Saturday, June 13, 2015


My mum used to cut chicken, chop eggs and
spread butter on bread on the same cutting board with the same knife
and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning.

Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax
paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice pack coolers, but I can't
remember getting e. Coli 

Almost all of us would have rather gone
swimming in the lake or at the beach instead of a  pristine pool (talk
about boring), no beach closures then.

We  all took PE ..... And risked permanent
injury with a pair of Dunlop sandshoes instead of having
cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in
light reflectors that cost as much as a small car. I can't recall any
injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now. 

We got the cane for doing something wrong at
school, they used to call it discipline yet we all grew up to accept
the rules and to honour & respect those older than us.

We had 50 kids in our class and we all
learned to read and write, do maths and spell almost all the words
needed to write a grammatically correct letter......., FUNNY THAT!! 

We all said prayers in school irrespective of
our religion, sang the national anthem and no one got upset.

Staying in detention after school caught all
sorts of negative attention we wish we hadn't  got.

I thought that I was supposed to accomplish
something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.

I just can't  recall how bored we were
without computers, Play Station, Nintendo,  X-box or 270 digital TV
cable stations. We weren't!! 

Oh yeah .... And where was the antibiotics
and sterilisation kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!

We played "King of the Hill" on piles of
gravel left on vacant building sites and when we got hurt, mum pulled
out the 2/6p bottle of iodine and then we got our backside spanked.
Now it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10 day dose of
antibiotics and then mum calls the lawyer to sue the contractor for
leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a  threat. 

To top it off, not a single person I knew had
ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could
we possibly have known that?


We never needed to get into group therapy
and/or anger management classes. We were obviously so duped by so many
societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country
wasn't taking Prozac! 

                                                 How did we ever survive?



Pass this to someone and  remember that
life's most simple pleasures are very often the very best.


AAAAh, those WERE the  days!!!!

URGENT!!! ISIS just took over Quaragosh, the biggest Christian city in Iraq - BEHEADINGS


June the 12th, 2015
1450Hrs; M.S.T. (Arizona)
Just got this message from Rev Andrew White, the Vicar of Baghdad.
The Islamist group (ISIS) just took over Quaragosh, the biggest Christian city in Iraq.
There are hundreds of men, women and children that are being beheaded.
The people are asking for prayers to be made on their behalf concerning the ongoing atrocity in their country. Please take one minute to pray for them.

Pass the message across to all your contacts so that the prayer chain will not be broken. They asked for this special prayer. Please, ensure you pass across the prayer request to the body of Christ for fervent prayers offered on behalf of the brothers, sisters and children in Iraq.

This is an urgent SOS. May God bless you.

From Andrew White
Vicar of Baghdad

Please pray for these dear people who are trying to stand by Christ.  The work Andrew White is accomplishing in the Name of the Lord is almost beyond description.  He is leading many Muslims to Christianity.
Thanks for interceding in this matter.



You Are Cordially invited to the ITNJ Inaugural Ceremony

Dear All, 

Please join us on June 15th for the live-stream broadcast of the ITNJ Inaugural Ceremony at Westminster Hall, London.  Here is a link to view the invitation online if it doesn't display properly in your email system:

Our event on the 14th will not be live-streamed due to notoriously dodgy internet connections at the Tabernacle Theatre.  The event on the 15th will be live-streamed at Noon New York time and 9 am Los Angeles time.  If you cannot join us at that time, the video recordings from both days will be made available via video archives, which can be accessed from the same events link in the invitation below, and will be published on our "Media to Share" page for videos:

Enjoy the show!



There are just a few days left until the first milestone of our crowdfunding campaign.  We are now in the home stretch of the Countdown to the Launch of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, and we're counting on you to make a contribution that will push us over the top, and to spread this message to your friends and loved ones.

 We are delighted to invite you to join us on this historic occasion!

