Sunday, November 10, 2013

Eat your way to lower blood pressure

Eat your way to lower blood pressure
Hi John
According to the CDC, 67 million people in the US have "crossed a dangerous line"--having blood pressure that equals or exceeds 140/90.
In other words, they have hypertension (aka high blood pressure).
Plus the World Heart Federation estimates that 970 million people worldwide are on the wrong side of those numbers too.
And while it can't be argued that elevated blood pressure can be a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, the fact is, that is not true for EVERYone.
But the problem is that as soon as you cross that line, regardless of your situation, you are handed your white slip of (prescription pad) paper and have officially arrived in the land of the treated.
That's when the trouble can begin.
Here's why.
It's all a numbers game
Many factors can influence your blood pressure and cause it to rise or run on the higher side.
They include things like genetics, certain medications, stress, age (over 50), eating too much sodium (especially the highly processed salt found in fast and packaged foods), acid waste buildup in your bloodstream and smoking.
So to blindly say that, no matter WHO you are, once your numbers are 140/90, you need medication is jumping the gun in SO many cases!
And the biggest problem is, many people are not only NOT being helped, but they're actually being HARMED from this way of thinking.
Increasing numbers of studies now report that blood pressure drugs used to treat mild cases of hypertension not only do NOT reduce heart attacks, strokes or overall deaths, but they come with a mile long list of side effects.
These can include loss of libido, urinary infections, asthma symptoms, insomnia, depression, coughing, rashes, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and diarrhea...and even DEATH.
What makes this even worse is that many times when someone starts suffering these or other side effects, they are given MORE drugs to counteract the symptoms.  
In addition, some studies have shown MORE heart attacks among patients medicated for mild hypertension!  Talk about something blowing up in your face.
Eat your way to better numbers
If your numbers are creeping up and you think that dangerous medications and side effects are a given for you, that's simply not true.
You can help make a tremendous difference in your blood pressure--safely and naturally.
In addition to getting regular exercise, quitting smoking and reducing stress in your life, there are also foods you can eat that help lower blood pressure, and they also happen to be delicious!
Here are the...
Seven Star Foods to Lower Blood Pressure
1) Raisins
"Nature's candy" is not only rich in antioxidants, helps enhance bone health and protect against macular degeneration, but now raisins have been shown to help lower blood pressure too.
So grab a handful and snack your way to lower readings.
2) Kiwi fruit
Some of the impressive benefits of these brown fuzzy gems are that they're loaded with Vitamin C, help fight colds and prevent asthma, and have fiber that helps keep you "regular" down there.
And eating three of them a day can help lower your blood pressure too, according to the American Heart Association.
3) Garlic
Fresh raw garlic has been shown to not only help lower blood pressure, but also help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol!
If the idea of raw garlic is a big "strong" for you, you can enjoy it in this delicious bread dip:
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Combine all ingredients.  Serve in shallow bowls or small plates with Italian, French or Sourdough bread slices.
4) Cayenne pepper
Good news for you spicy food lovers!
In addition to helping enhance your immune system, ease osteoarthritis pain, clear congestion and fight inflammation, cayenne pepper has been shown to help reduce blood pressure.
Now don't worry, those of you with ulcers or other stomach challenges.  Cayenne pepper is alkaline to your body, and it's even been shown to help PREVENT ulcers!
5) Watermelon
The picnic staple can also help keep you out of the pharmacy.
A Florida State University study has concluded that watermelon lowers blood pressure.
In addition to its helpful potassium content, the researchers also found a specific amino acid in watermelon that helps to bring your numbers down too.
6) Bananas
And speaking of potassium, bananas should be on your list of hypertension-fighting foods.
The Harvard Medical School reported a UK study that determined foods containing potassium nitrate (like bananas) were more effective than supplements containing potassium chloride for lowering blood pressure.
7) Dark chocolate
Ahhh, a dream come true.  Something so delicious can be so very good for you too.  
The research proves it--there are compounds in cacao that dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
The catch is the chocolate must be dark and preferably organic...
And you should not eat it by the boatload.  Because then you'll be dealing with obesity which will push your blood pressure UP--not down.
Take advantage of Nature's "anti-inflammatory" too
Omega-3 essential fatty acids have been medically PROVEN to help lower blood pressure.
Now, these heart-healthy nutrients are abundant in wild-caught fatty fish, but not only do many people not like the taste of fish, but thanks to high levels of pollution and contamination, many times it's more health-HARMING than health-HELPING to eat fish!
So one of the best ways to engage this natural anti-inflammatory and help fight high blood pressure is to take a very high-quality fish oil supplement.
And for outstanding quality, look no further than VitalMega-3.
VitalMega-3 gives delivers 1,200 mg. of these essential nutrients (including the all-important EPA and DHA) in the same pure form you'd get directly from the fish themselves.
You see, VitalMega-3 is made from plankton-eating fish from Icelandic waters in accordance with Iceland’s sustainable fisheries laws.
These tiny fish contain the ocean’s highest natural oil content AND they are largely free of the pollutants found in larger species in the marine food chain.
Plus we take an additional huge step to guarantee purity with our manufacturer's sophisticated CO2 distillation process.
So what you get is the pure, potent power of blood pressure-lowering Omega-3 EFAs!
Remember, elevations in blood pressure are not as cut and dry as they seem.
And if your blood pressure is creeping up, drugs do NOT necessarily have to be your destiny.
Experience for yourself the power of eating for lower blood pressure and supplementing with Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
You just might shock your doc the next time he wraps the cuff around your arm!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

 PS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:  -
PPS: It's also important to keep acid wastes low in your body to help prevent blood pressure problems.  Let Great Taste No Pain show you how to structure delicious meals that naturally help reduce the acidity in your body which can help bring your numbers down, down, down--like Julie's below.

