Friday, September 13, 2013

Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude

Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude

be positiveHaving and maintaining a positive attitude is vital for success in life and business. Zig Ziglar gets it right when he says, "It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude." Sure you need skills, but you can learn skills - in fact a positive attitude will make it much more likely that you will learn the skills necessary to succeed. If you take two people with an equal skill set the person with the better attitude will win.

Unfortunately it is not always easy to stay positive and keep a good attitude. As things go wrong throughout your day, it is easy to let negative thoughts start to take over. Thankfully there are many things that you can do to help maintain a positive attitude. These are things that you can do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to make sure you keep your positive focus. 

1.       Read Positive and Inspiring Books
One of the best ways to maintain a positive attitude is by reading positive books. These books serve to encourage you, inspire you, and teach you. Reading requires that you sit still and focus, and by focusing on something positive it helps you to keep a positive mindset throughout the day. (My favorite books can be found here.)

1.       Listen to Podcasts/CDS
The advantage of listening to podcasts or compact disks is that you can listen on the go. You can listen to motivating podcasts while you clean your house, exercise, or on a flight. In your car, you can play encouraging compact disks that help you make better use of your commute. Listening to recordings from people like Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, or John Maxwell can both teach and inspire you. (My favorite podcastscan be found here.)

1.       Wake up Early
One of the best ways to help you maintain a positive attitude is to create the habit of waking up early. Waking up early allows you to get a head start on the day. You can prepare for work and start your day without feeling rushed. You can get a head start on important projects before the rest of the world is awake to interrupt you. You can spend time reading or in prayer or meditation. I start each day by listening to a 10 minute motivational podcast. (Bonus Article: Simple Ways to Burst Out of Bed.)

1.       Exercise
Very few things in life leverage your time as much as exercise. Obviously it makes a difference for your physical health, but it also has significant benefits to your mental health. Exercise is useful to combat depression and to improve overall positive mood. Further, if you exercise early in the morning you can go through your day knowing that you have already completed the most valuable activity you had to do! (Bonus article: How to Develop the Habit of Daily Exercise.)

1.       Plan Your Week and Day
Having a clear plan to your day and to your week can go a long way to helping you maintain a positive attitude. By knowing what you want to accomplish you will be able to focus on your important life priorities. A weekly plan allows you to match your long-term goals to your weekly accomplishments. Your daily plan allows you complete the activities you need to do so that you meet your weekly goals. (My weekly planning process can be found here.)

1.       Understand that Things Won't Always Go as Planned
If you plan and expect everything in life will go as you planned, you will be quickly disappointed. One of the keys to maintaining a positive attitude is to understand that things will go wrong. If you expect things to go wrong, you won't be phased when they do. So have a plan, but understand that things won't follow the plan. The plan allows you to adapt to what went wrong and move back towards what is important. (Bonus article: A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind)

1.       St. John's Wort and Griffonia Seed
These two herbal supplements can have an important role to play in helping you maintain a positive attitude. Many people know about St. John's Wort as a natural supplement to help prevent or treat depression. St. John's Wort is really a mood stabilizer. Griffonia seed works to elevate positive mood. Together they are helpful in maintaining a positive mental attitude.

1.       Get Spiritually Connected
Naturally this one will look different for everyone, and this is simply an option to consider. If you are spiritually connected, you will have a positive outlook on life. This might mean prayer, meditation or reading Scripture. Set aside time each day to be connected spiritually.

1.       Be Thankful
Take some time and be thankful. Be thankful about what you have, who you are, and what your life is like. Think through all of the things that you can be thankful for. Even if you are in a tough time in life there are many things you have that you can be thankful for. You need to look for them and recognize them. The very act of focusing on what you are thankful for will help you maintain your positive attitude.(Bonus article: The Principle of Thankfulness)

1.       Surround Yourself with Positive People
The people around you have a big impact on you. They impact who you are, how much money you will make, and what you value. They also impact how you think. If you surround yourself with negative people you will be negative as well. You can't help it. Hearing negativity all day leads you to negativity. The opposite is also true. Surround yourself with positive people and you will be more positive.

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Report: "102 Prepping Choices I Would Change".. From One Who Has Actually "Bugged Out" To Off-Grid Living For 102 Days

Report: "102 Prepping Choices I Would Change".. From One Who Has Actually "Bugged Out" To Off-Grid Living For 102 Days
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 10:05:20

It's been 102 days since I let out on my own, went off-grid and ended up living my SHTF bug-out scenario. I think we all envision what life might be like off-grid and without common amenities. The reality I have found, is not as expected. There are at least 100 things I would change about my plan, all detailed here for easy access and consideration. As the list is long, details are limited. I'm happy to elaborate on any points if asked. So, that said, here's how I changed or would change my original plan:
1. Bring only dark and neutral color clothing. White and light are a pain to clean by hand.
2. Non-digital clocks lost time or stopped altogether when cold, even with new batteries. Digital worked well.
3. I was using a 120V inverter for small appliances. Having converted to 12V, I use about half the power each day. The inverter runs only large appliances now.
4. I brought an indoor thermometer alone. I now have a digital indoor/outdoor and can more accurately record weather.
5. Record daily high and low temperatures on a calendar for SHTF planting, harvesting, etc.
6. Portion food in single servings. Large #10 tins get boring and the contents go bad if it is humid.

