Tony Monday Night CC Recorded Link -Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U
REPLAY 805-399-1500 409029#
BlogTalkRadio RECORDED LINK Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U: [FLPatriot59] TONY'S CALL WILL BE TRANSCRIBED HERE. Duplicate questions from the call-in portion will not be transcribed. Silly chit-chat will also not be transcribed. We reserve the right to do that. Enjoy! TONY - Good evening, TNT Dinar. How are you guys doing tonight? It's November 4 at 7PM EST. We're doing a late-evening call because I had one helk of a day. You won't believe what I'm going to tell you. Our lines are maxed out. We have set the record for Blog Talk Radio, according to them. T - I'm going to give you the bad, the worse, and the good part. I want to leave you on a good note. .... Read More Link on Right
We have 5K on the line and
both are maxed. We tried to get in the Forum today and our Forum has been
shut down. The Forum servers, per the company, are demanding more traffic
than they can handle. It's more than all their other customers combined, so
they shut us off.
T - In the meantime we have the 5 sites. You can still view the Forum but we just can't add anymore info. I would love to give you everything you need for the new site, but we have over 20K people and 100 people are donating to support the site. It is what it is. I'm proud to say we blew 2 companies out of the water, but on the other hand we could do things better but they cost money. If there's anything on the Forum you want you should go ahead and copy and save in case we don't get it up in time. T - Here's what happened today. You're not going to believe it. I'm going to tell you a story for you to understand. We were talking about getting early pay out and I had an opportunity to get to Reno today and CE at $8. Since I'm so close I decided to check it out. I've heard about investigations and arrests, etc. So I'm in Reno and we're supposed to meet these people down by the valet and go to a secret location. But then we had to go up to the business center and complete some paperwork. We went up there for a CE at WF for $8, who would do a wire transfer directly to our WF account, all cash today. No SKRs. All cash. So we go to check it out. T - We go upstairs to the business center thinking we're going into the business center, thinking we're going in to complete the paperwork. Instead, we were standing in the hallway filling out paperwork. That was my first clue, but I'm playing along. Then we get to the Q&A. The guy starts explaining how this will work, fill out paperwork, get it notarized, etc.. Then they realized they were running out of time, so they said let's forget the paperwork and go to the exchange location and do the money part. T - I said, "wait a minute, this was supposed to be a cash transaction and we'd get paid within 2 hours in cash." It turned out to be a bait & switch. They were giving an SKR - Safe Keeping Receipt - with the name of the guy (Paymaster) and somebody else (a lady elsewhere) would sign it that we gave him our dinar. Do you see a problem with this? I can't believe they're trying to pull this over on people and that people are believing it. In fact, they're getting mad at me because I'm asking questions. They should have thanked me for trying to keep them safe. T - So we go to a house in a cul-de-sac - this is the "secure location" - and we're supposed to give him our dinar. We were to put all our dinar in one box and they'd take it over to a bank and run it thru a DelaRue Machine to find out whose was counterfeit. I asked the guy in charge how they would determine whose dinar was counterfeit and he didn't know. We get to the house and it has a lockbox on the door. They tell us they're tired of staying in hotels. I asked one of my intel guys to check it out and supposedly there were 9 separate people living there. These people are going in there giving them their dinar, sitting at a dining room table counting currency. T - We found out they are involved in high dollar fraud cash things. They were absolutely doing what we've been hearing about for years. I don't even know the paper trail. The guys in charge, who gets the money, you don't ever see. The ones you saw claimed they weren't even getting the money. A bunch of people gave away their future today. Here's the kicker: I asked why they're doing this and they said it'll only be worth $3 later and wanted to offer $8 now. I watched them counting their money and giving it to them. We told a few people - some stayed, others left. T - Okay, I told you something bad, something worse, now let's go to something good. It was a crazy day today. There was a lot of misinformation out there about Maliki and the meetings. He was over here and some agreements were made. There were some personal things that had to do with somebody's personal survival and the growth of Iraq. Here's my problem: I don't know what's public and what's not. Everybody knows about the SOFA and that Maliki is trying to get protection for Iraq, i.e., more advanced weapons, but not boots on the ground in the traditional sense. T - Some last minute requirements were made on both sides. At 12:02 AM EST last night Maliki made a speech and announced to his people about their currency, that they'd be the strongest in the region, etc. but he didn't say what he was supposed to say and that's why we didn't have an RV today. Supposedly right now, today, the 800#s were supposed to come out after 2PM. Nothing is saying it can't happen later tonight. The required personnel are in position right now and it can go anytime. I haven't given up for tonight or tomorrow. Bank personnel go back to their old jobs tomorrow, so hopefully this one is it. If not, it's still a good week and it should be sooner rather than later. T - I still hear some are saying it's supposed to be 1:1. Even though their rate may change ours will remain the same. That would cause their country to be punished for something because of one man. We could still see this tonight, tomorrow, in the next 3 days or the next 3 hours. There's nothing that has to be done - not the rates, not the banks, etc. It's all political at the last minute. I didn't read the article about the election laws, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to us either way. T - The rates are still the same. If I was you I'd still be happy and making my plans. Q&A FROM CHAT ROOM STARTING NOW... Q - Will there be banks in Hawaii to CE? A - I believe that will be true and they will get the same rates as other banks. Q - What percentage have already exchanged? A - Zero. 1/10th of 100th of a percent. Q - What other currency are you expecting to fly through? A - Next thing will be the Norwegian. But it won't be like this for sure, i.e., boards, conversations, etc. Q - What about payoff reserves and have bank accounts set up and have Sterling transfer to bank? A - I don't think so, that's a question for dealer T - WF has an international 800#. That number is 800-626-9430 for international currency. This is NOT the 