Sunday, June 21, 2015

HOT Explosive Breaking News: It's Contagion: Banks in the Bucket

Sunday   June 21, 2015
It's Contagion: Banks in the Bucket
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the Greek euro denominated debt has escalated to $360 billion.  This now represents as much as $25 TRILLION of worthless cross-collateralized derivatives, which are now outstanding with the Bank of England and the Bank of New York Mellon as counter parties.

They have joined Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank of New York, German Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale of France and Barclays Bank of England as catching full scale contagion disease.

Without a Greek deal all of these aforementioned banks collapse leading to capital controls and the possibility of worldwide bank runs.

At this hour it is all about the repo rate, the lack of liquidity in the system leading to a derivative debacle.

We can also divulge that the Greek government is enraged having learned that various financial ministers tied to European Union nations have created secret offshore tax havens in the Cayman Islands using the euro payments of the Greek People to establish these illegal offshore accounts.

Note:  IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has now opened up a massive investigation of this money laundry.

P.S.  With massive financial Armageddon imminent aka a massive worldwide crooked bank "BAIL-IN", the NAZI Paperclip U.S. NSA continues to script racial incidents aka FBI Division 5 racial "psy ops" (using mind control scalar technology linked to U.S. cell phones) as test runs in advance of another 9/11 BLACK OP-style False Flag Psy Ops reference a bio-chemical attack on the American People to be blamed on the "crisis actors" British Petroleum and British Intelligence bought and paid for puppets, the British Blackwater trained ISIS group.

History lesson:  The first British bio-chemical attack on the American People took place at the end of the American Revolutionary War when British General Cornwallis infected thousands of black slaves with smallpox and tried to transport them into the American and French army lines that were within five miles of the British and German Hessian forces.

The bio-chemical attack failed and the British and German Hessian mercenaries were routed by Washington and Lafayette leading to British capitulation at Yorktown and the end of the American Revolutionary War and freedom and liberty from the tyrannical British monarchy.

In closing, beware of certain American politicians that voted for the Patriot Act and the Bush-British illegal war in Iraq that resulted in the murders and/or injury of millions of innocent Iraqi civilians based on false evidence reference NO weapons of mass destruction, who now want to use a scripted racial incident in the American south as a predicate to shred the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the supreme law of our land.

Guess, folks, who the leader is of the chorus to disarm the American People:  her initials are HRC.

So, after more than 200 years of American history with the Second American Revolution due to commence immediately, identify the enemy, it is still the British Monarchy!!!

Remember that British piece of crap that used to be on CNN, Piers Morgan, who wanted to disarm the American People, shred the Constitution and half-hearted jokes in having the United States be returned to British monarchial rule.

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President




Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity of the current global climate. Insider information pointed directly towards global financial meltdown and global war.

Published on Jun 20, 2015



Texas Mobilizes state Militia against U.S Federal troops, wants Fed hands off everything Texas including its Gold

Texas Mobilizes state Militia against U.S Federal troops, wants Fed hands off everything Texas including its Gold

The "Manifesto" Jim Stone


Mail updates and message window are below the manifesto

The "Manifesto"

People have scolded me for missing the fact that the TPP passed during this shooting. I disagree, I ought to scold others for not covering the fact the TPP was up and coming days before this event and believe my readers do not have such a short attention span that they cant remember what I posted a few days earlier, now on to business . . . .

I am going to say it as I see it - I doubt the manifesto is real, I doubt Dylan set up the web site that had it or wrote it at all. Even still, it is not a bad read. I think this is an attempt by the zio clan to show him as being level headed and to back stab alternative media. His web site "" was set up in February, was a real web site and not just a blogger page or facebook page as the disinfo teams are now trying to front, and then the web site was never updated since. And here is why some are trying to pawn this off as a facebook/blogger type web site: Who pays for web sites, sets them up with a single post and then never does anything ever again, as happened here? ANSWER: Intelligence agency types who want to set up a future false front to use in a situation like this. They probably set this up after they decisively concluded he was getting sucked in by their MK zombie brain washing.
And if he did do the web site, I strongly believe he was a MK ultra zombie through the shooting, and that perhaps our illustrious NSA nailed his writing below, had the CIA send agents, and then programmed him for this job and because he was getting his brain whipped he never got back to his web site he just set up and paid for. That is a secondary explanation for why a paid web site was set up and immediately abandoned. As far as I see it, it is one or the other.
I am not certain the TPP had anything to do with this, but it is obvious the gun control agenda did and that this was fronted as a reason to nail the alternative media. The way the MSM is using this so-called manifesto is disgusting.
Update: The shooter had many black friends, and this manifesto, written in February, has the quote " I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me."

