Friday, December 6, 2013

Video: Knights of the Golden Circle - 1860 Election & Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Video: Knights of the Golden Circle - 1860 Election & Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 15:28:06
Knights of the Golden Circle - 1860 Election & Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Published on Dec 2, 2013 By RobinMFisher
Uploaded from caliNYCdoja
The Knights of the Golden Circle - The 1860 Election & the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

(All Parts 1-5)
Ebook: "Behind the Scenes of the Lincoln Assassination; with a Concise History of the Society of Jesus, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the Order of the Illuminati, etc..." - is forthcoming! Click link for an excerpt (chapters I and II):

"The sovereigns of the 'Holy Alliance' had massed large armies, and
soon entered into a pledge to devote them to the suppression of all
uprisings of the people in favor of free government; and he [Pius VII]
desired to devote the Jesuits ... to the accomplishment of that end."(Richard Wigginton Thompson, "The Footprints of the Jesuits" [New York, New York: Hunt & Eaton. 1894.] p. 251.)
Books from video:




The Hidden Hands Behind Albert Pike´s Ku Klux Klan and Scottish Rite Freemasonry

Red Mass - Vatican Control of the Supreme Court


Obama to Meet Financial Regulators on Dodd-Frank Implementation


Since all of the NIB Accounts are Dodd-Frank, do we have anything else on this ????

Monday, August 19, 2013

Obama to Meet Financial Regulators on Dodd-Frank Implementation

Obama to Meet Financial Regulators on Dodd-Frank Implementation


By Margaret Talev & Lisa Lerer - Aug 19, 2013 12:01 AM ET

  President Barack Obama is meeting today with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernankeand other financial regulators for an update on implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
The closed-door meeting at the White House, listed at 2:15 p.m. on the president’s schedule, also will include Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew, the Comptroller of the Currency, the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and the chairmen of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission,   National Credit Union Administration, and Securities and Exchange Commission.
Treasury's Lew on U.S. Manufacturing, Dodd-Frank
March 14 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew speaks about the importance of U.S. manufacturing, fiscal negotiations between the administration and Congress, and the Treasury's implementation of the Dodd-Frank law that overhauled financial regulation. Lew talks with reporters after touring a Siemens AG facility in Alpharetta, Georgia. (Source: Bloomberg)
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Steven Komarow at  To contact the reporters on this story: Lisa Lerer in Washington at; Margaret Talev in Washington
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Steven Komarow at

More News:

John MacHaffie

Tony Friday CC Recorded Link and Synopsis by SandyJ at TNT


REPLAY   805-399-1500    409029#


Short Synopsis from SandyJ At TNT:

Elite have been cashing in since Wednesday...Tony says anywhere from 5000-10000 politicians/vips have been cashed out all different rates pending on what there SKR was signed at. 30 day dropping of 3 zeros is not a problem as DC guy and Tony say. UST and IMF want this now and we are next....

The PTB are not keeping this from us we are last in line I guess....Tony told the 3 letter guys on the call that every minute that goes by and we aren't in bank the more restless the investors are, which is what they don't want, so get this started so it relieves us from panic.

Tony has been told 3 times for today times of release.....we will delays just waiting for these upper people to finish.

DC guy knows personally peeps that have exchanged. They haven't told him personally due to NDA but there not buying stuff for $h1ts and giggles...tony and DC asked to get paid like the VIPS but Powers said no because they need to Tony to communicate things before signing his NDA

(Official TNT Notes will be posted when they are available
: )

OkieOilMan & OOM&F Chat


Recaps Note: We will continue to update this post as Okie brings more






There is no where to go to be safe. There is no place to hide

Reader: There is no where to go to be safe. There is no place to hide
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 13:08:14
Yep... :-))
Just stay out of the chaos and hope they don't come looking for you..

