Saturday, May 3, 2014



Coast-To-Coast radio talk show host Richard Syrett will devote the full three hours of his show to the story of the $27.5 trillion man, Secret Agent Leo/Lee Emil Wanta. on Saturday, May 3rd, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. PACIFIC - (2 a.m. 5 a.m. EASTERN).

Wanta, a Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine, reported to President Ronald Wilson Reagan and served as the President's Personal Intelligence Coordinator. Though never an employee of any of the agencies with which he worked, Wanta performed intelligence functions on behalf of most of America's agencies - the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Office of Naval Intelligence, and other Treasury Department security agencies.

The Wanta story has long been kept out of the mainstream media because so many famous names are part of the story, from President George Herbert Walker Bush to President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. Hillary Clinton's name is included in the Wanta story as is Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster's .... any many others.

Syrett has structured the famed the famed Coast-to-Coast radio show so his millions of listeners will be able to hear an overview of the entire Wanta story -- from how Wanta brought down the Soviet Union Ruble (SUR) which resulted in the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall, to the spurious charges brought against Wanta that placed him in prison while intelligence provocateurs set about stealing the $27.5 trillion fortune Wanta, at President Reagan's direction, had created over many years. According to Wanta, Ronald Reagan saw the corruption in government and how it would soon bankrupt America and planned ahead to save the nation he so loved.

During the second hour of Syrett's show, Wanta, former Somali Ambassador to Canada and Switzerland, will make a rare appearance to answer questions and to discuss his biography, WANTA! Black Swan, White Hat ( Kindle, August 2013) and the documentary film currently in production, " Eagle One to Wanta ", soon to released.

The third hour of Syrett's early Sunday morning Coast-to-Coast show will utilize the combined talents of Wanta's biographer, internationally known banking expert Marilyn Barnewall, and Lee Wanta, the man who generated the largest fortune in the history of the world to discuss problems and solutions to today's economic problems. 

Subject: Coast to Coast AM _ Radio Stations



SITUATIONS / INCIDENTS, and open talk - line discussions >>>>


Finis/ stations

Flight 370 air control recording tampered with

Subject: Flight 370 air control recording tampered with

There is no question that the recording
of the air control communications of
Flight 370 released today was tampered

Evidence and explanation from an audio
forensic expert here...


- Brasscheck

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More Bad News For Obama: House Lawmakers Move To Appoint Special Prosecutor In IRS Targeting Scandal

More Bad News For Obama: House Lawmakers Move To Appoint Special Prosecutor In IRS Targeting Scandal

May 2, 2014 by Sam Rolley
House Republicans are expected to vote in favor of appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups because the lawmakers have no faith in an investigation of the matter currently being handled by the Justice Department.
Video thumbnail for youtube video Eric Holder On Contempt: ‘You Don’t Want To Go There, Buddy’
The GOP has no faith in AG Eric Holder’s IRS investigation. FILE PHOTO
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) announced the vote in a statement Friday.
The lawmaker said that President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, along with other top-ranking government officials have meddled in the DOJ investigation for political reasons. Cantor and other members of the GOP have also noted in recent months that several top Justice lawyers involved in the investigation are Democratic donors.
“After a lengthy and thorough investigation, the House Ways & Means Committee referred Lois Lerner to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution for violating the law by targeting conservative organizations,” Cantor said in the statement. “To date, it appears the Department of Justice has taken no action on this referral.
“It is time for Attorney General Holder to appoint a special counsel to investigate the IRS targeting scandal and bring the appropriate charges against those responsible. There can be no doubt the IRS scandal has undermined the public’s trust in our government. This is far too serious a matter to leave to the discretion of partisan political appointees no matter who is in the White House.”
Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who called the ongoing DOJ investigation “a joke,” introduced a resolution calling for a special prosecutor Friday with the backing of several top Republicans.
“The current investigation has no credibility because it is being headed by a maxed-out donor who is financially invested in the president’s success,” Jordan added. “This resolution calls for a real investigation by an unbiased investigator to get to the truth and hold those responsible for this illegal targeting accountable for their actions.”
Cantor said that he wants every member of the House, “Republican and Democrat,” to vote in favor of the measure. Unsurprisingly, Congressional Democrats have already criticized the effort.
“Another day, another desperate Republican effort to dredge up a political scandal even after a year of evidence has proven otherwise,” Representative Sandy Levin (Mich.), top Ways and Means Democrat, said in a statement.
The Democratic lawmaker also accused the GOP of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on investigations in a “wild attempt” to “tar” the Obama Administration.

