The Sacred Site of AGARTHA in Matawini have been discovered by Astraelia at the age of 7 after a powerful mystical experience occurred as a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him his wings spread opened in the center of the sun. It is a very ancient sacred site, whose discovery have been kept a secret for more than 50 years. This megalithic site goes back to the previous Age of Light on Earth, and is being reactivated to play it's inspiring role in the birthing of the New Age of Light. This New Age of Light is expected to arise with the return of the Ancestors, those the indigenous peoples call the ''Star Nations'' the great Armada of the Galactic Federation of Light actually around our Planet.
The time has come for the discovery of the fundamentally spiritual nature and meaning of the presence of the Celestrial civilizations actually around Earth in the invisible spectrum. These spiritually advanced extraterrestrial civilizations of the Light, are sent here by Prime Creator, in a paramount mission of birthing the spiritual Ascension of humanity. They are both our archaic genetic ancestors who have seeded humanity on the sacred paradise of Gaia, and are also what we know to be the Gardian Angels sent here by Prime Creator to assist him in the full implementation of the Divine Plan of return to the spiritual dimensions, that has been prophesied by the Ancients for Earth Humanity.
The disclosure and landing of the Galactic Federation Armada will be leading to the eventual revelation of the long hidden secret of the existence of the Inner Earth Agartha Kingdom who will play a key role in the Ascension process by providing light transformation chambers that will enable us to reaccess the forgotten memory of who we are, and will reconnect our chakras that have been closed since the great devolution that occurred at the end of the Atlantean Era. The members of the 5th dimensional Agartha Kingdom are the descendants of the LEMURIAN ancient Star Civilization that have built the Agartha sacred site. They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia after the invasion of the Dark Empire of Anchara who covertly took over our beloved planet 550 thousand years ago.
The impending Spiritual Ascension process is accessible to all spiritually inclined people of Earth who wish to walk on this sacred path of their own free will. We are destined to become the steward gardians of Gaia that will be reborn in it's original state of a sacred paradise planet of the Light existing on the 4th and 5th dimensional level.
Astraelia is also a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Light Worker working ''on the sacred side of things'', reactivating the primordial living link between Earth and the Spiritual Dimensions, through the medium of ceremonies, sacred singing and tantric extatic yoga practices. This whole story of the discovery of Matawini is a genuine living legend of our time, bringing us a glimpse of the Light, Bliss and Divine Love which is our true destiny has it will be revealed to all of us in 2012. This is the magnitude of what is being hidden from us, behind the whole secrecy on the subject of UFO presence around our planet, and on the profound spiritual meaning of the Ascension process that is to occur in 2012.
The celestial legions of the Angels of the Light are here, in their heavenly vehicules of living light that we still call UFO, in this paramount mission involving the greatest UFO Armada ever assembled, including over 1000 giant Motherships, dozens of Planetoid size Starships, and over 15 millions UFO, in orbit around Earth waiting for a massive First Contact landing, in order to implement the Divine Plan of liberation of Earth from the entrenched remains of the Dark Force of the Illuminati, and the return to the spiritual dimensions of all those that are ready and willing to enter the dimensional portal of 2012, of their own Free Will and with blissful Love and Joy in their heart. A Divine Intervention of very great magnitude is about to happen. May we all soon be One in the supreme Light of Divine Love.
The role of the Agartha site is to be an anchoring point in the Light Grid of Earth for the Light current energies that are being channeled toward Earth from the Galactic Center and the Planetoid size Starships of the Armada of the Galactic Federation, in preparation for the dimensional ascension of 2012, that will bring us back to our previously enjoyed full consciousness.
There are 5 magnificent sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. There is a crystal obelisk in the sacred cave, a megalithic stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain, & a Cristal Crop Circle of the symbol of the Galactic Federation on the Giant Rock Site and many UFO shaped ancient Dolmens. Crystal Obelisks shaped like ''Flames of Stone'' have been predicted to be found on the site, and after many years of quest, many have been found, the largest one being over 600 pounds. In 2010 a new sacred site has been discovered, the Agartha Pyramid site.
The discovery of the sacred site by Astraelia at the age of 7, is also the fulfillment of an ancient local Indian Elders prophecy, who had predicted the discovery of an important sacred site in Quebec by a seven years old child. This prophecy also mentioned an important Sacred Bundle would be found. The prophecy has in all it's aspects been fulfilled... The Agartha sacred site is dedicated to the return of the New Age of Light & spirituality on Earth, the reunion with our ancestors, the Celestrial Civilizations from the Star Nations, & the Agartha Inner Earth Kingdom, and the dimensional spiritual Ascension Process of 2012.
May the Great Spirit Sun shine it's Bliss in our heart.
May the christed light of love radiate in our hearts
And announce a new Day for Gaia & her faithful guardians
The most important journey, is the one that leads to ourself
Astraelia astraelia@gmail.com
Brothers do not despair, our Family from the Stars is here with us, they have returned. We are not alone anymore, we now have powerful friends on the side of the Light & Humanity. May they be blessed a thousand times for their immense help. They have come answering the call for assistance from the soul of every aware humans here, who knows our Planet is lead to oblivion by the Mafia of dangerous psychopaths that the Jewish Illuminati Cabal really is. May the Galactic Federation of Light be welcomed with the greatest union of hearts this Planet has ever known. Hope beyond hope is now possible for the future of Mother Earth.
The enemies of the Light will meet with the logic of their willful choice of existence. All that have conspire against Life, no more will find any support from the very sacred Life they have worked against. The lessons have been learned, there is no reason of existing now for the destructive madness of the prevaricators of Humanity. Life must protect her sacred gift. The Enemies of Life shall be thrown into the central Sun of the Galaxy, & return to the nothingness they came from before their soul creation.
God help our Brothers from the Stars, as they are here to manifest your will. We have to put an end to the prison of lies the darkness has made out of your beautiful sacred Earth. We will need all the help we can get Father of the Light.
May the light of dawn awaken in our soul
May our new birth be celebrated
At the four corners of the world
May all that was separated by obscurity
Find itself again unified in the primordial Light
The sacred seeding of Love
In all things have sown the gaze of the infinite
May an indescribable joy irradiates in our heart
On the blessed day of our birth to ourselves
We are the children of the Light
This is what we have successfully been made to forget
From the virginal womb of the Light we have been birthed
The dawn of a new day is awakening
That will see us finally forever
One in the Light
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True Love is never created, it already is
never given, it already fills the air with songs
since the end of time
It never forgets you
it is the river of your memory
Never do you need to be forgiven
for in brotherhood it holds you dear
Loves is All that Inspires
And this begins with you
For a Sun in seed you are
Shining and Bright like a thousand stars
In the eyes of Love.
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For a long time we have been waiting for a Miracle
We are the Ones we have been waiting for
To open the gateways to the prophesied
Golden Age of Light.
All our prayers and those of our ancestors
will soon be answered
My Pages
FIRST CONTACT 2012 - by Sheldan Nidle
Visit the Agartha site
further down the page
13287 hits
FIRST CONTACT 2012 - by Sheldan Nidle
For a long time we have been waithing for a miracle
When we are the Ones we have been hoping for
To open the gateways to the New Age of Light.
May an everlasting Age of Light awaken on Earth.
13287 hits
w w w . a s t r a e l i a . w e b s. c o m
M u s i c f o r t h e A s c e n s i o n - Music by Astraelia :
( NEW PHOTO SLIDE SHOW of AGARTHA latest discoveries / clic this LINK )
The Sacred Cave of Agartha have been discovered by Astraelia in the Matawini region near Montreal / Quebec / Canada . This discovery happened at the age of 7 after a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him, centered in the middle of the sun with it's wings spread open, inducing a spiritual trance and a very powerful mystical experience.
Soon after this mystical experience, the 7 years old child was guided to discover the Sacred Cave of Agartha who at the moment of it's discovery revealed it's spiritual power in all it's magnitude making it absolutely clear that it was a living and powerfully inspiring sacred site. The Matawini Cave it was later discovered, is part of a very ancient megalithic sacred site where 7 inspiring sacred sites have been discovered around the Matawini Mountain. An Indian that have helped Astraelia understand the nature of this discovery, has eventually revealed he was informed by Indian Elders that an ancient Indian prophecy stated an important sacred site would be discovered in Quebec by a 7 years old child... This prophecy stated also that an important Sacred Bundle would be discovered. With the 2012 Spiritual Ascension in the making, Astraelia consider the time to share this secret has now come. This prophecy as now been fulfilled...
The Agartha Sacred Site is a very ancient megalithic sacred site that was built by the Kingdom of Agartha who are the surviving descendants of Lumeria who had found refuge in the womb of Gaia in Inner Earth. It was also used by the Galactic Federation during the Age of Light as is indicated by their symbol that is engraved as a crystal crop circle on the side of the Giant Stone site. The local Indians that have later used the sacred site, have inherited these megalithic structures but they have not built them. They themselves affirm that it is not them that could have built them because they where nomadic tribes that traveled lightly.
During his childhood, Astraelia experienced over 12 out of body experiences. In all these occurrences, his soul, his astral body was going fusioning back with his previous incarnation ancestor. Astraelia was seeing himself holding in his hand a Spherical Power Stone under the Earth, fusioned with the Indian Shaman that was buried under the large tomb size Indian Carpet that have been miraculously found intact in the Sacred Cave. From these astral experiences clear elements eventually brought the understanding that in discovering the sacred cave at the age of 7, Astraelia was also discovering his tomb from a previous incarnation as the chaman of the Matawini site. A ''Spherical Power Stone'' was used by this shaman has his shamanic Bundle, and this Power Stone was in his hands when this shaman died and was buried, demonstrating the great importance that was attributed to it.
This Spherical Power Stone that Astraelia was holding in the astral as a child later came back into this dimension in a very powerful Lightning Strike common spiritual experience that occurred one day as Astraelia and his girlfriend were coming back from a visit to the sacred cave. For many years after this power stone remained dormant until Astraelia discovered the secret of how to awake it's power by going to sleep with the stone in his hands like he experienced when he had out of body astral experiences as a child. The power of this stone then induced an out of body astral experience, and gave Astraelia access to a heavenly mystical dimension of absolute Bliss, Love, Light and Enlightenment.
There are 7 major sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. The Sacred cave, the Turtle & tree of Life site, the Giant Rock site and the Rock Dome Altar. In the spring of 2010, 3 new sacred site has been discovered, the Pyramid Vault, the Equilibrium megalithic site & the giant Crystal Flame of Stone obelisk of 600 pounds. There is a crystal obelisk in the cave & a large megalithic Stonehenge like stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain. The largest rectangular stone on the summit is 12 ft. High by 12 ft. long and may weight over 10 tons. There is also found at the base of the Matawini mountain a Megalithic alignment of Giant Triangular Arrow Heads all aligned in growing size order and to the same compass coordinates.
A Crystal Crop Circle signature of the pyramidal symbol of the Galactic Federation of Light has been found on the side of the Giant Stone site. This mega stone is as big as a house and all those that have seen it do say it is the largest rock they have seen in their life. It is symmetrical and faceted like a crystal, with 2 large vaults at the base where a sacred light appeared on discovery, and lead to the discovery of the Sacred Bundle of Obelisk shaped like a Flame of Stone. The Giant Rock has the shape of a Pleiadian UFO.
The Turtle and Tree of Life site is the living embodiment of the symbol and vision of the world wide known Algonquin Chief William Commanda, who came do a ceremony at the Sacred Cave. William Commanda is the heir and caretaker of many ancient Wampum Prophecy Belts about our times and the coming of a Fifth World of Light where Humanity will have recreated the sacred circle of life with the Creator, Mother Earth and all Humans that will be bearers of the sacred Light. There is a giant very ancient tree, whose huge roots encircle a 5 ft. tall quartz rock carved by nature to resemble the head of a Turtle, the giant tree being the shell of the Turtle. The Turtle is looking at an ancient dead tree trunk, with a new young tree growing inside the ancestral tree, meaning, there will be a New Age of Light that will grow from the ancient ancestral Tree of Life.
Many Rock Domes have been discovered around the site. But the first and largest of the Rock Domes have a large flat altar stone on top of it that is shaped like a UFO, and on it a small geometric rock message was left there centuries ago for rediscovery in this time. This rock message is shaped like a UFO... So the message to my best understanding is: UFO's that will come from inside large Mother Ships UFO's may eventually appear at the Matawini site, being an ancient sacred site of the Galactic Federation.
A new major sacred site has been discovered, the Radiant Pyramid Vault site, a huge pyramid structure and vault, that is shaped like a giant crystal, symmetrical on all sides, very similar to a geometric geodesic dome structure. But over that, what is really very mysterious and powerful, is that on both side of this massive 40 feet wide 60 feet deep and 25 feet high pyramid are like 3 parallel power rays vibrating from the pyramid, each of the 6 parallel ray of stone symmetrically disposed on each side of the Pyramid Vault, is 2 feet wide 6 feet high and 30 feet long! The stone cutting technique used in these power rays, is similar to the INCA stone cutting technique where each stone is of a different shape, corresponding to the surrounding stones shapes.
Whenever he was exploring the sacred site, Astraelia since many years, have been animated from the inside by a vision, that said: '' Keep your eyes open for - Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone, & Raise the ancient Obelisks to awaken the prophesied New Age of Light upon Earth. '' This motive vision was with him in his explorations, years after years as he was keeping the faith and keeping his eyes opened, until he found the very first Obelisk. It was shaped like a Flame of Stone... It was found under the guidance of a sacred Light that appeared at the discovery of a new sacred site. With the subsequent years of exploration many more Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone have been dicovered, with the largest one being over 5 ½ feet tall and weigthing around 600 pounds...
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Astraelia is also an important contactee who have received over a hundred sightings at the Matawini site and in Montreal, with some major group sightings involving over12 UFO's, and a countdown clock to 2012 that was drawn in the sky at two occasions by a group of UFO's, indicating we are at the eleventh hour, prepare ! In october 2010, an Armada of over 70 UFO flying at very low altitude passed over Astraelia's home in Montreal, almost covering the Night sky from one end to the other. A Dopler Radar photo of the sky over montreal, revealed the presence of a gigantic Mothership of 100 miles in diameter, in the invisible spectrum, but manifesting both as a Dopler Radar and cloud covering form of 100 miles circular shape.
A great number of Light Orbs, some with prismatic rainbow color, have also manifested in many occasions on the Matawini site. A Crop Circle have also appeared on the very day of the explosion in size greater than the sun of the Blue Katchina - Holmes comet, which is the last sign of the Hopi prophecy. Indicating the entry into the Fifth world of Light and the imminent return of the Ancestors. They are already there..
As the White Guardian Shaman of the Matawini Site for all his life, it has been the contribution of Astraelia to bear the fruits of the dedicated work of many incarnations to bring back to life and to the light, these spiritual treasures that where hidden from the sight of Man since Millenium.
With a whole life time of dedication, chamanic chanting, meditation and prayers, the Matawini Site play's it's uniquely inspired role in the creation of a New Age of Light on Earth by creating and living in the New Age of Light and maintaining alive the vision of the Age of Light that is prophesied for this Ascension of 2012 by the ancients all around the Earth. The ancient Crystal Flame Obelisks have been raised, and the light of day is shining again in their flaming hearts of crystal. May an everlasting Age of Light awaken on Earth.
The Native Elders have told that we have already entered the Fifth World of Light. The Elders reveal that the sacred ceremonies and rituals that so many dedicated people have performed and are continuing to perform in the last few years have anchored us into the Fifth World announcing the return of the Light.
This is the contribution of all the Initiates, all the Shamans and Light Workers of the world, who like Astraelia have nourished of their Light and Prayers, the Sacred Bound with the Creator, with it's messengers the Celestrials, and with Mother Earth. All those initiates that knows and remember how to connect with the Higher Spiritual Dimension of the Prime Creator Light.
May all be at peace
May the Great Spirit sun shine in our hearts.
May we be one with the One
May an everlasting New Age of Light awaken on Gaia
FIRST CONTACT 2012 - by Sheldan Nidle
I am the discoverer of a sacred site whose discovery has been prophesied by the Indian Elders here. This ancient prophecy of the Elders says that an important sacred site would be discovered by a 7 years old child in Quebec. I have kept this secret for more than 50 years. With the spiritual ascension of 2012 now in the making, I believe it is time now for me to speak. This is my story, the story of the discovery of the sacred site of AGARTHA in Matawini Quebec and the many revelations that came along the way.
In 1957, at the age of 7 during the summer at my family cottage in the Laurentian mountains of Quebec, I had an extraordinary mystical experience. I awoke in the afternoon after I had an astral experience and I was guided by a powerful force to go out alone in the forest without mentioning nobody in my family, and without my younger brother I was always with at this age. I felt called to go to a large pound I had just discovered a few days ago. When I got there, as I was inside the pound with my feet in the water, I had an encounter with a great Blue Heron that came from the sky coming from the sun and positioned himself in the center of the sun and then levitated over me with the bright sun rays bursting through it’s full opened wings of 7 feet wide. The Great Blue Heron was levitating motionless on the lift of the breeze from the Matawini lake like if time had come to a stand still.
This meeting with the Blue Heron instantaneously induced in me a spiritual trance and at the age of seven, I experienced my first and one of the greatest mystical experience I had in my life. This was a very powerful experience of discovering God’s presence in the energy and the blazing fire of the sun and in everything in this world that was lighted by this all penetrating infinite power of radiating light. The living presence of the Great Spirit was completely breaking through the veil of illusion who was for the time of this encounter with the Blue Heron completely lifted. This living radiant presence was breaking through with an indescribable energy inundating all with it’s glory, power, bliss and ecstasy. And everything was one in the light and love of this living presence...
This was a most powerful experience of initiatic enlightenment and communion with the Divine source of all Light Love and Bliss. I know now 50 years later, that this was the prophetic Proclamation of the New Age of Light on Earth. This Divine prophecy is now unfolding under our very eyes with the imminent revelation of the Spiritual Ascension Process of 2012 that will lead humanity back to the spiritual dimensions of the Light where we belong and originally come from. Back to the virgin womb of the sacred Light.
