Subject: Ascension Earth 2012
Ascension Earth 2012
LAX Shooting Hoax ~ Dawn of the Crash Test Dummies
A Little Story about a Pig and a Dog
Montague Keen via Veronica Keen ~ The Veil is Being
Lifted from all that had been Hidden from You
Truth and the New Human Reality ~ via Karen Doonan
Your Frequencies are Manifesting “Reality” Right Under
Your Nose ~ via Judith Dagley
Nibiruan Council via Jelaila ~ What's Up with Comet Ison?
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate, that is the Question ~
via Taryn Crimi
Don’t Fight ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn
THE NEW LAND 11-4-13
Goddess Rosanna ~ Goddess Seeds of Light ~ via Natalie
The Arrival of the New Light ~ via Ute Posegga-Rudel
Million Mask March ~ November 5th 2013 ~ ANONYMOUS
Kumara, Lord Ashtar; Lord Krishna, Lord Adrigon, Lady Nina and others via
Trillia Gia and Rananda Kumara
The After Life
Unexplainable Miracle Rescue from Submerged Auto
Archangel Jophiel Message for the Week of November 4th -
10th, 2013 ~ via Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi)
Genuine Sincerity Encourages Genuine Respect ~
Melchizedek’s Weekly Message for November 03 – 10, 2013 ~ via Julie Miller
Pleiadian Message to the World ~ via Hilarion
A New Portal of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourses
Be A Peace Commanding Presence in the Midst of Chaos ~
via Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The Crumbling
Ashes of the Old ~ Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff
Your True Nature is Love, so Make a Point of Being Love
in Every Moment ~ via John Smallman
Spirit Science 21 ~ Toroidal Flow LAX Shooting Hoax ~ Dawn
of the Crash Test Dummies
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 09:36 PM PST
Off duty from his job as a crash test dummy, this
mannequin is posed next to sub-Hollywood grade fake blood at terminal 3 at the
Los Angeles International Airport. Since the official version claims the only
shooting fatality is TSA agent Gerardo Hernandez, who looks nothing like the
'victim' shown here, who then is this dummy supposed to be?
Another dummy wheeled out for the cameras
A Little Story about a Pig and a Dog
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST Romping together on the
grass. The sun above. The afternoon. But the Pig was sad. The dog noticed. I have to tell you something -said the Pig. I
will not be with you anymore. Why? Don't you love me? Aren't you happy with me?
-agitatedly answered the Dog. I adore you. We are Brothers -answered the Pig.
But the men. They are coming for me. What do they want from you? - asked the
Dog. I prefer not to tell you. It is too sad.
I am very afraid - said the Dog. Do not worry for yourself. You are
man's best friend. They even write poems about you -said the Pig. And not for
you? -asked the Dog, not understanding. Not for me - said the Pig. But we are of the same blood - cried the
Dog-, we have played together, we are equals … you see the world just like me …
your heart is like mine - and he anxiously added-: so then, what are you to
them? A flock of happy birds passed
across the high sky, filling with their song the far blue mountain range and
the field. There was a dense silence and the pig's voice answered, with a
drowned sob, with his snout sunken in the grass: - Nothing.
Story by The Poet of the Voiceless, Ángel Padilla
Montague Keen via Veronica Keen ~ The Veil is Being
Lifted from all that had been Hidden from You
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST
The veil is being lifted from all that had been hidden
from you. Designated people are coming forward to reveal and explain what is
happening so that you may be prepared when the shift happens. The next few
months will completely expose the illusion and all the institutions involved in
creating it. The restrictions that have kept you locked into it are being
removed every day. You have lived in an hypnotic trance that has served to
control the whole of your lives from birth to death. You now see the propaganda
for what it is and you no longer buy into it. Those within the Cabal, know that
it cannot survive in its present form. They have failed !You will quickly
become aware of the infighting as they compete for power in a world that no
longer recognises them. Their power is melting away and there is no currency on
Earth that will buy them forgiveness. It has to come from the heart, if they
truly repent and plead for forgiveness. The people will decide (with guidance)
which course of action should be taken. You must prepare to make such
decisions.Those who have done the most damage to mankind will have to face the
consequences of their actions. The people will decide and this will be done in
an orderly fashion. You need to show that you are now in control and will
consider all applications for forgiveness. By studying the true history of your
beautiful planet and disregarding all the so-called history which you were
taught, you will then be equipped to deal with each case on its own merit.As
the first signs of surrender become obvious, you must insist that all
chemtrails cease forthwith, all fluoridation of the water is stopped, and all
vaccinations are destroyed. Humanity will never again have to face such evil
manipulation of life on Earth. There will be a mass return to nature and all
things natural.It is time to make all the necessary preparations in order to be
ready to proceed without delay. A whole new way of life will open up. All the
stress that was carefully manipulated to keep you down and in control, will be
removed. You have friends from other planets, all in position, and ready to
come to Earth in order to share their technology. They will help you to
understand what needs to be done as you take over your planet. They will help
to guide the Earth on its rightful path to peace and harmony.These are the End
Days: the end of all that is corrupt, controlling, and evil in its darkest
sense. The pollution of Planet Earth and the removal of all human life in order
to prepare it for other species, has been halted. Paedophilia and mind control
have been used extensively to create fear and to destroy the minds of the
innocent. Those involved in such activities will be exposed and they will be
faced with the true horror of their actions. All those who were involved in the
cover-up of the paedophilia and murder are as guilty as those they were
protecting. This is a time for the truth to be faced in order that such
activities will never again be tolerated. There is never a just reason to hurt
another. The depraved minds which have revelled in the torture of innocent
children cannot be allowed to continue on Earth without a complete overhaul of
what they believe to be acceptable. Man will quickly learn to live in peace and
no barriers will be acceptable in the future. The family of Man will thrive and
a future will be created which will embrace all the so-called differences,
whether of creed or race.You will be faced with a clean slate: ensure that the
things you desire will benefit all. Never again think of us and them. Soon, all
divisions will disappear and the nightmare that was life on Earth for hundreds
of years, will fade from memory, in order to create the best future at this
great time of change. Everything is in place for this to happen, so when the
timing is right, it will all just fall into place as planned.Be prepared, my
friends ! This is what we ask of you. Know what is expected of you and take
action at the moment it is required. You should be making plans now; but do not
write them down, as everything is intercepted and reported. You are not fully
aware of the extent of the control system that operates in your world. Even
your thoughts can be intercepted, and they often are.This is your opportunity
to free mankind and your planet and this is why you are on Earth at this time.
