Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Late Tues.PM/Early Wed.AM Dinar Chatter and Opinions

Late Tues.PM/Early Wed.AM Dinar Chatter and Opinions




[concan] An injunction is an equitable remedy in the form of a court order that requires a party to do or refrain from doing specific acts. A party that fails to comply with an injunction faces criminal or civil penalties and may have to pay damages or accept sanctions. In some cases, breaches of injunctions are considered serious criminal offenses that merit arrest and possible prison sentences. (Wikipedia)

[weuns] concan I think Okie said there are 7 Federal District Courts - he didn't know which one it was filed in (most likely DC)

 [skysthelimit] I would. Try think. World. court the hague?

 [roadster] :? International cases can be held in federal court.

[Beezer's Mom] Perhaps World Court. Only court w jurisdiction over IMF and US, but no real enforcement power. Most likely a vote in IMF, overruling US claim to delays at will on this RV...

[alohadinar] He also stated that it had been served

 [JimmyZ] Im liking the WORLD COURT guess, but I actually like the US just settling with the US to get this done....

[tishwash] rich17 tomorrow is 09/11 and maybe think feel there is no way it will happen on that day

[toolkeeper] but again, that doesnt stop the IMF / WB from just going ahead with the global reset. This war talk in Syria is only a fig leaf.

 [souzini] I would think they need US approval - we have final say on Dinar therefore we might be holding up Dinar by not doing what they want us to do to effect global reset. Dinar has to go first......???

[toolkeeper] souzini intel that tony has put out suggests that there is a plan A and a plan B. one plan has a double digit higher rate while the other plan advocates the lower rate of 3.44 . It is the consensus of the world that we in the USA should go with the lower rate.

[Beezer's Mom] Yep, toolkeeper. That would be our rationale for forcing a delay. Blackmail of other countries is how we have gotten it. Use the term lightly... Meaning, we drag our (US) feet on something else these other countries want from us, to get an RV delay. Or, thru the IMF lead countries, we do that...

[sunny] Lxxxxxx] 09/10/2013, Hey Guys, So much going on tonight in Dinarville. Most of what we are hearing is that the RV is set to go at any moment. Seems like all the bumps are over. It would be a guess at this moment for me to give any timeline so I choose to rather give an opinion. I do believe that at any minute we could receive our email from Wells Fargo with all of the 800 numbers and the information to send out to all of you. We have heard of a injunction filed yesterday that would cause the boys to play nice and get er done. I do think that this is our week but I also believe more then ever that in the month of September 2013 that all of your money troubles will be over. I encourage you to have a plan and follow it. As of this very moment the rates have not changed and that's what we want....

911 - Building 7 ?


Scroll down and watch the video of Building 7 going down.
You will see that the roof portion is collapsing prior to most of the rest.
How is it that the metal beams on the top floor were melting prior to the other floors when the paper fires were about 40 floors below?
If this is standard heat, then why hasn't some demolition fires demolished the open steel?

Poll: More Americans Believe WTC 7 Was Demolished than Believe the Government’s Explanation



Orphaned Iraqi boy tells his story (without
arms, legs)...& then sings "IMAGINE"...

Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3






we still have to get over the hump of the fact that

will become

no matter where it is..

but this is a good start...

UST won't be much better !!
NOT gold backed
NO proof that anything is backing it.. YET
but we can "play with it"
until we find out
and make better arrangements

Published on Aug 28, 2013
People think that money is safe in the big banks because the FDIC will protect the deposits. This assumption is not based on the facts. This video will show official government documents that describe the plans for confiscating deposits when, (not if) a big bank fails. Individual, as well as public funds from municipal, university, county deposits are at serious risk. YOUR taxpayer money will disappear in the next crisis! Public officials in charge of taxpayer funds need to be aware of the dangers here. The loss of taxpayer funds and the inability to meet payrolls and obligations will certainly prompt a response that will both immediate and forceful.

This video may be useful to present to public officials to inform them of the dangers of losing public funds under their care.

Reposted with permission from:

For more information, visit the Public Banking Institute:

·       Category

·       License

Standard YouTube License  

Anyone who knows the name and locations of
any PUBLIC BANKS as depicted in this video



I need to share it with my list


...spread this nation and world wide...


Pope in Alaska

The Pope went on vacation to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska .

He was cruising along the campground in the Pope-Mobile when he heard
a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless
Democrat wearing shorts, sandals, a 'Vote for Obama' hat and a 'Save the
Trees' shirt.

The man was screaming and struggling frantically, thrashing all about,
and trying to free himself from the grasp of a 10-foot grizzly bear.

