Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Read This Before Taking Your Money Out of the Bank

To Avoid Prison, You Must Read This Before Taking Your Money Out of the Bank

6 June 2015     

Can you find yourself in the picture? Don't be "that guy".  These people will end up living under a cardboard box or they will forced to go to a FEMA camp for food and water.
Can you find yourself in the picture? Don’t be “that guy”. These people will end up living under a cardboard box or they will forced to go to a FEMA camp for food and water.
Most people, who are familiar with Jade Helm understand that it will take a precipitating event (e.g. false flag) in order for the “drill” to go live. And most would agree that the precipitating event will be tied to an economic collapse of the dollar.
When the collapse comes, order will have to be restored, hence, enter Jade Helm. Once America reaches this point, your money will be gone along with the 401K, Roth IRA and all retirement accounts will be confiscated. Jade Helm or its successor will be needed.

The Most Requested Subject In

the History of The Common Sense Show

Since I wrote the June 12th article “Surviving the Jade Helm Era Depends On Taking Your Money Out of the Bank”, I have been inundated with requests for more information on how to get your money out of the bank. If you think your money is safe while sitting in the bank, you desperately need to read the aforementioned article. Please note that I am not a financial planner. I am simply informing the public of what I have learned on the topic of  'federal bank' withdrawals and the legalities connected with withdrawing your money from the bank. The following represents what I have either done or will do in the coming days.
There is no doubt that anyone who leaves all of their money in the bank needs their head examined. However, if you walk up to your “friendly” teller  and ask to withdraw all, or most, of your money, you will either be shown the door and/or arrested for violating federal banking laws. Yes, it is now a 'crime' to take your own money out of your own bank account. Just ask former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert who has been indicted for taking HIS money out of HIS bank account. (What the heck is WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?  YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE YOUR MONIES ANY WAY YOU PLEASE, AND THIS ROGUE CRIMINAL MAKE BELIEVE 'GOV' HAS ABSOUTELY NO LEGAL RIGHT OR AUTHORITY TO DICTATE WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR MONIES AND BANK ACCOUNTS.)

Even Congressmen Aren’t Safe From the Banksters

Former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, is headed to prison for  taking his money out of his own bank account!Former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, is headed to prison for taking his money out of his own bank account!
Federal prosecutors have charged a former Republican House speaker, Dennis Hastert, with illegally structuring cash withdrawals from bank accounts which were designed to conceal payments to someone he committed “prior misconduct” against, and Hastert is also accused of lying to the FBI about the event. The indictment did not specify who Hastert was paying off for his prior misconduct, but anonymous sources allege that Hastert had sexual contact with a minor when he was a high school wrestling coach and the former student was extorting the former Congressman. A total of $3.5 million was involved according to the prosecutors. The important point to consider here is that this former Congressmen is not headed to prison for sex with a minor, or facilitating a bribe.  He is headed to prison for TAKING HIS OWN MONEY OUT OF HIS BANK ACCOUNT! (Do you SEE the hypocrisy of this?)

Just how can one 'steal' their own money, according to the 'Federal Government'? That is what Deborah T. thought when she wrote the following to me on June 13th.
Dear Dave,
Please suggest what I should do.  I cashed out my $10,000 IRA, paid the taxes  and  got the $10,000 in CASH….worried about not being able to get my money out of the bank.  Now from what I have been hearing I am afraid I could be arrested for getting my own money out… Please make a suggestion.  Should I redeposit the $10,000? Forever grateful if you will answer.
Deborah T.
Deborah should be concerned with going to prison. There is no question that you need to take the majority of your money out of the bank, but what are the pitfalls in doing so? What should every American know prior to attempting to liberate the fruits of their own labor from the bankster controlled central bank?

Times Have Changed

Taking what was your money out of the bank is no longer a matter of walking up to your friendly teller with a withdrawal slip and the teller cheerfully honors your request and you calmly exit the bank with your money in tow. In fact, your teller is trained to look for certain indicators in any cash withdrawal of any significance.
As you move to withdraw the bulk of your money, there are three federal banking laws that you should be cognizant of, namely, Cash Transaction Report (CTR), a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) and structuring.

Before proceeding with the planed withdrawal of your money, I would strongly suggest that you read the following federal guidelines as it relates to CTR’s as produced by the The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). All the federal regulations contained in this article are elucidated in this series of federal reports.

Before withdrawing your money, please be aware of these three regulations related to getting your money out of the bank.


Federal law requires that the bank file a report based upon any withdrawal or deposit of $10,000 or more on any single given day.  The law was designed to put a damper on money laundering, sophisticated counterfeiting and other federal crimes. (Can you believe this??!!!  THE VERY ONES WHO ARE GUILTY AS HELL FOR THESE VERY CRIMES ARE THE ONES WHO ARE MAKING THEIR 'LAWS' TO RESTRICT YOU ON THE USE OF YOUR OWN HARD EARNED MONIES!!!  IS THIS NOT ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS AND UNFAIR??)

