Wednesday, January 1, 2014

NY Times Attempt To Sideline Benghazi Backfires

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NY Times Attempt To Sideline Benghazi Backfires

December 31, 2013 by Roger Aranoff and Bethany Stotts

The New York Times’ latest piece on Benghazi is a farce, and some media outlets are calling the paper on this agenda-driven reporting. The piece, by Times reporter David Kirkpatrick, argues that the attacks on the Special Mission Compound and CIA Annex last year were in reaction to a YouTube video, and that there was no involvement by al Qaeda. If the Times thought this article would be the final word, they were badly mistaken. The effect has been to bring Benghazi back front and center, where it is getting new, badly needed scrutiny.
Accuracy in Media has, time and again, disproven these points. But, given, the misinformation put forward by the Gray Lady, the facts bear repeating:
“Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault,” reported The New York Times (emphasis added). “The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi.”
“I think, honestly, if you asked anyone in the U.S. intelligence business, they would tell you the same thing,” said Kirkpatrick on NBC’s Meet the Press. “There’s just no chance that this was an al-Qaeda attack, if, by al Qaeda you mean the organization founded by Osama bin Laden.”
AIM asked James Woolsey, former CIA director under President Clinton, about al Qaeda in a different context, for the documentary “Confronting Iraq.” “Al-Qaeda is both an organization and, in a sense, an ideology,” he told us. In either sense of the term used for “al Qaeda,” they were definitely involved in Benghazi.
But even if The New York Times were correct in its two main assertions, that would not exonerate President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the administration’s repeated decisions not to increase security at the Special Mission Compound despite the deteriorating situation in Benghazi. Nor would it address what is perhaps the biggest part of the scandal, the failure to send available forces to attempt to save the people under attack. That was what motivated many high-ranking military and CIA officers to come together to form the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, and it has never been satisfactorily explained.
Matthew Vadum, writing for Front Page Magazine, outlines this blurring of the lines on Benghazi for just what it is: a shameless attempt to find “wiggle room” for Hillary Clinton’s political career. Vadum argues that the “New York Times is attempting to rewrite the narrative about what really happened in Benghazi and afterwards.” He writes, “It is trying to resurrect the Obama administration’s original line of argument in order to create wiggle room for Hillary Clinton who has been scathingly criticized by Republican lawmakers and the occasional Democrat for bungling the Benghazi saga.”
The Times’ editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, pushed back against charges that the Times’ was providing political cover for Mrs. Clinton and President Obama:
For anyone wondering why it’s so important to Republicans that Al Qaeda orchestrated the attack—or how the Obama administration described the attack in its immediate aftermath—the answer is simple. The Republicans hope to tarnish Democratic candidates by making it seem as though Mr. Obama doesn’t take Al Qaeda seriously. They also want to throw mud at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who they fear will run for president in 2016.
Charles Krauthammer, on Fox News’ Special Report, responded to Rosenthal’s defense of Kirkpatrick’s piece, saying, “Well, I think he gave the game away. By being defensive about this, he’s making it quite obvious the reason that the Times invested all the effort and time in this, and put on the front page precisely a way to protect the Democrats, to deflect the issue, to protect Hillary, who is exposed on this issue as almost no issue in her tenure in the administration. It is obviously a political move.”
The Times piece virtually ignores the security situation in Benghazi at the time, instead focusing partly on a video and its supposed impact on the attacks. As mentioned above, Kirkpatrick believes that local militias who defeated Gaddafi are responsible for the attack, not al Qaeda. “Some analysts argue that the White House, meanwhile, sought to play down any potential characterization of the assault as a Qaeda attack, because that would undercut its claims to have crushed Al Qaeda,” wrote Kirkpatrick very ironically in October of 2012 for the Gray Lady. Is he serving that White House purpose now?
Even Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (CA) said that “the intelligence indicates that al-Qaeda was involved, but there were also plenty of people and militias that were unaffiliated with al-Qaeda that were involved.” As for the Times report, it may “add some insights, but I don’t think it’s complete,” he said.
The article even contradicts comments from Hillary Clinton, as reported in The New York Times on September 26th, 2012, while the Obama administration was still trying to get its story straight:
‘Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has long operated in the region,’ she [Sec. Clinton] said, and was now exploiting a haven in Mali to export extremism and terrorist violence to neighbors like Libya.