As the Pope watched in horror, a group of Republican loggers wearing
'Go Sarah ' shirts came racing up. One quickly fired a 44 magnum slug right
into the bear's chest. The two other men pulled the semiconscious Democrat
from the bear's grasp. Then using baseball bats, the three loggers finished
off the bear. Two of the men dragged the dead grizzly onto the bed of their
pickup truck while the other tenderly placed the injured Democrat in the
back seat.

As they began to leave, the Pope summoned all of the men over to him.

"I give you my blessing for your brave actions!" he proclaimed... "I
have heard there was bitter hatred between Republican loggers and Democratic
environmental activists, but now I've seen with my own eyes that this is not

As the Pope drove off, one logger asked his buddies, "Who the heck was
that guy?"

"Dude, that was the Pope," another replied. "He's in direct contact
with Heaven and has access to all wisdom."

"Well," the logger said, "he may have access to all wisdom, but he
doesn't know squat about bear hunting! By the way, is the bait still alive
or do we need to go back to California and get another one?

Impeachment' cited by 15th member of Congress

An exclusive from WND
Impeachment' cited by 15th member of Congress

Lawmaker: 'I think he's violated the Constitution'

Published: 40 mins ago

A 15th member of Congress has discussed the impeachment of Barack Obama, noting that he’s confident the U.S. House, if it came to a vote, “would probably impeach the president.”
The comments come from Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, who was speaking at a recent town hall meeting. A video of his comments was posted at the Western Center for Journalism.

“I’ve looked at the president. I think he’s violated the Constitution. I think he’s violated the Bill of Rights,” he said.
He said at some point a decision must be made, and he said, “I think if the House had an impeachment vote it would probably impeach the president.”
But he noted the 46 members of the GOP in the U.S. Senate, where an impeached president would be put on trial.
There, he said, to obtain a conviction the prosecuting team must have 67 votes, and he wasn’t sure all of the GOP members even would vote to convict.
He’s the 15th member of Congress to address the idea.
The others are Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.; Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich.; Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas; Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.; Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla.; Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa; and Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla.
“I think he’s breaking the law if he strikes without congressional approval,” Hunter told the Washington Times recently. “And if he proceeds without Congress providing that authority, it should be considered an impeachable offense.”
He was addressing Obama’s plan to bomb Syria, a plan that now has changed, with the proposal that Syria would turn over all chemical weapons to the international community and the proposed U.S. strike would not happen.
Read the details about Obama’s actions and how they align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.
The recent mentions of impeachment comes on the heels of the release of Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliot’s critical new book, “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office.”
Already, the Daily Mail of London has called “Impeachable Offenses” “explosive,” reporting the book contains a “systematic connect-the-dots exercise that the president’s defenders will find troublesome.”

“Consider this work to be the articles of impeachment against Barack Obama,” stated Klein.
“Every American, whether conservative or liberal, Democrat, Republican or independent, should be concerned about the nearly limitless seizure of power, the abuses of authority, the cronyism, corruption, lies and cover-ups documented in this news-making book,” Klein said.

The authors stress the book is not a collection of generalized gripes concerning Obama and his administration. Rather, it is a well-documented indictment based on major alleged violations.

Among the offenses enumerated in the book:
  • Obamacare not only is unconstitutional but illegally bypasses Congress, infringes on states’ rights and marking an unprecedented and unauthorized expansion of IRS power.
  • Sidestepping Congress, Obama already has granted largely unreported de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens using illicit interagency directives and executive orders.
  • The Obama administration recklessly endangered the public by releasing from prison criminal illegal aliens at a rate far beyond what is publicly known.
  • The president’s personal role in the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack, with new evidence regarding what was transpiring at the U.S. mission prior to the assault – arguably impeachable activities in and of themselves.
  • Illicit edicts on gun control in addition to the deadly “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation intended, the book shows, to collect fraudulent gun data.
  • From “fusion centers” to data mining to drones to alarming Department of Homeland Security power grabs, how U.S. citizens are fast arriving at the stage of living under a virtual surveillance regime.
  • New evidence of rank corruption, cronyism and impeachable offenses related to Obama’s first-term “green” funding adventures.
  • The illegality of leading a U.S.-NATO military campaign without congressional approval.
  • Obama has weakened America both domestically and abroad by emboldening enemies, tacitly supporting a Muslim Brotherhood revolution, spurning allies and minimizing the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

The White House is hitting back, calling the book’s impeachment effort “foolhardy.”
“If the Republicans in the House want to try something that foolhardy, it will probably be run by the same group of lawmakers who have voted more than 40 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act,” an unnamed administration official told the Daily Mail.
“Like most of the partisan actions coming out of the House, the Senate would never stoop to dignify it,” the official added.
Klein and Elliott acknowledge that impeachment of a sitting president “is certainly a matter of the utmost gravity, and not a charge to be undertaken for what our Founding Fathers would have called mere ‘factional’ advantage.”
“We will show how Obama has not hesitated to go beyond democratic, legal and constitutional means to advance his radical agenda,” they write.