7. Practice fire-starting skills in poor weather BEFORE heading out.
8. Bring the wide umbrellas instead of the usual ones. You will remain drier.
9. Pack more warm clothing. Societal normal includes temperature management, nature doesn't.
10. Leave food canned in tins behind. It creates a lot of garbage and cannot be frozen. Per calorie, it is very heavy.
11. Bring towels and cloths that are just big enough for the job.
12. A dozen "world's best scrubbers" from Poland would last a lifetime. Nylon and wool scrubbies didn't work as well or last as long.
13. One is zero and two is one. This is not a universal rule. Use it only on vital items. I used it on all items and have too much crap.
14. Get inverters that have fuses, or install your own fuses to protect your electronics. I blew equipment that would have survived if fused.
15. Bring spare fuses of all sizes used in your appliances and power bricks.
16. Cook EVERY one of your SHTF recipes in advance to ensure you like it, and only then pack the supplies for it away.
17. Make recipe labels/cards and insert them in your mylar bags or dry canning jars with the required ingredients.
18. Avoid foods with wheat in your preps, or at least document which contain wheat. I lost $ thousands when I learned I couldn't eat the food I'd stored. I had a cast-iron stomach until 2008; I could eat anything. Now I can't. If you think it can't happen to you, think again. I appeared as unsucceptable as you think you are.
19. Open your curtains and/or let the outdoors in. Enclosed spaces lead to depression. Get outside at least once a day if it's not Sariavo in your front yard.
20. Own a hygrometer and only open large tins of food when humidity is normal or below.
21. Use heated bricks to warm your fridge for hot storage in winter and containers of cold water to cool it in summer (great if you are short on energy).
22. Get exercise every day. It's easy to become lethargic if you are inactive for even a short spell.
23. Forget bringing tea and coffee, which just use up space. Pine needle tea is as good as gourmet, available in most any forest.
24. 2L pop bottles are better for water storage than the 4 gallon containers. They take less work to fill, move, and use.
25. Don't drink from the jugs. The water will get rank because you transfer bacteria.
26. Use a down pillow to keep your ears warm when sleeping through cold nights. Foam and Dacron pillows don't work for this.
27. Use dish soap for showering. It lasts about 6 times as long by volume.
28. Bring stainless steel drinking containers, utensils, and dishes. They clean up easier and are less likely to break.
29. Bring music. It's a great means of remaining positive or improving your mood. Same goes for musical instruments.
30. You'll have no time for unproductive hobbies like puzzles. Establish functional hobbies instead. The idea of wasting time on hobbies that don't help you... well it's out the window in survival situations.
31. The library of knowledge was VERY helpful, but I would index it better.
32. Printed instruction came in handy. Should have printed on laser instead of inkjet though; water wrecked a few pages.
33. Keep your SHTF place clean. Even if it isn't the best of accommodation, keeping it clean will keep your mind fresh and your spirits up.
34. Don't count on rechargeable L-ion, NiMh, or NiCad batteries to perform in cold. Own at least a few alkaline and an alkaline recharger such as the Pure Energy.
35. Don't count on appliances that use battery packs to operate in cold. My laptop, MP3 player, and more would not operate on their internal batteries at cold temperatures. They would run off the external battery bank.
36. Build a food reference book for your area. Each time you find a wild edible, glue a sample to a page and dry it. Put it in a plastic sleeve next to a picture of it growing in its natural environment. Document the uses for the plant. This will improve your foraging skill tremendously.
37. Never eat ALL of a wild edible you harvest. Should you feel ill, you will need at least a small sample to figure out where you went wrong and what to do about it.
38. Read up on the predators in the area so you know how to respond if you encounter one.
39. Cheap rain ponchos are useless. Get a good rain suit like the road flaggers use. Also get a spare. Rain suits wear out.
40. Journal daily temperatures, weather conditions, animal sightings (with location), etc. Write the date on each new entry.
41. Expect nature to provide less green food than you anticipate. What you pick takes time to regrow. What seems an abundance is not. In my case, I have been here three months and could still not sustain myself on natural foliage. Living off the land Without my preps, I would hunt or I would starve.
42. Stainless steel cookware is useless over a wood fire. Get cast iron in standardized sizes (two of each size, large and medium for a family, medium and small for couples).
43. Get the type of cast iron where the lid can be flipped and used as a frying pan. Mine are rounded, so I effectively have half the cookware.
44. Expect roof leaks. Having roofing tar or some sort of patch material. RV shops sell clear roof tar if color matters.
45. Two Sleeps, as Misty suggested, are great for OPSEC. People are most likely to spot you using power if it's 1-2 hours after sunset, but not at 3 am. I've switched to this schedule and find it comfortable.
46. Portable fridges are not energy efficient by default, nor are 12V coolers. Get a thermostatic or timer control so you can control when power kicks in and out. You'll cut power consumption for refrigeration in half.
47. Buy good padlocks. American Lock makes very sound locks good for decades. I got three years from mine, and they were no cheaper.
48. To hide an outside key, use a keybox like realtors install. You can put one in an inconspicuous place and you will never be locked out.
49. Make furniture multi-purpose. For example, my side bench is also a dehydrator. This enables me to fit more into the same space without clutter.
50. Get dental and medical work done NOW! I have two cavities in back teeth. If it were SHTF now, I'd dread the idea of pulling them personally if it could have been avoided through diligence instead.
51. Bring treatments for common pests and know how to use them. I recommend flea shampoo, vinegar, and witch hazel.
52. Label anything you or your spouse might not remember. In my case, I cooked an inverter because I did not label odd power cables.
53. Know what your battery bank is at each day. Don't let it fall low, as poor weather can always set in unexpectedly.
54. Don't under-size your solar panels. I figured I over-sized my battery bank, but what I really did was get the right size battery bank and too few solar panels. As a result, I can tap my batteries if I don't watch. It takes a month at current charge/consumption rates to fill my batteries with surplus power. I'd like it to take half that.
55. Remember to adjust for power loss in the conversion to and from your battery bank. In my case, 100 watt hours put into my batteries will give me 80 watt hours out. 20% is lost in conversion for storage.
56. A wash pot is better than a wash basin. I just put the stainless steel wash pot over the fire and when the water is hot, take it off to clean dishes / laundry. When the water cools, put the pot back on the fire for another go. Easy as pie!
57. I was low on space, so I purchased and installed closet organizer hangers. Now I fit five articles in the place of one.
58. Test every appliance with your inverters/backup power. In a few instances, I had appliances which needed a pure-sine inverter to work. Pure-sine inverters are much less efficient. I ended up getting appliances that work with regular inverters and replaced a couple wall-warts.
59. Bring lots of extra socks! Also bring a darning needle and egg. I'm getting 1/4 the usual lifespan because of the extra activity and this more gritty environment.
60. Have a GOOD bag even when you are bugged out. I did not and realized that if something went wrong, I couldn't leave.
61. Pack in plastic bins instead of cardboard. The bins are reusable, whereas cardboard quickly fails.
62. It is easy to get putt off your hygiene routine. In my case, I could be more diligent about brushing teeth.
63. Test all your food preservation techniques in the natural environment. Do it all without modern conveniences you won't have it SHTF. In my case, I found many of my planned food preservation techniques did not transfer well to the wild.
64. I learned I can cook a full week on a pound of propane (if I am careful). I need to stock up. Three 20 lb cylinders could do for a full year. Given how much more forgiving propane is than wood, it makes sense to have propane to ease transition.
65. One lb propane cylinders are refillable. I need to buy the attachment for a 20 lb tank. One lb bottles are easy to get free at your local campgrounds. Just ask. Check the web for filling techniques.
