Friday, December 6, 2013

Cookie Pies

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Thursday, December 5, 2013



It often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong.”
Abraham Lincoln

     In Teaching Economics as the saying goes, "Garbage In, Garbage Out!" Teach economic nonsense to the school kids and economic nonsense is what the school kids will believe is the truth.
     I was caught a bit offguard by a quote I heard on TV I understood was said by Obama and wanted to confirm it. After using many links from a search engine and finding that they said Obama said such and such and did not quote him much, I was out of time and so will state what I thought I heard Obama said. As I understood it, the TV news indicated at the time the news came out about the food strike at restaurants across America, Obama commented that he felt the minimum wage should go up from $7.25 to $15.00 an hour since the rich could afford it. My one comment if this basic statement is true that Obama said it is the following. If the minimum wage suddenly went up to $15 or so for McDonald, Burger King, Wendy's, etc., it would be likely that the $1 or budget menu these restaurants have would be over and any food there would have to start at several dollars for a hamburger, etc. Often when a business stiffly raises its prices, many of the people stop eating there and even national chains can fold as costs exceed money brought in as sales. Don't forget Hostess Twinkies went out of business nationally when the labor union demanded money the company could not afford to pay!
    I remember a milk company in Wash., D.C. many years ago had a strike by their employees who wanted a stiff pay increase from the company. The company judged this pay increase would put them out of business anyway and so permanently closed their company and all these employees lost their jobs.
      In my plan I set up for studying economics in more depth than any economist had ever done before, I forced myself to work various fields that gave you insight into how national economics really worked in the field and walked away from some pretty decent career positions in the process. I had a regional manager job with a multi-billion dollar insurance company and could hire insurance agents in 49 states. I could become a potential millionaire with this yet quit it after learning the insurance secrets of running an insurance company not known by the public. I hated to leave that job but I was committed to carry out this plan which ultimately got me to hold maybe positions in 30 or so professional positions and some positions in management including vice president of an advertising agency and in management running some retail stores for national chains.
     Among this wide array of professional fields I went into over the years, I also was an elected union labor official with two labor unions. One of them I was the local head of the local union. I wanted to see how smart or else foolish union members thought in terms of the national economy, their role in helping or else harming the future of the national economy, etc. With one union I was surprised when I found Communist literature from their large national headquarters and what they were telling union leaders to do behind the scenes. They said we could turn America into a Communist nation by a backdoor approach. Nationalize all the businesses and industries by demanding so high of wages as to suck out all the profit any business or industry made. Then we had nationalized the businesses and industries of America without the public ever catching on to how we made America a Communist nation. Maybe this policy is part of the explanation why the auto industry in America nearly collapsed a few years ago. When union workers were getting even over $70 an hour and wanted more or else they would strike, this forced American cars up to such high prices as suddenly Detroit was being clobbered by lower priced foreign cars and except for Washington intervention maybe except for Ford Motor Co., maybe the union members being brainwashed by union Communist propaganda were responsible for bankrupting Detroit which once was one of the most prosperous cities in America.
     I was an elected union official with another union and they got this wild bug they wanted a strike against a company holding a special business franchise in the area. I said things to them that they did not like. I said that any union and company should both be on the same team trying to make the business successful as possible. Look out for the company so it could better look out for the welfare of the union members working for it. When I told them that they might lose the franchise for the company involved if they started a strike for a much higher payscale, etc., I got threats that a bomb would be placed in my car if I did not shut up. Later, my prediction was proven correct and 500 union members lost their jobs locally as they did not care for reality, the practical, the truth, and plain common sense. When I years ago also wrote to national labor unions to stand for tariff protection for the textile industry in America, none wrote back as they were backing the Democratic leaders who wanted the trade agreements eliminating these tariff protections. Later on, the American textile industry heavily collapsed in America with empty textile plants across a number of states in America. Most of the textile workers lost their jobs in America because their labor unions supplied key money to Democratic leaders like Al Gore who were working for treaties eliminating any protection for textile industries and other American industries. 
