No. 1:
viewing this email? Read it online
Here’s the exact day the U.S. dollar will collapse
been writing for several years about the problems of the U.S. dollar and our
government’s insurmountable debt obligations.
now, for the first time ever, our lead analyst believes we can accurately
predict the exact day of the U.S. dollar’s official collapse.
says this collapse will coincide with a new Federal law that goes into effect
this year.
strongly encourage you to take a minute to learn about this law and the exact
expect this to be a huge story in the weeks to come, but right now no one is
talking about it.
the facts for yourself here…
Publisher, Stansberry Research
No. 2:
Today April 30, 2014 - Conservative Action Alerts
20% of American one is working....!
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Breaking TodayApril 30, 2014
Reid Expected to Bring “Fair Wage” Bill to the Floor Today!
On February 14, Barack Obama signed an unconstitutional executive order hiking
the minimum wage for federal workers and contractors to $10.10 per hour. And
today Harry Reid wants the socialists in the Senate to “finish the job” by
supporting a bill (S. 2223) to mandate private business owners to pay-out the
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documents reveal Benghazi cover up emanated from White House
Catherine Herridge released a new report that reveals the Benghazi cover up
went directly into the Obama White House and was an intentional effort to
mislead the American people.
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Up Compliant Children in the American Police State
How do you persuade a nation to march in lock step with a police state?
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Suggestions for Constitutional Changes
It looks like all sorts of people are joining the game of rewriting parts of
the U.S. Constitution.
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Gets It Wrong
The Left is unremittingly hostile to policies that would give workers more
access to capital.
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City Sales Tax Hikes Are Fronts for Paying Off CalPRS 50% Contribution
Think government can be trusted? Then you are the problem as well.
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Real Unemployment Rate: In 20% Of American Families, EVERYONE Is Unemployed
According to shocking new numbers that were just released by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, 20 percent of American families do not have a single person
that is working.
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Obama’s Pentagon to DESTROY more than a billion dollars worth of usable
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Paul opposed arming BLM long before the Bundy Ranch episode
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California dictate US energy policies?
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Black Does Not Think Bundy is Racist
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No. 3
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:54 PM
Subject: Nearly Half of New Yorkers Are Struggling to Get By, Study Finds -
this interesting link on the Drudge Report:
Half of New Yorkers Are Struggling to Get By, Study Finds -
These are intelligent sources running these ads on the American economy under
George Rayburn, Publisher, Stansberry Research is an intelligent man and has
called correctly several large events and turnarounds in the American economy.
And he is predicting the soon collapse of the American economy. Sorry but I
don't laugh at people who show brains by calling correctly a number of national
events that later turn out as they predicted it would! They of report factually on many
important issues of America and are pointing out by example that the official
unemployment figures issued under the Obama Administration are basic political
con including those unemployed too long are no longer listed as being unemployed!
Welcome to "Doublespeak" of "1984" as written by George
Orwell! The Official Drudge Report reports on many
interesting things and pointing out here that in this alleged economy
straightening out under Obama nearly half of New Yorkers are stuggling to get
by like in the days of the Depression of the 1930's! The New York Times itself
is used as the reference for this report.
I respect the Republican Party for having the guts to make the correct economic
stand on one issue that cheap politician Obama and fellow cheap politicans
backing him are trying to set up a con on the uneducated and gullible in
America. Raise the minimum wage from $7 to $10 in "magic wand"
economics! If that type economic tactic works, then lets look at this example.
I am now Obama and decree that you will be paid a minimum wage of one million
dollars an hour! Even the most gullible or non-thinking in America knows that
such a stand is nonsense and cannot be done in reality! Well, when you try to
totally defy reality and use "magic wand" or "wish dream"
economics in place of reality, then raising the minimum wage from $7 to $10
basically may sound good, but it is not based upon reality. Already, such as
with fastfood restaurants and some other restaurants, they have said that either
they lay off workers if this increase in minimum wage is decreed now from
Wash., D.C. or else raise the price of the food they offer to potentially even
double price! With stiff increases of food prices, restaurants lose serious
business or close down and go out of business. People lose jobs all across
America in restaurants and other businesses that cannot afford this increase in
minimum wages. When 10 fulltime employees have an extra $1,200 paid weekly to
them, many businesses cannot afford to do this and either heavily raise their
prices to you on what they sell or else frankly just go out of business. As
some business owners have already said they will be forced by Wash., D.C. to do
the following if this stiff minimum wage increase is enacted at this time.
They go out of business and their employees lose their jobs across America from
businesses made bankrupt by Wash., D.C.
