Thursday, September 12, 2013


Tue Sep 10, 2013 

This very moment there is absolute confusion in the US Corporate Government as you read this.

1) As President Obama is speaking on the air about how horrible the Gas Attack was in Syria the UN Human Rights Commission released a video stating the US videos showing the Gas Attack Victims were false.

In other words - President Obama knowingly lied to the world.

2) In addition the Russian Intel Services also reached the conclusion that these US MADE videos were false.

3)  In the US-made pictures of the gassed victims, why was there a man in a bathing suit walking on the beach without a head?

4) John Shapiro (Asst Dir State Dept) , US State Dept Speech 1 June 2012: "The purpose of the US State Department is to sell weapons."

5) The US sells more chemical weapons than the rest of the world combined - so if Chemical Warfare is so horrible why does President Obama's State Department sell so much around the world?

6) What is going to happen when the world sees US and UK marked all over the Syrian chemical weapons?
As for the 32 Nukes shipped from to Charleston a few days ago from Dyess AFB, TX - 2 are missing and headed for trenches near:

a) Just North of Harisonburg, Va.
b) Just North of Blackburg. Va.

The other 30 were headed to the Atlantic trench -- if you draw a line from Virginia to Angola there in the deep Atlantic trench are several holes Faction 2 is preparing to put them.

Detonation will be 28-30 Sep after the President is killed in a "Once In A Life Time plane crash. It will be blamed on inexperienced pilots in Air Force One.

Right now Faction 2 (Jesuits and Roman Knights of Malta) are under orders to create huge amounts of confusion in both our economy and our military so a mistake will be made and missiles launched on Syria to start this Nuclear Conflagration. The confusion is mounting.

Even the Joint Chiefs of Staff have traitors in their ranks.

Half of those in the pentagon know AMEC planted charges IN the Pentagon a few weeks before the US Navy fired a Missile at them on 9/11 - See Abel Danger, Field McConnell's work.

The other half of the Pentagon is clueless but knows the "Official Story" is bogus and their leaders are all liars.

As for the 850 KT Nuke now under Yellow Stone placed there by AMEC - this is a real problem for our DOD. It goes off and half a dozen military posts go away permanently.

In addition, China just took from American companies the Turmanikistan Oil Pipeline - and it is huge. This is what I believe is the largest pipeline in the world and China is aware of the American attempt to start a war in the region to blow the pipeline and cut the oil supplies to Central Asia - and they are pissed.

See: China Snatched away the Turkmanistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline from USA

The US Dollar is becoming unstable as Companies all over the world are no longer buying from the US (Food, Jets, Weapons, ...) - Boeing Jet Sales alone are down 75% as the US Corporation refuses to buy these jets for the other countries - or did you not know the US pays Boeing to build these jets for other nations--- 100% subsidized?

One last story - it has been confirmed as I said on APFN -

See: "McCain has been confirmed to have had pictures taken with confirmed terrorists."

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is pouring out confusion against Lucifer's Kingdom right now and will continue until we turn to back to HIM.

US Joint Chiefs of Staff - your master Lucifer is completely confused and panicked. Turn to GOD while you can.

White House Secret Service - President Obama is about to go on a 3 day Drunk Spree much like President Bush did 6 or 7 years ago. Keep him contained.

A nation with 65,000 Nukes and we have a Government in total confusion - with Jesuit led factions ready to kill it's own people.

This is not good.
Time to hunker down folks and pray GOD deals with this mess now.

