Thursday, December 12, 2013



This video about filing a claim against the public official's BOND.  This is a way for a private citizen (who feels he has been wronged) can by-pass the so-called "legal system" and go directly to the Insurance company which bonds the official.
Once an official has had a claim filed against them... they are done! They can't work until the claim is settled, and if they lose, they will never work in a government capacity again because they will be a high risk to insurance companies.  This is the one thing public officials FEAR the most, because it is out of their control.  You can file a claim for ($$$$$$$) against their bond for violating your rights, etc.  Below is the law regarding bonding regulations relating to District Attorneys, Judges, etc.  Also, I have discovered a video about how officials are now "Hiding" their bonds, to keep citizens from filing claims on them.  The video is kind of slow, but listen to it a few times and comprehend what is happening.  I would assume that if any official learned that their bond was in jeopardy, they would get their act together and maybe even drop the case (?), or at least back off.
Here is the video link >

Below is the CODE
 The Uniform Bonding Code - (UBC)
 5.2 -- Bonding of District Attorneys
   A city, county, state or federal district attorney (including a U.S. district attorney called a "U.S. Attorney') shall lose his bonding and shall not be bonded:
 1.      if he refuses to properly identify himself to the citizen when asked to do so, including giving the citizen the name and address (or telephone number) of his bonding company and his bond policy number (bond number),
2.      if he fails or refuses to receive, for filing, a criminal complaint from a citizen against a citizen or an official,
3.      if he refused to mark or stamp the citizen's confirmed (compare with original) copy of the citizen's complaint with any of the following
A.     "Received"
B.     name of receiving office
C.     date
D.     time
E.      signature or initial of receiving clerk or official, so that the citizen can have an official receipt for delivery of his complaint;
4.      if he fails or refuses to make a reasonably diligent effort to process the citizen's complaint (42 USC 1986),
5.      if he fails or refuses to see to it that the citizen's complaint is placed in the right hands for processing and/or answering, (return)
6.      if he does not make every effort to make sure that the complaining party knows of the status or location of the complaint in the legal system, and does not give the complainant written notice of the same when it is possible.

5.3 - The Bonding of Prosecuting Attorneys
 A prosecuting attorney shall lose his bonding, shall not be bonded, and shall be deemed unbondable:
 1.      if he refuses to prosecute a complaint when it is possible to do so, regardless of whom the complaint is against,
2.      if he resorts to "selective prosecution," i.e., any excuse of immunity for an official in order to protect a malfeasant official from prosecution,
3.      if he resorts to "selective prosecution,"i.e., false or malicious prosecution of a citizen, in order to punish or destroy a citizen for attempting to have a malfeasant official prosecuted.
 5.4 - Bonding of Judges
    A judge shall lose his bonding, shall not be bonded, and shall be deemed unbondable:
1.      if he fails to protect the U.S, national constitutionally guaranteed remedies of due process and the equal protection of the laws of any citizen appearing in his court of law, or of any citizen appearing in any court of the county in which he works whose case may come to his attention 12y a means.
 5.5 - Bonding of Attorneys
    A lawyer or an attorney shall lose his bonding, shall not be bonded, and shall be deemed unbondable,:
 if he fails to protect the remedies of due process and the equal protection of the law of either his client or of the adverse party in an action. In an adversary system of law, each lawyer or attorney shall protect the representation of fact not only for their own party, but shall protect the legal process for both parties without, exception.



[loechin] We have to look at facts guys. You know that stop hanging on calls gurus and what is posted and look at facts

[goldstandard] loechin can you tell us what the facts are?

[okrocks] loechin ok, what are the facts?

[loechin] On Dec 28 Iraq becomes a member of the WTO and to do so must have an international currency. Fourteen days prior to that the currency must be tradeable. Hint do the math

[kogarris] loechin thank you Loechn.. I had already determined that this am. ....the 15th is the deadline!!!.. RIGHT

[lizardlips] loechin The 14 day window ahead of the WTO is around the 15th... and for us Saturday...

 [brownbear] loechin : Ahhhhhh, It is all clear now. Very simple when you know the facts! Thank you!

[loechin] All I'm saying is look at hard facts guys

[loechin] Intel does not always add up so follow the facts as we know them

[loechin] OK someone can say its tonight then if it does not happen everyone is down but if we look at something that is news then we have something that can be factual

[okrocks] from now til the 14th so there you go...

thevazrpb] Everyone on this ride should know by now that not all of the rules apply to this game... seems that they make rules and ignore rules as needed... proof in point,,,Iraq is now trading in county at $3.44 and it is not posted on the cbi website ... or anywhere else... my guess is they can allow them to joint wto at any time after they have a tradable currency... even if it's one day prior ... jmo

[okrocks] OK the 29th is when they meet with WTO so the 28th is the last day before they meet... they have to be tradeable at LEAST for 14 days prior... does not mean they have to wait until the 14th can be any day before then... then add in the US/IMF power and the fact they are going on vacation come Friday... the stress is on these last hours to get this done NOW...

[goldstandard] Well if what Loechin says is true, it gives us nine whole days to shop for whatever is left on the shelves in stores. Whoooo whooooo.

