Monday, December 9, 2013

Mandela Didn’t End Apartheid, He Changed It To Black-On-White Genocide

from Godfather Politics

Mandela Didn’t End Apartheid, He Changed It To Black-On-White Genocide

In the wake of the death of Nelson Mandela, every news outlet and most politicians are praising the man for ending apartheid and opening the doors of equality for South Africa’s blacks. One person on a national news program stated that Mandala created a harmonious country of equality. A statement released by President Obama said:
"He achieved more than could be expected of any man. He belongs to the ages."

Appropriate words from one black socialist president for another black socialist president. Mandela not only belonged to the African nationalist politically, but he was also a democratic socialist.

And yes, Mandela achieved more than expected, but not what most of the world thinks.

During apartheid, white South Africans ruled the country. Blacks had very few rights, even though they were a large majority of the population. When Mandela was released from prison in 1990, he worked tirelessly to end apartheid and gain rights and equality for blacks. His efforts made him a national hero and in 1994, he was elected President of South Africa, and served till 1999.

During that time, the country’s blacks obtained more than their equality; they began to obtain superiority over the whites and reversed the roles of apartheid but the world never heard about it. No international media outlets reported on what really happened in South Africa thanks to Nelson Mandela.

How do I know? Because I have close friends that had to flee South Africa after Mandela reversed apartheid and they have shared many of the horror stories that have befallen upon the nation’s whites. Blacks have taken over the government and law enforcement and many of them feel that they are justified in taking out their vengeance on whites.
A number of the large farms and ranches owned by whites were overrun by blacks. Some of the white land owners were murdered and others were run off of their own property with only the clothes on their back. The new South African government and law enforcement turned a blind eye to it all.

In the cities, whites became the preferred targets for assaults, burglaries and rapes. My friends’ teenage daughter feared for her safety and modesty every day she traveled to and from school. Their daughter had classmates that were raped and robbed by blacks and the police, which were almost all black, and did nothing about it.

These are only a few of the many racial horror stories that have been happening to many of the whites in South Africa. Conditions have become so dangerous that many whites are leaving the country. My friends applied to immigrate to the United States. The process took nearly five years. Just as they were about to leave South Africa, they were informed that there was a problem with their daughter’s visa and she ended up having to stay with an uncle for another two years.

Those two years was a frightening time for the family as attacks of white women and girls were far too common in the general area she was left to live in. Since the police did virtually nothing about black on white rapes and attacks, some blacks felt that it was open season on white females and their attacks were open and brazen. Eventually the daughter was allowed to leave and join her parents in the US and they say that it was only through the grace and protection by God that she escaped unscathed, but there were a few harrowing times. Some of her friends were not as fortunate.
They still have family and friends in South Africa and the black on white crimes continue and in some areas are becoming far too frequent. While many laud Nelson Mandela for his achievements, the thousands of whites that have been murdered, robbed, raped and driven from their lands and country are not appreciative of what Mandela accomplished.

Mandela did not free South Africa’s blacks and establish equality for all. He created a society of racial retribution that has been hidden by international presses. When I heard that President Obama ordered American flags to be lowered to half mast, it turned my stomach. There is nothing to praise or honor this man for other than he reversed the roles of apartheid, making white South Africans the oppressed and fair targets for black vengeance.



Tony's Sunday Evening Update 12/08/13
Good Evening TNT.........I wish I had the 800#s to give you, but I don't (not yet).

I just wanted to take this time to let everyone know that both the IMF and the UST have informed us that they have completed or are completing their pre-RV exchanges tonight.

I know that all call centers have been placed on standby or on call for tonight.  I know that security has also been placed on standby or on call.  They are currently having high level meetings with both.  I don't know if this will be activated tonight, but I do know that I am being told it is/should be our turn now........

I can't do anything about those that got paid before us, so I sure as hell am not going to let it affect my exchange or my future.  I will prepare for my exchange and continue with the plan I have laid out for my future and the legacy that I will leave.

Right here, right now, tonight, I will choose to control what I can and that is to believe in the contacts that I have.  They have told me again today, that people were paid out yesterday and though they don't know each other, they all came with the same $32+ rate.

So if tonight is our night great.  If tonight is not our night, I look forward to tomorrow, because one thing I know for sure is.......IT IS COMING.

They heard me on the last call and more importantly they heard you on the last call and they agree you should have been paid by now.  Let's let them have their meetings tonight and see what happens.  Everyone is saying it is now our time.  (I don't know what day that really means, but I am hopeful for tomorrow.)