WND previously reported Sen. Coburn’s statement that Obama is “perilously close” to qualifying for impeachment.
Speaking at the Muskogee Civic Center in Oklahoma, the senator said, “What you have to do is you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president, and that’s called impeachment.
“That’s not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means. I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions.”

A constituent then responded, “Even if there is incompetence, the IRS forces me to abide by the law.”
Coburn said he agreed.

“Those are serious things, but we’re in a serious time,” he said. “I don’t have the legal background to know if that rises to high crimes and misdemeanor, but I think they’re getting perilously close.”

Visit WND’s online Impeachment Store to see all the products related to ousting Obama.
Days earlier, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich., said it would be a “dream come true” to impeach Obama.
Bentivolio told the Birmingham Bloomfield Republican Club Meeting, “You know, if I could write that bill and submit it, it would be a dream come true.”

He told constituents: “I feel your pain and I know. I stood 12 feet away from that guy and listened to him, and I couldn’t stand being there. But because he is president I have to respect the office. That’s my job as a congressman. I respect the office.”
Bentivolio said that experience with the president caused him to consult with attorneys about what it would take to remove Obama from office.

Also interested in Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who responded to questions about impeachment.
“It’s a good question,” Cruz responded.
“And I’ll tell you the simplest answer: To successfully impeach a president you need the votes in the U.S. Senate.”
Republicans would also need the votes in the House, which Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, thinks they have.
Farenthold said he is often asked why Congress doesn’t impeach the president.
He said he answers, “[I]f we were to impeach the president tomorrow, we would probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it.”

But, like Cruz, Farenthold sees the lack of votes in the Senate as a roadblock.
The congressman also worries about what would happen if they tried to impeach Obama and failed. He believes the unsuccessful attempt to impeach President Clinton hurt the country.

In May, Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., suggested Obama could be impeached over a White House cover-up after the attack in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012.

He told listeners of “The Rusty Humphries Show,” “Of all the great cover-ups in history – the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them – this … is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history.”
But even with that searing indictment, Inhofe, too, stopped short of calling for impeachment.

A lawmaker who has offered tentative support for impeachment is Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, who said in May he considers it a possibility.

“I’m not willing to take it off the table, but that’s certainly not what we’re striving for,” he told CNN.
Other members of Congress who have raising the possibility of impeachment for a variety of reasons in recent years include Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla.; and Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.

One Republican actually has come out and called for the impeachment of Obama, and he did it more than two years ago – before he became a congressman.

Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., posted a list of reasons on his website in June 2011, before he was elected to office in 2012.



Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:56 PM


Late Night 9/10/13 Dinar News

Late Night 9/10/13 Dinar News

Dinar Guru - Iraqi Dinar | Gurus predict iraqi dinar exchange rate & revaluation

9-10-2013  Intel Gurus Frank26 & Eagle1  [via BulldogFord65]   the NASDAQ went down again last Wednesday...other sites went down as well, and when the NASDAQ went down on Wednesday, the global currency reset was implemented, it’s being rolled out systematically, and the IMF needs to clean up just one more piece of housekeeping.


9-10-2013  Intel Guru Loechin   So much going on tonight in Dinarville. Most of what we are hearing is that the RV is set to go at any moment. Seems like all the bumps are over. It would be a guess at this moment for me to give any timeline so I choose to rather give an opinion. I do believe that at any minute we could receive our email from Wells Fargo...We have heard of a injunction filed yesterday that would cause the boys to play nice and get er done. I do think that this is our week but I also believe more then ever that in the month of September 2013 that all of your money troubles will be over.  As of this very moment the rates have not changed and that's what we want.

9-10-2013  Intel Guru TNT Tony   Ok everybody, that's the speech that everyone wanted to hear.  RV was on hold and the length of time was to be determined. We have heard from our sources that they are free to continue the process. I will give you the details...tomorrow.......not months, not weeks, ??????? It is coming.



9-10-2013  Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man   [I understand IMF is doing the injunction but what is it they are asking for exactly?]  TO EXPEDITE --- THE UST IS HOLDING UP THE ENTIRE GLOBAL RESET.   [what happens if the US Gov doesn't abide by the injunction?]  THE IMF WOULD IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM -- WE DONT WANT THAT THOUGH -- THEY WOULD START OFF WITH A MUCH LOWER RATE THAN IS NOW BEING CONTEMPLATED.  [are the rates still showing double?]  RATES ARE FLUXUATING.    [post 3 of 3]


9-10-13 Kermit53: Some good news for a change. I have a very well connected associate that I speak with frequently, who does business with "The Good Guys".