‘Now with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions,’ Mrs. Clinton told leaders assembled at the meeting, including President François Hollande of France and the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon. ‘And they are working with other violent extremists to undermine the democratic transitions under way in North Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi’ (emphasis added).
Fox News’ Adam Housley was able to elicit statements from his sources about The New York Times’ reporting, one of which was, “To say that it wasn’t tied to Al Qaeda is completely false. There is literal evidence in many forms and shapes, directly linking him [Ahmad Abu Khattalah].”
Other intelligence links al Qaeda to the attacks, including the CIA and FBI internal emails at the time. In an email sent on September 14, 2012 from the CIA, a staffer wrote “Thanks… Fyi FBI says AQ (not AQIM) was involved and they are pushing that theory.”
The New York Times uses Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s (AQIM’s) lack of stated involvement in a letter found in Mali by the Associated Press as further proof that al Qaeda was not involved in the attacks, when the email cited above demonstrates that intelligence sources were analyzing core al Qaeda involvement days after the attacks occurred.
Fox News correspondent Catherine Herridge points out that her news organization revealed that “A former Guantanamo detainee, Sufian bin Qumu, who is suspected of training some of the operatives who took part in the assault, was in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, according to a knowledgeable source.”
“Fox News was told last fall that the intelligence community was trying to determine whether he played any role directing the attack and whether he was physically on or near the consulate grounds.”
Of Qumu, the Times says: “But neither Mr. Qumu nor anyone else in Derna appears to have played a significant role in the attack on the American Mission, officials briefed on the investigation and the intelligence said.”
So, contradictions still endure in this case; but we are supposed to take the Times’ unnamed official source as the gospel truth.
As for Ansar al Sharia, The New York Times actually quotes a militia leader who likened it to the Boy Scouts, and also talks about all the charitable things that Ansar al Sharia does: “Ansar al-Shariah focused on charitable missionary work, including an antidrug campaign with local corporate sponsors, picking up garbage during sanitation strikes and offering exorcisms for those troubled by evil spirits.” Al Nusrah does charitable deeds in Syria; that doesn’t absolve it from its position as an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group.
Ansar al Sharia is connected to al Qaeda, and has been connected since before the attacks. As pointed out in a recent AIM column, an August 2012 government counterterrorism report stated that “Ansar al-Sharia (Supporters of Sharia), a militia group led by Sufian Ben Qhumu, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, could be the new face of al-Qaeda in Libya despite its leader’s denial” (emphasis added).
“In a different direction, Ansar al-Sharia may become the new brand name under which jihadist groups in the Arab world seek to organize,” the report stated. These are not words describing a locally oriented group.
“But the Republican arguments appear to conflate purely local extremist organizations like Ansar al-Shariah with Al Qaeda’s international terrorist network,” reported Kirkpatrick in his controversial Times’ piece.
It wasn’t Republicans who wrote the August 2012 Library of Congress report we’ve cited.
As for the spontaneity of the attack, Kirkpatrick writes that “The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”
“The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements.”
Let’s put aside, for a moment, that Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI), Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, has said that he thought the operational phase of the attack lasted at least a couple of weeks. Libyan National Congress President Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf estimated that they had been planning it for months when he appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation on September 16, 2012. The Times mentions Susan Rice’s talk show appearances, but not Magariaf’s Face the Nation appearance—which took place immediately before Rice’s.
The idea that the attacks were the result of the video—which the Times argues—is pure “baloney,” according to Aaron Klein writing for WorldNetDaily. After all, “A review of more than 4,000 postings was conducted by the leading social media monitoring firm Agincourt Solutions, reportedly finding the first reference to the film was not detected on social media until the day after the attack,” reports Klein. Former Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya Gregory Hicks, testifying before Congress, characterized the video as a “non-event” in Libya at the time.
“It was a coordinated attack. It is completely false to say anything else. … It is completely a lie,” one witness tells Fox News.
“For this individual [Kirkpatrick] to insult the intelligence of the American people is offensive,” asserted former Congressman Allen West in a recent editorial. “To them, if some jihadist does not walk up, give them a business card, and say, ‘Hi, I’m from al-Qaeda and I’m here to kill you,’ then the threat isn’t real and can be pushed aside.” West is a member of Accuracy in Media’s Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi.

