Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bikers Take on Muslims and Government Bureaucrats in DC

From Godfather Politics

Posted by Gary DeMar on Sep 11, 2013
Bikers Take on Muslims and Government Bureaucrats in DC

Bikers Take on Muslims and Government Bureaucrats in DC

          Well, if our government won’t do it, somebody’s got to stand up to Islamic extremism. So why not America’s bikers, an independent breed of men and women that doesn’t like to be pushed around.
The biker group was denied a permit to hold a rally on 9/11, but they decided to roll into Washington anyway, permit or no permit.
          The National Park Service (NPS) did issue a permit for a “Million American March” — originally the “Million Muslim March” — on the anniversary of the 9/11 attack. It’s been touted as a “Rally Against Fear.”
Now, one would think that such a march would be about commemorating an event in our nation’s history perpetrated by a worldview that has designs on destroying us. The following is from the organization’s website:
          “Why march against fear on 9/11?
          September 11th, 2001 was the beginning of a new era of fear. Since 9/11, Americans have been terrorized by the media. They have been taught to fear their neighbors. They have been inculcated with fear of other religions. They have been brainwashed into fearing people with brown skins, turbans, and foreign accents.
          “The BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares explains how global political elites have embraced the politics of fear. As the BBC film explains, all of this fear is based on myth, not reality. The BBC even admitted: ‘Al Qaeda is a myth.’
“Whether or not Al Qaeda is completely mythical, the so-called ‘Islamic terrorist threat’ is pure hallucination. FBI statistics prove that Americans are far more likely to drown in their bathtubs, or be hit by lightning, than to be killed by terrorists of any kind. And Muslims commit only 6% of terrorist attacks in the US — fewer than are committed by radical Jews, and vastly fewer than those perpetrated by leftists and Hispanics.
          “There is no reason for Americans to be afraid of Muslims."
          Tell that to the 3000+ people who were killed by radicalized Muslims in 2001. Tell that to the Christians in Islamic nations who are forced at gunpoint to convert to Islam or die or have had their houses burned down and their churches razed.
          These marchers should take their event to Egypt, Libya, and Syria for maximum results and respect.
The more “progressive” Islamists will let you remain a Christian, but you will have to pay a tax.
“The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have began forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in Egypt to pay a jizya tax as indicated in Koran 9:29, author and translator Raymond Ibrahim reported on Sunday.
Jizya is the money, or tribute, ‘that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords “with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued’ to safeguard their existence, Mr. Ibrahim explained.”
Bike riders from all over the U.S. are about to descend on our nation’s capital. They will pay tribute to the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks.
          What all Americans would like to see and hear from Muslims around the world who say they decry the actions of their radicalized brethren (about 100 million) is a denunciation of the terrorism, beheadings, and convert-or-die attacks on Christians.
          Of course, the reason we don’t hear anything is that they’re afraid to, so they’ve become propagandists for radical Islam.

Bikers Gridlock DC----Media Ignores--Yet, Still They Come....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Bikers Gridlock DC----Media Ignores--Yet, Still They Come....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 11-Sep-2013 13:22:22

From the English National Resistance Page on Facebook:
Authorities confirm that over 800,000 Bikers are now on the road!
From LA they pour out, from New York they fill the roads, the Mid West, like a moving sea of humanity witnesses the Patriot Tsunami as they roll on towards Washington DC!
And still they come, on Harleys on every brand known, the Biker Patriot Army rolls on towards DC in an unstoppable tidal wave of metal, fumes and leather to pay homage and defend the honour of all the people of EVERY nationality who were butchered by Islamists on 9/11.
Not since the Revolutionary War have so many fighting men took to the road in America!
Never have we seen the likes of such a vast citizen army mobilize and deploy in defence of all the free world holds dear and our Governments despise…FREEDOM AND LIBERTY!
Britain First salutes our fellow Patriots in the USA and we ask all our followers to SHARE this post and let the free world see that WE the people can rise…so politicians…BEWARE!!
English National Resistance
By: English National Resistance
NOTE: This should give those treasonous b****** politicians in Washington some sort of idea what will happen if they ever decide to declare martial law in the United States. There will be NO SAFE PLACE for them to hide!
More updates coming soon. Posting photographs as I find them. 