Response to "what the Bad Hombres are up too!

a response on the title

Saturday, December 7, 2013


There is one little point that refutes your theory: While it is true that Iraq has told their people that they will not be able to use the 3 Zero notes after January 1, that little factoid has NOTHING to do with the 3 Zero notes held by the rest of the world. (Though someone desperately wants us to believe that it does.) There was an article out of Iraq within the past 2 weeks where the Iraqi Gov was discussing that they would begin pulling in the 3 zero notes from the rest of the world some time in 2014. They expected it to take until 2015 before it was complete. So what's the big hurry?

The Fact Is: We are being hornswoggled into rushing to cash in our Dinar to the Fed Corp so they can get the Oil Credits which they will sell to other countries to refund their Cabal and keep themselves in power. And they are pretty desperate at the moment. These credits could mean as much at $6T to the Cabal. Nothing to sneeze at. And the money in all those accounts with all those NDAs? Well, that'll just be a bonus when they flatten 'em to pay for more NSAs, Homelands, Wackenhuts and drones.

I conjecture that the reason we have not seen the RV yet has little or nothing to do with whether someone is cashing in or not before us. Please note that they have been using this as an excuse for at least the past 9 months. No, the reason we have not seen the RV is because the World is not going to allow the Fed Corp to refund itself using the TonyRV. Period. So they must be removed from having anything to do with it before the RV will be allowed to surface.

Remember the other day, China was pretty upset about the high dinar RV rates in the U.S.?
Remember how hard the O people behind the TonyRV were having him complain and lie about Generals and the other Groups?
There are 3 main groups: Generals, Admiral's, and another that escapes me at the moment. I think they may all have been 'selling' their dinar to China for a Premium rate. The Cabal Gov suddenly realized THEY needed this Dinar in order to fund themselves so they created the TonyRV and told us that we no longer needed to have any group cause their rate couldn't be beat. Remember? They were 'leveling the playing field'. Ya, right... In fact, they are just another group. And not a very nice one.

Posts from Generals and Admiral's groups have both said: Don't worry about the 30 day thing. It doesn't exist.

And as for those who have already exchanged, if any truly have... I do believe the Cabal plans on 'flattening' their accounts and taking the money back anyway. (We give; we take. What's a little criminality among friends who have all signed away their rights with NDAs?)

So hang in there. The ride is going to get bumpy. In fact, in the immortal words of Silas McCree: we ain't seen nothin' yet!

Whenever I try to convince myself that this is all an innocent play by our wonderful Government to get huge amounts of money onto the streets of America to fix the economic problems, I just remind myself of Ocare, Patriot Acts, NSA, JFK and the systematic destruction of America's manufacturing base, and there is no longer any doubt about who the bad guys are.
Oh, and there is the little matter that Tony, the frontman for the Fed's RV Group, has a Case pending against him
for doing pretty much what he is doing here. Only now he is working for the guys who can make his case go away...maybe? ...well, it sure woke me up! 


 Do Not Call Banks.

TONY's RESPONSE (to Mnt Goat)
TNTDinar wrote: RESPONSE TO MNT. GOAT POST --- Good evening guys, I am going to do a post, but I have got to respond to this one first. I already told you that the elite were cashing out and that they intended to be finished this weekend (more about this in my post). What I am so tired of and confused about is why the pot keeps calling the kettle black. What is the real agenda here? Mtn Goat says she is from Germany, yet she is more concerned with US politics than with her own. Why is she so intent on having us turn against our government? Why is she so involved in our history and our future if she is not a US citizen? Why is she so intent on upsetting the masses with this post? The post is correct, the elite or privIleged have been paid and so have their friends and family (privIlege by association), but our turn is coming (more about this in my post). What I don't like about this and all of the post by MTN GOAT and posted by GEORGE H, is that they are one and the same. So how do you call someone a wolf in sheeps clothing when you yourself have been lying to people about who you are. Again guys, the basic information is true, but the intention or agenda for so much deceit that goes with it is my question. You already knew they were getting their exchange done, because I told you on the last call. So what was the purpose of trying to get the forum upset by using the sheep in wolfs clothing analogy, when you are doing the same thing. My contacts know excatly who MTN GOAT is and they know who she is getting her info from, so I know it is good info, so what is the agenda with all of the other stuff is what is confusing me. TNTDinar 12/8/13 Tony

The Grand Jury belongs to people, not governments - Scalia - 1992

The Grand Jury belongs to people, not governments - Scalia - 1992

On Sunday, December 8, 2013 2:43 PM,

TOO BAD SOME LAWYER WITH A BACK BONE doesn*t step up to the plate and bring a Grand Jury to indict OBAMA! Is he not in direct conflict with his sworn oath of office? Has he not went against the Constitution of 'We  the People'? Is he not responsible for Bengazi? Fast and Furious? and who knows what else?

Read the attached and if you wish, the full opinion is linked below.

