Hi, Folks -
Found at dinardetectives.com/updates, these are notes from today's TNT conference call:
7-2-14 TNT TONY CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good morning, TNT! We are now here and together. Today is Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014. We have a special guest who we’ve been talking about in Holland, and it is her birthday today! And also thanks for her information because she has great resources in banking and government, and congratulations on her new promotion.
Just because you don’t see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. It may not be clearly evident. Just because you didn’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening right at this moment. I skirted over certain things on the last call, that are on the edge, and they don’t want me to talking about it on this call, but DC can. I want you to understand that we are really, really close to the end of this ride. There are things in parliament that have already happened, that you are hearing won’t happen until next week. We’ll see if we can discuss that, although it’s not what I want to talk to you about. There was a major global event that we’ll talk about next week, although I hope we won’t have to.
DC: That was a phone call from Iraq. Thinks look exceptionally good and we are basically in the same window – that is still in play. Our understanding is that a lot of folks are getting ready to… not going there. Everything from Monday is the same, it looks phenomenal, and we are expecting phone calls at any minute. That’s why I took the call from Iraq, hoping for an announcement.
Tony: This is a terrible call. Even thought we are saying everything is the same, everything is NOT the same. It’s live and we have to be very careful. It would be easier not to have a call at this point. We are so much closer to making the announcement on the replay… they are actually having the championship parade. We’re in that millisecond where it gets started. Everyone is prepared; there were even some preparatory meetings this morning. If they game is over, and they made the announcement, they are now planning the route of the celebration parade! Even thought this has been ten years in the making, this is last-minute stuff. We’re really just waiting for announcements.
DC: In Iraq, a lot of folks have calmed down, a PM has been selected just not announced, and the key positions are all accounted for. That is confidence-building. It’s not exactly related to the RV, but it is linked. Security continues to improve dramatically. M is still around but his influence is waning. The rest of Iraq has everyone falling in line with the new government, and the Sunnis agree to follow the new PM. Everyone has cut the best deal for their constituents, with international help.
Tony: That is the news that they see, the ones who believe everything they read. We know that the actual vote took place Monday night; we know the numbers and the new PM, and what they did so that people would stay and vote instead of walking out. They have to go through the process of telling the imams, pass it down through every day so it builds confidence, and then tell everyone else to forgive and forget, because they just got caught up in the moment. That’s just what has to happen before they can announce the changes. Even in our society, you don’t shock people, you announce things gradually so that people can accept it until it’s the norm. [DC agrees.] That’s why people are hearing one thing and we know something else. It comes out a few days later, then people ask how it could happen overnight, and it wasn’t overnight, it took a few days.
DC: Iraq is calming down, and maybe some folks who didn’t do their jobs well will be forgiven because of some diplomatically confusing orders. Everyone is getting over that. Some key Sunni statesmen and the Kurds are involved, plus the Shia. M is sticking around because he doesn’t know when to leave the party, but will probably be taking a vacation soon.
The Qi card rates are being adjusted to the RI, and that is happening throughout the country, according to the six folks we talk to throughout Iraq. Those are ranging in different forms depending on whether the holders are retirees, widows and orphans, etc. All the cards have been adjusted on the 1st, the night of the 1st.
Tony: That is not all the regions, not in the militant regions, but they are being used in the markets.
DC: There are people unable to get through on the regular international lines, but they are talking to us by sat phone, and they say there are no major issues in Iraq. In the US, our government is trying to push this along. There are things that happened ten days ago that are leaving us in quite a bind. You can’t be half-pregnant for ten days! There have been lots of meetings about that. Chapter VII was a year ago, and the US is putting on a lot of pressure to get this, along with the WMF, the IMF, and all the rest.
The major prime contractor in the US banks is 100% prepared and ready, and very involved in the process. The rest are saying “Just call me when this is done”. They are being kept up to date and informed of progress, but until someone can just walk in and do an exchange, the other banks don’t want to know. Banks are ready in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.
Tony: The international banks are ready, and they can move out easily because they don’t have five million people to process. There is one US bank that is 100% ready to go, with people in place. The other banks are calling BS, and they don’t want to even prepare until people are actually exchanging.
DC: The main bank even has extra staff in today, and they are extremely prepared.