Dear Sherry,
After experiencing 12 hours of agonizing abdominal pain and having a CAT scan all in one day last May, I decided I HAD to follow your "Great Taste No Pain" eating plan, no excuses, no cheating.
As long as I stick scrupulously to the plan, my two prescription GERD pills stay in the medicine cabinet.
But even better, since then I easily lost 20-25 pounds; and as of 3 days ago, my blood pressure has dropped to 118/70, and my cholesterol has dropped to 140.
These are additional, unexpected benefits that are music to the ears of this 64-year-old lady.
Thank you, Sherry.

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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Dinar Intel Updates

11-10-2013   Intel Guru Loechin   Remember the song on Annie..... Tomorrow Tomorrow I Love ya tomorrow your only a day away... Well guess what tomorrow [Sunday] is going to be a super-fantastic day for all of us....


[tdooly] Re Tony's "We are expecting 8oo numbers tomorrow afternoon or late Sunday Nite..." This MAY be a hedge as to what he really expects since the announcement is at 2 AM EST and Sunday afternoon would be 14+ hours later with late Sunday night being maybe 18 to 20 hours AFTER the Iraq announcemet!!!!!! Seems to be a long time frame.

How to Buy Olive Oil Without Getting Scammed

How to Buy Olive Oil Without Getting Scammed

by Barbara Minton
See all TBYIL articles by Barbara Minton

(The Best Years in Life) Experts far and wide proclaim the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil. One of the reasons they point to is the fact that extra virgin olive oil is much less processed than oils made from vegetable seeds. Extra virgin olive oil is expensive compared to seed oils, but the extra cost is clearly worth it when you consider those tremendous benefits. Unfortunately, when you buy a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, that is not necessarily what you get.

Olive oil is a mainstay in the best diet on earth

The health and therapeutic benefits of olive oil were first mentioned by Hippocrates, who declared that food was the best and only medicine worth using. Olive oil is one of the foundations of the Mediterranean diet, the only diet that has been proven to reduce the risk of death from all causes. Olive oil is one reason Mediterranean women have such glowing complexions and beautiful hair. And it is one reason Mediterranean men have such gorgeous muscles.

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that discourage artery clogging and chronic diseases involving the cardiovascular system. A study done in Greece involving more than 1900 people found that using olive oil exclusively cut their risk of coronary heart disease almost in half. Those who consumed two tablespoons of olive oil daily for one week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher blood levels of antioxidant compounds. Another recent study has shown olive oil to be effective against HER-2 positive breast cancer. People who use olive oil regularly have lower rates of atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer and asthma.

Dietary fats fall into three categories:

*Saturated fat which comes from animals, coconuts and palm trees
*Polyunsaturated fat that comes from seeds, nuts and vegetable oil
*Monounsaturated fats which come from olives and safflower oil
Most of the benefits of olive oil do not derive from its being a monounsaturated fat, but rather from the high levels of polyphenols it contains.

The great olive oil scam

True extra virgin olive oil is nothing but the oil that comes from the first pressing of olives. This is why it contains such a high level of polyphenols, antioxidants and nutrients. True extra virgin olive oil is not refined in any way with chemical solvents or high heat. Its taste and smell should resemble that of fresh olives with no overtones of anything else. It should smell inviting and exciting, not musty or rancid. The oil from subsequent pressings contains only what is left over. This is why extra virgin olive oil commands a higher price.

Unfortunately the tantalizing thought of that higher price motivates many olive oil distributers to adulterate their oil. Some even go so far as to adulterate oil from second or third pressings, which is sold simply as olive oil. So there is a good chance that when you choose a bottle of extra virgin olive oil or one labeled simply as olive oil, you are not getting what you think you are getting, and you are not getting what you are paying for.

In 2010, the University of California at Davis published an extensive report on the fraudulent labeling of extra virgin olive oil. Several common brands sold in the U.S. were found to be adulterated with lower quality oils. These included:

Filippo Berio
Newman's Own
Rachel Ray
Whole Foods

Brands found to be accurately labeled as extra virgin olive oil include:

Kirkland Organic
Corto Olive
California Olive Ranch
McEvoy Ranch Organic

Extra Virginity: The Sublime and scandalous World of Olive Oil is a book by Tom Mueller that chronicles how resellers have added lower-priced, lower-grade oils and artificial coloring to extra virgin olive oil, and passed the adulterated product along the supply chain. One producer told Mueller that at least 50 percent of the olive oil sold in the U.S. is adulterated.

