Wednesday, June 4, 2014



TNT call 4-June-2014 Notes

[Call started with chitchat between Pam and Ray.]

Tony:  Good afternoon, TNT!  Today is Wednesday, June 4th, 2014.  There are 72 raised hands on the phone line.  If I have talked to you in the last month, please put your hand down NOW so that we can talk to some other people and give them a chance.  Okay?  If you can’t do it, I will do it, but I’d appreciate your doing that so that I can go down the line.

DC:  I’m great!

Tony:  I am super-super-fantastic.  We know we have a great day and week ahead; a  lot of things happened last night and we will try to explain it without crossing the line.  I need to  put this example out there:  most of you were probably kids at some point in your life, and you had very good, loving parents.  AT times you went out and did things that other kids were doing, like riding the bike down the hill with no hands, or eating all the Halloween candy.  Your parents said NO, but the other kids were riding their bikes and crashing into trees, or waking up the next morning with an upset tummy, and the parentssaid, “See?”  At the time, you whined and cried, and asked WHY? And the parents said, “Because I said so!”
When the process involves and affects us directly, we can **** and complain. When it’s bigger than us, we need to let things happen as they happen.

 We don’t always get to know the reasons why, but you do need to trust that I am looking out for your interests.  The adults in the room know this.  I will have DC explain some things.  If this was something that would hurt you, I would tell you.  If it’s in our favour, I will let DC tell you about it!  You guys know that I couldn’t say super-fantastic because I was frustrated, but then I found out some things and now we are feeling really good.  Some things have been changed and rearranged that make me glad for us as Americans.  It’s really good stuff.
WE had some meetings yesterday… DC?

DC:  Hello from Dallas, TX;  I love Texas!  The meetingshave been at many different locations and also teleconferences.  Some things we are not going to say because it’s not the right thing to do.  On Monday, we were back on the ½ inch line… until a couple hours after when we took a pause. Some viewed that as a necessary step due to power, politics and security in Iraq.

Tony:  Monday it was scheduled for 3pm, and it started going, then they paused.

DC:  What ended up happening is that for several different reasons (most of which have changed), they said to hold on right before they went.  That was aggravating.  There was a confusion about Iraqi and US politics, plus some power games, etc.  That started yesterday when everyone said “same time, same place, we’ve got enough solved.”  They tried for 3pm again, and another complaint paused it again.  This one was met with very strong reactions in the international community, which motivated everyone to switch over to who was pushing the system along.  

There are a couple people who are the glue here, senior statesmen we are grateful to, and there has to be an elected official who is pushing this along.  People ARE pushing this, then people pushing against.  Finally the opponents said ‘uncle’, especially the US who keeps asking them to slow this down for various reasons.  They finally got mad again, like last Thursday.  They decided to move out without the US.  That started the process yet again, last night, and they are running that right now.
Now the folks pushing have more determination, and the folks resisting are not as firm because they believe they have enough to get their goals accomplished.  The back and forth has changed, so now it is very much in the ‘forth’ mode, everyone trying to get this done now.  

The senior gentlemen are also pushing forward to get this done, along with international elected officials pushing to get this done.
Tony:  It amazes me how they constantly say I give out too much information – that I talk too much!  OMG!  That is why DC is here, because I wouldn’t have said half of that.
This is a fact:  I gave you the time on Monday and DC reinforced it.   They don’t want everyone to know about the exact date and time because people will take steps.  It’s not always about us, it’s about the world.   If it is public knowledge, they will change it again.  They will not do this at 3pm again, for instance.  They had issues with the same time, that has been solved.

Along with that, ‘everything that glitters is not gold’;  everything you hear is not the truth, although there may be pieces of the truth in there.  Unless you know both sides of the coin, there is no way to come up with the truth, and you don’t know what the next coin looks like.  We don’t have all the info but a strong 90% 

 [DC:  more like 66%.]  We do have information from both sides of the coin, both are credible but have reasons not to trust each other.  Actually, it’s a three-sided coin.  They have their reasons;  each group is not fully aware of the other groups’ reasons.

DC:  Each group has different public views, too.  If we told people what we understand, you’d find some legitimate and some are not.  Each side has both.

Tony:  Today, right now, this morning, everybody has agreed to disagree and ‘let’s just do this’.  We think this is great and we’ll see how it turns out afterwards.  We are  in a super-fantastic position and this should be a great week. 

Hold on for a second.  Today we need to talk about the rollout procedures, information we should have and what we need to do when the bell rings.  We are trying to find outthe order of that so that we can respond to you guys immediately. It may take a while, or it may be within 15 minutes;  we are trying to find that out.  We have agreed to calls for 7 to 14 days, but what we are working out is what to do immediately to get you the best information about the process and our opinions on how to do things (if I’m allowed to do that).  I will do the best I can.

214 caller:  How are you today?

Tony:  I’m super-fantastic and it’s a great day to be a dinarian!  It’s not a day to be frustrated.  It’s a great week and we should be celebrating what they accomplished yesterday evening
Caller:  When will you be coming over here?

