here is the goat Hello, Wanted to pass along news just received from mnt goat. George Hi Everyone, Is everyone happy? We all should be very happy and dancing for joy based on the latest announcements made in the mosques and on Iraq TV from their news agencies. As I have been saying all along in many of my past news letters that the announcement to move international on the Iraq dinar currency would come first from the country of Iraq. I took many hits and bashing from intel providers on this fact but as I have said many times before – wait and see who is correct and who is wrong. This should be about listening to all information and putting together the puzzle and not discounting any intel. Now once again I am telling you that the second piece to this puzzle (or process) is for the CBI to bring up their new site with the new rate first and then at just about the same time or a few days afterwards the revaluation will be announced to the world and the rates activated in the exchanges and banks. This will be a sign to us that we are in fact just hours if not days away from the full formal announcement to the rest of the world. Then we all go and exchange. Remember that the announcement this week did not formally go out globally but only in county. However, having said this we must think about the significance of what just took place. Other countries do listen to their news and some in great anticipation for this event. So technically it did get advertised to the rest of the world too but only informally. They are trying to build up steam like an old fashioned steam locomotive just prior to it beginning its journey. Once the brakes are released it will take off down the tracks. This is what I believe they are intentionally doing. Be patient everyone it may take a few days to build up its steam. We are about to see the locomotive begin to move and once again we must wait then for it to build momentum. I have been in this investment now for about 9 years and I remember Dr. Shabibi making a news brief and saying it would be a slow, methodical process and would build momentum slowly. We are now witnessing yet another step in this process. Today’s Intel So we now await for the formal announcement from the CBI since this is yet another step that will lead eventually to our mulla. This is the next benchmark to watch for. I do not care about all this hype from conference calls. I am not trying to be arrogant but this is the process. Go back and read my past 4-5 new letters. I have said this repeatedly. If you do not believe me that is fine....then tell me what is holding it up? The recent announcement this week dug the hole yet a little deeper for Iraq, the IMF and the UST in that there is no real way to now recover and take back this information. Kind of like not being able to put spilt milk back in the is all very positive. Now I will talk about something that I am not 100% sure on so you can say this is just conjecture on my part. So please don’t go crazy and nuts over this. We all know that the IQD was not in fact replaced with the IQD as some believe. There are now two currency symbols paralleling each other for the country of Iraq. One is the contract rate +$30 (IQN) and one is the international trading rate $3.44 (IQD). Do you understand the difference and why the UST did this? I am not going into details on this on this news letter because you can go and re-read my past posts on this topic. Its all their for your reading But today I want to add this. Let us just say they make the formal announcement to go international and the rest of the world get the news. The IQD goes live and is activated. The exchangers get the new rate and away they go....In this case the IQD must go live and be activated. They have no choice if they make the formal announcement. So my question is this? Do they have to activate the IQN at the same time?...and why not? Or can they hold this up for some unknown reason. The only reason I can think of as to why they might want to delay the IQN activation is to build momentum with the IQD first prior to allowing us, as speculative investors to exchange. However if this was the case we would exchange at the IQD rate $3.44 if we wanted to since it would have to go live. Correct? So I am going to answer my own question since I do think they will activate both the IQD and the IQN together and here is why. First if they just activated the IQD many of us would jump at the chance to exchange and run like hell. Right? But this would defeat the purpose of the IQN...would it not? We all should know by now why the IQN is so important to the USA and what these oil credits and very large amounts of capital coming into the economy all mean....right? Are you all still with me? But on the other hand if they did activate the IQD first and waited a week or more this would lessen the crowds at the banks and spread out the exchange. Then later active the IQN at the contract rate. The IQD may give plenty of quick money to boost the economy but it will subtract from the total revenues they plan to build for oil credits to help pay for the war and pay down out national debt. This is tricky and since I do not know this portion of the plan I wanted to throw it out on the table to think about. I am, of course, researching this now. My advice on buying more currency Those that can afford more currency should buy up as much currency as possible now. This is a once in a life time adventure and will not come around again for us. Of course buy responsibly and buy only what you can afford. Remember no regrets later when it activates and it’s all over. For instance if you buy on reserve be ready to lose it all if it does not get activated in the timeframe of the reserve/layaway payoff date. Do not let intel providers convince you of buying more from what they tell you about how close we are to RV. Buy only from reputable exchangers or banks. Do not every buy from friends of friends, eBay, or other sites and especially from some shady person who mysteriously contacts you and say they need to desperately sell their currencies to pay the bills. Let them go to the bank and sell it back then. If you are not careful this is how you might acquire counterfeit currencies. Buying more will have absolutely, positively have no impact on the timing of the activation. I can assure you of this. So put this hype to rest now. If they (meaning the UST) did not want us to buy they would simply shut down all the private dealers. This is of course just all my opinion. Let's see what happens in the coming days. Are you ready? Have you reviewed your plan once again. When this does happen it will be so sudden it will take all of us off guard so we must use this time now to prepare. I do know this as a fact - the longer they wait the worst the situation gets for everyone meaning US public, Iraq and all the countries desperately needing this GCR. Peace and luv to ya all, Mnt Goat |
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