Sunday, November 3, 2013

Excerpt from The Phoenix Journal # 98, Ascension or Never-Ever Land: World Protocol,

Excerpt from The Phoenix Journal # 98, Ascension or Never-Ever Land:
World Protocol,
Chapter 1, pp. 17 – 20
by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
In 1956, the following WORLD PROTOCOL  was sent out to Jews world-wide. It was a confidential notice which went to orthodox, reformed, non-religious and “Christian” Jews:
“We are about to reach our goal. World War II furthered our plans greatly. We succeeded in having millions in such condition that they can do us no harm.
“There remains little to be done to complete our control of the United States.
1. Continue to enlarge our control over radio, TV, newspapers, movies and magazines.
2. Educate our sons and crowd the Gentiles out of the practice of law, medicine, pharmacy and all retail trades.
3. Make their schools and colleges training camps for our Red Revolution.
4. Bring ridicule upon their Christian faith; divide their people; weaken their churches.
5. Demoralize their women and children.
6. Corrupt their courts and bring them into contempt.
7. Turn class against class. The Negro against the White.
8. Buy politicians and continue to corrupt their local, state and national governments.
9. GET the Fascist anti-Semites one way or another.
10. Use willing tools in government; they will do our bidding.
11. Plan unlimited immigration of our persecuted people.
12. Continue our control of their money through the Federal Reserve system.
13. We must destroy the Republic and replace it with Democracy (Jewish-governed state Socialism).
14. Continue to place Jews in key positions in the Government, Army and Navy.
15. Continue our control of labor; agitate unrest, strikes and violence by any means or schemes.
“Especially through these methods shall we plunge this country into destitution, demoralization, bankruptcy, and civil war, further lessening the numbers of our enemies.
“The Bolshevik Revolution make us masters of Russia.
“The last war made us rulers of all Europe except Spain.
“Let this next war make us MASTERS OF AMERICA!
“For the preservation of our race, you are warned to renounce, abjure, repudiate and deny any of this information if questioned by the Gentiles, even under oath,AS DIRECTED BY THE TALMUD.
“It is needless to caution you of the terrible consequences that might follow if these instructions should fall into goyim hands.” [H: OOPS!]
. Col. Mohr: Now it’s very possible that some of you who read these words are going to say: “Well, I don’t believe that!” But if you are normally intelligent individual, and are willing to look around and see what is happening, you will have to admit, if you are honest, that all the aforementioned things are happening to this country. Do you honestly believe they are happening by accident?
Almost without fail, when I (Mohr) come up with some documented facts concerning the hatred of Jews towards Christianity, some naïve Christian will say: “But our Lord Jesus Christ was a Jew. So we must love the Jews.” This “big-lie” technique has been “brainwashing” Americans for a long time and in no place has it received such a strong foothold as in the evangelical and fundamental church world. The “so-called” Jews of today have been very successful in causing Christians to believe that Jesus Christ, who called them “liars, hypocrites, poisonous snakes, and murderers”, was “King of the Jews”. This reference was first made in the English translations of theOld and New Testament, centuries before the Jews “hi-jacked” the word “Jew” in the 19th Century. They have spent millions of dollars trying to convince Christians that Jesus Christ was a kin of theirs, while calling him an “illegitimate bastard”. Very strange isn’t it? On one hand, they claim Him as one of them – when benefits them with the Christian world -- while on the other hand their TALMUDcurse Him and consigns Him to all kinds of terrible suffering in hell.
The alleged kinship of Jesus with those who call themselves “Jews” comes from a myth of their common ancestry with the “so-called Jews” of the Bible in Old Testament history and is fiction based on fable.
In Tim. 1:14, the Apostle Paul warned Christians about “giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of man, which turn from the truth.” In verse 10 of that same chapter, He identifies these as “unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, SPECIALLY THEY OF THE CIRCUMCISION.” He goes on to say that these Jews “subvert whole houses teaching false hood for money’s sake.”
Very few Christians realize they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours every day by television, radio, newspaper, magazines, movies and books; by political leaders who have become subservient to those who are the worst enemies of the one they call “Lord”.
Gordon “Jack” Mohr.  
To your creative power and earned success,

Message from Montague Keen - November 3, 2013

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - November 3, 2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 3-Nov-2013 18:14:28