Tony:  We just don’t have that many buses in California to go to Texas!  <laughter>

DC:  Unfortunately, certain Texans would show up at banks every time Tony says this is close.  I’m sorry to say that we did that a lot…

Caller:  We have a language barrier in this state that has been building for the last ten years.  Tony, do you knowthe difference between a pecan and a peecan?  You make pie from one, and put the other under the bed!  Are you going to open a bank in our state?

Tony:  I’m looking to buy A bank to do the things I want to do.  They don’t even want me to do that, and wrote a law against it already.  I am going to do something with a group to buy that bank, so we’ll see.

Caller:  I’ll figure out how to get in touch with you. I can’t believe I got on this call!  I just figured it out.

423 caller:  When you get your donations, do you read the little notes that go with them?

Tony:  The majority don’t come with notes, so I do read the ones I get.

Caller:  I wrote that it’s more entertaining to listen to you than talking books as I go down the road!  You said that those who wanted it to wait until 1. June, and it has, and then they want it to wait until 1. July; is that connected to the new tax laws that come in then?

Tony:  It is for a very good reason that had nothing to do with us and our cash-out, but everything to do with us as Americans.  You can ask DC, because he slips up!  <laughter>  Everything that glitters is not gold;  we don’t’ really know until we hear all the explanations.  Then it kind of makes sense and we can’t be mad about it.

Caller:  I haven’t seen any comments on that on the forum, and I read an article about the tax laws, so I wondered about any possible connection.

Tony:  When my kids ask me for advice and then don’t take it, I say “Go out there and bump your heads;  you’ll see.”  And that is what they’re doing. We’ll see who’s right and who’s not.

832 caller:  At the end of DC’s deal, he said everyone agrees, more or less, and then they have a 24-48 hour window to get it done… they keep getting blocked or having the football pulled away at the last minute.  If these guys want to get it done, and there is a lockdown… If they want to get it done and there are not bathroom breaks until it is done…

Tony:  It’s still a chess game. 
DC:  Nobody has 100% control of this thing.  There are many key players with influential parts.  So having the key people in the room can be good for the first hour, then they lose influence, and they go back and forth.  The reason they have this lockdown and all these meetings is to get everyone in the room and talk it out. Some of those folks aren’t sowing up or not showing up with the right answers.  IF you are trying to delay a deal, the last thing you want is to be pinned in a room with a lot of people who actually want to get it done, especially if they remember things you’ve done to them in the past.  It’s not a black-and-white event in some people’s eyes.  To them, it’s all shades of grey, and those people are hard to pin down to actually getting this done.  The guys who have been resisting have now said “It’s on you;  if you can get it done, great!” 

612 caller:  Thank you for everything.  There are some things I know that I’d like to share, but not sure to bring it up on air with all ears listening.   For instance, what about the dark pool, or backroom trading? One of the reasons this has been black pool trading that is pushing this week.  Can we also talk about Canada and Mexico?  The dong is live on the screens there.  [Tony:  More than just there.]  Two callers ago, you said they are trying to push this out to July for reasons that benefit America. Is that still so?

DC:  They still have those reasons, and their vote counts;  other folks disagree.

Tony:  Their reasoning was with good intentions even though we are not going to talk about what it was, and others disagree with the reasoning itself.

Caller:  I know exactly what you are talking about.  We are so focused on the dinar, which is a distraction for the dong… People are not looking at what is right in front of them, such as the VNN.

Tony:  Were there better investment opportunities with a better return?  Yes.  Did most people miss them?  Yes.

Caller: From the trillions flowing into the UST from the dark pool trading, can we talk about what’s going on right now with the VIPs?  It should be in the order VIPs, private groups, then public. With the VIPs, they have already started cashing in yesterday, mainly for oil credits.  [Tony and DC agreeing.] I’m trying to talk in code here, so they don’t make me hang up.  I know there are things we cannot talk about, such as what is showing up now on the screens.  You haven’t talking much about preparing people until the last minute.  Can you warn people about where they stick their money so they do not lose it?

Tony:   We have talked about this for years, to interview who they have in charge of their money, recommended reading the books, etc.  we cannot give out actual financial advice, but you need to be educated and be careful.  The bank’s job is to make money for the bank, not for you.

Caller:  If you look at JP Morgan, they have 7 trillion in assets and 70 trillion in derivatives.   DC, in your heart of hearts, and “it’s a great week for us”, are you talking about US or Iraq?

DC:  Iraq for sure, and get prepared for it to be us.

Caller:  A little birdie told me something interesting, and if you’d like to call me back, go to a pay phone…

Tony:  I actually saw a working pay phone the other day!

Caller:  I’ve had issues with being on the forum;  I tried to get on and donate, but it was impossible.  I don’t know there is a way to donate off-air to you guys directly?  I’d like to make a contribution in thanks for what you guys have done.  We need to take care of those who are taking care of us.

Tony:  The forum is Pam’s baby.  We are so close;  people want to get in the forum because of the security blanket issue, and that is being put in motion, just in case.  Don’t worry about the forum;  that will go away, and come up on, .info and .net.  We will NOT be talking about dinar there, or politics, either.

Caller:  About the second basket, you might want to help people research it along the way?  Or wait for tntsuperfantastic…?