United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992)

NEW YORK IS “GROUND ZERO” - Major grassroots movement in 48 States, Constituting Common Law Grand Juries. In a
stunning six to three, 1992 Decision that went unnoticed, until now, Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the majority said:
In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992), Justice
Antonin Scalia
, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive
nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government
"governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the
Bill of Rights, the acts of the Grand Jury is the consent of the people.
“The grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually
assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It " 'is a constitutional fixture in its own
right. In fact the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a
kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people”. -- Justice Antonin Scalia
“Thus, citizens have the unbridled right to empanel their own grand juries and present "True Bills" of indictment to a
court, which is then required to commence a criminal proceeding. Our Founding Fathers presciently thereby created a
"buffer" the people may rely upon for justice, when public officials, including judges, criminally violate the law.” --
Justice Antonin Scalia
“The grand jury is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts do not preside, we think it
clear that, as a general matter at least, no such "supervisory" judicial authority exists. The "common law" of the Fifth
Amendment demands a traditional functioning grand jury.” -- Justice Antonin Scalia
“Although the grand jury normally operates, of course, in the courthouse and under judicial auspices, its institutional
relationship with the judicial branch has traditionally been, so to speak, at arm's length. Judges' direct involvement in
the functioning of the grand jury has generally been confined to the constitutive one of calling the grand jurors together
and administering their oaths of office. The grand jury's functional independence from the judicial branch is evident
both in the scope of its power to investigate criminal wrongdoing, and in the manner in which that power is exercised.”
-- Justice Antonin Scalia
“The grand jury 'can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even because it wants assurance
that it is not.' It need not identify the offender it suspects, or even "the precise nature of the offense" it is investigating.
The grand jury requires no authorization from its constituting court to initiate an investigation, nor does the prosecutor
require leave of court to seek a grand jury indictment. And in its day-to-day functioning, the grand jury generally
operates without the interference of a presiding judge. It swears in its own witnesses and deliberates in total secrecy.” -
- Justice Antonin Scalia
“Recognizing this tradition of independence, we have said the 5th Amendment's constitutional guarantee presupposes
an investigative body 'acting independently of either prosecuting attorney or judge” -- Justice Antonin Scalia
“Given the grand jury's operational separateness from its constituting court, it should come as no surprise that we have
been reluctant to invoke the judicial supervisory power as a basis for prescribing modes of grand jury procedure. Over
the years, we have received many requests to exercise supervision over the grand jury's evidence-taking process, but we
have refused them all. "it would run counter to the whole history of the grand jury institution" to permit an indictment
to be challenged "on the ground that there was incompetent or inadequate evidence before the grand jury." -- Justice
Antonin Scalia


Psychology 101 - Congress and Monkeys

Psychology 101 - Congress and Monkeys

This Is Brilliant!! (simple truth)

If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage hang a banana on a string from the top     

And then you place a set of stairs under the banana...

Before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.
As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water.
After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result ...  all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water.
Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other
monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace
it with a new one.
The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs.
To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him.
After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the
stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one.
The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked.  The previous newcomer takes
part in the punishment ......  with enthusiasm because he is now part of the "team".
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by the fourth, then the fifth.  Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. 

Now the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not
permitted to climb the stairs.  Neither do they know why they are
participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining
monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water.
Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.
Why? You ask?  Because in their minds  ...          "
that is the way it has always been!"
This, my friends, is how Congress operates  ...  and this is why, from time to time: 


ALL of the monkeys need to be


9 Signs You’re An Old Soul


9 Signs You’re An Old Soul

9 Signs Youre An Old Soul
“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” ~ Satchel Paige
There is a special kind of person in our world who finds himself alone and isolated, almost since birth.
His solitary existence isn’t from a preference or an antisocial temperament – he is simply old.  Old in heart, old in mind and old in soul, this person is an old soul who finds his outlook on life vastly different and more matured than those around him.  As a result, the old soul lives his life internally, walking his own solitary path while the rest around him flock to follow another.  Perhaps you’ve experienced this in your own life, or have witnessed it in another person?  If so, this article is dedicated to you, in hopes that you will come to define yourself, or understand another better.

The “Old Soul”

Robert Frost, Eckhart Tolle and even Nick Jonas have been called them.  Perhaps even you have?  I did.  Like many of them, this self discovery was made upon meetingSol, who told me about his childhood as a precocious, intelligent boy who would befriend the teachers instead of the students, just because they were too different from him.  As he related his inability to find interest in and connection to the people his age, I discovered that I felt the same, and still do.
If you have not yet discovered whether you’re an old soul, read some of the revealing signs below.

9 Signs You’re An Old Soul

 1#   You tend to be a solitary loner.

Because old souls are disinterested in the pursuits and interests of the people in their age groups, they find it dissatisfying to make friends with people they find it hard to relate to.  The result is … old souls tend to find themselves alone a lot of the time.  People just don’t cut it for them.

