Monday, November 4, 2013

Dinar History 1988 - Present

Dinar History 1988 - Present


i  2001  ---   Oil-production: 2.452 million bbl/day (2001 est.); note — production was disrupted as a result of the March -  April 2003 war (2001est.)

2002   ---   GDP: purchasing power parity — $58 billion (2002 est.)

2002   --   Exports–partners:US 40.9%, Canada 8.2%, France 8.2%, Jordan 7.5%, Netherlands 6.4%, Italy 5.4%,    Morocco 4.7%,    Spain 4.4% (2002)

2003   --   In october 2003, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was ID1 to US$0.00027.

2004–2011   --   August 2004 till 2005, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate is ID1 to US$0.00068. Population: 25,374,691 (July 2004 est.)

Positive Changes in Iraq

Upon Saddam Hussein’s deposition in 2003, Iraq has undergone political and economic changes. Many believe that the re-building of Iraq’s infrastructure will stabilize Iraq socially, politically, and economically.

With the new government establishing a new monetary system that encourages foreign investment, and the central bank of Iraq awarding foreign licences, many also believe that the value of the new Iraqi dinar banknote is poised to escalate.

More Treasury Bills on the Way

The government of Iraq will issue more Treasury bills to the secondary market. For the first time in years, the central bank auctioned Treasury bills in July.

Thus far, local banks have bought 900 billion Iraqi dinars ($628 million) worth of three-month bills with coupons ranging between 2.5 percent and 6.8 percent.

To improve Iraq’s local currency, the dinar against the dollar, Iraq’s central bank also plans to build up its foreign-currency reserves.

Creating viable domestic capital markets will start the process of trimming the massive pre-war debt. Iraq’s path to debt reduction along with

the generosity of the Paris Club by forgiving 80% of Iraq’s debt is good news for the Iraqi economy. Iraq’s growth-oriented policy, along with Iraq’s prospects of economic stability makes investing in the dinar potentially lucrative.

The Central Bank of Iraq

For the first time in decades, the central bank of Iraq awarded foreign bank licences to the following banks: HSBC, Standard Chartered,

National Bank of Kuwait, Iranian National Bank, Commercial Housing bank, and Bahraini Arab Banking Institute.

 The Bahraini Arab Banking Institute is listed on the Bahrain, Kuwait, and Paris stock exchanges, and its major shareholders include the Kuwait Investment Authority, the central bank of Libya, and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.

Granting foreign licences and liberalizing interest rates will create a vibrant free-market economy. Iraq’s re-invigorated banking policies will positively effect the value of the dinar in the near future.

The Potential of the Dinar

Prior to United Nations sanctions, the Iraqi dinar traded at 3.35 per U.S. dollar, and prior to the war in Iraq, the Iraqi dinar traded at .33 U.S. Dollars. During major combat operations, the Iraqi dinar declined to an all time low.

However, after major combat operations, the value of the dinar increased 25%. Countries such as Germany (post WWII) and Kuwait (post Iraqi invasion) experienced a similar devaluation of their currency, but both countries recovered.

Today, the dinar has increased from 3,500 against the dollar during the U.S. led invasion last year to 1,400 against the U.S. dollar.

 Imagine the growth potential of the Iraqi dinar once Iraq recovers and begins to enjoy the potential revenue of a country rich in oil and other natural resources.

The New Iraqi Dinar Banknote

Today, De La Rue, the world’s largest commercial security printer and papermaker based in Great Britian, prints the new Iraqi dinar banknote.

 The new Iraqi dinar banknote has various security features making the dinar very difficult to counterfiet, and the dinar banknote is now available in 50, 250, 500,1000, 5000, 10000, and 25000 bills.

With the re-building of Iraq’s infrastructure and with the prospect of stability at hand, the Iraqi dinar is quickly becoming a very attractive investment opportunity.

Four reasons to start a business overseas

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Sovereign Man
November 4, 2013
Bangkok, Thailand

The other day, a friend of mine in Chile went to the bank to apply for a car loan.

She has her eye on a new car for about $22,000. The bank in Chile wants her to put down about $6,000, and then finance the remaining $16,000.

But when they calculated her monthly payment, it came out to roughly $775, which works out to an interest rate of nearly 50%!

Over the life of the 4-year loan, the bank would recoup its $16,000 in principal, plus earn an additional $37,000 in interest. Unreal.

This is the state of consumer credit in Chile-- interest rates can be prodigiously high. Yet for some, this is an opportunity.

Nico Shea, a famous Chilean entrepreneur who spoke at our workshop several months ago, started a peer-to-peer lending company called Cumplo to capitalize on this.

The model is simple; Cumplo matches investors with borrowers. So instead of borrowing from a bank, you can borrow from another individual who is seeking a higher rate of return.