      You have consequences for the stupidity of labor unions in national economic issues. We had a South Carolina Investors financial group which for decades paid faithfully high interest returns each year. They had a large number of people who had their money with them. Wash., D.C. crashed the textile industry of America and most of the high interest mortgage loans South Carolina Investors had were for textile workers. When the textile industry collapsed in South Carolina, suddenly too many of the mortgages were now defaulted on and eventually officials of South Carolina Investors went to prison for what Wash., D.C. did to them and their financial backers in South Carolina. Everyone wanted to hang the corporate officials as they couldn't hang those in Wash., D.C. and were too naive to realize that Wash., D.C. had ruined South Carolina Investors and it was not an issue of officials of this loan company stealing money and not placing the loan money into mortgage notes where it was supposed to go into. 
      Speaking of crashing the mortgage market of America, Barney Frank and Obama did much of the damage in collapsing the real estate market of America which we still suffer from in 2013 which collapsed the entire national economy of America to some degree since this happened. These two politicians strong-armed federal mortgage loan programs to where quotas must be met to loan to Blacks and Hispanics regardless if credit worthy or not. These programs got the message of threats from Barney Frank and Obama and with legal double-talk unofficially met the quotas instead of maintaining credit soundness to their programs. When the corrupt derivatives collapse of corrupt banking got out of hand, this triggered the house of cards falling in the real estate market and suddenly the American economy came close to near total collapse due to Barney Frank and Obama. Then Obama prances in politically to "save" America from this economic crash caused by President Bush where actually it probably never would have happened if Barney Frank and Obama had not done their arm twisting in the federal mortgage field. This is similar to the persons murdering someone accusing the innocent of the crime they had done and pretending innocence in their act of self-righteousness. 
     Part of the rich are decent people and part of the most rich are utter scoundrels and rotten as all "hell." But for the decent part of the rich, I will speak up in their defense. They are much more likely to back good business projects in America than most of the average people. They have the guts to "gamble" on promising business projects whereas most of the ordinary people are scared to death to gamble on any promising business project which could benefit the American economy and help expand the base of jobs in America. If we had a total Communist government in America, then the inventive genius of the American people would be crushed under it and America would no longer have the potential to be a leader in industry in the world. Obama is doing all he can to turn America into a Communist government, nation, and economy and a vast federal Communist police state in the process. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck, looks like a duck, then I assume Obama duck is a Communist duck after all!
      I have tons of economic tricks and tactics I picked up over the years. The insurance field has an excellent record of investments which held up through good times and even hard recessions and depressions. Run Social Security like smart insurance investment programs for themselves and we have huge sums of money invested into the American economy instead of taken out of it by the Ponzi scheme system of Social Security as run by Wash., D.C. This could create millions of new, good jobs in America! And when it comes time to pay the retirement benefits of Social Security, people might get paid two or three times or more monthly payments then as they receive now from Ponzi scheme Social Security today. 
     When Berlin, Germany had an accidental overfinancing of apartment buildings around 1914, suddenly apartment rents went down for the people as there were more apartments available for the people than needed by the people and so apartment rents had to compete against one another. This was in disguised form a pay raise for the German people as they had more money to spend now than before this blessing in apartment rents. When I worked in the savings and loan field and studied with the American Savings & Loan Institute then, I noticed they knew that overfinancing of apartment buildings, etc. could make the cost of living of the American people cheaper than before. They had their reasons why they would not want to do this for their areas.