We have been counting down the days until June 15 and the Inaugural Ceremonial Seating of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice The Inauguration of the ITNJ is scheduled to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, and 800 years to the day, we will sign the ITNJ into action, breathing life into a new mandate for Truth and fairness in jurisprudence.  
We invite you to  join the events of June 15 via live-stream broadcast from Westminster Hall, LondonWhat better venue to hold the Inaugural Ceremony of the People's Tribunal than in the shadow of where Kings and Queens have been crowned for centuries!  Once again on that historic day the People will declare that even the presumed 'rulers' must follow the Rule of Law.
Most courts in the world are completely controlled by for-profit government corporations.  The People have no voice in what passes for systems of justice.  The systems claim we delegated them the authority, but we never did.  Kings claimed the divine right to rule, then governments claimed the right of kings.  The People never agreed to be subjects of the kings.   

We the People are now standing to reclaim sovereign birthright.  We are duty-bound to stop the violence that passes for Rule of Law.  The ITNJ gives us the mechanism to hold agents of justice systems accountable for injury caused to the People in the name of government.  Injury includes stolen birthrights, stolen homes, stolen property, stolen children, and stolen lives. 


The authority for the
International Tribunal for Natural Justice
comes from the People

Your signature on the ITNJ Treaty serves as full public and private notice that you understand that true power resides within you.  The central difference between the ITNJ and most other courts is that filing a complaint with the ITNJ against a party that injured you authorizes the Judges, Grand Juries, and court officials to act as your agents to make you whole.  The ITNJ is not a third party intervening to serve the governments.  Instead, it is you who provide the delegated authority for the court to serve you.
A dedicated international team has worked tirelessly to set up a method where the People themselves can make their voices heard.  We are restoring the Grand Jury as a structure where the People are the primary arbiters of law (Natural Justice) in their communities.  We have set the stage to prove all manner of systemic fraud and corruption revolving around the Source Documents.  Full transparency, through the e-Governance platform, will give the people of the world a front-row seat.
We are watching our fundraising dial climb steadily towards our goal of $36,000 and with your help we have been able to lock in these events.  We are incredibly grateful for all the support we've gotten so far.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed!  We need one big final push to birth this Tribunal onto the world stage!  Please contribute whatever you can to help us cross the finish line with trumpets blaring!
The people who are lining up to support the ITNJ are a veritable Who's Who of retired supreme court justices, ambassadors, whistleblowers, and advocates for peace and human rights.  We are joined by activists working in every area of import to our lives, including health freedom, food and farming freedom, tax freedom, freedom from surveillance and SMART meters, promulgation of free energy, and ending “free trade” agreements.  Our supporters also include teachers and researchers of law & sovereignty and leaders of the Common Law Grand Jury movement.
Government delegations from diverse nations will be in attendance for the Inauguration Event on 14th June.  This multi-lateral observance will help us to successfully launch the ITNJ onto the world stage in a way that mainstream media will be unable to ignore.  For the officiation on 15th June we have secured a room in Westminster Hall, and this event will be broadcast via live-stream to our International Chapters and the world at large. 

Mark your calendar for this historic event!

We have set the stage to commemorate this occasion with the gravitas it deserves.  ITNJ Founder Sacha Stone will preside over events during the Inaugural Ceremony.  Sir John Walsh of Brannagh will be sworn in as the first Chief Justice of the ITNJ.  His Grace Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal and Dounne Alexander, MBE will give keynote addresses, along with other distinguished panelists.  Members of the ITNJ Law Commission and Advisory Council will be introduced.  International Chapters of the Committee to Support the ITNJ will be announced in an initial 19 countries.

Sign up to receive the FREE live-stream link:

~ June 15 ~

5 pm London ~ 7 pm Lithuania ~ 9:30 pm New Delhi
9 am Los Angeles ~ Noon New York
~ June 16 ~
Midnight Perth ~ 1 am Tokyo

The need is great, the hour is right, the vision perfected.  What we need now to prepare to hear our first cases this fall is financial support from the People of the World who understand the need for the ITNJ.  Your last-minute contribution pushing us past our goal by 15th June is your voice joined in chorus to mandate the ITNJ.
We do have stretch-goals for our fundraising campaign and we hope to overshoot our mark.  After we celebrate the official launch of the INTJ, we will turn our attention to providing all the content you asked for on the Natural Justice Academy website, launching the e-Governance platform, and planning for the Line In the Sand Conference in October, 2015.  The highlight of that conference will be Moot Court, where we will run through a practice trial as a teaching tool for everyone to learn how the ITNJ will operate.
Once the Inaugural Ceremony video footage spins out around the world, there will be no stopping the People from bringing this Tribunal into action and doing whatever it takes to restore the Rule of Law for the benefit of all.
We offer our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for being among the pioneers of a better future for humanity and Earth alike, and for your willingness to stand and be counted in this era of unprecedented change.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.  Let's do this!