You heard it first here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount

From: APFN daily update <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 11:06 PM
Subject: new articles on APFN

ABSOLUTE CONFUSION IN US GOVT TONIGHT - William Mount, Tue Sep 10 15:28 
Are The American People Finally Arresting War Criminals? - willpwilson 908, Tue Sep 10 16:07 
Isn't It Now Time To Arrest All U.S. Corp War Criminals?:?:? - willpwilson 908, Tue Sep 10 16:30 
MO HOUSE: Act (HB 436) nullification-of-federal-gun-grab - APFN, Tue Sep 10 16:32 
Massive Media Fraud & Attempted Mind Control, You Think????? - willpwilson 908, Tue Sep 10 16:42 
Obama, in speech on Syria, says America can't - ed63, Tue Sep 10 16:45 
Wyoming House bill to nullify federal gun grab scheme - APFN, Tue Sep 10 17:02 
Nullification in One Lesson - APFN, Tue Sep 10 17:12 
President Obama Addresses the Nation on Syria - APFN, Tue Sep 10 17:35 
The attack on the Branch Davidians’ practice that lethal for - APFN, Tue Sep 10 17:45 
C2C AM RADIO 9/9/13: Flying Humanoids , Cryptozoology - butlincat2012, Tue Sep 10 17:50 
Unknown Object Seen over Old Hickory, Tennessee - PS Post, Wed Sep 11 03:48 
REMEMBERING 9/11 - 9/11/2013 - APFN, Wed Sep 11 04:46 
"THE GREAT AWAKENING" The Greatest Speech EVER! - APFN, Wed Sep 11 05:33 
Kevin Ryan's NEW BOOK 2013 "Another Nineteen" - APFN, Wed Sep 11 05:53 
Professor Francis Boyle: IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!! - APFN, Wed Sep 11 06:34 
'2 Million Bikers' roar over Muslims in D.C. - watchman08, Wed Sep 11 06:53
Former CIA Analyst Exposes Syrian War Lobbyists - APFN, Wed Sep 11 07:00 
Life of a Veteran Brought to Life in "Trooper"- Chris Martin - APFN, Wed Sep 11 07:34 
2 MILLION BIKERS HIT WASHINGTON DC - 11 SEPT. 13 - butlincat2012, Wed Sep 11 08:04 
When Will Labor ACT to STOP THE WAR? - Patrick Sullivan, Wed Sep 11 09:52 

Chapter Fifteen - The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Chapter Fifteen - The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-Sep-2013 03:38:51