There is a serious problem with that final quote, (which was probably tagged onto the end of his post by someone else if he wrote it at all) and it is this: He supposedly wrote this in February. He is too young to have that long of a gap between writing something and doing something, especially with a web site so unimportant to him that he left it completely abandoned on the DAY HE REGISTERED IT. We are supposed to believe he registered AND PAID FOR the site, on the same day posted this, and then he abandoned it THAT SAME DAY. YEAH RIGHT. This more likely came off one of those web sites that is set up by an intelligence agency to provide plausibility for a future psy op and then parked until needed.

Here is the so called manifesto, I am having a hard time believing this story.

[go to link ( to view "Manifesto"]
[Message Box:]
GLP bans resume Ha Godlike Productions just banned my ISP as soon as I tried to post your comments that state...."How do you use a .45 handgun to kill that many people? Here is what I see as the biggest problem with the story - supposedly our shooter used a .45 handgun...."
My response: Then it must be hitting home . . . . .
Jim why are these Globalist assholes pushing communism on the world... when its has a history of failure? What is the motive? The destruction has begun, even here in Canada.
Thank you for all your hard work in exposing the corruption of evil

My response: Communism is the preferred government system for the Jewish community. One might think it would be capitalism, but the bottom line is that Jews are communist and since they are running the show now, the globalists are communist as well.
The reason why communism is the preferred system is because only through communism can you manage a sub class like cattle, while ensuring your own group (the Jewish community) a firm seat above the cattle. That really is pretty much it.
I knew a Ukranian couple in Canada who had first hand family witness of the starvation massacre in the Ukraine. They pulled no punches - the Jews sat in beautiful warm homes very securely with police outside to protect them as the real Ukranian people starved to death outside, within sight. It was brutal. The food was in the fields, and the Ukranian people were forced to starve even though food was plentiful and in plain sight. All enforced by the Jews via communism, and their willing police accomplaces simply because the people refused to submit. Interesting it is that all the American police who are being so brutal now were trained in Israel, is it not?
I can see something on the horizon . . . . . .
CHARLESTON SHOOTER: Another false-flag designed to stir up racial hatred so that people don't ever see who the real enemy is. Just like Anders Breivik who was supposedly photographed wearing a haz-mat isolation suit with a cross of Malta symbol on it (they don't come with those and only a fool would punch holes in the suit to sew one on) to prove his allegiances, this guy has the old South African & Rhodesian flags on his jacket to 'prove' he is a white supremacist. Guaranteed false-flag event, using some set-up nut case to do the dirty work.
My response: When I saw that, all I could think was it has to be phony. Not hollywood phony, I mean high school movie phony. Rock stupid psy op.
[End of latest in Message box]

Charleston shooting does not make sense

How do you use a .45 handgun to kill that many people? Here is what I see as the biggest problem with the story -

Supposedly our shooter used a .45 handgun he reloaded 4 or 5 times during the shooting. Ok, so how does that work? During reloading, you are going to have significant breaks in the shooting. Why did no one rush him when he was reloading? Why did everyone miss the opportunity, not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 or 5 times? That sounds REALLY STUPID on the face of things.
But there is another huge glaring problem here and it amounts to claiming everyone there was absolutely stupid. And it is: HOW can you possibly reload a hand gun at least four and possibly FIVE times and still have anyone there to shoot at? Come on now, would people not be running away? By the middle of reload 2 that church should have been empty, unless, of course, people were so rock stupid they just stayed there and said SHOOT ME TOO, I am going to heaven anyway!
And then there was that stupid comment by Obama, where he said no other advanced countries have so many mass casualty shootings. Well, they do, (at least in theory) what about the crock of B.S. Charlie Hebdo shooting? If Obama is going to front that lie, he has to take Charlie Hebdo and present it as real (even though it obviously was not) and so recently? Come on now, the "mass casualty event" statement is as hollow and dainty as a ping pong ball and bounces away just as easily as one when the least bit of critical thought is put on Obama's claims.
Ah yes, calling for gun control, because we are all violent in America because we have guns. Quite the narrow minded view, don't you think? There are other factors in America, I believe, that would influence the number of "mass casualty events" far more than gun ownership, as shown below.