Tony: They don’t want us to say the day, time or minute this is going to happen… it would be an issue if we even say if, even though we have not been right yet! It is that close in time. Things are happening that you can’t see, and they are all things, and they are moving us closer to the parade. It’s a good day, but this is a terrible call, because all the good stuff I cannot tell you. Go back and listen to the last call, and the things I said “I can’t believe they would do this”, and they did it! I say that with the utmost respect! These people have got to be smarter than me! DC is smarter than me, and went to that high-level college.
DC: I’m just a Texas farm boy!
Tony: I’m not the only one figuring this out, and I can’t believe they are opening that door, but that is where we’re all. Let’s have some questions.
609 caller: The ISX is open now, right? How does that affect the RI?
DC: We were specifically told not to talk about that, but with the ISX, that is working fine. I think the RI and the RV will come out together.
Caller: Are you familiar with Bloomberg currency? I am noticing that sometimes after midnight, the IQN goes up, and then back down by 6am. Why?
DC: They are testing the system, and Bloomberg has the most accurate information you can get. They have been doing some trading behind the scenes, too.
Caller: The Qi cards that are active in Iraq; would their rate be reflected here in the US?
DC: Yes, it’s like a Visa card. If I walked into any place in Jersey, you could use it like any other credit card.
Caller: When the button is pushed and you see the RI and RV, will we see that in the banks and currency exchange locations right away?
DC: It’s supposed to go from the DIX to the central banks, and then into the lower level banks. Some banks are connected to the CIX, some to the Fed, and some to the Treasury. There may be a delay before it gets to Bloomberg, and then the CBI will be the last. That system has been tested so many times that it can be done in two minutes, but they can also stretch it out to a 72-hour process.
Tony: Also, every bank doesn’t update at the same time, and that is true for the exchangers too, so you might see different rates afterwards.
Caller: So there won’t be an RI before an RV; they will go together? And we are still looking at the Fourth of July?
DC: It’s the same window we have already discussed.
202 caller: Last call, you said something about the twitter thing. Every time I try to say something positive, they go into their BS.
Tony: So go to block and spam those tweets. We all know that this has to happen very soon, so for some idiot to come on the line and say it’ll bee 5-10 years from now or will never happen because of what’s going on over there has no clue. We give you the best information.
Caller: The window is from now from now to the 9th, but from now to the 4th, right?
DC: That’s the window I’m operating under, not necessarily what other people are saying. It doesn’t mean you’ll be in the bank on the 4th; it’s what my folks say things are happening. We expect to see the RV populated at that time.
Tony: It may not be on the 4th, but we expect to be giving you definite information that you can rely on and confirm. That’s what we expect – just because I’ve told you, they may change it! But that is what we are looking for, during that time. We told you that they requested it be extended to the 9th, not that this was approved.
Caller: When they said that Parliament wasn’t coming back to the 8th, I thought WTF?
DC: One guy asked for that for his personal political ambitions, but everyone else said “I don’t think so.”
Caller: This is why we listen to you guys, because you give us information, not promises.
Tony: We are giving info as people come out of the meetings, what has transpired around the globe that fits into this and why and where we think it should be. There might be another meeting at 4pm that changes everything! We get all those details and this is why we can’t bring all the details to the call. I really want to tell you something and DC won’t let me!
Caller: You have my number, and I would really love you to give me updates! I have a group that doesn’t always listen to the call.
Tony: You and 40,000 other people – from other people, our own friends who say “why should I listen to the call when you can tell me?” I don’t want to say it 50 times a day, that’s why!
909 caller: You guys mentioned about the potential of the contract rates having a tax implemented into it. That is Contract A would have 20% and Contract B would have 30%, for example.
DC: Our information is that this is on the table (though not those specific rates). That could change.
Caller: So…. How do we know that there will be no taxes if you take the international rate, or whether you will have short-term capital gains tax? Let’s say I’m trying to decide whether I want to take the contract rate or the street rate. How do we know this government won’t put taxes up at the end of the year?
DC: My job is to help people not worry, but I think you should worry. It’s smart to pay what you owe, and consult the best tax attorney you can find. This is a lot of money, you should look out for sharks, and the biggest shark of all is the IRS. I’m not an attorney or an investment adviser, but DC guy will plan for the maximum tax rate until next year.
