Monday, February 2, 2015

“WILL PAY A PRICE”: Valerie Jarrett Promises To Hurt Israel, Netanyahu For “Spitting In Obama’s Face” Over Iran Nukes

Everyone has a boss of some kind. Everyone. If you own your own business it might be your clientele, your creditors, or maybe even your employees in some way if your business could not exist without their specific talents. In the relationship between Barack and Valerie Jarrett, who is who is the boss? If Jarrett really answers to Barack, who is pulling Barack’s strings? The man does not have an original thought anywhere in his body. If it’s the other way around, and Barack answers to Jarrett as many have suggested, then where is she getting her marching orders from?
As the article below mentions, “In the White House pecking order, Jarrett has more clout than the president’s chief of staff.” Former Chief’s of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley learned that the hard way in what was often very nasty exchanges. Ultimately, Jarrett prevailed since those two are no longer with the President. Word has it, NOTHING goes on in the White House without Jarrett’s express consent. She is, “the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the ONLY White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.”
David Axelrod was given much more respect during the years he spent as a Presidential Advisor then Emanuel or Daley were. Perhaps that’s because there is a very old link between this group. Prior to Barack’s presidential campaign, Valerie Jarrett ran Chicago Hospital.  Under her leadership, an employee incorporated a policy of patient dumping.  That employee’s name was Michelle Obama.  Her assistant was one David Axlerod. The incestuous relationships go MUCH deeper, and MUCH darker…
According to the Minority Report Blog:
Jarrett’s family comes from communist leanings. Here family intermarried with the Bill Ayers family. Yes, that would be the Weathermen Underground terrorist leader, Bill Ayers. That would be the same Bill Ayers who told FBI informant, the late Larry Grathwohl, “that when we take over the United States, we will forcibly detain 50 million Americans in re-education camps in which they will probably have to murder 25 million American citizens who cannot be re-educated.” Grathwohl repeated the Ayers statement on the August 18, 2012 edition of The Common Sense Show.
  [Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]