President Obama's claims that mass killings do not happen in other countries is a bold faced lie. Here are some totals:

President Bush - Iraq, totally unprovoked murder of 1,220,580 people. President Bush - Afghanistan, unprovoked murder of 220,000 people (when you consider the real truth - that Bush and Israel did 911 themselves, and then proceeded to pursue an oil pipeline the Afghans refused.)
President Bush - Obama, Pakistan, 80,000 killed in drone strikes when no one there had anything to do with any attack on America at all.
President Obama - Libya, totally unprovoked murder of 30,000
President Obama - sponsor of Isis along with CIA and Israeli Mossad - tens of thousands in various regions, with no solid count.
And I am not even going to get into the millions of others murdered by the American war machine in other totally unprovoked conflicts that happened before 911, but can state in terms that simply cannot be argued that it is the American government that goes around murdering people AND NOW THAT SAME MURDERING POWER STRUCTURE IS LOOKING INWARD TO MURDER AND DETAIN ITS OWN POPULATION IF THAT POPULATION REFUSES TO COMPLY WITH THE NEW TYRANNY.


The Shootings, The Globalists and Gun Control: The 2nd Phase of Disarming Americans

The globalists know that an educated society armed with all the facts and the ability to rationally think and reason as individuals is a well armed society that is not easily overtaken.
The globalists also know that such a society is wise enough and intelligent enough to realize that this is not a perfect world full of benevolent people that we live in and that by disarming society as a whole from protecting itself from greedy power hungry people is an invitation for trouble, not the assurance of safety.
That is why the globalists have been working diligently through the last 50 years to dumb down and numb up Americans which is the most crucial step toward fully disarming and ruling the masses with the least amount of resistance. 
The problem is not the guns. The problem is that we are now an "Illuminati" controlled society that is reacting to mass programming.
Common sense is no longer common. Americans have been conditioned to take the spoon feeding of the globalist prepackaged opinions channeled through the globalist run mainstream media, globalist run Hollywood, movie industry and publishing houses.
We are an intellectually disarmed society, putty in the hands of the globalists and their agenda to further disarm us from physically protecting ourselves from them. It is one of the greatest conspiracies ever, and so successful that Americans just can't see it to save their lives.
I speak from my experience of being born and raised in the globalist organization, knowing of this plan to take over America and bring America to ruin.
When I was a small child in the 1950's, I knew these types of shootings would be happening just prior to the beginning of the planned chaos that the NWO organization would bring.
I also know that the globalist organization has been programming multitudes of individuals at least since the early 1950's, to be triggered to help bring the chaos and to perpetuate the planned chaos in America and in other locations throughout the world. Many of these programmed people are what I call "sleepers" because they are totally unaware that they have been programmed. The programming is dormant until the inner clock is triggered which engages the program. I believe that the movie, "Avatar" contains such triggers. I haven't seen the Batman movie, so I don't have a personal opinion about possible triggers in that movie, however, going by the headlines of some articles I have seen in my mailbox, it appears that some people are thinking that the Batman movie might have some triggers in it.
And don't you know that the creators of the Batman movie are making a killing on the profits as a result of the recent media hype? Don't you also know that the creators of the Zombie movies have also been making quite a killing? (Just a thought to factor into this whole equation.) The globalists are the biggest opportunists this planet has ever seen who play every avenue possible for their benefit.