This meeting with the Blue Heron at the age of seven was my first initiation into the spiritual world for this life. Recently I went back to this pound where this whole story started, and I discovered an ancient rock dome altar similar to the rock dome I discovered later on the Matawini sacred site. I then remembered that I saw this rock dome as a child the day of the Heron meeting, and had found it quite mysterious and was very fascinated by it's presence. I did knew from intuition it was of Indian origin. The presence of this dome Altar means that this area where the pound is located and where I had this mystical experience, was considered to be part of the sacred site.
Soon afterward this spiritual experience with the Great Blue Heron, I had another out of body astral experience again in the afternoon after having taken a nap. When I awoke, it was like if I was another person, or a very mature and advanced part of me. I felt like there was a spiritual master that had awoke inside me and was guiding me. I did not spoke to anyone in my family. I started to walk outside without mentioning anyone where I was going and without my younger brother I always was with at the time. I was attracted like by an enchantment, a powerful & inspiring magical current. I knew I would make some very exotic and mysterious discovery. I had seen from a distance the sacred cave a few days before when I was with my younger brother, but a spiritual guide told me telepathically at that moment that I had to come alone, and not to involve my younger brother, this was something that was for me alone. I accepted this telepathic counsel, and just kept on talking to my brother like if nothing had happened. But I knew I had discovered something absolutely marvelous and of a spiritual nature. So now I was going to see for the first time this great discovery.
As I approached the cave for the first time I behold a Sacred Cave of sublime beauty and inspirational power. I was awe struck. It was a most inspiring and powerful vision, of a nature that I can only term as magico-spiritual. It induced a spiritual trance state in me, and I was not only seeing the physical beauty of the cave, I could sense the magical celestial power of this sacred cave, in all it's magnitude. I was overwelmed by the beauty grace and powerful spirituality that emanates from this natural site .
Even if I was only a child, it was absolutely clear to me that this was a nature's sacred cave, and that the native Indian tribes have felt exactly the same way as they contemplated it. I had a vision, I was seeing from a birds eye view, like if I was an eagle flying over the sacred cave at high altitude and I could see the whole area including the mountain, the great Matawini lake nearby, it was like I was seeing the past, alive in front of my eyes, I saw an Indian tribe living nearby this site. I was seeing a whole village of Indians located around the Mountain south side, and I could see many hundreds of persons going about their daily occupations around the camping ground of their village...
I had discovered a magical place that inspire you to enter in communion with nature. I later found, this Sacred Cave is part of an important ancient megalithic sacred site. I also discovered in the area of the cave, a large indian carpet in an almost intact state with a folding arrangement of 6 feet long by 3 feet wide, that in shamanic language indicates it is the tomb of a shaman. What I did not suspect at the time, is that it was my tomb from a previous incarnation as the shaman of this sacred site that I was discovering at seven years old.
I was informed by an Indian that knew well the Elders here, as he was hearing my story, that there is a prophecy of the local Indian Elders that had prophesied that an important sacred site would be discovered in Quebec by a seven years old child, that it was awaited for ... and that a sacred bundle would also be found.
There is a beautyfull crystal obelisk at the entrance of the sacred cave, and a large 2 feet wide crystal obelisk that is right in the center of the cave inside the passage way. All the sacred cave is in massive quartz crystal.
So for many years I went to the sacred cave to meditate and find inspiration and healing in the great beauty of this sacred cave. I brought all my friends that came sailing with me on my Tornado catamaran on the large lake nearby. We climbed the steep rock facade and once on the summit we climbed on the large rectangular rock on the very top of the mountain.
It always seemed very unusual to me to have a giant 12 feet high rock on the very summit of a mountain. What I did not know at that time is that this giant stone was not alone, it was part of a very large 100 meters, megalithic Stonehenge like stone circle that surround the whole mountain top. For many years I thought that the sacred cave was the only sacred site there. I eventually discovered the large tomb size indian carpet. But I never made any exploration of the area of the site to find more. So years went by without more clue about this discovery. By birth I am a very mystical inclined person, so it was my personal secret paradise on Earth. I felt most greatly honored to have a sacred site dedicated to me and my spiritual path in this life, and I did honored back this wonderful sacred site with my most dedicated devotion, meditations and pursue of the spiritual path. So years and decades went by, I was wondering what was the meaning of this discovery, it was a very personal intimate secret that I kept for myself alone, that I honored with happiness and gratitude, nothing particular ever happened with this sacred site.
But that was about to change...
On a summer afternoon, I was coming back from a visit to
the Indian cave with my girlfriend. We often went there, to feel the peace and beauty that transpire from the indian cave, and climb to the top of the mountain and then climb on the huge 12 feet high rectangular rock that is on top of the mountain to meditate under the warm sunlight.
That day, just coming from the Indian cavern, we both have lived together a
most unusual spiritual experience.
We were walking back home, we were at a few hundred feet from
the indian cavern when we were both suddenly literally STROKED BY
LIGHTNING... It was as if a spiritual thunderbolt of lightning had stroke us together with an incredibly powerful force. We were shaken to the deepest part of our being and could feel a spiritual power of very great magnitude taking over completely. I could see the ray of light coming from the sky and striking the ground and at the same exact moment of the impact, a spherical stone appeared projecting very powerful circular waves towards us. The strength and suddenness of this spiritual energy lightning had the same power as if it was a physical electrical lightning. So we understood immediately this was serious stuff going on.
We were at once thrown into another dimension and immediately at the moment the lightning strike occured, we saw very powerful circular waves coming toward us in rapidly growing concentric circles, coming from a rare shaped spherical stone on the side of the road. These powerful waves were passing through our body and continuing in space. It is like we had a 360 degree panorama vision, we were living all this but at the same time also looking at it from a perspective outside our body.
We instantly both became totally telepathic. We knew that the other was living exactly the same unbelievable experience, we could literally see through one another mind, and feel the overwelming power pulsating from that stone. We seemed not to be seeing the world with our visible eyes but through our astral eyes. Even if we were in full daylight, everything seems to be like night time. All we could see was all these waves pulsating from the stone with great speed and power. Hundreds of circular wave in concentric circles, pulsing like magnetic waves out of this mysterious spherical stone, covering all the horizon. The whole world seemed to be entirely focused on this stone emanating these powerful circular magnetic waves. All the scenery was distorted by the waves, like one sees on the surface of mirror calm water when you throw a big stone in it and all the scenery that was mirroring itself in the calm surface becomes undulated by the propagation of the wave of energy.
We were compelled to the deepest part of our mind, to served the will of the
stone who was in a living way and in no uncertain terms compelling us to
take it...
But we were two...
We both knew that we wanted this stone with all our will, we could see
telepathically this strong will to get this stone who was giving us such a
strange ride into some unknown universe. These were very tense moments as feet by feet we were approaching the stone and we were both hoping the other did not have the same experience as ourselve, but we knew, because we could see telepathically into each other mind perfectly clearly that this was a totally mutual spiritual experience that was occuring.
I got the stone first ....
Right at the very first second I had the stone in my hand, I knew immediately that it was meant for me, and what it meant to me ... It was a stone I was very acquainted with.. I had been holding it in my hands many times for long periods of time, when I was between 7 and 10 years old, in the Astral... in many out of the body experiences I had when I was a child...
And based on these astral experiences as a child, I know also I had used that sacred stone as part of my shamanic bundle as the shaman that was the ancient guardian of this very sacred site I rediscovered at the age of seven as was prophesied by the Indian elders of Quebec.
So this sacred stone is a very old friend that was coming back to me in a way that can only be called miraculous. I have to say this, because I had walked on this road thousand of times since I was a child, and this stone was not there before... It’s spherical shape is so outstanding for this region that it would have been taken immediately if it ever had been there before. We saw and notice the rare shape of this stone even from more than a hundred feet away as we walked toward it.
We didn't talked of this very strange spiritual experience right away, because we were too puzzled, and we needed some time to think it over and simply believe it really happened. I had this black spherical stone with a rugged surface in my hands, as a proof of the reality of this very mysterious event.
A few days after, we talked about it and I wanted to know if this feeling of
having a totally merged mutual experience had actually occured to her also. To make sure I did not influence her in anyway, I did not say anything, not a word about what I had seen and experienced. I just let her talk without saying a word... So she told me all she had seen from the very first moment the Powerful Lightning Strike occured, and she completely confirmed that we had actually both experienced exactly and totally
the same event.
Years after, every times we told this story to friends, having this
confirmation from one another helped us to assimilate the reality of such an
unbelievable event.
( Many persons have told me that the features of this stone, a very rugged surface, a black coloration that looks it has burned at high temperatures, may be indicative of it possibly be of meteorite origin...
One day I was meditating with 2 rare magnetic stones of known meteorite origin from Colorado, feeling the magnetic pulse that is generated by slowly moving the 2 stones close and then apart, I then had the intuition of replacing one of these 2 magnetic stones from Colorado by the Spherical Stone of Matawini.
To my great surprise, the same magnetic pulse happened, even stronger! This spherical stone was also magnetic!! I then got a magnet I had, and put it on the surface of the Spherical Stone ... The metallic magnet remained stucked to the stone ! It is a magnetic stone with enough iron in it's composition that solid metal magnets stick to it, an outstanding behavior that even the 2 Colorado meteorite magnetic stone did not produce. Based on these outstanding discoveries, I can assert that this magnetic spherical stone is also clearly of meteorite origin. )
But the years were passing by, and the stone remained silent since it's very powerful manifestation at the moment of it's revelation. I was wondering why this stone wanted so strongly to be taken, what was the purpose behind all this. It introduced itself with such power, strength and mastery. Why did it remained silent all these years?
So recently I was reflecting on this matter with the stone in my hands,
looking at it, and to the words of a friend who is well acquainted with shamanic lore, who had told me to be watchful of my dreams. I was aware of the difficulty for me to have dreams since I sometime have to take sleeping pills, and since many years, I almost never have dreams.
Then, I had some flash of intuition on the matter...
But I have to go back to my childhood to explain the logic of this intuition.
Right at the moment of discovering the stone, the very first thing that
came to my mind when I first hold the spherical stone in my hand, is that
it was like a piece of a puzzle about something that I only, knew about.
When I was a child, during a period between 7 and 10 years old, on about 12 occurence, I had out of the body experiences where I found myself awaken in the astral.
Whenever I found myself in this astral plane I experienced complete physical paralysis. I had great difficulty getting out of this paralysis. Even all my will wouldn't succeed in breaking away from this. I often lay there many hours before I was able to finally get out of the astral plane. The best method I found to be able to come back and wake up in the normal world, was to try to go back to sleep and then wake up normally instead of in the astral.
One thing that was present in all these occurence of astral sleep paralysis, is that I was holding a mysterious SPHERICAL STONE with a rugged surface in my hands. I had also in my hands a strong physical sensation permeating from the stone I was holding. I could feel a power radiating from the stone that penetrated 6 inches inside my body. A strong impression of numbness in my hands due to the effect of the power coming from the stone remained with me for a prolonged period even after I woke up.
In these astral experiences I saw myself in a previous life incarnation holding this stone of power in my hands. Only shamans have stones of power like that. It was made clear to me that I have been the guardian shaman of the Matawini sacred site in a previous life, that was using this stone as part of it’s “Bundle” of ritual tools, and that died holding the stone in his hands, indicating the very high value that was attributed to this stone. One element that made it completely clear that this was true, is that when my astral body was going back fusioned with my precedent incarnation under the earth at the sacred cave, holding the spherical stone, I could smell the exact strong and unique scent of the black earth that is found at the Matawini cave where the Indian carpet is located...
In the context of the many prophecies about our time and 2012, that where made more than 500 years ago by the Native Indians shamans and seers, I had at the time of this previous incarnation as the Matawini shaman, made the promise that I would come back as a child and that at seven years old I would rediscover the lost sacred site of Matawini, and would bring it back to the light of day and make it again a living sacred site that would play an important role in the revival of spiritual energy in our actual Era. I had prophesied that I would come back as a child and would rediscover the sacred site, so this is where this prophecy originates initially, and this prophecy has now been fulfilled. It was also made clear to me that in this previous life incarnation, I have been buried under the Indian carpet that is inside the sacred cave of Matawini. So, in discovering the sacred cave at the age of seven, I was also discovering my grave from a previous life ... And also for this life... because I know now that it is there that as the protector shaman of the sacred site of Matawini in this present incarnation I will be buried to fulfill the sacred circle of this prophecy.
Yet even if I died with the stone in my hands, there remain an unsolved very strange mystery of physical transference, since I later found the stone suddenly appearing in a very unexplainable way in a Lightning Strike spiritual experience, a few hundred feet from the sacred cave, centuries later…
Since I experienced these astral out of body experiences of holding this stone of power in my hands over a dozen times during my childhood, it seems there is a very strong message that is wanting to pass on to me, so I don’t forget these childhood astral experiences. Like with my first mystical experience with the Blue Heron, I never talked of these recurring astral experiences to my parents, because I knew they could not help me on these matters that where way out of the boundaries of the culture we were living in.
This invisible stone I hold in the astral was quite a mystery to me at the time, and all my life. So when I hold for real the astral stone in my hand for the first time, I was immediately struck by the fact that it was exactly the same shape, size, and ruggedness sensation that I knew from the mysterious stone I was holding in this astral plane as a child... This mystery of the presence of this astral stone in my life was suddenly partially revealing itself...
So recently, I was looking at the stone in my hand, and I had an intuition: I will go to sleep with the stone in my hands, just like I experienced as a child in out of body astral level, and maybe the stone will reveal it's secret and manifest itself and help me in having dreams again, and maybe I
will learn something from these dreams..."
It did work, and what dreams did I have. I had 3 dreams, very shamanic in nature. But the third dream, was like no dream I ever had before...
It was not a dream, but a mystical astral travel to a spiritual mystical dimension.
I went into a plane of existence that was filled with absolute bliss and
happiness. I went into a heavenly dimension of bliss and extasy ...
Words cannot describe what I experienced, it is of another dimension of oneness with the essence of life, a communion with the living light of Love and Bliss.
I was traveling inside immense domed arcs that were made not of matter but of light. A light with a divine intelligence and bliss that was radiating from the inside. This heavenly world was filled with radiating light, happiness, blissful extasy, overwellming beauty and plenitude.
The immense arcs of living radiant Light this dome heaven was made of, where constantly modulating their spectral color composition, and every color change was felt as a modulation in the extatic experience I was living. I felt I was in intimate communion with all this, like my being belonged to the same energy field of this absolute nirvana experience. This heavenly dimension was in intimate communication with my soul. A true telepathic communion existed between my soul and the radiant blissful light emanating from this heavenly world. An experience essentially similar to the contemplative bliss between the souls of two lovers in extatic bliss, except this other lover was the very source of Love itself radiating it's Light and healing love toward me, in it's fullness of acceptance. I was in a state of complete openness and natural capacity of receiving such immense energy it just flowed through me and I was part of all that extasy, this was enlightenment I was living...
As I traveled inside these Heavenly Domes of light, this intelligence in the light read my soul and revealed in an always overwellming manner that which my soul aspired to. It was a discovery tour of this immense heaven of domes of Light, as large as the vault of the sky when there are large clouds at high altitude.
So I believe I am discovering at least one of the powers of this mysterious Indian stone. It is a sacred stone, and this celestial stone is able to take one's soul to heaven... and experience enlightenment. In the powers of this sacred stone, there is a link to a divine celestial dimension of infinite Light Love and Bliss, a fusionnal union with the essence of all blessings.
Treasures from the Ancient Age of Light on Earth
There has been another prophecy made about the rediscovery of the Matawini sacred site. The Indian Elders of Quebec prophecy said that an important sacred site would be discovered by a seven years old child. It also claimed that an important Sacred Bundle would be found.
(A Sacred Bundle is a term that defines a set of sacred objects that were used by a shaman or Mage in rituals & ceremonies and that has been buried. Shamans are often buried with the sacred objects they used during their lifetime. It could also be any sacred objects that have been buried for preservation during a dark age of spirituality, to be rediscovered at a later time for some sacred purpose or use. So it is a term that can cover a large spectrum of possibilities.)
Since many years whenever I was doing some exploration on the site, I had this very strange vision arising in me. - Keep your eyes opened for obelisks shaped like a Flame of Stone -
I have nerver heard about Obelisk shaped like Flames of Stone, I have never seen any picture from anywhere in the world of anything resembling this. But this vision was strong and convincing, and conveyed that it was something important and serious. So, I kept my eyes always alert for this however unrealistic it seem to even expect such a thing to exist. But it was a strong intuition always coming back to me, years after years as I was exploring the Matawini immense site.
After having kept my eyes open for many years, I was guided to explore a certain area and after only a few minutes of research, after many fruitless years of keeping the faith about this intuition that I sensed was important and meaningful, I finally was guided to discover some rare almost magical obelisks that where just beyond words... They where all magnificent obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone !
There is also another vision that since many years have animated me so strongly from the inside, whenever I am on the site:
- Raise the ancient obelisks, to reawaken the New Age of Light on Earth.
What is very meaningful, is that the Matawini site itself seems to be carved by nature to receive these magnificent obelisks. There are numerous empty natural alcoves that seems to be just made to receive these obelisks. It is becoming clear that this is one of the major purpose of this sacred site, that the ancient obelisks be raised again to receive the massive light energy current that is being beamed to Earth by the galactic federation armada of starships that are actually orbiting our planet in the invisible spectrum. The Matawini site role is to be a major anchoring point of the mega wave of Light that will occur in 2012 as our planet comes into alignement with the central sun of our galaxy, this energetical and dimensional shift initiating a New Age of Light.
I have made an archeological dig in one promising place where a sacred light had appeared at a site at the moment of discovery. What I see now in retrospective is that this sacred light did actually guide me to discover the very first flame of stone obelisk I found on the site. That discovery was indicative of the – nature - of the sacred bundle of the other obelisks that I would discover later 3 years after. I believe now that this latest major discovery of the huge Flames of Stone obelisks is the final fulfillment of this second element of the prophecy - the sacred bundle - It is indeed quite a sacred bundle, of a magnitude and importance that do surpass my highest expectations.
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There are 5 major archeological sites and numerous major archeological elements.
The SACRED CAVE: with a crystal obelisk near the entrance, and a large quartz obelisque in the center of the pathway.
An ancient INDIAN CARPET has been found in almost perfect state of conservation in the area of the cave, which is by the admission of professional archeologists, quite a miracle in itself due to the extreme 4 seasons climate that exist in the Matawini region of Quebec.