Chapter Fifteen - The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus
The best is yet to come, Dearest Ones. Some of you have become jaded, unable to receive these messages of hope because you have seen so much destruction and pain in your lives. You find it hard to believe that things can really change radically within the space of your lifetime, much less within this year. It is understandable, because as human beings you have a way of looking to the past for images of your future. When I give you information about the good times to come, you scoff and point to the news reports of conflict in the world. But I assure you, those news reports are focusing on the dwindling number of conflicts while avoiding discussion of the massive changes that are taking place.
There are many now, in your United Nations and beyond who are working to create a global cease-fire in every area of the world where conflicts remain. Relative to just ten years ago, there are actually very few. It is difficult to maintain a war when people are sick of fighting, and when the leaders who started those wars have been removed. It is not obvious to you yet because you are not the head of the newsrooms where assignments to the "hot spots" around the world are made. These newsrooms are quieter than ever, and more and more reporters are being sent to fewer places.
There will have to be a major adjustment in the thinking of those who report the news of the world to allow greater emphasis on the positive developments. It will take a little while for them to catch up, because the news was controlled by Reptilian forces, as we have mentioned before. It requires a more subtle approach to reporting for journalists to understand the implications of the movement which is now taking place at every level of government in countries around the world. Those who have seen the dark side of life for so long also tend to have the jaded attitude as well, waiting for the other shoe to drop, as you describe it.
Many have asked, or demanded, answers to the things they see in the world which anger them. They rail against Obama, for instance, accusing him of being a puppet for the cabal. They ask why Assad is allowed to remain in Syria, slaughtering his people, but at the same time vilify Obama for considering intervention. It is a complex time, you see. These events will be played out in such a way as to maximize the impact for the Greater Good. There is much more going on in the diplomatic channels than you can even imagine. These things always require a little push here, a big pronouncement there, then further rounds of back-channel negotiations before any settlement can be reached. Not all threats of intervention are carried out, as you are well aware.
It is a temptation for those who think of themselves as Lightworkers to take one of two opposite stands. One is to become irate at the first suggestion of injustice or abuse. The other is to insist on an extremely passive approach, refusing to enter the fray under any circumstances. Neither approach is effective in a real-world environment such as we are facing in this transitional moment in history.
Here is a basic truth which will help the first group: What you oppose you strengthen. Fighting fire with fire is not generally an effective way to put out a blaze. It is the old tried and true method which created hundreds of wars on this planet and which is most effective at continuing the fighting. This of course was the purpose behind the chest-beating and saber-rattling of the Reptilian race, who benefitted greatly from the profits culled from the military-industrial money-machine. This method has long been known to be contrary to peacemaking, but peacemaking was hardly considered a possibility in the past several thousand years.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the stubborn refusal to defend yourself or your neighbors when you are dealing with people who are completely disconnected from their hearts is an invitation to slaughter. This was the horrid dilemma you faced in the past which left so many who longed for peace frustrated and sometimes blaming those who insisted on defending others who were under attack. It was the terrible moral conflict the world faced in World War II, when it became necessary to rescue the Jews from annihilation. Unfortunately, the Dark Ones instigated the war and then used it as an excuse for arming everyone on the planet.
You see, there is no simplistic rule for resolving conflict when there are players on the stage who have no moral compass. Fortunately, we are confident that those who are left on the world stage now do have a connection to their hearts, however slim that connection might be. They will respond to the appeals for calm, for peaceful negotiations and for a worldwide armistice because they are feeling the pressure to do so.
Now is the time for the intelligent application of a firm hand, still backed by the threat of dire consequences for anyone who refuses to turn toward policies which are in the interest of the people. As the last few old-fashioned dictators are brought into line by the delicate application of this pressure, their example will mark the shift from a world in which brute force reigned supreme to a new era in which compassion, forgiveness, harmony and joy will rule the world.
There are now extremely capable and talented people working for the Light, most of whom are not well-known, but have been laying the groundwork for the Shift which is now taking place. I assure you, no area of life has been ignored in their quest for solutions to the interwoven nest of structures, philosophies, legal intricacies and conspiracies which have infested every area of your lives, and which created what Mother God referred to as the darkest era in all of Planet Earth's history.