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To those who have taken the Oath, Remember the Oath!
To those who have not and believe in the Constitution,
Take a similar Oath now to the Constitution!
Remember that those who make laws contrary to the Constitution,
Those who enforce laws contrary to the Constitution,
And those who give orders contrary to the Constitution,
Have become domestic enemies of the Constitution!
It doesn't take a Judge or a lawyer to know the difference!

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 164, 176. (1803)

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491. 

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425, 442.
Teddy's Answer to Diversity!

here is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.
— T
heodore Roosevelt, speech before the Knights of Columbus, 1915, New York
Teddy's Answer to Bush!
To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
— T
heodore Roosevelt
Teddy's Answer to Bush & Congress
"We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure.  Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public.  Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity."  — Theodore Roosevelt
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Palestinian ambassador in Prague killed by security mechanism on safe sealed for 30 years: report

Palestinian ambassador in Prague killed by security mechanism on safe sealed for 30 years: report

Katerina Sulova / AP
Police at the residence (right back) of Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic Jamal Al Jamal, who was killed in an explosion at the property Wednesday.
The Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic was killed in an explosion when he tried to get into a safe which had been sealed for 30 years, the Palestinian foreign minister said.
The ambassador, Jamal al-Jamal, died of his injuries at the hospital after the blast in his home in the Czech capital on New Year's morning, Czech Republic Foreign Ministry spokesman David Frous told NBC News.
Frous declined to comment further, except to say it did not look likely the blast was an attack.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki told The Associated Press the safe was recently moved from an old embassy building and had not been opened in 30 years.
"The ambassador decided to open it. After he opened it, apparently something happened inside [the safe] and went off," Malki told The AP. 
Reuters, quoting a Czech government source, said the explosion was probably caused by a security device on the safe.
Some safes are fitted with mechanisms to destroy secret documents in the event they are tampered with.
The AP said it was unclear where the safe had been three decades ago, during the Cold War, or how the foreign minister could be sure it was sealed.
Prague rescue service spokeswoman Jirina Ernestova told the AP al-Jamal was placed in a medically induced coma when he first arrived in the hospital in Prague. Dr. Daniel Langer, who works there, told public television that al-Jamal had suffered serious abdominal injuries.
A 52-year old woman was taken from the scene of the explosion to a different hospital in Prague after suffering from shock, Ernestova said. She was not immediately identified. 
Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

What Happened to the Planes and Passengers on 9/11?

I was not there, so I cannot say 
this with absolute certainty but it 
does not appear that there was a 
Boeing 757 involved in the Pentagon 
attack of 9/11. There's this to 
consider, which while posted some 
time ago, only recently came to my 

I don't know if this is real or fake 
because anything is possible in the 
world of video. But it certainly does 
look like a cleaned-up version of the 
loops we've been looking at for twelve 
years, now, taken from another 

So what happened to the plane and 
its passengers? I have been deluged 
with this question all week. Similar 
questions have been raised about the 
crash at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 
where first responder, Wally Miller, 
Somerset County Coroner told the 
Washington Post: "It looked like 
somebody took a scrap truck, dug 
a ten-foot ditch and dumped trash 
into it." 

As for the passengers, he said, "I 
stopped being a coroner after about 
20 minutes, because there were no 
bodies there." 

This clip from "Loose Change 2" (2005) 
is the young filmmaker, Dylan Avery's 
answer to the fate of these planes (two 
of which were still in service, two 
years after 2001, according to tail 
numbers noted by a United Airlines 
employee). The film stops short of 
saying exactly what became of the 
passengers of these ill-fated flights. 

I do not buy completely into the "no-
planes theory," espoused by this clip's 
uploader, especially as to the South 
Tower crash, due to reports from 
my neighbors and that one shot, taken 
from my old apartment roof, 15' above
the same view I had for 8 years (the 
shot where the "magical passport"
is superimposed).

We are dealing with an incomprehensible 
crime, about which the US Government 
has refused to be transparent, even 
according to members of the 9/11 
Commission, themselves, a crime that has 
used to wage wars against two sovereign 
nations, who were of no military threat to 
the US and not directly connected to this
crime; a crime resulting in hundreds of 
thousands of destroyed lives, to say nothing
of the destruction of the US Treasury and 
resulting precarity of the global economy.