Extra virgin olive oil that has been adulterated loses the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties you are buying it for, according to Mueller. When you buy unadulterated oil, you get a cocktail of more than 200 highly beneficial compounds. This explains why extra virgin olive oil is credited with producing many of the benefits to be had from eating the Mediterranean diet. Adulterated oil that is mixed with oil from subsequent pressings and/or some sort of vegetable oil, will have free radicals and impurities rather than the expected beneficial compounds.

Mueller points out that many bottles of oil labeled as olive oil actually contain no olive oil at all. And he notes that only about 4 out of every 10 bottles of olive oil that say they come from Italy are actually Italian olive oil. This is because any producer can send any kind of oil to Italy to have it bottled. He calls it legalized fraud.

How can you avoid getting scammed?

Never buy olive oil unless the bottle clearly states it is 100 % extra virgin olive oil. This is no assurance you won't get scammed, but it cuts down your odds considerably, as does buying olive oil labeled as organic. Take it home and smell it and taste it. If it smells like olives and is wonderfully inviting, it is the real thing. If it does not, take the bottle and your receipt back to where you bought and ask for a refund. Buy another brand and try it, until you get one that tastes like it should.

Beware of buying olive oil that says it is extra light. Any oil with this label will have undergone considerable processing and will have little of the taste and health benefits you want. The name extra light is there to fool you into thinking it's low in fat, but all olive oil contains the same amount of fat. There is no regulation, certification or standard for oil that is labeled in this fashion, and you could be getting anything.

See also:

The Mediterranean Diet Reviewed

For more information:

About the Author:

 Barbara is a school psychologist and the author of Dividend Capture, a book on personal finance. She is a breast cancer survivor using bioidentical hormone therapy, and a passionate advocate of natural health with hundreds of articles on many aspects of health and wellness. She is the editor and publisher of AlignLife's Health Secrets Newsletter. 

See other articles by the Barbara Minton here:

Natural News: By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 17:07:15
by Barbara Minton

(The Best Years in Life) Antioxidant-rich olive oil has been widely touted by health experts for years - in great part because it is a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet that has been proven to reduce the risk of death from virtually all causes. When it comes to olive oil, the only kind that is truly healthy is true extra virgin olive oil which is pure olive oil that has been processed much less than less expensive and often less healthy seed oils. The catch for consumers is that when you purchase a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, chances are great that you may not be getting what you think.

Read More:

See also:

"The Mediterranean Diet Reviewed"

The Omega Diet
(The Mediterranean Diet)

The Omega Diet, by Dr. Artemis P. Simopoulos and Jo Robinson, which was previously published under the titles "The Omega Plan" and "The Aphrodite Diet", is the most genuine and credible of a number of "Mediterranean diets" that have been on the bookshelves in recent years that espouse Mediterranean foods and lifestyle for weight loss and health.

The book explains how the people on the Greek island of Crete have a 5,000 year history even to the present day of longer life spans and better overall health than most other Mediterranean societies, even though the diets are very similar to those other Mediterranean diets. Scientific examination found the "missing link" that made the health and longevity of the people of Crete superior was that their food choices contained a significantly higher proportion of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in them than other communities. It also demonstrated that the ratio of Omega 6 Fatty Acids to Omega 3 Fatty Acids was a vital factor in health and longevity.

Whereas the developed Western World today has an Omega 6 Fatty Acid to Omega 3 Fatty Acid ratio upwards of 12:1 (measured as high as 40:1 in some Westerners who do not eat fish and live mostly on processed foods), the traditional diet of Crete had less Omega 6 and more Omega 3 Fatty Acids - in a ratio of around 4:1.

As an point of comparison, a number of other researchers, such as those who have examined Paleolithic diets, have come to similar conclusions, though they vary in their conclusions as to what constitutes the optimum ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acids. The conclusions range from 1:1 through to 3:1. By comparison, The Crete diet espoused by Dr. Simopoulos in "The Omega Diet" looks a little conservative and easier to achieve at 1:4, though along with the others still stands in major contrast to the miniscule Omega 3 levels in Western diets today.

It is also noted that the modern Western diet has changed enormously over even the past century. One hundred years ago, Omega 3 Fatty Acids were far more common in Western diets. Since then, there has been enormous growth in the grain and seed "edible oils" industry which has replaced Omega 3 Fatty Acid intake with greater Omega 6 intake, along with the additional detrimental trans-fatty oils (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils - an unnatural industrial production method of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats to thicken them and extend their shelf life.)

The many health benefits of Omega 3 oils are discussed in "The Omega Diet". These range from improvements in heart health, brain function, treatment of many mental disorders, inflammatory conditions, cancer prevention, and more. Sources of Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils, flaxseeds, green leafy vegetables and various nuts and other foods are explained.

Although "The Omega Diet" is predominantly and primarily concerned with overall health rather than weight loss (for which I commend it - weight loss should always be treated as a benefit derived from overall health and lifestyle improvements rather than merely a stand-alone goal), it presents convincing research that shows that Omega 3 oils have significant weight loss benefits.

