Saturday, November 2, 2013

Black Mica Will Save Millions from Deadly Dehydration

Black Mica Will Save Millions from Deadly Dehydration
Thanks to David Icke for posting this advertisement on his web site. 

Folks, one cannot realize how desperately human beings, worldwide, will 
*soon* need to purify water -- because of the growing probability that the 
electric power grids will go down, and because of the chromium-6 and 
other deadly metals that are ubiquitous in water across the United States, 
and because of the rapid permeation of the world's various water bodies 
with deadly leukemia-inducing radioactive waste from the gushing 
Fukushima nuclear power plant. 

And that is just the beginning. My studies and the studies of others 
indicates that many other nuclear reactors will be melting down, due to the 
probability of long term power outages and the probability of "earthquakes 
in diverse places," resulting from planetary trauma caused by massive 
incoming comets which are *already* electrically hyper-exciting the Sun. 

I and other scientists know that solar blasting causes earthquakes, 
because the electrified solar emissions clash with Earth's magnetosphere, 
and this electromagnetic clashing actually induces kinematic jerking and 
jolting of the entire planet in its daily rotational motion, which, in turn, 
causes Earth's floating tectonic plates to bump, grind, and otherwise clash 
with one another. When you turn on the headlights of your car, for example, 
there occurs a jolting of the engine drive belt that turns the alternator, 
because of the abruptly heavy flow of electrons into the headlights.

When there is no commercial electric power, due to electrified solar blasts 
impacting the power grids around the world, and due to earthquakes resulting 
from that solar blasting, and when there is no electric power because of 
"so-called" cyber-terrorists --  then people will need water immediately or 
they will die.!   Does BLACK MICA purify toxic, metallic, radioactive water? 
Please scroll halfway down, and view the video of black mica purifying a 
polluted pond. Then scroll down a bit more and view the second video of 
black mica purifying a jar of water, and then scroll down to view the 
interview video.      

"This extremely powerful mineral has been around on this planet long and 
way before we humans even existed. It is a very powerful substance, which 
is very high in ionic sulfate minerals and it’s usually found deep underground 
because it sits there and it purifies our waterways as it has for millions and 
millions of years. This is nature’s water filter. It brings water back into its 
natural state and it is commonly found near volcanic eruptions, and like I 
said, it has extremely powerful properties. Black Mica has been used for 
centuries, in ancient medicine and ancient Alchemy, Over the ages it's been 
called many names, such as...
...the Stone of the Life
...the Stone of the Third Eye
...the Stone of the Crown Chakra
...and the Stone of Consciousness,
...however, how it became popular in this day and age is a quite an amazing 
story ... It starts with a Japanese man named Shimanishi Kaken Ko, and a tree.
The story goes like this... After World War II, Shimanishi was working in 
Nuclear Waste Management.
He was trying to find out how to deal with some of the most toxic waste on 
this planet and neutralize it.
One day he was meditating on a beach and when he opened his eyes, he 
noticed what he was looking at, all the time out there on the ocean.
There was a small island of rock—a tiny island with a tree growing out of that 
rock in the middle of a salt water ocean. And it finally occurred to him that 
there was something peculiar about this tree because usually things don’t 
grow very well near salt water! He began to investigate this mineral, this 
rock that this tree was growing in and when he begin to look into it, he found 
things thatwere mind-blowing, things that Science is only now catching up 
The Discovery of Black Mica
Scientists now believe that life on Earth actually originated on this planet 
between the layers of Mica because Mica has incredible life-supporting 
properties, which cause life to thrive in its presence. Mica layers, which are 
found near volcanoes or deep underground are held together by potassium.
The concentration of potassium inside the Mica is very similar; almost exactly 
the same for the concentration of potassium in our cells and the seawater that 
bathed the Mica in most cases is rich in sodium, just like our blood!

Now, here where it gets really, really wild—the negative ion structure of 

Mica is identical to the phosphate group structure of the RNA in our cells.!
Now if you’re like me and at first that may sound like Greek to you, what this 
basically means in English is that Black Mica has the imprint of life, the very 
blue-print for cellular life in its structure.

And if that's not cool enough, check this out...

Black Mica Vibrates At The Same Frequency 
Which Cellular Life Thrives - An Alternative for Sunlight?
Essentially what Black Mica is, is sulphates — sulphate minerals.