Tony: You’re saying you don’t trust people in DC?
DC: I am saying to be cautious. Most people will not have the ability to absorb an increase in taxation.
Callers: Many will be thinking that just because it’s in writing, you’ll only have to pay 20% in taxes, and then you can spend the rest. You’re saying to set more aside, just in case.
DC: Yes. Having said that, there are many very powerful people who have already exchanged, and they will not take kindly to taxes go up.
Tony: Also, I don’t think they will intentionally get you up for failure. If there is no tax rate on the international rate, I would set aside that 50% just in case, until a year or so has passed. But remember, if they screw you, they are also screwing five million others, and that would be a mistake.
Caller: I really liked it when you limited callers to two quick questions. In the last call, the final two callers took up 40 minutes between them. It’s better to hear more questions.
702 caller: I’ve been in this for five years. I lost my husband last year, and now I have to make a trip of 1,000 miles. I’ve already cancelled this trip twice and lost money in reservations. I now have to make some decisions and I am now in a pickle about what to tell people.
Tony: I tell everyone to go and live your life, because we don’t know when this will happen. There are good reasons to think it’s happening now, but we’ve had too many of those plans not work out. If I have a vacation lined up, I would go on that trip and come back if I hear that this has happened.
Caller: I don’t’ want to be halfway to somewhere and get stuck.
Tony: If it does happen, call the exchange number and give them the zip code where you’re at, and do your exchange.
Caller: If I were to leave on the 5th, would that be in good timing?
DC: Do you have a cell phone? You’ll be fine.
Tony: You don’t have to be there within a few hours! Live your life. You don’t have to be that first mouse. We have the 30 days; you will have time to sort this out.
423 caller: It is time to take some pressure off DC, or Adonis. I stay on these calls not just because of the great information, but because your voice is so similar to a dear person who is no longer with us. I need clarification on the groups you have mentioned, the ones who want to buy our dinars for a dollar, when they can buy their own dinars for a lot less. Also, how will we ever know about the people being arrested and going to jail, because CNN certainly won’t tell us.
Tony: Some groups have said, “I’ll give 50 cents for your dinar TODAY” because the banks aren’t going to exchange you for six months. These people want to buy your dinar because they get a commission on it. I am clearly telling you that you will get a much higher rate when you go to the bank yourself. It doesn’t get make sense that these groups will give you more than the rate they get! People who have collected other people’s dinar have said they are going to the bank on Thursday, and it’s been a year or more in some cases. These groups have brought people claiming to be Treasury agents, they have had people fly across the country to hand over their dinar… Those are the ones who will be targeted for what they did. They’ve already created a list, and we will eventually see who is on that list – and you will be shocked by some of the people.
Caller: I hate to see people hanging on by a threat, and then they get scammed.
Tony: First of all, they don’t give you their real name; they hide behind internet names. When they do take your dinar for 50 cents, and you find out the real rate is 3.50, then you can take them to court. You have the contract and everything they said about your not getting that rate for years. Keep your dinar, keep your information, and give it to the bank. Otherwise, the group organizers are talking our money for profit.
Caller: There has been a rumor that we might get our money as an annuity (for the contract rates); is this true? I’m over 60, and I don’t need a 50-year annuity!
Tony: I don’t know. In the lottery, they say that they can give you 40 million now, after taxes are withheld, or ten million per year over ten years. I will always say “give me my money now”, and then I’ll create the income and have 400 million at the end of ten years!
702 caller: [appreciation]
513 caller: Good call, good questions. My questions have really been answered. However, in your opinion, where would you park your money until you can get your team together?
DC: I’m not a financial adviser, but I’ll spread it around in at least four different banks, if not more.
Caller: In a NIB, MCAs, or what?
DC: I understand the Non Interest Bearing accounts used to have more guarantees, but most don’t’ have that any more. You can park it in a safe money market account, or ARS or ERS.
Tony: I don’t think we’re going to see banks collapse in the first six months. That fear is unwarranted, in my opinion. Just spread it around, especially in tier 2 banks, where you can be a VIP. In six months, you can get your team together.
DC: The point of using several banks is to see how they will treat you. Also, I just don’t like folks having that much control over you money. Some banks may hold things up, for instance.