Qui bono? Who benefits? We have a right 
to ask such questions and to not be labeled 
kooks - or as one genius referred to me 
last week, a "donkey ass".

Video (about 15 mins):   

“The eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom (nation), and He will destroy it from off the face of the earth.” (Amos 9:8)

It's Here: The Waters Were Made Bitter, And 1/3 Of The Creatures In The Seas Died....The Legacy Of Fukushima....

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's Here: The Waters Were Made Bitter, And 1/3 Of The Creatures In The Seas Died....The Legacy Of Fukushima....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

It's Here: The Waters Were Made Bitter, And 1/3 Of The Creatures In The Seas Died....The Legacy Of Fukushima....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 31-Dec-2013 22:38:24

The west coast of the United States is being absolutely fried by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the mainstream media is not telling us the truth about this. What you are about to see is a collection of evidence that is quite startling. Taken collectively, this body of evidence shows that nuclear radiation from Fukushima is affecting sea life in the Pacific Ocean and animal life along the west coast of North America in some extraordinary ways. But the mainstream media continues to insist that we don’t have a thing to worry about. The mainstream media continues to insist that radiation levels in the Pacific and along the west coast are perfectly safe. Are they lying to us? Evaluate the evidence compiled below and come to your own conclusions…
#1 Independent researchers have measured alarmingly high levels of radiation on the beaches of the west coast. For example, the video posted below was taken on December 23rd, 2013 at Pacifica State Beach. As you can see in this video, radiation levels near the water are up to five times higher than normal background radiation…
#2 According to Oceanus Magazine, the total amount of cesium-137 that has been released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima is 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than the amount released into the oceans by the Chernobyl disaster or by the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests of the 1960s.
#3 Former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur has admitted that while he was at MSNBC he was instructed not to warn the public about the radiation coming from Fukushima…
“I was on MSNBC at the time when this happened, I said, “Don’t trust what the Japanese government is saying, they’ll say trust what the electric power company is saying. Go, go, go, get outta there. Get as far away from that plant as you can. It’s literally a core meltdown.” And they always don’t want people to panic, so they were always like, “Oh it’s going to be okay.” [...] I’m like, “You’re crazy man, don’t be anywhere near that reactor.” And I remember at the time, of course not at The Young Turks, but on cable news, people were like, “Hey Cenk, you know, I don’t know that you want to say that, because the official government position is that it’s safe.” Oh, is that the official government position? Now go explain that to the people who served on the USS Ronald Reagan.”
#4 71 U.S. sailors who assisted with the initial Fukushima relief efforts have developed serious diseases such as testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, Leukemia, “unremitting gynecological bleeding” and brain tumors since that time as a result of exposure to radiation coming from Fukushima.
#5 Something is causing starfish all along the west coast of the United States to literally disintegrate into piles of “white goo“…
Researchers say nuclear pollution from the 2011 earthquake in Japan that damaged the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant could be partially to blame for a disease wiping out starfish along the West Coast.
Dr. Peter Raimondi of the University of Santa Cruz says something is making starfish susceptible to whats believed to be a bacteria coined “Wasting Disease.” It essentially disintegrate the marine invertebrates into a white goo, after the starfish loses its legs.
#6 Bald eagles are dying in unprecedented numbers in Utah, and nobody can figure out why this is happening…
Bald eagles are dying in Utah — 20 in the past few weeks alone — and nobody can figure out why.
Hundreds of the majestic birds — many with wing spans of 7 feet or more — migrate here each winter, gathering along the Great Salt Lake and feasting on carp and other fish that swim in the nearby freshwater bays.
Earlier this month, however, hunters and farmers across five counties in northern and central Utah began finding the normally skittish raptors lying listless on the ground. Many suffered from seizures, head tremors and paralysis in the legs, feet and wings.
#7 Huge numbers of dead birds are dropping dead and washing up along the coastlines of Alaska. It is being reported that many of the carcases of the dead birds are “broken open and bleeding”.
