Monday, December 2, 2013




     I guess by instinct, since 6 years of age, I always associated with the brightest in my schools and also the brightest I found in life outside of school and later in life. When you deal much with the bright in society, this automatically makes your own mind sharper than just dealing with those who never think in their lives. I never thought of it until long after becoming an adult that this was not a dumb habit I had formed when young. I did not think it unusual until I was older that at age 5 I was already evaluating the effects of expanding populations upon cities and rural areas. At ages 6, 7, and 8, I was already studying how to send rockets to the moon, how to build atomic bombs, worked out laws of science, etc. which later in high school I found out that my theories of laws of science were actually taught in the textbooks in high school. With this unusual behavior as a small child and boy, I still also had an ordinary social life with other children my age. When in the 7th grade, we were given mathematical problems to solve that night. The next day the teacher announced that she had given us advanced math only taught in high school, so we would not know how to solve these math problems. Not knowing that I was not supposed to know how to solve these math problems, I invented the necessary math and solved the problems given which startled the teacher. I think it was the same year I ran for class president and two others also ran. We each in turn were invited to leave the classroom so they could talk freely about us. After this I was surprised when I apparently won all the votes in the class. A friend told me afterwards they called me the "Abe Lincoln" of the classroom for honesty and everyone then decided to elect me class president. As a junior in a military academy high school, I got interested in naval construction for warships, etc. and invented a mathematical curve that told you the specifications for building any size naval ship you wanted to. I showed this to a math professor of mine and he commented that I had independently invented an advanced mathematical system only taught to top honor math students in the fourth year of college. At a large university I signed up while a freshman for a course titled "Introduction To Mathematics." Someone incorrectly told me that this was the easiest math course to take so I could devote my main time to other university classes instead. I had signed up for the most advanced math course taught at that university and by math logic, you independently invented the major math systems used in the world today. I had maybe signed up for the most advanced math course in America and not taught in other colleges and universities. I may have been the only freshman who signed up for this. Other students were sophomores, juniors, etc. and the top math students at the university. I passed the course. Half the class flunked the course as it was very tough in teaching advanced math concepts to the students studying it. I only mention this background to give maximum credibility to the following formula I am going to show you now how to boom and skyrocket any economy in the world.
     At the age of 20, I successfully cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany which enabled them to boom the German economy and rearm Germany years ahead of what American and European economists said in 1937 would be possible for Germany to do under Hitler and the Nazi Party. I had discussed my theory with leading economists in America and they would say that I had an interesting theory, but couldn't be right. Later on by wild circumstances, I obtained the testimony of the German captain in charge of the weekend mountain retreat of Hitler and Hitler once in an idle moment, boasted of the great economic secret how Germany rearmed so fast and it was codenamed "The Inverted Inflation" and explained why that name. This German testimony made total sense to me why including the codename and I got witnesses in Wash., D.C. to sign legal statements that this German captain had confirmed that I had successfully cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany which American and Allied intelligence never knew the answer to. Soviet intelligence guessed correctly part of the secret but not the whole secret that Hitler had used. A friend of mine with British intelligence in London, England shared with me a translated copy of a captured Soviet intelligence report of World War II on the Nazi economic secret and the Soviet report concluded if the people of the West ever found out how this worked, they would demand their national governments use this system to create full employment and booming national economies. This would overwhelm Communism which would then have no further appeal to the masses of the world.
     But as I researched this totally, I even knew beyond the exile Nazi captain what he had heard from Hitler himself and what the Soviet intelligence  explained what they knew about how it worked. They admitted that it worked better than Communism for the fast industrialization of nations. But an "unimportant" intelligence report of the U.S. State Dept. had the missing clue where this answer originally came from. Bernard Baruch, "The Wizard of Wall Street" and war industrial czar of America in World War I under President Woodrow Wilson, at the end of World War I had an observation based upon running the U.S. war industry in World War I. No one in America paid any attention to his idea how to create full employment in America and so it was forgotten. America was in party mode over the end of the world war and no one wanted to hear anything serious in America then. Nazi intelligence researching Bernard Baruch for any smart ideas he might have in how to organize the war industry of a nation such as Germany in preparation for war came across his suggestion and kicked it up to Hitler and his closest associates who were bright and not stupid in worldly matters. They thought it was smart and with a few German touches to the original Bernard Baruch idea, it became the "Inverted Inflation" of Nazi Germany. This overnight  made Hitler so popular with the Germans because he overnight solved unemployment and poverty in Germany. He used tricks of propaganda on the German people as the German people had been tricked in psuedo-sound concepts of economics by the bankers and would not have had the confidence in Hitler to let him do this if they knew what was really making Germany so rich and powerful as a nation overnight. The cover story was they were "soaking the fat boys" meaning the Jews and so the German peasants laughed and asked no questions how everything was suddenly being paid for and times were suddenly good in Germany again. What showed it was a cover story was when subordinates of Hitler started the mass breakup of Jewish shops for retaliation against Jews for the German ambassador assassinated in France by a Jewish youth. Hitler slammed the breaks on the breaking up of Jewish shops as soon as he found out what his subordinates had done without his prior knowledge or approval. His subordinates were violating the principles of "The Inverted Inflation" without knowing it!
     Having won the respect of economists by successfully cracking the top economic secret of Nazi Germany which was more sophisticated than American and European economists had realized, I was now able to study with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. I had shared with me even their most secret economic studies not taught in the colleges and universities.
     During this period, I set up as studies for myself how 84 economic systems as recorded in history up to maybe around 6,000 years ago all worked. I figured studying such massive data might reveal a formula why national economies are prosperous or else are very bad for the people. At some point the formula emerged before my eyes and I tested it against the documented 84 economic systems of prior history. It beautifully showed why and when every turn of the economy would occur and why whether for prosperity or else a bad economy again. Even the "Inverted Inflation" of Nazi Germany was totally explained by this formula I had come up studying 84 prior economic systems in human history for up to maybe 6,000 years ago (roughly 2,000 years A.D. on back to around 4,000 B.C).
     When I studied with the German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century, his research work was very brilliant and it was an honor to study under him. One point he and I differed on was that he was an internationalist as an economist and I was a nationalist as an economist. But as I was picking his brain of every smart answer he had, I let him do the talking while I did the listening. He had this one area of economic study which was overwhelmingly powerful and which the other economists did not know about. We had this system of money starting in 1150 A.D. and was in France from basically 1170 A.D. until 1270 A.D. when early bankers overthrew it because it made all the people basically rich under it, no unemployed, no poor left, no crime left, no wars left, made businesses boom in super prosperity, taxes disappeared from governments as they no longer needed taxes to run on, and historians then wrote how a virtual golden age had descended on mankind under this monetary system. When I studied how it worked, I coined the name of "Jesus Money" for it as it practiced what Jesus Christ had taught in the New Testament how money in society should  be run. However, my economic formula told me that this German economist did not know the entire story to this monetary system I renamed "Jesus Money" as it did totally what Jesus taught should be done with money in society. My formula told me what to look for in the ancient European and French records and I found what my formula said had to be there as no inflation occurred during this 100 years of a virtual golden age in France under constant prosperity without stop! The records were there as my formula predicted!
     Now my economic formula tells me that Obama is incredibly stupid in national economics and doing basically everything wrong such as Median Household Income Has Fallen For Five Years In A Row as reported by Michael Snyder, on September 17th, 2013 - The first reports on Obamacare shows that it is driving up and steeply medical health insurance costs for millions of Americans as current TV reports have shown by interviewing people, costing millions of jobs to be lost or else demoted from full-time to part-time in America as employers can't stand the costs of medical insurance imposed upon them by Obamacare. Carried to extremes Obamacare could end up totally bankrupting America and ending America even as an independent nation on earth with the death of potentially even many millions of Americans due to the "Doomsday Factor to Industrial Economics" Obamacare may trigger off in America. 
     My economic formula is very sophisticated and can expand into hundreds of different formulas depending on what answers a government or nation wants from it. However, I tried to make the foundational economic formula as easy to understand in basic concept as a powerful formula can be understood by the ordinary people not trained in economic science. My economic formula is based upon a detailed study of 84 recorded economic systems for mankind for thousands of years back to maybe even roughly 6,000 years ago. This economic formula is T equals M times P times V. Now translated into more simple language so people begin to catch on to what is being said in mathematics. T stands for total purchasing power for a given period of time for a given size population for a society or nation. M equals units of money or effective substitutes such as credit cards, bank credits whether paper checks or electronic credits of money, etc. P equals the purchasing power per unit of money or effective substitutes. V stands for the velocity factor of money which in simple terms means the spending rate of money in a given time as used in society or the entire nation itself. Now definitions control how mathematical formulas work. My definition of P or purchasing power equals how much can you buy for each hour of ordinary work done in an ordinary job. Henry Ford once shrewdly commented, "The market of the nation consists of the wages of the working people of a nation." Now V or velocity or spending rate of money can be moved faster or slower by a number of tactics in economics. 
     Now if we double the gas mileage on cars or else can supply car fuel at half the price previously paid for it, then we double the purchasing power in money of the ordinary people when buying fuel for their cars. Every engineering tactic we use which increases the purchasing power of money used is in disguised form a wage increase for the working people of the nation. Every health trick we use which improves health or lowers the cost of hospital services increases the value of money in national health. Every agricultural tactic we use which makes the raising of food crops less expensive in the marketplace makes your money worth more in purchasing power. Every tactic which lowers taxes increases the amount of money to spend for the ordinary people of a nation. Pay off the national debt while maintaining the same basic purchasing power per unit of money or effective substitute should end up as a strong wage increase for everyone working a job and increased profits for anyone in business. Also, the government not carrying a huge debt burden any longer can now operate just as good as before or even much better and for far less money than governments normally do today. I am merely scratching the surface how many ways this economic formula can raise the real wages of the people on any job in America, greatly increase profits in any business, lower or even eliminate taxes in a nation. 