      When I worked for one of the top newspapers in America, my boss had a deal where he bought a townhouse beside several other townhouses at such a decent price, it was no more expensive than monthly rent for an apartment and his note was not bad and would be paid off in a few short years. Have low priced townhouses or condominium apartments backed by federal or private financing and you can have reasonable monthly payments no higher than apartment rents and done right, any mortgage note could be paid off in a few years. I do not like setting up welfare housing as this creates a drain on the finances of a government. Instead promote low cost townhouses and apartment condominiums but decent in appearance and condition and push for massive home ownership for the American people. Richer people can buy fancier homes. Middle Class still better than the low cost townhouses and condomium apartments. And even with the lower cost federally backed housing, the people end up with ownership of their own homes unless they just don't want to bother owning their own homes.
      Being in so many positions seeing how the American economy really works and not theoretical from textbooks, etc., I observed something that the economists don't know about. Due to intensely corrupt banking policies of Wash., D.C., apparently even trillions of dollars have secretly been stolen from the American people by Wash., D.C. in confiscating the money of legitimate funds and business operations backed privately by the American people. And the super rich had secret Washington policies set up so trillions of dollars in available money was blocked from America so Americans could not have the industries mass founded in America which would have created jobs for all Americans wanting it and made America overwhelmingly again the industrial leader of the world.
      And based upon private observations, I would estimate that maybe as high as 90% of the new industry that could be founded in America is never founded due to invalid, illegal mass registration of nearly all stock and business offers in America. The government "protects" you from massive national wealth, jobs for all, a wonderful life as described in the American Declaration of Independence as a right to "the pursuit of happiness" in America.
     I know many angles of economics that others do not know. I believe in as much freedom for people as is good for the people and nation. Are there any limits to this freedom? If genetic research could end up hurting or killing off the human race, then as Thomas Jefferson wrote while Secretary of State under President George Washington, the highest God-given right of mankind is the right to survival and that is higher than any man created or passed law on earth. If necessary, deadly angles of genetic research could be stopped or suppressed if required for the survival of the human race on earth.
      As I love inventors and what they can do for the good of mankind and the economy in general, is there any limits to what an inventor can be allowed to do in society? A British comedy movie in 1951 starring Alex Guinness raised a clever point in "The Man In The White Suit." An inventor invents this suit made of special paper if I recall the story correctly and it looks like it can last forever without wearing out. At first everyone is happy for this. But as the clothing industry is threatened with collapse due to this and the British economy begins to nosedive because of this, finally it is rejoiced over in Britain when finally it is found out that this White Suit of special paper finally wears out and is no good any longer. The British economy is saved from destruction by a product too good for their economy!
     I believe in enormous freedoms for the people. However, if it comes to threatening the survival of the people and nation, there must sometimes be a limit to total freedom in some area. From my studies of economic science with six of the most brilliant economists in the world, I was strongly impressed how land was a great asset for creating enormous wealth in the nation. You have the land for farms, industries, to build towns and cities in, and land to expand to for whatever your national interests are. You have enormous potential to your national economy. However, if America lets 50 million Mexicans into America (I don't hate the Mexicans so this is not a race issue!), 500 million Chinese into America, and hundreds of millions of other foreigners into America, the land is all occupied at some point and America has no future nor culture left drowned in this mass flood of America with immigrants.
     Obama wants to mass flood America with immigrants and especially from the Middle East down the road. You let this mass flood of immigrants to come from the Middle East and soon things like the Boston Bombing by this Islamic immigrant who hated America will become a daily occurrence and it will be utter hell for Americans to live in America after that. Time to get control of this immigration problem before there is no more America left! Immigrants have to accept American culture and like our system of freedom and want to assimilate into becoming part of the American people. If they don't like our culture, our political beliefs, and hate us, then please don't enter America or if here, go back to your prior homeland as you have no intention of ever becoming an American for real! Obama hates American culture and secretly hates the American people is why he wants to mass flood America with foreign immigrants who will not assimilate into American citizens so this will overthrow the America Obama hates so fiercely.  
     I am an honest economist and tell the truth!
In any field of science, you must use the truth