The GIANT CRISTAL STONE SITE: a giant symmetrical faceted crystal shaped stone as big as a house, were a spiritual light manifested to me and made me discover a hidden man-made stone covering that were under the earth that covered the area under 2 large vaults. A huge white tabular altar stone has also been found under the ground following this sacred light appearance. This sacred light lead me to investigate and discover the first Flame of Stone Obelisk that was found under the large vault of the Giant Cristal rock where the sacred light appeared. That discovery was a precursor of the huge over 5 feet high flames of stone crystal obelisk I was to discover 3 years later.
The TURTLE & TREE OF LIFE SITE: a turtle head shaped quartz stone, carved by nature with a giant ancient tree growing on it’s back, it is the oldest tree of the sacred site. This highly symbolic sacred site of nature is the living representation of the logo of the Great algonguin chief & shaman elder William Commanda that came to visit the sacred cave at the age of 95 years old. He came to do a sacred ceremony with his wife Romola, and give me his blessings for my spiritual work and mission with the Matawini Sacred Site. William Commanda is the gardian of many sacred Wampum Belts prophecies about the Era we are living in, and the recreation of the sacred circle of the family of man in harmony with Gaia and the Great Spirit.
The EARTHLY PARADISE SITE: a path of enchanting and graceful beauty, with very high vertical rock cliffs, covered by rivers of moss and where a natural Cristal Altar has been discovered.
The ROCK DOME ALTAR SITE: a 12 feet of diameter dome with a flat altar rock on it's top, where a symmetrical geometric stone message was left centuries ago for me to discover.
There is also a Rock Dome altar at the location in the pound where I had my first initiatic mystical experience at the age of seven and where all this mysterious story began. 3 other rock domes altar where found recently, and 3 ritual Votive rocks.
The TRIANGULAR VISION QUEST PLATEFORM is on the top of the mountain, right above where the sacred Cave is at the bottom of the Mountain.
3 LUNAR CIRCLES OF STONE, one almost 100 feet in diameter, with large fire places, indicating this sacred site might have been used as a meeting place of many indian tribes at the same time.
The Turtle site, is one of the many miracles of nature to be found on this site. It is a head of a turtle sculpted by mother nature and carries on it's back a giant Tree of Life, the oldest tree of the Matawini Sacred Site, with an impressive network of roots encircling the huge quartz rock that constitute the body of the turtle. The Turtle site, with the giant ancient tree of life growing on it’s back, represent humanity who carries it’s own home on it’s back. Our home is planet Earth, it is part of our own being as the turtle carapace is it’s home and own body at the same time. If you affect one, the other is likewise affected, this is why Indians had such reverence for Mother Earth, they understood this. The great roots that encircle the turtle, are a reminder that we also possess deep roots in our soul, that reach back very far, to our very origin in the Light of the Creator. Never think of yourself as less than the Light of the Creator, because we are all the sons & daughters of it's Light. And with the ascension process now on the way, we are now returning to the dimension of it’s Light
Notice the X present in this site, that represent the planet X, the planet of the crossings, whose previous passage in our solar system may have been a factor in the occurence of the historical Great Deluge that destroyed the advanced civilization that existed on our planet before our present Era. )
Right in front of the Turtle, where the Turtle is looking, there is an large ancient dead tree trunk, and inside this ancient tree remains, a young healthy tree is growing. This is the message that this nature’s sacred site is giving us. It prophesied that from the ancient sacred tree of wisdom, that was preserve by the native Indians and all the spiritual civilization of the ancient world, ( including us the white race who was an equally sacred race in the Celtic-Druidic Era, before our sacred culture was destroyed by the Illuminati-Vatican influence ), a new Era of spirituality will emerge on Earth, a Golden Era of spirituality and harmony with our sacred Mother Earth Gaia, that we all aspire to in our soul.
When I approached the cave for the first time in four years, I noticed right away something new that was not there before. Right over the cave entry, there was a HAND perfectly imprinted in the moss that covers the rock dome of the cave.
This Hand is carved out of the moss with absolute perfection with each finger with a different length visible, and the clearly visible palm.
I approached and spontaneously put my hand into it, it was exactly the size of my hand, at that moment I felt a very strong communion with the spirit of this sacred site, like never I have known until then. I was very surprised of the sentiment I felt. I felt that the cave had been awaiting me, and that it considered me as someone important for it’s well being. This contact with the spirit revealed to me a strength of power that I did not know of before. I felt like I was a protective Master for the sacred site. I felt it had been somehow distressed that I had not come for so many years, and that it had been worried that I may never come back visit the cave, which was somehow understandable because since I sold my summer house at the lake nearby, I myself did not know if I would ever come back. I felt that it was very happy and grateful that I came back.
I was able to communicate deeply with the spirit through my hand positioned in the Hand in the moss, and my presence seemed to be able to reassure it, appease it’s soul. I gave this spirit of the sacred site my protection and comfort as much as I could. It seems that this Hand is a way to communicate with the spirit of the cave, and that seems to be the reason it appeared.
In august 2006, I made the discovery of a man made circular dome structure of rocks with a white quartz rock in the center on top of the dome.
The dome is about 8 feet in diameter at the base and 4 feet high, and was hidden behind a large rock on which 4 smaller rocks had been put as a subtle signal to indicate the presence and location of this dome. This dome is an altar, and have it’s intrinsic ceremonial value, but it is also the signal of the location of one of the rare path that easely access the mountain summit, and of a natural spring closed by.
During researches in the archives of Edward S. Curtis a great American photographer that published 20 volumes on american indians around 1890, I was fortunate to find the photograph of a group of Navaho Indians praying in front of an identical rock dome. These precious information are beginning to unfold the secret of this Dome of rock.
“ Description by Edward S. Curtis: Scattered about the Navaho reservation are many cairn shrines. The Navaho, when alone or in parties, on approaching one of these gathers a few twigs of pinon or cedar, places them on the shrine, scatters a pinch of sacred meal upon it, and makes supplication for that which he may habitually need or which the moment demands.”
The dome when I found it was in good parts covered with branches and leaves, and I wanted to clear them away to see it's real aspect and photograph it. So I started the task of relieving the rocks of the dome from their leaves covering, not suspecting that another hidden surprise was awaiting... there was an Altar!
A beautiful large flat exagonal shaped stone. And on this altar, there was a stone with a very geometric shape of an elongated exagon that had been left there on the altar the last time it was used I don't know how many centuries ago.
This geometric stone-message was left there on the rock dome altar on purpose seemingly, as a message that would be received centuries later when an intuitive shaman like me would rediscover it, and would have the foresight to give it the proper interpretation.
This stone had a unique shape that is unquestionably very representative of ... a UFO ! That is a one interesting message this sacred site is transmitting me. This corroborate that the Matawini sacred site is related to some extent to extraterrestrials, in it’s ancient origin, but also in it’s future role.
On top of the mountain, above the location where the sacred cave is at the base, there is the remains of an ancient triangular platform made of trees. It is hung between 2 trees and the ground. It is located at the edge of the abyss falling over 200 vertical feet.
An archeologist has confirmed that he has seen many of these triangular platforms constructed by native Indians and they are called IPTAKEN. When I saw this triangular platform for the first time, as a child, some 50 years ago, around 1957, it was already in decay and looked quite old, over a hundred years old. The purpose of this triangular platform may quite possibly have been a vision quest platform. Vision quest were always done on mountain tops. There was probably as is always the case in vision quest retreats, another group of people at the base of the mountain, at the sacred cavern which is located right under the triangular plateform, spiritually supporting those that were on their vision quest pursuit. The triangular platform provided a solid straight ground on which to meditate and sleep safely in front of the abyss and the panorama of the lake and the powerfull silhouette of the mountain that it faces on the other side of the lake.
While exploring the site, I discovered an immense symmetrical stone as big as a house. As I was looking at this impressive discovery, I went into a deep state of concentration, probing with my mind this new site I had just discovered, going deeper and deeper in my reflection. Then, as I was coming close to unravel and sense the secret of this place, as a direct living answer to the intense probing of my mind, I suddenly saw a very beautiful sacred light covering all the area I was contemplating under the vault. This sacred light of overwellming beauty and grace was coming from under the ground...
After this clairvoyance experience, I had an absolute conviction that there was something there, even if I could see absolutely no visible hints with my physical eyes. I went on my knees, and started clearing the ground from the cover of leaves and earth that were covering the ground surface. As I took away about 1 inch of earth that was covering the area, I found a man-made masonnery like stone covering, corresponding perfectly with the area that was revealed by the light. This lead to the discovery of the first Flame of Stone obelisk.
The GIANT STONE is the largest stone I have seen in my life, and everybody who saw it confirm that it is also true for them. It is symmetrical, faceted like a crystal, with 2 large vaults at the base. I also discovered a huge flat tabular white altar stone of 5 feet by 4. There is a Cristal Crop Circle of quartz intrusions on the side of the Giant Stone, it is a geometric pyramid composed of 4 modular pyramids, that is the symbol used by the celestrial Galactic Federation of Light. To my knowledge, it is the only crystal crop circle ever reported. The equivalent in the mineral kingdom of the crop circle usually found in the vegetal kingdom.
It is possible to go on the top of the giant stone, since it is linked to the side of the mountain by a humus bridge. The top of the giant stone is a very wonderful place to meditate, because we are at the level of the foliage of the trees. It is a very powerful place to blow the conqshell, make the air vibrate with the drum and sing in gratitude for all the beauty and grace of nature.
A new major sacred site has been discovered, the Radiant Pyramid Vault site, a huge pyramid structure and vault, that is shaped like a giant crystal, symmetrical on all sides, very similar to a geometric geodesic dome structure. But over that, what is really very mysterious and powerful, is that on both side of this massive 40 feet wide 60 feet deep and 25 feet high pyramid are like 3 parallel power rays vibrating from the pyramid, each of the 6 parallel ray of stone symmetrically disposed on each side of the Pyramid Vault, is 2 feet wide 6 feet high and 30 feet long!
It seems it is quite something that I discovered this new mysterious sacred site that have as I expected, the same signature as all the other sacred site I have discovered, a man made masonnery like stone layering on the ground.
Indeed many amazingly beautiful multi-colored and prismatic Light Orbs have appeared on many of the photos taken at the moment of discovery of the new Pyramid Vault sacred site. You can see these Light Orbs on
the photos in attachment. It seems that these celestial Orbs of Light where celebrating in great number and with great joy and happiness that I finally found this Pyramid Vault Sacred Site.
Whenever he was exploring the sacred site, Astraelia since many years, have been animated from the inside by a vision, that said: Keep your eyes open for - Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone - This motive vision was with him in his explorations, years after years as he was keeping the faith and keeping his eyes opened, until he found the very first Obelisk. It was shaped like a Flame of Stone... It was found under the guidance of a sacred Light that appeared at the discovery of a new sacred site. Whith the subsequent years of exploration many more Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone have been dicovered, with the largest one being over 5 ½ feet tall and weigthing around 600 pounds...
To have known beforehand about the existence of these mysterious Flames of Stone Obelisks, seems to be indicative that this knowledge may come from another previous incarnation of Astraelia as the gardian and care taker of the Matawini site, anterior to the shamanic era of the incarnation as the shaman of Matawini buried under the indian carpet. The only way he could have known about the existence of these Obelisks, is that he himself have hidden them there in a previous incarnation at the end of the Age of Light when these Obelisk where hidden for their protection to be used again during the prophesied return of the Golden Age predicted for 2012.
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The Matawini sacred site is a magnificent place of inspiration. It has been my life mission to protect and develop it, so it is possible to go there and do shamanic chanting and meditate in peace and serenity in it's sublime beauty. This very ancient sacred site have been brought back to life by a lifetime of dedication and meditation. It is an anchoring point of the Light Energies. It play's a role in the creation of a New Age of Light on Earth by already living in the New Age of Light.
I have dedicated this site to the spiritual dimension of the creative process. A path to the source, by way of inspiration. A state of extatic transe is achieve through chanting and drumming, as they were practiced in the golden ages of spirituality, as Tantric Yoga. A way to unite with the Creator through the creative process lived as an expression of the joy experienced through communion with the divine energies.
The Matawini Sacred Site is a place to pursue one’s own spiritual path, in alliance with the sacred powers Nature.
May the Great Spirit Light shine in our hearts
Protector shaman & guardian
of the Matawini Sacred Site
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(You can see DOPLER RADAR pictures of the huge 100 miles diameter UFO Mothership that was hovering over Montreal as the Galactic Federation Armada was passing over me, on the NEW DISCOVERIES PHOTO SLIDE SHOW)
Montreal, Sunday oct 3 2010, 9 1/2 pm.
from Astraelia
(Astraelia a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, is the discoverer of the Sacred Site of Matawini, an ancient megalithic sacred site of the Galactic Federation & the Agharta Kingdom, during the ancient Age of Light.)
An Armada of around 70 UFO have passed over my home in Montreal, solemnly flowing in the autumn night sky like a vast river of UFO, covering the night sky almost from one end to the other.
I was just taking my cat outside, and lift up my eyes to gaze and watch the sky, as I do as often as possible, and then I see flowing silently like a solemn noble procession in the night sky, a river of luminescent UFO in V formations.
They were very near, at an altitude of 3000 to 4000 feet maybe, since they were the size of an tennis ball relatively to the star like size all my UFO sightings have been in the last years. Each UFO was a clearly defined circular shape, luminescent, like if it was softly lighted from the inside, a soft opalescent glowing white Light. You could perceive the 3 dimensional very rounded shape of each UFO.
The Armada was passing over in a loose irregular V type formations, exactly like I have seen on many UFO mass sightings in South America, except that they where a lot closer and visually larger in size then any large group formation I have seen on film up to now.
Each V formation, where composed of about 7 to 10 ufo, and these V formation where all over, like a large river in the sky, covering a 1/4 of the transversal width of the sky and in longitude, almost all the sky from one end to the other of the Armada column. And they were keeping on appearing, 3 to four V formations wide in a group, and then other similar groups of V formations following and passing over.
Afterward, I have made a drawing on paper of these multiple V formations groups, to try to estimate the number of Celestrial light ships present in this very major Armada sighting. The possible number of UFO involved is quite staggering, taking into account that it lasted around 4 minutes, so there must have been over 70 UFO, and possibly even 100, that flowed over at their noble and mysterious pace, inspiring an energy of serenity, hope and fulfillment of our wishes and prayers, a living fulfillment of the ancient prophecies. They are here, and here to stay!
It has begun my friends they are manifesting Big Time, right over North America... These sent by Heaven Celestial Forces of the Light are announcing and manifesting their presence with unequalled magnitude, reclaiming this sacred paradise of Earth. What an honor to witness, what a blessing of hope beyond hope. Our prayers and those of our ancestors have been heard in high places and are being honored. 2012 will be nothing less than the liberation of Earth by the Forces of the Light sent in this mission by Heaven. Let us prepare for the fulfillment of all our prayers, and our prophesied return into the spiritual dimensions of the Light. Let us maintain with conviction our seed vision of the future we wish to foresee, a return on Earth of an Age of Light that have been prophesied by the ancients, for it will be manifested very soon. The blessed victory of the Light is ours to behold.
May the Great Spirit sun shine in our hearts.
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The Galactic Federation have showed up in great numbers at the Matawini site during the whole of the summer of 2009...
It started with a bang so to say...
It was the first night that I was there after having rented a cottage for the whole season.
After having finished unpacking, I said to myself, now, I'm gone rest and have a look outside, and then I told jokingly to myself: '' to see if I see some UFO ? ''
Then I open the door to look outside, and then, right away, I see a huge ball of fire crossing at the speed of a meteorite from the right to the left of the sky, crossing the whole horizon in a few second, and following a perfectly straight horizontal trajectory !!!
It left behind a bright fiery trace in a perfectly straight horizontal line that persisted a few second after the Fireball like UFO had passed and continue behind the trees.
That was quite a starter !
During this summer, there was innumerable UFO showing almost every starry
night. It started very progressively, every night I went to the circular landing area on the side of the road. After a few weeks of no UFO at all, then some started to appear, here and then, but in a very discrete and dissimulated manner.
Then, night after night, there was more UFO that the preceding night.
With the many groups of people who came visit the Matawini site for the first time in modern history, as I had expected, the UFO sighting was amplified by the group energy. All these people where to some degree spiritually and UFO aware.
This progression in the number of sightings continued to the point, that every clear and starry night, there was an almost constant flow of UFO appearance, between 10 to 20 UFO appearing every nights, with a great variety of type and manner of appearance and behaviour. At a point, I had to go to sleep, but it certainly would have continued far in the night if I could have stayed outside all night.
I saw again the same 2012 Countdown Clock of UFO that was described in the book Blue Star Prophecy of Miriam Delicado, and that I saw in montreal a few years ago.
It was almost exactly the same, a series of 6 UFO's started to appear one after the other, in a perfectly precise circular configuration representing the left side of a clock from the 6 to 12 hour. The first UFO appeared starting at the bottom and then a second one at the 7h position and another following at the 8h. then 9h. and so on until a 6th. UFO appeared in the top position of the clock for the 12th. hour, representing the year 2012. Then, I saw another UFO just outside the 2012 countdown clock, crossing the sky in a straight line at great speed and leaving a trace of light behind. The direction and angle of the trajectory of this UFO, was pointing exactly toward the circular UFO Lift Off area that is located further away on the side of the road, and that is located where the spherical stone appeared in a powerful lightning strike common spiritual experienced that happened with my girlfriend as we were coming back from a visit to the sacred cave of Matawini...
The very numerous UFO presence at the site, for the first summer,
tells me that the Galactic Federation is now very aware of the Matawini site and may have
followed closely all the new discoveries that I have made.
I consider their massive showing during all the 2009 summer season indicates that the
Matawini site is now officially under the protection of the Galactic Federation of Light.
This is some real good news. I now remember that I had foreseen this in my prayers and seed-visions for the future. Often I have given the permission to the Galactic Federation to use the sacred site as a safe harbour for them, and that as an ambassador of the aware civilization of Earth, I called for their Armada to come in great number and use this sacred site as they see fit for their operations. They again have answered my call, prayers and seed-vision.
The last night at the Matawini cottage, just after I finished packing
the car and I was ready to go back to montreal, I then lifted my head to the stars and asked: '' Will you come pick me at the Matawini landing site before the hard times start
rolling, so I can continue my mission after 2012 ?'' and then, right away, instantly a UFO showed up clearly as a positive answer to my question.
