Friday, December 6, 2013

Urgent: Very Very Dangerous Amendment Attached to NDAA 2014 Bill- Legislative Action!

Urgent: Very Very Dangerous Amendment Attached to

NDAA 2014 Bill- Legislative Action!

Ordinary Americans Have No Say, Officials Insist
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 13:59

SENATORS MAIN NUMBER IS 202 224 3121  and their email can be found here…
Jay Rockefeller (D WVA) has attached a cyber-security amendment (I attached it below)  to the NDAA 2014 bill in Congress to mandate that precautions be taken to protect America’s cyber infrastructure and private entities. Those of us who represent private entities will soon find our free access to the internet eliminated. The fact that this internet control bill is attached to the NDAA is no accident because this means that dissidents, posting anti-government rhetoric on the internet, can be snatched off the street and held indefinitely for their “terrorist” views.
There is a second and equally disturbing development in that the government has declared that the people of this country do not have the right to challenge the government on its unconstitutional actions. This is a position which fully exposes the fact that America is no longer a democratic republic, but rather a dictatorship which serves the elite. At issue is the ACLU’s right to sue the NSA for the unconstitutional  and unwarranted intrusions into the private lives of all Americans by spying on their every communication and their web-surfing habits. This position, taken by the government, validates that we have no rights and are living under a dictatorship.

Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill

to NDAA 2014 (Rockerfeller is a traitor and liar)

Published time: November 22, 2013 20:19
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The chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee submitted on Thursday an already-approved cybersecurity bill to be considered as an amendment to next year’s National Defense Authorization Act.
If the amendment manages to stay intact as Congress prepares to approve the 2014 NDAA, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia)’s Cybersecurity Act of 2013 may finally be codified into law.
Rockefeller’s proposal, S.1353, was unanimously approved by the Commerce Committee in July but has stayed relatively dormant ever since. On Thursday he submitted that bill as an amendment to be considered as part of an annual Pentagon spending plan that could fast track his attempts to land his proposal on President Barack Obama’s desk after attempts in Congress to adopt cybersecurity legislation have largely proven to be futile.
In a statement made by Rockefeller that circulated earlier this week, the 75-year-old senator suggested that the time is now upon Congress to finally enact a bill that would mandate precautions be taken to protect America’s cyber infrastructure and the private entities attached to it amid ongoing reportsof high-powered attacks aimed at the likes of government computers and the networks of critical services.
“The Commerce Committee took action months ago and unanimously passed this bipartisan bill that will improve the nation’s cybersecurity.But it’s been sitting on the sidelines for too long and there’s too much at stake to not look for every opportunity to pass it in the Senate,” Rockefeller said in a statement first published on Wednesday by John Eggerton at Multichannel News. “So I’m introducing that legislation as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill and imploring my colleagues to join me in supporting this effort.”
According to Rockefeller, his bill “creates an environment that will cultivate the public-private partnerships essential to strengthening our nation’s cybersecurity.” When it was first introduced in the Senate earlier this year, the Commerce Committee said passage of the bill would “Formalize cybersecurity as one of [National Institute of Standards and Technology]’s priority areas of focus” and “create a NIST-facilitated, industry-driven process for developing a set of voluntary cybersecurity standards for critical infrastructure.” At the time it received endorsements from the likes of AT&T, Verizon, Motorola Solutions, the Electric and Nuclear Power Coalition, IBM and the US Chamber of Congress.
I’ve always thought this was a great way to emphasize the critical need for a public-private approach when it comes to solving our most pressing cybersecurity issues,” Rockefeller said then.
Since Congress will need to approve a version of the NDAA in order to authorize the Pentagon’s funding for the next fiscal year, the addition of Rockefeller’s bill as an amendment ensures that it will at least be considered by his colleagues for passage in the coming weeks, setting the stage for lawmakers to finally let a cybersecurity bill of this capacity become codified.
In 2012, attempts in Congress to pass the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, ultimately failed due largely in part to a major public campaign that condemned the would-be law due to allegations that it would erode privacy on the web by encouraging the growth of a public-private partnership between internet companies and the federal government.
Proponents of CISPA, including then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, said at the time that America was at a “pre-9/11 moment” and warned that a “Cyber-Pearl Harbor that would cause physical destruction and the loss of life” could soon occur on American soil if the country’s critical infrastructure and top-tier businesses weren’t obligated to come together and share information about potential hacks waged at US networks.
The architects of CISPA have since reintroduced their bill, and Pres. Obama signed an executive order in February that mandated administration officials to come up with standards to reduce cybersecurity risks and encourage companies to adopt the new framework.
“We know hackers steal people’s identities and infiltrate private e-mail,”Obama said after signing the order in February.“We know foreign countries and companies swipe our corporate secrets. Now our enemies are also seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid, our financial institutions, and our air traffic control systems.”
Govt Lawyers: Americans Have No Right to Challenge Surveillance

Ordinary Americans Have No Say, Officials Insist

by Jason Ditz, November 22, 2013
Government lawyers are demanding that the US District Court immediately throw out an ACLU lawsuit against NSA surveillance, insisting that there is no avenue by which “ordinary Americans” could even theoretically challenge its legality.
The ACLU is arguing that the surveillance, involving collecting every phone record of every American, exceeds the authority the NSA has under either the Patriot Act or the Constitution.
The government is arguing that only phone companies could challenge the collection orders, however, and then only in super-secret FISA courts, which have already rubber-stamped the surveillance time and again.
The lawyers are also arguing that the judge himself isn’t qualified to hear questions of “national security” and that he should simply trust the administration’s officials to figure things out on their own, outside of courts.
Victoria Baer
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When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.

Star Trek medicine a reality – bioresonance

Friday, 6 December 2013

Star Trek medicine a reality – bioresonance

All is Energy.  Every. Single. Thing.

All energy has a frequency.   Bacteria has a Frequency, Viruses have a Frequency, Cancer has a Frequency.....

Have you ever seen an opera singer shatter a crystal glass with their voice?  They are hitting the exact note,  sounding the frequency of that glass, and therefore it breaks.....

Using frequencies isn't just for destroying something- it can also heal.