Animal studies in mice have proven that diets heavy in Omega 6 oils or saturated fats promote insulin resistance and diabetes. The same caloric value of fish oil (an Omega 3 oil) prevented these conditions, and produced mice with significantly lower body weights than those fed Soya-bean, lard or safflower oil diets.


The weaknesses and inconsistencies in the diet are:

An over-emphasis and probable inaccurate evidence in support of Canola Oil (also known as Rapeseed Oil);
A fruit and grain content of the diet that seems excessive and has potential long term detrimental effects from the excesses of starches and fructose (fruit sugars).
I must point out that my criticisms may be seen by others as being just as subjective and open to debate as the points of which I am critical.

In regards to Canola Oil:

It is simply untrue that this was a part of the Crete or Mediterranean diet for the past 5,000 years. Canola is a 1980's "edible oils industry" invention, being a hybridized version of rapeseed. Even from the hybrid seed, to produce Canola Oil requires considerable artificial industrial processing including leaching with other chemicals, bleaching and partial hydrogenation.
While Dr. Simopoulos correctly identifies some of the health dangers of the hydrogenation process in modern edible oils and warns against them, she fails to point out that her strongly favored Canola Oil is itself partly hydrogenated.
The book claims that Canola Oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. While it is true that it does contain some Omega 3 fatty acids (and more than many other common edible plant oils) and in a favorable Omega 6 to 3 ratio of roughly 2:1, it fails to point out that neither of these essential oils are the predominant fatty acid found within Canola Oil. Around 63% of Canola Oil is Omega 9 - a non-essential monounsaturated fat also found in a similar proportion in Olive Oil.
Most natural health practitioners and a growing body of research now point to Canola Oil as being one of the more dangerous oils which should not be consumed by humans. Even the small level of Omega 3 Fatty Acids it contains is tainted, maybe even contaminated, by the partial hydrogenation process designed to give the product an enhanced shelf life and therefore better marketability.

Despite these criticisms, I recommend "The Omega Diet" for its ground-breaking revelations about the deficit of Omega 3 in the modern Western diet, the excess levels of Omega 6, its explanation of how fats (generally) are necessary in human biology and health and how low fat diets are an erroneous idea, and producing substantial evidence for a better and healthier way to attain health and longevity - and even weight loss.

The book, though, should be read with an eye out for the weaknesses mentioned above, and would best be read in conjunction with either of the other two popular books the discuss the role of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in human health and nutrition. (These are displayed in the column to the right.)

I also strongly advise that familiarity with "The Paleo Diet" (also reviewed on this website) will go a long way towards understanding some of the concepts of "The Omega Diet" and also prepare you with some of the extra knowledge you need to identify some of its clear biases and inconsistencies.

Bankers Hate This Video

Subject: Bankers Hate This Video

Is the Federal government's debt
a problem?

Waste, fraud, corruption and
taxes are problems...

But the debt itself is not a
problem for the reason you
might think it is.

The banker shell game that's
keeping us all in debt.


- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

Court invalidates Texas law on sexual communication with minors

Subj: A(nother) Texas "criminal" statute struck down (and for good reason)
Posted: 11:04 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

Court invalidates Texas law on sexual communication with minors


In general, the Court of Criminal Appeals is saying that this statute is overbroad, that it cuts way too wide a swipe, such that it interferes with First Amendment doctrine rights.  This doesn't "validate" conduct already considered criminal.  It just "invalidates" this statute, which was (way) too broad in scope.  Thus, it "invalidates" charges based on this statute.

Depending on the timing, the defendant in this particular case, Lo, may or may not be charged under some other provision for sending sexually explicit information to a party he expected was a minor.  That'll be a decision to be made by the prosecutors and the Grand Jury.

(The right-to-lifers won't like the analogy, but this is the very same type of analysis applied to the statute that "invalidated" a horrible statute that allowed charging doctors as criminals but not also the actual principals of the crime, namely the would-be mothers.  The fact that the statute was bad didn't "validate" the conduct to be criminalized; the marketing that says that "invalidating" the statute "authorized," or "created a right" to do, that which the horrible statute intended to prevent is just that -- marketing.  The ruling simply "invalidated" that statute, and for extremely good reason -- that statute allowed charging the conspirators while treating the principals in the crime(s) as victims.  That 1973 ruling also "invalidated" third-trimester (late term) abortion.  So, why there's all this recent flurry of activity regarding late-term abortion is totally unknown.  If those who hate the Roe v. Wade decision would read it (again), they'd find that the ruling already addresses that, thunderously.)

As for this recent TEXAS statute, and its being struck, this is just one more item of proof that rights are very much alive and well in this police-state-wanna-be nation.  The concept of rights pre-exists any concept of "constitution."  Thus, we have rights despite having no "constitutions." 

The most important "right" going right now is the "right (not) to 'contract.'"  The "right (not) to enter into agreements."  Whether one has rights or not depends on whether one has asserted them or waived them (typically via some "gotcha agreement" or other).  Where the system would be considerably more limited in its exercise of authority if it were formed from fabric that had "rights" as part of the threads running through that fabric, it's still our present reality that this present system has all the limits that each individual chooses to place on it.  It's the individual who agrees, or not, to the "gotcha agreements," which mechanism is made to appear as of there's an actual tyrant who can compel people to do this or that. No one in office can compel anyone into any "gotcha agreement."  On that same hand, no one in office can get someone out of such "gotcha agreement," once it's entered into, either.  Both ends of that are 100% within the hands of each one of us. It's the individual who agrees, for example, to be a "taxpayer," by which decision one now also obligates oneself to the obama-death/health scare (Oh so sorry that you listened to me while I was lying through my teeth to you) programme.