Tony:  I know there is one, and they don’t want me to give out that information.  If you do know them, do it because it’s your opportunity to go to the next level.  Some that were supposed to be in the second basket are now in the first basket;  they wanted to dampen that opportunity.

Caller:  I was in the 101st in a special strike team;  if you want to talk off-air, you have my number.  I still have my clearance and my gag orders…

650 caller:  Will the deletion of the zeros affect us (for dinar)?

Tony:  They will not affect us at all.   The rates will be applied without deleting zeros.

Caller:  You’ve talked about 1. July… but that is no longer in play?

Tony:  The reasons are still considered valid by some and not by others.  They are no longer considered good enough reasons to block this.  They now agree to disagree.

Caller:  You don’t believe the security blanket will be necessary, is that correct?

Tony:  What I’m being told is that we will not need it. We’ll see.

Caller:  Can you speak to the number of calls we will need to go through to understand the procedure and then we can set an appointment?

Tony:  Let’s say it goes ten minutes from now.   I will FIRST tweet the number, put it on the forum, and on the new sites.  You can call that number as soon as you can, and then come back to listen to us.  It might take us a few hours to get the package, then to go through it so that we understand it and can answer your questions.  There are some things to do.

DC:  We are trying to get all that information ahead of time;  haven’t been successful so far, but we are still trying so that we can be as responsive as possible.

Tony:  We have to go through the same process as you do, sign the NDAs and making our appointments.  They want the first appointments to be within two hours, which is probably before we can make a call.  I’ll tell you again:  Who Moved My Cheese?  Read it again!

Caller:  I’ve missed a few calls on what to be prepared for.  Is that an online resource for that?  I’m not on the forum.

Tony:   There is a list of ten things you should  do, take two forms of ID to get your accounts set up, all that information.  Try to take your spouse with you, too.

Caller:  Can there be an email version of what was posted, or could you tweet a link to that?

Tony:  I don’t know.  Email only goes out to those on the forum.  I could put it out on a blast, but there are 40,000 who click and download, and only 400-500 people are paying for it.  That’s a Pam thing. 

Caller:  I have donated, so you do have my email;  I also sent you an email directly.

Tony:  Let’s see if we can do that;  most of our people are part of the forum, so I don’t know how many need that.

Caller:  Is there anything in there about transferring assets to trusts, or to gifts.  I did find the gift letter.

Tony:  Find a  trust attorney who can tell you how to transfer into trusts.

Caller:  How close are we to touchdown today?

DC:  We are back on the ½” line, really, really, really close.

Caller:  When do you have your reservations to Hawaii, Tony?

Tony:  I have to go to Michigan, NC, Atlanta, and Vegas, THEN I get to go to Hawaii!

972 caller:  We were just talking about the information for getting set up once everything goes through.  We will have options about what banks we want to do with, right?

DC:  Sorry, I had a preacher problem there.  WE have a few pastors on the intel team and they cannot find that mute button!

Tony:  You will dial the 800 number, and they will ask for your name, email address and which bank you want to go with.

Caller:  We don’t have to worry about groups, do we, in  terms of what we are doing?

Tony:  There are some legitimate groups, and some horrendous  groups.  For years, I ‘ve been saying that people will so upset at the rate they accepted they will probably put a hit out on the group leader.  There are some legitimate groups, so make sure which ones you are involved in.  there is a gamut out there.   Some groups will be picked up when this happens;  they are under investigation now.  It’s a matter of ‘buyer beware’. 

Caller:  Have you heard how many zeros may be deleted off the Zim?

Tony:  This is what I’m going to tell you:  I go with the worst case scenario and get enough to cover what I have to do.  They have changed the number of zeros during the process, so I would go with the worst, which is 9.  Anything else is a blessing.

352 caller:  I have a quick question about common trust.

Tony:  Ray is the trust guy;  he’s been doing them for 20 years.

Caller:  I hear common law trusts give us tax advantages, so if Ray could say ‘yes it’s worth it’ or not, that would be helpful.

Tony:  You have to ask Ray, because I don’t know.

Caller:  I have an analogy about the time line.  Let’s say a corporation is having a 100 year anniversary and they want a cake for it.  There Is one guy in charge of the shape, another in charge of icing, a third in charge of the flour, etc.

Tony:  The cake is in the truck and we need to know where to get gas for the truck.

252 caller:  Will you need to gift letter if someone gave you the currency?

Tony:  That’s why you want to show it in case they want to know where it came from, in case you get audited or whatever.  Better safe than sorry.

Caller:  Last week, I went to my long-time bank cash my check, and the person said their system was down, but they could accept the deposit.  She couldn’t guarantee that I would get the cash at another branch, because the system was down across the state.  I went to a different bank, and the lady there said that the system is down and it may or may not come up tomorrow.  This was one of the big five, and this was 11.30am for the first bank and 4pm for the second bank.  The second one gave me the same words as the other bank had told me.