2#   You love knowledge, wisdom and truth.

9 Signs Youre An Old SoulYep … this seems a little grandiose and overly noble, but the old soul finds himself naturally gravitating towards the intellectual side of life.  Old souls inherently understand that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and truth is freedom, so why not seek after those things?  These pursuits are more meaningful to them than reading up on the latest gossip about Snooki’s latest boyfriend, or the latest football scores.

3#   You’re spiritually inclined.

More emotional old souls tend to have sensitive and spiritual natures.  Overcoming the confines of the ego, seeking enlightenment and fostering love and peace are the main pursuits of these young-in-body Mother Teresa’s.  To them it seems the wisest, most fulfilling use of time.

9 Signs Youre An Old Soul

4#   You understand the transience of life. 

Old souls are frequently plagued with reminders of not only their own mortality, but that of everything and everyone around them.  This makes the old soul wary and at times withdrawn, but wisely dictates the way they live their lives.

5#   You’re thoughtful and introspective.

Old souls tend to think a lot … about everything.  Their ability to reflect and learn from their actions and those of others is their greatest teacher in life.  One reason why old souls feel so old at heart is because they have learnt so many lessons through their own thought processes, and possess so much insight into life situations from their ability to quietly and carefully observe what if going on around them.

6#   You see the bigger picture. 9 Signs Youre An Old Soul

Rarely do old souls get lost in the superficial details of getting useless degrees, job promotions, boob jobs and bigger TV’s.  Old souls have the tendency to look at life from a birds eye view, seeing what is the most wise and meaningful way to approach life.  When confronted with issues, old souls tend to see them as temporary and passing pains that merely serve to increase the amount of joy felt in the future.  Consequently, old souls tend to have placid, stable natures as a result of their approach to life.

7#   You aren’t materialistic.

Wealth, status, fame, and the latest version of iPhone … they just bore old souls.  The old soul doesn’t see the purpose of pursuing things that can be easily taken away from them.  Additionally, old souls have little time and interest for the short-lived things in life, as they bring little meaning or long lasting fulfillment for them.

8#   You were a strange, socially maladaptive kid.

9 Signs Youre An Old SoulThis is not always the case, but many old souls exhibit odd signs of maturity at young ages.  Often, these children are labelled as being “precocious”, “introverted”, or “rebellious“, failing to fit into the mainstream behaviors.  Usually, these children are extremely inquisitive and intelligent, seeing the purposelessness of many things their teachers, parents and peers say and so, and either passively or aggressively resisting them.  If you can talk to your child like he/she’s an adult – you’ve probably got an old soul on your hands.

9#   You just “feel” old.

Before putting a name to what I felt, I experienced certain sensations of simply being an “old person” inside.  The feelings that accompany being an old soul are usually: a feeling of world wariness, mental tiredness, watchful patience, and detached calmness. Unfortunately, this can often be perceived as being aloof and cold, which is only one of many Old Soul Myths.
Just as some old people describe themselves as being “young at heart”, so too can young people be “old at heart”.

Are you an old soul?  I’d love to hear your stories below.



Remember this guy? he is still full of fire and letting loose.

Friends, would you believe that Lee Iacocca is 82 years old and is still KICKIN’ butt?  Check out his latest  rant.

Just as true today as it  was when his book  first came  out.  He was, and still is, a  brilliant businessman!

Often we need to be  reminded of Iacocca's  words.  Remember Lee Iacocca, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from its death  throes?  He's now 82  years old and has a new book, 'Where  Have All The Leaders  Gone?'.  

Lee Iacocca  Says:  
'Am I the only  guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where  the hell is our outrage with this so called president? We should  be screaming bloody murder! We've got a gang of tax cheating  clueless leftists trying to steer our ship of state right over a  cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we  can't even run a ridiculous cash-for-clunkers program without  losing $26 billion of the taxpayers' money, much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and  nods their heads when the politicians say, 'trust me, the economy  is getting  better..' Better? You've  got to be kidding. This is America , not the damned 'Titanic'.  I'll give you a sound bite: 'Throw all the Democrats out, along  with Obama!'

You might think  I'm getting senile, that I've gone off my rocker, and maybe I  have. But someone has to speak.  I hardly recognize this  country  anymore..

The most famous  business leaders are not the innovators but the guys in  handcuffs.. While we're fiddling in Afghanistan , Iran is  completing their nuclear bombs and missiles and nobody seems to  know what to do. And the liberal press is waving 'pom-poms'  instead of asking hard questions. That's not the promise of the  ' America ' my parents and yours traveled across the ocean for.  I've had enough. How about  you?

I'll go a step  further. You can't call yourself a patriot if you're not  outraged. This is a fight I'm ready and willing to have. The  Biggest 'C' is Crisis! (Iacocca elaborates on nine C's of leadership, with crisis being the  first.) 