This is the first court in the history of the world
“Of the People, by the People, and for the People.”
Let history be rewritten according to our will and our intent.
Let Freedom ring throughout our world.

CHARLIE DANIELS: Wrote an Open Letter to Obama and It NEEDS to Go Viral

This scathing open letter, which was posted on Charlie Daniels’ own website, expresses the sentiments that most freedom loving Americans have towards Obama. Read it and then share with everyone you know:
Dear Mr. President,
This letter is not written in a spirit of hate, disrespect, nor is it motivated in any way by racial bias and is written with respect due the office and the awesome tasks that have been laid on your shoulders.
I write this letter because I am a tax paying American citizen who has experienced the American Dream and wants his children and grandchildren to have the same advantages and opportunities that he has had.
And no, Mr. President, I was not born into a one-percenter family, I come from a blue collar background, never went to college, have made a living doing manual labor and went into my chosen profession at ground level, worked hard and sacrificed to achieve success.
On April 13, 1967 I arrived in Nashville, Tennessee with a wife, a two-year-old baby, a twenty-dollar bill and the clutch out of my car.
I won’t go into the mountains and valleys that I’ve traveled since then except to say that I have been successful and somebody did help me build the business I own. Almighty God, not the government.
I employ thirty people, good citizens and family people, hard-working people, the kind of gun-clinging, God-fearing folks who make America the greatest nation the world has ever known.
Mr. President, it seems to me that you have little faith in American ingenuity, American capability, American exceptionalism and even American patriotism.
You seem to think that America needs a monolithic, big brother type government to oversee and regulate every aspect of American life, that citizens are not competent to control their own affairs and make their own decisions without some oppressive bureaucracy to call the shots.
Mr. President, the answer is not government, conversely, the problem is government. A government that has doubled the national debt, increased unemployment, lowered take home pay, increased food stamp participation and disability claims and introduced socialized medicine.
You support teacher’s unions which take political activism more seriously than education.
You intentionally lied to the American people about your stand on marriage being between a man and woman, and continue to lie when it is politically expedient for you to do so.
You surround yourself with inexperienced ideologues and political yes men and take the advice of individuals who are swimming in waters way too deep for them.
Your petulance is unbecoming, Mr. President, and your criticism of anyone who disagrees with you is downright unmanly. You come off like a spoiled child who has been denied his way.
And while you blame your shortcomings on opposing political parties, you had both houses of Congress and the White House in the first two years of your term. Plus an electoral mandate to do just about anything you wanted to, so the least you can do is cowboy up and take the blame for the messes you’ve made.
Your apparent disregard for the maintenance and morale of our armed services is extremely unwise and dangerous.
Mr. President, the office you hold is not a place for the faint of heart and when you draw a red line you’d dang well better be willing to back it up, because when you don’t every tyrant and despot in this world takes it for a sign of weakness and will take advantage, Putin and China being a prime example.
In making any kind of deal with Iran you spit in the face of Israel and plant the seeds of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
The last report showed that the US economy actually shrunk by .07% while the national debt and other obligations grow by the day.
No matter how many apologists come forth and no matter how much double talk you and the puppets who speak for you come up with, the greatest nation the world has ever known is losing a war with a small army of criminals and thugs that grows bigger every day simply because you don’t have the guts to face the problem.
You’re running out of diversions Mr. President, sleight of hand political policies eventually stop working and lies finally float to the top of water.
Time is running out for you Mr. President and the horrible thing about it is that time is running out for America too.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
Via Charlie Daniels

Friday, June 12, 2015



Abel Danger - don't miss this information - very long article

   inserted note:  Some subtitles could be





Posted: 12 Jun 2015 12:12 AM PDT
This article appeared at  
Jon Rappoport's Blog

Globalism and the push for mandatory universal vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

June 11, 2015

"Once you really understand the truth behind the lies in a given arena, then you can finally back up far enough and see the actual reasons for the lies. You can see the secret program the lies are protecting. You can see why the program is being pushed. You can see what most people would rather not see." (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In many previous articles, I have established a number of facts about vaccines.

