Monday, December 16, 2013

2011 nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies


Benjamin Fulford :16th December 2013: Talk of Mass Arrests : Saudi Bush Faction still causing Global trouble : As Holland told No more Euro 2014:

2011 nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies

Reposted from: Benjamin Fulford
The execution last week of North Korean number 2 Jang Song Thaek and the arrest of former China security chief Zhou Yongkang mark the beginning of a purge of cabal influence in Asia, according to Chinese and North Korean sources. The purge has been long planned and will lead to the ouster of over 20,000 people, according to a Chinese government source. The purge will include the faction in Japan that aided and abetted the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror attack, according to Japanese right wing groups.
A similar purge is planned for the United States and Europe, according to military and gnostic illuminati sources. The problem in the US is concentrated in New York and Washington D.C. and it may be necessary to cut off all communications between those cities and the outside world in order to force them to arrest the mass murderers hiding in their midst. We are all growing impatient. For operational security reasons there is a lot we cannot say about this but public arrests of known mass murderers will take place.
In Europe, the P2 freemason lodge is planning to send a top official to Asia in order to try to negotiate an end to the ongoing financial crisis. He will be offered all safety and comfort during his trip to Japan and the Philippines so long as he does not do anything criminal.
Getting back to Asia, the North Korean purge is being carried out according to a detailed plan left by Kim Jong Il before he died, according to Chinese government sources. The plan aims to remove all Rothschild family and other cabal influence from that country. In institutional terms it is the military acting against a group centered on the foreign and financial ministries in North Korea, according to Chinese and North Korean agents in Japan. These groups were cooperating with the Rothschilds and other cabal families in a plan to collapse the North Korean economy in order to remove the Kim dynasty. The official North Korean news agency article about the execution of Jang is worth reading directly:
Take particular note of this sentence: “he schemed to drive the economy of the country and people’s living into an uncontrollable catastrophe.”
The plot to crash the economy described in that article is typical cabal modus operandi: create an economic crisis then appear as a savior by offering a way out. In Japanese it is called Match/Pump. You set a fire with a match and then appear to be a hero by using the water pump to put it out.
In any case, the ongoing purge will almost certainly destroy many lives and remove all Rothschild/Bush influence from East Asia.
This purge is being paralleled in South Korea where Goldman Sachs is being evicted from the financial system they illegally occupied after the engineered Asian financial crisis of 1997.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes etc. are still causing trouble in Japan but some strong action will be taken against their agents here as well. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly refused to meet with White Dragon Family representatives and has instead being following cabal orders by trying to provoke war in East Asia. Abe also refused to announce a major humanitarian campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction despite being asked to do so by the Imperial family. A powerful Japanese right wing group is planning to send him a clear warning soon to either fall in line or be removed.
Neil Keenan reports that US Vice President Biden has been in South Korea demanding rights to gold that is there. He will not get it. This writer was once sent on a mission to South Korea to find that gold by a Japanese tycoon who turned out to be an agent of David Rockefeller. The South Koreans saw through this ruse and refused to allow access to ancient imperial Korean dynastic gold hidden in that country.
In China as well, the removal of former security chief Zhou Yongkang is a sign of a purge taking place there of Cabal/Maoist influence, according to a Chinese government source.
In the meanwhile, as time goes on, the situation for cabal controlled regions like Europe and Washington D.C. is getting worse and worse.
Last week UN Secretary General and cabal stooge Ban Ki Moon promised the P2 freemason lodge he would deliver $400 billion to bail out the Italian financial system, according to P2 sources. He came up empty handed. Instead riots are spreading throughout Italy as more and more Italians are waking up to the fascist fraud known as the European Central Bank.
A source in Holland also said last week that Dutch employees at the European Union headquarters had been told their jobs would be terminated at the end of 2014 and the Euro would be dissolved.
In the UK meanwhile, Goldman Sachs threatened to shut down its operations in London if the UK did not go along with the EU fascist plans. Message to Goldman Sachs: “good riddance, we will kick you in the arse on your way out.”
In the United States too there are good signs as well as bad. One good sign is the appearance in the New York Post of an article giving detailed, specific evidence of Saudi Arabian government involvement in the 911 mass murder.
The fact that it appeared in a traditional media outlet is important because they Post is legally responsible for what they write. It means that there is now on the table a legally valid reason for the Pentagon to take military action against the Saudi regime. The Russians also have a similar justification. Taking out the Saudi regime would destroy Bush family financial influence and deal a mortal blow to the Nazi/Zionist faction.
One of the bad signs is a big move by Zionist forces to scuttle the peace deal with Iran. Another is the continued, brazen public appearance of so many criminals known to be associated with the 911 terror attack and other incidents of mass murder of innocent civilians. Why aren’t these people being publicly handcuffed in front of the TV cameras? What is wrong with the United States and its military and law enforcement?
It may be necessary to send military forces into New York and Washington D.C. in order to arrest all the known criminals there. Perhaps the Canadian, British, Japanese, Russian and Chinese governments can issue a joint ultimatum to the American military and justice officials: “arrest the murderers or we will do it for you.”
There will also be a need to shut down all the mega bank computers in order to erase the astronomical (quintillions or more) numbers of fraudulent dollars they contain.
lightworkersxm | December 16, 2013 at 11:26 am | URL:

Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional

Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional

The NSA headquarters are pictured. | AP Photo
The ruling is the first significant legal setback for the NSA’s surveillance program. | AP Photo
A federal judge ruled Monday that the National Security Agency program which collects information on nearly all telephone calls made to, from or within the United States is likely unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon found that the program appears to violate the Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches and seizures. He also said the Justice Department had failed to demonstrate that collecting the information had helped to head off terrorist attacks.

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Feinstein, Chambliss defend NSA

Politicians sound off on Snowden

Acting on a lawsuit brought by conservative legal activist Larry Klayman, Leon issued a preliminary injunction barring the NSA from collecting so-called metadata pertaining to the Verizon accounts of Klayman and one of his clients. However, the judge stayed the order to allow for an appeal.
“I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary invasion’ than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying it and analyzing it without judicial approval,” wrote Leon, an appointee of President George W. Bush.
The preliminary injunction Leon granted Monday does not require him to make a definitive ruling on the constitutional questions in the case, but does take account of which side he believes is more likely to prevail.
Leon’s 68-page opinion is the first significant legal setback for the NSA’s surveillance program since it was disclosed in June in news stories based on leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. For seven years, the metadata program has been approved repeatedly by numerous judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and found constitutional by at least one judge sitting in a criminal case.
The Justice Department persuaded those courts that the collection of information on the time and length of calls, as well as the numbers called, did not amount to a search under the Fourth Amendment because that information is routinely available to telephone companies for billing purposes and is shared with those firms voluntarily.
Government lawyers and the judges who found the NSA program legal pointed to a 1979 Supreme Court ruling, Smith v. Maryland, which found no search warrant was needed by police to install a device which recorded the numbers dialed on a particular phone line.
But Leon said the three-decade-old precedent was not applicable to a program like the NSA’s because of its sophistication and because telephone use has become far more intense in recent years.
“The ubiquity of phones has dramatically altered the quantity of information that is now available and, more importantly, what that information can tell the Government about people’s lives,” the judge wrote. “I cannot possibly navigate these uncharted Fourth Amendment waters using as my North Star a case that predates the rise of cell phones.”
The judge went on to conclude that the searches involved in the NSA metadata program were likely not permissible under the Fourth Amendment in part because there was little evidence the program has actually prevented terrorism.
“I have significant doubts about the efficacy of the metadata collection program as a means of conducting time-sensitive investigations in cases involving imminent threats of terrorism,” Leon wrote. “The government does not cite a single instance in which analysis of the NSA’s bulk metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack, or otherwise aided the Government in achieving any objective that was time-sensitive in nature.”
The judge’s ruling was issued just before White House press secretary Jay Carney took the podium for the daily press briefing. Carney said he was unaware of the decision and he referred inquiries to the Justice Department.
“We are reviewing the court’s decision,” DOJ spokesman Andrew Ames said.
Similar lawsuits challenging the program are pending in at least three other federal courts around the country. In addition, criminal defendants are beginning to challenge the program after the Justice Department disclosed it had played a role in investigating their cases.
Critics of the NSA program leapt on Leon’s decision as evidence that the legal foundation of the surveillance effort is deeply flawed.
“The ruling underscores what I have argued for years: The bulk collection of Americans’ phone records conflicts with Americans’ privacy rights under the U.S. Constitution and has failed to make us safer,” Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) said in a statement urging passage of legislation ending the so-called bulk collection program. “We can protect our national security without trampling our constitutional liberties,” he added.
At a hearing last month, Leon said he knew that his decision would be far from the last word on the issue, which is almost certain to wind up at the Supreme Court.
However, he added some flair to his opinion Monday, referring at one point to the Beatles and at another to Federalist Papers author James Madison, who later became president.
“Surely, such a program infringes on ‘that degree of privacy’ that the Founders enshrined in the Fourth Amendment. Indeed, I have little doubt that the author of our Constitution, James Madison, who cautioned us to beware ‘the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power’ would be aghast,” the judge wrote.