66. Confirm your local resources. What do you have around that would be of use? I took too long to scout around; next time I'll be diligent.
67. Grocery bags are excellent for garbage, but also for toilet liners. If you haul your own water like me, they can save a lot of work. Put them in a stainless steel pot with a lid, and use it in your toilet bowl or as a chamber pot.
68. Water shoes make great sandals and are very cheap this time of year. Again, sandals wear out quickly in this environment. Stock up.
69. Shoes, shoes, shoes. Take a lesson from the women and get a few extra pairs. You'll wear them out much faster in the wild. Also learn how to sole your own shoes and give it a try.
70. Tanning hides is a learned skill. I never learned and I have yet to succeed. I intend to fix this once I'm licensed to hunt.
71. Rodents are a pain. The rat traps don't work on squirrels in my experience. Stainless snares do. They also take less space.
72. Tattler lids are a good choice for sustainability, but own some one-time use lids too. Swap the one-time lids in place of Tattler when you first open a jar of spice, or something else that will be used over a long period. It will save you having to deal with the seal every time you use the contents.
73. Bears, wildcats, and wild dogs do not like human urine. Spread some around your site to mark territory as animals do. Either do it daily, or replace it after rain.
74. Confirm you have all the tools you think you have. In my case, I was missing my drill! It's an essential tool. I had to buy a replacement, but what if I couldn't?
75. Do not underestimate the importance of space. Cutting the crap from my supplies, I doubled my living area. Nothing I lost was important... it was all 'maybe' stuff that, when I think about it, I don't need.
76. Have a pot to piss in. When it's dark outside and you hear noises, you might just prefer it to the outhouse.
77. Do you have digestion issues with certain foods? Figure them out now while its convenient. There's nothing worse than problems on the trail. If you have the trots for a few days, you can get quite dehydrated. If you get them a lot and don't know why, you may be Celiac. Cases of the disorder exploded in 2008 when wheat farmers started desiccating their crops with Round-up. That's when it hit me. Also check for dairy and other possibilities. You need to know NOW so you can be certain your food is compatible with the SHTF you, and that your ability to travel distances isn't hampered.
78. I stored a lot of spices, but should have mixed them in advance. It's a lot easier to pull out one jar tht says fajita seasoning rather than the six ingredients.
79. I have only a few types of seed. In hindsight, I should have 5-6 times the variety I do, and more quantity as well. Sown in the wild, plants tend to yield only 20% of the typical crop... and while I intend on taking good care of my plants, there are circumstances I do not control... weather, pests, grazing wildlife (if I don't spot them in time to get meat), etc.
80. Ever try making lye soap? I can and I will in a pinch, but I'm buying laundry soap in volume now. A $10 dollar supply is equal to two weeks of soap making effort. Yes I'm being literal. A full day of work produced about 8 ounces of weak soap. I burnt my skin on the lye and had a jolly good time. No, if I can purchase soap instead of making it, I will.
81. Laundry soap makes great dish detergent. I brought bottled dish soap, but learned that 2 Tbsp of laundry soap in a 750ml bottle topped with water is just as effective. That saves a lot of space too.
82. I have found my skills more important than stuff in 90% of scenarios, yet when we think of preps, we think of stuff. I think we invest too little in learning and doing in advance; I know I did. I'm changing that.
83. Deodorant is consumable and takes up much more space than a deodorant stone. Buy the rock.
84. Pack things to be accessible. If you cannot, at least make a written index of where everything is. You'll forget otherwise, and have to dig through everything... pain in the butt and waste of time.
85. Keep your ammo handy! Yes, this is my greatest error. My crossbow is easy to reach, but the bolts are buried. Lots of good they do there! Even if you think it's a short term bug out (I was supposed to be reestablished in a week), you never know. If you have to dig for hours to get to your ammo like I did, what good is it?
86. Spare glasses. I have only one pair. You can get replacement sets for as little as $15 online. I can function without my glasses, but not as well. I want to own at least 5, instead of the current one. With shipping, it would be less than $100 invested.
87. Knives - I think I have a fetish. I have over 100 knives right now. They are good to have, but some of that money could have been diverted to other preps and I think it would have been more useful.
88. I have about two dozen blankets, mostly wool and purchased for about $4 each at a thrift. They were the deal of a lifetime, but wool is scratchy. I should have gotten some soft oversheets to go with the wool. Flannel sheets would have been ideal.
88. I have about two dozen blankets, mostly wool and purchased for about $4 each at a thrift. They were the deal of a lifetime, but wool is scratchy. I should have gotten some soft oversheets to go with the wool. Flannel sheets would have been ideal.
89. My iPhone isn't holding a charge as it used to. I can fix it if I have the cell, but consider this... if SHTF, I would not. If SHTF, I would disable the radio on my iPhone and I use it for apps and portable documents. I should have a spare battery, as the device is known to go about 3 years on a cell. It was a given that the battery would weaken, but I didn't prepare for that. Same goes for other devices with proprietary batteries.
90. If SHTF, I will lose weight and so will you. I have clothes for my smaller size, but not coats. A loose fitting coat is not a warm coat.
91. Beware the weak nylon zipper! I have lost three coats in as many months due to poor zipper technology. I've also had a tent zipper fail. Best check all zippers on your clothing and equipment. Maybe even buy a couple good long zippers you can use for replacements. Zippers can always be shortened, but there's no lengthening them.
92. I brought enough fishing gear for a lifetime and then some... line and all... only to have the river flood out and the fish killed. Fishing was a very big part of my food plan. I needed to prepare for alternate options better. The same can happen with diseased game and other food sources. I was short diversification and will extend options.
93. Five gallon buckets with lids are a godsend. I only have six; I should have 60 or more. They are the best food storage and stacking system I think I've that I've used them. There is wasted space between, but the lids seal well and they handle heavy stacking much better than all other storage containers I've purchased.
94. Some stand-alone software doesn't work if you are disconnected from Internet for too long. I have Office 2010 Starter and I've learned it does NOT continue to work if it can't report back to MS. I'm changing software suites.
95. Similar to the above issue, some software cannot be installed without Internet or phone verification. This is another vulnerability I need to get rid of.
96. Frozen pencils seem more reliable than frozen pens.
97. I store my critical files on USB and SDHC cards. A couple cheap cards have failed. I have other backups, but could potentially have lost everything. I now keep two copies of each card. One is for use, and one is in an anti-static bag tucked away. Because the cards and bags are small, they should not need a Faraday cage, but it wouldn't hurt to use one.
98. I brought WAY too little comfort food. In hindsight, I should have probably tripled the amount. The smartest thing would be to make my own in the wild (smoked fish and jerky, etc) and I will, but I'd still triple what I bring in.
99. Rope is one of the most useful tools I have. I wish I'd brought more.
100. A few things I purchased were simply not durable. I have a jar of bungees for example... 100 within but they all have plastic hooks. Mistakes like that are unforgivable, but I think we all make them. In my case, I figured the price was right, but if they fail... was it really?
101. Money was trim, but supplies solid when I left. Now that I've seen all the wasted money I used to procure things I didn't need, I feel a bit of regret. I wish I'd been more smart about purchases when I had the coin. Then I'd have what I needed AND some extra cash. Things would be easier.
102. People talk a lot about the importance of O2 packs, but not desiccants. In my experience, I think moisture is the biggest threat to preps we make in the wild. I would buy a pack of 500 desiccants and use one in every post-SHTF dry can. They can be re-used after drying over a fire. Costs are ridiculously low, in fact, you could probably just start saving the ones in your case goods and you'd have a good stack in just a few months.