Do not be impatient, Dear Ones; it is the mark of one who has not yet prepared for Ascension. Look to your inner feelings, to make contact now with the knowledge you carry in your heart of why you are here now, and what your contribution will be to the uplifting of every soul. Turn away from those whose manner of discourse includes accusations, slander, judgment and an attitude of negativity. Kill-joys and nay-sayers do not build anything worthwhile; they only tear down what others build. This is the old, the Dark still echoing through the halls from earlier times (even if those earlier times were last week). Say to yourselves with a chuckle whenever you hear those negative rants: "Oh, that's so 2012!"
Yes, we are often tickled by your slang. Ashtar is especially fond of such statements. We do observe your forms of speech, your habits of dress and your shifting tastes with interest. St. Germain is especially good at playful drama which includes period habits and speech, as you might expect from the one who wrote Shakespeare's plays. We also are fond of using your music lyrics to get messages across to you. If you suddenly hear a tune playing in your head - one you did not think of beforehand - it is always a message from someone in higher dimensions trying to reach you. We study your forms of communication so that we can make it easier for you to hear us.
I tell you these things now because we want you to know that it is a joyful place we inhabit, a place which will be the model for your New Golden Era on Planet Earth. It is difficult for you to imagine a world in which all beings are in love with each other, with life, and with their Creator, but that is the way life is in the 5th dimension. As you each make your way through the portals to your rejuvenation, you will also be fully immersed in the Truths by which we live before you continue on your way, either back to help others on Earth, or to your home planets.
Many of you have already indicated your strong desire to return to insure the success of the Ascension for all others before you move on. We believe it will be an appealing prospect, now that you will be working with people in a new state of freedom and prosperity. Those who work as nurses will recognize the analogy; it will be something like being transferred from the cancer ward to the maternity ward, because there is no more disease, but only the celebration of new life.
Can you adapt yourself to endless happiness and love, Dear Ones? Can you lead the way to teach others how to create their own lives out of the fabric of feeling and thought which produces the product which is your current life experience? Can you learn to be mindful of your every thought, feeling and action, and allow only those which bring you and others happiness? Can you learn to expect the best from those around you, and thereby inspire them to reach higher? Can you learn to forgive yourself for all the times you lost your temper, or disappointed a friend, or started an argument because you were feeling grumpy? Can you ask others to forgive you as well?
Begin now to be the person you always wanted to be. Cultivate kindness with as much earnest effort as you have applied to earning money. Climb the Ascension ladder, now that you no longer need to scale the corporate ladder. Find fulfillment in your relationships; find beauty in the children, and open your eyes wide to the wonders around you. The skies are now bluer, the oceans are gradually being restored to their pristine state, and the radiation in your soil has been neutralized by the Galactic Brothers and Sisters who have brought their advanced technologies to help Mother Earth restore herself to the Eden she once was.
You no longer need to fear nuclear annihilation; those days have been brought to an end. Your planet was rescued, although you are not yet aware of it, from the inevitable destruction which was in the works before the Intergalactic Federation of Light intervened. It was decided that another planetary explosion like the one which ended the Atlantean civilization would not be permitted. It is not simply a matter of rescuing humankind. Nuclear holocaust is a cosmic event which was considered too disastrous to endure for the rest of the Universe, and so your Star Brothers and Sisters stepped in to prevent what was recognized as the inevitable endgame of the Reptilian occupation.
Mother Earth herself also made a heartfelt plea to allow the survival of her children, humankind, in spite of the destructiveness and pain they had brought her. She knows each of you by the feel of your footfall, by the energy of your connection to her, and she loves you dearly. She too had faith that you would rise to the level of the 5th dimension to keep pace with her, so that you could all ascend together. She has a great heart, and the power of her love is a force that can be felt throughout the Universe. She is a resource for you, and she will answer your call for sustenance, comfort and the peace which comes from being close with Nature.
Look to your hearts, Dear Ones, to unlock the Love you were born to live. Breathe deeply, anchor in the center of your being, and allow the Pillar of Light which shines down through your crown chakra - there at the top of your head - to flow downward through every cell in your body, awakening your memory of Light and Love. Reach upward to connect with your Higher Self, the one who knows me as a close and loving family friend or brother. Your Higher Self knows the Truth of my words, lives in the atmosphere of joy and camaraderie, and knows the promise of happiness just ahead.
Your Higher Self will be your trusted guide through this coming Shift. Call on this wise and experienced part of yourself, the one who knows everything about your history, your hidden talents and your extensive resources. Your Higher Self is an expert at forgiveness, joy and unending love and is your link to All That Is. Reach up, join hands with the soul you are, and you will find God there, for in your essence, you are God, as I AM.
I am your brother, I am your friend, I am you and you are me. We are One.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 10, 2013, 12 PM EDT