In the deepest parts of our Oceans, there is no light whatsoever, it's pitch 

...and yet, near the volcanic vents in these areas, which are spewing out 
sulphates constantly, there's an abundance of underwater life... how these 
organisms have managed to survive has baffled scientists...

...There’s a theory now that sulphates actually provide an alternative for 
sunlight for life deep underwater sea creatures...

...because these minerals vibrate at the same frequency which cellular life 
thrives at, which is about 10,000 vibrations per second.

Shimanishi approached water as if it were alive, as if it were a living being. 
and with these "living" minerals...

He ‘Cracked the Code’ to Healing Water

What he found is that when these minerals are introduced to water, 
water returns back into its primordial state…
…a water which supports a thriving longevity state for all living beings.
When these minerals are introduced to water, they have the power to turn 
ordinary tap water into the most incredible water on earth, with properties that 
you would normally, previously only find in healing hot springs and mineral 

Literally, with just a few drops...
…it can turn a glass of filthy pond scum water full of bacteria into pristine 
clear drinking water, within moments, right before your eyes.
See it for yourself, click play n the video below and watch:
Watch How An Entire Cesspool 
Is Healed In Just Hours...<< CLICK LINK SHOWN ABOVE


A website of news commentary, comments and articles, – highlighting moral, political and spiritual issues.
Home > ObamaObama birth certificateObama birth certificate forgeryPresidential eligibility,Sheriff Joe Arpaio investigation > Obama’s birth certificate documentation now publicly declared a forgery by the legal Sheriff Arpaio Investigation

Obama’s birth certificate documentation now publicly declared a forgery by the legal Sheriff Arpaio Investigation