He mentioned that a high profile "Not So Good Guy" has been taken down a few days ago. I wasn't sure what he meant by that and asked for clarification. His response was that his/their funds were frozen and taken out of his/their control.

My next question was "How much money are we talking about"? His response was "HUGE". That's all I can really say for now.

He is confirming what Jester, Mnt Goat and others have been saying that "The Good Guys" have already started the process of taking out the "Not So Good Guys" right where it hurts.."Their Pocket Book". Without money, they are powerless.

I can't wait to find out whose next.....Stay tuned....
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 1:46 PM

Iraq, Annunaki & Pearl Harbor

Iraq, Annunaki & Pearl Harbor

By Dean Henderson
September 9, 2012
The process of stealing Iraq’s oil began when the Illuminati bankers baited Saddam Hussein into invading Iran. While Saddam was preoccupied with the Iranians, the puppet Kuwaiti government busied itself slowly moving its long-disputed border with Iraq northward into the area containing the massive Rumaila oilfield, which the Four Horsemen now knew to be one of the richest in the world.
There the Kuwaitis established military installations, farms and oil facilities.  The expansion added 900 square miles to Kuwait and gave them control over the southern portion of Rumaila, which contains the largest portion of its estimated 30 billion barrels of oil.  Iraq’s oil terminal at Fao was destroyed during the Iran/Iraq War, crippling Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC) production at North Rumaila.  Iraq wanted to lease the islands of Warbah and Bubiyan from Kuwait to serve as deep sea ports that could replace Fao.  The Kuwaitis refused.
In 1981 the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) bought Sante Fe Drilling Corporation and its high-tech engineering subsidiary Braun.  Sante Fe was a known CIA front. Braun had devised a new slant drilling technique.  Throughout the 1980’s KOC used this technology to drill horizontally into the Rumaila oilfield, 90% of which fell within Iraqi territory. [1]  The Iraqis said Kuwait stole $10 billion worth of crude oil.
After the Gulf War, Sante Fe continued to steal Iraqi oil. In April 1993 Kenneth Beaty, head of exploration for Sante Fe, was arrested by the Iraqi government when he was found inside Iraq checking an oil well at Rumaila.  He was sentenced to eight years at Abu Ghraib prison on trespassing charges. [2]
Estimates of Iraqi crude reserves continue to climb.  The current estimate is 112 billion barrels, second only to Saudi Arabia and up from 97 billion barrels just a decade ago.  And much of Iraq remains unexplored.  David Mangan Jr., editor of The Oil Daily, later said of the Gulf War, “It is most likely that the US plan from the beginning was to capture Southern Iraq because that land holds the richest oil fields on earth.”
But Iraq contains something more important than oil. Rumaila lies at the heart of what was Mesopotamia, between the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers that drain into the Persian Gulf.  The world’s most ancient writings are etched on Sumerian clay tablets buried beneath the muck at the estuaries of these great rivers.  During biblical times the area was known as Chaldea.  It was here, Anunnaki researchers say, where the Nubirian intruders chose to land, due to its plentiful supply of fossil fuels.
According to foremost Anunnaki researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the Anunnaki constructed the Great Pyramids in Egypt as space beacons.  NASA scientist Maurice Chatelain agrees, stating, “The Great Pyramid at Cheops was also a space beacon.  From high above, the pyramid is visible at a very great distance…the polished stone surface is a radar reflector.”  The Anunnaki landing facilities may have been in the Sinai Peninsula.  Sinai means “shining” and, derived from name of the Babylonian god “Sin”.  Sin was the Semetic name for Nannar, the firstborn son of Anunnaki leader Enlil, who was the sovereign of Ur, the home city of Ancient Mystery purveyor and possible Anunnaki hybrid Abraham.  Sin was also the Chaldean name for the moon where, according to Sumerian tablets, the Anunnaki obtained the needed DNA for their human hybrid experiments.  This adds a whole new meaning to the Old Testament mantra that man was born in sin. [3]
Researchers claim the Egyptian King Ra was actually Marduk, son of Anunnaki commander Enki.  Ra fathered Shu and Tefnut, who married each other and gave birth to Geg and Nut.  They too married and spawned the Egyptian god-kings Isis and Osirus, along with the biblical Seth and Nephtys.  The Anunnaki flight control center was at Mount Moriah, which translates “mount of directing”. [4]
It was on this exact sight that King Solomon built his Temple, under which the Knights Templar excavated during the Crusades, making off with boatloads of gold, the Ark of the Covenant (possibly an Anunnaki radio transmitting device) and other sacred relics now guarded by the Priory of Sion.