Then I asked: '' Will you pick me up at the parc close to where I live in
Montreal where the Blue Katchina crop circle appeared,
if I am there when things start to go difficult and I cannot survive.''
Again immediately another UFO showed, as a positive answer.
I feel it is the best possible outcome so my knowledge about the very important discoveries that have been made at the Matawini site is not lost, and that it can be put to contribution during and after the ascension of 2012.
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CELESTRIAL UFO SIGHTINGS & the Sacred Site of Matawini
from Astraelia
It is now time in my life to step forward to help bring awareness to the citizens of the world that indeed there are higher forces surrounding us all. There is indeed a Celestrial presence of extraterrestrial origin and from higher spiritual dimensions currently around this planet, that has been sent here on decree of the Prime Creator, and I feel it is my duty to humanity to share with you the truth of what has been shared with me, for it is your birth right to know the truth, without which no light can ever shine forth, in the depth of the night, our planet has been heading for.
I have been a contactee since 2007. It’s a long story that is linked to my discovery of the ancient sacred site of Matawini when I was a child. This is the story of some discoveries made at the sacred site of Matawini that are linked in the far past and now in the present with spiritually advanced Celestrial civilizations from other Orbs and from higher spiritual dimensions. These celestrial civilizations with me as with many other contactees are currently attempting to reveal their existence to humanity, or at least with those that are ready, in the hope of establishing the basis of peaceful and constructive relationship in the future with Earth humans. This sacred site is linked to the return of the Celestrials on Earth, and with the prophecies of 2012.
The most out of the ordinary discoveries made on the Matawini site, are the megalithic structures (giant stones) There is a giant Stonehenge like circle of huge stones on the top of this Matawini mountain. The megalithic circle in it's longest axis, is close to half a kilometer long, which is something unique probably in the Northen regions of America. All of the stones of this giant megalithic circle are larger than a car and must weight around 10 tons. The largest stone that is located right in the middle of the facade of the mountain on the summit of the 200 feet dome that is on the summit of the mountain, is a geometric rectangular shaped stone of 12 feet high by 12 feet long and 6 feet wide and must weight well around 20 tons.
I also discovered in 2008, at the base of the mountain, an alignment of giant arrowheads triangular stones. The first and smaller triangle is about 2 feet wide and must weight about 200 pounds, than 30 feet further there is another one twice that size, 30 feet further another one twice the size of the preceding one and so on always growing in size, for up to six or seven aligned triangular stones in total, with that last one about 10 feet long, 5 feet high and 6 feet deep and weighting many tons. We know now with the researches in alternative archeology that almost all megalithic sites were not done by humans but by extraterrestrial civilizations of the far past that had established colonies on Earth. This sacred Indian site might have been used in later epochs by local Indian tribes, but it is my understanding that they inherited these megalithic structures from a preceding civilization that had the capacity to move stones that weight many tons on top of a mountain, and displace huge multi tons arrow head triangular stones from their point of discovery and align them in a progressive size order all pointing in the exact same direction in relation to the compass coordinates.
The sacred site of Matawini may be one of the most important sacred site ever discovered in North America, because of it’s Stonehenge like megalithic structures. To my knowledge it may be the only megalithic site ever discovered in the Northen regions of North America. But I want to keep it safe as a living Sacred Site, and only invite there dedicated spiritual people I have full confidence in and that have the maturity to understand that such a jewel of a living sacred site deserve to be protected and must be protected by respect, wisdom and secrecy.
But, my whole involvement with extraterrestrial sightings came from another even stranger discovery I made at the Matawini lake where I discovered this sacred site, not far from our family cottage.
It all started the last time I took a plane ride over Matawini lake. Suddenly, I saw something I never saw in my life, either in photographs or in any exploration or discovery program. I saw from the plane what seemed to me to be a meteor crater right on the top of a mountain. A very, very deep crater, completely vertical like if a meteor would have come from a 90 degree vertical angle straight down. It was difficult to evaluate the depth from a fast moving plane, but judging from the relative size of the spruce trees, it could be from 300 to 600 feet deep, maybe even more, with a perfectly circular little lake at the bottom. The best way to describe the shape of this crater, is to imagine you are flying over a giant elongated trumpet that has been put on the vertical axis with the large opening on top, and you are looking straight down into it...
That is exactly the shape of this crater. So, for many years, I thought it was a non reported meteor crater I had discovered.
Until some years later... when I eventually discovered the whole reality of the existence of celestrial civilizations, and I began to study this whole subject very seriously, and have now become to a certain degree a knowledgable person on the subject. I learned about the underground vitrified tunnel technology extraterrestrials used, and the very ancient underground bases that have been developed by them on our planet. I learned that the extraterrestrials always put the entry of their underground bases on the very top of mountains, in places where humans rarely access. Then I began to reconsider the origin of this crater.
Under this light, the megalithic structures of the Matawini sacred site seems to consolidate the possibility of the extraterrestrial origin of this crater and this very unusually deep vertical crater and it’s perfect geometrical positioning seems to confirm the potential of extraterrestrial origin of the megalithic structures of the Matawini sacred site which are also possibly quite unique in the Northen regions of America. This is also in some way confirmed by the Indians I spoke to who told me it was not them that could have build such large stone structures, because they were nomadic tribes that travel lightly.
So, at this time I was having this whole reconsideration of this crater true nature, I read a story of someone who had tried sending telepathic messages to extraterrestrials and it did work. So, I decided to try it myself. I sent a clear telepathic image of this lake shape with the central axis position of the crater and the position of the sacred site side, asking spiritually advanced extraterrestrials to go see this crater and check if it could be an ancient base entry that they might have forgotten about and see if they could use it again for their purpose.
Not long after I began sending these telepathic messages, one evening in the summer of 2007, as I was playing my shamanic drum and doing chamanic chanting outside on my patio in Montreal, I had my first UFO sighting !
A very powerful bright flash, many times more powerful than the stronger flashes that can be seen from aircrafts, doing all kinds of behaviors that no planes ever do. Being stationary, changing the rythm of the pulsations, stopping, restarting, moving vertically, changing directions ect. ect. ( After this first sighting I began to study with a lot of attention for many mounts all the possible caracteristic and behaviors of plane lights and flashes and never did I saw anything that matches the behavior that occurs in these UFO sightings.)
There was a second sighting over Montreal again as I was playing my shamanic drum and blowing in my conqshell outside, with these same very powerful flashes and that time, at a point, I felt a beam of communication of energy of love coming from the UFO straight to my heart chakras. I could see the beam of spiritual energy linking the UFO and my chakras with love, and felt a very real spiritual connection with the source of this love.
Then, the first weekend of august 2007, I went to a great Indian spiritual gathering 400 miles up north of Montreal in Maniwaki, an indian reserve, to meet William Commanda a well known Indian Great Chief & Shaman to inform him of the discovery of this ancient sacred site. William Commanda have personally met the great zulu shaman Credo, so I am convinced he is well initiated into the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. William Commanda is also the heir of some major sacred prophesies ancient Wampum Belts. These ancient prophesies where made before the coming of the white Europeans to North America. They have prophesied step by step all that has happen more than 500 years before the series of events they describe. It also prophesied that 500 years after the terrible demise of their great spiritual civilization by the hidden hand of the Illuminati that have used the Christian church institution as a cover up for the same kind of cultural and spiritual genocide that we the white race have also been subjected to 2000 years ago, that the voice of wisdom of the indigenous civilizations of North America would be rising again after 500 years of total oppression and that by than, all on Earth would see and understand it's great wisdom and sacred guiding path it points to, for a New Age of harmony between humans and reverence for Mother Earth. ( www.circleofallnations.org )
Before I traveled to Maniwaki, I had asked telepathically to the extraterrestrials, to give me a confirmation of the extraterrestrial nature of the crater and also to tell me if my discovery of the Matawini sacred site was related to this crater. The confirmation I asked them was to follow me 400 miles up north of Montreal to the Maniwaki spiritual gathering and to appear there as a confirmation of all this ...
This sighting during the Maniwaki spiritual gathering happened after I had made the transmission of the sacred site publicly to the Elder William Commanda, and after I had the privilege to do some shamanic singing at this gathering. I was talking to a man that was facing me, then suddenly I see his face change and he pointed the sky with his hand saying LOOK! I turned around to look in the direction he was pointing, and there it was, the same very powerful bright flashes... I saw during the 2 first UFO sightings I had in Montreal. The Celestrials had followed me 400 miles north of Montreal, to this great spiritual gathering in confirmation of my questions, and also in open support and confirmation for my relationship with them. The way these UFO manifest, they are not just flashes, there is a very strong intense communication or communion that happen when these flashes appear. There is an immediacy of knowing that it is a UFO communicating with us. A kind of instantaneous certainty without a doubt that it is so, a true deeply felt spiritual communication.
We are not alone anymore...we have friends... the Great Brotherhood of Light of the Celestrial is here. Thanks God ...
( I discussed with this man afterward, and he told me he had never had any interest whatsoever in UFO’s in his life, he did not even believe in UFO reality, and like me, he had the absolute certainty it was a UFO at the very first second the powerful flashes appeared. I was very glad that someone else than me had seen and experienced this sighting, it comforted me in the authenticity and objectivity of these sightings.)
There was another sighting at the large clear circle area in the forest near the location where the spherical stone appeared when the lightning strike thunderbolt coming from the sky hit the ground. I had brought the spherical stone with me, and I was sounding my conqshell toward the sky of this summer day. I always had the intuition that this spherical stone, among it's many gifts, may also be a potential communication device to communicate with the extraterrestrials. My seeking was answered. Eventually, I saw in high altitude a meteorite like trace of light following an object, but with a trajectory that was going up at a sharp 45 degree angle (which commercial planes or meteorites do not do) and then after a while the object suddenly completely disappeared in an instant in a clear cloudless area of the sky.
BLUE KATCHINA CROP CIRCLE that appeared on the 24 oct 2007 :
I have been a contactee since last summer of 2007. I have had 3 sightings last summer, and subsequently, I had a crop circle appear in a circle of pine trees where I go meditate and do shamanic rituals of sacred singing and drumming. What is meaningful I believe for the UFO researchers community, is that this crop circle appeared on the exact date of the explosion in size greater than the sun, of the Blue Katchina 17/P Holmes comet that occured the 24 october 2007. When I discovered the crop circle, I became white.... speechless, this place was like holy, there was like a radiance not of this world all over the pine circle area, like it had become a holy place... This crop circle had 2 sun shapes and another smoother circular shape that was slightly larger than the 2 sun like shapes. I believe the Hopi prophecies do mention the eventual occurence of 2 suns. I understand that many informed people around the world, are poundering the possibility that this most unusual stellar object and it’s sudden expansion in size could indeed be the Blue Katchina, the last sign mentioned in the Hopi prophecies.
I am now sharing with the celestrial civilizations researchers community this information as this crop circle astronomical message and the date it appeared seems to be a confirmation from higher powers from above, that indeed this 17/P Holmes comet is the Blue Katchina Blue Star.
I have heard of other crop circles that have been in advance prophetic of the coming of the Blue Katchina, but this is the only one to my knowledge that has occured on the very same day of this event. My interpretation is that the larger of the 3 circles might represent the Blue Katchina that is now of a larger diameter than the sun. As for the 2 suns like circles, one might represent our sun, the other Nibiru. That is the best interpretation I can make of it at the moment.
Another meaningful element that was associated with this Blue Katchina Crop Circle, is that at the same time this crop circle appeared, about 500 pine cones I had gathered from the ground and used to make domes of about a hundred pine cones at the feet of 5 of the pines trees, have completely disappeared ...
The message I read in this symbolic mass abduction, seems to confirm in a symbolic way, the possibility of a rescue operation phase where the Celestrial would come and abduct to the safety of their craft and planet, those on Earth that are ready and willing to go on to another more spiritual phase of evolution.
If I take into account this Blue Katchina crop circle, plus the abduction of 500 symbolic humans, and the next mass UFO sighting I had that lasted 2 hours on the 4 of july 2008, where a clock like geometric representation was drawn in the sky by about 6 UFO’s, indicating the 2012 countdown clock has now reached the last hour, and it is coming very fast ...
I f I take into accounts the information that have been transmitted by the Tall Blonds extraterrestrials to Miriam Delicado, and that are explained in her book, all this combines to indicate that there may be events of a great magnitude that are imminent and that the Celestrial civilizations may play a role to rescue the humans that are spiritually advanced enough to be harbour and be given safe heaven in order to safegard the considerable amount of work it has taken to bring us to the level of evolution we are at now.
On the 4 of july 08, an almost 2 hour long sighting occured after I played my chamanic drum outside. This sighting was different then the 3 preceding ones, in the aspect that the UFO’s involved did not manifest with the very powerful bright flashes I had seen in the 3 previous sightings. The intensity of the light pulsation was more attenuated, like more discrete and possibly higher up in altitude. This sighting had 3 phases. It started with a single UFO, that progressively crossed the sky from left to right, doing all kinds of movements and behaviors caracteristic of UFO’s. Then, suddenly, there was a central episode that had the same characteristics as a mass sighting I remembered was described in the book of an important contactee from Vancouver, Miriam Delicado, who in her book Blue Star – fulfilling prophecy, tells the story of her firsthand contacts with the Tall Blonde extraterrestrials since her childhood.
This common sighting involved a geometric structure made of multiple UFO’s positioned to create a half circle formation in the shape of a letter C in the sky ... The UFO’s positioning themselves with absolute precision like a grid of dots following a perfect arc.
As it was occuring, I immediately remembered the C letter formed with dots, that was mentioned in this book, and likewise, there was a missing dot at the top, and I knew in advance what would happen... and it’s exactly what happened, a UFO appeared in the geometric radius center of the C, and moved at a fantastic speed to go fill in the missing dot position at the very top of the C letter shape made of multiple UFO’s. There must have been 6 UFO’s minimum that were there in formation to create the C letter shape, one for every hour of the countdown clock.
My interpretation and understanding, is that it represents the Countdown Clock to 2012...
The half circle arc, represents the left side of a clock. The missing dot at the top is the 12 th. and last hour. So it signifies: We are now at the eleventh hour of the final countdown, and the 12 hour is now imminent... prepare... it may happen very fast ...
So Miriam Delicado, on the Canada west coast in Vancouver and me on the east coast in Montreal / Quebec, since this recent sighting that occured in Montreal the 4 of july 2008, we both have received the exact same message from our Celestrial star brothers.
The last tableau of this tryptique sighting, is that the original single UFO then become accompanied by a second UFO, and the two remained together flashing for almost half and hour in the same position.
Then, I decided to start to wave my hands to them in sign of joy, love and gratitude for their presence and goodwill towards us, and then the two UFO’s started blinking with more intensity and faster pulsations. I continued waving my two hands to them in great gestures so they could see me even from that far, and then, a third UFO appeared close to the original UFO. I felt more joy and happiness and continued to wave for about 10 minutes to the 3 UFO’s, then, I see a forth UFO appear, a few minutes after a fifth one, I felt the more I waved at them, and the more joy I felt, the more they responded with their presence, then another one started blinking, then higher another, another one, all blinking so beautifully, so joyfully, it was a Celestial brotherhood between them and me, between the sky and earth.
At that point, there must have been around a dozen UFO’s blinking ... I then realized that I had previously had some kind of spiritual vision of this mass UFO sighting when I was meditating at the sacred site of Matawini during the previous summer. And then I was there, seeing in the sky the true manifestation of this vision I had ... They were forming altogether, a circular constellation of UFO’s, a sacred circle in the night sky...
Tuesday 4 nov 2008 around 6.30pm.
I was outside in the beautiful Indian summer night, looking at the sky. I was sending telepathic waves to our brothers the Celestrial that are in mission around the Earth in the invisible spectrum.
I was asking if I should go to the sacred site of MATAWINI tomorrow for 2 days as I was planning, and I was asking if there was any plans from their part to further contact evolution at the sacred site.
Then I noticed what seemed to be 2 very bright stars appear in front of my eyes where I was gazing. There was very few other stars in the sky at that early time of the evening around 6.30 pm. They were not blinking like planes, they were in a diagonal formation an angle like when the time on a watch is at 11 hour, I was strongly attracted to them and it seemed to me they where moving very slowly, moving together like locked on at the same distance & speed in a cluster moving in the same direction. I found a tree top to use as a fix point to be sure that they were moving and yes, affirmative they were.
So at that point it was clear it was classic UFO shamanic language if I can express myself in this manner. Clear for the initiate, invisible for the non initiate. Than after the moment I realized this was a genuine UFO sighting and in answer to my request, then with discretion, the 2 UFO started to progressively fade out into the invisible spectrum mode together, one staying visible a few seconds longer. The fade out was very progressive and lasted a good 10 to 12 seconds. I than knew it was their answer... YES I should go, they will be there in heart or in sight but they will be there.
I then went in my room to take the spherical stone that appeared in the lightning strike spiritual experience I had with my girlfriend coming back from a visit to the sacred cave of Matawini.
I then put the medieval music the Hymn to Ste-Cecilia from Purcell, and with the spherical stone positioned over my heart chakra I started to sing and do a sacred ceremony in spirit with the Celestrials and all the sacred world of Light that all initiates in all Ages, in all Times have seen and known. It was the most powerful heavenly and lightful moment and concert, I really felt fully connected to them. I was healed by this connection, inspired, one with all that is. I felt the awesome power of the sacred stone. I felt I had succeeded in awakening the sacred spherical stone, and that it confirmed to me it's purpose is also to communicate with the Celestrial. This is one more of it's powers it is revealing. The power to unite the sacred dimension of the Celestrials with our dimension and make us all become One. It seems to be a portal stone, that has the power to open a spiritual sacred dimensional doorway. This was one of the most beautiful moment of my life. An inexpressible communion.
We are blessed my friends, more than we have ever known. more than we ever hoped or wished for, we are ... believe it. Great things are in the making, it has been shown to me and to many initiates. The powers of above are coming back to Earth. It is time that we play the role we have been sent here for, within ourselve first and foremost. And also within the circle of initiates that we are.
When I was at the site, after I rested in the evening after a day at the sacred cave, I saw one pulsating light in the night sky, and it was not moving, it kept pulsating steadily at the same position for around 7 minutes. So they were at the rendez-vous.
I also saw something I never saw before, 3 huge meteors in the same trajectory within ...
