Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chapter Eighteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Chapter Eighteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Sep-2013 18:07:50

Chapter Eighteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus
I am so looking forward to the time when I can walk among you. This time it will be a celebration for all of us. We will be celebrating freedom - the freedom to define yourselves a sovereign beings under God, untrammeled by the control of the Dark Ones who enslaved everyone on the planet with their economic sleight-of-hand maneuvers. They had gained control over nearly every financial transaction in nearly every part of the world, siphoning off enormous wealth.
The pervasive use of money to define every transaction between one individual and another became their tool to eliminate all trade that was not controlled by them. As you know, most of the world is now under the grip of that program. It allowed everyone to be taxed, assessed, and overseen in all the important interactions in their lives.
This oppressive framework of control is being dismantled, nullified, because it was based on illegal practices. It is being replaced by a completely different system which will level the playing field, as you like to say. No individual or group will be permitted to control enormous amounts of money, as for instance the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. has done. It is already being dismantled, and its head has resigned. Taxes will be a thing of the past, for they are not needed when all individuals have access to the unlimited funds which were controlled by the International Monetary Fund and the Banks of each country, all of whom were in league to steal and hoard the resources of their countries.
The noose around everyone's neck will be loosened, and you will all be able to walk away from the old system, debt-free. All debts will be forgiven, because the majority of the world's bank loans were written fraudulently. This illegality does not include, of course, those independent small banks which were established by the people to help each other, like the micro-loan lending programs which keep individuals - borrowers and lenders - in contact with one another.
Imagine a life without bills to pay, in which all individuals are free to train themselves, with help from talented experts, to accomplish any creative endeavor they wish to accomplish. All community activities will center around celebrating the skills and abilities of its members, and the power of creativity will be unleashed in a way that was unimaginable under the old system. When no one has to work at a dreary job (most of which had to do with moving money and papers detailing the movement of money), all will be free to invent, organize for productive purposes, and help their neighbors. You will no longer be pressured to meet the schedule of a boss who is insensitive or rude. You will choose who you wish to help, and how you wish to use your creative skills.
Many of you have already laid the groundwork for the projects you wish to nurture, whether it be non-profit social programs, arts programs, or assistance for the most vulnerable among you. All these projects will be supported, when their mission is truly in the Greater Good. These will be the first recipients of the Prosperity Funds, so that all those among you who are struggling will be offered help.
You have been programmed by the Dark Ones to believe that anyone who is poor must also be lazy and irresponsible. This is not true. Many who live barely above poverty have created a life in which they are fulfilled by their artistic work, which they feel they must pursue. Little has been done to recognize the talents of budding artists and musicians, especially when their work carried a profoundly meaningful message, and your culture is poorer for it. Success has been defined by how much money a person earns. This will all be turned on its head in the New Golden Age of Planet Earth.
I am telling you these things now because of Universal Laws which determine what will come to pass. Without the Vision of the future and your active participation in creating these conditions of which I speak, the Golden Age will not come to pass. It is a joint endeavor, you see. We envision it together, and the power of our combined energies create the reality we are determined to manifest. Only this way does real change take place within the social and economic structures of the planet.
Many of you have already witnessed the "miraculous" recovery of those who have taken part in our healing groups. The evidence is beginning to come in. People with chronic, "terminal" conditions are returning to complete health. As the power of the healing intentions of hundreds of people is focused on the individuals in need of healing, disease and disability melts away as if it had no substance, which it does not. It takes courage to defy the medical establishment, to cure yourself when your doctors have told you there is no hope, but many have done just that.
The condition of perfect health is a state of mind, one which has not been recognized or taught in your recent cultures. Asian healers still continue to pursue their ancient practices of herbal and energy treatments, helping people to take charge of their own health, but even those honored crafts have often been brushed aside in favor of more abrupt and invasive Western methods. New forms of healing will be allowed to develop once the medical establishment run by drug companies and large corporations and special interest groups are eliminated from the mix.
There are extremely effective technologies, developed by civilizations more advanced than your own, which combine the best understandings from every discipline throughout the ages. The Arcturians, in particular - the highly evolved civilization from Arcturus - have developed very sophisticated methods of healing the human body. They have done this not for themselves, since they have no need for these treatments; their existence in higher dimensions does not allow for disease or deformity.
The Arcturian Masters are doing this simply because they are dedicated as a group to being of service to others, and they are able to create methods which are brilliantly effective healing tools for the maladies of the human body. They have dedicated their energies to developing methods which will aid humankind in learning to prepare for Ascension, by healing the physical disabilities which lower your vibration and keep you in a state of misery.
You are greatly blessed by having such friends from the stars here at your service. Their ships are in orbit now, just above the Earth, available for your use. It is here we meet when we do the healing groups on On the mothership which is parked in high orbit above the North Pole, we are greeted by the Arcturians, Mother and Father God, and dozens of the Archangels and Masters whose expertise in the healing arts is well known. There are now thousands of Arcturians here to help you, and there is no limit to the number of people they are willing to assist. They are there for you in the groups we lead, or individually. You only need to call on them.
You are practicing your meditation skills, are you not? It is crucial for you to do that now, because there is so much for you to learn and so much information available to you when you open your heart and your mind to reestablish your own psychic abilities, which many of you gave up under the pressure of a disbelieving and closed-minded culture. Be daring, Dear Ones. Open your third eye. Breathe gently and persistently through your brain to ease and sooth all the cramped and constricted places where information cannot flow freely because of anxiety and a preoccupation with everyday concerns.
Let it be, as the wonderful song implores you. You are not in danger of not surviving until tomorrow. Do not allow your anxiety and the instilled fear of the ages throw you off track to the most exhilarating opening of your consciousness. The benefits of developing your sensitivity to higher dimensions is immeasurable. Never mind that your so-called scientists (or those who misquote them) pretend to know nothing of the etheric world beyond your five senses. The wonders of the Universe occur on endless levels - levels upon levels of potential experience that you have not yet begun to explore.
Go deep into your subconscious mind - there at the center of your brain you have a channel which leads directly to it - and connect with your Higher Self, as we have been instructing you to do. Follow the links of consciousness which will lead you to the level or to the person you wish to communicate with, whether it be an ancestor, a Master with whom you have a personal affinity, or your Guardian angel. We are all here to be of service to you, and we revel in your growth.
This is the purpose of these messages and meditations, is it not? Your growth and the growth of the entire human race. You have no idea what a profound impact it has on the world around you when you reach down, take hold of yourself and rise to meet the dawn of the New Golden Age which awaits all of you. Lift yourselves, Dear Ones, out of the old, despairing negativity which has pervaded your world and your thinking for thousands of years. It is a time to leave behind mistrust, paranoia and fear. Together you will overcome all these old feelings and Dark philosophies.
It is not easy to shift your entire belief system, but you will succeed if you follow along with the many tools we have created for you. Initially, our messages were only in English, but translations are now being done, under my supervision, to provide the messages in as many languages as possible. There are about 14 languages already being done, and many more in the future. If you know skilled or professional translators in the less well-known languages, we welcome their participation. We wish to share the good news with everyone on the planet. As they are completed, the translations are posted We offer these to share, only asking that you include the name of the channel, the translator, and the website. It is very important to me that the translations be done by people who have been chosen for this purpose, and that no "robot" translators be used, for obvious reasons.
Now, Dear Ones, begin by dedicating your days to your spiritual development above all other activities. Your close relationships, and especially your relationships with your children, are a part of that spiritual development. You will not need to spend long hours alone in a quiet place - this is not a solo experience. Ascension is something you must ultimately accomplish for yourself, but you will accomplish it within the ebb and flow of life, in relationship with loved ones, the Animal Kingdom, and Mother Earth herself.
Know that you are not alone. The Ascension of humankind was planned within the democratic process of consultation and shared ideas. You were a part of that planning, and your vote was needed to initiate this holy project. You see, it was unanimously agreed within the Councils of humankind that all be included, all be assisted in any way necessary, and all be cheered across the finish line into the 5th dimension, whatever it takes.
Of course, as you look around you, you see that there are still some who are asleep, belligerently clinging to negative attitudes of superiority, judgment, blame and victimhood. These stubborn attitudes will mellow and fade away in the face of the waves of Love and Light which will continue to pour across the Earth realm, lifting all beings to higher levels of consciousness. You will very shortly be treated to the wondrous announcements which will make it clear to everyone on the planet that everything is changing. There will be no denying the presence of our Star Brothers and Sisters when the ships land, to great cheering and celebration.
We are arranging these celebrations now, Beloveds, and no one could be more excited than I am, to dance with you in the streets, to proclaim the freedom of all humankind, and to share in the glorious experience of being embraced in Love and Light.
I am here for you; I am dedicated to the Ascension of humankind, and I will do anything necessary to help each and every one of you to achieve the destiny for which you were born. Reach deeply into your hearts; feel the peace which comes with endless Love.
We are One.
I am Sananda/Jesus.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept. 14, 2013, 11 PM EDT

