Bush, Rothschild
prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take
Posted by benjamin
June 22, 2015
There are rapidly accelerating
indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the
United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A
New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during
the George W. Bush, Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That
opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder
Another sign is that a French judge
has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron
David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.
Also, the killing of J.P Morgan
(Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice
Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan
bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a
trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.
Meanwhile, there is a growing
consensus the Greek crisis is coming to a head soon and massive withdrawals of
Euros from Greek banks show that at the street level people know a Greek
default is inevitable. However, a formal Greek default would start a domino
effect that would topple Germany, France and the rest of the Euro zone before
eventually reaching the United States. For that reason the Greek government
knows that the EU central bank, the IMF and their Fed bosses will not pull the
plug on them but will instead buy time with various accounting tricks. That is
why Greece’s Economy Minister made confident predictions about the Greek debt
crisis in Moscow last week after meeting with Russian officials.
Despite all the fudged numbers and
smoke and mirrors coming out of Western governments, the Western financial
system (the Federal Reserve Board) is already bankrupt. The Fed’s corporate
subsidiary, the United States of America Corporation headed by “acting
president” Barack Obama has been issuing fake financial data for years now to
create the appearance all is well. Recently, for example, their total debt numbers
have stayed frozen at $18.11 trillion since March 16th, over 100 days.
The White Dragon Foundation also
received new confirmation the Fed has been bankrupt for a lot longer than that.
Some senior Asian bankers who met with Alan Greenspan (when he was head of the
Fed) and with then United States President Al Gore to ask about Manchurian gold
the Federal Reserve was obligated to return to them were told by Greenspan that
the Fed could not pay back the gold they owed them “because they had none.”
Greenspan also said the Fed could not
pay them trillions of dollars of cash instead because “that would bankrupt the
government.” Instead, the bankers said, they were offered a “master trader
license.” After they left the Federal Reserve Building in New York, they went
to a Starbucks for coffee. While they were having coffee, their car exploded.
They immediately took a subway to the airport and caught the next available
flight to the Philippines.
They then went to see the head of
Interpol in Europe. The head of Interpol took them to see the P2 Freemasons who
run the Vatican. The P2 explained to them there would be a coup d’etat in the
United States followed by an invasion of Iraq “because that was how the system
worked.” They thought these people were crazy until September 11th, 2001.
These Asians still have their
legitimate claims against the Fed and the Feds will not be allowed to bomb
their way out this time. The current public faces of the Fed cabal are puppet
president Obama and Fed Chair Janet Yellen.
Since they also cannot pay the money they owe the Asians, the
Asians and their BRICS allies have been busily building an alternative
financial system. The new BRICS bank is expected now to open on July 7th while
the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is also moving ahead.
This move is being accompanies by major cyber warfare. A lot of
it is being reported in the corporate media in the form of stories about data
being stolen on all United States Federal employees etc.
However, plentiful anecdotal evidence
suggests the real cyber-warfare is taking place between world financial networks.
A senior banker at the cabal-supported Asian Development Bank in Manila was
worried about his United States dollar bank account inside the United States so
he asked for the money to be transferred to his bank in the Philippines. The
Philippine bank told him they could not make the transfer because the cabal-controlled
SWIFT international financial transactions system “was not working.”
This writer also experienced some
trouble when trying to pay his VISA bill at an ATM. I was told I needed to
contact a human representative. I went to a VISA processing office and the
clerk put my card into their ATM. The bill that appeared was way bigger than my
real bill and the clerk told me to ignore it and not to worry about it but just
pay the amount on my paper bill. She explained they were having “system
adjustments.” A funny thing also happened when this writer asked for financial
details from the Paypal internet transaction system. Paypal sent me detailed
financial data belonging to an entirely different person. When asked why they
would send me the wrong person’s private transaction data they explained “they
were having system troubles.”
This is all anecdotal but the fact
that most of the over 50 bankers who have recently died suddenly and
mysteriously were IT experts shows that financial cyber-warfare is moving out
of cyberspace.
The fact is the Western financial IT
system has created hundreds of trillions, if not quadrillions, quintillions or more
dollars and Euros that have no basis in reality. At the end of the day,
analogue reality is going to win and that is why the BRICS alliance with their
control of commodities and manufacturing, are winning. The Pentagon is also
winning because they actually control men with weapons who are willing to fight
if necessary.
The people who are losing are the
Khazarian mob. The fact that Bush/Clinton house-slave Barack Obama is being
pressured to release the 28 pages about Saudi Arabia redacted from the official
9/11 report shows the Saudi’s are the next Khazarian dominoes to fall.
Newly-installed Saudi King Salman
sent his son to Russia last week to offer the Russians complete control of the
global oil market in exchange inter-continental ballistic missiles and nuclear
weapons, according to Pentagon officials. He returned empty handed. The Saudis
have the nuclear weapons the Israelis gave them but they cannot fire them much
further than Yemen. That means they cannot use nuclear blackmail to prevent the
ongoing takedown of that odious regime by Pentagon White Hats and their
regional allies.
The Nazi regime installed by the
Khazarians in the Ukraine is also freaking out now that their patrons are
clearly losing the battle for the planet earth. According to Sputnik News (a
possible agency front) Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko asked the Ukrainian
Constitutional Court to rule that the overthrow of his predecessor Viktor
Yanukovich was unconstitutional.
In other words, a key participant in
the illegal Khazarian coup against his predecessor is suddenly criticizing the
coup. The best advice we can give Poroshenko is to tell him to forget about
trying to suck up to the Russians and find a deep hole to hide in instead.
However, there is unlikely to be
anywhere on this planet, or even in this universe, for the Khazarian Satanists
like Poroshenko to hide in anymore.
The collapse of
their global debt slavery regime is accelerating and their immunity from
prosecution for mass murder is evaporating along with their funny money.
The British, the Swiss, the Germans,
the French, and the Vatican have already abandoned the Khazarians and allied
with the WDS and BRICS alliance.
Pope Francis recently confirmed this change by issuing an
encyclical calling for almost exactly what the WDS has been calling for, a
massive campaign to end poverty, and stop environmental destruction. The global
warming part of his talk was out of touch with reality but clearly the Pope’s
heart is in the right place. Negotiations between the Vatican and the WDS are
ongoing and friendly. The same is true of the British, the French, and the
Regime change is also coming to Japan. There is a lot about that
we cannot report at the moment but clearly the puppet regime here is on its
last legs. The last dominoes to fall will be Washington, D.C., Israel, and New
We do not like to put specific dates
on when this will happen but we do note that the IMF has postponed a meeting to
decide how to proceed without the United States until September. We note that a year of jubilee (Debt
forgiveness as described in the Holy Bible) has been predicted by the Vatican,
religious Jews, and many others to start on September 13th, 2015. September
13th this year falls on a Sunday so the last trading day before that will be
September 11th. Remember, remember, the 11th of September. Also remember the
blood moon on September 28th.