It is common knowledge now, that Obama faked his birth certificate and other identity documents. That, is what is denied by the mainstream media who are the conspiracy theorists of dishonest and rabid silence.
It’s now becoming common knowledge, that Obama’s birth certificate was [is] forged. The mainstream media and its minions of “conspiracy theorists of dishonest and rabid silence” will do all they can to confuse the public.
The investigation into Obama’s show cased birth certificate is complete. The “Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse” has not only found that Obama’s long form birth certificate is a forgery, but is the same investigation that has now publicly declared the felony [fraud] forgery.
This past recent Friday, the Arpaio chief detective investigator, Mike Zullo went on national radio airwaves as the highlighted guest of Pastor Carl Gallups “Freedom Friday” talk show host program. There, Zullo fielded questions from callers and made it clear that after a 15 month legal investigation by the Arpaio Cold Case Team that allegations (of forgery) over Obama’s purported legal and legitimate birth certificate were, indeed genuine.
The legal implication of the Obama forged long form birth certificate
It wasn’t too long ago that our White House occupier, Barack Hussein Obama hauled out this forged birth certificate to quell questions about his legitimacy and to quell the call for him to prove that he qualified for the political position he was (and still is) occupying.
It is this author’s estimation that Obama used a fraudulent, tampered [with] and / or totally forged legal document to buttress his claim to be legitimate president of the United States. Mind you, that there are certain qualifications for being the executive chief of the United States. There are identity requirements to be had. What Obama apparently ended up doing, was presenting to the American people a bogus basic document that would ordinarily help fulfill a portion of the overall requirements to [even] qualify and run for the high office of US president.
Hence, it must be concluded that Obama, by hook and crook, was able to arrive at where he is now (today) by committing a felony crime of forgery. Whether he himself actually did the forgery, is immaterial. Obama is accessory to the proven forgery, just as a mobster’s get-away driver is assessory to the crime of a mobster’s drive-by murder.
Now, what? Where does the Sheriff Arpaio Investigation “Cold Case Posse” go from here?
Two popular (alleged) "Conservative" national talk show hosts. They talk big about our nation's Constitution and following it, but hypocritically ignore the reality of Obama not meeting the Constitution's requirement of being a "natural born citizen" to hold the high office of chief executive. They also are disengenuous by ignoring Obama's felony birth certificate forgery and ID fraud.
Pics of two popular (alleged) “Conservative” national talk show hosts.  You’d think that they have more important things to report than their continued whining about Obama.  Hannity and Levin are hypocritical and  disengenuous by ignoring Obama’s  birth certificate forgery.  There is no excuse on their part not to report on the latest from the Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse Investigation’s definitive results.
This author’s thoughts of where the Sheriff Arpaio Investigation “Cold Case Posse” proceeds after having evidenced Obama’s birth certificate to be forged, is that this same entity will attempt to bring this legal and professional assessment before many national high profile individuals. Obama and his cronies are already (most likely planning) whether they will have enough money to pay (off) certain individuals’ silence on the matter. But, odds are, not everyone can be bribed by this corrupted White House occupier who has proven again and again that his deceptions and corruptions stink to high heaven.  This author’s contention is that there is a limit to the number of politicians and judges can be “leaned on” to continue (with) this “conspiracy of silence” over this national birth certificate forgery.
However, in the meantime, this Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse will be doing what they can, to alert the United States public. Such an endeavor is more than worthy of monetary contributions to follow-through with what was once initiated. You the reader and supporter of our Constitutional Republic; please consider a gift of support for the volunteer Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse team. Give what you can. And, when you see more news exposing this fraud – please, spread it about through the Internet and to your family, friends, acquaintances and neighbors. And, do challenge the fence sitters on this whole issue. Speak to their disengenuousness and hypocrisy. Call them out for them being Obama enabler’s of silence over this forgery crime!
Finally, this author is of the distinct impression that Obama and his crony enablers have lots of money; and are even using taxpayer’s monies to spread their propaganda campaign of misinformation about Obama’s [now] proven national forgery.  Please, I repeat – do what you can to defeat the lies. Contribute and do what you can to help this volunteer posse spread the word about Obama’s forged crime!
Link to access for purposes of donating to the Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse:
Pic of Col Allen West. He likes to speak to crowds with the American Flag in the background. But, his recent political sin of omission over refuses to expose Obama's fraud might might as just well have Allen West trampling America's flag as reportedly Obama's mentor, Bill Airs did.
Pic of Col Allen West. He likes to speak to crowds with the American Flag in the background. But, his recent political sin of omission over refusing to expose Obama’s fraud might might as just well have Allen West trampling America’s flag as reportedly Obama’s mentor, Bill Ayers did.
Related to the above:
Note - The following link provides contact information to our nation’s top political personalities.They are the elected leaders:
Also -
Posted by:
Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel
Note: Pics found on the web
Note - The following link provides contact information to our nation’s top political personalities.They are the elected leaders:
Also -
Posted by:
Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel
Note: Pics and / or videos found on the web

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November 1, 1777 - The Day Congress Gave Thanks to God

Samuel Adams: “Truly the Man of the Revolution”

“When the top British general in America, Thomas Gage, offered a general amnesty in June 1775 to all revolutionaries who would lay down their arms, he exempted only two men – John Hancock and Samuel Adams. “

- Essex Journal, June 16, 1775 (quoted by Ira Stoll in “Samuel Adams: A Life”)

“For depth of purpose, zeal, and sagacity, no man in Congress exceeded, if any equaled, Samuel Adams”

- Thomas Jefferson

“I pity Mr. Sam Adams, for he was born a Rebel.”

- John Adams, 1794
Samuel Adams – “Born a Rebel”

Some the darkest days of the war for independence from the tyranny of the British crown occurred in late September 1777.

“British troops controlled New York City. The Americans had lost the strategic stronghold of Fort Ticonderoga, in upstate New York, to the British in July. In Pennsylvania, on September 11, troops led by General George Washington had lost the Battle of Brandywine, in which two hundred Americans were killed, five hundred wounded, and four hundred captured. Early in the morning of September 21, another three hundred American soldiers were killed or wounded and one hundred captured in a surprise attack that became known as the Paoli Massacre.”

[“Samuel Adams: A Life”, Ira Stoll, Simon and Schuster, 2008]

Washington’s troops were fatigued and dispirited, having persevered under an onslaught of bad weather which had soaked their battle gear and their uniforms, and rendered their waterlogged ammunition useless. Many soldiers were without essential needs such as boots and cloaks, and many were actually forced to travel barefoot. Moreover, Congress was beginning to lose faith in its own generals, hearing reports of high-ranking officers who were apparently “addicted to liquor”.