Many approach you with false promises, all designed to trick you into revealing
private information. Your controllers are very clever. They would not have
succeeded otherwise, so be aware that they will use every trick possible to entrap
you. Every time you are attacked, it reveals the desperation they are
experiencing. It will not be long before they run out of ideas.The light cannot
be stopped. It was written that at this time that the light will triumph over
the dark and peace will return to an Earth that is suffering from all the wars
that are being waged at this time.Look at the REAL REASONS for such wars and
you will be shocked. You will wonder how you could ever have been foolish
enough to trust those who instigate these wars. As I have said many times,
nothing is as it seems.Just realise that you are being lied to. Do your own
research, as nothing is hidden from those who have the desire for truth. Soon,
even your television and so-called newspapers will have to adapt to the truth,
as people refuse to accept the lies anymore. You will experience the triumph of
good over evil. How exciting is that !Enjoy this transition. Come together and
celebrate your success with laughter and good cheer, all as one, happy to be
part of a future that will surpass all your dreams.Together we will do it.My
love, try to relax. Rest whenever possible, and be prepared.Always, your
adoring, Monty.
Truth and the New Human Reality ~ via Karen Doonan
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST
For many of you the last 3 linear days or even longer may
have been a time when you felt at a loss of who you were and what was
happening. The 3d overlay in place being the full moon and solar eclipse.
The influx of the higher dimensional energies will have seen many of you
release lifetimes of pain and trauma and this may have been in various ways,
from the very physical being sick to the emotional response of tears/ anger. No
matter how you chose at a human conscious waking mind level to let go the
letting go may have been intense. The reason for this release is to help you
move fully into the new higher dimensional timeline of TRUTH. Unlike the
timelines in which you have lived for aeons the NEW EARTH timeline is ONE
timeline that exists in multiple dimensions.I would ask you to process my words
through your heart space as the human logical mind may try to filter out that
which I am attempting to explain, I say attempt for it is a concept that has to
be anchored at a human conscious waking mind level in order to be utilised in
your outer waking reality at human level. The karmic dimensional
timelines that were CREATED for the human race will have seen you repeat over
and over the themes that your SOUL was moving through, from abandonment to
grief these karmic dimensional timelines kept you locked VIBRATIONALLY into a
reality that appeared to allow you to have free will but always through the
filters of GRIEF, ABANDONMENT and BETRAYAL. These are very heavy
frequencies and will have literally anchored you in place as you lived your
life here on planet earth over and over. Unable to see the roles that those
around you were playing to and unable to fully escape as it were (to use a very
human phrase) the outcomes.The movement of the human race into the UNIVERSE of
3 in TRUTH sees these dimensional timelines begin to dissolve, this releases
the fragments of SELF from these dimensional timelines and STRENGTHENS your
SOUL as the fragments are healed and accepted once more ready to be utilised in
the NEW EARTH dimensional timeline. It is vital to anchor that ONLY TRUTH is
supported in the New Earth, anything that is not of this vibration will not
manifest fully. I have touched upon manifestation in other blogs and the
manifestation process is one that asks for you to find balance. To hold tightly
on to something believing that there is only ONE way to manifest is to walk in
the teachings of distortion. Miracles are only birthed when you let go of the
need to control and allow the universe to create WITH YOU, for you are part of
the UNIVERSE as it is part of you but you have been taught under the old 3d
earth paradigms that you must fight for your right to have anything on this
planet. This is NOT TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth.What may attempt
to pull you from your path in the New Earth is the ease and grace at which life
may begin to unfold. Under the old 3d earth paradigms it was taught over and
over again to you that you have to fight to keep hold of people, places and
events. This reaction will see you placed in a holding pattern unable to move
forward and fully embrace your dream for you do not need to fight to manifest
your dream into the outer waking reality in the UNIVERSE of 3, you need only
pour the LOVE that IS through it and focus. For many of you this will
seem far too “easy” and because of this you may try to filter out all that the
universe places before you, constantly on the look out for the “trap” that your
human logical mind may attempt to teach you is there. This will see you see-saw
between different realities, the old 3d earth paradigms that are dissolving and
walking fully in the New Earth in TRUTH.The physical symptoms of this
see-sawing may present as intense frustration, anger and tears without any
apparent “reason”. I would ask you to remember that ALL is a frequency,
as you move into the New Earth reality then the ability to FEEL will heighten
considerably and the need to work at a FEELing level will begin to anchor
within you. Interactions with those around you will then begin to unfold on ALL
levels of your BEing, the need to understand that what you are FEELing is not
necessarily YOUr FEELings is paramount at this time. The concept of telepathy
is often referenced as something that is only found in films and yet it is a
NATURAL part of the human experience. Again I have referenced this
previously in blogs, a mother and child has a very close bond that can be
termed “telepathic” and this is accepted on planet earth, this is but part of
the experience in human form. For under the old 3d earth paradigms the
mother/child telepathy was permitted but was distorted and played upon, with
fear being the foodstuff of this concept. This will now begin to dissolve for
it is not TRUTH, the telepathic abilities of ALL are now increasing and
expanding and need to be both anchored and accepted as part of the new human
reality in the NEW EARTH in TRUTH in the UNIVERSE of 3.I would guide you to be
very careful of the LANGUAGE that you use at this time in relation to all that
you are experiencing, language is a FREQUENCY and certain words in the human
language are used over and over as a way of containment. Becoming aware
of speaking TRUTH at all times and creating from the aspect of WHAT YOU WISH to
experience is vital at this time. At all times you are in control of this
your human life experience. To idly allow thoughts to pull your vibration down
will see you in a holding pattern. Likewise interaction with the dramas that
may attempt to spring up around you will see the old 3d earth attempt to
persuade you that you are in chaos, the chaos being only the 3d overlay that is
in place to allow those around you who share this human life experience/reality
to understand your movements.For those of you who FEEL you have been abandoned
by your guides and kept “out” of the human life experience I would ask you to
look again, you have merely been kept in a SAFE vibrational space as all around
you moved and shifted. The old 3d earth will try to teach you that your life is
over and that at a certain level is TRUTH, for the OLD 3d earth LIFE IS
OVER. The dissolving almost complete on many vibrational levels. As you
begin to have TRUST in SELF and work with the New Earth energies in TRUTH then
the doors will open for you, these doors are a FREQUENCY and have NOTHING to do
with what you are thinking or doing, they are VIBRATION and open when your
energetic signature has reached a certain frequency, this frequency is always
set by your SOUL which can see the bigger, expansive picture of your human life
experience at ALL times.So if you are sitting in frustration, unable to move at
this time, KNOW you are being supported by ALL in dissolving that which seeks
to teach you that you are alone for ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST ARE.Kx(c) Karen
Doonan, all rights
Your Frequencies are Manifesting “Reality” Right Under
Your Nose ~ via Judith Dagley
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST Hi, this is
Judith. The celestial team is right on my heels (so to say, ha), but they want
me to start this one off in my own words. Which are, that I can feel throughout
my whole human being how intensely we are moving into the thick of
transformation right NOW (I mean, those of us who have chosen to, of
course)…into becoming the radiant Selves we know we are but have kept locked
away before NOW…into facing all the illusions of helpless victimhood, and the
ego-defenses of protection that have kept us enslaved in them…into choosing to
move BEYOND them, finally, and receiving unprecedented-and very intense
support- from Pluto in doing so.THIS is what our current Scorpio solar eclipse
is offering us.So I strongly suggest that you consciously make every single
choice over the next three days from your heart center.Why? Because whether you
have yet embraced your sovereignty or not, it is fully yours NOW. There are no
limits to your powers of creation anymore.WHATEVER you choose to sow through
the frequencies of your thoughts, words, and intentions-no matter WHAT it is-so
shall you reap (to paraphrase an ancient master and current intimate supporter
of ours).This is the real deal, guys. This is no “woo-woo” idealization. This
is the GAME, and it has changed. We are NOW “in charge”- which we always have
been-but NOW, we are in charge of the NOW.OK, that’s all I need to say, I’m
getting, as I’ve already explained the “whys and wherefores” plenty in prior
posts…and you are sovereign, so you either have read them, or can, whenever you
want, since they’re all here archived on the site…Whoo, can you feel it, this
shift? No more molly-coddling, or any other such infantalizing treatment-not
for YOU, (or me either, I’m sure feeling that!) -not anymore. So I’ll shut up
for NOW, and let the celestial team take over-Heads up, Beloveds!Rise and Shine!