     One national economic study around 1987 concluded it probably cost American labor one trillion dollars or more in lost wages each year to have outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. Also, made the national market maybe one trillion dollars smaller for businesses in America to sell to. Ask any member of Congress to explain how this works and if they can't answer why outlawing morality in a nation greatly reduces wages of the working class and profits for business plus a smaller tax base for governments to run on, they don't know a "damn" thing how national economics really works! As super economic amateurs are running America from Congress and most painfully especially from the Obama White House which doesn't have the foggiest idea how good national economics works, push for passage of my Omni Law as fast and much as you can and America will start skyrocketing into massive national prosperity and jobs for the ordinary people and great business markets for the business people of America. It is a "win-win" for the working people and would-be working people, for businesses small and large in America, and even for the federal government crushed under trillions of dollars of needless debts and state governments also crushed under massive debt they cannot pay off under this lousy economy America now has under Obama. As President Harry Truman once commented concerning the Oval Office at the White House, "The buck stops here!" In case Wash., D.C. tries the trick of high inflation on you, the inner economic definition of inflation is "hidden taxation" through printing of the printing presses. 
"World In Trance" by Leopold Schwarzschild published in 1943 gave me my first deep insight into hyperinflation and is usually secretly created by government policy. I read this while in military school.    
     A brief capsule version of sound, good leadership for America. As Gen. George Patton of World War II believed in and what I totally agree with, if you are a good leader, you have a team of smart advisers around you, tap their brains for all the smart answers they have and see if their brains agree with your basic proposed plan how to win, and as a team you all work together to make the final plan hammered out by all of you work. As Gen. Patton also commented, he wanted a plan to assign to very capable military commanders under him, let them see the plan that needed to be carried out to win victory for their side, and then let the commanders placed in charge carry out the final details of battle and win for the smart plan given to them. The commander in the field so long as having good brains and the initiative to act swiftly and soundly based upon circumstances in battle as they arise, should be able to deliver to you victory based upon the basic sound plan you have given them for victory. If rarely some commander could not have the initative to carry out the assignment given to him, then discharge him from the command in that field and replace him with a commander who can carry out the plan given to him and deliver the victory needed for your side.
     Whether for the good side or the side of evil, genius is a collection of smart leaders and brains united together who work as a united team to make the planned victory become reality. As my mother used to say which I thought was a very smart definition of leadership, "A good leader is a good evaluator." I have enough powerful answers in economics that if required, I can deliver plans in economics that will work regardless! However, by bringing a team together of very smart to obviously brilliant people in the required field, we end up with leadership, tactics, and answers more brilliant than any one leader by himself or herself would produce for the final result. On the highest levels, genius is a team effort, not just an individual though an individual may be the spark that ignites the team into super brilliance or genius.
     Thomas Edison was a genius in inventions it is stated. However, Thomas Edison was normally the idea man and then the machinists under him finished off the final designed invention that he had the inspiration to visualize could be done. All brilliant answers seen in society have a system behind them making the brilliant results possible. Thomas Edison had the concept and system of "The Invention Factory" which enabled him to patent more inventions than any other inventor in American history prior to him. I studied Edison until I figured out his "Invention Factory" concept. Like in military intelligence, I found enough clues left by him as to exactly know what he meant by his system of invention called "The Invention Factory." When we build my proposed Camelot Project, I want in a carefully picked group of carefully picked inventive brains to teach them "The Invention Factory" system of Thomas Edison. Then China and other nations will be startled when America reemerges as the undisputed industrial leader of the world.
     And picking of specially picked student for trade secret courses in this Camelot Project once built, when the American economy is skyrocketing into super prosperity due to passage of the Omni Law, I want picked students from foreign nations to study under our economic policies and I will see that they are trained in such power tactics of economics that they become the leaders of their nations once they return home. With this tactic, leaders we approve of will become the leaders of most of the world and we will have a return of high Christian civilization and booming prosperity rapidly spread across the world. 
     I will not let the mediocre mentality of Wash., D.C. hold back the gifted American people from showing what geniuses they can be in all sorts of important fields once given the God-given freedom to rise to their God-given potential in life! This would be in a super free, super prosperous America made the greatest nation in the world by passage of the Omni Law. The Omni Law is based upon God-given principles of self-government taught in the Bible! It was taught as a leadership principle for both government and church on earth! But that would turn into a major lecture to show you why I say this!
     All races on earth are imperfect and have their bad points as well as good points. Under passage of the Omni Law, you would see the best side of the Jews as well as other races. A good culture helps bring out the good in people, not the potential evil in them. Karl Marx wrote to get rid of all the Jews in the world and we would have a workers' paradise on earth. Adolf Hitler wrote to get rid of all the Jews in the world and we would live in a wonderful world after that. That is not correct. As Ghandi of India once shrewdly observed, create in yourself the reforms you would want in others and then you can reform the world with this start. Let Christians become the living Gospel of Christ to others by how they live and Communism, Nazism, and Extremist Islam would lose their credibility and appeal to many in the world. The Communists offered the Blacks in America Communist front causes to follow as the Christians forgot to give the Blacks alternative answers that would solve the major problems of the Blacks and make them want good causes instead of evil causes to follow. Create full employment in America and Communism will have no appeal to the Blacks in America. That is a many times better answer than "Civil Rights Laws" which blame the Whites for all the problems of the Blacks in America whereas it is the badly run and morally bankrupt government we have in Wash., D.C. which has betrayed and deceived the Blacks so instead of giving them full employment in America which the federal government could have done for them, they give a degenerate economy to them and blame it on the Whites instead of the corrupt and moron level politicians in Wash., D.C. The Whites have little influence over Wash., D.C. as they don't understand how the corrupt secretly govern Wash., D.C. instead of them. Pass the Omni Law and America will have a rebirth as a nation and good times will come again and better than America has ever seen before. A secret how to influence the politicians of Wash., D.C. and state legislatures to push as a proposed law and pass the Omni Law as soon as possible. Government is run by pressure and not by them being just "nice guys." Every time you send them an email pushing for passage of the Omni Law, their formula is they evaluate you represent the voice of maybe 500 to 1,000 people who think identically like you but did not send an email pushing for passage of the Omni Law like you did. They get flooded with emails of this kind, they get scared of offending the public and finally will pass it in fear of losing their political careers otherwise.
     One last quick comment. In jealousy of Jews, non-Jews don't want to admit it, but the Jews have some smart points of culture is why they have possessed as much influence and money in the world as they do. The Jews like to back their smart Jewish leaders. They respect brains in their own people. Most Christians and Gentiles seem to dislike anyone being a smart to very intelligent leader for them. It is rare that they back those who have the brains to beat their enemies in the nation or world abroad. I always back smart leaders on my side if I can. I have quite a circle of smart people I call "friends" and this is a power base to win for good instead of evil in America. The Jews practice "focus" in business. They set up a plan, stay faithful to the plan, sacrifice to make the plan work. When they win one level, they then set up a higher goal and level for their business, work for achieving that goal and level, and step by step, they achieve the final goal they had set for themselves in business. Too many Gentiles have to get a quick victory in business or else they get bored with it and go on to something else to spend money, time, and energy on. If it doesn't quick win, they drop it and many Gentiles with good business ideas but too impatient to follow through on smart goals for their business throw away business successes maybe inches away from pending victory. Like the ancient Romans did, the Jews respect practical answers and support with the necessary effort practical answers until they work and right for them. Now many Jews are not smart in public relations and oppose the Christians being allowed any Christmas celebrations, etc. It would be smart to let the Christians practice freely their favorite Christian festivals and the Jews could practice freely their favorite Jewish festivals with good will on all sides. It is not an American principle of law that any minority can take away the freedom of the majority of Americans.
     This much I will say in defense of the Jews. I have seen as many dishonest Gentile business people as claimed dishonest Jews in business. There are good people and bad people in all races that I have seen on earth! I have been in business much of my life and as a general rule, you have to deliver in business some product or service the public wants or else your business or service cannot normally survive in society. Most Jewish businesses deliver products and services the public wants and so they stay in business with the goodwill of their customers just as much as many Gentile businesses that have been around for a long time. If evil is excessive in your society, it is mainly due to the weakness of character of Christians who submit to evil too easily and not due to the would-be evil of Jew, Muslim, Communist, or other in society. Also, you raise good to power in society by standing for it, not hiding in the dark so no one will know what you stand for. As Jesus said, he who is ashamed of Jesus before men, Jesus will be ashamed of him before God the Father. And as Jesus taught in a parable, if those claimed to be His friends do not want to attend His marriage feast when it is scheduled, even the outcasts of society whether good or evil may end up invited to His wedding feast as God the Father will have guests for the wedding feast regardless!
     I have tried to talk common sense to the people where other people use hysteria and psuedo-logic to try and lead the people away from what are their best interests in America.
     Our website where our Omni Law is posted on is  This is also used for product offers and our Omni Law Loan Program to help finance the fast passage of the Omni Law now. We have a better hand to win with than the opposition knows at this time! We expect to win! Our mailing address for those wanting to send us payments by mail instead of through our website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for.
     Push this report all over America and your economy becomes sound and super prosperous once the people realize they need to push the Omni Law to make all this happen and swiftly in America. Better than the Middle Class stalled out 5 years with basically no improvement in their finances in these 5 years under Obama. His past track record says he does not know how to boom the American economy and do it soundly! His only economic education since a small boy on was all from Communist teachers and he does not understand nor want to understand free enterprise at all!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the maverick in economics who believed that honest scholarship created true economic science, not starting with lies and trying to make them work as claimed economic science!)