or else pretty soon you will not have true science and knowledge which is useful and practical for mankind to use. Science, engineering, etc. only work while based upon basic truths. Lies don't work such as bubble gum is the right material to build atomic bombs from. You don't have to have total truth always in any scientific or engineering field. Albert Einstein trusting other scientists were correct in assigning a constant speed of light as represented in his formula how to build the atomic bomb had a formula which worked fine for what it was intended to do. However, the speed of light is not guaranteed constant as lab tests have since demonstrated. Even with a minor error in his formula, it still advanced our power to use science and engineering for what we intended.
     My key economic formula I showed in a previous national report can be used with generalizations of figures showing the right direction for an economy, but not accurate down to the last penny for an economy, but still shows what helps and improves your economy or not. You would have to have colossal control of all economic statistics for my formula to give you an answer accurate down to the last penny for a nation. Technically, it can be done, but not necessary to show what economic policies will create prosperity in a nation or else threaten the economy with collapse if used.
      Giving examples how tactics can improve the economy and my formula can use this to help evaluate what helps or else hurts purchasing power of the money you use in the nation. You double gas mileage on your car or else buy auto fuel for 50% what you paid for it before. This is obvious that this will increase the purchasing power of your money in total even though just in actual expenses with cars. But if car travel is made less expensive, then easier for people to shop with shopping centers, go on vacations and create tourist prosperity, etc. elsewhere. More travel creating more economic activity in America means the velocity factor of your money is strengthened rather than weakened by Obama policy. The total created in my economic formula tells how much total prosperity you are creating in America or other lands as should be available to the American people to bless them. 
     One reason among others why the economy of France under Jesus Money was so strong is that they built quality into their furniture, their clothes, etc. so they lasted long and gave good service while used. You increase your purchasing power when you buy quality instead of cheap junk in some product. If you pay 5 times more for a quality product and it outlasts the cheap product by 10 times, you have in terms of purchasing power doubled the real purchasing power of your money that you spent. America created a great world market for its products meaning even if they cost more, their quality was worth any difference in price because they gave better service and longer use than a cheap product would made from elsewhere.
      I am loaded with economic answers I do not have the time to show you. This is just a sampling of what will be offered to the American people once the Omni Law is passed that I wrote up for the American people. One final point. I had advanced Colon Cancer for over one year and it was only a question of time before I would die from it. With my usual philosophical approach to this, I said, when the Lord is ready, I will be shown the answer for this. Suddenly one day in I think 1987 I saw by scientific logic how to cure this advanced Colon Cancer and for less than $100 in total supplies, knocked it out in 7 days flat. That is certainly cheaper than spending $250,000 to $500,000 to "fight" but not cure Cancer under Obamacare! Let the God-given answers to heal mankind be allowed by our godless, corrupt as hell government under Obama and we won't need Obamacare for anyone in America!
     And final point. For the first time I saw an ad like this on TV this morning. A large national company was setting up a new distribution center here in South Carolina. They were advertising that they wanted 20 full-time employees for this and 200 part-time employees where this was previously a full-time job they hired for. Obamacare is so expensive for them that they only wanted part-time employees instead of full-time. Obamacare as a Communist invention of Obamacare is designed to devastate the economy of America and maybe end up bankrupting America!
      Pass my Omni Law as posted on my website email is For those wanting to send in support to pass the Omni Law or else buy products from the website to back the Omni Law but by mail instead of through the website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and indicate that it  is financial support to help pass the Omni Law through the Omni Law Loan Program (write for Omni Law support) or else by buying products you also help finance the passing of the Omni Law. You can also look up the Omni Law by putting in my pen name of Erasmus of America in the search box on Nesara News and some of the reports I wrote were on the Omni Law and showed it.
      Pass this report around if you want a booming economy in the future under free enterprise revived in strength by our Omni Law. Or don't push this and wonder why the economy gets worse and worse under the Communist ideas of Obama. Poor boy can't help it! He only studied Communist economics and does not know how American free enterprise works!
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the most pro-free enterprise economist in America and fiercely anti-Communist as it is a lousy and evil answer for mankind!)


