Friday, June 5, 2015

How Governments Keep You (and Your Money) From Leaving




How Governments Keep You (and Your Money) From Leaving
by Ryan McMaken | | June 5, 2015
The IRS reports that more people renounced their US citizenship during the first quarter of 2015 than during any other quarter in history. (And is it any wonder what with the ever increasing intrusions in our personal lives and affairs, and the fraudulent 'laws', tax system and phony criminal 'government'??)
Notably, a sizable portion of those renouncing their citizenship are doing so to escape heavy taxation. The United States is the only country other than the military dictatorship of Eritrea that taxes its citizens living abroad on all forms of income. (These 'taxes' are unlawful - research - cannot tax your wages, and what you pay is NOT used to benefit our nation but is paid out to the Vatican cons and phony 'queen' of England.)

Interestingly, it is the wealthy (i.e., generally the most economically productive members of society) who are leaving permanently, and the fact that the US is driving out its wealthiest members is not a good sign for the long-term prospects for the country. It is also the opposite of what happens in a country with a healthy respect for private property and basic human freedoms.

Overcoming Barriers to Exit

Specifically, the IRS reports that 1,335 American citizens gave up their citizenship forever during the first quarter. During 2014, more than 3,400 did the same. This is only a tiny portion of the total population of American citizens, although this does not count the much larger group of expatriates who remain citizens.Three million of them leave the country per year. Nor do the numbers include long-term residents who give up residency. The overall numbers giving up citizenship remain small, but it’s actually startling that the number is as large as it is.

Giving up citizenship costs more now than ever before. CNN reports that “the government increased the renunciation fee to $2,350, more than four times what it used to cost. … On top of that, some U.S. citizens are slapped with a giant ‘exit tax’ bill — sometimes millions of dollars — when they renounce. … The tax pain can last for years, with some former Americans on the hook for additional payments decades after they renounce.”
And, once renunciation is complete, US law enables the US Attorney General to bar former citizens from ever re-entering the country again if the government decides that the former citizen left to avoid paying taxes.

The experience of Eduardo Saverin illustrates the many barriers and pitfalls related to renouncing citizenship. So, renouncing citizenship may not only bring large monetary expenses, but may mean one can no longer visit friends and family in the United States ever again. Clearly, the US government isn’t exactly trying to cut the cost for emigrants. And why would any state ever want to ease the process of emigrating for those with money and valuable skills? It is to the state’s advantage to capture as much as it can in terms of capital and human resources as possible. (Folks, this is NOT our government, but a criminal rogue mafia which took over our TRUE government back in the late 1800's and made a massive step forward in manipulation and control over our nation back around 1933 via a coup with the help of Woodrow Wilson and others in office at that time. This mafia organization is linked to the NWO/UN/NATO. It has authority ONLY in Washington, DC and its territories. We need to rebirth our original REPUBLIC government and arrest, try and do away with these criminals in Wash DC for their RICO violations and crimes against humanity worldwide.)

The Option of Escape

In fact, it has been the relative ease-of-exit that has served as a check on government power throughout much of history, and the relative ease with which the most productive members of society could escape more oppressive regimes was an important factor in the economic and political development of Europe.
Ralph Raico, in his essay “The Theory of Economic Development and the European Miracle,” examined how the small size of states and the lack of significant barriers to relocation for merchants and other taxpayers was central to the rise of economic prosperity and ideologies of liberty and private property. When a prince proposed to raise taxes, Raico observed, the most productive members of society would move their wealth and themselves to neighboring jurisdictions where princely expropriation was lighter. Raico writes:
Although geographical factors played a role, the key to western development is to be found in the fact that, while Europe constituted a single civilization — Latin Christendom — it was at the same time radically decentralized. In contrast to other cultures — especially China, India, and the Islamic world — Europe comprised a system of divided and, hence, competing powers and jurisdictions.
Within this system, it was highly imprudent for any prince to attempt to infringe property rights in the manner customary elsewhere in the world. In constant rivalry with one another, princes found that outright expropriations, confiscatory taxation, and the blocking of trade did not go unpunished. The punishment was to be compelled to witness the relative economic progress of one’s rivals, often through the movement of capital, and capitalists, to neighboring realms. The possibility of “exit,” facilitated by geographical compactness and, especially, by cultural affinity, acted to transform the state into a “constrained predator.”
Decentralization of power also came to mark the domestic arrangements of the various European polities. Here feudalism — which produced a nobility rooted in feudal right rather than in state-service — is thought by a number of scholars to have played an essential role. … Through the struggle for power within the realms, representative bodies came into being, and princes often found their hands tied by the charters of rights (Magna Carta, for instance) which they were forced to grant their subjects. In the end, even within the relatively small states of Europe, power was dispersed among estates, orders, chartered towns, religious communities, corps, universities, etc. …
In other words, a system of a large number of small jurisdictions — compounded by decentralization within the jurisdictions themselves — led to an inability on the parts of rulers to easily control the movement of persons and capital.

Unfortunately, however, we see little in common between the modern United States and the Europe described by Raico.

In addition to direct legal costs imposed by the US government itself, the American state also benefits from informal barriers imposed by demographics and geography. For example, nearly 80 percent of native English speakers live within the United States, and this imposes a practical barrier to exit since exit is likely to require that the emigrant learn a new language.

Furthermore, the sheer size of the United States ensures that emigration requires that the emigrant move hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from friends and family.

The fact that the US borders only two countries further ensures a lack of choice when seeking “nearby” regimes that may be more favorable to the emigrant’s likes.

Differences in climate (Canada is cold and very dark in winter) and the fact that one may not be welcomed by foreigners add further to the incentives against relocation.

For the potential emigrant, then, the repercussions of relocation are enormous and daunting, and quite unlike the European merchant of the middle ages, described by Raico, who can escape the edicts of one prince by taking up residence among others — who speak the same language and practice the same religion — fifty miles down the river.

Love it or Leave It?