A Message from Dinar Recaps "Post RV Plans"

A Message from Dinar Recaps "Post RV Plans"

We would like to take this time to thank all the Intel Providers over the past several years who have sacrificed their time, personal lives, resources and health at times to try to help us all, and keep us informed and encouraged.

We would also like to thank YOU - our loyal readers for your kind words, support and dedication and continued readership.

We at Recaps do not know when the RV will happen, but hope the roller coaster ride will be coming to an end quickly.  Many people have asked us if Recaps will still be here Post-RV?

The Dinar Recaps Team are also investors and we will be doing the same as you and just as busy in the days after the RV has finally happened.

At this time we are thinking that shortly after the RV is released, we may switch to a once a day Email for a short time before we eventually close our doors. But, if we sign an NDA, we will, MOST LIKELY close immediately or stop posting new posts.  We will let you all know as soon as we know.

We believe most, if not all of the other Forums and Chat rooms Recaps now get material from will be scaled back and/or closed immediately.

After a RV, everyone will embark on wonderful new adventures and lives and our days of sitting in front of a computer screen for the latest news, rumors and opinions on Currency Exchange will become a thing of the past.

We hope that the Post RV advice and strategies we have posted from others will be beneficial to you all and be sure to go to our Advice posts Archives and Post-RV section and make copies of anything you feel will help you in your new lives.  (Each page shows 10 stories.  When you get to the bottom of the page,  press "Previous" which is in the bottom left corner, and it will display 10 more posts.)

We also have our Bulletin Board page, which has many  note worthy posts we have made.

Thank you all so much and we pray that all your dreams come true VERY SOON.

Sincerely ~ The Dinar Recaps Team

PS.  As far as 800#'s go,  UNTIL a RV happens, we can NOT be 100% sure Recaps will be allowed to post EVERY 800#, bank deal or opportunity.  We hope and believe we will. But is up to the people in charge of those deals to decide that. And as we all know, it is a very fluid situation and subject to change. 


Monday, December 2, 2013



After the very successful activation of the Aion portal, it is time to take action again! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the solstice on December 21st, to experience the Return to Innocence. Many of us will gather and open ourselves to the deepest aspect of our Being, the innocent Soul, to anchor our consciousness beyond the world of games the Cabal tries to play with us. 
Our inner experience will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
The moment of solstice on December 21st will be a culmination point of a mini portal which will open at the end of October-December Window of Opportunity. This mini portal will be a multidimensional window to further anchor and ground the energies of the Aion portal and prepare us for the activation of a very important portal which will open in April 2014. 
The mini portal will open with full moon on December 17th, will have its turning point with Return to Innocence activation on December 21st and will close on December 25th. 
The heliocentric chart for Return to Innocence activation shows a grand trine of Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron (together with Juno), healing a grand square of Venus, Vesta, Mercury and Juno. This signifies the time when healing of all tensions within the collective feminine principle is finally possible, leading us towards the return of innocence: 

When we are in touch with our innocent Soul presence, we are beyond the reach of the Cabal and their manipulations. When a critical mass of people experiences that innocence, there is no turning back. It will bring about the disintegration of Archon's control systems of karma, lack and guilt and open our collective consciousness for the arrival of the miraculous. 
Miraculous reality is the future destiny of our planet and the future outcome of the evolution of the totality of our universe, when we all converge into the One. 