Islam and the Survival of the West

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  NO comment from me is necessary.
  Herewith, in his continuing expose exposing the WIDE & MEANINGFUL differences between Islam and the West, author Mike Scruggs provides us with great insight between the two and the impact their differences are having upon the American Republic & what’s left of it.

  Here again the element of ‘Diversity’, having been introduced for Political reasons, like much else, is using religion (in this particular case) as yet another conduit for Divisiveness.

  Such Divisiveness allows these Marxist-Progressives to pursue their own agenda & free from any opposition thanks to their Altar of Political Correctness they have combined to create allowing for their Progeny of Social Re-Engineering, et al, to be BUILT.

   Thus, they have cloaked their real Political Intentions having PUT most Americans upon a ‘Stool of Social Guilt’ that suggests:  
any examination of any differences, wherein the Values and Principles of the Original Republic are described & clearly undertaken, Revealing any & all Detriments to it and us, is dealt with (and harshly) in one manner or another, by these Marxist-Progressives either thru their ‘Corrective Legislative Actions’ or via the Interference their many
Special Interests run for them-
with all, having been equally created from the Same Default System they engineered to create & advance over multiple decades!

  Thank you Mike for sharing & forwarding.

We Must Separate,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
PS- It is indeed- 1860 Again!

From: Mike Scruggs []
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 7:34 AM
To: Mike Scruggs
Subject: Fw: Islam and the Survival of the West - Part 4 by Mike Scruggs


Islam and the Survival of the West
Irreconcilable Conflicts

Part 4 of a series

Mike Scruggs

     There are some common characteristics between Christianity and Islam, but ironically they make substantial accommodation between these two worldviews impossible.  One is that both religions are not just a set of rules and cultural traditions that are set aside six days a week. They are both total worldview religions encompassing all areas of life. But their respective worldviews are quite different.  Another is that both religions are based on reputedly divine revelations of truth either in the Bible or the Koran. If you argue with a Christian about the truth of the Bible, your argument is with the Holy Spirit. If you argue with a Muslim about the Koran, your argument is with Allah and Muhammad.  Neither Christians nor Muslims can change what they both believe to be divine revelation.  Yet the messages of the Bible and the Koran are quite different.  It is a mistake to think that the God of the Bible and Allah are interchangeable words for the same deity. This is a frequent deceptive claim of Muslim propagandists, but to the Biblically informed Christian, it is very bad theology.  Although the Koran mentions Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (Isa), there are immense and irreconcilable differences between the Isa of the Koran and the Jesus of the Bible. In addition, the Christian concept of the Divine Trinity is blasphemy in Islam. Furthermore, neither Biblical Christianity nor Islam is pluralistic.  Biblical salvation is based on faith in Christ alone.  There is no other name, way, or works that suffice.  In Matthew 14:6, Jesus says:

     “I am the way, the truth, and the Life, no one comes to the father except by me.”

Speaking of Jesus, Paul says in Acts 4: 12:

     “And there is salvation in no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

     A number of Biblical verses state this same defining doctrine in other words.  Only apostates deny this doctrine. Similarly, to give allegiance to Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah is the only way to paradise in Islam.  The routes to salvation in Christianity and Islam are mutually exclusive.  Still further, Christianity is by Biblical command evangelical and hopeful of eventual evangelical success, and Islam is by Koranic command militantly expansive and driven to dominate all other belief systems.

     The theological and cultural clash between Islam and Christianity is deep and irresolvable. In addition to that, we have the obsessive Muslim Judeophobia, some example of which appears in international news reports almost every day. Can’t we just get along and agree to disagree peaceably? The problem with Islam is Jihad.  Its mainstream theology commands a resort to arms and coercion, when persuasion is insufficient to achieve its revolutionary goals.

     When three U.S. Presidents describe Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance, one can only wonder if they sincerely believe this in the light of many obvious and contrary imperatives in the Koran, the personal example and words of Muhammad, and the violent and coercive history of Muslim expansion.  Not only is warfare constant along the borders of Islam with other cultures, intra-Muslim warfare between the major Shiite and Sunni sects of Islam is widespread and often brutal.  Both Sunni and Shiite Muslims embrace and respect the concept of Jihad as holy war against all unbelievers. Their intra-Islam conflicts are often over political dominance within Middle Eastern states.  Political leaders who endorse the counterfactual fantasy of Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance demonstrate the unfortunate influence of misguided multiculturalism, theological pluralism, strident secularism, and Muslim Brotherhood propaganda.

     One can only be sympathetic, however, with the diplomatic dilemma of Western leaders in regard to Islam. The United States and many Western countries are dependent on Middle Eastern oil. There are over five million Muslins in the United States, four million in Germany, five million in France, and perhaps as many in the United Kingdom. France’s refusal to aid the United States in the Iraq War was certainly influenced by the growing political power of North African Muslims in France. In addition, the influential Western media is more sympathetic to its misunderstanding of Islam than to Christianity.  They prefer to believe the myth of Islamic peace and tolerance.

     One can also be sympathetic to the Bush Doctrine that followed September 11, 2000.  It was necessary to demonstrate that harboring, encouraging, supplying, and financing Muslim terrorists would be considered an act of war against the United States and would be met with speedy and painful retaliation.  However, we can only wonder about the success of these endeavors and the success of Homeland Security as well, when we refuse even to recognize or name our enemy. Terrorism is not our enemy. Terrorism is only a method of our enemy. We are involved in a very complex clash of civilizations. It is foolish to deny its obvious religious connections.  It is also a serious mistake to believe that the terrorism results from a gross distortion of Islamic theology by a small radical minority, when its predominant roots are in the mainstream of traditional Koran-based Islamic theology that is in a cycle of resurgence.