The globalist aim to enact strict gun laws and to finally disarm Americans. This has been a target goal for many years. Until the globalist enact strict gun laws, Americans can expect to be seeing more shootings, not just in schools, but in other public places, like malls, parks, libraries, religious meeting places, possibly subways and even airports. Such "false flag" events were planned many many years ago in order to instill fear in Americans so that they would be more willing to disarm themselves rather than be forced by the globalist to disarm. As a last resort, firearms will be taken by force.
These planned shootings are also a means to motivate Americans to look to their globalist run government as their source of security and to see other Americans as their enemy, not the globalist run government who is the real enemy of the people. The globalists want Americans to turn against each other and to be spies and snitches for the globalists. "Patriotism" is being redefined before our sleeping American eyes.
Keep in mind that if the globalists benefited by having Americans armed, then the globalists would be pulling off numerous "false flag" attacks in America that would be thwarted by well armed citizens and of course be widely publicized. The fact is that there are many good armed citizens whose quick thinking has saved many lives. The media could very easily use such numerous instances to encourage a responsible armed American public, if having Americans armed was advantageous to those governing us and passing our laws.
However, the fact is that gun ownership by American citizens is dangerous to our globalist run government.
Think about this, what solider would not fear entering a country where it is a known fact that most of it's citizens are armed? Think about the power of the globalist run mainstream media and how easily Americans could be influenced to support the benefits of having more guns, not fewer armed citizens with their concealed weapons permit.
It is true that taking guns away will not stop the criminals, but it will stop Americans from protecting themselves against the criminals who will always have plenty of weapons.
The truth is that our government IS the terrorist organization that wants to take down America and they need to disarm Americans first.
Their first step of disarming Americans has been successful in that we in America are no longer a thinking, reasoning society with all the facts. The next step is obvious.
A final point I wish for you all to consider: 
Research all the laws that have been passed since September 11, 2001 and ask yourself what is keeping our globalist run government from enforcing all those laws. The answer should also be quite obvious. 

Alexis Tsipras Signs 11th Hour Deal With Putin To Save Greece From Financial Ruin

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said after Friday's talks with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras that a prospective Russian natural gas pipeline should help Greece service its debt, but the Kremlin said the question of direct Russian financial aid to Greece was not discussed.
Speaking of the pipeline deal at a meeting with top executives of global news agencies, including The Associated Press, which began nearly three hours behind schedule at around midnight, Putin said he saw no support for the Greeks from the EU.
"If EU wants Greece to pay its debts it should be interested in growing the Greek economy ... helping it pay its debts," he said. "The EU should be applauding us. What's wrong with creating jobs in Greece?"
Greece is struggling to reach a deal with its creditors for new loans that it needs to avoid defaulting on debt payments at the end of the month. Without the bailout, Greece could be headed for bankruptcy or an exit from the 19-nation eurozone.
Tsipras' visit gave rise to speculation that the Greeks may be seeking Russian loans - and ahead of the talks, Putin's spokesman said Russia would consider a loan if the Greeks asked for one.
"We would do this because they are our partners and this is a normal practice between countries who are partners," spokesman Dmitry Peskov told The Associated Press.
But when Tsipras met with Putin at the sidelines of a major economic forum in St.Petersburg, the possibility of a loan wasn't discussed, Peskov told journalists. Instead, they spoke about "the necessity of developing investment cooperation."
Russia and Greece signed a deal Friday to build an extension of a prospective gas pipeline that would carry Russian gas to Europe through Turkey. Russia promised Greece hundreds of millions of dollars in transit payments yearly if it agreed to build the pipeline. Construction of the pipeline is expected to start next year and be completed in 2019.
Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Russia and Greece would be equal partners in the project, with Russia's half owned by the state bank VEB.
The talks were held after both leaders addressed investors and Russian government officials at Russia's biggest annual economic forum.
Putin said little about Greece, although he slipped in a joke about its predicament.
"When Mr. Tsipras spoke, he said the problem of Greece was not a Greek problem but a European one. Well, that's right. If you owe someone a lot, then it is already not your problem but the problem of the one you owe - and that's an absolutely correct approach," Putin said.
Tsipras said his country strove to be a "bridge of cooperation" with "traditional friends like Russia" and others.
"As you all know, we are now in the middle of a great storm," the Greek leader said. "But we are a seafaring nation that knows how to navigate through storms and is not afraid of heading to new seas and reaching new harbors."
Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich also had said Russia would consider a loan to Greece.
"The most important things for us are investment projects and trade with Greece. If financial support is needed, we will consider this question," he said in an interview on RT television.
Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev said during a forum session that Russia has no plans to buy Greek bonds, but is ready support the Greek economy by stimulating investment by Russian companies. He pointed to the gas pipeline as an example.
Tsipras started his day by speaking to Russians of Greek ancestry at a memorial to Ioannis Kapodistrias, the founder of the modern Greek state who lived and worked in Russia as a Greek envoy from 1809 to 1822.
"We are starting a new era in Greek-Russian relations and we consider you who live here to be playing a very important part in this effort," Tsipras said.
"Greece has been waging a brave fight in these past few weeks and months. You are well aware of these types of difficulties and you are now standing on your feet," he added. "This is the key characteristic of the Greek people, to be able to overcome difficulties when right is on their side."
Kate dePury in St. Petersburg, Derek Gatopoulos in Athens, Lynn Berry and Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow contributed reporting.