We have been programmed by the Archons in Atlantis to stop believing in fairy tales and to buy into the reality they created for us. But we do not need to play the game by their rules anymore. It is time to wake up and begin creating a reality we all deserve. When you have a strong contact with your inner innocence, you do not need to struggle for survival or follow any other aspect of Cabal's programming. You can exit the game and being manifesting everything you need through magnetic manifestation by expressing yourself as a Soul and following your divine mission which helps you to contribute to the planetary liberation. 
We will be having our main activation in Glastonbury in United Kingdom. Glastonbury is one of the most powerful Goddess vortices on the planet and the perfect place to anchor the Return to Innocence activation. You are more than welcome to join us:

Even if you can not join us in Glastonbury, you can do this activation in your own group or even alone, wherever in the world you are. We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at the moment ofthe solstice, which comes on December 21st at 5 hours 11 minutes pm UT/GMT. This equals 6:11 pm CET in central Europe, 12:11 pm EST in New York, 11:11 am CST in Chicago, 10:11 am MST in Phoenix and 9:11 am PST in LA.
You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:


1. Dedicate December 21st to get in touch with your inner innocence. Read a fairy tale. Play with your child. Watch the sunrise. Smell the flowers. Smile.

2. Few minutes before solstice make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and relax by watching your breath

3. Each time your breathe out, radiate your inner innocence into your surroundings through your heart chakra and continue doing so for anytime between 5 and 30 minutes

Updates about the Return to Innocence activation:
Victory NOW! Liberation NOW!

Stand Together Now Or You Will End Up Facing the Police State Alone

CGI's oldBuck: Stand Together Now Or You Will End Up Facing the Police State Alone
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 2-Dec-2013 12:05:24
First they tortured a U.S. citizen and gang member …
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a criminal
Then they tortured a U.S. citizen, whistleblower and navy veteran …
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a whistleblower
Then they locked up an attorney for representing accused criminals …
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a defense attorney
Then they arrested a young father walking with his son simply because he told Dick Cheney that he disagreed with his policies …
I remained silent;
I’ve never talked to an important politician
Then they said an entertainer should be killed because she questioned the government’s version of an important historical event …
I remained silent;
I wasn’t an entertainer
Then they arrested people for demanding that Congress hold the President to the Constitution …
I did not speak out;
I’ve never protested in Washington
Then they arrested a man for holding a sign …
I held my tongue;
I’ve never held that kind of sign
Then they broke a minister’s leg because he wanted to speak at a public event …
I said nothing;
I wasn’t a religious leader
Then they shot a student with a taser gun and arrested him for asking a question of a politician at a public event …
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a student
Then they started labeling virtually every innocent and normal behavior as marking Americans as “potential terrorists” …
I remained silent;
I didn’t want to be called a terrorist
Then they threw political dissenters in psychiatric wards …
I remained silent;
I didn’t want to be seen as crazy
Then they declared that they could label U.S. citizens living on U.S. soil as “unlawful enemy combatants” and imprison them indefinitely without access to any attorney …
I remained silent;
I didn’t want to be labeled an enemy
Then they assassinated an American citizen without any court trial
And they killed his son because he should have had a “far more responsible father” …
I remained silent;
I live on American soil
Then they declared that they could assassinate U.S. citizens living on U.S. soil without any due process of law (update) …
I remained silent;
I didn’t want to be on the list
Then they forced down the airplane carrying the president of a sovereign nation, because they were looking for a whistleblower
I remained silent;
I’m not a foreign leader
Then they called for the founder of an independent publisher to be killed by drone
I remained silent;
I don’t want to worry about drone strikes against me
Then they started spying on all Americans, even though top experts say that doesn’t protect us from terrorism
I remained silent;
I didn’t want to call even more attention to myself from the spies
Then they charged the partner of an investigative journalist with terrorism for transporting whistleblowing documents to the journalist regarding illegal NSA spying
I remained silent;
My wife isn’t a journalist
When they came for me,
Everyone was silent;
there was no one left to speak out.

TNT Tony Monday Conference Call Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U

TNT Tony Monday Conference Call Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U


Due to Dinar Recaps Policy of not posting Bashing or Rumors about other Intel Providers or Groups, The TNT Tony Recorded Link will not be posted today.  The Links and the official TNT Notes are available at the TNT forums …Thank You Tony for all your dedication and Intel today ~The Dinar Recaps Team

Unedited Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U:


TONY - Good morning, TNT! How is everybody? Every single person listening, member or not a member - you should all be superfantastic! It's going to be one of those days, based on what I'm hearing from everybody. I have to honestly tell you I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this call. So, I'm going to do this early & quick - tell you what's going on. I hope today is your last day on that job - give it to somebody else!

T - I'm going to tell you what you need to know at this point on how to protect yourself. Then we'll go through some history. You can hang up if you don't want to hear that part. But I'll give you the good news first.
Read More Link on Right

T - Over this process we've learning a lot about gov'ts, people, etc. You're going to learn some things today and the entire puzzle will come together for you today and you can ask some questions about it.

T - Here's the info. Last nigth we were hoping to do an RV announcement. Bank people were on high alert. It wasn't a 100% call-in, just upper management going over their instructions. They hung around until 2AM this morning thinking it would happen last night. The actual date for the RV - which will be reported in history - is December 1 at 9PM EST. That's the "official date". When do we cash out? Hopefully sometime today. What I can tell you is this: the rates this morning are "live" and ready to go, still just not released yet. They are supposed to release them today. The first time was 30 minutes ago. There is a new time, but I can't tell you. It is scheduled to go. Everybody at every level is saying that today is your day.

T - We're all set. Everybody doesn't need to go today. The rate will maintain for a while so don't panic. The 800#s were expanded to more banks. In the briefing yesterday they were reminded to be as accommodating as they can. Their number 1 goal is to get that money in their bank. They will be as competitive as possible to make that happen when you walk in. That's what the currency exchange personnel are being told. They're actually having a briefing right now. The rates are still high. But they asked me not to talk about the rate - still high double-digits. You'll be flabbergasted.
T - We will see different things. The rate in Iraq is 3.44. It will be the international rate. Our rate is being referred to as a CONTRACT RATE. This is what it will be referred to on Forex. I don't know which rate the exchangers will deal with. But you should have a plan of attack based on which one offers you the best deal. The rates will do one of 2 things: come out and maintain, or come out and go up or down. You should have a safety net based on either way. I have to believe they'll be competitive.

T - We're waiting just like you're waiting. But everybody is saying today is the day. It didn't happen at noon, so whatever is the next time we usually say is the next time. You can talk about it on the boards. It's the same time they always say. Last night they just didn't call in the people. The called in US Marshalls, Homeland Security, local police offers, 3-letter agencies - they were all there and they are all there today. They've never callled them all in like that at the call centers. They're also going to be there at the banks - both obvious and plain clothes. They do not want people coming in acting like idiots, buses, etc. Otherwise, you'll be turned away and be put on the bottom of the list.