The courts are always listening.  What they need to hear is that we're talking the present status of the law.  This defendant, clearly a pervert, was charged under a statute that might make a discussion of Shakespeare a criminal offense, and it's a bold Court and set of Justices to put an end to such horrible statutes (by police-state-wanna-be, bought-and-paid-for (or, "We're really just too stupid to know the difference -- see 'dumbing down' really does work") legislators).  The use of such a statute, in such cases that would seem to validate the statute, are purely and carefully, politically selected so as to make the statute appear "good," where the reality is that it's a banana peel into the "police state."

Between the defense bar and the courts, rights are still being preserved for those who assert them.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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Dinarians, Today is the day.

Dinarians,  Today is the day.

I have just received confirmation that today’s meeting at the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) was extremely productive and signatures have been inked to the required documents. All that remains is to see a live update all across the world.

Initially it was thought we would be looking at a rate of 1 IQD to 0.40 USD. I have pushed my source to find out where we are at on the rate and have now been told we are looking at anywhere between 1 IQD to 0.60 or 0.64 USD.

When asked, what next? He said his job is done, he can say no more and it’s just a matter of live switch on. He assured me this will happen any time between today and Thursday 14th November.

There is very little I can do tell you from here. The switch-over has been agreed and now the live switch just needs to happen. Although I am told only a few persons will know the exact day/time the rate switch takes place due to top-top secret level of intelligence.

Hoped for it to happen today, but in true Iraqi form, we have progress just not quite enough. Although Dinarians this is all part of the process. This needs to happen if you are to see an ROI, positive steps indeed.

Would love to give you an exact date of the switch on but I can’t as possibly 3 to 5 people in this world know. But we do know it will be shortly, by the end of the Iraqi working week – Thursday.


Well I had to stay quiet until after. All is done and it had to get to a point as Tony told you so you can get 800#. They are coming. Witness others CE just !Qn. My turn will come once public on VNN. Which is in next 24hrs. Your turn will depend on release of 800# and open appt times based on your location. Let the process play out. Good night and get some rest.

Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 7:04 AM

Heads up... Make sure you are prepared just in case..

Subject: Fwd: FW: Heads up... Make sure you are prepared just in case. 

They may very well think it's funny to pull off a CYBER-WAR GAME on we the people with no forewarning but that is not the reason and NOT what certain government criminals hope to use is for. Undoubtedly the good folks at the controls around the country don't have a clue what they are taking part in and while that's sad it's not our problem. Our problem is OUR families, neighbors and communities (those who will listen anyway and those who won't, well they're on their own).

So everyone. We already know they are planning a massive grid out-power out drill originally slated for the 13th 14th of this month. I have been getting intel from many different sources that since it has gone viral and everybody is looking for it on the 13th that they will instead pull if off on the 11th or 12th. The information below (after this message from me) is just another heads up that was sent to me. Don't forget, regardless of how many people are awake and aware now the "plan" is still the plan and until those who would use something like this to achieve the final goal are eliminated from the ability we need to be aware and prepared as much as possible at all times.
So, since Monday is the eleventh and it is a holiday (a perfect opportunity for them), it would be prudent to take some precautions.
1.On Sunday night after everyone is through with the bath tub, fill it and leave it full. Same with the sinks.
2.Make sure you have at least a week's worth of food and water in the house.
3.Make sure you have at least a week's worth of medicines if you are dependent on any.
4.Make sure you have some jugs filled with drinking water.
5.Stock up on char-coal for your bar-b-que, (you may need to cook that way)
6.Make sure your first aid kit is full and has current medications in it.
7.If you can buy a weeks worth of bottled water do it
8.Put a bucket by the toilet, you'll need to pour water in it to flush. Without power there will be no running water.
9.Check your stock of candles and or oil or kerosene lamps.
10.          Be sure you have strong batteries for flash lights
11.          Gas up your vehicle(s) on Sunday
12.          If you have an old fashioned am/fm transistor radio (they are real cheap now) be sure you have fresh batteries.
13.          If you're in a cold area and have a fire place make sure you have a weeks worth of fire wood.
14.          If you have infants make sure you have plenty of diapers, formula and or baby food.
15.          Let your family and neighbors know what to expect if they decide to do this to the whole country and not just FEMA REGION III (I have been told several times they are planning to do that thinking we won't expect it) Also form a plan for communication with family and neighbors.
Hopefully there are now sufficient numbers of people aware to help prevent those who will be taken by surprise from reacting the way they want, in a panic. But if they do pull this off STAY HOME IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN and be prepared to guard what you have. Without power there will be no ATM's, no gas stations pumping gas, no phones, internet or television, running water. Some stores may be able to open using manual calculators the way some of them do in a storm power out but usually they will allow only a few people inside at a time and escort them through the store (I've been through that) and that means long lines of angry, desperate people outside and the potential for violence. Better to avoid the need to be there.
Think ahead of things to keep the kids occupied at home and inside if you have any. Stay calm and deliberate at all times. Let's not give them what they want!
Now I for one am hoping with all my heart that they are not going to be able to do this but I figure its a lot better to prepare as if they will. I can after all let the water out of the tub and all the rest are usable commodities anyway. Better safe than sorry. Gee that's one way to get somebody to play Trivial Pursuit with me huh?

