Friday, December 6, 2013

All Commercial Paper Issued By Corporations Acting As Agents Of "Foreign Principal" impersonating De Jure (According To Law; By Right.) Office Holders Are "Counterfeit," Copies Are Not Authentic

All Commercial Paper Issued By Corporations Acting As Agents Of "Foreign Principal" Impersonating De Jure (According To Law; By Right.) Office Holders Are "Counterfeit," Copies Are Not Authentic.

Maxim of Common-Law Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. False in one thing, false in everything. 1 Sumn. 356.

Whereas defined pursuant to; Possessing counterfeit foreign obligations or securities Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.) Whoever, within the United States, knowingly and with intent to defraud, possesses or delivers any false, forged, or counterfeit bond, certificate, obligation, security, treasury note, bill, promise to pay, bank note, or bill issued by a bank or corporation of any foreign country, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

TO COUNTERFEIT defined: criminal law. To make something false, in the semblance of that which is true; it always implies a fraudulent intent. Vide Vin. Ab. h.t. Forgery. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856

COUNTERFEIT defined: To forge; to copy or imitate, without authority or right, and with a view to deceive or defraud, by passing the copy or thing forged for that which is original or genuine. Most commonly applied to the fraudulent and criminal imitation of money or securities. 18 U.S.C.A. § 471 et seq. Counterfeit in common parlance signifies fabrication of false image or representation; counterfeiting an instrument means falsely making it; and in its broadest sense means making of copy without authority or right and with view to deceive or defraud by passing copy as original or genuine. Smith v. State, 7 Md.App. 457, 256 A.2d 357, 360, 361. See also Bootlegging; False making; Falsify; Forgery; Gray market goods; Imitation. Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 349)

Counterfeiting, manufacturing spurious coins, paper money, or evidences of governmental obligation (e.g., bonds) in the semblance of the true. There must be sufficient resemblance to the genuine article to deceive a person using ordinary caution. The offense may be regarded as a special variety of forgery.

The crime affects property but was historically considered to be an interference with the administration of government. Hence, under an early English statute (1350), counterfeiting the king's seal or his gold and silver coinage was a grave crime against the state amounting to high treason and was punishable by death. The statute left unchanged the common-law misdemeanors of counterfeiting copper coinage and passing counterfeit foreign currency. Other early statutes were directed against debasing the coinage by clipping or filing off the edges to sell the metal. By the 19th cent, counterfeiting was considered a felony rather than a form of treason.

The U.S. Constitution authorizes Congress to "provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States." Under that power, statutes have been enacted making criminal the counterfeiting of the currency and bonds of the United States, of the evidences of indebtedness (e.g., checks) of the Federal Reserve System, of postage stamps, and of foreign money used for exchange. Under its powers to define and punish offenses of international law and its powers to control interstate and foreign commerce, Congress has passed legislation against the counterfeiting of foreign money and securities within the United States. Nearly every state now has statutes against counterfeiting. Since its establishment in 1865 the U.S. Secret Service has been the primary agency in the combating of counterfeiters in the United States.

To commit the crime of counterfeiting one does not necessarily have to make a whole coin or bill. It may be accomplished by plating coins, by raising the amount of a bill, or by any other alteration calculated to deceive the recipients. To retain counterfeit money or government obligations knowingly is also a criminal offense, regardless of how possession was acquired. The knowing utterance (passing) of counterfeit currency or securities is also criminal.

For the further protection of the currency and of postage stamps, statutes forbid making certain types of photographs (e.g., in color) where there would be danger of deception. In the 1990s, counterfeiters began to create high-quality color prints of paper currency using computer scanning and imaging. The U.S. government and those of other nations responded by redesigning denominations of bills. U.S. bills issued since 1996 include microscopic printing, watermarks, and other security features. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia® Copyright © 2013, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

Counterfeiting; Crime of making an unauthorized imitation of a genuine article, typically money, with the intent to deceive or defraud. Because of the value conferred on money and the high level of technical skill required to imitate it, counterfeiting is singled out from other acts of forgery. It is generally punished as a felony (see felony and misdemeanor). The international police organization Interpol was established primarily to organize law-enforcement efforts against counterfeiting. Software, credit cards, designer clothing, and watches are among nonmoney items commonly counterfeited. For more information on counterfeiting, visit Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Copyright © 1994-2008 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Whereas defined pursuant to; Obligations or securities of United States Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.) Whoever, with intent to defraud, falsely makes, forges, counterfeits, or alters any obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Whereas defined pursuant to; Uttering counterfeit obligations or securities Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.) Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Whereas defined pursuant to; Dealing in counterfeit obligations or securities Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.) Whoever buys, sells, exchanges, transfers, receives, or delivers any false, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, with the intent that the same be passed, published, or used as true and genuine, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Whereas defined pursuant to; Possessing counterfeit foreign obligations or securities Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.) Whoever, within the United States, knowingly and with intent to defraud, possesses or delivers any false, forged, or counterfeit bond, certificate, obligation, security, treasury note, bill, promise to pay, bank note, or bill issued by a bank or corporation of any foreign country, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Whereas defined pursuant to titles eighteen sections eight: The term "obligation or other security of the United States" includes all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, coupons, United States notes, Treasury notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, issued under any Act of Congress, and canceled United States stamps.