Well, those are the 102 things I have changed or would change about my strategy. Perhaps you have more right than I did, perhaps not. Undoubtedly there are a few gems in there for everyone. Enjoy!



Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 07:04:35
Published time: September 12, 2013 16:19
Edited time: September 12, 2013 17:03
Syrian pro-government troops are seen on the streets of the Christian town of Maaloula on September 11, 2013. (AFP Photo)
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Syria unrest

Maria Finoshina, Shooting, Syria, Violence, War, Yulia Shapovalova

Anti-Assad rebels have been forced out of many parts of Syria’s ancient Christian village of Maaloula, but the fighting there remains heavy, RT correspondent Maria Finoshina reports from the scene.
After arriving in the center of the village Wednesday, Maria Finoshina and the RT camera crew saw signs of a recent battle and heard shelling. Syrian Army soldiers said the village was freed from jihadists. The claim would later in the day turn out to be premature.
Al-Nusra Front fighters first attacked the village last Wednesday. The following seven days saw Maaloula torn between the rebels and government forces, with both occasionally gaining control over the village.
Some residents, who claim rebels have resorted to looting, executions and forcing residents to convert to Islam, chose to join the Army to defend their village. Among them, Saba Ubeid, a store owner, said when filmed by RT in 2012 that he was sure the rebels would never come to the village. This time he was armed with a gun and fought alongside Syrian soldiers.
“They sent terrorists here from all corners of the world to kill Syrian people and each other. Why? I ask the world, why?” he cried out. “While in Europe if a citizen is simply slapped in his face, there'll be a scandal. While Syrians – how many victims, how many hundreds of thousands have been slaughtered? When it will stop?”
This is where we spent about 40 or 50 minutes stuck with #Syria soldiers&one journo hiding from bullets.
— Maria Finoshina (@MFinoshina_RT) September 11, 2013