The report in the link doesn't load online at least it wouldn't for me so I downloaded and attached here. The link to the site for this DRILL does work.

Subject: Heads up... Make sure you are prepared just in case...DLWard

I was told by someone that trained many of the 3 Letter Agency Ops
that because this has gone viral to expect anything from the 11 nth on.
It is
this kind of thing you would expect happen at the same time as the GCR
/ RV.
Although if they were SMART...they would plan it for a couple weeks
the RV. DLWard

On November 13-14, 2013, GridEx II


This is NOT a Conspiracy Theory if TWO Government Approved Groups are
promoting this!

North American Electric Reliability Corporation is promoting this.
On November 13-14, 2013, GridEx II will exercise NERC and industry
crisis response plans and identify actionable improvement
recommendations for plans, security programs, and skills. The scenario
will build on lessons learned from GridEx 2011 and include both
cybersecurity and physical security components.

Click here to see 'GridEx II Registration Site':

Environmental Defense Fund also is promoting this.
The U.S. Power Grid’s Cyber War Games

The drill, called GridEx II, will take place on November 13-14 of this
The participants will include 65 utilities and eight regional
transmission organizations, representing most of the nation’s
electricity customers. The drill will test how well the electric
utility industry and the grid itself respond to physical and cyber


Court to hold hearing to enjoin NSA from citizen spying

Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:17:21 PM
Subject: Court to hold hearing to enjoin NSA from citizen spying

Media Advisory (EMBARGOED UNTIL NOV. 17)

Court to hold hearing to enjoin NSA from citizen spying

Date: November 18, 2013
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Place: U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
3rd and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(Courtroom 18)

(Washington, D.C., November 17, 2013). Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T, today announced that federal judge Richard Leon will hold a hearing tomorrow to consider enjoining the National Security Agency ("NSA") from continuing to violate the constitutional rights of Americans with its PRISM program. Specifically, the NSA has violated the privacy rights of over 300 million citizens by accessing their cell phone, Internet and social media communications without regard to their having any connection to terrorists or terrorism.

Klayman, who is legal counsel, and several other plaintiffs, including the father of an NSA cryptologist personnel support of SEAL Team VI who was shot down by the Taliban on August 6, 2011 during a mission called Extortion 17, and who has been critical of the NSA, the military brass and President Obama concerning the death of his son Michael, have filed these class action lawsuits. This father, Charles Strange, has evidence that the NSA has been accessing his cell phone and Internet communications. So too does Klayman, who represents Mr. Strange. Klayman is a high profile activist and legal advocate of conservative and other causes some consider adverse to President Obama and his administration. There are also other examples of NSA spying at issue before the court.

If the court rules in plaintiffs' favor, the NSA and the government as a whole will be preliminarily enjoined from continuing to use its unlawful, overly broad application of its PRISM program to continue indiscriminately spying on American citizens who have no connection to terrorists or terrorism.

Klayman's cases were the first filed after whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed NSA's illegal conduct. Snowden's American lawyers have been invited to be present at the hearing.

All interested persons and the media are invited to attend the hearing and a press conference will be held immediately following it on the courthouse steps off of Constitution Avenue.

Contact Freedom Watch at or (424) 274-2579 for more information.



The official activation of SSS or Secret Surveillance State THE WHITEHOUSE HAS APPROVED THE PROGRAM, IT IS ALL LEGAL in the USA is exposed at the 36:00 mark.

Any Country's so-called Constitution is (has been proven to always be) at odds with 'legal' corporate/state secrecy/nda agreement one might be coerced into signing. One CANNOT "support and defend the Constitution" under Corporate Rule for PROFIT. It's just impossible, literally anachronism.

"What ever you're doing in private, MIGHT BE ILLEGAL," paraphrasing Thomas Drake. 

Well, I wanna here more from this guy, and here's another (more recent) video from the man filmed at MOMA. I mean, this supposedly intelligent intelligence guy signed a Corporate Non Disclosure Agreement - doesn't he realise?

"9/11 was a gift to NSA," Drake continues in another (diverting?) spiel. 

I (kinda) can't see why I'm doing this as Thomas Drake is OBVIOUSLY not able to 'really tell the truth as it really exists' in the way our world has been allowed to work. He keeps talking about THINGS HE CAN'T SAY. Why not? Drake CONSISTENTLY refuses to admit that 9/11 might have been 'engineered' to spell the 'collapse' of "allegiance to the Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Say the fucking thing already. Let. Us. Know. Did 9/11 spell the intentional end of freedom?