Agenda 21 Rural Land Executive Order Signed By Obama - (Government Has Taken Over All Rural Land!..)

Agenda 21 Rural Land
Executive Order Signed By Obama -

 ( Government Has Taken Over All Rural Land!...)

Huge Military Convoys In Texas, California, Oregon and Old Tennessee Walmart

Huge Military Convoys In Texas, California,

Oregon and Old Tennessee Walmart




Posted on June 21, 2015 by in Featured, freedomfighters2127

Timing is everything. Recently there has been yet another shooting, this time in Detroit. An unidentified man walked into a basketball court and shot 10 people. This comes just days after the South Carolina Shooting, and just a day after Obama told his gun activists to mobilize.


At least one person has been killed and eight others injured after an unidentified gunman opened fire on a basketball court on Detroit’s West Side, media reports say citing Detroit police.
Police are currently investigating the shooting, which took place at a block party on a court at Webb and Dexter on Saturday night, according to the Detroit Free Press. Neither the identities of the victims, nor of the shooter have been released.
Three of the individuals shot were women, the outlet cited Assistant Chief Steve Dolunt as saying.
Children were also reportedly present at the party. Dolunt noted that it was a “miracle” none of them were injured.






Posted on June 20, 2015 by in Featured, freedomfighters2127

This video does not violate fair use. VONORE, Tenn. (WVLT) — There have been complaints about suspicious white vans from people in three East Tennessee counties. The latest was filed Thursday.
So far, there have been complaints filed in Loudon, Cumberland, and now Monroe County.
Andrea Kirkland says she was followed in a grocery store. Since then, she has posted pictures to Facebook trying to track down the man responsible.
Thursday, Kirkland says she was grocery shopping when she noticed a man with an empty cart following her through the aisles.
She says while she was shopping, she felt like the man was watching her. At first, she didn’t think much of it, but as he got closer she went to the deli and told the employee she was being followed. The man heard her and left the store.
That’s when she saw the man get into a white Dodge Sprinter van and drive away.
We called all three departments that received complaints. None of them have identified the suspects, but based on descriptions of the vans and the drivers, they don’t think the cases are related.
In each case, there weren’t any laws broken, but Vonore City Police say they are trying to find the man to get more information.
Kirkland says the man who she thinks was following her is between 40 and 50 years old and about 6’2″.

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating

Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity
of the current global climate.
Insider information pointed directly towards
global financial meltdown and global war.