[Message clipped] View entire message
The Sacred Site of AGARTHA in Matawini have been discovered by Astraelia at the age of 7 after a powerful mystical experience occurred as a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him his wings spread opened in the center of the sun. It is a very ancient sacred site, whose discovery have been kept a secret for more than 50 years. This megalithic site goes back to the previous Age of Light on Earth, and is being reactivated to play it's inspiring role in the birthing of the New Age of Light. This New Age of Light is expected to arise with the return of the Ancestors, those the indigenous peoples call the ''Star Nations'' the great Armada of the Galactic Federation of Light actually around our Planet.
The time has come for the discovery of the fundamentally spiritual nature and meaning of the presence of the Celestrial civilizations actually around Earth in the invisible spectrum. These spiritually advanced extraterrestrial civilizations of the Light, are sent here by Prime Creator, in a paramount mission of birthing the spiritual Ascension of humanity. They are both our archaic genetic ancestors who have seeded humanity on the sacred paradise of Gaia, and are also what we know to be the Gardian Angels sent here by Prime Creator to assist him in the full implementation of the Divine Plan of return to the spiritual dimensions, that has been prophesied by the Ancients for Earth Humanity.
The disclosure and landing of the Galactic Federation Armada will be leading to the eventual revelation of the long hidden secret of the existence of the Inner Earth Agartha Kingdom who will play a key role in the Ascension process by providing light transformation chambers that will enable us to reaccess the forgotten memory of who we are, and will reconnect our chakras that have been closed since the great devolution that occurred at the end of the Atlantean Era. The members of the 5th dimensional Agartha Kingdom are the descendants of the LEMURIAN ancient Star Civilization that have built the Agartha sacred site. They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia after the invasion of the Dark Empire of Anchara who covertly took over our beloved planet 550 thousand years ago.
The impending Spiritual Ascension process is accessible to all spiritually inclined people of Earth who wish to walk on this sacred path of their own free will. We are destined to become the steward gardians of Gaia that will be reborn in it's original state of a sacred paradise planet of the Light existing on the 4th and 5th dimensional level.
Astraelia is also a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Light Worker working ''on the sacred side of things'', reactivating the primordial living link between Earth and the Spiritual Dimensions, through the medium of ceremonies, sacred singing and tantric extatic yoga practices. This whole story of the discovery of Matawini is a genuine living legend of our time, bringing us a glimpse of the Light, Bliss and Divine Love which is our true destiny has it will be revealed to all of us in 2012. This is the magnitude of what is being hidden from us, behind the whole secrecy on the subject of UFO presence around our planet, and on the profound spiritual meaning of the Ascension process that is to occur in 2012.
The celestial legions of the Angels of the Light are here, in their heavenly vehicules of living light that we still call UFO, in this paramount mission involving the greatest UFO Armada ever assembled, including over 1000 giant Motherships, dozens of Planetoid size Starships, and over 15 millions UFO, in orbit around Earth waiting for a massive First Contact landing, in order to implement the Divine Plan of liberation of Earth from the entrenched remains of the Dark Force of the Illuminati, and the return to the spiritual dimensions of all those that are ready and willing to enter the dimensional portal of 2012, of their own Free Will and with blissful Love and Joy in their heart. A Divine Intervention of very great magnitude is about to happen. May we all soon be One in the supreme Light of Divine Love.
The role of the Agartha site is to be an anchoring point in the Light Grid of Earth for the Light current energies that are being channeled toward Earth from the Galactic Center and the Planetoid size Starships of the Armada of the Galactic Federation, in preparation for the dimensional ascension of 2012, that will bring us back to our previously enjoyed full consciousness.
There are 5 magnificent sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. There is a crystal obelisk in the sacred cave, a megalithic stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain, & a Cristal Crop Circle of the symbol of the Galactic Federation on the Giant Rock Site and many UFO shaped ancient Dolmens. Crystal Obelisks shaped like ''Flames of Stone'' have been predicted to be found on the site, and after many years of quest, many have been found, the largest one being over 600 pounds. In 2010 a new sacred site has been discovered, the Agartha Pyramid site.
The discovery of the sacred site by Astraelia at the age of 7, is also the fulfillment of an ancient local Indian Elders prophecy, who had predicted the discovery of an important sacred site in Quebec by a seven years old child. This prophecy also mentioned an important Sacred Bundle would be found. The prophecy has in all it's aspects been fulfilled... The Agartha sacred site is dedicated to the return of the New Age of Light & spirituality on Earth, the reunion with our ancestors, the Celestrial Civilizations from the Star Nations, & the Agartha Inner Earth Kingdom, and the dimensional spiritual Ascension Process of 2012.
May the Great Spirit Sun shine it's Bliss in our heart.
May the christed light of love radiate in our hearts
And announce a new Day for Gaia & her faithful guardians
The most important journey, is the one that leads to ourself
Astraelia astraelia@gmail.com
Brothers do not despair, our Family from the Stars is here with us, they have returned. We are not alone anymore, we now have powerful friends on the side of the Light & Humanity. May they be blessed a thousand times for their immense help. They have come answering the call for assistance from the soul of every aware humans here, who knows our Planet is lead to oblivion by the Mafia of dangerous psychopaths that the Jewish Illuminati Cabal really is. May the Galactic Federation of Light be welcomed with the greatest union of hearts this Planet has ever known. Hope beyond hope is now possible for the future of Mother Earth.
The enemies of the Light will meet with the logic of their willful choice of existence. All that have conspire against Life, no more will find any support from the very sacred Life they have worked against. The lessons have been learned, there is no reason of existing now for the destructive madness of the prevaricators of Humanity. Life must protect her sacred gift. The Enemies of Life shall be thrown into the central Sun of the Galaxy, & return to the nothingness they came from before their soul creation.
God help our Brothers from the Stars, as they are here to manifest your will. We have to put an end to the prison of lies the darkness has made out of your beautiful sacred Earth. We will need all the help we can get Father of the Light.
May the light of dawn awaken in our soul
May our new birth be celebrated
At the four corners of the world
May all that was separated by obscurity
Find itself again unified in the primordial Light
The sacred seeding of Love
In all things have sown the gaze of the infinite
May an indescribable joy irradiates in our heart
On the blessed day of our birth to ourselves
We are the children of the Light
This is what we have successfully been made to forget
From the virginal womb of the Light we have been birthed
The dawn of a new day is awakening
That will see us finally forever
One in the Light
True Love is never created, it already is
never given, it already fills the air with songs
since the end of time
It never forgets you
it is the river of your memory
Never do you need to be forgiven
for in brotherhood it holds you dear
Loves is All that Inspires
And this begins with you
For a Sun in seed you are
Shining and Bright like a thousand stars
In the eyes of Love.
For a long time we have been waiting for a Miracle
We are the Ones we have been waiting for
To open the gateways to the prophesied
Golden Age of Light.
All our prayers and those of our ancestors
will soon be answered
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FIRST CONTACT 2012 - by Sheldan Nidle
Visit the Agartha site
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FIRST CONTACT 2012 - by Sheldan Nidle
For a long time we have been waithing for a miracle
When we are the Ones we have been hoping for
To open the gateways to the New Age of Light.
May an everlasting Age of Light awaken on Earth.
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w w w . a s t r a e l i a . w e b s. c o m
M u s i c f o r t h e A s c e n s i o n - Music by Astraelia :
( NEW PHOTO SLIDE SHOW of AGARTHA latest discoveries / clic this LINK )
The Sacred Cave of Agartha have been discovered by Astraelia in the Matawini region near Montreal / Quebec / Canada . This discovery happened at the age of 7 after a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him, centered in the middle of the sun with it's wings spread open, inducing a spiritual trance and a very powerful mystical experience.
Soon after this mystical experience, the 7 years old child was guided to discover the Sacred Cave of Agartha who at the moment of it's discovery revealed it's spiritual power in all it's magnitude making it absolutely clear that it was a living and powerfully inspiring sacred site. The Matawini Cave it was later discovered, is part of a very ancient megalithic sacred site where 7 inspiring sacred sites have been discovered around the Matawini Mountain. An Indian that have helped Astraelia understand the nature of this discovery, has eventually revealed he was informed by Indian Elders that an ancient Indian prophecy stated an important sacred site would be discovered in Quebec by a 7 years old child... This prophecy stated also that an important Sacred Bundle would be discovered. With the 2012 Spiritual Ascension in the making, Astraelia consider the time to share this secret has now come. This prophecy as now been fulfilled...
The Agartha Sacred Site is a very ancient megalithic sacred site that was built by the Kingdom of Agartha who are the surviving descendants of Lumeria who had found refuge in the womb of Gaia in Inner Earth. It was also used by the Galactic Federation during the Age of Light as is indicated by their symbol that is engraved as a crystal crop circle on the side of the Giant Stone site. The local Indians that have later used the sacred site, have inherited these megalithic structures but they have not built them. They themselves affirm that it is not them that could have built them because they where nomadic tribes that traveled lightly.
During his childhood, Astraelia experienced over 12 out of body experiences. In all these occurrences, his soul, his astral body was going fusioning back with his previous incarnation ancestor. Astraelia was seeing himself holding in his hand a Spherical Power Stone under the Earth, fusioned with the Indian Shaman that was buried under the large tomb size Indian Carpet that have been miraculously found intact in the Sacred Cave. From these astral experiences clear elements eventually brought the understanding that in discovering the sacred cave at the age of 7, Astraelia was also discovering his tomb from a previous incarnation as the chaman of the Matawini site. A ''Spherical Power Stone'' was used by this shaman has his shamanic Bundle, and this Power Stone was in his hands when this shaman died and was buried, demonstrating the great importance that was attributed to it.
This Spherical Power Stone that Astraelia was holding in the astral as a child later came back into this dimension in a very powerful Lightning Strike common spiritual experience that occurred one day as Astraelia and his girlfriend were coming back from a visit to the sacred cave. For many years after this power stone remained dormant until Astraelia discovered the secret of how to awake it's power by going to sleep with the stone in his hands like he experienced when he had out of body astral experiences as a child. The power of this stone then induced an out of body astral experience, and gave Astraelia access to a heavenly mystical dimension of absolute Bliss, Love, Light and Enlightenment.
There are 7 major sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. The Sacred cave, the Turtle & tree of Life site, the Giant Rock site and the Rock Dome Altar. In the spring of 2010, 3 new sacred site has been discovered, the Pyramid Vault, the Equilibrium megalithic site & the giant Crystal Flame of Stone obelisk of 600 pounds. There is a crystal obelisk in the cave & a large megalithic Stonehenge like stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain. The largest rectangular stone on the summit is 12 ft. High by 12 ft. long and may weight over 10 tons. There is also found at the base of the Matawini mountain a Megalithic alignment of Giant Triangular Arrow Heads all aligned in growing size order and to the same compass coordinates.
A Crystal Crop Circle signature of the pyramidal symbol of the Galactic Federation of Light has been found on the side of the Giant Stone site. This mega stone is as big as a house and all those that have seen it do say it is the largest rock they have seen in their life. It is symmetrical and faceted like a crystal, with 2 large vaults at the base where a sacred light appeared on discovery, and lead to the discovery of the Sacred Bundle of Obelisk shaped like a Flame of Stone. The Giant Rock has the shape of a Pleiadian UFO.
The Turtle and Tree of Life site is the living embodiment of the symbol and vision of the world wide known Algonquin Chief William Commanda, who came do a ceremony at the Sacred Cave. William Commanda is the heir and caretaker of many ancient Wampum Prophecy Belts about our times and the coming of a Fifth World of Light where Humanity will have recreated the sacred circle of life with the Creator, Mother Earth and all Humans that will be bearers of the sacred Light. There is a giant very ancient tree, whose huge roots encircle a 5 ft. tall quartz rock carved by nature to resemble the head of a Turtle, the giant tree being the shell of the Turtle. The Turtle is looking at an ancient dead tree trunk, with a new young tree growing inside the ancestral tree, meaning, there will be a New Age of Light that will grow from the ancient ancestral Tree of Life.
Many Rock Domes have been discovered around the site. But the first and largest of the Rock Domes have a large flat altar stone on top of it that is shaped like a UFO, and on it a small geometric rock message was left there centuries ago for rediscovery in this time. This rock message is shaped like a UFO... So the message to my best understanding is: UFO's that will come from inside large Mother Ships UFO's may eventually appear at the Matawini site, being an ancient sacred site of the Galactic Federation.
A new major sacred site has been discovered, the Radiant Pyramid Vault site, a huge pyramid structure and vault, that is shaped like a giant crystal, symmetrical on all sides, very similar to a geometric geodesic dome structure. But over that, what is really very mysterious and powerful, is that on both side of this massive 40 feet wide 60 feet deep and 25 feet high pyramid are like 3 parallel power rays vibrating from the pyramid, each of the 6 parallel ray of stone symmetrically disposed on each side of the Pyramid Vault, is 2 feet wide 6 feet high and 30 feet long! The stone cutting technique used in these power rays, is similar to the INCA stone cutting technique where each stone is of a different shape, corresponding to the surrounding stones shapes.
Whenever he was exploring the sacred site, Astraelia since many years, have been animated from the inside by a vision, that said: '' Keep your eyes open for - Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone, & Raise the ancient Obelisks to awaken the prophesied New Age of Light upon Earth. '' This motive vision was with him in his explorations, years after years as he was keeping the faith and keeping his eyes opened, until he found the very first Obelisk. It was shaped like a Flame of Stone... It was found under the guidance of a sacred Light that appeared at the discovery of a new sacred site. With the subsequent years of exploration many more Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone have been dicovered, with the largest one being over 5 ½ feet tall and weigthing around 600 pounds...
Astraelia is also an important contactee who have received over a hundred sightings at the Matawini site and in Montreal, with some major group sightings involving over12 UFO's, and a countdown clock to 2012 that was drawn in the sky at two occasions by a group of UFO's, indicating we are at the eleventh hour, prepare ! In october 2010, an Armada of over 70 UFO flying at very low altitude passed over Astraelia's home in Montreal, almost covering the Night sky from one end to the other. A Dopler Radar photo of the sky over montreal, revealed the presence of a gigantic Mothership of 100 miles in diameter, in the invisible spectrum, but manifesting both as a Dopler Radar and cloud covering form of 100 miles circular shape.
A great number of Light Orbs, some with prismatic rainbow color, have also manifested in many occasions on the Matawini site. A Crop Circle have also appeared on the very day of the explosion in size greater than the sun of the Blue Katchina - Holmes comet, which is the last sign of the Hopi prophecy. Indicating the entry into the Fifth world of Light and the imminent return of the Ancestors. They are already there..
As the White Guardian Shaman of the Matawini Site for all his life, it has been the contribution of Astraelia to bear the fruits of the dedicated work of many incarnations to bring back to life and to the light, these spiritual treasures that where hidden from the sight of Man since Millenium.
With a whole life time of dedication, chamanic chanting, meditation and prayers, the Matawini Site play's it's uniquely inspired role in the creation of a New Age of Light on Earth by creating and living in the New Age of Light and maintaining alive the vision of the Age of Light that is prophesied for this Ascension of 2012 by the ancients all around the Earth. The ancient Crystal Flame Obelisks have been raised, and the light of day is shining again in their flaming hearts of crystal. May an everlasting Age of Light awaken on Earth.
The Native Elders have told that we have already entered the Fifth World of Light. The Elders reveal that the sacred ceremonies and rituals that so many dedicated people have performed and are continuing to perform in the last few years have anchored us into the Fifth World announcing the return of the Light.
This is the contribution of all the Initiates, all the Shamans and Light Workers of the world, who like Astraelia have nourished of their Light and Prayers, the Sacred Bound with the Creator, with it's messengers the Celestrials, and with Mother Earth. All those initiates that knows and remember how to connect with the Higher Spiritual Dimension of the Prime Creator Light.
May all be at peace
May the Great Spirit sun shine in our hearts.
May we be one with the One
May an everlasting New Age of Light awaken on Gaia
FIRST CONTACT 2012 - by Sheldan Nidle
I am the discoverer of a sacred site whose discovery has been prophesied by the Indian Elders here. This ancient prophecy of the Elders says that an important sacred site would be discovered by a 7 years old child in Quebec. I have kept this secret for more than 50 years. With the spiritual ascension of 2012 now in the making, I believe it is time now for me to speak. This is my story, the story of the discovery of the sacred site of AGARTHA in Matawini Quebec and the many revelations that came along the way.
In 1957, at the age of 7 during the summer at my family cottage in the Laurentian mountains of Quebec, I had an extraordinary mystical experience. I awoke in the afternoon after I had an astral experience and I was guided by a powerful force to go out alone in the forest without mentioning nobody in my family, and without my younger brother I was always with at this age. I felt called to go to a large pound I had just discovered a few days ago. When I got there, as I was inside the pound with my feet in the water, I had an encounter with a great Blue Heron that came from the sky coming from the sun and positioned himself in the center of the sun and then levitated over me with the bright sun rays bursting through it’s full opened wings of 7 feet wide. The Great Blue Heron was levitating motionless on the lift of the breeze from the Matawini lake like if time had come to a stand still.
This meeting with the Blue Heron instantaneously induced in me a spiritual trance and at the age of seven, I experienced my first and one of the greatest mystical experience I had in my life. This was a very powerful experience of discovering God’s presence in the energy and the blazing fire of the sun and in everything in this world that was lighted by this all penetrating infinite power of radiating light. The living presence of the Great Spirit was completely breaking through the veil of illusion who was for the time of this encounter with the Blue Heron completely lifted. This living radiant presence was breaking through with an indescribable energy inundating all with it’s glory, power, bliss and ecstasy. And everything was one in the light and love of this living presence...
This was a most powerful experience of initiatic enlightenment and communion with the Divine source of all Light Love and Bliss. I know now 50 years later, that this was the prophetic Proclamation of the New Age of Light on Earth. This Divine prophecy is now unfolding under our very eyes with the imminent revelation of the Spiritual Ascension Process of 2012 that will lead humanity back to the spiritual dimensions of the Light where we belong and originally come from. Back to the virgin womb of the sacred Light.
This meeting with the Blue Heron at the age of seven was my first initiation into the spiritual world for this life. Recently I went back to this pound where this whole story started, and I discovered an ancient rock dome altar similar to the rock dome I discovered later on the Matawini sacred site. I then remembered that I saw this rock dome as a child the day of the Heron meeting, and had found it quite mysterious and was very fascinated by it's presence. I did knew from intuition it was of Indian origin. The presence of this dome Altar means that this area where the pound is located and where I had this mystical experience, was considered to be part of the sacred site.