Whereas defined pursuant to; article one section ten - Powers prohibited of States No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Fair Warning - The End of Reptilian Overlordship Part 1 - James Bartley - Ari Kopel - Shattering the Matrix

video on this page
Fair Warning - The End of Reptilian Overlordship Part 1 - James Bartley - Ari Kopel - Shattering the Matrix
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 21:46:19
The End of Reptilian Overlordship Part 1 - James Bartley
Published on Aug 11, 2013
James Bartley pulls no punches, as he goes deeper into what is known as The Reptilian Overlordship!
For far too long, the big name alien abduction researchers have focused almost exclusively on the entities known as "the Greys" and it has left a huge void in alien abduction/UFO research.
Throughout the ages reptilians have been described by many names, such as the Djinn and the Lizard People, etc.
These beings have been influencing human society throughout history in a covert and malicious manner!
Join our website at:

Americans Have No Right To Challenge Surveillance?

Americans Have No Right To Challenge Surveillance?
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 17:58:24
Did I read that correctly? Our government can do basically anything it chooses to do and We The People have no recourse? That would be another blow to the first amendment - "Congress shall make no law respecting the right of the people to assemble and to petition government for redress of grievances." So now we can't assemble anywhere near these sainted masters and if we complain about anything they are doing, we could get our heads chopped off.
That's what happens when Congress and the Imposter rubber stamp the NDAA in the first place. And most people didn't even notice or challenge that treasonous act. Of course the government is going to sugar coat their actions as being necessary to protect it's civilian population. Now where have I heard that before? Oh yes, Nazi Germany.
The fact that Leon Panetta gives it his seal of approval should alert all of us to the nefarious purpose of this amendment Jay Rockefeller is proposing to add to next year's NDAA. Wasn't it Panetta who informed a United States Senator that if the Obama administration planned to invade any more countries, they would first seek the approval of the United Nations and then they MIGHT inform Congress?
Could anything be clearer that this man in particular and this administration in general has no respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights? Only Congress has the authority to declare war. But I guess if you engage in CIA sponsored coups and never really declare it as a war, it doesn't count.
And the average citizen pays no attention to the shenanigans going on in Washington D.C. as long as they are well-fed, entertained and happy. How far down the road to tyranny will we go before the average citizen is really alarmed? Like the frog in the pot of slowly heating water, too late to do anything about the danger?
Of course, at the same time we are experiencing the repudiation of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the men who penned those enlightening papers. I've heard several young people make fun of those 'silly antiquated documents', as having no relevance to our lives today. They won't if we don't fight for them.
Our Founding Fathers were anything but stupid. They knew there would come a time when a corrupt government would seek to control the freedoms of the people. They wrote the Constitution in such a way that changes could be made to reflect a changing society, but without giving up the basic rights afforded us by those documents.
Hasn't government already tried to behave like a nanny state by legislating righteousness early in the last century, restricting our activities 'for our own good'? The 18th amendment didn't last long as those in power, and more importantly, the American people recognized that people will always find a way around an unjust law. The law actually made the situation worse once people could no longer legally produce, transport or sell alcoholic beverages. The Black Market went into high gear with the bootleggers and bathtub refiners springing up everywhere. Never had there been as much drunkeness as was witnessed under Prohibition. The 21st amendment repealed the 18th finally and sanity was restored.
But that is the same thinking they are using now to limit our freedom. We aren't smart enough to realize it is for our own security. Right! Today's government is asking us to believe that all of the Orwellian laws being shoved down our throats is 'for our own good - for our security. What a load of BS. It is to give more and more power to the police state being set up to control us.
"I am committed against everything, which in my judgement, may weaken, endanger, or destroy the Constitution and especially against all extension of the Executive power; and I am committed against any attempt to rule the free people of this country by the power and patronage of the Government itself." Daniel Webster
"In the questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." Thomas Jefferson
Is there anything about these two statements that relegate them to a distant and very different past? These principles apply to all time unless We The People allow the mantle of tyranny to be gradually slid over us. And what did the Founding Fathers have to say about that eventuality? They said it was the right, no the duty of the people to overthrow a government that had become tyrannical and replace it with one more to their liking. If these men were among us today, do you think they'd have sat idly by watching inane TV reality shows or sports events while our freedoms were being systematically eroded? No wonder TPTB call them terrorists. They are afraid of that kind of courage and resolve.
If we don't fight against this latest erosion of our freedoms and if we allow our Internet to be controlled under the Cybersecurity Act - thank you very much Jay Rockefeller (doesn't that very name conjure up the image of the group of men who are the real traitors to this county?)then we deserve to lose what little freedom we have left. People like me and the others who post on sites like this one will be hauled off to jail, denied access to an attorney and simply rot in jail.
Is that really how you want to live? Are you so fearful of an imaginary boogeyman terrorist or even a false flag terrorist act perpetrated by the Cabal that you will hand over your freedom and your rights without a protest? If Providence had any hand in the forming of this country, this Constitution and Bill of Rights as the Founders believed, I pray that same Providence is paying attention today and will show us a way out of this encroaching police state.
As for our ability to communicate with each other, before our Internet is overtaken and we can no longer safely do so, seek out your local militia. We are 3 million strong and growing daily. We will be able to communicate nationwide in the event of a cyber crackdown by TPTB.