Please go to the link below to watch several amazing videos.

Deta Elis, groundbreaking Star Trek medicine a reality – bioresonance

Posted by The Watcher on in categories Editors' picks, Health, Technology
Thought doctor McCoy had it good with his equipment on the Starship Enterprise? Wait until you get a load of what is coming to revolutionize the world of medicine.
Medicine just got exciting thanks to Russian scientists and over 17 years of in-depth research. The future has arrived and just as three-dimensional printing will revolutionize manufacturing, this technology will revolutionize the practice of medicine.
This groundbreaking medical technology is making many people a lot of money in Russia. Why? Because it destroys the pharmaceutical paradigm and the doctors that practice it, using electromagnetic vibration to diagnose and cure without side effects yet with pinpoint precision. Deta Elis Electromagnetic Bioresonance Therapy Devices will be sweeping the globe just like cell phones and computers.
Who has endorsed this technology? President Putin of Russia uses it and the Department of Health in Russia has approved it for wide use across their nation, which amounts to three hundred million people. The Russian space program uses this technology because it enables convenient and non-invasive monitoring and enhancing of the health of their cosmonauts. Medicine just became more affordable, more accurate, and infinitely safer with Delta Elis technology.
The first stop in this revolution is Hepatitis B and C as well as herpes. Russian doctors are claiming aninety percent cure rate for these incurable infections. Everyone is familiar with the fact that you can shatter a glass with sound.
One of the Deta Elis machines, called the “Deta AP” will shatter viruses, bacteria and fungi, coming to us just as antibiotics become more of a terror than a help. This phenomenon where we can kill microbes with frequencies is called BIORESONANCE, and this is the principle that these Deta Elis devices use to cure.
Those who know of preceding technology like Hulda Clark’s Zapper will soon be able to afford Deta Elis machines, which will be like cell phones and soon even smaller, that will wipe out every infection imaginable with laser precision. Let us consider it a Zapper on steroids times 1,000 for starters!
With this “too good to be true” form of medicine (Bioresonance) one can have their diagnosis already in hand from a western practitioner and use one of the treatment machines that one can buy as a consumer/patient. Very soon even similar models will be available like MP3 players and one will be able to download, like on an IPad, applications that will address specific medical problems. So if you are travelling, for example, and come down with gastroenteritis, you can download on your personal computer the AP for gastroenteritis and run it until you get better. The application program will contain all the frequencies for eradicating the bacteria responsible for gastroenteritis. This is 21st century medicine at its best!
Just as Bioresonance can be used to balance a part of the body it can also be used to destroy parasites and bacteria. By far better than explaining, it is to watch a 33-second video and see it in action.
Can you see the power of this? Once diagnosed with a particular parasite or virus it can be targeted with a particular frequency that will cause no harm to anything else but kill the parasite/virus. The video above shows parasites exploding but for a very clear demonstration on glass in slow motion watch the following:
In the future, after practitioners are trained, Deta Elis diagnostic machines will reveal the exact parasite, virus, bacteria or fungus present and then the treatment device is programmed to destroy, and destroy it does. Though most of this is preprogrammed into the device diagnostics takes wings to a new level that pins down a patient’s overall chronic problems, translates that into a frequency, and then an exact positive outburst from the device will, over several hours, shower the wearer with the perfect healing frequency.
First we destroy everything that does not belong inside of us with one Deta Elis device and then we set upon the task of rebuilding our organs and numerous biological systems with another called the Deta RITM device, which helps to heal and rejuvenate organ pathologies and physiological systems such as the immune system, circulatory system, hormonal system and the like.
Infectious control in the 21st century certainly is not going to be anything like that of the 20th century. The age of antibiotics is about over as great harm has been done to the world’s populations with them. We have come close to compromising our biological existence with the reckless use of antibiotics.
Now we have antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens encroaching on our biospheres and it is getting increasingly dangerous to set foot anywhere near a hospital. Many people, including children, who die in the hospital after surgery die not from the surgery itself but from infections that get out of control. Infections cause 68 percent of childrens’ deaths. Not with Deta Elis devices in your pocket as there is no chance of creating anti-biotic resistant bugs or catching these from a hospital.
Every organ of the body has its own special frequency. The Lung resonates at 72 cycles per second, also known as Hertz. If the lung becomes infected its frequency will fall out of balance usually dropping a few Hertz. It has been discovered that by producing the same frequency as a healthy lung with a frequency generator we can rebalance the lung and induce healing. This process is called Bioresonance and can be used on all parts of the body.
There have been many researchers that have worked on energy medicine and Bioresonance this past century such as Dr. Rife, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell and others. Some of the machines developed through the years run as high as 40,000 dollars.
The Russians have outdone everyone bringing this technology into medical and healthcare practices as well as into every home. Over the last 17 years, the Russian scientists, spearheaded by Dr. Konoblov, a medical doctor and Ph.D. physicist, have  developed small, portable devices that are innovative cutting-edge at only a fraction of the cost of previous generation machines.
Using pharmaceutical poisons just got that much more insane! Remember when cell phones came out or the personal computer? In five years, we will see everyone walking around not just with his or her cell phone but also with a safe therapeutic device that will put health empowerment back into the peoples’ hands.
The Russians conducted extensive studies on over 25,000 people and established an accurate system of analyzing and reinforcing energetic health of the organs, and their connection to specific areas on the skin (dermal-visceral zones).
As a result of these devices’ action, a weakened organ receives energy needed for normal functioning, which is redistributed on a wide scale, restoring their workability. Thousands of people have been able to cut down on their dosages of medicines, and in some cases have entirely stopped taking them and have regained excellent health.
Gentle safe medicine just became a reality so doctors can now go back to the Hippocratic Oath that says: “First do no harm” when treating people. These gentle devices achieve exactly this – they can heal without being invasive and without causing harmful side-effects. The devices can be used with children and pets, and can therefore act as your “family doctor”
One of the most extraordinary claims coming out of Russia answers a long-standing problem in energy medicine and that is the problem of measuring results. They are claiming that the results can be confirmed by all well-known diagnostic methods. To date Deta Elis has developed more than 3,000 treatment programs, with an overall positive effect in many health problems in excess of 85%.