800# you will get for CE. Q - Have you heard about the shut-down on the 13th/14th of this month of the US grid, banks, etc.? A - It doesn't really make sense to me, going through this having the banks give you all this money then take it back. They could cancel 13303 right now and not give it to us. You think they have to plan some massive scheme to take your dinar and then pay you off then take it all back? Guys, I'm not into all that. Q - If a foreign bank has branches here in the US will they see our rate? A - All banks in the world will see our rate. Q - When do you honestly see the 800#s? A - I expect to see them right after the RV is announced. When Maliki left the RV was supposed to occur when he touched the ground and made an announcement. He made an announcement but it wasn't the right one. Now we have to wait for him to do it again. Q - Have others cashed out (spguru, et. al.) and how much longer will we have to wait? A - I guess we're not special like spguru. There are a whole lot of people getting paid - that has not changed. It is not about what you know but who you know. Q - Are they playing TOny or us? A - we are getting info you should probably never have. You're in the moment of discussions and agreements you shouldn't even have. You're being involved in country-to-country negotiations that nobody else in the world is. You're on a whole other level of global negotiations. Once you see it and understand it, it makes you see things differently. Q - Where are the LD Tony mentioned a week ago? No photos? A - They are out in Iraq. I got info from 4-5 different people. They're supposed to be in use tomorrow. At least that's what they're being told. Q - The clock is ticking and we're waiting on politics. A - That is not the clock that is ticking. The clock that is clicking is the Christmas season and the impact it will have on our economy. Q - Do election laws in Iraq have anything to do with the RV? A - No, it has nothing to do with the RV. "LIVE" CALL-IN STARTING NOW...C = CALLER | T = TONY C - Will the NDA apply to the VND? T - I understand it will apply to all currencies involved in the GCR. They write the rules. They don't want anybody to know that we became wealthy with something everybody could've known about. C - If you have less than 1M IQD can you CE without an appointment? T - You can CE $25K one at a time but it will be up to the bank to determine if you can do more. C - As long as Maliki is around could this go on forever? T - I think he was trying to make himself relevant but after today I don't think it counts anymore. He upset the apple cart and it's a do or die moment now. The IMF will step in by Thursday if he doesn't do what he's supposed to do. T - I hate to keep putting dates and times but I give you what I get. Hopefully this is the last window we'll get. It could go in the next 30 minutes. There is nothing RV-related holding it up. C - We did the same thing months ago at $5 in Reno. There were lots of red flags. T - I know people - a whole group in Reno - who lost billions of dinar. The money goes to the Paymaster and he decides how much you get. You have to request so much money and they pay you out, collecting interest, etc. There are so many scams out there. One of those deals may be legit, but you're far more likely to fall into one that is not. C - Do you think Maliki screwed this up with translation issues? T - No, he knew what he was supposed to say and he decided to do it his way. But they told him he was not going to do it his way. C - So with a back wall on Thursday, we could go from $32 to $3.44 in one day? T - It actually went from $32 to $36, which was the ceiling the rate, but now it actually showing the ceiling is higher. It will affect their rate but not ours. C - Do all the banks have to be closed or open? T - It can go anytime. They had something in place they wanted to do and now there are no restrictions. It can go anytime, any moment. C - We heard something about 70% of the 3-zero notes were turned in? T - Maybe 70% of the 3-zero notes in Iraq, but there are 5M folks here. Whales didn't drop billions. C - Who corrected Maliki and is controlling what he says? T - I better not say. You'll get me in trouble. Want to talk about something else? They've been playing a game of poker, going back and forth daring each other. At some point somebody has to execute. The key is if he makes we're good. If he doesn't, somebody else does and he loses. C - I have a large amount of IQD to deposit into a 501c3. I want to negotiate so will I be affected by traps, even tho I'm a 501c3? T - That is why they put them in there, the way they put it to me. They don't really care who it is. It is a higher tax, but it's a little more complicated than that. They did put other things into the traps besides just taxes. I don't know if it comes out at $36 what the new ceiling is. They keep saying the rate is so high they don't want anybody negotiating. But if you choose to take that chance, then okay. They're not going to tell you the ceiling rate and you have to know it and do it right. If you want to know that ceiling rate ask Pam. C - At the CE should we ask that they use a DeLarue machine? T - When you get your appointment call them and ask them if they have one. There are a bunch of places you can go to. One of them will have a DeLarue Machine. C - If we take a $25K to CE, will we just take it to the teller window? T - You will start there but you will be directed to a desk for the paperwork. Or you can just go to the Customer Service desk first. C - What is this guy in Iraq supposed to do in order for them to go forward? T - Just make an announcement like he did at 12:02 AM EST, but make it in a different way. Let's just say he has to make an announcement. T - $36.86 (IQN), over $6 (VNN), $1.08 and .22. C - How strong do you feel about it? T - I don't and can't feel strong about it. I can only tell you what is being discussed and being planned right now. But I don't know what will happen tonight or tomorrow to change what I've heard. C - Someone on your Forum said it's Thursday to Sunday and if it doesn't happen by then it will be next Thursday to Sunday. Seems so rigid. T - I don't know anyone who would say M-F, and it if doesn't happen, etc. We are part of the process and not just guessing. Rates have gone up due to penalities for delays, etc. C - What is the .22 for? T – ZIM C - Now that the Forum is down, will we go straight to the new website? T - I can't even edit it myself. We'll have to look at the other sites and get it moved over. We're working with what we can to get this going. If I can get another server we will. Right now we have 100 people carrying 20K people. C - It looks like Thursday is the end of the trail and that November is critical for the USA and the rest of the world. T - I don't know. They've said this so many times but he called their bluff. What they're doing is clearly not working. I can't say it's a hard and fast date. But does it look good? Yes. Do they have a plan for that? Yes. It does look good, so let's