Obama Bankrolled Attack On The Benghazi Consulate

The Western Center for Journalism

Obama Bankrolled Attack On The Benghazi Consulate

August 22, 2013 by 
It has been widely reported in Egyptian media that one of the leaders in the attack against the Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012 was Mohsen Al-Azazi.
According to Ahmed Moussa, a former high ranking intelligence official with the Egyptian government and several other sources, Al-Azazi’s passport was found in the house of Khairat Al-Shater, the Number Two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy, now under house arrest in Egypt by the Egyptian military. Al-Azazi has been implicated as the actual assassin of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
But this is only the beginning of a blockbuster story.
According to Khairat Al-Shater’s son, Saad Al-Shater, his father is in possession of information linkingObama with criminal activities tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.
As reported by at least six Arabic news sources:
In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison.
Further, as reported by several Arabic news sources, citing a Libyan Intelligence documentdated September 15, 2012, six Egyptians from the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia based in Egypt were arrested for the Benghazi attacks and confessed that then-Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi was behind the attack. Additionally, Muslim Brotherhood researcher Walid Shoebat has obtained a copy of the Libyan Intelligence document and confirms Mohammed Morsi is named in the confession.
Per Shoebat’s translation of the document:
The most distinguished names that were obtained from the confessions by members of the cell, is the person, the President of Egypt, Mohammad Morsi…
The Libyan Intelligence document goes on to name five other co-conspirators, all members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is the same Mohammed Morsi who Barack Hussein Obama was fawning over and sent hundreds of millions of dollars to in foreign aid. The same Mohammed Morsi that Obama isstill supporting, sending his minions to lobby for his release by the Egyptian military. This despite the fact that the Egyptian military has evidence that Morsi conspired with the terrorist group Hamas to murder thousands of Egyptian citizens.
There is even a video of Ansar al-Sharia, the group that attacked the Benghazi consulate,admitting that it was Morsi who was behind the attack. This was broadcast on Libyan TV!
But there’s more.
According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News, Obama sent an eight billion dollar secret bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas, a Muslim Brotherhood sister group, works directly with Ansar al-Sharia in the Sinai Peninsula. Channel TV14 goes on to say that the agreement was signed by Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s second in command, Khairat Al-Shater, now under house arrest in Egypt, who says he has documents that will put Obama in prison!
But it gets worse: the eight billion dollars that Obama sent to the Muslim Brotherhood was shared with Ansar al-Sharia, the group that attacked our consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
If all of this proves to be true, Barack Hussein Obama funded the attack on the Benghazi consulate and CIA Annex. Barack Hussein Obama funded the assassination of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Barack Hussein Obama is therefore an accessory to murder, not to mention a traitor!