 T - They're still wanting everybody processed in the first 5-7 days. The rates will hold for that time and then they will start doing what they're supposed to do. There will be Marshalls in place at the banks, regardless of what somebody else says. We need those people there in place because of the masses.


Q - Since it's now back to the IMF, do we need to be concerned about the steps? BIS in the picture anymore? A - We are past all of that. It's between the IMF, UST and the banks. Everybody else has signed off on it. The rates are at the banks. The 800#s are at the banks. The IMF will determine what time is the release. The first time was at 9AM EST this morning. Then moved to 12:30 PM EST to make it fair to those on the west coast. Now we're moved to the next time. Hopefully this is our last call.

 Q - Has everyone gotten their cookies so we can go in and get our crumbs? A - I don't think you can call what you're getting "crumbs." Especially based on what we thought it would be.

Q - If the CBI says all 3-zero notes will be worthless on 1/1/14, what happens to those notes we hold? A - The UST is taking all the notes in and using as oil credits.

Q - Is it true that BoA is being bought out? A - BoA was taken over in a a couple of states but I don't have anymore info on that.

Q - What is the corrrect syntax for the currencies? A - ZWN is the Zimbabwe currency and it's at .22, with the six zeros taken off. That's all I can tell you at this time.

T - Just got a text that Washington Mutual is taking over BoA. Their concern is that accounts were frozen. I don't want to take them out of the equation yet. I'm splitting mine up among several banks.


C - Is Maliki gone and what about the 1/1/14 deadline for the 3-zero notes? T - Maliki is not gone and won't be gone. Anybody putting out that we won't see the RV until Maliki is gone is wrong. He is not gone and it looks like it will happen today. The 3-zero notes apply in-country only. Our 30 days are still in place. Today is the 2nd and if it goes today that gives us 30 days.

T - The banks will have affliliate banks. You call the 800#, give them your zip code and they'll find you a local bank. They may not be up to date today or in the first hour. But within the first 4-5 days they should be up to date, definitely within the 30 days.

C - How can we find out if the smaller banks will handle the CE? CAn we call them? T - The only way I know is to call the local bank, call the 800# and let them tell you where. I don't see them having a list of banks in the US.

C - What is the difference between the contract rate and the international rate? Is that the IQN vs. IQD? Will the banks have 2 rates on the screens? T - I know right now the banks are all seeing different rates, even within the same banks. When the activation occurs every branch of a particular bank will have the same bank. I would go in with the IQN. Not sur what will happen when it goes live. I'd ask for the IQN rate (which is the contract rate). The IQD is being called the market rate or international rate.

C - What is the difference between the contract rate and the international rate? Is that the IQN vs. IQD? Will the banks have 2 rates on the screens? T - I know right now the banks are all seeing different rates, even within the same banks. When the activation occurs every branch of a particular bank will have the same RATE. I would go in with the IQN. Not sure what will happen when it goes live. I'd ask for the IQN rate (which is the contract rate). The IQD is being called the market rate or international rate.

T - Their intention is to hold the IQN rate for a certain amount of days while the IQD will come out at market rate. You should only be concerned with the IQN. The other rate (IQD) is for a whole other game you don't want to play.

T - CORRECTION: Washington Federal is taking over Bank of America, not Washington Mutual.

 [patientlytrek] FLPatriot59 Washington Federal to acquire the 51 Bank of America branches in Washington, Idaho, Oregon and New Mexico. Deal set to close 12/6. They are not taking over the entire company.

[FLPatriot59] patientlytrek Good clarification. Thanks!

C - If it's the market rate will you still have to complete the NDA? T - My understanding is that if you exchange any currecny you will sign an NDA. If you wait until after January to avoid the NDA, you won't be doing a currency exchange anymore this way.

C - When will the 30 days start? T - It should start today. Dec. 2 gives us 30 days. Iraq is pulling their 3-zero notes on Jan. 1, so they need this to happen beginning today for the 30 days.

T - This may be our last call. Our next call you'll want the 800#s and rates. I will give you the best I can give before cashout. My understanding is that as soon as it goes live we should get the 800#s immediately because they will be waiting for you to call.

T - It is my hope that you learned things about world economy our govt etc, it is not all good but they try. Some people are greedy but the big picture is that we can prosper and be the country that people want to come to. It will be 10 years before we can write about this, or see the movie. But in 10 years no one will care. I hope that we changed people's character for the better. You will be the ones people in your family and neighborhoods will look up to. Remember what you went through to get here. You'll be funding things and they will ask for your input, leadership and guidance. "With much power comes much responsibility."

T - I got in this knowing that I had already been making my own decisions and sacrificing for a lot of people. That is what leaders do. Being involved in network marketing, owning my own business, sacrificing, etc. I know what that's like. I hope this has been a learning experience. When I got in it was supposed to be for a short period of time. There was a website out there telling people to send $300 and sign up for as a VIP, and they'd send your dinar to Belize. That was my first experience with absolutely big crooks. People were actually sending them $300 over to another country, fly there and hope somebody is standing there waiting for you with your millions. Who does that make sense to?

T - I tried to make that right and tell people and tell them "REALLLY does that make sense?" People are going to come at you like you have no idea. Scammers are getting ready for you. Now that you have the money these people will come at you. I'm telling you what to look for in the future because I've already seen and am aware of what people are planning to do with your email. Knowledge is power! You should NEVER pay money for knowledge. As long as they are doing it the right way if they offer you a legitimate service you should be able to pay that.



T - I'm just showing you things that have gone on over time...and probably is the last time I have to open your eyes and decide if you will be involved again.


T - If you think it was bad on other sites and you did not know it, you cannot imagine what's going to happen as you become a multi-millioniare. Months from now things will happen and you'll know you need to be aware of those things. I know that was a whole lot of info and I feel better knowing I did the right thing to open some eyes. You need to be thinking about this afternoon when you got the call with 800#s and what you're going to do.


C - I talked to several banks and asked how they will keep our money info away from the tellers up front? T - Ask your personal banker or wealth manager. You can have a separate account (a local account) that is separate from your other funds. You will be dealing directly with your PB or WM.

C - Will we still be allowed to CE a $25K note prior to our appointment? T - That is still in place. Depending on how much you have, 2-3 notes, they may be able to cash you out at one time.

C - Should we be concerned about anything happening in Iraq, i.e., budget, seating of ministers, etc.? T - No, it will not. They are scheduling this for TODAY. People are in the bank TODAY. The call I got before this call indicated that is still the goal. Right now that's where we're headed.

C - Do we have to CE with a major bank? T - It can be a M&P bank. Call the 800# and they will give you the affiliate bank to go to in your area.

C - Are the rates stabilized or are they tricking up/down? T - The rates among banks is differing by $10 but those aren't the actual rates.

C - Will you get Okie on the call when you make "the" call? T - Pam and Ray thought that would be cool. But when I get the numbers I can do a call on the CC and get 6,000 people on the call. If we add BlogTalk that will cover another 15,000. What I want to do is give Okie the okay and he will make the announcement. Then we'll post the 800#s ourselves on our forum and on, .net and in the chat room. I'll be waiting 1-2 hours to cashout to do all of this but I will for you guys first!

C - Can you tell us more accurately when the 30-day window closes? T - No, because I don't know what time. It could go to midnight.