The diplomatic situation had not produced the hoped-for support from France. Yet a capable and highly-regarded French colonel of artillery , Mons. du Coudray, had volunteered to serve with the Americans. To the great misfortune of the struggling American forces, this much-needed French officer was drowned while attempting to cross the Schuylkill River as he proceeded to join the American army.

In response to this tragedy, John Adams led an effort in the Congress to honor this French volunteer as a hero of the American Revolution, describing him as “the most learned and promising officer in France” and gaining the concurrence of the Congress that Colonel du Coudray would be buried “at the expense of the United States, and with the honors of war”.

Despite the seriousness of these developments, perhaps the greatest blow yet to the fight for liberty in the American colonies was the loss to the British Army on September 26 of the American capital at Philadelphia, the young nation’s largest city. Members of Congress were forced to flee for their lives, arriving first at Lancaster, then continuing on to York, PA where a temporary capital was established.

Ira Stoll writes:

“The departure from Philadelphia was frantic, prompted by an alarm from Washington’s aide, Alexander Hamilton, who said the enemy soldiers were so close that one had shot his horse. One delegate to Congress was wakened by a servant at two in the morning and advised to abandon the city. A delegate from Virginia, Richard Henry Lee, evacuated Philadelphia in such a hurry that he left his clothes behind. Another delegate to Congress, John Adams of Massachusetts, wrote in his diary:

“The prospect is chilling on every Side – Gloomy, dark, melancholy, and dispiriting.”

When the members of Congress present in York gathered for a private meeting, their number had dwindled to a mere twenty from the fifty-six members who had signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

“One of those present was John Adams’ cousin, the patriot leader (and newspaperman) Samuel Adams, who had already suffered losses that would shatter an ordinary man. His first wife and four of their children died of natural causes before the war began. At the Battle of Bunker hill, British officers decapitated Samuel Adams’ close friend Joseph Warren and presented his head as a trophy to the British commanding general.  Samuel Adams had spent the better part of three years at the Congress in Philadelphia separated from his two surviving children and his second wife. ‘Matters seem to be drawing to a crisis’ he had written her recently. Back in Boston, the British soldiers ripped out the pews of Old South Church, where Samuel Adams’ father had once worshipped, covered the floor with dirt, and used the church as a riding academy. Samuel Adams’ own house in Boston was vandalized by British troops so badly that it was uninhabitable. If the Revolution failed, Samuel Adams could expect to meet the same fate at the hands of the British as Warren.”

Sensing the pessimism and feelings of resignation to defeat which had overtaken the Congress, Samuel Adams rose to deliver a moving and inspirational speech which has been rarely mentioned in the record of the American Revolution. In this speech, known as his“Pillars of Fire” speech,  Adams draws from the Old Testament story of the Israelites who had fled the slavery of Egypt.

Samuel Adams addressed the delegates in York, many of whom were beginning to doubt the wisdom of continuing the fight, and reminding them of the trust they had placed in God to carry them through their ordeal, just as had the Israelites so many centuries before:

“If we despond, public confidence is destroyed, the people will no longer yield their support to a hopeless contest, and American liberty is no more… Through the darkness which shrouds our prospects, the ark of safety is visible. Despondency becomes not the dignity of our cause, nor the character of those who are its supporters.”

He went on, reminding them of Exodus, chapter 15, where a description is provided of God guiding the Israelites in the wilderness with a “pillar of cloud by day” and a “pillar of fire by night”:

“Let us awaken then, and evince a different spirit, — a spirit that shall inspire the people with confidence in themselves and in us, — a spirit that will encourage them to persevere in this glorious struggle, until their rights and liberties shall be established on a rock. 

We have proclaimed to the world our determination ‘to die freemen, rather than live as slaves.’ 

We have appealed to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and in Heaven we have placed our trust.  Numerous have been the manifestations of God’s providence in sustaining us.  In the gloomy period of adversity, we have had ‘our cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.’ 

We have been reduced to distress, and the arm of Omnipotence has raised us up.  Let us still rely in humble confidence on Him who is mighty to save.  Good tidings will soon arrive.  We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid and protection.”
The surrender of the British forces at Saratoga under General John Burgoyne, October 17, 1777

The assurance given to the delegates by Sam Adams that good tidings would soon arrive turned out to be prescient.