Cumplo's average interest rate is 12%-- still attractive for investors, but far more manageable for borrowers.

Frankly, it's what banking should be. Cumplo lets supply and demand dictate the price of money, as opposed to an elite oligarchy protected by the government.

And while this peer-to-peer lending model is everywhere in the US and Europe, it's revolutionary in Chile.

This is one of the great things about doing business overseas.

If you're in a 'rich' Western nation, any business idea you might have is probably already being done by multiple competitors.

But in rapidly developing countries, almost EVERYTHING is new. Often you just need to copy a successful model or business practice that's working in the West.

Instead of having dozens of competitors from day 1, though, you'll likely be the only one in your field. So it's much easier to get started.

And that brings up another advantage to doing business overseas. Not only will you be able to corner the market right away, but you'll also have plenty of latitude to make mistakes.

Failure is one of our most important teachers, especially in business.

But if you make a big mistake in an ultra-competitive environment like London or New York, you're finished. If you make a mistake in Colombia or Myanmar, nobody's going to notice... or care.

This environment of tolerance is really beneficial, especially for younger entrepreneurs who lack experience.

Third, it's important to point out that starting a business overseas in a rapidly developing country will probably cost you a lot LESS.

Labor, real estate, permitting, and other capital investments or operating costs can often be rounding errors overseas.

Not to mention, your living costs will probably be lower as well... so you'll be able to plow more of your earnings back into the business to invest in growth rather than paying the rent.

Last, they call these 'rapidly developing' countries for a reason; they're growing leaps and bounds, and it's seriously exciting.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are being pulled up into the middle class, now able to afford things that they never have before. Especially here in Asia.

I was in Myanmar recently right when coffee was 'discovered'. Almost overnight, tens of millions of people became crazy for it. But there was hardly a cappuccino machine in sight.

The opportunity is obvious. And it seems so simple, almost second nature to people from developed countries. Coffee. Duh.

People from developed countries have an entire lifetime of experience and exposure to successful business models and great ideas that are already working.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to apply these models to a rapidly developing market abroad. And for those who do, the opportunity to create substantial wealth and success is far more achievable than back home.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,
Neither this email communication nor content posted to the website is intended to provide personal financial advice. Before undertaking any action described in this letter, financial or otherwise, you should discuss your options with a qualified advisor-- accountant, financial planner, attorney, priest, IRS auditor, Tim Geithner... Also, nothing published in this letter constitutes encouragement to avoid or evade tax obligations in your home country. Furthermore, you should understand that may in some instances receive financial compensation for products and/or services which are mentioned in the letter, and in other cases, receives no compensation. The needs of the community come first, and the presence or lack of financial compensation in no way affects the recommendations made in this letter.

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Date: 11/04/13 11:14:08 AM 

As many of you already know, this lady lives in the Bavarian Alpine area of Germany, so she injects a few German words or phrases into her posts periodically, in particular concerning her familie (family in English) and primarily her kinder (children).  Her reports are well reasoned and more logical in context than those from many gurus who get caught up in their hype.  By the way, her opening greeting (Guten Tag) translates to Good Afternoon.  I don't speak the language but traveled frequently to Europe on business during the 1980s, spending many weeks in both Germany and Switzerland (primarily the German speaking part but some in both the French and Italian speaking parts as well) so I remember some of the more common words or phrases.

On Monday, November 4, 2013 8:24 AM, Roy Christian <> wrote:
As some of you already know, this lady lives in the Bavarian Alpine area of Germany, so she injects a few German words or phrases into her posts periodically, in particular concerning her familie (family in English) and primarily her kinder (children).  Her reports are well reasoned and more logical in context than those from many gurus who get caught up in their hype.  By the way, her two opening words (Guten Tag) translate to Good Afternoon.  I don't speak their language but made numerous European business trips during the 1980s, spending many weeks in both Germany and Switzerland (mostly in the German speaking part of Switzerland, but some in the French and Italian speaking parts, as well).

On Sunday, November 3, 2013 8:56 PM, D R wrote:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: stage2omega <>
To: d.r

Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2013 8:37 PM


Posted by EXOGEN on November 3, 2013 at 10:32pm in Rum-Tel
Hi Everyone,

Guten Tag Dinarians. Meine Familie is doing well today as I wish yours is too. Today I decided it was time to begin some cooking lessons for Meinen Kinder. So we got out the aprons and began. By the way we also decided to get  Meinen Hubby involved since Meinen Kinder are now better cooks than he. These lessons can be fun since the whole familie is participating but they can also be messy since pans overflow and counters get sticky. What I have learned is that new cooks often do not appreciate the need to slowly cook their foods to let the flavors savor together. Somethings are just now meant to be rushed. Do you know what I mean?