Soon afterward this spiritual experience with the Great Blue Heron, I had another out of body astral experience again in the afternoon after having taken a nap. When I awoke, it was like if I was another person, or a very mature and advanced part of me. I felt like there was a spiritual master that had awoke inside me and was guiding me. I did not spoke to anyone in my family. I started to walk outside without mentioning anyone where I was going and without my younger brother I always was with at the time. I was attracted like by an enchantment, a powerful & inspiring magical current. I knew I would make some very exotic and mysterious discovery. I had seen from a distance the sacred cave a few days before when I was with my younger brother, but a spiritual guide told me telepathically at that moment that I had to come alone, and not to involve my younger brother, this was something that was for me alone. I accepted this telepathic counsel, and just kept on talking to my brother like if nothing had happened. But I knew I had discovered something absolutely marvelous and of a spiritual nature. So now I was going to see for the first time this great discovery.
As I approached the cave for the first time I behold a Sacred Cave of sublime beauty and inspirational power. I was awe struck. It was a most inspiring and powerful vision, of a nature that I can only term as magico-spiritual. It induced a spiritual trance state in me, and I was not only seeing the physical beauty of the cave, I could sense the magical celestial power of this sacred cave, in all it's magnitude. I was overwelmed by the beauty grace and powerful spirituality that emanates from this natural site .
Even if I was only a child, it was absolutely clear to me that this was a nature's sacred cave, and that the native Indian tribes have felt exactly the same way as they contemplated it. I had a vision, I was seeing from a birds eye view, like if I was an eagle flying over the sacred cave at high altitude and I could see the whole area including the mountain, the great Matawini lake nearby, it was like I was seeing the past, alive in front of my eyes, I saw an Indian tribe living nearby this site. I was seeing a whole village of Indians located around the Mountain south side, and I could see many hundreds of persons going about their daily occupations around the camping ground of their village...
I had discovered a magical place that inspire you to enter in communion with nature. I later found, this Sacred Cave is part of an important ancient megalithic sacred site. I also discovered in the area of the cave, a large indian carpet in an almost intact state with a folding arrangement of 6 feet long by 3 feet wide, that in shamanic language indicates it is the tomb of a shaman. What I did not suspect at the time, is that it was my tomb from a previous incarnation as the shaman of this sacred site that I was discovering at seven years old.
I was informed by an Indian that knew well the Elders here, as he was hearing my story, that there is a prophecy of the local Indian Elders that had prophesied that an important sacred site would be discovered in Quebec by a seven years old child, that it was awaited for ... and that a sacred bundle would also be found.
There is a beautyfull crystal obelisk at the entrance of the sacred cave, and a large 2 feet wide crystal obelisk that is right in the center of the cave inside the passage way. All the sacred cave is in massive quartz crystal.
So for many years I went to the sacred cave to meditate and find inspiration and healing in the great beauty of this sacred cave. I brought all my friends that came sailing with me on my Tornado catamaran on the large lake nearby. We climbed the steep rock facade and once on the summit we climbed on the large rectangular rock on the very top of the mountain.
It always seemed very unusual to me to have a giant 12 feet high rock on the very summit of a mountain. What I did not know at that time is that this giant stone was not alone, it was part of a very large 100 meters, megalithic Stonehenge like stone circle that surround the whole mountain top. For many years I thought that the sacred cave was the only sacred site there. I eventually discovered the large tomb size indian carpet. But I never made any exploration of the area of the site to find more. So years went by without more clue about this discovery. By birth I am a very mystical inclined person, so it was my personal secret paradise on Earth. I felt most greatly honored to have a sacred site dedicated to me and my spiritual path in this life, and I did honored back this wonderful sacred site with my most dedicated devotion, meditations and pursue of the spiritual path. So years and decades went by, I was wondering what was the meaning of this discovery, it was a very personal intimate secret that I kept for myself alone, that I honored with happiness and gratitude, nothing particular ever happened with this sacred site.
But that was about to change...
On a summer afternoon, I was coming back from a visit to
the Indian cave with my girlfriend. We often went there, to feel the peace and beauty that transpire from the indian cave, and climb to the top of the mountain and then climb on the huge 12 feet high rectangular rock that is on top of the mountain to meditate under the warm sunlight.
That day, just coming from the Indian cavern, we both have lived together a
most unusual spiritual experience.
We were walking back home, we were at a few hundred feet from
the indian cavern when we were both suddenly literally STROKED BY
LIGHTNING... It was as if a spiritual thunderbolt of lightning had stroke us together with an incredibly powerful force. We were shaken to the deepest part of our being and could feel a spiritual power of very great magnitude taking over completely. I could see the ray of light coming from the sky and striking the ground and at the same exact moment of the impact, a spherical stone appeared projecting very powerful circular waves towards us. The strength and suddenness of this spiritual energy lightning had the same power as if it was a physical electrical lightning. So we understood immediately this was serious stuff going on.
We were at once thrown into another dimension and immediately at the moment the lightning strike occured, we saw very powerful circular waves coming toward us in rapidly growing concentric circles, coming from a rare shaped spherical stone on the side of the road. These powerful waves were passing through our body and continuing in space. It is like we had a 360 degree panorama vision, we were living all this but at the same time also looking at it from a perspective outside our body.
We instantly both became totally telepathic. We knew that the other was living exactly the same unbelievable experience, we could literally see through one another mind, and feel the overwelming power pulsating from that stone. We seemed not to be seeing the world with our visible eyes but through our astral eyes. Even if we were in full daylight, everything seems to be like night time. All we could see was all these waves pulsating from the stone with great speed and power. Hundreds of circular wave in concentric circles, pulsing like magnetic waves out of this mysterious spherical stone, covering all the horizon. The whole world seemed to be entirely focused on this stone emanating these powerful circular magnetic waves. All the scenery was distorted by the waves, like one sees on the surface of mirror calm water when you throw a big stone in it and all the scenery that was mirroring itself in the calm surface becomes undulated by the propagation of the wave of energy.
We were compelled to the deepest part of our mind, to served the will of the
stone who was in a living way and in no uncertain terms compelling us to
take it...
But we were two...
We both knew that we wanted this stone with all our will, we could see
telepathically this strong will to get this stone who was giving us such a
strange ride into some unknown universe. These were very tense moments as feet by feet we were approaching the stone and we were both hoping the other did not have the same experience as ourselve, but we knew, because we could see telepathically into each other mind perfectly clearly that this was a totally mutual spiritual experience that was occuring.
I got the stone first ....
Right at the very first second I had the stone in my hand, I knew immediately that it was meant for me, and what it meant to me ... It was a stone I was very acquainted with.. I had been holding it in my hands many times for long periods of time, when I was between 7 and 10 years old, in the Astral... in many out of the body experiences I had when I was a child...
And based on these astral experiences as a child, I know also I had used that sacred stone as part of my shamanic bundle as the shaman that was the ancient guardian of this very sacred site I rediscovered at the age of seven as was prophesied by the Indian elders of Quebec.
So this sacred stone is a very old friend that was coming back to me in a way that can only be called miraculous. I have to say this, because I had walked on this road thousand of times since I was a child, and this stone was not there before... It’s spherical shape is so outstanding for this region that it would have been taken immediately if it ever had been there before. We saw and notice the rare shape of this stone even from more than a hundred feet away as we walked toward it.
We didn't talked of this very strange spiritual experience right away, because we were too puzzled, and we needed some time to think it over and simply believe it really happened. I had this black spherical stone with a rugged surface in my hands, as a proof of the reality of this very mysterious event.
A few days after, we talked about it and I wanted to know if this feeling of
having a totally merged mutual experience had actually occured to her also. To make sure I did not influence her in anyway, I did not say anything, not a word about what I had seen and experienced. I just let her talk without saying a word... So she told me all she had seen from the very first moment the Powerful Lightning Strike occured, and she completely confirmed that we had actually both experienced exactly and totally
the same event.
Years after, every times we told this story to friends, having this
confirmation from one another helped us to assimilate the reality of such an
unbelievable event.
( Many persons have told me that the features of this stone, a very rugged surface, a black coloration that looks it has burned at high temperatures, may be indicative of it possibly be of meteorite origin...
One day I was meditating with 2 rare magnetic stones of known meteorite origin from Colorado, feeling the magnetic pulse that is generated by slowly moving the 2 stones close and then apart, I then had the intuition of replacing one of these 2 magnetic stones from Colorado by the Spherical Stone of Matawini.
To my great surprise, the same magnetic pulse happened, even stronger! This spherical stone was also magnetic!! I then got a magnet I had, and put it on the surface of the Spherical Stone ... The metallic magnet remained stucked to the stone ! It is a magnetic stone with enough iron in it's composition that solid metal magnets stick to it, an outstanding behavior that even the 2 Colorado meteorite magnetic stone did not produce. Based on these outstanding discoveries, I can assert that this magnetic spherical stone is also clearly of meteorite origin. )
But the years were passing by, and the stone remained silent since it's very powerful manifestation at the moment of it's revelation. I was wondering why this stone wanted so strongly to be taken, what was the purpose behind all this. It introduced itself with such power, strength and mastery. Why did it remained silent all these years?
So recently I was reflecting on this matter with the stone in my hands,
looking at it, and to the words of a friend who is well acquainted with shamanic lore, who had told me to be watchful of my dreams. I was aware of the difficulty for me to have dreams since I sometime have to take sleeping pills, and since many years, I almost never have dreams.
Then, I had some flash of intuition on the matter...
But I have to go back to my childhood to explain the logic of this intuition.
Right at the moment of discovering the stone, the very first thing that
came to my mind when I first hold the spherical stone in my hand, is that
it was like a piece of a puzzle about something that I only, knew about.
When I was a child, during a period between 7 and 10 years old, on about 12 occurence, I had out of the body experiences where I found myself awaken in the astral.
Whenever I found myself in this astral plane I experienced complete physical paralysis. I had great difficulty getting out of this paralysis. Even all my will wouldn't succeed in breaking away from this. I often lay there many hours before I was able to finally get out of the astral plane. The best method I found to be able to come back and wake up in the normal world, was to try to go back to sleep and then wake up normally instead of in the astral.
One thing that was present in all these occurence of astral sleep paralysis, is that I was holding a mysterious SPHERICAL STONE with a rugged surface in my hands. I had also in my hands a strong physical sensation permeating from the stone I was holding. I could feel a power radiating from the stone that penetrated 6 inches inside my body. A strong impression of numbness in my hands due to the effect of the power coming from the stone remained with me for a prolonged period even after I woke up.
In these astral experiences I saw myself in a previous life incarnation holding this stone of power in my hands. Only shamans have stones of power like that. It was made clear to me that I have been the guardian shaman of the Matawini sacred site in a previous life, that was using this stone as part of it’s “Bundle” of ritual tools, and that died holding the stone in his hands, indicating the very high value that was attributed to this stone. One element that made it completely clear that this was true, is that when my astral body was going back fusioned with my precedent incarnation under the earth at the sacred cave, holding the spherical stone, I could smell the exact strong and unique scent of the black earth that is found at the Matawini cave where the Indian carpet is located...
In the context of the many prophecies about our time and 2012, that where made more than 500 years ago by the Native Indians shamans and seers, I had at the time of this previous incarnation as the Matawini shaman, made the promise that I would come back as a child and that at seven years old I would rediscover the lost sacred site of Matawini, and would bring it back to the light of day and make it again a living sacred site that would play an important role in the revival of spiritual energy in our actual Era. I had prophesied that I would come back as a child and would rediscover the sacred site, so this is where this prophecy originates initially, and this prophecy has now been fulfilled. It was also made clear to me that in this previous life incarnation, I have been buried under the Indian carpet that is inside the sacred cave of Matawini. So, in discovering the sacred cave at the age of seven, I was also discovering my grave from a previous life ... And also for this life... because I know now that it is there that as the protector shaman of the sacred site of Matawini in this present incarnation I will be buried to fulfill the sacred circle of this prophecy.
Yet even if I died with the stone in my hands, there remain an unsolved very strange mystery of physical transference, since I later found the stone suddenly appearing in a very unexplainable way in a Lightning Strike spiritual experience, a few hundred feet from the sacred cave, centuries later…
Since I experienced these astral out of body experiences of holding this stone of power in my hands over a dozen times during my childhood, it seems there is a very strong message that is wanting to pass on to me, so I don’t forget these childhood astral experiences. Like with my first mystical experience with the Blue Heron, I never talked of these recurring astral experiences to my parents, because I knew they could not help me on these matters that where way out of the boundaries of the culture we were living in.
This invisible stone I hold in the astral was quite a mystery to me at the time, and all my life. So when I hold for real the astral stone in my hand for the first time, I was immediately struck by the fact that it was exactly the same shape, size, and ruggedness sensation that I knew from the mysterious stone I was holding in this astral plane as a child... This mystery of the presence of this astral stone in my life was suddenly partially revealing itself...
So recently, I was looking at the stone in my hand, and I had an intuition: I will go to sleep with the stone in my hands, just like I experienced as a child in out of body astral level, and maybe the stone will reveal it's secret and manifest itself and help me in having dreams again, and maybe I
will learn something from these dreams..."
It did work, and what dreams did I have. I had 3 dreams, very shamanic in nature. But the third dream, was like no dream I ever had before...
It was not a dream, but a mystical astral travel to a spiritual mystical dimension.
I went into a plane of existence that was filled with absolute bliss and
happiness. I went into a heavenly dimension of bliss and extasy ...
Words cannot describe what I experienced, it is of another dimension of oneness with the essence of life, a communion with the living light of Love and Bliss.
I was traveling inside immense domed arcs that were made not of matter but of light. A light with a divine intelligence and bliss that was radiating from the inside. This heavenly world was filled with radiating light, happiness, blissful extasy, overwellming beauty and plenitude.
The immense arcs of living radiant Light this dome heaven was made of, where constantly modulating their spectral color composition, and every color change was felt as a modulation in the extatic experience I was living. I felt I was in intimate communion with all this, like my being belonged to the same energy field of this absolute nirvana experience. This heavenly dimension was in intimate communication with my soul. A true telepathic communion existed between my soul and the radiant blissful light emanating from this heavenly world. An experience essentially similar to the contemplative bliss between the souls of two lovers in extatic bliss, except this other lover was the very source of Love itself radiating it's Light and healing love toward me, in it's fullness of acceptance. I was in a state of complete openness and natural capacity of receiving such immense energy it just flowed through me and I was part of all that extasy, this was enlightenment I was living...
As I traveled inside these Heavenly Domes of light, this intelligence in the light read my soul and revealed in an always overwellming manner that which my soul aspired to. It was a discovery tour of this immense heaven of domes of Light, as large as the vault of the sky when there are large clouds at high altitude.
So I believe I am discovering at least one of the powers of this mysterious Indian stone. It is a sacred stone, and this celestial stone is able to take one's soul to heaven... and experience enlightenment. In the powers of this sacred stone, there is a link to a divine celestial dimension of infinite Light Love and Bliss, a fusionnal union with the essence of all blessings.
Treasures from the Ancient Age of Light on Earth
There has been another prophecy made about the rediscovery of the Matawini sacred site. The Indian Elders of Quebec prophecy said that an important sacred site would be discovered by a seven years old child. It also claimed that an important Sacred Bundle would be found.
(A Sacred Bundle is a term that defines a set of sacred objects that were used by a shaman or Mage in rituals & ceremonies and that has been buried. Shamans are often buried with the sacred objects they used during their lifetime. It could also be any sacred objects that have been buried for preservation during a dark age of spirituality, to be rediscovered at a later time for some sacred purpose or use. So it is a term that can cover a large spectrum of possibilities.)
Since many years whenever I was doing some exploration on the site, I had this very strange vision arising in me. - Keep your eyes opened for obelisks shaped like a Flame of Stone -
I have nerver heard about Obelisk shaped like Flames of Stone, I have never seen any picture from anywhere in the world of anything resembling this. But this vision was strong and convincing, and conveyed that it was something important and serious. So, I kept my eyes always alert for this however unrealistic it seem to even expect such a thing to exist. But it was a strong intuition always coming back to me, years after years as I was exploring the Matawini immense site.
After having kept my eyes open for many years, I was guided to explore a certain area and after only a few minutes of research, after many fruitless years of keeping the faith about this intuition that I sensed was important and meaningful, I finally was guided to discover some rare almost magical obelisks that where just beyond words... They where all magnificent obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone !
There is also another vision that since many years have animated me so strongly from the inside, whenever I am on the site:
- Raise the ancient obelisks, to reawaken the New Age of Light on Earth.
What is very meaningful, is that the Matawini site itself seems to be carved by nature to receive these magnificent obelisks. There are numerous empty natural alcoves that seems to be just made to receive these obelisks. It is becoming clear that this is one of the major purpose of this sacred site, that the ancient obelisks be raised again to receive the massive light energy current that is being beamed to Earth by the galactic federation armada of starships that are actually orbiting our planet in the invisible spectrum. The Matawini site role is to be a major anchoring point of the mega wave of Light that will occur in 2012 as our planet comes into alignement with the central sun of our galaxy, this energetical and dimensional shift initiating a New Age of Light.
I have made an archeological dig in one promising place where a sacred light had appeared at a site at the moment of discovery. What I see now in retrospective is that this sacred light did actually guide me to discover the very first flame of stone obelisk I found on the site. That discovery was indicative of the – nature - of the sacred bundle of the other obelisks that I would discover later 3 years after. I believe now that this latest major discovery of the huge Flames of Stone obelisks is the final fulfillment of this second element of the prophecy - the sacred bundle - It is indeed quite a sacred bundle, of a magnitude and importance that do surpass my highest expectations.
There are 5 major archeological sites and numerous major archeological elements.
The SACRED CAVE: with a crystal obelisk near the entrance, and a large quartz obelisque in the center of the pathway.
An ancient INDIAN CARPET has been found in almost perfect state of conservation in the area of the cave, which is by the admission of professional archeologists, quite a miracle in itself due to the extreme 4 seasons climate that exist in the Matawini region of Quebec.