To my devoted readers and patients

This is my first communication to the western world about this rising technology. In January of 2014 these devices will also be manufactured in Germany making them much more accessible. The Russian business plan is a traditional multi-level-marketing model with Dr. George Georgiou Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM), an expert in energy medicine and holistic medicine, at the very top in the English-speaking world selected to train doctors and practitioners in bioresonance testing and treatments.
This is perfect for those who want to make a business opportunity with this technology and is a good setup for practitioners who will be using the diagnostic machines and selling the treatment devices to patients. For a small taste of that, see this video of Deta Elis at their big celebration and award party. It is exciting and it is Russian.
It would also be worth watching this other 5-minute video about the company and their innovative devices –
No doubt when I publish this document there will be a rush to obtain this new technology. My patients from around the world will be given priority and then of course my readers, who will come under my banner with Deta Elis. Practitioners of every stripe are invited as well as patients who want to learn to use the Bioresonance approach on their own.
Treatment devices like the Deta AP and the Deta RITM are approximately 500 euros ($675 USD) each but even less expensive units will come next year with simpler design in a mini version with the ability to download your own frequencies for a wide range of ailments. Diagnostic machines start at 2,500 euros ($3400USD) and their most sophisticated combined diagnostic and treatment device the Deta Professional goes as low as 8,000 euro ($11,000 USD) – about one fifth of the price of similar units. You can see all of these devices at
Compare that to the cost of most medical equipment and drugs as well as therapies and one can see that the onetime startup cost for the consumer or practitioner is more than reasonable. Obama care, on the other hand, will undoubtedly fail as it should because it promotes the wrong type of medicine at obscene prices.
Republished with permission from IMVA

Written by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) - Director International Medical Veritas Association - Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine


Star Trek medicine a reality – bioresonance

All is Energy.  Every. Single. Thing.

All energy has a frequency.   Bacteria has a Frequency, Viruses have a Frequency, Cancer has a Frequency.....

Have you ever seen an opera singer shatter a crystal glass with their voice?  They are hitting the exact note,  sounding the frequency of that glass, and therefore it breaks.....

Using frequencies isn't just for destroying something- it can also heal.

Please go to the link below to watch several amazing videos.

Deta Elis, groundbreaking Star Trek medicine a reality – bioresonance

Posted by The Watcher on December 06, 2013 in categories Editors' picksHealthTechnology
Thought doctor McCoy had it good with his equipment on the Starship Enterprise? Wait until you get a load of what is coming to revolutionize the world of medicine.
Medicine just got exciting thanks to Russian scientists and over 17 years of in-depth research. The future has arrived and just as three-dimensional printing will revolutionize manufacturing, this technology will revolutionize the practice of medicine.
This groundbreaking medical technology is making many people a lot of money in Russia. Why? Because it destroys the pharmaceutical paradigm and the doctors that practice it, using electromagnetic vibration to diagnose and cure without side effects yet with pinpoint precision. Deta Elis Electromagnetic Bioresonance Therapy Devices will be sweeping the globe just like cell phones and computers.
Who has endorsed this technology? President Putin of Russia uses it and the Department of Health in Russia has approved it for wide use across their nation, which amounts to three hundred million people. The Russian space program uses this technology because it enables convenient and non-invasive monitoring and enhancing of the health of their cosmonauts. Medicine just became more affordable, more accurate, and infinitely safer with Delta Elis technology.
The first stop in this revolution is Hepatitis B and C as well as herpes. Russian doctors are claiming aninety percent cure rate for these incurable infections. Everyone is familiar with the fact that you can shatter a glass with sound.
One of the Deta Elis machines, called the “Deta AP” will shatter viruses, bacteria and fungi, coming to us just as antibiotics become more of a terror than a help. This phenomenon where we can kill microbes with frequencies is called BIORESONANCE, and this is the principle that these Deta Elis devices use to cure.
Those who know of preceding technology like Hulda Clark’s Zapper will soon be able to afford Deta Elis machines, which will be like cell phones and soon even smaller, that will wipe out every infection imaginable with laser precision. Let us consider it a Zapper on steroids times 1,000 for starters!
With this “too good to be true” form of medicine (Bioresonance) one can have their diagnosis already in hand from a western practitioner and use one of the treatment machines that one can buy as a consumer/patient. Very soon even similar models will be available like MP3 players and one will be able to download, like on an IPad, applications that will address specific medical problems. So if you are travelling, for example, and come down with gastroenteritis, you can download on your personal computer the AP for gastroenteritis and run it until you get better. The application program will contain all the frequencies for eradicating the bacteria responsible for gastroenteritis. This is 21st century medicine at its best!
Just as Bioresonance can be used to balance a part of the body it can also be used to destroy parasites and bacteria. By far better than explaining, it is to watch a 33-second video and see it in action.
Can you see the power of this? Once diagnosed with a particular parasite or virus it can be targeted with a particular frequency that will cause no harm to anything else but kill the parasite/virus. The video above shows parasites exploding but for a very clear demonstration on glass in slow motion watch the following:
In the future, after practitioners are trained, Deta Elis diagnostic machines will reveal the exact parasite, virus, bacteria or fungus present and then the treatment device is programmed to destroy, and destroy it does. Though most of this is preprogrammed into the device diagnostics takes wings to a new level that pins down a patient’s overall chronic problems, translates that into a frequency, and then an exact positive outburst from the device will, over several hours, shower the wearer with the perfect healing frequency.
First we destroy everything that does not belong inside of us with one Deta Elis device and then we set upon the task of rebuilding our organs and numerous biological systems with another called the Deta RITM device, which helps to heal and rejuvenate organ pathologies and physiological systems such as the immune system, circulatory system, hormonal system and the like.
Infectious control in the 21st century certainly is not going to be anything like that of the 20th century. The age of antibiotics is about over as great harm has been done to the world’s populations with them. We have come close to compromising our biological existence with the reckless use of antibiotics.
Now we have antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens encroaching on our biospheres and it is getting increasingly dangerous to set foot anywhere near a hospital. Many people, including children, who die in the hospital after surgery die not from the surgery itself but from infections that get out of control. Infections cause 68 percent of childrens’ deaths. Not with Deta Elis devices in your pocket as there is no chance of creating anti-biotic resistant bugs or catching these from a hospital.
Every organ of the body has its own special frequency. The Lung resonates at 72 cycles per second, also known as Hertz. If the lung becomes infected its frequency will fall out of balance usually dropping a few Hertz. It has been discovered that by producing the same frequency as a healthy lung with a frequency generator we can rebalance the lung and induce healing. This process is called Bioresonance and can be used on all parts of the body.
There have been many researchers that have worked on energy medicine and Bioresonance this past century such as Dr. Rife, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell and others. Some of the machines developed through the years run as high as 40,000 dollars.
The Russians have outdone everyone bringing this technology into medical and healthcare practices as well as into every home. Over the last 17 years, the Russian scientists, spearheaded by Dr. Konoblov, a medical doctor and Ph.D. physicist, have  developed small, portable devices that are innovative cutting-edge at only a fraction of the cost of previous generation machines.
Using pharmaceutical poisons just got that much more insane! Remember when cell phones came out or the personal computer? In five years, we will see everyone walking around not just with his or her cell phone but also with a safe therapeutic device that will put health empowerment back into the peoples’ hands.
The Russians conducted extensive studies on over 25,000 people and established an accurate system of analyzing and reinforcing energetic health of the organs, and their connection to specific areas on the skin (dermal-visceral zones).
As a result of these devices’ action, a weakened organ receives energy needed for normal functioning, which is redistributed on a wide scale, restoring their workability. Thousands of people have been able to cut down on their dosages of medicines, and in some cases have entirely stopped taking them and have regained excellent health.
Gentle safe medicine just became a reality so doctors can now go back to the Hippocratic Oath that says: “First do no harm” when treating people. These gentle devices achieve exactly this – they can heal without being invasive and without causing harmful side-effects. The devices can be used with children and pets, and can therefore act as your “family doctor”
One of the most extraordinary claims coming out of Russia answers a long-standing problem in energy medicine and that is the problem of measuring results. They are claiming that the results can be confirmed by all well-known diagnostic methods. To date Deta Elis has developed more than 3,000 treatment programs, with an overall positive effect in many health problems in excess of 85%.