To remain in compliance with the 'law', financial institutions must obtain personal identification, information about the transaction and the social security number of the person conducting the transaction.
Technically, there is no federal law prohibiting the use of large amounts of cash. However, a CTR must be filed in ALL cases of cash transaction regardless of the reason underlying the transaction. This means your cash transaction will be on the radar.

Structuring and SAR

There will undoubtedly be some geniuses whose math ability will tell them that all they have to do is to withdraw $9,999.99 and the bank and its protector, the federal government will be none the wiser. It is not quite that simple. Here are a few examples of structuring violations that one should be aware of:
1. Barry S. has obtained $15,000 in cash he obtained from selling his truck. He knows that if he deposits $15,000 in cash, his financial institution will be required to file a CTR. Instead he deposits $7,500 in cash in the morning with one financial institution employee and comes back to the financial institution later in the day to another employee to deposit the remaining $7,500, hoping to evade the CTR reporting requirement. Barry should have used multiple accounts to conduct this transaction.
2. Hillary C. needs $16,000 in cash to pay for supplies for her arts and crafts business. Hillary cashes an $8,000 personal check at a financial institution on a Monday. She subsequently cashes another $8,000 personal check at the bank the following day. Hillary is careful to have cashed the two checks on different days and structured the transactions in an attempt to evade the CTR reporting requirement. Hillary should have made irregular deposits on staggered days covering a significant period of time. Or better, yet she should convert her soon worthless cash to precious metals. 
3. A married couple, Bill and Hillary, sell a vehicle for $12,000 in cash. To evade the CTR reporting requirement, Bill and Hillary structure their transactions using different accounts. Bill deposits $8,000 of that money into his and Hillary’s joint account in the morning. Later that day, Hillary deposits $1,500 into the joint account, then $2,500 into her sister’s account, which is later transferred to Bill and Hillary’s joint account at the same bank. Again, Bill and Hillary should have used multiple banks.
The aggregate total of the three transactions totals more than the $10,000 threshold, therefore, a SAR would be filed by the bank and you would be the subject of a federal investigation as all three of the above cases clearly violate the federal banking laws related to structuring. It is a federal crime to break up transactions into smaller amounts for the purpose of evading the CTR reporting requirement. In these instances, the bank is required to file a SAR which serves to notify the federal government of an individual’s attempt to structure deposits or withdrawals by circumventing the $10,000 reporting requirement.

Structuring transactions to prevent a CTR from being reported can result in imprisonment for not more than five years and/or a fine of up to $250,000. If structuring involves more than $100,000 in a twelve month period or is performed while violating another law of the federal government, the penalty is doubled. This is what former Speaker of the House, Dennnis Hastert is facing. 


uncle same civilian asset forfeiture

Much like the enforcement of our tax laws, the federal government’s enforcement of its banking laws as it relates to CTR’s, SAR’s and subsequent structuring is quite draconian. Civilian asset forfeiture laws come into play. The government can seize your bank accounts while it determines if a crime has been committed. The government can literally seize your assets in perpetuity without an order of the court. Of course, you could try and sue but you will be up against the deep pockets of the federal government and the case could take years. By the time your case is decided, the financial banking crisis that you are so desperately trying to avoid by withdrawing your money, could be over.  So, proceed with caution.

If you ever become the target of a federal investigation, do not, under any circumstances, allow yourself to be interviewed by federal officials without an attorney present and make sure you have the interview videotaped.

In many cases, people go to jail and pay huge fines, not because they have committed a federal crime, but because federal officials state that they have lied or misled them. And if you do not have an attorney present, it is your word versus the federal government. This is how the federal government sent Martha Stewart to prison and Hastert is facing similar charges.

What to Do

The best way to avoid getting your money caught in the bank in the midst of a bank run would be to not let the lion’s share of your money ever cross the bank. Do not allow your employer to direct deposit your check to the bank. Keep some cash at home by taking out a large portion of the money you receive from your employer. Don’t put cash in a safety box because the courts have also ruled that the banks own your safety boxes.
Use electronic transfers to buy into a mutual funds and also use checks to buy silver coins.
Open multiple banking accounts ranging from the big five megabanks to your local credit unions. You could withdraw much smaller amounts until the sum total of your accounts is greatly diminished and is in your possession. Even though the banks “talk” to each other, if the withdrawals are irregular, it is hard to track and substantiate a pattern in court. To open the accounts, simply write a personal check from your home bank. Of course, in these cases, the bank could hold the check for 15-30 days.

Use checks and cash to pay all of your debts. Your want to lower your debt load while unloading your soon to be worthless cash.
Prepay your taxes and some other obligations with checks. Make sure you only pay safe entities. Your local government is not going to disappear, even in a depression. Therefore, you can prepay property taxes. Should you lose the ability to pay your property tax, the 'government' will seize your property for nonpayment.
There will be a post-collapse America, therefore, purchase gold and silver. Gold and silver will be accepted mediums of exchange. Write checks to purchase gold and silver. However, collect the actual silver and gold because if you cannot touch it, you do not own it!
Find a safer bank than the mega banks. (Use COMMUNITY credit unions, as they are one level removed from the Federal Reserve.  (DEFINITELY  DO  NOT USE FEDERAL ASSOCIATED CREDIT UNIONS. BE SURE TO INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU OPEN THE ACCOUNT AND MAKE THE DEPOSIT!!!) 