Behind the Smoke curtain

Subject: Behind the Smoke curtain

This is a long presentation, it goes into great detail. One thing I learned that just blew me away was the number of dual citizens in our government. here is a link to what I found on this.  If you do not watch the movie please pass this along so folks can learn who is running this country and who is not. John

9/11 Pentagon Attack - Behind the Smoke Curtain - Barbara Honegger

Barbara Honegger's presentation titled "Behind the Smoke Curtain" in Seattle's Town Hall Theater, January 12, 2013,


As always, the criminals in Washington, DC have continued with their lies, this time to NOT strike Syria while troops and weaponry are being shipped to the Middle East.. While the "US" corporation may not strike today, it appears from troop movements and other information surfacing that the plan may be to strike by Thanksgiving. America's problems will begin shortly after the middle east war erupts................
Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 11:56 AM
Temple Mount & East Jerusalem

Secret # 2: Not A Secret Anymore

Secret # 2: Not A Secret Anymore
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Sep-2013 14:47:50

Secret #2
by Milton William Cooper
One of the greatest secrets of the ages is the true story of the Holy Grail, the robe of Jesus, the remains of the Cross of Crucifixion, and whether Jesus actually died or if he survived and produced a child.
Many myths surround the Knights Templar concerning these relics, and most myths throughout history always have at least some basis in fact.
If my sources are correct, the Knights Templar survive today as a branch of the Illuminati and guard the relics, which are hidden in a location known only to them.
We know that the Templars are Illuminati because the Freemasons absorbed and protected those that escaped persecution of the church and France, just as the Freemasons would absorb and protect Weishaupt's Illuminati centuries later.
The Knights Templar exist today as a high degree of Freemasonry within the Templar Order.
In fact, the Knights Templar is a branch of the Order of the Quest.
The DeMolay Society is branch of the Freemasons that consecrates the memory of the persecution of the Knights Templar and in particular, their leader Jacques deMolay.
I know, because I was a member of the DeMolay Society as a young adult. I loved the mystery and ritual.
I became separated from the Society when my family moved to a location out of reach of any lodge.
I believe to this day that my association with the DeMolay Society may have been the reason for my selection for Naval Security and Intelligence.
According to members of the intelligence community, when the New World Order is solidified the relics will be taken out, will be united with the Spear of Destiny, and will, according to legend, give the world's ruler absolute power.
This may confirm beliefs passed down through the ages that describe the significance of these relics when united in the hands one man.
It explains Hitler's desperate search World War II. (Gen. Patton had claimed it after defeat)
The Knights Templar were founded sometime during the 11th cent. in Jerusalem by the Prieure de Sion for the express purpose of guarding remaining relics of Jesus and to provide military protection for the religious travelers during their pilgrimage to the Holy City.
The Prieure de Sion was a religious order founded upon Mount Sion in Jerusalem.
The Order set for itself the goal of preserving and recording the bloodline of Jesus and the House of David.
Through every means available to them, the Prieure de Sion had found and retrieved the remaining relics.
These relics were entrusted to the Knights Templar for safekeeping.
I am amazed at the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the information that they have unearthed.
Most of all I am amazed at their inability to put the puzzle together.
The treasure hidden in France is not the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem.
It is the Holy Grail itself, the robe of Jesus, the last remaining pieces of the Cross of Crucifixion, and, according to my sources, someone's bones.
I can tell you that the reality of the bones will shake the world to its very foundations if I have been told the truth.
The relics are hidden in France. I know the location and so do the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, but they do not know that they know -- or do they?
Adam Weishaupt, a young professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, was a Jesuit priest and an initiate of the Illuminati.
The branch of the Order he founded in Germany in 1776 was the same Illuminati previously discussed.
The Jesuit connection is important, as you will see later in this chapter.
Researchers agree that he was financed by the House of Rothschild (mentioned in "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"). Weishaupt advocated -
"abolition of all ordered national governments, abolition of inheritance, abolition of private property, abolition of patriotism, abolition of the individual home and family life as the cell from which all civilizations have stemmed, and abolition of all religions established and existing so that the ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind."
In the same year that he founded the Illuminati he published Wealth of Nations, the book that provided the ideological foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Revolution.
It is no accident that the Declaration of Independence was written in the same year.
On the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States the wise will recognize the all-seeing eye and other signs of the Brotherhood of the Snake.
Every tenet was the same.
Date and beliefs confirm that Weishaupt's Illuminati is the same as the Afghan Illuminated Ones and the other cults which called themselves "illuminated."
The Alumbrados of Spain were the same as were the "illuminated" Guerinets of France.
In the United States they were known as the Jacobin clubs. Secrets within secrets within secrets--but always at the heart is the Brotherhood.
I believe that Weishaupt was betrayed and set up for persecution because he ignored the rule that the word "illuminati" or the existence of the Brotherhood would never be exposed to public knowledge.
His exposure and outlawing accomplished several goals of the still-hidden and still very powerful brotherhood.
It allowed members to debunk claims of its existence on the grounds that the Illuminati had been exposed and outlawed and thus was no longer a reality.
It allowed members to deny allegations of conspiracy of any kind.
The Brotherhood of the Snake is adept at throwing out decoys to keep the dogs at bay.
Weishaupt may have been a fool--or he may have been doing exactly what he was told.
Weishaupt said, "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."
Allegations that the Freemason organizations were infiltrated by the Illuminati during Weishaupt's reign are hogwash.
The Freemasons have always contained the core of Illuminati within their ranks, and that is why they so freely and so willingly took in and hid the members of Weishaupt's group.