hope this is it. C - Why do you think they would let him return to Iraq to make an announcement rather than make it here? T - I actually could give you an answer but I'm not sure I can. Let me try this: there were some things that needed to be corrected before the announcement was made, for it to go right and for some trusts to be built. Once those are done the announcement could be made. Some of those things were done but the announcement was made in a different way. C - You said the ZIM was be at .22. Are they taking off 6 zeros? T - Yes, Everything is adjusting so I guess it has to as well. T - We're been on now for 2 hours and it's been a long, long day. I can't believe the audacity of the people (in Reno) and can't believe the peopel who fell for it. I felt sorry for them. I told them if it didn't turn out right I would expose them to 50K people tonight and I did. Regarding the Forum, we're working to put it back up as fast as we can. As far as the RV, it could be tonight, tomorrow or the night after. People at every level here in the US were upset that it didn't go today. Their plans changed like our and we could see it at any moment now. Enjoy the rest of your night and hopefully we'll get some good news tomorrow. END OF CALL. |
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
TNT Tony Monday Night CC Recorded Link -Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U
Something Really Insane Just Happened In Congress, And You Probably Haven't Heard A Word About It
Something Really Insane Just Happened In Congress, And You Probably
Haven't Heard A Word About It
Don't fight each other, fight corruption. Take action now at
The Bill is H.R. 992 — the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act:
You can find the article this vlog is based on, including hyperlinked sources for all of the facts and figures above, at
Something Absolutely Insane Happening In The House Right Now
Posted on by Mansur Gidfar
To fully appreciate this insanity, we have to take an unpleasant but brief trip down memory lane — back to the darkest days of the 2008 financial crisis. Insurance giant American International Group (AIG) was on the verge of collapse, and the U.S. government stepped in with an $85 billion bailout. The risky behavior that drove AIG to the brink was largely fueled by a financial instrument known as derivatives trading.
In the wake of the financial crisis, many people were less than enthusiastic about the prospect of footing a multi-billion dollar bill every time Wall Street gambled its way into a corner. So, when Congress passed a new set of financial regulations known as Dodd-Frank in 2010, it included a provision that required banks to conduct some forms of derivatives trading in a more isolated way in an effort to reduce risk and make government bailouts less likely. Many reform advocates would have preferred much stronger protections, but given the $12.4 million in campaign contributions and $105 million in lobbying expenditures by Wall Street industry groups attempting to influence the law, it was certainly better than nothing.
This brings us to insane part: Now, the House has passed a bill (H.R. 992) that would roll back these derivative regulations and let banks go back to the same set of rules that let them break the economy in the first place. So, why is it that both parties have found a way to agree on a substantive regulatory change at a time when partisan bickering is supposedly making any progress impossible?
It’s certainly not because the public is up in arms about rolling back derivative regulations — most Americans have never heard of derivatives trading, let alone pressured their Member of Congress to deregulate it. No, this is happening for a very different reason: Big bank lobbyists wrote this bill.
That’s not a cute turn of phrase or an exaggeration — The New York Times reports that 70 of the 85 lines in the new House bill reflect recommendations made in a piece of model legislation drafted by lobbyists for Citigroup, another bank that played a major role in the 2008 crisis and also received billions of federal stimulus dollars. The same report also revealed “two crucial paragraphs, prepared by Citigroup in conjunction with other Wall Street banks, were copied nearly word for word.” You can even view the original documents and see how Citigroup’s lobbyists redrafted the House Bill, striking out ideas they didn’t like and replacing them with ones they did. Citigroup is quite literally writing its own rules.
Wall Street’s astonishing level of influence comes courtesy of the disproportionate role money plays in our political system. The derivatives bill was sponsored by Rep. Randy Hultgren (R – IL). According to, a nonpartisan research organization that tracks money around congressional votes, Hultgren’s top source of campaign contributions is the Securities and Investment industry. The Bill also has eight co-sponsors — four Republicans and four Democrats. Maplight’s data also shows donors with Wall Street ties as major sources of campaign funding for six of the eight cosponsors (Reps. Spencer Bachus (R – AL), Scott Garrett (R – NJ), Jim Himes (D – CT), Sean Maloney (D – NY), Bradley Schneider (D – IL), and David Scott (D – GA) ).
But wait, there’s more. Members of the House received $22.4 million from interest groups that support the bill — that’s 5.8 times more than they received from interest groups opposed. Wall Street has also spent over $73 million on lobbying in 2013 alone. To top it all off, the the chair of the House Financial Services Committee went on a lavish ski vacation with prominent Wall Street lobbyists just six weeks after his appointment.
So to review: We have a bill designed to roll back protections put in place after the financial crisis that was literally written by lobbyists for one of the major players in that same financial crisis. This bill was sponsored by a bipartisan group of Congressmen — including a former Wall Street executive — who depend on Wall Street to fund their campaigns. This bill enjoyed bipartisan support in a House that received over $22.4 million in Wall Street contributions and is under constant assault from nearly $50 million worth of Wall Street lobbyists in 2013. Have you noticed a theme developing here?
This bill is just the latest example of a sickening status quo that has taken hold in our nation’s capitol. Journalists and pundits may continue to dance around the issue with euphemisms like “influence peddling” and “insider culture,” but such wholesale purchase of the legislative process by special interests reveals a more urgent truth: Our government has become a place where fundraising takes priority over the public good. Our government feels more accountable to those who bankroll its members than the people it was elected to represent. Our government requires massive amounts of money, be it in the form of campaign contributions, lobbing expenditures, or outside spending, in exchange for any kind of policy outcome.
Our government is corrupt. It’s time we did something about it.