To my devoted readers and patients

This is my first communication to the western world about this rising technology. In January of 2014 these devices will also be manufactured in Germany making them much more accessible. The Russian business plan is a traditional multi-level-marketing model with Dr. George Georgiou Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM), an expert in energy medicine and holistic medicine, at the very top in the English-speaking world selected to train doctors and practitioners in bioresonance testing and treatments.
This is perfect for those who want to make a business opportunity with this technology and is a good setup for practitioners who will be using the diagnostic machines and selling the treatment devices to patients. For a small taste of that, see this video of Deta Elis at their big celebration and award party. It is exciting and it is Russian.
It would also be worth watching this other 5-minute video about the company and their innovative devices –
No doubt when I publish this document there will be a rush to obtain this new technology. My patients from around the world will be given priority and then of course my readers, who will come under my banner with Deta Elis. Practitioners of every stripe are invited as well as patients who want to learn to use the Bioresonance approach on their own.
Treatment devices like the Deta AP and the Deta RITM are approximately 500 euros ($675 USD) each but even less expensive units will come next year with simpler design in a mini version with the ability to download your own frequencies for a wide range of ailments. Diagnostic machines start at 2,500 euros ($3400USD) and their most sophisticated combined diagnostic and treatment device the Deta Professional goes as low as 8,000 euro ($11,000 USD) – about one fifth of the price of similar units. You can see all of these devices at
Compare that to the cost of most medical equipment and drugs as well as therapies and one can see that the onetime startup cost for the consumer or practitioner is more than reasonable. Obama care, on the other hand, will undoubtedly fail as it should because it promotes the wrong type of medicine at obscene prices.
Republished with permission from IMVA
Written by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) - Director International Medical Veritas Association - Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine

Video: Ascended Masters, The 144,000 and Taking Action - Ari Kopel

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Ascended Masters, The 144,000 and Taking Action - Ari Kopel
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 16:24:16

Ascended Masters, The 144,000 and Taking Action - Ari Kopel
Published on Dec 6, 2013 By Ari Kopel
Ari Kopel discusses whether Ascended Masters are part of the fallen construct or truly Ascended.
She touches upon the "Truther" movement, compassion vs "taking action" and compares the 144,000 on the planet to the "Navy Seals" of the armed forces.
Ari aims in shedding Light onto this subject matter, hoping that those that resonate with it can all be on the same page and step into their Power & Authority in order to claim this planet back.
She also hopes that everyone joins forces and collaborates in the effort to transform the consciousness of this world.
Ari also sheds light on how the Sinister Forces are all in an uproar right now, creating conflict everywhere, especially within the Light Community, trying to conquer and divide.
She discusses how to recognize their tactics in order not to fall into this trap anymore.
Conflict and discord brings down the vibratory rate of all the Light Forces on the planet, which is a strategy used to keep us in the Matrix!
Join our website at:

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_Man

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_Man
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Dec-2013 17:32:43

Hi, Folks -
Found at :