This is the same Valerie Jarrett family which was also involved with Frank Davis the former head of the Communist Party in the United States. This is the same Frank Davis who Joel Gilbert exposed as Obama’s real father. Additionally, the Jarrett family is also affiliated with other so-called “Red Diaper Babies” in which this young group of intellectual elites called for a communist takeover of the United States in the late 1960′s and early 1970′s. For those that know their history, you will remember that the same people engage in terrorist acts involving the detonation of explosive devices in which people died, including a San Francisco police officer. Bill Ayers wife, Bernardine Dorne served a prison term for her participation with this group. And we also know, that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne, close friends of Jarrett to this day, funded President Obama’s Harvard education funded . These facts are representative of the reasons related to why many believe that Valerie Jarrett is making the major decisions in the White House. Therefore, it we be prudent to take a look at Jarrett, herself, to determine the direction of the country and the fate of the people in this country.
In a previous post titled: IRAN COMMANDER: WHITE HOUSE IS ISIS HEADQUARTERS, I asked some VERY painful questions:
In a post dated June 20th titled: OBAMA MUST BE ARRESTED & PROSECUTED FOR IMPERSONATING A PUBLIC OFFICER, the author goes into GREAT detail about Barack Obama’s status as a USURPER of the Presidency. As such, the author tells us Obama CANNOT be impeached, because only a Lawful President can be Impeached. Obama was NEVER qualified for the office of the President of the United States. Rather, Obama hijacked it. He is an IMPOSTOR… a charlatan. Even OBAMA HIMSELF ADMITS THAT HE WAS BORN IN KENYA, but we’re long passed the point of being able to do anything about it. 
In 1979, an article was uncovered WRITTEN BY VALERIE JARRETT’S FATHER-IN-LAW ABOUT A MUSLIM PLAN TO PURCHASE THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. If you READ that HORRIBLY disturbing article (that was written decades ago (and LONG before the years of the Obama Debacle), does the claim by an Iranian Commander that THE WHITE HOUSE IS ISIS HEADQUARTERS really seem THAT outlandish?
Nobody on Obama’s staff has the power to speak this viciously and forcefully, to make crystal clear threats like this against a world leader, to the press, other than Valerie Jarrett. Plus, the sense of being so very PERSONALLY offended, so PERSONALLY invested in the President, is only going to come from Valerie Jarrett, we all know that. And lastly, the threatening language, the raging, vindictive arrogance are all Valerie’s emotional and rhetorical signatures. Take it to the bank that it was her. And it is beyond outrageous that she attacks Netanyahu as if he’s done some egregious harm to Obama by snubbing him, when she and Obama are working to guarantee that Iran gets a nuclear arsenal with which it can attack Israel.
Who is hurting who here, really? This is the arrogance of evil, and the fear that Netanyahu might actually foil their plans to get Iran that nuclear arsenal if he screws up their “deal” by convincing Congress to pass more sanctions. Make no mistake: Obama’s Iran deal is designed to do nothing but guarantee that Iran gets a nuclear arsenal by shielding it from attack: when a deal is in place Obama can say, “See, neither us or Israel needs to attack Iran because this deal guarantees they won’t make a bomb,” when in fact Iran will absolutely violate the deal and secretly make the bombs anyway. It has been a core goal of the Left to arm Iran with nukes for decades. This “deal” is Obama’s way of getting it done.
Excerpted from The Times Of Israel: The White House’s outrage over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to speak before Congress in March — a move he failed to coordinate with the administration — began to seep through the diplomatic cracks on Friday, with officials telling Haaretz the Israeli leader had “spat” in President Barack Obama’s face.
“We thought we’ve seen everything,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior US official as saying. “But Bibi managed to surprise even us.
“There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price,” he said.
Officials in Washington said that the “chickenshit” epithet — with which an anonymous administration official branded Netanyahu several months ago — was mild compared to the language used in the White House when news of Netanyahu’s planned speech came in.
In his address the Israeli leader is expected to speak about stalled US-led nuclear negotiations with Iran, and to urge lawmakers to slap Tehran with a new round of tougher sanctions in order to force it to comply with international demands. The Mossad intelligence service on Thursday went to the rare length of issuing a press statement to deny claims, cited by Kerry, that its chief Tamir Pardo had told visiting US politicians that he opposed further sanctions.
Haaretz reported that Obama had personally demanded that Netanyahu tone down his pro-sanctions rhetoric in a phone call between the two last week. The president has said a sanctions bill would cripple negotiations with Iranian leaders at a critical stage, and has threatened to veto such a bill should it come through. Keep reading
The Washington Post reported that Netanyahu’s apparent disrespect for the US leadership was particularly offensive to Secretary of State John Kerry, who over the past month had made frenzied efforts on Israel’s behalf on the world stage — making dozens of calls to world leaders to convince them to oppose a UN Security Council resolution which would have set a timeframe for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
“The secretary’s patience is not infinite,” a source close to Kerry told the Post. “The bilateral relationship is unshakable. But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm for being Israel’s primary defender.”
The White House said Thursday that Obama would not meet with Netanyahu when he travels to Washington, with a spokeswoman citing a “long-standing practice and principle” by which the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections. Kerry will also not meet with Netanyahu.
Netanyahu will be in Washington in part for a March 3 address to a joint session of Congress. House Speaker John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the Obama administration.
The White House initially reacted icily to Netanyahu’s plans to address Congress, an appearance apparently meant to bolster opposition to a nuclear deal with Iran as it is currently shaping up, as well as opposition to new sanctions against Tehran.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest suggested Wednesday that Netanyahu and Boehner had broken with protocol in not informing Obama of the prime minister’s travel plans.
“We haven’t heard from the Israelis directly about the trip at all,” he said, adding the White House would “reserve judgment” about any possible face-to-face meeting until explanations are made.
“The typical protocol would suggest that the leader of a country would contact the leader of another country when he is traveling there. That is certainly how President Obama’s trips are planned,” explained Earnest.
“So this particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol.”
Speaking several hours after Earnest, top US diplomat Kerry said Netanyahu was welcome to give a speech at “any time” in the United States. But Kerry agreed it had been a “little unusual” to hear about the Israeli leader’s speech to US Congress next month from the office of Boehner and not via the usual diplomatic channels.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House Democrats, said that Boehner blundered when he invited Netanyahu to address Congress amid sensitive negotiations about Iran’s nuclear program and in the shadow of Israel’s elections.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, meets with US president Barack Obama, at the White House, Washington DC on October 01, 2014. (Photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
“If that’s the purpose of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit two weeks before his own election, right in the midst of our negotiations, I just don’t think it’s appropriate and helpful,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday at her weekly news conference.
The speech, Pelosi suggested, could give Netanyahu a political boost in elections a few weeks later and inflame international talks aimed at stopping Iran’s nuclear program.
Israel is scheduled to hold elections on March 17.
Netanyahu confirmed Thursday that he would address Congress in early March. He was initially slated to speak on February 11, but changed the date so he could attend the AIPAC conference.
“The Prime Minister is expected to arrive in the US at the beginning of March and will also participate in the AIPAC conference,” read a statement from the PMO. “The speech in front of both houses of Congress will give the prime minister the opportunity to thank President Barack Obama, Congress, and the American people for their support of Israel.
“I look forward to the opportunity to express before the joint session Israel’s vision for a joint effort to deal with [Islamist terrorism and Iran’s nuclear program], and to emphasize Israel’s commitment to the special bond between our two democracies,” Netanyahu said, according to the statement.
Israel and the United States are close allies, but personal relations between Obama and Netanyahu have reportedly deteriorated over the years.
The pair have publicly clashed over Israeli settlement building in the West Bank and about how to tackle Iran’s disputed nuclear program.
Obama’s allies fear Netanyahu’s March trip could be used by Israel and by Republicans to rally opposition to a nuclear deal, undercutting years of sensitive negotiations just as they appear poised to bear fruit.
In November the already faltering ties between the leaders were served a new blow when an anonymous US official was quoted calling Netanyahu a “chickenshit” in an article published by journalist Jeffrey Goldberg in the American magazine The Atlantic. The article portrayed the rift between the United States and Israel as a “full-blown crisis.”
AP and Lazar Berman contributed to this report.
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By Shepard Ambellas