This southern portion of Iraq may contain valuable clues as to the origins of mankind, knowledge closely guarded by the Illuminatibanker-led secret societies.  The perpetual state of war with Iraq has put the area off limits to researchers, just as the number of people interested in the Anunnaki theories gains critical mass. When US forces invaded Iraq in 2003, organized “looters” carried away many important artifacts from Iraq’s National Museum.
In June 1990 Iraq’s Ambassador to the US Mohammed al-Moshat appeared on CNN revealing US/Kuwaiti collaboration in destabilizing Iraq’s economy.  Al-Moshat stated, “I have documents written by the CIA, detailing an economic destabilization program against Iraq involving Kuwaiti State Security.  On November 14, 1989 CIA Director William Webster invited KSS officials to Washington to plan this destabilization effort.” [5]
Al-Moshat read verbatim from the CIA document, which stated, “It is important to take advantage of the deteriorating economic situation in Iraq in order to put pressure on Iraq to delineate border situation.  Broad cooperation should be initiated between us.  The CIA will also train 128 elite Kuwaiti forces to protect the al-Sabah family.  And we will help automate functions of the State Security Department and facilitate the exchange of information with Syria and Iran.” [6]
Al-Moshat went on to say that Kuwait’s oil wealth was being deployed to bankroll mujahadeen rebel heroin trafficking in the Golden Crescent region.  Just months before Moshat made this claim, a nephew of Kuwaiti emir Sheik Jaber Ahmed al-Sabah was arrested in France for possession of heroin.
Part of the CIA/al-Sabah destabilization effort against Iraq involved driving world oil prices lower.  At a May 1990 Arab Summit in Baghdad, Saddam Hussein said that for every $1 drop in the price of a barrel of oil Iraq was losing $1 billion/year.  He called Kuwaiti overproduction of crude an “act of war”.  Two months later he lodged a formal complaint with the Arab League calling Kuwait and UAE “imperialist agents” in the Gulf.  King Hussein of Jordan concurred.  In July 1990 OPEC held a meeting of oil ministers in Vienna where it was agreed that each member nation would lower production to avert further declines in an already weak oil market.
A day after the meeting Kuwait announced that it had changed its mind and would increase production.  KOC flooded an already oversupplied market with $13.25/barrel Kuwaiti Export crude.  The UAE followed suit.  Within three months Iraqi crude went from $28/barrel to $11, resulting in a loss of $14 billion in oil revenues.  Iraq’s economy is oil-dependent. In 1988 oil provided 99.1% of Iraq’s hard currency. [7] Reeling under mountains of Iranian War debt, Iraq was now starved of the desperately needed foreign exchange required to service this debt and rebuild its shattered economy.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz penned a letter to the Secretary General of the League of Arab States complaining that Kuwait had, “implemented a plot to escalate the pace of the gradual, systematic advance toward Iraqi territory.  The Kuwaiti government set up military installations, police posts, oil installations and farms on Iraqi territory”.  But Aziz knew that a more powerful force stood squarely behind Kuwait’s audacious moves, stating, “We are sure that some Arab states are involved in a conspiracy against us.  And we want you to know that our country will not kneel and our women will not become prostitutes and our children will not be barred from food.  It is inconceivable that a regime such as that in Kuwait could risk engaging in a conspiracy of such a magnitude against a large, strong country such as Iraq if it were not being supported by a great power, and that power is the United States of America”.
While Iraq’s greatest oilfield was being partitioned by the Four Horsemen and their Kuwaiti surrogates, the al-Sabah fiefdom was driving the price of oil into the ground, while demanding full repayment of the Iraq “grants”.  In July 1990, as American warships conducted exercises in the Persian Gulf, Iraqi President Hussein met in Baghdad with US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie.  Saddam registered his anger towards Kuwait’s economic warfare against Iraq.  He told Glaspie he was considering taking military action against Kuwait to drive them out of the Rumaila oilfield.
Glaspie said nothing to discourage Saddam, instead telling him, “We have no position regarding Arab/Arab conflicts”.  On July 31 Assistant Secretary of State John Kelly gave his implicit blessing to Saddam’s plans saying, “We have no defense treaty relationship with any Gulf country.  That is clear…we have historically avoided taking a position on border disputes”.
Glaspie and Kelly were both lying and giving Saddam the green light to attack Kuwait.  A few days later Iraqi Revolutionary Guards routed the Kuwaiti’s from Rumaila.  Both a letter penned by President Bush to Saddam on July 28 and State Department instructions to Glaspie were withheld from a Senate committee investigating Glaspie’s and Kelly’s odd responses to Iraqi threats.  State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the documents were withheld to “permit Presidents and foreign leaders to talk freely”.
Watch them All Die
It wasn’t the first time a US President allowed bloodshed to provide a pretext for economically beneficial war, nor would it be the last.  Bush’s “no response” to Saddam was reminiscent of the actions of FDR which led to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and US entry into WWII.
