Saturday, December 14, 2013


here is the goat


Wanted to pass along news just received from mnt goat. 


 Hi Everyone,

 Is everyone happy?  We all should be very happy and dancing for joy based on the latest announcements made in the mosques and on Iraq TV from their news agencies.  As I have been saying all along in many of my past news letters that the announcement to move international on the Iraq dinar currency would come first from the country of Iraq. I took many hits and bashing from intel providers on this fact but as I have said many times before – wait and see who is correct and who is wrong. This should be about listening to all information and putting together the puzzle and not discounting any intel.

Now once again I am telling you that the second piece to this puzzle (or process) is for the CBI to bring up their new site with the new rate first and then at just about the same time or a few days afterwards the revaluation will be announced to the world and the rates activated in the exchanges and banks. This will be a sign to us that we are in fact just hours if not days away from the full formal announcement to the rest of the world. Then we all go and exchange.

Remember that the announcement this week did not formally go out globally but only in county. However, having said this we must think about the significance of what just took place. Other countries do listen to their news and some in great anticipation for this event. So technically it did get advertised to the rest of the world too but only informally. They are trying to build up steam like an old fashioned steam locomotive just prior to it beginning its journey. Once the brakes are released it will take off down the tracks. This is what I believe they are intentionally doing. Be patient everyone it may take a few days to build up its steam. We are about to see the locomotive begin to move and once again we must wait then for it to build momentum. I have been in this investment now for about 9 years and I remember Dr. Shabibi making a news brief and saying it would be a slow, methodical process and would build momentum slowly. We are now witnessing yet another step in this process.

Today’s Intel

So we now await for the formal announcement from the CBI since this is yet another step that will lead eventually to our mulla. This is the next benchmark to watch for. I do not care about all this hype from conference calls. I am not trying to be arrogant but this is the process. Go back and read my past 4-5 new letters. I have said this repeatedly. If you do not believe me that is fine....then tell me what is holding it up?

The recent announcement this week dug the hole yet a little deeper for Iraq, the IMF and the UST in that there is no real way to now recover and take back this information. Kind of like not being able to put spilt milk back in the is all very positive.

Now I will talk about something that I am not 100% sure on so you can say this is just conjecture on my part. So please don’t go crazy and nuts over this.

We all know that the IQD was not in fact replaced with the IQD as some believe. There are now two currency symbols paralleling each other for the country of Iraq. One is the contract rate +$30 (IQN) and one is the international trading rate $3.44 (IQD). Do you understand the difference and why the UST did this? I am not going into details on this on  this news letter because you can go and re-read my past posts on this topic. Its all their for your reading

But today I want to add this. Let us just say they make the formal announcement to go international and the rest of the world get the news. The IQD goes live and is activated. The exchangers get the new rate and away they go....In this case the IQD must go live and be activated. They have no choice if they make the formal announcement. So my question is this?  Do they have to activate the IQN at the same time?...and why not? Or can they hold this up for some unknown reason. The only reason I can think of as to why they might want to delay the IQN activation is to build momentum with the IQD first prior to allowing us, as speculative investors to exchange. 

However if this was the case we would exchange at the IQD rate $3.44  if we wanted to since it would have to go live. Correct? So I am going to answer my own question since I do think they will activate both the IQD and the IQN together and here is why. First if they just activated the IQD many of us would jump at the chance to exchange and run like hell. Right? But this would defeat the purpose of the IQN...would it not?  We all should know by now why the IQN is so important to the USA and what these oil credits and very large amounts of capital coming into the economy all mean....right?  Are you all still with me?  But on the other hand if they did activate the IQD first and waited a week or more this would lessen the crowds at the banks and spread out the exchange. Then later active the IQN at the contract rate. The IQD may give  plenty of quick money to boost the economy but it will subtract from the total revenues they plan to build for oil credits to help pay for the war and pay down out national debt. This is tricky and since I do not know this portion of the plan I wanted to throw it out on the table to think about. I am, of course, researching this now.

My advice on buying more currency

Those that can afford more currency should buy up as much currency as possible now. This is a once in a life time adventure and will not come around again for us. Of course buy responsibly and buy only what you can afford. Remember no regrets later when it activates and it’s all over.

For instance if you buy on reserve be ready to lose it all if it does not get activated in the timeframe of the reserve/layaway payoff date.

Do not let intel providers convince you of buying more from what they tell you about how close we are to RV.

Buy only from reputable exchangers or banks. Do not every buy from friends of friends, eBay, or other sites and especially from some shady person who mysteriously contacts you and say they need to desperately sell their currencies to pay the bills. Let them go to the bank and sell it back then. If you are not careful this is how you might acquire counterfeit currencies. 

Buying more will have absolutely, positively have no impact on the timing of the activation. I can assure you of this. So put this hype to rest now. If they (meaning the UST) did not want us to buy they would simply shut down all the private dealers. This is of course just all my opinion.

Let's see what happens in the coming days. Are you ready?  Have you reviewed your plan once again. When this does happen it will be so sudden it will take all of us off guard so we must use this time now to prepare.

I do know this as a fact - the longer they wait the worst the situation gets for everyone meaning US public, Iraq and all the countries desperately needing this GCR.

Peace and luv to ya all,

Mnt Goat

Visit stage2omega at:

The Birther Obama Chin First Wife

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Birther Obama Chin First Wife

With the Globe or something in the tabloid section of the checkout showing that Birther Hussein Obama Chin had a gold band on his finger in Africa Kenya before he wed the lovely and vulvalous Muchelle, something must be posted to explain this.