Re: Economic Collapse March 2014!! (Derivative....
There is no where to go to be safe. There is no place to hide from the economic collapse that is coming. Just sit back and wait for the ride of your life. My folks lived through the Ukraine Famine of 1932-1933 induced by Stalin, and ignored by Eleanor Roosevelt as well as the entire world. Today is no different. Only today, it will be the entire world suffering a similar fate as Ukraine, from starvation, lack of medicines, lack of energy, worthless paper money, and a complete breakdown of society. If you think FEMA camps will provide shelter and food for you and your family, prepare to be the first victims of a US concentration camp, or face the NATO forces hunting you down as they search house to house looking for 'terrorists'; those not in camps must be partisans. Yes, very scary indeed.

A 93 year old Prophecy....,Fulfilled..... In Spades

A 93 year old Prophecy....,Fulfilled..... In Spades
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 5-Dec-2013 21:25:08

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.” — H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, 26 July 1920.

Details of the Obama forgery exposed

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Details of the Obama forgery exposed
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 11:22:52

“In my view, this is undoubtedly the most detailed and compellingly damning document ever created pertaining to the controversy surrounding the long form birth certificate. It provides critical insight into the people behind the forgery, their methods, and more importantly, their mistakes.” – Doug Hagmann, investigator
By Douglas J. Hagmann
5 December 2013: Every American is the victim of one of the most insidious crimes ever perpetrated on the collective – the capturing of our nation from within. The set-up process occurred over decades, but culminated with the selection and installation of Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, as the front man in this silent coup. One important piece of evidence to support this crime exists in the controversial Certificate of Live Birth, but not in the way you have heard, and not in the manner that you might suspect. The revelation of the manner and methods now exist in a document that the criminal elements of our government and the complicit media do not want you to see. And the evidence is as compelling as it is damning.
Based on the popularity of television shows like Criminal Minds, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, and Profiler from the late 1990′s, a large number of people are fascinated by the investigative science of criminal profiling. One aspect of such behavioral profiling includes understanding the difference between a perpetrator’s modus operandi or “M.O.,” and their “signature.”
While all criminals have a modus operandi, analyzing a perpetrator’s “signature” is a bit more involved. Signature behaviors serve to satisfy some need of the criminal, and might be viewed as a “calling card” of sorts that link them to the crime. This is particularly true in cases of forgery, where the forger leaves a usually well hidden “signature” to identify them as the creator of the forgery. The preceding is provided as a formal introduction to the most important forgery of our time: Barack Hussein Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth.
So far, the managed mainstream media has ignored the October 18, 2013 filing of two affidavits, one public and the other sealed, that identify twenty-(20) points of forgery on the most controversial document concerning the most controversial figure of our time: Barack Hussein Obama. In my view, this is undoubtedly the most detailed and compellingly damning document ever created pertaining to the controversy surrounding the long form birth certificate. It provides critical insight into the people behind the forgery, their methods, and more importantly, their mistakes.
Douglas Vogt, an author and the owner and operator of a scanning business who also has an accounting background, invested over two years conducting an investigation into the authenticity of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth. Mr. Vogt, along with veteran typesetter Paul Ivey, conducted exhaustive research of the document provided to the White House Press Corps on April 27, 2011 – not the online PDF, a critical distinction that must be understood.
Using their combined experience of 80 years in this realm, they conducted extensive examinations of the “copy” that was used as the basis for the PDF document. They acquired the same type of equipment that was used back in the late 1950s and early 1960s in an attempt to recreate the document presented as an “authenticated copy” proving the legitimacy of Barack Obama. Instead, they found 20 points of forgery on that document and detail each point of forgery in the affidavit.
Even more interesting, Mr. Vogt claims to have identified the “signature” of the perpetrator, or the woman who created the forged document, hidden within the document itself. Her identity, in addition to the identity of other conspirators and their precise methods are contained in a sealed document supplementing the public affidavit.
In my extensive research of the open source evidence revealed by Mr. Vogt in the affidavit publicly released, I have been able to connect the dots myself. Mr. Vogt released additional and even more specific details in a nearly 3-hour long radio interview last evening on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.
The elements of the alleged criminality behind the creation of this forged document, along with the forgery of the short form birth certificate are indeed staggering. The phrase that was born out of the exposure to the crimes related to Watergate, “plausible deniability,” has now been thrust forward to the present day.
The release of the long form birth certificate at a press gaggle three days before the reported killing of Osama bin Laden seemed to be ripped from the playbook used by the men behind Nixon’s Watergate. Some who were involved knew exactly what was taking place, while others served as useful dupes to quiet the growing number intent on seeing evidence of Obama’s eligibility. Early on, the perpetrators made a few key mistakes that they could not undo. Instead, they attempted to cover their mistakes through additional forgery.
In addition to the errors they attempted to cover, the alleged forger of the COLB covertly “signed” the forged document, leaving her signature on one of the most important forgeries of our time. Whether it was done out of personal hubris or to provide her own level of “plausible deniability” in a most convoluted sense, it is apparent once you know where to look. Then, it all begins to make sense.
The affidavit filed by Mr. Vogt asserts that violations of federal law, from misprision of felony to misprision of treason occurred by the hands of Obama himself, his White House counsel, the Hawaii Department of Health, Savannah Guthrie and her employer at the time, certain other media companies, and those listed as “John and Jane Does” in the unsealed affidavit. The John and Jane Does are identified in the sealed affidavit.
Using a brilliant legal tactic unlike anyone else who has attempted redress against this treasonous activity, Mr. Vogt tapped into a section of federal law that necessitates action on the part of the federal judiciary via a federal judge – currently in the hands of the U.S. District Court in the Western District of Washington in Seattle.
It is this method or loophole in the federal statutes that separates this filing with all others. Additionally, it makes this filing by orders of magnitude much more dangerous to those involved in the alleged conspiracy to insert a foreign agent in the highest office in America.
This is a very big deal. This is a very viable threat to those who believe they are impervious to legal action for their seditious and treasonous activities, and the very people who have and continue to facilitate them. This is the best evidence yet that America is a captured operation.
To listen to the most compelling presentation of the affidavit filed detailing the forgeries, click here.