park geologist

WYOMING (INTELLIHUB) — As of January 29, 2015, Hank Hessler, a park geologist stationed at Yellowstone National Park since 2002, publicly announced and put only a 2 week time-frame for the super volcano located under the park to erupt.

Although no one knows for sure if Hessler’s prediction will come true, it does set an eerie overtone for people located within a 1000 mile swath of the park.

Interestingly enough this information dovetails with information previously reported by Intellihub, making Hessler’s claims all that much more real. Not to mention the fact that there was more than 1,900 documented earthquakes throughout the park in 2014 alone as swarm activity continues to increase.

On March 4, 2014, Intellihub came across information by an unnamed source who reported that the White House had ordered the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to suppress earthquake swarm data within the region to hide what may be coming from the general public. And this is where it gets scary as Yellowstone and a 1000 mile swath surrounding the park’s super volcano may be on the brink of an extinction level event (ELE).

Yellowstone National Park (Jeff Gunn/Flickr)

In fact reports suggest that ancient Helium4 gas has breached the surface layers of Yellowstone’s crust and is now escaping into the earth’s atmosphere. Coupled with the recent and abrupt ground level rise in the park, we may be looking at a recipe for disaster.

After all, Michio Kaku, a famous theoretical physicist, pointed out in a January 2011 newscast which aired on CNN, “When it blows [Yellowstone], it could destroy the United States as we know it. [...] That’s what is making us nervous.”

Shockingly, later in the newscast, Kaku went on to explain how a 1000-mile ring of the U.S. would likely be destroyed if the super volcano actually went. And to make matters worse, geologists all conclude that the park is long overdue for an eruption. In fact, the last Yellowstone eruption was thought to have happened around 630,000 years ago, meaning we are about 30,000 years overdue, literally putting us in the hot seat, front row.

Kaku also pointed out that, “Every single burp, murmur, of this gigantic super volcano, including the rise above sea level, has to be watched very carefully”.

So basically, if you do the math for the disaster zone radius, the first 100-miles emanating out from ground zero would be completely wiped out. After that, ninety percent devastation would span out another 500 plus miles from ground zero, making a 1000-mile diameter ring that will essentially be fully decimated from the blast.