Prince Charles: "I am a descendant of Dracula" + Reptilian Correlations (Historical and Biblical)

video on this page:

Prince Charles: "I am a descendant of Dracula" + Reptilian Correlations (Historical and Biblical)

I. Mohamed Al-Fayed: "The British Dracula Family" + Correlations;
II. Prince Charles: "I am Dracula's Descendant" +
The British royal family investing in Transylvania +
Interested in Romania's Crown;
III. The Reptilian Correlations;

I ask those who are not familiar to my articles to be patient and read all connections. Things may seem out-of-this-world, but I promise you they perfectly tie together. 
I. Al-Fayed's Accusations: "The British Dracula Family", "Gold Digger" and "Crocodile Wife"

This lesson begun this morning and culminated with an older interview of Mohamed Al-Fayed, father of murdered Dodi Al-Fayed (Lady Diana's lover), where he was openly accusing the British Royal Crown of assassinating his son and Lady Di. His frustration made him reveal bits of secrets regarding the origins of the British blue bloods:

Even though at first it may sound like random mumbling, "the British Dracula family", "gold digger" and "crocodile wife" are all reptilian accusations. Allow me to explain.

1. The British Dracula Family
Count Dracula was a real person, a Romanian ruler (as I will later explain in detail). He was part of an old secret order, the Order of the Dragon. The Dragon is a reptilian variation, especially used in the Asian world. The Asian leaders claimed the throne for having Dragon blood (what in Europe is known as Blue Blood).

Also, the home of the Reptilian species is shaped like a dragon and is called the Draco Constellation.

Count Dracula's father was named Vlad Dracul. Drac (Draco) means Devil in Romanian, and Dracul means the Devil. Remember, the devil is a serpent in the bible, a reptilian figure who deceived mankind.

Their royal seal was of course, a dragon (sometimes show with a Sumerian-God cross -later called Templar Cross- on its back):

2. Gold Digger is also a reptilian accusation, for the first humans ever to live on Earth were gold miners (before being "hunters and gatherers", as the official version states) with reptilian DNA.

But why gold miners? Gold could not have been used by the first humans for anything. Why would they put so much effort to mine for a metal without use? Not to mention they were not supposed to have the knowledge or the tools to mine it in the first place.

Amazing Article: The oldest Metropolis on Earth was built by the Anunnaki! (200,000 Years Old)

Search for our True history, the oldest cities on Earth have been built around gold mines and the first humans where gold miners. Including the first Sumerians and Africans. Also, both the Sumerian and African stories tell of Reptilian extraterrestrials who came to Earth and genetically modified humans to use them as slaves for mining gold (an indispensable metal for the more advanced ET races).

More recently, I discovered the same "reptilians-first humans-gold miners" connection in Australia. The same story is found everywhere.

3. Crocodile wife (referring to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall) is probably the easiest Reptilian-Connection. 

4. Princess Diana herself referred to the British royal family as "lizards" and "literally not human".

4]. The popular princess went so far as to publicly refer to the British House of Windsor as "lizards" and "reptiles." "They're not human," she said. [5] Diana grew to believe that the British monarchy, with all its hidden power, were her enemies. [6]. In Great Britain, all members of MI5, MI6 (British intelligence agencies), members of Parliament, and military officers swear an oath of loyalty to the monarchy, not to the United Kingdom. [5] [6]. In the U.K., the monarchy is the state. By revealing royal family secrets, Diana may have been committing "treason." (Extract from a good article entitled: Diana Was the Target).

5. David Icke's Book 'The Biggest Secret'

[Taped] from Christine Fitzgerald - Princess Diana's personal confidant - who then threatened to sue if the transcript of the tape - a tape made in front of witnesses. According to Christine Fitzgerald this is what Princess Diana told her.