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said **

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said **
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-Sep-2013 04:18:23

Hi, Folks -
Found at :
9-11-2013  Intel Guru Loechin   From all the information gathered since last night I am still thinking that this could be our week. With that said you need to understand that as far as I know at this Time that all has been completed signed and I think released. Only time will tell...As of this very second the rates are still double digits and the VND is holding at $3.18. I believe that unless changes occur the base rate on the IQD will be $23.86 WOW.  I am excited and looking for the RV at any second.
9-11-2013  Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man   [so you received even more confirmations today regarding the injunctions and that it was successful?]  YES AND YES.   [Do you think this will take place after hours when the banks are closed or can it happen at any hour?IDEAL TIME IS IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING---GIVES ALL BANKS A EQUIVALENT STARTING PLACE ACCORDING TO THEIR TIME ZONE.  [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-11-2013  Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man    [am I dreaming or does your Intel tell us this could happen within a few days?]  YES----IT COULD HAPPEN VERY SOON NOW--THE LEGAL HURDLE HAS BEEN JUMPED...COULD HAPPEN WHILE YOU SLEEP TONIGHT---I CAN'T SAY FOR SURE BUT IT SURELY WON'T BE LONG WITH ALL (A L L) BEING ACCOMPLISHED.  [do you think we are still looking at double digits? IT HAS BEEN POSTED AS SUCH FOR 3 WEEKS NOW.  [post 2 of 2]

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

'2 Million Bikers' Rally Converges on DC for 9/11 Parade

'2 Million Bikers' Rally Converges on DC for 9/11 Parade
Image: '2 Million Bikers' Rally Converges on DC for 9/11 Parade
click on link to watch video...

Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 12:54 PM
By Alexandra Ward and Melanie Batley
·       9
Thousands of bikers descended on Washington, D.C., Wednesday to protest a
Muslim march provocatively timed for the 12th anniversary of 9/11.

While the "Million Muslim March" looked likely to be a flop, the "2 Million Bikers" event
brought participants from throughout the eastern seaboard. One estimate put the number
of bikers there at 880,000.

So many turned out that plans to have them ride through the streets of the Capital
had to be changed. "There are so many motorcycles that trying to go through Washington,
D.C., would not have worked," ride organizer Eric Zern told WTOP-Radio.

Instead, the station says the group will travel one time on the Outer Loop of the Capital
Beltway from Prince George’s County, Md., to Montgomery County and then into Virginia.
They’ll then return to where they started, the Harley-Davidson store in Fort Washington, Md.

Harold Murphy, a ride organizer from Pennsylvania, told Fox News: "The bikers themselves
have a lot of pride. They're very patriotic people. They take a bad rap a lot of times for being
bikers, but bikers have good hearts, they're honorable people, and they give you their word
and their handshake and they'll stick by it."

Story continues - to watch VIDEO click on LINK above.

Mike Belair, state ride coordinator for Ohio, predicted the event would be "the most
patriotic display the country has ever seen."

"We're going to show support for the 9/11 victims and their families, for the police, fire,
EMS, for tower workers, anyone who had family who had fallen — we're going to show
support for them.

"[Sept. 11] really hurt, but it brought America together. United we stand and divided we
fall. We should never forget. Never. Even another 12 years from now, I'm sure there's
going to be another ride, and I'll be going then."

The Muslim march was aimed at drawing attention to America's alleged discrimination against
Muslims, but the timing of the event sparked the counterdemonstration, The Huffington Post

According to police estimates, the Muslim rally, renamed "Million Americans Against Fear," was
expected to attract "somewhere in the hundreds, not thousands, of participants."

Even though organizers of the biker event were denied a permit to allow them to avoid traffic
signals in the city, they forged ahead with the ride, which they said was intended "to remember
those who were killed on 9/11 and honor our Armed Forces who fought those who precipitated
this attack," according to a local Fox News station.

The National Park Service, which denied the request, said it was unable to manage the size of the
event. "We couldn’t provide adequate park police services and park police escorts and it would
require a lot of road closures so it was denied," spokeswoman Carol Johnson told The Blaze.

The ride kicked off in Fort Washington at 11 a.m. The group, which stressed the ride would go on
as planned, apologized for any gridlock.

"What could have been a one- or two-hour ride will now likely be an all-day event," the organizers
said in a post on Facebook, according to Fox.

The group also said on its Facebook page that they will stand by the Constitution and Bill of Rights,
adding that they're "against any fundamental transformation of America," according to NBC News

Twitter lit up with photos of bikers on their way to participate in the  parade.

Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

Planetary Situation Update Part 1

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Planetary Situation Update Part 1

As predicted, massive operations of the Light forces have begun as September started.
The Eastern Alliance sprang into action. The Eastern Alliance is a loose group of BRICS government officials, Interpol personnel, members of Chinese and Russian military forces, White Dragons Society and Positive Templars who work under indirect guidance of the Resistance Movement to liberate this planet. 

BRICS group has announced the creation of a new global bank that will become one of the building blocks of the new financial system:
Vladimir Putin, the spokesman of the Eastern Alliance, has made steps to expose the actions of the Cabal to the masses during the current Syria crisis:
Behind the scenes, negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal continue. Large portions of Jesuit and Rothschild factions have already expressed their theoretical willingness to surrender at the Event. 
This is the reason why current Jesuit white Pope Francis puts on a friendly face. He wants to get amnesty for himself and the Catholic Church.
However, the Rockefeller faction (Illuminazi Paperclip Kissinger / Bush / Cheney / Rumsfeld criminal syndicate) does not want to surrender, they want to fight to their bitter end, triggering nuclear World War 3 on their way down. Needless to say, the Light forces will NOT allow that to happen.
Also, their military intervention in Syria may trigger the action of the Positive Military in the United States, exactly in the same way the decision of the Muslim Brotherhood to get involved in Syria conflict has triggered the action of the Positive Military in Egypt.
Cabal's military intervention in Syria will not happen according to my intel sources, but the Cabal will continue to push things to the limit. That will only accelerate their exposure to the masses of humanity and speed up their downfall. 
Silent war in Pentagon between positive and negative factions continues. 
On the positive side, Anonymous is active again:
On the other hand, the negative faction is threatening to use nuclear weapons. Again, that will NOT be allowed to happen. Also, the tension between positive and negative factions within the military has caused military personnel to lose faith in the command structure:
It seems that everybody is against Rockefeller faction now. The Eastern Alliance is gathering global public opinion against them, the Positive Military is preparing to take action. During surrender negotiations, even members of Jesuit and Rothschild factions have expressed willingness to help taking them down. Also, as there is much less negative influence from the etheric plane, they can expect much more disobedience from their mid to low level minions. 
According to the Resistance sources, if the Event would happen now, we could expect about 100,000 casualties worldwide as a result of the last minute destruction efforts of the Cabal and their minions before they are taken down and also as a result of the violent dysfunctional behavior of human masses, especially of Monarch mind control victims with their omega programming being triggered. However, that number is not easy to estimate as there are so many factors involved, it could be much lower or higher. 
This number is still far too high to tolerate and the Resistance will do everything to decrease it, speeding up the process as much as possible at the same time. 
I will post the second part of the planetary situation update next week. 
Total victory of the Light is near!

By Benjamin Fulford 9-9-2013

By Benjamin Fulford9-9-2013

Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against
Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing
attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death
throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian
issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the
Washington politicians enough rope to hang them-
selves with since it is helping prepare public
opinion for mass cabal arrests.

As always though, the cabalists do not plan to
vanish quietly into the night and are still hoping to
use nuclear terror to star World War 3.
In Asia, for example, cabal stooge UN Secretary
Ban Ki Moon, together with envoys from cabal
puppet Barack Obama, have been busy trying to
convince North Korea to stage some sort of
provocation but, the North Koreans are having
no part of it, according to Chinese government

Ban Ki Moon is the person who tried to bribe the
dragon family with $100 million during the 2009
Chiasso incident in order to prevent them from
cashing $134.5 billion worth of gold backed bonds
they owned.
Moon and fellow cabalists also put out lies that the
bonds were fake and have been doing everything in
their power since that time to keep their control of the
money creation process out of the hands of the
legitimate owners of historical global assets. Now that
the dragons are making a new move, Moon is freaking
out and is up to no good, the Chinese sources say.
Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, there is a lot
we cannot report other than to say a Dragon family
delegation arrived in China with week for a 10-day visit
concerning these bonds.
There is also confirmation that the Pentagon and the
Chinese military support the Dragon family on this issue.
We can also say the talks are very concrete, involve the
Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve
Board and the Committee of 300 and that no major
obstacles appear to exist to the cashing of trillions of
dollars’ worth of bonds for the purpose of financing a
massive anti-poverty campaign. The moderate faction
of the cabalists is now on-board.