Tony: If you don’t have that much, it takes less to be a VIP in a tier 2 bank, where you have access to the president, and have all those perks.
Caller: Can you tell me which bank you will go to for that first exchange?
DC: The one with the highest rate! This is a business, and an investment, and we should get the greatest return we can.
Caller: When they ask me which bank I want to exchange in, how will I know which bank has the highest rate?
DC: I would ask. They should be competitive.
Tony: We don’t know how they will display the rates until we get the package.
503 caller: Is that 2% spread still on?
DC: As far as we know, yes.
Caller: Would you go to one bank with all your currencies and then spread it out?
DC: I think you should maximize your money as best you can. I will find the bank with the best rate, and spread it around afterwards. If they all have the same rate, that makes it even easier.
Tony: The rate is important, of course, and that’s what you will look at first. Then find out what interest rate the bank will give you to leave your money there, and also what perks they will give you like free checking, IPO opportunities, or whatever area you are looking at investing in. They want to give you all the services they can – they want to be your concierge, your real estate broker, financial adviser, everything. So put them in competition.
Ask about your exchange rate first, then find who will offer you the best deal at the best rate and perks. I am going to put mine in a number of banks anyway, because each bank has different areas of interest. Find out what they can do for you, and then decide.
830 caller: Do the big four banks all know the difference between the IQD and the IQN?
Tony: They will all know.
DC: Not every person in every bank will understand the GCR, RV, IQD and IQN. Only those who have been trained will be able to do that. The average person in the bank may only be looking at your balance and say “Good Lord”.
Tony: For your initial exchange, they will send you to bankers who do understand what’s going on.
Caller: If I go to the bank, will they play dumb on the difference between the international rate and the contract rate? And will they try to create a bigger spread or fees?
DC: For a while, that was the idea, but several people went and cleaned up the system. Before they were going to try to lowball everyone, they imposed 2% on ALL the banks. The rest of their fees will be for extra services, and they will try to nickel and dime you. The people you go to will understand the contract rates.
Tony: They may add some conditions to the contract rates; we don’t know yet.
Caller: So if WF is a tier 1 bank, will every branch also be tier 1?
DC: Every city will have a different number of WF banks, and they have many more branches beside those. There will be some people trained up in the dinar, and the 800 numbers will set up your appointment at banks that are appropriate.
Tony: But he is asking about whether specific branches will still be tier 1 or tier 2.
DC: A tier 1 bank has its own foreign currency department, and that includes the big four. A tier 2 bank doesn’t have its own foreign currency department, but it can be a huge bank with lots of assets. The big four have their own department, and the tier 2 banks subcontract it out. Many of the tier 2 banks do have the exchange training. The holding company is definitely a tier 1 bank. Branches are handling day-to-day business.
Tony: If you exchange in (say) WF, you can then put that money in tier 2 or tier 3 banks, or credit unions and such.
DC: If you have 10 million in a WF bank is not a big deal; having ten million in a mom-and-pop local bank is a huge deal, and they will treat you better. So you will have to decide if you want to be a big fish in a small pond. It’s a trade off between privileges and anonymity.
Let’s say DC guy goes to my local bank in Texas with 25 million dollars, and ask them to keep your bank as private and secure as possible. Most banks have a system so that the ordinary teller cannot investigate your account. Beyond a certain level, certified tellers can access a broader array of accounts. Even if you are a ‘whale’, they can still do a search on who has, say, more than 15 million in their accounts. Certain sales people can do this, so you need to set it up so that ONLY your wealth manager is contacted, not you directly. In any bank, there is an internal sales process where they are trying to sell you – that’s just the way of the world. You have to make your own decision on how many calls you are willing to take.
Tony: You can make the wealth manager take all those calls and then there will be no calls. Also, the smaller tier 2 and 3 banks can only accept so much money.
DC: Sure. The regulators will only allow so much money in a certain level of bank at a time. They don’t’ want whales to put all their money in one small bank. So you have to ask the president or the tier 3 bank how much money you can put in there. Even with a tier 2 bank, they can’t accept that much risk on one bank. They know what they can accept, so ask them. It’s common knowledge. If the branch manager has never been asked that, tell them to ask their boss, or go to another bank.