C - Any comments on a post in the Forum from "Judge" (the purpose of the NDA is to control our mouths AND our money, disclosures for anything over $5K, being labeled by HS as a terrorist threat, etcs.). T - So let me get this right: our gov't has gone for 10 years writing banking laws so we could get this money on Monday/Tuesday, deposit millions in our bank account, so we could spend $5K and they could arrest and lock us up? Really?

T - They did all this for the last 10 years, kept renewing 13303, get the rates that high, so they could arrest us when we spend more than $5K on money and investments we made? And this is all in an NDA so they can control us? They already write all the laws. This doesn't make any sense. If you believe any of this nonsense you do not deserve to have any dinar.

C - The DC guys said they wanted to get this done before Black Friday so people could quit their jobs. How has this delay affected this plan? T - People didn't get to quit before Black Friday. Anytime you give 5M people this kind of money it will affect the economy. Did they want this for Black Friday? Yes. Do they still want, by the end of the month, for Christmas, this kind of stimulus? Yes. It still will stimulate the economy this month, even though they missed the flash of Black Friday. They still want this done and that is the driving force.

C - Is there a date since they missed BF? T - I don't know there is a cutoff date next year. Everybody in DC is saying today is the day. The difference is that we (banks) have the 800#s. Major security is in place now at the banks.

C - You were on the phone with 3 letter agencies ...that they weren't going to have the rates go down during the 30 days all would be comfortable about getting the high rate..please comment. T - They want to alleviate some of your stress if you don't get in there the very first day. The rate WILL go down in the 1st 30 days. I just don't know when in that 30 days it will go down. They think they can get 5M people through in the first 5-7 days. The rates will stay high. They don't want people panicking. You don't have to get in the first day. If it takes a couple of day, that's fine. The rates will be steady before the market takes over.

C - Is the rate close to what you said last time? T - On some screens it is. How's that. That's the best I can do. They asked me not to say anymore. Some idiot in NY walked into a bank and said "Tony said..." regarding the rates. Don't do that!

C - There's talk about private placements where you can get offers at the bank through those instead of through retail side? T - I do know there were some private deals being made through some countries. DC is aware of it because they authorized it. It's one of those deals where you have to know somebody.

C - Is the VND holding steady? T - I heard the rate 1.98 for the IQD that is being paid now and I heard other rumors that did not make sense to me. The VNN will probably go down faster that the other rates.

PAM - We got some great info and hopefully Tony will be doing another call today. He'll do a call later by himself because I'll be at the bank.


C - Does Pam get all the info before you (Tony)? T - Absolutely, yes she does! LOL.

C - Is the email address we give when we call the 800# for our ID at the CE or is that so they can respond to us that way? T - I was told it would be for ID and that at your appointment they would ask for the email address you gave. You can always delete your email address after your appointment. When you call you're dealing with bank people. No worries.

T - This morning I got an email from PTR and it wants my email address and password to "view this document." I wondered if they were sending me a virus and found out others got it too. I sent it forward to another email address and my computer issued warning about it. My banking email will be strictly for banking. My new laptop will be strictly for banking. Nothing else.
C - Back in June we were told there was an in-country RV. Can you explain that? T - That was for contractors and we were supposed to see it in July. Then it became all political and power moves. The did have an in-country RV and they're waiting for it go international, which should be today. There is nothing they need to do for us to see this.

T - I'm down to my last 3 minutes. There's a "Pastor Elroy Miller" who is sending out an emails about me and my background, saying I'm giving high rates so I can steal your dinar. I don't care if he's a pastor or not. That is ignorance and he's an idiot. I have not asked you to partner with me on anything nor have I asked you for anything. What kind of a church leader does that? Some take kindness for weakness and I've tried to be kind. Sometimes you have to call an ignorant ass an ignorant ass. It is what it is.

T - Last night they got hyped up for this like you wouldn't believe. This morning they brought them ALL in. At 5 minutes to 9AM EST the rates were live at the banks. At 12:30 PM EST they were live with an administrative hold. Right now they are bringing to people into the banks to go to work. Security is like we've never seen it at the call centers. Undercover and uniformed police are there now. There are enough days and time before the rates go down for you to be taken care of. That's the message I'm asked to give you. They want this organized and calm. Hopefully it won't be long and we'll be posting the 800#s. That's it for the day. All the news is positive. Everybody is saying today is our day and hopefully it won't go to midnight. Enjoy your day.


Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2013: Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue...

Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2013: Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue...

Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue, Okinawa, Korea and Sunni/Shia divide remain sticking points.

Based on high level contacts being made to the White Dragon Society, it is clear there is a growing consensus that the old dollar system be used to start a $700 trillion campaign to end poverty and stop environmental production, without impeding the continuation or start-up of alternative financial systems. However, as the world waits impatiently for the campaign to be announced, ongoing high level geopolitical negotiations, with a bit of saber rattling as a back-drop, are continuing to delay implementation, according to multiple high-level sources.
The main sticking points to world peace and the start of a new golden age are now the ancient Shia/Sunni political divide in the Islamic world, Israel and a few unresolved issues in East Asia, notably the Korean Peninsula and the Okinawan archipelago.
In Asia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin four times and the heads of all the ASEAN countries in a campaign to build a coalition to contain China. The Pentagon, worried about continued financing, secretly supports this as it is keeping the war card as its last big negotiation leverage.

The Chinese, for their part, are strong enough now to insist on resolving some historical injustices before they agree to support the $700 trillion campaign. In particular, they resent the fact that all the Islands near China have been taken away from them by superior imperialist navy forces.
The Chinese have a strong card to play, which is to use their vastly superior ground military forces to force the unification of the Korean peninsula and derive the United States of its South Korean tributary vassal state.
The White Dragon Society has made the following suggestion to both sides as a way of breaking the stalemate. First of all return Okinawa to its historical status as an independent kingdom and a neutral meeting point between Japan and China. In such a deal China and Japan would each pay 50% of the costs of US troops there in order to ensure the Islands remain neutral. The Okinawan archipelago could then become a duty free and fun meeting and resting place.
As mentioned before, Northern and Southern Korea could be united by making Kim Jon-un a symbolic emperor of Korea and leaving the Southern Korean families in charge of the economy. In such a deal the newly united Korea might agree to keep US forces in central Korea as a guarantor of Korean independence.

The alternative to agreeing to the above proposals will be the inevitable bankruptcy of the US, an abrupt withdrawal of US forces from the region and subsequent chaos.
Also last week, some unidentified entity calling itself the Bank of New York (but not the Bank of New York, Mellon) has been buying majority stakes in many major Japanese corporations, according to the Black Dragon Society. One US government agency source suspects Goldman Sachs to be behind this but it may also be a cyber-attack on Japan’s economic infrastructure. The Japanese authorities have been advised to make sure human beings carrying physical stock certificates be produced and if the “Bank of New York” cannot do that, then the systems at the Tokyo Stock Exchange may have to be temporarily shut down.
Also, two missile launchers were found outside the US Yokota airbase in Tokyo last week. This was a warning by the gnostic Illuminati that they will destroy the Kanto plain with a nuclear weapon hidden in a tunnel system near the base unless the new financial system is announced, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster.
The P2 Freemason lodge honcho Marco Di Mauro also made some statements last week that were straight out of the X-files. He said that 24 “encantadores,” or magicians, had started work on building a new continent in the South Pacific. Normally, I would not report such statements but after he told me this, news reports appeared saying Mount Etna in Italy was blowing smoke rings and that 35 volcanoes around the Pacific rim had started erupting simultaneously.
This could be some sort of propaganda but it is clear the Vatican and the P2 still have a lot of real geopolitical influence. Last week Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis to discuss the Middle East. Putin now has real influence on the ground in the Middle East while the Pope has religious influence. According to news reports, they were discussing ways to ensure peace in that region.