News, Rumors, and Opinions from TNT Members Fri. AM

News, Rumors, and Opinions from TNT Members Fri. AM

[Bald Eagle] Folks, with the obvious silence from all the intel people my guess is that we are finally really getting to the end of this!! Hang in there!! JMO :-

Alliken: We are all wondering what prevented or delayed release of the 800 #,, I imagine the vast sums traded between countries and wealthy in the know individuals truly could be so enormous and of the highest priority of national security that as always in gov't functions, it always takes longer that expected, so I chalk it up to normal bureaucratic incompetence inherent in all systems, the human factor of inefficiency.

This thing will work out, 190 countries, 190 different languages, many directly at odds and not cooperative.... not to mention the opportunities for graft, embezzlement, theft, inside trade, multitude of scams...... amazing that success is imminent, come rv!!

[lynnkit] I feel that Tony's silence is a good thing. He already told us on Wed. call that they told him no more date (time frame) and rates, so there is really nothing he could give us in a blast, and,I have a strong feeling that they have told him to just keep silent about the details and let it happen. I feel good about it. It's not like him to not give us a blast, I think it's a good sign.....Go RV
Read More Link on Right

Fisherman1: I am at 190% and this is real and in our sights, I sit and watched the other sites take their punches yesterday, IT IS VERY OBVIOUS that all of us are on the right site and with the correct leader, TONY AND TNT is the only place that you will get the best up to date infi. HE cant push the button and I cant EITHER, we all have the same GOAL and it TRULY IS UPON US. 190% and if IWERE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, I would, and I am on SET< READY< GO> STAY READY, YHIS IS NOT A DRILL, OL Fish loves you all.