     If Iraqi Dinars were worth $1 each at time of the RV of foreign currencies including that of Iraq, 1,000 Iraqi Dinars would be worth $1,000 in US Dollars. If they were worth $3 each, then 1,000 Iraqi Dinars would be worth $3,000. If worth each $30, then your tiny imput of $4 would bring you back in US Dollars basically $30,000 minus any service fees if any applied to this exchange at that time. Unless Iraq is never to join the WTO and engage in true international trading of their oil, etc. in regular currency exchanges as other nations do, then at some point they have to have an RV of their currency which many reports indicate can be at any time now.
      There are no guarantees that any currency is guaranted to have a new, much higher value to it later on, but the odds are favorable that this should be a smart move if you have a few extra dollars in your pocket!
     We don't sell Iraqi Dinars but found this source that priced the purchase of Iraqi Dinars low enough so anyone with even but a little money could still buy some Iraqi Dinars if they wanted to. If you use this information and things turn out good, then with your newfound much larger money, look at the business opportunities and options we will have once we build our Camelot Project in America which will be a huge community built so fast as to be like a city popping up overnight from the wilderness.
     Technically the source with the $4 offer buys you 1,000 Iraqi Dinars which will for that size be one 1,000 Iraqi Dinar Currency Note sent by mail to you. Or you could buy 4,000 Iraqi Dinars for $16 for example. If you ordered 5,000 Iraqi Dinars for $20, then they would send you logically one 5,000 Iraqi Dinar Currency Note.
     Not stated, but once the RV for the Iraqi Dinars occurs, then you may assume this offer is withdrawn by the source with the $4 offer. Anyone familiar with foreign currency purchases knows that he can buy large amounts of Iraqi Dinar at lower prices than this, but you have to buy large amounts that way which easily could be $1,000 or more minimum to buy right. This is priced so no one can claim that they could not get into the Iraqi Dinar before an RV actually occurred.
      To get this information, you order from any product offered on our national website or send in on the loan program for the Omni Law on our website. Then send us an email what you ordered from us and ask for the report "$4 For 1,000 Iraqi Dinars." We tell you who the source is offering this nationally at this time. Of course if RV occurs within next few days, then this information is useless to you once the RV occurs. We will email to you our report if you give us your email or send by mail if you don't supply us your email, but due to timing, email is the best way to act fast to obtain this information. Send in an order by mail and ask for this report and we will mail to you a copy of this report but of course it takes longer for the information to reach you this way and maybe time is short.
     Our national website is Our email is  Our mailing address for orders sent in by mail is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for from our website. This offer of the free report is for the next 10 days unless an RV occurs first in which case this free report is withdrawn as an offer from us. 
      Look up our Omni Law as proposed on our website to be passed as a new national law. It restores control of the American government back to the American people and as illustrated in several current national economic reports I posted with Nesara News, I am loaded with powerful economic answers for America as I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including one personally endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. Look under the pen name of Erasmus of America which you can look up in the Nesara News search box for their reports in their archive listings, and you will find that I have shown many answers that can skyrocket the American economy once set up through the Omni Law.
     Pass this report along unless you love living in a lousy national economy in America under Obama. 
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for a level-headed economist tired of the Mickey Mouse Communist flavor economics offered to America under Obama dominated Wash., D.C.)P.S. I don't officially belong to The Tea Party but I have friends who do and one of them sent to me this email report below. I think the message important to America and so I share this email report with you below. Impeach Obama and pass the Omni Law. Then America has a bright future again! As Congress does not have the guts to remove Obama by other legal tactics, impeachment proceedings is better than nothing to try and save America from pending national disaster due to Obama!
           Tea Party News


ACTION: Obama is a fraud...a traitor to America and he must go! Since in office he's been setting the stage to fulfill his radical agenda, getting rid of anyone who gets in his way. Think about it. Systematically, he's firing our military's top brass, disposing of anyone who opposes him in order to weaken our country and make us vulnerable. At the same time he's turned the IRS, DHS, DOJ and NSA into his personal army, allowing them to commit crimes to fulfill his agenda. He's gone so far as to allow the DHS to buy a mass arsenal of ammunition, weapons, tanks and riot gear. It's up to us to rid the White House of this traitor. Join the move to IMPEACH!

Contact Congress Here: For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to:

ALL 100 U.S. Senators AND ALL 435 U.S. Representatives at their DC and Home offices.

View Your Fax Message

I'm counting on you. We have your back. Do you have ours?

Steve Eichler
Tea Party

P.S. - If you're as disgusted as I am about the lies, corruption and cover ups andwant to put an end to it, shut down Obama once and for all, then please step up. If you've been waiting for the right time, this is it!

P.S.S. - Barrack Hussein Obama has committed unconstitutional and impeachable offenses. Demand Congress begin impeachment proceedings! Sign the IMPEACH OBAMA petition here.

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Knights of the Golden Circle