The White Dragon Society has suggested that the only way to really calm the region down would be for the world as a whole to force the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam to resolve their ancient split by selecting a Caliph. In such a scenario, as suggested before, Israel could become a Jewish autonomous zone in the region. However, once the Jews learn how much they have been lied to and brainwashed by their own leaders, many may well decide to return to their ancestral European homes.
Meanwhile, back in the US, we are getting credible reports that US special forces are getting ready to move on Washington.
With support for Congress running at 6% and so many people wondering why mass arrests have not taken place, we sure hope it is true this time. To help compile the list of who to arrest, I will conclude this week’s report with an open letter to Jim Stone of Jim Stone freelance, a genuine NSA whistleblower who has done so much to alert the world about the Fukushima mass murder and terror war crime attack.
Mr. Stone,
First of all, thanks for your courageous and ground breaking work on uncovering the Fukushima mass murder and terror operation. I am writing this e-mail to provide you with forensic evidence that I have gathered on what the 311 tsunami attack was about and exactly who was involved.
My sources for what I am about to write include Japanese military intelligence, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan (whom I have known personally for many years), members of the crew that smuggled the nuclear weapons used in the attack into Japan, members of both the French and British branches of the Rothschild family, senior CIA agents and a member of the team that actually drilled the nuclear weapons into the seabed before the 311 attack.
The first thing you need to know is that the attack was planned many years before it happened. The Japanese business magazine Zaikai Tembo, citing a CIA report, wrote in February of 2007 that the US had decided that Japan was getting too much of its energy from nuclear power and that if that trend continued, Japan would no longer be dependent on US controlled oil and thus would no longer have to obey the US. The conclusion of the report was that the best way to ensure Japan remained a colony would be to destroy the Tokyo Electric Power company, the people who run the Fukushima plant.
Senator J. Rockefeller, whose family controls (through foundations) General Electric, the manufacturers of the plant, was deeply involved in this operation. As a preliminary to destroying Japan’s nuclear power generation capability, Westinghouse and General Electric sold their nuclear power plant manufacturing businesses to Toshiba and Hitachi. This was insider trading at the highest level and Hitachi and Toshiba should sue.
The ongoing attempt in recent years by an Asian/Western secret society to wrest control of global finance from Western oligarch families is a bigger back-ground to the Fukushima sub-plot.
For example, Democratic Party of Japan Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was asked at a G7 meeting in 2009 to hand over $100 billion to the cabal. He answered that he would raise the money by selling $100 billion worth of US Treasury bonds. He was going to say this at the press conference that followed the G7 meeting, so he was drugged to prevent him from doing so. Later, when he returned to Japan, he was murdered by CIA death squads.
Getting back to Fukushima, the refusal of the Japanese Democratic Party and authorities to hand over any real hard currency to the Western Oligarch families resulted in their decision to go ahead with the Fukushima operation as a way of intimidating the Japanese once again into surrender and obedience.

One key source of mine, who has variously gone by the names of Richard Sorge, Alexander Romanov, etc., was part of a multi-agency Western ring involved in smuggling drugs into Japan. I have confirmed through a long term acquaintance by the name of Steve McClure, a supposed music journalist, that Richard Sorge was his long term supplier of drugs. He claims to have been recruited into the Illuminati by former Chess champion Bobby Fischer.
In any case, Sorge told me that he was summoned to Pattaya, Thailand, by a member of the British Special Air Service, a South African going by the name of Spencer and told to bring 70 kilograms of “thai stick” Marijuana, heavily laced with mind destroying chemicals and approach me. He was told to tell me to introduce the yakuza to him or else I would be killed. The Yakuza told me it was a trap and to keep away from it, which I did. Sorge also told me that when he was in Thailand, he was shown a 700 kiloton nuclear missile that was stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk. This missile was smuggled into Japan together with the drugs.
The man overseeing the smuggling operation was a former Hong Kong deputy police commissioner by the name of Stephens, according to Sorge and Spencer. The man in overall operational control of this operation against Japan was General Richard Meyers, according to CIA and other sources.
Based in subsequent interviews with members of Pentagon military intelligence and MI5, the route taken by the missile to Japan has been identified. It was part of a batch of four nuclear missiles stolen from the Kursk by Nazi underground forces who took them to their submarine base in the Atlantic Island of Sao Tome, according to MI5. From there, it was taken to another submarine base in New Guinea, according to Pentagon Military intelligence.

From there it was taken to the Philippines Yatch club where Stevens’ crew then took it by yacht to a remote island on the Okinawan archipelago. From there it was transported by fishing boat to the port of Kyushu. From Kyushu, the missile was taken by van to a property owned by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone in Hi No De Cho, in Western Tokyo. From there it was taken to the North Korean Citizen’s organization headquarters near the Yasukuni shrine, according to Sorge.
Sorge risked his life and has survived multiple murder attempts because he attempted to warn the Japanese authorities about the impending nuclear terror attack. He told them the missile was at Nakasone’s property and he told me as well. The Japanese authorities ignored our warnings. Later we again told them the missile was located at the North Korean headquarters in Japan.
For his efforts, Sorge was arrested by plain clothes police who ignored his warnings about impending nuclear terror and instead asked him to testify falsely that I was a drug dealer.
A South African/British agent by the name of Michael Meiring, who had both legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by George Herbert Walker Bush Senior also began contacting me around this time. He came to me under the name of Dr. Michael Van de Meer and he showed me a bullet proof attaché case, 7 passports and an Uzi machine-gun. Dr. Van de Meer told me that Tony Blair had bragged I would be arrested on drug charges.
In any case, Japanese authorities failed to react to our warnings and the bomb was loaded onto the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. Local news reports place the Chikyu drilling into the seabed off-shore from Sendai in the months before the March 11, 2011 Tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan.
Furthermore, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that the Prime Minister Naoto Kan was seen inside the Japan Freemason headquarters building near Tokyo tower on the day before the 311 attack. He was being shown a map of Japan missing the Tohoku region where the tsunami it.
The Israeli company Magna BSP was in charge of security at the Fukushima nuclear plant at the time. A Miyagi prefectural government official says employees of this company loaded plutonium into the plant against his will in the months before 311.
Immediately after the tsunami and nuclear terror attack began, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was asked to order the evacuation of 40 million people from the Kanto plain, Kan said during a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan.
He also received a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the day after the attack demanding that he sign over ownership of all Japanese government holdings of US government bonds to cabal oligarchs, which he did, according to Japanese military intelligence.
Following the attacks, a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who was involved in breaking up the nuclear bomb from the Kursk into several smaller bombs and drilling them into the seabed, showed up at the Tachikawa Christian church run by Pastor Paolo Izumi asking for protection. He said that 14 of his colleagues who were involved in the drilling operation, not understanding the purpose of what they were doing, had been murdered in order to silence them and that he feared for his life. The man was sheltered by the church and is now in the witness protection program.
After the 311 attack, this writer went to South Korea at the invitation of Dr. Van de Meer. While in Korea he was told the Rothschild family had planned the attack because they wanted to force 40 million Japanese refugees to take shelter in North and South Korea. The Rothschild family intended to move the base of their Asian operations from Tokyo to a planned new special economic zone in Korea, he said. He knew in advance of the 311 attack and looked deeply ashamed when he admitted he did not warn me about it.
Following the 311 attack, un-marked planes were spotted dumping radio-active industrial waste containing cesium, according to a Japanese gangster whose gang was sub-contracting for the CIA and Mossad around Fukushima.
The massive propaganda fear campaign following the 311 attack can be traced to Mossad, the Pentagon and the CIA.
In addition to the people named above, some of the individuals involved in this mass murder and fear propaganda campaign include Kenneth Curtis, the head of CIA Japan, Michael Green, the head of Mossad Japan and Richard Armitage.
Other people involved in this mass murder campaign include George Bush Sr. and Jr., Michael Chertoff, James Baker, Paul Wolfowitz, Senator J. Rockefeller, Michael Hayden, Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Pope Maledict, and others yet to be named.

