US is scrambling because the RI disconnected the IQD to the GCR creating an
opportunity for investors to buy VNN, etc by the truck loads. Seems apparent
from where we sit that the PTB can only stop this by either 1) restricting
purchases of the other currencies or 2) instituting the GCR. The former is
probably illegal, so the latter is more likely the objective
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
“The U.S. Supreme Court Decision … Means the Nation Has Entered a Post-Constitutional Era” – 05.06.14
U.S. Supreme Court Decision … Means the Nation Has Entered a
Post-Constitutional Era” – 05.06.14
- “We Are No Longer a
Nation Ruled By Laws”
- Pulitzer prize winning
reporter Chris Hedges – along with journalist Naomi Wolf, Pentagon Papers
whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, activist Tangerine Bolen and others
– sued the government to join the NDAA’s allowance of the
indefinite detention of Americans.
- The trial judge in the
case asked the government attorneys 5 times whether journalists like Hedges could be
indefinitely detained simply for interviewing and then writing about bad guys.
- The government refused to promise that journalists
like Hedges won’t be thrown in a dungeon for the rest of their lives without
any right to talk to a judge.
- The trial
judge ruled that the indefinite detention bill was
unconstitutional, holding:
- But the court of
appeal overturned that decision, based upon the
assumptionthat limited the NDAA to non-U.S. citizens:
- The court of appeal
ignored the fact that the co-sponsors of the indefinite detention law said
it does apply to
American citizens, and that top legal scholarsagree.
- Last week, the U.S.
Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of the case, thus
blessing and letting stand the indefinite detention law stand unchanged.
- The court of appeal’s
Orwellian reasoning may sound – at first blush – like it might be a good
thing. After all, the court said there’s no indication that the indefinite
detention provision will be applied against U.S. citizens.
- However, by refusing to
strike down the law and insist that any future laws explicitly exempt U.S.
citizens, it leaves discretion in the hands of the executive branch.
- The effect of the
decision will be to allow the U.S. government to kidnap and indefinitely
detain U.S. citizens who protest or dissent against the government … and
the courts will never
hear any legal challenge from the prisoners. The
detainee will not get to say:
- And he won’t get to
- After all, prisoners
can be held under the indefinite detention bill without trial, without
being allowed to present evidence or hearing the evidence against them,
without letting the citizen consult with a lawyer, and without even
charging the citizen with any crime.
- So – if you’re thrown
into a hole somewhere – no one will even hear your story.
- Chris Hedges noted in
- Constitutional attorney
John W. Whitehead agrees:
- As does constitutional
attorney William Olson:
“This is a rather remarkable shredding of the Bill of Rights,”…. he explained that the language of the act is so “loose,” that anybody can be picked up for any reason.
“The president of the United States … [has] this power to detain indefinitely without charges, without trial, without an arrest warrant, without a grand jury, just to be able to hold someone who they think might be a threat of some sort,” Olson said.
***“How are you going to challenge it when the black SUV rolls away from your house and no one even knows where you’ve been taken?”
- If you think they’re
crying wolf, just remember that the CIA director relabeled
“dissidents” as “terrorists” in 1972 so that he could continue spying
on them … and nothing has changed.
- Daniel Ellsberg notes
that Obama’s claimed power to indefinitely detain people without charges
or access to a lawyer or the courts is a power that even King George
– the guy we fought the Revolutionary War against – didn’t claim. And
former judge and adjunct professor of constitutional law Andrew Napolitano
points out that Obama’s claim that he can indefinitely detain
prisoners even after they are
acquitted of their crimes is a power that
even Hitler and Stalin didn’t claim.
- Access to justice is
already being severely curtailed in America. Even when the
prisoner is afforded
a trial, it is becoming more and more common for the government to
prosecute cases based upon “secret evidence” that they don’t
show to the defendant, his lawyer … or sometimes even the judge hearing the case. The
government uses “secret evidence” to spy on Americans,
prosecuteleaking or terrorism charges (even
against U.S. soldiers) and even to assassinate people. And
see this and this. Secret witnesses are being
used in some cases. And sometimes lawyers are not even allowed to
read their own briefs. Indeed, even the laws themselves are now starting
to be kept secret.
- But prisoners under the
indefinite detention bill have it much worse: they don’t get any trial or opportunity to
talk to a judge, any access
to a lawyer … or perhaps any information
about what they’re even accused of doing or
why they were nabbed in the first place.
- Chris
Hedges notes today:
“In declining to hear the case Hedges v. Obama and declining to review the NDAA, the Supreme Court has turned its back on precedent dating back to the Civil War era that holds that the military cannot police the streets of America,” said attorney Carl Mayer, who along with Bruce Afran devoted countless unpaid hours to the suit. “This is a major blow to civil liberties. It gives the green light to the military to detain people without trial or counsel in military installations, including secret installations abroad. There is little left of judicial review of presidential action during wartime.”
The law went back on the books [after the court of appeal reversed the trial judge's decision]. My lawyers and I surmised that this was because the administration was already using the law to detain U.S. citizens in black sites, most likely dual citizens with roots in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen…. Government attorneys, when asked by Judge Forrest, refused to say whether or not the government wa
In refusing to hear our lawsuit the courts have overturned nearly 150 years of case law that repeatedly holds that the military has no jurisdiction over civilians.
The goals of corporate capitalism are increasingly indistinguishable from the goals of the state. The political and economic systems are subservient to corporate profit. Debate between conventional liberals and conservatives has been replaced by empty political theater and spectacle. Corporations, no matter which politicians are in office, loot the Treasury, escape taxation, push down wages, break unions, dismantle civil society, gut regulation and legal oversight, control information, prosecute endless war and dismantle public institutions and programs that include schools, welfare and Social Security. And elected officials, enriched through our form of legalized corporate bribery, have no intention of halting the process.