Leaders are  made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis. It's  easy to sit there with thumb up your butt and talk theory. Or  send someone else's kids off to war when you've never seen a  battlefield yourself. It's another thing to lead when your world  comes tumbling  down.  

On September 11,  2001, we needed a strong leader more than any other time in our  history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of the ashes.  

We're immersed  in a bloody war now with no plan for winning and no plan for  leaving..  But our soldiers are dying  daily.  

We're running  the biggest deficit in the history of the world, and it's  getting worse every  day!

We've lost the  manufacturing edge to Asia , while our once-great companies are  getting slaughtered by health care  costs.

Gas prices are  going to skyrock again, and nobody in power has a lucid plan to  open drilling to solve the problem.  This country has the  largest oil reserves in the WORLD, and we cannot drill for it  because the politicians have been bought by the flea-hugging  environmentalists.  

Our schools  are in a complete disaster because of the teachers'  union.  Our borders are  like sieves and they want to give all illegals amnesty and free  healthcare.   The middle class  is being squeezed to death every  day.   These are times  that cry out for leadership.   But when you  look around, you've got to ask: 'Where have all the leaders  gone?' Where are the curious, creative communicators? Where are  the people of character, courage, conviction, omnipotence, and  common sense? I may be a sucker for alliteration, but I think  you get the  point.. Name me a leader  who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take  off our shoes in airports and throw away our  shampoo?

We've spent  billions of dollars building a huge new bureaucracy, and all we  know how to do is react to things that have already  happened.  Everyone's  hunkering down, fingers crossed, hoping the government will make  it better for them.  Now, that's just crazy.. Deal with  life.  

Name me an  industry leader who is thinking creatively about how we can  restore our competitive edge in manufacturing. Who would have  believed that there could ever be a time when 'The Big Three'  referred to Japanese car companies? How did this happen, and  more important, look what Obama did about  it!  

Name me a  government leader who can articulate a plan for paying down the  debt, or solving the energy crisis, or managing the health care  problem. The silence is deafening. But these are the crises that  are eating away at our country and milking the middle class  dry.  

I have news for  the Chicago gangsters in Congress. We didn't elect you to turn  this country into a losing European Socialist state. What is  everybody so afraid of? That some bonehead on NBC or CNN news  will call them a name? Give me a break. Why don't you guys show  some spine for a  change?  

Had Enough? Hey,  I'm not trying to be the voice of gloom and doom here.  I'm  trying to light a fire. I'm speaking out because I have hope - I  believe in America .. In my lifetime, I've had the privilege of  living through some of     America 's greatest moments.  I've also experienced some of our worst crises: The 'Great  Depression,' 'World War  II,' the 'Korean War,' the  'Kennedy Assassination,' the 'Vietnam War,' the 1970's oil  crisis, and the struggles of recent years since  9/11.  

Make your own  contribution by sending this to everyone you know and care  about. It's our country, folks, and it's our future. Our future  is at  stake! 