The House’s special prosecutor announcement came the same day as Republicans in the Senate went on the offensive over Obama’s Benghazi terror attack scandal, organizing a select committee to investigate the attack and subpoenaing Secretary of State John Kerry to appear at a hearing later this month.

One Last Kiss

Click below:

MarkZ and I4U Members Chat Late Friday Night Part 2

MarkZ and I4U Members Chat Late Friday Night Part 2

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ I have it confirmed from a great source that this Tony statement is true: "It is sitting on the bank screens right now. Right now they are trying to execute the announcement of it." You agree?

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor I will step out on a limb. Yes I agree with Tony on that....

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Deserves a whoo hoo

[lilypad] Is the 3.22 firm? I have been told rate at time of sanction plus inflation?

[MarkZ] lilypad We can't answer that without setting ourselves up for legal issues later.

MarkZ] lilypad I am looking for higher though. IMO

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ I saw you say the ZIM is likely to revalue twice ... a small one initially (maybe to get things closer to a sane line) ... and later a revalue to get it where they want it to be. What do you think is the smart play for us? Hold what we have for the second revalue?
[~healthy3] Robertprofessor good question, I was wondering the same

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor my play is exchange all now and get more with a MCA and let an advisor worry about my gains then. That is my un-professional opinion.

[sananddan24] MarkZ what is a MCA

[MarkZ] sananddan24 Multiple currency account

 [sandytob] MarkZ so best to invest in those other currencies thru MCAs?

[MarkZ] sandytob It is just easier. We couldn't with the dinar because it wasn't internationally traded.

[spiritfilled] MarkZ Hey guy ..what were the currencies you talked about last night??

[MarkZ] spiritfilled The ones I am looking at and they are only an opinion. (disclaimer) central african and west central african plus mongolia and Robert pointed another one that could be a winner phillipines

[MarkZ] Just keep in mind any currency buy like this is speculative. We just look, research and roll the dice. Never spend more than you can afford and have realistic expectations

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Should I deposit those Jefferson Davis notes I have into a MCA too?

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ So, about that Confederate script.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor lol! I think the new version of that will be the new USN/TRN whatever it is called

[sandytob] MarkZ all this to be on your new website, right?

 [MarkZ] sandytob I will be around on it for you all to quiz to your hearts content.

[sandytob] MarkZ but is that the purpose of the talk about new currency investments?

[MarkZ] sandytob and to help us through this one.

notsoguru] MarkZ I am glad that iraq was able to make the powerplay so to speak - it really is about them and they need it badly! coodles to whomever over there finally pulled the purse strings so to speak - heaven knows there are ____ that would continue to play this out for their own gains forever!

[MarkZ] notsoguru amen

[misskitty05] MarkZ will you be one of the handful of people Tony mentioned as providing info and being available for questions as people go thru the CE process?

[MarkZ] misskitty05 I am not one of those, but I will be here. ;)

 [HIGHERGROUND] MarkZ looking forward to your new site....did you get the no FB cleared with your IT guys????

 [MarkZ] HIGHERGROUND Working on it

[MarkZ] HIGHERGROUND 2k people hit it last night. I was honored.

[ [HIGHERGROUND] MarkZ you will have many many more..... we plan on it as well but don't do FB

 [notsoguru] MarkZ can you repeat what your new site will be please?