The government, by ignoring the rights and needs of ordinary citizens, is jeopardizing its legitimacy. This is dangerous. When a citizenry no longer feels that it can find justice within the organs of power, when it feels that the organs of power are the enemies of freedom and economic advancement, it makes war on those organs. Those of us who are condemned as radicals, idealists and dreamers call for basic reforms that, if enacted, will make peaceful reform possible. But corporate capitalists, now unchecked by state power and dismissive of the popular will, do not see the fires they are igniting. The Supreme Court ruling on our challenge is one more signpost on the road to dystopia.
A ruling elite that accrues for itself this kind of total power, history has shown, eventually uses it.
- And Tangerine Bolen writes:
Under the war on terror, the United States government has trampled upon the fundamental human rights of people around the world since 9/11. The Bush administration manufactured a false war based on carefully crafted lies, false evidence and sickening manipulation. In the wake of that war, our courts prefer to continue to defer to a disingenuous national security narrative that has arisen out of the lies, paranoia, and incredible lawbreaking of our own government, including kidnapping, torturing, indefinitely imprisoning, and assassinating people with impunity – all of this against both reason and international law.
We are no longer a nation ruled by laws. [She's right.] We are nation ruled by men who have so steeped themselves in a false narrative that at the same time they are exponentially increasing the ranks of terrorists, they are destroying the rule of law itself. [Indeed, we’ve gone from a nation of laws to a nation of powerful men making one-sided laws to protect their own interests … in secret. Government folks are using laws to crush dissent. It’s gotten so bad that even U.S. Supreme Court justices are saying that we are descending into tyranny.] It is madness upon madness – the classic tale of becoming the evil you purport to fight while believing you remain righteous.
We have tried to stand up to this madness: we are outnumbered, outspent, and outgunned – a David intrepidly fighting a Goliath that spans the planet and has the power to shape our “reality” – thus shaping what the courts even see. We have sacrificed greatly to do this – and yet we would do it all again.
Source: - “The U.S. Supreme Court Decision … Means the Nation Has Entered a Post-Constitutional Era”
Posted on by Erasmus Of America Leave a comment
“Engineering Is Based Upon Using Discoveries Of Science Called Laws Of Science That Can Be Used in A Coordinated System Called An Invention Or Else Engineering Process. Use This Same Approach To Discoveries In Laws Of Health That Can Be Coordinated Together Into A United System Of Health Or Else Invention (New Health Formula Such As A Pill Or Else New Food Product) And You Can Create Startling But Valid Answers In National And World Health!” – Erasmus Of America
“IF YOU WANT GOOD HEALTH, THEN YOU MUST WORK WITH GOD, NOT AGAINST GOD!’ Father Of Erasmus Of America (A Top Health Research Expert In America)
The secret Illuminati Society has a secret theory of eternal life in your present physical body. You raise a clone body from DNA taken from your body, chop off your head from its present body, and connect it including nerve connections to the new clone body. An interesting theory but I think I have a much better answer than theirs for long life, not eternal life as we have something somewhere built into our cells which will allow us to have even a very long life but I am a skeptic that we can have eternal life in our present body unless God does the engineering alteration in our bodies which would then give it eternal life in our present body. I am very clever in engineering which I studied in engineering school many years ago and even studied one week of engineering each day while maintaining an A average while doing this. I startled the engineering school by requesting to be allowed to use this ultra fast way of studying engineering, but they allowed me to study this way. When studies of genes tells you how to raise champions or whatever you want from animal breeding, the same laws of genetic science also apply to humans as well. I descend from brilliant inventors both sides of my family mother and father. My mother’s father never studied with any technical schools and invented around 700 things later used in America. He studied to become a Catholic priest, but coming up with inventions all the time, they suggested he was in the wrong vocation and so he left the pending priesthood and instead became a prolific inventor all his life. My father was a liberal arts major at the University of Chicago and never studied any technical studies in engineering, etc. Then he came up with this engineering idea of a revolutionary food process that could give great health and longevity to mankind. Engineers said that he had an interesting idea but it was “scientifically impossible” and couldn’t be done. As my father said to me, “I was just so dumb that I didn’t know that I couldn’t invent it, so invented successfully the engineering process that the engineers said was scientifically impossible to do.” And then he patented it in 44 nations but in such a way as he did not really give out the trade secret what made the industrial food process work. I know the trade secret to the process, but that is because I was the son and the father wanted me to know the trade secret to this Vatican endorsed food process that was not shown in print.