#8 The recent deaths of thousands of birds in Oregon is absolutely baffling scientists.
#9 Something is causing large numbers of seals and walruses up in Alaska to lose hair and develop “oozing sores”.
#10 Substantial numbers of polar bears along the coast of Alaska are suffering from fur loss and open sores.
#11 There is an epidemic of sea lion deaths along the California coastline.
#12 The population of sockeye salmon along the coastlines of Alaska is at a “historic low”.
#13 Something is causing Pacific herring to bleed from their gills, bellies and eyeballs.
#14 Dangerous levels of cesium-137 have been discovered in mushrooms and berries grown along the west coast.
#15 According to an absolutely shocking report put out by the National Academy of Sciences, it has been proven that Pacific Bluefin tuna have transported radioactive material “across the entire North Pacific Ocean”…
“We report unequivocal evidence that Pacific Bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, transported Fukushima-derived radionuclides across the entire North Pacific Ocean.”
#16 Something seems to be causing a substantial spike in the death rate for killer whales living off of the coast of British Columbia.
#17 Experts have found very high levels of cesium-137 in plankton living in the waters of the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and the west coast.
#18 One test in California found that 15 out of 15 Bluefin tuna were contaminated with radiation from Fukushima.
#19 Back in 2012, the Vancouver Sun reported that cesium-137 was being found in a very high percentage of the fish that Japan was selling to Canada…
• 73 percent of the mackerel
• 91 percent of the halibut
• 92 percent of the sardines
• 93 percent of the tuna and eel
• 94 percent of the cod and anchovies
• 100 percent of the carp, seaweed, shark and monkfish
#20 An EU-funded study concluded that Fukushima released up to 210 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 into the atmosphere.
#21 One very experienced Australian adventurer has stated that he felt as though“the ocean itself was dead” as he journeyed from Japan to San Francisco recently…
The next leg of the long voyage was from Osaka to San Francisco and for most of that trip the desolation was tinged with nauseous horror and a degree of fear.
“After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead,” Macfadyen said.
“We hardly saw any living things. We saw one whale, sort of rolling helplessly on the surface with what looked like a big tumour on its head. It was pretty sickening.
“I’ve done a lot of miles on the ocean in my life and I’m used to seeing turtles, dolphins, sharks and big flurries of feeding birds. But this time, for 3000 nautical miles there was nothing alive to be seen.”
In place of the missing life was garbage in astounding volumes.
“Part of it was the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Japan a couple of years ago. The wave came in over the land, picked up an unbelievable load of stuff and carried it out to sea. And it’s still out there, everywhere you look.”
#22 It is being projected that the radioactivity of coastal waters off the U.S. west coast could double over the next five to six years.
#23 The deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee for Natural Resources, Maxim Shingarkin, says that seafood captured off the northwest coast of the United States is so radioactive that it represents a “danger for mankind”…
“Currents in the world ocean are so structured that the areas of seafood capture near the U.S. northwest coast are more likely to contain radioactive nuclides than even the Sea of Okhotsk, which is much closer to Japan. These products are the main danger for mankind because they can find their way to people’s tables on a massive scale.”
#24 According to one recent scientific report, radiation from Fukushima could affect our seafood for “many generations” and ultimately kill more than a million people…
This cycle will last for many generations, because of the food chain of fish and other marine fauna, and the radioactivity will be recycled and in fact the meat content will increase rather than decreasing by decay. Even if only one one-hundredth of the radioactivity (more than 1e15 Bq of CS137) were to enter this recirculation pattern, the collective whole body ingestion dose over many generations would exceed 1e7 Sv, sufficient to kill more than 1,000,000 people.
#25 The Japanese government has estimated that approximately 300 tons of highly radioactive water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility every single day.
#26 A senior researcher of marine chemistry at the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute says that “30 billion becquerels of radioactive cesium and 30 billion becquerels of radioactive strontium” are being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day.
#27 According to Tepco, a total of somewhere between 20 trillion and 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific Ocean since the Fukushima disaster first began.
