Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It’s About Mass Extinction Event Coming 2015

Jade Helm Update: It’s About Mass Extinction Event Coming 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

NORTH POLE 5.2 magnitude earthquake

New post on Dutchsinse

6/01/2015 — NORTH POLE Earthquake — 5.2 magnitude strikes near new undersea volcano

by Michael Janitch
A very rare, and most likely volcanic related earthquake has struck near the exact NORTH POLE of the planet.
north pole earthquake june 1 2015
This earthquake is listed on the USGS as "North of Svalbard" with NO PICTURE of the North pole. Instead they're showing Europe.
Of course they're not going to show the North pole, since this would raise everyone's suspicions about earthquake activity picking up. Being that this earthquake was less than 270 miles from the exact geographic polar North of the planet, people might start to ask questions the USGS doesn't want to answer right now.
Questions might get asked like, "Why are you not warning people that there is increased seismic unrest taking place, and that people should be preparing for larger coming movement?!"
This is an extremely rare event, and it follows multiple other rare seismic events over the past 1-2 weeks.
Over the past week alone, we saw a large unexpected blast from Shindake volcano off the coast of Japan.  We saw a large unexpected blast from Wolf Volcano in the Galapagos.  There was a large 8.5M earthquake (7.8 magnitude revised) which struck at a very deep level, a large 6.8M earthquake struck Alaska, and another large earthquake struck off the coast of Oregon.  Also, there was movement along the New Madrid seismic zone, and multiple dormant volcanoes showed earthquake activity in the United States.
Information on this North Pole Earthquake from the USGS:

M5.2 - North of Svalbard

Magnitude / uncertainty5.2 mb± 0.0
Location / uncertainty86.123°N 31.961°E± 8.7 km
Depth / uncertainty10.0 km± 1.9
Origin Time2015-06-01 12:57:52.820 UTC
Number of Stations
Number of Phases78
Minimum Distance846.80 km (7.61°)
Travel Time Residual1.19 sec
Azimuthal Gap26°
FE RegionNorth of Svalbard (641)





Google has long been one of the most sinister organizations colluding with the federal government.  So far warnings about them have gone unheeded and now they saturate our technology & our privacy.  We would all do well to refuse to use their search engine, emails, pay pal or anything else connected with them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=12&v=0LrSg3JIPxw   Watch the two Video's, check out the 3rd.
No one could have imagined. that, one mans wealth could grow over several centuries, into such proportions, that, they would be able to buy the government of the United States, out right. They took the government without a shot fired.  They established many chains of command and aquired us totally. Traitors set in positions of power all throughout our government. They began infiltrating the Church from the beginning, and even making secret cults and societies for decades, carefully created and organized, giving total allegiance above everything else, believe the JEWISH people were the chosen race. They also orchestrated the propaganda that their wars and murders were all part of God's Plan. They have achieved another tier of power, through the Banking industry and the Oil Companies, and other power structures, that they have made people dependent upon.  People are now controlled and enslaved physically, mentally and emotionally.
The last piece of the Puzzle has now been placed. They have actual physical control of the government with technologies that can control and watch over, not just the government, but, even our individual lives.
Our only hope left is if we could get enough people to become awake, take back the governement and arrest the instigators, and disban the organizations responsible.
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." ~ Rothschild

100 More Smart Meters Explode – in Capitola, CA This Time

The result of someone taking a baseball bat to their smart meters? Nope- another electrical surge causing a new kind of smart meter safety risk.
CAPITOLA, CA– Yesterday afternoon we received yet another report of exploding smart meters- this time in Capitola, CA:
“On 5.12, the Smart Meters blew off my house and about 100 neighbors, just like in Stockton.  I didn’t see any mention of the Smart Meters blowing up in Capitola on 5.12 on your website and feel like PG&E just brushed it under the rug.  My washing machine broke in the process and PG&E is not helpful at all.”