Of course, we must always be wary of false-flag-whistleblowing on 'freedom's behalf', all this bluster and chest-thumping could be JUST MORE POILITICS(sp) and one more reason (among many) why ALL SECRETLY HELD GOVERNMENT FILES and SECRETLY PROTECTED PRIVATE PATENTS PENDING on both sides of the Game need releasing to the General Public to You The People so that WE CAN ALL LEARN how we might really want our world to exist.

Late Friday Night Dinar Chatter, Rumors, and Opinions


duffy2] Update from Baghdad Invest Rumor Posted Fri. PM 11/08/2013 .

 Updates on Yesterdays Article: IRAQ DINAR HAS REVALUED – Worldwide Joy And Happiness Has Begun To Spread

 Update: 07:05 08/11/2013 Baghdad Relax. It HAS happened. Sunday AM Iraq parliament will reveal.

Update: 14:54 08/11/2013 Baghdad – We will make a further announcement at 23:45 (Baghdad time) in light of our earlier posting.

Update: 23:45 08/11/2013 Baghdad – We published confirmation yesterday the RV, revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar had taken place. Naturally there is angst to see/hear more, we are doing our best to get you the details. .... Read More Link on Right We are able to confirm all will be revealed Sunday 10th November as per Parliament recall. We would like to make it very clear we are very proud to be independent of all dinar sellers/gurus and as such we have no incentive to see an RV take place.
Read More Link on Right
For those of you whom have been on our subscriber list for the last 3 to 4 years, you will have noticed our sentiment towards the IQD revaluing has certainly not been favourable. On numerous occasions we have warned our loyal subscribers not to touch the Iraq Dinar. In conclusion, we were wrong. We likened the chances of the Iraq Dinar revaluing to the moon being made of cheese.

In hindsight we can now safely say it was a terrible comparison to make. We always wanted to put emphasis on it being so incredibly remote in possibility. You were right, we were wrong. RV – Job done!

[lgtennis] Can i have ur attention everyone

[lgtennis] Just talked with tk and he is having some trouble getting you

[lgtennis] Wanted me to get this message to you all

[lgtennis] He has seen that article and says and agrees its legit

[lgtennis] Remember boy who cries wolf

[lgtennis] So there u have it guys

[lgtennis] Told me to tell you its on its way

 [lgtennis] And confirming lots of intel

[taylor09] lgtennis so what was said yesterday about the rv happened was true?

[lgtennis] yes

[taylor09] ok so how much longer?

[taylor09] tomorrow, Sunday,Monday lol

[lgtennis] hard to put a time on it but going to happen anytime now and we should all be ready for it finally

[taylor09] lgtennis I've been ready

 [lgtennis] ok get more ready lol

[MANGIABUONA2] IRAQ DINAR HAS REVALUED – Worldwide Joy And Happiness Has Begun To Spread .

[lgtennis] Thank you mangiabuona2

[lgtennis] YES And tk confirmed legit



[BOBGETZ6] An update on Shasta7 The surgery took over five hours. He is just now coming out from under anesthesia. They await the doctor's report. He should be in the hospital all weekend.

[xyz] Ben Bernanke: Federal Reserve has greater power to combat financial crises



[loechin] OK guys everything I am hearing is tonight is supposed to be it.... Let's wait and see if all goes according to da plan

[loechin] I am supposed to be alerted if anything doesn't go and I have not heard anything

[RAJAF] loechin this is good news.. most likely will pop in the wee small hours of the morning if everything stays on track

[RAJAF] Loechin I had a question about the email you sent out and the 11%. Is that 11% because the funds are required to go into a brokerage account or just anyone in the group depositing directly into an account?

[loechin] RAJAF I'm told that is the IRS tax

[RAJAF] loechin superfantastic

[Bridge man] loechin is that a capitol gains tax or what?

[loechin] Bridge man I hear it's a flat tax

[RAJAF] Loechin.. second questions.. is this 11% tax just for yours and the general's group or for everyone?

[loechin] DoraJo RAJAF I hear it's for all exchanges on IQN

[ayechihuahua] loechin do you know what the vnn tax is suppose to be?

[loechin] ayechihuahua 000000000000000000

ayechihuahua] loechin awesome!!!!!!!!

[RAJAF] loechin now I'm estactic - thank - you very much!!!!!!!!!!!

[ssdab] Good evening loechin...any updates from WF regarding the policy on holding the rate for reserves?

 [loechin] ssdab As of now they will not hold rates

[ssdab] thank you sir...


PeggySioux:  Real Estate- 101

  As a Licensed Real Estate Broker since 2000 I want to say this: "BUYER BEWARE"

I have spent most of my professional career correcting mistakes made when people bought property without knowing the pitfalls.

Never underestimate the importance of an inspection, an appraisal and title examination.

My work has been in Louisiana and mostly in Colorado. Just Be Careful and have Eyes Wide Open!

In Colorado be very sure about water availability and usage. Know what it costs to bring electricity to the little 'ranchette' you want. You may find it costs 12K to 15K PER MILE to get power.... and a water well may cost 15K to 20K- IF you can even get one.

And even worse, this very expensive well may be 'in-house only'. A real downer if you thought you were going to raise horses and find out you cannot even water a flower bed or wash your car.