Fisherman1: AS i get more credible info , I will pass it along, STAY FOCUSED, STAY READY, THIS IS REAL, THIS IS NOT A DRILL OR HOPIUM!!! We have never, ever, been this close.

PennyPincher: fisherman1 we have had plenty of DRILLS I hope this is the real one this time.


[redhead1] I really do not believe the PTB's and elite are the holdup on this RV - for whatever reason the politicans have chosen not to release it - the elite could not exchange for cash without a posted rate - we have no choice but to wait until release

[sgwmax] I've been fortunate enough to be privy to some high level fortune 100 businesses, and the level of detail would make your head hurt... And this makes that look like a board game... The horse trading going on at the table would make your head spin... Theses guys are playing hardball... It is what it is.

[redhead1] sgwmax - I think you are right - either it is hardball or these people have shown themselves to be incompetent in getting this revaluation done - I have said before - this is not in Legarde's hands- she does not have that power

[sgwmax] Red... You have no idea... They know the script like the alphabet... Tony and Mr DC even said so when they stated the focus shifted to us... When before this RV, and our seat at this table was a nuisance... And a source of amusement... It's not about us, but I promise you, they know each and every one of us on this board...


[logos12] I just looked up what day of the week 3/24/1991 was on Outlook...according to the article from the NY Times, Kuwait revalued their dinar on a, there is still hope for this weekend (beer)

Kuwait Reval 3/24/1991 (it was a Sunday)

Kuwait Reval 3/25/1991 NYT article ( I printed this off for my files on 3/22/2011)
AFTER THE WAR; No Electricity but Ku…

March 25, 1991 AFTER THE WAR
AFTER THE WAR; No Electricity but Kuwait Reopens Its Banks

By DONATELLA LORCH, Special to The New York Times

KUWAIT CITY, March 24— It still has no water and little electricity or food, but Kuwait revived its banking system today, introducing a new currency.

Banks reopened for the first time since Iraqi occupation forces shut them down in December. Thousands of people lined up to exchange their old Kuwaiti dinars for crisp new ones and to withdraw a limited amount of money.

Without electricity, the banks services were slow, limited to money exchange and withdrawal. There was no telex, no electronic money transfer and no telephones. The computers were unusable, so all transactions had to be entered by hand.

"It's like going back 20 years," said Mohammed al-Y ahya, the manager of the Commercial Bank of Kuwait, the nation's second-largest bank. Seized Dinars Canceled

The Central Bank is canceling the value of Kuwaiti dinars that were seized from the Central Bank and put into circulation by the Iraqis. The invalid serial numbers were posted today in front of all banks in the city.

All other old dinars can be exchanged for new ones on a one-to-one rate until May 7, when the old dinars become invalid. The new official exchange rate is 3.47 American dollars for one newKuwaiti dinar.

Although it is severly handicapped without electricity, the Commercial Bank, like many other major banks, was able to open for business because its records had been saved from the Iraqis. Mr. Yahya hid the bank's balance sheets in his home and sent its computer records to London via Syria with an Indian employee, who packed the tapes into the back of a trailer.

The banks also face serious personnel shortages. Only 11 of the Commercial Bank's 35 branches opened today, with 137 out of 1,300 workers.

Before the Iraqi invasion, only 17 percent of the bank's staff was Kuwaiti. Many of the foreign workers -- Jordanians, Palestinians and Indians -- fled and now cannot re-enter the country.

For those exchanging money today, there was little they could buy in Kuwait. Many of those in line said they planned to use their money for vacations or for shopping trips to Saudi Arabia to buy generators and food.

"I need to get away from this pressure," said Abdul Mohammed Hussein, a computer engineer in his early 40's who said he was withdrawing 1,500 new dinars to take a vacation in the United Arab Emirates. "Everywhere you go you find lines. At the supermarket, you find lines. To get petrol for the car, you find lines."