Those die hard religious fanatics who still think they
can provoke China and the US to fight each other in order
to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon should take
note  of friendly US/Chinese joint military exercises taking
place  in Hawaii this week.

The attempt to start a war in Syria has also become the
modern day example of the story of the boy who cried wolf.
This time nobody is being fooled. Even the corporate media
propaganda machine is falling apart on this issue. Enough
has been written and exposed by others on this issue so,
suffice it to say our pentagon sources make it clear the US
military has no intention of being fooled into yet another war
in the Middle East. That is why Israeli submarines are not
going to be allowed to shoot missiles in order to provoke

The question on every aware person’s lips, of course, is
“when are all these criminals going to be rounded up and
put  in jail?” One pentagon sources says that an initial list
of 12,000  people to be arrested has been increased to close
to 30,000 and  that the arrests will be announced soon.
However, believe it when you see it.

Other sources say the cabalists have resorted to massive
nuclear blackmail and that is why the pentagon has decided
to simply deprive the cabalists of any real power and let
them wither away without giving them any excuse to start
nuclear terror.

Here is one example of a false fear mongering nuclear threat
against Fukushima sent to me by e-mail by someone
connected to the Feds: “IT IS DIRE  -  THE CORE HAS


What they are really talking about is the control of the
financial system going out of their control.

The cabalists are also trying to reassert control over public
opinion by silencing or pressuring influential bloggers.
As many readers know for example, Jeff Rense told me a
few years ago he was under enormous pressure to stop
carrying my stories and since then he began putting out
vast amounts of scare-mongering disinformation about

More recently, we hear from an associate of Tom Henegan
that “he is under a gag order,” and that the last time that
person talked to him Henegan seemed “scared and paranoid.”
We have tried to contact Henegan directly to confirm this but
have been unable to get a response. His reports appear to
have changed in content and character since his original
home page went down and may no longer be written by him.

In yet another case, Jane Burgermeister, the science
journalist who has been reporting on cabal attempts to
spread  bioweapons, has been reported missing by a
We received an e-mail from somebody purporting to be her
but the content seemed different from her previous e-mails.
Her net persona may also have been taken over by
cabal agents.

Then there is the ongoing police investigation against the
lawyer Michael Shrimpton in England. British police
contacted this writer about him last week. They are trying
to convict him of putting out false threats of nuclear terror
planned against the 2012 London Olympics. Shrimpton was
a major source for the murdered Christopher Story
(aka Edward Harle) and has been consistently fighting
against what he calls Nazi DVD influence in England.
The police investigating him report to Sarah Thornton, the
woman who was promoted after UK bioweapons expert
David Kelly was killed in her district.

If the British police are serious about investigating nuclear
terror threats, we strongly recommend they take in for
questioning Daryl Goodrich, of New Moon Television, the
producers of this Olympic promotion video:

which we were told by an MI6 agent contains a nuclear threat
against Japan at exactly 2.55 minutes into the video. We hope
the police investigators are serious about finding the
perpetrators of nuclear terror attacks and are not just trying
to silence Mr. Shrimpton. If they are serious, we can give
them a lot more names.

This writer has also experienced more than the usual amount
of harassment recently and we have been warned by Asian
secret society members of renewed attempts by cabal agents
to have me killed.

Needless to say, it is far too late for the cabal to be able to
prevent the mass awakening of humanity simply by killing
or compromising a few bloggers.