Maaloula, a mountain village of 2,000 people, is the center of Christianity in the region. Alongside with Catholic and Orthodox monasteries there are the remains of numerous convents, churches, shrines and sanctuaries. It is also one of the very few places in the world where people still speak Western Aramaic, a Biblical language that Jesus is believed to have spoken.
The village, built into a rugged mountainside, is a major pilgrimage destination for Christians and Muslims from around the world. It is an ancient sanctuary on a UNESCO list of proposed World Heritage sites.
Despite sporadic reports of government troops regaining control over the village, at the time RT’s Maria Finoshina was in Maaloula the rebels still occupied the mountaintop Safir hotel, a strategic vantage point for sniper attacks.
“Our goal was to free it and go to the Mar Takhla monastery, but we still haven’t have been able to,” one of the soldiers says.
The Mar Takhla monastery – one of the oldest in Syria – holds the remains of St. Takhla, who is said to have converted many people to Christianity in Syria.
On their way out of Maaloula, the RT were caught up in the crossfire between the rebels and the government troops. The engineer was slightly injured.
The RT crew left the village when it was already dark. Government forces were still continuing their offensive on Maaloula.
Summary of the day:there ARE still militants in/around
& it is still a dangerous place to go.Altho
#army may control it daytime
— Maria Finoshina (@MFinoshina_RT) September 11, 2013

The village, 60 kilometers northeast of Damascus, located on a highway between the capital and Homs, is a strategically important location. If the village falls to the rebels, the pressure would be significantly increased on government defenses in Damascus.
Youtube does not permit embeding in this case so go to their link:
A true reporter.


Wes Brown []


Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 12:04:27

Live Updates: 2 million D.C. Bikers Stand Up For Free Speech And Defy Federal Tyranny
*** Well, they certainly did not want you to read this one. I have had nothing but trouble getting all three of these up and apparently they are blocking some viewers since the count shows virtually no readers for all three of the blogs we put up tonight so its coming down pretty quick. If we have to move to a secure server to get away from this and google loses in court, then we will give you the info so you can stay with us. Thanks for all your patience. They are apparently desperate and that is very very encouraging. A true morale booster, makes ya want to fight back even harder. The enemy is within our walls, SAVE AMERICAN LIVES, GET ISRAEL OUT OF OUR COUNTRY PERMANENTLY. I guess they are getting kicked out of just about everywhere these days.... even Hungary. LOL Kind of like a replay of khazaria. They simply never learn.
Vatic Note: THESE VIDEOS ARE A MUST WATCH, ALL OF THEM. THINK ON THE SCOPE OF THIS AND THE IMPACT. This is awesome, watch these videos below and it warms the cockles of your heart to no end. It did mine. It actually made me cry. Finally, an exhibition of just a small smiggen of what America could do if she decided and there would be no way to stop her short of nuking us into oblivion. What is great is America is waking up and now knows and has seen the documentation, that the attack on 9-11 was NOT DONE BY MUSLIMS. It was done by Israel as evidenced by Chertoff giving Israel immunity for what she did on 9-11.
Thomas Jefferson knew us well, since he said that we would, once riled and angered, be a force to reckon with that would be awesome, and this is just a small example, can you imagine when the entire country has had enough? They do not want to awaken a sleeping tiger, as they are now doing. What courage these bikers have and in such great numbers as to be reflective of the entire countries take on this all. NOTHING could have united us better than the evil ones have done with their tyranny, repression, mafia criminality and total lack of humanity.
Only 9% of Americans support attacking Syria, and yet you do not hear this from the MSM, they either lie like CNN does for their owners, the CIA, or they lie by ommission by not telling us what the results of the survey were. That is self censorship and in violation of their job as our fourth column and watch dog over our republic. These bikers should be given the medal of freedom for civilians, for what they have done to encourage us and exhibit for us what courage and the fight for right can do.
Bikers are not to be triffled with when it comes to their freedoms, especially free speech and what they did was amazing and was sorely needed. So many of us have been destroyed financially by these economic policies by the Federal Reserve, over the past 12 years that we do not have the resources to make such a trip, but these bikers have creatively found a way to pull it off and it was sorely needed.
What they showed us clearly, is that numbers prevail over tyranny. Let's not forget that when we are feeling helpless. We are not helpless and we certainly know that we are not alone, at all, in this struggle for freedom from the control of a foreign power on our soil that has taken over our government and made us into a colony of their "crimes againt humanity" country.


Live Updates: 2 million D.C. Bikers Stand Up For Free Speech And Defy Federal Tyranny

Well, they certainly did not want  you to read this one.  I have had nothing but trouble getting all three of these up and apparently they are blocking some viewers since the count shows virtually no readers for all three of the blogs we put up tonight so its coming down pretty quick.  If we have to move to a secure server to get away from this and google loses in court, then we will give you the info so you can stay with us.  Thanks for all your patience. They are apparently desperate and that is very very encouraging.  A true morale booster, makes ya want to fight back even harder.  The enemy is within our walls, SAVE AMERICAN LIVES, GET ISRAEL OUT OF OUR COUNTRY PERMANENTLY. I guess they are getting kicked out of just about everywhere these days.... even Hungary.  LOL Kind of like a replay of khazaria.  They simply never learn.