Additionally, this would essentially put what’s left of the United States into a State of Emergency and full-on martial law would be declared under National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 51.

And it gets even worse. Although there is no way I can vouch for the information, I simply can’t. But, according to a random individual who posted a video on YouTube, the USGS has likely been ordered by Washington to suppress information regarding recent seismic activity and gaseous releases in and around the Yellowstone region as a possible ELE in on the way.

Yellowstone National Park (Jeff Gunn/Flickr)

This information came directly from a connected individual, according to the video, which also points out that they are “expecting the big one”. However, the man’s source has not yet been revealed. And, once again, I myself cannot vouch for this personally. I just want to make that clear.

But, more importantly, all of this matches up with actual data I was able to reference showing a rise of ground level in the park of more than 10 inches in the last week of February 2014 alone.  So, naturally, this has me troubled as Michio Kaku himself stated, “As the ground starts to rise, more and more earthquakes take place.  That’s about all the warning we get”, answering a question regarding a forewarning. Kaku finished with, “It will happen and, [when it does], it will destroy North America as we know it”.

During the last eruption, 640,000 years ago, vast amounts of North America were covered in at least 12 inches of ash. 

A recent KSFY exclusive report notes, “If Yellowstone had a super eruption right now [...] crops would be lost, making it impossible to feed cattle which would die. Grocery store prices would skyrocket as meat, grains and milk would be in short supply. Face masks would be mandatory as breathing in volcanic ash is essentially the same as breathing in small particles of glass.” And all of this would lead to a Mad Max-like scenario across the U.S.

“The people who actively watch this situation seemingly fall into two camps: those who think the Yellowstone volcano will never erupt again and those who think it will happen tomorrow”,reported KSFY.

About the author:

shepard bio photo   Shepard Ambellas is the founder, editor-in-chief of Intellihub News and the maker of SHADE the Motion Picture. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook. Shepard also appears on the Travel Channel series America Declassified. You can also listen to him on Coast To Coast AM with hosts, both, George Noory on “Chemtrails” and John B. Wells on the “Alternative Media Special“. Shepard Ambellas has also been featured on the Drudge Report, the largest news website in the entire world, for his provocative coverage of the Bilderberg Group.


Financial Recovery of Iceland - "the asshole of the world" - A Case Worth Studying. Lessons in Iceland's Recovery . . .

"The Rules Are As Follows:

Allow your ailing banks to collapse; devalue your currency, if you have one of your own; introduce capital controls; and try to avoid paying back foreign debts."

Financial Recovery of Iceland a Case Worth Studying.
Looking for Lessons in Iceland's Recovery