Original Source:


Millionday & People Invested Roundtable Part 3 of 3

Millionday & People Invested Roundtable  Part 3 of 3


[belabun] that is a bill that is being presented by WHAT IS H.R. 77 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 77 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 3, 2013 Mr. Broun of Georgia introduced the following bill;

which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned continued

[winone] To be true i meant

[millionday] belabun yes it is

[Mangorancher] if we are to have 30 days to cash in it would mean either today or tomorrow based on the Dec 31st date

[Melba] is that saying no taxes
Read More Link On Right

[LBnFL] Can't imagine O actually passing ANY bill that would eliminate ANY tax.

[lorijeanmarshall] millionday well that is interesting

      [millionday] it is a bill of repeal however and has not been answered but is dated to become effective at the end of the year but we do not have anything thtat tells us it was passed so ask a professional

    [millionday] lorijeanmarshall very

    [MatCauthon] Did it get passed though

    [Smokey Mtn. Dinar] And what I read said that our House and Senate have already voted and Passed this, and that the President has already signed it. I'm a little skeptical about that part, because I feel we would have heard about it before now, if that was the case.

    [letsroll] could somebody from Ga. find out if Mr. Broun holds IQD please ... lol

    [millionday] i have been told it has not been passed

    [Mangorancher] LBnFL if you read it anything before Dec 31 2013 can be taxed or that is how I read it

 [belabun] PLEASE people, you can check to see if passed, ----- so do some of your homework, OK?

    [lorijeanmarshall] millionday Maybe they will RV on the first and then we WONT have to pay taxes on it. I can wait till the 1st for that. LOL

    B][millionday] now see if this had been passed we could keep smiling but wipe it off

    [millionday] lol

    [millionday] letsroll lol

       [MatCauthon] Should be in the congressional record if passed

    [belabun] MatCauthon yes, they need to look for themselves, rather than dinarrecaps

    [millionday] Hr77 has not been passed is what i am told

    [millionday] MatCauthon thats right and it shows it has not gone through yet

    [millionday] belabun not when they have me --- i will look for them lol

    [winone] millionday that's the way i took it too

[Smokey Mtn. Dinar] belabun Not found on recaps

    [Smokey Mtn. Dinar] I saw it some where else

    [belabun] the article is on recaps, was posted there earlier,

    [LBnFL] So we DON'T want an RV before Jan 1...!

    [millionday] so i guess we have to stop smiling about maybe getting out of owing --- we should know better look where we live

    [belabun] and orignally on Rense --

    [millionday] we are going to owe

    [winone] millionday is the site that it is posted on legit?

    [belabun] Iam going to be TICKLED TO DEATH TO PAY TAXES --- never in my life would I have had anything close to what this will eventually bring to me.

    [millionday] belabun i have never been to that site

[Smokey Mtn. Dinar] True. Our government is going to tax us every chance they get!

    [Mangorancher] It looks like HR77 was introduced way back in January of this year... am I missing something as why it is important now?

    [belabun] Rense has lots of "stuff" hubby looked at it, some good, some ?, and just some ------

    [mdglow] Smokey Mtn. Dinar yes they are !

    [millionday] winone i will check it out further

    [belabun] Mangorancher was sent to me this a.m. as had been posted on recaps, originally on rense

    [winone] millionday THANK YOU

    [millionday] i dont know yet have to check the site owner ect

    [millionday] etc

    [millionday] lets get back to news

 [millionday] Suffering of the Iraqi street of the scarcity of the currency of a small category (250, 500 and 1000) dinars, and found it undamaged and Mthtrh, and became citizens upset of used and especially the owners of taxis and commercial markets,

but they accepted the deal out to preserve the continuation of their work flow. attributed the number of economists reason for the scarcity of Currency with the small category and ease of damage to the poor quality of paper used and the lack of printing works, stressing that the central bank discussed the possibility of issuing coins of small denominations to be a substitute for paper.

    [millionday] said a member of the committee of economy and investment MP / coalition in Iraq / Nora Albjara, the scarcity and damage Currency with the small category due to the weakness of its value deliberative and the poor quality of the paper used to print.

added Albjara that the central bank will Basaddaramlh metal groups small alternative paper, noting that the new currency will be the quality is good and easy to handle and meet the needs of citizens. will dispense paper currency damaged gradually, adding that the currency small is of great significance in the market by re-remaining amount

[millionday] so here they are talking about the new currency and it is made well and the citizens are having a hard time with the large currency off the streets

    [millionday] look at this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

    [millionday] denied Albjara: to be the scarcity of the currency of the small category associated with higher rates, asserting that Artaf prices due to the greed of the merchants and the lack of goods in the market and exploited by others.

For his part, member of the Economic Commission MP / National Alliance / Ibrahim stirrup, that the currency of a small category does not have great value in trading and buying and selling, so it has been dispensed with and became its presence virtually non-existent in market.

added stirrup central bank will issue coins, metal, alternative damaged after a process of deletion of zeros in the next parliamentary session, which Tattabramlah reform administrative currency cash.

    [millionday] note -- the next session is dec 15th

    [lorijeanmarshall] millionday Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

[letsroll] sweet

    [millionday] look at this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    [millionday] said: that the central bank is printing the currency of a small class, but the lack of value have vanished on the market, being a Ataatlaúm with the size requirements of the citizens. For his part, banking expert Majid picture, that restructuring the currency and delete the zeros calls to increase the categories of the nominal value of the few, and issued coin to ease in trading and non-damaging, indicating that small groups can also lead to facilitate the process of policy-making price and reduce the cost of trading operations.

    [Melba] millionday how can u change the value of a metal coin

    [millionday] note -- because the prices has not changed yet

    [millionday] so they are bringing out the small denoms and coins -- love it

    [lorijeanmarshall] millionday It can't be this easy.... what is the catch?

    [lorijeanmarshall] LOL

    [millionday] they dont use the coins right now hun  coins are a new thing only used with low prices for change

[millionday] lorijeanmarshall whooop whooop

    [millionday] thought i would end with a bang today   lol

    millionday] wow i am so ready to see that -- whoop whooop

    [millionday] and the date of parliament dated return in dec 15th   i hope that last one gave you all hope

    [cookie2] millionday Hope is just the start! : )  That is very very exciting !!

    [millionday] cookie2 i agree hun  love that news   and from cbi -- whooop whoooop

    [millionday] add this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ··· tyID=174

    [millionday] see everyone later -- thanks so much for taking part -- you know i love that for roundtable

    [millionday] see you at newstime      730 est