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Mysterious Disappearences, National Parks, and the Break Away Civilization – Evidence of Batch Consignments?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Mysterious Disappearences, National Parks, and the Break Away Civilization – Evidence of Batch Consignments?
Posted By: RobDaven [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 16-Dec-2013 15:05:34

One of the things which has always perplexed me about the Break Away Civilization concept was what is called “Batch Consignments.”
Batch Consignments was a term used in Alternative Three to describe the movement of individuals offworld for use as slave labor to construct the basis needed on the Moon and Mars. The idea was to use what was effectively slave labor as a commodity work force for construction of these bases.
On the surface the idea seems quiet reprehensible, people being forcibly relocated and forced to perform slave labor, but then again we are dealing with a group which does not necessarily hold human life in high regard, but it does make sense. It is cheaper to use slave labor then to use a skilled group of people to perform any task.
So here’s the problem – How do you prove that Batch Consignments exist? A relatively large workforce would be needed, the work would be grueling and the mortality rate would probably be high due to accidents, overwork and other causes. So you would need a constant supply of new people being kidnapped to provide the labor force. So where do you get large numbers of people over a long term? The answer, at least in part, may surprise you.
Ever year thousands of people go missing under mysterious circumstances. Accidents, murder, and many other reasons can provide the context. Recently we’ve heard stories about people kidnapped who spent decades in captivity before escaping to tell their story, but there are others which actually defy logic and those are the ones I will focus on in part.
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28-year sentence in Ohio in $100M charity scam

28-year sentence in Ohio in $100M charity scam

By Thomas J. Sheeran, The Associated Press
CLEVELAND — A judge handed down a 28-year prison sentence Monday to a man convicted of masterminding a $100 million, cross-country Navy veterans charity fraud. 
Judge Steven Gall imposed the sentence on the defendant who identifies himself as 67-year-old Bobby Thompson. Authorities say he is Harvard-trained attorney John Donald Cody. 
The Ohio attorney general's office, which handled his trial, asked the judge in a filing last week to sentence him to 41 years in prison. In addition, the prosecution recommended a $6.3 million fine. Judge Steven Gall fined him $6 million. 
The defense has asked for a new trial. 
Defense attorney Joseph Patituce said after the verdict that ineffective legal representation issues stemming from limited preparation time and his client's erratic cooperation might be a basis for an appeal. Advertise | AdChoices
The defense hinted at a CIA covert operation and showed jurors photos of the defendant with President George W. Bush, suggesting Thompson was acting with government sanction. 
Thompson was convicted Nov. 14 of racketeering, theft, money laundering and 12 counts of identity theft. The prosecutor showed jurors identification cards with the defendant's photo but different names and issued by government agencies and companies in numerous states. 
Thompson sat upright, taking notes during much of his trial but turned unpredictable in the final few days, appearing in court with his shirt unbuttoned to his waist and uncombed hair hanging down his face. 
The judge, who expressed irritation with Thompson over his appearance, issued an order that Thompson be "dressed, groomed and showered" by 8 a.m. on trial days and directed deputies to bring him to court "by any means necessary." 
Attorney General Mike DeWine's office plans to ask the judge to assign $330,778 of the seized money to cover investigation and trial costs. 
The office also wants $650,871.30 for a default judgment order, with the money going to veterans charities, according to Dan Tierney, a DeWine spokesman. 
An additional $101,000 seized from Thompson has already been distributed by Ohio to veterans charities. 
The onetime fugitive signaled he would testify at trial but changed his mind. 
The fraud occurred in 41 states, according to trial testimony, and Ohio took the lead, indicting Thompson in 2010. He disappeared for nearly two years and was arrested last year in Portland, Ore. 
He was convicted of looting the United States Navy Veterans Association, a charity he ran in Tampa, Fla. 
Only a fraction of the $100 million was found. When Thompson was arrested, authorities found fake IDs and a suitcase with $980,000 in cash. 
Records show the defendant had showered politicians, often Republicans, with political donations. 
Politicians who received donations from him, according to campaign finance filings, include Bush and former presidential contenders Mitt Romney, John McCain and Rudolph Giuliani. 
The defendant was identified through military fingerprint records. 
© 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Tony Mon.CC Recorded Link and Note by FlPatriot59 at I4U