With your current Scorpio solar eclipse, You are, indeed, in the thick of
unprecedentedly powerful energies that support You in rising NOW.And there has
been much preparation for this…much has been offered to prepare you, and from
many beings in our cosmos.We, the celestial team, came forward through our
Judith for that very reason as well, and for the last three of your years have
been working with You through words and frequencies in our messages and videos
(as much as You would allow us to, of course).NOW is the time to USE whatever
You have chosen to learn! NOW more than ever before and from NOW more and more,
what You say goes.You are manifesting “reality” through your frequencies more
rapidly every day, and soon there will be no “time” to “change your mind.” You
see?NOW is the time to step into LIVING in alignment with your intentions, and
leave all thoughts and actions that undermine You behind. Soon, You will see
that what You say goes in an instant!THAT is how sovereign You are. And it does
not even matter WHAT You choose to manifest-what You say will go, no matter
WHAT it is. THAT is how much your Source Loves You.So, heads up! Rise and
Shine, Beloved. And how we will delight in that, for we will tell You this-NO
star can Light our cosmos as You can.How we Love You! Always and in All
Ways-the celestial team*Copyright(c) 2013, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in
any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice
Nibiruan Council via Jelaila ~ What's Up with Comet Ison?
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST
NibiruanCouncil.comHey ,Comet Ison is fast approaching
it's perihelion on November 28th. There is much speculation about its
identity; is it Nibiru/Planet X? There is also much concern about it
hitting Earth. I checked in with the Nibiruans to get their input.
Their response is as follows:Q: is Ison actually Nibiru/Planet X?A: No,
but it is part of Nibiru's solar system.A: Will Ison hit Earth?Q: NoSo,
the comet is not Nibiru and it won't hit Earth. Is that all there is to
it? No.Ison and a Power Grid CollapseThough the Nibirans stated that Ison
would not hit Earth, there is still concern about the prospect of massive solar
flares should it break up during its turn around the sun. If that occurs
while Earth is on the opposite side of the sun from Ison, we will be fine.
But, if Ison breaks up while on the same side if the sun, there could be
severe damage done to orbiting satellites. Should that occur, electrical
systems would fail, which means the power grid would collapse. I asked the
Nibiruans if the comet would break up. Their reply was that there is
a 96 percent probability that the comet would remain intact. Don't know
about you but that sounds pretty good to me.Ison and the Return of ChristThose
focused on Biblical prophecy look to find correlations with current events,
especially those of an astronomical nature. Ison's passing is being
touted as a sign for the return of Christ. Is this accurate? Again
I asked the Nibiruans for input. They responded by telling me that Ison is a
harbinger for the return of Christ-like consciousness. This change is
projected to occur now and continue into 2015. I feel confident that this
is correct because we have been laying the ground work for that new reality for
the last several years through grid work combined with intense emotional
clearing. Our efforts have produced changes on a global scale that
are about to be seen by all. So, the passage of Ison is a sign of the
new reality being birthed; not the return of a one individual. With all
that said, Comet Ison's passage can be said to be a sign of better times to
come. In closing, though there is a lot of fear mongering going on,
but it appears most of it is unfounded. Yes, there is a slight
possibility that Comet Ison, our sign of good times ahead, will come with a
hefty price, but we have the power to change that. As always, we
draw to us the events and circumstances that we need for our personal and
collective growth. The way to control that is through doing emotional
clearing. If we don't have the fear, we won't need to draw/manifest it.
Right now the "Powers That Be" want you to be afraid.
They want you to believe that the power grid will collapse. The
more we fear, the more they feed. Personally, I choose not to buy into
their view. To me it is an another opportunity to sharpen my skills in
altering reality. Until next time...Jelaila StarrThe Nibiruan
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate, that is the Question ~
via Taryn Crimi
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST
AngelicGuides.wordpress.comToday we have been asked to
discuss quite a controversial topic, vaccinations. The question so many parents
have for us is whether or not to vaccinate their children. Certainly, each
parent is driven by the desire to do what is best for their child, though there
are many varying beliefs regarding how to achieve this. What seems to be the
cause for so much confusion is the conflicting reports of the effects these
vaccinations have had and are having on children and adults alike.Before we
begin, it is important that you remember that we do not hold a judgment of
“good” or “bad” as we do not currently exist within duality. Therefore we are
able to simply share with you what we have observed, so you may make the best
decision that is right for you.We will first begin with a short explanation
about why vaccinations were created and what purpose they were intended for.
The first vaccinations were introduced at the turn of the century with the
hopes of containing and limiting the devastating effects wide-spread diseases
had caused in the past. Many diseases were spread through unsanitary
conditions, contaminated drinking water, and poor health of which the medical
field has now become aware of. Scientists and the medical industry as a whole
have progressed and changed in many ways since the first introduction of
vaccinations to the public. They were marketed as a preventative cure for a
wide range of diseases that had plagued the population for centuries; though
the wide variety of vaccinations now available were not available years ago.
The medial and pharmaceutical industries have continued to create many
variations through trial and error.Vaccinations are heavily encouraged
beginning at the time of a child’s birth; parents in their quest to ensure the
health, safety and well-being have largely agreed with the medical industries
claims however in more recent years parents have begun to question the
effectiveness and safety of these vaccinations worrying that they could be
responsible for doing more harm than good. As with everything in your reality,
this topic has two opposing views.There are those who adamantly believe that by
introducing the body to a small dose of the disease and allowing the body to
fight it off successfully, it creates an immunity to the disease which will
lessen or even prevent the body from succumbing to the disease if ever it
should come into contact with it later in life. There are others who adamantly
believe that by introducing a healthy body to the contaminants that must be
used in order to carry the disease into the body as well as the disease itself
is harmful to the immune system and thereby weakening the once healthy body
leaving it just as or even more susceptible to contracting the disease at a
later time.Now that we have shared with you the two opposing views, we will now
share our own perspective. In short, there is no power that can protect nor
heal the body other than the power which created the body. Yet the question
still remains, do vaccinations help the body to fight off future larger
attacks? Our answer is yes and no. Let us further explain. In theory, your body
is designed to and inevitably will come into contact with millions of tiny
microbes, pollutants, and bacteria on a daily basis. In fact all of you have
come into contact with some of the most “deadly” diseases and yet many of you
have not been the least bit affected by the contact.The immune system is
continually fighting off and removing these pollutants from your body with
usually very little to no perceived effect. There are those who try to shelter
their bodies from these microbes by trying to kill the microbes with harsh
chemicals and shielding themselves from other sick people, though this is not
where health or sickness comes from. In fact by trying to isolate yourself from
the “germs” of others and using harsh chemicals around your living spaces you
do more harm to your body than good. How so?Now, as we were saying, your bodies
are designed to come into contact with millions of microbes that have the
potential to cause illness, however illness cannot occur in a body that is in a
state of balance. The chemicals such as your harsh household cleaners, bleach,
ammonia, and alcohol actually are far more harmful to you than the bacteria themselves.