During the Vietnam War, supporters of the war invented the slogan “Love It or Leave It” as an epithet against those who opposed the war or other perceived injustices perpetrated by the American state. The assumption is that if one doesn’t like the US government, one should just go to some other country. A similar slogan (in Portuguese) was also employed by the military dictatorship in Brazil. Undoubtedly, many who do not “love it” would “leave it” if leaving did not involve such an enormous life change.
To illustrate this, let’s indulge in a thought experiment in which a secession movement splits the United States into two independent pieces, with the boundary at the Mississippi River. In such a scenario, citizens of the two countries would suddenly find themselves with two countries from which to choose, with both choices offering similar climates, cultural amenities, and languages. Relocation from one to the other would also place emigrants no further away than a short plane ride or automobile trip. The populations of cities along the border, such as St. Louis and Minneapolis would boom as residents attempted to pick and choose among opportunities offered on both sides of the border.
Obviously, if secession then continued to other jurisdictions, and the old US is broken up into several or even dozens of new jurisdictions, the choices among regimes available to residents would multiply. Emigration would become a much less daunting affair (especially for those with money and assets who would be welcomed by other jurisdictions) and one would be far more likely to make the plunge based on economic considerations.

Naturally, states are well aware of these realities, too, which is why the federal government works tirelessly to supersede the variety offered by state laws with uniform federal law on everything from banking to gay marriage.
(This 'federal government' has absolutely NO AUTHORITY OVER ANY STATE - PERIOD - NOR OVER ANY AMERICAN NATIONAL. It is a private corporation and has authority ONLY over its EMPLOYEES!!!)

In spite of all of this, people still “vote with their feet” by moving from high tax states, cities and counties to low-tax states, cities and counties. The feds tolerate this because they have the all-important income tax, capital gains taxes, and more (ILLEGAL - GET THE FACTS). Try to escape those taxes, and you’ll find you won’t “love it.”  (STAND UP TO THESE THIEVES AND SAY 'NO!' AS A NATION)

We literally don't know the 'half' of it: "Half Of All The Literature Is False"

Medical reality is poking its head up just above the horizon, one more time.

Science, as with religion, is just another "weapon" in the[ir] arsenal.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False

Submitted by WorkerAnt#11, on May 21st, 2015
In the past few years more professionals have come forward to share a truth that, for many people, proves difficult to swallow. One such authority is Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet – considered to be one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world.
Dr. Horton recently published a statement declaring that a lot of published research is in fact unreliable at best, if not completely false.
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” (source)
This is quite disturbing, given the fact that all of these studies (which are industry sponsored) are used to develop drugs/vaccines to supposedly help people, train medical staff, educate medical students and more.
It’s common for many to dismiss a lot of great work by experts and researchers at various institutions around the globe which isn’t “peer-reviewed” and doesn’t appear in a “credible” medical journal, but as we can see, “peer-reviewed” doesn’t really mean much anymore. “Credible” medical journals continue to lose their tenability in the eyes of experts and employees of the journals themselves, like Dr. Horton.
He also went on to call himself out in a sense, stating that journal editors aid and abet the worst behaviours, that the amount of bad research is alarming, that data is sculpted to fit a preferred theory. He goes on to observe that important confirmations are often rejected and little is done to correct bad practices. What’s worse, much of what goes on could even be considered borderline misconduct.
Here are just a few of the CE articles related to this subject:
One of the Most Important Scientists in the World: “Most Cancer Research is Largely a Fraud”
Flawed Medical Research May Be Ruining Your Health & Your Life

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As Roota Predicted...Yellen To Be Replaced by Fischer!

Word out today that Janet Yellen is under investigation for being the leak from the September 2012 FOMC meetings to Medley Global Advisers about the unannounced introduction of QE3 is no surprise on the Road to Roota.

Fed Unable to Comply to Congressional Subpoena Due to Criminal Investigation

I knew she would be removed the very second that it was announced that Stanley Fischer was being installed as second in command at the Fed. Here's what I wrote over a year ago in the Friday Road Trip dated 1/17/2014...

Janet Yellen's "Handler" Appointed
No doubt in my mind...Yellen's appointment is a "placement" of the patsy that will take the fall for the Federal Reserve System. We are at the most precarious time in the Fed's history and they hire the #1 dumbest bankster at their disposal to head the Titanic. I'm not just saying this because I heard it somewhere...I MET HER! About 10 years ago at a speech she gave in San Francisco to a small group of bankers. She took questions and I of course asked her about loose monetary policy's effect on Gold and China taking over all the manufacturing capabilities of the US.
Truthfully. She wasn't trying to lie or avoid the answer. SHE WAS CLUELESS!
Here's a summary of what she said:
1) "Gold hasn't been a financial asset since the 1970's so the Fed and our Monetary Policy doesn't even consider gold."
2) "We are the greatest manufacturing nation in the world and China is just a 3rd world country that will make most of the products that we don't want to bother making."
And she said this with a straight face! Remember this was 10 years ago when just a handful of of people where screaming about gold.
I wonder what she's going to say when asked about gold and China now!
She's truly a naive patsy who has been put in a VERY hot seat.
I doubt she'll last until the end of the year.
Having said that...they PLACED the Bad Guys #1 Bankster Mobster as their 2nd in Command!!!
Obama Names Fischer as Fed Vice Chairman

President Barack Obama on Friday nominated former Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer to be vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, and tapped two others to round out the U.S. central bank's top ranks just as it begins winding down its historic economic stimulus.
Fischer, an experienced crisis manager and one of the world's most prominent economists, would succeed Janet Yellen, who is set to take the Fed's helm when Chairman Ben Bernanke's term expires at the end of this month.
Obama also nominated Lael Brainard, who recently was the U.S. Treasury's top official for international affairs, to serve on the Fed board, and renominated Fed Governor Jerome Powell, whose current term ends on January 31.
All three need to be confirmed by the Senate.
The two new voices at the Fed's table are unlikely to alter the policy consensus as the central bank scales backs it aggressive bond-buying campaign, analysts said.
While Brainard, a veteran of Democratic administrations, is seen as inclined to be particularly focused on fostering faster jobs growth, Fischer, whose post as second-in-command will make him more influential, is seen as a centrist.
But Fischer, 70, is also known for a willingness to do what he thinks best, regardless of economic rules or market expectations. As head of Israel's central bank, he often surprised investors with his interest rate decisions.
"Like Janet Yellen and many others, he is of unquestioned brilliance at knowing when and when not to pay attention to academic concerns or models," said Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Some Fed watchers wonder whether there might be tensions between Yellen and the strong-willed Fischer, who will both serve four-year terms, if differences on policy arose.
Make no mistake...FISCHER IS EVIL!
Here's how the resume of a Bad Guy Bankster reads...
My some point this year the Fed will lose control of the markets and Fischer will take Yellen's place (not having to be confirmed by Congress).
That's when the final battle will take place.