Vatic Note:   THESE VIDEOS ARE A MUST WATCH, ALL OF THEM. THINK ON THE SCOPE OF THIS AND THE IMPACT.  This is awesome, watch these videos below and it warms the cockles of your heart to no end.  It did mine. It actually made me cry.  Finally, an exhibition of just a small smiggen of what America could do if she decided and there would be no way to stop her short of nuking us into oblivion.  What is great is America is waking up and now knows and has seen the documentation, that the attack on 9-11 was NOT DONE BY MUSLIMS.  It was done by Israel as evidenced by Chertoff giving Israel immunity for what she did on 9-11. 

Thomas Jefferson knew us well, since he said that we would, once riled and angered, be a force to reckon with that would  be awesome, and this is just a small example, can you imagine when the entire country has had enough? They do not want to awaken a sleeping tiger, as they are now doing.  What courage these bikers have and in such great numbers as to be reflective of the entire countries take on this all.  NOTHING could have united  us better than the evil ones have done with their tyranny, repression, mafia criminality and total lack of humanity.

Only 9% of Americans support attacking Syria, and yet you do not hear this from the MSM,  they either lie like CNN does for their owners, the CIA, or they lie by  ommission by not telling us what the results of the survey were. That is self censorship and in violation of their job as our fourth column and watch dog over our republic. These bikers should be given the medal of freedom for civilians, for what they have done to encourage us and exhibit for us what courage and the  fight for right can do.

Bikers are not to be triffled with when it comes to their freedoms, especially free speech and what they did was amazing and was sorely needed.  So many of us have been destroyed financially by these economic policies by the Federal Reserve, over the past 12 years that we do not have the resources to make such a trip, but these bikers have creatively found a way to pull it off and it was sorely needed.

What they showed us clearly, is that numbers prevail over tyranny.  Lets not  forget that when we are feeling helpless.  We are  not helpless and we certainly know that we are not alone, at all, in this struggle for freedom from the control of a foreign power on our soil that has taken over our government  and made us into a colony of their "crimes againt humanity" country.

Live Updates: D.C. Bikers Stand Up For Free Speech And Defy Federal Tyranny
Sept. 11, 2013

In complete defiance of the City of Washington, D.C.’s decision to replace the First Amendment with political correctness, two million patriot bikers are rolling through D.C. today on the 12th anniversary of 9/11. Keep checking back here throughout the day for more updates.

Cruising into D.C.:

Going through town in DC:

Aerial footage:

A full convoy of bikers:

Rolling down the Interstate

A video of 500+ patriots rolling through Stafford, Virginia on their way to Washington, D.C.:

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research

It took a Russian Communist to REVEAL the Muslim Mole in the WH & America's Dilemma.

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

   It took Vladimir Putin to make CLEAR how BAD Barack Hussein Obama, the Caliph, truly is.

   This American congress couldn’t & wouldn’t because their self-interests over-rode those of the American People.

   Now that Obama has been embarrassed & exposed, clearly revealing HIS FAILURES & INABILITY, et al, the American government is being forced to finally act.

  That is what it took!

   This is how BAD things are in this Country revealing the years and decades of Political Obfuscation that have brought US ALL to this condition.

   Thus the Debacle of this government’s undertakings with respect to Immigration, Borders, Budget, Entitlements, Spending, Wars, Taxes, Deceit, Corruption, etc. and just about all else they have so horribly been engaged in at our TOTAL expense, now BECOMES CLEARER because of the ineptitude of these Amateurs of Political Pestilence within EACH PARTY that are sucking us dry while STEALING OUR LIBERTIES & FREEDOMS from us.

   They could get away with it on a NATIONAL Basis BUT…..International Recklessness- that’s a whole other ‘story’ because MANY OTHER PEOPLES are involved and they were NOT about to let this government and its arrogant, hateful president pull THEM into the quagmire as they have done with us- The America People!

   It essentially took a Communist, out of Sheer Necessity, to REVEAL TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE DIRE STRAITS WE ARE IN via ‘default’.

   This is what WE Confederates have been imploring YOU ALL, as Americans, to understand and come to grips with before ALL collapses in of its own weight?

  Once again, I will state the obvious- That which Washington has CREATED for THEMSELVES cannot & will never be REVERSED to the extent that this Country will ever again resemble the Original America of our Founders.

  As long as they were Screwing U, the World didn’t much care.
  In fact, they were laughing at us for having become so Ignorant as evidenced by Obama’s “American Exceptionalism” statement that the WORLD considered to be Arrogant, INSOLENT & Condescending resulting in a: ‘this is what you get & deserve attitude’ the World over.

   This also reflects the Stupidity associated with Giving Away TRILLIONS of Dollars over decades in a failed attempt to BUY FRIENDS in order for Washington’s influence to be expanded.


   We MUST Separate and for those reasons cited in my communique yesterday.
   Washington is a Destroyer and NOT a Builder and Its Two-Party Duopoly is ONLY interested in their OWN perpetuation at all costs & will NEVER change but only Worsen.

   These clowns in Washington have made a TOTAL MESS of things, Nationally as well as Internationally and it will take the province and dimension of Honourable Men of Stature to return her to her former Glory & Independence.

   This will NEVER be realized by all the Special Interest clowns who serve as ‘elected’ officials via a controlled election system of demagoguery that we merely ‘sanitize’ every election but have NO real choice in terms of selection.

   The 2-Party Duopoly’s delegates are every bit the problem because they are part of the same Infra-structure that has allowed BOTH PATIES to continue in their zealous ways.

   How many MORE TIMES will YOU vote for the lesser of 2-evils while holding your noses from the stench in the ‘booth’ resulting in Greater consternation & problems thereafter?

   How many more times before YOU realize the Game at Hand?

   State Sovereignty and NOT the Central State was the Way in which the Founders designed this Country .