Slow Cooker Caramel Apple Cider

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Nelson Mandela managed one more victory in death

Editor's note: Frida Ghitis is a world affairs columnist for The Miami Herald and World Politics Review. A former CNN producer and correspondent, she is the author of "The End of Revolution: A Changing World in the Age of Live Television." Follow her on Twitter @FridaGhitis.
(CNN) -- Nelson Mandela managed one more victory in death: subjecting a who's who of the world's dictators to the indignity of sitting through a memorial service that overflowed with praise for the principles of democracy, freedom and equality.
It's a pity that so many are focusing on a handshake between President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro. They are missing the much more poignant events that unfolded during Tuesday's memorial service in South Africa.
Sure, the handshake was noteworthy, maybe even meaningful. But any satisfaction Castro might have found in the gesture, any comfort authoritarian regimes might have drawn from the moment of politeness toward a dictator, dissolved in the far more powerful message of the entire event -- and of Obama's own resonant speech.
You can blame Obama for other things, but don't deny this was a piercing speech, a full-throated defense of democracy and freedom.
That rainy morning in Johannesburg brought no joy to tyrants.
Obama paid homage to Mandela, "Madiba," his tribal name, as "the last great liberator of the 20th century," who "showed us the power of action; of taking risks on behalf of our ideals." And he reflected on the human traits that made Mandela special. "I'm not a saint," Obama quoted Mandela saying, "unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying."
Everyone in the audience could nod, recognizing the struggle to persevere in their own lives.
But Obama came not only to praise a man; he came to shine a light on the values that made him worthy of admiration and the causes that made his struggle reverberate the world over. It was a moment for stony discomfort among those who traveled to South Africa representing undemocratic, repressive regimes.
"Like America's founding fathers," Obama noted, "[Mandela] would erect a constitutional order to preserve freedom for future generations, a commitment to democracy and rule of law ratified not only by his election, but by his willingness to step down from power."
Consider who was sitting in the stadium listening to this tribute to rule of law and democracy, to handing power to an elected successor. It wasn't just Castro, who along with his older brother Fidel has ruled Cuba for more than half a century without permitting a democratic election, while engaging, according to human rights organizations, in "repression of independent journalists, opposition leaders and human rights activists."
Along with Castro in the VIP stand, ostensibly honoring Mandela's legacy, sat countless dictators and their right-hand men.
It included the likes of Swaziland Prime Minister Sibusiso Dlamini, representing the small kingdom described by Freedom House as "a failed feudal state," where the king uses photos of beautiful girls to attract tourists, "distracting outsiders from Swaziland's shocking realities of oppression, abject poverty, hunger and disease."
Freedom House says that in the past 40 years, "two despots have used Swaziland for their personal purposes while ignoring the needs of the Swazi people and their legitimate rights to have a say over how they are governed and how the country's resources are used" -- the very antithesis of Mandela's struggle.
Mandela was, indeed, human and flawed. But there were aspects of his life that seemed superhuman. Among them was his ability to forgive his former enemies. That was a part of Obama's message that should have made some of the visiting VIPs cower in shame.
Obama quoted Mandela's words during his 1964 trial, when he said, "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination." Citing those particular words was like unleashing daggers against the likes of Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe since 1987, who sat in the audience along with scores of celebrities and foreign dignitaries.
Like Mandela, Mugabe led his country to victory over white rule. But unlike his neighbor, Mugabe grasped for power without letting go, and engaged in a vindictive campaign against white Zimbabweans that wrought misery for blacks and whites.
In his speech, Obama didn't leave his audience to unpack the condemnation of the hypocrites that he brought thinly wrapped in praise for Mandela.
He unpacked it all himself and placed it in the center of the arena: "There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba's struggle for freedom but do not tolerate dissent from their own people," a truth as piercing as the blaring vuvuzelas from South Africans celebrating the life of their beloved hero.
You could list the men, the countries, the regimes, that should have felt directly attacked by Obama's words in a crowd that included envoys from China, Saudi Arabia, Chad, Jordan and many other states whose leaders are not popularly elected and the many others guilty of repression and human rights violations.
Obama called out the hypocrisy, although the truth is that it was inescapable in many of the comments that followed news of Mandela's death.
If we had a prize for the most brazen display of duplicity following Mandela's passing, we would have fierce competition but one indisputable winner.
That would be the Syrian dictator, President Bashar al-Assad, whose statement of condolence was posted on the Syrian Presidency's Facebook page, calling Mandela "an inspiration to the all the vulnerable peoples of the world, in the expectation that oppressors and aggressors will learn..." The statement elicited bitter laughter around the world.
Mandela was not perfect, but there is a reason why his life inspired billions of people and his death brought what might have been the largest gathering of world leaders in modern history. He stood for values and principles that have gained universal legitimacy. Those include the right to fair and equal treatment for all and the right of all people to choose their own government.
The way Mandela lived his life was a call to forgiveness and reconciliation.
It was U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who called Mandela "one of our greatest teachers." Like all the best teachers, Mandela managed one more lesson during his memorial service, and it was Obama, the professor, the man whose own career might not have reached the pinnacle, who served as Mandela's principal assistant that day, imparting a much-needed lesson for despots.

Intel Guru TerryK & Loechin


12-11-2013   Intel Guru Loechin    There is no reason why we have not seen this. There was a meeting and it was a meeting of finality. We will see this as to the rate that is yet to be seen. So I won't give a date or even a hint but we should see the outcome of the meeting now.