As old university tests and newer medical lab reports from all over the world predict, the entire human race will collapse and go extinct like the dinosaurs if my father’s Vatican endorsed food discovery is not added to the diet of all nations in time. Pope Pius XII endorsed it in several ways. In the semi-official Vatican newspaper it was stated that this was great news for mankind. Separately, he also endorsed it such as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. Fortune Magazine during World War II labelled it “a nutritional revolution” for America but as Fortune Magazine reported corrupt interests did not want this to reach the American people so would use Wash., D.C. as their front to try and block this from reaching the American people. The Catholic Digest in the 1950′s reported on this that the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin tried to buy world rights for this from my father but he would not sell to Moscow as he was anti-Communist. Also, that Pope Pius XII contacted all Catholic bishops in the world and I think the figure was 25,000 Catholic priests worldwide and told them to publicize this in all nations as this was so important to world health. Separately, the Nazis obtained through a corporate front for their intelligence operations samples of the super health flour which made the super health bread shortly after my father made his great discovery of this industrial food process. They tested this on German students and reported that this raised the intelligence level of German students and made them physically superior to all other races on earth. Hitler got excited and wanted this to turn the Germans into a “Master Race” for real, but my father was also anti-Nazi. The Congressional Record of Wash., D.C. reported on U.S. Army tests with this but played up that over 4 out of ever 5 U.S. soldiers said this produced the best tasting bread that they had ever eaten in their lives. Separately, not in the Congressional Record, it was tested at one military academy for one year and the military cadets increased their bread consumption to 250 loaves of bread for every 100 loaves of bread they earlier ate. When the test was over and they returned to ordinary bread again, their bread consumption went back down to the previous level of 100 loaves of bread versus 250 loaves of bread consumed in a given period of time. My own theory is that the body recognized how important this bread was to their health, so created an intense craving for this bread that tasted so good to the military cadets. Cadets even traded desserts for more slices of this bread! But Wash., D.C. did not want this for America so America until now has lost the likely biggest food industry in the world in history which would have skyrocketed the American economy and in the end likely generated millions of new jobs in America.
Genes seem to have much to do with what happens next in this account. As a small child, I invented things all the time likely starting around 7 years old and older. I was at 6 or 7 already studying how to build the atomic bomb, send rockets to the moon, etc. when other kids were still reading comic books. My mother had been a child actress and never went to formal school until passing the entrance exams and going to a state university. She had been a child actress and had no time for formal schooling. She had learned how to read and write from her grandmother and then self educated herself. At 10 1/2 years old, she had scored the highest I.Q. of any child in American history up to then and second year college level education level in knowledge. My father by common sense figured out food engineering the advanced engineers could not figure out. At times in school I startled teachers of mine by studies of mine they even said was fourth year college level when I was a junior in a military school high school level. They said I by I.Q. test in an entrance test to there had apparently scored the highest I.Q. level of any military cadet ever entering that military school. I won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science while still in high school. When in the 7th grade I entered a national science writing contest and scored 10th in the nation against even high school seniors. I did 44 experiments on gravity and anti-gravity research tests while in military school and my notebook on these tests of mine was stolen by apparently federal intelligence who found my book and forwarded it to Wash., D.C.
Charles Kettering, the engineering genius of General Motors, once saw a list of 920 inventive concepts I had come up with in a 2 week period while in military school and wrote back that he rated me to be potentially the most original inventive genius in American history. Wash., D.C. fiercely opposed and fought me when I would come out with new concepts for new industries in America. If I had lived in a free nation instead of a federal police state as created by Wash. law, I would probably have given America from 400 new national industries to maybe 2,000 new national industries by now. I rate common sense and personal initiative as more important in brains than academic I.Q. ratings but still when tested in Wash., D.C. when I first arrived there many years ago they said I had scored one of the two highest I.Q. scores ever tested in Wash., D.C. and beyond scientific measurement as I completed the I.Q. test in half time which they said was supposed to have scored my I.Q. rating “beyond scientific measurement.”
All my life I have come up with new concepts by analysis and deductive reasoning and when tested my concepts seem to work out as planned and intended. I had a friend who had been an engineer in national defense and now had a massive heart blockage with 90% of the arteries to his heart all blocked with plaque so only 10% of the blood reached his heart. The medical field was going to shortly operate on him but warned in advance that he would probably die even though they would try to save his life. I quick rushed to him a natural substance I had to get rid of plaque and told him to take it immediately and massively. He did as I instructed. When he was next examined, the medical field was shocked and found no plaque now in the arteries to his heart and no longer needed to have heart surgery. I have done many things like this, but the medical field is not interested in my many answers that work. I had a tumor on my left arm and a large tumor on my face. I had a theory and tested it. In 4 days the tumor on the left arm was gone and left no scar. The much larger tumor on the face was also gone in 4 days and left no scar. I don’t know why this 4 day formula occurred each time but I did not have the research money to find out why then. I used natural substances. I always use God-given natural ingredients to solve any medical problems I am committed to solve. And they seem to always work as I understand how they work and how to apply them to the body.
Scientific logic is always scientific logic no matter what field used in. I got a car to go from 17 1/2 to 18 1/2 miles per gallon max on up to 94 miles per gallon in a publicly witnessed test and used less than $50 in supplies to modify the car engine to do this. I got threatened after doing this to stop this research work or else I would be legally framed or else murdered. My wife then and the wife of another engineer working with me both begged us to stop this research project before we were both murdered by those working for the oil cartel. I had advanced colon cancer for over a year and refused medical help. I am philosophical and said to myself, “When the Lord is ready, He will show me an answer!” And when the inspired answer came to me, I tried it and on the 7th day this ugly stuff which was cancerous passed out of me and I was totally cured of colon cancer then. I think this was back in or around 1987.
In military school, they had an excellent military library which I used for many research projects including how to set up war industries for nations, the best tactics used by various nations in military intelligence, and also many other fields which were non-military. I got a book written by a 1937 French intellectual saying that Hitler was no threat to starting a big war in Europe until at least 1945 to 1951 at the earliest as American and European economists had analyzed that Hitler could not make the German economy strong enough before 1945 to 1951 to start a major war with. This got me curious what was the secret economic trick that Hitler used to make the German economy strong so fast so he could start major wars early as he did. I studied many German books and finally I figured out what he had done. The economists at first said I had an interesting theory but could not be right as my theory was “impossible” according to top economists. I am not impressed by any source claiming “infallibility” in their stands without showing me the sound evidence and sound logic which proves their position to be right. So I did not accept the stand of some top economists on my analysis of the Hitler economic trick. Much later I got the testimony of the German captain in charge of his bodyguard at his mountain retreat and once in an idle moment Hitler boasted to him of the great economic secret of Nazi Germany how they financed the rapid rearming of Germany and I had figured Hitler out correctly like a blueprint. The only thing I did not know was that the codename for this economic top secret of Nazi Germany was “The Inverted Inflation” and I had the Hitler explanation what was meant by this codename. With that I was now the prince darling of the economists and got to study with six of the top economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. Also, one international organization representing some of the Who’s Who of America then wrote me up as “The Einstein of American Economics.” Also, one of the Rothschilds later had a secret meeting with me and tried to recruit me to join the “Secret Government Of America” as he called it which secretly ran Wash., D.C. and not the American people.