You cannot really believe that the Freemasons, if they were only a simple fraternal organization, would have risked everything, including their very lives, by taking in and hiding outlaws who had been condemned by the monarchies of Europe.
It is mainly Freemason authors who have perpetuated the myth that Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati and that the Illuminati was destroyed, never to surface again.
In 1826 an American Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled llustrations of Freemasonry.
One of the secrets that he revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer.
We have since learned the secret of the "story of the murder of Hiram Abif."
Hiram Abif represents intelligence, liberty and truth, and was struck down by a blow to the neck with a rule, representing the suppression of speech by the church; then he was struck in the heart with the square, representing the suppression of belief by the State; and finally he was struck on the head by a maul, representing the suppression of intellect by the masses.
Freemasonry thus equates the Church, the State, and the masses with tyranny, intolerance, and ignorance.
What Morgan revealed was that the Freemasons were pledged to avenge Hiram Abif and that their plan was to strike down the Church, the State, and the freedom of the masses.
Morgan caused a small uproar against the Masons.
The small uproar turned into a full blown anti-Freemason movement when the author, William Morgan, disappeared.
Morgan had apparently been abducted and drowned in Lake Ontario.
It was alleged that fellow Masons had done it, and that they deny to this day. Who else would have done it?
I believe they murdered him. The newspapers of the time state without reservation that he was murdered by Masons.
The oath of initiation into the Freemasons states that if secrets are told, the initiate will be murdered.
A nationwide furor ensued that resulted in the creation of an anti-Masonic political party in 1829 by Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward.
Interest in several anti-Masonic books was revived during that period, with the result that Freemasonry suffered a severe loss of membership.
It lasted only a few years and by 1840 the anti-Masonic party was extinct. Time really does cure all ills.
We know that the British Freemasons are a totally self-serving group that discriminates in favor of its own whenever jobs, promotions, contracts, or careers are concerned.
The English Freemason organization was used by the KGB to infiltrate and take over British Intelligence.
British Intelligence is synonymous with Chatham House, more commonly known as the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the parent organization of the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States.
The English state police, Scotland Yard, ordered its personnel not to join the Masons for fear the same would happen to them.
Of course, you have been told all your life that the Freemasons are only a benevolent fraternal organization bent only on community service.
Read on, O innocent one.
Probably the most notorious Freemason lodge is the P2 lodge in Italy.
This group has been implicated in everything from bribery to assassinations.
P2 is directly connected to the Vatican, the Knights of Malta, and to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
It is powerful and dangerous. The P2 lodge has succeeded in infiltrating the Vatican and has scored a coup of tremendous significance: the Pope, John Paul II, has lifted the ban against Freemasonry.
Many high-level members of the Vatican are now Freemasons.
I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and terrible organizations upon this earth.
The Masons are major players in the struggle for world domination.
The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever.
ALL of the intelligence officers that I worked for while in Naval Intelligence were Masons.
As I stated before, I believe that my association with the DeMolay Society as a young adult may have been the reason that I was selected for Naval Security and Intelligence. However, that is only a guess.
I had intended to go into great detail linking P2, the Prieure de Sion, the Vatican, the CIA, organizations for a United Europe, and the Bilderberg Group.
Fortunately, Michael Baigent, Righard Leigh & Henry Lincoln beat me to it.
I say fortunately, because they confirm my previous allegation that I published in my paper "The Secret Government" that the CIA had plants, called moles, deep within the Vatican.
You must read Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Messianic Legacy, both by Baigent, Leigh, & Lincoln.
Any reputable bookstore should carry them. Between pages 343 and 361 of The Messianic Legacy you can read of the alliance of power that resulted in a secret world government.
Most members of the Freemasons are not aware that the Illuminati practices what is known as "secrets within secrets," or organizations within organizations - That is one purpose of initiation.
I cannot excuse any of the members, however, or anyone who joins a society without knowing everything about the organization is indeed a fool.
Only those at the top who have passed every test truly know what the Masons are hiding, thus rendering it impossible for anyone outside to know much at all about the group.
What does that say about new members or those who are already members but do not know the ultimate secrets?
It tells me that fools abound.
Unlike authors who out of fear have acted as apologists for the Freemasons, I decline to absolve them of responsibility and guilt.
The Freemasons, like everyone else, are responsible for the cleanliness of their home.
The occupant of a secret house within a secret house within a secret house cannot clean if he cannot see the number of rooms or what they contain.
Their house is a stinking cesspool. Look to the Masons for the guilty party if anything happens to me.
I believe that they have murdered in the past and that they will murder in the future.
Their goal is to rule the world.
The doctrine of this group is not democracy or communism, but is a form of fascism.
The doctrine is totalitarian socialism.
You must begin to think correctly.
The Illuminati are not Communists, but some Communists are Illuminati.
(1) Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis) in WWI, which resulted in the formation of communism and the League of Nations (synthesis).
(2) Democracy and communism (thesis) faced fascism (antithesis) in WWII and resulted in a more powerful United Nations (synthesis).
(3) Capitalism (thesis) now faces communism (antithesis) and the result will be the New World Order, totalitarian socialism (synthesis).
The 1953 report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on Education stated:
"So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the illuminati, and that raised its head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Constitution."
The California Senate understood that communism is the work of the Illuminati.
They failed to realize that the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are also the work of the Illuminati.
You MUST begin to think correctly.