Wow! Another hit on the Road to Roota if Yellen is actually removed and Fischer takes her place.

It's getting exciting out there!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - Buy my book as it tells you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

The Book: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"


My gut feeling about Bruce Jenner

MY GUT TELLS ME he somehow fell into a mind control operation being run by the CIA or similar and got MK ultra'ed into doing this. This is playing out too much like an intentional plan to condition society into accepting this. Obviously Bruce will always be Bruce, hormone pills and surgery won't change that and I do not think any real "bruce" would have done this absent some form of outside influence. I really don't think he is even awake (from his real existence) and that most likely he is under some form of hypnotism. Obviously there is a huge agenda to get people to accept this as normal but I never will, this type of thing is what ended Sodom and Gomorrah, and is specifically scripturally stated to be what will be the norm on this earth in the final hours when Satan rules everything, I am not falling for this with Bruce, have a good day.
Bruce Jenner comment: Thank You, THANK YOU, T H A N K Y O U for the comment on Bruce Jenner. I've felt so alone, as I'm the only one I know who has been thinking precisely the same way. I'd say the Kardashian household is a whole experiment in "smart" spying and mind control and they are using Bruce to make yet another case for accepting the transgender agenda sex-any-way-is-okay as normal. I can't imagine anything more painful than being born truly transgender and I have enormous compassion and support for those who suffer the fate, but this is another psyop. He always thought like and acted like he was interested in guy things, it's totally out of the logic box he felt like a woman, crazy cra*.
My comment: All they are doing is censoring what people really think and ramrodding what they WANT people to think. Like I said, I really think he was MK-ultra'ed. Too flaky. Situation not credible.

More on Bruce Jenner

This entire Bruce Jenner op is a social manipulation, PERIOD. Very strange indeed. We were discussing this topic this morning, without having read anything online. Just seems strange that we are shoved down the throat the disgusting Kardashian's and now all of a sudden all media is all about Bruce. Even Obama and Jarret came out via Twitter to congratulate Bruce for being so brave. Seriously all our President of the US can do is gush on Twitter about a Transgender man? This country has gone to hell and we live in such a barbaric time with complete ignorance. Why now? Why a man who is 65 now doing this? When this is the smoke and mirror it makes you wonder what is going on right now? What are they hiding while everyone talks about Bruce Jenner? Only 5-6 media outlets owned by very close knit families and this is all we see unless of course you want some Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston. That is it!
Then we saw Jim's post which was spot on except we were not even thinking MKUltra and then I found this article. Things that make you go hmmmmm.... Fishy. Something is up.
reposting here from:  
Bruce Jenner: Transgender through MK Ultra Programming
As of now, former-Olympiad Bruce Jenner is now a woman. In his interview with Diane Sawyer, the athlete formally declared that all shreds of his masculinity are gone and that he no longer wants to go by the name of Bruce. For someone who is 65, this is a strange switch. Why would Jenner pick this time in his life to become transgender? Until recently, he always seemed pretty normal. However, a closer look at the previous few years reveals a man caught up in the heart of the Illuminati.
Jenner's connection to the secret order begins with his marriage to Kris Kardashian, which made him the step father of that famous harlot and internet slut, Kim. His affiliation probably dates back earlier, but joining the Kardashian clan cemented the bond. Once in, Jenner began undergoing MK Ultra programming and lost all sense of his identity. The techniques used on him were specifically for wiping out masculinity. This could only be done by destroying neural pathways and redirecting hormones and electrical impulses. The result was a man in crisis who no longer knew who he was.
The effects manifested themselves physically as well as mentally. During his Diane Sawyer interview, Jenner showed neurological deficits. He appeared unable to blink his left eye or move the left eyebrow. This indicates an extreme programming regimen that destroyed some of his cranial nerves, and being around the Kardashians ensured the warping of his reality. He even confessed that he cross dressed in front of Kris and that she was okay with it. The truth of the matter is that she encouraged and enriched his transgender behavior.
Once the brainwashing had reached an irreversible point, the Illuminati decided to unveil its hideous creation and did so through a fatal car accident. Before that day, Bruce Jenner was just a quirky former Olympiad that had wound up on "Keeping up with the Kardashians". After the wreck, he had become a revolutionary figure in the transgender movement. In his athletic prime, he was the quintessential example of manliness. Today, he's an effeminate individual who is mutilating his body to attain another gender.
Bruce Jenner's story is much more than someone coming out of the closet. He's someone who has been a household name for decades, as well as a fitness icon who is now shocking everyone with his transgender status. The fact that he is 65 and led a straight life with multiple marriages makes this even more puzzling. Of course the media is trying to play this off as a long struggle with a feminine identity. That's to be expected, but it's also nonsense.
Trust your instincts! If it sounds too outlandish to be true, then it probably is. Bruce Jenner sees himself as a woman now, and his emergence is the Illuminati's method of making a transgender lifestyle popular. The order needed an athlete, a man's man to pull it off. Such a move cannot be done naturally. It requires careful manipulation of the mind, which is what MK Ultra does. Watch Jenner in his interview, he's not all there both mentally and physically. This is what Illuminati programming does, it destroys people.

Thoughts on "US as a plantation" and "the people as slaves"

4 June A.D. 2015

Several have read at least part of the information at the link below, and they wonder as to the legitimacy of the perspective.