Knights of the Golden Circle

The Knights of the Golden Circle or K.G.C. had its beginnings in the formation of Southern Rights Clubs in various southern cities in the mid-1830s. These clubs were inspired by the philosophies of John C. Calhoun (1782–1850). Calhoun had an illustrious political career serving as a congressman from his home state of South Carolina, a state legislator, vice president under the administrations of both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, and a U. S. senator. In addition to the Southern Rights Clubs, which advocated the re-establishment of the African slave-trade, some of the inspiration for the Knights may have come from a little-known secret organization called the Order of the Lone Star, founded in 1834, which helped orchestrate the successful Texas Revolution resulting in Texas independence from Mexico in 1836. Even before that, the K.G.C.'s roots went back to the Sons of Liberty of the American Revolutionary period.
The Knights of the Golden Circle was reorganized in Lexington, Kentucky, on July 4, 1854, by five men, whose names have been lost to history, when Virginia-born Gen. George W. L. Bickley (1819–1867) requested they come together. Strong evidence suggests that Albert Pike (1809–1891) was the genius behind the influence and power of the Masonic-influenced K.G.C., while Bickley was the organization's leading promoter and chief organizer for the K.G.C. lodges, what they called “Castles,” in several states. During his lifetime, Boston-born Pike was an author, educator, lawyer, Confederate brigadier general, newspaper editor, poet, and a Thirty-third Degree Mason. From its earliest roots in the Southern Rights Clubs in 1835, the Knights of the Golden Circle was to become the most powerful secret and subversive organization in the history of the United States with members in every state and territory before the end of the Civil War. The primary economic and political goal of this organization was to create a prosperous, slave-holding Southern Empire extending in the shape of a circle from their proposed capital at Havana, Cuba, through the southern states of the United States, Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. The plan also called for the acquisition of Mexico which was then to be divided into fifteen new slave-holding states which would shift the balance of power in Congress in favor of slavery. Facing the Gulf of Mexico, these new states would form a large crescent. The robust economy the KGC hoped to create would be fueled by cotton, sugar, tobacco, rice, coffee, indigo, and mining. These seven industries would employ slave labor.
In early 1860 newspapers across the country reported that the Knights of the Golden Circle were recruiting troops in numerous cities to send to Brownsville, Texas, for the planned invasion of Mexico. History is unclear about what went wrong with this invasion, but most historians agree that the well-laid plans never materialized and the invasion never happened. Some say that it failed because George Bickley was unable to provide adequate troops and supplies, but with a civil war looming on the horizon, the invasion’s failure may have been caused by the K.G.C. leaders believing they could not go to war on two fronts simultaneously. They called off their plans for Mexico and started preparing for war with the North.
When tensions between the North and South were at a breaking point and the Civil War had not yet begun, the Knights of the Golden Circle held their convention in Raleigh, North Carolina, from May 7–11, 1860. George W. L. Bickley, as president of the K.G.C., presided at this historic event. The records of this convention have survived until the present day and provide an excellent view of this order's divisions or degrees, goals, accomplishments, and size.
The K.G.C.'s first division was described as being "absolutely a Military Degree." The first division is further divided into two classes: the Foreign and Home Guards. The Foreign Guards class was the K.G.C.'s army and was composed of those who wanted "to participate in the wild, glorious and thrilling adventures of a campaign in Mexico." Those of the second class or Home Guards had two functions: to provide for the army's needs and "to defend us from misrepresentation during our absence."
The second division or class was also divided into two classes which were the Foreign and Home Corps. The Foreign Corps was to become the order's commercial agents, postmasters, physicians, ministers, and teachers and to perform the other occupations that were vital to the achievement of K.G.C. goals. The second class of this degree was the Home Corps. Their job was to advise and to forward money, arms, ammunition, and other necessary provisions needed by the organization and its army and to send recruits as rapidly as possible.
The two classes of the third division or degree were the Foreign and Home Councils. The third division is described in the convention's records as being "the political or governing division." The responsibilities of the Foreign Council were governmental, and it was divided into ten departments similar to those of the United States federal government.
One little-known historical fact that is presented in the records from the 1860 K.G.C. convention is that the Knights had their own well-organized army in 1860, before the Civil War had even begun, so they were prepared in the event of war with the North. In May of 1860 the Knights of the Golden Circle reported a total membership of 48,000 men from the North, who supported "the constitutional rights of the South," as well as men from the South, with an army of "less than 14,000 men" and new recruits joining at a rapid rate.
Shortly before the Civil War began, the state of Texas was the greatest source of this organization's strength. Texas was home for at least thirty-two K.G.C. castles in twenty-seven counties, including the towns of San Antonio, Marshall, Canton, and Castroville. Evidence suggests that San Antonio may have served as the organization’s national headquarters for a time.
The South began to secede from the Union in January 1861, and in February of that year, seven seceding states ratified the Confederate Constitution and named Jefferson Davis as provisional president. The Knights of the Golden Circle became the first and most powerful ally of the newly-created Confederate States of America.
Before the Civil War officially started on April 12, 1861, when shots were fired on Fort Sumter, South Carolina, and before Texas had held its election on the secession referendum on February 23, 1861, Texas volunteer forces, which included 150 K.G.C. soldiers under the command of Col. Ben McCulloch, forced the surrender of the federal arsenal at San Antonio that was under the command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. David E. Twiggs on February 15, 1861. Knights of the Golden Circle who were involved in this mission included Capt. Trevanion Teel, Sgt. R. H. Williams, John Robert Baylor, and Sgt. Morgan Wolfe Merrick. Following this quick victory, volunteers who were mostly from K.G.C. companies, forced the surrender of all federal posts between San Antonio and El Paso.
Perhaps the best documentation as to the power and influence of the Knights of the Golden Circle during the Civil War is The Private Journal and Diary of John H. Surratt, The Conspirator which was written by John Harrison Surratt and later edited by Dion Haco and published by Frederic A. Brady of New York in 1866. In this journal, Surratt goes into great detail when describing how he was introduced to the K.G.C. in the summer of 1860 by another Knight, John Wilkes Booth, and inducted into this mysterious organization on July 2, 1860, at a castle in Baltimore, Maryland. Surratt describes the elaborate and secret induction ceremony and its rituals and tells that cabinet members, congressmen, judges, actors, and other politicians were in attendance. Maybe the most significant revelation of Surratt's diary is that the Knights of the Golden Circle began plotting to kidnap Abraham Lincoln in 1860, before Lincoln was even inaugurated in 1861, and continued throughout the Civil War, resulting in President Lincoln's assassination by fellow Knight Booth on April 14, 1865.