The enemy is not communism, it is Illuminism. The Communists are not going to be much happier with the New World Order than we.
I hope to show that most modern secret societies and especially those that practice degrees of initiation, and that is the key, are really one society with one purpose.
You may call them whatever you wish--the Order of the Quest, the JASON Society, the Roshaniya, the Qabbalah, the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Illuminati, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, the Executive Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the Rosicrucians, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Open Friendly Secret Society (the Vatican), the Russell Trust, the Skull & Bones, the Scroll & Key, the Order-
-they are all the same and all work toward the same ultimate goal, a New World Order.
Many of them, however, disagree on exactly who will rule this New World Order, and that is what causes them to sometimes pull in opposite directions while nevertheless proceeding toward the same goal.
The Vatican, for instance, wants the Pope to head the world coalition.
Some want Lord Maitreya to head the New World Order.
Lord Maitreya is the front runner, I believe, since witnesses say he was present on the ship at Malta with Bush, Gorbachev, and the ten regional heads of the New World Order.
"Approximately 200 dignitaries from around the world attended a major conference initiated by Maitreya in London on April 21 and 22,1990.
Representatives of governments (including the USA), members of royal families, religious leaders and journalists, all of whom had met with Maitreya previously, attended the conference."
Quote from "Prophecy Watch" column of Whole Wheat No. 8, Minneapolis.
Someone has also spent an awful lot of money announcing his presence.
The Pope will have to approve him if Maitreya is selected, however, and that would fulfill the Bible prophecy in the Book of Revelation that states that the first beast will be given his power by Rome.
If you can interpret Revelation as I can, then you know that the Pope will ultimately win out and will reign as the second beast.
In 1952 an alliance was formed, bringing them all together for the first time in history.
The Black Families, the Illuminati (the Order), the Vatican, and the Freemasons now work together to bring about the New World Order.
All will protest their innocence and will do everything within their power to destroy anyone who suggests otherwise.
I will undoubtedly become a target when this book is published.
You may notice that some of those listed in the preceding paragraphs do not, or so it appears, practice degrees of initiation.
That is the public view.
Look at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Many members--in fact, the majority--never serve on the executive committees.
They never go through any initiation of any kind.
They are, in fact, the power base and are used to gain a consensus of opinion.
The majority are not really members but are made to feel as if they are.
In reality they are being used and are unwilling or unable to understand. The Executive Committee is an inner core of intimate associates, members of a secret society called the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society, devoted to a common purpose.
The members are an outer circle on whom the inner core acts by personal persuasion, patronage and social pressure.
That is how they bought Henry Kissinger.
Rockefeller gave Kissinger a grant of $50,000 in the early '50s, a fortune in those days, and made dear old Henry a member of the CFR.
Anyone in the outer circle who does not toe the mark is summarily expelled and the lesson is not lost on those who remain.
Do you remember the human desire to be a member of the elect? That is the principle at work.
The real power are men who are always recruited without exception from the secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key.
Both societies are secret branches (also called the Brotherhood of Death) of what is otherwise historically known as the Illuminati.
They are connected to parent organizations in England (The Group of Oxford University and especially All Souls College), and Germany (the Thule Society, also called the Brotherhood of Death).
I learned this when I was with Naval Intelligence.
I was not able to explain why some members of the Executive Committee were not listed under the "Addresses" of Chapter 322 of the Skull & Bones Society until I read The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson & Evan Thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption "Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk."
I have found that members of these two societies were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post-college and were not confined to only Harvard or Yale attendees.
Only members of the Order are initiated into the Order of the Quest, the JASON Society that makes up the executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations and, in fact, the Trilateral Commission as well.
The executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations are the real elect in this country.
George Bush is a member of the Order.Surprised? You shouldn't be. His father was also a member who helped finance Hitler.
It is important that you know that the members of the Order take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath of allegiance which they may be required to take.
They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order.
George Bush is not a loyal citizen of the United States but instead is loyal only to the destruction of the United States and to the formation of the New World Order.
According to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull & Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States of America means nothing.
The Trilateral Commission is an elite group of some 300 very prominent business, political, and intellectual decision-makers of Western Europe, North America, and Japan.
This enterprise is a private agency that works to build up political and economic cooperation among the three regions.
Its grand design, which it no longer hides, is a New World Order.
The Trilateral Commission was the idea of its founder, American banking magnate David Rockefeller.
The real reason for its formation was the decline of the Council on Foreign Relation's power as a result of the people's dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War.
The reasoning behind the move toward the Trilateral Commission was the same as entering two horses in the same race.
It doubles the chances of winning.
The real power has always remained solidly in the hands of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Rockefeller family was, is and always will be the benefactor of both organizations.
Rockefeller, though powerful is not in control in this country or anywhere else.
The key to the REAL power is the fact that Rockefeller had to put out feelers at a Bilderberg Group meeting in 1972 about forming a private group of trilateral leaders.
The Bilderberg Group gave the nod and Rockefeller's man Zbigniew Brzezinski gathered up a membership and organized the Trilateral Commission in 1972, not in 1973 as the Commission claims.
Read all you can