Tony: Chase, WF, Bank of America have regular days when they cannot connect because of updates and for other things.  So it may or may not have to do with the RV as such.   They do typically give them scripts so that they can get it right.  
602 caller:  I’ve been listening to your phone calls, and I don’t have gag orders, I just have questions.  DC, you said that the process is going again? And do these people understand that the more they hold this up, the more people buy?
DC:  Yes, it is ongoing, and yes, they do understand that frustration is mounting and people are buying more.  For the most part, people are smart and they get all that.  Some are just blind.
Caller:  Is the VNN still in the first basket, and upward of 1 ½ minutes?
DC:  Yes, the VNN Is in the first basket, and the rates are better than we expected.
Caller:  Are there still four rates on the IQN?  And are we on the end of the line still?
DC:  Yes, four rates on the IQN.  Most have gone through the line already and we are still waiting for us to be dragged along.
Caller:  On the donations, many of us are living very frugally and it’s difficult to donate, although we do support you.
Tony:  That is why we keep going.  Some people just send five dollars, and every little bit helps.  Thank you to all who donate.  We know that some can and some can’t, and I have to give something to those who are able to donate.  We have 40,000 on the call, and 20,000 in the forum, and I still have room for people under this security blanket, but I have to prioritize.  It’s not always about money;  we just do what we are supposed to do, and as long as we can afford it we will continue to do it.
Caller:  DC, if you could do so, would you be planning to stay in the US, and not leave.
DC:  Absolutely.  Everyone gets quite creative with their questions!
401 caller:  I know you guys are signing NDAs and cannot write books.  But if I don’t sign one, can I write your story?  People would make more off the book than the dinar!
Tony+DC:  NO!  That won’t be allowed.
Caller:  I really don’t want to change my cell phone number;  can I just get another one to work with the bank?
Tony:  Don’t use the email, phone number or computer you use now when you get together with the bank.  Once you get this money, your mailbox will fill up with people who want you to donate to them or share with them. 
 The banks share their database with all these different companies who want to call you and share your name with all their associates. 

 Get another phone, and tell your wealth manager that you don’t want any of those associates to contact you directly, only through the wealth manager.  Get a PO Box.  You can still use your existing phone for your friend, just don’t tell them you have money!
Caller:  This is a whole new world for me.  I was talking to my son who said that if I really want privacy, I shouldn’t get a computer from a store because I’ll be the registered user! 
DC:  Ask how much you are willing to do to protect your privacy?  Changing your phone number, email and computer, that’s all pretty easy.   You have to do what you’re comfortable  with and also with what’s practical. 

 Some people get ten burner phones and rotate them every three months, but that is a real pain to do.
Tony:  I live in Sacramento, and in the paper it said the cops pulled over his car and found his driver’s license was expired.  So they searched his car and found fifty credit cards and drivers licences, people’s mail and receipts.  

They then searched his house, and there was fifty times as much!  You need to know these people are out there.  You need to get a black card.  There are places where I go that I don’t even let them have my card number. 

 When I valet park my card, I lock everything up and give them the valet key.  So be careful; you’ll have a lot of money and will be a target for a lot of people.
Caller:  Will you have this advice written up on your website so that we can copy it?
Tony:  Probably not.  We’ve gone through this for four days… we don’t even want to do daily calls for 14 days!  WE have other things to do.  I think we will compromise on ten days.  As for the events, WF has agreed to do events with us as new millionaires, similar to what they do with lottery winners and athletes who come into a lot of money.  We’ll let them handle that.
Caller:  I hope you will have someone from Sterling to talk about the reserves, because we need to know how they are processing that.  [Appreciation] I usually clean house while I listen, but soon I’ll be able to hire someone to do that!
Tony:   We appreciate that.  Be sure to thank Pam, Ray, the rest of our intel team, the Mods and the transcribers.  You don’t know all our intel team, but they work long hours.  It’s not two hours three days per week, it’s all day and every day.  So make sure you go in and appreciate them.
407 caller:   I’m excited about where we are.  We haven’t heard anything about taxes – will this be taxed as a currency exchange or as a joint venture contract?
DC:  Bottom line is that we don’t know the tax situation right now.  We hope it will be in the packets, but it’s not very clear.  There are things in different committees, so we just don’t know. Plan for the worst taxes possible, put that aside, wait for the all the rulings to come out, and then we’ll know. 

 Plan for the worst, because the IRS can ruin your life.  In my former life, I knew a lot of guys who did bad things to bad people, and they’re not afraid of anyone, but they fear the IRS.  You can drop them off in a foreign country where they don’t speak the language and have the clothes on their back, and they’re fine.  They get a letter from the IRS and they’re scared!
Caller:  Will we be able to take this money and move to another country?
DC:  If you are an expatriate, you just have to follow the rules and you’ll be fine.  If you go to a bad country, that is dangerous.  If you want to go to England or Panama, follow the rules and you’ll be okay.  No communist or dictatorial countries, that’s all.
713 caller:  These calls are full of highs and lows.  DC said it should it have gone at 3pm, and I thought “great”. Then DC says, “don’t’ look at 3pm today.” This has been going on since November, so… [more of the same] are we looking at this being done before the weekend or more like July 1st? This cycle of anticipation is a nightmare.  Is there a possibility we don’t have to go through the weekend.
Tony:  A good possibility. We have been going through this since November, and especially since the RI in April because we hear it is going every day or every couple of days, thee someone stops it again. This is a chess game, and they want you to think that they are playing with both sides of the board when they are actually moving under the table. 