   It was done that way so the People would remain in Control via Controlling their Independent States via their Legislatures ALL of WHOM would control the CENTRAL BEAST in order for the ‘Dog to Always Wag Its Own Tail’ & NOT the other way around!

   How many times MUST YOU be reminded of what was taken from YOU?

   This time it took a Russian Communist and former KGB colonel to save our asses only because the Caliph was about to do something so STUPID it forced THEIR HANDS…..

   Next time we might not be so lucky.


‘A Country that knows NOT of Its Origin is like a Ship without a Rudder- Sooner or Later It WILL Destroy Itself on the Reef of Stupidity’,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Our Survival and that of OUR Country Depends Upon IT!


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 12:32:29
by Manlio Dinucci
Voltaire Network | Rome (Italy) | 13 September 2013
The hammering by politicians and the corporate media about chemical weapons use in Syria, which, according to secret CIA "evidence" was used by government forces, has generated the widespread false impression that it is only Syria that now possesses such weapons and threatens the rest of the world with them. That’s the power of the weapon of mass distraction, which is able to focus public attention on a single point, making everything else vanish.
Germany was the first to use chemical weapons in 1915-17: First liquid chlorine and phosgene, later the asphyxiating and blistering Mustard gas. In response, Britain and France also produced this deadly gas. The nerve gas Tabun, which causes death by suffocation, was discovered in 1936 by researchers from the German company IG Farben (the same company that produced Zyclon B, used in gas chambers). In 1936 Italy used chemical weapons in Ethiopia, and had already used it in Libya in 1930. Germany produced the even more lethal chemical agents Sarin and Soman. They were not used by Adolf Hitler, probably because at first he feared retaliation by the United States and Great Britain, which had major chemical arsenals, and in the last phase of the war, because not enough planes remained to carry out such an attack. During the Cold War the chemical arms race accelerated with the discovery of the most toxic nerve gas, VX, whose production began in the United States in 1961. Then the first binary chemical weapons were produced in the United States: These are bullets, bombs and missile warheads that contain two separate chemical components, which when separate are relatively harmless, but which during the trajectory are combined in a toxic mix. The USA and the USSR amassed the largest and most lethal chemical weapons, but the "chemical club" rapidly expanded to include other countries.
After the Cold War ended, the Chemical Weapons Convention came into force in 1997, banning the use of chemical weapons and establishing the destruction of existing stockpiles. Now 16 years later, however, neither the United States nor Russia has completely destroyed its stockpiles, since they have not observed the established deadlines. According to official data, the U.S. still holds approximately 5,500 tons of chemical weapons. Russia has much more, about 21,500, inherited from Soviet arsenals. A simple quantitative comparison, however, is misleading: the United States, Russia and other technologically advanced countries retain the ability to build sophisticated binary chemical weapons and always combine their nuclear war exercises with those of chemical warfare. According to one dimension, which is also quantitative, the United States, which is leading the campaign against chemical weapons in Syria, owns approximately six times what Syria does. According to an estimate by French intelligence, probably inflated, Syria is supposed to have about 1,000 tons of chemical agents and substances suitable for producing chemical weapons.
Why hasn’t Syria signed the Chemical Weapons Convention? The answer basically is that the Syrians need to counter Israel’s nuclear weapons and not only that. In the 1960s Israel had also built a sophisticated arsenal of chemical weapons. But just as with Israel’s nuclear weapons, this remains secret because Israel has signed but not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention. According to a report of "Foreign Policy," based on a 1983 CIA document, advanced research on chemical weapons were conducted in the Israeli Center for Biological Research, and these weapons were produced and stored in the Negev Desert, at Dimona, where Israel also produces its nuclear weapons. Even the Sept. 10 "Jerusalem Post" reports this. Even if Israel has not maintained such an arsenal, writes the journal "Jane’s," it has the ability to "develop an offensive chemical weapons program within several months." (Jane’s CBRN Assessments, 23 July 2009, It is understandable then why even Egypt has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention.
The U.S. and Israel have never officially violated the rule prohibiting the use of chemical weapons, since the chemical dioxin (Agent Orange), used extensively by the U.S. in Vietnam, and the chemical white phosphorous bombs used by the U.S. in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya, and by Israel in Gaza, are not considered chemical weapons. This is not much of a consolation for the families who have seen children born deformed from Agent Orange or burned to death by white phosphorus.
Manlio Dinucci

" Freedom and Reap" by Rob Zurwell: An original sovereignty song for public domain.

" Freedom and Reap" by Rob Zurwell: An original sovereignty song for public domain.

Is there more to the story than we’ve been told?
‘Twas lost along the way, bought and sold.
But the time has come for a new reality
I’ll tell you how were gonna be freefree.
No more tricks if that’s how you get your kicks.
The power of Love it is growing.
The future is now, what comes then goes around.     
The lies laid bare, they are showing.

Transparency, Integrity freefree.

All we gotta do is be free, free

Free to embrace the taste of sovereignty.
Common Law’s soul truth, it’s wisdom speaks to me.

All we gotta do is be freefree.
Not by chance, no escape from destiny.  
The dark stayed too long at the party.
Make the scene, it’s up to you and me.   
No time to be the broken hearted.

Imagine possibilities, freefree
All we gotta do is be free.
Free to embrace the taste of sovereignty
Common Law’s soul truth, it’s wisdom speaks to me.

All we gotta do is be freefree.

Synchronicity, visualize and believe.       
The crystal ball says we’ll make it!
An open mind can see what tomorrow will bring.    
It’s your gift, reach out and take it!
In the realm of probability, freefree

All we gotta do is be free.