Abdul Hamed al-Atar, a 50-year-old retired Interior Ministry official, said this was the first time he had set foot in a bank since September, and he seemed relieved. "Kuwaits always keep a lot of cash with them," he said as he was handed crisp new piles of money that he stuffed into a small bag.
"It's a comfort to have money in my hands."

As Kuwaiti banks opened for the first time in months, a group waited in line to change old banknotes for new. New currency was printed to replace stocks of previous notes looted during the Iraqi occupation. (Agence France-Presse)

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Shocking interview: Welfare recipient admits sitting at home, smoking weed, waiting for govt. money

Friday, December 06, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Most Americans realize there is waste, fraud and abuse in virtually all government programs. That includes the government's various and sundry welfare programs.

But when you actually hear someone who is living large on your dime say without a morsel of guilt or regret that they have no problem doing so, you can't help but feel used and abused - and angry.

There's no question that most Americans work hard for their paychecks (and in many cases, it takes more than a couple of paychecks for many families to get by). But tens of millions of others are just sitting around, being unproductive, living off of the fruits of someone else's labor.

As noted by Mac Slavo of

You'd think that emergency funds or government subsidization through programs like welfare would be used to help recipients purchase the things that they need to get by and help them get back on their feet so that they can find meaningful labor and contribute to society, but in a system without cross-checks and billions being dished out year-after-year, many have learned that they don't need to work.

And why should they? You're doing the work for them in the form of taxpayer subsidies that are deducted from your earnings on a weekly basis.

'Our check's gonna come in the mail every month'

He goes on to correctly note that the system put in place by progressive socialist liberals over the past several decades tends to punish the successful and productive by robbing from them to redistribute wealth to the least productive and least deserving in our society.

"Case in point: A welfare recipient in Austin recently contacted a morning radio show and explained that she gets a lot of money from the program. What she does with it may (or may not) surprise you," Slavo wrote.

You can listen to an audio of the caller, who dialed into a local radio program, here. What you hear should shock you.

Here's a sampling of what the caller, "Lucy," said:

While workers out there are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us?

I get to sit home... I get to go visit my friends all day... I even get to smoke weed...

Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don't contribute to society, we still gonna get paid.

Our check's gonna come in the mail every month... and it's gonna be on time... and we get subsidized housing... we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas... Why should I work?

Ya'll get the benefit of saying "oh, look at me, I'm a better person," but when ya'll sit at home behind ya'lls I'm a better person... we the ones gettin' paid!

So can you really blame us?

What's that expression? I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go...

Think about this person - and the millions like her - when you see how much the government robs from you in the form of payroll taxes on your next paycheck. While you toil away working two or three jobs to make ends meet, spending time away from your family, friends and loved ones, remember that Lucy is getting high, hanging with her friends, shopping - doing whatever she wants to do - while the working stiffs of America subsidize her life.

If ever there was a poster child for welfare reform, Lucy is it.

What if the government just paid everybody?

It gets worse. There are some in Washington and the liberal media establishment touting an idea called the Universal Basic Income. Essentially, the government mails every single American over the age of 21 a check each month, for an annual "salary" equal to the official poverty limit.

How's that sound? At an annual cost of about $2.14 trillion, every American would be "equal" in terms of income. Isn't that wonderful?

We would all make the same crappy money. Except for the governing masterminds, that is. They would always have more and live better than the rest of us.

No more "poverty," right? Actually, the UBI idea institutionalizes poverty, as well as complete government control over your life.

A nation of Lucy's. Perfect. How long do you think America would last?


Second Amendment to the Constitution threatened

We may wind up having wars and political assassinations , and rightfully so - We have treasonous politicians , financed by NWO

we need to call our reps and senators and discuss this with them… Did Congress Just Repeal The 2nd Amendment? On A Voice Vote?
The Republican GOP joined with the Democrats to begin the process of repealing the 2nd Amendment with their VOICE VOTE to extend the ban on Undetectable Firearms Act.
Now it goes to Senate for AMENDMENTS! Know why a voice vote? So America couldn’t identify which RINO Republicrips betrayed our Constitution!