Message from Montague Keen - November 3, 2013
The veil is being lifted from all that had been hidden from you. Designated people are coming forward to reveal and explain what is happening so that you may be prepared when the shift happens. The next few months will completely expose the illusion and all the institutions involved in creating it. The restrictions that have kept you locked into it are being removed every day. You have lived in an hypnotic trance that has served to control the whole of your lives from birth to death. You now see the propaganda for what it is and you no longer buy into it. Those within the Cabal, know that it cannot survive in its present form. They have failed !
You will quickly become aware of the infighting as they compete for power in a world that no longer recognizes them. Their power is melting away and there is no currency on Earth that will buy them forgiveness. It has to come from the heart, if they truly repent and plead for forgiveness. The people will decide (with guidance) which course of action should be taken. You must prepare to make such decisions.
Those who have done the most damage to mankind will have to face the consequences of their actions. The people will decide and this will be done in an orderly fashion. You need to show that you are now in control and will consider all applications for forgiveness. By studying the true history of your beautiful planet and disregarding all the so-called history which you were taught, you will then be equipped to deal with each case on its own merit.
As the first signs of surrender become obvious, you must insist that all chemtrails cease forthwith, all fluoridation of the water is stopped, and all vaccinations are destroyed. Humanity will never again have to face such evil manipulation of life on Earth. There will be a mass return to nature and all things natural.
It is time to make all the necessary preparations in order to be ready to proceed without delay. A whole new way of life will open up. All the stress that was carefully manipulated to keep you down and in control, will be removed. You have friends from other planets, all in position, and ready to come to Earth in order to share their technology. They will help you to understand what needs to be done as you take over your planet. They will help to guide the Earth on its rightful path to peace and harmony.
These are the End Days: the end of all that is corrupt, controlling, and evil in its darkest sense. The pollution of Planet Earth and the removal of all human life in order to prepare it for other species, has been halted. Pedophilia and mind control have been used extensively to create fear and to destroy the minds of the innocent. Those involved in such activities will be exposed and they will be faced with the true horror of their actions. All those who were involved in the cover-up of the pedophilia and murder are as guilty as those they were protecting. This is a time for the truth to be faced in order that such activities will never again be tolerated. There is never a just reason to hurt another. The depraved minds which have reveled in the torture of innocent children cannot be allowed to continue on Earth without a complete overhaul of what they believe to be acceptable. Man will quickly learn to live in peace and no barriers will be acceptable in the future. The family of Man will thrive and a future will be created which will embrace all the so-called differences, whether of creed or race.
You will be faced with a clean slate: ensure that the things you desire will benefit all. Never again think of us and them. Soon, all divisions will disappear and the nightmare that was life on Earth for hundreds of years, will fade from memory, in order to create the best future at this great time of change. Everything is in place for this to happen, so when the timing is right, it will all just fall into place as planned.
Be prepared, my friends ! This is what we ask of you. Know what is expected of you and take action at the moment it is required. You should be making plans now; but do not write them down, as everything is intercepted and reported. You are not fully aware of the extent of the control system that operates in your world. Even your thoughts can be intercepted, and they often are.
This is your opportunity to free mankind and your planet and this is why you are on Earth at this time. Many approach you with false promises, all designed to trick you into revealing private information. Your controllers are very clever. They would not have succeeded otherwise, so be aware that they will use every trick possible to entrap you. Every time you are attacked, it reveals the desperation they are experiencing. It will not be long before they run out of ideas.
The light cannot be stopped. It was written that at this time that the light will triumph over the dark and peace will return to an Earth that is suffering from all the wars that are being waged at this time.
Look at the REAL REASONS for such wars and you will be shocked. You will wonder how you could ever have been foolish enough to trust those who instigate these wars. As I have said many times, nothing is as it seems.
Just realize that you are being lied to. Do your own research, as nothing is hidden from those who have the desire for truth. Soon, even your television and so-called newspapers will have to adapt to the truth, as people refuse to accept the lies anymore. You will experience the triumph of good over evil. How exciting is that !
Enjoy this transition. Come together and celebrate your success with laughter and good cheer, all as one, happy to be part of a future that will surpass all your dreams.
Together we will do it.
My love, try to relax. Rest whenever possible, and be prepared.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

VERY URGENT!!! PLEASE CIRCULATE to your friends, family and contacts.