I apologize to the American people for the necessity of writing the above before explaining how you can live to 200-400 Years Old And In Excellent Health! One, I put the federal government in an awkward spot and they make asses of themselves in public opinion if they try in any way to interfere with my showing the American people how to live even 200-400 years old and in excellent health. Actually, I think this system I will show you might enable you to live maybe even 800-900 years maximum. I was an atheist until 10 1/2 years old and then scientific logic showed me the existence of God and I became a Christian then. I have run the Bible through exhaustive scientific studies and found it to be a reliable historical document, a brilliant religious system of life for mankind taught by it, thousands of scientific proofs that it is supernatural in nature such as likely 10,000 and far more hidden prophecies in it in math code defying odds of billions to one or bigger they correctly predicting the future which they successfully do. No other book in the world including the Islamic Koran apparently has this mass inventory of Bible prophecies in math code in them and the Old Testament prophecies in math code even predict correctly Jesus and Apostles correctly and identifies Jesus as the prophesied Messiah of the Human Race! When I was in Israel and talking with a colonel in the Israeli Army, he commented how nearly all the Jews in Israel are amateur archaeologists and have successfully discovered nearly every location listed in the Old Testament and verified Old Testament history to be quite accurate as stated in the Bible! All this to build up to my point that Genesis indicates that mankind was originally given up to around a 1,000 year lifespan on earth if they lived correctly by all the health rules and moral guidelines of God for mankind to live by. I by educated guess assume this hints to us that we can push our lives up to around 1,000 years on earth and then we die unless Jesus returns first to earth. Then we don’t have to die!
So what I will talk about now will probably be valid how to extend your life and even in good health up to close to 1,000 years on earth unless Jesus comes first! I think the secret Illuminati would love to have the health answers I have, but my answers are for the advancement of Christianity, not other movements on earth.
I talked with a brilliant friend of mine in health research and he was startled by what I outlined to him. He indicated to me that what I proposed was obvious and correct once you knew the health secrets discovered that the public does not know about. He knew of the same experiments for many years as I did to find out how to extend animal life up to many times longer than usual for animals and in perfect health while still alive. I using engineering logic then used health discoveries to replace what was done by complex lab tactics over many years so we end up with a system quite safe to use and yet aiming to both extend your life span to several hundred years and should be in good health to excellent health for this period of time.
We start with buy at least one pack of seeds of my Tree Of Life seeds (one hundred per pack). You can grow trees from these, but eat one a day and you get a very heavy load of natural nutrition from each seed and people reporting in report stunning results in observed successes of improved health and ailments disappearing that they had previously. The lab tests of many years starts with a guaranteed source of very high nutrition to start this drive for longevity in animals many times longer than in natural and normal life for the involved animal. These Tree of Life seeds are listed on my website under Products. Scroll down and you will see them and other offers of mine on this website. For those ordering by this Friday May 9 either through the website or by mail, and you are in the first group to gain access to this system for extreme longevity and extreme super health if all goes according to prediction due to extensive testing already done for each separate natural ingredient used in this master system for longevity and extra good health for you, for your family, for your friends if you want, and share with your church, etc. if you want to.
We can run this system without the following, but this makes stronger the system. It helps get adequate water to all the cells so they do not get dehydrated at all and also can absorb all nutrition easier. I should have this lined up by Friday. If not, I have a backup almost as good to use. The natural ingredient I used which instantly straightened out the heart of the engineer from national defense fulfills another function as the master system how to make animals live incredibly long and in good to super health.
We have another natural substance which helps parts of the body to repair and restore to true good health that were damaged before. If you lost a leg cut off, I don’t think it can grow back the cut off leg, but less permanent damages than this to your body stand a good chance of getting repaired and stored back to their original good state in nature.
And if there is anything more to this system based upon tests for years I will not indicate here. I reserve the right to not make public all of the answers used to make a duplication of what was done for many years in animal lab tests which pioneered the principles for this system for human health.
Like plants, when the human body is correctly supplied the nutrition it needs, the human body has amazing features to it including many times it can heal bad damages to your body including cancer. The body heals the cancer as God designed it to and the natural substances do not heal the cancer, but the God designed body directly does the healing in many cases. Go far enough with this system and the body normally should be able to heal itself of cancer, diabetes, and many other problems of health today. I have heard testimonies of the body correctly nourished has the God-given capacity to heal itself of cancer which is your cells damaged and poisoned become mutated. When you correct the environment such as cancer grows in, it then disappears, from testimony I have heard from various sources.
This system of longevity and good health as copied from the animal tests of many years as we humans and animals are governed by many of the same principles of nutrition and health, really does not have to cost that much monthly if you want to use the budget approach which some friends of mine privately by tests found out how to use some natural ingredients more cheaply than originally thought they could. One woman spent over $100,000 for over 5 years to cure something which threatened her life. Then used a few drops of one natural nutrient a health research friend of mine suggested to her and after three days of use of some special drops, her ailment was gone and never returned that she had spent over $100,000 with the medical field to cure and could not over a 5 year period. As my father said, “If you want good health, work with God, not against God!”