[MarkZ] notsoguru this is just the landing site to catch eyeballs. It has a countdown to launch on it

[notsoguru] MarkZ so just to be sure - your new site will not be FB right?

[MarkZ] notsoguru No but my FB links to it and I have even set up a twitter page. I am learning social media


 [Robertprofessor] MarkZ Let me flip the coin over. If the RV/GCR does not come soon, but we have the RI next week and can bank on that rate, what is to keep everyone from some crazy double dipping, using dinar money to buy up everything else we think will RV later?

 [MarkZ] Robertprofessor there will be nothing to stop people and that is why they are panicked to make it all happen now.

[misskitty05] Robertprofessor maybe an NDA provision?

[Robertprofessor] misskitty05 Maybe, but seems lawless to me. Complete RV/GCR all at once would be orderly and sensible. What am I saying? Dinar! Orderly? Sensible? I need a drink.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor pour me one as well please

[sananddan24] MarkZ so when do you anticipate when we will recieve our emails?

 [MarkZ] sananddan24 sananddan24 My gut is thinking sunday or monday and that is honestly only a gut feeling, it is not based on any solid intel.

[propms] If the RI has really happened why are the dealers still selling dinar at the rate we all bought it?

[MarkZ] propms They will sell it until the rate changes for them.

[lilypad] Robertprofessor--at this point they are not thinking sensible, just get it done. Appears that all of the preplanning and preparation are being tossed out the window

 [Robertprofessor] lilypad Sure feels that way. I'm stunned that it took Maliki to find an end around play to break through UST blocking.

[misskitty05] lilypad they can always RV and get right back on tack can't they?

 [misskitty05] Robertprofessor makes me wonder who was whispering the play in his ear.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor I was told the IMf un-officially suggested it to him. Kind of a screw you US/Obama move.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ I find that totally believable.

 [sandytob] MarkZ wow....well, glad they did.

 [misskitty05] Well if that's the case then this siuation shouldn't have taken anyone by surprise

[HIGHERGROUND] Did I say I love CL and her organiziations influence over M to stick it to O roflmao

[MsMagnolia] Excuse me, I'm late to the party! Did the RI really occur?

 [sananddan24] MsMagnolia yes

Robertprofessor] MarkZ Feeling bold enough tonight to venture an opinion on taxes?

 [MarkZ] Robertprofessor I have been told over and over that the dinar is covered by an agreement to not be taxed that it was figured as a tariff in the spread and will not effect what we recieve. I will seek serious proffesional help though personally.

Robertprofessor] MarkZ Ditto

[sananddan24] MarkZ so do you think the group rates will be higher?

 [lilypad] Well with appts being made for Monday and Tuesday, we are looking at this thing popping Sat or Sun. WOW

[sandytob] MarkZ Will you have to quit your job to have the freedom to expose all this?

 [MarkZ] sandytob I will tell the boss I am out of here.... :) I am the boss, makes it easy

[misskitty05] MarkZ MarkZ what about VND ... do you think we're looking at longterm/short term cap gains?

 [FLPatriot59] I'm curious if the dong will be a taxable event. Hmmmm

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ I know O wanted tax on VND to pay for Obamacare.

[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I am not a tax expert but I think it will be taxable. The way I see it though the new UST will need money and I want the new UST to be successful so I will gladly pay what I owe.

[deb2blessed] MarkZ is that what prompted you to appear back on the screen lately? TY

[MarkZ] deb2blessed I was finally given the go to talk again.

 [MarkZ] Honestly folks I truly believe the days of having to be afraid to tell the truth about our financial issues/reset/rv are past us. The truth is out and as long as we the people are armed with knowledge this should be a peaceful/bloodless revolution and restoration.

[mystery] MarkZ Do you think the VND will go at same time as Dinar?


[MsMagnolia] MarkZ I know what the PTB is short for....what is PTW short for, IYO, of course. ty

[highhopes] MsMagnolia I think it stands for the Power that Were!!