(January 10, 2014)
By Guido Mingels
In 2008, Iceland experienced one of the most dramatic crashes any country had ever seen. Since then, its recovery has been just as impressive.
Are there lessons to be learned? DER SPIEGEL magazine went to the island nation to find out.
What should one expect from a country in which the sentence, "What an asshole!" is a compliment?
Icelanders say "asshole," or "rassgat," when they tousle (ruffle) a child's hair or, greet friends, and they mean it to be friendly.
While trudging through a lava field within view of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, the guide says: "Iceland is the asshole of the world." That, too, is a positive statement. It's also a geological metaphor.
In Iceland, which lies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and thus on the dividing line of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, the earth has a tendency to relieve itself through various geysers, volcanoes and hot springs.
(Snip . . . .)
What happened in Iceland from 2008 to 2011 is regarded as one of the worst financial crises in history.
It seems likely that never before had a country managed to amass such great sums of money per capita, only to lose it again in a short period of time.
But Iceland, with a population of just 320,000, has also staged what appears to be -- the fastest recovery on record.
Since 2011, the gross domestic product has been on the rise once again, most recently at 2 percent.
What's more, salaries are rising, the national debt is sinking and the government has paid off part of the billions in loans it received in 2008 from the International Monetary Fund ahead of schedule. It's a sign of confidence.
(Snip . . . . )
Iceland's rapid return to health hinged on a series of measures that Nobel laureate Paul Krugman later referred to as "doing an Iceland."
Krugman, an admirer of Iceland's dramatic comeback, has recommended a similar policy cocktail for other nations in crisis.
The Rules Are As Follows:
Allow your ailing banks to collapse; devalue your currency, if you have one of your own; introduce capital controls; and try to avoid paying back foreign debts.
That may sound like an extremely self-serving recipe -- and it was.
Whereas billions of public money was pumped into the banking system in Ireland so that financial institutions could pay back their creditors, Icelanders voted against this route in two separate referenda.
They couldn't see why they should pay for the greed of foreign investors who followed the Siren song of high interest rates to the island nation.
Jónsson only shakes his head wearily when asked if he has a guilty conscience. He claims to have been one of the few who warned of the currency bubble long before it burst.
Now, he is excited about the country's new opportunities, which are remarkably similar to the ones it has always had. "A hard-working populace.
A healthy democracy. A high level of education. Tourism. Natural resources, such as wind, hydro-power and geothermal energy. And fisheries. What would we be without the fisheries?"
(Snip . . . .)
The Knitting and Sex Expert
The Icelandic financial crisis and recovery could be seen as the most expensive group therapy of all time. The Icelanders had five years to come together and ask themselves: Who are we, and what is our place in the world?
"I am happy that the crisis happened," says Ragnheidur Eiríksdóttir, who calls herself Ragga. "We Icelanders know once again what's important to us."
If one is to believe Ragga and several opinion polls, knitting is among these things. Since 2008, she says, "suddenly everyone started to knit Icelandic sweaters like crazy."
Indeed, young Icelanders do seem to walk around less frequently in cheap labels like Zara and H&M than they do in patterned hand-knit sweaters.
"They are warm, they are beautiful, they are very Icelandic. There is something comforting about them," Ragga says. She also sees them as the antithesis of suits, the globalized uniform of bankers.
Thus Eiríksdóttir began charging money to teach young Icelanders to knit. She has since produced a knitting DVD and now travels through Europe and the United States, and offers knitting tours through her own country with her company Knitting Iceland.
After the crash, many Icelanders turned away from the world and global trade. They began spending more time with their families and children, in the outdoors and with Icelandic books. Alcohol consumption dropped among young Icelanders, and the subjective feeling of happiness increased.
And along with the demand for knitting yarn came an increased desire for traditional Icelandic dishes such as lamb offal, pickled sheep testicles and horrible-smelling fermented shark meat. You are what you eat, and the Icelanders wanted to be Icelanders again.
Ragga orders another beer. She looks a bit like an ancient goddess of love in a wool sweater. She is also an expert on Icelandic relationships.
She moderates a television dating show and is currently writing a book called "The Sexual Secrets of Icelanders." Women and men in the country, she says, have little trouble finding each other and hooking up. What else should one do in winter, where night lasts all day?
Why did Iceland succeed where countries like Greece and Spain failed?
The minister avoids the question, saying that he finds comparisons with southern European nations in crisis to be unhelpful. In contrast to such countries, he notes,
Iceland always had excellent state institutions and very little sovereign debt. "It was exclusively a problem relating to the irresponsible private sector," he says.
More at:

Government Is Foreclosed from Parity with Real People

S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54
Government Is Foreclosed from Parity with Real People
– Supreme Court of the United States 1795

"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of
the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary,
having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity
with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any
law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate,
artificial persons and the contracts between them."
Supreme Court of the United States 1795
[--Not the "United States Supreme Court" –ed.]

To: The all capital letter name issue!

Don't ignore the writings of your name! They must write your name in all capital letters if you are in their sand box.
“They” will try to make the issue insignificant or ridicule you by making faces or showing no interest while you are talking about the differences between all upper case letter names and upper/lower case letter names.
Don't give up! If you claim to be flesh and blood, they have to use upper/lower case letters in your name.
Keep on hammering them with the issue, be a thorn in their flesh.
Watch the materials of this individual and you'll learn more than in your whole life.