Tony Mon.CC Recorded Link and Note by FlPatriot59 at I4U

REPLAY      805-399-1500    409029#

BlogTalkRadio    RECORDED LINK

Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U:


TONY - Good morning, TNT. I know I'm a little late but most of you will be glad I am. This is it. I was going to give a blast of truth with inside info about the 800#s being out between 2AM and 9AM this morning. I want to give some explanations about meetings that were held last night and this morning.

T - Actually I was going to give you more than you want to know about how govt's work and how devious some are. Fortunately I don't have to tell you any of that. It would've given you insight when you watch the news or hear a breaking news story. When you understand how to connect the dots you have to look at the bigger picture.
Read More Link on Right

T - I was going to do all of that when they didn't give the numbers. Based on what happened last night we expected that because they had the capability to do that (release the 800#s). Here's the story: 15, 20, 30 minutes ago the IMF actually released the rates and RV. On TV yesterday and today Iraq is telling people about the value of their currency, people in the mosques saying they can't use the USD, what

T - The cards all have 3.44 everywhere and they are able to use them internationally. We know that right at this moment the IMF has released the RV at $3.85 in all countries EXCEPT the USA. The 800#s have not been released yet. The other countries are verifying they do have it and are sending it out to their banks right now. We have verified the rates are live with one bank in the USA at .07 and it is changing. If you want this rate you can get it right now. We just don't have the final info about when it will be released here at the higher rates.

T - Those countries where it is being released (6 countries) at 3.85, they have banks here in the US and as soon as it's populated we can go to THOSE banks and do an exchange, as I understand it. The process has started and I don't know how long it will take. I hope to get additional info while on this call.

T - Info just received: the world banking systems are updating as we speak and we should go today. I'm waiting for notification and I still want Okie to announce it here in the USA. We're delayed by a couple of hours from what we were told last night. it is going through and being done as we speak. I still don't think 3.85 is going to be our rate. That's what a whole lot of the discussion was last night. I think we'll get our $32, which is what is showing on the screens.

T - Everybody should be ecstatic and happy. We just have to find out (1) either the other countries get populated and I can come back from the bank and tell you which ones, or (2) our own 800#s should be out. Supposedly this is to take mere minutes - somebody is getting paid today. I'm just not sure how far I have to drive to get to the other banks.


T - I know it's exciting but there are more questions than I have answers. It is going on and the IMF did release the rates to the other countries at 3.85. We don't know what our rate will be until we hear from the UST. The 3.85 will be available at the banks from other countries today. Give me a little time to get more info and I'll send out a blast and a tweet and I'll come back on the call later.

T- I'm going to get the rest of the info and we'll come back, probably within the hour, because things are moving that fast. Let's save this time and reschedule another later.


The "other" anniversary that's far more important

Subject: The "other" anniversary that's far more important

Though still a week shy of its centennial anniversary, the US Federal Reserve will hold a celebration this afternoon...
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December 16, 2013
Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile

Though still a week shy of its centennial anniversary, the US Federal Reserve will hold a celebration this afternoon in Washington DC.