A 1940 Gallup poll showed 83% of Americans were against US involvement in the war.  The London banker crowd wanted US intervention to help cement the US/Britain “special relationship”, which serves as the neo-colonial paradigm of the day.  FDR was himself a Wall Street insider. He only launched his populist New Deal to put a lid on revolutionary public anger caused by the Crash of 1929.  His uncle Frederic Delano was a member of the first Federal Reserve Board.  The 33rd Degree Mason and CFR insider needed a pretext to provide US troops for the defense of European monarchs, to which every Mason pledges his allegiance, wittingly or not.
CFR started the ball rolling by encouraging FDR to send aid to China and to squeeze Japanese trade via naval blockades.  FDR ordered the Pacific Fleet moved to vulnerable Pearl Harbor despite numerous intelligence reports of looming Japanese aggression and over the objections of Admiral James Richardson.  In 1932 and 1938 the Navy conducted exercises in the presence of Japanese militaryattachés, simulating the destruction of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.  Six Japanese aircraft carriers disappeared from radar after seen sailing towards the US.  US Army Chief of Staff George Marshall sent an ambiguous message to Pearl Harbor military commanders on November 27, 1941 that read, “Hostile action possible at any moment.  If hostilities cannot be avoided the US desires that Japan commit the first overt act.” [8]
Warnings came from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, US Ambassador to Japan Joseph Grew, Brigadier General Elliot Thorpe in Java, and British and Dutch intelligence.  On December 6th, US intelligence told Roosevelt that the Japanese carriers were 400 miles from Hawaii.  Still, Roosevelt left most of the Pacific Fleet in port.  On the night of December 6th, George Marshall and Navy Secretary Frank Knox huddled at the White House with FDR.  Both later testified that they “did not recall their whereabouts”.
While battleships and destroyers remained at Pearl Harbor, the more strategic aircraft carriers were moved. Not one was in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  FDR knew air power was the key to defeating Japan.  The “surprise” Japanese attack went forward and 2,400 Americans paid for the FDR deception with their lives.  Another 1,200 were injured.  The next day FDR addressed the nation and called for a declaration of war.  Pearl Harbor ended US isolationism once and for all.  FDR stated his position in a trans-Atlantic telephone conversation with British Prime Minister and fellow 33rd Degree Freemason Winston Churchill, stating, “A Japanese attack on us, which would result in war…would certainly fulfill two of the most important requirements of our policy…What I don’t know, can’t hurt me”. [9]
In 1939, North Dakota Senator Gerald Nye drew the nation’s attention to a document titled The Next War, which stated, “To persuade her (America) to take part will be much more difficult.  It will need a definite threat to America…The position will be naturally eased if Japan were involved…the old goddess of democracy routine”.  FDR’s son-in-law Curtis Dall said of the powers looming behind FDR, “For a long time I felt that he…developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country.  But he didn’t.  Most of his thoughts were carefully manufactured for him by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money group.” [10]
As Professor Stuart Crane put it, “If you look back at every war in Europe you will see that they always ended up with the establishment of a balance of power.  With every reshuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France or Austria.  They grouped nations so that if any King got out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went.  Researching the debt positions of warring nations will usually indicate who was being punished.”
The international bankers now prepared to punish Iraq.  Shortly after Iraq attacked Kuwait Jordan’s King Hussein joined with Algerian President Chadli Benjladid to organize an Arab League Summit in Algiers to try and head off a full-scale war.  Saddam agreed to pull his troops from Kuwait while the summit proceeded. But Egypt, with backing from the US and Britain, convinced 14 of the 21 foreign ministers in attendance to denounce Iraq. The peace effort fell apart.  The Bilderbergers would have their bloodbath.
On October 5, 1990 Iraq’s Ambassador to the UN Sabah Talat Kadrat stated to the General Assembly, “America and its Western allies are seeking, through this military, political and informational campaign; to gain control over the oil wells and to impose imperialist political, economic and military hegemony over the world, and over the Third World countries in particular.”
[1] Iraq and Kuwait: A History Suppressed. Ralph Schoenman. Veritas Press. Santa Barbara. 1990.
[2] “US Should Appeal for Sooner’s Release”. AP. Tulsa World. 7-3-93. p.A4
[3] The Wars of God and Men. Zecharia Sitchin. Avon Books. New York. 1985
[4] Ibid
[5] CNN Headline News. 6-26-90
[6] Ibid
[7] OPEC Annual Report. General Secretariat. Vienna, Austria. 1989. p.8
[8] Marrs. p.174
[9] Ibid. p.176
[10] Ibid. p.173

Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror NetworkThe Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 CountriesDas Kartell der Federal Reserve &Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @

Colonizing Nations 101

Obama all over again !!!!

Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 1:02 PM

Colonizing Nations 101

By Stephen LendmanContributor
August 15, 2012
Last December, Truth offered a model for destroying and colonizing nations. In Orwellian newspeak, it said:
(1) Global “Mafia” scoundrels target nations “ripe for ‘Regime Change.’ ” Calling them rogue states enlists support.
(2) CIA/Mossad/MI6 and collaborators “arm, train, (and) finance local and foreign mercenaries/terrorists.” Freedom fighters they’re called for the same reason.
(3) With or without Security Council authorization, mass killing and destruction follow. At the same time, sanctions suffocate nations economically. Political isolation harms them further. Civilians always suffer most.
(4) Media propaganda glorifies war in the name of peace. Managed news enlists public support. Mind manipulation convinces people to back what they should condemn.
(5) Invasions and occupations are called liberation. Plunder is called economic development. Exploitation and imperial control are called democracy.
Might justifies right. Nations are destroyed to free them. Code language conceals real motives. Policy involves ravaging the world one country at a time or in multiples. Nations are destroyed for their own good. Monied interests alone benefit.
Truth quoted a 19th century proverb saying:
“Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.”
Political speech masks policies. News is carefully filtered. Fiction substitutes for fact. Free and open societies aren’t tolerated. Dissent is marginalized and suppressed. Imperial wars are called liberating ones. Human rights are violated for our own good. Patriotism means going along with what harms us.
Terrorism is what they do, not us. Reasons why imperial wars are waged are suppressed. Wealth and power alone matter. Sacrificing human lives and freedoms are small prices to pay. Humanity is at risk but who cares.
Media scoundrels aid and abet state crimes. Where it ends, who knows. Money power won’t sustain a ravaged planet. Militarism and perpetual wars assure it. Peace is spurned to wage them. Big Lies conceal it. Truth is the most dangerous disinfectant. Suppressing it is policy.
Syria was largely peaceful before US proxies invaded. So was Libya last year. Iran’s moment of truth awaits. It’s on America’s hit list. Propaganda wars precede hot ones. Washington vilified the Islamic Republic for decades. Saber rattling threatens war.
On August 12, The New York Times headlined “Israeli Minister Asks Nations to Say Iran Talks Have Failed,” saying:
Netanyahu threatens war. Minister Danny Ayalon called for “an international declaration that the diplomatic effort to halt Tehran’s enrichment of uranium is dead.”
Unmentioned was doing it complies with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty provisions. Dozens of nations with peaceful programs do it. Iran alone is challenged. Ayalon wants “all options” on the table to confront Tehran.
Asked how much time remains before Israel acts, he said “weeks, and not more than that.” Netanyahu repeats the canard of an Iranian nuclear weapons program. “Iran cannot be allowed to have” one, he says.
Times articles never say they have no nuclear weapons or intention to develop and produce them. Doing so would contradict imperial Washington.
On August 13, Mossad-connected DEBKAfile (DF) headlined “Iran can build an N-bomb by Oct. 1. Cairo coup hampers Israeli action,” saying:
In about six weeks, Iran will have enough 20% enriched uranium “to build its first nuclear bomb….and two-to-four bombs by early 2013, DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report.”
According to the Federation of American Scientists, highly enriched uranium is considered weapons grade after enrichment to around 90% U-235. Iranian enrichment doesn’t exceed 20%. Most important is no evidence suggests an Iranian program or intention to have one.
DF’s source is “an unnamed Israeli security” official. He calls 20% enrichment “a short jump to weapons grade fuel.” DF quoted Netanyahu saying:
“All threats against the home front are dwarfed by one – Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear arms!”
DF claimed the urgency of addressing an alleged Iranian threat is “many times more necessary” than bombing what’s now known not to have been a Syrian nuclear site in 2007. It added that Netanyahu and Barak “put themselves in a straightjacket” by:
(1) Delaying two years. It let Iran’s nuclear program progress. It also bought time to “enlist ex-politicians and retired generals at home” to publicly oppose military action.
(2) Both men “behaved as though” Iranian policy is “their exclusive province.”
DF said Netanyahu must decide whether or not to confront Iran given fast moving events in Egypt and an alleged Syrian chemical weapons threat.
In fact, relations with Egypt remain stable. Syria poses no threat unless Western generated violence spills over cross-border. Israel partnered with Washington’s war. It may end up reaping what it helped sow.
In June, RAND Corporation analyst Gregory Jones said Iran can build a nuclear bomb in eight weeks. His analysis relied on dubious IAEA information. Director Yukiya Amano serves Western interests.
He alleged new “information related to possible past or current undisclosed nuclear-related activities that seem to point to the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.”
Nothing Amano reports is credible. Evidence supporting his claims is lacking.
The window on effective air strikes closed, Jones said. Ground forces alone can work. Western Iranian policy failed, he added. Iran can develop a nuclear warhead “whenever it wants,” he claimed. Saying it doesn’t make it so.
It doesn’t address Iranian intentions. If Tehran wanted nuclear weapons, it could have developed them long ago. Instead it denounces them and urges a nuclear free Middle East.
On August 12, Haaretz contributor Amir Oren headlined “Obama must speak out against war with Iran,” saying:
Netanyahu and Barak are on a messianic mission. They “embarked last week on a feverish and wide-ranging propaganda campaign to market the attack to the press by means of public opinion – to satisfy the doubters and pursuade the persuaded.”
“These are distress signals.” Most Israelis oppose war. So do past and present military and political officials. Opponents “must organize a protest that is loud and clear, sober and not defeatist, whose reasons are rooted in concern over damage to Israel’s security.”
Moderates and centrists should lead it. It’s now or perhaps never, he added, to act “instead of regretting their silence afterward.”
On August 12, Haaretz contributor Yoram Kaniuk echoed a similar sentiment. He headlined “The Israeli Right must stop Netanyahu’s messianism.”
“No one is getting up and shouting: That’s enough. I’m resigning, a dybbuk (a malevolent spirit) possessed the man leading us. He is a messianist and is taking us to Masada.”
“The man is suffering from megalomania. Iran for him is like a demon that has to be attacked so he can die and conquer the mountain.”
Thankfully, Haaretz published articles opposing its resident hawk. Ari Shavit endorses war. Existential threats he claims don’t exist. Yet he’s featured and has editorial policy influence. Perhaps he should read Bradley Burston’s August 13 “Special Place in Hell” column.
He headlined “Mr. Netanyahu, before you bomb Iran, say goodbye to everyone you know.” Once war begins, it won’t matter why he attacked. He, Israelis and others regionally will reap the whirlwind.
It’s time others explained the folly and destructiveness of war. Attacking Syria and Iran assures losers, not winners. Embroiling the region in what can be prevented is key.
Potential consequences are too dire to tolerate. Global headlines should read better safe than sorry. Now’s the time to act, not later.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.netHis new book is titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