“The Queen Mother... now that’s a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn’t died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It’s sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it’s lizard, because it’s cold-blooded, it’s much easier for them to do Frankenstein shit than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret, they’ve got the secret of the micro-currents, it’s so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I’m healing.

They know the vibration of life and because they are cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that’s been done. The Earth’s been attacked for zeons by different extraterrestrials. It’s been like a football for so long. This place was a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens, they could cope with everything, including the noxious gases. 

They’re landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now through the electrical vibration, that life key I talked about. They can manifest how they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way. The Queen Mother is “Chief Toad” of this part of Europe and they have people like her in each continent. Most people, the hangers on, don’t know, you know, about the reptiles. They are just in awe of these people because they are so powerful. 

“Bal moral is a very, very nasty place. That’s somewhere they want to dig underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don’t think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different people. Think of them as the same person which after a while has had to replace their coat. When the flesh dies, that energy, while it’s dying, will be immediately up someone else’s jacksy (backside). It’s very vampire, worse than vampire. 

They are not going to come to you with hooked teeth and suck you’re blood. Fear is their food, they can actually take fear and manifest it into a tangible thing. The key is the vibrational current. At that vibrational current, they can manifest anything from anything. Its like a holographic image. We are all minerals and water vibrating. This is all an illusion we are living in. That’s the secret. You know when the monarchy’s fallen, it’s not the end of it. They will manifest in another form. The reptiles have never been defeated and this is the closest they have come to it. 

The reason they are so threatened today is because the Earth is in such trouble and the mental power of people is returning. This is their most frightening time, but this is not going to kill them. There are long centuries before it’s over yet. The difference this time is that it’ll be more difficult for them and they are going to have to settle for less and the Earth people are going to get more. 

But even though these reptilian ones are fuckers, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, while humanity is galloping towards light. They’re just pathetic lumps of nastiness who aren’t going to win. I can’t talk about this everywhere because they would just go ‘Christine, get a white coat, put it on backwards, get out’. But I want an end to the bullshit.” 

From David Icke's 'Biggest Secret' and taped interview with princess Diana's confidant Christine Fitzgerald.
6. David Icke lecture about Diana's assassination ritual
Part 1/3:

Salvation is not unconditional. Read what the Bible says about it.
Part 2/3:

II. The Windsors proudly admit to be Dracula's descendants and show interest in Romania

Shocking for most, the royal British family begun investing in Romania, lately. To be more specific, in Transylvania, the exact home of blood-drinking Count Dracula. They've bought a rural farm with an orchard, and plan to invest even more from now on. Charles seems especially interested in Transylvania.

But even more shocking is Charles' latest interview where he Proudly claims to be Dracula's descendant: "The genealogy shows that I am descended from Vlad the Impaler", Charles said:

In another interview, Charles admitted he would be tempted to become Romania's king, if accepted by the people. Later that evening top ranking Romanian politicians and journalists said that after Ceausescu's execution in 1989, the secret plan was indeed for the British royal family to take over Romania's crown.
III. Count Dracula and the Reptilian Correlations

As I was saying in the beginning, this lesson started this morning, with a call from a close friend. He told me of a 1979 Romanian movie about the wars of Vlad III the Impaler, also known as Vlad Dracul (the Devil) or more commonly Count Dracula.

(In Romanian: Dracul = the Devil; Drac = Devil)

He was a real person, a Romanian ruler and the son of Vlad II Dracul. He remained in history as one of the bloodiest rulers, who used to impale his prisoners of war after each battle. It was a very sadistic and painful death, which contributed to his grim notoriety. But there are also legends speaking of darker rituals, like blood drinking and eating bread soaked in the blood of his victims - something that the Romanian historians, of course, ignore or deny.

In this movie that I was talking about, there is a fragment where a peasant child asked his father why were Vlad the Impaler and his father known as devils. Strangely, the father explained that they always wore dragon necklaces on their necks.

(Of course, the common people were probably unaware that both Dracula and his father were members of the Order of the Dragon. This order came to the public's attention in 1408 when new members were publicly accepted, but it was probably much older).

At first, it seems that the child asked one thing (about devils) and his father answered something different (about dragons), but his father was in fact correct. It is something that I came across at least a couple of times before, but I was unable to fully comprehend at that time. In older times, 'dragon' was actually synonymous to 'devil' (or at least in the old Romanian dialect).

In other words, Vlad the Devil also meant Vlad the Dragon ... the Reptilian.