As a place to start, an anonymous judge?  Really?  We have no idea even whether that means someone who held office in "this state" or some self-proclaimed individual who wants to have nonsense accepted as credible by purloining the name/title of "judge."  Anonymity is fertile ground for agent provocateur work.

With that in mind, let's review some basics.  We do not now have and have never had a "constitution."  Therefore, what exists in the way of "government" is not created "by law" but rather "by (commercial) declaration."

And, they tell us the legal mechanism of that system in the titles used by the national-level system: "federal."

"Federal," as a term, is best understood by the older dictionaries.  Through time, the term has become corrupted via the (corruption of the) dictionaries.  In Webster's 1828, we get as good an understanding as is possible, and, at the end of the day, "federal" (still) means "federal," no matter what the modern-day dictionaries are corrupted into trying to get us to accept for the meaning of the term. 

We're taught that "federal" means "national," so that we don't even think about "federal" at or for any other level of "government."  We're taught that "federal" means "constitutional," so that we don't question the source of origin of that national system.  But, "federal" means neither of these.  "Federal" means "by agreement."

How does the national system function?  "Federally," as in "by agreement."

And, how does the STATE system function?  "Federally," as in "by agreement."

And, how does a "county" system function?  "Federally," as in "by agreement."

And, how does a municipal (corporation) system function?  How does any "corporation" function?  "Federally," as in "by agreement."

And, how does a PTA or a school board function?  "Federally," as in "by agreement."

To address this concept in this context, what kept this "by agreement" system "in check" for as long as it was "in check?"  The "choice of law" that comes with the use of honest weights and measures.  To use honest weights and measures is to bring God in on the transaction, for it is the Common Law that comes with the use of honest weights and measures, and the origin of the Common Law is, of course, Scripture.  We got away from that inherent limit on ourselves and on our institutions when we got into using this "funny money," which started in earnest circa 1965.  We can put the dark djinni back in that dark bottle, but we really have to want to, because it means changing what we use as our medium of exchange.  This present system is very addicted to our using its "funny money," and our use of that medium of exchange is at the heart of practically everything that vexes us these days.)

What, then, is at the heart of this commercial system that is so cleverly disguised as something "governmental?"  What must be the case for all these agreement-based mechanisms to work successfully?  What has to be the case for this commercial system to function, at all, is that the people have to have the "capacity" to enter into the binding (gotcha) agreements.

What does a slave not have?  Right.  The capacity to enter into any agreement, at all, whatsoever.

Therefore, once we get to that point in our re-study of what we're dealing with, which starts all over again at the very beginning, throwing away everything that we ever though we knew about law and government, that we can accept our present reality that we do not now have and have never had a "constitution," we're not that far away from coming to terms with that which is at the very foundation of our present reality, which is this:  "Federal" means "federal," as in "by agreement."

Once one gets to that point, of realizing that we're dealing with a Monte Hall's, "Let's Make A Deal!" system, then this next part really is as simple as falling backwards off a wet log.  What must be the case for a commercial, "by agreement" system to function?  We have to have the capacity to shish kabob ourselves on/with all their "gotcha agreements."  If we didn't have that capacity, their "by agreement" system would never get off the ground.

Stated in another way, what this present "federal," "by agreement" system is 100% dependent on is our un-informed exercise of our "right (not) to contract."  That's the traditional label.  Better, so that we don't get lost thinking that all agreements are contracts, which they definitely are not (the "gotcha agreements" largely take us into trust law), is to phrase it this way: "the right (not) to agree." By whatever may be the suitable label, the concept is this. We can never be compelled to agree to anything.  Thus, for example, "choice of law" is exactly that, namely "a choice."  That can never be different. We can never be compelled to use this or that "currency," because that lack of choice is tantamount to an act of war.  That's compulsion, and "this state" can't survive where there's even a any remote tinge of compulsion.

(The Kingdom, itself, is 100% dependent on this very concept.  To compel a "choice of law" is to engage in an act of war.  God is not going to establish His Kingdom by declaring war on His creation.  It's a choice (if there's any choice in the matter -- a topic for another time), and we are led by any number of means into that choice, but we pick Him.  "Choose ye this day."  It's a very conscious and deliberate habit of thought, word, and deed.  We have to pick Him, because He's never going to compel us to make that choice.  It's a choice.  It's one of these fundamental laws that has remained inviolate.  The Kingdom is not and can never be formed or based on compulsion.  That's War, which is a Judgment, and while He definitely Judges us, that's the corrective measures so that we come to realize the differences.  As we realize those differences, we make that choice to pick Him (if there's any choice in the matter).)

In "this state," we can never be, and have never been, compelled into any of the "gotcha agreements."  Let's take an example that is surely well in mind.  No one may be compelled to sign up for the military.  This whole notion of conscription is total non-sense.  Signing up for the military has always been a 100% voluntary, unilateral act, and the marketing to the contrary is just that: marketing.  The military is literally a separate "church," with its own "choice of law," and no one may be compelled to adopt that different "choice of law."

In this same way, then, we can never be compelled to agree to any of this system's "programs."  If we're in one of those programs, we got there 100% voluntarily, by definition and as a matter of law.  That's the only way this system can function.  It has to be 100% voluntary.  Or else what?  Or else we have no discretion in the matter, which renders the "agreements" "adhesive" in nature, thus unenforceable, generally.

Many feel that the situation is already "adhesive," but that's part and parcel of the "victimhood" we're all taught to accept. For so long as we feel we're compelled to do this or to do that, we won't come to terms with the reality that we're not in any way, shape, manner, or form compelled into anything.  For so long as we feel that we are, "they've" got our minds in the prisons they want our minds in.  The instant we start taking individual responsibility for our situation, we're released from that prison.  Of course, that's a release from the comfort of the prison to the discomfort of having to take care of ourselves, and that's more than the vast majority are interested in.  They'd much rather be comfortable as "allowed" by their handlers than be uncomfortable in the Life of Liberty.

There is absolutely, positively nothing "adhesive" about any "gotcha agreement" that we're induced into.  We have 100% control over every single one of those, and while life may be too different for us to want to get loose from those "deals," that's 100% our choice based 100% on our comfort level of what a Life of Liberty for us, individually, would mean.  A few are ready, willing, and able.  The super-vast majority are simply not.  A great many have been "taken care of" too long still to have that independence of spirit necessary to survive a Life of Liberty.