If you recall, as a reader my children of exclusives here, that Birther Hussein was cuddling with Pakistani rich boys in college and went on a partridge hunt.........
That is not all that was bagged there but in this Lame Cherry exclusive only here in matter anti matter the following is revealed.

Birther Hussein was not just comparing recipes with the old women while the men folk shot partridge, but an arranged marriage was conducted out in the Pakistani hinterlands with a well to do family.
This was before Birther Hussein wed the lovely Muchelle with vulvalous appendages as Jesse Jackson's daughter would have nothing to do with Birther Obama.

So Obama gets hisself wed to a Pakistani woman. She was 20 years old and not..........well let us say she had more clothes sizes than a regular woman and was the veil was an asset.

Obama consummated the marriage, and there were not children as Obama pumps dust.

So Obama Chin heads back to America and weds the lovely and vulvalous Muchelle and she has no idea she has Barack the Jack like his namesake in wives around the globe.

With Obama globetrotting on Muchelle, the first wife starts getting the attention of another warlord, younger than her, and things start happening. Upon inquiry, Obama Chin shows up as the marriage lasts 7 years, and he casts the first stone........yeah they stone the wife for adultery and they bury her and Barack becomes a widower.
This all took place around 1987.

The Pakistani turban heads had no idea it was Birther Hussein and still do not. They just thought they were getting wed to an Indonesian, as that is what Obama was.

Obama apparently had her buried and he knows where the grave is.

This is the saga of the first wife of Birther Hussein Obama Chin. She was a remote woman of conveniences for weapons trade into Afghanistan. Ah so you keep track of the white hats in this, Obama Chin wed the large asset to keep track of the American arms shipments into Afghanistan for the Soviet Russians.
Yeah it sounds like it does because that is what it was.

That should be enough startling exclusives as I would not want people choking on their ......big biscuits in knowing there was an original Mrs. Chin of Pakistan who got stoned the real way and not on the hashish.

Probably should be more said on this, but then there is that regime selling green cards with the MUTARD Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota that should put the Fang Jinn and the Mutant into the Vaseline hotel for  an extended period of sentence.

nuff said

agtG  254

Mexico's atomic colbalt bomb

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Message Sent

This stolen shipment of radioactive material was not an accident and meant to send a message.

This was the Islamocommunists of Persia and the intent was to frame the Mexicans for further actions.

Yes there is more to come in this, and that means America.

Upon inquiry it is pointed at New Jersey in the Donut Cream realm.

This is not a dirty bomb, and one is in the loop. It is currently in Mexico and is an atomic cobalt bomb.

If you want more that is what someone has to pay for in the big 350,000 for what is up with this blog.

Schedule is to come across the border in January for a March deadline in the Garden State. The cobalt already came out of Mexico, was made into bomb making material in Iran and is in country.

Upon inquiry this device is active.

I would that I was done with all of this in the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter as I have had it with being the only adult in the room listening to the children be lewd opening the windows and flashing, and when it all melts down I am the one who is supposed to fix things and make it all right.


Roots Mandela

Friday, December 6, 2013

Roots Mandela

As Rush Limbaugh eulogizes the communist Nelson Mandela, in noting that 27 years of the prime of his life was spent in prison in quoting this......

"Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping that it kills your enemy".

Limbaugh also noted that if anyone else had gone through what Mandela had, that they would have spent the rest of their life enraged.

I was trying to find Rush Limbaughs eulogy for other terrorists, as that is what Nelson Mandela was. Mandela was not in a South African prison for being black, but for being a Marxist terrorist employing murder and brutality against white and black in order to overthrow the legal South African Government.

I wonder if Rush Limbaugh will next be praising Charlie Manson or that fine person of Nidal Hassan who shot up Fort Hood, for not allowing prison to change them.
In projecting this out, I guess the next head of the Conservative movement for President will be some terrorist like KSM, as not calling a terrorist a terrorist and blaming prison is what Limbaugh Conservatism.

I will remind readers that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, a criminal and was responsible for murder and mayhem, not only in South Africa, but across Africa.
Mandela was married to a woman named Winnie, who would put car tires around people's necks and light them on fire to torture and murder them

There are all kinds of expatriots of Africa who had their families murdered or had their entire lives stolen, and they were put into exile because of these Marxist blacks wrecking havoc all across Africa yet for the Ashkenaz bankers of Europe.
Nelson Mandela was and is a terrorist who should have been least more astute than Muchelle  Obama poisoning him and Birther Hussein giving him the anal job.

As Limbaugh can not see the connetion between Mandela and Obama, this blog sees the mirror image in both were terror Marxists who overthrew their legal Governments for regimes of rapine.
The photo of Barack Hussein Obama Chin in Mandela's fitting prison cell as the White House memorial as Birther Hussein preceded Nelson Mandela on June 13th, 2012. The MIC elixir was more effective on Birther Obama than the poison pill was on Mandela though, and now both are in hell, with Mandela on a less worse level than the Birther as Obama the Asian outshown Mandela the Negroid.

So it is fitting that the memorial to Birther Hussein Obama Chin appears in reminding people on the death of Nelson Mandela, as both are at freezer temperature

The Fang Jinn fittingly desires to be shed of the Obama skin, and let the world know the shapeshifter is in command and the offering of Mandela on the altar was as this blog said, meant to pump up the wave for the regime's power curve.