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 07:09:41

New low for Congress: Just 6 percent approve, finally lower than car salespeople
Paul Bedard
Washington Examiner
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:38 CST


                                              BANKS & “GOVERNMENTS”

                                       FORECLOSED WORLDWIDE

The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) announced the foreclosure of the world’s banks and “governments” on
December 25th 2012 stemming from prior investigation into massive fraud across the entire system: http://
What happened?
The OPPT posed to the world’s Banks and Governments:
1. that they had by deceptive acts and practices been stealing from the people for hundreds of years, and;
2. nothing stood between the Creator and each of the Creator’s creations,
and gave due opportunity to rebut both statements. They could not and did not. To understand this fully please read the
Declaration of Facts at > UCC Filings > 2012 ptII > Declaration of Facts. Here are two
Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)
“...That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE
of ...", Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and
all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC
other contracts and agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled,
unrebutted; ...”
Bank Charters Cancelled: (Refer: TRUE BILL: WA DC UCC Doc# 2012114776 Oct 24 2012)
“Declared and ordered irrevocably cancelled; any and all charters for Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
members thereto and thereof including all beneficiaries, including all certain states of body owning, operating,
aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY
SYSTEMS …commandeering lawful value by unlawful representation...”
Orders to Cease and Desist:
Attention is drawn to DECLARATION AND ORDER: UCC Doc # 2012096074, Sept. 09 2012, duly reconfirmed and
ratified by COMMERCIAL BILL UCC Doc. No. 2012114586 and TRUE BILL UCC Doc. No.2012 114776 which states:
Volunteers within the military ... “to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents,
officers, and other actors, regardless of domicil by choice, owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money
systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS against the several
states citizens, ...”, and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal
enforcement systems operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS...”
“...all beings of the creator shall forthwith assist all Public Servants identified herein, to implement, protect,
preserve and complete this ORDER by all means of the creator and created as stated herein, by, with, and
under your full personal liability...”
Search document numbers listed at the Washington DC UCC Registry:
What does this mean to you?
Are you paying a “debt” to a foreclosed entity..? e.g. mortgage, credit card, car loan?
OPPT has foreclosed on hierarchy. No one stands between you and your creator... not even “Government”.
Because a CEASE AND DESIST order exists, you are free to offer terms and conditions to individuals acting on behalf
of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, by issuing a Courtesy Notice.
What does this mean to Banks & “Governments”?
All beings now act in the capacity of individual entities without a corporate safety net and with full personal liability for
each and EVERY ACTION THEY TAKE under common law, protected and preserved by public policy UCC 1-103, and
Universal law, the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings. (Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593)
Should any individual pursue any actions on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, causing another individual
any damage as herein described, they in their individual and unlimited capacity are absolutely liable. Such actions may
result in the receipt of a Courtesy Notice.
Courtesy Notice
The Courtesy Notice contains the information of this flyer and offers terms and conditions for future dealings.
Whereas Banks and “Governments” have been foreclosed worldwide... Acts, Statutes, Codes, Courts, Executive
Orders etc were thereby foreclosed, thus without a lawfully binding contract - individual to individual, no instrument
exists to compel performance.
The Courtesy Notice offers new terms to any individual of a foreclosed entity for their acceptance and the method of
acceptance is clearly defined.
Individuals are now downloading and sending Courtesy Notices worldwide; 64,000 were downloaded in the first two
days following release in early Feb 2013. See
What is the UCC - Where and to whom does it apply?
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the ‘bible’ of commerce and used world wide, but sometimes in disguise. UCC
is not taught in law schools; it is used in high level banking and government corporations. Accordingly most lawyers,
attorneys and magistrates know nothing about UCC and will argue it has no application.
1. Executive Order 13037 dated 04 Mar 1997 defined humans as capital. See: http://
2. UCC Doc # 0000000181425776 filed 12 Aug 2011 evidences sale of US citizens in transaction between The
Federal Reserve System and The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 for $14.3 trillion. (Linked above)
3. UCC Doc #2001059388 evidences the template the Federal Reserve Bank of New York uses to secure the
collateral in major banks around the world... including chattel paper, goods and the unborn young of animals. See
Those who would regard the UCC as irrelevant outside the US are thereby claiming former funding arrangements with
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York null and void.
Due Diligence
Given the usage of UCC filings in the upper levels of “government” and banks worldwide, due diligence is a necessity.
If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly
verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity,
with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify, that the forgoing is true and
accurate, signed by your wet-ink signature.
To date, no such rebuttal has been registered.
Further Research
Radio shows:
All People Declared Free of Debt (Refer Notice of Declaration of Absolute Truth UCC# 2013032035)
The final filing of the OPPT occurred on March 18, 2013. This document terminated all remaining man-made entities
and returned all people of this planet to absolute freedom. In this document the creator is referred to as "absolute
essence" and all creations people are referred to as "absolute essence embodied".
Article VI states..."I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that eternal essence
IS made transparent and known by the DO'ing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence in eternal essence's
universe, IS free and free of debt, unrebutted."
This means                                                           THERE IS NO DEBT.

