is was stated that we came within minutes of the RV. A - yes, we came within minutes of codes being input. I can't go into anymore detail.
Q - if using WF to CE and they require retention amount, who has control of the money? A - read the documents. If there was nothing to be concerned about those guys putting those deals together would have those docs so you could have your attorney review them beforehand. I don't know what the exact docs say, but look into it.
Q - Do you think the Nesara and Republic talk on the boards is holding up the RV? A - I don't think it has anything to do with it. If we're 40,000 out of 250M people, I doubt it's going to affect anything. These things don't happen overnight anyway. Americans don't let 1 group who we don't even know about
NOTE: The above were Q&A from the chat room.
NOW RESUMING LIVE Q& A.....decide for the rest of the country.
T - Tony & TNT Dinar is about respect for everyone regardless of race/creed/religion/color/etc....
T - I think you should know everything and go read mtn goats's post and how it affects you...which parts are dinar related and which parts politics and conspiracy theory.
C - if they vote either to attack or not, the debt ceiling question is still on the table. T - I don't think the debt ceiling will be an issue either way. This is a global event. The pressure has been on because they knew how bad it would be if it got to this point with Syria. They new this 30 days ago and was being discussed.
C - if they vote either to attack or not, the debt ceiling question is still on the table. T - I don't think the debt ceiling will be an issue either way. This is a global event. The pressure has been on because they knew how bad it would be if it got to this point with Syria. They new this 30 days ago and was being discussed.
C - if this is a GCR issues, why didn't the G-20 nations get more behind this sooner? T - It began as an issue that didn't involve the sarin gas issue. That just moved it to the forefront.
C - will we know by tomorrow whether or not we're going to war? T - you'll definitely know by Friday. Watch the news. Russia just put a proposal on the table and Syria accepted, but not sure it's enough.
C - will Turki's resignation affect the RV? T - no, as far as Iraq is concerned, the RV is out of their hands. They are quiet right now, paying their people to keep them calm, loading money on their cards (3 different rates), still want to be the most powerful nation in the ME, etc. Their main concern right now is that as soon as bombs start flying they'll start getting the refugees and can't afford to pay for them if this doesn't happen first.
T - that's what they're talking about now, trying to figure this whole thing out. I'm not telling you what you can't figure out on your own. The problem with relaying the info we know is that we have 16K people here. Some have been with me over 3 years, and many are newbies. When we share info sometimes is scares more people than it helps. We have to be careful in how we deliver the info and how it coordinates with what we see on TV.
C - Was the Syria problem connected with the RV from the beginning? T - Syria was an issue unto itself but it spilled over into the RV.
C - who is paying for this (IQD)? T - Iraq doesn't pay for anything. Each country that exchanges dinar pays for it with their currency. Our country is paying for dinar to use for oil credits with Iraq. It's long-term for our country - 30-year agreement and countries can't cash out anything for the first 6 months post-RV so Iraq can build up their country first.
T - every country exchanges foreign currency for their own currency, except for the exchangers who have agreements with the CBI.
C - 2 years ago we were told by WF that, due to the Patriot Act, if you open an account on the same day as you exchange, you can't access the money for 24 hours. True? T - yes, we've heard that but there could be an exception to that rule because of the type of account and transaction you're doing. The way around it is they can give you cash (up to $10K), cashier's checks, etc. The alternative is to open an account and zero it out before your appointment.
C - Don't the countries and economies, and banks spending money to call in peeps, have a large vested interest in this happening sooner rather later? T - yes, I was told yesterday and this morning that there is an inordinate amount of pressure being applied, even pleading for them to please, please do this. They are all feeling the pressure right now. The only thing to benefit to all of us is peace and a way to work it all out. If something does happen it will take a little bit longer. Until there is a peaceful resolution, the pressure is on countries and economies world-wide.
C - are you feeling tomorrow or sometime this week? Or will it be last minute? T - there is no longer discussion about the system, payout process, etc. That part is all done.
T - I hope new folks are appreciating going thru the process. Our goal is to be respectful to each other and help each other and get to the end of the RV. There others sites for other things. I am not mad about any of it. It's just that this site is for RV stuff. I want you to get it, you need to learn when you are being used.
C - QUESTION ABOUT 501C3 - Caller needs to contact CPA.
C - a couple of weeks ago we heard that 190 had revalued. Whatever happened with that? T - they're still waiting. The VND did go down slightly and others changed a bit. But it wasn't the GCR.
T - they're still waiting. People in DC popped champagne before it went and got disappointed. Last week 3 shifts were called in, including security, part-timers, etc. But we've been close to a decision being made and at the last minute someone calls someone else and tells them to hold it until another issue is resolved. Now, there must be an agreement and/or resolution with Syria - bottom line this is the issue.
C - is the IQD international? T - no, if it was we'd be at the banks cashing in.
C - why is Barzani paying his people in USD if the IQD has revalued in-country? T - we can say technically (on the back boards) that Iraq is international and it's been pushed to the teller screens but an authorization code has not been released. In Iraq they already know the rate (3.44 or 3.68) and are paying a rate equal to $500-$1K USD
T - the POTUS is making a speech tomorrow evening (9PM EDT), Kerry is at the EU trying to get the details worked out. Everything you see on TV is not what's necessarily going on.
C - Who's going to be in charge of the CBI now that Turki is out of the picture and someone has to call it? T - the issue is still with the IMF and UST. China and Russia have influence at the UN and they wanted it done then because they say this was coming (Syria). But we (the USA) was pushing for higher rates, but that is no longer the issue anymore. The question is "is it worth doing now and still pushing for it?
T - Turki submitted his resignation didn't say it was accepted it. No country will put Maliki in power of CBI after all this time of keeping him out of it. They haven't named his successor and until they do he's still in charge of the CBI.
C - all i have are 10K and 25K notes. Are these still solid for CE? T - yes, absolutely.
C - how much of a decline in the USD do you think we can expect? T - I don't see 20-30% as some are saying.