"Slaves" are property.  "Slaves" have no capacity to enter into any agreement of any type, kind, or nature.  This commercial system can't afford "slaves."  Everyone has to be a "freeman" in order for this commercial mechanism to work.

So, what's the bottom line?  If one is on a plantation, one got there 100% voluntarily.  This author's book, "We, the Posterity: Voluntary Bondage," is not accidentally titled.  There is no compelled plantation.  Not knowing everyone's actual situation, it's not possible to say for 100% blanket coverage that some are not in/on a plantation.  What is 100% certain, though, is that there's only one way that situation could ever exist in this "funny money" system, and that's 100% voluntarily.  The silver lining is that once we get into our minds the reality that we're dealing with a "federal" system, i.e., that whatever vexes us we got into 100% voluntarily, we can also end by that very same means, namely voluntarily.

Yes, this is where it really matters that we have a full and complete working knowledge of the problem so as to have a full and complete working knowledge of the solution.  Today's "Pharaoh" is no more allowing the people "to go" than the Pharaoh in the times of Scripture.  In a word, it's a fight.  It's not for the faint of heart.  It's a fight, and if we don't "get it" in terms of our present legal reality, we're going to get our asses kicked in the "Beast's" judicial system.  It's a fight, and it matters that we know what the rules are so as to prevail in that fight.

We can (and have, and will continue to) prevail in those fights.  To learn the reality is to be leagues and miles ahead of the power-addicted bureaucrats who think that a regulation applies solely because it's in print.  Because they think that way, we're in for a fight.  But, we're up against a bully, and the bully mechanism is bluff.  Call the bluff, and the fight is won.  We simply have to have the confidence and chutzpah to do what it takes to call the bluff.

In general, it's legally impossible for "this state," a/k/a "United States," to be a plantation. 

In general, it's legally impossible for anyone found in "this state," a/k/a "United States," to be a slave. What's the exception?  Someone in jail convicted of a crime may very well be a slave, at least while they're in jail.  There is no other exception.  There simply are no "slaves."

The reason that it's legally impossible for there to be "slaves" is that the "federal" system can't function unless we have the capacity to enter into the "gotcha" agreements.  For this reason, the "federal" system is the greatest protector of our "right (not) to agree."  Slaves cannot be held to any agreements, for slaves are property without the capacity to agree.

As we come to terms with the fact that this right, the "right (not) to contract/agree," is the most active right going these days, we also see that we're not doing so well in the "(not)" department.  We're agreeing left and right, having no clue that's what we're doing.  Once we stop that, then that which feels vexatious to us, by and about and from this present system, will end.  There can't be (vicious, vile, God-hating, America-hating) enforcement against us of an agreement that doesn't exist in the first place.

So, if someone is in a condition of "bondage," that someone got there 100% voluntarily.  That's the problem and the solution at the same time.  What we get into voluntarily, we get right back out of the same way: voluntarily.

May The Lord God Almighty give us sight to see our commercial situation for exactly what it is and the courage to start asserting our "right not to agree."

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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WATCH: This Hidden Camera Just Exposed How The VA Is Doing Something Horrible To Vets

I sent this to my 3 Ohio Federal Congressmen.     Irvin
John, Rob & Sherrod; In case you don't know!!!   Irvin Neargarder

Subject: WATCH: This Hidden Camera Just Exposed How The VA Is Doing Something Horrible To Vets

This is why the "salt is bad" myth is propagated! ...