This follows a similar incident in Stockton, CA in March where meters blew off houses and many appliances were damaged after an electrical surge.
Utilities kindly correct us if we are mistaken, but this is not a phenomenon affecting glass and steel electromechanical analog meters.  It’s too bad that we have such corrupt “oversight” that has not only allowed utilities to deploy this untested, hazardous technology on nearly every building- in violation of numerous laws- but then destroy millions of safe meters making it harder for policymakers to order a recall (which of course must be done).
Sounds like a stitch-up and believe us- it is.
Capitola was one of 15 local governments in California to pass an ordinance banning the meters back in 2010 when we had just started our campaign.  If PG&E and the corrupt California Public Utilities Commission had respected local law in 2010/11, smart meters may not be exploding on people’s homes today.
If the Santa Cruz County Sheriff had protected public safety and enforced the law rather than protecting and escorting those who violated it. If the Sheriff had not arrested us for civilly disobeying and rightfully blocking what we knew then was an unsafe deployment, the exploding meters and chronic RF sickness that have become part of the California landscape in 2015 might have been avoided.
How many millions of unsafe meters are sitting on people’s homes right now, waiting for a surge that can instantly transform them into incendiary bombs or flying projectiles?
This morning, we called PG&E for comment (they always love to hear from us), and asked what the cause of the problem was, and asked for evidence of any similar incidents with analog meters. They said they would call us back. (they haven’t yet)
We also contacted the Capitola City Council as well as state legislators for the area, State Senator Bill Monning and Assemblymember Mark Stone and have demanded an independent statewide investigation into these incidents.
We will report here what their responses are, and any updates or more information that comes in.  If you were personally affected by this incident or know someone who was, we would like to hear from you.
If you are living in the area, please contact your elected officials and ask them to step in and protect the public’s safety.
State Senator Bill Monning (831) 425-0401
State Assemblymember Mark Stone (831) 425-1503
Capitola City Council (831) 475 7300
Capitola City Council Meets at 7pm Thursday May 28th at 420 Capitola Ave.  Speak up and encourage action!
Hundreds of thousands of smart meters have been recalled in Saskatchewan, Oregon, Florida, and Pennsylvania because of fire risk. People have died and homes have been destroyed.
One thing is for sure- the only thing the California Public Utilities Commission is protecting is corporate utility profits.
Update May 22nd 10am:  We have not heard back from either PG&E or state legislators. Nothing to see here folks.  Just 21st century utility dysfunction.  The cost of “progress” perhaps?

Update May 27th 9amStill no word from either PG&E or state legislators.  Since the facts are damning, they’d obviously prefer  to sweep their incompetence under the rug. Pathetic.
This entry was posted in California, Fires, neighborhood organizing, PG&E. Bookmark the permalink.

ISIS: The Propaganda Puppet For the U.S. Continues its PsyOp on Americans



- - - - -
Retail Giant Costco To Become New Reigning King of Organic Food Sales
"Costco has increased sales of organics by about $1 billion the past six months and is now going all in on that commitment, similar to the plans of other major store chains like Kroger (which was also expected to possibly surpass Whole Foods this year) and Target.
Wal-Mart also has invested heavily in organic food along with several other major retailers who have become worried about being left in the dust."
More . . .
And it's working!! 


Legislators and lobbyists caught in the act

BrasscheckTV Report

Do you think legislators
and lobbyists ever get
together to work against
your interests?

This brilliant and straight
forward account shows exactly
how laws are REALLY made.



- Brasscheck TV

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV with your
friends and colleagues.


See Nibiru Rising With All Of Its Planets Huge!


An Open Letter To Sen. Harry Reid R/e: Gaza

 An Open Letter To Sen. Harry Reid R/e: Gaza

When will we get the notion that the Khazars are NOT JEWS they infiltrated the Jewish religion so that they could use them as a  hiding place behind a legitimate ethical basis and renamed themselves a part of it with only the military/economic hegemony is their only motive in life and not anything to do with the true ethical and religious Jewish people that have been the source of so much of our Judeo Christian heritage. The green parasitic maggots have floated to the top and leaving the rest of our Jewish friends as a culture a residual of what once was and truly fine elegant and intellectual ethical group of people total victims of the Khazars. the real Jews trusted people and that was their downfall. 

Arden Gifford, MD                     
Mr. John Barbour is really a courageous man.
All you need to know about Israel, Gaza, and America in 10 minutes.

Nice Silver Pop and More Criminals Join Bitcoin Start-ups

It's always nice to wake up to a pop in the price of silver up over $17 on high volume. News? Nope. No news as usual but the volatility is a fight over WHO gets to manipulate the price more today. The COMEX is a sick excuse for an open exchange but that's the world we live in. There will be more of this in the coming weeks as we approach the chaos.

On another note...

There seems to be a trend starting in the Bitcoin infrastructure. All the criminals from the past are emerging and embedding themselves into Bitcoin start-ups. First it was Goldman Sachs, then Blythe Masters, then Larry Summers and announced today one of the key henchmen at the DTCC has made his move!

Ripple Appoints DTCC's Former CEO as Advisor

"Digital currency startup Ripple Labs has appointed Donald Donahue, former CEO of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) as an advisor to the company."