You have no debt... No one has debt... it is done.

More reading. 


Original OPPT UCC Filings

Facebook Groups.

4. The one People - Global

5. The One People - USA

The Awakening: In Many Instances, The "Elite" Are Being Checkmated Continually.... Will They Kick The Board Soon??

The Awakening: In Many Instances, The "Elite" Are Being Checkmated Continually.... Will They Kick The Board Soon??

watchman note....
The Alternative Media has neutered their hold on MSN spouting their lies.... The dismal failure of the Federal Reserve to hold their one-world currency dreams together.... The juvenile and crony actions of Congress, the obvious lies and egotistical rantings of their leader, Barass Obozo to establish a strangle hold on the Military and further a dedicated army of DHS misfits to prey upon helpless travelers and innocent families....the embarrassing exposure of the NSA spying on the world.... It is not going as planned for them for sure.
It is approaching the point where the checkmated elite will have no choice but to bump the board and try to start another game...The problem is that there will not be many who will even allow them to touch, much less pick up the pieces...
What is the line between confidence and acknowledgement of victory? Early celebration versus clear vision of how nature will handle a conflict within itself? Is victory and hope truly all imaginary or is there something more to it?
As humanity exponentially wakes up to the plans of the global elite (those in power, the ruling class, the “Illuminati” or whatever you want to call them), when will it officially become common knowledge that, yes, we are in trouble as a species unless and until we put a working system in place that holds all politicians, government and private corporations accountable for their actions? This expected new level of accountability is the mass awakening and official paradigm shift we have all been waiting for and I suggest that we are mighty close to at this point in history.
As the secluded and secretive government elite continue to struggle to push their global agenda only to run into increasing mass opposition, those at the very top of the control structure are no double worried that their time is up. They must know how humanity works as do we. Humanity generates thoughts which we share with each other. Governments are nothing more that organized thoughts and agreements among a set of people who also have logistical control and means to enforce their agreements (laws and statutes). Thankfully, grassroots movements, humanitarian efforts, and passionate displays of moral human consciousness also have a life of their own and ultimately have shown to have never-ending effects on humanity throughout history.
Fact is, humanity applauds those who have stood for morality, justice, and peace more than it esteems warmongers and tyrants. The jury was in on this issue long ago. Thankfully we do not have to debate on the meaning of what is wrong and what is right on a personal level. The argument for war, killing, torture, and oppression of humans is only offered to humanity from a political perspective barring the rare religious fanatical belief that promotes this ideology which we now know, in this generation was and has been an engineered radicalization of groups now known to have been sponsored, armed, educated, radicalized, and trained by the very corrupt secret government and individuals who we are now fully exposing. In other words, we now know that the radical (Muslim) fundamentalism which has been alleged and has led to supposed violence around the world in our times was and is politically engineered.
With no clear justification for the atrocities that the U.S. Empire and the new world order has brought on the world, the global elite stand alone, hoping that humanity simply doesn’t wake up politically to their agenda. We, the truth seekers of our time, are here to destroy that hope; the hope that the globalist had, that their Bilderberg meetings would remain secret. Yes that hope. The hope that the global elite had, to keep the masses believing their constant lies and their constant false flag operations in order to keep everyone in fear. That hope is now dwindling to nothing as humanity wakes up.