[FLPatriot59] highhopes lol

[~healthy3] MarkZ did you schedule a call yet?

[MarkZ] ~healthy3 Not yet. working through schedules. Tenative is Tuesday or Wed though

[notsoguru] MarkZ that makes sense and gets to more peeps - you should do a utube video and have nola star in it! that would get a lot of attention! Lol

[MarkZ] notsoguru We are actually looking at filming interviews with some of the framers on this to expose the whole twisted process in hopes that it forces conversations about our financial future

[sandytob] MarkZ You made my night. So good to have you here. Have to go to bed now....but also good to see so many oldies come out of the woodwork.

[highhopes] MarkZ Could you recap where you think we are for the new arrivals tonight??

[MarkZ] highhopes Short recap? Not sure I can, we shared a lot! We are in a great place and Maliki calling for the RI has forced a serious fire to be stoked under the US. It appears to be in the final hours. I personally think by the 15th at the latest. IMO I reserve the guru right of being dead wrong though...

[highhopes] MarkZ Well we all hope you are 100% right!!!

[MarkZ] I am sorry if I missed questions. I will be back tomorrow for you all to ask anything I missed answering. Night all and GB

chucker7] MarkZ ty for stopping by

[highlander65] MarkZ MarkZ ty so much for spending time with us dear !!!

[HIGHERGROUND] I am HAPPY!!!!! And I can NOT lie.. lol

MarkZ and I4U Members Chat Late Friday Night Part 1

MarkZ and I4U Members Chat Late Friday Night Part 1

[MarkZ] Hi folks I am wrapping up a call then will chat for a short bit and share what I have.

[highhopes] MarkZ been a big rumor day in Dinarland today..have you heard that the RI was supposed to be released to us yesterday and because of a "glitch" it was reset for this weekend??

[MarkZ] highhopes I did hear that but I am not certain that it isn't circular rumortel. I like breaking the intel cycle and then seeing what filters out. I usually vet things a number of times through sources with no relation to each other before I share or consider it real. This adventure has taught me to be sceptical in a positive way.

[MarkZ] What we do know is a number of larger dinar holders were contacted today and their bankers are anticipating exchanges starting late Monday and Tuesday is what they were told.

This could possibly be our last days gang. I know I am doubling my prayers and keeping an ear out for the news. Most of my other contacts have gone silent which is to be expected here at what appears to be the final hours.
[highlander65] MarkZ maybe our last Friday night???

[MarkZ] highlander65 It looks like it could be. I am hopeful. Cautiously optimistic

[highlander65] MarkZ coooool wooo hooooooooo ty

[lilypad] Mark, do you know if all are going to have apts or are some still going to be able to carry a single note to exchange?

[MarkZ] lilypad I have been told that it will depend on the banking choice you make. Remember that there are a lot of banks and you will all have many choices. Do not over think those choices until you have them though. For now focus on the event happening. Then we all will see what options we have and go from there.

 [lilypad] thanks mark z still unknown if only dinar or if other curriencies as well?????????

[MarkZ] lilypad It will not be just the dinar. That would shatter the progress in the global reset of currencies.

[highhopes] MarkZ Do you think just the RI rate from Iraq about $3.22 will be released or a full RV/GCR with all the countries?? seems to be a big question today.

[MarkZ] highhopes I think we will see a blending of it. I am THINKING RI for a few days to clean up some desperate dinar and then an RV to establish a proper longterm value. My opinion only though.

[lilypad] It does seem to me that if just and RI, the RV would have to follow shortly for a full GCR

[MarkZ] lilypad exactly but they will have to control the other currencies and let them rv or ri at the same time or Iraq would own the VND or vice/versa

[highhopes] If only an RI of the dinar- sure leaves a lot of VnD holders in limbo

[MarkZ] highhopes They will go at the same time, no worries. IMO

 [Robertprofessor] MarkZ RI only with any length of time before RV/GCR ... seems it would make for uncontrollable double dipping ... but I'm hearing from someone I trust that only the RI will take place now.