 When nine guys say that this is going down, they don’t know that the quiet guy in the corner was sent to pull the plug.  We are telling you, but there was a bigger picture that those in the room didn’t fully understand.  

There is something else going on, but everyone wants us to think it’s about us.  There is something else going on, and they don’t want us to know what it is.  I think I know 90% of what’s going on, and DC says it’s 66%.  You can go out and feel some pain on your own!  We can agree to disagree, but it’s not my fault.  

I know what they agreed upon last night, but I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight or tomorrow, or they may decide that they cannot make it to the 1st but will settle on the 10th to soften it.  There are two sides and they are trying to get to the same place, different ways.  I can only tell you what’s happening in the moment.  

Two  weeks ago, things seemed to be going in the wrong direction, and I told you about that, too.  We  don’t do things at the weekend because the people working behind the scenes aren’t doing much either, and they are telling us to relax.
DC:  You have to understand that we are passing on the information we are given. It is a constant chess match and everyone in this thing are being jerked around even more than we are.  Imagine you have a job and the boss calls you in at 2pm Sunday afternoon, and you can go in right away.  

These are bankers, not soldiers.  You don’t go into banking for the drama.  These guys  are being beat to hell, and then nothing happens.  But they all strongly believe this is going down.  Every time we say “everything is ready to go”, at least 2,600 people are called in and locked down again.  We were within two minutes yesterday, because some jerk wanted to say that he had the power to stop a global process. 

 Sometimes it’s a security issue, and there are other things that delay it.  That’s been going on 3-6 times per week since March, and 1-3 times since November.  Even Presidents and Prime Ministers are being informed and they are exhausted by this, too.  Everyone is exhausted because they have all been nickeled and dimed to get what they want.  There are some senior statesmen who are doing a fine job to push this along, guys who with never be acknowledged.  

It’s been exhausting for everyone – the speculators like us and the guys who are actually involved.
Caller;  I have a contact who says “it’s tonight” and I post that and get jumped on.  If there is a glitch, I would have thought it would happen the next day.  Are we looking at that kind of timeline, or is it a week away?  This has gotten so old.  If it couldn’t have gone in November, December or January, why did they play that monkey dance?  If June 1st was put in an month ago… do you feel it is going through every day or what? 
DC:  Let’s back up a little bit.  For the last nine weeks, it’s been down to the wire 3-6 times per week, and several times it’s been within minutes.  They could have done it at that time.  

It’s a day-to-day tactical fight now.  At this point, when someone delays it more than 20 hours, that is considered a huge delay.  That’s encouraging and frustrating.  If we are waiting for the new government in Iraq, that alone could take months.  

As it cranked up, since June was realized from Chapter 7 last June 27th, it’s been a daily fight.  There were things they were willing to overlook, then they wanted to do this and that.  It cranked up through October, trying to get it done.  Then they took a pause, and in November, it started going on a nearly daily basis.

 Sometimes it was half-hearted, sometimes they just wanted to piss people off.  Then in December and January it was a daily effort, and again since April it’s been six days per week.  That’s what has been happening and it’s horrible for everyone involved.
Caller:  Your mother just called on the phone, and asks you for some peace of mind on this…
DC:  They are getting more clever every time!
Tony:  Just this morning, we were reminded:  “If you tell, we will not do it!”
DC:  I would tell her to take heart;  everyone is leaning forward to get this done.  They are so exhausted and yet energized by what  is going on.  The opposition has agreed to back off a little bit, and they are trying to get this through.   There are only a few little things that need to get done.  We are really close.
Caller:  What is the purpose of blocking this?  Does everyone not want us to prosper?  Why would they NOT want this to go?  The only people can think of is the Federal Reserve, because this will put us back on the Gold Standard.  [more of same].
Tony:  You said the Fed – they own 30% or more of the majority of Central Banks.  They will not lose.  They will make money whether it’s asset-backed or fiat money.  I heard why they were holding it back and if it’s right, then I would hold it back, too.  

When I look at it on a global scale, and if you agreed with the other side, you’d do that, too.  It is nothing malicious, so far as I can see.
DC:  Lately, It’s been well explained and people understand each other’s sides now.  One side says it’s not an issue, just relax, and the other side says, “Yes, but…”
Caller:  Back in May, you said June 1st, and now we’re at the 3rd
Tony:  No.  I said that they will try to go to June 1st, and if they make that, they will try for July 1st.  That is part of the process;  we are not making up stuff to tell you, we are just telling you what’s going on.
DC:  We are in a day-to-day tactical fight. The evidence is overwhelming from every angle that we are in a day-to-day fight.  When that actually goes through I do not know.
Tony:  We’ve put in our time for today.  DC?
DC:   Thank you all for listening.  We love to learn the process beforehand so that we don’t have six to ten hours of people running round with their head cut off.  We will talk to you very soon.
Tony:  And it’s two hours for me to get here, so…
Pam:  Please be find to the Mods and each other.  We have set up a rotating Mod of the Day, to honor those who contribute.  We sacrifice a lot to do this…
Tony: … and our families, and all the time we haven’t spent with them over the last three  years.  My kids are in their 20s, and Pam’s son is 20+ as well, and we’ve spent time here instead of with them.
Ray:  It’s been a good ride;  I’ve enjoyed it.  Take care, everyone!