Mandela and Obama were both communist terrorists, worshipped by Oprah now according to Limbaugh's rewriting of history, Obama will be praised by Limbaugh whenever Val-erie Jarrett can smuggle the body out for a fitting funeral.

I really can not understand how liberals can praise Nelson Mandela, being named after that white guy, Lord Nelson of British Imperialism. Mandela should have been required to have a name like Barack to be the complete designer negro which Obama was.
We should all remember Roots Mandela, which is a fitting name from the book by white name sounding black guy author, Alex Haley........we should remember Roots Mandela for all the terror he was like Sheik bin Laden for the moment, as listening to Limbaugh, I half expect by tomorrow there will be a photo of the Fang Jinn in the Pakistan compound and Rush Limbaugh quoting bin Laden with something like....

"9 11 is like a terror event in hoping that it kills your enemy".


The Obama Indictment

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Obama Indictment

The image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin aka the Fang Jinn, should be indicted on the following high crime against these United States, namely, the illegal commandeering of the Ship of State of thee Constitutional Government of these United States, by a foreign national, namely the individual known as Barack Hussein Obama.

Mr. Obama nor his image, the Fang Jinn, are Americans. Mr. Obama was the product of a Filipino Chinese Japanese comfort woman, Anna Chin, as an anchor wife for the foreign, British African Kenyan, Barack Hussein Obama sr.
As neither entities were American, and as whoever appears as "parent" on the birth abstract in Stanley Ann Dunham, Mr. Obama nor his image, ever constituted a Natural Born Citizen, and therefore they could not be guilty of treason against these United States, as they are not Americans, natural nor legal immigrant.

Therefore Mr. Obama is of the category as pirate, and his piracy for his Eurasian benefactors in looting the United States Treasury for foreign interests is absolute as a high crime against these United States.

Only those Americans in Wall Street, regime, Congress and Judiciary who are Americans may be indicted on the high crime of treason.
Those such as Chief Justice John Roberts, who were blackmailed into finding Obamacare Constitutional would be indicted on the charge of conspirators in the overthrow of the Government of these United States.

As for the foreign handlers and associates of Mr. Obama Chin, the reality is, they engaged in warfare against these United States, and are as of that legal reality in a nation has the right to defend herself, ready targets for the retaliation of the United States people by all means necessary.

As for the press, they are indeed traitors if US nationals and enemy agents if foreign.

In every case, since 2008, which includes every States Secretary of State who did not certify Mr. Obama with legal evidence, these individuals are either conspirators or outright traitors. The entire group are subject according to the crimes against humanity clause of world understanding, subject to the death penalty by any means enacted once convicted by a Tribunal in speedy trial.

This is international law from time immemorial. Cleopatra for her parts as a foreign agent against Rome would have been captured, led through the streets and then executed as an agent of Egypt and in treachery with Marc Antony, the Roman.
Benedict Arnold if captured would have been tried and hung as a traitor to America and as a British agent.

The right of the national mob was proven in France as much as any people when a national overthrow occurs. The mob institutes justice in crimes against it and the nation by the regime, and the entire regime is executed legally for the blind justice of the nation so grieved.

This must all be legal and of a patriot court so justice is administered, as much as Saddam Hussein was tried, convicted and executed by a patriot court in Iraq.

There is one law in all of this, and that is every people as a nation has the right to self preservation and justice upon it's assailants whether domestic or foreign in the right of redress for crimes against it in the martial or judicial courts.

It is fact, by birth abstract forgery, and no matter the propaganda of the cartel in dismissing the reality that Mr. Obama is not legitimate, that fact remains that Barack Hussein Obama is a foreigner, and has knowingly and willingly made jihad with his traitors and forced conspirators upon the Government of these United States, upon the people of these United States and upon select foreign states which Mr. Obama has engaged in religicide in those states, mainly Muslim, in replacing Nationalist Muslims with Islacommunist agents answering to Mr. Obama and his terror network.

There is not a need to clutter the charges with counts of 40,000 Syrians or one assassinated Andrew Breitbart, for the main charge is all that is necessary on the illegal commandeering of the Ship of State of these United States as a high crime against Americans and the nations of the world.
That is a reality proven by the forged birth abstract which Mr. Obama Chin submitted knowingly before the world in order to deceive it.

nuff said


The Murder of Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Murder of Nelson Mandela

Did this blog not predict that there was an appointed time in the cycle of power, that Nelson Mandela would be sacrificed?
That reality was written here months ago, after Nelson Mandela was "prepared" by ritual for this offering. To break the ice that will open people's eyes, Nelson Mandela was sacrificed by the Obama regime to satan, for the initiation of the anti Christ to appear.

What proof do I have in this?

You missed the Drudge Report headline a few days ago when an eye witness fan of Nelson  Mandela reported that Nelson Mandela was "breathing on his own when taken off life support for several hours before he died".
Ah, Mandela was on life support, meaning someone was keeping Nelson Mandela around for a specific time in which he would die.
As this has not soaked into your thinking yet, if you pulled the plug on some invalid in a hospital, you would find yourself arrested, especially if that person was still viable in breathing on their own.

Breathing on their own........I repeat that again so you get this, in Mandela was on life support, and he was taken off life support, whereby someone deliberately wanted Mandela dead for a specific time.
Taking someone off of life support, means that breathing and heart beating person will have their bodies taxed in being deprived of oxygen, which in turn suffocates the body, which in turn causes the heart to have a most painful spasm, called a heart attack.

There was nothing pretty about this death, any more than Terri Schiavo being dehydrated to death. It was someone with purpose ending Nelson Mandela's death on a specific date for a specific reason.
For those who say Mandela's time had come, there is Ariel Sharon in Israel not being taken off of life sustaining means after much longer, as no one desires Sharon dead for a purpose as an offering.
The reality is eye witnesses state that Mandela was taken off life support, as he was still alive and when taken off, he fought to live yet, but was instead allowed to die for a purpose which has only been spoken of here.

"Oh it could not be better, but a gigantic warm up for Obama", that was the Christiane Amanpour gushing over this Paul Welstone event of Minnesota disgusting natures, which Rush Limbaugh actually got right, but then Limbaugh after this blog exposed Limbaugh's praise of Mandela, is now getting the reality out in Mandela hated America and loved butchers like communist Fidel Castro.
It sounds like Limbaugh was quoting this blog's posts about Nelson Mandela and then remembering the African expatriots who had their lives deprived of them from South Africa to Kenya to Rhodesia.

The Fang Jinn is in the process of attempting to use this offering in the image of Obama to buoy up the Obama legacy for the next push to keep it in power. The Jinn's time has been set, and this Mandela offering was for satan and it's anti Christ arising to power and Pater Pope was in complete collusion with this sacrifice.
This blog has been proven correct in exact terms, exactly as was Prophesied here. Mandela would be offered up for power, and that offering would be murder. That has been proven in the reality that Mandela was alive and allowed to die for this specific week in December. This same week is a high week and why it was chosen originally for the end of Birther Hussein and that group instead offering up the fatlings of Sandy Hook to sustain their power.
Nelson Mandela is the offering for the resurrection of the dead sun in the winter equinox.

This is about the power curve of the cycle and what it affords.

Nelson Mandela, the servant of satan, was murdered and offered up and now the ghouls have gathered in preparation for who will follow.
There will be additional offerings in June of 2014 which are planned for the fertility/birthing rites of that which will follow.

nuff said

agtG 221

Posted by 

The People Who Invested In Dinar And Other Foreign Currencies On Their Harleys

A man rides a motorcycle on a beach in Malaysia - HD stock video clip
The people who invested in Dinar and other Foreign Currencies on their Harleys were riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above their heads and, in a booming voice, God said, 'because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.'

The bikers pulled over and said, 'Build a bridge to Hawaii so we can ride over anytime we want.'

God replied, 'Your request is materialistic; think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things.

Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind.'

The bikers thought about it for a long time. Finally, they said, 'God, we wish that we, and all those who have invested in Dinar and other Foreign Currencies, could understand all the Dinar Gurus; we want to know how they really feel inside? What they are thinking when they give us the dates the RV “Just Happened” over-and-over-and-over again? Why do they continue to lie? What they mean when they say they have direct-first-hand contacts in all the right places and people in the know? Why do they continue to lead us on... knowing full well they have no clue on when the RV will be "Announced?" And how we can get them all to just tell us (poor trusting souls) the honest-to-goodness truth once and for all?

God replied: 'You want two lanes or four on that bridge?'

He who laughs, lasts!

64% of Republicans and 40% of voters in general believe Obama is hiding the truth about his IDs

64% of Republicans and 40% of voters in general believe Obama is hiding the truth about his IDs

Posted on | December 14, 2013

Mysterious Plane Crash Resurrects Obama Eligibility Debate

Professioal pilot with a float plane rating: Caravan cesssna can safely land on water and it can be recovered. Does anyone have the map of the area? they were 1 and a half minute in the air, half a mile from shore, how deep was the water? why is NTSB saying that the plane will not be recovered, while there were recoveries from 500 feet depth?

Posted on | December 14, 2013
Dr. Orly,
Here is an observation from a Navy SEAL + Professional Pilot that has a Float Plane rating. The Caravan Aircraft Loretta Fuddy crashed in had a large cargo pod attached to the aircraft’s belly. From my observation of this coupled with the Caravan’s ability to fly at slow speeds. This aircraft could be intentionally safely be landed on water. The pod would essentially be a large water ski.
The aircraft should be able to be recovered, with a forensic engine inspection it could be determined easily if the engine failed or was shut down.
They said the aircraft could not be recovered which is BS. The Danes recovered a Russian Submarine in 500+ feet of water not too far from HI.
God Bless America,
Harry Butler
Dr. Orly,
Will do!!!
An additional thought on the Fuddy crash, the aircraft flight path may have been recorded. It looks to me the flight path the aircraft would have normally flown to their destination was not followed. It’s hard to tell on a short flight such as that but a right turn out instead of a left could mean a lot in the investigation. Especially if the aircraft engine was intentionally shut down + did not fail.
Additionally the Cockpit Data + Voice Recorders(Black Boxes) if the Caravan has them will have that information.
Sharon Rondeau says the Fuddy crash could be the crime of the Century. You know more about this than anyone + are not afraid to pursue the truth.
Keep Up Your Great Work, This Nation Owes You So Much,
Harry Butler
Gulfstream Captain

Why there was no immediate rescue? Why did the pilot have to swim to shore to get help, why wasn’t help dispatched right away, since the engine stopped only 1 and a half minutes after take-off according to passenger C. Phillip Holstein. Is it Benghazi all over again?

Posted on | December 14, 2013

AAA warning and E15 gas- DON'T USE IT!

Subject: AAA warning and E15 gas- DON'T USE IT!

Message forwarded.

Another broadcast message.

WARNING from AAA. Your government doesn't care and neither does the auto industry. Did you know about this???????

Subject: AAA issues warning not to use E15 gas coming to your gas station

DON'T KEEP THIS - SEND IT OUT TO YOUR LIST. Let’s circulate this to as many as possible.

Joe Grisafi
Eagle 1 Metal Works
All Things Metal

Strategic Partnership with foreign government trumps Homeland Austerity.

Strategic Partnership with foreign government trumps Homeland Austerity.

in this special SMR or Saturday Morning Report, Free Planet is going to use EDITORIAL CONTENT and links directly from today's excellent Citizens for Legitimate Government newsletter, edited by Lori Price.
Congress triples Obama's request on defense cooperation with Israel --Defense cooperation funding, to which Israel contributes, is separate from the $3.1 billion Israel receives in defense assistance as part of a 10-year package. 12 Dec 2013 The final version of the congressional defense budget triples the Obama administration's request for funding for joint U.S.-Israel defense cooperation. The *284 million in the budget released jointly on Dec. 10 by the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate budget committees -- up from the *96 million requested by the Obama administration -- includes funding for the Arrow long-range anti-missile system and the David's Sling and Iron Dome missile defense systems. The full National Defense Authorization Act for 2014 is virtually assured passage. [Yes, let's slash food stamps and Social Security to fund the US-Israel occupation of Gaza. *Not.*]

It's also worth excerpting this little beauty from the Global Jewish News Source the above Newsletter item links to:
Separately, the House on Wednesday passed a bill by a 399-0 vote that would enhance the U.S. commitment to Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region. The bill, initiated by Reps. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) and Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), increases the frequency that the president must report to Congress on the maintenance of Israel’s advantage from every four years to every two years. It also adds requests for reports on cyber security and asymmetric warfare. [source JTA]

Hmm, pushed through with a vote of 399-0. Does that ever happen in TDP or The Democratic Process? Ever? Kinda interesting isn't it, the secure hold the lobbied corporate machine has on 'You The People'.

RoboCop future anyone?


Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 14-Dec-2013 08:59:07
David P. Crayford writes:
Since Karen Hudes came on the scene talking about the GREEN HILTON AGREEMENT I have been inundated with mails from all over the world, on a constant basis requesting if I can explain what is the meaning of this AGREEMENT and why is it that Hudes, Keenan, Scott, and Wilcock are all talking about it.
I have been unable to answer all the emails because I am semi-retired and need my relaxation time, so I hope that those people whose mails have not yet been answered will forgive me in responding via RMN and Abundanthope.

The “GREEN HILTON AGREEMENT” was an agreement, not an International Treaty or Bi-lateral Treaty. The actual AGREEMENT was entered into on the Indonesian side by Mr Soewarno (Code Name - Satya Darma), Mr Chaerul Pathollah (Code Name - Suring Pati), and Ms Sarinah (Code Name - Lady of Roses) all working under a Power of Attorney issued by President Soekarno. This AGREEMENT dated 14th November 1963 was countersigned by President Soekarno on 21st February 1966.
On the American side the AGREEMENT was entered into by President John F. Kennedy, Mr Hughes Scoot, Mr Robert Huglis, Mr Anthong Brian.
Within the actual document it states, quote “And, if it is necessary to change Ownership name of the Ownership Receipt, then this Treaty the Ownership is illegal and improper according to the current law”.
There is in fact two parts to this AGREEMENT. One being the actual “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE”, the other part being the “MASTER AGREEMENT” dated October 7th 1961.
It matters not who executed this AGREEMENT, or both parts of this AGREEMENT, nor does it really matter what the dates are. What really matters is whether it is legal and whether the signatories to the AGREEMENT are legally authorised to execute such an AGREEMENT.
Let me start with the latter of the above paragraph. The main point here is that President Soekarno was only the Holder or Custodian and held no power under the Custodianship agreements entered into some years previously; to delegate power of authority to any person or party. Soekarno himself, did not hold any power of signatory rights to transfer, assign, sell, dispose, or otherwise any of the Gold or other assets under his Custodianship. He claimed the power under the fact that the original ownership documents had disappeared, or were lost. Such documents of ownership were not lost nor had they disappeared. They were, like all other documents to such physical assets, held separate from the physical assets in depositories elsewhere in the world. Those documents of ownership are still held within a separate depository some thousands of miles away from the Swiss depositories where the Gold is held.
Soekarno was not even the person known as M1, that position was held by President Marcos of the Philippines, so Soekarno held no power whatsoever other than Holder or Custodian with exceptionally limited power. Yet he wrongly claimed ownership rights on assets that he did not own.

In respect of the America persons / parties who executed both parts of this AGREEMENT, they were nominated following the Presidential Executive Order issued by President John F. Kennedy, which ultimately led to the “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” dated 14th November 1963 and finally countersigned by President Soekarno on 21st February 1966, the other part being the “MASTER AGREEMENT” dated October 7th 1961.
The question now is whether the execution of this AGREEMENT was legal, irrespective of who executed it on the American side.
Following President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President within the hotel where he was staying in Houston, Texas. The very first act of President Lyndon Johnson, again whilst he was still within the hotel in Houston, Texas, was to revoke the Presidential Executive Order issued by President Kennedy, which was the Executive Order that led to the “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” and the “MASTER AGREEMENT”. As a result of this revocation the “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” and the “MASTER AGREEMENT” became null and void.
To further confirm the Null and Void factor of this AGREEMENT, and this is something that not many people are aware of, is the fact that the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills had already been printed. The latter Bills were coming to the end of the printing run.
The 1 and 2 Dollar Bills had been placed into circulation. The 5, 10, and 20 Dollar Bills were ready to place into circulation.
Upon the revocation of the Executive Order issued by President Kennedy, by President Johnson, the 1 and 2 Dollar Bills already in circulation were withdrawn from the market place in their entirety. The 5, 10, and 20 Dollar Bills were never placed into circulation, as applied to the 50 and 100 Dollar Bills when the printing run had ceased. All these Notes, except for a few which were held by collectors, were destroyed.

The “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” and the “MASTER AGREEMENT” being null and void, were never recognised by the United States, nor was it ever recorded and registered as a legitimate, enforceable, and legally binding document between two countries.
Now we have a situation that America is claiming this “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” and the “MASTER AGREEMENT” is legal and is relative to who owns the Gold which was the collateral to be used behind this AGREEMENT. It was never used and remains under the ownership of the Trust, which in itself is a Trust held under Foundation Divine / Collateral Accounts, which is / are owned by the International Treasury Controller, as Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter as appointed by the Nations of the World (being those empowered to appoint) on January 20th 1995.
The aforementioned appointment was made to replaced the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (America, France, United Kingdom) who had committed so much fraud within their Fifty (50) year term, the Nations of the World agreed that this term should not be extended or renewed. Instead they appointed one person to legally own, control and arbitrate all assets held under Foundation Divine / Collateral Accounts and the numerous Trusts and Foundations owned by Foundation Divine.

The main point here is that with wrongful claimed ownership of the Gold, and the revocation of the Executive Order issued by President Kennedy, the “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” and the “MASTER AGREEMENT” is not valid, and never has been recognised as a legitimate enforceable AGREEMENT, either internationally or between two countries, and therefore it holds no legal standing and is totally unenforceable in law. This is a point endorsed by the Indonesia side of the AGREEMENT wherein it states “ “And, if it is necessary to change Ownership name of the Ownership Receipt, then this Treaty the Ownership is illegal and improper according to the current law”.
I really have to ask therefore why is America, or at least Hudes, Keenan, Wilcock and Scott continuing to hinge on an AGREEMENT that does not legally exist.
America have tried everything else in the book in an attempt to claim all these assets, including theft on a grand scale, and still the real legal documentation denies them, but they are still trying, along with their additional misinformation operators, to claim ownership. In addition to this they are constantly debunking the International Treasury Controller as a fraudulent operation which of course it isn’t as it is an internationally recognised Agreement of Appointment executed by those who were empowered to execute.
On a separate, but related issue, Wolfgang Struck is NOT, I repeat NOT, the signatory to these accounts, and never has been. He probably holds an illegal document of Power of Attorney or Mandate giving him that so-called and claimed legal right, but executed by Holders / Custodians who have no power whatsoever as Holders / Custodians, as was the same situation with Soekarno; there is no legal right to assign, transfer, sell, dispose, or similar.
So again, an illegal act in an attempt to gain control over the assets of the Collateral Accounts, for whatever reason, which, having seen (and now on our records) some of the illicit agreements that surround their unlawful activities, and that includes illicit and unlawful agreements issued and executed by the World Bank, only about 10% is allocated to the world. The rest simply goes into their pockets. To hell with the people, it’s us first and they can have the leftovers, is their policy.

In simple terms, you have a substantial cash deposit account in a bank. A Third Party comes along and decides he / she will use your cash deposit account and the balance thereof, without your knowledge, as collateral to enable a Fourth Party to issued some Bonds, or certificates. Whoa boy, not legally possible and you would soon be on your bank’s doorstep if something like this was attempted ........... WOULDN’T YOU. I would and I believe most people in this world would be exactly the same. That’s how simple this is, in a Nutshell, despite all the claims of Agreements / Treaties, assassinations, false claims, misinformation, or similar.
Finally, this leads to the RESPECTING THE RIGHTS TREATY executed in Bangkok 2003. It is an illicit Treaty derived from nothing because the “AGREEMENT - GREEN HILTON MEMORIAL BUILDING GENEVE AND CERTIFICATE OF GENEVE” and the “MASTER AGREEMENT” is not, and never has been recognised as a legitimate enforceable AGREEMENT, either internationally or between two countries, and therefore it holds no legal standing and is totally unenforceable in law.
Furthermore, it was initiated by a person on the Indonesia side, along with his lawyers, who do not hold any legal right, and who is neither a Holder / Custodian / Signatory, but claims he is the legitimate son and heir of President Soekarno.

There are very few people in this world who have access to “Top Secret” documents / archives, of which Keenan, Hudes, Wilcock, Scott are not included in that list, yet they profess and promulgate their extensive and unquestionable knowledge on such matters. I would rather believe in fairies than listen to their diatribe.
David P. Crayford.

Comet ISON break-up: What could happen on Dec 16th in South Africa

video on this page !!!

Reader: Comet ISON break-up: What could happen on Dec 16th in South Africa
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 14-Dec-2013 11:02:04 \
Well, well, well. Looky here.
Comet ISON break-up: What could happen on Dec 16th in South Africa
( No name or email please)
The story of the comet ISON continues to unfold before our eyes. It’s worth paying attention to this one.
The comet has broken up into billions of waves. More to the point, there is talk of a pagan ritual set to take place at a South African temple on the 16th at the end of the Mandela funeral event. Who will be in attendance?
Dahboo77 offers brilliant commentary on this historic event…
It started with me noticing that ISON was perfectly equal distanced with Venus and Earth on this day, forming a perfect triangle/pyramid. Then we noticed that with the sun added we got a perfect cross.
I then realized that December 16th is the end of the Mayan Tzolkin calendar…
Then , I found that the moon and sun would both be in their Gates on this date ..Do you know how rare that is ?
And now, to top it all off – all the world leaders will be in South Africa where there is a huge Sun Temple designed for December 16th…

Cease and Desist Order issued against Neil Keenan et al.

Document of International Monetary Fund and not for public use (author's bold)

Cease and Desist Order issued against Neil Keenan et al.


G   A   L   A   C   T I   C         F   E   D   E   R   A   T   I   O   N         S   T   O   N   E   H   E   N   G   E  (this message was sent Dec. 13, 2013)

The Sacred Site of AGARTHA in Matawini have been discovered by Astraelia at the age of 7 after a powerful mystical experience occurred as a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him his wings spread opened in the center of the sun. It is a very ancient sacred site, whose discovery have been kept a secret for more than 50 years. This megalithic site goes back to the previous Age of Light on Earth, and is being reactivated to play it's inspiring role in the birthing of the New Age of Light. This New Age of Light is expected to arise with the return of the Ancestors, those the indigenous peoples call the ''Star Nations'' the great Armada of the Galactic Federation of Light actually around our Planet.

The time has come for the discovery of the fundamentally spiritual nature and meaning of the presence of the Celestrial civilizations actually around Earth in the invisible spectrum. These spiritually advanced extraterrestrial civilizations of the Light, are sent here by Prime Creator, in a paramount mission of birthing the spiritual Ascension of humanity. They are both our archaic genetic ancestors who have seeded humanity on the sacred paradise of Gaia, and are also what we know to be the Gardian Angels sent here by Prime Creator to assist him in the full implementation of the Divine Plan of return to the spiritual dimensions, that has been prophesied by the Ancients for Earth Humanity.

The disclosure and landing of the Galactic Federation Armada will be leading to the eventual revelation of the long hidden secret of the existence of the Inner Earth Agartha Kingdom who will play a key role in the Ascension process by providing light transformation chambers that will enable us to reaccess the forgotten memory of who we are, and will reconnect our chakras that have been closed since the great devolution that occurred at the end of the Atlantean Era. The members of the 5th dimensional Agartha Kingdom are the descendants of the LEMURIAN ancient Star Civilization that have built the Agartha sacred site. They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia after the invasion of the Dark Empire of Anchara who covertly took over our beloved planet 550 thousand years ago.

The impending Spiritual Ascension process is accessible to all spiritually inclined people of Earth who wish to walk on this sacred path of their own free will.   We are destined to become the steward gardians of Gaia that will be reborn in it's original state of a sacred paradise planet of the Light existing on the 4th and 5th dimensional level.

Astraelia is also a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Light Worker working ''on the sacred side of things'', reactivating the primordial living link between Earth and the Spiritual Dimensions, through the medium of ceremonies, sacred singing and tantric extatic yoga practices. This whole story of the discovery of Matawini is a genuine living legend of our time, bringing us a glimpse of the Light, Bliss and Divine Love which is our true destiny has it will be revealed to all of us in 2012. This is the magnitude of what is being hidden from us, behind the whole secrecy on the subject of UFO presence around our planet, and on the profound spiritual meaning of the Ascension process that is to occur in 2012.

The celestial legions of the Angels of the Light are here, in their heavenly vehicules of living light that we still call UFO, in this paramount mission involving the greatest UFO Armada ever assembled, including over 1000 giant Motherships, dozens of Planetoid size Starships, and over 15 millions UFO, in orbit around Earth waiting for a massive First Contact landing, in order to implement the Divine Plan of liberation of Earth from the entrenched remains of the Dark Force of the Illuminati, and the return to the spiritual dimensions of all those that are ready and willing to enter the dimensional portal of 2012, of their own Free Will and with blissful Love and Joy in their heart. A Divine Intervention of very great magnitude is about to happen. May we all soon be One in the supreme Light of Divine Love.

The role of the Agartha site is to be an anchoring point in the Light Grid of Earth for the Light current energies that are being channeled toward Earth from the Galactic Center and the Planetoid size Starships of the Armada of the Galactic Federation, in preparation for the dimensional ascension of 2012, that will bring us back to our previously enjoyed full consciousness.

There are 5 magnificent sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. There is a crystal obelisk in the sacred cave, a megalithic stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain, & a Cristal Crop Circle of the symbol of the Galactic Federation on the Giant Rock Site and many UFO shaped ancient Dolmens. Crystal Obelisks shaped like ''Flames of Stone'' have been predicted to be found on the site, and after many years of quest, many have been found, the largest one being over 600 pounds. In 2010 a new sacred site has been discovered, the Agartha Pyramid site.