(They're even live-streaming it...

Just imagine the scene-- a bunch of current and former central bankers slapping each other on the back, congratulating one another for a job well done over the last 100 years.

Of course, you and I know this is total nonsense... as is the concept of our modern monetary system in which we award total control of the money supply to a tiny central banking elite.

Human beings are fallible. We are not gods. Yet we practically deify central bankers and entrust them with the power to manipulate markets, control prices around the world, and effectively dominate the economy. 

This system has proven to be foolish and destructive.

While the Fed engages in its self-aggrandizement this afternoon, there is another far more important anniversary today-- the Boston Tea Party.

It was this day in 1773 that dozens of men dumped 342 chests of tea from 3 ships into the water. But what a lot of people don't realize is that it started with bankers.

In 1771, London banker Alexander Fordyce of the banking house Neal, James, Fordyce and Down thought himself infallible too.

Fordyce had made a fortune as a speculator, and he enjoyed his opulent wealth. He held magnificent estates in Surrey, Roehampton, and Scotland, and once blew 14,000 pounds (several million dollars today) running for parliament.

There was only one problem: Fordyce began making his bets using other people's money. And when his bet on the East India Company didn't work out, Fordyce's bank used customer deposits to cover their losses.

By June 1772, the bank could no longer keep up the charade. And within days their collapse caused a cascade of other bank failures as far as Edinburgh and Holland.

With a crisis unfolding, the government forced the central bank to intervene in a way that was eerily similar to the 2008 financial crisis.

Just like 2008, too-big-to-fail companies got bailed out... including the East India Company itself. The East India Company was a bit like General Motors a few years ago-- it was obvious they were in financial straits.

And as part of the bailout, the British parliament soon passed the Tea Act-- an attempt to flood the colonies with the East India Company's stockpiles of excess tea.

The Tea Act had another purpose, though-- to assert parliament's right to tax the colonies. And this is what ultimately led to the Tea Party on December 16, 1773.

John Adams wrote in his diary that the destruction of the tea was 'daring' and 'intrepid', and that to ignore the Tea Act would be like submitting "to Egyptian taskmasters, to [burdens], Indignities, to Ignominy, Reproach and Contempt, to Desolation and Oppression, to Poverty and Servitude."

Britain's harsh reaction to the Tea Party further escalated tensions with the colonists, and it wasn't long afterward that the first shots were fired.

Given the prominent role of bankers and bailouts in the American Revolution, it's ironic that the Federal Reserve has chosen to hold its centennial celebration today.

And as they all slap each other on the back today extolling the Fed's 'successes', one can only hope that the arrogance and pomposity of the current system will lead to a new revolution-- this time a revolution of the monetary system and a return to the principles of sound money.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,

Santa Croce family singers video --- Enjoy folks

Hi John,
I thought your readers at NESARA would like to know there are more wholesome entertainers out there.

My children have come to the limelight recently and many people would like to see them go national due to their talent and positive energy they emit when they perform.
Many people have cried when they hear their harmonies live.

We (my wife and I) have ten children total - (all ours together, no twins and yes we have a Catholic upbringing - lol).  Six are currently in the band/group, one is autistic at the moment and the three little ones are working their way in to sing.

The video attached is of Santa Croce singing Seven Bridges Road by the Eagles - if you would post it on your website - it gives your readers an opportunity to hear a little harmony and here is the link to purchase a raffle ticket or more for a Belize vacation  that was donated by  Drawing December 20th at St. Michael's Church Hall, Brattleboro Vermont. The proceeds of which will enable us to get to Nashville where we have been offered the opportunity to be pitched to a Major Label and touring company by MCM World Media and Management.  We just have to get there and record 4 songs.

I am the sole provider of the 12+ people at the house and struggle to make ends meet as do many of your readers. But we are not waiting for the blessing (RV) exclusively, we are trying to DO HIS WILL by singing NOW.

May GOD Bless you and all you do for His children.
Merry Christmas,
Jim Santacroce - Dad

ps - John, we will be coming to your area soon and would love to sing for you and your guests for free!