  VERY URGENT!!! PLEASE CIRCULATE to your friends, family and  contacts.
    In the coming days, DO  NOT  open  any message  with an attachment
    BLACK  MUSLIM IN  THE WHITE HOUSE , regardless  of who sent it to you.
    It is a  virus that  opens an Olympics torch that burns the whole hard
disk  of your computer.  This virus  comes from a known  person (from your contacts'  list).
    Directions:     If you receive a message called  BLACK  MUSLIM  IN THE WHITE HOUSE -  even if sent by a friend, do not open,  and shut down your  machine immediately.
    It is the worst  virus  - as announced by CNN.  This  new virus has  been
discovered recently it  has been classified by Microsoft as the  virus most
destructive ever.
    This virus was discovered yesterday  afternoon by  McAfee.  There is
    no repair yet for this  kind  of virus.
    This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the hard disk, where vital
information  function is stored.
    Verified  by 

How to end that 2pm lull for good

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How to end that 2pm lull for good
Hi John
You know how sometimes you hear about some study that's been done that proves something new, exciting and totally unexpected?
And when you hear or read about it, you think, "Wow!  Who knew?  Good thing they did that study!"
Well, this is not one of those times.
This is one of those times where you instead think to yourself, "And how many millions did they waste on THAT?"
Here's what I'm talking about.
"Diet Linked With Daytime Sleepiness"
A study recently conducted suggests that your level of sleepiness or alertness during the day may be related to the type of food that you eat.
Specifically, the results showed that higher fat consumption was associated with increased daytime sleepiness, while higher carbohydrate intake was linked to increased alertness.
In addition, there was no relationship noted between protein consumption and sleepiness or alertness.
My reaction?  No kidding.  Please tell me something I DON'T know.
And by the way, there are a lot of holes here that most people won't pick up on, but they're glaringly obvious to me.
Here's what you SHOULD know about the connection between your diet and daytime fatigue that is not spelled out in this study:
A fat by any other name
The authors of the study I quoted above did not spell out specifically what KINDS of fats and carbohydrates were eaten by the subjects in the study.
Unfortunately, that can make a HUGE difference.
First of all, fats are typically harder for the body to digest than other foods.  And since digestion requires a massive amount of energy, it's no surprise that someone eating a lot of fat may feel wiped out afterwards.
However, fats are also crucial to brain and nervous system health (especially Omega-3 essential fatty acids)...and studies have also shown that they are necessary for mental alertness and sharpness!
The real danger with fats is when you are eating TRANS-FATS, my friend.
Not only are these lab creations not found anywhere in Nature, but they're next to impossible for your body to break your energy gets obliterated as your body desperately struggles to digest these "Franken-fats."
Plus they clog your arteries, light fires of inflammation and cause a cascade of free radical damage.
If you are eating margarine, processed foods (including snack chips) or any fried fast food, you are most assuredly taking in trans-fats by the truckload.
Oh, and probably suffering daytime fatigue as a result.
All carbs are not created equal either
Most carbohydrates are broken down pretty easily by your body, but the type of carbs you eat can also make a difference in your energy level.
Simple carbs (like sugar) and refined carbs (like cake, pie, candy, doughnuts, cookies, white rice, etc.) and are broken down VERY quickly by your body and absorbed into your bloodstream, creating a tidal wave of glucose flooding your veins.
And a "perky" feeling in least initially.
On the other hand, complex carbs (like whole grains, vegetables and legumes) take a bit longer to digest, so they provide a slower, steady, more even supply of glucose to your bloodstream.
And a more consistent energy supply to YOU.  
Now, the problem arises when you eat mainly simple and refined carbs, and flood your bloodstream with glucose day in and day out.
You see, when glucose enters your bloodstream, your body sends an alert to your pancreas to release insulin.  The insulin tells your cells to "take in" the glucose, thereby bringing your blood glucose level back to where it should be. 
But when your bloodstream is repeatedly flooded with glucose, your pancreas is taunted over and over, and it can begin to overreact and start releasing too MUCH insulin.
This causes your blood sugar level to plummet through the floor and voila--you have a mid-afternoon "crash."
Sound familiar?
The BIG glaring omission
The biggest, glaring omission in this study is the fact that the kind of foods you eat TOGETHER has the single biggest impact on your energy throughout the day (or lack thereof).
You see, most people eat meals made up of every kind of food known to man--protein, starch, carbs, dairy, etc.
Complex meals like this are extremely hard for your body to break down--in fact, studies have shown the digestive process can go on for 8-10 hours or more!
When your body is using up boatloads of energy trying to digest your foods for all those hours, guess what--there is none left for YOU.  That's why you get sleepy after lunch and need coffee or soda to stay awake at your desk!
And if you still doubt what I'm saying, then just think of how you felt after last Thanksgiving dinner.
Enough said.
But the good news is when you eat combinations of foods that CAN be broken down easily by your stomach and intestines, your system doesn't NEED to use up all your energy for digestion.
That leaves LOTS more energy for whatever you want to do!
The guidelines in the Great Taste No Pain