Your bodies are made to protect against illnesses, it is not designed to be
subjected to harsh toxic chemicals on a regular basis. Your bodies are made up
of the very same elements you are trying to kill within the microbes. This has
the same toxic effect on your body as it does the microbes which you are trying
to kill.The immune system is a very advanced design to ensure that balance is
always sought. A child’s immune system is first strengthened by its mothers
milk, taking on all of the anti-bodies that the mother has stored in her own
immune system, as the infant grows it develops its own immunity to the
environment it has been immersed in. The body builds its immunity naturally by
breathing in and ingesting millions of various germs, yet when it is introduced
artificially to a disease, or illness it does not penetrate the body in the
same manner. Let us further explain.When a microbe, disease, germ or bacteria
is naturally introduced to the body it is either ingested, breathed or
transmitted by bodily fluids. When a disease is introduced to the body
artificially it is carried through a liquid which is inserted into the muscle
or skin by way of a needle. The vaccinations that are given at this time to
your population do not only contain the disease itself, as there would be no
way of delivering “just” the disease, rather it requires a liquid or solvent to
carry and transport the disease through your body. Where the problem lies is in
both the artificial introduction of the disease to the body as well as in the
liquid or solvent used to transport the disease to the body.This is why we
stated that our answer to your question regarding the effectiveness of
vaccinations was yes and no. Yes, the body would be better equipped to fight
the disease off at a later time if it were to come into the contact with the
disease in a natural way and the body was able to successfully fight it off.
The immunity to antibodies would be stored in the immune system so that it was
more difficult for the disease to take hold of the body again. However, when
you introduce the body to any disease or illness artificially it does not react
in a natural way. Let us further explain.Your body actually has two lines of
defense. The first line of defense are positioned in cells that are in your
nose, lungs and mouth. They are able to detect foreign matter that has the
ability to harm or disrupt your body. You actually come into contact with
well-known diseases on a daily basis, they are in the air you breathe yet your
body’s natural form of defense is regularly able to fight off these microbes
with little to no physical effects. When your first line of defense is not
strong enough to fight off the invasion, your body’s actual immune system is
immediately activated and begins multiplying your white blood cells to help
fight off the illness. When your body is able to fight off an infection that it
has naturally come into contact with, you are then immune to that particular
strain of that virus for life.Now when you are artificially introduced to a
disease you bypass the first line of defense, activating your body’s full scale
immune attack against the invasion. Your body can and often will over react to
the disease because it has not already been weakened by your body’s first line
of attack. A vaccination can activate a temporary immunity to the disease,
however it is not a permanent solution. Your medical field is aware of this and
this is why you are often encouraged to receive a “booster” or additional
vaccination after receiving the first vaccination. This is also why those who
have been vaccinated for a particular illness or disease can still contract the
disease later in life when the body naturally comes into contact with it. Your
researchers are just now starting to uncover the amount of people who have been
both vaccinated for a particular illness and yet still contracted it years
later, and we have just shared with you why that is.It was important for us to
first explain how the body actually defends itself from illnesses on a physical
level before we could then go into why vaccinations have been so harmful.
Unfortunately, the effects of these vaccinations have not been well documented
nor have they been brought to the public’s attention. There are certainly many
children with little to no side effects from the vaccinations they have
received; however there were many more who have which has not been reported by
your media as of yet. Vaccinations in do have the ability to provide temporary
immunity from the disease, however the vaccinations cannot simply be a shot of
the disease alone. It must be carried in something in order to transport the
disease through your body as we said earlier. The substances that are being
used to transport the disease are far more harmful than the disease itself.
Your bodies are physically built to defend against microbes, bacteria and
illnesses however it is not designed to filter toxic levels of heavy metals.
The heavy metals that are contained in these vaccinations are predominantly
responsible for the damage that is done to the body that has caused lasting
effects, not the disease itself. We realize this may be shocking for many of
you to learn, as you have trusted your medical professionals to ensure that
your children are being well taken care of, however not all of the medical
professionals know what is actually contained within the vaccinations. This is
why we are sharing this with you at this time, so that you may now become aware
so that you may weigh the “pros” and “cons” and decide for yourself what is
best for you and your children.We have shared our perspective of what we have
witnessed in regards to the physical aspects of vaccinations, how they work,
and how your body naturally responds, however it is important not to forget
about the spiritual perspective to this question.We will now share the reason
why vaccines do not actually play a role in whether you will contract the
disease later in life of not. Our reply is simple; health cannot be obtained by
prevention it is created by intention. It does not serve you to fear illness;
if you do not want to be sick then focus on creating health. 100 people can be
subjected to the very same disease, in the very same environment; they can be
similar in age, weight, and height. They can be either vaccinated or not
vaccinated and yet some will contract the disease and some will not. Luck or
chance is not responsible for your health. It is very important to remember
that disease cannot remain in a body that is in a state of balance. Maintain
balance in both your physical and spiritual body and you will not experience
“dis-ease”.We hope that we have served you in some wayIn love and light, we are
your Angelic GuidesCopyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content
is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this
copyright notice and links are included.
Don’t Fight ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST
thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.comMy child, do not
oppose and do not fight against that, you do not like.No matter what it is.All
that which you resist will persist, and will at the most only get stronger
because you give it energy.If you want something to get rid of or change, then
send your love into it.Look at it, send your unconditional love into the
situation and let go.This is the only reasonable method to really change
something.The more you fight and struggle against, the more stronger however
the resistance of that you’re fighting against will grow.Do you understand
this?You know now, love heals everything. ~Your Divine MotherCopyright © Isabel
Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes
and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.Source:
THE NEW LAND 11-4-13
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST
THE NEW LAND 11-4-13Magartha through Kathy VikIt is with
deep honor and respect that we gather with you as one now. We are a group of
entities, if you wish, who gave this channel our name thirty three years ago.
We are Magartha, and we are your family.We come from perhaps not so much
outside time, as creators of it, aware, of course, of worlds upon worlds, wheel
upon wheel.The morphogenic field which is your living body, living Merkahbah,
is its own galaxy, as the channel has just been shown. Creator Gods, each.