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The Most Dangerous Woman in America

The Most Dangerous Woman in America

Date: Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:16 PM

Dave Hodges
December 11, 2013
The Common Sense Show

Bet you thought it might be Hilary, or Michelle? She has been with Obama from the beginning!
The Common Sense Show

Most of you know the look you get when you honestly try and convince a member of the “Sheeple Nation” that America is on life support and that tens of millions are in grave danger. Along these lines, I was recently speaking with a friend of mine from Tennessee and began to point out how bad things in this country have become. Inevitably, the discussion began to center around the subject of unwarranted detention centers, such as the ones I have identified on this site, including NFL stadiums, NBA and NHL arenas and shopping malls. And I added that this is on top of the fact that the US already houses two million inmates, mostly for private profit through the CCA. I told him that DHS had signed agreements with all of these entities so that Americans could be detained without due process.

My friend rolled his eyes and repeated the national anthem of all sheep, “I didn’t know you were one of them conspiracy theorists”. He couldn’t hold back the laughter. Subsequently, I spent 30 minutes showing him the following evidence, in its raw form, and he then he became visibly shaken.
Americans do not live in an emerging police state; all Americans now live in a fully developed police state. From a false flag event, 9/11, to the development of the most complete police state apparatus the world has ever seen, one has to wonder what’s the “endgame”?

In a recent article, I investigated the question as to whether Obama possessed the personality traits necessary to carry out heinous acts against the American people. Given the fact that the President could quite easily be judged to have Antisocial Personality Disorder (e.g. formerly psychopath and sociopath), Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Paranoid Personality Disorder, the answer is, yes. Obama could be counted to carry out such orders. Who is the likely conduit between Obama and the real source of power in this country? Obama has had so much movement in his cabinet, the only person who could be considered to be Obama’s handler would be Valerie Jarrett. And when one takes a look at Jarrett, she sends chills down my back.

Valerie Jarrett Reveals An End Game Agenda

It was shocking when President George W. Bush stated “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Senior White House Adviser, Valerie Jarrett, has taken these words to a significantly more dramatic level when she stated that “there will be hell to pay” for Obama’s critics in the second term”.

To be more specific, Jarrett said, “After we win this election, it is payback time. For those who supported us, there will be rewards, for the ones who opposed us, they will get what they deserve. There will be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. With no election to worry about, we have two judges ready to go.”
These are prophetic words and they constitute a threat to any American who does not support the banksters takeover of the country.

Valerie Jarrett Is a Stalinist

Jarrett’s family comes from communist leanings. Her family intermarried with the Bill Ayers family. Yes, that would be the Weathermen Underground terrorist leader, Bill Ayers. That would be the same Bill Ayers who told FBI informant, the late Larry Grathwohl, “that when we take over the United States, we will forcibly detain 50 million Americans in re-education camps in which they will probably have to murder 25 million American citizens who cannot be re-educated.” Grathwohl repeated the Ayers statement on the August 18, 2012 edition of The Common Sense Show.

This is the same Valerie Jarrett family which was also involved with Frank Davis the former head of the Communist Party in the United States. This is the same Frank Davis who Joel Gilbert exposed as Obama’s real father. Additionally, the Jarrett family is also affiliated with other so-called “Red Diaper Babies” in which this young group of intellectual elites called for a communist takeover of the United States in the late 1960′s and early 1970′s. For those that know their history, you will remember that the same people engage in terrorist acts involving the detonation of explosive devices in which people died, including a San Francisco police officer. Bill Ayers wife, Bernardine Dorne served a prison term for her participation with this group. And we also know, that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne, close friends of Jarrett to this day, funded President Obama’s Harvard education funded . These facts are representative of the reasons related to why many believe that Valerie Jarrett is making the major decisions in the White House. Therefore, it would be prudent to take a look at Jarrett, herself, to determine the direction of the country and the fate of the people in this country.

Jarrett Is Highly Paranoid

Jarrett would have no trouble viewing the bulk of the American people as an enemy which must be dealt with because she is so highly paranoid.

Jarrett’s extreme paranoid ideation, she seems predisposed to seing racism in the wallpaper of a room. While serving as the Department of Planning and Development Commissioner for the City of Chicago, Jarrett once harassed a white business owner for not paying sufficient deference, in print, to the memory of the city’s first black mayor in the mid-1990′s. As Ellie Monty was actually one of the two white owners of the small firm targeted by Jarrett on this issue.