The Romanian Wikipedia articles regarding this subject vary from the English ones. I've read both versions and the English ones are always "clean" of controversy. For example, in the Romanian article regarding the "Order of the Dragon", I found the following statement:

"It is puzzling why the order chose a dragon as their insignia knowing that, in the traditional Christian heraldry, it is associated to the malefic powers defeated by St. George". Puzzling indeed...the "evil power" in religion is always represented by Satan or the devil.

Paintings showing St. George slaying a dragon (a devil, a reptilian), are displayed in most Christian and especially Orthodox-Christian churches.

The Order of the Dragon members were supposed to be protectors of Christianity, just like the Templar Knights. But the insignia of the first ones was a devil (a dragon, a reptilian), while the insignia of the second ones was a Anunnaki cross (yes, reptilians again!).

And I also have biblical evidence to back up my claims! Get ready for this one - I find it to be amazing! The evidence comes from the Apocalypse of Saint John the Apostle:
12:9. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.

20:2. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and Satan (...).

Pretty amazing, isn't it? Click to Read the entire article: THE APOCALYPSE/REVELATIONS OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE
And there is one more connection to make here (if news to anyone): the same bloodline family controls the entire planet.

Watch video: ALL U.S. Presidents Except One Related to One King of England. This means that all of them are related to the Windsors and to Vlad the Reptilian. The same bloodline controls the entire planet, all of them having undiluted reptilian extraterrestrial DNA. Inside the secret societies, the high ranking members know the truth. They understand their origins and respect the ancient agenda: mankind's enslavement.
Genetic Modification - Fact or Fiction?

It's not science fiction for a superior race to genetically modify a lesser one to suit their purpose. WE are doing this today, with both plants and animals (GMO food and animals).

And because we can combine our DNA with that of different animals, we can create human-animal hybrids. And that's the reason why is officially forbidden to do it.

Understanding that genetic modifications are not science fiction at all, why is it so hard for some people to accept the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention in our DNA, in the past? Especially if so much evidence points in this direction.



You have to watch this.... and then AFTER YOU WATCH THIS... watch the second interview.... seems Obama intends to take his lead from President Hoover and American Traitor MacArthur!

Rare Film From 1932

Yep he is setting it up perfectly

Do you think they are signing and pushing the UN Small Arms Treaty just to control a few gang members and drug dealers in the cities? Do you for one moment think they have left the borders wide open to heavily armed drug cartels and middle eastern terrorists
for the sake of "political correctness"? Can you read the story I have copied below (just as it came to me) and not be outraged and thoroughly disgusted?
No? Well the real question is what are you going to say to your sons, daughters and grandchildren now serving in our military about committing treason by firing on American citizens and WHAT are you going to do when they come for your guns?

The letter as it came to me......

A friend of mine and his wife went to a recent Las Vegas Navy Birthday Ball and after toasting all services to standing cheers and song, a USN Captain stood and offered a toast to "our Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama".  His offered toast was greeted with NO applause and NO cheers. Only about 15 of the approximate 200 attendees even stood up. Maybe there is still hope, at least in our Navy and Marines.

Subject: The real story of Captain Phillips
Now that a movie is out about this – “Captain Phillips”, we need to inform and remind our pals and relatives what a low-life, lying, Muslim, Marxist, Manchurian coward we have running (into the ground) the show.

Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler

All of us want to raise our glasses the highest to the Navy SEALs who popped those three Somali pirates. And I'm sure you want to hear the real story of what happened. Especially because there is a revoltingly opportunistic and cowardly side to it. Guess which side Zero is on.

Why, for example, did it take SEAL Team Six (aka DEVGRU, Navy Special Warfare Development Group, the Navy's equivalent of Delta Force) over 36 hours to get to the scene?

Because Zero refused to authorize the SEAL deployment for those 36 hours, during which the OSC - the on scene commander, Cmdr. Frank Castellano of the USS Bainbridge - repeatedly requested them.

Once the SEALs arrived - parachuting from a C-17 into the ocean near the ship - Zero then imposed Rules of Engagement (ROE) specifying the SEALs could not do anything unless the life of the hostage, Captain Richard Phillips, was in "imminent" danger.

Thus, when Capt. Phillips attempted to escape by jumping off the lifeboat into the ocean, the SEAL snipers had all four pirates (one later surrendered) sighted in and could have taken them out then and there - but they could not fire due to Zero's ROE restrictions.

When the SEALs approached the lifeboat in a RIB (rigid-hull inflatable boat) carrying supplies for Capt. Phillips and the pirates, the pirates fired upon them. Not only was no fire returned due to the ROE, but as the pirates were shooting at the RIB, SEAL snipers on the Bainbridge had them all dialed in. No triggers were pulled due to the ROE.

Two specific rescue plans were developed by Cmdr. Castellano and the SEAL teams. Zero personally refused to authorize them.