[sandytob] Robertprofessor Hi. Are you hearing how long it will be before the other things come into play?

[Robertprofessor] sandytob Not really. Just seems the RI has changed the landscape in ways I never expected.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Looking forward to your new site. Hope there will be some new possibilities for us with other currencies later like the ones you mentioned the other night. I'm also hearing we should look to get some Filipino money.

[~healthy3] Robertprofessor my friend is from the Phillapines and she told me 2 years ago that their money is goin to increase in value.

 [MarkZ] Robertprofessor Marco gold.... I have heard that as well.

[sandytob] MarkZ Robertprofessor It seems to me that even if the RI goes first and alone, one could still wait because the other parts have to follow.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor The IMF, US, BRIC heck everyone is scrambling because Iraq forced the issue when they moved forward with the RI. It was a master stroke to force the reset to move forward. Now everyone is scrambling to catch up and cover their rears.

 [Robertprofessor] MarkZ That makes perfect sense to me. Maybe Maliki is not the bad guy as so many have portrayed.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor I think he looked at his legacy and decided he needed to do something. A lame duck leader can actually be very powerful. They have nothing to lose.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ In that part of the world? I think a lameduck leader has much to lose, lol.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor lol, their lives.....

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ This RI master stroke has thrown things into confusion as it has also forced things to move forward. How does this effect the Group exchange? Hearing anything certain on that front? It's obviously a major concern for all.

[MarkZ] It should not effect the group exchanges. Most of those rates were negotiated beforehand and are contracts now is what I have been told. Think of the RI move as the best thing ever, it is forcing a move forward. IMO

[rverd33] MarkZ Great to see you tonight and I appreciate the information you share with us.

[MarkZ] rverd33 I am actually hopeful that the information will be more plentiful tomorrow. Today was mostly news from the banking world preparing for this. Government contacts were nearly all silent or hushed.

[lilypad] If those with high amounts of dinar have been contacted and appts. made, will the announcement be made before these appts. begin???

[MarkZ] lilypad I believe so yes. Those folks can't exchange before it happens. The UST reset is what we are looking for next.

[sandytob] MarkZ So if bankers are contacting big dinar holders, does this mean that all the talk of people exchanging months ago was nonsense?

[MarkZ] sandytob If those folks exchanged months ago they need to be looking over their shoulders, many stings have been set up and MANY corrupt politicians and bankers have been set up for a huge fall. On the positive side, when their hoped for illicit gains are confiscated we will have more for projects. :) There is a fellow with his finger on all their money. :)

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ I'm aware of those operations. Very serious.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor The UST has even set some up, I think they felt left out.

 [Robertprofessor] MarkZ Uh, yeah ... but I'm ... well, ... I'll be quiet on that.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ If "all" we get is that RI rate of $3.22, I will see that as an enormous blessing. If the Group exchange works out as we've dreamed, I may faint.

 [deb2blessed] Robertprofessor amen

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor That is the way I look at it as well. We need to all just be thankful.

[highhopes] MarkZ Just hope that the people purposely delaying and causing "glitches" are no longer in the way!!

MarkZ] highhopes I am hopeful that this has forced them to jump on board.

highhopes] MarkZ or get put behind bars hopefully

[MarkZ] highhopes Or hung for financial terrorism

[highhopes] MarkZ lol- works for me

The Obama “Un-Presidency”

The Obama “Un-Presidency”

The Obama “Un-Presidency”