I come today to give an update on situation of Iraq currency revaluation. Over the last couple days I have talked to many contacts inside Iraq and in IMF and so there ist sehr gut information to share. I am also listening to many perspectives as to how close we are and what has just taken place in USA and so I will address these topics too. If you are reading this letter and just expect a quick date and/or a rate, I will say once again- MY INFORMATION SOURCE IS NOT FOR YOU.

Again there is much hype and almost madness the last couple days about this topic of imminent revaluation and GCR and there should be since we are that close. But let us take this a few logical steps closer and see that it can in fact happen any day now but not everyday. There is in fact no mysterious person or event holding this up. The fact that intel providers keep telling you this is the primary reasons for your frustrations and stress. If this is in fact what you do chose to believe than you can go right ahead and believe it but I have to tell you it is not a nice way to live. What I want to tell you in this letter is not easy since it is not so black and white as most believe of this RV process. However I will try. I hope it all makes sense.

In my last letter I stated there was a very good window of revaluation announcement happening between last Thursday to Sunday (today). Again from all the news I am hearing the next window is once again from next Thursday to Sunday. I do not believe that we will see any changes until this next window if we do not see this happen today (Sunday Nov 3rd). There are very good reasons why I am stating this new window but this information would not make any sense anyway to most so I will forgo any detailed explanation at this time. You will see my meaning at a date in the very near future. As you know I always come back in future letters and explain what has taken place and why. Just that in the moment sometimes it is not practical since the information can be sensitive (and sometimes almost unbelievable!).

Last week’s meetings in DC
Let me clarify first that the meetings between the prime minister of Iraq (and other dignitaries) and US president Obama (and other dignitaries) held last week in DC had nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to do with the revaluation of the IQD or the GCR. First let me say that as usual there were agendas by both parties. My contacts in Iraq explicitly stated to me of a news briefing that took place in Baghdad including comments made by Nori Al Maliki prior to his departure to the USA. The news reported that his mission on attending meetings in DC  was at the request of the US presidential office in order to discuss security issues and to gain assistance and aid from the USA in this matter. What Maliki was actually hoping for was to gain enough confidence from USA so as to complete the arms deal with USA for the promised F16 fighters and other military equipment agreed to years ago. He also wanted to show his people that he was still in charge, trusted and supported by the US government on international matters of Iraq. As we all should know by now another term as prime minister or getting these arms will never happen since he has proven himself time and time again unworthy of any real trust as a leader.

So this past week there were the usual cocktail parties and dinners given to dignitaries but nothing  out of the ordinary for us and certainly no grand announcements made out of the ordinary about the financial structure of Iraq, the revaluation of its currency or the global reset. It is just amazing how many want this RV so bad that they can literally conjure up stories to suit their purposes. So please let me put these rumors to rest. These meeting were not about our currency investments.

President Obama, on the other hand, had his good reasons for inviting the Iraq delegation to DC. His primary purpose was to secure an updated Status Of  Forces Agreement (SOFA) from the 2008 agreement going forward so US troops have the legal protections and immunities they need in their new missions in the area. There are also provisions as to the future role the US military can and will play in the country of Iraq. Remember the Syrian and Iranian issues are not yet dead. Issues pertaining to use of chemical weapons in Syria were also discussed and the role Iraq might play in the disposal of the NBC material from the September UN mandate on this topic. There was also a short meeting with president GW Bush, PM Maliki and President Obama. I can only imagine the agenda but it was brief and I would believe it had to do with some past agreements between the US and Iraq that have not yet been honored and are way overdue. GW Bush may have had to remind Maliki in the presence of Obama. I wonder what these agreements are about?

Why do we still wait for the RV?
As I have stated in my last letter it does not surprise me for one second some monkey business once again is taking place  over the last couple years on this topic. This mess began in the planning to use the IQD as the base currency for the GCR process.  With the advent of the internet and cell phone technologies it is hard to control the flow of information. Times have changed and it is harder and harder to hide information. Since the longer they waited to do this event the more publicized is has become. I think now perhaps they are in damage control mode and just attempting to lessen the damage and now complete this process. Do not be so shocked about the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) you will have to sign. It is now part of this process to silence or tone down those who will partake in the rewards of this financial rewards. Remember I have also stated in my past letters that the US government decided not to fund the war by doing a massive US Bond drive. Instead they schemed the plan to use Exec Order 13303 to which in part allows average US citizens private ownership of the Iraq currency. This was important since at the time of this act Iraq was on the terrorist list and procession of its currency was illegal. So this still is the plan to be used to pay for the war in Iraq and we are the so-called investors who supported this plan. We can  be proud of ourselves since we have been instrumental in helping millions of Iraq citizens survive the aftermath of the war and to help that country build up their CBI reserves for reconstruction. All they truly need now is to revalue the provisional currency and have the leadership going forward to use their new wealth in a meaningful manner for society. Remember the next 10 year reconstruction plan (that began November 1) is now underway. What will the next 10 years bring for Iraq?