The globalists were hoping the 9/11 truth movement was going to go away; instead it grew into a worldwide phenomenon with more and more people waking up to the easy (9/11 was an inside job proving) 9/11 science every day. Then there was the hope that the global elite had to keep the NSA spying a secret, and that hope was shattered by Edward Snowden as the world now is fully awakened to this evil agenda of spying, recording, and filing mass records into fusion center databases.
We are all now well aware of the drone killing programs paid for and approved by the Obama administration; the power grab to suppress free-speech even at the Internet level; the push to take guns and gun rights away; the implementation of a global ‘climate religion’ carbon tax and international environmental laws to subvert and trivialize individual, local, and national sovereignty; the militarization of police nationwide including in states and towns with little to no crime.
We are now aware of how evil Obamacare is and how it will be used to force the globalist style control grid on all forms of human activity here in the United States. People everywhere are going into their own ‘shock and awe’ seeing and understanding what Obamacare is really all about. Activists nationwide are working on solutions to these now very clear problems, solutions to disempower the federal government and return the power back to the people. America has experienced this before, we were all due for a tough challenge; we all knew from history that freedom is not free and that the only people in the world who deserve freedom are those willing to fight for it.
I now hear the wake-up call nationwide. I see and hear the voices of freedom that make me feel like I should be doing more. More than ever before people are wondering what they can do to make a difference. This is a good sign for America and for our future. We may not see it yet, and the road ahead may still look dark. We all expect things to get worse before they get better. Deep down, however, many of us are now realizing this is the cycle we were waiting for. Things must get worse in order for more people to wake up. This is the reality we must all see before we truly realize we are all in control and where this is going.
With that said, I believe humanity arguably may be declaring ‘checkmate’ on the globalist elite. They are losing and we are winning the battle of information. We must prevail and we will prevail. We have the historic facts on our side and, more importantly, we have a source of human energy and a natural form of human conscious progression on our side that cannot be reversed.
Viewed holistically, this battle between freedom and fascism, controlling governments versus the people, good versus evil, and love versus hate seems to be the story of our lives and perhaps the central purpose of our journey on earth. The ruling class uses slavery, labor, intimidation, fear, coercion, and forcefulness to convert the existence of other humans into wealth. The wealth is then used to maintain this control. The rest of humanity on the other hand just wants to be free from this control. When simplified to its most elementary form it is and will not be very difficult for most humans to see this rational and to recruit their cooperation in a plan that involves creating a solution for the human race. Who doesn’t want this? Unfortunately for the global elite, they are the only ones in this planet who don’t want this and because of this they will eventually stand alone in their quest for full control.
A good chess player often knows several steps before the end of the game if he/she has the game clinched. In chess they call it checkmate. In this game of life we can call it anything we want. The most important thing is the concept which is now very clear to me. Looking back many years from now I believe many of us will be honored and thankful to have lived in times where we faced a historic and unprecedented real-time battle for freedom. This quest for freedom will be looked back upon as the driving force of our generation and to some like me, a candle of fire that lights our way.