… by Gordon Duff  for  New Eastern Outlook, Russia

- First published April 30, 2014 -
5646546During the last months of the Bush administration, a Secret Shadow Government (SSG) was created to sabotage President Obama, politically, economically and, in particular, on issues of foreign policy. “Transition conferences” were held, procedures enacted, roadblocks created.
In every aspect of government, parallel command structures answerable to former officials and special interest groups were created.
In many departments such as those tasked with enforcing laws, regulating financial institutions or even commanding nuclear forces, new positions were created giving not only broad and unaccountable authority to minor officials but new regulations protect them from oversight or even detection.
In some cases, State Department officials overseeing intelligence and policy functions report, not to Secretary of State Kerry but to private “think tanks,” many tied to extremist elements of the opposition party.
Hassan, Army psychiatrist
Hassan, Army psychiatrist
“SSG” moles forge language on intercepts, distribute misleading analysis and photoshopped “evidence” and, most recently, have altered translated statements from the Russian government over the Ukraine to be full scale ultimatums where, in reality, such language has never been used.
In the worst cases, drug and human trafficking and even terrorism is involved. In one case, the Army psychiatrist, Dr. Hassan, responsible for the mass killings at the army’s Ft. Hood facility not only took part in a “transitional conference” at George Washington University, but consorted with known terrorists while under the protection of powerful political friends in the Bush administration.
The “Un-Presidency” of Barack Obama
Bush and Cheney
Bush and Cheney
If Obama administration policies make no sense, and to any moderately informed observer, that has to have come to mind, there is a reason. When Obama took office, the previous administration, the most corrupt and even “demonic” in history, had embedded its most venomous acolytes into key strategic positions.
The most visible historic carryover from the Bush administration has been tied to the extensive privatization of intelligence functions necessary to maintain the flow of tons of heroin from Afghanistan and to maintain the “testy” relationships with the Mexican and Latin American drug cartels.
The rationale for “not letting go of power,” for failing to hand over the reins as it were is, ostensibly financial in nature. With control of events through the control of intelligence and, as with JSOC, or the Joint Special Operations Command, the quasi-political/privatized black ops group believed to still be commanded by Cheney and Rumsfeld though out of government, full military operational capabilities have survived where leaving public office should have brought that to an end.
Where the “carryover” has surfaced in an undeniable and most threatening fashion is with America’s nuclear forces. In 2007, nuclear weapons were illegally loaded onto a B 52 at Minot Air Force Base in South Dakota. The command of this nuclear base and its missile wings, perhaps the most powerful offensive force on earth, had fallen to a religious cult dedicated to bringing about a nuclear apocalypse.
In one of the rare successes of the Obama administration, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, has in a series of lightning strikes removed the entire nuclear command of the US Air Force.
Similarly, General Dempsey has removed dozens of ranking military officers and Pentagon officials revealed to be answerable to the “SSG.”
The President
The President
The “Moves” against America
Obama inherited a government “infected” by the secret societies John F. Kennedy warned about only hours before his assassination. Using names of their own choosing, Illuminati, Federalists, Freemasons, Dominionists, Evangelical Zionists, Temple of Set, Neocon, a virtual army of “moles” were planted at every strategic juncture in America’s bureaucratic and judicial apparatus.
  1. Through control of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, over $3 trillion was created without authorization or underwriting through Treasury Notes and distributed into a network of European banks through Bank of America and Royal Bank of Scotland. In a single act, Timothy Geithner misappropriated more funds than anyone in world history.
  2. A 5/4 majority in the Supreme Court not only legally underwrote the overthrow of the American electoral system in 2000 with the “appointment” of George W. Bush but certified through its silence the suspension of habeas corpus (encompassing all guaranteed rights of individual due process) in 2005, authorized blanket wiretapping, torture, defendants’ rights and legalized “execution by drone” without due process. In recent years all electoral financing controls guaranteeing constitutional “equal protection” were overturned.
  3. Through the process known as “gerrymandering,” electoral districts were reapportioned to guarantee that over 200 million Americans would be denied congressional representation, eliminating entirely their real voting franchise.