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558

Tonys call today

TONY - lot of information today. All of it is good. What I put out on the post was good. Everybody around the world related to the RV was waiting for the speech last night to see how it was going to go.

T - I didn't expect - and still don't - it to be today. Even though people are trying to get it done today. We are absolutely expecting it later in the week. It could be anytime. We've heard it from the UST, the IMF that it could happen this week. I've always thought it would happen while we were sleeping (midnight -5AM). We're hearing from some high officials to look for it during the morning hours. You should wake up to it one morning. That's the plan, for it to happen during those hours coming up real quick.

T - As of today, with the bank people: last Friday we were told pamphlets were shipped to banks about the RV, IQD and VND. This morning I heard those pamphlets had begun arriving at the banks.

T - they have begun training again at the banks (foreign currency training). They're telling them that the general public will begin coming in on Oct. 2 on all currencies.

T - over 100 people were in the training class today, which is higher than those just in the dinar training. They are expecting this to be done by Oct. 2 (back wall). They are training them now and expecting all the other currencies to start exchanging on Oct. 2, which is the day you can start day trading on currencies.

T - All bank personnel are scheduled to work tomorrow thru the end of the week, to come in early and be prepared. I want to address this issue about the IMF Injunction.

T - everyone was waiting on the speech. Thinkgs change hourly and daily. We talk to a lot of people around the world. Not one of them can confirm an injunction in any court at all. I'm not saying it didn't happen. but no one I've talked to can confirm it or knows anything about it.

T - There is a way there are hidden docs that don't become public. The USA did go before a IMF Tribunal with a request but it was refused. They were not able to go back and the process is continuing. As of this morning, we were told it would not happen before the agreement was signed between Russia and US that Kerry is going to Switzerland to take care of. Don't look for this until after Thursday or Friday (when this is signed). After that it can go at any minute.

T - all that can change. As of this moment, it is actually changing. I'm giving you the big picture - even right now at this moment they are trying to finalize everything so it can go tomorrow. One contact says they are ramping up right now looking for tomorrow. This has once again become the priority. One says wait until the Kerry docs are signed, and another says let's do it right now. None of them at the 3-letter agencies can find anything about an injunction.

T - Okie did call me and told me his 3-letter contact confirmed it. He wasn't the only one to put it out there nor was he the first. But he's the only one being crucified for it on the boards. I don't see the benefit of doing that.

T - I got the exact procedures they are to go thru, UST, IMF, etc. but I can't release that. What matters to you is that they are in agreement to the steps. It can happen most likely after it's signed, and they're looking at tomorrow. It's not months, it's not weeks, it's days or hours. The fact that WF, BoA have told their people Thurs/Fri. this week. The agreement should be signed and we'll see in the morning where we are.

PROOF! Flight 175 was CGI (rare video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

PROOF! Flight 175 was CGI (rare video)
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Sep-2013 14:37:30

This video demonstrates how the news media faked the 9/11 terror plot...

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Anti-Gun Colorado Senator Concedes. He is Recalled by Boots on the Ground People!! First time EVER in Colorado

Anti-Gun Colorado Senator Concedes. He is Recalled by Boots on the Ground People!! First time EVER in Colorado
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Sep-2013 13:49:05
This is what it takes, people!!! We get out there and make the system work FOR us, not against us.
Anit-Gun Colorado Senator Concedes. He is Recalled by Boots on the Ground People!!
The president of the Senate in Colorado is John Morse… and he just admitted defeat in a recall election. He is now the first-ever senator in Colorado to be successfully recalled.
He was recalled because he helped push anti-gun legislation in the state and openly ignored emails and messages from his constituents. The people decided that he didn’t represent them, he didn’t respect their basic Second Amendment rights, and he wasn’t fit to lead.
This is exactly what activism should look like. When politicians overstep their bounds, they should know that their careers will soon be over — anything else gives them the ability to ignore us and stay in power.