After the second refusal and days of dithering, Cmdr. Castellano decided he had the Operational Area and OSC authority to "solely determine risk to hostage" and did not require any further approval of the president.

Four hours later, the White House is informed that three pirates are dead and Capt. Phillips has been rescued unharmed. A WH press release is immediately issued, giving credit to the president for his "daring and decisive" behavior that resulted in such success.

Zero has absolutely no military knowledge or experience whatsoever. He demanded decisional control over the entire hostage drama to the last detail. All actions required his personal approval. He dithered like a coward while the world laughed at our warships flummoxed by four illiterate teenagers with AKs in a lifeboat.

Only when the Navy Commander decided to ignore his Pantywaist-in Chief and take action and responsibility himself, were the incredible skills of the SEALs put into play.

That Zero could cynically and opportunistically claim that his "bold" "calm" "tough" leadership was responsible should remind everyone that not a single action, not a single word of this man can be trusted. He is bereft of honesty and moral character. That's why he's Zero.

The HFR raises a glass full of pride and gratitude to Navy Commander Frank Castellano, the Navy SEALs for their incredible competence, and our military. Let's hold a Tea Party in their honor.

Please people TALK to your family members and friends in the military. Make sure they understand that their oaths are NOT TO THE OFFICE of President or this criminal sitting in the oval office but to the Constitution and the people of this country. If they follow Obama they will end up DEAD. They, along with the brain dead indoctrinated civilian law enforcement forces are to be used as cannon fodder in the final attempt to disarm America. But this is not 1932 and the people are not unarmed veterans in wooden shacks in peaceful protest.This is not NAZI GERMANY and we are not a clueless populace. The hunters of this country alone, not even counting the numbers of gun owners who have never been hunting in their lives, outnumber all military forces in the world and America will not be disarmed peacefully nor should it ever be. For once disarmed and stripped of the right to be so you are then and forever helpless, defenseless and hopelessly at the mercy of those who would RULE YOU! Isn't it interestingly revealing that the actions of Hoover and MacArthur in 1932 was never spoke about in our history classes back in school?


"A nation...cannot survive treason from within...the traitor ...wears the face of his victims,...and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared......." Cicero, 42 B.C.E.
“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (b. 1749 - d. 1832)

"The change we seek has always required great struggle and great sacrifice." - Barack Hussein Obama
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." - Ayn Rand

International Law Encourages Use of Geoengineering Weather Modification

International Law Encourages Use of Geoengineering Weather Modification
Posted By: Lymerick [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 00:49:32