#28 According to a professor at Tokyo University, 3 gigabecquerels of cesium-137 are flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every single day.
#29 It is being projected that significant levels of cesium-137 will reach every corner of the Pacific Ocean by the year 2020.
#30 It has been estimated that the entire Pacific Ocean will soon “have cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher” than what we witnessed during the era of heavy atomic bomb testing in the Pacific many decades ago.
#31 The immense amount of radioactive material being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima has caused environmental activist Joe Martino to issue the following warning…
“Your days of eating Pacific Ocean fish are over.”
#32 The Iodine-131, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 that are constantly being released from Fukushima are going to affect the health of those living in the northern hemisphere for a very, very long time. Just consider what Harvey Wasserman had to say about this…
Iodine-131, for example, can be ingested into the thyroid, where it emits beta particles (electrons) that damage tissue. A plague of damaged thyroids has already been reported among as many as 40 percent of the children in the Fukushima area. That percentage can only go higher. In developing youngsters, it can stunt both physical and mental growth. Among adults it causes a very wide range of ancillary ailments, including cancer.
Cesium-137 from Fukushima has been found in fish caught as far away as California. It spreads throughout the body, but tends to accumulate in the muscles.
Strontium-90’s half-life is around 29 years. It mimics calcium and goes to our bones.
#33 Outdoor radiation levels at Fukushima recently hit a new all-time high.
#34 According to the Wall Street Journal, it is being projected that the cleanup of Fukushima could take up to 40 years to complete.
#35 Yale Professor Charles Perrow is warning that if the cleanup of Fukushima is not handled with 100% precision that humanity could be threatened “for thousands of years”…
“Conditions in the unit 4 pool, 100 feet from the ground, are perilous, and if any two of the rods touch it could cause a nuclear reaction that would be uncontrollable. The radiation emitted from all these rods, if they are not continually cool and kept separate, would require the evacuation of surrounding areas including Tokyo. Because of the radiation at the site the 6,375 rods in the common storage pool could not be continuously cooled; they would fission and all of humanity will be threatened, for thousands of years.”
#36 There are very alarming reports that new “unexplained plumes of radioactive steam” are rising at Fukushima. Japanese officials are not able to get inside and see what is causing these plumes. Some are speculating that the crisis at Fukushima just got a whole lot worse. The following is from a recent Ecologist article…
Unexplained plumes of radioactive steam have been rising from Fukushima’s Reactor Building 3, Could a major meltdown be on the way?
Fukushima’s Reactor Building 3 exploded on 13th March 2011 as a result of a hydrogen buildup, breaching the building’s containment and emitting a huge plume of radiation. The reactor itself is in meltdown.
And now fresh plumes of steam have been seen coming out the structure. These have now been confirmed by Tepco, the owner of the nuclear plant, from 19th December onwards. The company believes the steam is coming from the fifth floor of the building.
However it does not know the cause of the steam. Lethal levels of radiation and the physical damage to the structure have so far made entry and inspection impossible.
If a full-blown meltdown does happen at Fukushima, it would be an environmental disaster unlike anything that we have ever seen before in human history.
As we enter 2014, we are entering a time when the world is becoming increasingly unstable. The global economy is being shaken, political corruption is seemingly everywhere, evidence of advanced social decay is all around us and the earth itself is starting to groan and crack with increasingly regularity. But the mainstream media continues to insist that everything is going to be just fine. That is one of the reasons why I wrote my new novel. The American people deserve to hear the truth and be warned about the great challenges that are rapidly approaching.
In the end, millions upon millions of people could end up getting seriously ill as a result of all of this radiation coming from Fukushima. Most of them will never even know why they have gotten sick.
And if there is a major earthquake or a significant accident during the cleanup at Fukushima, we could actually see huge sections of Japan be evacuated permanently.
It would be hard to overstate just how serious all of this is. But you won’t hear about this from the mainstream media. Their story is that “everything is okay” and they are sticking to it.