Fed up with government corruption? Help fight back: JUST IS ~ Doesn't matter if anyone believes ~ IT JUST IS
religion that lays claim to possessing the exclusive truth is indulging in a
dangerous fantasy.
religions link humankind to a single reality that lies beyond this world of our
petty differences,
abides in every heart and mind.
religions choose to call this reality god, or heavenly father, or divine
in truth, he, she, or it, is that which cannot be named, for to name is to
limit, and who are we to limit the illimitable?
why? For our own personal comfort or satisfaction, either individually or
it serve us better to cling to our own parochial ideas of the divine,
ever to squabble among ourselves?
to open ourselves to the infinite, which we can never describe, but which in
truth, we are.
Exposed: Names and Identities of Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in U.S.
Exposed: Names and Identities of Muslim Brotherhood
Operatives in U.S.
El Watan, one of Egypt's most widely circulated and read newspapers, has published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood's influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt's popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power. Titled (in translation), "With Names, Identities, and Roadmap… El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America," it's written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying: In the context of El Watan's ongoing investigation concerning the Brotherhood's cells and lobby inside America that support the regime of the ousted [Morsi], and which intensified their activities to attack and defame the June 30 Revolution, informed sources have disclosed to El Watan newspaper the names and cell entities of the Brotherhood and their roadmap of activities all throughout the United States of America. The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Muhammad Morsi's project to "Brotherhoodize" and consolidate power [in Egypt] and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi's decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt]. Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing back the Brotherhood to the power. El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim): Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani The Egyptian American Foundation for Development Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa'ad Foundation Muhammad al-Khashab, Head of ART channels in America Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, President, Islamic Society of America Walid Yusari, Chicago Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston Ramadan Ridwan, Houston Ahmed Fayez, Las Vegas Dr. Amru Abbas, member, Egyptian Foundation in Michigan Dr. Safi al-Din Hamed, Pennsylvania Dr. Hamdy Radwan, North Carolina Ahmed Shehata, Director, Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights Dr. Iman Shehata, New York Dr. Muhammad Amru Attawiya, member, Organization of Islamic Relief in the United States Dr. Khalid al-Sayes, member, Rebuilding of Egypt Foundation Dr. Tariq Hussein, member, American Islamic Relations Council (CAIR) Dr Hisham al-Gayar, member, Egyptian Foundation, Michigan Amin Mahmoud, Maryland As a most recent example, El Watan quotes from an American op-ed published on October 16 (just two days before the publication of the El Watan report itself). Titled "Egypt: 100 days later" and written by Ahmed Shehata of the Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights, the piece appeared in The Hill, the Capitol's most widely circulated newspaper, published specifically for Congress. The op-ed is certainly a prime example of pro-Muslim Brotherhood propaganda that actually tries to "shame" U.S. policymakers into returning the Brotherhood back to power in the name of "democracy." Key excerpts follow: While the U.S. must consider its own interests in the region, it is baffling and disheartening to think the current administration would choose to discount the suffering that continues to occur on a daily basis as well as the complete violation of democratic principles which it espouses to the rest of the world…. As this past week marked 100 days since the coup and the lives of the Egyptian people continue to be sacrificed, the United States cannot be silent any longer for the sake of their own interests and convenience…. To that end, Egypt represents a golden opportunity for the U.S. to uphold democratic values by pushing for the reinstatement of the democratically elected government, despite their shortcomings. This would aid tremendously in showing the world that, above any one particular physical interest, stands the mantle of freedom and the rule of law. Anyone familiar with the real happenings of Egypt knows that Shehata's assertions are complete opposites of the truth: the military ousted the Brotherhood in response to the will of millions of Egyptians--the people, the demos, as in democracy--who took to the streets protesting against the totalitarian Morsi government. Moreover, it is the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters who have been committing numerous human rights atrocities--including the slaughter and persecution of Christians, the torture and murder of many Egyptians (including before the revolution), and the destruction and torching of some 85 Christian churches. Shehata seems to think that, if the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters terrorize, murder, destroy, persecute, and betray their nation--which is precisely why tens of millions of average Egyptians rose up against them (though you might not know that following Al Jazeera-led Western media that distorted the popularity of the revolution)--as long as they won "elections" (which from the start many authorities insisted they didn't), then that is all that matters; and, if need be, the U.S. must war with Egypt's military and people on behalf of the ousted terrorists--all in the name of "democracy" and "human rights," as Shehata's U.S.-based Brotherhood front is laughably called. That such a shameless piece of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda can be published in the most influential and widely read Capitol Hill publication certainly goes a long way in validating El Watan's claims that the Brotherhood has its tentacles all around the United States' points of influence. By Raymond Ibrahim |
Fourteen Armed Agents raided animal Shelter to execute Captive Baby Deer
Fourteen Armed Agents raided animal Shelter to execute
Captive Baby Deer
Sick, cowardly bastards. Why not put these men