Tidbits about Exec Order 13303 extension
 So just how long can they keep the new rate from us?
We know for a fact that there have been at least 3 differing rates already loaded on the SMART Cards. People are spending money in Iraq as goods, services, pension funds, ration programs and other long awaited monies. But still the best is yet to come. They are using this money now but only in country.  Each of these rates are well above the existing official currency rate of 1166 as they coincide with agreed upon rates for the various programs to which the money has been allocated.  For example the HCL law allows for payments at a rate of $1.17, pensions funds at .96 and certain contractor work at $3.44. We can also see that the UN article 8 provisions are satisfied except for the allowance and ease of capital flow between countries with Iraq. This can not be fully accomplished as needed by the IMF under this article unless the IQD currency is brought back from the provisional currency status of pre 2003 (as by sanctions under chapter 7) to an international status. Some say this has in part already taken place and I would agree in part but they need full international recognition to allow investors, market players and exchanges to flow freely. This is what must eventually take place and very soon. I believe they are at the brink of accomplishing this. I have felt this way for months now and I am standing firm that we are yet today even closer than ever from the news of my contacts. 

Now once again I do want to say something and I want everyone to listen and realize (please) what is going on in Iraq. I have tried to explain it many times with many emails and letters but some still do not fully understand. The revaluation of the Iraq dinar is a process. It is a long drawn out process. If you know the process you can follow it and see the progress being made. I will admit I know the process very well but at times even I slip up in the
of it since my mind does not want to grasp the idea that it can take so darn long and they are sooo slow in doing anything in Iraq. When Dr Shabibi was acting governor of the CBI he stated many times that the introduction of the lower denominations would be gradual and slowly phased into the economy. So why do we not hesitate to dispute the sudden introduction of new currency in USA but do not apply the same logic to the Iraq new currency? I have proof that the lower denoms first began being slowing introduced and showing up in the banks for usage back in April of this year and have increasingly become more circulated. Today, 6 months later,  we know that almost every providence in Iraq now has the lower denoms and they are now allowed to circulate them (as in use them in transactions). As people use their SMART cards with the existing monies loaded they are now allowed to carry the lower denoms in their pockets in excess from ATM withdrawals and bank transactions. In the past there were 2 different price tags at the markets. One tag for IQD price and the other for USD price. Prices today now have been adjusted and it is becoming more and more common in the markets that the USD price tags are now slowly going away. In some stores citizens now see only the new IQD prices on signs.  This may seem like a trivial item but for me it was huge news today. This is really good news for all of us.

They can do this since in their eyes, these already hold an increased value from whatever rate they were paid on their cards. Think about this for a few minutes. If this were not the case then how would they get any value out of the goods they are now buying and how could they use the lower denoms?  We are now witnessing the final stages of the rolling out of the lower denoms. The finance ministry has also announced that November 1st was the last day allowed to turn in any of the old provisional currency notes (3 zero notes). What does this tell us?  This all speaks to us RV, RV, RV...RV !!!!  The news from Iraq could not get any better. Please do not tell me ever that this RV has nothing to do with Iraq !

I fully believe that this RV is going to be like a pan of rice coming to a boil. This is one of the dishes I showed my family how to cook today and it made sense to use it now as a comparison. When you cook rice you should always start off with cold water. Turn the heat up and let the rice slowly cook. As it cooks, all of a sudden the starches in the rice will pop (like the currency rates will get activated) as the starch in the rice all of a sudden comes to a certain temperature, it will foam up and overflow the rim of the pan (as will we and with our new wealth) if you are not watching it.  As it does this it will make a huge mess  if you do not watch it and be careful. You can monitor the heat and adjust it so it will not overflow but you must be vigilant. The CBI has tools too that they have been using to monitor this currency RV process. If they are not careful they can ruin the process and it may take yet even longer to make the needed corrections. From what I heard this weekend this is just what did happen twice already. Just like if you turn the heat up on the rice too much the meal spoils. At times when they could have turned the heat up a bit more to quicken the process the government of Iraq stepped in and slowed the process. But eventually the meal will get cooked  just as the country of Iraq will have to force out the new rate to the world. What I have heard about Dr Shabibi is that he was frustrated as governor of the CBI and left Iraq only to consult since the process could not be controlled as needed with constant interference for the government of Iraq in its controls and implementation of this process.

So if you truly want  to know what is now holding up the RV I will tell you....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !

Hopes this helps everyone. 

Peace and Luv to ya

Send your Insurance Cancellation Letter to this website, redact private info

Obama Lying about You can keep your insurance if you like it > Nixon's lies about Watergate

Conclusion: Impeach or Resign

Yes, This is we!!