For those joining this special natural nutrition program of mine by buying the Tree of Life seeds (100 seed packs) even as cheap as $24.95 for 100 seeds plus shipping, I have also built into this system a way you can make a lifetime income off of this. An important part of this system will have a simple referral system to it which can build up a regular or lifetime income for you. You can bring in family, friends, local churches or other civic organizations, and you can even help churches raise money for worthy projects of theirs by joining under you in this referral system.
So in a nutshell, order the Tree of Life seed packs(100 seeds) now before our first cutoff by midnight Friday if by website order or postmarked mail order by Saturday. You can join afterwards but you will be on the second launching of a group being introduced into this longevity and good health system we are sponsoring nationally and internationally.Show this report to all you can as helping others to get better health in America is an act that Jesus would approve as being a Good Samaritan and loving your neighbor as yourself as Jesus also commanded for His true disciples on earth.
Our website is Our email Our mailing address for orders sent in by mail instead of placed through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the order is for whether a product offered on our website or else our loan program to help faster finance our Omni Law Loan Program to push for the soon passage of the Omni Law in America. Copy of it on our website. Once this Omni Law (full name Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America) is passed, then we will push for full legal health rights for all Americans and made law and policy by national referendum as the Omni Law restores control of the federal government to you the American people. As this Rothschild boasted to me years ago, he and associates are the secret government of America and control you through Wash., D.C. as their front. Once the Omni Law is passed, you again control Wash., D.C. and not Wash., D.C. control you and for secret interests in America and abroad instead of being a government representing the American people with integrity and loyalty as required by the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights.
We will push the Omni Law and other issues we think important to the future of America. If you dislike restoring control of the federal government to the American people, then don’t join with our national health drive here. And I do defend quite effectively belief in God and the Bible in some of the national reports I release. You don’t have to be a Christian to join with us, but even as I respect your right to your own private religious beliefs or opinions, I am not going to censor my comments if someone wants to join my national movement here and try to shut me up as to what I consider important for America to hear and back if I make good sense to you!
And for any legal sources not knowing the national law of America. President Ronald Reagan signed as a treaty agreement of America the Genocide Treaty and then Senator Proxmire turned it into a national statute law of America as well. Under the Proxmire Act, anyone in government or private life engaged in conspiracy of genocide to try and kill Americans can go to federal prison for life under the criminal charge of genocide conspiracy. If tried abroad, then under the international Genocide Treaty, they can even execute you for genocide conspiracy like the Nazi war criminals tried in the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6. If we are supplying Americans with health information that might save even millions of Americans from death by avoidable physical health threats or early death where they could live to a much older age if they use the system of good health God originally planned for us on earth, if you try to interfere with or block this, you are guilty of genocide conspiracy and we will press the law to arrest and prosecute you. This is one time that Washington policy to murder American citizens by suppression of important health answers for the American people will not be tolerated by us. Especially once the Omni Law is passed, be sure that you have a clean legal slate of not engaging in genocide conspiracy or else you will be legally prosecuted by the new legal trustee leaders raised to authority under the terms of the Omni Law. It is time that Wash., D.C. is on the side of the American people instead of secretly working in key issues for secret interests who have no love or goodwill towards the American people who are supposed to be the bosses and masters over the federal government and not the other way around!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that “healthnut” raised by my brilliant father in national health research to care whether the American people and other people worldwide get good food and good health due to good health policies by Wash., D.C. and other governments across the world!)
NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679
P.S. With four blocks of this report now official by count of John of Nesara News, I formally legally charge Obama with criminal violation of the Genocide Treaty which is the official national law of America and call for criminal investigation by the U.S. Congress, UN sources, and as this affects the life and death of the people of all nations, I therefore invite all nations to set up their genocide investigations into Obama and charge him and accessories as would-be murderers of their races in their nations by this obvious conspiracy of national and world genocide by Obama and federal operatives of Wash., D.C. carrying out his genocide conspiracy of trying to stop this report from being posted on the internet nationally and internationally. This shows that Obama cares nothing about the American people and the future of America as a nation.
How Bank of America lost billions and forgot to tell regulators
How Bank of America lost billions and forgot to tell regulators
These days, banks are required to keep two sets of books. The only
surprise about BofA's error is that it doesn't happen more often.