Heaven Is For Real Movie Trailer

from Mnt goat

from Mnt goat
Hi Everyone,
Today is Sunday 12/8 and at the end of the latest timeframe given to me by my contacts. Again I can only relay to you what is being told me and so I too I am disappointed that we have not yet seen the activation of the rates and the 800#s for us at the bank. I was told to be patient that the “privileged” class of our society must first exchange and then “we the people” come next. This exchanging continues today.
Wait just one second !
I thought “we the people” fought a revolution against these “privileged” class of people so we can make our own decisions (called democracy) and no longer be manipulated by the elite? Look at the preamble to the revolutionary war as far back as 1754 with the French and Indian war and then the Sugar rebellion, the Stamp act, the Townshend Act, the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre, the first Continental Congress being established and then finally the adoption on July 4th 1776 of the Declaration of Independence. Did I mention all the brave souls lost in WWI, WWII, the Korean and Vietnam conflicts and a multitude of covert operations over the years culminated with the first and second Iraq Wars. What the heck did we fight all these wars over if it was not for our freedoms and our ability to govern ourselves?
I know you all now must be thinking what is mnt goat up to today. Is this a history lesson? Is she trying to start of new revolution? No to both of these questions. However I do think perhaps at times we need to take step back and see what the USA stands for. We need to look at the past history and contemplate now on what is going on today in holding up the activation of these new rates. I am not emailing this news today to call anyone a liar or corrupt. I am simply going to tell my story, aska lot of questions and then you can decide. Just remember this – if it looks like a wolf, smells like a wolf and behaves like a wolf, then it’s not a sheep in wolfs’s a wolf !
Do you really, really want to know what is going on ? For me it would be very difficult to explain in any words other than to now tell the truth today in the form of a short story. Yes – I said I am going to spill the beans and let you know exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Through my intellingence connections I am vey clsoe to this. My story may not seem pretty and for sure I feel there is much monkey business going on. Like you, I have been very patient and now is certainly not the time to get discouraged or act irrational. But it is time to listen to the truth and I am going to tell you the truth. I am doing this not because I want to cause delays or people to act crazy. In fact I hope it has just the opposite effect.
Let me then ask you one more question. Do you believe we already have a one world government? Just look around on the stalling of the rollout of the activation of this final step of the Iraq revaluation. Who is the IMF and what is their global role? What is now going on giving with these delays give you the warm feeling that this central global monetary policy maker (teh IMF) can be trusted? Is this the kind of global governance we all desire? Keep all these questions in mind as I now tell you my story as today’s news.
Today's News
Three years ago in 2010 maybe 1 million citizens in the USA knew about the Iraq dinar and its potential as an investment for the future. They knew that if they held on to the currency long enough that someday it had to go back at lease to the value of pre-Saddam era and maybe even rise in value to 3000:1.
As they began to tell friends and other family members about it the list of owners soon grew to over 3 million by end of 2011. The list now includes over 5-6 million owners of the Iraq dinar nearing the end of 2013. Are you one of these people who personally tried to convince someone else the future potential of owning these 3 zero notes? How many people did you tell the Dinar 101 class to before you finally said - the hell with it and gave up on people? Rejection was very high.
Soon you realized that this investment was for some and not meant for others to partake no matter what. It is kind of like a spiritual it not? We all have a few extra bucks to spare each month so not having money to buy then is hardly a sound reason. I got this reason from so many people, yet I saw these same people go out and buy a new car, new furniture or take a vacation. For if there is a will there is always a way!
I personally had to “trick” some of my friends into purchasing them telling them it already RV’d. They then rushed out and purchased some (kind of weird they would then do this?), of course still at the 1166 rate at the time. They then came back and told me about this and were so happy when I told them I made a mistake that in fact it had not RV’d. Has this happened to you too? I bet the ratio of those you talked to and those that actually purchased dinar is something around 100 to 10. Am I close?
Most people that are not long time, true investors miss the real point of a good investment - that is buy extremely low with potential to go extremely high. Instead they miss this point and think of a guaranteed investment is one when the price begins to climb and this is the time to buy in. Same mistake they make over and over again and wonder why their returns are minimal. It also cost lots more to buy in on the way up then id did rock bottom. More shares means more profit per share later. By the way your 401k plans do exactly the same thing. They buy on the way up. Do you understand how people use this same irrational behavior in their investing also when deciding when to invest in the Iraq dinar? Basically the dinar rate stayed low so they stayed away. They refused to see you Dinar 101 point of view when you told them about this investment. Am I hitting the hammer right on the nose?
So now having said all this – let me explain the heart of my story by reversing some items in this story so far and then retelling the story over again. What if you were a congressman and you just exchanged early as part of this privileged class of people that we are now hearing about. You must have had to sign an NDA? No, Yes? So now you go and tell your family members about this investment. See anything wrong so far? They then tell their friends and then they tell their friends...etc...etc. Now here is the difference in the Dinar 101 class I told to my friends above and the one you are telling as the hypothetical privileged one to your friends.
Now as a hypothetical Congressman (or any of the privileged families) you tell your friends the new elite Dinar 101 storyas- “I just exchanged my dinar and my money is in the bank. You should go out and buy some dinar while the rate is still low (1166) and you too can exchange early before the rate goes up. You are part of the privileged. Just tell them Joe sent you! You can buy today and cash out’s a sure thing....guaranteed....hurry before they open this up to the general public”
Having said this we know that once the general public, meaning you and me get our share our friends can no longer purchase at the low rate of 1166 but the elite can. We can’t tell them this story. How is this? Why can’t we engage our families and friends to purchase and tell them this version of the Dinar 101 story? Why canWe can’t cause when we do finally exchange it will only be after the rate goes up to the international rate. Our friends won’t be able to afford it and even if they could why would they buy it? I only ask you now - Is this fair. Is this corrupt? Is this democracy? Who the heck are these people that they can do this? This is manipulating the market since they are in a political position to vote for policy mak...
[6:07:44 PM] Rene': I don’t care what sheeps clothing you are wearing. It is ethically wrong, morally wrong and spiritually wrong.! And it is politically wrong too in 2016....hint..hint..hint... By the way this type of corruption is exactly what caused the 2008 mortgage crisis which led to the eventual snowballing financial downturn effects globally. I thought this is the kind of behavior they wanted to correct? Sure they tried to blame the mortgage crisis on the common person. They tried to create sentiment against the general public and called us all idiots for buying mortgages we could not afford. It was all our fault.. We wer the dummies. Really?
Well who the heck set up the process in the first place and allowed it to happen? Was this intentional? Who also in the long run made billions and billions on refinancing, mortgage fees, points, and mortgage brokering to these bad security portfolios. Then when the economy dunked and the scam fell apart they went into our treasury (or borrowed from the Feds, yet another scam) and took billions more to compensate these same corrupt crooks for any money they lost in the aftermath (consequences) of this corruption. Is this honest and fair?
People...wake up ! It is happening again right in front of our noses with this Iraq dinar early exchange process. This situation will only worsen and will become public very soon if this does not stop. I am not saying I am going to make it public but there are many grumblings and many influenced people who do not like what is now going on with these “privileged” and the allowance of this to continue in the realm of yet more family, more close friends and now more distant friends buying and exchanging. When will it stop? Is enough ,,,enough? When will it all end?
It is now December 8th. Will we have money now in time even to make a difference in the economy by all our Christmas shopping? How greedy are they?
Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat

Salt Lake, Lincoln, Cleveland, Miami, Atlanta, DC – El Paso, San Antonio, San Fran, Houston and LA All out of WATER

Salt Lake, Lincoln, Cleveland, Miami, Atlanta, DC – El Paso, San Antonio, San Fran, Houston and LA All out of WATER
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Dec-2013 18:27:16

Salt Lake City, Utah - Lincoln, Nebraska – Cleveland, Ohio – Miami, Florida – Atlanta, Georgia – Washington DC – El Paso, Texas – San Antonio, Texas, San Francisco Bay Area, California – Houston, Texas and Los Angeles, California.
Here, we assess current stress in the freshwater system based on the best available data in order to understand possible risks and vulnerabilities to regional water resources and the sectors dependent on freshwater. We present watershed-scale measures of surface water supply stress for the coterminous United States (US) using the water supply stress index (WaSSI) model which considers regional trends in both water supply and demand. A snapshot of contemporary annual water demand is compared against different water supply regimes, including current average supplies, current extreme-year supplies, and projected future average surface water flows under a changing climate. In addition, we investigate the contributions of different water demand sectors to current water stress. On average, water supplies are stressed, meaning that demands for water outstrip natural supplies in over 9% of the 2103 watersheds examined. These watersheds rely on reservoir storage, conveyance systems, and groundwater to meet current water demands. Overall, agriculture is the major demand-side driver of water stress in the US, whereas municipal stress is isolated to southern California. Water stress introduced by cooling water demands for power plants is punctuated across the US, indicating that a single power plant has the potential to stress water supplies at the watershed scale. On the supply side, watersheds in the western US are particularly sensitive to low flow events and projected long-term shifts in flow driven by climate change. The WaSSI results imply that not only are water resources in the southwest in particular at risk, but that there are also potential vulnerabilities to specific sectors, even in the ‘water-rich’ southeast.
All cities and all businesses require water, yet in many regions, they need more water than is actually available, and that demand is growing,” said Upmanu Lall, director, Columbia Water Center told the Business Insider. “The new study reveals that certain areas face exposure to drought, which will magnify existing problems of water supply and demand.”
More in the video below:


Posted By: The_Fox [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Dec-2013 14:08:22
For some reason the search and downloading of data, as well as Soho's movie theater has been offline since yesterday.
Check it out by following the link below,under real time images.
It could be nothing, or.............

from tntdinar

Hi TNT family -
I wanted to share my thoughts with you and the mods about the explosion of today and my thoughts.  I sent this to Angelic and I wanted you to consider something.
I was one of the ones who became excited, irritated, upset, and although I didn't say anything really negative, I realize I let the Mt. Goat post get to me.  I left quickly as I knew I would be of no good in the discussion and my wife and I had a commitment to attend a friend's birthday party at our church.  I am a professor at a college here in the San Francisco Bay Area teaching psychology and I realized something that was both unsettling and very settling because of the stir that Mt. Goat's post caused.  If you would let me know your thoughts on this and if you feel it would help, share it.
I realized I was angry because through our history we have had the privilege rule. They got more land than us, better food, more opportunity, more information.  This behavior can be traced back probably thousands of years - those that have and those that don't.  We call the insiders, politicians, and privileged "whales" because they are big, lumbering, and seem to lack in consciousness.  We on the other hand see ourselves as the righteous.  We talk of paying it forward and doing wonderful things in the world.  Some of us struggle and we fight to keep our homes, jobs, and food on the table.  We end up hating and detesting those hoarders/whales who continually fatten their wallets while appearing to give nothing back.
What I realized today as I contemplated the reaction in the chat room was that we are whales.  
We are all whales.
We are basing our explosive reaction to the whales on something that we are also engaging in. 
We have heard that we will be getting a high rate.  
We will be stepping in front of the masses and collecting a high rate - maybe a very high rate compared to others.
We will be cashing out our currency when most of the people don't even know the difference between a dinar and a dong.
We are also the privileged.  We are the elite.  We are also the whales.
Because someone goes before us does not make them evil or us unworthy.