As an old geezer, I am proud to forward this to my entire address list!

On Sunday, November 3, 2013 10:37 PM, L B wrote:
      Yes, This is we!!

Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.

HOWEVER, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the senior citizens who took

The melody out of music,

The pride out of appearance,

The courtesy out of driving,

The romance out of love,

The commitment out of marriage,

The responsibility out of parenthood,

The togetherness out of the family,

The learning out of education,

The service out of patriotism,

The Golden Rule from rulers,

The nativity scene out of cities,

The civility out of behavior,

The refinement out of language,

The dedication out of employment,

The prudence out of spending,

The ambition out of achievement or
God out of government and school.

And we certainly are NOT the ones who
eliminated patience and tolerance from
personal relationships and interactions with

And, we do understand the meaning of
patriotism, and remember those who have
fought and died for our country.

Just look at the Seniors with tears in
their eyes and pride in their hearts as they stand
at attention with their hand over their hearts!


I'm the life of the party..... Even if it lasts until
8 p.m.

I'm very good at opening childproof caps.....
With a hammer.

I'm awake many hours before my body allows
me to get up.

I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a thing you're saying.

I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe secure
place, somewhere.

I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and that's just my left leg.

I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Yes, I'm a SENIOR CITIZEN and I think I am having
the time of my life!

Now if I could only remember who sent this to me,
I wouldn't send it back to them.
Spread the laughter
Share the cheer
Let's be happy
While we're here.
Go Green - Recycle CONGRESS!!

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."    Ronald Reagan



Dan Fink has shared a video with you on YouTube

If you take the RFID Microchip they can TRACK your every move, Control your MONEY, Control your FOOD and possible even KILL you if you don't obey! (Read More Below)

The HR 3962 Bill is an exact copy of the HR 3200 bill in the acceptance of just a few word removed concerning the RFID Microchip but the ability to Chip Every Citizen of the United States is still in the bill.

Open Bill and Read Pages 1501 thru 1510

Read Class II Special Controls Guidance For FDA Staff

Read RFID Chip Implant Found In The Health Care Bill Article

Please Read And Do The Research Yourself!
The RFID Microchip Agenda has been in the works for some time now and most websites who claim they have done the research for you have been paid off or threatened by the government.

This video also reveals The RFID Brain Chip that has been developed and currently being used on humans PLUS the RFID Microchip could also contain a lethal dose of Cyanide and be activated at any time by those in control.

Download this video, re-upload it to the web, use this same description and title, tell friends and family we care not how you do it just get the word out before it too late!

I Downloaded This Video at:
©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

¿Está buscando la verdad?