Creator Gods. Each.This field is energized with focused intent, with belief
that has strengthened into knowledge, the truth from which all truth flows, all
experience, all awareness.As such, our instruction can and will vary, and you
will learn that there is nothing which cannot be explored, seen from within and
without simultaneously, and brought into unity.Disharmony, disease,
misalignment, these are functions of awareness, and that is all. One's
willingness to say the secret words they have on their tongue.Have you seen the
shift, and can you fathom what is at hand? We wish to become specific. It is
important to see how this applies, and to perhaps stretch consciousness with
new thought, new attitude, but, dear one, our true purpose is very clear, our
only knowing, our only wish, it is to honor your journey, point out your
triumphs, cheer you on and to soothe you, to be at your side, breath within
breath, dear ones, until the end of time.This is our mission. To remind you of
what you so valiantly cast off when coming to this reality, the part of you
generating this magnificent splendor, that is the human transition. There is
now no such thing as “the human condition,” as it had once been referred. Man's
inhumanity to man, this is fading, the bridge has been crossed dear ones, and
we wish to sing out with the good news.The travel that each of you have engaged
in, this crossing of a chasm, this was your task, so long ago, prior to this
incarnation, of course, but, look, now, please, with us to what we gave the
channel last evening, something we wish to now explain in a word picture, for
all, not just the one.Imagine silver, platinum, iridescent, the air is,
enchanted, you can feel enchantment bubbling through this air. The sky glows in
unknown colors, closest to the shining moment to jubilant dawn.Beneath you is a
silver bridge. Looking back onto this bridge, you can see that it is long. Its
end cannot be visualized, it goes on and on. It is curved, and you notice that
where you have just come from, there had been an unusual hill.The bridge is
made of silver swords, interlaced, and the bridge, it is sturdy.You have just
come from the end of this bridge. And while on it, you see it is now canopied
in glittering silver swords as well. This is a time of high ceremony, and it
slowly comes to you that it is you, and you alone, being honored at this
time.The canopy of swords, dazzling, mirroring the nakedly ecstatic sky, alive
with orange and pink, The loved ones holding these swords aloft, and keeping
them strong for you underfoot, this is for you.And now, we ask that you turn
your body forward.Do you see it?It is directly in front of you. Look down. Your
feet are on the silver road, and this road, this ground, it holds light. It
glows, and it heals, and it is loving. Your feet absorb this love. It becomes
your awareness that this field of love is ever present, it can be no other way,
and what has happened is that you, dear one, now on this land, can access it,
live within and on it, be fed by it.We urge you to understand that all is in
front of you now, of the things, the states, the awareness, you have so longed
to dwell, all your lives, we say. All your lives, many of you have had no other
focus. And now, let us celebrate this with you, we are so honored that we are
here for your first steps on this new ground.Please know that there are
structures here that are sound, and have been waiting for your arrival.
Understand now that there has been shall we say a loosening of the
manifestation process, and we tell you now this is nothing but being aware that
you are the generator of your sainted synchronicity.We wait your word, and wish
to express the joy that all are having now, with this newest expansion you have
all created within your collective.This I, again, we reiterate, completely and
solely up to the individual, who has access to this reality. One must be open
to all possibility, discard all vibrations which resonate with limitation,
expectation , fear, guilt, these are not applicable here, and can be seen for the
devices they are.They are challenges to your psyched and your spirit. What will
stand, and what will not, once this wave is complete? We cannot say. Each of
you who have crossed and are now in the new land, that is for you to decide. No
longer is it appropriate to go to another for their predictions, in fear.
Rather, gather together and share stories, share impressions and visions, and
as a collective you will come to see that there is but the one voice., there is
but the one mind, and many who hear it are now hearing it quite clearly. Use
your common sense and your sense of sovereignty in your relations, in other
words.We tell you, if you acknowledge and inhabit you intuition more fully, you
will come to find that synchronicity becomes a most fascinating game, and your
lives can turn, shall we say, quite magical. It is an invitation, always.There
are times when you are faced with problems which appear large, and this can
still lead some to the conclusion that the problem is bigger than they are.WE
tell you now, many are experiencing quite surprising conclusions to dramas,
timelines and karmic patterns that they perhaps heretofore thought were
complete. But, we tell you, the train is here, the horn has called, letting all
intentional passengers that they have just a bit more time, not much, as much
as they need, but... THE TRAIN IS HERE!... and so, perhaps coming to see that
the structures in your life which you know to be honestly unsustainable, we ask
you to let them fall with ease and thanksgiving.We ask that you are grateful
for your lives as they currently stand, and to see that there is no other way
this could be, now. In that, the circumstances are purposeful, and we ask you
to consider the purpose, then, and to couch it all, all explanations, with a higher
mind, a bigger mind, a broader perspective.We wish to give you this
perspective, whenever you wish. WE are you, loved ones, as available as your
breath, as wise as the mountains from which you lived and loved and communed
with us in the past.We bring the channel to her home, and can see she has split
her awareness, now to many lifetimes she has been enjoying communing with from
time to time. We encourage each of you to see larger, to understand these
storylines which are condensing and falling away, they are part of a much
larger pattern, one that is purposeful and beautiful and profoundly benevolent
toward all.If it is true that you are the creator of your synchronicity, which
follows if you come to accept that this awareness of yours is self generated,
can you not see then that what befalls you is of you? Can it not then be easier
for you?This is a question we have posed the channel. Are you willing? Can you
do it? Do you want to? To see all in benevolence, to love all, a constant flow
of love, devoid of the ability to spin in drama and see things as nothing less
than magnificent? Can you say no appropriately, stand as equal to all men and
women, can you, and do you wish to do so now?This is far from a passive stance,
dear ones, and with this we wish to wind down and close. We wish you to see
that standing as equals is the point of all of this. How can you take a fear
posture toward an equal?There are many who do not see themselves as equal to
you, and they are who is convinced they are somehow either superior or inferior
to you. We tell you this is the same entity, the same thought construct, and
although it might appear otherwise, it is simply a study in duality. It is a
weak construct now, each day losing its effectiveness, as has been written into
the stars, and into each of your DNA.This is what upset the apple cart, and
what this reality will find is their weight is not sustained, when they try to
cross the bridge. This energy must be discarded. There is no such thing as a
human being who is not genetically related to you. This is a fact. You are one
family. A clan bursting with creativity and individuality and expression, make
no mistake.You know that there is energy which cannot be sustained in the new
reality, and it is a blessed relief, is it not, and are you from time to time
being caught by surprise, at how good you feel, for no reason at all, no reason
at all, really?This is the way of it. There are no worries that must be
sustained, and we tell you the truth of it. Worry is a bit of an insult to your
grandness. It is a silly, taunting thing, a child who has misunderstood,
someone who could learn a thing or two on a kind grandfather or grandmother’s
knee. Come as children, we ask all, come clean and fresh, aware of your
brilliance and that this is a magical, mysterious and fun place to be. Come in
joy and harmony, to this new land, the land you stand on, loves.This is the
beauty of it. This is new land, borne of the old, but cut off from many of the
realities and agreements you once took as normal.This year has been, for many,
a time of removal of all that cannot be sustained across this bridge.And many
of you now, with the celestial mothers, with the entities and hosts who love
you and know you as kin, have come off this glittering bridge.The honor we
showed you in ceremony, this in is of course on-going now. It is the way of it.