FORTUNE -- On Monday, Bank of America revealed that it may have hidden as much as $4 billion in losses from regulators over the past five years. The bank said it was an honest mistake. But this seemed like another "shame on you Wall Street" moment. Making matters worse: Bank of America (BAC) asked and just received approval from the Federal Reserve to up its stock buyback plan by $4 billion, a figure that nicely matches up with the losses it was hiding. That is probably a coincidence, but it made the revelations even fishier. Regulators, unsurprisingly, have put Bank of America's buyback on hold for now. Outspoken CLSA bank analyst Mike Mayo seized on the moment to state once again that this is more evidence that Bank of America is too big to manage -- the go-to response these days to any big bank loss -- and says he plans to point that out at its annual meeting next week. "It's garbage in, garbage out," says Mayo, who has been tough, and often correct, on the banks. "They have a $2 trillion dollar balance sheet. What other losses are in there? It raises issues about control." MORE: Citigroup's bad bank is doing better than its good one The losses were on debt that BofA inherited from Merrill Lynch. Mark-to-market accounting rules require banks to take gains and losses when the value of their debt falls or rises, even if what they owe is essentially the same. They are unrealized gains or losses, at least until they try to sell their debt or settle it with whoever they owe it to. Nonetheless, such shifts have to be factored into the earnings that banks report to shareholders and the Securities and Exchange Commission. BofA did that, which is why the bank won't have to restate any of its earnings, which is not usually what you hear when it comes to bookkeeping errors. Bank CEOs, notably JPMorgan Chase's Jamie Dimon, complain about mark-to-market rules, especially when it comes to debt. You could call it whining, but regulators don't like the rules either. So even though account rules forced BofA to factor those unrealized losses on the Merrill debt into the bottom line it reported to investors, regulators allowed the bank to ignore them when it came to calculating its regulatory capital. So here's where we come to the part where BofA screwed up: At some point over the past five years, BofA started to sell that Merrill debt -- it began with $60 billion of structured notes and now has $30 billion -- which turned those unrealized losses into actual losses. At that point, BofA should have told regulators about the losses -- losses that it had already told shareholders about -- but it never did, until a week or two ago when it caught the error. BofA's excuse is that it told an employee to update a spreadsheet that kept tabs on those losses, but the file never showed up, or the wrong file was sent. That's a really lame excuse, and might lead some to question whether BofA was trying to hide something. But lame things do happen, even at the nation's largest banks. So you can't totally discount BofA's excuse, even if it is of the dog-ate-my-homework variety. Although it's still not clear why it took BofA years to figure out that that person wasn't doing their job, or why that was found out now. MORE: Banks need another $68 billion in order to be considered safe One question worth asking is why BofA's shares fell by just a little over 6% on Monday, wiping out $10 billion in market value, far more than the actual losses. I get why regulators were so upset. They were given the wrong numbers. But why are shareholders so peeved? They were never lied to. BofA reported the correct numbers to them all along. And BofA can clearly handle the $4 billion loss. It has. The money is already gone. And probably has been for years. Maybe investors should feel better about the strength of BofA. It can lose $4 billion, and it won't even affect its operations. It won't even notice it's gone. I mean, it hadn't noticed, and neither did the regulators. Perhaps the better question to ask here is, Why are banks forced to keep two sets of books, one for regulators and one for shareholders? (Actually, there is a third set of books for the tax man, but that's another story.) That's not the sort of thing that regulators usually encourage. Bernie Madoff kept two sets of books. So did the London Whale's assistant. But at the big banks, it is now required. And that doesn't make a lot of sense. Are the books the banks keep for regulators any more accurate than the ones they use for shareholders? BofA did end up actually realizing a loss on the Merrill debt. And it probably will have additional losses on the remaining $30 billion in notes it still owes. Wouldn't regulators be better off factoring that into their calculations now? And if the regulators' books are really a better way of measuring things, shouldn't the SEC adopt that method for investors? "Regulators seem to want to do their own thing," says Jack Ciesielski, publisher of The Analyst's Accounting Observer. "As a result, we have a system that is so complicated that banks can't get it right. And this is another example of that." Banks are odd creatures -- especially megabanks like BofA, JPMorgan (JPM), and Citigroup (C) -- made up of investments and loans that generate revenue, but the true value of which we won't know for years. So there is never going to be a perfect way to measure how much they are worth. We would be best served to pick one method and stick to it. But that's not what we have done. Instead, we have a system that is prone to errors and surprises, especially when regulators are looking more closely, which is what they have been doing for the past few years, though apparently not close enough to notice BofA's not-so-hidden $4 billion loss. If that's not enough to cause bank investors to run for the hills, I don't know what is. |
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Good morning all. well almost good afternoon here on the east coast. Did you
miss me? It will be tomorrow before I can squeeze in night time chat again.
sagefemme You will have to go to Iraq or have some stellar contacts there to confirm that. (RI?) My confirmations came from contractors there with offices in other countries. Things are media hushed there. I do believe it has occurred though. I don't see what they have to gain by lying to me.
[caddylady89] well lonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time no see... we was suppose to be having our feet in the sand Mr MarkZZ
[MarkZ] caddylady89 Judging by the poop storm we have caused and the call delays they are asking for I am looking at Thursday this week or so. That is not based on someone giving me a time, it is just what makes sense based on behaviors.
[sonnayhwh] MarkZ G'day, Mr. Z. Still have plans to take it downtown tomorrow?
sagefemme You will have to go to Iraq or have some stellar contacts there to confirm that. (RI?) My confirmations came from contractors there with offices in other countries. Things are media hushed there. I do believe it has occurred though. I don't see what they have to gain by lying to me.
[caddylady89] well lonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time no see... we was suppose to be having our feet in the sand Mr MarkZZ
[MarkZ] caddylady89 Judging by the poop storm we have caused and the call delays they are asking for I am looking at Thursday this week or so. That is not based on someone giving me a time, it is just what makes sense based on behaviors.
[sonnayhwh] MarkZ G'day, Mr. Z. Still have plans to take it downtown tomorrow?
sonnayhwh Mr C is getting pressured to wait a day or two if it hasn't released
by then. When I said we caused a hullabollu I mean we flat shook some folks
loose in the rafters. :)
[..SweetQueen] MarkZ GM AND TY FOR COMING IN.
[caddylady89] MarkZ what is up with the date of the 15th ?
[MarkZ] caddylady89 The 15th for me is just a date that contact I have in finance in Iraq gave me as to what he was looking at for a done by. He did not explain the reasoning
[MarkZ] Digs You may be correct, Iraq is supposed to release the final budget Thursday.
[oublood] MarkZ mr C ?