     Years ago I talked with the electronic engineer who invented the original RFID Microchip for the federal government. He told me of attending a top secret meeting at C.I.A. with top national leaders attending. They were discussing how to trick the American people into taking the RFID Microchip under their skin. If they could trick the American people into doing this, then they could set up a total federal electronic spy system over all Americans where they spy on you 24 hours a day 7 days a week! This would enable them to set up a total federal electronic police state in America where they could control all your movements in life. Obamacare will threaten you with federal legal wrath if you don't agree to take this RFID Microchip under your skin.
     Separate from this electronic engineer, I got the research work of a medical researcher who made his living doing medical research work. He tested some of the first RFID Micropchips and found an engineering flaw to them the federal government did not know existed in them. This medical doctor stated his research work showed that all people could be accidentially killed by this in the end who took it under their skin. He made an unusual comment then. He said the symptoms when this microchip started killing you would be the same symptoms as prophesied in Revelation for those who take the "mark of the beast" and are getting ready to die in great pain and agony on earth.
     Folks, pass my Omni Law and we by national referendum will block this scheme of Obama, C.I.A., etc. to put you under a total federal police state under Obamacare. And you won't have to take this murderous RFID Microchip then either!
     Better act fast to block this Obamacare from forcing you to take the RFID Microchip under your skin by passing the Omni Law fast! And to sacrifice personal interest to help you, those backing our Omni Law Loan Program until Nov. 14, 2013, put in $25 or more into this program shown our national website and I will let you get first option to buy into what might be a huge gold deal. My family long ago made part of their fortune by mining gold at an important site then. The site I checked out years ago and was stopped in operation due to flooding that ruined the mining then and engineering then couldn't handle it. It needs work but can be reopened now. Once I have the money assembled, I intend to see if I can reopen it now. I am hiding information I know about its current status. If it can be made operational now and apparently it looks like it can, I will sell then 10% royalty on profits divided pro-rata at very low prices to those who back the Omni Law Loan Program now through Nov. 14, 2013 and then if some is left of the 10% royalty on profits I will let others who have backed the Omni Law Loan Program previously to get first option to pick up the remainder. If any of the 10% royalty option remains, I will likely have the money myself and buy out the remainder with my own money at that time and assign this to my favorite charity or charities after I am paid back the original money I put out to get this interest for a charity or charities. I had access to an old engineering report people did not know exists and it indicated that the old family mining site might be the largest gold vein in America today.  
     If for any reason, technical problems prevent me from reopening the old family gold site of long ago, I also have three other gold location angles due to my family background and will reassign the 10% royalty on profit plan divided pro-rata between backers then to at least one or more of other gold sites so long as they will deliver on serious gold production. I studied engineering with an engineering school years ago and also got technical suggestions from an old friend of mine who used to open up mines in America. I know what to look for and what is smart to go after or not. Don't be caught like Mark Twain of long ago. He and two buddies discovered a gold strike in California and celebrated at the bar about their discovery instead of filing claim on it. Someone else filed when they should have but were drinking instead and they lost as I recall the largest gold discovery in California then. The old family story left to me told exactly where the gold is at at the old family site and my forefather who opened up this large gold operation told us what was necessary to make this operational again once time allowed. Time to cash in! Gold is high now! I have this old family gold site running and I will back the paying back of any money loaned for the Omni Law Loan Program if settlement from Wash., D.C. stalls for awhile. But I have engineered legal upsets before because I know how law works and anticipate that we will have the largest financial settlement in history and will be paid what is owed us which I will divide 10% pro-rata of it to all backers of the Omni Law Loan Program per terms already stated. 
     For those wanting to promote the Omni Law, I suggest get a copy off the internet from Nesara News in their archive listing for Oct. 31 of my report "Will All Americans Die?" by Erasmus of America (my pen name) and send this report all over America which has a copy of The Omni Law in this report. And feel free to promote this report all over America which is "Proof RFID Microchip Is In Obama Health Care." 
    For technical reasons I will not show here, it was required that I release my updated report One Penny And Inflation (Wash., D.C. Mass Exposed!) by Nov. 2, 2013. In creating later copies of this, a few minor typo errors will be eliminated that were created putting out this 23 page report so fast. The material was there showing the Omni Law will restore the serious legal founding principles of America in 1776 and which have been censored from you for a long time by powerful interests that did not want you to know the real legal principles America was founded upon in 1776. I also exposed Communist tactics and plans in America no other source had access to this information at this time. I pulled the rug from under certain powerful interests by releasing this report by Nov. 2, 2013. They were outmaneuvered and did not have enough time to complete their plans for how to crush the American people on the original planned date of Nov. 17, 2013. The purpose of intelligence work is to know the plans of the other side before they can carry out their plans and then you can stop them and win instead of them stopping you and winning the war or whatever the battle you are fighting about.
       Okay, back to today! Our website is .Our email is . Our mailing address for those wanting to send in orders instead of placing them through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. The Omni Law Loan Program provides loan money to faster move on passing the Omni Law. Orders for products also help finance the Omni Law Drive.
     I already was offered recently a deal where I would be made super rich for life if I would sell out the American people and not push the Omni Law. But I am dedicated to the principles I stand for and so you still have a leader with powerful aces on your side and will not sell you out. I know political science well. I know how to win. I know power tactics and have moved this movement into a position where it is potentially a deadly threat to the powerfully corrupt in America. But I have no magic wand, and only deal with reality! Heavy backing of the people means I win fast for the Omni Law. Light backing of the people means I can still win, but takes longer and I will have to sacrifice some personal interests in order to give you the American people the victory of passage of the Omni Law which will make America a reborn nation in freedom and prosperity once passed.
     I was offered powerful connections and to be one of "their leaders" if I would join them now, but who would fight for passage of the proposed Omni Law if not me, and who would fight for Christianity and Christian values on a heavyweight level if I left you, and who would fight for serious free enterprise if I did not as I know the heavyweight economics most good intentioned conservative leaders stand for but I possess much advanced knowledge of economic science they never had access to? It is a pattern of Bible history that God always sends one or more leaders to show the people the right way God approves for them so they have a choice between good and evil for their nation. There are many capable leaders out there and very intelligent. But I am a ramrod leader and they are not. They rally behind me and we will storm this nation. Obama offers America the blessings of all hell let loose on earth for America and the world if you let him win in his objectives. I offer the blessings of God because my smart answers have pretty much all been done already in history and God supplied these answers, not man. My real brains is being smart enough to listen to the smart answers that God has already given for mankind as examples to follow. When you also listen to the smart answers that God has already shown us in history, science, agricuture, free enterprise, industrial principles, national defense, etc., then we are all smart because we all listen to the wisdom of God which is smarter than any of us singly! God has not abandoned us! We can only fall and collapse if we abandon God who does not wish for us to fail on this earth!
     Obama is in his second term and the American economy is still stalled out and other nations plotting how to replace America as the world leader because they must rate Obama as stupid or they would not think they can replace America as a world leader at this time. Obama bluffs but does not have good answers for America.
      Engineering which I studied is a very practical field. You use what works so long as it works! Obama comes up with theories and concepts that are not sound and therefore waste our time if we listen to him instead of sound advice and leadership!
     Pass this report around and let's give America a future by passage of the Omni Law and now!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American who respects the practical in answers, not nonsense in answers for America!)