You have earned ease. You have earned, dear ones, all, who have been so willing
to go further than your collective in consciousness and bliss, each of you,
within your own interpretations, are together now, and we walk with you now,
helping you at every step, as always, but with a heightening of presence, we
are with you now as you create your now in this, the new land.
Goddess Rosanna ~ Goddess Seeds of Light ~ via Natalie
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST Permit yourself to enter into a sacred
space and cocoon of the Goddess light, let the divine feminine vibrations wash
over you as if they are cleansing nutritious fragrant waves of light drifting
into every aspect of your being.Let yourself embrace the divine Goddess
vibrations for they are truly merging with the Earth and the dimension of the
planet.The Goddess vibrations are integrating, active and potent; you can now
connect with this vibration more than ever before, feeling as if you exist in a
cocoon of Goddess light.The vibrations of the Goddess present themselves so
gracefully because you are conscious of your divine Goddess presence within
your being. Your body is resonating with grace, beauty, gentleness, compassion
and tenderness; these vibrations currently have a powerful impact upon your
being.Not only are you attracting these qualities but you are activating them
from within your being. This means that your body will react differently now to
what could be described as more forceful masculine vibrations, these may feel
heavy or painful to your entire being.As the Goddess is awakening within your
being so your Goddess qualities are awakening, you may find yourself seeking a
gentle, calming and soothing environment where you can be at peace allowing
yourself to blossom gracefully from within.As we enter into the Era of Love the
presence of the Goddess is potent, it symbolises that spiritual growth and
awakening can be achieved through graceful shifts rather than painful or
difficult shifts.The divine Goddess vibrations are here to assist you in
connecting with the gentler flowing aspect of your being, the peaceful and
compassionate aspects of your soul.The purpose of the Goddess is to bring a graceful
awakening for all carrying you into love, truth and oneness. You may call upon
the presence and the vibrations of the divine Goddess if you are experiencing
difficulty or hardship in your reality, mental body or emotional body.Simply
say,‘Divine Goddess vibrations and presence within and around me, I call upon
your graceful energy to interweave into my reality allowing me to experience a
reality of flowing grace, allowing the qualities of gentleness, compassion,
tenderness, grace and beauty of the Goddess and the Creator to emanate from my
being.I understand all these Goddess qualities to be powerful and empowering
for me in this present moment. I allow myself to now open up and experience the
graceful flowing vibrations of the Goddess in all areas of my reality. Thank
you.’It is important to recognise the qualities of the divine Goddess as
powerful and empowering, if you perceive certain qualities such as gentleness
to be weak, allow yourself to contemplate the qualities of the Goddess
discovering the empowerment for yourself in all qualities. It is only past
perceptions that may have portrayed the Goddess qualities as weak.In order to
connect with the Goddess qualities and your own inner Goddess allow yourself to
spend time contemplating and gazing upon a rose.Allow yourself to recognise the
beauty of the rose born from nature, born from the Creator. Let yourself
explore the qualities, scents and presence of the rose. You may wish to
contemplate its strong stalk symbolising the Goddess inner strength, maybe even
the thorns that symbolise projection.Notice how the rose appears strong and yet
its petals are so gentle and soft.The presence of the rose can share with you
much wisdom concerning your own inner Goddess qualities and the divine
universal Goddess qualities. You may call upon me, Goddess Rosanne, when
achieving this practice to divinely inspire you. I encourage you to consciously
enter into the sacred cocoon of the Goddess light with each morning upon
awakening.Breathe with conscious awareness into your entire being and into your
heart.Imagine you are breathing the perfumed fragrant light of the Goddess into
your being but also into your heart chakra. Take a few moments to focus upon
breathing the blissful light into your heart chakra; this will awaken your
heart chakra, preparing you to exist in every moment of your reality with an
open and expansive heart chakra.It will also create a divine connection and
flow of the divine Goddess vibration within and through your heart chakra,
softening your heart chakra reducing the closing of your heart chakra in
certain situations.As you exist and breathe in this cocoon of Goddess light for
a few moments upon awakening in the morning you will notice shifts within your
being as you invite the graceful flow of the Goddess to be a part of your
reality.You will notice that you own Goddess qualities and abilities awaken for
your further experience and exploration. Beings of light from Venus are
currently supporting the anchoring of the divine Goddess more fully into the
Earth and its awakening within your being.The energies of Venus are focused
upon love and merge beautifully with the Goddess vibrations acting as an
additional loving power and strength so that the Goddess light which is so
potent with Creator vibrations and consciousness will no longer be diminished
or limited upon the Earth.The beings from Venus believe that through humanity’s
greater acceptance of the qualities of the Goddess a deeper resonance with love
will be acknowledged within and projected outward into the physical reality and
dimensions.These beings from Venus wish many to look into the divine qualities
and vibrations of the Goddess in order to recognise the presence of love in all
aspects of the Goddess, then recognising the same within their own beings and
all that is the Creator.You may wish to meditate calling upon beings of Venus
working closely and as one with the Goddess vibration to draw close around you,
supporting your space of peace and exploration of love. As you breathe deeply
let yourself repeat this phrase,‘I allow the divine Goddess to lead me to a
deeper recognition of love.’This symbolises that through your acceptance and
merging with the Goddess vibrations and qualities, (even if it is only an
intention and not yet a fully manifested experience) you can move into a space
and experience of the greater wealth and abundance of love within your
being.Not only will you be accepting the Goddess vibration but you will be
accepting the love energies of Venus and your own Creator love within your
being.This is a beautiful love awakening practice. It is my wish to make you
aware that as the Goddess vibration draws closer and merges with the Earth’s
dimensions that seeds of Goddess light are being carried upon waves of sacred
Goddess light.If you imagine the seeds of a flower being carried in the wind to
be planted and to grow wherever they land or are accepted.The Goddess seeds are
the same; the divine source of the Goddess is creating and releasing light
seeds filled with divine Goddess wisdom, consciousness, qualities and truth.