and Great Taste No Gluten

health systems will help keep you energized and alert all day long because both programs show you exactly what combinations of foods to eat for easy, breezy digestion and LOTS more energy for YOU.
You can see a difference in your level of alertness as quickly as your very first meal!
And don't worry--it's easy to do and I spell everything out for you.
Another diet-related cause of daytime fatigue
Here's another diet-related cause of daytime drowsiness:
Being low in Vitamin B12.
You see, vitamin B12 is an important catalyst in your metabolism that generates your body's energy from the (hopefully good!) fats and carbs you eat.
So when you're low in B12, (and estimates show that as many as 1 out of every 4 adults in the US is), your body most assuredly isn't producing energy as efficiently as it should...
And you can end up needing toothpicks to keep your eyelids up in the afternoon as a result!
Eating more dietary sources of B12 (like meats, fish and yogurt) can help, but since B12 isn't always easily absorbed in the digestive tract, you may not be getting as much as you'd like.
That's why one of the best ways to help address and reverse B12 deficiency is through supplementation.
And for a high-quality, easily absorbed supplement, Hydroxaden 2.5 is your ticket.
Hydroxaden 2.5 is a quick, easy vitamin B12 spray that gives you 2.5 mg of hydroxocobalamin (a well-proven, effective form of B12).  Just five sprays under your tongue each day is all it takes.
Studies show that B12 taken sublingually like this can be quickly and efficiently absorbed right into your bloodstream from the mucus membranes in your mouth.
The bottom line
The bottom line is, it is true that your diet DOES have a tremendous impact on your level of alertness during the day.
Now you know ALL the reasons why that is true, as well as what to do to help keep YOU alert and energized all day long.
And if your boss notices the difference in you and gives you a raise, be sure to let me know!  :-)
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

 PS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:  -
PPS: Colleen has tons of energy and is off Prilosec!

Hi Sherry, 
I started your Great Taste No Pain plan almost 2 weeks ago and have been telling everyone at work about it.
I cannot believe how many people are suffering with digestive issues. It's crazy. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and my colon was perforated. I had no choice by to have the surgery. It was an excruciating experience.

Since starting your plan I feel fantastic. I was taking Prilosec every day and still having acid indigestion. I no longer even need to take it.

I have lost weight and have tons of energy!
Also, I used to get headaches daily and have not had one since starting the plan.
This has saved my life.

I will not stop until I can get my loved ones to listen to me about your plan!

Thank you,


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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here  To stop getting this letter, simply use the link below and it will end automatically and immediately.

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Ph.: 1-888-724-4366 FAX: 315-468-5818



Meeting in Washington with Iraq pm concluded friday, accords or agreements usually take 72 to appear, so that takes us to 5 pm est Monday. Good for the system reajusts itself at that time starting another world economic event ( to thoughs that are slow , the start of a new bank, forex and wall street day. )
Logically I am to think that if so appropriate that this is our international release of all currencies day that by mid-day on monday we should have our 800# and our announcement from Wells Fargo squared off before the5pm est reajustment deadline, so noted we shall wait and see.
So now logic takes me to possible currency exchanging starting on Tuesday that would be very nice. Bank personnel are being place as pawns at all levels and on the highest alerts ready to scramble at a 20 minutes notice.
They have informed me of very high and un heard off rates that will truly surprise the non believers to believe in the Almighty for those that do believe like you and I know for a fact that first God is in control, second that He will give this on His day and time no matter what any president, leader, or pm my say, and third and get this clear my Lord Jesus does not hand out peanuts to those Christians that have placed there livelihood through faith in Him.
Our lives and our time as of now will be altered, changed and will be different for it will be a new world for us all, but when this happening comes into fruition just remember all the hardships from your folks past and from your personal past, remember all who have past waiting on this blessing, remember how government ... have ignored you, remember how tough it has gotten to just buy food at this moment, remember to think first on the futures of our children and grandchildren, yes in the next generations to come, lets set them up real good, so that they will see the real changes that our Lord will be giving them thanks to me and you.
Promise me and promise Jehova that you will always remember where you came from and that you will pay it forward; the Spirit will guide you and life will bless both you and your generations to come and frankly friends it doesn't get any better then that. So just relax on these kind words and embrace this blessing with the divinity that comes from a Truly Powerful, Controling and Loving God....
We shall see!!! Elyon Na'maste Bluwolf 11-3-13 7:41 am est
P.S. may all days from this day forth be Joyous forevermore, so declare in Jesus name. Amen ( logic is the path that shall guide all to a truthful beginning and a prosperous life, just follow your dreams never give up till you make them real for logic makes all things that were imaginable possible
Visit stage2omega at:


Subject: Vote out all the Progressive Democrats....

....and phony Republican Neo-Cons, and elect Constitutionalists with guts!


By: Devvy
November 3, 2013
The impostor in the White House and his lackeys have been the target of endless hearings over the past few years. IRS, Fast and Furious, Navy Seals, Benghazi to name only a few.
Most of the investigations are still on-going more than a year later; Fast and Furious almost three years while the families wait for answers instead of more lies. While the hearings have given the American people evidence and testimony, to date not a single person has been held accountable for the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent (Fast & Furious), the death of so many Americans in the helicopter crash in Afghanistan, the murders of our U.S. Ambassador and three other very brave Americans in Benghazi or the IRS targeting conservative groups for political reasons.
Lois Lerner retired from the IRS with full benefits after taking the Fifth during hearings many of us watched on television. She escaped an Accountability Review Board by jumping ship. A nice fat retirement paid for by you and me; estimated to be $50,000 a year. Allegedly, she might be called back or even subpoenaed, but so what? She's now gone from government "service".
Each and every time we see "officials" from this agency or that, NSA, IRS or some other alphabet soup agency testify, they simply go back to work. Business as usual. No accountability.
The October 30, 2013, sworn testimony of Kathleen Sebelius, who heads up the unconstitutional Health and Human Services which raped we the people to the tune of more than $80 BILLION BORROWED dollars last year, was one of arrogance which provided no real answers to hard questions. Like Comrade Hillary Clinton's "what difference does it make" during her testimony about Benghazi, Sebelius had hers: Whatever.
Whistleblowers who have given testimony have fared no better than I did when I blew the whistle through the IG's office when I worked for the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, CO. I blew the whistle on my own job: fraud, waste and abuse. My reward: Termination. I fought back and was transferred to another division, but at the end of nine months despite all outstanding achievements, my contract was then terminated. The IG's office audited my GS-11 position and said I was right, but I lost my job anyway. In the case of Benghazi, witnesses have been silenced or worse:
Justice and State departments blocking access to survivors of Benghazi attack "The Justice and State departments are now citing a year-old FBI investigation and a future criminal prosecution to block access to survivors of last year’s Benghazi terror attack."
That's what happens when the Republicans play like pansies. Who is wagging whose tail here? The U.S. Congress created those agencies and cabinets and the U.S. House approves funding for them, yet time after time we see directors or secretary's lead Republicans and their committes around by the nose. What good are those incumbents if all they do is play important and in the end, there's no accountability?
Comrade Hillary Clinton and Barry Soetoro aka Obama are directly responsible for the murders of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, U. S. Foreign Foreign Service Information Officer Sean Smith, two embassy security personnel, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty; both former Navy Seals. To date, Speaker of the House John Boehner, refuses to authorize a full blown investigation into Benghazi. Ignoring the tears and pleas from families of the four murdered, Johnny boy continues to stall. Why? I strongly believe he knew illegal gun running was going on - just like Iran Contra.
The Chinook helicopter which crashed in Afghanistan killed 30 Americans, 22 were Navy Seals.
Yet, despite all the revelations that's come to light as a result of endless hearings, no one at the top of the dung heap has been held accountable for any of the scandals.
Why? What good are all the investigations and hearings broadcast on television if no one is held accountable? The same thing happened over the many scandals involving the Marxist duo, Bill & Hill Clinton, Inc, not to mention the despicable cover up of the 1993 World Trade Center Tower bombing, TWA Flight 800 and OKC. Move on the George Bush, Jr., and the massive cover up over what really happened on September 11, 2001.