The Communist JEW World Order is taking over with their One World Government Military dictatorship.
Signs of a coming financial meltdown are accelerating at an alarming rate
The financial elite are hinting that an impending financial collapse is on the horizon.
From the Greek-Euro crisis to gold’s sudden rise in popularity, the writing on the wall points to unavoidable economic doom.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently indicated his distrust of the Federal Reserve’s fiat monetary system in a move to repatriate $1 billion of gold back to his home state.
Countries such as China and Germany have made similar moves, with the German Central Bank, or Bundesbank, earlier this year saying it also has plans to repatriate 300 tonnes of gold from the New York Fed by 2020.
Just today, a British hedge fund manager Ian Spreadbury who handles billions in investments revealed he warns clients of the market’s “systemic risk,” and said he advises them to store “physical cash” due to its volatility.
All of this, coupled with the fact that billionaires are purchasing doomsday bunkers and offshore hideaways, paints a bleak picture of the global economic future unless more of humanity awakens and forces a sea change.
Don't say nobody warned you
Another JEW SCAM
The answer to your Rocket story that I have heard so many times.
Israel and ISIS working together to undermine Hamas
ISIS lobbed a couple of rockets at Israel. The rockets did not harm to people or property, but Israel responded by attacking Hamas’ “terrorist infrastructure” in Gaza. 
To punish Hamas, ISIS lobs rockets at Israel, which then strikes Hamas: Zio-Watch, June 7, 2015
Here's the video:
This issue is just another nail in the coffin of white America.
Posted By:
Why Dylann Roof is RIGHT! - Whites UNDER-REACT to Racial threats

Bill Cooper: Behold a Pale Horse Lecture - Remastered

Daily Videos from the Edges of Science
From: ForbiddenKnowledgeTV 
If you use Gmail, it's time to get a new email 
address! Hushmail is good, if you don't abandon 
it for 2 weeks, whereupon it will shut you out.
Other free services include: 
The last two are hosted overseas. ProtonMail, is 
overwhelmed at the moment (I got accounts set 
up at and The first of 
these two requires that end to end users text keys 
to each other, which would not work for receiving 
these mails - but give them each a look and decide 
which feels like it suits your needs. Gmail is just 
feeding the monster in "Bluff" Dale...Moreover,
(If you don't have a PayPal account, you can still 
use PayPal, using the PayPal button that appears 
beneath the video screen, on the page linked below
which gives you more freedom, as to how much and 
different ways to donate - without having a PayPal
If you want nothing to do with PayPal, whatsoever, 
checks are very welcome, made out to:
Forbidden Knowledge TV 
P.O. Box 754 
Vero Beach, FL 32960 
This is a lovingly retouched video, with re-mastered 
audio from a low-quality VHS tape of Bill Cooper's 
classic speech of some 20 years ago, which keeps 
making more and more sense, as time goes by, with 
some of the hideous things that pass for "normal" 
these days, such as the imminent "fast-tracking" of 
the TPP.
In the text beneath the video screen, on the page linked
below, see the list of swing Senators on this vote - if they 
"represent" your State, call and write them and tell them 
Video: (89 minutes): 

P.S. Please share ForbiddenKnowledgeTV emails 
and videos with your friends and colleagues on Twitter, too.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

Publisher, ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.c

Dr. William Mount: Greek Bank Run - What It Means To You

William Mount
Greek Bank Run - What It Means To You
Fri Jun 19, 2015

Today the Greeks ran to the bank trying to pull out as many Euros as they
could because rumors in the Rothchilds Controlled Media stated that the
banks will take a "Bank Holiday" on Monday.

We know it was fed by these Rothchilds (Bauers) because all across the
world the stories about this were the same and most of them contained the
words: "Game Over". So please keep in mind that the Greek Government
knows who is destroying their people and refuses to stop this by arresting
the perpetrators. Either they are Cowards or paid off to destroy Greece.

(((Please pray - Visualize - that those who are blocking your ability to get
the news are immediately made so sick they can not speak or move for the
rest of their lives. I mean really pray that they cannot move or speak.)))

After three months of paying the Greek Bill the IMF just announced that
Greece is broke?

This is all planned.

Like we stated months ago:

1) Greece will fall.

2) Next the PIGS Nations - Portugal, Italy, and SPain.

3) France next.

4) Germany will fall.

5) Finally: The US will tumble.

6) Then these nuts plan to shoot "Jesus" out of the sky (Not Kidding)
    and barring this


7) Russia will nuke the US and invade since those in the White House
    are traitors and sold out completely.

Russian Plans Atomic “First Strike” As “False Flag” Racial Massacre
Pushes America To Brink Of Insanity.