[MarkZ] oublood Mr. Cottrell
[wingnaprayer] MarkZ MarkZ Keep Shaking
[MarkZ] wingnaprayer We will keep it shaking hard. Even if Mr C is not allowed to join us for a few more days I will still have a call tomorrow at 10 EDT and give you what I have. MANY and I repeat MANY folks have stepped up to make the calls happen. We have even had internet radio time donated to get the message out. I am tickled plum peachy by you all.
[caddylady89] all i do is eat sleep and work i wanna spend sum money and relaxxxxxx
[MarkZ] caddylady89 You mean with Ginger and Mary Anne? Oh..... and Robert.....The Professor.... :)
[bryan1972] MarkZ I start a new job tomorrow..... Are you telling me not to get comfortable there?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 I in NO way think you will have to be there long. Do a good job though, always hedge your bets.
[wingnaprayer] MarkZ It's a date tomorrow night ;)
[MarkZ] wingnaprayer It is a date. We have a number already but just to keep the folks that bugging everything jumping we release it tomorrow night in Intel4u after 9 pm but before 10. I cruise gay hamster porn and make fake drug deals with friends just to keep NSA and the rest hoping around and entertained. :)
[sandytob] MarkZ Is it still on Wed, I must have misread.
[MarkZ] sandytob Yes
[sonnayhwh] MarkZ iyo, was/is there really gold in the Phillipines?
[MarkZ] sonnayhwh Marcos gold, most has been moved though as I understand it
[chers] MarkZ I don't know how much longer I can wait on this. My life is going downhill real fast and I might have to get rid of my iqd before it RV
[MarkZ] chers Try to stay the course but always live your life not expecting this. The anticipation of the RV has ruined many people because the delayed making good life decisions expecting it to be sooner. We all have.
[caddylady89] MarkZ pls dont shoot me for asking this but we wont have to wait till july will we ?
[MarkZ] caddylady89 As I see it, heck no to July
[wingnaprayer] MarkZ Sounds like you have a lively pasttime
[MarkZ] wingnaprayer I figured the guys in the vans needed something to keep them entertained. ;)
[cowtown333] i am just sayin "they" seems to do a lot
[MarkZ] cowtown333 NSA and whoever else the present governement illegally uses to intrude on American privacy with.
[sagefemme] MarkZ last year this time it was all about the 27th of june for it to pop
[MarkZ] sagefemme It actually should have gone last May. Blame Bush Sr. I do.... But then I blame the poor old guy for everything, even when my ice cream isn't perfect. hehe
[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Being NSA and spying on us has to be a lonely and boring job ,so I figure it is the least we could do to spread some cheer and laughter their way.. rofl
[cowtown333] MarkZ how do "they" pick who gets to make the call to get someone to hush it
[MarkZ] cowtown333 lots of theys... I should specify better when posting. I will try to do better
[MarkZ] cowtown333 lol. Different 'theys' lol. Mr C is being asked to delay spilling all the beans for safety issues and is being asked by people I respect and trust and are pushing for OUR benefit
[sandytob] MarkZ So is it still your intention to out those that may be holding this up?
[MarkZ] sandytob ABSOLUTELY with a resounding hades yes...
[@theend] I'm still blinking my eyes over "hamster porn"
[MarkZ] @theend hahahah I figured I needed something off the wall to keep them sharp. When on calls with people that I know they are listening to we just include the prying ears in on the conversation. Keeps 'em as honest as possible.
[notsoguru] MarkZ sad isn't it?
[MarkZ] notsoguru very
[caddylady89] would be so nice to make some of my friends Mothers day present a big gift card hint hint
[MarkZ] caddylady89 I can not think of a better way to celebrate all of our wonderful mother's contributions than to give them a RV!
[dinardiamonds] MarkZ Jester seems to strongly think that there is NO RI in iraq if there was it would have been leaked by now in media? your thoughts
[MarkZ] I will give Jester a call later and tell him where my intel came from. The efforts to control leaks are enormous. Based on my contacts I believe they have. They re-figured contractor rates that they are paid by the Iraqi governement and that is how I came up with the RI and rate. The 'math' used to pay them reflects a rate that is MUCH changed
[..SweetQueen] MarkZ BOLD UP PLEASE
[cowtown333] MarkZ stay yourself i think you are bold enough rofl
[MarkZ] cowtown333 I will be lucky to get out of this with my knee caps!
[bryan1972] ..SweetQueen Why did you not say anything?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 SQ is in a interesting position. Mods have to keep a degree of seperation from intel even though behind the curtains they are some of the best intel people.
[bryan1972] MarkZ I know..... She has enough to worry about..... She doesnt need 100 question every time she come in
[sagefemme] ..SweetQueen coming from too that is encouraging
[..SweetQueen] bryan1972 NEVER CARE FOR THIS (LIMELIGHT)
[caddylady89] MarkZ so the RI rate is 3.22 ?
[MarkZ] caddylady89 I didn't say that. I can't say rate period and keep my loot.
[sagefemme] MarkZ is the RI really live in spain.....
[MarkZ] sagefemme I can't comment on Spain because I do not have contacts there
The rates were showing over the weekend and yesterday at a bank in London where I have a contact and also in Dubai where I have a contact. My Hong Kong contact never responded so I am unsure about there
[..SweetQueen] MarkZ GM AND TY FOR COMING IN.
[caddylady89] MarkZ what is up with the date of the 15th ?
[MarkZ] caddylady89 The 15th for me is just a date that contact I have in finance in Iraq gave me as to what he was looking at for a done by. He did not explain the reasoning
[MarkZ] Digs You may be correct, Iraq is supposed to release the final budget Thursday.
[oublood] MarkZ mr C ?