I realized that the best thing I could do was to truly open my heart and accept the miraculous opportunity and feel privileged to be a part of it.  I realize I should not be angry or hate my fellow man/whale because they got to play in the game before me.  I will have my turn to play as you will.  I do myself NO good by upsetting myself, others, and bringing anger, hatred, and stress when I am just as guilty as others.  
Some may not agree that we are all whales and they will argue their point of being different.  
I realize I am a whale.  
I am a whale with a mission. 
My mission is to gather wealth.  
My mission is to spread wealth.  
My mission is to love those I come in contact with.
My mission is to pay it forward in every opportunity I can.
My mission is to love this gift called life and try not to upset others but rather empower and love others.
My mission is to be a model to my kids and everyone around me.
These feelings settled me...  Maybe they can help you.
I'm sorry for anything I could have said or posted that could have been construed or upsetting to anyone on the forum.
I am grateful and that is the mindset I believe we best serve ourselves and each other from.

Thanks for the great work you, the mods, and Tony do.  From the deepest place in my heart, I thank you with every fiber of my being.

Obama’s Real Birth Certificate Surfaces

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

 Obama’s Real Birth Certificate Surfaces
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Sunday, 8-Dec-2013 12:28:58

Will this story go anywhere or simply fade away and be forgotten or ignored?
Obama’s Real Birth Certificate Surfaces
Before It's News
Dec 7, 2013
THE videographer David Vose, offers proof, if all parties in this video ... are given opportunity to swear or give affidavit.
Constitutional Crisis LOOMS - Obama's real BIRTH Certificate Surfaces
David Vose
Dec 7, 2013

Politico Destroys White House Claim of Secret Obama-Sebelius Meetings

Politico Destroys White House Claim of Secret Obama-Sebelius Meetings

6 Dec 2013

Late Friday afternoon, Politico Magazine published an update dismantling White House claims that President Barack Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held “dozens” of unrecorded one-on-one working meetings over the last three-and-a-half years leading up to Obamacare's unveiling. 

The update, written by Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, refuted Friday comments by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
In a telling exchange between Carney and NBC News reporter Peter Alexander and ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl, Carney claimed the GAI report showing one meeting between Obama and Sebelius since Obamacare’s signing was incorrect because it was based on spotty White House visitor logs. The problem, wrote Schweizer in the Politico Magazine update, is that the GAI report was not based on visitor logs; it was based on the White House’s own official calendar and was further verified by Politico’s comprehensive presidential calendar.
“Press Secretary Jay Carney said Friday, ‘Cabinet secretaries don’t regularly get entered into the visitor logs.’ The GAI report was not based on visitor logs; it was based on the White House’s own calendar and the Politico presidential calendar,” wrote Schweizer.
Carney also claimed to reporters that Secretary Sebelius “is here a lot and meets with the President with regularity,” but he admitted he did not know how many one-on-one meetings Obama had with Sebelius. 
If so, said Schweizer, “Why aren’t they listed? How many meetings took place and when did they occur?”
As Schweizer pointed out, “Obama’s calendar lists 277 one-on-one meetings between the President and his Cabinet Secretaries, including 73 with former Secretary Clinton and 57 with former Secretary Geithner.” Why not Sebelius? asked Schweizer.
The Politico Magazine update then posed the question at the heart of the controversy: “If Obama and Sebelius worked together closely and regularly, why did the President publicly state he did not know about the problems with”
Schweizer says Obama must make good on his promises of transparency. "This is the most transparent Administration in history," Obama said previously. 
Obama must level with Americans about "how much time President Obama personally spent over three-and-a-half years leading, managing, and working alongside Secretary Sebelius on his signature achievement,” wrote Schweizer.
The growing controversy places an already beleaguered Obama White House in an untenable political position. If, as HHS spokesperson Joanne Peters claimed late Friday, Obama had “dozens” of one-on-one working meetings with Sebelius, why did he promise in his roundly criticized November 14 press conference he was unaware of the serious problems with that contractors had warned Sebelius of for months?
“I was not informed directly that the website would not be working as—the way it was supposed to,” said Obama. “Clearly, we and I did not have enough awareness about the problems in the website.”
And if, as the White House and Politico presidential calendars reveal, Obama held but one meeting with Sebelius in the three-and-a-half years of the Obamacare implementation, why was the President not “leading, managing, and working alongside Secretary Sebelius on his signature achievement,” asks Schweizer.
The Obama Administration has yet to produce a list of the "dozens" of dates and times it claims Obama and Sebelius spent working on Obamacare.
A recent CNN/ORC poll finds that 53% of Americans now believe Obama is not honest and trustworthy.