The GIANT CRISTAL STONE SITE: a giant symmetrical faceted crystal shaped stone as big as a house, were a spiritual light manifested to me and made me discover a hidden man-made stone covering that were under the earth that covered the area under 2 large vaults. A huge white tabular altar stone has also been found under the ground following this sacred light appearance. This sacred light lead me to investigate and discover the first Flame of Stone Obelisk that was found under the large vault of the Giant Cristal rock where the sacred light appeared. That discovery was a precursor of the huge over 5 feet high flames of stone crystal obelisk I was to discover 3 years later.
The TURTLE & TREE OF LIFE SITE: a turtle head shaped quartz stone, carved by nature with a giant ancient tree growing on it’s back, it is the oldest tree of the sacred site. This highly symbolic sacred site of nature is the living representation of the logo of the Great algonguin chief & shaman elder William Commanda that came to visit the sacred cave at the age of 95 years old. He came to do a sacred ceremony with his wife Romola, and give me his blessings for my spiritual work and mission with the Matawini Sacred Site. William Commanda is the gardian of many sacred Wampum Belts prophecies about the Era we are living in, and the recreation of the sacred circle of the family of man in harmony with Gaia and the Great Spirit.
The EARTHLY PARADISE SITE: a path of enchanting and graceful beauty, with very high vertical rock cliffs, covered by rivers of moss and where a natural Cristal Altar has been discovered.
The ROCK DOME ALTAR SITE: a 12 feet of diameter dome with a flat altar rock on it's top, where a symmetrical geometric stone message was left centuries ago for me to discover.
There is also a Rock Dome altar at the location in the pound where I had my first initiatic mystical experience at the age of seven and where all this mysterious story began. 3 other rock domes altar where found recently, and 3 ritual Votive rocks.
The TRIANGULAR VISION QUEST PLATEFORM is on the top of the mountain, right above where the sacred Cave is at the bottom of the Mountain.
3 LUNAR CIRCLES OF STONE, one almost 100 feet in diameter, with large fire places, indicating this sacred site might have been used as a meeting place of many indian tribes at the same time.
The Turtle site, is one of the many miracles of nature to be found on this site. It is a head of a turtle sculpted by mother nature and carries on it's back a giant Tree of Life, the oldest tree of the Matawini Sacred Site, with an impressive network of roots encircling the huge quartz rock that constitute the body of the turtle. The Turtle site, with the giant ancient tree of life growing on it’s back, represent humanity who carries it’s own home on it’s back. Our home is planet Earth, it is part of our own being as the turtle carapace is it’s home and own body at the same time. If you affect one, the other is likewise affected, this is why Indians had such reverence for Mother Earth, they understood this. The great roots that encircle the turtle, are a reminder that we also possess deep roots in our soul, that reach back very far, to our very origin in the Light of the Creator. Never think of yourself as less than the Light of the Creator, because we are all the sons & daughters of it's Light. And with the ascension process now on the way, we are now returning to the dimension of it’s Light
Notice the X present in this site, that represent the planet X, the planet of the crossings, whose previous passage in our solar system may have been a factor in the occurence of the historical Great Deluge that destroyed the advanced civilization that existed on our planet before our present Era. )
Right in front of the Turtle, where the Turtle is looking, there is an large ancient dead tree trunk, and inside this ancient tree remains, a young healthy tree is growing. This is the message that this nature’s sacred site is giving us. It prophesied that from the ancient sacred tree of wisdom, that was preserve by the native Indians and all the spiritual civilization of the ancient world, ( including us the white race who was an equally sacred race in the Celtic-Druidic Era, before our sacred culture was destroyed by the Illuminati-Vatican influence ), a new Era of spirituality will emerge on Earth, a Golden Era of spirituality and harmony with our sacred Mother Earth Gaia, that we all aspire to in our soul.
When I approached the cave for the first time in four years, I noticed right away something new that was not there before. Right over the cave entry, there was a HAND perfectly imprinted in the moss that covers the rock dome of the cave.
This Hand is carved out of the moss with absolute perfection with each finger with a different length visible, and the clearly visible palm.
I approached and spontaneously put my hand into it, it was exactly the size of my hand, at that moment I felt a very strong communion with the spirit of this sacred site, like never I have known until then. I was very surprised of the sentiment I felt. I felt that the cave had been awaiting me, and that it considered me as someone important for it’s well being. This contact with the spirit revealed to me a strength of power that I did not know of before. I felt like I was a protective Master for the sacred site. I felt it had been somehow distressed that I had not come for so many years, and that it had been worried that I may never come back visit the cave, which was somehow understandable because since I sold my summer house at the lake nearby, I myself did not know if I would ever come back. I felt that it was very happy and grateful that I came back.
I was able to communicate deeply with the spirit through my hand positioned in the Hand in the moss, and my presence seemed to be able to reassure it, appease it’s soul. I gave this spirit of the sacred site my protection and comfort as much as I could. It seems that this Hand is a way to communicate with the spirit of the cave, and that seems to be the reason it appeared.
In august 2006, I made the discovery of a man made circular dome structure of rocks with a white quartz rock in the center on top of the dome.
The dome is about 8 feet in diameter at the base and 4 feet high, and was hidden behind a large rock on which 4 smaller rocks had been put as a subtle signal to indicate the presence and location of this dome. This dome is an altar, and have it’s intrinsic ceremonial value, but it is also the signal of the location of one of the rare path that easely access the mountain summit, and of a natural spring closed by.
During researches in the archives of Edward S. Curtis a great American photographer that published 20 volumes on american indians around 1890, I was fortunate to find the photograph of a group of Navaho Indians praying in front of an identical rock dome. These precious information are beginning to unfold the secret of this Dome of rock.
“ Description by Edward S. Curtis: Scattered about the Navaho reservation are many cairn shrines. The Navaho, when alone or in parties, on approaching one of these gathers a few twigs of pinon or cedar, places them on the shrine, scatters a pinch of sacred meal upon it, and makes supplication for that which he may habitually need or which the moment demands.”
The dome when I found it was in good parts covered with branches and leaves, and I wanted to clear them away to see it's real aspect and photograph it. So I started the task of relieving the rocks of the dome from their leaves covering, not suspecting that another hidden surprise was awaiting... there was an Altar!
A beautiful large flat exagonal shaped stone. And on this altar, there was a stone with a very geometric shape of an elongated exagon that had been left there on the altar the last time it was used I don't know how many centuries ago.
This geometric stone-message was left there on the rock dome altar on purpose seemingly, as a message that would be received centuries later when an intuitive shaman like me would rediscover it, and would have the foresight to give it the proper interpretation.
This stone had a unique shape that is unquestionably very representative of ... a UFO ! That is a one interesting message this sacred site is transmitting me. This corroborate that the Matawini sacred site is related to some extent to extraterrestrials, in it’s ancient origin, but also in it’s future role.
On top of the mountain, above the location where the sacred cave is at the base, there is the remains of an ancient triangular platform made of trees. It is hung between 2 trees and the ground. It is located at the edge of the abyss falling over 200 vertical feet.
An archeologist has confirmed that he has seen many of these triangular platforms constructed by native Indians and they are called IPTAKEN. When I saw this triangular platform for the first time, as a child, some 50 years ago, around 1957, it was already in decay and looked quite old, over a hundred years old. The purpose of this triangular platform may quite possibly have been a vision quest platform. Vision quest were always done on mountain tops. There was probably as is always the case in vision quest retreats, another group of people at the base of the mountain, at the sacred cavern which is located right under the triangular plateform, spiritually supporting those that were on their vision quest pursuit. The triangular platform provided a solid straight ground on which to meditate and sleep safely in front of the abyss and the panorama of the lake and the powerfull silhouette of the mountain that it faces on the other side of the lake.
While exploring the site, I discovered an immense symmetrical stone as big as a house. As I was looking at this impressive discovery, I went into a deep state of concentration, probing with my mind this new site I had just discovered, going deeper and deeper in my reflection. Then, as I was coming close to unravel and sense the secret of this place, as a direct living answer to the intense probing of my mind, I suddenly saw a very beautiful sacred light covering all the area I was contemplating under the vault. This sacred light of overwellming beauty and grace was coming from under the ground...
After this clairvoyance experience, I had an absolute conviction that there was something there, even if I could see absolutely no visible hints with my physical eyes. I went on my knees, and started clearing the ground from the cover of leaves and earth that were covering the ground surface. As I took away about 1 inch of earth that was covering the area, I found a man-made masonnery like stone covering, corresponding perfectly with the area that was revealed by the light. This lead to the discovery of the first Flame of Stone obelisk.
The GIANT STONE is the largest stone I have seen in my life, and everybody who saw it confirm that it is also true for them. It is symmetrical, faceted like a crystal, with 2 large vaults at the base. I also discovered a huge flat tabular white altar stone of 5 feet by 4. There is a Cristal Crop Circle of quartz intrusions on the side of the Giant Stone, it is a geometric pyramid composed of 4 modular pyramids, that is the symbol used by the celestrial Galactic Federation of Light. To my knowledge, it is the only crystal crop circle ever reported. The equivalent in the mineral kingdom of the crop circle usually found in the vegetal kingdom.
It is possible to go on the top of the giant stone, since it is linked to the side of the mountain by a humus bridge. The top of the giant stone is a very wonderful place to meditate, because we are at the level of the foliage of the trees. It is a very powerful place to blow the conqshell, make the air vibrate with the drum and sing in gratitude for all the beauty and grace of nature.
A new major sacred site has been discovered, the Radiant Pyramid Vault site, a huge pyramid structure and vault, that is shaped like a giant crystal, symmetrical on all sides, very similar to a geometric geodesic dome structure. But over that, what is really very mysterious and powerful, is that on both side of this massive 40 feet wide 60 feet deep and 25 feet high pyramid are like 3 parallel power rays vibrating from the pyramid, each of the 6 parallel ray of stone symmetrically disposed on each side of the Pyramid Vault, is 2 feet wide 6 feet high and 30 feet long!
It seems it is quite something that I discovered this new mysterious sacred site that have as I expected, the same signature as all the other sacred site I have discovered, a man made masonnery like stone layering on the ground.
Indeed many amazingly beautiful multi-colored and prismatic Light Orbs have appeared on many of the photos taken at the moment of discovery of the new Pyramid Vault sacred site. You can see these Light Orbs on
the photos in attachment. It seems that these celestial Orbs of Light where celebrating in great number and with great joy and happiness that I finally found this Pyramid Vault Sacred Site.
Whenever he was exploring the sacred site, Astraelia since many years, have been animated from the inside by a vision, that said: Keep your eyes open for - Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone - This motive vision was with him in his explorations, years after years as he was keeping the faith and keeping his eyes opened, until he found the very first Obelisk. It was shaped like a Flame of Stone... It was found under the guidance of a sacred Light that appeared at the discovery of a new sacred site. Whith the subsequent years of exploration many more Obelisks shaped like Flames of Stone have been dicovered, with the largest one being over 5 ½ feet tall and weigthing around 600 pounds...
To have known beforehand about the existence of these mysterious Flames of Stone Obelisks, seems to be indicative that this knowledge may come from another previous incarnation of Astraelia as the gardian and care taker of the Matawini site, anterior to the shamanic era of the incarnation as the shaman of Matawini buried under the indian carpet. The only way he could have known about the existence of these Obelisks, is that he himself have hidden them there in a previous incarnation at the end of the Age of Light when these Obelisk where hidden for their protection to be used again during the prophesied return of the Golden Age predicted for 2012.
The Matawini sacred site is a magnificent place of inspiration. It has been my life mission to protect and develop it, so it is possible to go there and do shamanic chanting and meditate in peace and serenity in it's sublime beauty. This very ancient sacred site have been brought back to life by a lifetime of dedication and meditation. It is an anchoring point of the Light Energies. It play's a role in the creation of a New Age of Light on Earth by already living in the New Age of Light.
I have dedicated this site to the spiritual dimension of the creative process. A path to the source, by way of inspiration. A state of extatic transe is achieve through chanting and drumming, as they were practiced in the golden ages of spirituality, as Tantric Yoga. A way to unite with the Creator through the creative process lived as an expression of the joy experienced through communion with the divine energies.
The Matawini Sacred Site is a place to pursue one’s own spiritual path, in alliance with the sacred powers Nature.
May the Great Spirit Light shine in our hearts
Protector shaman & guardian
of the Matawini Sacred Site
(You can see DOPLER RADAR pictures of the huge 100 miles diameter UFO Mothership that was hovering over Montreal as the Galactic Federation Armada was passing over me, on the NEW DISCOVERIES PHOTO SLIDE SHOW)
Montreal, Sunday oct 3 2010, 9 1/2 pm.
from Astraelia
(Astraelia a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, is the discoverer of the Sacred Site of Matawini, an ancient megalithic sacred site of the Galactic Federation & the Agharta Kingdom, during the ancient Age of Light.)
An Armada of around 70 UFO have passed over my home in Montreal, solemnly flowing in the autumn night sky like a vast river of UFO, covering the night sky almost from one end to the other.
I was just taking my cat outside, and lift up my eyes to gaze and watch the sky, as I do as often as possible, and then I see flowing silently like a solemn noble procession in the night sky, a river of luminescent UFO in V formations.
They were very near, at an altitude of 3000 to 4000 feet maybe, since they were the size of an tennis ball relatively to the star like size all my UFO sightings have been in the last years. Each UFO was a clearly defined circular shape, luminescent, like if it was softly lighted from the inside, a soft opalescent glowing white Light. You could perceive the 3 dimensional very rounded shape of each UFO.
The Armada was passing over in a loose irregular V type formations, exactly like I have seen on many UFO mass sightings in South America, except that they where a lot closer and visually larger in size then any large group formation I have seen on film up to now.
Each V formation, where composed of about 7 to 10 ufo, and these V formation where all over, like a large river in the sky, covering a 1/4 of the transversal width of the sky and in longitude, almost all the sky from one end to the other of the Armada column. And they were keeping on appearing, 3 to four V formations wide in a group, and then other similar groups of V formations following and passing over.
Afterward, I have made a drawing on paper of these multiple V formations groups, to try to estimate the number of Celestrial light ships present in this very major Armada sighting. The possible number of UFO involved is quite staggering, taking into account that it lasted around 4 minutes, so there must have been over 70 UFO, and possibly even 100, that flowed over at their noble and mysterious pace, inspiring an energy of serenity, hope and fulfillment of our wishes and prayers, a living fulfillment of the ancient prophecies. They are here, and here to stay!
It has begun my friends they are manifesting Big Time, right over North America... These sent by Heaven Celestial Forces of the Light are announcing and manifesting their presence with unequalled magnitude, reclaiming this sacred paradise of Earth. What an honor to witness, what a blessing of hope beyond hope. Our prayers and those of our ancestors have been heard in high places and are being honored. 2012 will be nothing less than the liberation of Earth by the Forces of the Light sent in this mission by Heaven. Let us prepare for the fulfillment of all our prayers, and our prophesied return into the spiritual dimensions of the Light. Let us maintain with conviction our seed vision of the future we wish to foresee, a return on Earth of an Age of Light that have been prophesied by the ancients, for it will be manifested very soon. The blessed victory of the Light is ours to behold.
May the Great Spirit sun shine in our hearts.
The Galactic Federation have showed up in great numbers at the Matawini site during the whole of the summer of 2009...
It started with a bang so to say...
It was the first night that I was there after having rented a cottage for the whole season.
After having finished unpacking, I said to myself, now, I'm gone rest and have a look outside, and then I told jokingly to myself: '' to see if I see some UFO ? ''
Then I open the door to look outside, and then, right away, I see a huge ball of fire crossing at the speed of a meteorite from the right to the left of the sky, crossing the whole horizon in a few second, and following a perfectly straight horizontal trajectory !!!
It left behind a bright fiery trace in a perfectly straight horizontal line that persisted a few second after the Fireball like UFO had passed and continue behind the trees.
That was quite a starter !
During this summer, there was innumerable UFO showing almost every starry
night. It started very progressively, every night I went to the circular landing area on the side of the road. After a few weeks of no UFO at all, then some started to appear, here and then, but in a very discrete and dissimulated manner.
Then, night after night, there was more UFO that the preceding night.
With the many groups of people who came visit the Matawini site for the first time in modern history, as I had expected, the UFO sighting was amplified by the group energy. All these people where to some degree spiritually and UFO aware.
This progression in the number of sightings continued to the point, that every clear and starry night, there was an almost constant flow of UFO appearance, between 10 to 20 UFO appearing every nights, with a great variety of type and manner of appearance and behaviour. At a point, I had to go to sleep, but it certainly would have continued far in the night if I could have stayed outside all night.
I saw again the same 2012 Countdown Clock of UFO that was described in the book Blue Star Prophecy of Miriam Delicado, and that I saw in montreal a few years ago.
It was almost exactly the same, a series of 6 UFO's started to appear one after the other, in a perfectly precise circular configuration representing the left side of a clock from the 6 to 12 hour. The first UFO appeared starting at the bottom and then a second one at the 7h position and another following at the 8h. then 9h. and so on until a 6th. UFO appeared in the top position of the clock for the 12th. hour, representing the year 2012. Then, I saw another UFO just outside the 2012 countdown clock, crossing the sky in a straight line at great speed and leaving a trace of light behind. The direction and angle of the trajectory of this UFO, was pointing exactly toward the circular UFO Lift Off area that is located further away on the side of the road, and that is located where the spherical stone appeared in a powerful lightning strike common spiritual experienced that happened with my girlfriend as we were coming back from a visit to the sacred cave of Matawini...
The very numerous UFO presence at the site, for the first summer,
tells me that the Galactic Federation is now very aware of the Matawini site and may have
followed closely all the new discoveries that I have made.
I consider their massive showing during all the 2009 summer season indicates that the
Matawini site is now officially under the protection of the Galactic Federation of Light.
This is some real good news. I now remember that I had foreseen this in my prayers and seed-visions for the future. Often I have given the permission to the Galactic Federation to use the sacred site as a safe harbour for them, and that as an ambassador of the aware civilization of Earth, I called for their Armada to come in great number and use this sacred site as they see fit for their operations. They again have answered my call, prayers and seed-vision.
The last night at the Matawini cottage, just after I finished packing
the car and I was ready to go back to montreal, I then lifted my head to the stars and asked: '' Will you come pick me at the Matawini landing site before the hard times start
rolling, so I can continue my mission after 2012 ?'' and then, right away, instantly a UFO showed up clearly as a positive answer to my question.