Tony:  Every time you say that, they think this is done!  We do feel good about where we’re at.  A great wall was broken through last night, and everyone is saying “Okay, go ahead”.  They are all happy with Iraq, and we’ll see who is right and who’s wrong.  Everyone is trying to do the right thing, in their different ways.  I would love to come back and do another call today or tomorrow.  Be prepared!  When it gets out, things will be wild and crazy. Make sure your documents are in place, IDs, receipts, all the rest.  The last thing you want is your phone blowing up with everyone wanting to know that to do!

BOMBSHELL- The Secret Lawsuit Has Finally Been Revealed- Your Mortgage Documents Are Fake (And Your Foreclosure Is a Fraud!)

The enormity of the crimes that have been committed against defendants in foreclosure cases is easy for much of society to ignore.  Those who are defendants in foreclosure cases are, after all, those who deserve to suffer the consequences of failed generations of economic policy.  Those who are defendants in foreclosure cases are, after all, the people that deserve scorn and disgust and contempt because they chose to live in a country that gave away their jobs, their industry, their future.
But far worse than the crimes and the consequences for the millions of Americans that are victims of the largest organized crime spree in the history of mankind is the fact that in order to accomplish this crime spree the criminals and their counterparts destroyed our nation’s civil legal system.
Make no mistake, the “foreclosure crisis” as it has played out, and as it continues to play out all across this country is a complex and interconnected series of state sponsored crimes.  The crimes began when the loans were made, continued when the loans were sold to investors, continued when mortgage payments were loaded onto the international PONZI scheme that is mortgage securitization, then really ramped up when the criminals continued their crime sprees in state and federal courts all across this country.
The crime spree called foreclosure that continues to play out in homes and neighborhoods all across this country could not have occurred if our courts did not agree to become partners in the crime spree.
Our nation’s court system is in fact desecrated, destroyed, a crumbled heap of what it once was.  We were a nation of laws.  America was a nation that was governed, ultimately, by judges and a legal system that served a larger societal and historical purpose.  At one point in time, judges and our nation’s court system recognized that the function of the court system was to protect The People and The Nation from the out of control evil and corporate interests that brought us all robo signing and foreclosure fraud and LIBOR rigging and HSBC money laundering and everything that is our national banking system.
To this day, banks foreclose on borrowers using fraudulent mortgage assignments, a legacy of failing to prosecute this conduct and instead letting banks pay a fine to settle it. This disappoints Szymoniak, who told Salon the owner of these loans is now essentially “whoever lies the most convincingly and whoever gets the benefit of doubt from the judge.
Allegations from today’s lawsuit:
The defendants concealed that the notes and the assignments were never delivered to the MBS trusts and disseminated false and misleading statements to the investors, including the U.S. government and the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Virginia, District of Columbia, the City of Chicago and the City of New York.
Relator conducted her own investigations in furtherance of a False Claims Act qui tam action and found that the Defendants pursued and continue to pursue foreclosure actions using false and fabricated documents, particularly mortgage assignments. The Defendants used robo-signers who signed thousands of documents each week with no review nor any knowledge of their contents and created forged mortgage assignments using fraudulent titles in order to proceed with foreclosures. The Defendants used these fraudulent mortgage assignments to conceal that over 1400 MBS trusts, each with mortgages valued at over $1 billion, are missing critical documents, namely, the mortgage assignments that were required to have been delivered to the trusts at the inception of the trust. Without lawfully executed mortgage assignments, the value of the mortgages and notes held by the trusts is impaired because effective assignments are necessary for the trust to foreclose on its assets in the event of mortgage defaults and because the trusts do not hold good title to the loans and mortgages that investors have been told secure the notes.
The fraud carried out by the Defendants in this case includes, inter alia: Mortgage assignments with forged signatures of the individuals signing on behalf of the grantors, and forged signatures of the witnesses and the notaries;
·        Mortgage assignments with signatures of individuals signing as corporate officers for banks and mortgage companies that never employed them;
·        Mortgage assignments prepared and signed by individuals as corporate officers of mortgage companies that had been dissolved by bankruptcy years prior to the assignment;
·        Mortgage assignments prepared with purported effective dates unrelated to the date of any actual or attempted transfer (and in the case of trusts, years after the closing date of the trusts);
·        Mortgage assignments prepared on behalf of grantors who had never themselves acquired ownership of the mortgages and notes by a valid transfer, including numerous such assignments where the grantor was identified as “Bogus Assignee for Intervening Assignments;” and
·        Mortgage assignments notarized by notaries who never witnessed the signatures that they notarized.
The MBS Trusts and their trustees, depositors and servicing companies further misrepresented to the public the assets of the Trusts and issued false statements in their prospectuses and certifications of compliance.