and resources into finding REAL criminals, like the ones in D.C. KENOSHA, WI — An animal shelter was swarmed with more than a dozen armed government agents after its employees began caring for a baby deer. The intruders stormed the facility with the premeditated intention of executing the fawn, to the horror of shelter employees. Email collaboration between the agents indicates that they “looked forward” to the raid. “It was like a SWAT team,” shelter employee Ray Schulze said to WISN. Back in July, a concerned family dropped off a baby deer to the Society of St. Francis animal shelter, located near the Illinois border in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The fawn had been abandoned by its mother and the well-meaning shelter owner intended to see that it grew up safely. The tiny 20-pound deer was given a place to sleep in the barn and quickly earned the affection of its human care-givers. It spent about 2 weeks at the shelter. They decided to name it Giggles. “When it made a little noise, it sounded like it was laughing,” Schulze said. But this was no laughing matter. In Wisconsin, it is verboten for humans to care for deer without government permission. Giggles the deer (Source: WISN) Giggles the deer (Source: WISN) Two anonymous snitches tipped off the Department of Natural Resources. The property was put under surveillance. Dressing in full camouflage, a warden sneaked onto the property to hide in the bushes and observe the operation. The warden spent two days playing commando in the backyard of the shelter. When he was satisfied with the intel that he had gathered, and confirmed that a deer was on the property, he began taking steps toward eliminating the threat. At no time were the shelter employees approached about the deer. The warden did not walk up and have a conversation with anyone about the situation. There was no friendly phone call. Instead, the warden drafted an affidavit for the search warrant, complete with aerial spy photos that he used to describe the fawn’s entry point into the barn. The search warrant was signed by Kenosha County Judge Jason Rossell, and the mission was staged. Without warning, on a quiet July day, the shelter was surrounded by armed men in a surprise raid. A total of fourteen agents, comprising of the DNR and Kenosha County Sheriff’s deputies, were counted on scene. “They were all armed to the teeth,” Schulze said. The shelter workers were all “corralled” into the picnic area and then agents performed their search for the fawn. Schulze tried to explain to the agents that the fawn was to be sent off to a sanctuary the following day; a wildlife reserve just over the border in Illinois. There, the deer would be allowed to permanently stay and under human supervision. But the agents could not be reasoned with. “I was thinking in my mind they were going to take the deer and take it to a wildlife shelter, and here they come carrying the baby deer over their shoulder. She was in a body bag,” Schulze said. “I said, ‘Why did you do that?’ He said, ‘That’s our policy,’ and I said, ‘That’s one hell of a policy.’” DNR agents had sedated the fawn. They immediately took her to a nearby park and shot her with a bolt gun, according to DNR documents. The DNR claims its aggressive stance on prohibiting humans from caring for animals is to protect the herd from chronic wasting disease. When asked by a reporter why the department didn’t make a phone call before devoting massive resources to the raid, they likened it to a drug bust. DNR supervisor Jennifer Niemeyer made the following statement to WISN: “If a sheriff’s department is going in to do a search warrant on a drug bust, they don’t call them and ask them to voluntarily surrender their marijuana or whatever drug that they have before they show up.” That statement offered a telling insight into the mentality of how law enforcement views these victimless offenses. The mission is not about keeping the peace, or keeping people safe — it has devolved into secret raids that can lead to maximum arrests. Rather than simply phone the shelter and discuss the “problem” like adults, a strike team was assembled. And the officers apparently get some kind of satisfaction out of it, despite the P.R. claims to the contrary. According to WISN 12 News: After WISN 12 News first reported the raid, the DNR posted a statement on its Facebook page calling the operation a “difficult and emotional job” that “none of our staff take joy in,” but emails between DNR employees suggest something else. One DNR employee wrote, “I look forward to the event!!” Another said, “I am looking forward to it, too,” with a smiley face attached. Is this the result of bordom in rural Wisconsin? Or do people really derive pleasure from terrorizing a bunch of gentle animal-lovers trying to do a good deed? Consider the email correspondence that WISN 12 News uncovered. Even more stunning, they said, was the series of congratulatory emails that followed: “Another successful capture of an illegally possessed deer.” There was a smiley face in reply. The writer boasts, “No arrests, no issues, no injuries… outstanding job!!!!” It’s unclear who’s congratulating whom because of the blacked out names. From the perspective of the dutiful enforcers, this was superb work. But was the community served by this action? Did it really make any sense? Did the agents win the support of the community? Actually, the “outstanding” raid was so unpopular that it caused nationwide outrage. So much outrage, that the DNR was bombarded with negative comments, including 45 internet death threats. “It sounded like a full-blown raid, going to get Osama bin Laden,” said Mike Kobliska of Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK). The raid cost taxpayers $2,500.00, according to the DNR. Something so trivial could have been resolved with one single agent with a clipboard. Or better yet, the shelter could have been left alone and cost the taxpayers nothing. The DNR’s board seems unlikely to adopt any changes, despite proposals to allow private individuals to keep deer if they get a license, pay fees and work with a veterinarian. The board strongly opposed the idea. The WI DNR spokesman said that more of these situations would be possible in the future. And this was not an isolated incident. A virtually identical situation happened in August 2013 in Ogilvie, Minnesota, exclusively covered by A more extreme case occurred in Randolph County, NC, which involved a “bunch of guys with shotguns” raiding a private farm to kill 9 deer by blasting them on site. These recurring situations beg the question: Do wildlife policy in the United States need to be reformed? Should a permit really be required to rescue and raise an animal on private property? If people can own a dog or a cow, why can’t they own a deer? Do “free” people need permission? |
DHS Raids Office of Journalist Investigating Federal Corruption Vatic Note: The first amendment has been attacked on all fronts by both Bush and Obama. First it was freedom of religion, and being forced to take "God" out of the sworn oath, out of the court house, out of school, out of Christmas and replaced it with the Happy Hanukkah which has nothing to do with Christ’s' Birth . I think they were hoping that would cause us to lose our minds and revolt. They need that revolution to ensure we lose World War III. Then it was "Free speech zones" at conventions, political events, etc. You could only exercise your right to free speech in the "free speech" zones. Who ever heard of that one before? And then there was police violence used against peaceful demonstrators who have the legal right to protest and peacefully demonstrate. If Putin is for real, then he would not nuke us, rather he would nuke Rothschilds bank in London along with his residence. Lets see if he does it? Next, last but not least, was the attack on journalists that have been going on for several years now. Many murdered, some arrested and jailed, and others raided and their research and sources stolen by authorities. This story below is simply more of the same. DHS, the gestapo arm of the new khazar nazi's, has now assumed the mantel of raping our Bill of Rights and enforcing other illegally enacted anti-Constitution Laws to slowly and permanently eradicate all freedoms from our Bill of Rights and Constitution. We should not be surprised about our Congress doing nothing about any of this. They have either been bought off, threatened or blackmailed to do the khazar bankers bidding. If there is a third world war, it should be against the bankers everywhere, in every country AND AGAINST NO ONE ELSE. READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT THIS LIN: |