I predict the Federal Reserve will steal your money by faking a cyber attack. (The Fed Res is NOT a valid bank distributing real gold backed currency, but a private corporation issuing promissory notes that are completely WORTHLESS AND THEY WILL STEAL YOUR ACCOUNTS IN A HEARTBEAT. THEY ARE CRIMINALS CALLING THEMSELVES 'BANKERS'  - WHO ARE IN ACTUALITY BANKSTERS.) In fact, last year, FEMA and DHS actually practiced for this event on October 23rd and 24th. As I wrote on June 12, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC and the Bank of London practiced for widespread banking failure on November 10, 2014. On November 16, 2014, the G20 nations declared your bank deposits to not be money!!!! (BECAUSE THEY ARE 'DOING FRAUDULENT BUSINESS' WITH A FIAT BANKING SYSTEM USING WORTHLESS PROMISSORY NOTES AND RUN BY THE CRIMINAL FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF ROTHSCHILD.   YOU DO YOUR BANKING BUSINESS WITH THIS DEN OF THIEVES AND YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO THEIR 'RULES' AND THIEVERY).

On August 8, 2012, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the banks own your money when you deposit your paycheck into the bank!

You may not be able to save everything but rest assured you can still save something to live on. The time to have acted was yesterday.

I can anticipate what some of you are now thinking because I have thought the same thing!  If all of us attempt to take even just a portion out of the bank, the Federal Reserve and their servant, the CRIMINAL make believe 'federal government', will move to stop all cash withdrawals.

Won’t that kind of move serve to expose the criminality of the 'Federal Reserve' and the 'federal government' for all to see?

Awareness is the first step to action and we have the ability to force several issues out on the open at this time.


(Americans - know this - this is NOT YOUR GOVERNMENT!  The 'president' is not your president, the vice president is not your vice president, the secretary of state is not YOUR secretary of sate, the congress is not your congress, the judicial system is not YOUR judicial system - it is maritime law - law of the sea - and ahs no authority on the land of America.  WHY DO YOU ALLOW YOURSELVES TO CONTINUE TO BE USED AND ABUSED BY THESE UNLAWFUL PRIVATE CORPORATIONS?   You now know the TRUTH -  WHY DO YOU REFUSE TO FACE THE FACTS AND REFUSE TO GET THIS PROBLEM RESOLVED BY WHATEVER MEANS IT TAKES TO RID THE LAND OF THEIR POISON?????  This 'GOVERNMENT' is a criminal mafia Nazi private corporation - like Halliburton, Raytheon and others. It is NOT YOUR  TRUE 'government'! Our TRUE government was taken by coupe - most notably under Woodrow Wilson and furthered along by Roosevelt.  Their 'laws' do NOT apply to YOU - unless you let them!!!!  Same is true for the Federal Reserve 'banking' system - a criminal Nazi banking cartel which is deceiving you and stealing everything you have worked so hard for.  BOTH of these criminal corporations are defunct and should be run out of America - period - if not just run over and eliminated - period. They are CRIMINALS - DEAL WITH IT. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. DON'T CONTINUE TO ALLOW THESE SCUMBAGS TO CONTROL AND MANIPULATE YOU!  GET YOUR REPUBLIC BACK AND THROW TEHSE ASSHOLES OUT. ) 


Posts from Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show for 06/16/2015


Dave Hodges Interviews Expert, Bob Griswold, On Resupplying After the Coming Economic Collapse

  Dave interviewed survivalist expert, Bob Griswold, on how to resupply essential supplies following the coming economic collapse. Bob provided several useful tips which can be applied to surviving the

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Listen to Dr. Ted Broer Describe the 1000 Ways America Will Die

Dr. Ted Broer was my guest in the second hour and he succinctly described the multiple way that America is meeting her final end. Dr. Broer also offered tips on

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The 4th Purpose of Jade Helm Is the Most Dangerous of All

Today, June 15th, is the new “official” launch date for Jade Helm and a very clear picture is taking shape. It is now apparent that Jade Helm has at least

Read on »

HOT Explosive Breaking News: What is His Real Name?

Tuesday   June 16, 2015

What is His Real Name?