Also, if suddenly you are paying even twice as much for food in restaurants or
paying much higher prices for auto supplies or whatever else you want to buy in
America, your money is worth less in reality as purchasing power of money tells
if it has held value, gained value, or else lost value in America. I studied
with six of the top economists of America and Europe so know how this national
economics actually works. Only a cheap or else a compromised or else a low I.Q.
politician would suggest something that is so contrary to reality. And it is an
old economic teaching that you can't get something for nothing! You raise the
wages per hour without the profit basis to support it and you are trying to get
higher wages without a sound basis to support it! This principle risks all
sorts of danger and problems in the economy if used to try and improve the
economy. In this situation, you raise the prices of things to unwise levels and
shocked that you now feel that you buying things by wages that get spent so
fast that you have not raised your real wages to $10 per hour but rather
reduced your real wages per hour into half of what they bought before per hour
that you work on a job. This means in reality called purchasing
power, you are now working for a lower wage than before the Obama brainstorm or
equivalent of $5 in purchasing power per hour of work where before you got a
basic $7 an hour in purchasing power for the same work per hour. You lowered
your real wages per hour by listening to the magic wand economics of Obama. In
economic terms, you have triggered off a round of hyperinflation which pushed
too far could make your money worth so little as might as well be used as
wallpaper in your home as it can no longer buy anything of value in the
marketplace! You deflate the value of the money by Obama engineered inflation
and is a beautiful formula how to throw America into a Depression that
might end up more tragic than the Depression of the 1930's.
Now since Obama acts like he is in kindergarten class when it comes to
economics, I will give him a few clues how to raise the wages of the
people in America without decreeing a wage increase per hour. You allow
higher gas mileage on cars which makes auto fuel cheaper for all Americans.
This is a wage increase without the employer paying you more! You take the
Wanta Fund that no one in Wash., D.C. talks about and it will pay off the official
national debt of America. This collapses most taxes in America and this is a
giant wage increase on every job in America and a strong increase of profit for
businesses in America and without having to trigger off inflation. Use
"Inverted Inflation" as suggested by Bernard Baruch and used by
President Truman after World War II to strongly increase employment in America
without triggering off any real inflation or hyperinflation. Truman said he did
this so Communism could not take over America by Wash., D.C. creating
hyperinflation in America when American soldiers from World War II were
returned to civilian jobs in America. This also helps to eliminate much of the
welfare state without need of it any longer and repeated here for emphasis also
no need to trigger off inflation in America in that case. You stop outlawing
high gas mileage from being allowed to be used in America, stop outlawing
cancer cures to be used in America that work instead of routinely suppressed by
the FDA in America serving drug industry interests, etc. that don't want any
genuine cancer cures allowed in America. This becomes a willful federal murder
policy against the American people when even the medical field predicts
that by apparently 2020 all Americans will have cancer or else have had cancer
in their lives. Federal corruption is more important to Wash., D.C. than your
lives as American citizens!
I have dealt with inventors across America and abroad for a long time and
Wash., D.C. has suppressed enough smart to super brilliant answers from
inventors that if not stopped would have likely increased the size of
American industry and economy to be where maybe the American economy would be
even five times bigger in real wealth and purchasing power than it is now. The
problem is Wash., D.C. run by cheap politicians like Obama and allies act
as the archenemy of free enterprise to be free in America instead of
regulated down to and demoted to where it is allowed to operate on only a small
fraction of the potential it has if not buried by Washington lunatic
regulations which are not based upon reality but "politically
correct" nonsense in America.
If there is a super booming economy in America, soon everyone works for a good
wage as you can't hire employees if you don't offer them a good wage and
benefits to attract them to the job you offer them! As the economy grows due to
good economic policy of government, wages can gradually be raised by market
forces without triggering off inflation or huperinflation in America. And with
good inventor answers used in even the food service industry, we could
ultimately through increase of purchasing power per American dollar easily pay
the average worker $10 or more in real purchasing power without even having to
raise the hourly wage to higher than an official $7 or so paid now.
Obama, I know how to run an economy and make it boom! You do not! Resign from
the White House or else have me made Economic Czar of America and then the
American economy will skyrocket into super prosperity and full employment.
Also, it has just been announced in the news that China will pass up America
this year and become the biggest industrial nation in the world. Make me
Economic Czar and America will skyrocket past China which in bewilderment will
wonder how America turned around so fast and left China trailing in the dust!
One of the economists I studied with was a German personally endorsed by Albert
Einstein to be teaching the only economic science in the 20th Century! He
taught scientific free enterprise based upon what has worked so well in history
before and got suppressed by either
of bad government coming to power or else corrupt sources which did not like
free enterprise to work so well in nations!
And Obama are you really as dumb as you pretend to be or else a Trojan Horse
trying to overthrow free enterprise and a booming economy in America? You are
using the exact foreign trade policy originally advocated by Karl Marx who
founded Communism. He said the type foreign trade policy you are trying to
totally establish for America and the world would end up totally bankrupting
the capitalist nations of the world and set up Communism to take over the world
economy after all the capitalists including America all go bankrupt. I already
quoted in a national report Karl Marx's policy advocated at Brussels, Belgium
and happens to be your same exact policy as advocated from the White House
in Wash., D.C. by you! Congress in lack of loyalty to the U.S.
Constitution lets you presently occupy the White House in violation of the
U.S. Constitution as you were not born in Hawaii but Kenya and can not legally
be President of America. All documents exist to prove this and also once before
you ever ran for the White House, you were recorded telling the Americans
attending this meeting that you were born in Kenya and not in Hawaii! From your
own lips you admitted this!