These seeds carried upon the waves of Goddess light are available for you to
receive. They are gifts of abundant Goddess consciousness and insights.All that
you need to do is to be open to receiving. In your quiet time or your
meditation, you can enter into the cocoon of the Goddess light, breathing the
Goddess vibrations into every aspect of your being while then focusing on
expanding your heart chakra with the Goddess light.Then say,‘I invite the
divine seeds of light, created by the sacred Goddess Source and supported by
beings from Venus, to enter into my heart chakra, to seed, germinate and grow
filling my heart with the love and consciousness of the Goddess.Let me collect
and access the most appropriate or intended light seeds for me to aid and
advance my understanding and experience of the divine Goddess of the universe
and the Goddess within my being. I am open to the divine experience and
integration. Thank you.’Then sit in peace, imagining your heart chakra open and
expansive, focus on receiving as you imagine or simply know that the most
appropriate Goddess light seeds are entering into your heart chakra where they
will abundantly add to the vibrations and luminosity of your soul and Goddess
presence.I hope you will accept the gifts shared through my communication to
support your deeper connection and understanding of the transitions of the
Goddess occurring within and around you.With Goddess blessings, Goddess
RosannaPlease share and post with others including the following details:
‘Channeled through NatalieSource:http://omna.orgGlasson of the Sacred School of
OmNa,‘. Thank you
The Arrival of the New Light ~ via Ute Posegga-Rudel
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST BELOVED
SISTERS AND BROTHERS!While the new energies of light are arriving, carrying a
further expanded consciousness of cosmic proportions, it is important, to open
up to their magnificence.Because without us receiving and utilizing them, they
cannot propel forward the planetary evolution and our own ascension.As we
receive them, they are intoxicating our physical and our light body.In fact,
they are of a powerful substance of clearest light and energy, and pristine
Purity, which instills the information of transforming our carbon based body
into a crystalline structure.They require us to let go of the old
three-dimensional experience in the total system of our body-mind and replace
it with the Power and Presence of this intense light. It is coming through our
Beloved Sun from our Galactic Center; and through our Galactic Center from the
Great-Great Sun around which our Galactic Center is revolving.The increasing
solar activity, whether earth-directed or not, rises constantly our frequency,
if we allow it. Because we are not our earth-bound body. But we are in a Single
Consciousness One with Gaia, the Spirit of our planet, One with the Spirit of
the Sun and the Spirit of the Great Central Sun, and ultimately One with
All-That-Is.We are indeed blessed in a way we never have been blessed
before.How do we open up and receive these Great Cosmic Forces?We do not need
any technique. We do not need any guided meditation. We do not need any
limiting mediator between us and what is pouring down on us.It is the pure and one-pointed,
spontaneous impulse of the heart, that reaches through the feeling top of the
head to above, to locate what is already present directly above us. It is to
allow this powerful Presence of Pure Light to enter our body-mind and to let It
pervade us from the top to toe.It activates and saturates the currents of
energy in the body-mind and overrides three-dimensional energy and awareness.
In fact, it is quite naturally transporting us into the consciousness of the
higher dimensions, the dimensions, where it is coming from.Ultimately, if we
allow the process fully, there is no movement but rather a state of altered
consciousness, and a silent, powerful expansion, in which no-thing is noticed,
but Pure Being-ness.There is no Light without Information. Information
determines the level of consciousness that we experience. And it is our choice
what we focus on: the moving worlds or the pure being-ness, the fullness of I
Am.So far almost none of us has managed to recognize the totality of worlds as
a modification of Divine Consciousness, in which every trace of duality is
transcended, including our seeming separation from the universes. And all
worlds are directly Known to be Undivided Divine Consciousness.In this State we
have already left to exist beyond and prior to dimensions. Such is the vastness
of our Divine Consciousness.Now the Universe has opened up to introduce us to
all our Divine Possibilities and to our Ultimate Divine Nature.The Real Great
Adventure has begun for All Humanity.And So It Is.With love and many blessings,
UteCopyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, / link to original article Sharing of this
message is only allowed together with this information and without changes,
including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via you.
Million Mask March ~ November 5th 2013 ~ ANONYMOUS
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 12:33 AM PST
Click image to zoom
Lord Ashtar; Lord Krishna, Lord Adrigon, Lady Nina and others via Trillia Gia
and Rananda Kumara
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 12:23 AM PST
November 2, 2013 at 1:33pm
There are many other planets in the Galaxy that are
inhabited by intelligent lifeforms. These planets are not so far away
that they are out of reach to us on the Earth, as we are taught by most of our
astronomers, because there are important things that our astronomers dont know
about time. Some of these planets can be reached in an hour or two in the craft
used by The Star Brethren. Many of these other
planets form alliances, send ambassadors to each other, and have trade links.
Earth is in the process of joining this Galactic Community, and it will happen
when we release ourselves from the domination and control of the dark
ones. Although many planets such as Venus are
uninhabitable at the 3D level, they are inhabited in dimensions of 4D plus.
Planets, like people, are Souls in spiritual evolution, and like people, they
have higher dimensional bodies. The Star Brethren
call a planet an "Isle", as they are like islands in space. Our name
"Planet" means wanderer, as they seem to wander against the starry
background. Many of the races that inhabit these
planets are humanoid like us, but some are much taller and have developed much
larger eyes from living underground for much of the time. Men can be 8ft or
more tall, and women 7ft or more, and very beautiful by earthly
standards. Here we will take a brief look at a few of
the planets that are members of The Galactic Federation Of Light (GFL)
including Venus; Rananda's home planet, and Sirius, in the Sirius A Star
System; which is Trillia's home planet :-VENUS :- A very advanced planet
that has fostered many prominent Light Beings in the Higher Realms, such as
Lord Sanat Kumara, and Lord Sananda Kumara. The Kumarans are the ruling family
on Venus and beloved Yeshua was/is a Soul Aspect of Lord Sananda Kumara, and
some of those in his inner circle were also Kumarans.
The climate there is tropical and much of the planet is covered by
tropical rainforest, with towns and cities dotted around it. Overlooking the
cities on the hillsides there are many temples, built of white marble, and with
white marble steps leading up to them. Many of these temples are open to the
sky. Lord Sanat Kumara is at the head of the spiritual belief system, and the
Mother-Father God is worshipped in the temples. The atmosphere is pervaded by
Love, Peace and Joy, and there are no poor or deprived people. Life is
unhurried and there is no crime. There is no pollution and the sky is
crystal clear. Great care is taken of the environment.
There are terraced gardens of fragrant flowers, and the streets of the
shopping areas of the cities are lined with flower gardens.
The people in general, have long, curly Brown hair and large, light Blue
eyes. The women wear long flowing gowns of soft, silky fabric, and the men wear
knee length tunics with capes over them. Ornate brooches are worn as clasps on
their gowns and capes. The women and children wear colourful ribbons and
flowers in their hair. Their food is mainly fruit and
vegetable purees or "smoothies". There is little food that is solid.