The Atlantian Conspiracy - The Secret Society Network ***They are messing with our font again and there is nothing I can do to fix it, so please read it anyway. Thanks for your patience. Vatic Note: This below is a must read. There are quotes and pieces of information from the most elite of the elite about what is truly going on and who is behind it. The secret societies are used as a network, and organizational apparatus to impliment the agenda of the illum bloodlines which include international banking families and bloodlines. Think of this entire operation as "levels" and this below covers those in the second level on down to the third and fourth levels. The top levels are the ancient bloodlines and the royalty of the Khazar Bankers marrying into the RH positives to cement their legitimacy with the world. There is no way they would have succeeded in their efforts on their own. They needed these royalty, whom they later said and agreed would need to be done away with when all of this global domination was done, so the slaves would have no one to lead them in rebellion. I am a bit confused on that part of it. Or is infiltration and taking over the way these internationalist bankers intend to fulfill their agenda and then dispose of those they used or are not part of their group? The secret societies served several purposes, the recruitment of those with the intellectual and charismatic ability to carry off a scam of this magnitude, is one purpose, and the other is ensuring the securing of those key positions for their secret society members, by supplying a mentor to the trainee. READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT THIS LINK: |
Tidbit Rumors & Opinions
Rumors & Opinions
Post From Dinar Detectives
11-4-13 Loechin: As of right now we simply are waiting for Iraq to tell it and they deserve that right. As far as the rates...we are in the $30 plus range.
I encourage you to stay in the game and see what happens in the next few days.
I believe we are within several days of our event.
Read More Link On Right
11-4-13 Loechin: As of right now we simply are waiting for Iraq to tell it and they deserve that right. As far as the rates...we are in the $30 plus range.
I encourage you to stay in the game and see what happens in the next few days.
I believe we are within several days of our event.
Read More Link On Right
11-4-13 Doc: As predicted Nov 1 came and went with no fan
fare. We warn all that you will see many rumors that the shorter than planned
trip to the US by Maliki is due to him rushing back to Iraq with his tail
between his legs to announce the RV.
This true will prove false and, in general, our opinion holds that there will be no substantial currency move in the immediate term. We continue with our conclusion that the month of November will pass with no fan fare.
Our conclusions continue to be based on the facts that there is no creditable public or private sources confirming an immediate RV and simply Iraq's infrastructure is not completely in place to support currency reform for the long haul.
The reason for Maliki's short trip will only be know in due time. Our speculation is he did get his tail handed to him but most probably due to lack of progress in meeting timelines as related to the Strategic Framework Agreement and his friendliness toward Iran.
As we have suggested over the years progress in Iraq is 2 steps forward, one step back. Unfortunately the one thing that is vividly glaring as too slow is political stability.
This true will prove false and, in general, our opinion holds that there will be no substantial currency move in the immediate term. We continue with our conclusion that the month of November will pass with no fan fare.
Our conclusions continue to be based on the facts that there is no creditable public or private sources confirming an immediate RV and simply Iraq's infrastructure is not completely in place to support currency reform for the long haul.
The reason for Maliki's short trip will only be know in due time. Our speculation is he did get his tail handed to him but most probably due to lack of progress in meeting timelines as related to the Strategic Framework Agreement and his friendliness toward Iran.
As we have suggested over the years progress in Iraq is 2 steps forward, one step back. Unfortunately the one thing that is vividly glaring as too slow is political stability.
Several articles pointed this out and directly blamed in on
Maliki's lack of support for implementing the power sharing arrangements he has
at least publicly supported.
We can speculate that Washington told him to meet his timelines and his obligations or the US will not support his presidency
1-4-13 BGG: there seems to be a "significant divergence" of narratives on the situation in Iraq. On one side Maliki's Press Office seems to want to push the story of a "complete embrace" by Washington - However... On the other side there seems to be a very different perspective.
1) Maliki put out press that he was going to a meeting with President Obama and discuss the future of Iraq...In fact, he met with President Obama very little.
2) Upon hearing this narrative by Maliki, Vice President Biden immediately invited ALL the opposition leaders - not a good sign for Maliki to have a series of "negotiations" in DC followed immediately by a visit with all of your opposition members.
3) Maliki made quite a case for arms support from the US (based on faux terrorism fears).
The US was supportive but not particularly forthcoming with public confirmations of any future weapons shipments.
This is a problem for Maliki. Personally, I think he needed the US to fork over the weapons without the money.
He has deals cooking with Russia, but I am not so sure he's got the money.Further - no one really believes he won't try to use these weapons on his own people (aka - terrorists).
4) Maliki's trip to DC got "mysteriously" cut short by a day. It was supposed to be 5 days and Maliki was called back by an emergency (we still haven't heard what that is)...let's give the "dissenters" here in the US a couple of days to write a few pieces...then give the Arabic feeds a couple of days to figure out what happened and "have at" Maliki for a couple of days.
I think by about Wednesday we should have an idea of how badly things are going to get for Maliki. I think this DC trip went about as good for us as it could have. Hang in there.
We can speculate that Washington told him to meet his timelines and his obligations or the US will not support his presidency
1-4-13 BGG: there seems to be a "significant divergence" of narratives on the situation in Iraq. On one side Maliki's Press Office seems to want to push the story of a "complete embrace" by Washington - However... On the other side there seems to be a very different perspective.