Thursday, December 5, 2013
Derrick Broze
Activist Post

According to a new study due to be published in 2014, Geoengineering field research is not only allowed, it is encouraged.
The study was authored by Jesse Reynolds at Tilburg Law School in the Netherlands. Reynolds researched the legal status of geoengineering research by analyzing international documents and treaties.
Geo-engineering is the science of manipulating the climate for the stated purpose of fighting mad made climate change. These include Solar Radiation Management (SRM), the practice of spraying aerosols into the sky in an attempt to deflect the Sun’s rays and combat climate change.
According to a recent congressional report:
“The term “geoengineering” describes this array of technologies that aim, through large-scale and deliberate modifications of the Earth’s energy balance, to reduce temperatures and counteract anthropogenic climate change. Most of these technologies are at the conceptual and research stages, and their effectiveness at reducing global temperatures has yet to be proven. Moreover, very few studies have been published that document the cost, environmental effects, socio-political impacts, and legal implications of geoengineering. If geoengineering technologies were to be deployed, they are expected to have the potential to cause significant transboundary effects.
In general, geoengineering technologies are categorized as either a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) method or a solar radiation management (SRM) method. CDR methods address the warming effects of greenhouse gases by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. CDR methods include ocean fertilization, and carbon capture and sequestration. SRM methods address climate change by increasing the reflectivity of the Earth’s atmosphere or surface.
Aerosol injection and space-based reflectors are examples of SRM methods. SRM methods do not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, but can be deployed faster with relatively immediate global cooling results compared to CDR methods.“
Reynolds’ study will be published in the Journal of Energy, Climate and the Environment around the same time that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change presents its Fifth Assessment Report. The study continues the calls for an international body to regulate the controversial weather modification techniques.
Some believe the answer is international agreement for international tests but low-risk domestic research should continue to assist in the overall decision of what to do with geoengineering.
One of the many dangers of manipulating the weather are the loss of blue skies. According to a report by the New Scientist, Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie Institution for Science has shown that releasing sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere would scatter sunlight into the atmosphere. He says this could decrease the amount of sunlight that hits the ground by 20% and make the sky appear more hazy.
Although a number of authorities have warned about the dangers of geoengineering techniques, the risks are seen as secondary to the perceived risks of climate change. The interesting thing to note is that although proponents of geoengineering hail it as the solution to climate change and sustaining life, studies show that geoengineering could actually have the reverse effect of heating the Earth.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, if geoengineering programs were started and then suddenly halted the planet could see immediate rise in temperatures, particularly over land. The study, titled “The impact of abrupt suspension of solar radiation management”, seems to indicate that once you begin geoengineering you cannot suspend the programs without causing the very problem you were seeking to resolve.
As the dangers around this technology begin to emerge, some critics believe there is more than meets the eye. A growing group of concerned activists believe the SRM programs are not only in the developmental research phase but are currently active. Weather modification techniques in the form of cloud-seeding programs are active in China, for example. With researchers warning that the very initiation of geoengineering programs could cause global temperatures to rise it does make sense that governments would work to keep quiet about domestic geoengineering programs. Geoengineering in one country could cause drought in another part of the world after all, and no government wants that responsibility.
Despite the claims that these programs are still in their research stage there is some information that points to aerosol spraying, weather modification programs being active. In a 1996 document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather by 2025”, the U.S. Air Force discusses a number of proposals for using the weather as a weapon. The document warrants your attention and research. (
We also have companies like Weather Modification, Inc. On this corporations site you can peruse different planes that you can pay to run a cloud seeding operation. They even offer a list of clients and sites that are active. There is also the Environmental Modification Treaty signed by the United States to halt global weather modification.
The United States and allied governments do have a history of covertly testing controversial technologies and apologizing later. Is it possible that in an attempt to save the planet from tragedy some rogue government(s) and/or corporation(s) have been quietly testing out geoengineering programs only to find out they cannot stop the programs without risking heating the entire planet? Is their purpose more nefarious? Or are these programs really only in the research phase, still being worked out on the drawing board?
Whether the programs are active now or not, the evidence continues to pile up that geoengineering is at the least a haphazard attempt to fix environmental issues. If we are to look for solutions concerning the health of our planet and our society as a whole, let us look inward. Let us look to our communities for solutions. Technology can be of great assistance as we maneuver forward into a more ecocentric view but we should not become so enamored with gadgets that we detach from nature and wreak havoc on the planet we co-exist with.
Please continue to do research on geoengineering programs. For the sake of us all, look up and ask questions.
Other sources:

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist, community activist, gardener and promoter from Houston, Texas. He is the co-founder of The Houston Free Thinkers, and co-host of Free Thinker Radio. Broze also hosts and produces a weekly podcast under the name the Conscious Resistance Live. His writing can be found on The Conscious Resistance, The Liberty Beat, Activist Post, and other independent media sources.

** Fair Warning** - The End of Reptilian Overlordship Part 2 - James Bartley - Ari Kopel

video on this page:
** Fair Warning** - The End of Reptilian Overlordship Part 2 - James Bartley - Ari Kopel
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 22:19:29
Published on Oct 2, 2013 By Ari Kopel
James Bartley goes deeper into the reptilian aspect of alien abductions in Part 2 of The End of the Reptilian Overlordship on "Shattering The Matrix" Radio.
He discusses the dynamics of the alien abduction and how these Aliens use manipulation.
Also he talks about what these creatures are trying to achieve and what the after effects are on the experiencers.
James addresses how gender preference can be modified and the creation of pedophiles and serial killers.
He also brings in incredible Spiritual Insight to this problem and gives us a glimpse of a silver lining on a very, very dark and ominous cloud. This is his best interview yet!
James Bartley has investigated Alien Abductions with an emphasis on Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions (Milabs) for over twenty years.
He is a protege' of one of the great pioneers of alien abduction research, the late Barbara Bartholic who had coined the phrase "The Reptilian Overlordship."
James has conducted field investigations in many of the UFO Hotspots in California, Nevada and Arizona and has worked with many abductees and milabs.
James formerly worked in an Intelligence related capacity for U.S. Naval Air Forces (NavAir).
He is an Independent Historian with an emphasis on Intelligence/Counterintelligence and Special Operations.
He is a student of military history (from antiquity to modern times) and has made an in-depth study of the military-industrial-financial-security complex which developed after World War 2.
The End of the Reptilian Overlordship Part 2 - James Bartley
: The End of Reptilian Overlordship Part 1 - James Bartley
: Published on Aug 11, 2013
: James Bartley pulls no punches, as he goes deeper into what is
: known as The Reptilian Overlordship!

: For far too long, the big name alien abduction researchers
: have focused almost exclusively on the entities known as
: "the Greys" and it has left a huge void in alien
: abduction/UFO research.

: Throughout the ages reptilians have been described by many
: names, such as the Djinn and the Lizard People, etc.

: These beings have been influencing human society throughout
: history in a covert and malicious manner!