Registered Voters Are Slaves to the 1871 Corp?


ALL 3141 County Sheriffs ARE Registered Voters as it is MANDATED by Law in EVERY city, county, state, and the Federal entities!
Therefore Sheriffs are NOT Oathkeepers, but Slaves to THE UNITED STATES, INC.!
If you are elected into office or appointed you MUST be a Registered Voter!
They are ignorant of the TRUTH about the Act of 1871 and Being a Registered Voter!
As a Registered Voter you give your right to the 1871 Corporation to let them make the decisions for you!
Maybe Former Sheriff Mack should try to get Irwin Schiff out of jail and Remove the IRS taxes and Penalties due by having Irwin Schiff Remove himself as a Registered Voter!
If this were to be DENIED then Former Sheriff Mack would have even a bigger case to fight than his last one!
Also, how many Birth Certificates were issued PRIOR to 1871?
Most likely NONE!
This ONLY came about due to the fact that We The People are Controlled by the 1871 Corporation!
If a De Jure Grand Jury Can NOT make a decision on this then We The People are Truly SLAVES!
Also, have any of you heard about getting OUR Republic Back?


Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”

November 4, 2013
Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A sobering report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the 4 NATO F-16 fighter jets scrambled from Turkey hours ago to harass the Il-20 reconnaissance warplanes flying along Russia’s Black Sea coast on one their routine daily missions was in direct retaliation over President Putin’s abrupt canceling of his cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization over missile defense yesterday.
According to this report, and confirmed by the Voice Of Russia News Service, in another powerful and significant move for peace, Putin cancelled a presidential order which in 2011, had set up an interdepartmental working group under the authority of the Russian Presidential Administration designed to develop ways to establish cooperation with NATO in the sphere of “missile defense”.
Many experts and NATO watchers familiar with the decree, and the attempts by the Russian Federation to develop an equal partnership relationship with NATO on the basis of mutual respect and transparency, may now breathe a collective sigh of relief that Putin has finally run out of patience with the alliance.
This MOD report further states that Putin’s “move for peace” against the US led NATO alliance is meant to show the West that he will “retaliate in force”against what he calls US President Obama’s “insane” plan for global tyranny that is even now threatening to destroy America and the European Union.
Even more grimly, this report continues, was Putin’s ordering the strategic forces to carry out a large-scale surprise military drill last Wednesday launching four nuclear missiles that were closely monitored by US intelligence agencies that included the test launch of two land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).
In Putin’s further “preparation for war,” this MOD report says, he also ordered this past Friday that the two Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack strategic nuclear bombers currently visiting South America to stay on indefinite patrol should they be needed to strike the United States.
Not just Putin is gravely concerned over Obama’s war moves either, this report continues, as China this past week joined Russia in overtly threatening theUnited States with nuclear retaliation.
In what this MOD report calls a “war move against the US,” China last week sent a surveillance ship to Hawaiian waters for the very first time in history in an unprecedented move described as a provocative retaliation to the US naval presence in the East China Sea, publicly revealed a view of its mysterious fleet of nuclear submarines, and its state-run media revealed for the first time that its nuclear submarines can, and will, attack American cities as a means to counterbalance US nuclear deterrence in the Pacific.
Of the greatest concern to both Russia and China regarding Obama this report says, is the American Presidents purging of nearly 200 high ranking US military officers, the latest being US Army Col Eric Tilley commander of the largest American base in Japan who was fired by Obama yesterday.
US sources commenting on this unprecedented purging of these officers are warning that in Obama’s America, the military must forsake their constitutional oath in favor of blind allegiance to their new commander.
To the effect(s) Obama’s purge is having upon the US military was recently described by the WND News Service which reports:
Even more troubling about Obama, this MOD report warns, is that he now appears to be “descending into madness” as new evidence has emerged that he has ordered US military doctors to design innovative new methods of torture to be used against his enemies, and was quoted as gleefully exclaiming to his top aides, “I'm really good at killing people”.
As to how good at “killing people” Obama has become we noted in our 21 October report titled Evidence That 5 Million Americans Have Been “Disappeared” By Obama Shocks Russia and wherein it was noted how the current US regime is actively planning on eliminating at least 25 million of their dissident citizens.
As to why the vast majority of the American people still adhere to a policy of blind obedience to a leader descending into madness, and in turn threatening to destroy their nation, the Guardian News Service warns is due to the Obama regimes unprecedented attack on press freedoms and the news gathering process in the US which the Associated Press says relies on staged propaganda photos and the Obama regime conducting secret meetings with journalists“psych-background” sessions, in which reporters were not allowed to record, take notes, or directly attribute remarks.
And in, perhaps, the Obama regimes cruelest move against its own people, indeed the whole world, this past week the Democrat Party controlled US Senate actually passed a bill that codifies and expands NSA spying powers even as the shock of what they have done still reverberates around the globe.
So today, and as our world falls ever closer towards all-out war, one of the few voices of honesty and reason left belongs to the NSA and former CIA spy Edward Snowden who yesterday from his home in Russian exile from the brutal and despotic Obama regime told his fellow Americans… “Citizens have to fight suppression of information on matters of vital public importance. To tell the truth is not a crime.”
Sadly, Snowden’s fellow Americans will not hear these words, nor know the grave danger they are in because of the Obama regime, because they are either too blind to see, or too deaf to hear…or more than likely, both.
November 4, 2013 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