Subject: ZAP UPDATE PART (3)

.Their efforts have involved literally every means possible; if you can conceive of it, it is a method/approach the cabal has taken advantage of and utilized.

To counteract such behavior, the “sting” approach has been utilized frequently and repeatedly by the ‘good guys.’ The most recent example of this concerns the expected RV of the Iraqi Dinar [IQD] currency , part of the Global Currency Reset.

Because of their high exalted status, many Congressional seat holders and other D.C. ‘bigwigs’ were originally allowed to convert their IQD holdings to Bank SKR’s, or Safe Keeping Receipts; these were originally done at various rates of expected exchange value which was in most cases substantially below the rumored $32.00 rate.
Read More Link On Right
  These same people were recently [w/i the last six weeks] given the opportunity to convert these SKR’s to GFR’s, or Guaranteed Fund Receipts; at that same time they were generally provided approximately 10% of the GFR value in cash equivalents with the express promise that said cash would not be utilized to purchase more IQD.
We are currently advised that many thousands violated such proscription almost immediately.

Some of these people will be resigning their offices and some others will undoubtedly be prosecuted.

Use of these continuing “sting” operations has helped to weed out those who continue to support the cabal and accede to their instructions; most of the other ‘miscreants’ have been arrested one or more times [Timothy Geithner for example has been arrested more than four times] and currently face prosecution in the near future.

The cabal is finished! Most of the high-level and medium-level people, both in and out of government, have by now either been “stung” or arrested, and now face some combination of disgrace, loss of financial advantage, loss of position of power , loss of official office, and/or near term prosecution.

In my opinion, having closely monitored the events as they occurred, we have reached the position of imminent conclusion. Although it is very difficult to appreciate the length of time this has taken, I can now accept that the acts involved were necessary to accomplish the goals sought.

As a result of this opinion and now having a fuller understanding of both the goals, and the accomplishments to date, I will once again stick my neck out to advise you all that your journey is all but over.

It is my opinion, based not only on what I am told each day by those at the top of the new powers that be, but more importantly on the status of the imminent Global Currency Reset.

 Its status is important because it cannot become a public fait accompli without the US Treasury becoming a hard-metal asset backed issuer of US currency.

 Accordingly, when you publicly see the Global Currency Reset you will know that we have an asset backed currency, and you will know that we have received ER. Every indication from every credible source is that the Reset will become public today, tomorrow, the next day, or certainly by January 1, 2014.

I cannot guarantee this of course, but it does represent my best opinion based on all available information. I can absolutely assure you that the wonder of what you are so soon to experience – REALITY – will mightily blow away any doubt, disbelief, bitter humor, or unhappy memories that recent experiences have encouraged and supported.

As I have said in the past, “you will be paid a great deal more than any have the right to expect [based on the amount of [your] investment]. In addition, you will receive a payment for the unconscionable length of payment delay.”   Sincerely.   AH (attorney who thinks well)


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TEPCO says they do not know why this is happening and cannot go into the building to see what's happening due to damage and lethal radiation levels in that building. Experts say this could be the beginning of a "spent fuel pool criticality (meltdown)" involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America.

Dec 30 10:23

TEPCO Quietly Admits Reactor 3 Could Be Melting Down NOW

TEPCO has confirmed that via camera surveillance, that steam has begun to pour from Reactor 3, although they have “not been identified abnormal plant conditions.”
TEPCO are reporting that “radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan.”
The corporation is not clear on the details of the sudden change at Reactor 3 because of “lethal radiation levels in that building.”
Summations from experts conclude that this may “be the beginning of a ‘spent fuel pool criticality (meltdown)’ involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America.”

Dec 30 10:06

Fukushima Radiation Hits US West Coast

According to the Global Research Report, recent tests in California have unearthed contaminated blue-fin tuna in nearby coastal waters. It is believed that the contaminated water has finally reached the western coastline due to the growth of radioactive iodine levels which are now 200 times what they were two years ago. In addition, the caesium-137 level has also gone up along the California, Oregon and Washington coasts, discovered in local mushrooms and berries. Residents have also noted that the number of bird deaths has risen. In Alaska, the sockeye salmon population has declined apparently due to radionuclides as well.
Checking an entire catch of fish for radiation is nearly impossible according to the Eco-Protection International environmental group, which is what makes the hit of radiation contaminated water from Fukushima so dangerous for the US West Coast.

Melting' Starfish Along West Coast Prompts Fukushima Fears

West Coast sea stars mysteriously dying off

Radioactive Tuna Found in Pacific

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[] Wake up Call: Hatonn, Jan 01, 14 & Special News

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Dear Ones, I received this news today from Suzy Star's email posting a message which Stephen Cook sent out. It resonated with me, and then I felt that Hatonn had a message for all of us. Read what Stephen sent out and where you can listen to/read it, then read the Wake up Call from Hatonn.