[MarkZ] oublood Mr. Cottrell
[wingnaprayer] MarkZ MarkZ Keep Shaking
[MarkZ] wingnaprayer We will keep it shaking hard. Even if Mr C is not allowed to join us for a few more days I will still have a call tomorrow at 10 EDT and give you what I have. MANY and I repeat MANY folks have stepped up to make the calls happen. We have even had internet radio time donated to get the message out. I am tickled plum peachy by you all.
[caddylady89] all i do is eat sleep and work i wanna spend sum money and relaxxxxxx
[MarkZ] caddylady89 You mean with Ginger and Mary Anne? Oh..... and Robert.....The Professor.... :)
[bryan1972] MarkZ I start a new job tomorrow..... Are you telling me not to get comfortable there?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 I in NO way think you will have to be there long. Do a good job though, always hedge your bets.
[wingnaprayer] MarkZ It's a date tomorrow night ;)
[MarkZ] wingnaprayer It is a date. We have a number already but just to keep the folks that bugging everything jumping we release it tomorrow night in Intel4u after 9 pm but before 10. I cruise gay hamster porn and make fake drug deals with friends just to keep NSA and the rest hoping around and entertained. :)
[sandytob] MarkZ Is it still on Wed, I must have misread.
[MarkZ] sandytob Yes
[sonnayhwh] MarkZ iyo, was/is there really gold in the Phillipines?
[MarkZ] sonnayhwh Marcos gold, most has been moved though as I understand it
[chers] MarkZ I don't know how much longer I can wait on this. My life is going downhill real fast and I might have to get rid of my iqd before it RV
[MarkZ] chers Try to stay the course but always live your life not expecting this. The anticipation of the RV has ruined many people because the delayed making good life decisions expecting it to be sooner. We all have.
[caddylady89] MarkZ pls dont shoot me for asking this but we wont have to wait till july will we ?
[MarkZ] caddylady89 As I see it, heck no to July
[wingnaprayer] MarkZ Sounds like you have a lively pasttime
[MarkZ] wingnaprayer I figured the guys in the vans needed something to keep them entertained. ;)
[cowtown333] i am just sayin "they" seems to do a lot
[MarkZ] cowtown333 NSA and whoever else the present governement illegally uses to intrude on American privacy with.
[sagefemme] MarkZ last year this time it was all about the 27th of june for it to pop
[MarkZ] sagefemme It actually should have gone last May. Blame Bush Sr. I do.... But then I blame the poor old guy for everything, even when my ice cream isn't perfect. hehe
[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Being NSA and spying on us has to be a lonely and boring job ,so I figure it is the least we could do to spread some cheer and laughter their way.. rofl
[cowtown333] MarkZ how do "they" pick who gets to make the call to get someone to hush it
[MarkZ] cowtown333 lots of theys... I should specify better when posting. I will try to do better
[MarkZ] cowtown333 lol. Different 'theys' lol. Mr C is being asked to delay spilling all the beans for safety issues and is being asked by people I respect and trust and are pushing for OUR benefit
[sandytob] MarkZ So is it still your intention to out those that may be holding this up?
[MarkZ] sandytob ABSOLUTELY with a resounding hades yes...
[@theend] I'm still blinking my eyes over "hamster porn"
[MarkZ] @theend hahahah I figured I needed something off the wall to keep them sharp. When on calls with people that I know they are listening to we just include the prying ears in on the conversation. Keeps 'em as honest as possible.
[notsoguru] MarkZ sad isn't it?
[MarkZ] notsoguru very
[caddylady89] would be so nice to make some of my friends Mothers day present a big gift card hint hint
[MarkZ] caddylady89 I can not think of a better way to celebrate all of our wonderful mother's contributions than to give them a RV!
[dinardiamonds] MarkZ Jester seems to strongly think that there is NO RI in iraq if there was it would have been leaked by now in media? your thoughts
[MarkZ] I will give Jester a call later and tell him where my intel came from. The efforts to control leaks are enormous. Based on my contacts I believe they have. They re-figured contractor rates that they are paid by the Iraqi governement and that is how I came up with the RI and rate. The 'math' used to pay them reflects a rate that is MUCH changed
[..SweetQueen] MarkZ BOLD UP PLEASE
[cowtown333] MarkZ stay yourself i think you are bold enough rofl
[MarkZ] cowtown333 I will be lucky to get out of this with my knee caps!
[bryan1972] ..SweetQueen Why did you not say anything?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 SQ is in a interesting position. Mods have to keep a degree of seperation from intel even though behind the curtains they are some of the best intel people.
[bryan1972] MarkZ I know..... She has enough to worry about..... She doesnt need 100 question every time she come in
[sagefemme] ..SweetQueen coming from too that is encouraging
[..SweetQueen] bryan1972 NEVER CARE FOR THIS (LIMELIGHT)
[caddylady89] MarkZ so the RI rate is 3.22 ?
[MarkZ] caddylady89 I didn't say that. I can't say rate period and keep my loot.
[sagefemme] MarkZ is the RI really live in spain.....
[MarkZ] sagefemme I can't comment on Spain because I do not have contacts there
The rates were showing over the weekend and yesterday at a bank in London where I have a contact and also in Dubai where I have a contact. My Hong Kong contact never responded so I am unsure about there
C lick to set custom HTML
Although if I were the banks and FOREX I would leak rates and screens all the
time to make everyone numb like crying wolf.
ABC News Joins Obama and Bans American Flag Lapel Pins
ABC News Joins Obama and
Bans American Flag Lapel Pins
This is what we get from the present attitudes in Washington.
Barbara Walters said that this
was going to hurt ABC bad. And she works
for ABC.
for ABC.
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