What this means for you is: You need to throw away the TV and listen
very hard for GOD. Ask HIM what to do.

If you are listening and IF you throw your TV out the window then you
will be able to hear and your family will be readied for what is coming.

Like Y2K - the only thing that may happen is prices simply go up and we
are stuck with a Fascist Pig in the White House for a few more years.

Either way it is not a bad thing to be prepared for a power outage or your
water supply being cut due to a Earth Quake or other disaster, right?

YOUR job is to listen to the Living GOD and prepare your family for any
event that may happen. That is all. The news is simply a device used to tell
us what time it is - how close we are to the return of our savior. That's All.

BE READY - YouTube

Game Over For Greek Banks:
Depositors Yank €2 Billion In Past Three Days | Zero Hedge
The News You Need

Dr. William B. Mount

About 5 minutes after I posted last night's story I received a Sun Spot Alert
and the ground began shaking all over the world, GOD IS NEVER WRONG:

Russian First Strike Map: (From )

The Sun Today:Go To N3KL.ORG

Just keep in mind: GOD HAS IT ALL HANDLED

Dr. William Mount : Obama: Stroke During A Stroke

William Mount
        Obama: Stroke During A Stroke
Sat Jun 20, 2015

President Obama: It's called a stroke.

The dizziness you are now feeling in Palm Springs is caused by a Stroke induced by an outside party.

This is why you are having a headache.

Get out of the sun and go sit down and have a Manhattan - it will act as a surfactant to calm your "Nerves."

Perhaps you should have a little Immusist in your tea - it will clear it right up really fast and reverse the damage.

You never should have declared yourself as god on the Golf Course --
--even as a joke.

The lower left part of your brain has a small clot induced by one of your enterage' of security guards - change them immediately.

Have a nice day in Palm Springs Golfing as your handlers are begging for
more places to sell their US Bonds in Europe.

Dr Mount

Border Patrol to Stop Making Drug Arrests

Obama Administration Tells Border Patrol to Stop Making Drug Arrests
Over the past six years of Obama’s dictatorship, he has done more to tie the hands of law enforcement agencies and preventing them from doing their jobs than anyone in American history.
He has actively tried to take the firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens knowing that it will leave them defenseless against criminals. Even though we have numerous reports of law abiding citizens who have used their guns to protect themselves and their families, Obama continues to push to disarm America.
He stripped the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department in Arizona of their federal immigration enforcement powers and then hobbled them with an anti-law enforcement monitor to make sure they didn’t do their rightful jobs. Any time a member of his department stops a vehicle or makes an arrest, they are carefully scrutinized to make sure they are not racially profiling. I’ve always asked how can they effectively do their job in law enforcement in an area where over 75% of the crime is associated with Hispanic illegal drug, human trafficking and other violent crimes without focusing their attention on Hispanics?
Obama has taken many steps to allow millions of illegal aliens into the US. He issued orders that were themselves illegal to not deport illegals who were detained, but to release them back onto our streets. Supposedly, any illegal convicted of a felony will be deported but Obama’s administration has ordered hundreds of thousands of illegals with felony convictions to be released in our neighborhoods.
After instances like the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, law enforcement agencies around the nation are finding themselves under federal scrutiny for any possibility of racist actions. As a result, many police officers, especially in Baltimore, are hesitant to even patrol high crime areas for fear of being charged with a crime for enforcing the law.
Once again the Obama administration has proven that they have no concerns whatsoever about protecting the American people from criminals. Members of the US Border Patrol are complaining that they’ve been instructed to stop making arrests for illegal drugs entering the US.
In the past, Border Patrol agents, especially those along the Mexican border would stop any vehicle that looked suspicious, often finding illegal drugs and making arrests. Shawn Gallagher, a Border Patrol agent in the San Diego area, spoke out saying:
“Now the port of entry has to explain who was in the primary lane, what actions were taken, if the vehicle was inspected, so you can see there’s a whole host of implications.”
“There was a lot of pressure for us to get out of the [drug] interdiction game.”
Part of the reason for the intense scrutiny of Border Patrol agents is the results of several cross border shootings involving Border Patrol agents, one of which resulted in the death of a teen in Nogales, Mexico who killed by gunfire originating on the Arizona side of the border.
It seems the Obama administration has forgotten or ignored the fact that Border Patrol agents have often been shot at by illegals resulting in injuries and deaths of our agents. They also forget that the Mexican army penetrated the US and fired upon American citizens, one of which was killed by the Mexicans.
The Obama administration also ignores the fact that illegal drugs lead to increase burglaries, home invasions, physical assaults and deaths by murder and overdosing. The officials making these decisions live in their gated and guarded
communities that are cut off from the rest of America. Their kids attend schools with armed guards even though they say they are against guns on school campuses.
Preventing Border Patrol agents from making drug busts and arrests will allow tons of illegal drugs to flood our streets and neighborhoods. That means more people will get addicted resulting in more burglaries, assaults and deaths. Addicts are desperate to get money for their fixes and often act irrational when they break into someone’s home, resulting in more harm to people and property.
Obviously Barack Obama and his cronies care nothing for the safety of you and your family. Their families are well protected, but they continue to take actions that place your family in greater harm’s way.