Free to embrace the taste of sovereignty.
Common Law’s soul truth, it’s wisdom speaks to me.

All we gotta do is be freefree.
There is no end, all is new again.
Better than before, can you feel it?
Light guide your way, along the byways
When you have arrived, you will know it!

Divinity, Infinity, freefree.

All WE gotta do is be freefree.
All WE gotta is be free.                                         

By Rob Zurwell    June/July 2011

Another most reasonable 'demand' by Syria (Bashar al-Assad), that the "United States", stop arming the Syrian opposition

I had it right and I am still RIGHT !!! It's time to take these guys down now !!! How many more innocent people have to die ????? PASS THIS ON !!! Innocent people are dying every day, WHEN IS THE KILLING FIELDS GOING TO STOP ???? WHEN ARE THE MURERERS GOING TO BE TAKEN DOWN ??? BY THE WAY, THAT INCLUDES OBAMA, KERRY, THE CIA AND ALL THE 3 LETTER ALPHABET SOUP THAT HAVE JOINED OBAMA FOR MONEY !!! Lynda

Another most reasonable 'demand' by Syria (Bashar al-Assad), that the "United States", stop arming the Syrian opposition
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 07:28:15
WASHINGTON — Not long ago, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria seemed a remote and embattled figure, with the United States threatening airstrikes and other Arab leaders denouncing him for having used chemical weapons against his own people.
live Updates on Syria

Yet in recent days, he appears, paradoxically, to have turned the crisis to his advantage, making clear to a global television audience that he aims to use President Obama’s own “red line” against him.
In exchange for relinquishing his chemical arsenal, Mr. Assad said Thursday, he will require that the United States stop arming the Syrian opposition —
A demand that might seem wishful from the leader of a devastated country where civil war has left 100,000 dead, two million living as refugees and large swaths of territory beyond his control.

Take a look in the mirror, 'US military machine', and see the deaths and misery you have thus far caused most recently, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now get to the negotiating table, and start negotiating for an enduring peace, in 'good faith', for all parties concerned, instead of carrying on with your self-interest, belly-aching and childish 'war-mongering' antics - in yet another tragic and war-torn region on Mother Earth.
She is physically groaning in pain, as is the rest of humanity, or haven't you even noticed?

Putin Authorizes Atomic First Strike Against US Navy Forces

September 13, 2013
Putin Authorizes Atomic First Strike Against US Navy Forces
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that President Putin has “pre-authorized” the newly established Mediterranean Fleet use of atomic weapons to be fired against United States Naval assests in the event that CIA-backed al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria launch a chemical attack against Israel.
Important to note about this MoD report is that Putin had warned the American public this past week about this pending attack on Israel through the publishing by the New York Times of his open letter to these peoples warning:
Equally important to note is that this is the second time Putin has appealed to the American people about their government’s support of brutal Islamic terrorists, the first time coming when in 1999 he warned, also through an open letter to the New York Times:
Less than two years later, on 11 September 2001, Putin’s warning came horrifyingly true when these “ordinary New Yorkers and Washingtonians” watched thousands of their fellow American citizens perish due to their regimes failure to listen to anyone other than their lying war mongers.
In fact, and just like in Syria today, the United States completely ignored Putin’s warning and supported the brutal Islamic Chechnya terrorists even granting one of their leaders, Ilyas Akhmadov, asylum and providing him a US-taxpayer supported income.
How the American people even allowed their regime to grant asylum to Akhmadov who was one of the masterminds of the worst terror attack in Russian history that left 334 people dead, 318 of them hostages, including 186 children, in the Beslan School Massacre is beyond understanding.
That is, however, until you understand this MoD report which lists in detail the lies being told to the American people by the Obama regime about Syria and who exactly these Obama regime war mongers are aiding and that are flying the black flag of Al Qaedaslaughtering “heretics,” burning down churches, and eating the hearts and livers of Syrian government soldiers on YouTube.
Even worse, this MoD report continues, supporters of Obama’s war on Syria, US Secretary of State John Kerry and US Senator John McCain, went before the US Congress last week and testified that the Islamic terrorists in Syria were in the minority of rebels and citied the work of Dr. Elizabeth O’Bagy from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) as the basis for their facts.
However, this report says, both Kerry and McCain failed to tell US lawmakers, and the American people who they represent, that Dr. O’Bagy was, in fact, not a doctor, had been fired from her position at ISW because of her lying about her academic credentials, and even worse, that she was being paid by a Syrian rebel advocacy group standing to make millions should American attack Syria.
And in a complete understanding as to why a recent Gallup Poll found that virtually no one in America trusts their mainstream media organs, and that the fastest growing “newspaper” in America is The Guardianbased in ManchesterEngland, was no major US news outlet that featured “Dr.” O’Bagy on their programmes bothering to tell their viewers the truth about her.
So today, and as the Mediterranean Fleet has now been expanded to 10 warships, this MoD report states, the Moskva guided-missile cruiser, that carries 16 surface-to-surface N-12 cruise missiles, each of which carries a 350-kiloton atomic warhead, is “more than a match” for the US and Western naval forces aligned against them.
As to why Putin would authorize such a strike, thus risking all-out war with the West, this report continues, lies in Russian military doctrine rooted in the mass failures of the Great Patriotic War (World War II) when the then Soviet Union failed to initially confront the Nazis because of Germany’s overwhelming military and technological advantages, but whose failure to confront led to war anyway.
And like the Nazi Germans of last century, Putin has warned the Americans today believe they are “exceptional” too, and about which he stated:
September 13, 2013 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.