  4. Through blocking Obama judicial nominees and control of all regional Department of Justice officials and the FBI, with few exceptions, unprecedented criminality has been able to flourish throughout America. On issues of 9/11 alone, dozens of prosecutions, investigations and civil actions that easily exceeded prima facie requirements were quashed. In a well-planned and coordinated multigenerational operation, including “talent-spotting” at the earliest educational levels, a virtual army of semi-robotic automatons were injected into the American legal system insuring decades of abuse and injustice.
  5. Through control of service academies, extremist groups tied to bizarre religious sects, many deeply rooted in satanic practices, key areas with in the military and intelligence communities fell under control of secret societies.
For those who really understand the “Washington dynamic,” the real disappointment has been Obama’s unwillingness to remove not just obstructionist bureaucrats that sabotage policies and keep billions in public funds flowing directly to Bush run organized crime but the even greater threats such as we have seen during recently weeks.
Ukraine “Crash”
By this time, one thing is clear. Whatever legacy the Obama presidency wished to have has been destroyed by the debacle in the Ukraine. The gaffs are mounting up, the most recent one today when the New York Times was forced to withdraw an article accusing Russia of sending special operations forces into the Eastern Ukraine.
They had snatched photos from internet social media, did some “doctoring” and were, within hours, caught fabricating another story. Similarly, the Anti-Defamation League, a New York based lobby group closely tied to the New York Times had, only a week before, been “busted” for orchestrating the anti-Semitic pamphlets passed out to Ukrainian Jews.
It goes further, more than phony news stories, down to training terrorists, planning attacks, murdering demonstrators.
Vickie Noodleman, or as she is now known, Undersecretary of State Victoria “Nuland,” was never a particularly noteworthy or capable individual. Her primary skills were her willingness to marry archconservative fanatic John Kagan and then to accept a position working for Dick Cheney, the infamous “Darth Vader” of American politics.
By Washington standards, Nuland was a “hot babe.” Her marriage to John Kagan, the intellectually shallow head of the anti-Putin cabal at the Brookings Institution, assured her a quick run through the “pecking order” at the State Department, even under the flawed oversight of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Clinton, were she paying attention, would have “strangled Noodleman at birth” as the proverbial saying goes, before damage could be done. It was Noodleman that supplied the “talking points” to Undersecretary of State Susan Rice during the Benghazi investigation, a political disaster for Clinton.
Little did the “half blind” Obama administration know that the Benghazi attack had been planned and underwritten in Washington, the Potomac Institute, PJ Media (a Mossad front group), the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and “carry-over” operational units “formerly” under command of “former” Vice President Cheney.
As with recent investigations that have traced the training of the Maidan Square snipers to secret CIA facilities in Poland, Benghazi was also a CIA operation. Few care to remember that Reverend Terry Jones, of Koran burning fame, in another life spent 12 years in Germany running Gladio operations.
Erased from history but brought back for this brief moment is a news story from that day:
“WASHINGTON, Sept 12 (Reuters) – General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke with Pastor Terry Jones by phone on Wednesday and asked him to withdraw his support for a film whose portrayal of the Prophet Mohammad has sparked violent protests – including one that ended with the death of America’s envoy to Libya.”
When backtracking the funding of the Jones film credited by General Dempsey for inciting what we now know to be the “cover and deception” operation leading to the Benghazi attack, the names Kagan and Nuland/Noodleman are seen repeatedly along with the front for the broadcast, PJ Media and a series of conservative think tanks.
Thus, Washington “Stink Tanks” as they are called, assisted by a YouTube Psyop media company and coordinated with corrupt elected officials murdered an American ambassador and used “SSG” insiders in the State Department to push blame onto the Obama administration.
This same method is being repeated in Syria, the Ukraine, with the Palestinian peace talks in addition to the sabotaged relationships with both Russia and China.
No one would believe it
There is a clear agenda, one intended to “burn” Russia, China and the United States “to the ground.” Inside Washington and other capitols around the world, “SSG” moles, working in concert, are pushing the world to “August 1914.”
Why they may well succeed is simple. No one would believe it.
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War who has worked on veterans’ and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.
Editing:  Erica Wissinger