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Jack, Paul and Louie all raised their hands to volunteer for the task.

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'Fine job, Jack!' The minister said, vigorously shaking his hand... 'You are indeed a fine salesman and the Church is indebted to you.'

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The minister responded, 'That's absolutely splendid, Paul. You are truly a professional salesman and the church is indebted to you.'

Apprehensively, the minister turned to Louie and said, 'And Louie, did you manage to sell any bibles last week?'
Louie silently offered the minister a large envelope.

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Are you suggesting that you sold 320 bibles for the church, door to door, in just one week?'

Louie just nodded.

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Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones?

They still are!



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We're sticking to the really simple
stuff when it comes to 9/11.

Here's the bottom line:

Jet fuel cannot melt structural steel. 

Never has, never will. 

The official 9/11 story which has
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...Homeland Security, Iraq
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is based on a lie.


- Brasscheck

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Some of the best 9/11 research available anywhere

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If you're interested in how 9/11 could
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Lots of brand new material available
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- Brasscheck

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That's how we grow. Thanks.

Obama’s (mostly correct) remarks on Syria - except for this unprovable line: "We know the Assad regime was responsible"!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama’s (mostly correct) remarks on Syria - except for this unprovable line: "We know the Assad regime was responsible"!
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Sep-2013 02:28:18

"We know the Assad regime was responsible"! (?)
This is a unknowable fact, that will and can, never be proven to every one's or any one's satisfaction -- until the 'end of time'!
The rest of his speech, (see link below), is what any one, with just a little bit of common sense, would say.
And thanks in no small part to Mr Putin and co. for finally putting forth a sensible proposal that will surely benefit ALL sides in this tragic situation, for the greater good of all humanity.
Link to Obama video and/or his speech text - in full - can be found here below, if you haven't seen or heard this yet . . . 


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