Bathing is done at public baths. The rooms of the
mostly single storey houses, are open air with a roof that slides over when a
rainstorm approaches. The temples, government
buildings and art galleries/museums are housed in their own, separate
districts, and there is a shuttle system for planetary travel.ASHTAR :- The
home planet of Lord Ashtar and "Ashtar Command". The planet is a
little larger than the Earth, and is mountainous and very cold. The people are
eight to eight and a half feet tall; warm and friendly, with creamy coloured
skin and white blonde hair worn to the hip by the women, and to the shoulders
by the men. They have pale greeny-blue eyes. They talk telepathically, and are
a cultured people with a hi-tech lifestyle. They are a very old
civilisation. The cities are under domes that are
energy fields, to protect them from the very cold climate, and there are seven
major cities. Their food is grown in greenhouses and is also imported from
other planets. Most trees are small due to the cold climate, and there are very
few flowers out of doors. Flowers are grown under the domed courtyards of the
houses. There is a single planetary government run by the people through
councils. Education is very important to them and
everyone attends school for 20-30 years and takes a degree. Most work in hi
tech professions. They have a highly advanced ship building technology. They
are also into non-competitive Winter sports. They
have never known war, and there is no violence or the need for a police
force.In the cities, there are moving pavements called "Lightways",
some of which run up and down and also sideways. There are steps up and down
everywhere. There are high rise apartment buildings
in the cities, with shops and cafeterias on the ground floor. The people who
work in the cities have no food preparation facilities in their apartments
(which they call"compartments") and they take all their meals in the
cafeterias. They eat only soft foods; hot soups, puddings and breads and jams,
and they drink fruit juices. They dont usually take a mate until age 50
or 60. These young people live in singles apartments and are very laid back and
unhurried. The people wear the same silvery jump suits as
are worn in the Ashtarian ships, with robes of different colours over
them. Ashtar is another of my (Rananda's) home
planets. I have more than one.)SIRIUS :- This planet is in the Sirius A star
system, and it is protected by a double helical force field, from invasion by
it's aggresive neighbours of the lower Orions. This means that visitors from
other star systems can stay for only a short time; sometimes for only a few
hours. The ruling monarch and head of spiritual life
is Lord Krishna who bears the title;- "Ancient Of Days", and who has
His temple high on the hill overlooking His city of Vrindavan, below. The
temples are reached by many steps in the hillsides, and it is customary to say
a prayer or make an affirmation to the deity of the temple, at each step as one
ascends. Over most of the planet, the climate is
tropical, but it is in the cooler areas that the arable land is located, with
large fields of grains and vegetable crops. There are also fruit orchards
there, and very little food is imported from other planets.
The Hindu culture of India was seeded from Sirius by Lord Krishna, and an
amazing similarity can be seen between them. The caste system exists there as
in India, and the Brahmins are the highest caste, but the lower castes are all
treated with respect and no one is poor or deprived. There are no slums and
everyone is provided for. The high caste Sirians have a very pale white skin
colour with a bluish tinge, and have large pale green eyes. They also have very
white blonde hair. The men wear their hair to their shoulders and the women
wear it in a bun if married, and loose if single. The lower castes do
more manual work out of doors, and, as their skin is more exposed to the
sunshine, they are more tanned. They are 7 - 8ft tall depending on
gender. As in India, saris are worn by the women, and
the higher caste women wear saris with Gold embroidery, and Gold and jewels in
their hair. In the cities the men wear loose trousers with a shirt and coloured
scarves. The cities are comparable in size to the cities of the Earth, with
high rise buildings in the business district. There are also theatre districts
and many restaurants. The high caste ruling class
live in palatial villas, high on the hillsides overlooking the sea. It is here
that the seat of government is located, ruled by Lord Krishna and the ruling
family. This is also where all the temples of the many deities are located. It
is also along the seashore that the fishing industry is located. Sirians eat
meals of mainly fish and vegetables, and drink fruit juices or fruit and
vegetable "smoothies". They have sent
delegations to many planets, including the Earth, and have founded many
advanced civilizations there. Sirius is the home
planet of my co-channel, Trillia Gia, who is a high caste Sirian
Starseed.MEDINA :- Although this is the principal planet in the Pleiadian star
system, it is on nearby Serana that most of the food crops are grown. Medina is
very much a desert planet, consisting of many islands with fresh water channels
between them. Some of these channels dry up in the hot season when temperatures
can reach 150-180degF. In the cool Winter season, temperatures drop to a more
tolerable 80degF. At the end of the hot season there is a wet season.
The city of Medina is located on one of the larger of those
islands; the isle of "MauBene", in the middle of a desert area, where
many varieties of cacti grow, including many of the giant Saguaro cacti. It is
sheltered by a mountain range. Walls are built around each of the family
compounds to keep out the blowing sand. On each of
the islands there is one large city or town, with a town square and shops. On
the outskirts one finds the family compounds, surounded by their walls. There
are five cities on the island of MauBene. In the city
of Medina is located the great temple of "The Shemont", which is
dedicated to "The Shekinah", or Divine Feminine. Beside The Shemont
is the temple built by the Sirians, which is a pyramidal temple, bigger than
The Great Pyramid of Giza, yet still dwarfed by The Shemont. Rananda's Twin
Flame, Marjaran, is a priestess in The Shemont temple.
Because of the hot climate, homes are built downward, in underground
levels, with perhaps four such levels. On the ground floor level there is only
an entrance with stairs leading down to the levels below. The ground floor
level is surrounded by a wall to keep out the blowing sand, and there are
flower gardens within the walls. Some of these homes link up underground, with
others. Some of the cities on the planet trade with
other islands and with other planets, and one city is dedicated only to
shipbuilding. Medina is the home of Lord Adrigon (Ade-ree-yon) the Lord who
built the Pleiadian fleet and their vast ship, "The White
Winds". Families can number up to 100 living
within a walled family compound, although 20-30 is more common. The family
structure is very important to the Pleiadians. Usually only two meals are
served each day, and the family members all eat together.
Medinian men are seven and a half to eight and a half feet tall, and the
women, six and a half to seven and a half feet. In general, the men have
shoulder length black hair, but some are golden blond to white blond. The men
and women have very large and beautiful eyes with an oval, golden iris, and
naturally outlined in purple. Their skin has a rich, golden tan. The women are
known for their extreme beauty. The majority of them have knee length blonde
hair, worn loose; fewer have blue-black hair and very few are redheads, with a
fair complexion. The redheads are the priestesses in the great temple of The
Shemont; they never serve in The Command and are in general, shorter than
average, at around seven feet tall. Clothes are light
because of the hot climate, and are usually white or of a light colour. Both
men and women wear loose, ankle length gowns with robes over them. For formal
occasions they wear fancier clothing with embroidery around the neck and
sleeves and around the hem. They usually wear a fancy belt of gold braid around
the waist, often encrusted with precious stones. Sometimes this belt bears the
family crest. Most of the information given above has
come, in one way or another through my co-channel, Trillia Gia, who is a high
ranking Starseed from Sirius A, with almost full memory of the Higher Realms.
However, several different Light Beings have guided my hand while writing
about their various "Isles".Lord Sanat Kumara; Lord Ashtar; Lord
Krishna; Lord Adrigon; Lady Nina and others, via Trillia Gia and Rananda
Kumara. Lots of Love from Rananda and
The After Life
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 12:18 AM PST
Unexplainable Miracle Rescue from Submerged Auto
Posted: 03 Nov 2013 11:59 PM PST
Click image to zoom
Posted: 03 Nov 2013 10:38 PM PST