The Republic Postings ---- We are DONE!

A total of 10 filings in a widely read publication are required to legalize the Republic for worldwide recognition. The 10th one was just done on Nesara News blog.

Another group was having the Republic recognized and they were done as of 12 midnight.


The Stinking ONION

If you are mad at what the Government is getting away with, this ought to cause you to blow your gasket.           

Dianne Feinstein to make 1 BILLION DOLLARS off US Postal properties                                                                                                            

Another One that is going to really Piss you off!!!                                                                                                Obamacare, Deconstructed                                                                                 

KTFA's Frank26 Sunday Night CC Emailed To Recaps

KTFA's Frank26  Sunday Night CC Emailed To Recaps


Here are some rough notes I took on the dinar portion of F26's Sunday night cc...

Go GOD!!!  Go RVVV!!!   Abundant blessings to all, S~  aka Feeling Blessed   :-)

F26 is saying that it's time to start a new chapter in our life.  He is opening up his mother's Bible that he hadn't opened up since she passed away 5+ years ago, and he got emotional.  He feels deep in his heart that we are being prepared to do great things for God.

F is going to start with our veterans, soldiers, handicapped, widows, widowers, buy debts to help people with their mortgages, etc.; go to the 4 corners of the world.
Read More Link On Right

  F said how many times have we said that nobody likes Maliki.  Nobody wants to support him.  F is telling us, because O can't do anything with this blessing that is about to occur.  So O invited M over.

  O gave M a dirty look and M goes up to O and says he would like F16s, helicopters, tanks, drones, etc.  In the meantime, O is giving him a dirty look. 

M asks him to support M running for a third term.  The next thing you know, O says (per F's dream on his blue couch)...O said, you want what?  Are you crazy?  Show me the money!

M said can we buy these things then?  O said no...hold is what he thinks we are going to do.  We're going to tell you... (Not sure if he said these numbers as a date or what..I missed this part...17th, 18th, 19th) can have these things under one condition...that we drive them, we train them, we have control over them.

F says there is a lot more to this...he'll share on Monday's cc.  He believes we are very close.  He wants to tell us something. 

If you did not read post #1 or post #2 from this week.  Understand the 6 month process up until May 2014.  What did Delta tell you about this coming out at a sucker bet?

If they come out at a 1 to 1, we'll be running over each other to get to the banks.

Countries around the world are using the IQD to support their currency or their in federal reserves or currency back-ups.  They have a lot.

Do you think when the value goes up...let's say it goes up tomorrow, 1 to 1, do you think these countries are going to cash out the dinars they have on reserve?

 Light bulbs.  Why not, F asks.  Join us after our first hour of investment night on Monday night's cc, we will bring you dinar info starting in the 2nd hour.

O told M to get himself home quickly, to go int'l.  Monday we'll be talking about the WTO telling Iraq to hurry to get in there. 

Also will talk about many banks are doing things that are going to surprise you.  We'll give you an 800 number of banks in the U.S. that have been a pain to you.

If you read post #2, did you read how F defined the election law?  Did he not say, maybe it could make it easier for the distribution of lower denoms for the citizens of Iraq? 

Monday they'll talk about the citizens each getting a chunk of money.  Will also talk about key (Qi) cards.

Behind the mosque walls where they pray at 5:00 a.m., they have a leader announce things, and they are not going to tell you about what they hear, nor will they share it on the streets.  They will only share it privately.  F's teams will be able to share.

Do not be so much in a hurry over the next 6 months.  Understand what Delta told us about 1 to 1.  When are they going to come out with this? 

F said he already told us it would be in the year 2013.  Deep in his heart, we need to start to get ready.

If it hasn't happened by Monday, F is going to start to tell people how to exchange their currencies.

Many of you are going to cash out their dinars right away.  See you on Monday at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard time.