Let's not forget the Mega-Conspiracy at the DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation) that I talked extensively about over the past few years. My interview with Sean at SGTReport.com now has over 250,000 views!

The Shocking Truth the History Channel Can't Broadcast

The addition of Donahue and Masters and Summers to the Bitcoin infrastructure guarantees that two things will happen in the future:

1) Bitcoin is a major part of the PLANNED future of money

2) Our battles against the Bad Guys will NOT end after the fiat monetary system implodes.

But life is like that...once you succeed at one challenge - you are presented with another.

Luckily, we know  how they like to play and have caught on early.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir
PS - *Buy my book as it tells you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

The Book: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

The Shocking Truth the History Channel Can't Broadcast

....this even affects your mortgage

The Shocking Truth
the History Channel Can't Broadcast
Bix Weir
Here's the promised interview and recap of what was banned from the History Channel. If you've been a Road to Roota subscriber for long enough this is not new information, but I forget sometimes that many people have not been on
this path as long as many of us have.

Here's what Sean at www.SGTReport.com had to say...

"The interview you are about to hear contains some of the most shocking information we've ever heard. Our friend and fellow precious metals researcher Road to Roota's Bix Weir was recently interviewed by History Channel 2 for THREE HOURS as part of their new documentary style series America's Book
of Secrets.

The information Bix shared with them on camera was to be aired in the episode titled America's Book of Secrets: Secret Underground. What Bix said on camera was so shocking, after the interview the entire crew told him that they were going to pull all funds out of their bank accounts. But when Book of Secrets: Secret Underground aired, Bix had been cut from the show -- Not one word Bix shared with them was allowed to be broadcast. But you can know it all right now… Find out the shocking secrets the History Channel could NOT broadcast."

video ---Revealing what the History Channel would NOT AIR !!

For more info on the DTCC just click on the Roota search I linked below:

Also, here's an old article on some of the DTCC information I discuss in this interview:

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website- (Try This )

Here is a list of websites that may still be accessible for the article on:      (I listed a few for you to try.)                                                             (
Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website

Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from...
Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from...

Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from...
Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from...
Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from...

Nathan from Geneva Switzerland a member of the Bilderberg Group telling how they were going to implement The New World Order

This message was forwarded to me from someone.  They recently located this tape that was from  1992 that was heard on The Sun Radio Issues Forum hosted by Joel Vincent when a man called in and said his name was Nathan and he was from Geneva Switzerland representing the Bilderberg Group - one of the New World Order Implementers and what they were going to do to the people.  The first minute and a half is heard to understand, but is Joel Vincent the radio host telling how he was taking calls, having a good time on the radio when this serious call came in and he had to switch gears for this caller.  He tells that by request of his radio audience he is replaying this call.  (might have to wear headphones to hear this good)
This message was forwarded to me from someone.  They recently located this tape that was from  1992 that was heard on The Sun Radio Issues Forum hosted by Joel Vincent when a man called in and said his name was Nathan and he was from Geneva Switzerland representing the Bilderberg Group - one of the New World Order Implementers and what they were going to do to the people.  The first minute and a half is heard to understand, but is Joel Vincent the radio host telling how he was taking calls, having a good time on the radio when this serious call came in and he had to switch gears for this caller.  He tells that by request of his radio audience he is replaying this call.  (might have to wear headphones to hear this good)

This message was forwarded to me from someone.  They recently located this tape that was from  1992 that was heard on The Sun Radio Issues Forum hosted by Joel Vincent when a man called in and said his name was Nathan and he was from Geneva Switzerland representing the Bilderberg Group - one of the New World Order Implementers and what they were going to do to the people.  The first minute and a half is heard to understand, but is Joel Vincent the radio host telling how he was taking calls, having a good time on the radio when this serious call came in and he had to switch gears for this caller.  He tells that by request of his radio audience he is replaying this call.  (might have to wear headphones to hear this good)
This message was forwarded to me from someone.  They recently located this tape that was from  1992 that was heard on The Sun Radio Issues Forum hosted by Joel Vincent when a man called in and said his name was Nathan and he was from Geneva Switzerland representing the Bilderberg Group - one of the New World Order Implementers and what they were going to do to the people.  The first minute and a half is heard to understand, but is Joel Vincent the radio host telling how he was taking calls, having a good time on the radio when this serious call came in and he had to switch gears for this caller.  He tells that by request of his radio audience he is replaying this call.  (might have to wear headphones to hear this good)


IMPORTANT VIDEO  - Please listen to this because they explain things where they are understandable and this may help you from remaining under their control...even if you think you are NOT - YOU ARE !!  WE ALL ARE OR HAVE BEEN !