Or you find out all water rights were terminated because the original developer didn't pay the original water allocation, which by the way is usually lost for good.

A lot of the 'ranchettes' are located in open range so you will need to fence your property to keep free ranging cattle and sheep out.  Free ranging cattle all think your house is their own personal rubbing post. I have seen the trim rubbed completely off houses! But hey, you do get lots of free fertilizer!

One other very important item. Title. KNOW the facts about Titles. How they are written can either cost or save major $$$$$ Colorado is one state that if the title is written a particular way, survivors can take title by simply filing a certificate of death.

All humor aside. Never assume the seller knows or is even telling you the facts.  Good Luck !!!!

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ***

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ***
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 10-Nov-2013 04:14:55

Hi, Folks -
Found at
11-10-2013 Intel Guru Loechin Remember the song on
Annie..... Tomorrow Tomorrow I Love ya tomorrow your only a day away... Well guess what tomorrow [Sunday] is going to be a super-fantastic day for all of us....

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Most Effective Weapon of the Globalists

The Most Effective Weapon of the Globalists
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 9-Nov-2013 16:26:23

We often hear talk about the all-powerful global elite and how they are invincible. They are not invincible, they are blinded by their avarice, decadence and insatiable desire to dominate a humanity that they hold in such disdain.
I have studied their playbook and have learned their mindset. As a result, I have learned that they have vulnerabilities. Just like a quarterback that doesn’t like pressure as they attempt to pass from the “pocket”, they can be forced to scramble. I have seen time and time again that when their evil agendas are exposed in the light of day, they run for cover. The latest example of this global elite acquiescence to the will of the people was in Syria when their agenda was exposed by the truthful media. The alternative media was relentless in our exposing the fact that the CIA shipped in the chemical weapons so that al-Qaeda would use them on the Syrian civilians. As a result, the puppet Obama had to run for cover and we have not heard a word “Syria” come from his mouth or the mouth of warmonger, John McCain, since the globalist agenda was exposed. Enlightenment and education would seem to be the keys to turning back the globalist invasion of the United States.
Why Aren’t There More Syrias?

I have recently been wondering why don’t we have more “Syrias”? If we can make these criminal central bankers retreat in the face of one of their most important objectives, the temporary preservation of the Petrodollar which would be accomplished by taking out Syria and then Iran, then why can’t we dismantle the rest of their agenda? When we look at our victory over the Syrian issue, it is baffling to try and explain why we could be so stupid in so many other areas.
What kind of nation would tolerate endless wars of occupation which are serving to bankrupt the country?
What kind of nation would tolerate criminal Wall Street bankers engaging in an illegal Ponzi scheme (i.e. the derivatives) and then bailing out these felons with our own tax money?
stupid pelosiWhat kind of nation would tolerate a Nancy Pelosi who has admitted to engaging in insider trading in the stock market and then let her also get away with telling the people that we need to pass Obamacare to see what’s in it?
feinstein ugly tyrannyWhat kind of nation would tolerate a Senator, like Diane Feinstein and her husband, making a billion dollars from the sale of post office buildings?
Famous for his frequent temper tantrums. Now he's infamous for his treason, but we tolerate it.

Famous for his frequent temper tantrums. Now he’s infamous for his treason, but we tolerate it.
What kind of nation would tolerate a US senator, John McCain, who has given aid and comfort to al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria and then defend their murderous ways?
What kind of nation would tolerate a president who has a half-brother, Malick Obama, running finance for the Muslim Brotherhood and then having this president support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Libya?
What kind of nation would murder 53 million, and counting, of its most vulnerable citizens without blinking an eye?
What kind of citizenry would tolerate its elected leaders while they pass and implement a health care system based upon the British NHS which pays bonuses for euthanizing the elderly?
un flag in voting boothWhat kind of citizenry would tolerate its elected leaders handing over control of the military to the United Nations?
What kind of nation would tolerate the specter of sex rings (you will be hearing a lot about this in upcoming weeks) in and around the White House?
What kind of nation would tolerate its megabanks and their laundering of drug money and child sex trafficking money through their institutions? Oh yes, they have paid fines, but nobody has gone to jail.
Will the lights go out and not come back on?

Will the lights go out and not come back on?
What kind of a nation would tolerate the prevalence of false flag events, from the Boston Marathon Bombing to the 7/7 London Bombings to the attacks on 9/11 to the contrived Gulf oil explosion and not think the nation is not in grave danger as November 13th and the Grid EX II drill approaches?
What kind of citizenry would tolerate these violations of the public trust? The answer is simple. Only an incredibly stupid and dumbed down population would tolerate these abuses from their banker-controlled government.
The Globalist Number One Weapon

The number one weapon that is used against humanity in order to further the globalist agenda is induced stupidity. Many older foreigners are in awe as they witnessed the dumbing down of America in just a few short decades.
We Americans were once known for our culture, innovations, creativity and work ethic. Phrases like “made in America” use to mean something. There was a time in this country when our elected leaders feared the people. Today, leaders like Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid, Obama and McCain mock America on a daily basis as they tell the same lies and engage in the same criminal behaviors with impunity.