Then I asked: '' Will you pick me up at the parc close to where I live in
Montreal where the Blue Katchina crop circle appeared,
if I am there when things start to go difficult and I cannot survive.''
Again immediately another UFO showed, as a positive answer.
I feel it is the best possible outcome so my knowledge about the very important discoveries that have been made at the Matawini site is not lost, and that it can be put to contribution during and after the ascension of 2012.
CELESTRIAL UFO SIGHTINGS & the Sacred Site of Matawini
from Astraelia
It is now time in my life to step forward to help bring awareness to the citizens of the world that indeed there are higher forces surrounding us all. There is indeed a Celestrial presence of extraterrestrial origin and from higher spiritual dimensions currently around this planet, that has been sent here on decree of the Prime Creator, and I feel it is my duty to humanity to share with you the truth of what has been shared with me, for it is your birth right to know the truth, without which no light can ever shine forth, in the depth of the night, our planet has been heading for.
I have been a contactee since 2007. It’s a long story that is linked to my discovery of the ancient sacred site of Matawini when I was a child. This is the story of some discoveries made at the sacred site of Matawini that are linked in the far past and now in the present with spiritually advanced Celestrial civilizations from other Orbs and from higher spiritual dimensions. These celestrial civilizations with me as with many other contactees are currently attempting to reveal their existence to humanity, or at least with those that are ready, in the hope of establishing the basis of peaceful and constructive relationship in the future with Earth humans. This sacred site is linked to the return of the Celestrials on Earth, and with the prophecies of 2012.
The most out of the ordinary discoveries made on the Matawini site, are the megalithic structures (giant stones) There is a giant Stonehenge like circle of huge stones on the top of this Matawini mountain. The megalithic circle in it's longest axis, is close to half a kilometer long, which is something unique probably in the Northen regions of America. All of the stones of this giant megalithic circle are larger than a car and must weight around 10 tons. The largest stone that is located right in the middle of the facade of the mountain on the summit of the 200 feet dome that is on the summit of the mountain, is a geometric rectangular shaped stone of 12 feet high by 12 feet long and 6 feet wide and must weight well around 20 tons.
I also discovered in 2008, at the base of the mountain, an alignment of giant arrowheads triangular stones. The first and smaller triangle is about 2 feet wide and must weight about 200 pounds, than 30 feet further there is another one twice that size, 30 feet further another one twice the size of the preceding one and so on always growing in size, for up to six or seven aligned triangular stones in total, with that last one about 10 feet long, 5 feet high and 6 feet deep and weighting many tons. We know now with the researches in alternative archeology that almost all megalithic sites were not done by humans but by extraterrestrial civilizations of the far past that had established colonies on Earth. This sacred Indian site might have been used in later epochs by local Indian tribes, but it is my understanding that they inherited these megalithic structures from a preceding civilization that had the capacity to move stones that weight many tons on top of a mountain, and displace huge multi tons arrow head triangular stones from their point of discovery and align them in a progressive size order all pointing in the exact same direction in relation to the compass coordinates.
The sacred site of Matawini may be one of the most important sacred site ever discovered in North America, because of it’s Stonehenge like megalithic structures. To my knowledge it may be the only megalithic site ever discovered in the Northen regions of North America. But I want to keep it safe as a living Sacred Site, and only invite there dedicated spiritual people I have full confidence in and that have the maturity to understand that such a jewel of a living sacred site deserve to be protected and must be protected by respect, wisdom and secrecy.
But, my whole involvement with extraterrestrial sightings came from another even stranger discovery I made at the Matawini lake where I discovered this sacred site, not far from our family cottage.
It all started the last time I took a plane ride over Matawini lake. Suddenly, I saw something I never saw in my life, either in photographs or in any exploration or discovery program. I saw from the plane what seemed to me to be a meteor crater right on the top of a mountain. A very, very deep crater, completely vertical like if a meteor would have come from a 90 degree vertical angle straight down. It was difficult to evaluate the depth from a fast moving plane, but judging from the relative size of the spruce trees, it could be from 300 to 600 feet deep, maybe even more, with a perfectly circular little lake at the bottom. The best way to describe the shape of this crater, is to imagine you are flying over a giant elongated trumpet that has been put on the vertical axis with the large opening on top, and you are looking straight down into it...
That is exactly the shape of this crater. So, for many years, I thought it was a non reported meteor crater I had discovered.
Until some years later... when I eventually discovered the whole reality of the existence of celestrial civilizations, and I began to study this whole subject very seriously, and have now become to a certain degree a knowledgable person on the subject. I learned about the underground vitrified tunnel technology extraterrestrials used, and the very ancient underground bases that have been developed by them on our planet. I learned that the extraterrestrials always put the entry of their underground bases on the very top of mountains, in places where humans rarely access. Then I began to reconsider the origin of this crater.
Under this light, the megalithic structures of the Matawini sacred site seems to consolidate the possibility of the extraterrestrial origin of this crater and this very unusually deep vertical crater and it’s perfect geometrical positioning seems to confirm the potential of extraterrestrial origin of the megalithic structures of the Matawini sacred site which are also possibly quite unique in the Northen regions of America. This is also in some way confirmed by the Indians I spoke to who told me it was not them that could have build such large stone structures, because they were nomadic tribes that travel lightly.
So, at this time I was having this whole reconsideration of this crater true nature, I read a story of someone who had tried sending telepathic messages to extraterrestrials and it did work. So, I decided to try it myself. I sent a clear telepathic image of this lake shape with the central axis position of the crater and the position of the sacred site side, asking spiritually advanced extraterrestrials to go see this crater and check if it could be an ancient base entry that they might have forgotten about and see if they could use it again for their purpose.
Not long after I began sending these telepathic messages, one evening in the summer of 2007, as I was playing my shamanic drum and doing chamanic chanting outside on my patio in Montreal, I had my first UFO sighting !
A very powerful bright flash, many times more powerful than the stronger flashes that can be seen from aircrafts, doing all kinds of behaviors that no planes ever do. Being stationary, changing the rythm of the pulsations, stopping, restarting, moving vertically, changing directions ect. ect. ( After this first sighting I began to study with a lot of attention for many mounts all the possible caracteristic and behaviors of plane lights and flashes and never did I saw anything that matches the behavior that occurs in these UFO sightings.)
There was a second sighting over Montreal again as I was playing my shamanic drum and blowing in my conqshell outside, with these same very powerful flashes and that time, at a point, I felt a beam of communication of energy of love coming from the UFO straight to my heart chakras. I could see the beam of spiritual energy linking the UFO and my chakras with love, and felt a very real spiritual connection with the source of this love.
Then, the first weekend of august 2007, I went to a great Indian spiritual gathering 400 miles up north of Montreal in Maniwaki, an indian reserve, to meet William Commanda a well known Indian Great Chief & Shaman to inform him of the discovery of this ancient sacred site. William Commanda have personally met the great zulu shaman Credo, so I am convinced he is well initiated into the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. William Commanda is also the heir of some major sacred prophesies ancient Wampum Belts. These ancient prophesies where made before the coming of the white Europeans to North America. They have prophesied step by step all that has happen more than 500 years before the series of events they describe. It also prophesied that 500 years after the terrible demise of their great spiritual civilization by the hidden hand of the Illuminati that have used the Christian church institution as a cover up for the same kind of cultural and spiritual genocide that we the white race have also been subjected to 2000 years ago, that the voice of wisdom of the indigenous civilizations of North America would be rising again after 500 years of total oppression and that by than, all on Earth would see and understand it's great wisdom and sacred guiding path it points to, for a New Age of harmony between humans and reverence for Mother Earth. ( www.circleofallnations.org )
Before I traveled to Maniwaki, I had asked telepathically to the extraterrestrials, to give me a confirmation of the extraterrestrial nature of the crater and also to tell me if my discovery of the Matawini sacred site was related to this crater. The confirmation I asked them was to follow me 400 miles up north of Montreal to the Maniwaki spiritual gathering and to appear there as a confirmation of all this ...
This sighting during the Maniwaki spiritual gathering happened after I had made the transmission of the sacred site publicly to the Elder William Commanda, and after I had the privilege to do some shamanic singing at this gathering. I was talking to a man that was facing me, then suddenly I see his face change and he pointed the sky with his hand saying LOOK! I turned around to look in the direction he was pointing, and there it was, the same very powerful bright flashes... I saw during the 2 first UFO sightings I had in Montreal. The Celestrials had followed me 400 miles north of Montreal, to this great spiritual gathering in confirmation of my questions, and also in open support and confirmation for my relationship with them. The way these UFO manifest, they are not just flashes, there is a very strong intense communication or communion that happen when these flashes appear. There is an immediacy of knowing that it is a UFO communicating with us. A kind of instantaneous certainty without a doubt that it is so, a true deeply felt spiritual communication.
We are not alone anymore...we have friends... the Great Brotherhood of Light of the Celestrial is here. Thanks God ...
( I discussed with this man afterward, and he told me he had never had any interest whatsoever in UFO’s in his life, he did not even believe in UFO reality, and like me, he had the absolute certainty it was a UFO at the very first second the powerful flashes appeared. I was very glad that someone else than me had seen and experienced this sighting, it comforted me in the authenticity and objectivity of these sightings.)
There was another sighting at the large clear circle area in the forest near the location where the spherical stone appeared when the lightning strike thunderbolt coming from the sky hit the ground. I had brought the spherical stone with me, and I was sounding my conqshell toward the sky of this summer day. I always had the intuition that this spherical stone, among it's many gifts, may also be a potential communication device to communicate with the extraterrestrials. My seeking was answered. Eventually, I saw in high altitude a meteorite like trace of light following an object, but with a trajectory that was going up at a sharp 45 degree angle (which commercial planes or meteorites do not do) and then after a while the object suddenly completely disappeared in an instant in a clear cloudless area of the sky.
BLUE KATCHINA CROP CIRCLE that appeared on the 24 oct 2007 :
I have been a contactee since last summer of 2007. I have had 3 sightings last summer, and subsequently, I had a crop circle appear in a circle of pine trees where I go meditate and do shamanic rituals of sacred singing and drumming. What is meaningful I believe for the UFO researchers community, is that this crop circle appeared on the exact date of the explosion in size greater than the sun, of the Blue Katchina 17/P Holmes comet that occured the 24 october 2007. When I discovered the crop circle, I became white.... speechless, this place was like holy, there was like a radiance not of this world all over the pine circle area, like it had become a holy place... This crop circle had 2 sun shapes and another smoother circular shape that was slightly larger than the 2 sun like shapes. I believe the Hopi prophecies do mention the eventual occurence of 2 suns. I understand that many informed people around the world, are poundering the possibility that this most unusual stellar object and it’s sudden expansion in size could indeed be the Blue Katchina, the last sign mentioned in the Hopi prophecies.
I am now sharing with the celestrial civilizations researchers community this information as this crop circle astronomical message and the date it appeared seems to be a confirmation from higher powers from above, that indeed this 17/P Holmes comet is the Blue Katchina Blue Star.
I have heard of other crop circles that have been in advance prophetic of the coming of the Blue Katchina, but this is the only one to my knowledge that has occured on the very same day of this event. My interpretation is that the larger of the 3 circles might represent the Blue Katchina that is now of a larger diameter than the sun. As for the 2 suns like circles, one might represent our sun, the other Nibiru. That is the best interpretation I can make of it at the moment.
Another meaningful element that was associated with this Blue Katchina Crop Circle, is that at the same time this crop circle appeared, about 500 pine cones I had gathered from the ground and used to make domes of about a hundred pine cones at the feet of 5 of the pines trees, have completely disappeared ...
The message I read in this symbolic mass abduction, seems to confirm in a symbolic way, the possibility of a rescue operation phase where the Celestrial would come and abduct to the safety of their craft and planet, those on Earth that are ready and willing to go on to another more spiritual phase of evolution.
If I take into account this Blue Katchina crop circle, plus the abduction of 500 symbolic humans, and the next mass UFO sighting I had that lasted 2 hours on the 4 of july 2008, where a clock like geometric representation was drawn in the sky by about 6 UFO’s, indicating the 2012 countdown clock has now reached the last hour, and it is coming very fast ...
I f I take into accounts the information that have been transmitted by the Tall Blonds extraterrestrials to Miriam Delicado, and that are explained in her book, all this combines to indicate that there may be events of a great magnitude that are imminent and that the Celestrial civilizations may play a role to rescue the humans that are spiritually advanced enough to be harbour and be given safe heaven in order to safegard the considerable amount of work it has taken to bring us to the level of evolution we are at now.
On the 4 of july 08, an almost 2 hour long sighting occured after I played my chamanic drum outside. This sighting was different then the 3 preceding ones, in the aspect that the UFO’s involved did not manifest with the very powerful bright flashes I had seen in the 3 previous sightings. The intensity of the light pulsation was more attenuated, like more discrete and possibly higher up in altitude. This sighting had 3 phases. It started with a single UFO, that progressively crossed the sky from left to right, doing all kinds of movements and behaviors caracteristic of UFO’s. Then, suddenly, there was a central episode that had the same characteristics as a mass sighting I remembered was described in the book of an important contactee from Vancouver, Miriam Delicado, who in her book Blue Star – fulfilling prophecy, tells the story of her firsthand contacts with the Tall Blonde extraterrestrials since her childhood.
This common sighting involved a geometric structure made of multiple UFO’s positioned to create a half circle formation in the shape of a letter C in the sky ... The UFO’s positioning themselves with absolute precision like a grid of dots following a perfect arc.
As it was occuring, I immediately remembered the C letter formed with dots, that was mentioned in this book, and likewise, there was a missing dot at the top, and I knew in advance what would happen... and it’s exactly what happened, a UFO appeared in the geometric radius center of the C, and moved at a fantastic speed to go fill in the missing dot position at the very top of the C letter shape made of multiple UFO’s. There must have been 6 UFO’s minimum that were there in formation to create the C letter shape, one for every hour of the countdown clock.
My interpretation and understanding, is that it represents the Countdown Clock to 2012...
The half circle arc, represents the left side of a clock. The missing dot at the top is the 12 th. and last hour. So it signifies: We are now at the eleventh hour of the final countdown, and the 12 hour is now imminent... prepare... it may happen very fast ...
So Miriam Delicado, on the Canada west coast in Vancouver and me on the east coast in Montreal / Quebec, since this recent sighting that occured in Montreal the 4 of july 2008, we both have received the exact same message from our Celestrial star brothers.
The last tableau of this tryptique sighting, is that the original single UFO then become accompanied by a second UFO, and the two remained together flashing for almost half and hour in the same position.
Then, I decided to start to wave my hands to them in sign of joy, love and gratitude for their presence and goodwill towards us, and then the two UFO’s started blinking with more intensity and faster pulsations. I continued waving my two hands to them in great gestures so they could see me even from that far, and then, a third UFO appeared close to the original UFO. I felt more joy and happiness and continued to wave for about 10 minutes to the 3 UFO’s, then, I see a forth UFO appear, a few minutes after a fifth one, I felt the more I waved at them, and the more joy I felt, the more they responded with their presence, then another one started blinking, then higher another, another one, all blinking so beautifully, so joyfully, it was a Celestial brotherhood between them and me, between the sky and earth.
At that point, there must have been around a dozen UFO’s blinking ... I then realized that I had previously had some kind of spiritual vision of this mass UFO sighting when I was meditating at the sacred site of Matawini during the previous summer. And then I was there, seeing in the sky the true manifestation of this vision I had ... They were forming altogether, a circular constellation of UFO’s, a sacred circle in the night sky...
Tuesday 4 nov 2008 around 6.30pm.
I was outside in the beautiful Indian summer night, looking at the sky. I was sending telepathic waves to our brothers the Celestrial that are in mission around the Earth in the invisible spectrum.
I was asking if I should go to the sacred site of MATAWINI tomorrow for 2 days as I was planning, and I was asking if there was any plans from their part to further contact evolution at the sacred site.
Then I noticed what seemed to be 2 very bright stars appear in front of my eyes where I was gazing. There was very few other stars in the sky at that early time of the evening around 6.30 pm. They were not blinking like planes, they were in a diagonal formation an angle like when the time on a watch is at 11 hour, I was strongly attracted to them and it seemed to me they where moving very slowly, moving together like locked on at the same distance & speed in a cluster moving in the same direction. I found a tree top to use as a fix point to be sure that they were moving and yes, affirmative they were.
So at that point it was clear it was classic UFO shamanic language if I can express myself in this manner. Clear for the initiate, invisible for the non initiate. Than after the moment I realized this was a genuine UFO sighting and in answer to my request, then with discretion, the 2 UFO started to progressively fade out into the invisible spectrum mode together, one staying visible a few seconds longer. The fade out was very progressive and lasted a good 10 to 12 seconds. I than knew it was their answer... YES I should go, they will be there in heart or in sight but they will be there.
I then went in my room to take the spherical stone that appeared in the lightning strike spiritual experience I had with my girlfriend coming back from a visit to the sacred cave of Matawini.
I then put the medieval music the Hymn to Ste-Cecilia from Purcell, and with the spherical stone positioned over my heart chakra I started to sing and do a sacred ceremony in spirit with the Celestrials and all the sacred world of Light that all initiates in all Ages, in all Times have seen and known. It was the most powerful heavenly and lightful moment and concert, I really felt fully connected to them. I was healed by this connection, inspired, one with all that is. I felt the awesome power of the sacred stone. I felt I had succeeded in awakening the sacred spherical stone, and that it confirmed to me it's purpose is also to communicate with the Celestrial. This is one more of it's powers it is revealing. The power to unite the sacred dimension of the Celestrials with our dimension and make us all become One. It seems to be a portal stone, that has the power to open a spiritual sacred dimensional doorway. This was one of the most beautiful moment of my life. An inexpressible communion.
We are blessed my friends, more than we have ever known. more than we ever hoped or wished for, we are ... believe it. Great things are in the making, it has been shown to me and to many initiates. The powers of above are coming back to Earth. It is time that we play the role we have been sent here for, within ourselve first and foremost. And also within the circle of initiates that we are.
When I was at the site, after I rested in the evening after a day at the sacred cave, I saw one pulsating light in the night sky, and it was not moving, it kept pulsating steadily at the same position for around 7 minutes. So they were at the rendez-vous.
I also saw something I never saw before, 3 huge meteors in the same trajectory within ...
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