“On October 17, at Saratoga, north of Albany, New York, the American general Horatio Gates accepted the surrender of 5,800 British soldiers led by General John Burgoyne. The American troops seized from the British twenty-seven pieces of artillery and thousands of pieces of small arms and ammunition.

Detailed news of the victory at the Battle of Saratoga did not reach Congress at York until October 31, but when it did, it was greeted with exuberance. ‘We had almost begun to despair, but at length our joy was full’, wrote a congressman from Connecticut, Eliphaler Dyer. The president of the Congress, Henry Laurens of South Carolina, wrote, ‘the glorious intelligence is now extending from City to City diffusing Joy in the heart of every Loyal American’.

The victory at Saratoga turned the tide of the war. News of it was decisive in bringing France into a full alliance with America against the British.”

On November 1, just after receiving news of the victory at Saratoga, Congress adopted a report drafted by Samuel Adams, declaring Thursday December 18 as a ‘day of Thanksgiving to God, particularly in that He hath been pleased in so great  measure to prosper the means used for the support of our troops and to crown our arms’ with most signal success’.”

“Merely having a national day of thanksgiving was a tremendous step forward in creating an American identity.”

Here is the text of the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, drafted by Samuel Adams and issued by the Continental Congress on November 1, 1777, establishing the first official national Thanksgiving Day holiday in order to commemorate the momentous American victory at Saratoga, and to succeed what had previously been a regional New England tradition:

First Thanksgiving Day Proclamation – November 1, 1777

November 1, 1777

The committee appointed to prepare a recommendation to the several states, to set apart a day of public thanksgiving, brought in a report; which was taken into consideration, and agreed to as follows:

Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the superintending providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to him for benefits received, and to implore such farther blessings as they stand in need of; and it having pleased him in his abundant mercy not only to continue to us the innumerable bounties of his common providence, but also smile upon us in the prosecution of a just and necessary war, for the defense and establishment of our unalienable rights and liberties; particularly in that he hath been pleased in so great a measure to prosper the means used for the support of our troops and to crown our arms with most signal success:

It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the 18th day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise; that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine benefactor; and that together with their sincere acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor, and their humble and earnest supplication that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance; that it may please him graciously to afford his blessings on the governments of these states respectively, and prosper the public council of the whole; to inspire our commanders both by land and sea, and all under them, with that wisdom and fortitude which may render them fit instruments, under the providence of Almighty God, to secure for these United States the greatest of all blessings, independence and peace; that it may please him to prosper the trade and manufactures of the people and the labor of the husbandman, that our land may yield its increase; to take schools and seminaries of education, so necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue and piety, under his nurturing hand, and to prosper the means of religion for the promotion and enlargement of that kingdom which consisteth in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

And it is further recommended, that servile labor, and such recreation as, though at other times innocent, may be unbecoming the purpose of this appointment, be omitted on so solemn an occasion.

If our Creator responded to the pleas of the Founders for His divine assistance in achieving a dramatic reversal of the fortunes of war at the Battle of Saratoga, thus providing an ultimate assurance of justice and liberty for the long-suffering Colonists, perhaps He will also hear our pleas for help in this critical time for our nation as the promises and guarantees of our precious Constitution are steadily eroded by a new tyranny of progressive socialism imposed on this nation by a rogue administration, a hapless Congress, and a thoroughly corrupt judiciary.

David F. LaRocque
CDR USNR (ret)

The new United States celebrates its first national day of thanksgiving on Thursday, December 18, 1777, commemorating the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga after the surrender of General John Burgoyne and 5,000 British troops in October 1777.
In proclaiming the first national day of thanksgiving, Congress wrote, "It is therefore recommended to the Legislative or executive Powers of these UNITED STATES, to set apart THURSDAY, the eighteenth Day of December next, for solemn THANKSGIVING and PRAISE; That at one Time and with one Voice the good People may express the grateful Feelings of their Hearts, and consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor"
Neither when the Congress proclaimed the day of Thanksgiving on November 1, nor when the population celebrated in December, were they aware that on December 17, the French would finally formalize a military and trade alliance with the rebelling states. These were not disconnected events. The victory at Saratoga convinced the French king that the Americans might be worthy allies and the ensuing alliance made an American victory possible.
Merely having a national day of thanksgiving was a tremendous step forward in creating an American identity. Previously, the colonies had celebrated individually or as part of the British Empire. Now they had experienced an event that had affected them all and formalized a celebration that involved them all. With the French alliance, they had an ally who supported them all. Americans had just taken a major step on the tortured trail from colonies to states and from states to nation.