‘2 Million Bikers’ roar into D.C. to honor 9/11, protest Muslim rally

‘2 Million Bikers’ roar into D.C. to honor 9/11, protest Muslim rally

Thousands of bikers from around the country roared into the D.C. area on Wednesday in a show of support for Sept. 11 victims and in solidarity against a controversial Muslim rally on the Mall.
The 2 Million Bikers to DC ride might have fallen short of 2 million strong, but the numbers were impressive. A line of shining chrome and steel bikes stretched about a third of a mile from the starting point at the Harley Davidson of Washington store just outside the District in Prince George’s County.

The bikers began departing from the store at about 10:30 in staggered groups of 50, stopped for traffic lights and taking an hour or so to get on the road.
The ride was complicated by the fact that federal and local authorities denied a permit that would have offered the riders a police escort through traffic — a sore spot with organizers who thought the denial was for political purposes.
“We’re here for 9-11,” said national ride coordinator Belinda Bee. “We are going to have a peaceful ride. … But there are people who are sick and tired of their rights and liberties being taken away.”
The National Park Service has denied any political motivation for refusing the permit, which ride organizers sought last month. The Park Service earlier this year granted a permit to a Muslim group planning a rally Wednesday to call attention to social justice issues.
The American Muslim Political Action Committee has scheduled a rally to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Ms. Bee said the ride was originally set up to counter the rally and show respect for the victims of that day.

Dan O’Brien, 54, of Mansfield, Ohio, said he had been “looking for a ride like this” to honor the Sept. 11 victims, but the rally also spurred him to join.
“This is very disgraceful,” he said. “They picked a day precious to the United States and its citizens.”

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Bikers Take on Muslims and Government Bureaucrats in DC

Posted by  on Sep 11, 2013
Bikers Take on Muslims and Government Bureaucrats in DC

Bikers Take on Muslims and Government Bureaucrats in DC

          Well, if our government won’t do it, somebody’s got to stand up to Islamic extremism. So why not America’s bikers, an independent breed of men and women that doesn’t like to be pushed around.
The biker group was denied a permit to hold a rally on 9/11, but they decided to roll into Washington anyway, permit or no permit.
          The National Park Service (NPS) did issue a permit for a “Million American March” — originally the “Million Muslim March” — on the anniversary of the 9/11 attack. It’s been touted as a “Rally Against Fear.”
Now, one would think that such a march would be about commemorating an event in our nation’s history perpetrated by a worldview that has designs on destroying us. The following is from the organization’s website:
          “Why march against fear on 9/11?
          September 11th, 2001 was the beginning of a new era of fear. Since 9/11, Americans have been terrorized by the media. They have been taught to fear their neighbors. They have been inculcated with fear of other religions. They have been brainwashed into fearing people with brown skins, turbans, and foreign accents.
          “The BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares explains how global political elites have embraced the politics of fear. As the BBC film explains, all of this fear is based on myth, not reality. The BBC even admitted: ‘Al Qaeda is a myth.’
“Whether or not Al Qaeda is completely mythical, the so-called ‘Islamic terrorist threat’ is pure hallucination. FBI statistics prove that Americans are far more likely to drown in their bathtubs, or be hit by lightning, than to be killed by terrorists of any kind. And Muslims commit only 6% of terrorist attacks in the US — fewer than are committed by radical Jews, and vastly fewer than those perpetrated by leftists and Hispanics.
          “There is no reason for Americans to be afraid of Muslims."
          Tell that to the 3000+ people who were killed by radicalized Muslims in 2001. Tell that to the Christians in Islamic nations who are forced at gunpoint to convert to Islam or die or have had their houses burned down and their churches razed.
          These marchers should take their event to Egypt, Libya, and Syria for maximum results and respect.
The more “progressive” Islamists will let you remain a Christian, but you will have to pay a tax.
“The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have began forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in Egypt to pay a jizya tax as indicated in Koran9:29, author and translator Raymond Ibrahim reported on Sunday.
Jizya is the money, or tribute, ‘that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords “with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued’ to safeguard their existence, Mr. Ibrahim explained.”
Bike riders from all over the U.S. are about to descend on our nation’s capital. They will pay tribute to the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks.
          What all Americans would like to see and hear from Muslims around the world who say they decry the actions of their radicalized brethren (about 100 million) is a denunciation of the terrorism, beheadings, and convert-or-die attacks on Christians.
          Of course, the reason we don’t hear anything is that they’re afraid to, so they’ve become propagandists for radical Islam.