Message from Montague Keen - September 15, 2013

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - September 15, 2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Sep-2013 17:44:26

Message from Montague Keen - September 15, 2013
Mahatma Gandhi
The prison walls are crumbling. You are now seeing the corruption that has engulfed and enslaved humanity for what it is. The structure of the pyramid is becoming blatantly obvious and those at the top of it become more nervous each day. They obeyed their off-planet masters without question, believing that their plans were guaranteed success. They never considered, even for one moment, what they might do if humanity should wake up, as they thought they had covered everything to ensure the success of the plans. They have control of your lives from the moment of birth until you depart the earthly plane.
The fact that so many of you have awakened, even though everything was against you, is a miracle in itself. Those brave people who took the first steps to expose the corruption will never be forgotten when the history of your world is written. When you consider all that is being done to keep you in the third dimension, it is not surprising that some are still entrapped within it. Those are the people who are now being used to judge and attack the people who have moved on. This is happening all over the world.
Think with your hearts. You know in your soul what is truth and what may be questionable. It is a difficult path that you are negotiating at this time of change, when confusion, deceit and downright lies, are aimed at you from so many directions. Guidance is available. You just have to ask. You all need to raise your consciousness and leave all that was three dimensional behind you. Those of you who are awake must be ever vigilant to ensure you are never lured into the traps that have been carefully placed to entice you back into the third dimension.
The great effort to awaken humanity has served to shine a light on the truth. It exposes the false statements that are used to try to force you to accept a war. You made a choice: you do not want to kill nor do you wish others to kill in your name. The days are over when people foolishly believed that it was their duty to kill or die for a cause. Now, you ask, "Whose cause? Who gains from war?"
The answers to those questions become more obvious as each day goes by. Your stand on this, will make war obsolete. This is why your actions, your thoughts, and your beliefs, are so important. The desire for peace is gathering momentum. It will succeed !
You are finding your feet and realizing who you are. You are taking back control of your lives as those who had oppressed you, flounder, and look for ways to hold on to control. They have had it all their own way until now. Pity them, as this is a new way of life for them. Do not judge or show aggression, as that would take you down to their level, and you really do not want that at this time. You are in the process of creating a world where everyone lives in peace. A world where love is the guiding rule and all are equal. The changes that need to occur in order to achieve this, will happen in the not too distant future. Are you prepared in your heart and soul to embrace the changes that so many are doing their utmost to bring about on your behalf ?
Each one of you should be asking, "What can I do to contribute to these changes? Can we help in any way?" It is when you learn to come together and work together that you will triumph over the evil. The Cabal keeps you in a little box, soaking up its propaganda on your televisions that is used to control your mind. NLP [Neuro-linguistic Programming] is used as well as subliminal messaging. Until you understand this, you cannot protect yourselves from it. Think about it: you actually pay for your own prison guards !
Talk with each other, just as they did in ancient times. They knew how to live, then. They shared everything. This is how they were educated. I can assure you that they fully understood how the universe worked. They understood the importance of ley lines. Now, you are seeing how these great tracks of natural energy were blocked in order to suppress the energy lines that encompass your world. This, in itself, is a crime against humanity, that needs to be put right. All that has been altered on Earth in order to suppress and control you, will come to light, and you will be given assistance to put it right. You are well on your way to doing this. Light is being shone on so much in order to assist you.
Believe in your mission and know that you will succeed. Remember . . . everything happens in our time, not yours. So do not give in to impatience, as this slows things down. We will act at the moment we see that all is in place. We will succeed. Stick to your resolve and keep reminding yourself that you are not playing the Cabal's game anymore. No more cannon fodder will be provided, no matter what excuse is manufactured for war. Mankind no longer wants to play war games in order to amuse and enrich the Cabal whilst CULLING THE POPULATION in the process. You ask how humanity could have been so blind to all this for so long: mind control is the answer.
It is time to come together as ONE BIG FAMILY which is scattered all over the world. Its members now wish to get to know each other again, and to share knowledge and experience of life on Earth. See yourselves creating a peaceful world, as this is why you are on Earth at this time. Let the blindfolds fall from your eyes and the shackles fall from your limbs. Free your minds and see, not what you are told to see, but what you actually see. Enjoy the freedom which you are creating. We are at your side to guide and protect you. Stand tall and know that you are on the right path.
My dear Veronica, those who are destined to be with you, will be at your side. Try not to worry about this. I will never leave you.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Dr. Dementia Has Another Test