Caller: Are you going to let your guest talk today? You introduced a guest today, didn’t you? DC: Our friend from Holland? She’s not here; we just wanted to wish her a happy birthday.
818 caller: I have one question if it’s possible to speak to Pam. I cannot get back on the forum, so if she could help me with that. The gal who spoke about annuities, is it possible they will come back and take some more, or is 50% a safe amount? I am in California.
DC: Put aside 55%, or even 44 + 13 = 57%, because California has 13% income tax, right?
Caller: is there some special code we need to use in order to get the contract rate?
Tony: There’s a secret handshake. We are waiting on the package for that.
DC: It will basically be Options A, B and C for as long as they are available.
Caller: You mentioned easing into the process. How long might that take? If you get an announce-ment, will it not come to the public for 3-4 days, or what?
Tony: I think that it’s already done but they don’t want you to see it before the Fourth, and you will be at the bank after the Fourth.
Caller: If you got the 800 numbers tomorrow, and we called, would that appointment be a few days down the road?
DC: The way the UST and WF have planned this is that dinarians (or 250K who are paying attention) will be processed in three days, even if you are in the cities with the highest concentration of dinars. Let’s say it’s at 8am tomorrow; it’s highly likely you will get in by the afternoon or next morning.
Caller: What did your Iraqi contact have to say, DC?
DC: Things are extremely good, just waiting for the public release of the PM and folks being seated in secret in Iraq.
Tony: So all of Iraq knows this because they’ve been told in the last two days, and almost every agency knows it, but they don’t want us to tell everyone else, is that the case? They’re going to find out eventually; what difference does it make it we tell them? [DC agrees.]
512 caller: I thought you said that WF would no longer be in the game, on yesterday’s call?
Tony: Neither one of us said that, because it’s not true.
Caller: Are they going to be the only bank with the contract rate, or will it be spread among the five?
DC: Good question.
Tony: The other banks got upset because WF got the initial contract. Then they set up the 800 numbers and would be asking which bank and rate you want to us. Initially Bank of America was supposed to be the lead, then it switched to WF. Then at one point dong was being handled by one bank and dinar by another, which doesn’t make sense. It changes all that time. I don’t know why the different banks can’t use their own 800 numbers, but there it is.
Skype caller: [appreciation] Is there still a 50 million cap?
Tony: How long have you been listening to the call today? Since we started? So you didn’t hear the part where someone asked about that earlier and I said they didn’t want me to talk about it.
DC: I can’t get into that because for some reason it’s super-sensitive and they don’t want us to talk about it. They don’t want someone owning a country because they are trillionaires. They have a lot of measures to stop that.
Caller: Tony said to ask the questions, but there seem to be many questions you cannot answer…
Tony: I want to answer these questions, and I have a way to get another it, too, but they seem to think that would be a problem. I have been talking about this for three years, educating people, and I don’t want to create an obstacle.
Caller: When you were with PTR, those calls are not available to listen to again. It just feels like someone is running the calls so that we cannot get the information we need to plan. It’s frustrating.
Tony: Even this morning, they said, “If you keep giving out information, we will change the plan”. We are saying as much as we can say without causing a problem by giving you every detail. How do we then accomplish what we want to accomplish? They don’t want some one telling 30-40 thousand people “this is how I would get around that”.
Caller: I wish I know who these guys are who are putting this pressure on you… I thought this was a private site and private calls.
Tony: We are, but every time I give you guys new ideas, they listen and make a new law preventing whatever I suggested. There are many people from other countries and agencies, and they listen to these calls. I try to give you as much as we can give you, and a thought process, and that’s why gave you those books to read, so you can work these things out.
Caller: Is there still a 20 million dollar threshold to be deemed a qualified investor for the future?
Tony: I think it’s ten million. [DC agreed.]
Caller: Sorry the calls have gotten so difficult. It feels like your navigating land mines on these calls. I’m not trying to make it more difficult; let’s hope there are no missing fingers or toes!
719 caller: Couple of quick question: you gave details and then they go and make changes. A lot of people have been quiet, not posting anything, and you are trying to keep us informed, and yet we still don’t have an RV. They seem to be dinking around and not doing it. Is the US holding this up, or is it Iraq?