     The hope of modern liberalism is that Christianity and Islam can be made compatible by secularization, making Christianity nominal and Islam purely cultural.  But this would sacrifice truth and integrity to multiculturalism and make the State god. Another secularist hope supported by constant propaganda is that Christian orthodoxy can be marginalized.  That secularist driven multiculturalism has been relatively, if not totally successful in this, can be seen in the decline of firm Biblical doctrines in the Church and the rapid moral decline now so painfully evident in Western civilization.

     Much is at stake in the proper understanding of Islam in the Western world.  We must not allow ourselves to be anesthetized to the nature of Islam and multiculturalism by false platitudes and sentimental bromides.  Truth is the only high ground.

Inline image 1

Love, Prayers and Blessings,

Colloidal Silver is not only SAFE to use but IT effectively even kills Cancer !

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
ps:  In spite of ALL the Negative Fear Porn issued
       by the FDA, Colloidal Silver is not only SAFE
       to use but IT effectively even kills Cancer !!!!

Avoid this Common Pain Killer Ingredient that Kills by Liver Failure

Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 13:12:22

by Paul Fassa

(The Best Years in Life) It's becoming common knowledge that correctly prescribed pharmaceuticals are among highest causes of death in the USA, and that the medical system in general is responsible for more deaths in the USA than any other sphere of activity! For this article, let's isolate a dangerous ingredient common to both prescription painkillers and over the counter (OTC) cold remedies and painkillers - Acetaminophen.

It is in over 100 OTC pain pills such as Tylenol and other cold remedies, including cold, cough, and fever remedies for children. It's also in prescription drugs such as Vicodin and Percocet. By the way, the high death tolls recorded on deaths from properly prescribed drugs do not include OTC drugs, which would raise that statistic even higher.

But although this article focuses on acetaminophen, all other NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Ibuprofen and Excedrin also have harmful side effects and should be avoided.

Read More:

See also:

"Beware new advice to use daily aspirin to prevent cancer"

Massive Hack! 2 Million Facebook, Google & Youtube Passwords Stolen!

video on this page:
Massive Hack! 2 Million Facebook, Google & Youtube Passwords Stolen!
Posted By: Lymerick [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 12:53:40
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 19:18
2 million user names and passwords have been stolen …Are you among the victims? You may need to change your password or create a new Facebook page

Doctors kill more people than guns & traffic accidents

Doctors kill more people than guns & traffic accidents
by Don Harkins

From: "Saul Pressman"
Date: Nov 25, 1999 2:01 pm    NOTICE THE DATE THEY ARE STILL KILLING US..... WAKE UP America...
Subject: JAMA Stats Tell the Tale

Forwarded by Saul Pressman:
JAMA Stats Tell the Tale (Journal of the American Medical Association)

In the last century we chose the wrong fork in the road with regard to our health care paradigm.

Most people have been conditioned to believe in what is called the germ theory of disease -- that germs cause disease. The truth is that germs are everywhere and they are attracted to and proliferate in diseased tissues.

Bacteria decompose dead matter. That is their job. For instance, when a tree dies, bacteria come in and eat the tree and it eventually becomes soil. Bacteria does not eat a live, healthy tree.

The same thing is true in people -- bacteria are attracted to dead matter. Therefore, if you have dead matter in your body, bacteria will get to work decomposing the dead tissue so that it may eventually become soil. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

In the mid 1800s, western medical science had the choice of going one of two ways. Antoine Bechamp's theory of disease maintained that every living thing has arisen from the microzyma (the fundamental unit of the corporate organism ) and every living thing is reducible to the microzyma. Bechamp believed that microzymas secrete fermentative substances that aid in digestion in a healthy body and evolve into bacteria when they encounter dead or damaged cells. This theory has been tested and amplified by a string of scientists since then, including Carl Edward Rosenow, William F. Koch, Otto Warburg, Gunther Enderlein, Royal Rife, Alexis Carrel, Rene Dubos and Gaston Naessens.

Louis Pasteur's competing germ theory of disease maintained that diseases come into our bodies from outside germs, so that we must fight to kill them.

Bechamp's theory placed all of the responsibility of disease prevention on the individual and his lifestyle. In a practical sense, there was no money in that because people would be able to resist disease simply by taking care of themselves, and would require no store-bought potions.