: Join our website at:
: --------------------

Tidbits from TNT Members Thursday Night

Tidbits from TNT Members Thursday Night

[gator4ever] no predications, no hype, no forecasts, no one calling it. I believe the PTB have gotten their message to the gurus. Shut up and let it come.

CDBfl8228: I said earlier- it's like going to Disney. We have general adm tickets but a bunch of people are annual passholders or special guests who move to the front. But we don't care. We are here for the experience. So we wait. We wait in really long lines. But while we wait we meet some really awesome people. When it's out turn we get to ride the SAME exact ride as everyone else did. Once the ride is over we just remember the people we met & how fun the ride was. Relax its just a line!!

TxThunder  ***** 36 hours was a good window, as payouts have been occurring today. Our turn starts in the morning. I share a source with Tony. The source asked that I pass on this information. (this taken from the other chat room)

MWKD: In forum: Friend of mine went to the bank today.. Was about to give up and get rid of his currency. Wealth manger pulled him in his office and said, "Hey man, won't you hold on to this, your currency is about to revalue. When you come back into the bank, come and see me and no one else. You will have to sign an NDA, but that will not be a problem."

MWKD: Oh and this happened on TODAY at approximately 3:30 eastern
Read More Link on Right
MWKD: Guys I want to give the rate and the date that he
was advised believe me..However, at this point I don't know what would hurt this from going forward so I will keep it to myself...But, you all will be happy!

KentuckyNumbersMan: Well my banker told me upfront the new names were IQN and VNN because that is what they were calling the revaluated currency and that I didn't have to ask for anything, it was on the computer. Then when he showed me the book and the computer they both had those new call signs on there.
Zach77:  Tony said in yesterday’s CC that the 36 hours was a big window. His last statement on the CC was, "Talk to you guys later today or tomorrow morning or in the very near future I hope. Not 36 hours." It’s only been 24 hours within the big 36-hour window.

JeaniePTexas: JCR - can we go to bed now, or should we  stay up for the late show?????





 book2] Top 10 Reasons We Are About to Slide into Home:

1) Official date of the RV occurred on Sunday Dec 1st 2013 @ 9:00 pm.

2) Rates are live at the banks, per Tony’s call 12-4-13.

3) People are currently being cashed out; per Tony, Exo and a few others.

4) 3 zero notes will be worthless on Jan 1st 2014, but the government expects to get the masses (5M peeps processed 5-7 days, so the 26 days left in 2013 is a chip shot for this to happen.

5) WTO is waiting on Iraq to join.

6) Iraq must have tradable currency before they can buy the 300 hundred million bonds they need.

7) Unemployment Insurance benefits 5 year extension from the 2008 recession is set to expire and the government needs the economy to be stimulated to create jobs and people to vacate jobs so others can become employed. To extend the UI will cost 20 billion and many in Congress do not appear to ready to extend this even though we are in the holiday season. The government’s best ace up their sleeves is the RV so it has to happen

8) Friday morning is a favorite time to RV in Iraq.

9) The 36 hours window from Tony and Mr. DC is coming to an end at midnight tonight.

10) The world is waiting and tired of it and pressure must be growing, along with the assurance and pressure from the IMF to get this done quickly.

How to Get a Text Message When TNT Updates the RV/800 # Thread

How to Get a Text Message When TNT Updates the RV/800 # Thread

This was originally posted by Dictator.  I thought I would capture it and bring it over.

Hey guys, just wanted to share with you how I set up my email to act as a txt service for me. I do hope most of you followed Tony and the Mods instruction on how to receive an email response when the much anticipated iRV happens. I for one will get too many special alerts if using my email to chime on my phone every time one comes in. So I decided to enter my phone number as instead of my email. You can do this in My Profile on the site when you are logged in. This will send a SMS txt to your phone instead of an email to your email account. It works and you can try it by sending yourself an email and watch your phone receive a txt instead. Here is info on the major carriers.
Taken from the eHow website:
Type in the AT&T cell phone number. All of the numbers should run together (i.e. "1020304050"). Enter the phrase "" directly after the phone number. The recipient's address for this example would read ""


It should read  The txt.att is reversed in the thread.



Address your email to your recipient using her mobile phone number (with area code) and the domain. Omit dashes and parentheses when addressing. For example, if the mobile number is (555) 123-4567, the email address would be I know this works as many of you do as well. This works best for me but it is up to you.
Address the email to "" and replace "CellNumber" with the recipient's number. For example, to text the Sprint cell number 555-555-5555, you would address the email to: "".
If I missed your carrier just do an internet search on How to send a text using email. Last edited by Dictator (10/31/2013 2:52 am)

Then Ozark76 added:
Here's T-Mobile's info:

If your carrier isn't listed, do a search or check this list:
