Monday, December 16, 2013

Global Collateral Account

1) You do not have every right to talk for the people of the Philippine Islands.  You do not talk for me.  I have already denounced your previous straw men misstating my position.  
2) Your insistence that I must deal with you is circular at best.  Do you understand the legal concept of unclean hands?  Your posturing has not established any role for you or your principals in the disposition of the Global Accounts.   
3) The International Court of Justice has no jurisdiction over the res.  The ICJ's attempt to bootstrap jurisdiction with Hendo Henderson has sadly backfired. 
"The enemy uses its near-total control of global media, education, and entertainment to maintain its invisibility with a high wall of false reality....This foreign enemy has two fatal vulnerabilities: its needs for: (i) public invisibility and, (ii) control of the U.S. military to enforce its concealed global schemes."

The internet is undermining your principals' censorship and propaganda in the mainstream media, and there is no longer total control.  Your principals are visible to a growing number in the United States and in the rest of the Bretton Woods' membership.  What happened in Hungary and Iceland is on the verge of happening in the rest of the Bretton Woods' members, and will happen in the United States in due course during the Article V Constitutional Convention.  

The events on October 8 have shown that your principals no longer control the US military.  

Here's my question to General Dempsey:
With the Federal Reserve Note weakening against other currencies, 25% of international trade no longer denominated in US dollars, and the US credit rating on the verge of being lowered by the new Universal Credit Rating Group, do you think it is time to accept the offer of the authorized signatory to the Global Collateral Account to release the uncut dollars issued by the US Treasury department and back them with the 170,500 metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the Bank of Hawaii?

A growing number of citizens in the United States and in the Philippines are reclaiming their history.  They no longer wish to see their taxes go to the City of London and the Vatican.  They are reclaiming their Constitutional rights. 

This should make it clear to you that your ultimatum to me that I "provide [my] intentions and the list of Governors and their alleged intent or rights by return" is of null effect.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

From: shelleybolling
To: karenhudes
Karen,  It's Shelley Bolling working with Dr. Hendo Henderson.  The rule of law that these 196 nations have signed off on is Omni Law, which for the US takes us back to our original organic Constitution.  Yes, the Vatican is not in charge and never will be.  We were the ones working with the International Criminal Court of Justice who tried the Pope and Queen of England last October on human sex trafficking and global financial terrorism, of which they were found guilty on all charges as you well know.  The Vatican is being dismantled, and Elizabeth has been dethroned, although to look through the eyes of the main stream media you wouldn't necessarily know that.  It was because of this case that Pope Benedict stepped down, and that Pope Francis has not moved into the Papal apartments.  The Vatican is not counted as one of the 196 nations.
 Yes, there will be no release of funds without full accountability.  There is complete accountability, as the Executor, Dr. Henderson and the Fiduciaries, have filed all legal and accounting paperwork with the World Court on down to the local levels with all 196 nations.  Dr. Henderson was the one who wrote Omni Law and took it to the World Court in 1983 to be filed.  It passed the test of time without any objections and officially became law in 1998, because Dr. said they would go beyond the 7 year statute to 15 years without objection.
 I know I'm just a lay person trying to explain to an attorney what we have accomplished, but we do have many attorneys, accountants, scribes, fiduciaries, custodians and stewards making sure everything is filed and processed according to the rule of law and responsible accounting procedures.  I have copies of the main documents and as Dr. Henderson allows me to, I will forward these to you at the appropriate time. 
I can't imagine the harassment you have gotten from so many people and the MSM, but know that we are very thankful for what you are doing, as it dovetails beautifully into what we are doing.  We are actually working together, although on different sides of the largest project ever for mankind.  I know that as you get to know us, you will feel much more comfortable about what we are doing.  I certainly respect you being cautious as we are as well.  However, the works of your hands that we have seen, have proven to us that you are a woman of integrity and with a heart for the truth.  Please allow us the same courtesy as you will see going forward that the works of our hands will prove our integrity and heart to you.
 Best regards,

Shelley Bolling
Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:39 AM,   wrote:
I have every right to talk for the People of the Philippine Islands as at refers to their Global Assets for at least about 30 million at present and growing daily (that also is the number set by President Marcos to access the Global Assets and the Accounts. 
If you do not want to disclose what  rights you may have I can only assume that you want to support the cry for something like Bretton Woods to be placed into force again after Nixon abandoned Bretton Woods in 1971 and possibly since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 following the loss of the Global Assets belonging to the People of the Philippine Islands came into force. 
Your 188 Governors have no right to participate in those assets unless an Agreement is reached with the People of the Philippine Islands with all the right documentation in hand to prove ownership. The People of the Philippine Islands who invited me to assist, have that documentation. Further the International Court of Justice has ruled 14th September 2006 that no other nations or Country can assert their right of the Global Assets and are forever considered Null and Void as attached. I know Wolfgang has had this copy previously from me but didn’t want to consider as it was “Snow Pecked”.
It seems if you are putting your hand up for the 188 Nations and want to pursue that course further, it may be necessary to go again to the International Court of Justice with the People of the Philippine Islands Lawyers so you can get it clear in your mind that you have no rights to the Global Accounts.
Please provide your intentions and the list of Governors and their alleged intent or rights by return.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)

Plants won't grow near Wi-Fi routers, experiment finds

Plants won't grow near Wi-Fi routers, experiment finds
Posted By: esu333
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 12:12:29

Source: Natural News
It's not difficult to understand the appeal of Wi-Fi. This revolutionary technology, which has been commercially available since 1999, eliminates cabling and wiring for computers, reduces cellular usage charges and allows us to connect to the Internet from anywhere with a signal. Despite these benefits, however, studies continue to show that the radiation generated by wireless routers is negatively affecting our health. In fact, the British activist website Stop Smart Meters recently published a list of 34 scientific studies demonstrating the adverse biological effects of Wi-Fi exposure, including studies linking it to headaches, reduced sperm count and oxidative stress.
The latest research into the dangers of Wi-Fi, though, comes from a surprisingly humble source: Five ninth grade female students from Denmark, whose science experiment revealed that wireless radiation is equally as devastating to plants.
Undeniable results
The experiment began when the five students realized that they had difficulty concentrating in school if they slept near their mobile phones the previous night. Intrigued by this phenomenon, the students endeavored to study the effects of cellphone radiation on humans. Unfortunately, their school prevented them from pursuing this experiment due to a lack of resources, so the students decided to test the effects of Wi-Fi radiation (comparable in strength to cellphone radiation) on a plant instead.
The girls placed six trays of Lepidium sativum seeds (a garden cress grown commercially throughout Europe) in a room without radiation, and an equal amount in a room next to two Wi-Fi routers. Over a 12-day period, they observed, measured, weighed and photographed the results. Even before the 12th day arrived, however, the end results were obvious: The cress seeds placed near the routers either hadn't grown or were completely dead, while the seeds placed in the radiation-free room had blossomed into healthy plants.
The experiment earned the five students top honors in a regional science competition. Moreover, according to a teacher at their school, Kim Horsevad, a professor of neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden was so impressed with the experiment that he is interested in repeating it in a controlled scientific environment.

justice roberts ruling stipulates 95%of americans are not required to sign up for obamacare. and much more    here.  also irs not for humans but for corperations only
Published on Dec 9, 2013

So why do people take the Government Owned Media's word for anything? Why are people not able to simply read a court ruling, look up the cited statutes and codes and discern for themselves what the ruling really means? Wake up and do it America. This ruling IS NOT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LEAD TO BELIEVE IT IS! AND ONLY WE THE PEOPLE CAN ENFORCE IT!!! AND by the way GET THAT SMART METER OFF YOUR HOME or at the very least check out the MANY ways to neutralize it which can be found on the internet.... AND after that if at all possible get your children out of the reach of public schools and child protective services no matter what state you are in! THEY ARE THE GREAT NATURAL RESOURCE of this country and are being taken in droves and mind warped and indoctrinated right under your noses.

United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS's business practices are unlawful.



On Sunday, December 15, 2013 10:35 PM

United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS's business practices are unlawful. He explicitly acknowledged that this ruling sets a precedent that has far-reaching implications for half of the mortgages in this country. MERS is dead. The banks are in big trouble. And all foreclosures should be stopped immediately while the legislative branch comes up with a solution.
For some weeks I have been arguing that MERS is perpetrating foreclosure fraud all across the nation. Its business model makes it impossible to legally foreclose on any mortgaged property registered within its system -- which includes half of the outstanding mortgages in the US. MERS was a fraud from day one, whose purpose was to evade property recording fees and to subvert five centuries of property law. Its chickens have come home to roost.
Janete Christensen
New South Financial, Inc.
VP of Financial Operations
1033 Shine Avenue, Suite 105
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
843-839-7625 (Office)
1-800-380-6128 (Fax)

Secret Space War III: MARDUK Lands in Africa ?

Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa ?

by  Preston James

Occasionally a good rumor is entertaining as well as distracting from the often negative barrage of daily world news which is usually slanted to indicate the demise of populism which is far from true.
This article involves a story which I certainly hope turns out to be just a funny rumor. The problem is that the source for this story has very deep Intel connections and usually is right on the money.
And there are certain background details which create many more questions than they answer.
And it is these questions which seem quite remarkable in scope and themselves generate many more questions and raise new issues.
A very strange trip to Africa during the last week of June 2013 for the last three American Presidents.
In the June 18, 2013 issue of the Africa Review (Kenya, Africa), a very interesting story detailed expected intersecting visits of both former President Clinton and current President Obama to Senegal, Africa (1).
This alone has not received any suitable explanation other than the flimsy reason that they were there to commemorate the “Al Cia Duh” bombing at the US Embassy in Tanzania.
And believe it or not former President George W. Bush is alleged to also have arrived in Africa during this time period.

Former US President Bill Clinton is expected in Senegal hours before the arrival of the incumbent President Barack Obama, sources said. The leading Le Populair daily on Tuesday quoted American embassy sources hinting that the two statesmen could likely meet during their stay in Dakar.
The sources further said that President Obama was expected to extend his visit initially billed for 48 hours to 72 hours, beginning June 26.
Several sitting world leaders, including, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the late Pope Jean Paul II, have visited Senegal over the last decade and toured the famous slave dungeon on Goree Island.

This visit of three American Presidents to the continent of Africa during the same time period is unprecedented in history and would appear to require an extraordinary explanation which has not been forthcoming.  
As if this story wasn’t already strange enough it gets even stranger, a story in CNN Politics on June 22, 2013 stated that President Obama and former President George Bush were to be on the African continent at the same time.
Obama flies Wednesday across the Atlantic for a trip that takes him to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania, marking his second visit to sub-Saharan Africa as president (He went to Ghana during his first term).
Meanwhile Bush, who’s made multiple visits to Africa since leaving office, leaves next week for Zambia, where he’s working with his global health initiative to renovate a clinic that will serve as a cervical cancer screening and treatment center, according to the George W. Bush Presidential Center.
While the 44th and 43rd president are not scheduled to meet up, first lady Michelle Obama will attend an event hosted in part by former first lady Laura Bush. The two will attend the African First Ladies Summit, put on by the George W. Bush Institute, in Tanzania on July 2, the final day of the Obamas’ trip.
Aid to Africa was a big part of the Bush administration’s foreign policy. The former president started the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, otherwise known as PEPFAR, during his tenure at the White House. Started in 2003, the program grew into a $50 billion program to combat AIDS around the globe through testing, counseling and medical treatment.(2)

President Obama changed his African trip schedule.
It was announced that President Obama changed his initial schedule to extend his stay from 48 to 72 hours in Senegal (3).  No reason was given for this change.
The Washington Post noted another change with President Obama’s trip. It reported that his plans to participate in a Tanzanian safari were cancelled and changed to a visit to Robben Island, the place where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of his 27 years as a political prisoner (4)(5).
As the story goes was reported that it was suggested that objections voiced over the use of special sniper rifles for use by President Obama to hunt large African animals with (and also for use by his special security detail).  Was there a concern arising that this special protection team could not be trusted and perhaps be turned?
Former high ranking CIA analyst Ray McGovern reported that it was rumored that President Obama had remarked to a friend that he had backed off on campaign promises because he was afraid of ending up like JFK (6).
Or perhaps this was just a cover story for a last minute change which was “suggested” by President Obama’s handlers, opening up his schedule for ”required” or at least highly desired meeting with a very powerful dignitary?
Here is President Obama’s official travel schedule (7). It scheduled him to be in Senegal the same time as former President Clinton. President Obama joined George W. Bush at a special Tanzania memorial to end his African trip (8).
It was reported that Bush and Obama just happened to find time to meet together by coincidence in Tanzania on July 2, 2013, to lay a wreath at the site of a 1998 “Al Cia Duh” bombing of the US embassy (10).
Did former President Clinton Meet up with Obama and former President George W. Bush?
But could former President Clinton have been there too at the same time and could there have been a special meeting between the three Presidents in Tanzania, or could there have been such a special meeting earlier in Senegal?
Or could each president have visited Senegal earlier and individually met with a very special world dignitary who is covertly assuming power, first in Africa and then the world to pay homage to him and agree to support his NWO final takeover which necessitates throwing Kingpins and Cutouts under the bus?
Is this “mystery entity” a powerful dignitary that is the actual ruler of the Third Force that has descended to Earth to assert control over the nations?
Certainly the visitation of a current sitting American president at the same time as two prior American Presidents to the African continent is unprecedented. This alone suggests that something very strange is up.
Of course with the apparent impending death of Nelson Mandela, control over the South American regime is now perhaps up for grabs. As many know the revolution in South America was an installation of a new socialist Bankster’s regime, actually a large scale social experiment. Doubt this then consider the triangular CIA center built in Johannesburg to represent the interests of the City of London Banksters.
In President Obama’s speech at Tanzania, he said that America was going to get more involved in Africa not just for charitable reasons but for self-interest too, that is, for new business opportunities for American corporations. This was a surprisingly blunt and honest acknowledgement since traditionally any involvement in South American or African matters have been to set up situations where the large international Banks covertly set hugely profitable “business opportunities” with the major international offshore corporations to sack the natural wealth of Africa, just as they used to do in South America, using USG trained death squads to clear the way, murder opposition and suppress the rights of the inhabitants.
Perhaps the prominent reason for the simultaneous African visits of three American Presidents, one current and two former may be to pay homage to a new world ruler who is now being revealed only to the very top insiders.  At least this is the rumor circulating at a deep level inside the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and MJ12 support staff.
And who might this important and powerful NWO dignitary be, one so important three American Presidents would pay homage to him even over and above their own country and its sovereignty?
As the rumor goes, it is Marduk who has descended to planet Earth to Africa from an alien spacecraft. According to legend, Marduk is supposedly an Annunaki (aka Anakem or Nephilim), a luciferian demon being that allegedly represents the inter-dimensional black planet “Nibiru” which is invisible to astronomers. Allegedly the Annunaki were killed and/or driven away from earth during the flood and have begun a comeback during the 20th century by once again interbreeding with certain chosen bloodlines which have maintained the “ancient luciferian heritage” dating back to Babylon.
As the storyline goes, the have been rules established by God Almighty which limits their exercise of power over mankind. If they are to make a full scale return as they were before the flood and their previous destruction on Planet Earth, they must obey God Almighty’s rules and gain a foothold by deceiving the masses through temptation to violate God Almighty’s laws.
This involves creating and anointing various selective hybrid bloodlines which are the merger between luciferian fallen angel blood and earth woman’s blood and using them to tempt and corrupt mankind to break God’s laws which require loving God Almighty (the real one) and loving one’s neighbor as one self (aka “the golden rule”).
And as this narrative goes, lucifer anoints his hybrids and followers with special powers of deception to gain a foothold and corrupt the people of the Earth, allowing construction of a common base of corruption and perversion by dirtying up and compromising the people of the earth.
Thus these select “lucifer illuminated” (aka Illuminati) families are allegedly anointed with luciferian power to take over the world step by step through a long process of step-by-step Fabian incremental socialism.
This process involves and necessitates destroying normal male/female sex roles and the family system, “dirtying up” the population with drugs and pornography, hijacking and consolidating organized crime systems, creating an unlimited supply of money to buy and bribe governmental officials, creating massive intel systems to blackmail and compromise officials, setting up perpetual war systems and crime to create 24/7 perpetual bloodletting and death sacrifices, and making people dependent on mass media entertainment and mindkontrol systems to keep them from knowing and processing the truth.
And of course one must not overlook the power of money to buy and corrupt, so it is easy to understand why the creation of a centralized privatized world banking system which specializes in creating millions of debt-slaves in place of the serfs of the middle ages is so vital to the creation of the corrupted base which can allow the NWO Globalist “alien leader” dent by lucifer to gain a Strong foothold and take over control of all the nations of the world.
The return of the Annunaki King Marduk?
The upward facing triangle is Annunaki fallen angel blood of the Nephilim, the “great men of old” and the downward facing triangle is the blood of the earth woman.  Merged together they form the six pointed star, called the hex or the Babylonian “luciferian hex”, a symbol of Annunaki/human hybrid bloodlines anointed by lucifer.
It is interesting that it has been alleged by several top researchers of UFOs and alien visitations, that the triangle symbolizes the Annunaki which have been alleged to have been deeply involved in human and animal abductions and dissections. Some have alleged that the Annunaki have eaten a large number of human abductees.
Some historians say this was used by King Solomon when he returned to “foreign gods” and became “hexed” or under the con and curse of the six pointed Babylonian Annunaki star. The six pointed star was never used by most Hebrews to describe their various tribes or nations.  It was adopted in approximately 700 AD by Judaics from a small secret sect some have referred to as the “synagogue of Satan” going all the way back to Babylon and also later adopted by the upper echelons of Freemasonry. Most non-zionist Judaics have no idea what the hex star really represent and would be horrified if they understood. The nation of Israel flies the hex flag and this symbolizes that it is a pure free-masonic nation run by the luciferians or “synagogue of satan” unbeknownst to most of its citizens or even most Judaics in the world.
So, has Marduk landed, has he made his final return to take back planet earth and establish a complete luciferian globalist NWO system?  And if so does he represent the Third Force that has secretly been pulling the strings covertly in the background? And as some astute researchers have stated, the Third Force is remarkably deceptive and crafty and uses Kingpins and Cutouts to do its dirty work, typically disposing of them by throwing them under the bus after their missions are completed.
The Third Force (10).
The Third Force has never been regarded as being able to treat any Kingpins or Cutouts (11) it selects and uses with loyalty. Once their mission is completed, they are thrown under the bus. The best evidence so far is that the Third Force is an ancient evil entity which has exerted worldwide luciferian control from behind the scenes.  It does not like humans, nor does it experience any human emotions.  It is a beast, a blood thirsty demonic fallen angel that is allegedly an energy vampire which feeds off the constant bloodletting, pedophilia and sacrifice of human victims, and thus massive perpetual 24/7 wars are its forte.
It’s apparent goal to destroy the human race through war, destruction, high tech eugenics, and various sophisticated soft-kill methods, while creating its own substitute, a trans-human genetically spliced triple helix superman that is uni-sexual, and a beast with no conscience.  Some researchers believe that the luciferian NWO plan involves complete replacement of humans with genetically spliced trans-human borgs which are inhabited by evil fallen angels (aka demons).
And of course the giant 140 interconnected major international corporations which form a power block that runs the world central banking systems is now well entrenched in the continent of Africa and has deployed major covert eugenic programs to radically depopulate it so that its numerous natural resources and assets can be cheaply acquired and stripped.
Hi, we’re from the US Government and we are here to help you” (The biggest lie ever told?).
Thus when Presidents set up 40 Billion dollar plans to help prevent and treat aids in Africa one must be very suspect.  It is always like the old saying goes, the time to start worrying is when the suits show up and say, “hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” And that includes all the other supposed do gooder programs like Gates vaccination help and other sophisticated means which can allegedly be turned as used as sterilization or “thin the herd” depopulation means.
Thus we find many of these large corporations there and this includes many Chinese business ventures too, as the various NWO power structures compete to grab up as much as they can.
So when three American Presidents show up in Africa, all at the same time, one wonders how such a remarkable occurrence could be explained. And then when a highly placed respected source shares a rumor that an “alien ruler” from the past has returned as the inter-dimensional planet Nibiru is approaching in its 3600 year orbit, one wonders, could this be the reason?
Edward Snowden is alleged to have just made a major new disclosure which if true, could be a game changer and could perhaps make this rumor of Marduk landing in Africa more credible.
And now a new claim has entered the situation.  A recent article (12) from an unvetted source now claims not only has Venezuela granted Edward Snowden asylum, but that Snowden has revealed that the USG and specifically NSA has massive proof UFOs and Aliens exist and “doesn’t know what to do with this information”. Sometimes misinformation sites are used to break real news so that it will be ignored and discredited.  Kind of like using “blown cover” as “cover” in the Intel business.
Stay tuned because in the weeks and months to follow this whole storyline may get even stranger. Veterans Today will likely be the first to break such any such stories which clarify any of these claim one way or the other.

Addendum and Postscript for those who have the time and interest.
Steven Greer MD a great American Hero sets the record straight on actual deep black anti-gravity craft programs of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and associated threats of termination with extreme prejudice (TWEP) for talking about them:
Richard Dolan clarifies many of the difficult issues related to the complete abuse and mis-uses of “national security” to protect the “national security state” at the expense of America and Americans.  Certainly the related cover-up and massive asset stripping of Americans is criminal and completely unConstitutional as well as a complete abuse of power. This is perhaps the greatest speech on disclosure ever made by another very great and courageous American Hero.
Stephen Bassett laid out what he believes is the crucial issue of how best for the people to take back control of their government that was given to the Defense Contractor World during the cold-war as it was built up into a massive trillion dollar Secret Shadow Government (SSG).

The Third Force cannot gain ground when folks are unwilling to harm others and do what is wrong.
The Third Force is only able to gain ground and power as long as humans behave in unnatural ways and violate God Almighty’s laws. Doing what is wrong which essentially is violating the golden rule, harming others, oneself or one’s family or nation is what gives the Third Force a means to invade.
If individuals truly follow the “golden rule” of “treating others as you would like them to treat you”, refuse to be mindkontrolled by the Controlled major Mass media (CMMM), television, video games, maintain their personal character, a commitment to truth and honesty, and maintain their basic human right to self-defense and the defense of their family and nation from outside invaders and any enemy within, this evil onslaught of the Third Force can be stopped.

(3)    Opcit.

Tony from TNT Chat Sunday Night







Sunday, December 15, 2013

Homemade Cheesecake

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Video: Stand Up NOW Military? SEAL Team 6 Was Murdered

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Stand Up NOW Military? SEAL Team 6 Was Murdered
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 19:32:14
SEAL Team 6 Was Murdered
Published on Nov 25, 2013 By Western Journalism
Video produced by Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey

Congressmen Move to Declassify Key Part of 9/11 Report That They Say Could Indicate Hijackers Had Outside Help

Congressmen Move to Declassify Key Part of 9/11 Report That They Say Could Indicate Hijackers Had Outside Help

Dec. 15, 2013 2:59pm
by  viaThe Blaze
Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) introduced a House resolution earlier this month urging President Barack Obama to declassify a portion of a government report that they say could provide evidence the 9/11 hijackers had outside help.
“[T]he information contained in the redacted pages is critical to our foreign policy moving forward and should thus be available to the American public,” Jones said in a press release. “If the 9/11 hijackers had outside help – particularly from one or more foreign governments – the press and the public have a right to know what our government has or has not done to bring justice to all of the perpetrators.”

“[T]he information contained in the redacted pages is critical to our foreign policy…”
H.R. 428 — titled “Urging the president to release information regarding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States” — would release to the public 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001, originally classified by President George W. Bush.

Congressmen Move to Declassify Key Part of 9/11 Report That Could Indicate Hijackers Had Outside Help
In this Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013 photo, a US flag is placed at the north reflecting pool of the 9/11 Memorial at the site of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)
“Twelve years after the horrific September 11 attacks, unanswered questions still remain,” Lynch said in a press release. “These pages contain information that is vital to a full understanding of the events and circumstances surrounding this tragedy.”
On Sunday, the New York Post published a report titled, “Inside the 9/11 Coverup.” Their report mentions the efforts to declassify the 28 pages that they say “isn’t just blacked out here and there” but are “completely blank.”
According to The Post, Jones and Lynch were “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks after reading the redacted portions.

But, the pair of congressmen can’t reveal what they read without breaking federal law, The Post reported.
Leaked information, however, reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi Arabia, a supposed ally of the U.S., may have had a role in the attacks, according to The Post.

“The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war,” The Post added in their report.
The resolution to declassify the 28 portion of the report was referred to the House Committee on Intelligence on Dec. 2nd.

Follow Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) on Twitter