Here's another trick from Doctor Dementia to test your skills ...
I've  seen this with the letters out of order, but this  is the first time I've seen it with numbers. Good  example of a Brain Study: If you can read this OUT LOUD,  you have a strong mind. And better than that:
Alzheimer's is a long, long, way down the road before it ever gets anywhere near you.
7H15      M3554G3
53RV35      7O PR0V3
H0W      0UR M1ND5 C4N
D0      4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
1MPR3551V3      7H1NG5!
1N      7H3 B3G1NN1NG
17      WA5 H4RD BU7
N0W,      0N 7H15 LIN3
Y0UR      M1ND 1S
R34D1NG      17
W17H      0U7 3V3N
7H1NK1NG      4B0U7 17,
B3      PROUD! 0NLY
C3R741N      P30PL3 C4N
R3AD      7H15.
PL3453      F0RW4RD 1F
U      C4N R34D 7H15.
To my 'selected' strange-minded friends: If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to  your friends with 'yes' in the subject line. This is weird, but interesting!
If you can read this, you have a strange mind, too.
Can you read this? Only 55 people out of 100  can.
I cdnuolt  blveiee  that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I  was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of   the hmuan  mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it  dseno't  mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt  tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset  can  be a taotl mses and you can still raed it  whotuit a pboerlm. This is  bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey  lteter by istlef, but the word as  a wlohe.  Azanmig  huh?  Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
If you read these have no Alzheimers present.

Armed EPA raid in Alaska sheds light on 70 fed agencies with armed divisions

Subject: Fwd: Armed EPA raid in Alaska sheds light on 70 fed agencies with armed divisions -Link Shared from Drudge Report for Android

A national police force with all the real military hardware (but not the training)...with hollow point bullets????
Armed Alphabet Agencies with an attitude of superiority and with full arrest powers...including the Social Security Administration people?
The world grows more ugly!

The CLOWN, A Lying Bottom-Of-The-Barrel Loser Working For An Evil Foreign Power While Representing A Perverted People...

I think that PARASITES is a better word !!! That's being nice !!  

The CLOWN, A Lying Bottom-Of-The-Barrel Loser Working For An Evil Foreign Power While Representing A Perverted People...
Posted By: WatchmanDate: Sunday, 15-Sep-2013 11:31:46