Western medical science went with Pasteur's theory because it opened the door which created the world's medical and pharmaceutical industries, and because it seemed to support Darwin's new theory of survival of the fittest. Since the 1850s, we have been developing new drugs to attack and kill the disease invaders and the result has been epidemics of sickness and disease -- and a very rich and powerful pharmaceutical industry.

Last year, the pharmaceutical industry did $182 billion in drug sales world wide. In contrast to that figure, it cost approximately $183 billion to treat adverse reactions from all of those drugs. The following admissions were taken from JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) : The top five causes of death in the United States, in order, are:

1) Tobacco
2) Alcohol
3) Medical malpractice
4) Traffic accidents
5) Firearms

According to JAMA, doctors kill more people than auto accidents and guns put together. With that in mind, one has to wonder why gun control is such a hot legislative issue when, perhaps, we should be more concerned about doctor control.

Statistics show that when allopathic doctors are on strike, fewer people die from disease.

The number of people that doctors kill per day from allopathic medical malpractice is roughly equal to the amount of people that would die if every day, three jumbo jets crashed and killed everybody on board. Just imagine what headlines would result if a chiropractor or a naturopath accidentally killed just one patient?

Another JAMA statistic stated that 20 percent of all people who see an allopath will suffer an iatrogenic (doctor-induced) injury.

Again, according to JAMA, 16 percent of all people who die in the hospital are determined by autopsy to have died of something other than their admission diagnosis. In other words, the doctor had no idea what was really wrong with the patient and, therefore, the patient may have died for want of appropriate care that would have been subsequent to an accurate diagnosis.

Another trade publication, American Medical News, stated that 28 percent of people admitted to hospitals are there because they have suffered an adverse reaction to prescribed drugs.

Allopaths are miserably losing the battle against viruses and bacteria. Antibiotics do not work. We need to take a different tack because this is obviously not working. Only ozone therapy offers hope against the increasingly resistant 'germs'.

The British Medical Journal Lancet states that only one percent of all scientific research papers which explore medicine are scientifically sound. So, if that is true, then not only are
allopathic doctors incorrect in their understanding of the basic nature of disease, they are basing their conclusions, and therefore their diagnosis and treatment of people, on flawed science. And it is killing us.

TNT blast kinda


For those of you who cant make Tony's call tomorrow. Let me help you. Good morning Tnt, I am and today is superfantastic. Guys i am telling you my 3 letter sources have all said to me this is done done done. There is no delay on their part, they were ready from last week. The bank called in their personnel and the exchange centers were manned. However Santa Claus has been delayed in delivering our presents. He could not get clearance to fly in american airspace. Homeland security saw a shining red light in the airspace and did not know what it was, so they called in the drones, but luckily they did not shoot down Santa. So he was being held for questioning and now that is all cleared up so we are looking for this anytime between now and Monday. Now I am expecting it before then, but I am not going to tell you when, because I dont want you sitting all weekend watching the clock. Guys I am telling you my intel sources are the best and we have nothing to worry about. This is done done done and I am still superfantastic....  there you guys go.

South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies
Posted By: Dave404 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 17:36:30

South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies
"South Africa's first black president and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela has died, South Africa's president says.
Mr Mandela, 95, led South Africa's transition from white-minority rule in the 1990s, after 27 years in prison.
He had been receiving intense home-based medical care for a lung infection after three months in hospital.
In a statement on South African national TV, Mr Zuma said Mr Mandela had "departed" and was at peace.
1918 Born in the Eastern Cape
1943 Joined African National Congress
1956 Charged with high treason, but charges dropped after a four-year trial
1962 Arrested, convicted of incitement and leaving country without a passport, sentenced to five years in prison
1964 Charged with sabotage, sentenced to life
1990 Freed from prison
1993 Wins Nobel Peace Prize
1994 Elected first black president
1999 Steps down as leader
2001 Diagnosed with prostate cancer
2004 Retires from public life
2005 Announces his son has died of an HIV/Aids-related illness
"Our nation has lost its greatest son," Mr Zuma said.
He said Mr Mandela would receive a full state funeral, and flags would be flown at half-mast.
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate was one of the world's most revered statesmen after preaching reconciliation despite being imprisoned for 27 years.
He had rarely been seen in public since officially retiring in 2004."