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the alleged al Qaeda terrorist who was allegedly assassinated by the U.S. military,
Mokhtar Belmokhtar also known as Khaled Abou El Abbas or Laaouar or Abu Khaled, is actually still alive and has six different aliases with direct connections to British Intelligence MI5 and MI6, along with a direct financial and operational link to the 7/11 London Bombings.
We can also report that Belmokhtar was trained by British Blackwater Associates in Pakistan and then became operational in Libya with direct ties to the U.S. State Department and the directed assassination of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens at the Benghazi, Libya unregistered outpost.
P.S.  Leaked British MI6 files, now in possession of the Joint U.S-French Intelligence Task Force, have emails between British Intelligence and U.S. CIA claiming Belmokhtar was untouchable because he knows too much.
At this hour, the Chinese stock market bubble is a massive Bank of New York Mellon bubble.
In closing:  What is an alias?  Osama bin Laden's real name was Tim Osman aka lifelong U.S. government-trained CIA employee.   Reference 9/11 patsy.
At this hour former Democratic U.S. Senator Robert Graham of Florida is now in possession of the 9/11 flight school records that show that the alleged 9/11 Saudi terrorists could not fly a commercial aircraft on 9/11 and could not even fly a kite.
Stay tuned.

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government
allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

US Military Reveals Martial Law and Dissident Extraction Plans for US Citizens

US Military Reveals Martial Law and Dissident Extraction Plans for US Citizens

CSS Offical-New-Logo2

raider focus 

Over the past two months, many of us in the Independent Media have said it again and again, Jade Helm is about subjugating the American people who will one day rise up to what is coming.
As the American people are kept in the dark about the true nature of Jade Helm, members of the Independent Media have been very consistent about pointing out that Jade Helm, because of its involvement of Special Operations Forces, the “drill” is clearly designed to practice political dissident extractions which would be executed prior to the imposition of martial law. This is a simple and logical conclusion to draw because this is what Navy Seals, Green Berets, etc. do in pre-combat activities. The involvement of ARSOF in Jade Helm as a primary player, speaks clearly to intent.
What I never counted on would be the fact that Jade Helm would ever let any part of these kinds of activities to ever become public. The military has now allowed planned political dissident extractions to become verifiably public, and most amazingly, they did so with the release of video that the military, itself, would make, produce and then disseminate.
Gigantic war games, along with a massive military convoy, are commencing in Colorado, prior to the start of the supposed start of Jade Helm 15 exercises in July which has now been officially moved up to June 15th. This ancillary Jade Helm drill is called “Raider Focus” and it is turning Southern Colorado and the Independent Media on its ear.

Vehement Mainstream Media Denials Regarding Jade Helm

Raider Focus, which I am told, is merely a subset of Jade Helm, has been the sold to the citizenry as merely war preparations in the Middle East and this has nothing to do with the imposition of martial law.
There is no Jade Helm conspiracy.

Courtesy of Fox and Friends

Fox and Friends further stated that Alex Jones scares people and that nobody should listen to him as they invoked the “giggle factor” to discredit what clearly is a martial law exercise directed towards the American people. And of course there are the sloppy disinformation agents at KHOU TV, in Houston, who told the blatant lie in which they stated that I claimed that Americans were “being slaughtered inside of Death Domes in Texas”. Who could forget that the Washington Post actually had an article pinned to the top of Google for five days which proclaimed the insanity of linking Jade Helm to martial law and political extractions in an attempt to discredit Jade Helm naysayers.
I could go on and on with the near universal media ridicule of Jade Helm detractors, but you get the idea. Yet, despite the extreme obfuscation of the truth about Jade Helm by the six corporations that control the vast majority of the dinosaur media, the military is now providing the public with evidence which serves to validate the concerns that Jade Helm is a clear and present danger to the American people.
In a sight in which I could not believe my eyes, at the 3:40 mark in the following video, we see military forces rehearsing extraction drills on citizens.


Why would the military release video-taped images of what are clearly extractions drills? In the video, they even refer to the captured citizens as “detainees”. Check out the martial law manual, FM 3-39.4 nd FM 3-39.33 and the reader will see that this is the universal term for individuals who will be incarcerated in what are commonly referred to as FEMA camps. Again, I ask, why would the military provide the Independent Media with such smoking gun evidence which serves to validate our allegations that Jade Helm is directed at the American people? This question will be analyzed at the end of this article. Just for now, let’s suffice it to say that this is a planned leak of very damning information.
In another leak of information, we have yet another video which demonstrates that a permanent martial law force is being prepared to be unleashed upon the American public in a matter of months and the source of the information is stunning.

Amy Goodman and Democracy Now

Amy Goodman, the host of the PBS show, Democracy Now, has recently reported that a permanent martial law occupying force that will go live in October of 2015. The martial law enforcement unit is the 3rd Infantry Division, 1st Brigade Combat Team. The mission is to serve as “an on-call Federal response in times of emergency”.
According to the PBS report, the unit will be placed under the control of Northern Command. The martial law unit will be responsible for  stopping civil unrest and engaging in crowd control. As an aside, when the terms “civil unrest” and “crowd control” are used, this can only mean that the 3rd Infantry Division, 1st Brigade Combat Team is rehearsing to subdue the American people in a martial law action.
Goodman reported that the weapons of interest for this unit are primarily nonlethal. The first 50 seconds of the following Democracy Now video tells one all that anyone needs to know about what is coming and how this is being practiced for as I write these words. 