This is why the "salt is bad" myth is propagated! Now we know...
Interesting comments on Raytheon and more: Barbara wrote: Jim -- Thanks so much for the info on Cohen's 1997 DOD Conference + cell phone tower power (that would make a good website name Tower Power) + + + -- I've cut and pasted it to my email so I can try to memorize it and share it with the neighbor. I was aware of what you said, had just completely forgotten it.
A friend here was the co-author of the International Bioiniative that began when the utilities tried to place a giant cell phone tower at a grammar school in Montecito -- bad idea, the wealthy have the money and power to accomplish good when they are aware, and she is very aware. France has outlawed the very low frequencies now, discovering they are far worse for us than the higher ones, however the US is installing them right and left. Though my intuitions are good and I have lots of education to back them up, I lost my ability to retain much so can't come up with all the great info you do since I had an MTBI with spinal injuries -- has its upsides, but the downside is frustrating.
My brother is a nano engineer here (former UCSB Physics also) who is NOT on our page, but does say Raytheon is pure evil and all it does is destructive, yet this brother does not realize the things he is inventing (microscopes which can measure nano particles and more) also are being used for evil, sigh. He and my older Stanford EE brother believe microwaves are harmless, geezo! People are so goofy we're in big trouble. On the upside, at a giant family picnic this last weekend a non-blood relative shared how 3 of his family died of cancer before 2 more got cancer and got wise, went to Mexico and were completely cured of Stage 4's there several years ago and still living today. Several there ARE awake, including 2 very close cousins I'd not seen in 15 years, just not my nuclear family.
Thanks again!
My comment: Mexico has clinics that cure cancer all the time. Most are on the border. They use cesium chloride (which is as harmless as table salt) and it seems to cure people every time and is dirt cheap compared to absolutely phoney chemo. The periodic table also strongly implies potassium chloride will work (to a lesser degree so you would need more and how much more would be the question) but cesium chloride is an obvious magic bullet for cancer that stays orders of magnitude within the safe dose limit.
Sodium, Potassium and Cesium are all on the far left column of the periodic table and are all alkaline metals. Since they are all left column they exhibit similar properties and their salts are safe to eat. I'd obviously avoid lithium salt, but it won't kill you if you don't mind the potential side effects . . . . . rubidium salt is probably also a cure for cancer that would be more potent than cesium chloride, but cesium chloride will do it with only a gram a day and rubidium chloride would be a tough one to get . . . . . and even ordinary table salt would probably have an impact on cancer since it is based on a left column metal as well.
At any rate, legitimate cancer cures are still perfectly legal to issue from a private licensed medical facility in Mexico and there are no side effects, just pop a tablet of cesium chloride per day and the cancer goes away in a few months (greatly curtailed within a couple weeks except in extreme cases.) In extreme cases, they have to take it slow to avoid killing the cancer too quickly because the body can only handle and filter a certain level of dead material (which dying cancer is).
They have to do blood tests to make sure your body can handle how fast they take it. Generally 1 gram a day won't exceed the maximum kill rate but if you got your hands on cesium chloride and took 5 grams a day to kill your cancer chances are that would kill you by flooding your blood stream with too much dead cancer. THAT is how good cesium chloride works, And if you are a control everyone idiot who thinks I should be banned for saying this, ENJOY YOUR CHEMO AND PLEASE ROB YOUR OWN SELF BY GIVING YOUR CASH TO CANCER CURES, I can't see a legitimate place for you in the public spectrum anyway and yeah, I know the pictures the cancer charities use to rake it in so they can "find a cure" are hard on the heart but it is ALL A SCAM, the cure is well known and administered via private channels south of the border and it is practically free.
I find it interesting and see a possible connection in the fact that cancer rates have exploded during the mainstream "official" campaign against salty foods, which is a scam of the highest order, Jews salt the living hell out of their food, and then go on TV and jack with the medical community, telling the rest of us to avoid salt. With Sodium being a left column element there could be a reason, perhaps cancer is one? Not having enough salt makes you have serious water retention problems (always thirsty, always peeing) and steals clarity of thought and overall energy as well. EAT LOTS OF SALT FOR A GOOD LIFE WITH A CLEAR MIND AND LOTS OF ENERGY, and additionally to keep enough water in your system so you are not always thirsty. Sure, salt makes you feel thirsty but that goes away after you get enough salt and drink enough water. If salt makes you thirsty, you just don't have enough salt to begin with in your system, and subsequently you don't have enough water either. This is not any sort of myth, salt your food as much as it tastes good, the Jews do it, they told me to when I was with them AND THEY ARE WINNING. Salt gives you life, and they want you to be weak and ineffective so you accomplish nothing against their tyranny.
Don't worry about getting too much salt, The real measure of how much salt you should have is that if it tastes good and makes you feel good you need more. When you get enough it will suddenly not taste good and you won't want it. It would be a challenge to eat too much because your body will certainly let you know by saying ICK! Anyway, I rambled a bit but a lot needed to be said, if cesium chloride is a magic bullet then sodium chloride ought to at least be a BB, and I am sure this will kick off scams on the web, USE YOUR PERIODIC TABLE, these are easy to find and make sure any suggestion on the web involves a chloride salt with a left column element . . . . . ________________________________________________________

[See: for more on cesium chloride cancer cure.]

Crash Begins

Submitted by IWB, on June 3rd, 2015

Is the financial collapse that so many are expecting in the second half of 2015 already starting?  Many have believed that we would see bonds crash before the stock market crashes, and that is precisely what is happening right now.  Since mid-April, the yield on 10 year German bonds has shot up from 0.05 percent to 0.89 percent.  But much of that jump has come this week.  Just a couple of days ago, the yield on 10 year German bonds was sitting at just 0.54 percent.  And it isn’t just Germany – bond yields are going crazy all over Europe.  So far, it is being estimated that global investors have lost more than half a trillion dollars, and there is much more room for these bonds to fall.  In the end, the overall losses could be well into the trillions even before the stock market collapses.
I know that for most average Americans, talk about “bond yields” is rather boring.  But it is important to understand these things, because we could very well be looking at the beginning of the next great financial crisis.  The following is an excerpt from an article  by Wolf Richter in which he details the unprecedented carnage that we have witnessed over the past few days…
On Tuesday, ahead of the ECB’s policy announcement today, German Bunds sagged, and the 10-year yield soared from 0.54% to 0.72%, drawing a squiggly diagonal line across the chart. In just one day, yield increased by one-third!
Makes you wonder to which well-connected hedge funds the ECB had once again leaked its policy statement and the all-important speech by ECB President Mario Draghi that the rest of us got see today.
And today, the German 10-year yield jump to 0.89%, the highest since October last year. From the low in mid-April of 0.05% to today’s 0.89% in just seven weeks! Bond prices, in turn, have plunged!  This is the definition of a “rout.”
Other euro sovereign bonds have gone through a similar rout, with the Spanish 10-year yield soaring from 1.05% in March to 2.07% today, and the Italian 10-year yields jumping from a low in March of 1.03% to 2.17% now.
What this means is that the central banks are losing control.
In particular, the European Central Bank has been trying very hard to force yields down, and now the exact opposite is happening.
This is very bad news for a global financial system that is absolutely teeming with red ink.  Since the last financial crisis, our planet has been on the greatest debt binge of all time.  If we are moving into a time of higher interest rates, that is going to cause enormous problems.  Unfortunately,  CNBC says that is precisely where things are headed…
The wild breakout in German yields is rocking global debt markets, and giving investors an early glimpse of the uneasy future for bonds in a world of higher interest rates.
The shakeout also carries a message for corporate bond investors, who have snapped up a record level of new issuance this year, and are now seeing negative total returns in the secondary market for the first time this year.
So why is this happening?
Why are bond yields going crazy?
According to  the Wall Street Journal, financial regulators in Europe are blaming the ECB’s quantitative easing program…
A recent surge in government bond market volatility can be blamed on the quantitative easing program of the European Central Bank, according to one of Europe’s top financial regulators.
EIOPA, the body responsible for regulating insurers and pension funds in the European Union, has warned that the ECB’s decision to buy billions of euros’ worth of sovereign bonds, to kick-start the region’s economy, has caused markets to become choppier.
And actually this is what should be happening.  When central banks start creating money out of thin air and pumping it into the markets, investors should rationally demand a higher return on their money.  This didn’t really happen when the Federal Reserve tried quantitative easing, so the Europeans thought that they might as well try to get away with it too.  Unfortunately for them, investors are starting to catch up with the scam.
So what happens next?
Well, European bond yields are probably going to keep heading higher over the coming weeks and months. 
This will especially be true if the Greek crisis continues to escalate.  And unfortunately for Europe, that appears
to be  exactly what is happening
Greece will not make a June 5 repayment to the International Monetary Fund if there is no prospect of an aid-for-reforms deal with its international creditors soon, the spokesman for the ruling Syriza party’s lawmakers said on Wednesday.
The payment of 300 million euros ($335 million) is the first of four this month totaling 1.6 billion euros from a country that depends on foreign aid to stay afloat.
Greece owes a total of about 320 billion euros, of which about 65 percent to euro zone governments and the IMF, and about 8.7 percent to the European Central Bank.
On Tuesday, Greece’s creditors drafted the broad outlines of an agreement to put to the leftist government in Athens in a bid to conclude four months of negotiations and release aid before the country runs out of money.
“If there is no prospect of a deal by Friday or Monday, I don’t know by when exactly, we will not pay,” Nikos Filis told Mega TV.
In fact, there are reports that both the ECB and the Greek government are talking about Greece going to a 
“parallel domestic currency”
Biagio Bossone and Marco Cattaneo write that according to several recent media reports, both the Greek government and the ECB are taking into consideration the possibility (for Greece) to issue a parallel domestic currency to pay for government expenditures, including civil servant salaries, pensions, etc. This could happen in the coming weeks as Greece faces a severe shortage of euros. A new domestic currency would help make payments to public employees and pensioners while freeing up the euros needed to pay out creditors.
If Greece defaults and starts using another currency, the value of the euro is going to absolutely plummet and bond yields all over the continent are going to start heading into the stratosphere.
That is why it is so important to keep an eye on what is going on in Greece.
But no matter what happens in Greece, it appears that we are moving into a time when there will be higher interest rates around the world.  And since 505 trillion dollars in derivatives are directly tied to interest rate levels, that could lead to a financial unraveling unlike anything that we have ever seen before in the history of our planet.
As I have warned about so many times before, 2008 was just the warm up act.
The main event is still coming, and it is going to be extraordinarily painful.