After trying unsuccessfully to peacefully resolve the conflicts between North and South, the Knights of the Golden Circle threw its full support behind the newly-created Confederate States of America and added its trained military men to the Confederate States Army. Several Confederate military groups during the Civil War were composed either totally or in large part of members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. One notable example of K.G.C. military participation in the Civil War included the Confederate's Western Expansion Movement of 1861 and 1862 led by Lt. Col. John Robert Baylor and Gen. Henry Hopkins Sibley.
In 1861 Albert Pike travelled to Indian Territory and negotiated an alliance with Cherokee Chief Stand Watie. Prior to the beginning of hostilities, Pike helped Watie to become a Thirty-second Degree Scottish Rite Mason. Watie was also in the K.G.C., and he was later commissioned a colonel in command of the First Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles. In May 1864 Chief Watie was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the Confederate States Army making him the only Native American of this rank in the Confederate Army. Watie's command was to serve under CSA officers Albert Pike, Benjamin McCulloch, Thomas Hindman, and Sterling Price. They fought in engagements in Indian Territory, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri.
One of the most feared organizations of all Confederates, whose members were in large part Knights of the Golden Circle, was what was called Quantrill's Guerrillas or Quantrill's Raiders. The Missouri-based band was formed in December 1861 by William Clark Quantrill and originally consisted of only ten men who were determined to right the wrongs done to Missourians by Union occupational soldiers. Their mortal enemies were the Kansas Jayhawkers and the Red Legs who were the plague of Missouri. As the war raged on in Missouri and neighboring states, Quantrill's band attracted hundreds more men into its ranks. Quantrill's Guerrillas became an official arm of the Confederate Army after May 1862, when the Confederate Congress approved the Partisan Ranger Act. Other leaders of Quantrill's Guerrillas included William C. “Bloody Bill” Anderson, David Pool, William Gregg, and George Todd. Some of the major engagements this deadly guerrilla force participated in included the Lawrence, Kansas, raid on August 21, 1863, the battle near Baxter Springs, Kansas, in October 1863, and two battles at and near Centralia in Missouri in September of 1864. The bulk of Quantrill's band wintered in Grayson County, Texas, from 1861 through 1864.
The K.G.C. played the major role in what is referred to as the Northwest Conspiracy. The Confederate plan was to use the great numbers of Knights in the Northern states to foster a revolution that would spread across Indiana, Illinois, New York, Ohio, and any other state in the North where it was feasible. The Baker-Turner Papers, part of the U.S. War Department’s conspiracy files, revealed much of the history of this widespread movement but were kept sealed for ninety years. James D. Horan, the first person ever allowed access to the U.S. War Department's Civil War conspiracy files and the Baker-Turner Papers in the early 1950s, published Confederate Agent: A Discovery in History in 1954, which details the Northwest Conspiracy. His work used these previously-sealed documents and information gathered by numerous investigators, including the private papers of Capt. Thomas H. Hines, C.S.A., of Kentucky, who was the mastermind behind the huge conspiracy.
Throughout the Civil War, one of the Knights of the Golden Circle's most important roles came in its infiltration of Union forces. Nowhere in the country was this influence more apparent than in the state of Missouri where K.G.C. members filled the ranks of the Enrolled Missouri Militia which was commonly known as the Paw Paw Militia. A newspaper article from the Daily Times of Leavenworth, Kansas, July 29, 1864, serves as a good example in their interview with a member of the Paw Paw named Andrew E. Smith. Smith said:
I am 22 years old and live in Platte county, about two miles west of Platte City I was a member of Captain Johnston's company of Pawpaw militia, under Major Clark, and served about six months.... I am a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle. I joined them at Platte City, and was sworn in by David Jenkins of that place. All of the Pawpaw militia, so far as I know, belong to them....
Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Most historians accept this date of surrender as the official end of the Civil War. The Knights of the Golden Circle as an organization, however, continued to work to achieve their goals, which included a prosperous South, for many decades after the Civil War. What had been a secret society adapted to changing conditions and, after the war, became even more secretive than ever before.
In October 1864 U. S. Judge Advocate Joseph Holt submitted a detailed warning to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton about the dangers posed by the Knights of the Golden Circle that was, by that time, operating under various aliases. This document is commonly called the Holt Report, but its real title is A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion.
After the war's end, the K.G.C. went underground and used many aliases to hide their activities which included making preparations for a second civil war should that option be necessary. Some K.G.C. members accompanied Confederate Gen. Joseph O. Shelby to Mexico. Some soldiers returned to their homes, while others relocated to more remote frontier areas like West Texas where they could help build towns and cities that conformed to their ideals. Some Knights like Jesse Woodson James, older brother Frank James, and Cole Younger turned to robbing Northern-owned railroads, businesses, and banks after the Civil War.
The Knights of the Golden Circle, according to most authorities, ceased its operations in 1916 for two primary reasons. The United States had entered World War I, and by that time most of the old Knights of the Golden Circle had died.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: An Authentic Exposition of the “K.G.C.” “Knights of the Golden Circle,” or, A History of Secession from 1834 to 1861, by A Member of the Order (Indianapolis, Indiana: C. O. Perrine, Publisher, 1861). Donald S. Frazier, Blood & Treasure: Confederate Empire in the Southwest (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1996). Warren Getler and Bob Brewer, Rebel Gold: One Man’s Quest to Crack the Code Behind the Secret Treasure of the Confederacy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004). Dion Haco, ed., The Private Journal and Diary of John H. Surratt, The Conspirator (New York: Frederic A. Brady, Publisher, 1866). Joseph Holt, Report of the Judge Advocate General on “The Order of American Knights,” alias “The Sons of Liberty.” A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: Union Congressional Committee, 1864). James D. Horan, Confederate Agent: A Discovery in History (New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1954). Jesse Lee James, Jesse James and the Lost Cause (New York: Pageant Press, 1961). K.G.C., Records of the KGC Convention, 1860, Raleigh, N.C. (http://gunshowonthenet/AfterTheFact/KGC/KGC0571860.html), accessed May 5, 2010. Dr. Roy William Roush, The Mysterious and Secret Order of the Knights of the Golden Circle (Front Line Press, 2005).
Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group:  