Connecting the Dots

Even Fox and Friends would have a difficult time denying what is on video in this article as we have seen clear and demonstrable proof that Jade Helm related activities are connected with political dissident extractions of American citizens and this will be followed up with the roll out of a martial law occupation force.
So, despite the fact that the MSM has embarrassed themselves in denying what is so painfully obvious, the military undoes all of this work designed to obfuscate the truth and basically admits to the fact that America is going under martial law and political dissidents are about to be treated as extreme enemies of the state.
Why would the military engage in such a self-defeating revelation and sacrifice the element of surprise prior to subjugating the American public? I have a hard time believing that the military is not on board with the ulterior motives behind Jade Helm and this release of information is intentional in that they want to see a public backlash. Based on the available information, this is the only thing that makes any sense.

History Repeats Itself

These stunning revelations by our military are not unprecedented and they have happened before. On November 3, 2012, I wrote an article in which I detailed how elements of our military unsuccessfully attempted to rescue Ambassador Stevens just prior to his eventual murder. This action was an attempt at a soft coup directed at the Obama administration and came at a time when Obama was firing command officers at a time faster than their replacements could be seated.
For 30 months, elements of the military abandoned employing another soft coup attempt because, as I have been told, they did not feel that they enjoyed the popular support of the public which would be a prerequisite for regime change. I would encourage the reader to read this article which demonstrates the extremely strained relationship between military command officers and the Commander-In-Chief.


It now appears that elements of the Jade Helm task force are not fully on board with the full implementation of the objectives and we are seeing a moderate attempt to warn the American people.
These warnings may be subtle, but to the trained eye, they are undeniable. The best possible outcome with regard to these revelations is to spread these revelations far and wide and see what develops by exposing much of the public to the realizations that “we are not in Kansas anymore”.


Showdown Between Judge Sullivan and IRS This Week…Expect Fireworks and Possible Criminal Charges


Judge Emmet Sullivan had ordered the IRS to file an explanation with his court as to the progress of the Lois Lerner emails.  The IRS did file such an explanation. However, their letter will likely set off the volatile judge who is known for having little patience for people wasting his time or handing him a load of BS.   And when you hear their explanations, a bigger load than you’ve ever heard.
Let’s begin with the emails that traveled between the IRS and the White House.  I suggest you duct tape your head before continuing to read.  The IRS sent emails to the White House containing confidential taxpayer information.  Congress wants those emails as well as Cause of Action, who filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for them. Sending out taxpayer’s confidential information is a federal crime.  So, when will the emails be handed over?  Never.  Jacob Lew of the Treasury Department refuses to turn them over because………….drum roll, please.  They contain confidential taxpayer information.  Duh!
Those emails are proof that a federal crime was committed.  The IRS refuses to turn their copies over, the White House, through the Treasury Department refuses to turn their copies over and the Department of Justice has refused to investigate.  Bartender….a round of obstruction of justice for everyone.
They also revealed that another 6,400 emails from Lois Lerner have been found by The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) and they handed them over to the IRS.  So, when will those emails be turned over to congress and groups who have filed FOIA requests?  Not for a very very long time.  You see, the IRS lawyers say they can’t turn them over until they finish checking to make sure none of them are duplicates.  (Treasury already did that)  So, what they are saying is that they will not check the emails they do have (That have already been checked) until they examine the emails they don’t have yet. Make sense?
The IRS has drug their feet on the original Lerner emails, including originally lying and telling another court that there were no back up tapes.  Then they needed special software to sort them to make sure there are no duplicates, which is a very lame excuse.  No one cares if there are duplicates.  They will sort them on their own.  They just want the emails.
The next move belongs to Judge Sullivan and he has many tools he can use.  He can order US Marshals to arrest anyone he thinks is obstructing justice, he can have US Marshals seize the tapes the emails are on and turn them over to congress or he can order heavy sanctions against the IRS and the Treasury Department.  The best part is neither Obama or Lynch can do anything about it.  The federal courts have the power to arrest people or seize evidence and are free from executive branch interference due to separation of powers.
Sullivan will study the IRS letter, then write a decision after a careful study of case law and previous precedents and then render his decision.  I would guess this week unless he doesn’t get finished till Friday in which case he will wait till Monday so it gets the most publicity.
Courtesy of Red Statements.

WUA - Blame for disruptions to his healthcare law

The President can’t shift blame for disruptions to his healthcare law
Written on Sunday, June 14, 2015 by Robert Pickup

Description: Description: Barack-Obama-6.10

President Obama in his speech at the Catholic Health Association hailed his signature achievement, Obamacare as a success. He said that under the law more people are covered, the uninsured rate is down and there is no more discrimination based on preexisting conditions as evidence the law is working. The President also made it a point to say that the worst predictions made by Republicans regarding the law have not come true.  Simon Maloy writing at Salon.com says that the speech was meant to preempt the Supreme Courts decision in King v Burwell and paint Republican efforts to reform the law as disruptive. He says the President makes the case that Obamacare is the new normal, that people are now dependent on the law and it would be wrong to change it.