The Dutch Army Bicycle Band

The Dutch Army Bicycle Band
It is hard enough to march in formation and play an instrument, but the Dutch Army Bicycle Band does it while riding bicycles!

Monday the 4th --- BINGO!













PENNSYLVANIA - FRACKING corrupt state authorities use court to gag doctor from warning public about fracking health risks

Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 1:37 PM
Subject: PENNSYLVANIA - FRACKING corrupt state authorities use court to gag doctor from warning public about fracking health risks

Home / Breaking News / Judge defeats challenge to ‘medical gag order’ on
health risks from fracking

Judge defeats challenge to ‘medical gag order’ on health risks from fracking

Posted by: Contributing Author in Breaking News 19 hours ago 3 Comments

maybe the ACLU could challenge this outrageous abuse of doctors' civil
and professional rights . . . . ?

Pennsylvania authorities have denied a doctor the right to challenge a
so-called “medical gag rule” that prevents him and other physicians from
warning the public about the health dangers associated with fracking.

Dr. Alfonso Rodriguez of Dallas, Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit against
the state last year, asserting that Act 13 of 2012 forces medical
professionals to enter “a vague confidentiality agreement” that prevents
them from having a completely honest dialogue with patients.

Hydraulic fracking involves drilling through underground shale rock with
the help of chemicals – many of them toxic – to release natural gas.
Earlier this month, a research team out of Duke University examined
Pennsylvania wastewater and found what they described as “alarmingly”
high levels of radioactivity, salts, metals, and other potentially
harmful sediments.

Yet the “medical gag rule” forbids doctors like Rodriguez from going
into depth about the health problems that chemicals from fracking can
cause. Critics have said the bill’s passage, and the court’s refusal to
grant Dr. Rodriguez the right to speak freely with his patients, is an
indication of just how entrenched the oil and gas lobby is in state

Rodriguez specializes in renal diseases, hypertension, and advanced
diabetes. He “has recently treated patients directly exposed to
high-volume hydraulic fracturing fluid as the result of well blowouts,”
including a patient “with a complicated diagnosis with low platelets,
anemia, rash and acute renal failure that required extensive
hemodialysis and exposure to chemotherapeutic agents,” the complaint
stated, as quoted by Courthouse News.

For fulfilling his true responsibility as a doctor, though, Rodriguez
allegedly risks violating the American Medical Association’s Principles
of Medical Ethics, an infraction that could cost him his medical license.

That may well happen, because the state requires professional healthcare
providers “to enter into, upon request by gas drilling company or
vendor, a vague confidentiality agreement to maintain the specific
identity any amount of any chemicals claimed to be a trade secret by a
gas drilling company and/or its vendor as a condition precedent to
receiving such information deemed unnecessary to provide competent
medical treatment to plaintiff’s patient,” according to the complaint.

Despite Rodriguez’s complaint that the provision is a violation of his
First and 14th Amendment rights, and multiple briefs filed by medical
associations on his behalf, a federal judge dismissed the suit upon
deciding the issue was “too conjectural” to stand.

“Although plaintiff alleges that he requires the kind of information
contemplated under the act for the treatment of his patients, he does
not allege that he has been in a situation where he needed or attempted
to obtain such information, despite the fact that he alleges that he has
treated patients injured by hydraulic fracturing fluid in the past,”
wrote Judge A. Richard Caputo. “Similarly, plaintiff does not allege
that he has been in a position where he was required to agree to any
sort of confidentiality agreement under the act.”

The decision goes on to state that any attempt Rodriguez made to notify
his patients of Act 13′s impact were “merely a prophylactic measure to
ease his fears of potential future harm.”

Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty

Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty
Posted By: Basil [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2013 14:27:20
Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty
Jury nullifies false arrest of Nick Finch who supported Second Amendment

Nick Finch, the Florida sheriff arrested in June after he defended the Second Amendment, has been declared “not guilty” of the charges brought against him by the State of Florida, according to Richard Mack.
Sheriff Nick Finch
The Liberty Co. sheriff was charged with felony “official misconduct” and “falsifying public records” after he released a suspect arrested on an unconstitutional gun charge and removed the arrest file.
After closing arguments by prosecutors and the defense, the jury took less than 90 minutes to reach its verdict. ......

Washington Elite Think They're Above the Law

Washington Elite Think They're Above the Law
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2013 17:04:47
I was just handed this information and it checked. If this isn't a conflict of interest, I don't know what is. And if it isn't, it is still unethical. But, we're talking about the Washington elite, so I guess anything goes.
"If nothing else has pissed you off about this administration, this might get to you.
The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, most of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country. The sale of these properties will fetch about $19 billion. A regular real estate commission will be paid to the company that was given the exclusive listing for handling the sales.
That company is CRI and it belongs to a man named Richard Blum. Richard Blum is the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein. (Most voters and many of the government people who approved the deal have not made the connection between the two because they have different last names).
Senator Feinstein and her husband stand to make a fortune (est at between $950 million and $1.1 billion!!) from these transactions. His company is the sole real estate on the sale. CRI will be making a minimum of 3% and as much as 6% commission on each and every sale. All of the properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. taxpayers dollars.
The U.S.P.S. is allowed free and clear, tax exempt use. The only cost to keep them open is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay county property taxes on these subject properties.
Would you put your house in foreclosure just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill? Well, the folks in Washington have given the Post Office the OK to do it! Worse yet, most of the net proceeds of the sales will go back to the U.S.P.S, an organization that is so poorly managed that they have lost $117 billion dollars in the past 10 years!
No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over the conflict of interest and on the possibility of corruption on the sale of billions of dollars worth of public assets. How does a U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with organizing and lobbying such a sweet deal? Has our government become so elitist that they have no fear of oversight? And it's no mere coincidence that these two public service crooks have different last names; a feeble attempt at avoiding transparency in these type of transactions."

The Wussification of Boys –

Thanks Jon,

[ for the nutritional hormonal basis of the war against the masculine, after this article listen to
Dr. Curtis Duncan - The Conspiracy to Feminize Males & Masculinize Females    
or  ]