The Rebel – by John Kaminski
If Americans think they’re decent people, how can they allow slime like Barack Obama and John Kerry to deliberately lie to make war on innocent countries after providing the chemical weapons that killed all those people in Syria?
All this talk about averting World War III by placing Syria’s chemical weapons under international control conceals the real issue everyone conveniently ignores — America and its corrupt allies funded this so-called revolution that is really a U.S. and Israeli invasion by mercenary proxies hired to destroy this innocent country, and therefore Obama bears responsibility for killing all those children.
But the majority of Americans have the attention span of gnats.
Befuddled by deliberately misleading media and diminished by the poison food they eat, most don’t pay attention and deserve the so-called leadership they get. In general, they are as disgusting, unconscious and untrustworthy as the phony leaders who are destroying them as they dance to the latest technopop tunes and pretend not to notice.
Here’s the thing that makes U.S. President Barack Obama such a lying bottom-of-the-barrel loser working for an evil foreign power. The chemical weapons that murdered all those children in Syria were set off by the very thugs America hired to destabilize Syria, and the whole world knows it.
The foreigners the press calls “rebels”, noted famously for publicly eating the organs of Syrian soldiers they have just murdered, have even admitted that they set off the gas by accident. And when footage of the dead children was shown on TV, grieving Syrian parents identified their children as ones who had been kidnapped by the rebels two weeks earlier.
Yet, even that doesn’t cause the American killers who revel in the needlessly spilled blood of innocents to call off their insane clamor for yet another senseless war.
Therefore, Barack Obama bears the responsibility for killing those kids and all those other innocent people. And then he has the sick chutzpah to blame it on the very people he used these horrible weapons against, as a perverted pretext to obliterate yet another Islamic country at the behest of Israel and the worldwide cabal of killer Jews.
That’s Barack Obama, doing Israel’s dirty work, like all of America’s recent presidents, both at home and abroad. Think of the list of people he has unjustly killed that all should be mentioned at his trial for mass murder. The honorable Muammar Qaddafi comes immediately to mind.
And the archfiends backing him up — Kerry, McCain, Lieberman, Clinton and all the other killer whores — are all just as evil, wholly owned agents of the worldwide Jewish murder machine. And worse, these hypocritical thugs provide the whole world with a despicable portrait of all Americans as bloodthirsty homicidal maniacs, which not coincidentally is the same reputation enjoyed by the Jewish state of Israel — big surprise! — as together in a marriage made in hell they violate all the laws of God and men in pursuit of their psychotic, totalitarian objective, which is unparalleled profit for the few and unprecedented poverty for the masses.
And here’s another thing that makes Barack Obama a certifiable conscienceless monster, gayly prancing before the world as he rains death from the skies upon innocent people.
Here’s a creep who will reveal no single detail about his own past — fake birth certificate, fictitious college resumé, reputed string of dead homosexual lovers, no verifiable reason for him to have ever been elected to anything — supervising a massive intelligence operation that demands to know every detail on every person through improper and invasive spying on everyone.
And the perverted people he purports to represent eagerly participate in this masochistic masquerade.
Bottom line: Obama demands to know every single detail of our lives, but will reveal absolutely nothing about his own.
Do you see something wrong here, my fellow comatose American dupes?
Do you still harbor doubts that America — murdered on 9/11/2001, if not 12/23/1913 — is a police state? Do you yet understand that the real victim of this tyranny is about to be you?
How many more cops will have to taze grandmothers, steal children, fabricate crimes with phony evidence, and torture innocents for absolutely no reason, before you realize something is very wrong — and that something is about to take your very own life, right after it steals all your money and your property? I’m assuming you already know that you own nothing; the bank owns your home and your money, and the government has secretly taken out a $1 million insurance policy on your life — on everyone’s life — which makes it a very profitable venture to kill you.
All these misguided twerps who say, “Impeach him!”, are as stupid and gullible as most of the rest of these totally dumbed-down Americans. If you think impeaching Barack Obama is going to do a damned bit of good except provide our prostitutes in the press more fodder for mindless, inconsequential blather, you are sadly mistaken.
Who’s going to replace him? Joe Biden? The man who recently praised Jewish contributions to the American “success story”. He must have been talking about the prostitution and poisoning of our children, the pollution of our lives and the deliberate demolition of our environment.
Remember the craze the Disney character Hannah Montana set off among pre-teen girls? Now this same teen idol is performing pornographic dances on Jewish stages. Just what the Jews want our children to learn, if they haven’t already been killed off by childhood inoculations or prevented from having either children or normal lives after their doctors told them to take Gardasil.
Think about the two losers Obama supposedly “defeated” in presidential elections: John McCain, the evil twin of kosher nightmare Joe Lieberman, and Mitt Romney, famous for his offshore bank accounts and prominent Israeli backers. So if you wear one of those “I voted” stickers, you’re announcing to the world you’re an idiot, for falling for this Yiddish scam they call voting.
Think about all the other possible mental defectives who could move into the White House if Obama were to be impeached. It’s a choice between Newt Gingrich and Chuck Schumer, or one of any number of Israeli puppets, willing to take the paycheck for the perversions they promote.
Impeachment is for delusional fools. The whole government needs to be arrested as the threat to the world that it is. Arrested, tried, convicted and mostly executed, for ten (OR A HUNDRED) years of mass murders they’ve committed — including plenty of Americans, especially the servicemen they’ve poisoned with toxic vaccinations and then taught to kill and torture the innocent people whose countries they’re busy stealing, abusing and annihilating.
And for what? None of these phony wars have been any benefit at all to ordinary, run-of-the-mill Americans, but only to the rich Jewish bankers who have plundered our country while our so-called men have been killing innocent victims all over the world.
While thousands of American children are trying to go to school while living in their cars, because their parents’ jobs have been sent overseas by the last three American presidents, Barack Obama sends his children on multi-million dollar vacations in foreign countries, and sends his wife with an entourage of 75 close friends to exotic locales that cost more than entire small towns in America will earn in a whole year.
While Obama lauds hard-working Americans who have to work three jobs to make ends meet, he allows the Federal Reserve Jews to rob citizens of trillions of dollars by unsound banking practices that continue the vacuuming of American bank accounts right down the sewer to Israel.
While ordinary Americans cringe in terror from an epidemic of black gangsterism that goes mostly unreported in what is mistakenly called a free press, President Obama urges everyone to forgive the behavior of immigrant criminals while he secretly authorizes the funneling of weapons to Mexican drug cartels that are ravaging the American southwest.
And while people who are finally waking up and realizing that unnecessary doctor prescriptions have created an entirely new category of diseases plaguing the American public, his monstrous creation of Obamacare guarantees not only the further plundering of people’s bank accounts, but locks them into allopathic medical care that is clearly not beneficial to anyone’s health, with the widespread distribution of harmful antidepressant drugs, unnecessary surgeries and cancer treatment that absolutely does not cure cancer, while simultaneously criminalizing the efforts of intelligent people trying to take care of their own health.
And now Barack Obama wants to start another war, because of events that he himself has triggered.
But, let’s be fair in our description of America’s “duly-elected” president. Obama’s deliberately incompetent performance has not been much worse than his two predecessors, whose dereliction of duty set the stage for many of the atrocities the latest occupant of the White House has merely maintained and embellished.
After all it was George W. Bush who non-supervised the destruction of the Twin Towers, uttered the fateful words “they hate our freedoms”, and began a non-stop war on the world, the objective of which is to destroy every country the Israeli Jews want us to destroy.
And it was Bill Clinton who shepherded the avalanche of American jobs to Third World countries, allowed the term “derivatives” to destroy what was left of America’s banking system, and announced we had a surplus which enabled Bush to start giving money away the moment his term started.
All three of these puppet presidents deserve the credit from how we got from there to hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt in a mere decade. And as they continued to get rid of all the really good American jobs, how many lives did they throw away during their never-ending wars in the name of American security?
They say an American president is merely the average representation of the American population as a whole, and if this is true, maybe the Jewish world controllers are right and the American population does need to be exterminated.
Clinton was a sex-crazed maniac who supervised the destruction of the American workforce by passing NAFTA and shipping all our jobs overseas while allowing bankers to create derivatives which destroyed the U.S. banking system and robbed everyone of their savings.
Bush was a drug-addled sociopath with no intellectual capacity whatsoever who ran the country with all the demonic finesse of Joe Sixpack at a hog calling context.
And Obama is the gay street hustler who had no parents and was raised by the evil plot-hatchers who put advocates of transexuals and child-kidnappers on the Supreme Court.
This is a perfect portrait of the American president and the American population, painted by the Jewish world puppet masters who have captured the world’s mind and turned it into a total impulsive exercise in self-flagellation as we face a future as bleak as has ever existed on this planet.
It looks like that crazy guy in Australia was right after all when he said that Hitler’s biggest mistake was that he didn’t gas the Jews, because if he had, we likely wouldn’t be talking about the real possibility that World War III could start any day now, we wouldn’t be choking on poisoned air unfit to breathe, and we wouldn’t be dying a little every day because the food our monstrous government says is perfectly fine to eat is slowly but inexorably putting us to sleep. Permanent sleep.