The Presidents defense of the law and his attempt to create a narrative where Republicans are disruptive of Americans lives leaves out vital details. For example, when he declares that more people have coverage while being technically true doesn’t tell the whole story. According to Gallup the uninsured rate went down most among low income Americans and Hispanics. It is disingenuous to say that these people have access to healthcare because of Obamacare when they already had access through Medicaid. The President also left out the fact that almost 5 million people lost their insurance because of his law, something he promised us wouldn’t happen. These people then had to buy an approved plan that many times had higher premiums and deductibles. The fact that more people have insurance doesn’t imply access to good health care as the President would like is to deduce. ER visits have spiked under Obamacare as well as the closings of rural hospitals. Access to primary care Doctors and specialists has also gone down.

Finally the President cited as a success the fact that people can buy health insurance despite preexisting conditions. The reality though is that this had been Federal law since 1996 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This is really a straw man argument any way. The purpose of insurance is to Insure against future expenses not on known expenses. When Obama says that insurance companies should have to pay for people who already sick that is akin to allowing someone to buy car insurance after getting into a wreck.

The President also said that the worst predictions by Republicans about the law haven’t come true. Some of these predictions include the rationing of care, death panels and skyrocketing premiums that will lead to the collapse of the insurance industry. When making these predictions, Republicans weren’t saying they would come true the day after the law came into effect. They made these predictions based on the outcomes of similar systems around the world and the fact that our population is aging and there aren’t enough healthy people contributing to the system. So while Obama can today say these things aren’t happening, 30 years from now we will be grappling with the very issues Republicans warned about today.
Maloy says the President is setting the narrative that Republicans will be disrupting people’s lives if the Supreme Court rules against the administration on Obamacare subsidies. However Any disruption won’t be as severe as the restructuring of one fifth of the U.S. Economy and the thousands of exemptions and dozens of revisions and delays that is Obamacare. I am almost positive Maloy wasn’t warning of any disruptions 5 years ago. The blame for any disruption should be laid directly at the door of the Administration. They are the ones who wrote the law in such a way as to punish States for not creating their own exchanges. This, as we know from the Laws Architect was done intentionally to force Republicans to comply or lose funding. Democrats in Congress are also to blame for passing the law to find out what was in it as Pelosi told us we needed to do.
When the Supreme Court rules against the subsidies, as they must according to the text of the law, Republicans will then have a chance to reform Obamacare. Republicans will be fixing a five year disruption to Americans lives with their reforms. It will be up to the President to stand aside and let them do it.
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/articles/the-president-cant-shift-blame-for-disruptions-to-his-healthcare-law/

RTS: ITNJ, Magna Carta, Treaty of Verona, Shmita, Grand Jubilee: The DATA Dump

ITNJ, Magna Carta, Treaty of Verona, Shmita, Grand Jubilee: The DATA Dump

This is the Data dump from the past few days of research.  I'm sorry my friends, I do not have time to go through this all and clean  and tidy it up, check spelling, and organise it into sections, beyond what it already is.  I'm putting this out as a WHOLE, All the pieces we've been looking through.  Yes it is a massive amount of data to sift through, but I felt it necessary for the public to see it all, and then discern for themselves what they feel is relevant.

Right now we are seeing HUGE plans within plans coming into play.  The deeper we look into one piece of the puzzle, the more pieces we see connect, where before there were no connections.  Magna Carta, the Date of June 15, 2015,  Judaic Shmita Grand Jubilee,.... all of these things are now starting to tie in together.

As I said above, this is my mass data dump of everything I've been researching for the past few days....  the dots are connecting an a MASSIVE Scale now.  September 2015 may bring a lot of things into play.....  It's time for people to Get Prepared!


Poverty, according to conservatives

BrasscheckTV Report

Poverty is a huge systemic
problem in the American

Roughly 45 million Americans
are currently affected by it

Let’s see how conservatives plan
to solve the issue.

From our friends at



- Brasscheck TV

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV with your
friends and colleagues.



Monday, June 15, 2015



June 15, 2015

According to sources and other info herein, the Yuan will become a reserve currency before the end of the year and probably sooner rather than later. Gold is a golden GCR. When the yuan reserves, gold will glitter and explode on the Shanghai

Other currencies along with Dinar and Dong will follow.

Also keep in mind that China/ BRICS have other options here. They can play their own ball game, in their own park, with their own rules by having their own banks and agencies. Collectively they have almost cornered the gold market. Does China/BRICS need the IMF, World Bank, BIS?

Blessings galore,

Bulldog 75

The International Monetary Fund, which holds the key to the Chinese yuan becoming an international reserve currency through a review of its Special Drawing Rights basket, has sent a team to Beijing on Monday.