Tony: I absolutely agree with you on the first part! DC will answer the second part…
Caller: Well, I call BS on that. You are NOT holding this up, they are!
DC: No, the US has been helping in the past five days. They are now eager and aggressive to push this through. The UST is actively trying to push this out as we speak. They have done an about-face and are now pushing like anything to get this done, with the other US agencies.
Caller: So were is the holdup? I’m beginning to feel it will still be held up and we’re waiting for it. We are not disappointed in you, I’m disappointed in the United States and this government. I voted for this government! Shame on them -- they are treating the people who voted for them like crap.
DC: There are four or five good questions in there. Why do they like to do this on holidays? Many political guys like it to be on a holiday because they want people to calm down. The news services are not paying attention to the banks and Forex, and they like to delay it as much as possible. Also, then the initial rush will be spread over two-three days. IF it happens on Friday, they will have 2-3 days to smooth it through.
Tony: It was designed as a low-news-impact situation. They want to make sure people are distracted so that it can just be a blip, and they can say “sorry you missed it, you were out at the beach” or whatever. It keeps it under the radar.
DC: Think about the 2,600 bank personnel who have been showing up on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and now July 4th. They are feeling pretty beat up by now. And then they are going to be told they cannot hold dinar… The more you beat people up, the worse the morale, and of course it’s leaking out of there. Especially since November when they started paying VIPs, my intel went from 16 people I talk to every day to 30+ because they were saying “this isn’t right”. They decided to tell people, and let others know that not everyone in the UST is a jerk. How they can make a stand against what is going on? One way is to pass information out to the public. So what I think is that ourselves and others will go down in history as conduits who want to help people stay in the game as long as they can. This has changed constantly, and there have been so many times it has been stopped. Some day it’s “nope, this is a disaster” and other days it’s “let’s do it!”
Last Thanksgiving weekend, we all thought this would come out. Now, they were jerking round all the WF folks, Homeland Security, FBI, agency folks, even the police ready to go. Then they decided not to do it, and that was so frustrating for all those employees. They are also saying “come on, you are killing me here!”
Tony: They brought all those people in, every time, saying they were 100 5 going to do this, when they 100% knew they would block it that night at 1.45am or whenever. They let everyone go through their days doing that, over and over again. They had another agenda, and they want you to think one thing while they were doing something else. Even though we don’t like that, it was not in fact BS once we understood what they were negotiating. In the end, everyone is winning apart from Maliki. The things they have spent the last six months arguing for, they have achieved, as of yesterday. They are now saying “let’s get it done”, but they still want it done their way. They are getting everything done properly, because this time it’s for real.
Caller: Is the spread still 1-2%? Is it still negotiable? That’s what WF told me.
DC: It used to be 5%! I am now being told it is a flat 2%, but we’ll find out when we get the package.
Caller: But you can still ask for it?
Tony: No harm in asking.
Caller: I’m telling the US to let it go and stop jerking us around. People are losing their houses and cars now. It’s enough!
Tony: I agree. A lot of people recognized that, said it’s not right, and they passed enough on to us that we could have an influence.
DC: Everything is where it was on Monday, extremely close and in that window. Everyone is leaning forward in the saddle, eager to get this done. The main bank is staffed, everyone in the US is ready for us, and it should be a very good couple of days. Announcements will come out of Iraq about the PM. It’s my belief that the Iraqi PM is related to the RV, but not absolutely linked. It will be a great couple days and we just need to work out if we are half-pregnant or not. CBI made an announcement but we will quadruple check it first.
Pam: There is no scheduled call for Friday the Fourth; please go out and have a great time; pray for our blessings.
Ray: Enjoy the Fourth; I’m excited for my future.
Tony: There is a lot of great stuff we cannot talk about. There are problems in Iraq, 19 were killed, but you have to ask yourself why you are hearing that, given that we have 19 people killed in a single city every day here. It is not the Arab Spring we saw in Syria, although there are some issues. Our people will not let ten years go down the drain over one person’s attitude. They are not going to let one person control the world’s economy just because he doesn’t want to leave office.
Our next scheduled call is Monday, and I KNOW you will hear from us before then. Enjoy the rest of your day, and look for tweets as we send them out.