Hearings, hearings, investigations and more investigating. It has equaled ZERO accountability. The guilty not only walk free but are generously rewarded when they go into the private sector. Comrade Hillary usurped the office of Secretary of State. Not only did the ethically bankrupt U.S. Senate confirm her appointment knowing she was ineligible, and despite the fact the world became a much more violent one while she racked up more air miles than any SOS in history and is responsible for the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, she's now being handsomely rewarded to the tune of anywhere from $20,000 - $200,000 a speech.
Why hasn't the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives exercised their legal option to impeach cabinet heads and Attorney General Eric Holder over Fast and Furious for lying to Congress? Holder clearly should have been impeached a long time ago. Why haven't ANY of the big shots who have testified in all the scandals been impeached? The only thing I see is TV drama and political currency.
Can it be Republicans in the House intend to do nothing so they can use the scandals during the upcoming primaries to defeat Democrats? It can be the only answer, not to mention making sure Boehner doesn't get exposed over Benghazi. Let's throw the dumb masses some high political theater (hearings), but never do what real statesmen would and that is go for the jugular. Daryl Issa has held dozens of hearings that have resulted in ZERO accountability or anyone being legally punished. He could have moved to impeach Eric Holder a long time ago and he hasn't. Why?
Impeach those who can under the law and recommend federal grand juries for lower level individuals who have lied and covered up to protect their jobs and the Marxist in the White House. It is the duty and obligation by the U.S. House to take action instead of more hearings that go no where. I've been in the trenches full time for 23 years and that's all I've seen: No accountability.
Allegedly, the crash of Extortion 17 (Navy Seals) is finally going to be investigated:
"Congress has launched an investigation of the helicopter crash that killed 30 Americans in Afghanistan, including members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team 6 unit, The Hill has learned. The victims’ families say the Pentagon hasn't provided answers to their many questions about the deadly attack, which took place on Aug. 6, 2011, three months after Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by Team 6 forces.
"Chaffetz said he met with the victims’ families about a month ago in what he described as an “emotional” gathering. He is poised to send questions to the Pentagon and may hold hearings on the matter. Charlie Strange, whose son Michael was among those killed, said he asked President Obama two years ago at Dover Air Force Base to fully investigate. The death toll in the crash was the largest of any single incident for the U.S. military during the Afghanistan war.
"Obama praised Michael's service to Strange, who responded, “I don't need to know about my son. I need to know what happened to my son.” The president promised he would investigate, Strange said, but he never heard back from the White House. The Pentagon, meanwhile, has provided him and others with incomplete and contradictory information, he said. Administration leaks that emerged after the bin Laden raid prompted members of Team 6 to worry about their safety."
Probe? My, God. Those families have been waiting over two years to find out the truth. I would ask this question: What did those Navy Seals see during the killing of someone passed off as Osama Bin Laden? I hold firm in my belief Osama Bin Laden was killed during the massive raid in Tora Bora on December 15, 2001. Why do I believe this? I became aware of a radio interview with a Gary McClaren who claimed he was told in an interview with Eric Haney that Bin Laden was killed in the massive bombing of Tora Bora, Afghanistan on December 15, 2001. I sent e-mail to Haney. He responded in the affirmative that Bin Laden was killed that day. Who is Haney? You can visit his web site: CSM Eric L. Haney, USA (Ret). "For more than twenty years, Command Sergeant Major (retired) Eric L. Haney served in the United States Army's most demanding combat units: As a Combat Infantryman, as a Ranger, and ultimately, as a founding member and eight-year veteran of the Army's super secret counter-terrorist arm, Delta Force."