An IMF statement on Monday said the team will discuss the technical aspects of including the yuan as a reserve currency with Chinese officials.

The five-yearly review of the SDR basket is due by year-end.

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has said earlier that the real question is ‘when’ not ‘if’ the yuan qualifies.

Germany, Australia and France have supported the yuan’s bid to be added.

“We’re supportive of China’s efforts to integrate its economy into the world’s economy,” Australian Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said earlier this year.

The IMF team’s preliminary assessments to label reserve-currency status for the yuan would be announced in July.

According to the IMF, selections of currencies for the SDR basket are based on two criteria – the size of the country’s exports and whether its currency is freely useable.

The SDR, an international reserve asset, currently comprises the US dollar, Japanese yen, British pound and euro.

Posted by at 8:45:00 PM

Global Elite Banksters Take Out Bitcoin Exchange (Video)


Legislators and corporate lobbyists meet in secret at Georgia resort


7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September


Russia to kill drones, missiles

Russia to kill drones, missiles with 10km-range super-high frequency cannon

Published time: June 15, 2015 10:34


Russia’s Rostech Corporation is to unveil a super-high frequency weapon capable of taking down all kinds of drones, missiles and other high precision weapons. The presentation will be made at the Army-2015 military expo.
The Mosow Radio Engineering Institute has developed a super-high frequency (SHF) ‘cannon’. It’s designed to knock out aircraft, drones, guided missiles and any airborne high precision weapons using electronics.
The cannon creates an air-exclusion zone within a reported radius of over 10 kilometers around the defended object or installation, though the system’s exact characteristics are classified.
“This mobile microwave irradiation complex performs off-frequency rejection of electronics aboard low-altitude aerial targets and warheads of high precision weapons,” a source in Rostech Corporation told TASS, adding this system puts close range air defenses on a whole new level.

“In terms of performance capabilities, the complex has no competitors in the world,” the source said.  All the equipment is mounted on a tracked Buk missile air defense transportation platform.


The SHF ‘cannon’ will be unveiled in the classified area of Army-2015 expo, an international military forum that will take place at the ‘Patriot’ military amusement park outside Moscow between June 16 and 19.
In April this year, the US Navy released a video detailing its LOCUST technology – a new tool allowing multiple drones to coordinate and swarm the enemy. Reportedly, it’s designed to protect large US vessels. However, when armed with warheads they turn into offensive weapons.

READ MORE: Drones will hunt in packs, as US Navy unveils LOCUST prototype launcher


Published on Apr 15, 2015
The LOw-Cost Unmannded aerial vehicle Swarming Technology (LOCUST) is a prototype tube-launched UAV. The LOCUST program will make possible the launch of multiple swarming UAVs to autonomously overwhelm and adversary. For details: http://www.onr.navy.mil/en/Media-

An attack of a squadron of drones on a defended installation makes the task of taking them out really troublesome and resource-consuming for existing air defense systems.

The out-of-band 360-degree radiation suppression by an SHF ‘cannon’ looks like a universal solution for maintaining secure air defense against swarming drone attacks.


LA Times_Quote of the Day - Priceless

LA Times Quote of the day - This is absolutely priceless! 

Senator Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way, and government should prevent them from owning firearms."
Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.... and the quote below from columnist Burt Prelutsky is  priceless, sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right!!!

"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California , but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine , even comes  close.  When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington , we're Number One.
There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the  likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on  Macbeth " 
" The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab.  You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."       A California Friend

How avocado could help fight CANCER:

How avocado could help fight CANCER: Fat from the fruit 'targets leukaemia cells and stops them growing' - raising hopes for a new drug

  • Fat from avocados could combat acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
  • Fat targets leukaemia stem cells and stops them growing abnormally
  • Researchers say it could prolong life of leukaemia sufferers
  • AML is a deadly form of cancer that proves fatal within 5 years for 90 per cent of people over the age of 65 

They are delicious in guacamole or cut up in salads, and we've long been told they're a healthy form of fat.
But now, scientists believe avocados could help in the fight against cancer.  
A new study has revealed fat from the creamy fruit can combat acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), a rare but deadly form of the disease.
Fat molecules from avocado tackles leukaemia stem cells, which are the root of the disease, as they grow into abnormal blood cells, Canadian researchers said.
Worldwide, there are few drugs that tackle leukaemia stem cells.
In light of the findings, the researchers hope to create an avocado-derived drug they say could one day significantly increase life expectancy and quality of life for AML patients. 
AML is a devastating disease and proves fatal within five years for 90 per cent of people over the age of 65.
In healthy people, stem cells in the bone marrow divide and grow to form fully developed mature red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells.
In patients with AML, this process goes awry.
Rather than forming into healthy red blood cells, many abnormal leukaemia cells are made.
These are immature cells that aren't able to develop into normal functioning blood cells.
The researchers discovered the fat molecule from avocados, called avocatin B, is able to stop this process, targeting stem cells so healthy blood cells are able to grow.