Please help this important message to go viral. Via email to friends and family; post it on Facebook; link to it on Twitter; post it on your blogs; and, send to others, anyway you can.
Send it to your leaders in local, state and national governments, no matter where you live.
Let’s all ensure our leaders tell us the truth all the time in 2014.

Here's the link to share the YouTube version:

Here's the link to share the audio-only version:

Here's the link to share the written version at Golden Age of Gaia:…-truth-in-2014/
With gratitude for whatever you feel guided to do!

Wake up Call: Hatonn, Jan 01, 14

I am here today to bring you a message of hope and assuredness. I am Hatonn, and in this message I am bringing much of what so many of you are saying and asking for at this new beginning of the timeliness of the freedom that you are heading into. It is a matter of being in the know about what you are striving for and then knowing that it is going to work. Yes, it is going to come for you, because you have reached an epitome about how you can achieve that which you are destined for.

As you go through this new year of opening to the truth of your abilities, you will see many ways in which what you are inspired to do will work. That will increase your knowledge of what to tap into within your beingness and how to bring it forth in the joining of so many of you who are walking in that light of Love and freedom. It is a matter of talking the strides that you see will bring you to the truth of how you can master anything that you intend for the coming forth of the truthfulness that brings forward the higher energies that you are bringing to yourselves. It is going to prove itself to us all as the year progresses and you stand in your rights as sovereign citizens of this planet and further into the universe.

I would like to speak with you about something that is taking place now. There are many cases in which things that have been being formed to answer many people’s questions are coming to the public now. It is wise for you to pay attention to anything that resounds to you a clear and positive message. It is an example of what you are going to be creating in the times to come. Give credence to anything that speaks to you of what makes sense and what feels very strongly wonderful and clear. With this in mind you will be helping to bring about that which you have seen set into place in many ways in the recent times.

We are so impressed with how well you are all doing and how many of you are stepping out in Truth and Love. You are showing the example of the more powerful way in which to bring to your world that which resonates with all of life. When you are inspired to follow an urging for something that can change the ideas that have been connected with something, yet which have only brought forth that which does not benefit all of life, then you have tuned in to the choice that you have made on a soul level. Step forth in that choice and know that you will see results flowing to benefit the entire world.

I leave this message now with the utmost love and respect for all of you. You have shown to me that you are in the drivers seat and that you know the route to take to benefit all. Keep on with the knowledge that we are all One and that you are awakening to what that means. The best things in life are free for the taking and all you need do is to see it as that which says to you that it is for the benefit of all life on earth, and go from there.

A Beautiful glow emits forth from all of you and brightens the landscape of the planet in a whole new way. Be ready for the celebration that is just around the corner and in your lives at this time. Blessings and Love to you all!

Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate

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Estimados amigos hispano-parlantes, ofrecemos ahora traducciones españolas para usted. Vea lazo en la página inglesa para ir a la traducción Española, que es generalmente allí por al día siguiente. Bendiciones de Amor.

You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,

for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others. 

Hi......I had a chilling experirnce last night after talking to OBAMA...




The Global Network has just completed the implementation of the new asset backed global banking system, and are ready to index the redemption of the People of God (YHWH).  Attached is the Bathsheba and Esther Trust which is under the Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights Trust.  (This is written in plain language for ease of understanding.)   Dr. Henderson and myself are the Stewards of this Trust, by virtue of the fact that Dr. Henderson is also Steward of the Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights Trust (SCPR).  The SCPR Trust is one of the principal trusts for the restoration of the 197 nations which have just completed their indexing. 
To understand the documents supporting the Jubilee for redemption of the people, please go to the following website,  As of November 3, 2013, the United States of America is now returned to our Constitutional Republic through Omni-Law, which has also been implemented in the 197 nations. Our US government officials have already seen these documents, and have been calling Dr. Henderson for the last weeks for their personal redemption as well.

The Bathsheba and Esther Trust document is also available under REDEMPTION DOCUMENTS (We the People), for those people you send to the website.  All persons, including infants, young children, must be indexed, until we have indexed everyone globally.  This will take time, but will be completed.  You may fax the completed documents to me at 501-330-2707, or return via email at

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 501-681-2386.


Shelley Bolling

Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights



Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 11:01 AM