They are not safe. They are not effective. They were not responsible for the major decline in so-called contagious diseases.

In most if not all cases, the diseases they are supposed to prevent affect only a tiny fraction of the people claimed to be at risk.

In some instances, (e.g., seasonal flu, Swine Flu, SARS), the "outbreaks" have virtually nothing to do with the viruses touted as the cause of illness. Therefore, even if vaccines were safe and effective, they would have no relevant effect, because they are targeting viruses which are not causing illness.

The rabid claim that unvaccinated children pose a threat to vaccinated children is, on its face, a lunatic self-contradiction, since those who are vaccinated are supposed to be protected.

Having established these points, it's possible to assess the real reasons for the push to vaccinate every human on the face of the Earth.

Among these reasons, you will recognize the controlling hand of elite Globalists, for whom planetary empire is the goal.

One: The most underrated reason for mandated vaccination is: compliance. Secure compliance from citizens. Put them into a medical channel from birth (even before birth). Induce them to obey orders. Produce a deep blind loyalty: march straight ahead, eyes closed, mouths shut, from cradle to grave.

7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September

Is something really big about to happen?
For months, people have been pointing to the second half of this year for various reasons.  For some, the major concern is Jade Helm and the unprecedented movement of military vehicles and equipment that we have been witnessing all over the nation.  For others, the upcoming fourth blood moon and the end of the Shemitah cycle are extremely significant events.  Yet others are most concerned about political developments in Washington D.C. and at the United Nations.  To me, it does seem rather remarkable that we are seeing such a confluence of economic, political and spiritual events coming together during the second half of 2015.  So is all of this leading up to something?  Is our world about to change in a fundamental way?  Only time will tell.  The following are 7 key events that are going to happen by the end of September…
Late June/Early July – It is expected that this is when the U.S. Supreme Court will reveal their gay marriage decision.  Most believe that the court will rule that gay marriage is a constitutional right in all 50 states.  There are some that believe that this will be a major turning point for our nation. 