American people, why not demand that members of Congresss and state
legislatures promptly pass my proposed Omni Law on my website? As soon as
passed, I want the legal trustees over Wash., D.C. created by the Omni Law to
propose me to be Economic Czar of America. Congress still meets and proposes
its ideas for the economy. But I will have the base to show my economic suggestions
for America and if the Americans approve by national referendum, then my
suggestions become the economic laws and policies of America. But the people
control Wash., D.C. this way and not Wash., D.C. control the American people
that they try so hard to ignore and not carry out their national will on key
I think the Republicans made one correct stand to not push the minimum wage
higher at this time as it could trigger off massive unemployment and massive
inflation in America if it gets out of hand because of the bad economic
forces it can release into the American economy. But I propose to win the
war for economic growth in America and the Republicans may propose to win a
battle or two that are smart for the American economy, but winning the war and
not a battle or two is how we skyrocket the American economy and keep it sound
while expanding the daylights out of the economy without inflation or anything
else bad for the American economy.
To help speed up the growth of the American economy as I anticipate that the
Omni Law will soon win in America, I want 100 people to each put in $100 or
more into our Omni Law Loan Program. The first 100 doing this all get reserved
for themselves the first 100 dealerships or distributorships either nationally
or else internationally in the mass pool of technology I have lined up the
control of nationally and worldwide so long as I act fast on this. After 100
people are registered either from America or abroad as Jesus said "He that
is not against you is for you!", then once the Omni Law is passed and
maybe even before we can start to release the first products. As we release
products and deals, they get first option on the exclusive offers we
will have due to acquiring control of this mass pool of technology maybe worth
trillions of dollars annually to America in new income for America. And if some
abroad get these options, they can both help the American economy and their own
national economy by helping to release up to maybe high as 1,000 different
valuable products off of this mass technology deal we just concluded. I
have talked extensively with the source with this mass pool of technology
and some products we can release soon regardless it appears at this
time. This special money raised fast is so we can activate the first of
our pool of technology which in turn will have the potential to help fast speed
up financing of any amount we need to pass the Omni Law with overwhelmingly
finances behind it! You have one of these options which is a free bonus with
the Omni Law Loan Program at this time, and you should be able to get others to
back you financially if you want an expensive deal and don't have all of the
money needed at that time.
If Wash., D.C. had returned the $525,000 they stole from me at the beginning of
2004 in order to try and block me from reestablishing my father's Vatican
endorsed food process, then this offer would not be made to you and frankly I
would have financed nearly all the Omni Law Drive out of my own pocket as
I believe in this as what will save the future and economy of America.
And Wash., D.C. never returned to me despite repeated demands the
federally stolen $525,000 they stole from me which would have started the Vatican
endorsed food process of my industrialist father in America again. This means
that Wash., D.C. frankly cared nothing about the American people nor the future
of the American economy as this should skyrocket the American economy once
started again in America. I already know how I will regain the federally stolen
$525,000 later on, but they were dumb in doing this and legally set me up to
sue them for the largest legal action claims against Wash., D.C. in
American history.
This technology deal helps me now to get to the next step of our master plan to
pass the Omni Law and sooner. Those 100 with these guaranteed first options get
first bid on any offers we release from the mass pool of technology and
only what they do not take as options will we then offer to others. I also
reserve one extra option for myself, for one friend elsewhere who was so
instrumental in helping us to line up this mass pool of technology, one who was
instrumental in helping to launch our Omni Law Drive, and I reserve one option for
my Camelot Project also. We don't want a foreign nation to get this instead of
America, so have to act fast is why this offer appears! I have several
commitments of large funds to back me soon including one stated offer for one
billon dollars once gold, etc. is sold off from one valuable location, but
timing is important to nail down permanently this mass pool of technology so
reason I am offering this free bonus of an option based upon this mass pool of
technology for the first 100 people putting in $100 or more in our Omni
Law Loan Program as of now. But this offer can be withdrawn from
those who did not already get a free bonus option while they could if
suddenly one of the big money commitments comes in before the free bonus
options for 100 people are all used up first. A technical business
note here. Twice in my lifetime I took basic $1,000 starting funds and launched
new product concepts and created within 12 months two national markets for
$100 million plus each in wholesale and retail sales for the released
products. I know what will sell and I think we have a long list of winners in
the list of products we can launch from this mass pool of technology.
Pass this report around to all of America. Let us boom the American economy
instead of suffering under Obama "magic wand" economics which does
not work! With public support we can storm America and even win America with
the Omni Law even this year so long as you care and help back us!
Our website is
Our email is Our mailing
address for orders and payments sent in by mail instead of placed through our
website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to
NIFI and tells us what the payment is for including "Backing Technology
Acquisition." First 100 who act on this offer get the free options
connected with the technology acquisition deal we just nailed down but
need to permanently secure by a minor action afterwards.
Yours For God And America, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American
believing that America should have a real future and not the nonsense offered
the American people through Wash., D.C.!)