Canadian scientists, hope to develop a new cancer-fighting drug using fat derived from avocados

Professor Paul Spagnuolo, from the University of Waterloo, said: 'The stem cell is really the cell that drives the disease.
'The stem cell is largely responsible for the disease developing and it's the reason why so many patients with leukaemia relapse.
'We've performed many rounds of testing to determine how this new drug works at a molecular level and confirmed that it targets stem cells selectively, leaving healthy cells unharmed.
Professor Paul Spagnuolo from the University of Waterloo has discovered a lipid in avocados that combats acute myeloid leukemia by targeting the root of the disease - leukemia stem cells
Professor Paul Spagnuolo from the University of Waterloo has discovered a lipid in avocados that combats acute myeloid leukemia by targeting the root of the disease - leukemia stem cells
'Not only does avocatin B eliminate the source of AML, but its targeted, selective effects make it less toxic to the body, too.'
Professor Spagnuolo has teamed up with the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM), in Toronto, and filed a patent application for the use of avocatin B to treat AML.
The drug is still years away from becoming approved for use in cancer clinics, but Professor Spagnuolo is already performing experiments to prepare the drug for a Phase I clinical trial.
This is the first round of trials where people diagnosed with AML could have access to the drug.
The research was published in the journal Cancer Research. 


Leukaemia is cancer of the white blood cells. Acute leukaemia means the condition progresses rapidly and aggressively, requiring immediate treatment.
Acute Myeloid Leukeamia (AML) is a form of the cancer in which the myeloid cells  are affected.
Myeloid cells perform a number of different functions, such as fighting bacterial infections, defending the body against parasites and preventing the spread of tissue damage. 
The fat molecule from avocados tackles leukaemia stem cells, stopping them from growing abnormally. Pictured is a blood smear of AML under the microscope
The fat molecule from avocados tackles leukaemia stem cells, stopping them from growing abnormally. Pictured is a blood smear of AML under the microscope
AML occurs when specialised cells called stem cells, which are found in the bone marrow (a spongy material inside the bones), produce excessive numbers of immature white blood cells. These immature cells are known as blast cells.
Blast cells don't have the infection-fighting properties of healthy white blood cells, and their excessive production can lead to a decrease in the number of red blood cells (which carry oxygen in the blood) and platelets (cells that help the blood to clot). 
Source: NHS Choices


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kxSrPD__BA

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3469584927&feature=iv&src_vid=6kxSrPD__BA&v=i-5jfeTJdLg

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J8TpW-Bbeo


If you are wondering what that 'stuff' is that is all over your car, lawn furniture and home garden food crops
And WHY plants, trees, the birds and the bees and the animals are dying
If you are wondering why you are 'sick' all the time -





Worldwide Inspirational speaker Nick Vujicic leads children's choir - so cute


Nick Vujicic came to visit Right Mind Kindergarten on June 4.
Our children sang only the chorus of 'Dear Lord' with him last visit,
but this visit we were able to sing the whole song for him!
We are so blessed to have him drop by!
Thanks Nick!  We love you!
Come visit us again soon!

ALERT! First significant heat wave expected to hit Southwest US




by The Extinction Protocol
Heat Wave

The first significant heat wave of the year sweeps into the Desert Southwest this week, possibly pushing temps above the 120 degree mark. High and low temperatures will be up to 15 degrees above average for much of the region. Desert areas can expect a period of temperatures well above 100 degrees, along with dry conditions. Desert locations below 3,500 feet will see temperatures rise well into the 100s, while the Colorado River Valley will be even hotter with highs in the 110s likely. The hot spot as usual will be Death Valley which may see temperatures over 120 degrees. An excessive heat watch has been issued for Thursday through next Monday for the Death Valley and Las Vegas area.
The region's hottest weather so far this year is courtesy of high pressure is moving into the area. The National Weather Service in Las Vegas notes that gusty southwesterly winds are anticipated each afternoon, and along with near maximum solar radiation near the summer solstice, there is no reason to doubt the very warm temperatures ahead. These hot conditions will last through the weekend, which is a change from the first half of June which frequently experienced below-average temperatures and even saw wet conditions. Phoenix has seen 0.19 inches of rain this month and the average rainfall in June is 0.02 inches.
Temperatures in Las Vegas will approach 110 degrees this week, where the average high temperatures for mid-June are around 100 degrees. Highs in Las Vegas reach or top 110 degrees about 9 times a year (record is 29 days in 1940). Phoenix may reach the mid 110s where an excessive heat warning is in effect beginning Tuesday morning and continues all the way through next Monday evening. Lows will add to the effect of the heat with temperatures only drop into the 80s overnight within the urban areas. Heat safety precautions are urged during this period. The National Weather Service in Phoenix warns that those playing or working outdoors, as well as those without access to air conditioning, will face an elevated risk of heat related illness. Remember to never leave kids or pets unattended in cars, drink more water than usual. Wear light-colored clothing and keep your head and body cooler with a hat. Take frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. –Weather