The discovery of the sacred site by Astraelia at the age of 7, is also the fulfillment of an ancient local Indian Elders prophecy, who had predicted the discovery of an important sacred site in Quebec by a seven years old child. This prophecy also mentioned an important Sacred Bundle would be found. The prophecy has in all it's aspects been fulfilled... The Agartha sacred site is dedicated to the return of the New Age of Light & spirituality on Earth, the reunion with our ancestors, the Celestrial Civilizations from the Star Nations, & the Agartha Inner Earth Kingdom, and the dimensional spiritual Ascension Process of 2012.

May the Great Spirit Sun shine it's Bliss in our heart.
May the christed light of love radiate in our hearts
And announce a new Day for Gaia & her faithful guardians
The most important journey, is the one that leads to ourself


MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Developments and Liberation Petition

Saturday, December 14, 2013

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Developments and Liberation Petition

Until now, more than 12,000 people have voted in our poll and over 88% of them are in favor of triggering the Event as soon as possible. We have conducted this poll for the Chinese people in a little bit different way since the Portal 2012 website is blocked in China and most of the Chinese population could not vote on the site directly. In China, additional 388 people have voted, of which 339 (87%) would like to experience the Event now. 
There were some crazy people out there trying to hijack the voting process (the Resistance knows who they are) but the vast majority of votes are valid and real and represent the will of an important part of the awakened population on the surface of this planet.
The Resistance Movement was waiting for the poll numbers to reach 12,000 people and then evaluated the situation. 12,000 people represents a certain critical mass of the awakened population and clearly the vast majority have expressed their free will and are supporting the action to be taken soon. This creates a very powerful exopolitical statement which needs to be taken seriously.
Free will is extremely important. The spark of free will in all of us is the divine spark which is actually our direct connection with the One/Source/Creator. The Source is not an energy or entity outside of us, it is rather the deepest aspect of all of us and it is actually the divine spark in us that took the vote. The Event will happen when all aspects of divinity, us here on the surface, the Resistance below the surface and the positive ET races above the surface, will align in a synchronized manner to trigger the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun. And we as a collective DO have a say in this process, although we are not the only factor involved.
In light of the current developments, the Resistance Movement and positive ET Light races, in full alignment with the will of the One/Source,  have decided not to wait for the non-physical planes to be completely clear to trigger the Event. This will allow for much easier disintegration of the etheric implants as those implants will be faced with physical evidence of changes and this will effectively dissolve all implanted mind programs and the remaining etheric matrix.

Certain risks will be taken by the Light forces to speed up the Event, but this also means that the transition will not be a smooth as it was originally hoped. When the Event actually happens is not known yet, as the new plan has not yet been completely finalized. 
The Resistance Movement has expressed its concern about the lack of cooperation between the leading members of the awakened human population, as that can make the whole transition process much harder for humanity. On the other hand, they understand that cooperation is not easy when true spiritual guidance on the surface of the planet is clearly absent. Therefore they have decided to initiate contact after the Event with those members of the awakened population that will be open to it, and offer them spiritual guidance. In the first phase after the Event, the Resistance will not address the human masses directly but will instruct the awakened part of the human population how to deal with the planetary situation and the human masses. Thus a partnership will be established that will build on mutual trust and understanding. 
In order to promote a deeper understanding of what the Event is and to explain the background of the current planetary situation, I have been interviewed by Alfred Labremont Webre on Exopolitics TV: 
You can also watch the improved audio version of this interview on Youtube:
Although we have reached a certain critical mass of 12,000 people, it is very important that you keep voting until December 21st, when the poll closes. There is strength in numbers and more people do vote, more our collective free will will be able to contribute to the situation.
The RM2m special task force has asked us for additional support. A significant part of the awakened population has expressed their will, but to further evaluate the plans for the Event, the general population on the surface of the planet needs to be involved.
Therefore they are asking for a few volunteers to be willing to conduct street surveys in their own country regarding this issue. We need at least three independent surveys (preferably on three different continents) with at least 200 (preferably 1000) people voting, in a little bit different way, to understand more the perspective of the general surface population. We would ask the volunteers to and they will be given further instructions how to conduct the surveys. The results and their evaluation by the Resistance will be published on this blog.

Furthermore, the RM2m special task force has asked me to create a petition which promotes the action for the Event to be taken as soon as possible. The Light forces need 144,000 signatures as a collective expression of our free will that will give them green light for the implementation of the next phase of their plan. You can sign the petition here:
The Light forces have asked to make the link to this petition viral,  to get as many signatures as possible, as soon as possible.

The RM2m special task force will give further situation updates when appropriate.

Victory NOW! Liberation NOW!

Kevin Annett: Pope ............

Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Our Mandate: (1) To bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state.

CNBC running the story concerning the Spire Law Group's $43 trillion dollar RICO lawsuit

Official screen shot showing major media outlet CNBC running the story concerning the Spire Law Group's $43 trillion dollar RICO lawsuit

December 13th, 2012




Obama pressured to locate missing CIA contractor in Iran - National Law Enforcement |

President Barack Obama and his administration found themselves facing intense scrutiny on Friday regarding its efforts to locate an alleged CIA contractor named Robert Levinson, from both lawmakers and the Levinson family...

Belgium Senate Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children |

Belgium Senate Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to
Euthanize Children |

Date: Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 1:43 AM

COMING TO AMERICA!!!!!!!......................................................s o o n !!!

When are we going to stop these murdering bastards??