Revolution? A Sudden Move towards the People by the members of the Impostor Congress?

With elections beginning to loom on the horizon, are we seeing members of Congress beginning their pandering to their constituency in an effort to win their support for reelection?
Remember:  Elected officials only need you when they need your vote.
So far, the system of government currently being misrepresented as the lawful government of the American people, still needs the outward appearances of a lawful election in order to keep the party loyal ignoramuses showing up at the voting booths.  The useless casting votes for the members of the board of the corporate franchise running Washington, D.C., is necessary to create the illusion of legitimacy of this de facto government.   Yes as foolish as it sounds, the message from Stalin remains the same, “Its he who counts the votes that matters.”

A Revolutionary Moment?
Treasury Officials Decline to Testify at Affordable Care Act Hearing
Penalty Against Mortgage Lender Surges After CFPB Director’s Review
The New Congressional Plan to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
House Moves to Stop Operation Choke Point
Republicans Face ‘Principled Debate’ Over Export-Import Bank’s Future












SO... consider the TIMING.. September approaches.... as does
our list of things that will occur in September ( if NOT BEFORE Sept)

If the PTB want to have the RESET NOW... this can be used to keep
a WHOLE LOT OF US from exchanging.. especially if  the FBI pulls
a " we have to see your currency and have it verified" false flag
event... and then there's Jade Helm floating around..

SO THINK first..  wait for more details.. then act..

FBI raids Ty Rhame’s home, Sterling Currency Group, & CEO Frank Bell

- See more at:

FBI raids Ty Rhame’s home, Sterling Currency Group, & CEO Frank Bell

03 Jun
Alright folks so this afternoon, Wednesday June 3rd 2015, we saw Ty Rhame’s home and business (Sterling Currency Group) raided by the Sherif, FBI, and U.S. Marshall’s… but why?  Make sure you have see the video 1st then I’ll post links underneath and keep adding to them as I find more on the subject…. FIRST WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW…. please comment below with ANY/ALL questions, comments, concerns…. and lets discuss!!
1) Sterling website is still up/running/doing business:
- See more at:

FBI raids Ty Rhame’s home, Sterling Currency Group, & CEO Frank Bell

03 Jun
Alright folks so this afternoon, Wednesday June 3rd 2015, we saw Ty Rhame’s home and business (Sterling Currency Group) raided by the Sherif, FBI, and U.S. Marshall’s… but why?  Make sure you have see the video 1st then I’ll post links underneath and keep adding to them as I find more on the subject…. FIRST WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW…. please comment below with ANY/ALL questions, comments, concerns…. and lets discuss!!
1) Sterling website is still up/running/doing business:
- See more at:

WUA - Will ISIS Attack on the June 29

A photo posted by ISIS today of their caliphate police force
It’s not the best time for the United States to be facing a terror threat from within.
Intelligence services have been overwhelmed with not just covert communications but a massive web of open-source outreach including tweets, chats, books, videos, new slick radio, memos, photo essays and magazines by terror organizations, members and sympathizers. Even when a suspect is known to authorities, such as Garland, Texas, shooter Elton Simpson, they’re flying under the radar.
It’s a time when ISIS is emboldened from the seizures of Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria, expanding their territory as their opponents squabble over who gave up the Iraqi city 80 miles west of Baghdad. As ISIS contractors around the globe are written off as “lone wolves,” the terror group is letting its followers know that they needn’t come to the caliphate to train but can prep for and execute a lethal attack at home. And if someone does choose to get on a plane, they need only get their confidence boosted by today’s report that Transportation Security Administration screeners caught just 3 out of 70 attempts to sneak banned items, including dummy bombs, through checkpoints by red-teamers for the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general.
Jihadists didn’t attack a heavily armed “draw Muhammad” event last Friday outside the Phoenix mosque attended by Simpson and fellow attacker Nadir Soofi, though the organizer has gone into hiding after threats. Online jihadists were relatively subdued about the event, though al-Qaeda did release guidelines last week detailing which blasphemers would be on their hit list.
So what is ISIS waiting for? Their anniversary, perhaps.
British jihadi Siddhartha Dhar, who now goes by Abu Rumaysah al-Britani after slipping off to the Islamic State when UK authorities arrested him but failed to take his passport when he was released on bail, recently penned what he passed off as a rather innocuous guide pitching the homey comforts of the caliphate from lattes to pickles. Yet he stressed in “A Brief Guide to the Islamic State [2015]“ the importance of an upcoming date: He called the founding of the Islamic State on June 29, 2014, a “date right up there with 11th September 2001.”
“In fact, in many ways it surpasses it purely for what it symbolizes,” he added.
Rumaysah ended the 47-page guide on a decidedly dark note: “As the Islamic State army edges closer and closer to Damascus and Baghdad, as a lion stalks its prey, watch closely at how defeat eats away at the loser, because these two cities are just appetisers. When we descend on the streets of London, Paris and Washington the taste will be far bitterer, because not only will we spill your blood, but we will also demolish your statues, erase your history and, most painfully, convert your children who will then go on to champion our name and curse their forefathers.”
June 29, a Monday, is one day before the P5+1 deadline for a final nuclear deal with Iran. Congress is in recess that week for the Fourth of July holiday. The Islamic holy month of Ramadan begins June 17.
Charlie Winter, a researcher at the Quilliam Foundation, told The Independent that he believes ISIS will be “more active than ever” as their anniversary approaches.

Silicon Valley vs. Department of Defense

BrasscheckTV Report

Ever since the Snowden
leaks, there have been
rifts in the relationship of
the US Dept. of Defense
and Silicon Valley.

Vice News interviews the
Secretary of Defense to
get to the bottom of the


- Brasscheck TV

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV with your
friends and colleagues.



A strange plume event was seen on Visible Satellite imagery coming from Sunset Crater volcanic complex in Central Arizona.

Main stream media has come out in full denial, referencing my website, my name, and referring to me in a disparaging way.
In the process of their denials, someone slipped up while doing the coverup game, and really spilled the beans in no uncertain terms.
There is one story that appeared which referenced my full name “Mike Janitch”.  That caught my eye in the keywords, so I clicked on the link.
When I tried to pull up the story… got an “error 404″ forbidden access!
I did a backend internet search, and found the original article in google cache :) …. this lead me to a SMOKING GUN ADMISSION which is surely the reason they deleted the article.
“But National Park Service staff at Sunset Crater National Monument have investigated the area over the past several days and no one has seen any sign of eruption from the cinder cone volcano”
Wait just one second!
How could they be OUT THERE INVESTIGATING THE AREA FOR PLUMES FOR SEVERAL DAYS when the event just happened yesterday morning?!
Why were they out there investigating over the past several days eh?!
No one would be out ‘investigating’ unless there was something to investigate, right?!
Investigating Sunset Crater Complex days before my video?    Hmm..
Screenshot of the article from Google Cache:
smoking gun caught june 5 2015

sunset crater steaming plumes june 3 2015
Above: Screenshot of the plume event on June 3, 2015 which occurred from Sunset Crater volcanic complex / San Francisco Vallley in Central Arizona
Full story from AZsun . com here:
“A video showing a wisp of something white over Sunset Crater has set off a storm of social media speculation about whether the 900-year-old volcano may be coming to life again. Unfortunately for those hoping to experience volcanic activity near Flagstaff, there’s no evidence that any sort of eruption occurred at the site, according to National Park Service officials, the director of the Arizona Earthquake Information Center and a former U.S. Geological Survey and Northern Arizona University volcano researcher.
The video was posted June 3 on a website called “Dutchsinse.” According to the site, it covers earth changes and is maintained by Mike Janitch, who calls himself an independent researcher and scientist from St. Louis.
A caption above the video said that “visible satellite images are showing that some form of steaming plume event occurred this morning from the long dormant Sunset Crater Volcanic Complex located in Central Arizona.”
But National Park Service staff at Sunset Crater National Monument have investigated the area over the past several days and no one has seen any sign of eruption from the cinder cone volcano, said Paul Whitefield, natural resource specialist and lead for geologic sciences at the Flagstaff Area National Monuments.
“Local cinder cones are created by a one-time eruption event and are not known to erupt more than once,” the National Park Service said in a press release about the issue.
Sunset Crater Volcano erupted about 900 years ago, making it the youngest cinder cone among the more than 600 volcanoes in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, according to the Park Service.
While the Park Service called the Sunset Crater Volcano an extinct cinder cone, many other geologists would call the volcano “temporarily asleep” because it erupted relatively recently in geologic time, said Wendell Duffield, a retired U.S. Geological Survey researcher and former professor of geology at NAU. Duffield didn’t completely rule out the possibility of Sunset Crater erupting again, but if that happened “the ground would be shaking,” he said.
The Arizona Earthquake Information Center hasn’t registered any seismic activity near the Sunset Crater area that could be related to volcanism, said Dave Brumbaugh, the center’s director.
Brumbaugh and Whitefield said what showed up on the satellite image could have been smoke from prescribed burning that was happening that day near A-1 Mountain west of Flagstaff.
Whitefield said it also could be high wispy cloud cover passing over the area or windblown dust from a county-led project to construct large retention basins on the west side of U.S. Highway 89 as part of the Schultz Fire flood mitigation project.
“I would say the source isn’t all that reputable” Whitefield said. “I hope we can put this one to rest.”
Other media reports denying anything is happening at all here:
They bring up the NOAA GOES Visible satellite, and call it into question!  Even going so far as to say that the feed is “black and white” and “false”.
The sheer stupidity of complaining about the NOAA GOES visible satellite as being “black and white” goes beyond mentioning.   The profound abject epic fail comes into view when you read see one media outlet call the satellite feed FALSE (like I can fake a live feed from an .edu and government satellite?!).

I am showing our US CONUS live streaming satellite, everyone uses it, it’s all we have on a minute by minute basis real time easy access.  It is used on every weather site, including the National Weather Service, also including these local news stations reporting on this event – they use the same feed I’m showing.