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Bergdahl swap - why? Also Obama's Islamic "wedding" ring

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Bergdahl swap - why? Also Obama's Islamic "wedding" ring
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 4-Jun-2014 16:19:47
MUST SEE = Obamas Islamic "wedding" ring
Richard Wetzel
People get the amount and type of government they are willing to accept



     Fact this happened. When this happened in Portugal, in Europe, even the New York Times apparently reported on the following when it happened and it was widely reported on in Portugal once it happened. Three children of Portugal said that the Virgin Mary had appeared to them each month starting in May on the 13th each month and promised a great Miracle of God would occur in Portugal on Oct. 13, 1917.  The crowd assembling for that day of Oct. 13, 1917 was estimated to be as big as 70,000 to 100,000 people there including newspaper reporters. The area had been drenched in heavy rain for hours and many of the people stood in deep pools of mud and their clothes drenched from the steady, heavy rain. At the prophesied time, the rain stopped, the sun came out and then for maybe 12 minutes spun around in the sky and sent out multi-color shafts of lights across the sky. This was seen for around 20 to 32 miles radius around Fatima when this "Miracle Of The Sun" appeared. Then it looked like the Sun was plunging towards the earth and many people were thrown into panic by this. Then it went back up into the sky. One of the key things that happened showing that this was no illusion is that the clothes of all the people were now dry whereas they had been drenched in rain just before this startling display of the sun. Also, the pools and puddles of water from steady rain were now instantly gone and the ground suddenly dry. 
      The three children said that the Virgin Mary had given a message. War was a punishment from God for the sins of mankind. World War I would shortly stop, but later a World War II more terrible than World War I would occur if the people did not turn back to God. Then a World World War III terrible beyond human imagination could occur and entire nations be annihilated if the people did not turn back to God before this. Also, the children had given out a message that a terrible movement would now take over Russia and spread evil and atheism across the world. This movement would persecute and create wars as demonstrations of the evil driving it. Later this was obviously recognized as the Communist takeover of prior Czarist Russia which occurred after the Miracle of Fatima. 
     Presenting this by common sense logic and different than the churches would. This Miracle of Fatima on October 17, 1917 was either from God or else the enemy of God called Satan. It was supernatural in reality and witnessed by so many thousands of witnesses including newspaper reporters who stunned by it reported on what they had witnessed as it happened for reality and not hallucination. This shows that regardless which side was behind Fatima, this shows a fight between God and Satan for the hearts, and minds of mankind. A supernatural fight like this for the hearts and souls of mankind shows the confirmed existence of God and a fight going on between good and evil for mankind on earth. 
      Twice in the New Testament Jesus rebukes His own disciples not to stop independent faith healers coming in His name and healing people for real by praying in His name for the healing of others. Jesus says to His disciples that he who is not against us is for us. In both the Catholic and Protestant churches, upset elders of the churches watch independent Christians suddenly manifest stunning healing Miracles of God when praying in the Name of Jesus for their healing. The Catholic side includes such as St. Padre Pio who was still alive through World War II and part of the Cold War between America and Russia back then. He stunned Catholic sources by constant stunning Miracle of God for 50 years while he bore the wounds of Christ on his body for 50 years. He told people secrets of their lives, and displayed other forms of supernatural knowledge which stunned people. He was born in 1887 and died in 1968. 
     He wrote a letter to me while I was in military school and indicated that God wanted me to heal the wounds of Christianity and lead Christians of good heart from both sides back to common ground through early Apostolic Christianity. This was amazing as I was a Protestant, not Catholic, when I got this letter from him in San Foggia, Italy. And he told me a stunning secret I had shared with no one. His knowledge was supernatural. 
     If you look up the history to the feast days in the Catholic Church, you find hundreds who had stunning Miracles of God in their personal lives from the first days of Christianity to our modern times including St. Padre Pio who with widespread Catholic approval was recently canonized a saint in the Catholic Church. 
      And in the Protestant side, many in the Protestant side are uncomfortable with Miracles of God as maybe they don't want God to interfere or try to influence their own private lives. We have many who have arisen who has displayed stunning Miracles of God. Rev. Ernest Angley of Akron, Ohio for I think 60 years now has displayed a constant demonstration of stunning Miracles of God when he prayed for people in the Name of Jesus. He has probably seen maybe two to three million people healed by Miracles of God from even such as terminal Cancer, terminal A.I.D.S., deaf, blind, and a huge multitude of other tragic ailments and diseases of mankind. The newspapers do not like stunning Miracles of God so do not publicize these Miracles of God which have occurred in America for likely 60 years now nor the Miracles of God which have occurred in Africa, Europe, etc. And many churches do not publicize these as they try to tell God not to perform Miracles of God in our modern times as it upsets their comfortable version of Christianity where God requires nothing of them as Christians. They want a sleeping Christianity, not an active Christianity working to win America back to God, Europe back to God, etc.
      We have the Reinhold Bonnke Crusades which have won millions of the people in Africa to Christianity by stunning Miracles of God. The supreme Miracle of God is when Pastor Dan of Nigeria dead for basically three days was brought back to life at a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in Nigeria. Once brought back to life after being brought from the morgue by his wife who demanded a miracle of resurrection for her husband as promised in Hebrews and amazing woman as she was, she got her requested Miracle of God. He died on Nov. 30, 2001 and when resurrected back to life three days later, he testified of seeing Jesus in Paradise, seeing Hell where those who hate God get damned to for all eternity, and he brought two messages back from Jesus he indicated. The one message most heard was that Jesus was returning soon and the Christians were not ready for the return of Jesus to the Earth. The other message not played up was that the wealth of the wicked was stored up for the righteous (promised in the Old Testament) and would be transferred to the righteous before Jesus returned. This was understood so they could do good with this money and help prepare for the return of Jesus to earth by evangelizing the Earth, etc. 