Fulford Blurb: The West is Now in de Facto Civil War as Cabal Rule Continues to Collapse

Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Western civilization is now in a de facto state of civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse. It is a financial, information and military war being raged by factions that transcend national borders. And, it is coming to a climax.
The main battlegrounds in the military sense are the Middle East, the Ukraine and Libya. What we see in each of the places is the Nazionist faction fighting desperately for survival. In Libya and the Middle East they are fighting to seize oil resources needed to stave off bankruptcy. In the Ukraine, the Nazionists, in addition to seeking gas, are fighting to create a new homeland for themselves after an expected expulsion from Israel and the United States.
On the financial front, the European Union is struggling to prevent the new Greek government’s vow to cancel debt from destroying the EU financial system. In the United States the corporate government is frantically trying to scrape up survival money before February 17th, the time they have been given to find funds after missing a January 31st payment deadline.
There are also many other incidents taking place around the world connected the ongoing battle to end Babylonian debt slavery and free humanity.
Let us start with a closer look at what is happening in the Ukraine. According to Russian intelligence, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s real name is.. Fulford's blog..

What the ECB & IMF is doing to Greek Banks is Outrageous

The European Central Bank (ECB) is threatening to withdraw emergency funding from Greek banks if the Greek government doesn't do what it wants.
The central bank's actions toward Greece occur less than two months after secret letters revealed that the ECB threatened to pull emergency funding from Irish banks if the state did not apply for a bailout, in what many saw as an overreach into the sovereign affairs of the country. The ECB later pretended that Ireland had applied for its bailout voluntarily. The letters revealed that in fact the ECB had required the Irish government to apply.
It is one thing for the ECB to require individual banks to follow certain technical rules to maintain their liquidity. It is quite another for the ECB to pressure a government by threatening an entire nation's banks with a sudden default by yanking their liquidity en masse.
That's what is going on now with Greece.
The new Greek government, led by the left-wing Syriza party, is attempting to renegotiate the terms of its bailout deal with the so-called Troika. The Troika consists of the ECB, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Syriza wants a shift in the focus of "structural reforms" toward increasing tax collection and government efficiency and away from crude budget cuts; a "European debt conference" to renegotiate the repayment terms on the country's debt (including linking interest payments to growth and writing down some of the debt); and a reduction in the government budget surplus the country is required to run.
The Troika wants to keep the current deal, which requires the Greek to run a budget surplus (with a target of a 4.5% surplus in 2016) and implement a programme of reforms to bring government debt down from its current 175% of GDP to 124% by 2020.
The country's access to the funding from the central bank that supports its banking system may be cut off at the end of the month unless a compromise is struck. This, at least, is the message coming from members of the ECB's governing board.
SyrizaAlkis Konstantinidis/ReutersHead of radical leftist Syriza party Alexis Tsipras after winning elections in Athens, Jan. 25.
Currently Greece enjoys special dispensation that allows its banks to use Greek government debt and government-guaranteed bank debt as collateral in exchange for funding from the central bank, despite being rated as "junk." This waiver was granted as part of a deal under which the country committed to undertake a package of structural reforms insisted upon by the Troika in exchange for bailout money.
Yet, as Bloomberg reports, ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio told an audience at a conference in Cambridge, England, last week that renegotiation of that deal could put the country's banks at risk. "There will be no surprises if we find out that a country is below that rating and there's no longer a program that that waiver disappears," he said.
If the waiver is withdrawn, then Greek banks will no longer be able to exchange the bonds on their balance sheet for ECB loans. Without that support, the sector could face widespread bankruptcies and could in turn push the country closer to collapse.

Moms Across America takes on Monsanto!!!!!!

Zen Honeycutt founder of Moms Across America speaks up for our children, our future.
"Before the meeting began my host let me know that Hugh Grant would likely come introduce himself to me. He did. I stood and automatically reached my hand out to shake the hand of the CEO of the “Most Evil Company in the World” and said “Nice to meet you, ” with a small smile. The look in my eye however said something completely different. My eyes said, “I am not afraid of you. I am here to do business and you will listen to me. Bring it on.”

WOW!! Government Admits Working With UFO"s



Includes a TV interview with astronaut Edgar Mitchell, a citizen hearing with Dr Steven Greer in 2013 wherein he lists the above and below ground bases in the US and the ex Canadian Minister of Defense, Mr Hellyer, reporting on his findings.