I emailed Haney and ask him to verify his statements on that radio show which he did. It certainly explains the contradictory statements made by Bush, Jr:
September 13, 2001, "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
Hundreds of billions of dollars later and countless lives lost, Bush had a change of heart on March 13, 2002: "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
Bush and Cheney knew he was dead. Both of them should be forced under oath, whether a federal grand jury or in front of Congress and the world: What did they know about Bin Laden's death and when did they know it? The "war on terror" is nothing but a cash cow for the miltary/industrial complex and members of Congress who have enjoyed huge financial gains from it.
Before you send that email, I am aware of the comments made by Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan in November 2007, in an interview with David Frost that Bin Laden was killed by a top level Al-Qaeda. That poor woman was assassinated a month later. Was it because of her comments? Do watch this five minute video:Osama Raid A Fake. It's interviews of ordinary Pakistani's who all claim it wasn't Bin Laden. You be the judge.
One thing we do know for sure: No DNA of the body which was allegedly dumped into the ocean. I don't believe for a minute it was the real Bin Laden. Others do, but wonder about the body of whoever was killed that wasn't dropped into the ocean:
One thing I do know: We the people have been lied to, again. Old Osama, who happily lived in a house in Pakistan was suddenly 'discovered' and killed. I ask again: Why were so many Navy Seals that were there killed on that chopper? Dead men tell no tales.
The U.S. House is only in session 15 more days this year. While it's good they won't be passing more unconstitutional laws, Congress is only in session 115 days for 2014; 16 weeks. Of course, they all get paid for 52 weeks.
Why only 115 days for the whole year? Because it's election time paid for with the sweat of your labor. The first primary is in March (Texas). All incumbents in the House are up for reelection; only 1/3rd of the Senate. You can take money to the bank Republicans will hammer on "the Obama Administration" and Democrat/Communist Party USA incumbents over all the scandals even though Republicans haven't held anyone accountable for the crimes. They control the House and committees.
You watch. Besides the massive failure of the unconstitutional Obamacare, which will be top dog talking points for incumbents on the campaign trail, so too will the IRS, Benghazi and Extortion 17 (Navy Seals). In the meantime, husbands, wives, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins and all the friends of those killed in Libya and Afghanistan will still be waiting for answers while the House is out campaigning. Their loved ones won't be there again for Thanksgiving or Christmas while the U.S. House plays politics.
For those who think "our" government doesn't lie to the families of dead Americans just remember Pat Tillman. After the parents were repeatedly lied to, the truth finally came out. Pat was killed by "friendly fire". His family was put through unimaginable agony trying to find out the truth only to be treated like stupid people who just wouldn't accept the government's version of events which was quite simply a cover-up. No one held accountable.
<>"You are a General," Tillman's father writes Jones after being presented with a briefing book of his findings. "There is no way a man like you, with your intelligence, education, military, experience, responsibilities (primarily for difficult situations), and rank... believes the conclusions reached in the March 31, 2005 Briefing Book. But your signature is on it. I assume, therefore, that you are part of this shameless bullshit. I embarrassed myself by treating you with respect [on] March 31, 2005. I thought your rank deserved it and anticipated something different from the new and improved investigation. I won't act so hypocritically if we meet again. "In sum: Fuck you... and yours."
"The receptionist Ted suddenly leaned into my workspace. He looked at me and then let his eyes fall to the ground. It's an image I’ll never forget—that pause as he looked for words. "Um, Marie?” he said. “There are some people here to see you in the conference room . . . up front.”
"I didn't ask him who they were. I somehow knew. Ted was a big teddy bear of a guy who served as our gatekeeper, screening calls, protecting us. But this time I wanted to protect him. I didn't want him to have to tell me; I wanted to spare him. Or maybe I was trying to spare myself, give myself a few more moments before the inevitable. There was something in his voice and body language, or something waiting in the fear that is with you constantly when your loved one is in a war zone.

"A chaplain and three soldiers in full dress Army uniforms were standing in the conference room when I entered. They did not have to say a word. I knew instantly that Pat had been killed. They had prepared us for this at the Family Readiness meeting a few months back. Class A dress uniform—killed. BDU, or battle dress uniform— injured. My mind registered their appearance. Class A."
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Only our voices can be the voice for the victims. Silence is not an option. Voting to oust incumbents is and I pray Americans will do just that in those upcoming primaries next year. They all know Barry Soetoro usurped his way into the White House. They all know about his forged documents: Selective Service Registration Card, birth certificate and using someone else's social security number. All have remained silent to protect their political careers. After all, they might take a drudging from the Ministry of Propaganda - the mainstream media and that includes cable anchors like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.
I've put together an Appendix if you will of time lines and back story articles about the aforementioned scandals. I hope you will take the time to read them because all those Americans killed deserve justice and those responsible held accountable - even if it means some big names go to jail. Lord, how many more "scandals" will it take for the American people to prioritize truth over substance and politics? Aren't YOU sick and tired of the cover ups, the lies, the denials and no accountability? For more information click on Appendix below.
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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.
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Dinar History 1988 - Present

Dinar History 1988 - Present

Post By Bailey 2 Intel 4u Forum


from:  1988

In early 1988, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was still ID1 to US$3.22; however, with estimates of the nation’s inflation rate ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent per year in 1985 and 1986, the dinar’s real transaction value, or black market exchange rate, was far lower-only about half the 1986 official rate.