     Many Protestants have also displayed stunning gifts of Miracles of God like the Catholic Church has had, but since the Protestants do not canonize their saints like the Catholic Church does, they are not normally publicized like the Catholic saints. Canonization does not make them saints, just gives official recognition that they are obvious saints of God for real.
     Reverse population figures from world almanacs, etc. and the human race according  to this reverse math says that the human race has only been on this earth for a few thousand years so far. Two British scientists discovered enzymes in all living cells which will not let them mutate to new life forms. This has been censored from science courses because it means that the Theory of Evolution is not science, but nonsense. Early Christianity faced the same theory of evolution as taught first by the Greek philosopher Epicurus before time of Christ. The Christians answered this back in the Roman Empire days with these answers among others, "Which came first, the tree or the seed? The chicken or the egg?" This showed God started life, not random chance called evolution! An Australian astronomer took all the studies of the speed of light from when science started measuring it, found a mathematical curve showing it had been once been at speed of infinity and then slowed down. His curve as I understand confirmed by some Russian mathematicians indicated that the universe itself was created in a sudden explosion and the light started out across the universe at the speed of light. The mathematical curve indicated that this great explosion creating the universe occurred a few thousand years ago! Maybe Genesis of the Bible is more factual than many realize!
     For those who want to win America back to God, this report is a smart starting point. I presented Christian facts more effectively for most people to understand than most of the Christians do as they do not know how to effectively present credible reasons why to believe in God. And as Dr. Richard Eby who was a good friend of mine and dead for around 18 hours or so in Chicago and then resurrected back to life, he told me that Jesus said to him in Paradise that the Theory of Evolution was a lie invented by Satan to try and trick the people out of not believing Genesis and other parts of the Bible! I merely repeat what a prior dead man told me of his visit to Paradise. He also was shown Hell for those who hate God and never want to live with God for all eternity!
     A Dr. Henderson has his drive to pass an Omni Law that he wrote and I have a very different Omni Law that I wrote. The full name of my proposed Omni Law is Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. His legal concept is I understand how to disinherit Americans out of living in North America and turning it over to Islamic claim if I understood him right when once listening to him over the internet. He referred to Spanish Moors having first claim to America and they were Muslims if I remember my history correctly! His request for DNA samples is to prove whether you are of Spanish Moorish ancestry or not if I understood him correctly when I heard him speak that day. 
     Smart people who have analyzed my Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America say that this is so powerful that it should restore control of the federal government back to the American people who have a runaway government they cannot control at this time! Pass it and you block the massive high treason now going on in Wash., D.C. I lived in Wash., D.C. for many years and know many of their secrets they hide from you. One of the Rothschilds once boasted to me that he and some of his banking associates were the secret government of America and the American people did not run Wash., D.C. but them!
      My website with the Omni Law posted on it The email Our mailing address for orders by mail instead of through this website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. 
      In my Business Plan For The Vatican Endorsed Food Process posted on Nesara News the other day, you will see my regular name given there as well as my usual Pen Name of Erasmus Of America. I however also had several dozen apparent federal murder attempts on my life as corrupt Wash., D.C. does not want this God-given super health food for the American people. As Fortune Magazine reported federal dirty trick operations starting early as 1943 to stop the American people from getting this super health food endorsed by the Vatican even though my father was Protestant, not Catholic, this means that Wash., D.C. for over 70 years has used many criminal tactics including federal murder attempts to try and stop this Vatican endorsed food process from winning in America. This is the obvious proof that Wash., D.C. cannot reform itself into an honest national government until my proposed Omni Law is passed into law in America. It practices the God-given right taught in the Old Testament that God gave to mankind the right of referendum over national government. For those not knowing their Bibles, the Tribes of Israel voted by God approved referendum for what form of national government they wanted under David of Israel.
     God is on the side of freedom for mankind on earth!
      Pass this report around if you want America won back to God lost by lukewarm churches in America and will be won back by overcomer churches loyal to Christ who soon returns as their King!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for one who dares to propose that the American people be given referendum power over the federal government of Wash., D.C.!)


Timber.....KABOOM the rumor mill says public exchange can be tomorrow alright
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 2:04 PM


Anonymous wrote: the UST is on lockdown...The rates did go live in Central and South America as of 7:15 am México time. This was also noticed in  the Caribbean, as always all parties involved only wait for the northern part of the Americas to finish the loop that is necessary to finally launch the GCR and the revaluations of all currencies. As of the late Pacific pm hours, the UST sent out messages stopping again all go procedures to all participants involved in this process, he who is giving out such orders in the UST has stopped this process for the longest time now with no valuable reasons as to why.  Let's make this message roam around so that he may desist in compromising the future of all mankind.