Jay Longley and Colin Eby

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS.; The Knights of the Golden Circle Again The United States Grand Jury of the Indiana District Present the Organization as Treasonable

New York Times

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS.; The Knights of the Golden Circle Again The United States Grand Jury of the Indiana District Present the Organization as Treasonable.

Published: August 7, 1862
The Grand Jury of the Circuit and District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana has just made the following presentment:
In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Indiana, May Term, 1862.
The Grand Jurors of the United States of America, within and for the District of Indiana, impanneled, sworn and charged in said District at said May Term thereof, having about completed their labors, (and being now ready to adjourn,) feel it their imperative dutyto announce, in a respectful manner, to this Honorable Court, the general features of some startling developments made during their investigations. These developments, when considered in connection with the disturbed condition of the country, by reason of the causeless and atrocious rebellion against the Constitution and laws of the land, are deemed of the gravest importance, and should be made known, that prompt and efficient measures may be taken by the civil and military authorities to meet and ward off the effect of the wicked and treasonable designs of those connected with such developments.
A recent act of Congress made it the duty of the Grand Jury to inquire into any combinations or conspiracies formed by individuals within the jurisdiction of the Court to prevent the execution of any law of the United States. Having heard that organizations with this object in view existed in certain localities, witnesses were sent for, and brought before the Grand Jury. These witnesses came from many counties, and lived in various parts of the State. After a careful and diligent examination of the testimony from witnesses well acquainted with the facts deposed, and having a personal knowledge of the matters, said Grand Jury are constrained to say that a secret and oath-bound organization exists, numbering some fifteen thousand in Indiana, as estimated by the members of their Order, commonly known as Knights of the Golden Circle, and even in the same localities by different names. Their lodges, or "Castles," as they denominate them, are located in various parts of the State, yet they have common signs, grips, and words whereby the members are able to distinguish each other, and passwords to enable the member to enter the castle in which he was initiated, or any other which such member may choose to visit. They have signals by which they can communicate with each other in the day, or the night time; and, above all, they have a signal or sign which may be recognized at a great distance from the person giving it. This last signal, we regret to say, was invented for the use of such members as should, by means of the draft or otherwise, be compelled to serve in the ranks of the army. In such case, members of the Order serving in opposing armies receiving the sign are reminded of their obligation not to injure the member giving it. This signal is given in every instance upon the initiation of a new member, and its observance is strictly enjoined upon every individual belonging to the Order. By the teachings of the organization, it is the duty of its members engaged in the present war, although arrayed on opposite sides, upon the signal being given, if they shoot at all, "to shoot over each other." Many members of the Order, examined before us, admit the binding force of the obligation, and pretend to justify it as correct in principle.
Said Grand Jury would respectfully submit that the effect of such obligation is to set aside the oath taken by every soldier when he enters the service of the United States. The obligation imposed by the organization alluded to is inconsistent with the duties of a soldier who in battle dare not spare the person of his enemy. We must either disarm or destroy him, and especially so long as the rebel may be seeking to take the life of the loyal soldier. To do otherwise would be grosly treacherous, and justly subject the guilty party to a traitor's doom.
From the evidence introduced before said Grand Jury, it would seem that the Order called the Knights of the Golden Circle had their origin in some of the Southern States, and was introduced into this State from Kentucky. Its primary object, when it [???] was to organize the [???] of the institution of African Slavery in the United States, for the purpose of [???] more territory in Mexico and the Central American States, and also the acquisition of Cuba, thereby to extend and [???] a great slave empire, even thought it should dye those countries in human blood. Hence the various raids made upon those countries which have called forth from time to time the proclamations of our former Presidents, denouncing such attempts and threatening the exercise of the power of the Government to put them down. Wicked as these hellish schemes were, said Grand Jury would not have troubled this Honorable Court with this [???] had the [???] of the Knights of the Golden Circle been confined solely to their original designs. Finding how useful such an organization was for the purposes originally intended, said Grand Jury believe that it not only extends at present through every part of the South, and every department of the rebel army, but during the last Winter and Spring was introduced into the State of Indiana and other Northern States. Since that time it has made alarming progress in our midst, when entirely new features attached to it in view of the unnatural conflict now desolating our country. Not only are the loyal soldiers in the army to be treacherously betrayed in the bloody hour of battle, by the signals before referred to, but said Grand Jury have abundant evidence of the membership binding themselves to resist the payment of the Federal tax and prevent enlistments in the armies of the United States.
It is a fact worthy of note, and conclusively shown, that in localities where this organization extensively prevails there has been a failure to furnish a fair proportion of volunteers. Said Grand Jury, after a thorough examination on that point, have been unable to find any instance where a member of said organization had volunteered to fight for the Union under the late requisition for volunteers. Said Grand Jury were informed that an individual of the Order had proposed to make up a company to be called "Jay Hawkers." composed exclusively of "Knights of the Golden Circle." But said Grand Jury believe that at no time was the proposition seriously entertained, but in fact only intended as a cover to hide their treasonable purposes when they found they were about to be discovered.
The meetings of the Order referred to are hold on in by-places, sometimes in the woods, and at other times in deserted houses. Its members frequently attend with arms in their hands, and in almost every instance armed sentinels are posted to keep off intruders. Youths not more than sixteen years of age are in many cases introduced and initiated into its mysteries. The credulous and unwary are often allured into the fold of the Order, upon the pretext that it was instituted for no other purpose than the better organization of their party. Its real character and teachings are sedulously concealed until the oath of secrecy has been in due form administered. Having taken the first degree, the initiate is familiarized with the obligations and opinions of his associates, and is gradually prepared for the second degree. When he is further taught, and found apt to learn, and ready to adopt its principles and teachings, he is obligated in the highest degree, and is turned out upon the country a thorough traitor, with the wicked purposes already specified. Said Grand Jury are happy to know that in many cases individuals, after their first introduction into the Order, seeing its evil tendencies,have abandoned it, although unwilling, on account of their obligations of secrecy, and for fear of personal violence, are reluctant to fully expose its treacherous principles.
Since said Grand Jury began said investigation, it has been discovered that the Order exists among the prisoners of war now in Camp Morton, who refuse to testify, upon the ground that it may implicate the members of their Order in Indiana, and thereby injure the cause of the Southern Confederacy.
For the purpose of evading any legal liability, in case of judicial investigation, it appears that their signs are to be used to enable them to get members of their Order on the jury, in case of criminal charges being preferred against them, and by changes of venue, and appeals from a Judge who does not belong to the Order, to create judicial delays, until they can find a Judge or juror belonging to this Order, and thus escape all legal liability.
Said Grand Jury have no doubt that the Order of the "Knights of the Golden Circle" exists in many localitics in Indiana where their vigilance has not been able to penetrate. They have labored under many difficulties in their researches, and have drawn evidence in most of the cases from unwilling witnesses. Judicial oaths have but little binding force where individuals once consent to abandon the allegiance they owe their country. The general facts, however, so far as they have come to the knowledge of the said Grand Jury, have been submitted to this honorable Court. They feel it their duty to do so. The safety of the country in this hour of peril and civil strife demands it at their hands. The power of such an organization to do harm, acting as one man, with one purpose in view, with their influence, may be appreciated by the honorable Court. It is the place where treason is concocted -- the nest where traitors are hatched.
The Grand Jury, therefore, respectfully ask this Court that this their presentment may be spread upon the records.
WILLIAM P. [???], Foreman; Charles H. Test, George Moon, Wm. A. Montgomery, James Blake, T.B. McCarty, Daniel Sigler, Leonidas Sexton, Ben. G. Stout, James Hill, Daniel Sagre, H.D.Scott, Robt. Parrett, Fred. S. Brown.