World Renowned Economist Warns Of Coming Crash Of All Crashes


Martin Armstrong really is one of those brilliant men who understand how economy and finance work

One of the item's on the Bilderberg agenda is the elite's ongoing war on cash. 

Joining the show to talk about this is economic forecaster Martin Armstrong.

The only real problem that I have with Martin is that he is a bit naive when it comes to despicable evil. There really is a satanic conspiracy, and he doesn’t see it.  However, what he DOES see is worth listening to:

Worries mount over Obama’s trade pact


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama faces some tough sledding with his lofty hopes on trade.
His long struggle to get Congress to give him trade promotion authority portends a much larger fight over his plan to deliver a Pacific Rim trade pact that would rank as the largest in history.
While the House of Representatives reversed itself and voted 218-208 to advance the trade promotion measure on Thursday, Obama will face a much heavier lift in coming months in getting Congress on board with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation deal that would include Japan and Vietnam.
Even if Obama’s team can quickly conclude negotiations, a final vote would still be months away, giving opponents plenty of time to mobilize. And with Hillary Clinton and other presidential candidates already making trade an issue in the 2016 race, backers of the proposed trade agreement feel a sense of urgency.
“Either Obama and Congress wrap this up during this calendar year or it is really in doubt,” said Gary Clyde Hufbauer, senior fellow with the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Worries are mounting at both home and abroad that U.S. clout would take a big hit in Asia if the agreement ultimately collapses, allowing China to play a bigger role in setting rules for the rapidly growing region.
“The U.S. leadership role in the world international economic system would be in remission,” Hufbauer said. And if the TPP fails, he said, it will be clear that the fault lies solely with the United States: “There’s no blaming Japan or Vietnam or Canada or anybody else.”
Congress’ machinations have been watched closely overseas.
When the House first rejected Obama’s request last week, there was quick fallout.
In Japan, Economy Minister Akiri Amari said it would be difficult to hold more ministerial-level talks on the trade pact this month as originally planned.
And in Australia, Andrew Robb, Australia’s top trade official, said it was clear that the Trans-Pacific Partnership had become ensnared in U.S. politics and that its future appeared “quite problematic.”
“You can see the political heat’s rising by the day over there. . . . If it’s not dealt with in the next two or three weeks, I think we’ve got a real problem with the future of TPP,” Robb said in an interview with ABC Radio.
Congress has moved slowly on trade since Obama asked for trade promotion authority in his January State of the Union speech. Under trade promotion authority, also known as fast-track authority, Congress would be required to take an up-or-down vote on future trade pacts, with no filibusters or amendments allowed.
After weeks of haggling, the Senate finally approved the fast-track measure last month. The House followed suit on Thursday, rescuing a plan that it had failed to advance only June 12.
Despite the many delays, some trade supporters say it’s way too soon to panic.
“Trade votes are always difficult,” said Eric Schinfeld, president of the Washington Council on International Trade in Seattle. “They arouse a lot of passions on both sides, but they oftentimes have a way of working out.”