A Word from the Lord God for America thru Prophet Stephen Hanson --- "REVOLUTION IS AT HAND"

A Word from the Lord God for America thru Prophet Stephen Hanson


Matt. 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 
James 4  4 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? 2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 
"I tell you that a revolution is at hand. These are the days of new things coming forth for, as the wind has swept over this land, as the storms have come, there is a new breed of people coming. They are coming with fury and with force. They will not be moved by the policies of others. They ride across the land. They are bent on their mission for there is a movement at hand.
There is a revolution coming forth. These are those who have lifted up the hand of freedom and courage for they follow a cause, for they would rent the land of evil. For you, oh land, that was born out of freedom, you have had much bloodshed in recent years. You have striven too much in your journeys abroad. You have found your place in many corners of the world. 
You lost many freedoms on that day in 9/11 but a spark was struck.  It touched a nerve in you for you know what your forefathers fought for.  You have been involved in many wars in the past.  You took them up for the cause of freedom around the world. But I ask you, 'Is the world a place of freedom?' You fought for those freedoms and yet many of them have been gone. 
I hear and I see the cries for freedom in your land. I have seen the land laid open by enemies abroad. I tell you that the eagle should not be your standard. I tell you that My Son is the ONLY One Who will bring peace to the land, for at that time the government will rest upon His shoulders. You cannot have peace in a world   when men have so much hatred in their hearts. For ever since the beginning of time there have been wars, and now you have seen many of them and you have heard many rumors of these wars. 
For on the horizon looms a greater war than ever before, for it is born out of the hatred of mankind. But even though these wars exist, you can still come to the peace of your souls.  For you war for that which you cannot have, but if you would first seek My Kingdom and My righteousness, then all those things would be added unto you.
The world seeks after those things that are in the natural. If, then you would war, then war against the spiritual hosts of wickedness. For the world cries out for peace, but peace is far from them."

http://stephenhansonprophet. com/donation.html
3280 S. Academy #183
Colo. Springs, CO. 80916

Comet Ison Not A Comet but an ET Biosphere w/Escorts

HI guys,
I sent out an email a few days ago with the subject: "really good news" with a link to Alexandra's site, covering this article/video.
I have the feeling that most of you didn't read/view it, so am sending this one about the same video from another site, with the subject clearly stating what it is--to hopefully get your attention. Tolec, IMHO, is the most reliable source for info regarding the ET's.  He doesn't "channel", is really down to earth, even though he travels far and wide meeting with the ET's often.  A long while back I basically pulled back from most of the "channelers" of ET's because I really don't know where they are pulling in their info from and it could be just very active imaginations (:
However, the infrequent posts and videos by Tolec are quite detailed and only come out when significant matters are taking place or clarification needs to be made on something.  I have been waiting to hear from him for a really long time and this is very exciting news.  Many are looking at "Comet Ison" and its impending arrival to Earth or close to it as a fearful event.  Many don't have a clue and to them it's just another comet that will burn up when it gets close to the Sun.  But, what if what Tolec is saying is true?  Then it is a very good sign of wonderful things coming our way.  And boy do we need that.  I sent out another email a while ago with a link to Alexandra's article that took you to where you could view the comet, turn the controls to full darkness and voila what appeared is what he has described.  An object with two other objects on either side of it.  I got the same result as what he is showing on the video.  It seems that they are on their way and they are friendly and coming to help us.  NASA projects that "Comet Ison" - traveling at its present rate- will be very close to earth in late December -
Christmas present?

This family got killed twice yesterday in 2 different countries!

This family got killed twice yesterday in 2 different countries!

The first time in Syria by Assad's cluster bombs outside Damascus!

Later the same day they were killed in GAZA by the Israeli army!

The Arab media is something that really can be trusted -  right????!!

And all of the Western media freaks will, of course, tell the world