Friday, May 2, 2014

"Arrests, GCR, Intel by Friar Tuck" Posted by Exogen at Stage3Alpha

"Arrests, GCR, Intel by Friar Tuck" Posted by Exogen at Stage3Alpha

OP-ED By FryerTuck - Arrests, GCR, Intel - May 2, 2014

Posted by EXOGEN on May 2, 2014 at 7:19pm   Received via email.

May 2, 2014 13:04 PM

The game of espionage is dangerous. Those at the top of the ladder are unknown to the populace. Their names are never used in public. The closely guarded secrets are no longer secret. It was important that we found who was giving orders and running the show.

JP Morgan, Kissinger, Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Bush clan, The Pope and many more are only pawns in the checker board. They are what the PTW call the “Children in Chains”.
Some will look towards the Black Pope as being the head leader, but in fact the head masters are as high up in the ranking as you can get. This way the blame is always kept on those who are only puppets and known in the public’s eye. Very few have ever met the PTW in person including their puppets.

CHECKMATE has been met as the highest ranking members no longer exist.
This game of chess has been playing out since 1549. Since 9/11 the team nearly quadrupled in size when many high ranking officials’s in the Military Industrial Complex finally saw the forest for the trees.

Mass arrests are not going to happen in the way many think. This will keep the populace from rioting and causing more chaos.

Many on Earth are stuck in the MK Ultra programmed matrix and are unwilling to lift the veil. To keep the shock factor down the decision was made to do this in phases.

These phases will not be noticed by many as they will be small but life changing. There is not much more these evil groups can do as their power has been taken away. It is kind of like a malfunctioning robot. This is why many weird moves are being made by evil in the public’s eye.

Such as missing planes that caused the media to scramble for information when finding out it really was not done by those who own them, and in the end their stories kept getting sillier and sillier.

The GLOBAL RESET: The RV is only part of this. The money releases will come as most all is set into motion. 

The trigger should be pulled no latter then May 22, 2014.
The release of this will be done in phases. If we release money to every person in the world, goods, services and food industries will be overwhelmed. This is why it will be done in phases.

The new tech will be released first. This will free up money for many people making life much easier. At the same time Social Security payments will increase as well as welfare, food stamps, disability, wages, retirement and pensions. The increases will be done in slowly while the technology is being released slowly.

Humanity will rise above the need for monetary value as it was a concept that was introduced by the PTW for further world domination. Money will phase out and no longer be needed.

Many rumors and made up Intel is floating around. That means about 85% of it is all made up. They are perceptions based on mainstream news and current events in most situations. A story can be viewed your way based on a one track mind.

Keep that in mind. It is a tactic used by the puppets that will be rounded up like a thief in the night. You will watch many disappear off the scene. The five biggest controlling factors will be taken down, Government, Military, Big Pharm, Banking, and Schooling.

Congress and all pending legislation will be broadcasted for people’s vote on paper ballot.

The Governmental body will be reduced by leaps and bounds. Nothing will be introduced to a ballot that has long term ill effects on Humanity or the Earth.

The original plan was scrapped and a new one was formed. We have a team of many well trained individuals who want Common Law to be the Universal Law on Earth. Do not harm to others or their property.

If you have been paying attention it is by no accident Common Law Grand Juries are popping up everywhere. Free Will is to be respected as well as an individual responsibility. Many emotions are ripe and ready to help stir chaos if things are revealed all at once. This is why they are and have been being revealed slowly in what we call “Soft Disclosure”.

You will notice this in many movies, TV shows, and news stations.

The script is going to be vamped up for more to be released on May 22, 2014 involving disclosure of corruption and Earth’s past as well as the illusive Global Reset, RV, PP’s, NESARA and much more.

The last report I was able to send out was in 2003. Hopefully I can update more in the future. Until then, God Bless you All!