1) Maliki put out press that he was going to a meeting with President Obama and discuss the future of Iraq...In fact, he met with President Obama very little.
2) Upon hearing this narrative by Maliki, Vice President Biden immediately invited ALL the opposition leaders - not a good sign for Maliki to have a series of "negotiations" in DC followed immediately by a visit with all of your opposition members.
3) Maliki made quite a case for arms support from the US (based on faux terrorism fears).
The US was supportive but not particularly forthcoming with public confirmations of any future weapons shipments.
This is a problem for Maliki. Personally, I think he needed the US to fork over the weapons without the money.
He has deals cooking with Russia, but I am not so sure he's got the money.Further - no one really believes he won't try to use these weapons on his own people (aka - terrorists).
4) Maliki's trip to DC got "mysteriously" cut short by a day. It was supposed to be 5 days and Maliki was called back by an emergency (we still haven't heard what that is)...let's give the "dissenters" here in the US a couple of days to write a few pieces...then give the Arabic feeds a couple of days to figure out what happened and "have at" Maliki for a couple of days.
I think by about Wednesday we should have an idea of how badly things are going to get for Maliki. I think this DC trip went about as good for us as it could have. Hang in there.
Mystery of King Tutankhamun’s Death Solved After More Than 3,000 Years
of King Tutankhamun’s Death Solved After More Than 3,000 Years
Holloway| Ancient Origins | November 3, 2013
is one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world – how the Egyptian boy
pharaoh Tutankhamun died. Theories have ranged from a violent murder to leprosy
and even a snake bite.
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
But now, 91 years after
his discovery and 3,336 years since his death, a surprising new analysis on
Tutankhamun’s remains has revealed just what it was that killed the boy king,
the 11th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. Mystery has surrounded the
world’s most famous pharaoh ever since his death in 1323 BC, aged 19. The intrigue and superstition intensified when the archaeologist Lord Carnarvon, one of the men to discover the tomb in the Valley of the Kings, died shortly afterwards and a series of strange fates befell many of those who had entered the tomb. Now British experts believe they have solved at least one of the mysteries surrounding the pharaoh – the question of how he died.
The remarkable new analysis, which is due to be presented for the first time in the documentary ‘Tutankhamun: The Mystery of the Burnt Mummy’, has revealed substantial evidence that suggests the pharaoh died after being struck by a speeding chariot, and that a hasty embalming process caused his mummified body to spontaneously combust in his sarcophagus. Dr Chris Naunton, director of the Egypt Exploration Society, became curious when he came across records produced by Howard Carter, who was the first to discover the tomb.
Carter made reference to the body having been burnt, a fact that had been emitted from other discussions relating to his remains. Naunton realised that the question of the pharaoh’s death needed further attention and he carried out a virtual autopsy on the body using x-ray and CT scanning technology, as well as examining old records, and conducting an examination on the only known sample of the pharaoh’s flesh to exist outside Egypt.
Nauton found that flesh had indeed been burnt and chemical tests revealed that Tutankhamun’s body had been burnt while sealed inside his coffin. Researchers discovered that embalming oils combined with oxygen and linen caused a chemical reaction which “cooked” the king’s body at temperatures of more than 200C. Dr Chris Naunton said:
“The charring and possibility that a botched mummification led the body spontaneously combusting shortly after burial was entirely unexpected, something of a revelation.” The virtual autopsy revealed another stunning discovery.
The pattern of injuries down one side of his body, including shattered ribs and pelvis, were consistent with injuries caused by being struck by a high speed chariot. Also the fact that his heart was missing, something that has perplexed experts for decades, suggests that the heart was so badly damaged that it was removed before the embalming process. Computer simulations of chariot accidents put together by expert crash investigators suggest that the chariot struck Tutankhamun while he was on his knees.
We believe there is now a very distinct possibility that he was struck by a chariot wheel in the torso at high speed – enough to do him very serious damage. In fact, that’s what killed him,” said Nauton. Naunton believes it was the extent of his injuries that led to the botched embalming process:
“His body would have been a real mess – he would not have been left a little bloodied – and that would have given the embalmers a real problem. They were used to dealing with dead bodies, not mangled ones,” he said. The spectacular findings will be shown for the first time on Britain’s Channel 4′s ‘Tutankhamun: The Mystery of the Burnt Mummy’ next Sunday at 8pm.
Report: US Military Doctors Complicit in Torture
US Military Doctors Complicit in Torture
Chamberlain | Common
Dreams | November 5, 2013
say health professionals used to design and participate in cruel, inhumane, and
degrading torture of military detainees
used for force-feeding at Guantánamo. (John Riley/EPA)
According to a study published this week, doctors and
psychologists working for the U.S. Department of Defense and CIA have
participated in the physical and psychological torture of suspected terrorists
in the post-9/11 era.The report, Ethics Abandoned: Medical Professionalism and Detainee Abuse in the War on Terror, was conducted by the 19-member Task Force on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centers over a two-year period. The report describes how doctors employed by the DoD and CIA “designed and participated in cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture of detainees,” and reveals vast breaches of ethical codes of conduct for health professionals in the name of counterterrorism.
“The American public has a right to know that the covenant with its physicians to follow professional ethical expectations is firm regardless of where they serve,” said Task Force member Dr. Gerald Thomson, Professor of Medicine Emeritus at Columbia University. “It’s clear that in the name of national security the military trumped that covenant, and physicians were transformed into agents of the military and performed acts that were contrary to medical ethics and practice. We have a responsibility to make sure this never happens again.”