Monty described the event as a contrived racial incident in which Jarrett was using fake racial issues to make a name for herself as a reformer in the same exact fashion as did Obama when he was a community activist. I believe in modern day parlance, this attack on Monty would be referred to as a false flag event and we know that the Obama Administration is no stranger to the topic of false flag attacks. And speaking of wallpaper, there is absolute proof that Jarrett was a vicious slum lord and took advantage of the poverty-stricken black people that she seemingly worked so hard to defend as a reformer.

Jarrett Is An Extreme Narcissist

Jarrett has consistently acted with a stunning amount of depraved indifference toward her fellow human beings.

Valerie Jarrett is indeed both a criminal and a human rights violator. She has participated in abusing large numbers of impoverished black citizens and her actions have contributed to these poor souls living in a squalor befitting the worst of a third world country as she became one of America’s most notorious slum lords.

Unfortunately, Jarrett’s slum lord actions took place in Chicago, not in a third world country. Jarrett performed her misdeeds in former State Senator Obama’s Senatorial district in which the future president secured federal funding for Jarrett’s slum housing project.

Jarrett’s political record in Chicago was nothing to be proud about. Jarrett, already was known for her corruption and incompetence, when she was eventually fired by Mayor Daley after a scandal erupted over her role in misuse of public funds in the city’s substandard public housing. In other words, a known political criminal found it necessary to fire a criminal because Jarrett was too extreme, even for Mayor Daley.

Jarrett was the former CEO of Habitat Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza beginning in 2001 and continued through the time that she served as a member of Obama’s presidential campaign finance committee, until the federally subsidized Chicago complex was seized by the federal government after inspectors found the conditions to unlivable.

Please allow me to pause and ask a question. How does a woman, fired by a corrupt mayor for corruption and busted by the federal government for absconding with federal housing funds while maintaining an apartment complex under the most horrific of conditions, get to be the President’s most trusted adviser?

Jarrett’s past actions are indicative of an individual who would not hesitate to act with extreme malice toward a country who is beginning to believe that this administration is the most dangerous administration in American History.

Does my mental health expertise allow me to make the professional judgment that both Jarrett and Obama would ever make the call to carry out the wishes of Bill Ayers, with regard to detentions and exterminations? Without question, this is the case. If you do not think so, ask yourself this question, how hard is to go from this…

To This?

Can there be any question that Obama and his handler, Valerie Jarrett, possess the psychological make-up to do what I am suggesting here? After acknowledging the obvious, there is only one question left to ask.

Does Jarrett and Obama Have the Necessary Legal Authority to Act with Extreme Malice Against the American People?

The NDAA, ushered in by Obama allows the government to “disappear” and murder American citizens without due process of law. Under the President, detention centers have been readied (e.g. NFL stadiums). This alone, gives the President the power to carry out Jarrett’s threat of “hell to pay..” for Obama non-supporters. Doesn’t this make one pause and wonder why the NSA has to gather so much of personal data such as the websites we search, who we talk to on the phone and what we say and write?

The National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order permits Obama to declare martial law, seize all critical assets in the country including food, and this can be done just on Obama’s say so.

We see depraved indifference exhibited toward the American people with regard to healthcare. With the passage of Obamacare, we have socialized almost 20% of the economy and have instituted death panels with promise to euthanize the elderly and other infirm people in the same manner as they are doing in Great Britain. If one is willing to commit acts of depraved indifference in one area, when does it become depraved indifference in any area?

I have never wanted to be more wrong in my life as there is no doubt that America has been not only been hijacked by an immoral group of international bankers who are plundering our country’s assets and resources, but we are being ruled by the bankers’ puppets who are proving to be ruthless Communist dictators who will not hesitate to “purge” their political opponents in the same manner as Stalin and Hitler. Valerie Jarrett has the means and the legal authority to push Obama into giving America the darkest days in her history. When it comes time to act against the American people, it will be Jarrett, not Obama, that makes the final call. There is indeed, going to be hell to pay.