1986–2003      1986–2003 between .33 cents to 1.32 to a dollar.
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2001  ---   Oil-production: 2.452 million bbl/day (2001 est.); note — production was disrupted as a result of the March -  April 2003 war (2001est.)

2002   ---   GDP: purchasing power parity — $58 billion (2002 est.)

2002   --   Exports–partners:US 40.9%, Canada 8.2%, France 8.2%, Jordan 7.5%, Netherlands 6.4%, Italy 5.4%,    Morocco 4.7%,    Spain 4.4% (2002)

2003   --   In october 2003, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was ID1 to US$0.00027.

2004–2011   --   August 2004 till 2005, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate is ID1 to US$0.00068. Population: 25,374,691 (July 2004 est.)

Positive Changes in Iraq

Upon Saddam Hussein’s deposition in 2003, Iraq has undergone political and economic changes. Many believe that the re-building of Iraq’s infrastructure will stabilize Iraq socially, politically, and economically.

With the new government establishing a new monetary system that encourages foreign investment, and the central bank of Iraq awarding foreign licences, many also believe that the value of the new Iraqi dinar banknote is poised to escalate.

More Treasury Bills on the Way

The government of Iraq will issue more Treasury bills to the secondary market. For the first time in years, the central bank auctioned Treasury bills in July.

Thus far, local banks have bought 900 billion Iraqi dinars ($628 million) worth of three-month bills with coupons ranging between 2.5 percent and 6.8 percent.

To improve Iraq’s local currency, the dinar against the dollar, Iraq’s central bank also plans to build up its foreign-currency reserves.

Creating viable domestic capital markets will start the process of trimming the massive pre-war debt. Iraq’s path to debt reduction along with

the generosity of the Paris Club by forgiving 80% of Iraq’s debt is good news for the Iraqi economy. Iraq’s growth-oriented policy, along with Iraq’s prospects of economic stability makes investing in the dinar potentially lucrative.

The Central Bank of Iraq

For the first time in decades, the central bank of Iraq awarded foreign bank licences to the following banks: HSBC, Standard Chartered,

National Bank of Kuwait, Iranian National Bank, Commercial Housing bank, and Bahraini Arab Banking Institute.

The Bahraini Arab Banking Institute is listed on the Bahrain, Kuwait, and Paris stock exchanges, and its major shareholders include the Kuwait Investment Authority, the central bank of Libya, and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.

Granting foreign licences and liberalizing interest rates will create a vibrant free-market economy. Iraq’s re-invigorated banking policies will positively effect the value of the dinar in the near future.

The Potential of the Dinar

Prior to United Nations sanctions, the Iraqi dinar traded at 3.35 per U.S. dollar, and prior to the war in Iraq, the Iraqi dinar traded at .33 U.S. Dollars. During major combat operations, the Iraqi dinar declined to an all time low.

However, after major combat operations, the value of the dinar increased 25%. Countries such as Germany (post WWII) and Kuwait (post Iraqi invasion) experienced a similar devaluation of their currency, but both countries recovered.

Today, the dinar has increased from 3,500 against the dollar during the U.S. led invasion last year to 1,400 against the U.S. dollar.

 Imagine the growth potential of the Iraqi dinar once Iraq recovers and begins to enjoy the potential revenue of a country rich in oil and other natural resources.

The New Iraqi Dinar Banknote

Today, De La Rue, the world’s largest commercial security printer and papermaker based in Great Britian, prints the new Iraqi dinar banknote.

 The new Iraqi dinar banknote has various security features making the dinar very difficult to counterfiet, and the dinar banknote is now available in 50, 250, 500,1000, 5000, 10000, and 25000 bills.

With the re-building of Iraq’s infrastructure and with the prospect of stability at hand, the Iraqi dinar is quickly becoming a very attractive investment opportunity.

Benjamin Fulford / Karen Hudes Interview

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford / Karen Hudes Interview
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 3-Nov-2013 11:57:39

Published on Nov 2, 2013 - Join today just $8 per month.
The video the AltMedia has been waiting for is now available for free.
Listen to Benjamn Fulford discuss and confront issues of concern to the human race with famed whistleblower of the World Bank -- Karen Hudes.