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.
The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.
I have just read Back to Normal: Why Ordinary Childhood Behavior Is Mistaken for ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, by a psychologist, Enrico Gnaulati, who works with children alleged to have psychological problems in school, usually meaning boys. I decline to recommend it because of its psychobabble, its tendency to discover the obvious at great length, and its Genderallly Correct pronouns, which will grate on the literate. (I mean constructions resembling “If a student comes in, tell him or her that he or she should put his or her books in his or her locker”) However, a serious interest in the subject justifies slogging through the prose. (The statistics above are from the book.)
The relevent content is that women are making school hell for boys, that they have turned normal boyish behavior, such as enjoyment of rough-housing, into psychiatric “personality disorders.” They are doping boys up, forcing them into behavior utterly alien to them, and sending them to psychiatrists if they don´t conform to standards of behavior suited to girls. The result is that boy children hate school and do poorly (despite, as Gnaulati, says, having higher IQs). This is no secret for anyone paying attention, but  Gnaulati  makes it explicit.
As a galling example he cites one Robert, an adolescent responding badly to classes and therefore suspected by his teacher of having a “personality disorder.”  From the book:
“She required all forty students in the class to design Valentine’s Day cards for each other. She was emphatic about wanting them personalized. Names had to be spelled correctly and compliments written up genuinely.”
Valentines? This was eight-grade English. Students, who by then once knew grammar cold, should be reading literature or learning to write coherently. In my eighth-grade class, we read Julius Caesar: “I want the men around me to be fat, healthy-looking men who sleep at night.” Valentines? Compliments?
This, the author assures the reader, did not take place in an asylum for the mildly retarded, but in one of the ten best high-schools in California. What must the rest be like?
Of course Robert was having trouble putting up with the girly drivel, this feminized ooze, devoid of academic content. ”Oooooh! Let´s  have a warm, emotional bonding experience.”
This is why women should not be allowed within fifty feet of a school where boys are taught. A boy, especially a bright one, will want to drop out of school through the nearest window, run screaming to a recruiting office for the French Foreign Legion, anything to get away from inane, vapid, and insubstantial feel-good compulsory niceness inflicted by some low-wattage ed-school grad.
Get these ditz-rabbits away from our sons. Let us have separate schools for the sexes, with each being taught by teachers of the same sex. I do not presume to tell women what they should teach girls—astrophysics, valentine design with sincere compliments, whatever they like. Just stay away from the boys.
The thrust of current social propaganda is that the sexes are identical in all important respects. They are not. The differences are great. It is time we stopped pretending otherwise.
First: By their nature, females are far more interested in social relationships than in academic substance. If you are a man, ask yourself how often you have serious intellectual discussions of politics, science, history, or society with women as compared to men. Seldom. Degrees and exceptions, yes. Stiil, seldom.
Second: Women are totalitarian. Men are happy to let boys be boys and girls be girls. Women want all children to be girls. In school this means emphasizing diligence—neat homework done on time, no matter how silly or academically vacuous—over performance, meaning material learned. Women favor docility, orderliness, cooperation in groups, not making waves, niceness and comity. For boys this is asphyxiating.
If women wanted to start a bar for women only, men would not care. If men want a private club in which to enjoy male company, women go explode in fury. Totalitarian.
In common with the keepers of the Russian gulag, women are more than willing to drug little boys into submission. There is a Stalinist mercilessness in this, a complete lack of understanding of, or interest in, what boys are. (“Ve haff vays of making you….”)
Third: Women prefer security to freedom, males freedom to security. In politics, this has ominous implications for civil liberties. In the schools this means that wrestling and dodge ball are violence, that tag might lead to a fall and scraped knees, that a little boy who draws a soldier with a rifle is a dangerous psychopath in the making. This is hysteria.
(Stray thought: If I wanted to create a murderous psycho, I would Ritalinate him into a little speed freak, repress his every instinct, and humiliate him by having the police drag him away. It would work like a charm. In his trial, his defense would be justifiable sociopathy.)
Fourth: “Therapy.” This disguised witchcraft is very much a subset of the female fascination with emotional relations. It allows them to talk endlessly about their feelings. Men would rather be crucified. Thus everything becomes a “disorder.” Among these absurdities are things like Intermittent Explosive Disorder (appropriately, IED), and Temper Irregulation Disorder. These disorders have only been discovered since women took over the schools.
The list could go on. Boys, like men, are competitive, physically and intellectually, delighted to play hours of intensely competitive pick-up basketball. Women in the schools prefer a cooperative group game led by a caring adult. What a horror.
Even the ways in which men get along with each other differ sharply from the female approach. (Thus the desire for venues for men only.) For example, when I once broke a leg in a sky-diving accident, the women in the news room were sympathetic and concerned. At a Special Forces party I attended, there was laughter and sarcasm. “Goddam dumbass Marine can´t even do a PLF right. (Parachute landing fall). Hey, let´s break his other leg.”  Translated from the male, this meant (a) that they accepted me as one of them, and (b) that to them a broken leg was not a tragedy but an inconvenience. Which it is.
Fifth: In the United States, women simply dislike men. Saying this causes eruptions of denials. If you believe these, I´d like you to meet  my friend Daisy Lou the Tooth Fairy. Check the ranting of feminists, the endless portrayal on television of men as fools and swine, the punitive political correctness and the silly anti-rape fantasies on campus.
In the schools this hostility takes the form of the passive aggression behind the predatory niceness. “We´re boring him to death, keeping him miseable, and sending him for psychiatric reprogramming because we care so much about him.” Uh, yeah.
Outside of the US, fewer women buy this. My stepdaughter Natalia, Mexican, is working on a degree in clinical psychology, and sees students—read “boys”—sent to her by teachers to determine whether they have ADHD. “They don´t have ADHS,” she says. “They´re bored.”
Finally: Women display a pedestrian practicality alien to males. If a woman needs to use a computer, she will learn to do it, and do it well. She won´t learn assembly-language programming for the pure joy of it. She can drive a car perfectly well, but has no notion of what a cam lobe is or the difference between disk and drum brakes. This is why men invent things, and women seldom do.
Boys schools, male teachers.