July 15th to September 15th – A “realistic military training exercise” known as “Jade Helm” will be conducted by the U.S. Army.  More than 1,000 members of the U.S. military will take part in this exercise.  The list of states slated to be involved in these drills includes Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, California, Mississippi and Florida.
July 28th – On May 28th, Reuters reported that countries in the European Union were being given a two month deadline to enact “bail-in” legislation.  Any nation that does not have “bail-in” legislation in place by that time will face legal action from the European Commission.  So why is the European Union in such a rush to get this done?  Are the top dogs in the EU anticipating that another great financial crisis is about to erupt?
September 13th – This is Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar – the last day of the Shemitah year.  Many are concerned about this date because we have seen giant stock market crashes on the last day of the previous two Shemitah cycles.
On September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in U.S. history up until that time.  The Dow plummeted 684 points, and it was a record that held for exactly seven years until the end of the next Shemitah cycle.
On September 29th, 2008 (which was also Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), the Dow fell by an astounding 777 points, which still today remains the greatest one day stock market crash of all time.
Now we are approaching the end of another Shemitah year.  So will the stock market crash on September 13th, 2015?  Well, no, because that day is a Sunday.  So I guarantee that the stock market will not crash on that particular day.  But as Jonathan Cahn has pointed out in his book on the Shemitah, sometimes stock market crashes happen just before the end of the Shemitah year and sometimes they happen within just a few weeks after the end of the Shemitah.  So we are not just looking at one particular date.
September 15th – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date.  It is being reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which would give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state.  Up until now, the United States has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama is indicating that things may be much different this time around.
September 25th to September 27th – The United Nations is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda for the entire planet.  Some have called this “Agenda 21 on steroids”.  But this new agenda is not just about the environment.  It also includes provisions regarding economics, agriculture, education and gender equality.  On September 25th, the Pope will travel to New York to give a major speech kicking off the UN conference where this new agenda will be unveiled.
September 28th – This is the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.  This blood moon falls on the very first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, it will be a “supermoon”, and it will actually be visible in the city of Jerusalem.  There are many that dismiss the blood moon phenomenon, but we have seen similar patterns before.  For example, a similar pattern of eclipses happened just before and just after the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans in 70 AD.
Perhaps none of this alarms you.  But when you add everything above to the fact that the elite definitely appear to be feverishly preparing for something, a very alarming picture emerges.
For example, due to fears that a “natural disaster” could interrupt their operations in New York, the New York Fed has been working hard to build up a satellite office in Chicago.
What kind of “natural disaster” could possibly be so bad that it would cause the entire New York Fed to shut down?
And NORAD has decided to move back into the base deep inside Cheyenne Mountain after all these years.  The threat of an electromagnetic pulse was the reason given for this decision.
By themselves, perhaps those moves would not be that big of a deal.  But let’s add all of the weird movements of military vehicles and equipment that we have been witnessing lately to this discussion.  I included this list from Intellihub in a previous article, but I believe that it bears repeating…
  • On March 13th, Intellihub founder Shepard Ambellas detailed photos and documentation of nearly 40 U.S. Army soldiers, wielding training rifles and dressed in full combat gear, participating in an urban warfare style training drill just outside the Texarkana Regional Airport perimeter.
  • In the middle of April, a report out of Big Springs, Texas revealed that a train full of military equipment and over a dozen helicopters had arrived in the town ahead of Jade Helm 2015.
  • Photographs taken in Corona, California a few days later added to the Jade Helm speculation after they showed a MRAP full of what looked to be U.S. Marines driving down the 1-15 freeway. “In broad daylight with not a care in the world”
  • On April 24th a shocking report on Intellihub News detailed armed troops seen confronting angry protesters in a “professional news package”of riot control training released by the military
  • “A massive buildup, a lot of movement and its undeniable at this point,” read the headline on April 25th after a convoy was seen in Oroville, California that stretched as far as the eye could see.
  • Moving into May, photographs taken in Indiana showed a massive military convoy heading down the freeway. The photos, taken by a concerned citizen, show the convoy heading west on I-70 for reasons unknown.
  • Two days later,video footage, this time out ofTexarkana, Arkansas, highlighted a convoy of Humvees driving down the highway as well as a trainload of military vehicles that was seen shortly after.
  • In mid May, Intellihub reporter Alex Thomas published a detailed report that confirmed that the military was indeed training to take on the American people, this time in the form of domestic house to house raids.
  • The next day a new report, also by Alex Thomas, proved that Marines were actually practicing for the internment of American citizens.
  • On May 18th, a train full of hundreds of military Humvees was spotted,further revealing the increased military buildup across the country leading into Jade Helm 2015. The train was heading towards Cleveland for unknown reasons although a possible connection to planned upcoming protests had been mentioned.
  • This past week a massive military war game simulation called Raider Focuswas announced. The war game will include the largest military convoy seen on the roads of Colorado since World War II.
  • On may 23th, Intellihub News reported on pictures sent to ANP that show a 1/4 mile long military train convoy near the Colorado Wyoming border.
  • Finally, a report published this week detailed a stunning propaganda move by the military involving a New Jersey school and the worship of the military on the streets of America. “As parents, teachers, and students looked on with joy, Marines from the Special-Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force landed helicopters on the baseball diamond of a New Jersey school.”
What does all of this mean?
It is hard to say.  We have imperfect information, so it is difficult to come up with perfect conclusions.
But what I will say is that I believe that the second half of 2015 is going to be extremely significant.  I believe that events are about to start accelerating greatly, and I believe that life in America is about to change dramatically.
So what do you think?  Please feel free to share your thoughts with all of us by posting a comment below…




Great White7
Published on Jul 25, 2013
Discover the truth about the men behind the curtain who own and run the U.S. Government.
These men are totally evil, ruthless, greedy and vicious individuals who will stop at nothing to gain control of the world and the enslavement of us all.
They are now taking steps to control and shut down the internet because it is the last means for people to come together, and voice their opinions freely.

WORLD WAR ALERT: NATO's "Saber Strike" Could trigger Nuclear War

WORLD WAR ALERT: NATO's "Saber Strike" Could Trigger Nuclear War