According to the group, the ways in which the DoD and CIA have breached medical ethics standards include, but are not limited to:
- Using
doctors for abusive interrogation; consulting on conditions of confinement
to increase the disorientation and anxiety of detainees;
- Using
medical information for interrogation purposes;
- Force-feeding
of hunger strikers;
- Implementing
rules that permitted medical and psychological information obtained by
health professionals to be used in interrogations;
- Requiring
physicians and nurses to forgo their independent medical judgment and
counseling roles, as well as to force-feed competent detainees engaged in
hunger strikes even though this is forbidden by the World Medical
Association and the American Medical Association;
“Putting on a uniform does not and should not abrogate the fundamental principles of medical professionalism,” said David Rothman, president of Institute on Medicine as a Profession (IMAP), who was behind the Task Force. “‘Do no harm’ and ‘put patient interest first’ must apply to all physicians regardless of where they practice.”
Highlighted in the report is a condemnation of the controversial use of force-feeding on hunger-striking prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba.
The Task Force said force-feeding is a form of torture and ignores human rights rules governing prisoners of war, as outlined in the Geneva Conventions.
“The DoD should prohibit the use of force-feeding… and restore physicians to the proper role of having a true doctor-patient relationship with detainees engaged in hunger strikes. Taking that course not only is consistent with medical ethics and human rights but can prevent the confrontations that have characterized hunger strikes at Guantánamo,” the report states.
Dreams Nullification Last Refuge for Justice
Jury Nullification Last Refuge for Justice
Posted By: SARTRE
Date: Tuesday, 5-Nov-2013 06:44:07
Date: Tuesday, 5-Nov-2013 06:44:07
A society that ignores or downplays Liberty is a culture that has lost its purpose. In such a regime, the people are relegated to the whims of the State and every citizen is at risk of criminal prosecution. Imagine the most evil attorney, like John Milton from The Devil's Advocate movie, as a DA. The irony that the initials for a District Attorney are the same as the title of the script should not be lost. Al Pacino's Speech could be given in any courtroom by a zealot persecutor as a closing statement. Read the entire article on the BATR archive page Subscription sign-up for the BATR RealPolitik Newsletter Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum |
Super Healthy Sweet Potatoes are Good for More Than Just Baking (includes 2 recipes)
Super Healthy Sweet Potatoes are Good for More Than Just
Baking (includes 2 recipes)
(NaturalNews) Sweet potatoes are among the world's healthiest foods and most delicious foods. Their health benefits, including weight management and cancer fighting abilities, far exceed those of ordinary white and yellow fleshed potatoes. They are great sources of vitamin A and also contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. They are also a great source of dietary fiber. As their rich orange color indicates, sweet potatoes are high in carotenoids like beta carotene and other carotenoids - noted for their anti-cancer compounds and a world of other health benefits including protecting and restoring eye health, heart disease prevention and boosting the immune system. Another benefit of sweet potatoes is that they are naturally sweet and their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain. Read More: |
Got my Obamacare Packet today
wanted to let you know that earlier today I received my
"Obamacare enrollment packet” from the White House.
An aspirin and a band-aid.
An 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker
A 'Bush's Fault' yard sign
A 'Blame Republicans first, then anybody and everybody' poster
A 'Tax the Rich' banner
An application for unemployment and a free cellphone
An application for food stamps
A prayer rug
A letter assigning my debt to my grandchildren
And lastly, a coupon for a machine that blows smoke up my ass.
was made in "China" and all directions were in Spanish.
an eye out. Yours should be arriving soon
We are constantly told that governments spy on each other and
all of us ordinary folks in order to keep us “safe from terrorism”. Every
government talking-head brings up this point and waffles on about the need to
“balance” security and freedom – and the difficulty of finding the “right”
Twaddle! There is no right balance. There is either freedom or
totalitarianism. You can’t be half pregnant, and you can’t be half free.
What’s so disturbing is that governments spy on us – not to
protect us from “terrorists”, but to protect themselves from “us”. That’s
right. The whole edifice of government spying is to ensure that we don’t rise
up and hang the bastards in the streets!
Just think about it. How likely is it that you will be killed by
a terrorist? How likely is it that your town or city will suffer a bomb attack?
How more likely is it that you will die in a traffic accident? Fact is, the
whole terrorism thing is a scam of the highest order. I’ve been saying, ever
since 9/11, that the bogus “war on terror” is in fact a war on freedom.
Those in power fear what their restive populations may get up
to. They fear what we may be talking about, discussing or even plotting. So
under the guise of “spying to keep us safe” the real reason is to keep the fascist
security state safe
from “us”.
Don’t buy into this terrorist nonsense. See this bogus “war on
terror” for what it really is.
It was Andrew Galambos who opened my eyes as to the true
nature of freedom, back in early 2000. I read his magnum opus Sic Itur Ad
Astra (This is The Way
to The Stars), collected transcripts from his Free Enterprise Institute,
and came away with a profound insight.
Freedom can never be achieved by fighting for it, protesting for
it, or voting for it. Freedom is a ‘product’, it will arrive via the
marketplace in the form of freedom technologies that people will want to use –
like the internet, like Bitcoin – and these technologies will enable “us” to
protect ourselves more and more from the ravages of governments who claim to
want to “protect” us, when in fact they want to enslave us.
The freedom revolution will arrive via the free market, science
and technology, as products, tools and services that make freedom more
Just as the arrival of the internet has provided ordinary folk
with unprecedented access to information, and therefore increased the
possibility of freedom, so future technologies hold the promise of more freedom
to come.
Yes, governments can and do exploit technologies for their own
nefarious ends. But always remember this: governments are never any good at
anything they do. Governments attract sociopaths and sycophants, along with the
usual assorted bureaucrats and thugs – none of whom are capable of producing
anything of worth. Witness the latest debacle with “Obama Care” where the
government can’t even get its flagship website to work properly.
And we are supposed to look up to these people?
Give me a break!
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